Code CR1000二维条码扫描枪




CR1000X Measurement and Control DataloggerTable of Contents1. Getting started12. USB communications23. Testing communications with EZSetup44. Making the software connection65. Creating a Short Cut data logger program86. Sending a program to the data logger127. Working with data147.1 Default data tables147.2 Collecting data157.2.1 Collecting data using LoggerNet157.2.2 Collecting data using PC400167.3 Viewing historic data161. Getting startedGetting started provides a cursory view of data acquisition and walks you through a procedure to set up a simple system. You may not find it necessary to progress beyond this. However, should you want to dig deeper into the complexity of the data logger functions or quickly look for details, extensive information is available in the full CR1000X manual.This exercise guides you through the following steps:l Connecting the data logger to a computerl Attaching a sensor to the data loggerl Creating a program for the data logger to measure the sensorl Making a simple measurementl Storing measurement data on the data loggerl Collecting data from the data logger with a computerl Viewing real-time and historical data with a computerIn addition to your data logger, the following items are used in this exercise (many are shipped with your data logger and all are available on ):l Type T thermocouple, 4 to 5 inches long; one is shipped with the data loggerl Computer with a USB portl USB cablel Data logger support software such as LoggerNet or PC400 installed on your computerAdditional Campbell Scientific publications are available online at . Video tutorials a re available at /videos . Generally, if a particular feature of the data logger requires a peripheral hardware device, more information is available in the help or manual written for that device.2. USB communicationsSetting up a USB connection is a good way to begin communicating with your data logger. Because this connection does not require configuration (like an IP address), you need only set up the communications between your computer and the data logger. Use the following instructionsor watch the Quickstart videos at https:///videos.Follow these steps to get started. These settings can be revisited using the data logger support software Edit Datalogger Setup option .1. Using data logger support software, launch the EZSetup Wizard.l LoggerNet users, click Setup, select the View menu and ensure you are in the EZ(Simplified) view, then click Add Datalogger.l PC400 users, click Add Datalogger.2. Click Next.3. Select your data logger from the list. In the Datalogger Name field, type a meaningfulname for your data logger (for example, a site identifier or project name), and click Next.4. Select the Direct Connect connection type and click Next.5. If this is the first time connecting this computer to a CR1000X via USB, click InstallUSB Driver, select your data logger, click Install, and follow the prompts to install theUSB driver.6. Plug the data logger into your computer using a USB cable. The USB connection supplies5 V power as well as a communications link, which is adequate for setup. A 12 V battery willbe needed for field deployment. If using RS-232, external power must be provided to the data logger, and a CPI/RS-232 RJ45 to DB9 cable is required to connect to the computer.7. From the COM Port list, select the COM port used for your data logger. It will appear asCR1000X (COM number).8. USB connections do not typically require a COM Port Communication Delay; this type ofdelay allows time for hardware devices to "wake up" and negotiate a communications link.Accept the default value of 00 seconds and click Next.9. You must match the PakBus address hardware settings of your data logger. A USBconnection does not require a baud rate selection, keep the default. T he default PakBus address is 1.10. Set an Extra Response Time if you have a difficult or marginal connection and you want thedata logger support software to wait a certain amount of time before returning acommunications failure error. Accept the default value of 00 seconds.11. Set a Max Time On-Line to limit the amount of time the data logger remains connected.When the data logger is connected, communications with it are terminated when this time limit is exceeded. A value of 0 in this field indicates that there is no time limit formaintaining a connection to the data logger.12. Leave the Neighbor PakBus Address as the default of 0.13. Click Next.14. By default, the data logger does not use a security code or a PakBus encryption key.Therefore, the Security Code can be set to 0, and the PakBus Encryption Key can be left blank. If either setting has been changed, enter the new code or key.15. Click Next.16. Review the Setup Summary. If you need to make changes, click Previous to return to aprevious window and change the settings.17. Setup is now complete. The EZSetup Wizard allows you to Finish, or you may click Next totest communications, set the data logger clock, and send a program to the data logger.3. Testing communications with EZSetup1. Advance to, or select, t he Communication Test step in EZ Setup. See USB communications(p. 2) for more information.2. Ensure the data logger is physically connected to the computer, select Yes to testcommunications, then click Next to initiate the test.3. With a successful connection, the Connection Time w ith the data logger is displayed in thelower-left corner of the wizard. Click Next.4. The Datalogger Clock window displays the time for both the data logger and the computer(server).l The Adjusted Server Date/Time displays the current reading of the clock for the computer running your data logger support software. If the Datalogger Date/Timeand Adjusted Server Date/Time do not match, c lick Set Datalogger Clock to set thedata logger clock to the computer clock.l Optionally, specify a positive or negative Time Zone Offset to apply when setting the data logger clock. This offset allows you to set the clock for a data logger that is in adifferent time zone than the computer (or to accommodate for changes in daylightsaving time).5. Click Next.6. The data logger ships with a default GettingStarted program. If the data logger does nothave a program, you can choose to send one by clicking Select and Send Program. C lick Next.7. LoggerNet only - Use the following instructions or watch the Scheduled/Automatic DataCollection video :l The Datalogger Table Output Files window displays the data tables available to be collected from the data logger and the output file name. By default, all data tables setup in the data logger program will be included for collection. M ake note of theOutput File Name and location. Click Next.l Check Scheduled Collection Enabled to have LoggerNet automatically collect data from the data logger on the Collection Interval entered. When the Base Date andTime are in the past, scheduled collection will begin immediately after finishing theEZSetup wizard. Do not set up a scheduled collection during this tutorial. Click Next.8. Click Finish, or you may click Next to test communications, set the data logger clock, andsend a program to the data logger.4. Making the software connectionOnce you have configured your hardware connection (see USB communications (p. 2)), your data logger and computer can communicate. Use the Connect screen to send a program, set the clock, view real-time data, and manually collect data.LoggerNet users, select the Main category and Connect on the LoggerNet toolbar, then selectthe data logger from the Stations list, then click Connect. Once connected, select a table to view in the Table Monitor.PC400 users, click Connect, then Monitor Data. When this tab is first opened for a data logger, values from the Public table are displayed. To view data from other tables, click Add , select a table or field from the list, then drag it into a cell on the Monitor Data tab.For more information, see Working with data (p. 14).See Collecting data (p. 15) for more information on copying stored data from the data logger to the computer.To disconnect, click Disconnect.For more information, s ee the Connect Window Tutorial .5. Creating a Short Cut data logger programYou must provide a program for the data logger in order for it to make measurements, store data, or control external devices. There are several ways to write a program. The simplest is to use the program generator called Short Cut. For more complex programming, CRBasic Editor is used. The program file may use the extension .CR1X, .CRB, or .DLD.Data logger programs are executed on a precise schedule termed the scan interval, based on the data logger internal clock.Measurements are first stored in temporary memory called variables in the Public table. Data stored in variables is usually overwritten each scan. Periodically, generally on a time interval, the data logger stores data in tables. The data tables are later copied to a computer using your data logger support software.Use Short Cut software to generate a program for your data logger. Short Cut is included with your data logger support software.This section guides you through programming a CR1000X data logger to measure the voltage of the data logger power supply, the internal temperature of the data logger, and a thermocouple. With minor changes, these steps can apply to other measurements. U se the following instructions or watch the Quickstart part 3 video :1. Using data logger support software, launch Short Cut.l LoggerNet users, click Program then Short Cut.l PC400 users, click Short Cut.2. Click Create New Program.3. Select CR1000X Series and click Next.4. Lists of Available Sensors and Devices and Selected Measurements Available for Output aredisplayed. Battery voltage BattV and internal temperature PTemp_C are selected bydefault. During operation, battery and temperature should be recorded at least daily to assist in monitoring system status.5. Use the Search feature or expand folders to locate your sensor or device. Double-click on asensor or measurement in the Available Sensors and Devices list to configure the device (if needed) and add it to the Selected list. For the example program, expand the Sensors and Temperature folders and double-click Type T Thermocouple.6. If the sensor or device requires configuration, a window displays with configurationoptions. Click Help at the bottom of the window to learn more about any field or option.For the example program, accept the default options:l 1 Type T TC sensorl Temp_C as the Temperature label, and set the units to Deg Cl PTemp_C as the Reference Temperature Measurement7. Click the Wiring tab at the top of the page to see how to wire the sensor to the data logger.With the power disconnected from the data logger, insert the wires as directed in thediagram. Ensure you clamp the terminal on the wire, not the colored insulation. Use the included flat-blade screwdriver to open and close the terminals.8. Click OK.9. Click Next.10. Use the Output Setup options to specify how often to make measurements and how oftenoutputs are to be stored. Type 1 in the How often should the data logger measure itssensor(s)? box. Leave the units as Seconds.11. Multiple output intervals can be specified, one for each output table (Table1 and Table2tabs). For the example program, only one table is needed. Click the Table2 tab and click Delete Table.12. In the Table Name box, type a name for the table. For example: OneMin.13. Select a Data Output Storage Interval. For example: 1 minute.14. Click Next.15. Select a measurement from the Selected Measurements Available for Output list, then clickan output processing option to add the measurement to the Selected Measurements for Output list. For the example program, select BattV and click the Minimum button to add it to the Selected Measurements for Output list. Do not store the exact time that theminimum occurred. Repeat this procedure for an Average PTemp_C and Average Temp_C.16. Click Finish and give the program a meaningful name such as a site identifier. Click Save.17. If LoggerNet or other data logger support software is running on your computer, and thedata logger is connected to the computer, you can choose to send the program. Generally it is best to collect data first; so, we recommend sending the program using the instructions in Sending a program to the data logger (p. 12). Click No, do not send the program to the data logger.18. Make note of the newly generated program location and filename. By default, programscreated with Short Cut are stored in C:\Campbellsci\SCWin\.19. Close Short Cut.If your data acquisition requirements are simple, you can probably create and maintain a data logger program exclusively with Short Cut. If your data acquisition needs are more complex, the files that Short Cut creates are a great source for programming code to start a new program or add to an existing custom program using CRBasic. See the CRBasic Editor help for detailed information on program structure, syntax, and each instruction available to the data loggerhttps:///crbasic/cr1000x/ .6. Sending a program to the data loggerSome methods of sending a program give the option to retain data when possible. Regardless of the program upload tool used, data will be erased when a new program is sent if any change occurs to one or more data table structures in the following list:l Data table name(s)l Data output interval or offset l Number of fields per record l Number of bytes per fieldl Field type, size, name, or position l Number of records in tableU se the following instructions or watch the Quickstart part 4 video .1. Connect the data logger to your computer.lLoggerNet users, select Main and Connect on the LoggerNettoolbar, select the data logger from the Stations list, then Connect.l PC400 users, select the data logger from the list and click Connect .2. LoggerNet users, click Send New... (located in the Current Program section on the right sideof the window).PC400 users, click S end Program... (located in the Datalogger Program section on the right side of the window).3. PC400 users, confirm that you would like to proceed and erase all data tables saved on thedata logger. Click Yes.4. Navigate to the program, select it, and click Open. For example: navigate toC:\Campbellsci\SCWin and select MyTemperature.CR1X. Click Open.5. LoggerNet users, confirm that you would like to proceed and erase all data tables saved onthe data logger. Click Yes.6. The program is sent and compiled.7. Review the Compile Results window for errors, messages and warnings.8. LoggerNet users, click Details, select the Table Fill Times tab.PC400 user click OK then click Station Status, select the Table Fill Times tab.Ensure that the times shown are expected for your application. Click OK.After sending a program, it is a good idea to monitor the Public table to make sure sensors are taking good measurements. See Working with data (p. 14) for more information.7. Working with data7.1 Default data tablesBy default, the data logger includes three tables: Public, Status, and DataTableInfo. Each of these tables only contains the most recent measurements and information.l The Public table is configured by the data logger program, and updated at the scan interval set within the data logger program. It shows measurement and calculation results as they are made.l The Status table includes information about the health of the data logger and is updated only when viewed.l The DataTableInfo table reports statistics related to data tables. It also only updates when viewed.l User-defined data tables update at the schedule set within the program.For information on collecting your data, see Collecting data (p. 15).Use these instructions or follow the Connect Window tutorial to monitor real-time data.LoggerNet users, select the Main category and Connect on the LoggerNet toolbar, then selectthe data logger from the Stations list, then click Connect. Once connected, select a table to view in the Table Monitor.PC400 users, click Connect, then Monitor Data. When this tab is first opened for a data logger, values from the Public table are displayed. To view data from other tables, click Add , select a table or field from the list, then drag it into a cell on the Monitor Data tab.7.2 Collecting dataThe data logger writes to data tables b ased on intervals and conditions set in the CRBasic program. After the program has been running for enough time to generate data records, data may be collected by using data logger support software. During data collection, data is copied to the computer and still remains on the data logger. Collections may be done manually, or automatically through scheduled collections set in LoggerNet Setup. Use these instruction or follow the Collect Data Tutorial .7.2.1 Collecting data using LoggerNet1. From the LoggerNet toolbar, click Main and Connect, select the data logger from theStations list, then Connect.2. Click Collect Now.3. After the data is collected, the Data Collection Results window displays the tables collectedand where they are stored on the computer.4. Select a data file, then View File to view the data. See Viewing historic data (p. 16)7.2.2 Collecting data using PC4001. Click Connect on the main PC400 window.2. Go to the Collect Data tab.3. By default, all output tables set up in the data logger program are selected for collection.Typically, the default tables (DataTableInfo, Public, and Status) are not collected.4. Select an option for What to Collect. Either option creates a new file if one does not alreadyexist.l New data from data logger (Append to data files): This is the default, and most often used option. Collect only the data, in the selected tables, stored since the last datacollection from this instance of PC400 and append this data to the end of the existingfiles on the computer.l All data from data logger (Overwrite data files): Collects all of the data in the selected tables and overwrites (or replaces) the existing data files on the computer.5. Click Start Data Collection.6. After the data is collected, the Data Collection Results window displays the tables collectedand where they are stored on the computer.7. Select a data file, then View File to view the data. See Viewing historic data (p. 16)7.3 Viewing historic dataView Pro contains tools for reviewing data in tabular form as well as several graphical layouts for visualization. Use these instructions or follow the View Data Tutorial .Once the data logger has had enough time to store multiple records collect and review the data.1. To view the most recent data, connect the data logger to your computer and collect yourdata (see Collecting data (p. 15) for more information).2. Open View Pro:l LoggerNet users click Data then View Pro on the LoggerNet toolbar.l PC400 users click View Data Files via View Pro.3. Click Open, navigate to the directory where you saved your tables (the default directoryis C:\Campbellsci\[your data logger software application]). For example: navigate to theC:\Campbellsci\LoggerNet folder and select OneMin.dat.4. Click Open.AustraliaLocation: Phone: Email: Website:Garbutt, QLD Australia 61.7.4401.7700********************.au .auBrazilLocation: Phone: Email: Website:São Paulo, SP Brazil11.3732.3399**********************.br .brCanadaLocation: Phone: Email: Website:Edmonton, AB Canada 780.454.2505************************** www.campbellsci.caChinaLocation: Phone: Email: Website:Beijing, P. R. 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CR1000 数据采集器

