
关键词:截除首字母拼缀缩略法简要概括:不增减意义, 也不改变词义, 把词的音节加以省略或简化而产生的词统称为缩略词, 这种构词法称为缩略法。
随着社会的发展, 生活节奏的加快, 无论是讲话还是写文章都要求节省时间和篇幅, 缩略法正顺应了英语这种逐渐简化的趋势。
缩略法不是创造新词, 而是将原词缩短, 或将原来固定词组、复合词简略缩写而成缩略词。
英语中缩略词形式繁多, 如:cig (cigarette) , phone (telephone) , fridge (refrigerator) , daily (daily paper) 等等。
是将一个较长的词或短语缩短, 截去原来单词的一部分而使用剩下的部分构成的新词。
VOA (Voice of America) , IOC (International Olympic Committee) ,TV (Television) , ID (Identification card) 等等, 是运用首字母拼音法将社会组织、政治组织或特殊名词短语以及技术术语的名称的首字母结合起来构成的新词。
大约自18世纪, 英语中出现了截短词, 如笛福在《鲁滨逊漂流记》中用了though的截短形式。
Lexicology and My English Study 英语词汇学论文

Lexicology and My English StudyI. What Is Lexicology?The term lexicology was borrowed from the French word lexicology, which contains two morphemes: one is Greek lexicology, meaning ‘workbook’ or ‘vocabulary;’ the other is French logie, meaning ‘the study or science of.’ So the literal meaning of the term is ‘the science of words.’The term first appeared in the 1820s, though there were lexicologists in essence before the term was coined. Computational lexicology as a related field (in the same way that computational linguistics is related to linguistics) deals with the computational study of dictionaries and their contents. An allied science to lexicology is lexicography, which also studies words in relation with dictionaries – it is actually concerned with the inclusion of words in dictionaries and from that perspective with the whole lexicon. Therefore lexicography is the theory and practice of composing dictionaries. Sometimes lexicography is considered to be a part or a branch of lexicology, but the two disciplines should not be mistaken: only lexicologists who do write dictionaries are lexicographers. It is said that lexicography is the practical lexicology; it is practically oriented though it has its own theory, while the pure lexicology is mainly theoretical.Comprehensively speaking, lexicology is the branch of linguisticsconcerned with the study of the vocabulary of a given language. It deals with words, their origin, development, history, structure, meaning and application. In short, it is the study of the signification and application of words.Ⅱ. Aims and Significance of LexicologyThe aim of the term lexicology is to give a systematic description of the English vocabulary. Concretely speaking, English lexicology offers students an insight into the origin and development of the English vocabulary. It deals with meanings of Modern English words and their changes in the course of historical development. It discusses the problems of word-structure and word-formation in English, including the formation of new words which have appeared since the 1960s. It also it also studies the use of English words, phrases and idioms.The significance of lexicology for language learning is also evident. The term will help the learners to enlarge their vocabulary and improve their ability to analyze and use English words. For instance, the study of new words, synonyms, figures of speech, etc. will arouse the interest of the learners on the one hand, and enhance their ability to choose the correct and expressive words in writing and speech on the other hand.Language learning requires practice. Practice makes perfect. Without practice there would be no theory. English lexicology as a theory of Modern English may be useful in vocabulary study because it derivesfrom practice and should guide practice. Students will use the basic knowledge of English lexicology to understand the material already familiar to them from English classes, and apply it in their further study of English.Ⅲ. Language, Linguistics and LexicologyBriefly speaking, lexicology deals with words. Words are the foundation and core of language. We know that without words, there would be no language, while without language, there would be no linguistics. Therefore, words, that is, lexicology, language and linguistics are very closely interrelated with one another. Before studying lexicology, we should learn about what language is and what linguistics is.Ⅳ. The Connection of Lexicology with phonetics and grammar and stylistics1) With phonetics:Phonetics is the study and systematic classification of the sounds made in spoken utterance, that is, the study of speech sounds. It is closely related to lexicology.Without sound there is no word because every word is unity of sound and meaning.2) With grammar:V ocabulary and grammar are organically related to one another. In learning a language, attention to grammar is as important as attention tovocabulary. Joseph Stalin pointed out that the vocabulary is the building material of a language. The vocabulary of a language assumes tremendous importance when it comes under the control of grammar, which is concerned with the modification in front of words and the combination of words into sentences.3) With stylistics:Stylistics is “the study of optional variations in the sounds, forms, or vocabulary of a language as characteristic of different uses of language, different situations of use, or different literary typ es.” Lexicology studies stylistics variants on the basis of meanings of words and their changes: synonyms, antonyms, figures of speech, etc.Stylistics is concerned with language variety differing according to use rather than user. The same user may use different varieties for different purposes, different situations, in conversation with different people, to produce different effects. The same subject matter can be expressed in different styles.Ⅴ. Two Approaches of the study of LexicologyThere are two main approaches to the study of lexicology, that is, synchronic and diachronic.The term synchronic means describing a language as it exists at one point of time. The term diachronic means concerned with historical development of a language.A synchronic approach is an approach to the study of a language at one period of time, whereas a diachronic approach is an approach to the study of the change in a language that took place over a period of time. Ⅵ. The Division of the History of the EnglishThe history of the English language is divided into three periods.1) The period from 450 to 1150 is known as the Old English or Anglo-Saxon period. It is described as the period of full inflections, since during most of this period the case endings of the noun, the adjective, and the conjugation of the verb were not weakened.2) The period from 1150 to 1500 is known as the Middle English period. During this period the inflections, which had begun to break down towards the end of the Old English period, became greatly reduced, and it is known as the period of the leveled inflections.3) The period from 1500 to the present day is called the Modern English period. A large part of the original inflectional system has disappeared, and it is known as the period of lost inflections.Ⅶ. The Main Processes of English Word-formationThere are four main types of word-formation in English:1) Prefixation:Affixation includes prefixation and suffixation. Affixation is the morphological process whereby grammatical or lexical information is added to the base.Affixation has played an active part in the course of the development of the English language. It is not only an age-old, but also a productive method in English word-building.What is prefixation?Prefixation is a main type of word-formation putting a prefix in front of the base, sometimes with, but more usually without a change of word class, e.g. dislike (dis + like).2) Suffixation:Suffixation is a main type of word-formation, putting a suffix after the base, sometimes without, but more usually with a change of word class, e.g. frankness (frank + ness)The primary function of prefixes is to effect a semantic modification of the base, and the chief function of suffixes is to change the word class of the base, although suffixes have only a small semantic role. Therefore suffixes may be classified into four categories according to the word class.3) Conversion:Conversion (or full conversion) is a main type of word-formation assigning the base to a different word class with no change of form. For example, the verb release is converted to the noun release.In the English language conversion is unusually prominent as a word-formation process. Of course, conversion, like other main types ofword-formation, is treat as a process now available for extending the lexical resources of the English language.There are two kinds of conversion: full conversion and partial conversion.4) Compounding:Compounding is a main type of word-formation adding one base to another, such that usually the one placed in front in some sense subcategorizes the one that follows, e.g. blackbird, etc.Compounding can occur not only in the three major word classes, nouns and, to lesser extent, adjectives, and, to least extent, verbs but also in other word classes: prepositions, such as into, within, by means of, instead of, etc. pronouns, such as each other, one another, anybody, someone, herself, itself, etc. and adverbs, such as headlong, somehow, somewhere, upside down, inside out, etc.A compound is a lexical until consisting of more than one base and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word. Compounds usually comprise two bases only, however internally complex each may be.Ⅷ. English IdiomsIdioms are very important and extremely interesting part of language. They are commonly used in all styles of language: informal and formal, spoken and written. If we can understand and use idioms correctly, ourlanguage skills increase constantly. One important problem our students have with idioms is how we understand them in our daily study.The best way to understand an idiom is to see it in context. Let us give an example below.If someone says: This ti n opener’s driving me round the bend! I think I’ll throw it away and get a new one. Then the context and common sense tells us that drive round the bend refers to something different from driving a car round a curve in the road. So the context points out that the tin opener is not working properly and that it’s having an effect on the person using it.Drive or send sb. round the bend is an idiom used as an informal style meaning ‘to make someone very bored or very angry.’Ⅸ. British and American EnglishGrammatical differences between British and American English are few. The more noticeable differences are phonetic and especially lexical. It does not seem likely that distinctions between British English and American English will become more extensive. On the contrary, as the modes of communication have improved, the tendency is towards uniformity and better understanding between the people of the two countries.But why does American English differ from British English?There are two reasons for this.Firstly, British English itself changed in the course of time. All languages change as time passes. English is no exception. That is why Chaucer’s English is different from Shakespeare’s English, and why Shakespeare’s English is different from contemporary Engli sh.Take the following English word borrowed from Latin and Greek for example.Such words as apparatus, complex, focus, maximum, minimum, series, etc. appeared in English only after the year 1600.In the past fifty years British English has adopted a great number of words that originated in American English.Words like cafeteria, highlight, hotrod, OK, etc. are example.Secondly, American English has acquired a character of its own. It reflects the growth, development and history of American society.In the earliest period a number of words denoting places, plants, animals, tools, and customs which existed in America were added to the English language, e.g.Hickory—a type of tree of North America which provides hard wood and bears nuts.Moose—a type of large deer, with very large flat horns, that lives in the northern pert of America.The above-mentioned words belong to American English and were borrowed from American Indian languages.After the American Independence a number of words related to institutions appeared, e.g. assembly, congress, president, representative, vice-president, etc.Strictly speaking, British English is the English spoken by the great majority of educated people in South and Southeast England, especially in London and its vicinity. BrE or BE is shot for British English. American English is General American spoken by the great majority of the American people. AmE or AE is short for American English.References:I.Chengzhang Lin﹠Shiping Liu An Introduction To EnglishLexicology, WuHan University Press FourthII.Wikipedia。

