英国作家简介之John Donne ppt课件
Stanza 3 Moving of th' earth brings harms and fears, Men reckon what it did and meant, But trepidation of the spheres, Though greater far, is innocent.
• 地动会带来灾害和惊恐, 人们估计它干什么,要怎样 可是那些天体的震动, 虽然大得多,什么也不伤。
.......Earthquakes (moving of th’ earth) frighten people, who wonder at the cause and the meaning of them. However, the movements of the sun and other heavenly bodies (trepidation of the spheres) cause no fear, for such movements are natural and harmless. They bring about the changes of the seasons.
In 1611, John Donne wrote “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning” to his wife, Anne More Donne, to comfort her while he was in France conducting government business and she remained home in Mitcham, England, about seven miles from London. The title says, in essence, “When we part, we must not mourn.” Valediction is derived from the Latin verb valedicere, meaning to say farewell.
杰克 伦敦ppt课件
![杰克 伦敦ppt课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/36a8166c767f5acfa1c7cde5.png)
那时正是美国大萧条的1904年,他参加了从旧金山到华盛 顿去请愿的失业者队伍,向东海岸进发。他途中因故脱离 了队伍,便偷乘火车在北美大陆流浪,跟车警、乘务员捉 迷藏,周游全国,以此为乐。他曾经被捕,罚作了三十天 苦役,亲眼见到了美国监狱里骇人听闻的现实。出狱后他 偷乘西去的列车到了加拿大西海岸,再从那做水手南下, 回到旧金山。这次特别形式的旅游给了他丰富的人生体验, 尤其是贫困的流浪汉的体验。他明白了一个道理:最能够 关心穷苦人的往往是穷苦人。他对读书一直就有兴趣,就 连在做蚝贼时也在他的小艇上读过许多书。流浪归来他开 始大量阅读。他读过圣西门、傅立叶、蒲鲁东的作品,明 白了私有财产的罪恶;他甚至读马克思的《共产主义宣 言》,大体懂得了共产主义是怎么回事。为了读书他十九 岁时进了奥克兰中学,准备考大学,同时加入了社会党。 他参加工人集会,发表激烈的演说,主张破坏现有的社会 秩序,并曾经因此被捕。在奥克兰中学读书时他在学校的 报纸上发表了小说《小笠原群岛》,连载了两个月,这样, 他从事文学的兴趣更浓厚了。
列宁认为他的文章富有激情,带者原始的活力,并在临终 前对《热爱生命》《墨西哥人》作出高度评价。同时这两 篇小说被认为是世界上最杰出的短篇小说之一,杰克 伦敦 也由于《铁蹄》一书授予”美国无产阶级之父“的光荣荣 誉。 美国传记小说家伊尔文·斯通在他的《马背上的水手》里 称他是美国无产阶级文学之父。
逆境给人宝贵的磨炼机会,只有经得起环境考验的人,才能算 是真正的强者。自古以来的伟人,大多是抱着不屈不挠的精神, 从逆境中挣扎奋斗过来的。 ——松下幸之助 逆境展示奇才,顺境隐没英才。——霍勒斯 人的生命似洪水在奔流,不遇着岛屿、暗礁,难以激起美 丽的浪花。——奥斯特洛夫斯基
英国文学史 Death be not proud john donne PPT
![英国文学史 Death be not proud john donne PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/638d7d3d0b4e767f5acfcee9.png)
John Donne
John Donne
the leading figure of the metaphysical school (玄学派)
Types of sonnet
• Petrarchan Sonnet • Spenserian sonnet • Shakespearian sonnet
Second Quatrain
Reason: Death is merely a picture of eternal rest and sleep. Just as rest and sleep bring much happiness, so Death will bring much more happiness because he brings eternal rest. Even the best people will eventually die, and then their bones will be at rest while their souls experience eternal happiness.
Rhyming Couplet
One short sleep past, we wake eternally, And Death shall be no more; Death, thou shalt die Irony Paradox: Death itself will die! The poet points out the religious belief: as soon as the short sleep of death is over, the person's soul will awake into eternal life. Once that happens, there can be no further need for Death. Death itself will cease to exist.
