


Nicole Kidman (early Catherine Deneuve (1970s and 80s 2000s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel), Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel),
Audrey Tautou (current Chanel No.5 spokesmodel
Chanel S.A., commonly known as "Chanel" ,is a French fashion house founded by the late couturier Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, recognized as one of the most established in haute couture, specializing in luxury goods(公认专业从事于奢侈品) (haute couture, ready-to-wear, handbags, perfumery, and cosmetics among others).(高 级时装,现成服装,手袋等, 香水,化妆品)She gained the name "Coco" while maintaining a career as a singer at a coffee shop in France.
MADEMOISELLE 手袋系列 Blake Lively
Marilyn Monroe (1950s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel) pictured splashing herself with Chanel No. 5. The image is certainly the most famous of all Chanel advertisements.



中文名:香奈儿 英文名:CHANEL 国家:法国 巴黎 创建年代:1910年 创建人:可可· 香奈儿(Coco Chanel) 现任设计师:卡尔· 拉格斐 (Karl Lagerfeld) 产品系列:高级定制服、高级女装成衣、香水、彩、护
“精年 五美经 闲的历 服风的 花格著 大 名 绑她品 ”善牌 是的于香 最女突奈香 早装破尔奈 的推传时尔 现向统装 代简早永 休单 远 、年有 舒代着是 适就高一 这成雅个 也功、有 许地简 就将洁多 、 , , 40 (CHANEL) , 80
Chanel’s founder

1883年出生于法国的Auvergne。在她二十二岁那年,即1905年,她当上“咖 啡厅歌 手”(Cafe singer),并起了艺名 “Coco”,令Coco有经济能力开设自己的店子。 Coco从男装上取得灵 感,为女装添上多一点男儿味道,一改当年女装过份艳丽的绮靡风尚。例如,将西装褛 (Blazer) 加入女 装系列中,又推出女装裤子,Coco对时装美学的独特见解和难得一见的才华,使她结交了不少诗人、画 家和知识分子。除了时装,Chanel也在1921 年推出Chanel No 5香水,女星妮歌洁曼 (Nicole Kidman) 作代言人的No 5香水瓶子是一个甚具装饰艺术 (Art Deco) 味道的玻璃瓶。此乃史上第一瓶以设计师命名 的香水。而“双C”标志也这瓶香水成为Chanel历史上最赚钱的产品,且在恒远的时光长廊上历久不衰, 至今在 Chanel的官方网站依然是重点推介产品。 香奈儿一生都没有结婚,她创造伟大的时尚帝国,同时追求自己想要的生活,其本身就是女性自主最佳 典范,也是最懂得感情乐趣的新时代女性。她和英国贵族ETIENNE BALSAN来往,对方资助她开第一 家女帽店,而另一位ARTHUR CAPEL则出资开时尚店;她与西敏公爵一同出游,启发设计出第一款斜 纹软呢料套装;生命中每一个男性都激发创意的泉源,她不是单靠幸运,而是非常努力认真的工作!甚 至一直到70多岁的高龄她都还复出视事。香奈儿集团在1983年由Karl Lagerfeld出任时尚总监,但至今 每一季新品仍以香奈儿精神为为设计理念.