英语词汇学教程第四版中文版1、Most cities in the country have introduced “Clean Air Zones”whereby factories and households are only allowed to burn smokeless fuel.在全国大部分城市都有“洁净空气区”因此工厂和家庭只能燃烧无烟燃料。
2、He knows that the pursuit of social status can consume vast amounts of his time and effort. 他知道,追求社会地位可以消耗大量的时间和精力。
3、The doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to inhibit the spread of the disease.医生们正在进行损失,因为到目前为止,没有任何药物能抑制疾病的传播。
4、We see many special education directors trying to maintain the qualityof their programs with much less money and much smaller staff.我们看到许多特殊教育董事试图保持他们的节目的质量以少得多的钱和更少的工作人员。
5、People there are told it is their patriotic duty to support the na t ional cconomy by buying their own products. 人们有人告诉他们,通过购买自己的产品来支持国民经济是他们的爱国义务。
6、Darwin' s thinking both drew upon and transcendedthe conventional ideas of his time.达尔文的思想是借鉴和超越他的时代的传统观念。

除了词缀发以外,复合法、转类法、混成法、截短法、首字母拼音法、逆向构词法也都是英语学习的有效途径V ocabulary is one of the main obstacles of English study. However English word formation can help us recognize English words, understand them correctly, and enlarge our vocabulary quickly. It is an efficient way and powerful weapon for English study. Among them,affixation is the strongest one to form a great range of vocabulary, and it is claimed to be one of the best ways of learning English. Besides, compounding, conversion, blending, clipping, acronyms, back-formation are also efficient ways of learning English. In the paper the ways and characteristics of word formation is analyzed form these aspects: affixation, compounding, conversion, blending.Key words: English, lexicology, word formation, affixation(关键字:英语、词汇学,构词法,词缀法)IntroductionThe expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word formation. There is a variety of means being at work now. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion. Talking about word formation patterns means dealing with rules. But not all words which are produced by applying the rule are acceptable. The acceptability is gained only when the word have gained an institutional currency in the language. Therefore rules only provide a constant set of models from which new word are created from day to day. Rules themselves are not fixed but undergo changes to a certain extent. For instance, affixes and compounding processes may become productive at one time or lose their productivity. By word formation processes, we concentrate on productive or on productive rules. While applying the rules, we should keep in mind that there are always exceptions. In my opinion, the most important principle for all these rules of word formation is economy.Chapter 1 the function of English word formation1.1 Word formation is an effective way to enlarge our English vocabulary.Nowadays, more and more people have taken notice of learning English. The number of the people who begin to learn English has increased at a high speed. How can we improve our English effectively is undoubtedly the focus of our attention. Generally speaking, vocabulary and grammatical rules are keys to learning Englishwell. Among the two aspects, vocabulary apparently plays a more important role.V ocabulary is the foundation of language. If a language learner doesn‟t have enough vocabulary to express his or her opinions and understand other people, even if his or her grammatical rules and pronunciations are excellent, but he can not communicate with others well, he shouldn‟t be a good language learner.Under the influence of traditional teaching mode, teachers often emphasis more on grammatical rules and pronunciations than vocabulary. As a result, students spend a lot of time on remembering new words, but the results are not so efficient. However if we have a knowledge of English word formation, the results will be not that bad. Word formation is really an effective way to enlarge our English vocabulary.1.2 Word formation can help us have a better comprehension of an article.When we are reading a new article, we often encounter with some new words that we have never seen before. In this case, most of us will leave out the new word and go on with the following sections. However, this is not a good habit. If we want to improve our English, we have to take every new word seriously either look them up in the dictionary or search for the internet. But don‟t you think that these methods are inefficient? If we know something about English word formation, maybe the article would not be so difficult for us to understand. In this way, we can guess the meaning of the new word according to what we have learned about English word formation. It has been proved that our guess is correct in most cases. So we say word formation can help us have a better comprehension of a new article.1.3 Many new words can be derived based on the rules of word formationRecent years, the use of computers as a medium of communication has given birth to a new language phenomenon-cyber language. A large amount of cyber language has sprung up. Not all the new vocabulary can be recognized by human society. Some new words only emerged in a very short time and then disappeared, however, there are still a lot of words are shared by many people. Finally, these words are recognized by the whole human society. Some are even added to the reversed dictionary. Can we say that these words are unreasonable and irrational? The answer is absolutely “No”.Most of the new words that have been recognized are derived based on certain rules of word formation. For example, the sentence “3QU” is widely used in the chatting room on the internet by foreigners. This is also known as one important characteristics of English word-productivity. So it is necessary for us to learn English word formation.Chapter 2 AffixationAffixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to bases. This process is also known as derivation, by which new words derived from old or base forms. The words that are created in this way arecalled derivatives. According to the position affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into three subcategories: pre-fixation, in-fixation and suffixation.Pre-fixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to bases, which do not generally change the word-class of the base. That is to say, prefixes do not change the part of speech of a word. Their chief function is to modify its meaning, although there are exceptions. In my opinion, prefixes can be divided into: negative prefixes, pejorative prefixes, prefixes of degree or size, prefixes of time and order, and so on.Suffixation is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to bases. Their primary function is to change the grammatical function of the base, such as the change of the word class with a slight modification of meaning, though there are a few exceptions. Suffixes can be divided into noun suffixes, adjective suffixes, adverb suffixes, and verb suffixes. I can give you an example. The word “countless”, “-less”change the part of form and show the negative meaning of the stem.Infixes are not so common and they usually show a kind attitude of the speaker and will not change the part of form and meaning of words.Chapter 3 CompoundingCompounding is the formation of new words by joining two or more bases. Words formed in this way are called compounds. So a compound is a …lexical unit consisting of more than one base and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word‟ (Quirk).Compounds can be written solid, hyphenated and open. Compounds have remarkable characteristics which are different from noun phrases. It comes down to three major ones:1) Phonological features. In compounds the word stress usually occurs on the first constituent whereas in noun phrases the second element is generally accented if there is only one stress. In cases where there are two stresses, the compound has the primary stress on the first element and the second stress, if any, on the second, whereas the opposite is true of free phrase.2) Semantic features. Compounds differ from free phrases semantically. Every compound should express a single idea just as one word. The meaning of a free phrase can not be inferred from the two components of itself. Nevertheless, a lot of compound are transparent, that is to say, the meaning can be obtained from the separate elements of compounds. But the two elements are inseparable and the change of the element would result in the loss of the original identity.3) Grammatical features. Two elements of a compound each plays a separate grammatical role, which can be seen in the way the expressions are handled morphological. For example, compound nouns often show their plural forms by taking inflectional –s at the end. Though there are exceptions, their …one-wordness‟identity is apparent.Chapter 4 ConversionIn English learning, students will often confused with words which have two or more part of form. Many of such conditions are caused by conversion. Conversion is the formation of mew words by converting words of one part of speech to those of another part of speech, without changes in morphological structures but in function. Words created in this way are new only in a grammatical sense. Words produced by conversion are primarily nouns, adjectives and verbs. The most productive, however, is the conversion that takes place between nouns and verbs. It deserves nothing that conversion is not only a change of grammatical function of the item involved but with it the different range of meaning is originally carried.Chapter 5 BlendingBlending is a very productive process and many coinages are resulting from blending have become well established. Moreover, they can sever as models for new formation. It is not the Combination of two words directly, but to combine parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. This kind of word formation is called blending. This processes including:The first part of the first word +the last part the second word.The whole part of the first part +the last part the second word.The first part of the first word +the first part the second word.The whole part of the second word + the first part of the first word.The overwhelming majority of blends are nouns; very few are verbs and adjectives are even fewer. Blends are mostly used in writing related to science and technology, and newspapers and magazines. Though many of them have already achieved currency in English, they are still considered by the serious-minded peopleto be slang and informal. However, it is advisable not to use such words too often, particularly in formal writing.ConclusionLanguage develops with the development of society and vocabulary is sensitive to the changes of society. Some old words are abandoned and some new ones are created. Most of the new words in English are created according to certain rules and conformed to certain methods. These rules and methods are closely related to English word formation. So it is essential, as well as important, for us to learn word formation, especially for the students of English major.参考文献(5条):外语语言文学系列教程张维友英语词汇学教程2009学术论文魏红构词法是迅速扩大英语词汇量的有效方法2009期刊论文丁琳徐玲English word formation processes 2009期刊论文张莉浅谈英语构词法中的词缀发2008广州大学学报卢春媚浅谈英语构词法2002。
一.词汇表策略(Word list strategy)词汇表策略一般为:一列是按字母顺序排列的英语单词,另一列是这些单词的汉语意思(等值词、同义词或近义词)。
然而,Gaims 和Redman 却指出,通过词汇表记忆词汇会阻碍对所记词汇进行充分地处理和系统地组织,因此就失去了有效的长时记忆的基础。
二.语境策略(Context strategy)语境策略就是学习者通过上下文语言环境所提供的信息对出现在语境中的生词进行猜测,从而习得这个单词。
但是,Channell(Carter &McCarthy ,1988:89)认为,音节认知和重音认知对学习者理解词汇起着非常重要的作用。
三.精加工策略(Elaborative strategy)精加工策略是指通过对学习材料进行深入细致的分析、加工,理解其内在的深层意义并促进记忆的一种策略。

