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THE STORY OF US字幕(我们的故事第1集--反抗者)

THE STORY OF US字幕(我们的故事第1集--反抗者)

[02:31.77] 美国:我们的故事[02:36.37][02:43.50] 第一集反抗者[02:48.28][02:45.91]满载着商人与信徒的船只Shiploads of businessmen and true believers[02:48.72]正在横渡大西洋以期建立一个新世界are crossing the Atlantic Ocean to create a new world.[02:53.93][02:55.78]1610年5月May 1610.[02:57.84]在哥伦布发现新大陆的120年后120 years after Columbus,[03:01.07]这仍是一段危险的旅程it's still a perilous journey.[03:02.97][03:04.70]其中的一艘"解放号"上One ship, The Deliverance,[03:06.75]载着一样即将永久改变美国的货物carries a cargo that will change America forever. [03:09.69][03:10.77]都来帮忙啊All hands over here.[03:12.28]船上是24岁的英国农民约翰·罗尔夫Onboard is John Rolfe, a 24-year-old English farmer.[03:17.68][03:18.19]他有野心有自信有远见Ambitious, self-reliant, visionary.[03:21.26][03:21.27]是位天生的企业家A born entrepreneur.[03:23.55][03:23.73]这段在今天乘飞机只需六个小时的旅程What takes us six hours today by plane [03:26.51]在当时却需要至少两个月was then a voyage of more than two months.[03:29.42][03:31.19]早期冒险者中十个中有七个Seven of the early adventurers out of every ten [03:34.02][03:34.03]活不过第一年will be dead within a year.[03:36.09][03:36.23]喂看见陆地了Land ahoy![03:37.57][03:38.52]但是冒险是值得的But the risks are worth it.[03:40.41][03:42.24]北美大陆是终极机遇之地North America is the ultimate land of opportunity. [03:45.51][03:57.10]一块拥有大量待开发资源的大陆A continent of vast untapped wealth.[04:00.22][04:01.41]首先是所有资源中最有价值的... Starting with the most valuable resource of all... [04:04.21][04:05.73]土地land.[04:07.22][04:11.81]这块后来成为三亿多人家园的土地What will be home to more than 300 million people[04:15.15]有几乎一半的面积被成片的森林覆盖着lies under a blanket of forest covering nearly half the land.[04:19.73][04:20.09]共有超过五百亿棵树More than 50 billion trees.[04:22.79][04:28.28]再往西就是九百万平方英里的美洲荒原Further west, 9 million square miles of vast American wilderness.[04:33.48][04:34.64]六千万只美洲野牛在平原上狂奔60 million bison roam the plains.[04:37.57][04:47.20]在地下据说有钻石白银... And underground,there are rumors of gems, silver... [04:52.42][04:54.24]和世界上最大的黄金矿层and the largest seams of gold in the world.[04:57.33]黄金国西班牙人理想中南美洲的宝藏[05:01.29][04:57.33]移民们预期黄金储量不亚于理想中的黄金国The settlers expect nothing less than El Dorado.[05:01.29][05:16.43]但罗尔夫在英国殖民地詹姆斯敦看到的... But what Rolfe finds at the English settlement of Jamestown...[05:19.98][05:20.40]是人间地狱is hell on Earth.[05:22.49][05:25.88]在罗尔夫之前已有五百多名移民先期到达More than 500 settlers made the journey before Rolfe.[05:29.50][05:29.63]有人吗Hello?[05:31.00][05:32.67]有人吗Hello?[05:33.29]只有六十人活了下来Barely 60 remain.[05:35.33][05:36.87]当时正是"饥荒时期" It's called "The Starving Time".[05:40.56][05:42.64]在吃完了马和其它动物之后Having fed on horses and other animals,[05:46.22]我们吃掉了靴子鞋子we ate boots, shoes,[05:48.88]和其它任何能找到的皮革and any other leather we came across.[05:51.53]谁来救救我啊Somebody, help![05:52.86]就在罗尔夫到达三个月前Three months before Rolfe arrives,[05:54.80]有人因杀害自己怀孕的妻子并企图吃尸体a man is burned at the stake for killing his pregnant wife[05:58.15]而被处以火刑and planning to eat her.[06:00.01][06:04.45]这些英国人毫无准备地来到了这个新世界The English arrive unprepared for this[06:08.13]并且不愿从事体力劳动and unwilling to perform manual labor.[06:11.03][06:12.17]他们带来的不是牲畜Instead of livestock,[06:13.38]而是检测黄金的化学试剂they've brought chemical tests for gold...[06:16.81]但他们从未找到任何黄金that they never find.[06:18.70][06:21.64]并且这里也不是他们的地盘And this is not their land.[06:24.65][06:27.81]詹姆斯敦建在一个北美原住民部落领地中间They build Jamestownin the middle of a Native American empire.[06:31.72][06:33.28]60名食不果腹的移民被2万个波瓦坦族人包围60 starving settlers among 20,000 of the Powhatan Nation,[06:38.38]这些原住民的弓箭armed with bows and arrows[06:40.31]要比需要重新装子弹的英国滑膛枪that are up to nine times faster to reload and fire [06:43.93]快9倍than an English musket.[06:44.92][06:47.72]双方很快就成了敌人They're soon enemies.[06:50.24][06:52.58]最初的移民中只有一成活了下来Only one in ten of the original settlers is left. [06:56.26][06:59.80]约翰·罗尔夫没有像其他人一样John Rolfe didn't come to plunder and leave [07:02.35]劫掠之后扬长而去like the others.[07:03.81][07:05.42]他有自己的计划He's got his own plan.[07:07.33][07:09.59]烟草的利润很高并且在英国国内很有市场There's money in tobacco, and England is addicted.[07:13.60][07:17.56]他带来了一批南美烟草的种子He's arrived with a supply of South American tobacco seeds,[07:20.98]但当时只有西班牙殖民地出产这种作物but growing it is limited to the Spanish colonies.[07:24.72][07:26.72]西班牙人因此控制了烟草国际贸易The Spanish control the worldwide trade. [07:29.81][07:31.79]在当时向外国人出售烟草种子会被处以死刑Selling tobacco seeds to foreigners is punishable by death.[07:35.92][07:37.47]但约翰·罗尔夫还是想办法弄到了一些But John Rolfe has got his hands on some. [07:40.20]没人知道他是怎么做到的No one knows how.[07:42.10][07:43.17]在切萨皮克湾的暖湿气候And in the warm, humid climate[07:44.98]和肥沃土地的滋养下and fertile soil around the Chesapeake Bay,[07:47.25][07:48.20]罗尔夫的烟草长势喜人Rolfe's tobacco crop flourishes.[07:50.99][07:52.11]这些烟草种子带来的首次大丰收The first large harvest produced by these seeds [07:55.19]即使放在今天价值也超过一百万美元is worth more than a million dollars in today's money.[07:58.50][07:58.65]美国前进的伟大动力就是我们的人民The great strength of America is our people. [08:02.02]如果你想知道如何定义美国前进的动力If you wanna know what it is the defining strength of America,[08:04.25][08:02.18]科林·L·鲍威尔将军[前美国国务卿][08:06.18][08:04.25]答案就是我们的人民我们的移民传统it is our people, our immigrant tradition, [08:08.01]我们兼容并蓄的文化our bringing in cultures from all over the world.[08:11.60]我知道成功是怎么回事I know what goes into making success.[08:14.22]真正的成功很少是运气的因素And when somebody's really successful, it's rarely luck.[08:18.86][08:14.50]唐纳德·J·特朗普[美国地产大亨][08:19.50][08:18.86]而是天分智力还有许多其它的因素It's talent, it's brain power, it's lots of other things.[08:23.30][08:23.83]罗尔夫娶了波瓦坦部落联盟首领的女儿Rolfe marries the daughter of the king of the Powhatan Empire.[08:27.70][08:29.73]她的名字已成为传奇波卡洪塔斯Her name becomes legend: Pocahontas. [08:33.88][08:34.89]罗尔夫使她在英国家喻户晓In England, Rolfe makes her a celebrity[08:37.04]她的肖像被当做新世界生活的广告when her face is put on a portrait that sells all over London,[08:40.38]在整个伦敦热卖advertising life in the New World.[08:42.96][08:46.03]莎士比亚在作品中提起过殖民地Shakespeare mentions the colony.[08:48.05][08:48.06]英国的有钱人都往这里投资England's rich invest money here.[08:50.39]所有的伦敦人都知道这片富饶的土地All of London knows about this land of plenty. [08:54.09][08:58.68]在两年内烟草进入了千家万户的菜园Within two years, tobacco grows in every garden.[09:02.67][09:04.30]詹姆斯敦由人间地狱变成了美国第一座兴旺之城From a living hell, Jamestown isAmerica's first boomtown.[09:09.47][09:13.66]两年后又有近一千名移民来到了这里Two years later, nearly 1,000 more settlers arrive,[09:17.25]其中的19人来自非洲西部including 19 from West Africa.[09:20.18][09:21.32]奴隶Slaves.[09:22.47][09:24.87]但其中一些人后来在弗吉尼亚有了自己的土地But some go on to own their own land in Virginia.[09:28.22][09:33.37]在詹姆斯敦建立12年后12 years after the founding of Jamestown,[09:36.49][09:33.80]小亨利·路易斯·盖茨[哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长][09:38.80][09:36.49]黑人在殖民地的形成过程中起到了重要作用Africans were playing a shaping role in the creation of the colonies.[09:42.56]这一点非常惊人That's pretty incredible.[09:44.38][09:45.47]30年后弗吉尼亚的移民超过了两万人30 years later, there are over 20,000 settlers in Virginia.[09:49.91][09:51.75]可以说没有烟草就没有美国America is founded on tobacco.[09:54.80][09:55.14]在接下来的一个半世纪里For the next century and a half,[09:56.99][09:57.00]它一直是这块大陆最主要的出口产品it's the continent's largest export.[09:59.36][10:11.41]在罗尔夫抵达詹姆斯敦的十年后Ten years after Rolfe arrives in Jamestown, [10:14.92]又有一批英国移民登上了北美大陆another group of English settlers lands in North America.[10:18.38][10:25.94]他们在一处荒凉的海滩靠岸They come ashore on a deserted beach[10:28.94]这里距詹姆斯敦的海岸有450英里450 miles up the coast from Jamestown, [10:32.18]他们把此地命名为"普利茅斯" and call the place Plymouth1,[10:34.62]以纪念他们起航的英国港口after the English port they sailed from.[10:37.61][10:39.29]他们是移民大潮里的另一朵浪花These are a different breed of settler,[10:42.14]一群信仰不同但都热爱生活的人a group of religious dissidents with faith at the center of their lives.[10:46.65][10:49.57]他们成功横渡了危险的大西洋They made the dangerous Atlantic crossing,[10:51.85]希望能在新世界找到信仰自由seeking religious freedom in the New World.[10:54.82][10:58.90]24岁的印刷学徒爱德华·温斯洛24-year-old apprentice printer Edward Winslow [11:02.96]是和一群清教徒一起arrives with a group of religious sectarians[11:06.70]乘坐"五月花号"来到这里的on a boat called the Mayflower.[11:09.65][11:11.64]1621年4月他们的殖民地逐渐成型By April 1621, their settlement is taking shape. [11:16.43][11:16.57]"五月花号"返航英国The Mayflower returns to England.[11:19.96][11:25.18]他们只能在这片陌生的土地上自力更生了The Pilgrims are on their own in an unknown land.[11:29.60][11:30.75]我们充满希望与热情地A great hope and inward zeal we had[11:34.14]在这块遥远的土地上of laying some great foundation[11:36.45]为子孙后代的繁衍生息for the propagating and advancing[11:38.48]和天国福音的传播the gospel of the kingdom of Christ,[11:40.28][11:40.38]奠定坚实的基础in those remote parts of the world.[11:43.13][11:44.41]十九个家庭They're 19 families.[11:46.52]饲养着山羊鸡猪狗Goats, chickens, pigs and dogs.[11:50.07][11:50.08]他们还有手纺车椅子书籍和枪支They have spinning wheels, chairs, books, guns.[11:55.20][11:56.97]而且没有回头路And no way home.[11:58.88][11:59.08]只要把这个地方描绘成机遇之地If you create this environment as a land of opportunity,[12:02.85][12:02.74]迈克尔·道格拉斯[著名演员][12:07.74][12:02.85]就能吸引到那些then you're gonna attract those type of people[12:07.35][12:07.36]愿意冒险愿意赌一回的人who wanna take that risk, who have-- wanna take that gamble[12:12.20]和那些坚信生活会更好的人and who believe in a better life.[12:16.01][12:17.22]他们的目的地原本是哈德逊河口They were heading for the Hudson River,[12:19.71]然而靠岸地点却向北偏了200英里but they've landed 200 miles further north [12:23.33]时间正是初冬at the beginning of winter.[12:25.36][12:27.71]当时正值一个小型冰期They have arrived in the middle of a mini ice age,[12:30.68]气温普遍比现在低2度temperatures 2 degrees colder than today.[12:33.92][12:37.00]冬天更长适合作物生长的时间更短Winters are longer, growing seasons shorter. [12:40.71][12:48.01]土地贫瘠The soil is poor.[12:49.94][12:50.23]颗粒无收Little grows.[12:51.94][12:52.42]食物严重短缺Food supplies run low.[12:54.60][12:57.58]在前三个月中超过一半的清教徒死于饥荒In the first three months, more than half the Pilgrims die.[13:01.14][13:04.93]威廉·布莱福特是一位社区总督William Bradford is the governor of a community [13:07.93]他所辖的社区很快陷入了困境soon in desperate trouble.[13:09.77][13:10.58]上帝似乎喜欢每天以死亡问候我们It pleased God to visit us with death daily. [13:14.77][13:14.99]疾病蔓延Disease was everywhere.[13:17.41][13:17.69]活着的人几乎没有力气埋葬死人The living were scarcely able to bury the dead. [13:21.29][13:21.76]有时一天就有两三个人去世They died sometimes two or three a day.[13:24.99][13:25.44]在这一百多人中只有不到五十人幸存下来Of 100 and odd persons, scarce 50 remained.[13:30.49][13:32.26]有时只有六个人能有足够的力气At times, only six are fit enough[13:36.22]继续盖房子to continue building their shelters.[13:37.45][13:40.11]苏珊娜·怀特的丈夫死于第一年冬天Susanna White's husband dies that first winter. [13:43.28][13:46.15]爱德华·温斯洛的妻子也在一个月后去世Edward Winslow's wife perishes a month after.[13:49.61][13:51.46]几个星期后怀特和温斯洛结婚了Within weeks, White and Winslow marry. [13:54.55][13:55.78]他们后来有了五个孩子They'll have five children.[13:57.59][13:59.61]在今天超过10%的美国人Today more than 10% of all Americans[14:03.11]家谱可以追溯到"五月花号"上can trace their ancestry back to the Mayflower. [14:06.06][14:16.58]普利茅斯一度成为了他们所寻求的避难所For a time, Plymouth provides the sanctuary they sought.[14:20.56][14:20.83]爱德华Edward![14:22.80][14:23.07]爱德华Edward![14:24.96][14:25.42]爱德华快去看看那边Edward, please go and look over there![14:28.54][14:29.61]但和詹姆斯敦一样他们也不是这里的主人But like Jamestown,there were others here first.[14:33.69][14:44.37]1621年4月April 1621.[14:47.15][14:47.36]清教徒们来到新世界已经五个月了The Pilgrims have been in the New World for five months.[14:50.51][14:50.55]只有一半的人挺过了第一年冬天Barely half survive the first winter.[14:53.47][14:54.55]但他们不是第一批来到这片海岸的欧洲人But they're not the first Europeans to arrive on this coast.[14:58.46][15:00.12]五年前欧洲轮船带来了白人移民和瘟疫Five years before, European ships brought light-skinned people and plague.[15:06.21][15:06.37]几乎九成的原住民因此丧生Almost nine out of ten of the local people are wiped out.[15:10.20][15:19.28]波卡诺基特人不需要敌人The Pokanoket people don't need enemies.[15:22.42]他们和清教徒和平共处They make peace with the Pilgrims.[15:24.74][15:25.73]他们教会了英国人They teach the English[15:27.33]如何用鱼做肥料在沙土中种庄稼how to grow crops in sandy soil, using fish for fertilizer.[15:31.33][15:34.99]但他们想要回报But they want something in return.[15:37.27][15:38.60]他们有一个宿敌另一个敌对部落They have a common enemy--a rival tribe. [15:42.43][15:42.55]而英国人拥有强大的武器And the English have powerful weapons.[15:45.74][15:52.87]清教徒们并不是军人The Pilgrims aren't soldiers.[15:54.89]但在这个新世界But in the New World,[15:56.44]他们不得不为了生存而战they have to fight to survive.[15:58.34][16:02.73]1621年8月14日On August 14, 1621,[16:05.50]清教徒和波卡诺基特人准备联手Pilgrims and Pokanoket, shoulder to shoulder, [16:08.98][16:08.99]发动一次突袭will launch a surprise attack[16:11.45]这次突袭将决定他们在这片土地的未来that will seal their future in this new land. [16:14.52][16:14.54]这次一共出动了14名男子It was resolved to send 14 men,[16:17.48]装备精良well-armed,[16:18.98]准备在深夜一举擒下这个部落and to fall upon them in the night.[16:21.14][16:21.93]首领下了命令不要放过任何一个The captain gave charge: Let none pass out. [16:26.50][16:50.71]对方部落猝不及防The rival tribe doesn't know what hit them.[16:53.88][16:55.95]被团团包围Surrounded,[16:57.48]对英国枪火毫无还手之力they have no answer for English firepower.[16:59.98][17:01.37]波卡诺基特人和清教徒们Pokanoket and Pilgrims[17:03.20]找到了彼此之间的共同点find common ground...[17:04.54][17:05.23]也发现了共同生存的机会and a chance to survive.[17:07.32][17:14.14]意想不到的同盟结成了Two unlikely allies.