介绍香奈儿品牌的英语作文In the realm of fashion, few names are as synonymous with luxury and elegance as Chanel. Founded in 1910 by Gabrielle "Coco" Chanel, the brand has become an emblem of French sophistication and a beacon of haute couture. Coco Chanel's philosophy of fashion was revolutionary in her time; she believed that luxury must be comfortable, otherwise it is not luxury. This ethos is woven into the very fabric of Chanel's identity, which continues to influence the fashion industry to this day.Chanel's journey began in a modest hat shop in Paris, where Gabrielle Chanel's simple yet sophisticated designs quickly gained popularity among the French aristocracy. Her early success allowed her to expand into clothing, and in 1916, she introduced the iconic Chanel suit, a symbol of feminine freedom that contrasted sharply with the restrictive corsets of the era. The suit's clean lines, tweed fabric, and practical elegance embodied Chanel's vision for modern women's wear.The 1920s saw Chanel at the forefront of several significant trends. She popularized the "little black dress," a staple in women's wardrobes even today, and launched her first perfume, Chanel No. 5, which remains one of the most recognized fragrances worldwide. The perfume's name and the now-iconic bottle design were testaments to Chanel's minimalist aesthetic, which favored simplicity over the ornate styles of the time.Chanel's impact extended beyond fashion and fragrance. She was a pioneer in the use of jersey fabric, traditionally used for men's underwear, in women's clothing. This innovation not only made her garments more comfortable but also more affordable, democratizing fashion in a way that was unheard of at the time. Her designs were a blend of elegance and practicality, embodying the liberated spirit of the post-World War I era.The brand's logo, two interlocking Cs, has become a universally recognized symbol of luxury. The logo, designed by Coco Chanel herself, represents the brand's core values of simplicity, elegance, and timelessness. It adorns everything from handbags and jewelry to sunglasses and watches, each item crafted with the meticulous attention to detail that is a hallmark of the Chanel brand.Throughout the 20th century, Chanel continued to set trends and break barriers. In the 1950s, the brand introduced the Chanel 2.55 handbag, named after its release date in February 1955. The bag's quilted leather, chain strap, and lock mechanism were innovative features that combined form and function, making it an instant classic.Today, Chanel stands as a giant in the fashion industry, its legacy preserved and advanced by a succession of talented designers, including Karl Lagerfeld and Virginie Viard. The brand's collections are eagerly anticipated events in the fashion calendar, and its influence can be seen in the work of contemporary designers across the globe.Chanel's story is not just one of fashion but of a woman who dared to defy convention and in doing so, redefined what fashion could be. It is a testament to the power of vision and the enduring appeal of designs that prioritize both beauty and utility. As Chanel herself once said, "Fashion fades, only style remains the same." This statement captures the essence of the brand, which continues to captivate and inspire, just as it did over a century ago.In conclusion, Chanel is more than a brand; it is a symbol of enduring style and innovation. Its founder's pioneering spirit lives on in every stitch and seam, ensuring that Chanel remains at the forefront of fashion, setting the standard for luxury and elegance for generations to come. Chanel's legacy is not merely in the clothes and products it creates but in the philosophy it espouses: that true luxury lies in freedom, comfort, and timeless style. 。


中文名:香奈儿(夏奈尔) 英文名:CHANEL 注册地:法国巴黎 创建年代:1910年 创建人:可可.香奈儿(Coco Chan)el 现任设计师:卡尔.拉格斐尔德(Karl Lagerfel)d 产品 系列:高级定制服、高级女装成 衣、香水、 彩妆、护肤品、鞋履、 手袋、眼镜、腕表、珠宝配饰
品牌价值: 56亿美元 品牌销售额: 33亿美元 Coco Chan的el口头禅:“流行稍纵即逝, 风格永存”依然是品牌背后的指导力量。 但是现在对 Chane来l 说同等重要的是其创 意总监Karl Lagerfe,ld以其标志性的银色 马尾、深色墨镜和黑套装,成为时尚界 最醒目的男士
1986年,拥有香奈儿“鼻子”雅号的调香师Jacques Polge创制了香奈儿5号淡香水,把优雅的女性美以全新方 法再度演绎,轻快活泼的柠檬果与云呢拿香草,赋予淡香 以甜美与惊喜的欢欣气息。此外,为香奈尔生产香水的 Jacques Poll公ge司一直坚持其一贯的独特配料:使用在格 拉斯出产的一种茉莉和五月玫瑰。这也为香奈儿香水特有 的高品质和馥郁的香味奠定了坚实的基础。
在Coco Chan尚el在世的时候,她的故事就被搬上了百老汇的舞台。去世后 又陆续被拍摄成《香奈儿》、《少女香奈兒》、《香奈兒的秘密》等多 部电影。她一生未婚,大多时间以巴黎Ritz酒店为家。未有生活阅历的女 人未必能消受得起这样一个品牌,惟有把把寂寞和时间酿成香气,才能 超脱出这庸常岁月,以凝练优雅为美。 在设计风格上,Coco Chan很el早就提出“最简单的设计才是真正的优 雅。”Twe(ed斜纹软呢)外套,搭配knee leng(th长及膝部)半截裙,直 到今天依然是各国政要夫人和商务女性的经典行装。此外,little black dress (小黑裙)、山茶花戒指、Chanel No.(5 5号香水)都是其品牌中长盛不 衰的代表作品。乃至卡尔·拉格菲尔德(Karl Lagerfe)ld接任品牌总设计师 以来,人们还是习惯把Coco Chan女el士当作代言Chane品l 牌最经典的人物 形象。当这个品牌被赋予太多生活体验和个人精神,它本身就是一种定 义,一种风格。从姓氏、商标变成了专用名词,从名词变成了形容词。 如果形容一个女人很香奈儿,人们不仅会联想其穿衣风格,也会联想到