• 18世纪古典主义诗人重视规。
• 19世纪浪漫派诗人强调自然,都不重视玄学派诗 歌。
• 20世纪初英国学者格里尔逊先后编选了《多恩诗 集》(1912)和《十七世纪玄学派抒情诗和诗歌 》(1921),引起了强烈反响。美裔英国诗人、 批评家艾略特广为传布,并指出玄学派诗人是“把 思想和情感统一起来”,是“统一的感受性”的典范。 30年代“新批评派”作了更进一步的研究,英美文 学评论界对玄学派的兴趣迄今未衰。他们之间有 意见分歧,但基本态度是肯定的。
John Donne
约翰·邓恩(John Donne, 1572~1631 ), 是十 七世纪英国玄学派诗 人,
异国诗人 .曾在欧洲大陆游历。
2021/4/8 背景:圣保罗大教堂
• 以精致典雅的形式表现情感与观念的矛盾 ,把古典主义的性情与浪漫主义的风骨很 好地融合到了一起。
• 道德至上主义立场,有一种强烈的宗教性 色彩。
Metaphysical Poets
• John Donne • George Herbert • Andrew Marvell • Henry Vaughan • Richard Crashaw
The founder of Metaphysical poet
John Donne
jone donne的课件ppt
![jone donne的课件ppt](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/38ff064ce45c3b3567ec8b92.png)
Donne was born in a Roman catholic family, at a time when anti-catholic feeling in England was near its height. He received his education at Oxford and Cambridge and later studied law at Lincoln’s Inn. But he never took any academic degrees and never practiced law. In the 1590’s , he quietly abandoned Catholism. As a young man he was hungry for adventures. He joined the expedition of Essex for Cadiz in 1596, and for the Azores(亚速尔群岛) in 1597. he was secretary to Sir T.Egerton, keeper of the Great Seal. In 1601 he eloped with Ann More, niece of Egerton’s wife, and for this he was cast into prison by the girl’s father.
A self-contradictory and absurd statement that turns out to be in some sense at least, actually true and valid. Eg. More haste, and less speed. The paradox of our time in history is that we have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints; we spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy less.
John Donne
![John Donne](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/4dd630b81a37f111f1855bbe.png)
Introduce John Donne
Donne(1572-1631), English poet, prose writer, and clergyman, considered the greatest of the metaphysical poets and one of the greatest writers of love poetry
• The Progresse of the Soule (1601 ) • Divine Poems (1607) • Biathanatos (published 1644). • Pseudo-Martyr (1610), • Holy Sonnets (1618) • Devotions upon Emergent Occasions (1623-1624) • Death's Duell (1631
John Donne’s life and experience
John Donne was born in Bread Street, London in 1572 to a prosperous Roman Catholic family. Donne's father died suddenly in 1576, and left the three children to be raised by their mother.
Introduce John Donne John Donne’s life and experience John Donne’s works The style of John Donne’s works Literary Features The metaphysical and Conceits
@ John Donne 约翰 邓恩
![@ John Donne 约翰 邓恩](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/528f440590c69ec3d5bb7536.png)
Literary characteristics
the puritan age/influence: gloom age
Poem: John Milton, metaphysical poets(玄学派诗歌) Prose: John Bunyan (约翰 班扬 )
Restoration/French influence
His works
John Donne’s masterpiece is Songs and Sonnets《歌曲与十四行诗》, among which 《歌曲与十四行诗》 The Sun Rising and The Flea are the two most famous poems.
Thank you!
Following his release, Donne had to accept a retired country life in Pyrford, Surrey. Anne bore him 12 children in 16 years of marriage. His wife died in1617, five days after giving birth to their twelfth child. Donne mourned her deeply, including writing the 17th Holy Sonnet. He never remarried,this was quite , unusual for the time, especially as he had a large family to bring up.
Conceit (奇喻 奇喻) 奇喻
an extended metaphor with a complex logic that governs a poetic passage or entire poem. By juxtaposing, usurping and manipulating images and ideas in surprising ways, a conceit invites the reader into a more sophisticated understanding of an object of comparison.
2. John Donne
![2. John Donne](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1585e64f3c1ec5da50e270ac.png)
English Literature of 17th Century (Part Two)
Teaching Objectives
• • • • • • Donne's Life Donne's Major Works Metaphysical Poetry Representative Works Features of Donne's Poetry Donne's Prose
His Major Works
• Songs and Sonnets (55 love lyrics) 1. "Song"----Go and catch a falling star 2. "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning" • Epigrams格言 • The Elegies哀歌 • Divine Poems神学诗 Holy Sonnets(26 sonnets) Divine Meditations 3. "Death be not proud"
• Mighty and dreadful, for thou art not so;
十分凶残可怕,其实并非如此; • For those whom thou think’st thou does
• Die not, poor Death, nor yet canst thou kill me.