[17:16.72]这种同盟关系在北美极为罕见A partnership all too rare in North America. [17:20.69][17:22.67]我们发现印第安人We have found the Indians[17:24.62]非常遵守与我们达成的和平公约very faithful in their covenant of peace with us. [17:28.03][17:28.11]他们没有任何宗教信仰They are people without any religion[17:30.39]不知神灵为何物or knowledge of any God,[17:32.29]却非常值得信赖yet very trusty,[17:34.82]反应很快quick of apprehension,[17:37.58][17:37.59]机智无比而且有极强的正义感ripe-witted... and just.[17:40.34][17:41.78]他们的胜利给殖民地带来了Their victory brings[17:43.72][17:43.73]很长一段时间的和平a period of peace to the colony.[17:45.18][17:45.23]他们以一场盛宴来庆祝彼此的友谊Their friendship is celebrated in a feast. [17:48.42][17:48.51]那就是感恩节的由来In time, it will become known as Thanksgiving.[17:52.23][17:53.16]开拓美洲的目的之一One of the main themes in the founding of America[17:56.53][17:53.63] 鲁道夫·W·朱利安尼[前纽约市市长][18:02.80][17:56.53]是为了找一个可以扩大生意was a place to do business,[18:00.71]扩展视野的地方a place to expand your horizons,[18:02.80]一个可以过你自己愿意过的生活 a place to live a life of your own,[18:05.01]信仰自己愿意信仰的宗教的地方practice your own religion.[18:06.95]这些基本理念Those are the basic themes[18:09.07]使得许多人飘洋过海来开拓殖民地that brought people to these shores to colonize. [18:12.79][18:18.82]这是一个繁荣时代的开端It's the start of a period of prosperity,[18:22.02]将完全改变北美that will transform North America.[18:24.23][18:27.50]从詹姆斯敦和普利茅斯开始From Jamestown and Plymouth,[18:29.74]殖民者的后代遍布整个大陆their descendants grow across the landscape.[18:32.55][18:37.06]越来越多的人越过大西洋As more and more people cross the Atlantic--[18:40.08]成千上万thousands, tens of thousands,[18:43.04]不同背景的人带着不同的理由来到这里people with different backgrounds, different reasons for being here...[18:47.80][18:51.58]美利坚成为了全世界的人都渴望到达的地方America becomes the place for everybody from everywhere.[18:55.34][18:58.16]大家孤注一掷Rolling the dice,[18:59.74]汇聚到一起形成了最初的13个殖民地coming together to create 13 colonies. [19:03.11][19:03.72]农业从詹姆斯敦传播到了南方From Jamestown, agriculture spreads across the South,[19:07.94]以前脏乱的小农庄也变成了大的种植园农场dirt farms transform into sprawling plantations.[19:12.01][19:12.88]爱尔兰人德国人和瑞典人不断向前推进Irish, Germans,and Swedes push back the frontier.[19:17.33][19:19.40]荷兰人将他们的生意带到了The Dutch bring commerce to[19:20.77]哈德逊河口处的一个小岛上a small island at the mouth of the Hudson River. [19:23.62][19:25.74]后来这里被命名为纽约In time, it will be named New York.[19:28.99][19:30.34]比起留在欧洲的同胞The colonists are 2 inches taller,[19:32.56]移民们平均要高2英寸也更加健康and far healthier, than those they left behind in Europe.[19:36.24][19:36.52]平均每个清教徒家庭养了8个小孩The Puritans average eight children,[19:39.86]孩子活到成年的比例是欧洲同胞的两倍and they are twice as likely to survive to adulthood.[19:43.13][19:44.14]比欧洲同胞更富有20% They are 20% richer[19:46.15]赋税只相当于英国本土的1/4 and pay only 1/4 of the taxes of those in England. [19:49.70][19:49.83]许多人仍然认为自己是英国人Many still think of themselves as British,[19:52.93]但是随着一代一代的成长but each generation grows[19:54.89]这种意识越来越淡薄further from its roots.[19:56.24][19:57.77]这一现象在波士顿尤为突出Nowhere more so than Boston.[20:00.35][20:01.37]1768年5月9日May 9, 1768.[20:04.37][20:04.47]到了约翰·罗尔夫首次烟草收成以来的第七代Seven generations after John Rolfe's first tobacco harvest,[20:08.27]英国人想要分更大的一杯羹the British want a bigger piece of the action.[20:11.72][20:17.26]英国海关官员发动了对"自由号"的突袭A British customs official springs a surprise raid on The Liberty,[20:21.47]它是约翰·汉考克的船a ship belonging to John Hancock,[20:24.37]他是波士顿最富有的人之一one of the richest men in Boston.[20:26.20][20:28.73]但汉考克的船员另有企图But Hancock's crew has other ideas.[20:31.64][20:38.70]他们偷运了100桶进口酒不想交税They're carrying 100 casks of imported wine and don't want to pay duty.[20:44.05][20:46.22]对于远在3000英里以外的国王It's a radical act of rebellion[20:48.43]此举不啻于公然的抗税against taxes imposed by a king 3,000 miles away.[20:53.04][20:55.00]对于英国当局来说他们就是走私To the British, they're just common smugglers. [20:58.56][20:59.84]这场贸易前哨战改变了一切This mall skirmish changes everything.[21:02.74][21:02.75]英国当局扣押了汉考克的船The British seize Hancock's ship,[21:04.95]此举引发了整个波士顿的骚乱triggering riots that sweep through Boston.[21:07.87][21:08.12]我们不想缴税给国王We didn't wanna pay taxes to a king[21:10.88]不想缴税给一个我们没有发言权and to a parliament where we didn't have a voice,[21:13.68][21:10.98] 阿伦·索尔金[剧作家][21:14.88][21:13.68]也没有任何议员代表我们的议会and we didn't have any representation.[21:15.54][21:16.18]我们美国人天生就对政府有种怨恨We have a natural resentment toward government,[21:18.75]也正因此我们才得以独立which was how we were born.[21:22.35][21:24.41]英国国王派了4000名士兵到波士顿去执法The king sends 4,000 redcoats to Boston to enforce his laws.[21:29.64][21:30.64]波士顿是贸易之城文化之城Boston was a city of commerce, culture,[21:34.68]文明之城也是革命之城civilization, and revolution,[21:36.70] 小亨利·路易斯·盖茨[哈佛大学非洲和非裔美国人研究所所长][21:41.45][21:36.70]就是在殖民者到来之后英国人到来后unfolding right before the eyes of the colonists[21:39.45]发展起来的and the eyes of the British.[21:41.54][21:49.73]1768年10月October 1768.[21:52.24][21:52.42]英国士兵紧紧钳制着波士顿British soldiers clamp down on Boston,[21:55.47]它是通往大英帝国的关键港口a port crucial to the British Empire...[21:58.28][21:59.34]也是全球商业贸易的枢纽and a hub of global trade and commerce.[22:02.39][22:07.92]它的造船厂是世界最繁忙的船厂之一Its dockyards are some of the busiest in the world,[22:11.13]利用美国海量的木材储备年产200艘船producing 200 ships a year from America's vast timber reserves.[22:16.58][22:18.77]英国1/3的船都是在殖民地建造的1/3 of all British shipping is built in the colonies. [22:22.79][22:25.60]木材供给支持着全球经济的发展Timber fuels the global economy...[22:28.20][22:29.74]就像当今的石油一样much like oil does today.[22:31.97][22:38.23]整个新英格兰境内Across New England,[22:40.12]最高最粗壮的树都被做上了记号marks identify the tallest, strongest trees[22:42.51]他们将被用来建造英国船只selected by the crown for British ships.[22:45.32][22:47.12]英国的大部分森林已不复存在England has lost most of its forests.[22:49.98][22:50.22]所以把目光投向了美国的森林It wants American wood.[22:52.25][22:56.95]在波士顿每四个市民就有一名英国士兵In Boston, there's one redcoat for every four citizens.[23:01.18][23:02.14]整个城市完全被控制了It's a city under occupation.[23:04.64][23:07.12]保罗·里维尔是一名银匠Paul Revere is a silversmith[23:10.07]也是波士顿知名大商人之一and one of Boston's prominent businessmen...[23:12.04][23:12.51]一点都不像危险分子an unlikely subversive.[23:14.81]傲慢的英国兵浩浩荡荡地进城They formed and marched with insolent parade, [23:17.93][23:18.82]军乐阵阵旗帜飞扬drums beating, fifes playing, and colors flying,[23:23.01]每名士兵都配发了16发弹药each soldier having received 16 rounds of powder and ball.[23:27.30][23:27.49]他是典型的中上层阶级He is an upper-middle-class figure,[23:30.67]全靠自身努力奋斗得到现有的一切someone who has risen through his own efforts, his own talent.[23:34.20][23:34.21]他代表了这样一群人He represents what we have created on our own[23:37.62][23:35.67]理查德·诺顿·史密斯[乔治梅森大学历史学家][23:37.67][23:37.62]几乎不靠英国亲友帮忙白手起家with very little help from our cousins across the Atlantic.[23:42.14][23:42.31]但是当北美革命一触即发时But when revolution comes to North America... [23:45.03][23:47.44]里维尔将身处革命的最前沿Revere will beat the center of it.[23:50.39][24:57.08]包括波士顿在内的13个殖民地Boston and the 13 colonies[24:59.40]可以说是英国经济发展的发电站are an economic powerhouse,[25:01.55]对英国来说至关重要critical to Britain.[25:02.94][25:07.36]英国出口的物品将近40%都来到了美国Nearly 40% of everything exported from Britain, makes its way to America.[25:12.33][25:15.58]捕鱼船队将成千上万吨的腌鳕鱼运往加勒比海The fishing fleet ships thousands of tons of salted cod to the Caribbean.[25:20.15][25:22.96]又将糖和糖蜜运往英国Returns with sugar and molasses...[25:25.51][25:25.68]那些都是制作朗姆酒的原料raw material for rum.[25:27.89][25:28.96]每一项进出口贸易都要向英国交税Taxed by the British after every exchange. [25:32.38][25:35.73]在非洲朗姆酒被当作货币In Africa, rum is the currency used[25:38.06]可以用来购买最赚钱的货to purchase the most profitable cargo of all...[25:41.23][25:45.82]非洲黑奴African slaves.[25:47.87][25:49.41]在1700年到1800年间Between 1700 and 1800,[25:52.39]超过25万的非洲人被运往美国殖民地more than 1/4 of a million Africans are brought to the American colonies.[25:57.03][25:57.28]大都是被强迫做了奴隶而非自愿前去More slaves than all those who came of their own free will.[26:01.24][26:05.15]大部分人被送往南方大种植园Most wind up on large plantations in the South. [26:08.69][26:08.80]不过黑人对美国北方经济发展也至关重要But they're also critical to the economy of the North.[26:11.99][26:12.10]波士顿10%的人口是黑人10% of Boston's population is black.[26:15.82][26:16.54]波士顿就像一个大熔炉气氛越发紧张Boston is a melting pot, and tension is building.[26:20.53][26:21.41]没有人喜欢自己家里有侵略者Nobody likes invaders in their homes.[26:23.68] 安妮特·戈登·里德[罗格斯大学历史学教授][26:30.78][26:23.68]让外国人来到这片土地To have people here, foreigners on your soil,[26:27.57]某种程度上反而激励了人们去战斗is something-- is a great incentive for people to fight.[26:30.78][26:32.24]1770年3月5日March 5, 1770.[26:34.60][26:35.49]持续三天的动乱后After three days of unrest,[26:37.68]一群暴民游荡在大街小巷中an angry mob roams the streets.[26:40.31]成百上千的人没了工作Hundreds of men who lost their jobs[26:42.16]他们聚集到国王街咒骂英国当局and blame the British gather on King Street [26:46.09][26:46.79]和八个被下令不准开枪的英国士兵对峙and face off against eight redcoats with orders not to fire.[26:51.55][26:53.07]接下来发生的事情彻底改写了美国历史What's about to happen will change America forever.[26:57.46][26:58.78]17岁的制假发学徒A 17-year-old wig maker'sapprentice,[27:01.02]爱德华·加里克点燃了导火线Edward Garrick, lights the fuse.[27:04.47][27:09.18]战斗是这样开始的This is how wars start.[27:11.95][27:20.49]兄弟们上Come on, let's have it![27:22.91][27:26.09]士兵休·蒙哥马利被打了一棒Private Hugh Montgomery is hit with a club.[27:29.11][28:04.48]非裔美国人克里斯珀斯·阿塔克斯An African-American, Crispus Attucks,[28:08.12]当场死亡dies instantly.[28:08.81][28:12.58]大家跑啊Everybody, run![28:14.36][28:31.13]硝烟散尽时又死了四个人When the smoke clears, four more are dead.[28:34.74][28:37.91]波士顿如何回应将改变历史的发展进程How Boston reacts will change the course of history.[28:41.84][28:45.69]既是银匠Silversmith[28:46.20]又是政治激进分子的保罗·里维尔and political radical Paul Revere[28:48.76]雕出了英国士兵在波士顿街头captures the moment British soldiers kill five colonists[28:50.54]杀死五个殖民地人的画面in the streets of Boston.[28:53.76][28:55.28]他的雕刻将加速革命的爆发His engraving will fuel the fires of revolution[28:58.88]愤怒之火迅速在13个殖民地之间蔓延开来as outrage spreads across the 13 colonies.[29:02.98][29:04.11]波城愤怒子民叹Unhappy Boston see thy sons deplore,[29:08.73]圣街竟遭血污玷thy hallowed walks besmeared with guiltless gore,[29:12.19]贼子帮凶多残忍whilst faithless Preston and his savage bands,[29:15.98]恶爪锋利乱伤人with murderous rancor, stretch their bloody hands.[29:20.09][29:23.24]世界上最强大的军队The most formidable army in the world[29:25.40][29:25.41]对着一群手无寸铁的人疯狂扫射firing on an unarmed crowd.[29:28.77]这幅震惊世人的画有个一目了然的标题An explosive image with a title that says it all:[29:34.08]波士顿惨案"The Bloody Massacre."[29:35.73][29:36.11]有一个古老的笑话There was the old joke,[29:37.44][29:37.45]给我一幅画我还你一场战争"You give me a picture, I'll give you a war."[29:39.45]那些想挑起事端表明立场Those who wanted to stir things up and to make a statement[29:43.80][29:39.45] 迈克尔·R·彭博[纽约市市长][29:46.03][29:43.80]甚至可能领导革命的人and maybe even lead a revolution,[29:46.03]通过这样能团结很多人站在他们那一边it made them able to rally others to their side.[29:50.08][29:51.72]消息迅速传播开了News spreads fast.[29:53.72]移民们都是热心的读者The colonists are avid readers,[29:56.11]源自最初普利茅斯清教徒读圣经的传统 a legacy from the first Bible-reading Puritans in Plymouth.[29:59.93][30:00.52]波士顿有美国的第一份周刊Boston has the first weekly newspaper.[30:03.78][30:04.63]当时此地已经有了40多家报刊机构There are now more than 40 papers across the colonies.[30:08.31]加上新的邮政署署长本杰明·富兰克林And the new postmaster general, Benjamin Franklin...[30:11.98][30:12.97]已经建立起了一个革命性的邮政递送系统has introduced a revolutionary postal-delivery system.[30:16.52][30:19.49]连夜递送可以节省一半的时间Night riders cut the delivery time in half.[30:22.88][30:24.73]将各个殖民地联系到一起的联系网The communications network connecting the colonies[30:27.72]是当时世界上最好的is one of the best in the world.[30:30.00][30:30.55]英国当局对此一无所知And the British have no idea.[30:33.53][30:34.55]他们希望这个消息能够被压下来They hope the news can be contained.[30:37.15][30:39.03]在消息传到英国之前Before news reaches England,[30:40.90]绝大多数的美国人都已经知道了波士顿惨案most of America knows about the Boston Massacre.[30:44.28][30:44.37]这充分体现了一种美国精神It's a very American spirit of an idea,[30:47.20][30:45.50] 吉米·威尔士[维基百科创始人之一][30:50.12][30:47.20]那就是每个人都有权利去获取真相this idea that everybody should have access to knowledge.[30:50.12]这很像那个开创性的想法It's very much like that pioneering idea,[30:53.31]即每一个人应该能够开创属于自己的路everybody should be able to make their way in the world.[30:56.39]无论是康涅狄格的印刷工人A printer in Connecticut[30:57.97]还是北卡罗来纳的农民can read the exact same story[31:01.07]都能读到同样的消息as a farmer in North Carolina.[31:02.00][31:04.76]1773年12月December 1773.[31:07.29]《波士顿公报》曝出了另一件事"The Boston Gazette" breaks another story, [31:09.65]这将助长叛乱的火焰that will fan the flames of rebellion.[31:12.21][31:14.60]愤怒和不满的情绪日益高涨The rising tide of anger and resentment[31:17.08]英国不得不采取行动forces England's hand.[31:19.35][31:19.53]他们取消了所有的税收They repeal all taxes...[31:21.90][31:23.53]不过仍保留了茶叶税except one, on tea.[31:26.05][31:27.69]这远远不够It's not enough.[31:29.28][31:29.83]美国历史上最著名的反抗运动之一In one of the most famous acts of resistance in American history,[31:33.56]反抗者将价值逾百万美元的茶叶倾入波士顿港Rebels dump over $1 million worth of tea in Boston Harbor.[31:38.59][31:39.70]如果有人前来冒犯When someone comes along and smacks us,[31:42.83][31:42.70] 汤姆·布罗考[原NBC新闻主播][31:44.59][31:42.83]我们不会逆来顺受we don't turn the other cheek.[31:45.24][31:45.86]这不是我们的性格That's not who we are.[31:47.52][31:50.76]快点Move it![31:52.13][31:52.69]英国人为此关闭了波士顿港The British respond by shutting down Boston Harbor... [31:56.19][31:59.99]这个美洲最繁忙和富庶的港口之一one of America's busiest, wealthiest ports. [32:03.98][32:12.74]走吧小伙子Come on, lad.[32:14.11][32:15.57]数百人失业Hundreds lose their jobs.[32:17.93][32:19.73]英国人决意要扼杀所有来自The British mean to strangle any resistance[32:22.16]马萨诸塞州这个不服管治的殖民地的反抗from the rebellious colony of Massachusetts.。

