CR1000  数据采集器

• 作为数字输入输出通道
输入特性 • H 3.8 to 5.3 VDC • L < -0.3 to 1.2 VDC 输出特性 • H(on) = 5V +/- 0.1V • L (off) = <0.1V • 最大通道电流= 1mA
用于SMD 通讯 字符串传 输 Pakbus协议传 输 文件传输 标准RS232协 议传输
• 冷端温度(Tref) 在Crbasic中,可以用PanelTemp( PTemp, Integ)指令来调用数据采 集器接线面板温度。我们用Ptemp来做冷端温度补偿。
3 2 1 0
a 列1
2 1 0 0 3 6 9 12 15 18 a 阈值,一般 设为峰值的 1/2 0:输出周期 1:输出频率
TCType Tref
• 热电效应(塞贝克效应) 热电偶回路中产生的电势差为:
NA E AB (T , T0 ) (T T0 ) ln e NB

B d T
上式中前一项是由于两种不同材料金属连接时产生的接触电势 差,取决于材料的电子密度;而后一项是因同一种材料的均质导 体两端温度不同时产生的温差电势,即所谓汤姆逊效应。但由于 导体汤姆逊效应引起的电势差甚小,常可忽略。于是当材料 A、B 的特性(NA、NB)为已知时,并使一端温度T0固定,则待测温度 T 是电动势EAB(T,T0)的单值函数。这给工程中用热电偶测量温度 带来极大的方便。
BrHalf( Dest, Reps, Range, SEChan, ExChan, MeasPEx, ExmV, RevE x, SettlingTime, Integ, Mult, Offset )