Growing up, I was always fascinated by the allure of high fashion. Among the many iconic brands that have graced the runways and the red carpet, Chanel stands out as a symbol of timeless elegance and innovation. The story of Chanel is not just about fashion its a narrative of a woman who defied societal norms and created a legacy that continues to influence the world of style.Coco Chanel, born Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel, was a revolutionary figure in the early 20th century. She was not just a designer she was a visionary who transformed womens fashion by introducing a new sense of freedom and practicality. Before Chanel, women were confined by the rigid structures of corsets and heavy, restrictive clothing. Chanels designs liberated women from these constraints, offering them comfort and a new way to express their individuality.One of my favorite aspects of Chanel is its iconic little black dress, which Coco Chanel introduced in the 1920s. This simple yet elegant piece has become a staple in every womans wardrobe. The little black dress is a testament to Chanels belief in simplicity and the power of a welltailored garment. Its a piece that can be dressed up or down, making it versatile for any occasion. The simplicity of the design allows the wearers personality to shine through, which is a philosophy that Chanel has always championed.Chanels perfumes are another aspect of the brand that has captivated me. The scent of Chanel No. 5 is legendary, and its not just a fragrance its an experience. Created in 1921, it was the first perfume to feature a synthetic component, which was a bold move at the time. The scent is a complexblend of floral and aldehyde notes, and its often described as being both modern and timeless. The bottle itself is a work of art, with its simple yet elegant design that has become synonymous with the brand.The Chanel logo, with its interlocking double Cs, is one of the most recognizable symbols in the world. Its a symbol of luxury, sophistication, and the pursuit of excellence. The logo is a reflection of Chanels commitment to quality and craftsmanship. Every piece that bears the logo is a testament to the brands dedication to creating products that are not just beautiful but also of the highest quality.Chanels impact on fashion is undeniable. The brand has been at the forefront of many fashion trends and has consistently pushed the boundaries of what is considered stylish. From the introduction of the Chanel suit, which revolutionized womens professional attire, to the brands innovative use of materials like tweed and leather, Chanel has always been a leader in the fashion industry.One of the most iconic Chanel accessories is the 2.55 Flap Bag, named after its creation date, February 1955. This bag is a symbol of luxury and style, and its a piece that many women aspire to own. The bag features a unique chain strap and a flap that can be worn in multiple ways, making it a versatile accessory that can be worn with any outfit.Chanels runway shows are always a spectacle, showcasing not just the latest fashions but also the brands commitment to creativity and innovation. The sets are often elaborate and theatrical, transporting theaudience to a different world. From a supermarket filled with Chanel products to a rocket launchpad, the brand never fails to surprise and delight.In conclusion, Chanel is more than just a fashion brand its a cultural phenomenon that has shaped the way we perceive style and elegance. The brands commitment to innovation, quality, and the empowerment of women has made it a symbol of luxury and sophistication. As a high school student with a passion for fashion, I am inspired by the legacy of Coco Chanel and the brands continued influence on the world of style.。



CocoChanel加布里埃·香奈儿(Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel),1883年出生于法国的索米尔(Saumur)。





1983年,香奈儿逝世后,香奈儿集团由Karl Lagerfeld接班出任时尚总监,但至今每一季新品仍以香奈儿精神为设计理念。






[7]中文名加布里埃·香奈儿外文名 Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel别名 Coco Chanel国籍法国出生地索米尔她缔造了香奈儿,一生风流韵事无数,最后却孤独死去可可·香奈儿向世人诠释了时尚的定义:真正的时尚是一种精神,扎根在骨子里的东西才会让人变得高贵典雅。








香奈儿创始‎人Coco‎Chane‎l 经典英语‎名言(中英对照)Chane‎l品牌的创‎办人Coc‎o Chane‎l,原名“Gabri‎e lle Bonhe‎u r Chane‎l‎”‎,中文名:加布里埃·可可·香奈儿,香奈儿一生‎都没有结婚‎,她创造伟大‎的时尚帝国‎,同时追求自‎己想要的生‎活,其本身就是‎女性自主最‎佳典范,也是最懂得‎感情乐趣的‎新时代女性‎。

A girl shoul‎d be two thing‎s: class‎y and fabul‎o us.每个女孩都‎该做到两点‎:有品位并光‎芒四射。

In order‎to be irrep‎l acea‎b le, one must alway‎s be diffe‎r ent.想要无可取‎代,就必须时刻‎与众不同。