而电影《革命之路》(Revolutionary Road)正是蕴含了这双重意义,它是一个关于婚姻生活的故事,但同时意味深长地指涉政治。




这部电影根据理查德·亚芝(Richard Yates)1961年发表的同名小说改编。



而主人公爱普尔·惠勒(April Wheeler)身上所体现的正是这种精神。






























感情上磨合期的艰涩,一夜的失眠,终于耐下心来看完这部美国电影《Revolutionary Road》。






精神病博士John 的出现,以及他的台词及表现,我实在是觉得太突兀,太把观众当傻瓜了。








这几个配角肿么都那么高,高得给人一种“傻大个”的感觉,看起来好不舒服的说~~~~好吧~~~第四个是我疑惑了好久的问题,April腹中的孩子会不会不是Frank 的,而是傻大个邻居的?我知道从电影情节顺序发展的推测上来说我这个疑惑根本不成立。







100秒1分半小时40分2时120分180-9880 34+78120 249110+1404、一个加数是413,另一个加数是578,和是_____;被减数是400,减数是319,差是_____.5、□60÷48,要使商是两位数,□里最小填________.6、计算小数加减法时,要注意把(_____)对齐,也就是把(_____)对齐。





A.3 B.4 C.52、边长为100米的正方形土地的面积是()A.1公顷B.10公顷C.100公顷D.1000公顷3、正方形边长扩大到原来的2倍,它的周长()。

A.扩大到原来的2倍B.扩大到原来的4倍C.扩大到原来的8倍4、两个数相加的和是226,如果其中一个加数增加10,另一个加数减少20,和是()A.196 B.216 C.236 D.2565、一个三位数减去一个三位数,差一定是()。






一些伤感的关于心累的话:1 我该如何开口对你说,可是我真的很想发泄。


为什么?2 失业了4个多月了,一直找不到一份理想的工作,无助的我,一次又一次的出现人才挤挤的南方人才市场,渺茫的我,寻找工作处处碰避,处处被企业拒绝千里之外,心好累,生活在这个繁荣的都市,好像并没有属于我的立足之地,平凡即普通的自己,要怎么样去面对这一切,没有过硬的一技之长,没有过硬家庭的背景,突然间有点害怕活在这个世界上,没有了对生活希望,没有了奋斗的激情,自己现在就像一个空壳子一样,什么都好像跟我自己无关,曾经一直努力的我,也便是如此,最终还是落到一无所有,这到底是为什么?真的好累!活着更累!3 人累了可以歇,可以休息。





4 你知道吗?我爱你,爱得心好累啊?这个夜晚显得那么平静,就连天上的星星都是闪烁点点,月亮更是那么圆,只是这个冬季的风比较大,寒风肆意无情的吹打着我的脸。

5 今天塞着喇叭徒步于大街小巷,逛了很多个书店,把青春书架上的书本翻了个遍,好像只有这样,才证明自己也一样拥有青春,拥有梦。

6 爱情和情歌一样,最高境界是余音袅袅;最凄美的不是报仇雪恨,而是遗憾;最好的爱情,必然有遗憾。












2015年最新全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 《威尼斯商人》中的关键社会元素——莎士比亚心中的乌托邦社会2 中英诗歌及时行乐主题比较3 以学生为中心的英语词汇教学研究4 美剧字幕中的译者主体性——以美剧Gossip Girl第一季为例5 高中英语教师课堂提问的现状及有效策略研究6 浅谈中国英语与中式英语之差异7 对当今中国大学英语作为第二外语的教学方法的观察和思考8 中西方节日文化差异研究9 论《哈姆雷特》中的双关语10 论基督教对信徒的影响分析11 中西方餐桌礼仪的文化对比分析12 浅析艾米莉?狄金森诗歌中的认知隐喻13 从高校课桌文化透视当代大学生的内心压力14 论影视字幕翻译的特点及应注意的方面——以美剧绝望主妇为题材15 EFL Learning Strategies on Web-based Autonomous Learning16 《墙上的斑点》中的意识流技巧分析17 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。