Barcode 扫描器 模块 用户 手册说明书

Barcode 扫描器 模块 用户 手册说明书

Barcode Scanner ModuleUser ManualThis is a small 1D/2D codes reader, by using the intelligent image recognition algorithm, it will decode the barcode or 2D code on paper or screen, fast and accurately.Through the onboard USB and UART interface, it can be directly plugged into a computer, or be easily integrated to kinds of devices due to its small form factor. FEATURES⚫Easy to use, requires no knowledges of image recognition⚫Decodes various common 1D/2D codes such as Barcode, QR code etc.⚫Onboard micro USB and UART serial port, allows to connect with computers or embedded devices⚫Configurable via scanning 'configuration code'⚫Onboard light source, works in the darkSPECIFICATIONSOverview (1)Features (1)Specifications (2)Support barcodes (5)Scanning Instructions (6)Scanning Area (6)Scanning Way (7)Setting Instruction (9)Hardware connection (9)Setting Codes (9)Setting code (9)Restore Factory Setting (10)Users Default Setting (11)UART Communication (11)USB Communication (12)Scanning Mode (13)Lighting and Targeting (18)Ouput indication (19)Data Edit (23)Barcode types Enable/Diable (34)Appendix A: Default setting table (45)Appendix B: Common UART command (47)Appendix C: CODE ID List (48)Appendix D: ASCII table (49)Appendix E: Data Code (55)Appendix F: Save and Remove (57)✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓SCANNING AREAScanning distance: These values are all be measured indoor (250 lux)The min distance is based on the length of barcode and the scanning angle.If you want to house the scanner with window, please note that:⚫The window should be colorless⚫Check the surface of window carefully, make sure they are clean, smooth and have not scratch.⚫Let the windows cave in the case⚫Paralleling window with scanner without skew. If you locate the window improperly, it will down the scanning performance.⚫The window should close to and be in front of the scanner reader (don’t touch) The distance between window and scanner protect the scanner from drop and crash. SCANNING WAYWhile using the Barcode Scanner Module to scan 1D/2D barcodes, it allows some tilt, skew and pitch. However, you had better to reduce them for better and faster scanning result.TiltYou must keep the barcode inside thearea of white light. If the barcode is inside thescanning area, the tilt angle could be 360°. Toimprove the scanning rate, recommend tokeep vertical scanning.SkewSkew will reduce the width and space of barcode (scanned), it is the threshold dimension of high density barcode. It supports up to 65°. However, you’d better reduce the skew for better and faster scanning.PitchPitch will decrease the height of barcode. 2° to 3° is the best scanning angle, which could avoid the direct reflection of barcode. Barcode Scanner Module supports up to 60° pitch angle. But you should reduce it for better and faster scanning.Setting commands are provided, you could refer to this chapter to configure the Barcode Scanner Module. The factory setting could meet the requirement of common using, users need not more setting.HARDWARE CONNECTIONThis module supports two communicating interfaces. You can connect the USB interface to your device with micro USB cable. Or you can connect the UART interface to your device. If you want to test the UART interface with PC, you require an TTL to USB board like our CP2102 (should be purchased separately).VCC: 5VTx: Transmit Pin (Connect to Rx of MCU/CP2102)Rx: Receive Pin (Connect to Tx of MCU/CP2102)GND: GroundSETTING CODESUsers could scan the setting codes to configure the Barcode Scanner Module SETTING CODEYou can scan these two codes to enable/disable the setting code function. Enable it, you could scan setting codes for configuration. And setting code is invalid if disable.Open/Close:Output content:RESTORE FACTORY SETTINGYou can scan this setting code to restore to factory setting if require.Open Setting Code FunctionClose Setting Code FunctionDon't Output Content ofSetting CodeOutput Content of Setting CodeRestore Factory SettingUSERS DEFAULT SETTINGExcept the factory setting, users can save the setting as user default setting. By scanning the “Save Current Setting as User Default Setting” code, you can save your current setting as default setting. If there was default setting, and this operating will cover the old information.By scann ing the code “Restore User Default Setting” can restore the module to user default setting.UART COMMUNICATIONIf you connect the module to MCU by UART interface. You must set the correct UART communication parameters for success communicating. The default parameters of UART interface of module are that: Baud rate: 9600bps, Data bit: 8, Stop bit: 1 Scanning this setting code, it switches the communication interface to UART.Save Current Setting as UserDefault Setting Restore User Default SettingUART Output1.Baud rate Setting1200bps4800bps*9600bps14400bps19600bps38400bps57600bps115200bps USB COMMUNICATIONB PC KeyboardWhen you connect the module with USB cable, you can set the module to keyboard input mode by scanning this code.USB PC KeyboardB Virtual PortYou can set the module to USB virtual port mode by scanning this code.USB Virtual PortSCANNING MODE1.Manual ModeManual Mode is default scanning mode. In this mode, user should press thebutton to begin scanning, and it will finish after scanned or button release.Manual ModeSleepIn manual mode, module could enter sleep mode if it being idle for some time. You can scan this code to configure this function.Enable Sleep Function Disable Sleep FunctionDefault setting is that the module will enter Sleep mode after 30s if module keeps idle. And you can wake it up by press button, module will restart after waking.2.Continuous ModeIn Continuous Mode, the module will keep scanning automatically. After it success scanning and output result, or reach the timeout of scanning time, the module will begin its next scan after a certain time (configurable). User should single press the button to stop the scanning and single press again to continue.Continuous ModeSingle Scanning TimeIn Continuous Mode, this parameter set the max scanning time for per scanning behavior. If the module success scanning or the its scanning time reach the max1000ms3000ms*5000ms infinitesingle scanning time, module will enter the non-scanning interval. The range of single scanning time should be 0.1~25.5s. If it is set to 0, it means that scanning time is infinite. It is 5.0s by default.It is the interval between two scanning behaviors. That is module will scan nothing after last scanning for this interval time before and begin its next scanning. The setting range of this interval is 0~25.5s. It is 1.0s by default.No Interval500ms*1000ms1500ms2000ms3.Sensing ModeIn Sensing Mode, the module will detect the ambient brightness, if the brightness change, module will begin scanning after an image stabilization time (configurable). After one scanning (success or timeout), module will enter detecting state again after a certain time (configurable). Module will keep this cycle unless: If timeout, module will stop scanning and in detecting state automatically. In Sensing Mode, user could also press the button to scan and module will back to detecting after success scanning or button release.Sensing ModeIn Sensing Mode, this parameter set the max scanning time for per scanning behavior. If the module success scanning or the its scanning time reach the max single scanning time, module will enter the non-scanning interval. The range of single scanning time should be 0.1~25.5s. If it is set to 0, it means that scanning time is infinite. It is 5.0s by default1000ms3000ms*5000ms Infinite Non-Scanning IntervalIt is the interval between scanning and detecting. That is module will scan nothing after last scanning for this interval time before and begin its next detecting. The setting range of this interval is 0~25.5s. It is 1.0s by default.No Interval500ms*1000ms1500ms2000msImage stabilization timeIt is the time for module to stabilizing image if brightness changed is detected in sensing mode. The range is 0~25.5s, and 0.4s by default.100ms*400ms1000ms2000msmand ModeIn command mode, scanner will begin scanning after receive the command from MCU. (That is set bit0 to 1 on address 0x0002).Command ModeNote: The scanning command (UART) is that:7E 00 08 01 00 02 01 AB CD. The scanner module will response bytes (02 00 00 01 00 33 31) for the command and begin scanning at the same time.Single Scanning TimeIn command mode, this parameter set the max scanning time for per scanningbehavior. If the module success scanning or the its scanning time reach the max single scanning time, module will enter the non-scanning interval. The range of single scanning time should be 0.1~25.5s. If it is set to 0, it means that scanning time is infinite. It is 5.0s by default.LIGHTING AND TARGETING1. LightingThe white LED provides light for scanning, to improve the scanning performance and supports weak light environments. It has three states for choice:1000ms 3000ms*5000ms infiniteStandard (default): The LED only turn on when scanning, or it keeps off.Keep lighting: The LED will keep lighting after powering on scanner module No light: The LED is turned off all the time.*Standard Keep lighting No light2.TargetingThe targeting light beam could help user to get the best scanning distance and angle. User can set it:Standard (default): The LED only turn on when scanning, or it keeps off.Keep lighting: The LED will keep lighting after powering on scanner module No targeting: The LED is turned off all the time*Standard keep lighting No targetingOUPUT INDICATION1.All warning tonesYou can set the buzzer to active/passive buzzer, as well as setting the drivingfrequency of passive buzzer.Note:LF: Low frequency;MF: Midium frequency;HF: High frequencyIn active driving mode, user can set the working level of buzzer.User can turn off all the warning tones by use the code “Enable silence”.Driving frequency-Passive LF *Driving frequency-Passive MFDriving frequency-Passive HF Driving frequency-Active*Working level-High Working level-LowEnable silence *Disable Silence2. Scanned toneWith these code, you can set the buzzer behavior when succeed in scanning barcode.The time of the warning tone can also be set, it is default 60ms.3. Decoding promptYou can enable this function for MCU to know whether succeed in decoding. After enable this function, module will send prompt character “F” if it failed decoding and “S” if success.