• And poppy or charm can make us sleep as well
Lesson 4 John Donne
![Lesson 4 John Donne](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a1728120cfc789eb172dc879.png)
Cruel and sudden, hast thou since Purpled thy nail, in blood of innocence? Wherein could this flea guilty be, Except in that drop which it sucked from thee? • purpled: (紫色/紫红色)染指 • nail: 指甲 • wherein: on what point
• • • • • • • mark: look at, notice but: for emphasis in this: inside of this flea How little is that which thou deniest me thou deniest me: you refuse me sucked: 吮吸 mingled: mixed together
Lesson Four Poems Appreciation
John Donne
Байду номын сангаас
John Donne (1572-1631)
• The Flea • A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
The Flea
Mark but this flea, and mark in this, How little that which thou deniest me is; Me it sucked first, and now sucks thee, And in this flea our two bloods mingled be; Thou know’st that this cannot be said.
So let us melt, and make no noise, No tear-floods, nor sigh-tempests move, T’were profanation of our joys To tell the laiety our love.
大学英语课件John Donne.doc
![大学英语课件John Donne.doc](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0e81061831b765ce050814f4.png)
The metaphysical poetry
• Origin:
• The Metaphysical poet was firstly used
(disparagingly) by Dr. Johnson.
• He identifies them as a “race of writers”
who display their learning, use far-fetched comparisons, and lack feeling, among whom John Done was regarded as the founder.
A Metaphysical poet of the seventeenth
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
John Donne (1572-1631)
Poetry of the Seventeenth Century
The Cavaliers The Metaphysical poets
John Donne’ love poems of two kinds
• Love poem of positive attitude: sanctifying
love as holy to express his genuine sentiments of love, such as “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.”
• The parting of the lovers is likened to the death of
a virtuous man.
Lesson 2 - John Donne
![Lesson 2 - John Donne](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8a5e746448d7c1c708a14538.png)
I. WILT Thou forgive that sin where I begun, Which was my sin, though it were done before? Wilt Thou forgive that sin, through which I run, And do run still, though still I do deplore? When Thou hast done, Thou hast not done, For I have more. II. Wilt Thou forgive that sin which I have won Others to sin, and made my sin their door? Wilt Thou forgive that sin which I did shun A year or two, but wallowed in a score? When Thou hast done, Thou hast not done, For I have more. III. I have a sin of fear, that when I have spun My last thread, I shall perish on the shore ; But swear by Thyself, that at my death Thy Son Shall shine as he shines now, and heretofore ; And having done that, Thou hast done ; I fear no more.
Impressions on him; on others
• “Having converted to the Anglican Church, Donne focused his literary career on religious literature. He quickly became noted for his sermons and religious poems. The lines of these sermons would come to influence future works of English literature, such as Ernest Hemingway's For Whom the Bell Tolls, which took its title from a passage in Meditation XVII, and Thomas Merton’s No Man is an Island, which took its title from the same source.”
John Donne 约翰•多恩(1572 - 1631)诗人简介John Donne 约翰•多恩(1572 - 1631)英国诗人。
1572年生于伦敦的一个富商之家,1631 年3月31日卒于伦敦。
多恩是玄学派诗歌的创始人和主要代表人物,他的创作启迪了包括乔治•赫伯特(George Herbert)、安德鲁•马维尔等一大批杰出诗人在内的所谓“玄学诗派”。
在十七世纪初期,出现了一批以奇特的比喻,口语化诗体,富于变化的格律等为主要特征的诗人,人们称之为“玄学派诗人(Metaphysical poets)”.这些诗人是一群博学多才的人.正如塞缪尔•约翰逊在The Lives of the English Poets 所描述的那样:“… the metaphysical poets were men of learning, and to show learning was their whole endeavor.”“玄学派诗人”的主要代表者是约翰•多恩(John Donne, 1572—1631), 乔治•赫伯特(George Herbert, 1593—1633), 理查德•克拉肖(Richard Crashaw, 1613?—1649) 和亨利•沃恩(Henry V augham 1621—1695)等等。
John Donne 英国文学史人物简介 PPT
![John Donne 英国文学史人物简介 PPT](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e1de2c56b7360b4c2e3f6470.png)
A cannon-ball: By him, as by chain'd shot, whole ranks do die.
Devouring fish: He is the tyrant pike, our hearts the fry.