英语词汇学课程论文题目:网络英语的词汇类型及其特点院系:辽宁大学外国语学院英语国际商务系班级:09级01班学号:290811507姓名:金文Abstract: With the development and popularity of Internet, English thereupon develops and changes as main language in Internet. New vocabulary of English on Internet has a new vocabulary which either describes the new things, or the newly formed abbreviation for easy inputting, or the common symbolic language of the world. New vocabulary of the English has the character of easy- to- understand, vivid and proper, succinct and easy to remember the meaning of a word and swift input. It also has certainmetaphor nature. The semantics of the English neologisms of network appears and upgrades fast and in large quantity.Keywords: Internet; English; V ocabulary; CharacteristicBody:In twenty-first Century, the mankind has entered the era of the Internet network, as the economic, social development of the most powerful agents, to promote human. The society enters a new era. The development of society, the progress of language development is the important soil. With the development and popularity of Internet, Englishas the main language in Internet thereupon develops and changes.I. New vocabulary of English on InternetSince the Internet has been generated, about generate more than1000English new words. The lexicons mainly has the following kinds. 一.Describing the new thing new vocabulary.Taking the information technology as the representative of a series of new technologies, human social life appeared a few new things. These new things and computer technology are inseparable, describe these things new vocabulary in the network produces and began to be widely used, such as knowbot, mailbot, infobahn, coopetition, E- mail, infwindow, Internet, internet, download, netspead and so on. These new vocabulary is a portmanteau word, such as interpedia, Telnet and so on. There are compound words, such as multimedia, homepage, componentware and so on. In the new course of old words, sometimes directly was given a new meaning, its meaning has been further development, it becomes the new words in a large class. For example “mouse” translate to “老鼠”,in computer technology says “鼠标”;“flame”translate to “火焰激情”,in computer technology says“反病毒程序”.二.AbbreviationsThe Internet to narrow the distance between people, and also the main way to communicate with the main text. In the Internet chat or send e-mail, in order to speed up typing speed appeareding a lot of new English abbreviations and non-standard spelling. Internet abbreviations is a major formation means, they have made use of the characteristics of simplicity, simple, has the very strong vitality. Abbreviation sentence is generally used for connecting role phrases, even if the initial network of people do not understand its meaning, will not understand each other's intentions affect too much. These abbreviations are usually soon accepted by the majority of Internet users. These words abbreviated method basically has the following kinds:1. Homophone use abbreviationsThe English emphasize shape, Chinese emphasize meaning, and the Internet words emphasize pronunciation. According to the pronunciation of the words or sentences to simplify the rewritten as Internet language characteristic there a new method to spell a word: for example “IC” means “I see”, “Y” means “Why”, “U” means “You”. There is a phrase to describe only according to pronunciation, which no longer has one one corresponding to the substitution alphabet. For example, ICQ ( I seek you ) seek K and you note together with pronunciation the same letter Q instead of.2. The beginning letter abbreviationThe beginning letter abbreviation use the first letter of each word ( usually capitalized ) are combined to replace the phrases or sentences, is the most common internet language, also the one that most early Internet users understand. Among them, also have a letter on behalf of the entire word, there is also a letter represents partial word abbreviations. For example, IOW( In other words) , LOL( Laughing out loud) , BTW( By the way) , TLA( Thanks in advance) , ASL( Age Sex Location).3. Truncated abbreviationIn order to facilitate the importation, users are sometimes truncated suffix, prefix or remove the vowels, write some new words. Section termination: hang on a sec=hang on a second, rep=reputation.Some words even as only the first letter:P=Pardon、G=Grin or Giggle.Section header: cause(or cuz) =because、m=am. To remove the vowels refers to words of vowels, consonants, retaining only the pronunciation of the prominent appearance marked the letters. For example, “ MSG” means MESSAGE“、PLS” means PLEASE“、PPL” means PEOPLE“、THX” means THANKS.4. Borrow digit abbreviationInternet English is a special abbreviated forms, namely digital alternative to repeated letters or homophones numbers instead of a letter, it can becalled a numeral abbreviation. This is a development of abbreviations, and Internet English new things. For example, B2B(商家与商家, Business to business)、3W(万维网,World Wide Web)、4P's(4p 营销策略, 电子商务中的一种营销术语, 指consumer's wants and needs, costto satisfy wants and needs, convenience, communication) 、3A( 3A 服务,anyone, anytime, anywhere).三.Universal symbol languageWith the development of Internet, also generates some features of English hieroglyphic words:“ {}”means “拥抱“, “$- )” means “贪婪”,“ X=”means “希望成功“, XOXO”means”拥抱和亲吻“, ZZZ”means ”无聊或在睡觉”.As in Hotmail, Internet users to type in a left parenthesis, a specific letter and a right parenthesis, there will be unexpected image effect. For example, type" ( R )", there will be a rose ( because R is rose. ); type " ( G )", then there will be a gift box ( because G is gift. ). Japanese also created some of these words, and on the Internet has been recognized, as in the use of"@^- ^@" said blushed. These words and phrases first in English in the network appears, has gradually been accepted by users, has become a kind of special no pronunciation symbols, vividly expressed the people's thought. Of course, the letters and letter combinations expression power is very limited, and the different chat room setting, therefore, here is notto do further discussion. It can be expected with the development of the network, is very likely there will be unified alphabet emoticons.II. The characteristics of Internet English new wordsLanguage dynamic development process of people to meet the communicative needs, but also reflects the society and language, cognition and communication relationship. Network English is in the rapid development of network technology and social context of increasingly rich, develop gradually rise, and embodies the media popularization and the progress of science and technology. Network English is the product of net culture, with the rule of development of the language. Internet words semantic has vivid characteristics of practice, in the network communication can better express one's thoughts or ideas, but also is easy to be accepted by people.