*Open Scanned toneClose Scanned tone*Tone time-60msTone time-30ms Tone time-90msTone time-120ms*Don't output decodingpromptOutput decodingprompt4.Keyboard settingTo compatible with different keyboard layout of different countries. There are keyboard setting code for choosing.*Keyboard-US Keyboard-Czech Keyboard-French Keyboard-German Keyboard-Hungarian Keyboard-ItalianKeyboard-Japanese Keyboard-Spanish5.Image flipSometimes we may need to flip the barcode as belowIf your barcode is flipped, you can use the flip mode.Enter flipped mode*Normal mode6.Read version informationYou can read the version information of module with this setting code.Read version informationDATA EDITSometimes we need to edit the scanned data first before output for easily handling.Data edit includes:⚫Add Prefix⚫Add Suffix⚫Decoding Data intercepting⚫Output CodeID of barcode⚫RF information for failed decoding⚫Add terminator TailThe format of Data is as below after edit:【Prefix】【CodeID】【Data】【Suffix】【Tail】1.PrefixAdd prefixProfix is a definable string added in front of decoding data, user can edit it by scanning the related setting codeAllow prefix adding Without prefix Modify prefixY ou can scan “Modify pr e fix” code and data setting code to modify the pr efix.Every character has two HEX and every prefix should less than 16 characters. The Hex of character refer to Appendix DModify prefixExample: Modify the prefix as “DATA”1)Q uery the character table to get the HEX of “DATA” are that : “44”,“41”,”54”, “41”2)Make sure Setting code is enabled, if no, please scanning the setting code“Open Setting Cod e Function”3)S canning “Modify pr e fix”code4)Scanning the data setting code one by one: “4”, “4”, “4”, “1”,“5”, “4”, “4”, “1”5)S canning “Save” Setting code2.SuffixAdd suffixSuffix is definable string added after decoding information.Allow Suffix Adding*Without Suffix Modify SuffixThe suffix can be modified as same as the Prefix.Modify SuffixExample: Modify the Suffix as “DATA”1)Q uery the character table to get the HEX of “DATA” are that : “44”,“41”,”54”, “41”2)Make sure Setting code is enabled, if no, please scanning the setting code“Open Setting Cod e Function”3)S canning “Modify prefix”code4)Scanning the data setting code one by one: “4”, “4”, “4”, “1”,“5”, “4”, “4”, “1”5)S canning “Save” Setting code3.CODE IDAdd CODE IDUser can use CODE ID to identify different type of barcode. CODE ID is chagnable.Every CODE ID has one character.Allow Adding CODE ID*Without CODE IDDefault CODE IDUsing “Default CODE ID” code, the module will restore all barcode information to default code id. The default setting should refer to Appendix CDefault CODE IDChange CODE IDUser can change the Code ID as they want with related setting codes. Every code id has one character (one HEX value). More details about characters, please refer to Appendix DE xample: change the CODE ID of CODE 128 to “A”1)Query the HEX value of “A” is “41”2)Make sure Setting code is enabled, if no, please scanning the setting code“Open Setting Cod e Function”3)S canning setting code “Modify CODE ID of CODE 128”4)S canning data setting codes “4”, ”1”5)S canning setting code “Save”Change CODE ID ListModify CODE ID of EAN 13Modify CODE ID of EAN8Modify CODE ID of UPCA Modify CODE ID of UPCE0 Modify CODE ID of UPCE1Modify CODE ID of CODE 128 Modify CODE ID of CODE 39Modify CODE ID of CODE 93Modify CODE ID of CODE BAR Modify CODE ID of Interleaved2 of 5Modify CODE ID of Industrial 25Modify CODE ID of Matrix 2 of 5Modify CODE ID of CODE 11Modify CODE ID of MSIModify CODE ID of RSS Modify CODE ID ofLimited RSSModify CODE ID of Expanded RSS Modify CODE ID of QR CODEModify CODE ID of Data Matrix Modify CODE ID of Limited PDF4174. TerminatorScanner will output a terminator after succeed in decoding.5. Data segment interceptThe decoding data 【Data 】could be divided to three parts:【Start 】【Center 】【End 】The length of Start and End segments can be set:Close Tail*Add Tail CRAdd Tail TAB Add Tail CRLF*Send whole Data Only Send Start SegmentOnly Send End SegmentOnly Send CenterSegmentChange the Length M of StartWith data setting code and this one, you can change the length of Start segment.The length of Start is max 255 characters.The Length M is represented by a HEX. More details about HEX refer to Appendix DModify the Length MChange the Length N of EndWith data setting code and this one, you can change the length of End segment.The length of Start is max 255 characters.The Length N is represented by a HEX. More details about HEX refer to Appendix DModify the Length NExamples:⚫D ecoding Data: “1234567890123ABC”, output the first thirteen bytes: “1234567890123”(Only Start)1) Query the characters table to get the HEX value of “13”(DEC) is “0D”2) Make sure the setting code function is enable, if not, open it.3) Scanning “Modify the Length M”4) scanning setting co de: “0”, “D”5) Scanning “Save”6) Scanning “Only Send Start Segment”⚫D ecoding Data: “1234567890123ABC”, output the last three bytes: “ABC”(Only End)1) Query characters table, get the HEX value of “3” (DEC) is “03”2) Make sure the setting code function is enable, if not, open it.3) S canning “Modify the length N”4) Scanning setting code: “0”. “3”5) Scanning “Save”6) Scanning “Only Send End Segment”⚫D ecoding Data: “1234567890123ABC”, output the center four bytes “0123”(Only Center)1) Query characters table, get the HEX value of “10” (DEC) and “3” are “0A”and “03” separately2) Make sure the setting code function is enable, if not, open it.3) Scanning “Modify the Length N”4) Scanning setting code: “0”. “3”5) Scanning “Save”7) Scanning setting code “0”, “A”5) Scanning “Save”6) Scanning “Only Send Center Segment”6.RF InformationRF (Read Fail) information is the that used for indicating failed scanning in some modes.Send RF Information*Without RF Information Modify InformationThe RF information can be modified by users. The max length of RF is 15 and every character represented by two HEX values. (Appendix D)Modify RF InformationE xample: Modify the RF information as “FAIL”1)Query characters table to get the HEX values of “FAIL” are “46”, “41”,“49”, “4C”2)Make sure setting code function is enabled, if not, please enable it.4)S canning data setting code: “4”, “6”, “4”, “1”, “4”, “9”, “4”,“C”5)S canning “Save”BARCODE TYPES ENABLE/DIABLE1.All Types EnableWith these setting code, you can enable/disable all types of barcode. If you disable all types of barcode, only the setting code is scannable.Enable All Types Disable All Types*Enable Default Types2.Barcode RotatingYou can enable the function that supports 360° rotation. Disable this function can improve decoding speed.*Enable 360°Rotation Disable 360°Rotation 3.EAN13Enable/Disable ENA13 barcode*Enable Scanning EAN13 Disable Scanning EAN13 4.EAN8Enable/Disable EAN9 barcode*Enable Scanning EAN8Disable Scanning EAN8 5.UPCAEnable/Disable UPCA barcode*Enable Scanning UPCA Disable Scanning UPCA6. UPCE0Enable/Disable UPCE0 barcode7. UPCE1Enable/Disable UPCE1 barcode8. Code128Enable/Disable Code128 barcodeSetting the Min Scannable Length of Code128:*Enable Scanning UPCE0Disable Scanning UPCE0*Enable Scanning UPCE1Disable Scanning UPCE1*Enable Scanning Code128Disable Scanning Code128Code128 Min Length 0 *Code128 Min Length 4Setting the Max scannable length of Code128:*Code128 Max Length 32Code128 Max Length 255 9.Code 39Enable/Disable Code39*Enable Scanning Code39Disable Scanning Code39 Setting the Min scannable length of Code39:Code39 Min Length 0*Code39 Min Length 4 Setting the Max Scannable length of Code39:*Code39 Max Length 32Code39 Max Length 255 10.Code93Enable/Disable Code93 barcode*Enable Scanning Code93Disable Scanning Code93 Setting the Min scannable length of Code93:Code93 Min Length 0*Code93 Min Length 4 Setting the Max scannable length of Code93:*Code93 Max Length 32Code93 Max Length 255 11.Code BarEnable/Disable Code Bar barcode*Enable Scanning Code Bar Disable Scanning Code BarSetting Start/Stop characters of Code Bar:Setting the min scannable length of Bar CodeSetting the max scannable length of Bar Code12. QREnable/Disable QR code13. Interleaved 2 of 5Enable/Disable Interleaved 2 of 5 codeSend Code Bar Start/StopCharacter*Without Code Bar Start/StopCharacterCode Bar Min Length 0*Code Bar Min Length 4*Code Bar Max Length 32 Code Bar Max Length 255*Enable Scanning QRDisable Scanning QREnable Scanning Interleaved 2 of 5*Disable Scanning Interleaved 2 of 5 Setting the min scannable length of Interleaved 2 of 5 code:Interleaved 2 of 5 Min Lenght 0* Interleaved 2 of 5 Max Length 4 Setting the max scannable length of interleaved 2 of 5 code:* Interleaved 2 of 5 Min Length 32Interleaved 2 of 5 Max Length 255 14.Industrial 25Enable/Disable Industrial 25 codeEnable Scanning Industrial 25*Disable Scanning Industrial 25 Setting the min scannable length of Industrial 25Industrial 25 Min Lenght 0* Industrial 25 max Length 4 Setting the max scannable length of Industrial 25:* Industrial 25 Max Lenght 32Industrial 25 Max Length 255 15.Matrix 2 of 5Enable/Disable scanning Matrix 2 of 5 code:Enable Scanning Matrix 2 of 5*Disable Scanning Matrix 2 of 5 Setting the min scannable length of Matrix 2 of 5Matrix 2 of 5 Min Length 0* Matrix 2 of 5 Min Length 4Setting the max scannable length of Matrix 2 of 5* Matrix 2 of 5 Max Length 32Matrix 2 of 5 Max Length 255 16.Code11Enable/Disable Scanning Code11Enable Scanning Code11*Disable Scanning Code11 Setting the min scannable length of Code11:Code11 Min Length 0*Code11 Min Length 4 Setting the max scannable length of Code11:*Code11 Max Length 32Code11 Max Length 25517. MSIEnable/Disable scanning MSI codeSetting the min scannable length of MSI:Setting the max scannable length of MSI:18. RSSEnable/Disable scanning RSS-14Enable Scanning MSI*Disable Scannig MSIMSI Min Length 0*MSI Min Length 4* MSI Max Length 32 MSI Max Length 255Enable Scanning RSS-14*Disable Scanning RSS-14Enable/Disable scanning Limited RSSEnable Scanning Limited RSS*Disable Scanning Limited RSS Enable/Disable scanning Expanded RSSEnable Scanning Expanded RSS*Disable Scanning Expanded RSS Setting the min scannable length of RSSRSS Min Length 0*RSS Min Length 4 Setting the max scannable length of RSS* RSS Max Length 32RSS Max Length 255 19.DMEnable/Disable Scanning DM code20.PDF417Enable/Disable scanning PDF417 code:APPENDIX A: DEFAULT SETTING TABLEParameters Default Setting Note Communicating InterfaceUARTBaud rate 9600Parity NoneData bit 8Stop bit 1Flow control None*Enable Scanning DM Disable Scanning DM *Enable Scanning PDF417Disable Scanning PDF417APPENDIX B: COMMON UART COMMANDAfter sending the query command of baud rate, the module will response as below:Note: SS SS is checksumAPPENDIX C: CODE ID LISTAPPENDIX D: ASCII TABLE。