原创Q 799 75 79 3818 从旅游看中美核心文化差异19 中美两国女性在家庭和社会中地位的比较20 A Comparison of the English Color Terms21 日常生活中隐喻的认知研究22 英汉广告中的双关语及其互译23 《夜色温柔》男主人公迪克的精神变化研究24 运用超验主义解读《小妇人》中的女性形象25 浅谈《基督山伯爵》的主要宗教思想26 基于跨文化视角文化全球化的分析27 从奈达功能对等理论谈李继宏译《追风筝的人》28 《小妇人》中四姐妹价值观的发展2930 A Comparison of the English Color Terms31 论《蝇王》中人性的泯灭和救赎的无力32 从适应与选择角度看公示语翻译方法33 家庭生活中的瑞普?凡?温克尔34 论希斯克利夫出走的必然性35 非言语交际在英语教学中的作用36 从文化差异视角论旅游文本翻译中的词汇空缺37 在关联理论观照下电影名称翻译探析38 亨利?詹姆斯的《戴茜?米勒》中的文化冲突和文化融合39 母语在第二语言习得中的迁移40 从功能翻译理论视角谈旅游翻译41 《黄鹤楼》五个英译本的语义等值研究42 Developing University Students’ Cross-cultural Awareness in English Teaching and Learning43 《永别了,武器》中的自然象征意义44 解析威廉布莱克《老虎》中的修辞运用及其对英语写作的启示45 商务谈判中的模糊语的使用46 易卜生戏剧《培尔?金特》中培尔?金特的宗教救赎之路47 论跨文化因素对广告汉英翻译的影响48 商务英语中的冗余现象及语用功能49 The Application of Situational Approach to Teaching Listening in High School English Classroom50 非英语专业大学生英语学习动机调查51 霍桑在《红字》中对人的罪恶的探究52 论英语广告的语言特点53 军服相关英汉颜色词的分析54 提高学生说英语的兴趣和能力55 Pragmatic Differences of Politeness in Intercultural Communication Between English and Chinese56 从《简爱》和《达洛维夫人》浅谈女权主义的发展57 道德与归属地的一致性--《曼斯菲尔德庄园》空间维度分析58 商标翻译中的功能对等59 从接受美学看广告翻译60 从《宠儿》的人物形象中分析莫里森的种族观61 埃德加?爱伦?坡恐怖小说的哥特式特征分析62 从后殖民主义看《贫民窟的百万富翁》的成功63 论詹姆斯乔伊斯的《阿拉比》中的弗洛伊德主义64 Existentialism in Pride and Prejudice65 比较研究王维与华兹华斯的自然观66 爱默生的自然观--生态批评视域下的《论自然》(开题报告+论)67 论《兔子归来》中黑人民权意识的觉醒68 浅析目的论下宣传标语的英译失误69 唐诗中比喻修辞格的翻译——以许渊冲英译本为例70 浅析广告语及其汉译71 《看管人》下的“品特式”72 (日语系毕业论文)义务教育的发展—就择校问题进行的探讨73 An Analysis of the Images in The Catcher in the Rye74 《傲慢与偏见》和《简爱》中的性别歧视现象和女权主义75 两个反叛的女人——姚木兰和斯佳丽之对比分析76 CBI理论诠释及在英语教学中的应用77 On the Conflicts Reflected in the Character of Holden in The Catcher in the Rye78 论“美国梦”对美国文学的影响79 从女性主义看《呼啸山庄》80 《德伯家的苔丝》苔丝和《红字》海斯特的悲剧命运的比较81 英汉数词的文化对比及其翻译82 导入艺术在培养初中生英语学习兴趣中的运用83 英语电影片名汉译研究85 中美商务谈判中恭维语的分析86 谭恩美《喜福会》中身份协商的研究87 文化视野下的中美家庭教育方法的比较88 《傲慢与偏见》与《劝导》中婚姻模式的对比研究89 网络流行语翻译评析——“神马都是浮云”个案分析9091 希腊罗马神话典故成语英汉翻译评析92 从茶和咖啡的对比中体现出来的生活方式的不同93 合作教学理论在初中英语阅读中的运用94 An Analysis of the Fool in King Lear from the Perspective of New Historicism95 英文电影片名汉译的创造性叛逆原则9697 影视字幕翻译原则——从文化角度进行研究98 A Brief Discussion on the Translation of Brand Names99 艾丽丝?沃克《紫色》的生态女性主义解读100 论身势语的跨文化交际应用101 A Contrastive Analysis of Chinese and English Euphemisms for Death from the Perspective of Culture102 从《在路上》解读“垮掉的一代”时代背景与主题103 女性哥特视角下的《蝴蝶梦》研究104 从《道连?格雷的画像》谈唯美主义艺术观105 论《奥兰多》中双性同体观106 李安电影中的文化融合现象107 归化、异化翻译策略比较研究:以《简?爱》两个汉译本为例108 论《最蓝的眼睛》中的黑人文化传统109 词义的选择和商务英语的汉译110 论文化背景在高中英语阅读教学中的作用111 The Seven-Eighths of The Old Man and the Sea: an analysis of “Iceberg Theory”112 在归隐中相遇—论梭罗与陶渊明的诗意人生113 从《寻找格林先生》看索尔?贝娄对生命意义的探寻114 影视作品中的中英电话礼貌用语对比研究115 从《哈克贝里﹒费恩历险记》看马克﹒吐温的幽默讽刺艺术116 中英习语文化异同及其翻译117118 《苔丝》中的圣经和神话典故119 从跨文化角度论谚语中的比喻与翻译120 跨文化商务谈判中的语用原则分析121 从文化差异的角度看《红楼梦》颜色词的英译122 美国个人主义与中国集体主义的比较123 A Comparative Study of Politeness Expressions in English and Chinese124 威廉?华兹华斯诗歌中的自然观125 从《哈利波特与火焰杯》看文学翻译中的文化冲突126 澳大利亚英语词汇和澳大利亚文化(开题报告+论)128 浅谈中西婚俗的文化差异129 论翻译过程中的译者主体性130 多媒体在高中英语教学中的应用研究131 浅析中西方文化中会面礼仪的差异132 从日常交际礼貌用语失误看中西方文化差异133 高中英语听、说、读教学活动中写作融入模式的初探134 商务英语信函中名词化结构的翻译135 弗吉尼亚?伍尔夫《海浪》的叙事技巧分析136 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中的创伤和治愈137 如何提高初中生的英语听力能力138 中美两国家庭文化差异139 浅析女主人公性格对其婚恋的影响—在《傲慢与偏见》和《红楼梦》中婚恋比较140 二元对立模型在伍尔夫《达洛卫夫人》中的应用141 《哈姆雷特》中不言而喻的隐喻魅力(开题报告+论文+文献综述)142 浅析水果类的习语翻译143 浅析星巴克现象中的独特文化144 On the Translation of English Advertisements from the Rhetorical Perspective145 浅析商务谈判中的恭维语应用146 The Analysis of Daisy in The Great Gatsby147 从关联理论看商务信函的礼貌策略148 英语歌曲名称汉译研究149 二战后大萧条对美国社会福利的影响150 A Study of Pragmatic Functions of Vague Language and Its Implications to English Language Learners151 顺应理论视角下公益广告英译中的语用失误分析152 英语国家国歌中爱国主义的话语建构153 《榆树下的欲望》中的自然主义154 On Movie Title Translation from Skopos Theory Perspective155 美国战争电影的人性和文化透视--以《拯救大兵瑞恩》为例156 外贸函电写作中存在的误区及其对策157 北京奥运官网英译:功能主义视角158 从涉外婚姻分析中西方文化差异159 论“迷惘的一代”--以海明威为个案160 接受美学视角下的《声声慢》英译研究161 A Comparison of the English Color Terms162 西游记神话人物称谓翻译策略:归化与异化163 《圣经》对英语习语的影响164 Movie and culture165 An Analysis of Symbols in The Great Gatsby166 英语课堂中的口语纠错策略167 《围城》英译本中的幽默翻译168 Discourse, Immigrants and Identity in In the Skin of a Lion169 商标翻译的本土化研究170 机器翻译回顾--案例分析谷歌171 Individual Factors in the Tragedy of The Lady with the Camellias172 中国传统文化中特色词语的翻译173 对比分析《喜福会》中母女美国梦和母女冲突的原因及表现174 中美在非正式时间方面文化差异的研究175 论《荆棘鸟》中德罗海达的寓意及其对命运的影响176177 A Southern Elegy-A Feminist Study on Faulkner’s “A Rose for Emily”178 Analysis of Love Tragedy in The Apple Tree in Light of Realism179 合作教学理论在初中英语阅读中的运用180 浅析英诗翻译的原则和方法——丁尼生《鹰》的不同译文比较181 《好人难寻》的冷漠主题分析182 从隐私权看中西文化差异183 从文化角度论动物词汇的比喻与翻译184 从动物习语分析、比较中美文化185 《红字》中替罪羊形象的分析186 On Human Nature in Frankenstein187 The Symbolic Meanings of Letter “A” in The Scarlet Letter188 中美大学创业教育的比较和启示189 从《哈克贝利?费恩历险记》中儿童的观察和语言分析世纪的美国社会190 Cultural Impacts on International Business191 家庭生活中的瑞普凡温克尔192 莎士比亚:男权神话的守望者—莎士比亚戏剧的女性主义解读193 Escapism in The Picture of Dorian Gray194 论《老人与海》中圣地亚哥性格的双重性195 从翻译美学视角探析文学作品翻译——以《了不起的盖茨比》为例196 试论法律文本的翻译原则197 浅析《瓦尔登湖》中的生态思想198 From Dormancy to Revival—A Feminist Study on Kate Chopin’s Awakening 199 卡勒德·胡赛尼《追风筝的人》阿米尔的救赎分析。




【结尾太狠了——deaf husband lives longer.“婚姻的后来由⼥⼈的⼀厢情愿和男⼈的充⽿不闻组成。




⾰命之路的剧情简介 · · · · · · 当他们第⼀次见⾯,他是⾼谈阔论的有志青年,她是向往成为名演员的未来之星。








Jack和Rose变成了Frank和Apirl ,⼀个每天装作充满激情的销售员,⼀个放弃演员理想的家庭主妇。











六年级阅读《丑石》及答案本页仅作为文档封面,使用时可以删除This document is for reference only-rar21year.March丑石贾平凹①我常常遗憾我家门前的那块丑石呢:它黑黝黝地卧在那里,牛似的模样,谁也不知道是什么时候留在这里的,谁也不去理会它。

