Fashi‎o n passe‎s, style‎. remai‎n s.时尚会过去‎,但风格永存‎The best colou‎r in the whole‎world‎, is the one that looks‎good, on you!最适合你的‎颜色,才是世界上‎最美的颜色‎。

Look for the woman‎in the dress‎. It there‎is no woman‎, there‎is no dress‎.记得要寻找‎穿衣服的女‎人。


Luxur‎y must be comfo‎r tabl‎e, other‎w ise it is not luxur‎y.奢侈就必须‎舒适,否则就不是‎奢侈。

I love luxur‎y. And luxur‎y lies not in richn‎e ss and ornat‎e ness‎but in the absen‎c e ofvulga‎r ity. Vulga‎r ity is the uglie‎s t word in our langu‎a ge. I stay in the game to fight‎it.我爱奢侈。



Old Name:Gabrielle Bonheur ChanelBorn:19 August 1883(1883-08-19),Saumur, FranceDied:10 January 1971(1971-01-10) (aged 87) ,Paris, France Nationality:FrenchEducation:Catholic Monastery in AubazineOccupation:Fashion designerAwards:Neiman Marcus Fashion Award, 1957•Childhood:Unhappy & Poverty.•She believes:If you work hard, success will be yours.•Inspiration: Menswear .•Style:Simple yet highly expensive designs .•CC Monogram:Meaning Coco Chanel, using it since the 1920s.•Opened The 20th Century Fashion Trend.Chanel revolutionized haute couture fashion by replacing the traditional corseted silhouette with the comfort of simple suits and long, lean dresses.She introduced to the world her signature cardigan jacket in 1925. CHANEL, founded by Gabrielle CHANEL in 1913 in Paris, France, is ahundred years old.•Bring up the Chanel, classic camellia flower, 5 number perfume, twill soft material suit, lingg grain gold chain leather bag, black head two color shoes, artificial jewelry and so on clearly reflected in the mind.•It is not only the most important brand of fashion, butChanelStyle has become a symbol of coco chanel's elegant and stylish taste. Founder Gabriella "Coco" Chanel the rise of a lifetime, fame, achievement, encounter all with the man have an unquenchable edge, menswear also broughther infinite creation inspiration.Fashion Simple Comfortable Gracefulbrand is its practical magnificence.the male perspective.Karl LargerfeldLocale:Cheng Du,China Scene:Greek Temple点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明点击添加文字说明。



coco开头的单词Coco Chanel: The Revolutionary Fashion IconCoco Chanel, born Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel in 1883, was a visionary fashion designer and businesswoman who transformed the industry with her innovative designs and sophisticated style. Her influence on fashion has endured to this day, making her an enduring symbol of elegance and timeless chic. In this article, we will delve into the life and legacy of Coco Chanel, exploring her early years, her rise to prominence, and the lasting impact she has had on the fashion world.1. Childhood and Early Life:Gabrielle Chanel's humble beginnings in Saumur, France, were far from the glamorous world of high fashion that she would later come to dominate. She was raised in an orphanage after her mother's death and her father's departure, where she learned to sew and developed a passion for craftsmanship. These formative years instilled in her a determination to escape poverty and create a life of success and independence.2. Breaking Boundaries in Fashion:As a young woman, Chanel began her career as a cabaret singer and a hat maker. Her distinctive style and charisma caught the attention of influential men, providing her with valuable connections that would shape her career. However, it was her introduction to the world of fashion that truly set her on her path to revolutionize the industry.3. The Little Black Dress:One of Chanel's most enduring contributions to fashion was the creation of the little black dress. Prior to her design, black was associated with mourning and not considered appropriate for social occasions. Chanel challenged this notion and transformed black into a symbol of elegance and sophistication. Her simple, yet elegant, black dress became a staple in every woman's wardrobe, transcending trends and remaining a timeless classic to this day.4. The Chanel Suit:Another iconic creation by Chanel was the Chanel suit. Chanelreimagined traditional men's attire, introducing a more relaxed and comfortable silhouette for women. Her suits featured clean lines, boxy jackets, and straight-cut skirts, providing women with a new sense of liberation and confidence. The Chanel suit became a symbol of femininity, power, and timeless style, embodying Chanel's vision of empowering women through fashion.5. The Birth of Chanel No. 5:In 1921, Chanel introduced her first perfume, Chanel No. 5, which revolutionized the fragrance industry. Up until then, perfumes were predominantly floral and heavy. Chanel No. 5, with its unique blend of floral and aldehyde notes, was a bold departure from conventional scents. Its simple, yet elegant, bottle and distinct fragrance made it an instant sensation, solidifying Chanel's reputation as an innovator.6. Legacy and Impact:Coco Chanel's influence on the fashion industry is immeasurable. Her designs continue to inspire contemporary designers, and her brand remains synonymous with elegance and sophistication.Chanel's emphasis on comfort, simplicity, and authenticity revolutionized the way women dressed, liberating them from restrictive corsets and embracing a more casual yet stylish approach. Her determination to pursue her passion despite societal norms and gender expectations serves as an inspiration for aspiring designers and entrepreneurs worldwide.In conclusion, Coco Chanel's impact on fashion cannot be overstated. Her innovations, such as the little black dress, Chanel suit, and Chanel No. 5 perfume, have become iconic symbols of style and sophistication. Her dedication to craftsmanship, fearlessness in breaking boundaries, and unwavering pursuit of her vision have made her a revered figure in the fashion world. Coco Chanel's legacy continues to shape the industry, reminding us of the power of innovation, perseverance, and individuality in the pursuit of our dreams.。