CR1500 条码扫描器说明书

CR1500 条码扫描器说明书

Configuration barcodes generated based on current firmware versionsTable of ContentsA4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Enable Cell Phone Reading Enhancement Disable Cell Phone Reading Enhancement - Default Set Motion Detect Maximum Brightness to 25%Set Motion Detect MaximumBrightness to 50%Set Motion Detect Maximum Brightness to 75%Set Motion Detect Maximum Brightness to 100% - Default Enable Target LED During Image Capture - DefaultDisable Target LED DuringImage Capture Motion Detection On In Stand -Default Enable Stand Detection -Default Reader Text Commands Off -DefaultReader Text Commands On Beep On Vibrate On - Default Beep Off Vibrate On Beep On Vibrate OffA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Beep Volume 33%Beep Volume 67%Beep Volume 100% - Default Intentionally BlankDisable Data Formatting -Default Prefix Comma Prefix SpaceData Formatting(Prefix/Suffix) SettingsPrefix Tab (USB Keyboard Mode Prefix Tab (RS232 Mode Only)Erase Prefix Data Suffix CommaSuffix Space Suffix Enter (USB KeyboardMode Only) - Default Suffix Tab (USB Keyboard Mode Only)Suffix Tab (RS232 Mode Only)A1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Convert Barcode Data toUppercase Convert Barcode Data to Lowercase Convert Barcode Data to Bracketed Hex Output Erase Prefix & Suffix DataPrefix AIM ID Off - Default Prefix AIM ID On Australian Post OnSymbology SettingsAustralian Post Off - Default Aztec On - Default Aztec Inverse & Normal OnAztec Inverse Off - Default Enable BC412 - Disable BC412Reverse Disable BC412 Regular and Reverse - Default Canada Post OnA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Codabar Off Codabar Checksum OnCodabar Checksum Off -Default Remove Codabar Start andStop DelimitersKeep Codabar Start and StopDelimiters - DefaultCodablock F On Codablock F Off - DefaultCode 11 Checksum Strippedfrom Result OnCode 11 Checksum Stripped from Result Off - DefaultCode 11 On Code 11 Off - Default Code 11 One Digit ChecksumCode 11 Disable ChecksumChecking - Default Code 11 Two Digit Checksum -DefaultCode 49 On Code 49 Off - DefaultA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Code 39 On - Default Code 39 Off Code 39 Checksum OnCode 39 Checksum Off -DefaultCode 39 Checksum Strippedfrom Result OnCode 93 On - Default Code 93 Off Composite OnComposite Off - Default Data Matrix On - Default Data Matrix Off Data Matrix Mirror OnData Matrix Mirror Off -Default Data Matrix Inverse and Normal On - DefaultData Matrix Inverse OffData Matrix Rectangular On -DefaultA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Grid Matrix Off - Default GS1 DataBar On - Default GS1 DataBar Off Han Xin OnHan Xin Off - Default Han Xin Mirror On Han Xin Mirror Off - Default Han Xin Inverse OnHan Xin Inverse Off - Default Hong Kong 2 of 5 OnHong Kong 2 of 5 Off -Default Interleaved 2 of 5 On -DefaultInterleaved 2 of 5 OffInterleaved 2 of 5 ChecksumOn Interleaved 2 of 5 ChecksumOff - Default Interleaved 2 of 5 Checksum Stripped from Result OnA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4KIX (Dutch Post) Off - Default Korean Post On Korean Post Off - Default Matrix 2 of 5 OnMatrix 2 of 5 Off - Default Maxicode On Maxicode Off - Default Micro PDF417 OnMicro PDF417 Off - Default Micro QR Code On Micro QR Code Off - Default Mode 1 QR Code OnMode 1 QR Code Off - DefaultMSI Plessey Checksum MustBe Mod 10MSI Plessey Checksum Off -Default MSI Plessey Checksum Strippedfrom Result OnA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4MSI Plessey Off - DefaultNEC 2 of 5 Checksum On -DefaultNEC 2 of 5 Checksum Off NEC 2 of 5 OnNEC 2 of 5 Off - Default PDF417 On - Default PDF417 Off Pharmacode OnPharmacode Off - DefaultPharmacode Normal Barcode Decoding (Left to Right) -DefaultPharmacode Reverse Barcode Decoding (Right to Left)QR Code On - DefaultQR Code OffQR Code Standard Only -DefaultQR Code Mirror On QR Code Mirror Off - DefaultA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Output Telepen as Numeric -DefaultOutput Telepen as ASCII Trioptic On Trioptic Off - DefaultReverse Trioptic On Reverse Trioptic Off - DefaultKeep Trioptic Start and StopDelimiters Remove Trioptic Start and StopDelimiters - DefaultStraight 2 of 5 Off - Default Straight 2 of 5 On UK Plessey On UK Plessey Off - DefaultUK Royal Mail On UK Royal Mail Off - Default UPC/EAN On - Default UPC/EAN OffA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Convert UPC-A to EAN-13Do Not Convert UPC-A toEAN-13 - DefaultTransmit UPC-A Check DigitDo Not Transmit UPC-A CheckDigit - DefaultTransmit UPC-A Number System Do Not Transmit UPC-A Number System - Default Do Not Transmit UPC-E Check Digit - DefaultTransmit UPC-E Number SystemDo Not Transmit UPC-E NumberSystem - DefaultConvert EAN-8 to EAN-13Do Not Convert EAN-8 toEAN-13 - DefaultTransmit UPC-E Check DigitConvert Bookland EAN-13 toISBN Do Not Convert Bookland EAN-13 to ISBN - Default Convert Bookland EAN-13 toISSN Do Not Convert Bookland EAN-13 to ISSN - DefaultA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4UPU ID Tags On UPU ID Tags Off - Default USPS Intelligent Mail OnUSPS Intelligent Mail Off -DefaultUSPS Planet On USPS Planet Off - Default USPS Postnet On USPS Postnet Off - DefaultEnable GS1 DataBar Limited -DefaultDisable GS1 DataBar LimitedEnable GS1 DataBar ExpandedStacked - Default Disable GS1 DataBar ExpandedStackedEnable GS1 DataBar Expanded-DefaultDisable GS1 DataBar ExpandedEnable GS1 DataBar Stacked and GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional - Default Disable GS1 DataBar Stacked and GS1 DataBar StackedOmnidirectionalA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4BC412 Off - DefaultDisable GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional and GS1DataBar TruncatedGrid Matrix Mirror Off - Default Royal Mail Checksum OnRoyal Mail Checksum Off Pharmacode Color On Pharmacode Color Off - Default Custom QR Code OnCustom QR Code Off - DefaultHan Xin Normal and InverseOnAztec Mirror On Aztec Mirror Off - Default460Code 39 Extended Full ASCIIOff - Default Code 39 Extended Full ASCIIOn Enable GoCode & GoCodeMirror DecodingIntentionally BlankA4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Get Active LanguageKeyboard Support: US English Keyboard Mapping for Windows-DefaultKeyboard Support: English Keyboard Mapping for AppleKeyboard Support: French-Belgian Keyboard Mapping forWindowsKeyboard Support: French Keyboard Mapping for Windows Keyboard Support: French Keyboard Mapping for Apple Keyboard Support: German Keyboard Mapping for AppleKeyboard Support: German Keyboard Mapping for WindowsKeyboard Support: German-Swiss Keyboard Mapping forAppleKeyboard Support: German-Swiss Keyboard Mapping for Windows Keyboard Support: Italian Keyboard Mapping for AppleKeyboard Support: Japanese Keyboard Mapping for Windows Keyboard Support: Russian Keyboard Mapping for Windows Keyboard Support: Spanish-Latin American Keyboard Mapping for WindowsKeyboard Support: Spanish Keyboard Mapping for WindowsA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Data Encoding: UTF8 to Unicode Codepoint - Alt Sequences for Windows Data Encoding: ASCII to Unicode Codepoint - Alt Sequences for Windows Control Character Input -Language Default - Default -DefaultControl Character Input - Ctrl+CharacterControl Character Input - Alt+Keypad Control Character Input -Alt +Leading Zero Alternate Operating System(Linux/Mac) OnOperating SystemSettingsAlternate Operating System (Linux/Mac) Off - DefaultUSB Keyboard Mode - DefaultUSB SettingsEnable HID POS Mode Enable USB VCOM modeEnable USB OPOS/JPOS Mode-DefaultA1A4A2B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4RS232 Interface - 1200 BaudRate RS232 Interface - 2400 BaudRate RS232 Interface - 9600 BaudRateRS232 Interface - 19200 BaudRate RS232 Interface - 38400 BaudRate RS232 Interface - 57600 Baud Rate RS232 Interface - 115200 BaudRate - DefaultRS232 Interface - 7 Data BitsRS232 Interface - 8 Data Bits -Default RS232 Interface - 1 Stop Bit -DefaultRS232 Interface - 2 Stop BitsRS232 Interface - Even Parity RS232 Interface - No Parity RS232 Interface - Odd ParityRS232 Interface Flow ControlOnA1A4A2A3B1B2B3C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Enable RS232 OPOS/JPOS Mode-Default Enable RS232 Interface FlowControl - One-Way Disable Duplicate Scan Delay -DefaultScan Delay Settings1 Second Duplicate Scan Delay2 Second Duplicate Scan Delay 5 Second Duplicate Scan Delay10 Second Duplicate ScanDelay 30 Second Duplicate ScanDelay1 Hour Duplicate Scan Delay 1 Day Duplicate Scan DelayEnable Upload Image ModeDisable Upload Image Mode -DefaultIntentionally BlankMiscellaneous SettingsA4A2B1B2C1C4C2C3D1D4D2D3E1E4E2E3B4Reboot Reader Enable Verifone (Ruby) DefaultsEnable Gilbarco Disable Gilbarco - Default Disable NCR - DefaultEnable NCR2Disable NCR2 - Default Disable WINCNIX - Default Enable WINCNIXEnable UDI/HIBC Validation Enable ISO15434 ValidationEnable ISO15434 & ISO15418ValidationData Validation。