一.Word easy to understand, vividNetwork communication is different from face-to-face communication, communicators exchange information only with words, not with the help of body language, this requires the network English new words must be easy to understand. Its formation should be familiar, even if the reader has not been previously in contact vocabulary, can also according to the most familiar vocabulary guess. Network English popular mainly reflectin the word-building ways to use a large number of derivatives and synthesis, so that Internet users need to understand the meaning of the affix, can be inferred and master derived from the large number of new words: “cyber” comes from the Greek, meaning the helmsman, can be understood as " computer, network" or transliterated as " cyber", derived from cyber. The word cyber activist, cyber addict, cyber attack, cyber cop, cyber brain, cyber surfing etc. Network English compound words in large quantity, variety. Many new words are common words and has specific meaning word combinations, the newsemantic equally easy to understand, easy to understand memory. As of web means " spider's Web", extended to the network, its synthesis in the word webmaster, webster, webzine, web site work people in addition to the use of some language symbols to represent tone and emotion, but also often use a few words to describe some nonverbal behavior, such as describing the netizen action, emotion and posture. People are facing the cold screen, used to describe the language users, emotion and action figure, with pure text there is nothing comparable to this role, can make the network more humane, more vivid and attractive, closer to the actual exchange. Such as" haha" means" LOL" laugh, laugh" Smile said," said smiling," Rose" means send roses," ROTFL" means roll with laughter," jump" means happy like children like skipping in the chat room," think" means tilted his head like a down" praise said," said" really smart, admire, admire".二.Succinct and easy to remember, quick inputMany novel and unique internet vocabulary is the use of commonly used roots and affixes, grouped by lexical rules, creative recombination. This kind of vocabulary has to be Yi Ming, easy reading, easy memory characteristics. Simple, easy to remember network English so that visitors will not remembering the tedious terms and jargon, effectively improve the keyboard input speed, to network dissemination of information. Network English brevity mainly embodies in the network on the emergence of abbreviated terms, abbreviations are made by simplicity, ease of use, more colloquial, less formal, lack of social other fields widely accepted rules of use. But because of its user-friendly, simple, easy to remember and spread, therefore, this kind of abbreviation in Internet communication by Internet users consistent recognition and widely accepted and used. These words common features are simple in form, with no single, rich associative meaning.The use of abbreviations can not only simplify the printing, saving space and time for reading, but also can effectively increase the input speed, so as to adapt to the computer science and network technology high speed development requirements. Therefore, in order to improve the input speed, network English often ignore the first letters.三.MetaphoricalMetaphor is an important cognitive style and mode of thinking. Richards ( Richards ) once said, metaphor is omnipresent principle. P.F'ontanier (1830) for the metaphor cognitive characteristics further elaborated, he points out that metaphor is a kind of thing as another kind of thing.Any kind of art form embodies the features of metaphors, either as a thing to experience another kind of the way things are called metaphor, network language which contains. Net language the main formation is in a category to another.A category of things, either the digital category digital network language, network language or symbols category symbols and netizen created the network language reflects its metaphorical, embodies the netizen know world usually cognitive form.Network new words often rely on people familiar vocabulary, with the aid of the metaphorical meaning, stimulate the readers' Association and imagination, showing old things or concepts similarity or relevance, endowing the old words with new meanings, to create the vivid, figurative rich description of new things, new ideas of vocabulary. The network includes a number of professional English vocabulary and vocabulary of computer network technology. In general, the metaphor cognition in humans has two functions: to create new meaning and offer new angles of viewing things. We found that, in the development ofnetwork and computer technology in the process, people continuously by means of metaphor to create new words and concepts. The general vocabulary through the semantic change of metaphor and the modification of the original meaning, extended, extension, from a new point of view to look at it, it has a new meaning. Such as the computer virus virus refers to the biology of the virus. In the computer field, is defined by the programmer designed to hide in a computer program, intended to destroy the computer operating system to disturbance or missing data and other secret program. Similar terms and gopher, archive, menu, memory, run, path etc.Thus, in the role of metaphor, reification of abstract concepts, complex meaning of scientific terminology, popular, well strengthen social science and science communication, so that a subject from another discipline of inspiration. It is because of known from concept to cognitive unknown concepts from the known to the unknown, register register mapping, network English technical terms and people's daily life vocabulary, both concise and vivid, and easy to remember. This has largely contributed to the development of network technology and the development and popularization of computer knowledge.四.Novel words in the semantic representation and update speed, numberThe rapid development of computer, the popularization of the Internet, resulted in a network of new words have emerged, including a rich network of English new words. The presentation of the new words and update speed, number of any one dictionary is difficult to collect. So in the network era of rapid development of new English words so, understanding of its structure and semantic features, contribute to the accumulation of knowledge, broaden our horizons.Nowadays, network culture influences people's learning, life, job, thinking mode, value concept. Therefore, to strengthen the network of new words in English study, the structure and semantic features, the people familiar with the Internet, learning English and daily life will be of great help.Biliography:[1]Gao Liwei ,Digital age, digital English [J]. English Today 2001(17):12-13[2]Steward ,Doug. Flame thrower [A].[3] W.H.&Turgeon Gregoire . About languages: A Reader for Writers[C][4] 付辛斌,张雪梅.英语因特网语的形式与功能[J].外语电化教学,2006(2).[5] 杨金菊.网络英语词汇特点初探[J].嘉兴学院学报,2002(3).[6] 乐勇.网络英语缩略语[J].中国科技翻译,2002(1).[7] 干福.论因特网英语的特点及意义[J].连云港师范高等专科学校学报,2001(2).[8] 林丽芳.论计算机英语的隐喻性[J].厦门大学学报: 社科版,2001(1).。