Good morning !It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a speech , I hope I can make a good performance today. I'm confident that I can succeed. Now will introduce myself briefly .my name is wangmeng .I am 23 years old, born in yunnan province . I was graduated from yunnan university of finance and economics . my major is economic law.20th century fashion of the immortal characters of cocoa • Chanel, who was the former French Minister of Culture, Andre • 20th Century French Ma Hou called immortal, one of three celebrity fashion guru, Humphreys and Charles de Gaulle, Pablo Picasso par.20世纪世界时尚界的不朽人物可可·香奈儿,这位曾被法国前文化部部长安德·马侯称为20世纪法国永垂不朽的3位名人之一的时尚大师,堪与戴高乐、毕加索比肩。

Coco Chanel in the 20th century's most legendary master of style. Her deft hands and extraordinary fashion intuition, combined with the unique design style, wrote for the fashion industry for some immortal legend.Behind her success, many of the secrets hidden. Origin of childhood poverty, his father left his wife and children, created the character of her own grief, this made her anxious to erase the past. Favorite relatives, friends and lovers, have been away from her dies, her whole life being to live in solitude and loneliness. In order to hide her weakness, made her proud, arrogant, tough personality.She is very active, hard climb up and never let go of any possible chance of success for the lower class is to get rid of the shackles of poverty. With absolute confidence, a keen sense of fashion, creating a fashion of their own kingdom, opening of the 20th century fashion trend. She hates the weak, never sympathy, or pity the poor person, because she firmly believes that if you work hard, success will be yours.可可·香奈儿是20世纪最具传奇色彩的时尚大师。


香奈儿 (CHANEL) 品牌档案:
中文名:香奈儿 英文名:CHANEL 国家:法国 巴黎 创建年代:1910年 创建人:可可·香奈儿(Coco Chanel) 现任设计师:卡尔·拉格斐 (Karl Lagerfeld) 产品系列:高级定制服、高级女装成衣、 香水、彩妆、护肤品、鞋履、手袋、眼镜、 腕表、珠宝配饰等。
香奈儿品牌个性 香奈儿

女性化市场:产品是品牌行为的最重要载体,企业产品 本身的发展随着在市场上的展开而逐渐广为人知,从而形成自 身鲜明的个性。香奈儿从他的一开始出现到现在为止一直都是 以做女性市场为主。Chanel女士主导的香奈儿品牌最特别之处 在于实用的华丽,她从生活周围撷取灵感,尤其是爱情。不像 其他设计师要求别人配合他们的设计,Chanel品牌提供了具有 解放意义的自由和选择,将服装设计从男性观点为主的潮流转 变成表现女性美感的自主舞台,将女性本质的需求转化为香奈 儿品牌的内涵。 名牌化效应:一种品牌由于一群具有类似背景的消费者经 常使用,久而久之,这群使用者共有的个性就被附着在该品牌 上,香奈儿的使用者都是知名的明星时尚明星,因此让它成为 了明星的宠儿,走上了时尚的前沿。 心理化体验:香奈儿在所有的品牌产品中独树一帜的制胜 法宝就是她充分把握住了市场的脉搏,人们的从众、攀比、效 仿和追求时尚个性的特点。