1你是做什么的So, what do you do?2我在上课想当个演员I'm studying to be an actress.3你呢You?4我是个码头工人I'm a longshoreman.5我是说真的No, I mean really.6我...我也是说真的I mean... I mean really too.7不过从下周一开始Although, starting next Monday,8我要做点儿更棒的事了I'm doing something a little more glamorous.9什么What's that?10自助餐厅的夜班收银员Night cashier at a cafeteria.11我不是问你怎么赚钱I don't mean how you make money.12我是问I mean,13你对什么感兴趣What are you interested in?14亲爱的我要是有这答案Honey, if I had the answer to that one, 15我打赌不出半个小时咱俩都得无聊死I bet I'd bore us both to death in half an hour.16谢天谢地终于完了...Thank God, that's over...17有很多明星都是初次亮相啊So much for the debut of the laurelplayers.18她太让人失望了...And she was very disappointing.19弗兰克Oh, Frank!20太棒了弗兰克Oh, very nice Frank!21谢谢你捧场吉明斯夫人Oh, thanks so much, Mrs. Givings.22我们真是太喜欢了I can't tell you how much we enjoyedit.23你太太真有天赋You have a very talented wife.24我会转达的I'll pass it along!25弗兰克Frank!26她在那边...She's in there...!27我等不及要喝一杯了I'm about ready for that drink.28稍等一下Couple of minutes!29爱宝?April...?30宝贝儿?Sweetheart...?31-准备好走了吗-好的好的-You about ready to leave? -Yeah,yeah.32我正要卸妆I've just got to get this makeup off.33那个...我猜Well... I guess it wasn't34不是很成功吧A triumph or anything, was it?35我觉得是I guess not.36我一会儿就好I'll be ready in a minute.37不用着急Take your time.38帮个忙好吧Listen, will you do me a favor?39米莉和谢普想约我们出去Milly and Shep wanted us to go outwith them after.40你能不能回绝了?Will you say we can't?41就说保姆要下班什么的Say it's because of the baby sitter orsomething?42可是我已经答应了Well, the thing is, I already said thatwe could.43我...I mean...44我刚才已经答应他们了I just saw them and I said we would.45那你能否再出去一趟说刚才搞错了呢Then would you mind going out againand saying you were mistaken?46这应该不难吧That should be simple enough.47你不觉得这有点不礼貌吗爱宝Don't you think that's a little bit rude, April?48好吧我自己去说Well I'll tell them myself.49好Okay.50好别急Okay. Take it easy.51好吧All right?52我去说I'll tell them.53说真的宝贝儿I mean it, baby.54你是这戏里唯一的亮点You were the only person in that play.55谢谢Thank you.56就不该让你搞这破戏剧这是关键We should've let you get mixed up in the damned thing. It's all.57行了All right.58一帮业余的家伙A bunch of amateurs.59我是说你可是科班出身I mean, you've studied for Christ's sake.60能别唠叨了吗Could we stop talking about it now? 61好Sure.62我只是不想让你太难过I just don't want you feeling bad aboutit, that's all,63太不值得了Because it's not worth it, you know?64-和这帮鸟人生活在这儿就够憋屈了-是-It's bad enough having to live out hereamong these damn people -Yes.65-你说什么-我说"是" 弗兰克-What'd you say? -I said yes. Allright, Frank.66能别再说这个了吗Could you just stop talking about itnow,67免得把我逼疯Before you drive me crazy, please?68你干吗What are you doing?69爱宝April...70亲爱的Sweetheart...71我们该谈谈Let's talk about this, okay?72拜托我不想谈Please, don't do that.73来Come on now.74别碰我Don't touch me.75爱宝爱宝April... April...76离我远点儿You just... Leave me alone!77好Okay.78好Okay.79我受够了这一堆狗屁烂事儿It strikes me, that there's a considerableamount of bullshit...80这里Going on here,81我只想澄清几件事and there is just a few things, that I'dlike to clear up.82好吧All right?83第一Number one:84这剧这么恶心不是我的错It's not my fault the play was lousy.85第二Number two:86你没当成真正的演员It's sure as hell not my fault87也他妈不是我的错That you didn't turn out to be anactress,88还有你越快忘记那些肥皂剧And the sooner you get over that littlepiece of soap opera89我们就能过得越好The better off we'll both be.90第三Number three:91我不是那种I don't happen to fit the role92木讷迟钝的乡下汉子of dumb, insensitive suburban husband,93自从我们搬来这里你就一直想让我变成那样You've been trying to leave that crap on me ever since we moved out here. 94我受够了And I'm damn before wear.95第四Number four:96爱宝April...97爱宝April!98爱宝April...99你到底要干吗快回来What the hell are you doing? Get back to the car.100不我一会儿回去No. I will in a minute101让我在这站会儿Just let me stand here for a second. 102妈的Goddamnit.103爱宝April...104你能不能回到车里我们好好谈Can you please, just get back in the car, and talk about this,105别在12号国道上乱跑好吗Instead of running all over Route 12? 106我说得不够清楚吗我不想谈Haven't I made it clear I don't particularly want to talk about it?107 好吧看在老天的份上Okay. I mean, Jesus, I'm trying to benice108我很想好好谈谈about this thing. For God's sake.109你可真体贴How kind of you.110太他妈的体贴了How terribly, terribly kind of you.111等等我做错什么啦Wait a minute. I don't deserve this.112你总是这么绝对地说You're always so wonderfully definite,on the subject of...113-你该怎样不该怎样-等等-What you do and don't deserve? -Waita minute!114妈的等等Wait a goddamn...115爱宝现在你听我说April, now you listen to me.116这一次This is one time117你别想再曲解我的话爱宝You're not gonna get away withtwisting everything that I say, April.118就这一次This just happen to be one goddamntime.119我知道我没错I know I'm not the wrong here.120天哪我真希望你今天没来Christ, I wish you'd stayed hometonight!121你知道现在的你怎么了吗爱宝You know what you are, when you arelike this, April?122你有病You're sick.123没错I really mean that.124就是有病You're sick!125-你知道你又怎么了吗-怎么-And you know what you are? -What?126-你很恶心-是吗-You're disgusting. -Oh yeah?127你别唬我弗兰克You don't bully me, Frank.128就因为你把我困在这个安全的小陷阱里Just because you've got me safely inthis little trap,129你以为你就能强迫我去感受你的感受吗You think you can bully me intofeeling whatever you want!130-陷阱你说这是陷阱-是就是-In a trap! You in a trap! -Yeah. Yeah.131-天哪-我弗兰克我-Jesus! -Me, Frank. Me!132笑死我了Don't make me laugh.133你这个可怜的自欺欺人的臭小子看看你You pathetic, self-deluded little boy.Look at you!134看看你Look at you!135好好看看你自己再告诉我Look at you and tell me,136你哪来的那么多想象力How by any stretch of the imagination 137管自己叫男人You can call yourself a man!138操Fuck!139妈的Damn!140上帝啊Oh, Jesus Christ!141别这么看着我爱宝Don't look at me like that, April.142我们能回家了吗Could we please go home now?143革命之路14415层到了Fifteenth floor.145老弟今天你得帮帮我I'm going to need your help this morning, Old Scout.146一会儿要是邦迪过来了就马上告诉我For the next few hours, you're to warn me of Bandy's every approach147还有别让大家看见我And you may need to shield me from public view in the likely event148胃疼的样子That avoid my stomach.149太难受了It's that bad.150早杰克Morning, Jack.151看着吧没啥好事儿Nothing good about it, I assure you.152你们一下火车我就知道你们要Of course, I knew the moment youstepped off the train153找什么what you were looking for...154一小间改造谷仓或马车库房A small remodeled barn, or a carriagehouse.155不过我得告诉你们And I just hate to be the one to tell you156那种房子已经没有了That sort of thing just isn't availableanymore...157不过别失望But I don't want you to despair.158我要带你们看个地方There is one place up here I wannashow you...159这里现在看起来是不怎么样Now of course it isn't very desirable atthis end.160你看克劳福德路上的房子As you see, Crawford Road is mostlythese little161都是很小的煤砖房像个拖车屋Cinder-blocky, pick-up trucky places.162住着水管工Plumbers, carpenters,163木匠之类的当地人little local people of that sort.164但是...But eventually...165与它相连的革命路Eventually it leads up to RevolutionaryRoad,166状况可就大相径庭了Which is much nicer.167我要带你们去的是一幢漂亮的小房子Now, the place I want to show you, isa sweet little house168布局很别致And a sweet little setting.169简约清新的设计Simple, clean lines,170有片很棒的草地对孩子再合适不过了Good lawns, marvelous for children.171就在前面的拐角处It's just around this next curve...172你们马上就要看到了Now, you'll see it.173就是那儿There.174看见那个白色的房子了吗See the little white one?175很讨人喜欢吧Sweet, isn't it?176看它神气活现地伫立在小斜坡上The perky way it sits there on its littleslope?177很迷人吧Charming, isn't it?178是啊Oh, yes.179你找我?You wanted to see me?180这是今天早晨从托莱多寄来的Came for you from Toledo thismorning.181这个月第3份了This is the third one this month.182-抱歉我已经很谨慎了...-Sorry. I thought I'd taken care...183-我本以为-I'm not prepared to have this...184不会再发生类似事情了弗兰克明白吗This conversation again, Frank. You understand?185-我只是...-I was literaly just getttin...186-周边的其他分公司都很敬重我们-These folks in the provinces look up to us.187我们得有效率We need to be efficient.188我们不能总这么反复出错We can't have this kind of back and forth, and so forth.189太没效率了It's just not efficient.190我说的对吧Am I Right?191完全正确Yes.192怎么了What was that about?193托莱多Toledo.194分店经理想要份Branch manager wants a revised brochure195改好的诺克斯500会议的宣传册For the conference on the Knox 500. 196太没效率了我说的对吧对吧对吧It's just not efficient. Am I right? Am Iright? Am I right?197娘娘腔Sounds like a goodie.198说实话我都不知道诺克斯500是什么For God's sake. I don't even knowwhat the Knox 500 does...199你知道吗Do you?200你以为都跟你似的Don't insult me.201如果要找SP-1109下的待用文件If you'll look in the inactive file underSP-1109.202你就能找着所有发给代理商的文件备份You'll find copies of all the stuff wesent to the agency.203这样我们就能追踪到And that way we can trace the thingback to its...204原始资料To its original sources.205你午饭不会吃得太早吧Listen. I hope you weren't planning onan early lunch.206不会No.207我不太饿I'm not really hungry.208好我一会儿再过来Good. I'll check on you later. All right?209好的Okay.210好Okay.211你知道吗莫林You know something, Maureen?212碰上我算你走运You're lucky you met me.213怎么说Oh? How's that?214我能支你几招I think I can show you the ropes, youknow.215在诺克斯生存的技巧There's certain art to survival at Knox.216真的呀?Really.217瞧着点儿Let me show you what I mean.218服务生Waiter.219把电话机拿来好吗再来两杯马提尼Bring me the telephone would you?And two more Martinis.220请接克朗代克区55566 谢谢Klondike 55566, please.221您好乔根森夫人Hello Mrs. Jorgensen.222我是弗兰克·惠勒Frank Wheeler here.223是的Yes.224我想跟您说一声I just wanted to let you know,225我把莫林·格鲁布派到That I've had to send Maureen Grube 226视觉辅助部办点事儿Down to Visual Aides for me.227恐怕这一下午她都得留下帮忙I'll probably need her the rest of the afternoon.228好的Yes.229您也是You too.230再见Take care now.231我都没听说过什么视觉辅助I've never even heard of Visual Aides. 232那是因为...That's because...233它压根不存在It doesn't exist.234你好海伦Hi, Helen.235快进来Come on in.236我不久留了...Oh, I can't stay a minute...237我就是来送这个景天草盆栽的I just wanted to bring this sedum plantings238你能用它装扮前院那小片凌乱的草地For that messy patch down by the front yard.239就像欧洲石莲花It's like the European houseleek240它能开出可爱的小黄花Only these have the most marvelouslittle yellow blossoms.241只要在开始的几天浇上一点水Now all it wants for the first few day isjust a tiny dollop of water242它就能开得生机盎然And you'll find it absolutely thrives.243太感谢你了海伦你太热心了Oh. Thank you, Helen. It's so kind ofyou.244要喝咖啡吗Would you like some coffee?245有什么需要帮忙的吗海伦Is there something I can do for you,Helen?246我差点儿忘了Oh... I almost forgot.247我有点小事相求There's a small favor I'd like to ask...248就关于...It's about...249关于我儿子约翰的It's about my son, John.250他住院了He's been in the hospital.251真抱歉他还好吧Oh, I'm sorry. Is everything all right?252其实...Well, actualy...253只是暂时的他在布鲁克医院It's just for the time being. He's in...Pleasent Brook.254是精神病院Psychiatric.255我明白了Oh, I see.256不严重Oh... Nothing serious.257他只是有点抑郁He's just got a little run down.258总有一天会好起来的Things can just get the better of ussometimes.259你说是吧Don't you agree?260是的Yes.261当然Of course.262那里设施很不错It's a marvellous facility.263治疗也挺有效And the treatments seem to be doingwonders for him...264不过医生说让他出来放松一个下午Anyway, they said getting out for anafternoon265可能对他有好处Might do him a little bit good.266说实话他觉得我的朋友都太保守了I think he finds my friends a littleconventional, quite frankly267我是说他一直离家在外I mean, he's travelled.268他是数学博士He has a PhD in mathematics.269说他是个天才也不为过I suppose you could say he's anintellectual.270让他和你们这样的年轻夫妇接触It would do him a world of good271会对他帮助很大的To meet a young couple like you.272我们很高兴认识他We'd love to meet him.273真的?Really?274是啊Yes.275我们非常乐意We'd love to.276谢谢你亲爱的Thank you, dear.277谢谢Thank you.278那个...Well...279我得走了I must be off.280我还记得你下火车那天的样子I remember the first day you came off the train.281你不像其他客户You weren't like my other clients.282你与众不同You were different.283你看上去...You just seemed...284很特别Special...285现在依然是Of course you still are.286 记得哦...Remember...287浇一点儿水我得赶紧走了再见Just a dollop. I must scoot. Toodle-oo.288再见Bye.289你让我醉醺醺的I think you got me a little drunk.290知道今天什么日子吗You know what today is?291不是星期一吗...Monday?292是我生日It's my birthday.293我今天30岁了I'm thirty years old today.294生日快乐Happy birthday!295谢谢Thank you.296你瞎编的那个部门What was the name of that, um...297叫什么来着Department you made up again?298视觉辅助Visual Aides.299太逗了...What-a-joke.300太逗了What-a-joke.301天啊Oh my...302你想听个真的笑话吗Do you wanna hear a real joke...?303想Yes.304我老爸就在诺克斯工作My old man worked at Knox.305是吗Yeah?306他在扬克斯市干推销He was a salesman in Yonkers.307有一年Once a year,308他带我进城吃午饭He used to take me to the city forlunch.309那本该是个特别的传道解惑的场合It was supposed to be a very special,life-advice sort of occasion.310真不错Nice.311不No.312不是的Not really.313我坐在那儿想I used to sit there and think.314上帝我求你别让我像他那样庸碌一生"I hope to Christ I don't end up likeyou."315现在我坐在这儿Now here I am,316一个30岁的诺克斯职员A thirty year old Knox man.317你能有什么法子Can you beat that?318我想我没太注意...I think I kind of lost you...319你爸爸以前在诺克斯工作? Your father worked for Knox...? 320抱歉我有点儿...I'm sorry. Everything's kinda (321)不能集中精神...going out of focus322我们出去走走吧Why don't we get some air?323我们俩You with me324这是你吗Is this you?325是啊Yeah.326你去过巴黎吗You've been to Paris?327我哪儿都没去过I've never really been anywhere. 