Man 和fine是简单词,但是他们都有读音,意义和句法意义。
也有像是misfortune和management 这样的复合词,他们都是多音节词,可以用来作主语,宾语和预示性词语。

英语词汇学实用教程陈新仁中文版全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1A Practical Guide to English Vocabulary by Chen XinrenAs an English learner, one of the biggest challenges I've faced is expanding my vocabulary. Words are the building blocks of language, and having a rich vocabulary is essential for effective communication, both in speaking and writing. That's why I was thrilled to discover Chen Xinren's "A Practical Guide to English Vocabulary".This book has been an invaluable resource for me, and I can't recommend it enough to my fellow students. Chen Xinren's approach is incredibly practical and user-friendly, making the process of learning new words not only effective but also enjoyable.One of the things that struck me from the very beginning was the book's organization. Instead of presenting words in a random order or categorizing them by arbitrary themes, Chen Xinren groups them based on their roots, prefixes, and suffixes. This approach is genius because it helps you understand theunderlying patterns and logic behind word formation, enabling you to grasp and retain new vocabulary more effectively.The book is divided into several chapters, each focusing on a specific aspect of vocabulary building. The first chapter introduces the concept of word roots, explaining how many English words are derived from Greek and Latin roots. Chen Xinren provides a comprehensive list of common roots, along with their meanings and examples of words that incorporate them. This chapter alone has been a game-changer for me, as it has empowered me to decipher the meanings of unfamiliar words by breaking them down into their constituent parts.The next chapter delves into prefixes and suffixes, those little word parts that can significantly alter a word's meaning. Chen Xinren meticulously explains the nuances of each prefix and suffix, illustrating their usage with clear examples. I found this section particularly helpful for expanding my vocabulary in specific contexts, such as academic writing or professional settings.But Chen Xinren's approach goes beyond mere memorization. Throughout the book, he emphasizes the importance of actively using new words in context, whether through writing exercises, speaking practice, or even creatingflashcards. This hands-on approach has been instrumental in solidifying my understanding of the vocabulary and ensuring that the words become a permanent part of my lexicon.One of the most refreshing aspects of "A Practical Guide to English Vocabulary" is its emphasis on real-world applications. Chen Xinren doesn't just present words in isolation; instead, he incorporates them into authentic contexts, such as conversations, news articles, and literary excerpts. This approach has been incredibly valuable for me, as it has helped me understand how words are used in natural, everyday situations, enhancing my comprehension and fluency.Additionally, the book includes a wealth of practice exercises and quizzes, allowing me to test my knowledge and reinforce what I've learned. These exercises range from simplefill-in-the-blank questions to more complex tasks that require me to analyze and synthesize information. I particularly appreciate the answer keys provided, as they enable me toself-assess and identify areas that need further attention.One aspect that sets "A Practical Guide to English Vocabulary" apart is its cultural insights. Chen Xinren recognizes that language is deeply intertwined with culture, and he skillfully weaves in cultural references and idioms throughout the book.This added dimension has not only enriched my vocabulary but has also deepened my understanding of the English-speaking world, fostering a greater appreciation for the nuances and nuances of the language.Furthermore, the book is incredibly user-friendly and visually appealing. The layout is clean and organized, with clear headings and subheadings that make it easy to navigate. The inclusion of illustrations, diagrams, and mnemonic devices further enhances the learning experience, catering to different learning styles and making the material more engaging and memorable.In conclusion, Chen Xinren's "A Practical Guide to English Vocabulary" has been an invaluable companion on my journey to mastering English vocabulary. Its systematic approach,real-world applications, and engaging exercises have transformed the way I learn and retain new words. Whether you're a student preparing for exams, a professional seeking to enhance your communication skills, or simply someone with a passion for language learning, this book is an essential resource that will undoubtedly enrich your vocabulary and deepen your understanding of the English language.篇2A Practical Guide to Mastering English Vocabulary by Chen XinrenAs students, one of the biggest challenges we face when learning English is expanding our vocabulary. We spend countless hours memorizing word lists and definitions, only to forget them a few days later. However, effective vocabulary learning doesn't have to be a tedious and frustrating process. In this guide, I'll share practical strategies that have helped me build a solid English vocabulary foundation.Embrace ContextOne of the most powerful ways to learn new words is through context. When you encounter an unfamiliar word while reading or listening, pay attention to the surrounding sentences and try to infer its meaning. This not only helps you understand the word in context but also aids in remembering it better. Additionally, keep a vocabulary notebook and jot down new words along with their context and your guessed meaning. Later, you can check the actual definition and reinforce your understanding.Utilize Word Roots, Prefixes, and SuffixesMany English words share common roots, prefixes, and suffixes, which can provide valuable clues about their meanings. For instance, the prefix "re-" often indicates repetition or going back (e.g., "redo," "rewrite"), while the suffix "-able" denotes capability or possibility (e.g., "readable," "avoidable"). By familiarizing yourself with these word parts, you can develop a better understanding of new words and expand your vocabulary more efficiently.Immerse Yourself in EnglishSurrounding yourself with English media and materials is a fantastic way to reinforce your vocabulary learning. Read books, magazines, or online articles that interest you, listen to podcasts or watch movies and TV shows in English. Whenever you come across unfamiliar words, make a note of them and look them up later. Immersion not only exposes you to new vocabulary but also helps you understand words in context and observe their usage patterns.Use Vocabulary Apps and Online ResourcesIn today's digital age, there are numerousvocabulary-building apps and online resources available. Apps like Anki, Quizlet, and Wordly offer interactive flashcards, games, and quizzes to help you memorize and review new words.Additionally, websites like and FreeRice provide engaging exercises and explanations to expand your word knowledge. These tools can make vocabulary learning more enjoyable and effective.Practice, Practice, PracticeThe key to solidifying your vocabulary knowledge is practice. Make an effort to use the new words you've learned in your writing and conversations. Start a vocabulary journal and write sentences or short paragraphs using the new words. Participate in language exchange platforms or join English conversation clubs to practice using your new vocabulary in real-life situations. The more you actively use the words, the better they'll stick in your memory.Learn Through Stories and MnemonicsStories and mnemonics can be powerful tools for remembering new words. Create vivid stories or mental images that associate the word's meaning with something memorable. For example, to remember the word "euphoria," you could imagine a cheerful elephant (eu-phoria) dancing with joy. Alternatively, use mnemonics, which are short phrases or sentences that incorporate the word or its definition. The morecreative and personal these techniques are, the more effective they'll be for you.Embrace Mistakes and Celebrate ProgressLearning a new language is a journey, and making mistakes along the way is inevitable. Don't be discouraged by stumbling over unfamiliar words or forgetting ones you've learned. Embrace these mistakes as opportunities to improve and reinforce your understanding. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and acknowledge the effort you're putting into expanding your vocabulary.Remember, building a strong English vocabulary takes time and consistent effort. But by incorporating these practical strategies into your learning routine, you'll gradually develop a rich and diverse vocabulary that will enhance your communication skills and open up new opportunities for personal and professional growth.Happy learning, and may your vocabulary journey be rewarding and enjoyable!篇3English Vocabulary: A Practical Guide by Chen Xinren (Chinese Edition)What's up, fellas? Tired of feeling like a kindergartner when it comes to your English vocab? Yeah, me too. That's why I'm here to give you the real deal on building a killer vocab that'll make you sound like a total boss.First things first, let's get real about why vocabulary matters. Sure, you can get by with the basics, but if you want to level up your English game, you need to expand that word bank. A rich vocabulary doesn't just make you sound smarter (although, let's be honest, that's a major perk). It also helps you express yourself more precisely and communicate your ideas more effectively.But where do you even start? With so many words out there, it can feel overwhelming. That's where this guide comes in. I'm going to break it down for you, sharing practical tips and strategies that have worked for me and my friends.Tip #1: Read, Read, ReadThis one's a no-brainer, but it's also the most powerful tool in your vocabulary-building arsenal. Reading exposes you to new words in context, which makes them easier to understand and remember. Don't just stick to textbooks and boring stuff, though. Read novels, magazines, blogs – anything that interests you. The more you enjoy the material, the more likely you are to stick with it.Tip #2: Use Context CluesWhen you come across an unfamiliar word, don't immediately reach for the dictionary. Try to figure out its meaning from the surrounding words and phrases. This not only helps you learn the new word, but it also trains your brain to become a better context detective.Tip #3: Keep a Vocab JournalAs you encounter new words, write them down in a dedicated journal or notebook. Include the definition, the context in which you found the word, and even a sample sentence or two. Regularly reviewing your journal will help reinforce these new additions to your vocabulary.Tip #4: Play Word GamesWho says learning has to be boring? There are tons of fun word games out there that can help expand your vocabulary while keeping your brain engaged. Try apps like Wordle, Spelling Bee, or even good old-fashioned crossword puzzles.Tip #5: Use Flashcards (But Make Them Fun)Flashcards might seem old-school, but they're still an effective way to memorize new words. But instead of boring, plain-text cards, get creative! Draw silly pictures, createmnemonics, or even record yourself saying the word and its definition. The more sensory associations you create, the better you'll remember.Tip #6: Learn Word Roots, Prefixes, and SuffixesUnderstanding the building blocks of words can help you decipher unfamiliar terms and remember their meanings more easily. For example, if you know that the prefix "bi-" means two, and the root "ped" means foot, you can figure out that "biped" refers to a two-footed creature.Tip #7: Use New Words in ConversationOnce you've learned a new word, use it! Actively incorporating new vocabulary into your daily conversations and writing will help solidify it in your memory and make it a natural part of your language.Tip #8: Subscribe to a "Word of the Day" ServiceThere are plenty of free online services that will send you a new word and its definition every day. Adding one new word to your vocabulary each day might not seem like much, but over time, those daily additions will really add up.Tip #9: Watch English Movies and TV ShowsImmersing yourself in English-language media is not only entertaining, but it also exposes you to a wide range of vocabulary in a natural, conversational context. Pay attention to the words and phrases used, and look up any unfamiliar ones.Tip #10: Don't Be Afraid to Make MistakesLearning a new language is all about trial and error. Don't be afraid to use unfamiliar words in your speech or writing, even if you're not 100% sure about their meaning or usage. Making mistakes is part of the process, and it's often the best way to reinforce what you've learned.Bonus Tip: Have Fun with It!Learning new vocabulary doesn't have to be a chore. Approach it with a sense of curiosity and playfulness, and you'll be surprised at how quickly your word bank grows. Celebrate your progress, no matter how small, and enjoy the journey of becoming a more articulate and confident English speaker.Remember, building a solid vocabulary is a marathon, not a sprint. Stick with it, and before you know it, you'll be dropping linguistic bombs left and right. Who knows, you might even become the next Shakespeare (or at least the next Cardi B)!。