新大陆 NLS-HR1000-70 手持式条码扫描器 用户手册说明书

新大陆 NLS-HR1000-70 手持式条码扫描器 用户手册说明书

NLS-HR1000-70 手持式条码扫描器用户手册免责声明请您在使用本手册描述的产品前仔细阅读手册的所有内容,以保障产品的安全有效地使用。








版本记录版本号版本描述发布日期V1.0 初始版本。

2014-09-03目录版本记录 ....................................................................................................................................................................... - 3 -前言 (1)简介 (1)章节纲要 (1)第一章认识HR1000扫描器 (2)简介 (2)打开包装 (2)HR1000扫描器外观 (2)数据接口 (2)连接HR1000至主机 (4)用USB数据线连接 (5)用RS-232数据线连接 (5)用PS/2数据线连接 (6)移除通讯数据线 (7)开机、休眠、关机、重启 (7)维护与保养 (7)HR1000扫描器外观尺寸(单位:mm) (8)左视图 (8)正视图 (8)俯视图 (8)读码 (8)第二章系统设置 (11)简介 (11)使用条码设置HR1000 (11)使用串口指令设置HR1000 (11)读寄存器指令 (12)写寄存器指令 (14)EEPROM写使能开启/关闭命令 (17)EEPROM进行写命令 (18)EEPROM进行读命令 (21)寄存器列表 (24)开启/关闭设置码 (41)发送设置码内容 (41)恢复出厂默认 (42)识读模式 (43)手动识读模式 (43)连续识读模式 (44)感应识读模式 (47)命令触发识读模式 (51)安全级别设置 (52)识读成功提示音 (53)提示音频率 (54)提示音持续时间 (54)解码状态提示符 (55)其他设置 (56)静音设置 (56)照明设置 (56)第三章通讯设置 (57)简介 (57)串口通讯设置 (57)波特率 (58)校验 (59)停止位 (59)数据位 (60)USB通讯设置 (62)USB HID-KBW (62)标准键盘输入模式 (63)键盘仿真输入字符模式 (63)键盘仿真输入控制字符模式 (64)键盘仿真输入控制字符对应表 (65)国家/语言键盘布局选择 (66)键间延时设定 (68)强制字母大小写转换 (70)模拟数字小键盘 (71)USB COM Port Emulation (72)USB DataPipe (73)HID-POS (74)软件编程访问设备的方法 (75)获取扫描数据 (75)VID/PID表 (75)PS/2通讯设置 (75)第四章数据编辑 (77)简介 (77)前缀顺序设置 (77)自定义前缀 (78)禁止或允许添加自定义前缀 (78)设置自定义前缀 (78)AIM ID前缀 (79)CODE ID前缀 (80)Code ID出厂默认值 (80)修改Code ID (80)自定义后缀 (84)禁止或允许添加自定义后缀 (84)设置自定义后缀 (85)结束符后缀 (86)禁止或允许添加结束符后缀 (86)设置结束符后缀 (87)第五章条码参数设置 (88)简介 (88)全局设置 (88)允许/禁止识读所有条码 (88)Code 128 (89)恢复出厂默认值 (89)允许/禁止识读Code 128 (89)设置读码长度限制 (90)UCC/EAN-128 (91)恢复出厂默认值 (91)允许/禁止识读UCC/EAN-128 (91)设置读码长度限制 (92)AIM 128 (93)恢复出厂默认值 (93)允许/禁止识读AIM 128 (93)设置读码长度限制 (94)EAN-8 (95)恢复出厂默认值 (95)允许/禁止识读EAN-8 (95)设置是否发送校验位 (95)设置是否允许识读附加码 (96)设置是否必须有附加码 (97)扩展设置 (97)EAN-13 (98)恢复出厂默认值 (98)允许/禁止识读EAN-13 (98)设置是否发送校验位 (98)设置是否允许识读附加码 (99)设置是否必须有附加码 (100)ISSN (101)恢复出厂默认值 (101)允许/禁止识读ISSN (101)ISBN (102)恢复出厂默认值 (102)允许/禁止识读ISBN (102)ISBN数据位设置 (103)UPC-E (104)恢复出厂默认值 (104)允许/禁止识读UPC-E (104)设置是否发送校验位 (104)设置是否允许识读附加码 (105)设置是否必须有附加码 (106)设置是否发送系统字符 (106)扩展设置 (107)UPC-A (108)恢复出厂默认值 (108)允许/禁止识读UPC-A (108)设置是否发送校验位 (109)前缀字符发送设置 (109)设置是否允许识读附加码 (110)设置是否必须有附加码 (111)Interleaved 2 of 5 (112)恢复出厂默认值 (112)允许/禁止识读Interleaved 2 of 5 (112)校验设置 (113)设置读码长度限制 (114)ITF-6 (115)恢复出厂默认值 (115)允许/禁止识读ITF-6 (115)ITF-14 (115)恢复出厂默认值 (115)允许/禁止识读ITF-14 (115)Deutsche 14 (116)恢复出厂默认值 (116)允许/禁止识读Deutsche 14 (116)Deutsche 12 (117)恢复出厂默认值 (117)允许/禁止识读Deutsche 12 (117)Matrix 2 of 5 (European Matrix 2 of 5) (117)恢复出厂默认值 (117)允许/禁止识读Matrix 2 of 5 (117)校验设置 (119)设置读码长度限制 (120)Industrial 25 (121)恢复出厂默认值 (121)允许/禁止识读Industrial 25 (121)校验设置 (122)设置读码长度限制 (123)Standard 25 (124)恢复出厂默认值 (124)允许/禁止识读Standard 25 (124)校验设置 (125)设置读码长度限制 (126)Code 39 (127)恢复出厂默认值 (127)允许/禁止识读Code 39 (127)校验设置 (128)设置是否发送起始符和终止符 (129)Full ASCII支持 (129)设置读码长度限制 (130)Codabar (131)恢复出厂默认值 (131)允许/禁止识读Codabar (131)校验设置 (132)起始符和终止符设置 (133)设置读码长度限制 (134)Code 93 (135)恢复出厂默认值 (135)允许/禁止识读Code 93 (135)校验设置 (136)设置读码长度限制 (137)Code 11 (138)恢复出厂默认值 (138)允许/禁止识读Code 11 (138)校验设置 (139)设置读码长度限制 (140)Plessey (141)恢复出厂默认值 (141)允许/禁止识读Plessey (141)校验设置 (142)设置读码长度限制 (143)MSI-Plessey (144)恢复出厂默认值 (144)允许/禁止识读MSI-Plessey (144)校验设置 (145)设置读码长度限制 (146)RSS-14 (147)恢复出厂默认值 (147)允许/禁止识读RSS-14 (147)设置是否发送AI字符 (147)RSS-Limited (148)恢复出厂默认值 (148)允许/禁止识读RSS-Limited (148)设置是否发送AI字符 (148)RSS-Expand (149)恢复出厂默认值 (149)允许/禁止识读RSS-Expand (149)附录 (150)默认设置表 (150)AIM ID列表 (156)Code ID列表 (158)ASCII码表 (159)数据码 (162)保存或取消 (165)F1~F12 (166)简介本手册主要向用户介绍NLS-HR1000-70手持式条码扫描器(以下简称“HR1000扫描器”或“扫描器”)的使用方法。