1615 1617
HiswwaisfAemndagiedldiecDaneaisnmof a leaSdritenPgliag(auinold'suwsellpaid) popsoiteiomn isn the
Church of England
❖He is considered the
by John Donne
A GO and catch a falling star, B Get with child a mandrake root, A Tell me where all past years are, B Or who cleft the devil's foot,
Catholicismwas awarded an honorary bCoairntnhaoinlRicLoolfmoaenmavrdEonfeoielgtynliApel.c,ronintaneolnenmod'vMsseonCdwrioeaeimccthteboRrroiadtygeaelinCandhdiavpibnleaitciynafmroema
❖ 他们并不是一个有组织的文学团体,只有在诗歌风格上有共 同点。
7-John Donne
![7-John Donne](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ca0fa389680203d8ce2f24ed.png)
A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning
Love and Compass
Our souls are two, like the feet of twin compasses. The wife's soul the fixed foot The husband's soul the outer foot The fixed foot (wife's soul) makes no show to move, but does if the outer foot (husband's soul) moves. When the outer foot (husband's soul) travels far, the fixed foot (wife's soul) should follow it and grows straight until the outer foot (husband's soul) comes back. Wife's attachment to husband
Your position there helps me complete my circle so that I end up where I began. The image of a circle (perfection) Husband's attachment to wife
The Flea
Metaphysical wit --- comparison of apparently quite dissimilar objects of concepts and the discovery that they are after all similar.
chapter3 John DonnePPT课件
![chapter3 John DonnePPT课件](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/be855ba4b7360b4c2f3f6429.png)
English Literature during the English Bourgeois Revolution and the Restoration
Historical Background
The English Revolution: The death of Queen Elizabeth ends the collaboration between the monarchy and the bourgeoisie. With the accession of CharlesⅠ to the throne in 1625, the conflict became more acute between the monarch and the Parliament composed of solid middle-class country gentry and merchants, nearly all puritans. The clash led to a civil war in 1642 between the Royalists troops and the Parliamentary forces under the command of Oliver Cromwell. The Parliamentary forces, though suffered some setbacks in the beginning, decisively defeated the Royalists in Naseby in1645. The Civil War ended with the capture and execution of CharlesⅠ in 1649 and a republic under the name of the Commonwealth of England was founded with Cromwell as Lord Protector.
![JOHN DONNE](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/51abe7dc6f1aff00bed51ec5.png)
JOHN DONNE(约翰· 邓恩 )
• • • • • • 个人简历 个人经历 家庭情况 影响 后人评价 作品推荐
• 约翰 邓恩 (1572~1631), 曾就读于牛津和剑桥两所学校, 但未获任何学位。尽管他从其父处继承了一笔钱,但远远 不能使他经济上获得自立。他不善经商,不得不以另一种 途径在这个世界上立足。他只得依靠智慧、幽默、情趣、 学识、勇敢以及别人的恩惠。他广泛阅读了神学、医学、 法律和古典著作,因此在写作中,他有时显示出其不凡的 学识、机智和幽默。 • 邓恩虽婚姻美满,但他上层的朋友们对他耿耿于怀, 不肯原谅他。那些爵士解除了邓恩的职务,并命人逮捕、 拘禁了他。获释后,邓恩不得不干各种差使,以供养妻儿。 30多岁的邓恩已风光不再,他疾病缠身,穷困潦倒,郁郁 不乐。
• 邓恩与他其后的模仿者通常被称为“玄学派诗 人”。到19世纪末20世纪初,读者对他的作品重 新进发出巨大兴趣,仿佛发现了一块埋藏在地下 的宝玉,并且立即对现代诗歌产生了深刻的影响。 当时的诗人对邓恩所代表的那种诗风如饥似渴, 想极力摆脱19世纪末浪漫主义诗歌的陈腐的语言。 所有这些,都使邓恩在英国诗人中的地位产生了 天翻地覆的变化。邓恩被公认为文学大师。艾略 特对他情有独钟。二者的诗风有颇多的相似之处。
在如此一番享受之后,我将醒来, 除了觉醒之外,将无可怨悔; 将给爱情作出更多的感谢之诗, 哪怕耗费更多荣誉、痛苦和泪水。 最亲爱的心,和更亲爱的影像,但请留驻; 咳,真正的欢乐至多只是充足的梦; 虽说你暂留在此,但你逝去得太匆促: 甚至最初,生命之就是燃过的烛芯。 充满着她的爱,我宁愿因太多的心 而变疯狂,也不愿成为无心的痴人。
• 《歌与十四行诗》(Songs and Sonnets) • 《挽歌》(the Elegies) • 《一周年与二aries ) • 《圣十四行诗》(Holy Sonnets) • 《突发事件的祷告》(Devotions upon Emergent Occasions)
Cavalier Poets
refer to group of 17th-century English lyric 17thpoets, associated with the Royalists. They side with the king against the parliament and the puritans in the English revolution. Their poetry were marked by courtliness, brevity and polish . The chief representative of the school was Ben Jonson. (famous for his Comdies of Humors)
Conceit is an elaborate, often extravagant metaphor making an analogy between totally dissimilar things. Love is a spider which dropped into the wine of life, turns it to poison. a cannon-ball: By him, as by chain’d shot, cannonchain’ whole ranks do die;
多么残忍,你毫无犹豫 用无辜的鲜血染红自己的指甲? 它不过吸了你一滴血 罪不至死啊? 你却以胜利者的口吻说 你我并没有因失血而有些虚弱; 的确,担心不过是虚惊一场: 接受我的爱, 你的名誉不会有丝毫损失, 就象跳蚤之死不会让你的生命有所损失。
gave up his Catholic faith and took orders in the Anglican Church in 1615 After his wife’s death in1617, he devoted wife’ all his time and efforts to his religious duties. In 1621, he was appointed the Dean of St. Paul’ Paul’s Cathedral.