因此, 教师在词汇教学中除了教会学生单词的发音及其词意外,还应注重核心词汇的教学与词语搭配的教学。

姓名:丁君怡学号:2012125112 班级:英语1213 课程:英语词汇学引论英语词素的类型摘要:词素也叫语素,是语言中最小的而又具有意义的单元。
比如,单词boy, girl, table, nation, faith等都是自由词素,因为他们单独出现时就表示一个单词,并具有意义,分别表示男孩,女孩,桌子,民族,忠诚。
像homework, airsick, and takeoff 这样的单词,home, work, air, sick, take, off都能单独出现并独自成词,它们拥有一个以上的自由词素,被称为复合词。
例如:-s in dogs, -al in national, and dis- in disclose等,他们都不能单独出现,必须与其他词素一起出现。
比如,单词unfaithful中-un与-ful ,都是黏着词素。
值得注意的是单词contain 与receive 都不仅仅只有一个黏着词素。
因为con, tain, re, ceive 都不能单独出现并独立成词。

Brief introduction about Word Formation Abstract:English vocabulary has several Word-formation methods. The major three greatest word formation are affixation, compounding, and conversion. The other six kinds of word-formation methods include blending, clipping, acronymy, back-formation, sound reduplication, and communization of proper names.Keywords: Morphemes, classifying, word-formation1.IntroductionWhen you are learning a language,you have to learn pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and so on. in these factors, vocabulary has a very important role in language-studying. A famous scholar said”without grammar, very little can be conveyed, without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed.” He emphasized that in most cases, the vocabulary is much more important than grammar. Another famous lexicologist said, when a student learn the second language, no matter how well the student learns grammar, no matter how successfully he masters the second language ,without words to express a wide range of meanings, communication in the language cannot happen in any way.From these two examples and of course include many other cases that are not mentioned here now, we can conclude that if you don’t care vocabulary at all, it is impossible to learn a language in some way. What’s more, you cannot express your real feeling no matter you are happy, sad, fortune, or you are unlucky, because you don’t know what words you can say or can write.2.ContextBefore talking about word formation, maybe we should know the morphological structure of English words first. So what we will discuss next is morphological structure of English words. It includes morphemes, morphs and allomorphs, classifying morphemes, identifying morphemes, morphemes and word-formation.3.morphemesTraditionally, words are usually treated as the basic and minimal units of alanguage to make sentence, which are combinations of words according to syntactic rules. Structurally, however, a word is not the smallest unit because many words can be separated into even smaller meaningful units. These minimal meaningful units are known as morphemes. In view of word-formation, the morpheme is seen as ‘the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words’. Syntactically, however, a morpheme is the minimal form of grammatical analysis.Morphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as morphs. They are actual spoken, minimal carriers of meaning.Morphemes vary in function. Accordingly, we can classify morphemes into several general categories:① Free versus Bound Morphemes ---- morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are free. These morphemes have complete meanings in themselves and can be used as free grammatical units in sentences. Morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. They are so named because they are bound to other morphemes to form words or to perform a particular grammatical function.②Derivational versus Inflectional Morphemes ---- morphemes which are used to derive new words are known as derivational morphemes because when these morphemes are conjoined, new words are derived.③ Content versus Grammatical Morphemes ---- On a semantic and syntactic basis, morphemes can fall into content and grammatical morphemes. Content morphemes are lexical morphemes which are used as we see above to derive new words, so also known as derivational morphemes.4.Morphemes and Word-formationWe know that words can be analyzed into morphemes, which are the minimal meaningful units in the composition of words. In word-formation formation, however, morphemes are conventionally labeled root, stem, base and affix.Affixes are forms that are attached to words or elements to modify meaning or function. Affixes are bound morphemes because none of them can stand as words in their own right. According to the functions of affixes, we can divide them into inflectional affixes and derivational affixes. Derivational and inflectional affixes areidentical with derivational and inflectional morphemes. In view of their distribution in the formation of word, affixes can fall into prefix and suffix.Before we begin our actual discussion of word-building processes, there are some basic concepts that need clarifying:1.Root: a root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzedwithout total loss of identity.2.Stem: a stem may consist of a single root morpheme or of two rootmorphemes. It can be a root morpheme plus one or more affixational morphemes.3.Base: a base is referred to a form to which affixes of any kind can be added. Itcan be a root or a stem.5.Word FormationThe expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word formation. There is a variety of means being at work now. The most productive are affixation, compounding and conversion.⑴AffixationAffixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming or derivational affixes to base. This process is also known as derivation, by which new words are derived from old or base forms. The words created in this way are called derivatives. According to the positions affixes occupy in words, affixation falls into two subcategories: prefixation and suffixation.Prefixation includes:Negative Prefixes (a-, dis- ,in-, non-, un-…)Reversative or Privative Prefixes (de-, dis-, un,…)Pejorative Prefixes (mal-, mis-, pseudo- …)Prefixes of Degree or Size (arch-, co-, extra-, hyper-, macro-, micro-, mini-,out-, over-, sub-, super-, sur-, ultra-, under- …) Prefixes of Orientation and Attitude (anti-, contra-, counter-, pro-…)Locative Prefixes ( fore-, inter-, intra-, super-, tele-, trans-…)Prefixes of Time and Order ( ex-, fore-, post-, pre-, re- …)Number Prefixes ( bi-, multi-, semi-,tri-,uni- …)Conversion Prefixes ( a-, be-, en- …)Miscellaneous Prefixes ( auto- , neo-, pan-, proto-, vice- …)Suffixation includes:Noun suffixes (denominal nouns, deverbal nouns, de-adjective nouns, non andadjective suffixes)Adjective suffixes (denominal suffixes, deverbal suffixes )Adverb suffixes (Omit example)Verb suffixes (Omit example)⑵CompoundingCompounding is the formation of new words by joining two or more bases. Wordsworth formed in this way are called compounds. Compounds can be written solid, hyphenated and open.1.Characteristics of compoundsCompounds have noticeable characteristics which may in most cases differentiate themselves from noun phrases in the following four aspects:Phonological features, semantic features, grammatical, orthographical features.2.Formation of compoundsCompounding can take place within any of the word class, but the productive ones are nouns and adjectives followed by verbs to a much lesser extent.Noun compounds, adjective compounds, verb compounds.⑶ConversionConversion is the formation of new words by converting words of one class to another class. Conversion is generally considered to be a derivational process whereby an item is adapted or converted to a new word class without the addition of an affix. Hence the name zero-derivation. Words produced by conversion are primarily nouns, adjectives, and verbs.Conversion to nouns (deverbal, de-adjectival, miscellaneous conversion )Conversion to verbs (denominal, de-adjectival, miscellaneous conversion )conversion to adjectives (voiceless to voiced consonant, initial to end stress)Annotation:《英语词汇学教程》张伟友著,《词汇学学习指南》杨春慧著。