二维扫描枪 用户设置手册说明书

二维扫描枪 用户设置手册说明书

二维扫描枪用户设置手册2D Area Image Barcode ScannerUser’s ManualVer:2.3外观及功能/Appearance and function通讯接口/Communication interface:二维码扫描枪通过USB通讯。

/The communication interface of the reader is USB.读码/Reading:1、确保二维码扫描枪已经正确连接主机。

/To ensure that the reader has the right to connect the host2、按住触发键不放,照明灯和瞄准灯被激活,出现红色瞄准线和白色照明区域。



Hold down the trigger button to activate the red line and the white light area.The lighting area is used to illuminate the barcode,the line of sight is used to locate,help you find the best reading distance.Keep red aiming line in the center of a bar code。


/On a successful reading,there’ll be a beep sound,illumination&aiming patterns die out.The reader then transmits barcode message to the Host.注意:在识读过程中,对同一批次的条码,您会找到一段距离内读码成功率都很高。









低价CCD一般是5 口像素(pixel ),识读EAN UPC等商业码已经足够,对于别的码制识读就会困难一些。

中档CCD以1024pixel为多,有些甚至达到2048pixe1,能分辨最窄单位元素为0.1m m的条码。

二、激光手持式扫描器是利用激光二极管作为光源的单线式扫描器,它主要有转镜式和颤镜式两种转镜式的代表品牌是ACAN 8500它是采用高速马达带动一个棱镜组旋转,使二极管发出的单点激光变成一线。


个别型号,如OPTICON可以达到100次/秒,其代表品牌为Symbol, PSC 和OPTICON最具有代表性的是SYMBOL 2208商业企业在选择激光扫描器时,最重要的是注意扫描速度和分辨率,而景深并不是关键因素。




CR1000 数据采集器PPT课件

CR1000  数据采集器PPT课件

VoltSE( Dest, Reps, Range, SEChan, MeasOff, SettlingTime, Integ, Mult, Offset )
Variable The number voltage channel measure
range for number the
store the repetitions measure of
results for the
measrue voltage
CR1000 Range
Range +/- 5000 +/- 2500 +/- 250 +/- 25 +/- 7.5 +/- 2.5
(4)在热电偶中插入第三种材料,只要插入材料两端的温 度相同,对热电偶的总热电势没有影响。这一定律称之为 中间导体定律。
TCDiff( Dest, Reps, Range, DiffChan, TCType, TRef, RevDiff, SettlingTime, Integ, Mult, Offset )
whether the excitation should be reversed
这个选项的目的是 消除系统误差。 系统误差是由一些固有的因素(如测量方法的缺
陷)产生的, 理论上总是可以通过一定的手段来消除。如天平的两臂应是等长的,
Basic Resolution (uV) 1330 667 66.7 6.7 2 0.67

DATALOGIC GBT4400二维条码扫描枪

DATALOGIC GBT4400二维条码扫描枪

DATALOGIC GBT4400二维条码扫描枪的概述
1、DATALOGIC GBT4400 2D扫描器融合了先进的读 取技术,可检测操作员的自然动作,以提供用户友好 的功能和杰出的性能。设备轻巧、舒适,其稳定、微 暗、深红色的照明灯与其他带闪光灯的同类产品相比, 对眼睛的刺激更小,更感舒适,即使是使用了很长一 段时间。高能见度的4点瞄准器能清晰地界定扫描器 的识读区域,而中心的定位十字可方便在扫描表单或 带多个条码的产品时对准目标。
DATALOGIC GBT4400二维条码扫描枪的规格参数
电器 基座LED指示灯:充电完成(绿); 电池充电中(红); 电源/数据传输(黄) 电池:充电时间: 外部供电: 4小时 @ 12 VDC 每次充电阅读器数量: 50,000; 电池类型:Lithium-Ion, 2100 mAh 电流:充电中(标称): < 8 W; 工作状态(标称): <2.5 W @ 5 VDC; 待机/空闲(标称): < 2.5 mA @ 5 VDC 输入电压:4.5 - 14.0 VDC 环境 ESD静电保护(空中放电):16 kV 抗跌落:可承受多次从1.8米/5.9英尺跌落水泥地的撞击 温度:储藏/运输: -20 至 70 °C / -4 至 158 °F 工作状态: 0 至 50 °C / 32 至 122 °F 湿度(非冷凝):0 - 95% 环境光:0 - 100,000 lux 防水和防尘密封:IP52 接口 接口:RS-232 / IBM 46XX / USB Multi-Interface;RS-232 / USB / Keyboard Wedge / Wand Multi-Interface
DATALOGIC GBT4400二维条码扫描枪的规格参数


Symbol、Spectrum One 和 Spectrum24 是 Symbol Technologies, Inc. 的注册商标, Bluetooth 是 Bluetooth SIG 的注册商标。Microsoft、 Windows 和 ActiveSync 是 Microsoft Corporation 的注册商标或商标。本手册中提到的其它产品名称分别是其各自所属公司的商 标或注册商标,此处已一并澄清。
安装主电池 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-6 安装锂电池 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1-6 安装 AAA 电池 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-7 电池充电 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-8 启动移动数据采集终端. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 唤醒移动数据采集终端. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-9 取出锂电池 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10 取出 AAA 电池 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-10下面列出了对Fra bibliotek册初稿所作的更改:




2、条码扫描器和条码间的角度不能为 90 度,否则不能正常读码。



本产品提供完整的接口方式以适应各类主机的计算机系统包括:KeyboardWandRS-232Dual RS-232USB OTHERS所有译码器的参数设定都可通条码的扫描来完成,并保存在存储记忆体中,在关闭电源后仍保留设置。



