跨文化交际unit 6 Cross-gender Communication
英语论文 跨文化交际 跨文化交际的技巧 Cross-Cultural Communication Skills
Cross-Cultural Communication SkillsWhat is cross cultural communication? Well, it simply refers to interpersonal interaction and communication across different cultures. In our increasingly globalized world, this has become an important issue. Effective cross culture communication is all about overcoming cultural differences across religion, borders, nationality and behavior.Within the business context, the diversity of people in countries and cities means that an element of effective cross cultural communication will always be required whether it is between employees, colleagues, or clients. With proper cross cultural business communication, a company can reap benefits in areas such as improved staff interaction, effective client management and better customer relations. With cross cultural communication training, foreign travel and cultural immersion, one can attain competency in cross cultural communication.Because English is the language of business, those who have English as a first language are distinctly advantaged. It therefore falls to them to take particular care in cross-lingual situations to be sure that they are adjusting their own speaking skills to account for language skill diversity when needed: speaking slowly, using tone for cl arity, avoiding acronyms or idioms, using linguistic “signposts,” etc. Conventions and guidelines for “International English” are developing. These guidelines also serve those for whom English is not a native language as we all strive to bridge the gaps that can occur in cross-cultural communication.Competency in Cross-Cultural Communication Skills Directly Influences Your SuccessMulti-cultural work is complex, and different cultures have a dissimilar concept of what constitutes effective communication. Mutual understanding and common agreement in cross-cultural settings is a special challenge. Even when the simplest of words are understood across cultures in a common language, they can carry different meanings that can produce misunderstandings and thus reduce trust. Most of thechallenges caused by cross-cultural clashes are the result of the failure by some or all parties involved to recognize and account for differences in culturally-based communication styles.Below are some guidelines to help improve your cross cultural communication skills.Cross cultural communications require the following:Listening skills. This is a key skill that many business personnel do not exercise enough. To avoid any cross cultural communication problems, attentive listening is critical to be able to understand meanings and empathize with the speaker.Speaking skills. Speaking well is not about accent, use of grammar and vocabulary or having the "gift of the gab" Rather, cross cultural communication is enhanced through positive speech such as encouragement, recognition or expressing opinions sensitively.Observation. To over any cross cultural communication barriers, one need to be more observant of people's dress, body language, interaction and behavior, as these details contain large amounts of cross cultural information.Patience. While there are times when cross cultural differences can be annoying and frustrating, patience is definitely a virtue in such cases. Through patience, respect can be won and cross cultural understanding will be enhanced.Flexibility. You must be open-minded and adaptable if you wish to achieve successful cross cultural communication. Understanding and addresses cross cultural differences can lead to a breakdown of cultural barriers which in turn lead to better communication and stronger trust between both parties.Following the 5 above-mentioned cross cultural communication needs will help to improve communication and pave the path towards stronger cross cultural relationships.。
❖ 引言:
各民族的语言是自足的. 处于不同语言世界里的人,即使面对同一个现实面向,
也会在描述它时沿着各自的思路,采用不同的策略, 刻画出不同的版本.正如维特
语言与文化紧密相连, 不可分割; 语言是文化的一部分.
❖ Culture and language are intertwined and are shaping each other. Each time we select words, form sentences, and send a massage, either oral or written, we also make cultural choices.
❖ ( Beamer, L. and Varner, I Intercultural communication in the Global Workplace. New York, NY:
❖ Teaching objectives: ❖ In this part you are expected to understand some commonly observed differences
The power of verbal communication
Ⅰ. cultural differences on lexical level ❖ (cases) ❖ 1. types of lexical meaning ❖ Words are the basic units of meaning. Understanding
❖ farther and farther away from home.
asking their opinions
Interrupt others o make
and encouraging them your own points.
to elaborate.
7. Keep the conversation going by asking questions and showing interest in others’ ideas.
something helpful
understanding of their 6. Don’t share the talk
stage with others, wrest
6. Include others in
it from them with
conversation by
Feminine Talk e talk to build and sustain rapport with others. 2. Share yourself and learn about others through disclosing 3. Use talk to create symmetry or equality between people
comments enhance depth of connection
7. Each person is on her or his own; it’s not your job to help others join in.
8. Use responses to make your own points and to outshine others.
跨文化 Unit 6
Unit 6 Cross-gender Communication
Unit 6 Cross-gender Communication
01 Warm-up Cases 02 Sex and Gender 03 Feminine and Masculine Communication
04 Understanding Cross-gender Communication 05 Six Principles for Effective Cross-gender
Communication 06 Exercises
02 Sex and Gender
How many kinds of people are there in the world?
