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500字的英语演讲稿Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:

Bidding for the Olmpi Games, in a a, an image-reating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people

fall in love ith the it at first sight, attrating them b its unipue image. What image does Beijing

intend to reate for itself one it has the opportunit to host the 201X Olmpis?

It is knon to all that the Beijing Muniipal Government

has alread set the theme for the future games: Ne Beijing, Great Olmpis. For me, the 201X Olmpis ill be a great green Olmpis illuminated ith to more speial olors, ello and red.

First, ello is a meaningful olor. The Yello River is

China's Mother River and the desendants of the Yello Emperor. This olor has a speial origin and great signifiane for the Chinese people. Beijing is the apital of Ne China and

previousl the apital for nine dnasties in Chinese histor. So, ello ill naturall add splendor to the 201X Games.

Seondl, the 201X Olmpis ill be a red pageant.Red is another traditionall herished olor for the hole ountr. We adore red. On big oasions, e like to deorate our homes in red. It is the olor of double happiness, representing joous

moments, auspiiousness, enthusiasm and prosperit. Red is one

of the most suitable olors to desribe the future of Beijing . Beijing , together ith the hole ountr, is being more and more prosperous in the proeof modernization. Should the 201X

Olmpis be held in Beijing, the hole it ill be a sea of red : the red torh,red flags, red floers, and the radiant faes of millions of joful people.

Above all, the 201X Olmpis ill be a green Olmpis. Adding

a green ingredient is essential in reating an appealing image, as e an't den the fat that Beijing, at the moment, is not as green a it as hat e like it to be. Striving for an environmentall appealing it has bee a entral task for all the itizens of Beijing. Big efforts have been made in pollution ontrol, replanting and beautifiation of the it. Aording to a projet entitled" The Green Olmpi Ation Plan", beteen 1998 and 201X, Beijing, e have invested 100 billion RMB in preserving and proteting the environment. Some 12.5 million trees and

over 1 million ares of graill be planted along the Fourth

Ring Road. B then, the it's green area ill make up 40% of its total. The it ill also dredge its reservoirs used as a ater suppl to Beijing residents, ontrolling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 fatories presentl loated ithin the it proper.

Certainl, all of this is no eas task. But I am sure that all of us have onfidene that e ill realize these green goals. For no e have the full support and partiipation of the environmentall onsious itizens. Eah

itizen is shoing great onern for ever one of the steps the it government takes. As the saing goes, United, e stand, and a green Beijing ill be ahieved.

When our aspiration bees a realit, it ill be a unique Olmpis." Ne Beijing, Great Olmpis"; ill be eaved of these three superb olors: ello, red and green.

Let us ele it and look forard to it! Thank ou!




500词英语演讲稿Ladies and gentlemen ,

Good evening , It is reall m honor to have this opportunit to give this speeh to ou all , and m topi here

is :ho to make a good impression . As e all kno, first impression is alas the most important thing hen ou meet a stranger.It takes just a quik glane, mabe three seonds, for someone to understand ou hen ou meet for the first time. For example,hen ou take an intervie,……