Trinity College, Cambridge
★ This fashion of conceitful writing, somewhat like euphuism in prose, appeared in Italy and Spain also. Its imaginative exuberance has its parallels in baroque architecture and painting.
John Donne
★ A more thoroughly characteristic figure (1572?-1631)
★ English poet and Clergyman
★ born in London, England and died in London, Mar.31,1631
★ circulated in manuscript, like Wyatt’s and Surrey’s, had an immense influence on younger poets
★ forms:
Classical forms: satires, elegies, and epistles classical smoothness
On the expedition to Cadiz in 1596
John Donne资料
![John Donne资料](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/cd6e61dc700abb68a982fb88.png)
Comments on Donne
• • • • • • • founder representative a poet of peculiar conceits 幻想 has his own way of… love the extravagant… sensuality philosophy passion intellect complex rhythms , strange images
• Career
• Age 26 ----diplomatic career as a chief secretary to Lord Thomas Egerton • Aged 30 ---- member of Parliament
• Aged 43 ----a royal chaplain • Aged 49----dean of St Paul’s
ginning of the 17th century England whose poems are written under the influence of John Donne. The works of the Metaphy sical poets are characterized by mysticism in content and fanta sticality in form. The main themes of the metaphysical poets ar
• Cruel and sudden, hast thou since • Purpled thy nail, in blood of innocence? • wherein could this flea guilty be, • Except in that drop which it sucked from thee? 残忍而突然,你是否从此时此刻 染红了你的指甲,以无辜的鲜血? 这跳蚤有什么可以责难罪咎, 除了它从你身上吸取的那一小口?
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• Donne’s poems can be divided into two categories: the youthful love lyrics and the later sacred verses. The youthful love lyrics
were published after his death as Songs and Sonnets in 1633. His early poems were love
In his final years Donne's poems reflect an obsession with his own death, which came on March 31, 1631. John Donne is remembered for the wit and poignancy of his poetry.
of Abraham Cowley in the Lives of the English Poets that the metaphysical poets
were men of learning, and to show learning was their whole e英n国d作e家a简v介o之rJo.hn Donne
• They were named as the metaphysical school of poets by John Dryden and Dr. Johnson, not without a derogatory connotation.
• Samuel Johnson coined the term "metaphysical poets" to describe Donne and his poetic descendants when he wrote
• Roughness of meter and irregular rhyme. 英国作家简介之John Donne
Metaphysical School
英国作家简介之John Donne
• Though there was no organized group of poets who imitated Donne, the influence of his poetic style was widely felt on George Herbert, Richard Crashow, Henry Vaughan, and A. Cowley.
• Revolt against Elizabethan love poetry and the tradition.
• Psychological analysis of emotions of love and Байду номын сангаасeligion.
• Penchant for novel and even shocking comparisons.
• Donne's first literary work,
satires was written during this
period . This was followed by Songs and Sonnets.
英国作家简介之John Donne
• Then in 1617 Anne Donne died in giving birth to the couple's 12th child. Her death affected Donne greatly, though he continued to write, notably Holy Sonnets (1618).
英国作家简介之John Donne
Metaphysical Poetry
英国作家简介之John Donne
• The term applies to a group of 17thcentury English poets who used certain common techniques and employed a few common themes.
• Metaphysical conceit --- extended metaphor.
• Metaphysical wit --- comparison of apparently quite dissimilar objects of concepts and the discovery that they are after all similar.
songs, elegies, and verse satires. • Donne’s later sacred verses, published in
1624 as Devotions upon Emergent Occasions
which show the intense interest Donne took in the spectacle of morality under the shadow of death, a vision that haunted him perpetually, and inspired the highest flights of his eloquence.
• The diction is simple, and echoes the words and cadences of common speech.
John Donne
英国作家简介之John Donne
John Donne
• the leading figure of the metaphysical school
英国作家简介之John Donne
His Life
• John Donne was born to a prosperous London in 1572. His father died when he was young, and he was raised by his mother, Elizabeth.