May be two: men and women.
What is sex? What is gender?
Female: femininity (女性化) e.g. “Behave like a girl!” Male: masculinity (男性化) e.g. “Be a man. No tears!”
Unit 6 Cross-gender Communication
02 Sex and Gender
Unit 6 Cross-gender Communication
03 Feminine and Masculine Communication Cultures
* family communication
There is a basic identification as members of the same sex. Because daughters indentify with mothers, they can develop their identities within that primary relationship. Girls tend to define self in relation to others. Mother-daughter relationship facilitates the estabilishment of the female identity. Women are generally comfortable with building close reationships and confiding to others.
跨文化交际一、课程基本信息1、课程中、英文名称:跨化交文际、Cross-cultural Communication2、课程类别:专业专选课程3、课程学时:18学时4、学分:2分二、课程的目的与任务:跨文化交际作为一门学科涉及到文化和交际的各个层面,包括语言交际、非语言交际、人们之间的相互交往,以及不同文化之间的观念和信仰等。
better able to do many things at one time
刘畅泪洒记 者会2010-11
Sex and Gender
Sex refers to the biological differences
between males and females.
Sex is static and cannot be changed.
Brainstorming again
Are there any misunderstandings between you and a friend of the opposite sex?
What are the other differences between males and females, apart from the biological differences?
Misunderstandings in CGC Gender Differences in Communication Styles Roots of Gender Differences Principles for Effective CGC
Group discussion
Case 4
A:怎么了你?情绪这么不好? B: 哦,没什么。 A: 是我做错了什么吗? B: 没有。 A: 哦,那就好。
Case 5
A:今天工作怎么样? B: 还好。 A: 和你的新客户见面了?谈得顺利吗? B: 不错。 A: 他们觉得你的建议怎么样?接受了吗? B: 嗯。是的。 A: 你精神怎么这么不好?出什么问题了? B: 没有。
define self in relation to others
跨文化交际unit6 verbal communication-精品课件
❖ Language: a system of arbitrarily chosen, conventionalized, vocal, graphic or gesture symbols serving the needs of communication among the members of a given community.
❖ 2) connotation: refers to the emotional or stylistic associations that a word or phrase suggests in one’s mind. It is the implicit, supplementary value which is added to the purely denotative meaning of a word or phrase.
15、一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计 ,莫如 树木; 终身之 计,莫 如树人 。2021年6月2021/6/292021/6/292021/6/296/29/2021
16、提出一个问题往往比解决一个更 重要。 因为解 决问题 也许仅 是一个 数学上 或实验 上的技 能而已 ,而提 出新的 问题, 却需要 有创造 性的想 像力, 而且标 志着科 学的真 正进步 。2021/6/292021/6/29J une 29, 2021
between Chinese and English verbal communication and learn to make crosscultural comparisons and analysis in the following aspects. ❖ 1. cultural differences in the attitude towards voiced and unvoiced communication. ❖ 2. cultural differences on the lexical level; ❖ 3. cultural differences on the syntactical level; ❖ 4. cultural differences on discourse level; ❖ 5. cultural differences on the pragmatic level ❖ 6. translation problems and language understanding
1. Discuss the four trends that make our world more interdependent.(1)convenient transportation systems(便捷的交通系统)(2)innovative communication systems(革新通信技术)(3)economic globalization (经济全球化)(4)widespread migrations(广泛的移民)2.What are the characteristic(特点)of culture?(1)shared(2)learned (enculuration 文化习得:learning one's culture)(3)dynamic(动态的)(accultration文化适应:adopts the changes brought about by another culture)(4)ethnocentric(ethnocentrism文化中心主义:own cultural background is superior)3.What are the characteristic of communication?(1)dynamic(动态性)(2)irreversible(不可逆转的)(3)symbolic(符号的)(4)systematic(系统性)(5)transactional(互动性)(6)contextual(语境)4. Discuss the contents of …1) Chronemics: The study of how people perceive and use time.时间学(1) Monochronic Time: paying attention to and doing only one thing at a time(2) Polychronic Time: being involved with many things at once.2)Proxemics:the perception and use of space.空间学3)Kinetics:the study of body language.身势学4)Paralanguage:involving sounds but not words and lying between verbal and nonverbal communication.5..How is Chinese addressing different from American addressing?1) In Chinese the surname comes first and is followed by the given name,but in English this order is reversed.2) In China seniority(资历)is paid respects to.Nowadays, many English-speaking people tend to address others by their given names, even when meeting for the first time.3) (About addressing by relationship)Chinese often extend kinship terms to people not related by blood or marriage. Americans tend to use just the first name and leave out the term of relationship. 4)Chinese use a person's title, office, or profession to indicate(表明)the person's influential(有权势的)status. In English, only a few occupations or titles could be used.(p24)6.What are the social functions of compliments?