目录自动感应条码扫描器使用说明 (4)扫描功能 (5)输出模式 (5)蜂鸣器 (5)条码正反图像设定 (6)添加条码ID(条码辨别号) (6)条码读取触发模式 (6)键盘接口 (7)PC传输模式 (7)键盘传送速度 (7)世界各国键盘语言 (7)RS-232接口 (8)波特率 (8)握手协议 (8)数据位 (9)停止位 (9)校验位 (9)光笔接口 (10)传送速度 (10)条码正反图像设定 (10)条形码开启与关闭 (10)Code11 (10)Code39 (10)Code93 (11)Code128 (11)Code bar (11)交叉25码 (11)工业25码 (11)MSI/Plessey (12)UPC/EAN (12)条形码符号设定 (13)Code11 (13)Code39 (13)Code93 (14)Code128 (14)Code bar (14)交叉25码 (15)工业25码 (15)MSI/Plessey (16)UPC/EAN (16)编辑设定条形码 (19)条码字符一般/特别设定 (20)条形码末端字符设定 (21)使用高级设定模式设置条码阅读器 (22)设置种类 (23)编辑键值 (24)选项编号和描述 (25)F1-接口选项 (25)F2-Code39选项 (25)F2-UPC/EAN选项 (26)F2-UPC/EAN补充选项 (26)F2-Code93选项 (27)F2-Code128选项 (27)F2-CodeBar选项 (27)F2-交叉25码选项 (28)F2-工业25码选项 (28)F2-MSI选项 (28)F2-Code11选项 (29)F2-激光器/CCD选项 (29)F2-其它译码选项 (29)F2-定义蜂鸣器和LED选项 (29)F4-定义一般按键区表选项 (30)F3-条码编辑设定 (31)F4-格式组合设定码 (32)F5-字符串设定码 (33)附录-A 特殊字符和ALT组合键表格 (34)附录-B ALT组合键的表格 (35)附录-C 故障问题及解决方案 (36)自动感应条码扫描器使用说明:1、自动感应条码扫描器通电时默认为自动感应模式。


扫描枪配USB电缆线一条,其与设备连接示意图见上图。 注意:主机可通过USB电缆给扫描枪提供充电电源。 同时也可当做有线传输。其安装方法如下:
1.将电缆线正方形USB头的一段接扫描枪的尾部。 2.将另一端与设备的USB接口相连。 3.本扫描枪具有无线传输模式和USB有线传输两种模式,按
C : 扫描退出模式条码
休眠时间5分钟 立即休眠
B : 选择所需要的键盘语言
英语 西班牙语
德语 意大利语
法语 日语
C : 扫描退出模式条码
B : 选择所需要开启/关闭声音或震动条码
震动关闭(选配) C : 扫描退出模式条码
B : 选择休眠时间间隔条码
有线无线双模自由切换 与各类PC一键匹配 室外200米可视传输距离(2.4G传输功能) 大容量储存器,安全可靠 离线扫描可储存条码超过50000条 支持普通模式、盘点模式并可自由切换 支持Windows XP、Win7、Win8、Win10、系统PC机。 Android设备、IOS设备 独有的电源管理系统,超长时间待机 丰富的解码种类 采用进口按键,寿命长,手感好



一、概述自动气象站采用的LoggerNet软件是Campbell 公司开发的一种集通讯和数据采集于一体的应用软件,运行在Windows95,98,Windows NT 4.0、Windows 2000或Windows XP环境下的应用软件。









设置Setup窗口的步骤如下:2.1.1点击“AddRoot”按钮,弹出Add窗口2.1.2选择添加“ComPort”,弹出此时选择PakBusPort(Other Logger)选项弹出选择CR1000选项然后点击Close按钮,Setup窗口变为点击Setup窗口下面的Apply按钮,再在窗口左侧的导航栏里选择CR1000,单击窗口右面的“Data Files”标签页,出现如图所示的画面。

将CR1000与电脑连接好再点击标签页下面的Get Table Definitions按钮得到采集器的数据表定义。

再在标签页左边数据表栏中选择数据表(注:数据表名在编写程序里命名)此时在标签页的“Output File Name”下面的文本框显示为采集数据路径和名,其路径和名可以更改,点击文本框右面的按钮,在弹出的Windows“另存为”对话框内选择存储路径和文件名。



USB-COM, RS232 serial port baud rate Settings
Suffix setting
CR & LF None
Note:Baud Rate must be same between barcode scanner and serial port APP Eg:Barcode Scanner default Baud Rate is 9600, the APP must choose same Baud Rate 9600
Scan mode
Continuous Auto-Flashing
Auto-sense mode
Disable OFF
Image Inverted
Keyboard language
Prefix F7 before all barcodes
Error Rate Less than 1/5 million
Cable Length 2M
Drop/Shock Resistance
Operating Temperature
Storage Temperature
Relative Humidity


开始按钮 ........................................................................... 2-7 输入信息 ............................................................................... 2-8
Chapter 1: 使用入门 简介 ................................................................................... 1-1 拆开移动式电脑的包装 ................................................................... 1-1 附件 ................................................................................... 1-2 部件 ................................................................................... 1-3 使用入门 ............................................................................... 1-4 安装主电池 ......................................................................... 1-4 安装锂电池 ......................................................................... 1-4 安装 AAA 电池 ...................................................................... 1-5 电池充电 ............................................................................... 1-6 启动移动式电脑 ......................................................................... 1-7 唤醒移动式电脑 ......................................................................... 1-7 取出锂电池 ............................................................................. 1-7 取出 AAA 电池 .......................................................................... 1-8 备用电池充电 ........................................................................... 1-8 SD 存储卡 .............................................................................. 1-9 手提带 ................................................................................. 1-10 皮带拉手 ............................................................................... 1-11





CR1000数据采集器的扫描速率能够达到100Hz,拥有模拟输入、脉冲计数、电压激发转换、数字等多个端口,外围接口有CS I/O、RS-232以及SDM等,采用12VDC外接可充电电池供电。




标准的CR1000数据采集器包含4M的数据和程序存储空间,可通过外接存储模块和CF 存储卡来实现大容量数据存储。






特点:※数据以表格形式存储※PakBus® 操作系统※软件支持:LoggerNet3.4/4.0,PC4001.2,或者ShortCut2.2※支持 CR1000KD手持式显示器(选配),读数方便※CSI/O和RS-232串行接口※内部温度补偿,实时时钟,超时和温度变化实时校准※当CR1000从主电源上分离后,使用内部锂电池支持SRAM存储和时钟以确保数据、程序和精确的时间※具有强大的网络通讯能力技术参数:最大扫描速率:100Hz模拟输入:16个单端通道(8个差分)脉冲通道:2个工作温度: -25~50℃(标准),-55℃~85℃(扩展) 内存:标准为4M内存,可扩展至2G供电电压:9~16VDCA/D转换:13bit微型控制器:16-bit H8S Hitachi,32-bit内部CPU。



1、霍尼韦尔19GSR车管所二维条码扫描枪的定制传感器,为实现条码扫 描功能而优化,可提高扫描的灵敏性。通过确保供应链的稳定性来保护 投资。 2、霍尼韦尔19GSR车管所二维条码扫描枪多种扫描聚焦可选,根据实际 应用有三种扫描聚焦选项(高密度、标准距离和长距离),提高生产力。 3、霍尼韦尔19GSR车管所二维条码扫描枪的可消毒机身外壳,牢固的外 壳构造可抵抗刺激性化学物质的侵蚀,保护最终用户的投资。 4、霍尼韦尔19GSR车管所二维条码扫描枪尖端的图像处理软件,通过提 供先进的编辑功能一剪切、提亮、旋转、锐化及其他功能一来获得高品 质的数码图像。
电学参数 输入电压:4VDC至5.5VDC 工作功率:2.3W(450mA@5VDC) 待机功率:O.45W(90mA@5VDC) 主机系统接口:USB接口、键盘口、RS232、IBM 46xx(RS485) 环境参数 工作温度:0℃一50℃ 存储温度:-40℃一70℃ 湿度:O%至95%相对湿度,无冷凝 抗摔强度:可承受50次1.8m的反复跌落(至混凝土地面) 棘轮式支架:每面可承受50次1.2m跌落(至混凝土地面) 工业等级:IP41 光照等级:O至100,000 lux(9290英尺烛光)
霍尼韦尔19GSR车管所 二维条码扫描枪
Hale Waihona Puke 类型:车管所机动车合格证二维扫描枪
扫描枪体积(长×宽×高):104×71×160毫 米 重量:147克





一维条码二维条码1.3条码的码制一维条码:UPC-A,UPC-E,EAN-13,EAN-8,ISBN/ISSN,39 码,39 码(ASCII 全码),交叉25 码,工业25 码,矩阵25 码,库德巴码,128 码,93 码,11 码,MSI/Plessey,UK/Plessey,中国邮政码,GS1 Data系列二维条码:PDF417,QR Code,Data Matrix,Maxicode等二、条码的识读设备2.1条码识读设备的主要工作指标:(1)支持条码类型。






(9)误码率等等2.2 种类及其优特点按读码原理分类类型价格读码速度景深扫描精度支持条码类型虹光条码扫描器低高短5mil以上一维码激光条码条码扫描器中高长可以小于3mil 一维码影像式条码阅读器高较低短5mil以上一维和二维码虹光枪激光条码枪影像式条码枪按功能分类的常见种类手持式条码扫描器(略)固定式条码扫描器自动感应条码扫描器条码扫描平台无线条码扫描器三、如何使用条码阅读器3.1条码枪的数据接口常见接口包括: USB接口、P/S2键盘口、RS232串口目前常见的条码枪都支持上述三种接口。







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