PINGDINGSHAN UNIVERSITY《英语词汇学》课程论文论文题目词汇学的重点内容及其在外语学习中的辅助作用院系: 外国语学院专业年级: 2012级英语师范专业*名:**学号: *********指导教师:韩福领副教授2015年6月25日词汇学的重点内容及其在外语学习中的辅助作用摘要英语词汇普遍存在于各种语体中而且对各种语体的言语交际至关重要,因此引起许多语言学家的关注,他们从不同的角度对其进行研究。
本文在对这些研究进行回顾和总结的基础上,尝试分析英语词汇学与二外学习的关系、主要内容及其现实意义.关键词:英语词汇学;内容;作用.目录摘要-—-——-————-————------——--—-—-——---—-—-———--—-———-—-—-———--——---————---—-——---—-—---——---—-—2目录—--————---—--—----———-———-—----—-———--—---——-———--—--———————-—----——-——-—---——--—-——----—————3内容 1英语词汇学的内容简介——-——-————-----—-——-————-—————---—-——-—-————-—-——---—--—41。
2 英语词汇学的主要内容--——-——-—-—-—--———-—————-—---—-——-—---——-—------—-—-—--——-—错误!未定义书签。

词汇学论文对英语构词法的一点认识英语116班说实话,整本英语词汇学教程学下来,留在我脑子中的东西并不多,但惟独对第四章构词法(word formation)印象很深。
这一章一共介绍了9种构词法,分别是:词缀法(affixation)、组合法(compounding)、转换法(conversion)、混合法(blending)、缩略词法(clipping)、首字母缩写法(acronymy)、逆构法(back-formation)、声音重复法(sound reduplication)以及专有名词的泛化(commonization of proper names)。


篇一:?英语词汇学教程(jiàochéng)?论文(中文版)英语(yīnɡ yǔ)词汇学论文(中文版)单词(dāncí)记忆法细谈一,读音(dúyīn)规那么记忆法它就是按照元音字母、元音字母组合、辅音字母及辅音字母组合在开音节和闭音节的读音规律记忆。
还有些固定的字母组合,例如: ing发[i],ly发[li],ty发[ti]和各种(ɡè zhǒnɡ)前缀、后缀,例如:a-,re-,un-,dis-,im-;-ed,-ing,-ly,-er,-or,-ful,-y等都有其比拟固定的发音。