(赞美的社会作用)Creating or reinforcing (加固)solidarity, greeting people, expressing thanks or congratulations, encouraging people, softening criticism(委婉批评),starting a conversation, or even overcoming embarrassment(窘迫).7. What are the different features of M-Time and P-time?M-Time think time is perceived as a linear strucure.认为时间是线性的P-Time is less rigid(刻板)and clock-bound, more flexible and more human-centered. 8. What has influenced the gender socialization?(什么会影响性别社会化)There are two primary influences on gender: socialization:family communication, particularly between mothers and children, and recreational interaction among children.9. Discuss the concepts of high context culture and low context culture.(讨论高、低语境)Eastern culture favors verbal hesitance and ambiguity in order to avoid disturbing or offending others, the burden of smooth communication effective is shared equally between all parties involved.The Western communicative mode is primarily(直接)direct, explicit(明确),and verbal, relying heavily on logical and rational perception(感知),thinking,and articulation. So the task of communicating effectively lies primarily on the speaker.10.How is gender different from sex?Sex: biological, permanent, with an individual propertyGender: socially-constructed, varied over time and across cultures, with a social and relational quality11.Six principles for Effective Cross-gender Communication (六条有效的跨性别交际原则)1)Suspend judgment2)Recognize the validity of different communication styles3)Provide translation cues4)Seek translation cues5)Enlarge your own communication style6)Suspend judgment。
Noise ◦ The term noise technically refers to anythingthat distorts the message the source encodes.
Components of Communication
Receiver ◦ The receiver is the person who attends to the message.
Components of Communication
Source ◦ The source is the person with an idea he or she desires to communicate.
Encoding ◦ Encodingis the process of puttingan idea into a symbol.
Process of Communication
Characteristics of Communication
Communication is dynamic Communication is irreversible. Communication is symbolic.
Communication is systematic. Communication is transactional. (pg. 8) Communication is contextual. (pg. 8)
define self in relation to others
Cooperative; sensitive
Confide; Share and express feelings
• Mother-son interaction: different sex • Son cannot imitate Mother; • Son has to develop a gender identity by
differentiating from the mother and establish selfhood.
Independent; reserved Define self independent of others
different ways men and women communicate in
• 白云: 我十分想见赵忠祥。 • 黑土: 来前的火车票谁给报了。
Think about it
• What jobs are supposed to be taken by males?
• What are the best jobs for females?
Think about it
Differences in communication styles
Direct Interrupt more, swear more and argue more
Talk to express authority and confidence Value power and competency Offer solutions
To learn useful words and expressions about cross-gender communication and improve
跨文化交际(胡超版)判断题Unit 1T 1.As a phenomenon, intercultural communication has existed for thousands of years. However, as a discipline, its history is only about fifty years. 作为一种现象,跨文化传播已经存在了数千年。
F 2.Intercultural Communication as a discipline first started in Europe. 跨文化交际作为一门学科最早起源于欧洲。
F 3.Culture is a static entity, while communication is a dynamic process. 文化是一个静态的实体,而沟通是一个动态的过程。
T 4. Culture can be seen as shared knowledge, what people need to know in order to act appropriately in a given culture. 文化可以被看作是共享的知识,人们需要知道的是在特定的文化中做适当的行为。
T 5. Although cultural stereotype has its limitations (over-generalization), it still contributes to a person’s cultura l cognition.虽然文化刻板印象有其局限性(泛化),但它仍然有助于一个人的文化认知。
T 6. In intercultural communication, we should separate one’s individual character from cultural generalization. 在跨文化交际中,我们要把自己的个性和文化的泛化分开。
successfully. Why?
When women are depressed, they either eat or go shopping; men invade another country.
• A survey has been conducted to ask the same questions to males and females: “If you had a car, what would be the first thing you like to do with it?” Most females’ answers were like this: “If I had a car, the first thing I prefer to do would be taking a ride. While most males answer more or less like this: “If I had a car, I would check the engine first.” or :” If I had a car, I would consider if I could clean it every Saturday.”
Cross-gender communication is a form of intercultural
communication. It occurs when there is a communication
3、How to facilitate cross-gender communication effectively?