328那我该带你去一次Maybe I'll take you with me then. 329只要有机会我就会回去的I'm going back first chance I get. 330我跟你说I tell you.331那儿的人都朝气蓬勃People are alive there.332不像这里Not like here.333爱宝我只知道...All I know April is...334我想要体验一切I wanna feel things. 335真真切切地去感受Really feel them.336明白吗You know?337这算得上是野心吗How's that for an ambition...?338弗兰克·惠勒Frank Wheeler339我觉得你是我见过的I think you're the most interestingperson340最有趣的男人I've ever met.341我猜你今早上班时没想到会这样吧Guess this wasn't what you had inmind when you went to work thismorning?342是啊真没想到No. It's really wasn't.343你有烟吗弗兰克Do you have a cigarette, Frank?344当然Yeah, sure.345给你点上There you go.346我给你拿点什么喝的吧Can I get you a drink or anything?347不谢了莫林有点儿...No thanks, Maureen. Actually it's...348有点儿晚了我看...It's getting kind of late. I guess I...349我看我还是回去了吧I guess I'd better be cutting out.350天啊是呀你错过火车了吧Oh. Gee. That's right. Did you missyour train?351没关系That's all right.352我搭下一班I'll catch the next one.353听着Listen,354你真的一级棒You were swell.355再会Take care now.356弗兰克...Frank...357干吗打扮得这么隆重Why are you all dressed up?358首先First of all,359我想念你一整天了I missed you all day360而且我要道歉And I wanna say I'm sorry.361从演那出愚蠢的戏剧以来I'm sorry for the way I've been sincethat stupid play.362这些日子都是我不好I'm sorry for everything.363我爱你And I love you.364其它的以后再说The rest can wait365现在你...Now, you...366在这儿等我叫你再进来好吗Just wait here till I call you. Okay? 367好Okay.368好啦弗兰克Alright Frank!369你能进来啦You can come in now!370祝你生日快乐"Happy Birthday to you."371亲爱的爸爸生日快乐"Happy Birthday dear Daddy."372祝你生日快乐"Happy Birthday to you."373生日快乐亲爱的Happy Birthday, Darling.374我爱你爸爸I love you, Daddy.375我也是I love you too.376弗兰克Frank.377弗兰克Frank.378我有了个绝妙的主意I have had the most wonderful idea. 379我都想一整天了I've been thinking about it all day. 380是什么呀宝贝Baby, what's all this about?381你知道我们已经攒了多少钱吗You know how much money we have saved...?382多到不用你赚一分钱我们就能生活半年Enough to live on for six monthswithout you earning another dime.383如果卖了房子车子时间还能更长And with the money we could get fromthe house and the car, longer than that.384卖房...What we get for the house...385亲爱的你这是什么意思Sweetheart, what are you talkingabout?386我们住哪儿去啊Where are we going to live?387巴黎Paris.388什么What?389你总说那是唯一一处You always said it was the only place390让你流连忘返的地方You'd ever been, that you wanna to goback to.391唯一一处值得生活的地方The only place that was worth living.392我们为什么不去呢So why don't we go there?393你说真的?You're serious?394是啊Yes.395有什么能阻止我们What's stopping us?396有什么能阻止我们What's stopping us?397我能想到好多Well, I can think of a number ofdifferent things.398例如我要找什么工作For example, what kind of a job couldI possibly get?399你不用找任何工作You won't be getting any kind of job,400我来Because I will.401好好Oh, right. Right.402不许笑话我Don't laugh at me.403听我说完Listen a minute.404你知道在欧洲Do you know what they pay405政府机关秘书的薪水吗For secretarial positions in thegovernment agencies in Europe?406不知道No. I don't.407听着弗兰克Listen Frank,408我是认真的I'm serious about this.409-你觉得我在开玩笑吗-Do you think I'm kidding orsomething?410-好吧-Okay.411我只是有几个问题I just have a couple of questions, is all.412我想知道你外出工作赚钱For one thing, what exactly am I supposed to be doing413那我干吗呢While you're out earning all this money?414你看不出来吗Don't you see,415这才是关键That's the whole idea?416你就做7年前没做成的事You'll be doing what you should've been allowed to do seven years ago. 417你有足够的时间了You'll have time.418你有生以来第一次有时间For the first time in your life you'll have time to find out419去弄明白你到底想要干什么What it is that you actually want to do. 420而当你弄明白之后And when you figure it out,421你有足够的时间和自由重新开始You'll have the time and the freedom to start doing it.422亲爱的这根本不切实际Sweetheart, it's just not very realistic, is all.423不弗兰克现在的生活才不切实际No, Frank. This is what's unrealistic. 424一个有着聪明头脑的男人It's unrealistic for a man with425年复一年地做着他根本无法忍受的工作A fine mind to go on working426居住在自己根本不喜欢的地方Year after year at a job he can't stand,427而且他的妻子也跟他一样Coming home to a place he can't stand,428那才叫不切实际To a wife who's equally unable tostand the same things.429想要听最糟的那部分吗Do you want to know the worst part?430在一切事物上我们都高人一等Our whole existence here is based onthis great premise431那是我们在这儿生活的最大前提That we're special and superior to thewhole thing.432但我们并没有But we're not.433我们跟其他人一样We're just like everyone else.434看看我们自己我们都在自欺欺人Look at us. We've bought into thesame ridiculous delusion.435这个想法使你不得不放弃去追求生活This idea that you have to resign fromlife436并因为孩子而安定生活And settle down the moment you havechildren.437我们因为它而互相折磨And we've been punishing each otherfor it.438听着我们决定离开这里Listen, we decided to move out here.439没人逼我去诺克斯工作No one forced me to take the job atKnox.440谁说我想做番大事业来着I mean, whoever said I was meant tobe a big deal, anyway?441当我第一次遇见你的时候When I first met you,442这个世界上没什么你不能做的There was nothing in the world youcouldn't do or be.443当你第一次遇见我的时候我是个自作聪明When you first met me I was a littlewise guy444大嘴巴小伙子仅此而已With a big mouth, that's all.445不是你怎么可以如此贬低自己You were not. How can you even saythat?446好好我有大把时间Okay. Okay, so I'll have time.447天晓得那太吸引人了太吸引人了And god knows that's appealing. It'svery appealing.448你所说的一切都很在理And everything you're saying makessense449如果我确实有才华If I had a definite talent,450如果我是位作家或是位艺术家If I were a writer or an artist.451不但是弗兰克听着听我说No. But, Frank, listen. Listen to me.452你的才华都被掩埋了It's what you are that's being stifled.453被这样的生活拒之门外了It's what you are that's being deniedand denied in this kind of life.454那是什么And what's that?455你不知道吗Don't you know?456你是这个世界上最美妙绝伦的人You're the most beautiful and wonderful thing in the world.457你是个大丈夫You're a man.458机不可失失不再来弗兰克This is our chance, Frank. This is our one chance.459好Okay.460你答应了?Okay?461还有什么可拒绝的呢Why not? Why the hell not?462-大家早安-早啊弗兰克-Good morning, all. -Morning, Frank. 463弗兰克林很高兴见到你春风满面的Franklin. Good to see your shining face.464-有什么好事吗-伙计们我要移居巴黎了-What's the news? -Fellas, I'm moving to Paris.465是吗我也要移居丹吉尔了Indeed. And I'm moving to Tangiers. 466发往托莱多的公司内部电函Intra-company letter to Toledo.467注意给分公司经理 B.F.查默斯Attention B.F. Chalmers, branch manager.468关于最近反复地函件往来With regard to recent and repeatedcorrespondence,469这次发函通知问题This is to advise that the matter hasbeen470将会圆满解决句号Very satisfactorily taken in hand,period.471另起一行Paragraph.472我们完全同意现有的公司简介并不合适We wholly agree that the existingbrochure is unsuitable.473到最后我们已改进引用一句话To this end, we have developed, quote,474"谈及生产调度""Speaking of production control."475给惠勒太太这些是您要的旅行支票Here you go, Mrs Wheeler. These arethe traveller's cheques you requested.476-好的-您预定的船票-Yes. -Your steamer reservations.477我会帮您把这些递交给大使馆These I'll pass on to the embassy foryou.478-祝您好运-谢谢-Good luck. -Thank you.4799月份走最迟10月份September. October at the outside.480我开始想象人们随心所欲地I just happen to think people are betteroff481做着自己确实喜欢的工作Doing some kind of work they actuallylike.482-是啊是啊-绝对是...-Right. Right, yes. -Absolutely,absolutely.483但是如果这儿有份真正适合你的工作在等着你But, I mean, assuming there is this truevocation waiting for you,484你不会在这儿发掘吗Wouldn't you be just as likely todiscover it here as there?485我不认为在诺克斯大厦15层I don't think it's possible to discoveranything486能发掘什么东西On the 15th floor of the Knoxbuilding,487你们也一样And I don't think any of you do either.488爸爸爸爸爸爸Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!489-迈克尔-爸爸你会给我们讲故事吗...-Michael. -Daddy, will you read us...490...直奔这儿...all the way to here.491我们得搭乘一艘大船穿越海洋抵达那儿We have to take a big boat ride acrossthe sea to get there.492-但那儿我一个人都不认识-我知道我也是啊-But I won't know anybody there. -Iknow. I know. Neither will I.493但你刚上学的时候不也一样吗But remember how you felt when youstarted school?494看看现在你有那么多朋友了And now look how many friends you have.495你们绝对猜不到巴黎人都吃什么You'll never guess what they eat in Paris.496-你们绝对猜不到-吃什么-You'll never guess. -What?497-吃黏黏的蜗牛-蜗牛?-Slimy Snails. -Snails?498黏黏的蜗牛和青蛙腿Slimy snails and icky frog's legs.499米莉你在哪儿宝贝Milly, where are you, doll?500快点换衣服他们马上就到了You better get changed, they'll be here soon.501-你就穿这身衣服吗-你不喜欢吗-Is that what you're wearing? -Don't you like it?502不不你看起来漂亮极了宝贝Yeah, yeah. You look great, doll.503我得快点去换好衣服Guess I better haul ass.504小伙子们你们好啊Hiya, gang.505你们在看什么呢What you watching?506谢普?Shep?507我到处找你呢I was calling you and calling you.508来啦小点心来啦Here we go. Just a little something. 509-看起来美味极了饿死了-爱宝我可猜不透-Those look great. I'm starving. -April,I can't get over it,510你看起来像吃了金丝雀的猫You look like the cat that ate thecanary.511有什么事要宣布吗有什么小道消息吗Do you have something to tell us? justa little bit of news?512米莉其实我们...我们确实有些重要的事要宣布Well, actually, Milly, we...Well, we dohave some important news, yes.513我就知道I knew it.514亲爱的你来宣布吧讲吧Honey, why don't you tell them? Goahead.515我们要去欧洲了去巴黎We're going to Europe. To Paris.516去定居To live.517-什么-什么时候-What? -When?518-9月份走-为什么-In september. -But what for?519为什么因为我们一直都向往去那儿What for? Well, because we've alwayswanted to.520因为孩子还小因为那儿漂亮Because the kids are young enough.Because it's beautiful.521我是说真的谢普你去过那儿你跟她讲讲吧I mean, really. Shep, you've been there,you tell her.522-对是个不错的城市-对-Yeah, it's a great city. -Yeah.523你们什么时候做的决定When did you make this decision?524大概一周前吧记不清楚了About a week ago? It's hard toremember.525我们突然决定的仅此而已We just suddenly decided to go, that'sall.526大概一周前决定的你们现在才说About a week ago, you tell us now.527我们得深思熟虑过后才告诉你们We had to get used to the idea.528那都安排好了吗弗兰克在那儿找工作还是怎样So, what's the deal, Frank? You get ajob over there, or what?529-不还不大确定-不大确定?-No, no. Not exactly. -What do youmean, "not exactly"?530弗兰克不会找任何工作因为我会去工作Frank won't be getting any kind of ajob, because I will.531那你打算做什么呢弗兰克So what are you going to do,Frank?532我要去进修去读书I'm going to study. And I'm going toread.533我想我终于要弄清在接下来的人生中我想要做什么了I suppose I'm going to finally figureout what I want to do with my life,534谢普Shep.535那她支持你吗。