On native words and borrowings in the English vocabulary AbstractAs time goes on, great changes have taken place in native English vocabulary. In addition to the inner evolvement of itself, it has also absorbed more and more borrowings from other culture. This essay will focus on exactly this subject. The main parts in this paper are: ①to exhibit the basic conceptions regarding native words and borrowings in English vocabulary;②to discuss the major features of English native words;③to discuss the major sources and features of borrowings in the English vocabulary; ④to explore the interrelation between the native and foreign elements in the English vocabulary.⑤to make a conclusion of the whole paper.Key words native words borrowings English vocabularyChapter 1 Basic Information about Native Words in English Vocabulary1、1 Definition of Native WordsWe should first make clear the exact definition of native words or borrowings no matter what we are going to discuss about them next.According to some dictionaries and books of lexicology, native words refer to words which originated in the region where it is used. To put it simple, native words are words that are not foreign or imported.Specifically, as for English vocabulary, native words are words brought to Britain in the fifth century by the Germanic tribes, namely the angles, the Saxons, and the jutes, thus known as Anglo-Saxon words. Though words of Anglo-Saxon origin are small in number, they stand at the core of the language.1、2 Features of native wordsGenerally speaking, native words have these features below:First, they are neutral in style. That is to say, native words are usually neither formal nor informal. This is because native words denote the commonest things in human society. Almost all the people use them in all places, on all occasions, and at all times. Take the word begin and commerce for instance. Begin is a typical native word and commerce is a borrowing.Obviously, we use begin neither formally or informally. However we use commerce mostly in formal occasions.Second, they are frequent in use. Native words are the foudation and the core of the English vocabulary. Native words are most frequently used in everyday speech and writing. The percentage of native words in use reaches usually as high as 70 to 90 percent.Third, in structure they are mostly monosyllabic words.Fourth, in meaning they express the fundamental concepts dealing with everyday objects and things. At the same time, they are highly polysemic words, that is, they have many meanings.Fifth, in grammar they include most parts of speech.Sixth, they are of collocability. Many commonly-used expressions and phrases in English are made up of native words.Seventh, they are good at forming word in modern English. Native words in modern English can form a great number of derivatives. For example, watery and waterless are both the derivatives of water. Native words in modern English can also form many compounds. For example, the word fire can form many compounds, such as fireman, firefighter, fireplace and firebrand and so on.Chapter 2 Basic Information about Borrowings in English Vocabulary2.1 Definition and Main Features of BorrowingsBorrowings, or borrowed words, or loan words, refers to the words taken from foreign language.As a language which owns the most speakers, English has adopted words from almost all other major languages in the world. As is stated in Encyclopedia Americana, “the English language has vast debts. In any dictionary some 80% of the entries are borrowed”. Thus the English language is called “a heavy borrower”. Here “borrowing” is not real “borrowing”. It has nothing to with returning. It’s merely a metaphor stands for the foreign words from a different culture. But not all foreign words do become borrowings. If they fall out of use before they become widespread, they do not reach the borrowing stage.Through analyzing the borrowings in English vocabulary, we can find some common features among them.First, borrowings in English vocabulary usually do not have relative native words with the same meaning with them. When this is the case, certain concepts, ideas or objects of the “lending”language community are new to the people of the “borrowing” language community. So instead of making up a complete whole new word for the idea or object they simply borrow the word from the people they came in contact with.Second, borrowings are usually words that refer to exotic ideas, concepts or objects. An example of this is how names of animals that do not inherently come from Great Britain are often loanwords in English. The name of the animal is borrowed from the language that is spoken in the country in which the animal originally comes from or lives in.Third, most of the borrowings in English vocabulary are nouns. Nouns and lexical words in general, are borrowed more frequently than grammatical words. An example of this is the word “bagel”. The word was adopted from the Yiddish language, since the Jews were those who introduced bagels to the rest of the world. Many other languages, including English, therefore borrowed the word “bagel”.Fourth, borrowings are often even more widely known than native words since their borrowing served a certain purpose, for example to provide a name for a new invention. An example of such a borrowing is “pizza”. Since the Italians were those who introduce pizzas in England, the England borrowed the word from them.2.2 Major Sources of Borrowings in the English VocabularyTo discuss this question, we should first get to know the exact meaning of “source of borrowing”. Here it refers to the place where the borrowing was borrowed.Generally speaking, Latin, Greek and French are the three languages that have contributed most to the English language. Other foreign languages that have contributed words are of less importance.That is to say, Latin, Greek and French are the three main sources where borrowings in English vocanulary come from. Apart from the three, Scandinavian, Celtic, Dutch, Low German, Arabic, Persian, Portuguese, Spanish are also the main sources of borrowings in English vocabulary. Some examples of borrowings in English voabulary are as follows.Among those borrowings that come from the Germanic are the words father, mother, brother, man, wife, tree, grass, summer, winter, bring, come, get, hear, meet, and think and so on.Such words as constitution, president, parliament, congress, city, place, , diner, café, liberty, veracity, carpenter, draper, haberdasher, mason, painter, plumber, and tailor are from France.English has acquired many words from Spanish. Some of these have been borrowed directly: cigar, armada, guerrilla, matador, mosquito, and tornado.Borrowings from Latin have been especially numerous. Many of these represent combinations of Latin words: alnutrition, transfer, circumference, supernatural, submarine, suburb, substantial, contemporary, multilingual, conjunction, compassion, and hundreds more.Borrowings from Greek are heavy in the sciences and technology. In addition to macro and micro, often-used prefixes include poly and tele. Among the well-known English words from Greek are alphabet, geometry, geology, photography, psychology, pathology, biology, philosophy, telephone, logistics, and metamorphosis.Among the common English words that have come from Arabic are: alcohol, alchemy, algebra, alkali, almanac, arsenal, assassin, cipher, elixir, mosque, naphtha, sugar, syrup, zenith, and zero.Borrowings in English vocabulary are so numerous that they can not be listed one by one The above are the language sources that English vocabulary comes from. Below are the specific sources or we’d better say specific channels that borrowings come from. Generally speaking, English vocabulary mainly comes through conquest, commerce, travel, literature, mass media or some other ways. In other words, those borrowings have come into English vocabulary through the spoken word, on one hand, and through the written word, on the other hand.Chapter 3 The Interrelation between the Native and Foreign Elements in the English VocabularyIn fact, no language has so complex and varied a vocabulary as English. The English vocabulary has been adopted from more than fifty languages. As a cosmopolitan language English has no rival. That is to say, up to seventy percent of the English vocabulary consists of loan-words, and only thirty percent are native words.In spite of large-scale borrowings, it is the native words that form the basic stock of modern English vocabulary. And what’s more, native words are used in everyday speech and writing more frequently than borrowed words.Generally, the longer a borrowed word has been in the language, and the more frequently it is used, the more it resembles the native words of the language.In the course of historical development borrowed words have extended the total number of the English vocabulary, and Latin or Greek roots, prefixes or suffixes have changed the structures of English words.Chapter 4 conclusionTo sum up, we can say that English vocabulary has been marked by the word ‘borrowing’. Since early times, English has been in contact with other languages such as Greek, French, Scandinavian, Celtic, Dutch, Low German, Arabic, Persian, Portuguese, and Spanish and so on, and as a result, English vocabulary has been riched under the influence of other languages. It is native words and borrowings together help strengthen the English vocabulary and make it a very open and the most poewrful language in the modern world.Bibliography参考书目??/~kemmer/Words04/structure/borrowed.htmlhttp://www1.ku-eichstaett.de/SLF/EngluVglSW/grzega1032.pdfhttp://dooku.miun.se/engelska/englishC/C-essay/VT06/Final/NicoleFerm.pdf/~kemmer/Words/loanwords.html/media_file/200708/huashi/0809/cihuix/web/unit02.htm。

湖北文理学院词汇学引论课程论文论文题目:词汇学的学习意义姓名学号:2011105318专业:英语院系:外国语学院目录摘要 (3)关键词 (3)引言 (3)文献回顾 (3)第一章第二外语学得与外语教学工作的关系 (3)第二章英语词汇学重要内容简述 (4)第三章词汇学在第二语言学习中的作用 (5)1、构词法在第二语言学习中的作用 (5)2、词义变化在第二语言教学中的作用 (6)3、英语成语在第二语言教学中的作用 (7)第四章结语 (8)参考书目 (8)摘要:英语词汇普遍存在,无论是诗歌,还是散文等文章都是由词汇组成的。

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例如:e a,e e,e r,i r,u r,o r分别能发[i:][:][:]等。
还有些固定的字母组合,例如:i n g发[i],l y发[l i],t y发[t i]和各种前缀、后缀,例如:a-,r e-,u n-,d i s-,i m-;-e d,-i n g,-l y,-e r,-o r,-f u l,-y等都有其比较固定的发音。
例如:i s/h i s,e a r/n e a r/h e a r,r e a d/b r e a d
例如:h e a r/h e a r t,y o u/y o u r,p l a n e/p l a n e t
例如:t h o u g h/t h r o u g h,t r e e/t h r e e,f o r/f o u r
例如:s h e/h e,c l o s e/l o s e,s t a r/t s t a r
例如:b o o k/l o o k/c o o k,c a k e/l a k e/w a k e/m a k e/t a k e
例如:b l o w/b o w l,s i n g/s i g n,
f r o m/f o r m
例如:打球时联想到:b a l l,(p l a y)b a s k e t b a l l,(p l a y)f o o t b a l l,(p l a y)v o l l e y b a l l,p l a y g r o u n d等等;吃饭时联想到:d i n i n g-r o o m,(h a v e)b r e a k f a s t,(h a v e)l u n c h,(h a v e)s u p p e r等等;睡觉时联想到:b e d,b e d r o o m,g o t o b e d,s l e e p,g o t o s l e e p,f a l l a s l e e p等等。
schoolbag, school-boy, classroom, football, blackboard, etc.
前缀后缀词,如:unhappy, unhealthy, unfriendly, unlucky, worker, writer, visitor, us
eless, careless, etc
如:take off(脱下)与put on (穿上),safe(安全)与dangerous(危险);get to (到达)与arrive at\in(到达)与reach(到达)。
按题材归类就是把同一个话题经常出现的词汇归集在一起,如Our Family, Our School, Food等。
从Our School 中还可以划分出Our Classroom, An English Lesson 等
同形异义词类常用的词有:catch, carry, come, go, get, keep, play等。
例如:(1)play football(踢
足球);(2)play basketball(打篮球);play the piano(弹钢琴);play computer games(玩电脑游戏);play in the park(在公园玩耍)。
如常用的前缀i n-,i m-,u n-,d i s-等表示否定含义;后缀-e r,-o r,-i s t等表示人;以及后缀-y,-l y,-f u l等表示形容词性等。
如:l i k e-u n l i k e,t e a c h -t e a c h e r,f r i e n d-f r i e n d l y等。
如:b l a c k(黑色的)+b o a r d(木板)b l a c k b o a r d (黑板),c l a s s(班)+r o o m(房间)c l a s s r o o m(教室),
f o o t(脚)+b a l l(球)f o o t b a l l(足球)等。
如:w a t e r(n.水)
w a t e r(v.浇水),l i f t(v.举起)l i f t(n.电梯),l a s t(a d j.过去的)l a s t(v.持续)等。