According to “Gender, communication, and culture” by Julia T. Wood, There are six principles are constructive in achieving effective cross-gender communication. 1、 Suspend judgement 2、Recognize the validity of different Communication styles 3、Provide translation cues 4、Seek translation cues 5、Enlarge your own communication style 6、Suspend judgement
3)Handling conflicts and disagreements Men tend to argue more and find it interesting to disagree Women more often seek agreement and see disagreement as more threatening to relationships
1.剪指甲的时候,你一般哪只手先给另一只手剪? a、左手给 右手剪——转2题 b、右手给左手剪——转3题 2.喜欢用电动剃须刀胜过刀片? a、是——转4题 b、否——转3题 3.仔细看看自己的衣柜是什么样子? a、很多件色彩不同的T恤 或者衬衫——转5题 b、只有一两个颜色的几件而已——转4题 4.如果没别人在家,你解决晚饭的方式是: a、出去吃或者泡 面、叫外卖--转6题 b、自己买点儿菜,下厨房--转7题 5.你的头发是: a、最普通的样式——转6题 b、酷酷的发型,染 色了,或者十分希望染色——转8题 6.电视中主人公身遭险境,你认为他会如何脱险? a、自己突 然奋起,绝境求生——D b、被人所救,挺了过来——C c、外援突 然出现,或者是自然力量干扰了局面——转8题 7.你有不止一条名牌领带,而且大都是自己买的。 a、是——B b、 否——D 8.你对待紧身衣服的态度是: a、不喜欢也不想穿——D b、经常 穿紧身T恤或者毛衣之类的——A 测试结果:A女性型 B偏女性型 C半女性型 D男性型
crossculture跨⽂化考试笔记跨⽂化交际学的课堂笔记I. Culture and Intercultural CommunicationCulture:●Culture may be defined as what a society does and thinks. (Sapir, 1921)●Culture refers to the total way of life of particular groups of people. It includes everythingthat a group of people thinks, says, does, and makes. (R. Kohls, 1979)●Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, and norms, whichaffect the behavior of a relatively large group of people.⽂化是习得的⼀套关于信仰、价值观、规范的公认的解释,这些信仰、价值观、规范对相当⼤⼈类群体的⾏为产⽣影响。
The Characteristics of Culture:1.Culture is not innate; it is learned;2.Culture is transmissible from person to person, group to group, and generation togeneration;3.Culture is a dynamic system that changes continuously over time;4.Culture is selective; (every culture represents a limited choice of behavior patterns)5.Culture is composed of interrelated facets;6.Culture is ethnocentric (centeredness on one’s own group).The American sociolinguist D. Hymes pointed out that people with communicative competence should know when, where and what to speak to whom and how.Models of communicationTheoretically, the model of communication is always described in the following way:Communication is exchanging information in the form of messages, symbols, thoughts, signs and opinions.The Ingredients of Culture●Language;●Religion;●Values and attitudes;●Education;●Social organization;●Technology and material culture;●Politics;●LawIntercultural Communication (IC)●In its most general sense, IC refers to those occasions when a member of oneculture produces a message for consumption by a member of another culture. (p70, Samovar & Porter)●More precisely, IC refers to communication between people whose cultureperceptions and symbol systems are distinct enough to alter the communication event.(p70, Samovar & Porter)跨⽂化交际:指拥有不同⽂化认知和符号体系的⼈们之间进⾏的交际。
women men
No differences
Who is more intelligent more decisive better at listening more emotional more self-centered better able to do many things at one time
Gentle and conservative
Joke appreciation for cultural diversity
4. Before the man saying sorry, the woman gurgled and put her hand on the man’s shoulder: “Sir, if you do not mind, you can buy me a red rose to show your apology.” Then the man bought her a rose and they went to a hotel together to study more about the skirt.
G. reading romance novels
H. chatting on the internet I. washing clothes
A survey has been conducted to ask the same questions to males and females: “If you had a car, what would be the first thing you like to do with it?” Most females’ answers were like this: “If I had a car, the first thing I prefer to do would be taking a ride. While most males answer more or less like this: “If I had a car, I would check the engine first.” or :” If I had a car, I would consider if I could clean it every Saturday.”
A Monumental Figure
• Edward Twitchell Hall, (1914 –2009) , American anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher.
• Hall introduced a number of new concepts, including proxemics, polychronigh and low context cultures.