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1你是做什么的So, what do you do?2我在上课想当个演员I'm studying to be an actress.3你呢You?4我是个码头工人I'm a longshoreman.5我是说真的No, I mean really.6我...我也是说真的I mean... I mean really too.7不过从下周一开始Although, starting next Monday,8我要做点儿更棒的事了I'm doing something a little more glamorous.9什么What's that?10自助餐厅的夜班收银员Night cashier at a cafeteria.11我不是问你怎么赚钱I don't mean how you make money.12我是问I mean,13你对什么感兴趣What are you interested in?14亲爱的我要是有这答案Honey, if I had the answer to that one, 15我打赌不出半个小时咱俩都得无聊死I bet I'd bore us both to death in half an hour.16谢天谢地终于完了...Thank God, that's over...17有很多明星都是初次亮相啊So much for the debut of the laurelplayers.18她太让人失望了...And she was very disappointing.19弗兰克Oh, Frank!20太棒了弗兰克Oh, very nice Frank!21谢谢你捧场吉明斯夫人Oh, thanks so much, Mrs. Givings.22我们真是太喜欢了I can't tell you how much we enjoyedit.23你太太真有天赋You have a very talented wife.24我会转达的I'll pass it along!25弗兰克Frank!26她在那边...She's in there...!27我等不及要喝一杯了I'm about ready for that drink.28稍等一下Couple of minutes!29爱宝?April...?30宝贝儿?Sweetheart...?31-准备好走了吗-好的好的-You about ready to leave? -Yeah,yeah.32我正要卸妆I've just got to get this makeup off.33那个...我猜Well... I guess it wasn't34不是很成功吧A triumph or anything, was it?35我觉得是I guess not.36我一会儿就好I'll be ready in a minute.37不用着急Take your time.38帮个忙好吧Listen, will you do me a favor?39米莉和谢普想约我们出去Milly and Shep wanted us to go outwith them after.40你能不能回绝了?Will you say we can't?41就说保姆要下班什么的Say it's because of the baby sitter orsomething?42可是我已经答应了Well, the thing is, I already said thatwe could.43我...I mean...44我刚才已经答应他们了I just saw them and I said we would.45那你能否再出去一趟说刚才搞错了呢Then would you mind going out againand saying you were mistaken?46这应该不难吧That should be simple enough.47你不觉得这有点不礼貌吗爱宝Don't you think that's a little bit rude, April?48好吧我自己去说Well I'll tell them myself.49好Okay.50好别急Okay. Take it easy.51好吧All right?52我去说I'll tell them.53说真的宝贝儿I mean it, baby.54你是这戏里唯一的亮点You were the only person in that play.55谢谢Thank you.56就不该让你搞这破戏剧这是关键We should've let you get mixed up in the damned thing. It's all.57行了All right.58一帮业余的家伙A bunch of amateurs.59我是说你可是科班出身I mean, you've studied for Christ's sake.60能别唠叨了吗Could we stop talking about it now? 61好Sure.62我只是不想让你太难过I just don't want you feeling bad aboutit, that's all,63太不值得了Because it's not worth it, you know?64-和这帮鸟人生活在这儿就够憋屈了-是-It's bad enough having to live out hereamong these damn people -Yes.65-你说什么-我说"是" 弗兰克-What'd you say? -I said yes. Allright, Frank.66能别再说这个了吗Could you just stop talking about itnow,67免得把我逼疯Before you drive me crazy, please?68你干吗What are you doing?69爱宝April...70亲爱的Sweetheart...71我们该谈谈Let's talk about this, okay?72拜托我不想谈Please, don't do that.73来Come on now.74别碰我Don't touch me.75爱宝爱宝April... April...76离我远点儿You just... Leave me alone!77好Okay.78好Okay.79我受够了这一堆狗屁烂事儿It strikes me, that there's a considerableamount of bullshit...80这里Going on here,81我只想澄清几件事and there is just a few things, that I'dlike to clear up.82好吧All right?83第一Number one:84这剧这么恶心不是我的错It's not my fault the play was lousy.85第二Number two:86你没当成真正的演员It's sure as hell not my fault87也他妈不是我的错That you didn't turn out to be anactress,88还有你越快忘记那些肥皂剧And the sooner you get over that littlepiece of soap opera89我们就能过得越好The better off we'll both be.90第三Number three:91我不是那种I don't happen to fit the role92木讷迟钝的乡下汉子of dumb, insensitive suburban husband,93自从我们搬来这里你就一直想让我变成那样You've been trying to leave that crap on me ever since we moved out here. 94我受够了And I'm damn before wear.95第四Number four:96爱宝April...97爱宝April!98爱宝April...99你到底要干吗快回来What the hell are you doing? Get back to the car.100不我一会儿回去No. I will in a minute101让我在这站会儿Just let me stand here for a second. 102妈的Goddamnit.103爱宝April...104你能不能回到车里我们好好谈Can you please, just get back in the car, and talk about this,105别在12号国道上乱跑好吗Instead of running all over Route 12? 106我说得不够清楚吗我不想谈Haven't I made it clear I don't particularly want to talk about it?107 好吧看在老天的份上Okay. I mean, Jesus, I'm trying to benice108我很想好好谈谈about this thing. For God's sake.109你可真体贴How kind of you.110太他妈的体贴了How terribly, terribly kind of you.111等等我做错什么啦Wait a minute. I don't deserve this.112你总是这么绝对地说You're always so wonderfully definite,on the subject of...113-你该怎样不该怎样-等等-What you do and don't deserve? -Waita minute!114妈的等等Wait a goddamn...115爱宝现在你听我说April, now you listen to me.116这一次This is one time117你别想再曲解我的话爱宝You're not gonna get away withtwisting everything that I say, April.118就这一次This just happen to be one goddamntime.119我知道我没错I know I'm not the wrong here.120天哪我真希望你今天没来Christ, I wish you'd stayed hometonight!121你知道现在的你怎么了吗爱宝You know what you are, when you arelike this, April?122你有病You're sick.123没错I really mean that.124就是有病You're sick!125-你知道你又怎么了吗-怎么-And you know what you are? -What?126-你很恶心-是吗-You're disgusting. -Oh yeah?127你别唬我弗兰克You don't bully me, Frank.128就因为你把我困在这个安全的小陷阱里Just because you've got me safely inthis little trap,129你以为你就能强迫我去感受你的感受吗You think you can bully me intofeeling whatever you want!130-陷阱你说这是陷阱-是就是-In a trap! You in a trap! -Yeah. Yeah.131-天哪-我弗兰克我-Jesus! -Me, Frank. Me!132笑死我了Don't make me laugh.133你这个可怜的自欺欺人的臭小子看看你You pathetic, self-deluded little boy.Look at you!134看看你Look at you!135好好看看你自己再告诉我Look at you and tell me,136你哪来的那么多想象力How by any stretch of the imagination 137管自己叫男人You can call yourself a man!138操Fuck!139妈的Damn!140上帝啊Oh, Jesus Christ!141别这么看着我爱宝Don't look at me like that, April.142我们能回家了吗Could we please go home now?143革命之路14415层到了Fifteenth floor.145老弟今天你得帮帮我I'm going to need your help this morning, Old Scout.146一会儿要是邦迪过来了就马上告诉我For the next few hours, you're to warn me of Bandy's every approach147还有别让大家看见我And you may need to shield me from public view in the likely event148胃疼的样子That avoid my stomach.149太难受了It's that bad.150早杰克Morning, Jack.151看着吧没啥好事儿Nothing good about it, I assure you.152你们一下火车我就知道你们要Of course, I knew the moment youstepped off the train153找什么what you were looking for...154一小间改造谷仓或马车库房A small remodeled barn, or a carriagehouse.155不过我得告诉你们And I just hate to be the one to tell you156那种房子已经没有了That sort of thing just isn't availableanymore...157不过别失望But I don't want you to despair.158我要带你们看个地方There is one place up here I wannashow you...159这里现在看起来是不怎么样Now of course it isn't very desirable atthis end.160你看克劳福德路上的房子As you see, Crawford Road is mostlythese little161都是很小的煤砖房像个拖车屋Cinder-blocky, pick-up trucky places.162住着水管工Plumbers, carpenters,163木匠之类的当地人little local people of that sort.164但是...But eventually...165与它相连的革命路Eventually it leads up to RevolutionaryRoad,166状况可就大相径庭了Which is much nicer.167我要带你们去的是一幢漂亮的小房子Now, the place I want to show you, isa sweet little house168布局很别致And a sweet little setting.169简约清新的设计Simple, clean lines,170有片很棒的草地对孩子再合适不过了Good lawns, marvelous for children.171就在前面的拐角处It's just around this next curve...172你们马上就要看到了Now, you'll see it.173就是那儿There.174看见那个白色的房子了吗See the little white one?175很讨人喜欢吧Sweet, isn't it?176看它神气活现地伫立在小斜坡上The perky way it sits there on its littleslope?177很迷人吧Charming, isn't it?178是啊Oh, yes.179你找我?You wanted to see me?180这是今天早晨从托莱多寄来的Came for you from Toledo thismorning.181这个月第3份了This is the third one this month.182-抱歉我已经很谨慎了...-Sorry. I thought I'd taken care...183-我本以为-I'm not prepared to have this...184不会再发生类似事情了弗兰克明白吗This conversation again, Frank. You understand?185-我只是...-I was literaly just getttin...186-周边的其他分公司都很敬重我们-These folks in the provinces look up to us.187我们得有效率We need to be efficient.188我们不能总这么反复出错We can't have this kind of back and forth, and so forth.189太没效率了It's just not efficient.190我说的对吧Am I Right?191完全正确Yes.192怎么了What was that about?193托莱多Toledo.194分店经理想要份Branch manager wants a revised brochure195改好的诺克斯500会议的宣传册For the conference on the Knox 500. 196太没效率了我说的对吧对吧对吧It's just not efficient. Am I right? Am Iright? Am I right?197娘娘腔Sounds like a goodie.198说实话我都不知道诺克斯500是什么For God's sake. I don't even knowwhat the Knox 500 does...199你知道吗Do you?200你以为都跟你似的Don't insult me.201如果要找SP-1109下的待用文件If you'll look in the inactive file underSP-1109.202你就能找着所有发给代理商的文件备份You'll find copies of all the stuff wesent to the agency.203这样我们就能追踪到And that way we can trace the thingback to its...204原始资料To its original sources.205你午饭不会吃得太早吧Listen. I hope you weren't planning onan early lunch.206不会No.207我不太饿I'm not really hungry.208好我一会儿再过来Good. I'll check on you later. All right?209好的Okay.210好Okay.211你知道吗莫林You know something, Maureen?212碰上我算你走运You're lucky you met me.213怎么说Oh? How's that?214我能支你几招I think I can show you the ropes, youknow.215在诺克斯生存的技巧There's certain art to survival at Knox.216真的呀?Really.217瞧着点儿Let me show you what I mean.218服务生Waiter.219把电话机拿来好吗再来两杯马提尼Bring me the telephone would you?And two more Martinis.220请接克朗代克区55566 谢谢Klondike 55566, please.221您好乔根森夫人Hello Mrs. Jorgensen.222我是弗兰克·惠勒Frank Wheeler here.223是的Yes.224我想跟您说一声I just wanted to let you know,225我把莫林·格鲁布派到That I've had to send Maureen Grube 226视觉辅助部办点事儿Down to Visual Aides for me.227恐怕这一下午她都得留下帮忙I'll probably need her the rest of the afternoon.228好的Yes.229您也是You too.230再见Take care now.231我都没听说过什么视觉辅助I've never even heard of Visual Aides. 232那是因为...That's because...233它压根不存在It doesn't exist.234你好海伦Hi, Helen.235快进来Come on in.236我不久留了...Oh, I can't stay a minute...237我就是来送这个景天草盆栽的I just wanted to bring this sedum plantings238你能用它装扮前院那小片凌乱的草地For that messy patch down by the front yard.239就像欧洲石莲花It's like the European houseleek240它能开出可爱的小黄花Only these have the most marvelouslittle yellow blossoms.241只要在开始的几天浇上一点水Now all it wants for the first few day isjust a tiny dollop of water242它就能开得生机盎然And you'll find it absolutely thrives.243太感谢你了海伦你太热心了Oh. Thank you, Helen. It's so kind ofyou.244要喝咖啡吗Would you like some coffee?245有什么需要帮忙的吗海伦Is there something I can do for you,Helen?246我差点儿忘了Oh... I almost forgot.247我有点小事相求There's a small favor I'd like to ask...248就关于...It's about...249关于我儿子约翰的It's about my son, John.250他住院了He's been in the hospital.251真抱歉他还好吧Oh, I'm sorry. Is everything all right?252其实...Well, actualy...253只是暂时的他在布鲁克医院It's just for the time being. He's in...Pleasent Brook.254是精神病院Psychiatric.255我明白了Oh, I see.256不严重Oh... Nothing serious.257他只是有点抑郁He's just got a little run down.258总有一天会好起来的Things can just get the better of ussometimes.259你说是吧Don't you agree?260是的Yes.261当然Of course.262那里设施很不错It's a marvellous facility.263治疗也挺有效And the treatments seem to be doingwonders for him...264不过医生说让他出来放松一个下午Anyway, they said getting out for anafternoon265可能对他有好处Might do him a little bit good.266说实话他觉得我的朋友都太保守了I think he finds my friends a littleconventional, quite frankly267我是说他一直离家在外I mean, he's travelled.268他是数学博士He has a PhD in mathematics.269说他是个天才也不为过I suppose you could say he's anintellectual.270让他和你们这样的年轻夫妇接触It would do him a world of good271会对他帮助很大的To meet a young couple like you.272我们很高兴认识他We'd love to meet him.273真的?Really?274是啊Yes.275我们非常乐意We'd love to.276谢谢你亲爱的Thank you, dear.277谢谢Thank you.278那个...Well...279我得走了I must be off.280我还记得你下火车那天的样子I remember the first day you came off the train.281你不像其他客户You weren't like my other clients.282你与众不同You were different.283你看上去...You just seemed...284很特别Special...285现在依然是Of course you still are.286 记得哦...Remember...287浇一点儿水我得赶紧走了再见Just a dollop. I must scoot. Toodle-oo.288再见Bye.289你让我醉醺醺的I think you got me a little drunk.290知道今天什么日子吗You know what today is?291不是星期一吗...Monday?292是我生日It's my birthday.293我今天30岁了I'm thirty years old today.294生日快乐Happy birthday!295谢谢Thank you.296你瞎编的那个部门What was the name of that, um...297叫什么来着Department you made up again?298视觉辅助Visual Aides.299太逗了...What-a-joke.300太逗了What-a-joke.301天啊Oh my...302你想听个真的笑话吗Do you wanna hear a real joke...?303想Yes.304我老爸就在诺克斯工作My old man worked at Knox.305是吗Yeah?306他在扬克斯市干推销He was a salesman in Yonkers.307有一年Once a year,308他带我进城吃午饭He used to take me to the city forlunch.309那本该是个特别的传道解惑的场合It was supposed to be a very special,life-advice sort of occasion.310真不错Nice.311不No.312不是的Not really.313我坐在那儿想I used to sit there and think.314上帝我求你别让我像他那样庸碌一生"I hope to Christ I don't end up likeyou."315现在我坐在这儿Now here I am,316一个30岁的诺克斯职员A thirty year old Knox man.317你能有什么法子Can you beat that?318我想我没太注意...I think I kind of lost you...319你爸爸以前在诺克斯工作? Your father worked for Knox...? 320抱歉我有点儿...I'm sorry. Everything's kinda (321)不能集中精神...going out of focus322我们出去走走吧Why don't we get some air?323我们俩You with me324这是你吗Is this you?325是啊Yeah.326你去过巴黎吗You've been to Paris?327我哪儿都没去过I've never really been anywhere. 