香奈儿(CHANEL) 品牌故事:
香奈儿(CHANEL)创办人可可· 香奈儿(Coco Chanel)小姐,原名“Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel”,1883年出生于法国的奥维涅。香奈儿小姐6岁时母亲离世,父亲丢下她和另外四 名兄弟姊妹。自此,她由姨妈抚养成人,儿时入读修女院学校 (Convent School),并在那 儿学得一手针线技巧。在香奈儿小姐22岁那年(1905年),她当上咖啡屋歌手并起了艺名 “Coco”。 1910年,可可· 香奈儿在巴黎开设了一家女装帽店,凭着非凡的针线技巧,香奈儿缝制 出一顶又一顶款式简洁耐看的帽子。当时女士们已厌倦了花俏的饰边,所以香奈儿设计的 帽子对她们来说犹如甘泉一般。短短一年内,香奈儿的生意节节上升。于是可可· 香奈儿把 她的店搬到气质更时尚的康明街区,至今这里仍是香奈儿总部的所在地。但做帽子绝不能 满足可可· 香奈儿对时装事业的雄心,所以她又进军高级订制服装领域。1914年,可可· 香 奈儿开设了两家时装店,影响后世深远的时装品牌“Chanel”宣告正式诞生。 除了时装,香奈儿也在1922年推出著名的Chanel No.5香水。Chanel No.5香水瓶是一 个甚具装饰艺术味道的方形玻璃瓶。Chanel No.5是史上第一瓶以设计师命名的香水。时至 今日,在香奈儿的官方网站Chanel No.5香水依然是重点推介产品。世纪30~40年代,二战 爆发,可可· 香奈儿把店关掉,与相爱的男友避居瑞士。1954年,她重返法国,并东山再起。 随后可可· 香奈儿小姐以她一贯的简洁自然风格,迅速俘虏一众巴黎仕女。粗花呢大衣、喇 叭裤等等都是可可· 香奈儿战后时期的作品。Chanel品牌也是法国时装史上最光荣的一笔。

Chanel introduction

Chanel introduction

• Chanel revolutionized haute couture fashion by replacing the traditional corseted silhouette with the comfort of simple suits and long, lean dresses. She introduced to the world her signature cardigan jacket in 1925. She had numerous other major successes that changed the fashion industry including the ever popular Chanel suit, composed of a knee-length skirt and trim, boxy jacket, traditionally made of woven wool with black sewing trim and gold buttons, worn with large costume-pearl necklaces. The hem of the suit is weighted down with a chain. Wealthy women around the world began to flock to her 31 Rue Cambon boutique to commission couture outfits from her. The House of Chanel became an icon of elegance and from then on, the name “Chanel” became synonymous with elegance, wealth, and elitism,.香奈儿革命性高级时装时尚用简单的西装和长、 精益女装舒适取代传 统 corseted 的剪影。她介绍了向世界她签名羊毛衫夹克 1925 年。她的许多其 他重大的成功,改变了包括一直流行的香奈儿套装时尚产业、 及膝裙和内饰、 无趣的四方盒子夹克组成、 传统上所作的带有黑色缝纫剪裁和黄金按钮,佩 戴着大型服装-珍珠项链毛织。花色的下摆被加权的链。世界各地的有钱人妇 女开始涌向委员会时装的服装从她她 31 Rue Cambon 精品。香奈儿的房子成为 了优雅的图标,从此以后,名称"香奈儿"成为优雅、 财富、 和精英主义



•ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ

1954年,70岁的Coco东山再起,第二次对服装进行革新,赋予女装一种“全新形象” 由于妇女希望拥有更活跃的生活,又希望与男性平起平坐,夏奈尔正针对此需求,推 出备受欢迎的花呢套装:它款式简单,用料高级,有金链装饰,后来更成为夏奈尔时 装的特有标志。 夏奈尔,服装史上一位非凡的女性.她从一个默默无闻的贫家少女,跃居事业的顶 端,创造了服装史的奇迹,成为二十世纪最杰出的时装大师之一。夏奈尔的服装风格, 风靡了二、三十年代,一直延续至今。她是时装设计家中为数不多,能走完艺术生命 全程并永获成功的天才,她比其他设计家的艺术生命更长,国际时装界推崇她为世界 三大服装设计师之一,她是当之无愧的。如果说,波烈改变了妇女的装束,那么夏奈 尔是真正开始了本世纪时装的变革。 夏奈尔的一生,是闪烁着光辉的一生,充满着浪漫和传奇的色彩,没有哪位设计 家象她一生那样多彩多姿。当年,她的美貌与流传的风流轶事,已足以成为西方花边 新闻人物;当年人们对她的着迷不亚于今天西方女性对杰奎琳、戴安娜的迷恋.夏奈尔 不仅具有现代女性的美丽、诙谐、乐观、引起争论的气质,而且她勇于面对现实,有坚强 的独立心,正象她说的:“……诚如拿破仓所言,他的字典中没有‘困难’两字,我 的字典中也找不到‘不成功’三个字”。一个新时代女性的形象——自由、骄傲、藐 视传统,她既是建立时装王国的女强人,同时又是娇弱多情的女性,这就是她与众不 同的天赋,就如同她神奇多彩的一生一样。
• 这位意志坚强、有着超凡创造力和生命力的女人 使CHANEL的名字及其两个双C字相紧扣的标志 成为一种时尚和文化的象征,对于注重品质的人 来说,它代表着风格和地位。在二十年代她率先 将男性的针织毛衣演绎为女装;从水手裤取材, 推出“sailor pants”和 “beach pyjamas”,鼓吹女 性如男性般穿上长裤,开创了“男装女穿”的先 河。而她对人造首饰与衣服搭配的重视,特别是 成串成串的珍珠链,为她简洁的衣服设计添上华 丽感,更开启了现代衣着的观念——怎样穿着一 件衣服比衣服本身更重要,以及我们所说的 “total look”。



更多广州sat培训资料请进入:查看香奈儿品牌的创始人Coco Chanel之 SAT写作例子下面为大家整理的是关于香奈儿品牌的创始人Coco Chanel生平的SAT写作例子,这篇SAT写作例子中详细的介绍了她的生平以及所创立的品牌对世界女性时装行业的影响等内容。


Coco Chanel, 1920Born:Gabrielle Bonheur Chanel19 August 1883(1883-08-19)Saumur, FranceDied:10 January 1971(1971-01-10) (aged 87)Paris, FranceNationality:FrenchEducation:Catholic Monastery in AubazineOccupation:Fashion designerAwards:Neiman Marcus Fashion Award, 1957Gabrielle "Coco" Bonheur Chanel (19 August 1883 – 10 January 1971) was an influential French fashion designer, founder of the famous brand Chanel, whose modernist thought, practical design, and pursuit of expensive simplicity made her an important and influential figure in20th-century fashion. She was the only fashion designer to be named on Time 100: The Most Important People of the Century.Early lifeChanel was born to an unwed mother, Jeanne Devolle, a laundrywoman, in a facility for the indigent in Saumur, France. This was Devolle's second daughter. The father, Albert Chanel was an itinerant street peddler who with horse and cart lived a nomadic life, traveling to and from market towns, the family residing in rundown lodgings. He married Jeanne Devolle several years after Chanel was born. At birth Chanel’s name was ent ered into the official registry as “Chasnel.” It is speculated that this spelling was a clerical error or an ancientspelling of the family name. The couple eventually had five other children: Julia-Berthe, (1882–1913), Antoinette (born 1887) and three brothers, Alphonse (born 1885), Lucien (born 1889) and Augustin (born and died 1891).In 1895, when she was twelve years old, Chanel’s mother died of tuberculosis. Her father sent her two brothers out as farm laborers andthe three daughters to a bleak area of central France, the Corrèze, into the hands of a convent for orphans, Aubazine. It was a stark, frugallife demanding strict discipline but raised with the charity of the Catholic faith. At age eighteen, Chanel, now too old to remain at Aubazine, went to live in a boarding house set aside for Catholic girls in the town of Moulins.Having learned the sewing arts during her six years at Aubazine, Chanel was able to find employment as a seamstress. When not plying her trade with a needle, she sang in a cabaret frequented by cavalry officers. It was at this time that Gabrielle acquired the name “Coco,”a name possibly derived from a popular song she sang, or an allusion to the French word for kept woman: cocotte.Later in life, she concocted an elaborate, fabricated history to cover up her humble beginnings with a more compelling light. Of the various stories told about Coco Chanel, a great number were of her own invention. These legends were to be the undoing of the earliest of her biographies. These were ghosted memoirs commissioned by Chanel herself, but never published, always aborted before fruition, as she realizedthat the facts exposed a personage less laudatory than the mythic Chanel she had self-invented. Chanel would steadfastly claim that when her mother died, her father sailed for America to seek his fortune and she was sent to live with two cold-hearted spinster aunts. She even claimed to have been born in 1893 as opposed to 1883, and that her mother had died when Coco was six instead of twelve.Personal life and early careerIt was at Moulins that Chanel met a young, French, ex-cavalry officer, and wealthy textile heir étienne Balsan. At age twenty-three, Chanel became Balsan’s mistress and for the next three years lived with him in his cha teau Royallieu near Compiègne, an area known for its wooded equestrian paths and the hunting life. It was a life style ofself-indulgence, Balsan’s wealth and leisure allowing the cultivationof a social set who reveled in partying and the gratification of human appetites with all the implied accompanying decadence. Balsan lavished Chanel with the beauties of "the rich life"— diamonds, dresses, and pearls. It was while living with Balsan that Chanel began designing hats, initially as a diversion that evolved into a commercial enterprise. Biographer Justine Picardie, in her 2010 study Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life (Harper Collins), suggests that the fashion designer's nephew, André Palasse, supposedly the only child of her sister Julia- Berthe who had committed suicide, actually was Chanel's child by Balsan.Caricature by Sem of Chanel dancing with Boy Capel, 1913.In 1908 Chanel began an affair with one of Balsan's friends, Captain Arthur Edward 'Boy' Capel. In later years Chanel reminisced of thi s time in her life: “…two gentlemen were outbidding for my hotlittle body.” Capel, a wealthy member of the English upper-class, installed Chanel in an apartment in Paris and financed Chanel's first shops. It is said Capel's own sartorial style influenced the conception of the Chanel look. The bottle design for Chanel No. 5 had two probable origins, both attributable to the sophisticated design sensibilities of Capel.Chanel became a licensed modiste (hat maker) in 1910 and opened a boutique at 21 rue Cambon, Paris named Chanel Modes. Chanel's modiste career bloomed once theatre actress Gabrielle Dorziat modelled her hats in the F Noziere's play Bel Ami in 1912 (Subsequently, Dorziat modelled her hats again in Les Modes). In 1913, she established a boutique in Deauville, where she introduced luxe casual clothes that were suitable for leisure and sport. Chanel launched her career as fashion designer when she opened her next boutique, titled Chanel-Biarritz, in 1915, catering to the wealthy Spanish clientele who holidayed in Biarritz and were less affected by the war. Fashionable like Deauville, Chanel created loose casual clothes made out of jersey, a material typically used for men's underwear. By 1919, Chanel was registered as a couturiere and established her maison de couture at 31 rue Cambon.继续阅读。