Cross-cultural communication refers to any communication between two members of any cultural communities. (Samovar and Porter, 2004:47)
Cross-cultural Communication Vs
his Linguistic Across Cultures(《跨文化语言学》). He discussed the cultural comparison in three aspects: form, meaning and distribution(顾嘉祖,4). • In 1959,the Silent Language by Edward T. Hall initiated the cross-cultural studies. • R.Oliver , 1962, Culture and communication • A.G.Smith, 1966,Culture and communication • In 1970s, ICA (International Communication Association) accepted Cross-cultural Communication as a branch discipline. as a discipline) • Journals: International and Intercultural Journal of Intercultural Relations.
Creating or reinforcing solidarity, greetingpeople, expressing thanks or congratulations, encouragingpeople, softening criticism, starting a conversation, or even overcoming embarrassment.
10、What is intercultural personhood?
Intercultural person represents someone whose cognitive, affective, and behavioral characteristics are open to growth beyoud the psychological parameters of his or her own culture;it’s an ideal image of future human.
7、What are the six principles for effective cross-gender communication?
① Suspend judgement.
② Recognize the validity of differentcommunication styles.
③ Provide translation cues.
4、What is taboo?
In any culture, some words or expressions are to be avoided because tradition or social custom strongly frowns on their use.
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Offer solutions
Establish their status in a group
Women (p124-2)
indirect Ask more questions, support more and agree more
Talk to reach agreement, show their understanding or sympathy
play house; jump rope Play hide and seek;
Football; Basketball;
Interactions with other people such as peers, teachers, medias…
Mother-daughter interaction: same sIntonation: rising tone high pitch
Gender language
Females—use more adjectives, adverbs and intensifiers; use more hedges like sort of, I guess, I’m afraid…
not have much to say and B does most of
the talking.
Case 3
On a ride in a car, A asked B, “Would you like to stop for a drink?” B replied, “No,” and they didn’t stop. B was later
A is the male or female, why?
Case 1
A married couple are going to visit a friend. They have been driving around for some time looking for the right street. B is angry because A refuses to stop and ask directions of someone. p126
frustrated to learn that A was annoyed
because A had wanted to stop for a drink.
Case 4
A:怎么了你?情绪这么不好? B: 哦,没什么。 A: 是我做错了什么吗? B: 没有。 A: 哦,那就好。
Case 5
Establish and maintain or reinforce harmonious relationship
Gender differences in language features
Q: Then you went next door? A: And then I went immediately next door, yes. / Yes.
and cultural differences between males and
Gender socialization
Gender is more dynamic and can be
constructed in the life time. Gender= sex+ culture+ role in society
Cross-gender Communication
Let’s start from the book.
This book is essentially telling men what women need and women what men need. The metaphor that … made it crystally clear that men and women are supposed to be different. They speak in different language, have different emotional needs, score different points with the opposite sex. They therefore communicate differently or not communicate with their partners.
腾讯副总裁 刘畅泪洒记 者会2010-11
Sex and Gender
Sex refers to the biological differences between males and females.
Sex is static and cannot be changed.
Gender concerns the psychological, social
A:今天工作怎么样? B: 还好。 A: 和你的新客户见面了?谈得顺利吗? B: 不错。 A: 他们觉得你的建议怎么样?接受了吗? B: 嗯。是的。 A: 你精神怎么这么不好?出什么问题了? B: 没有。
Roots of gender differences
Males and females are inborn different from each other. Family communication, particularly between mothers and children Recreational interaction among children (p122)
Gender Role and Gender Identity
Gender role refers to the expected ways of behaving for a male or female according to a society.
In Asia
Men are believed superior than women. They are responsible for passing family names. Girls were confined to the inner quarters of the house where they receive instructions in womanly behavior and tasks, such as domestic duties, embroidery and cooking.
Daughter can observe and learn directly from Mother. Females can develop their gender identities from imitating their mothers.
define self in relation to others Cooperative; sensitive
Case 2
A and B got married a few years ago. A is
the life and soul of the party when they go
out, chatting away loudly and seems
interested in all topics. But at home A does
Brainstorming again
Are there any misunderstandings between you and a friend of the opposite sex?
What are the other differences between males and females, apart from the biological differences?
What are the underlying reasons?
A Gender Survey
Who is more aware of what is going on around them more compassionate more willing to take risks more logical or rational has better “people skills” women men No differences
Misunderstandings in CGC
Gender Differences in Communication
Styles Roots of Gender Differences
Principles for Effective CGC
Group discussion
What do you usually do at the weekends? What subjects are girls good at in school? What are the ideal jobs for men/women in our society? What are the common conversation topics for men/women?
Sex is a male or female signal based on biology; Gender is a feminine or masculine signal
based on social roles and status.
Cross-gender communication occurs when there is communication between people from different