328那我该带你去一次Maybe I'll take you with me then. 329只要有机会我就会回去的I'm going back first chance I get. 330我跟你说I tell you.331那儿的人都朝气蓬勃People are alive there.332不像这里Not like here.333爱宝我只知道...All I know April is...334我想要体验一切I wanna feel things. 335真真切切地去感受Really feel them.336明白吗You know?337这算得上是野心吗How's that for an ambition...?338弗兰克·惠勒Frank Wheeler339我觉得你是我见过的I think you're the most interestingperson340最有趣的男人I've ever met.341我猜你今早上班时没想到会这样吧Guess this wasn't what you had inmind when you went to work thismorning?342是啊真没想到No. It's really wasn't.343你有烟吗弗兰克Do you have a cigarette, Frank?344当然Yeah, sure.345给你点上There you go.346我给你拿点什么喝的吧Can I get you a drink or anything?347不谢了莫林有点儿...No thanks, Maureen. Actually it's...348有点儿晚了我看...It's getting kind of late. I guess I...349我看我还是回去了吧I guess I'd better be cutting out.350天啊是呀你错过火车了吧Oh. Gee. That's right. Did you missyour train?351没关系That's all right.352我搭下一班I'll catch the next one.353听着Listen,354你真的一级棒You were swell.355再会Take care now.356弗兰克...Frank...357干吗打扮得这么隆重Why are you all dressed up?358首先First of all,359我想念你一整天了I missed you all day360而且我要道歉And I wanna say I'm sorry.361从演那出愚蠢的戏剧以来I'm sorry for the way I've been sincethat stupid play.362这些日子都是我不好I'm sorry for everything.363我爱你And I love you.364其它的以后再说The rest can wait365现在你...Now, you...366在这儿等我叫你再进来好吗Just wait here till I call you. Okay? 367好Okay.368好啦弗兰克Alright Frank!369你能进来啦You can come in now!370祝你生日快乐"Happy Birthday to you."371亲爱的爸爸生日快乐"Happy Birthday dear Daddy."372祝你生日快乐"Happy Birthday to you."373生日快乐亲爱的Happy Birthday, Darling.374我爱你爸爸I love you, Daddy.375我也是I love you too.376弗兰克Frank.377弗兰克Frank.378我有了个绝妙的主意I have had the most wonderful idea. 379我都想一整天了I've been thinking about it all day. 380是什么呀宝贝Baby, what's all this about?381你知道我们已经攒了多少钱吗You know how much money we have saved...?382多到不用你赚一分钱我们就能生活半年Enough to live on for six monthswithout you earning another dime.383如果卖了房子车子时间还能更长And with the money we could get fromthe house and the car, longer than that.384卖房...What we get for the house...385亲爱的你这是什么意思Sweetheart, what are you talkingabout?386我们住哪儿去啊Where are we going to live?387巴黎Paris.388什么What?389你总说那是唯一一处You always said it was the only place390让你流连忘返的地方You'd ever been, that you wanna to goback to.391唯一一处值得生活的地方The only place that was worth living.392我们为什么不去呢So why don't we go there?393你说真的?You're serious?394是啊Yes.395有什么能阻止我们What's stopping us?396有什么能阻止我们What's stopping us?397我能想到好多Well, I can think of a number ofdifferent things.398例如我要找什么工作For example, what kind of a job couldI possibly get?399你不用找任何工作You won't be getting any kind of job,400我来Because I will.401好好Oh, right. Right.402不许笑话我Don't laugh at me.403听我说完Listen a minute.404你知道在欧洲Do you know what they pay405政府机关秘书的薪水吗For secretarial positions in thegovernment agencies in Europe?406不知道No. I don't.407听着弗兰克Listen Frank,408我是认真的I'm serious about this.409-你觉得我在开玩笑吗-Do you think I'm kidding orsomething?410-好吧-Okay.411我只是有几个问题I just have a couple of questions, is all.412我想知道你外出工作赚钱For one thing, what exactly am I supposed to be doing413那我干吗呢While you're out earning all this money?414你看不出来吗Don't you see,415这才是关键That's the whole idea?416你就做7年前没做成的事You'll be doing what you should've been allowed to do seven years ago. 417你有足够的时间了You'll have time.418你有生以来第一次有时间For the first time in your life you'll have time to find out419去弄明白你到底想要干什么What it is that you actually want to do. 420而当你弄明白之后And when you figure it out,421你有足够的时间和自由重新开始You'll have the time and the freedom to start doing it.422亲爱的这根本不切实际Sweetheart, it's just not very realistic, is all.423不弗兰克现在的生活才不切实际No, Frank. This is what's unrealistic. 424一个有着聪明头脑的男人It's unrealistic for a man with425年复一年地做着他根本无法忍受的工作A fine mind to go on working426居住在自己根本不喜欢的地方Year after year at a job he can't stand,427而且他的妻子也跟他一样Coming home to a place he can't stand,428那才叫不切实际To a wife who's equally unable tostand the same things.429想要听最糟的那部分吗Do you want to know the worst part?430在一切事物上我们都高人一等Our whole existence here is based onthis great premise431那是我们在这儿生活的最大前提That we're special and superior to thewhole thing.432但我们并没有But we're not.433我们跟其他人一样We're just like everyone else.434看看我们自己我们都在自欺欺人Look at us. We've bought into thesame ridiculous delusion.435这个想法使你不得不放弃去追求生活This idea that you have to resign fromlife436并因为孩子而安定生活And settle down the moment you havechildren.437我们因为它而互相折磨And we've been punishing each otherfor it.438听着我们决定离开这里Listen, we decided to move out here.439没人逼我去诺克斯工作No one forced me to take the job atKnox.440谁说我想做番大事业来着I mean, whoever said I was meant tobe a big deal, anyway?441当我第一次遇见你的时候When I first met you,442这个世界上没什么你不能做的There was nothing in the world youcouldn't do or be.443当你第一次遇见我的时候我是个自作聪明When you first met me I was a littlewise guy444大嘴巴小伙子仅此而已With a big mouth, that's all.445不是你怎么可以如此贬低自己You were not. How can you even saythat?446好好我有大把时间Okay. Okay, so I'll have time.447天晓得那太吸引人了太吸引人了And god knows that's appealing. It'svery appealing.448你所说的一切都很在理And everything you're saying makessense449如果我确实有才华If I had a definite talent,450如果我是位作家或是位艺术家If I were a writer or an artist.451不但是弗兰克听着听我说No. But, Frank, listen. Listen to me.452你的才华都被掩埋了It's what you are that's being stifled.453被这样的生活拒之门外了It's what you are that's being deniedand denied in this kind of life.454那是什么And what's that?455你不知道吗Don't you know?456你是这个世界上最美妙绝伦的人You're the most beautiful and wonderful thing in the world.457你是个大丈夫You're a man.458机不可失失不再来弗兰克This is our chance, Frank. This is our one chance.459好Okay.460你答应了?Okay?461还有什么可拒绝的呢Why not? Why the hell not?462-大家早安-早啊弗兰克-Good morning, all. -Morning, Frank. 463弗兰克林很高兴见到你春风满面的Franklin. Good to see your shining face.464-有什么好事吗-伙计们我要移居巴黎了-What's the news? -Fellas, I'm moving to Paris.465是吗我也要移居丹吉尔了Indeed. And I'm moving to Tangiers. 466发往托莱多的公司内部电函Intra-company letter to Toledo.467注意给分公司经理 B.F.查默斯Attention B.F. Chalmers, branch manager.468关于最近反复地函件往来With regard to recent and repeatedcorrespondence,469这次发函通知问题This is to advise that the matter hasbeen470将会圆满解决句号Very satisfactorily taken in hand,period.471另起一行Paragraph.472我们完全同意现有的公司简介并不合适We wholly agree that the existingbrochure is unsuitable.473到最后我们已改进引用一句话To this end, we have developed, quote,474"谈及生产调度""Speaking of production control."475给惠勒太太这些是您要的旅行支票Here you go, Mrs Wheeler. These arethe traveller's cheques you requested.476-好的-您预定的船票-Yes. -Your steamer reservations.477我会帮您把这些递交给大使馆These I'll pass on to the embassy foryou.478-祝您好运-谢谢-Good luck. -Thank you.4799月份走最迟10月份September. October at the outside.480我开始想象人们随心所欲地I just happen to think people are betteroff481做着自己确实喜欢的工作Doing some kind of work they actuallylike.482-是啊是啊-绝对是...-Right. Right, yes. -Absolutely,absolutely.483但是如果这儿有份真正适合你的工作在等着你But, I mean, assuming there is this truevocation waiting for you,484你不会在这儿发掘吗Wouldn't you be just as likely todiscover it here as there?485我不认为在诺克斯大厦15层I don't think it's possible to discoveranything486能发掘什么东西On the 15th floor of the Knoxbuilding,487你们也一样And I don't think any of you do either.488爸爸爸爸爸爸Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!489-迈克尔-爸爸你会给我们讲故事吗...-Michael. -Daddy, will you read us...490...直奔这儿...all the way to here.491我们得搭乘一艘大船穿越海洋抵达那儿We have to take a big boat ride acrossthe sea to get there.492-但那儿我一个人都不认识-我知道我也是啊-But I won't know anybody there. -Iknow. I know. Neither will I.493但你刚上学的时候不也一样吗But remember how you felt when youstarted school?494看看现在你有那么多朋友了And now look how many friends you have.495你们绝对猜不到巴黎人都吃什么You'll never guess what they eat in Paris.496-你们绝对猜不到-吃什么-You'll never guess. -What?497-吃黏黏的蜗牛-蜗牛?-Slimy Snails. -Snails?498黏黏的蜗牛和青蛙腿Slimy snails and icky frog's legs.499米莉你在哪儿宝贝Milly, where are you, doll?500快点换衣服他们马上就到了You better get changed, they'll be here soon.501-你就穿这身衣服吗-你不喜欢吗-Is that what you're wearing? -Don't you like it?502不不你看起来漂亮极了宝贝Yeah, yeah. You look great, doll.503我得快点去换好衣服Guess I better haul ass.504小伙子们你们好啊Hiya, gang.505你们在看什么呢What you watching?506谢普?Shep?507我到处找你呢I was calling you and calling you.508来啦小点心来啦Here we go. Just a little something. 509-看起来美味极了饿死了-爱宝我可猜不透-Those look great. I'm starving. -April,I can't get over it,510你看起来像吃了金丝雀的猫You look like the cat that ate thecanary.511有什么事要宣布吗有什么小道消息吗Do you have something to tell us? justa little bit of news?512米莉其实我们...我们确实有些重要的事要宣布Well, actually, Milly, we...Well, we dohave some important news, yes.513我就知道I knew it.514亲爱的你来宣布吧讲吧Honey, why don't you tell them? Goahead.515我们要去欧洲了去巴黎We're going to Europe. To Paris.516去定居To live.517-什么-什么时候-What? -When?518-9月份走-为什么-In september. -But what for?519为什么因为我们一直都向往去那儿What for? Well, because we've alwayswanted to.520因为孩子还小因为那儿漂亮Because the kids are young enough.Because it's beautiful.521我是说真的谢普你去过那儿你跟她讲讲吧I mean, really. Shep, you've been there,you tell her.522-对是个不错的城市-对-Yeah, it's a great city. -Yeah.523你们什么时候做的决定When did you make this decision?524大概一周前吧记不清楚了About a week ago? It's hard toremember.525我们突然决定的仅此而已We just suddenly decided to go, that'sall.526大概一周前决定的你们现在才说About a week ago, you tell us now.527我们得深思熟虑过后才告诉你们We had to get used to the idea.528那都安排好了吗弗兰克在那儿找工作还是怎样So, what's the deal, Frank? You get ajob over there, or what?529-不还不大确定-不大确定?-No, no. Not exactly. -What do youmean, "not exactly"?530弗兰克不会找任何工作因为我会去工作Frank won't be getting any kind of ajob, because I will.531那你打算做什么呢弗兰克So what are you going to do,Frank?532我要去进修去读书I'm going to study. And I'm going toread.533我想我终于要弄清在接下来的人生中我想要做什么了I suppose I'm going to finally figureout what I want to do with my life,534谢普Shep.535那她支持你吗。