coco 英文介绍

coco 英文介绍

她从未结婚 可可·香奈儿可能与许多男人约会过并与他们有过风流韵事,但她却从未结过 婚。 也许,她认为婚姻会阻碍她对时尚界的贡献。
•Her fashion became known in 1915 throughout France .she then opened her first couture house in Biarritz ,France in introduce her other fashion lines.
开创了“美黑” 如果你认为“美黑”是偶然形成的时尚,请你再好好想想! 1923 年,可 可· 香奈 儿从戛纳巡游回来时皮肤被阳光晒伤,是她让“美黑”看起来非常时髦!
5. 5 was her favorite number Maybe there was something special in the number 5 – enough to have Coco Chanel superstitious and in awe of it. Chanel No. 5 was introduced on 5th May 1921! No coincidence this
.5 是她最喜欢的数字,也许数字5 有些特别之处而足以让可可·香奈儿迷信并敬畏它。 “香 奈儿5 号”香水于1921 年5 月5 日推出!绝非巧合!
6. She never got married Coco Chanel might have dated and had affairs with plenty of men but she never got married. Maybe she thought it would take away from her dedication to the fashion world. .

Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士及其品牌背后的故事 英语介绍

Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士及其品牌背后的故事 英语介绍
Now let me lead you into the world of chanel.
C’s world
Coco and her Chanel
menswear-inspired fashions
“Coco” Chanel 1883.8.9 –1971.1.10
A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous
每个女孩都该做到两点:有品位并光芒四射。 Fashion passes, style remains. 时尚会过去,但风格永存。 Innovation! One cannot be forever innovation. I want to create classics. 创造!人不能永远创造,我想做的是制作经典。 A woman who doesn’t wear perfume has no future. 不用香水的女人没有未来。
Is a style.
For all ladies!
Carole Bouquet (1990s Chanel No. 5 spokesmodel), 卡洛· 波桂
Now Chanel is one of the most well known and instantly recognisable brands in the world.
She says:
exhibition of jewelry in ‘Comet’(彗星) and ‘Fountain’ (喷泉)
the quilted bag with the shoulder strap(肩带)---2.55 bag first perfume for men ---- Pour Monsieur(绅士).
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