Located in Sichuan Province, the World-famous Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve covers an area of natural beauty 35 kilometers long. In the reserve there are perennially snow-topped mountain peaks, verdant and lush forests and stretches of serene lakes. Jiuzhaigou is often compared to a haven of peace, leaving behind nothing but earthly troubles and worries.九寨沟是水的天地,水构成了九寨沟最富魅力的景色。
Jiuzhaigou is a world of water, which brings Jiuzhaigou its most enchanting views. Jiuzhaigou boasts many clear lakes, some of which are hidden in the valleys and some inlay the virgin forests. With a variety of shapes and sizes, these lakes look like (gleaming) mirrors projecting colorful light rings in the sunshine.四川素有“天府之国”的美称。
1.大熊猫操故作乡示th范e natural range/habitat of the giant pandas
(“故乡”在此意为大熊猫的自然栖息地,并非hometown) 2.世界自然遗产 World Natural Heritage Site 3.因沟内有九个藏族村寨而得名。 • Jiuzhaigou (Nine-Village Gully) derives its name from
Section A Work Task 工作任务
8.双峰插云 Twin Peaks Kissing the Sky 9.南屏晚钟 Evening Bell Ringing at Nanping Hill 10.三潭印月 Three Pools Mirroring the Moon
If I can stop one heart from breaking
If I can stop one heart from breaking,
I shall not live in vain;
If I can ease one life the aching,
Or cool one pain,
Section A Work Task 工作任务
• 主要任任务务如分下析:
• 阅读此景点介绍,了解相关信息 • 查阅有关语言辞典、翻译工具书以及网络资源,解决翻译难
标准体、随便体和亲密体。从极正式体开始,正式程度依次降低,标准体属于中性的语体 .
河南八大经典英文解说词1.少林寺(自我介绍)hello, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henanprovince。
First, please let me introduce myself to you.My name is apple , I’ll be your local guide during your stay here ,This is MrZhang ,our driver ,He is conscientious and seasoned.(有责任心和经验)。
So you are in good hands when riding inhis coach, to avoid getting a wrong bus .we’d better remember the number andthe features of our bus .the number is 21806 and its color is red, if you haveany special interests, please let me know, my job is to smooth your way and trymy best to answer your questions ,we highly appreciate your understanding and cooperation.I hope that during your stay in Henan you can not 0nly satisfy your eyes andstomach but also experience the real Chinese culture and have a better understandingof the Chinese people , it will take ushalf an hour to our destination, ShaoLin Monastery. During this time, I’dlike to give you a brief introduction about Henan province.(介绍河南)Henan province ,also called ‘yu’ for short,meaning a man pulling an elephant ,is situated right in the heart of China ,soit is also named ‘central Plain’ or ‘centralState’, covering an area of 167000 square kilometers,with a total populationof 100 million ,which is the largest of all provinces in China.As we all know, the Yellow River is the cradle of Chinese civilization, is our mother river. Andit runs through 8 cities of Henan province, as its name means ,the province islocated to the southern bank of the Yellow River, A great number of history books andexcavation have proved that 8000 years ago, Chinese ancestors started thecivilization here. So every year, many Chinese descendants from home and abroadto worship the fathers. The last few years has seen the development of Henan province. Especially in the industry and agriculture.The GDP of Henan has been ranked top in the middle area. Henanprovince is famous not only for its long history and rich culture,but also forits beautiful natural scenery. For the overseas tourists , Henanprovince is just like a natural history museum with splendid culture civilization.Zhengzhou,which is the capital and largest city of Henanprovince in central China.A prefecture-level city, it also serves as the centre of political, economic,technological, and educational of the province, as well as a majortransportation hub for Central China. Zhengzhou is also named mall city .It wasonce the capital of Shang dynasty 3500years ago and now is a modern commercialcity. That makes it closely relate to shang, which means commerce and trade inchina. Because of that, Zhengzhouis one of the Eight Great Ancient Capitals of China and holds important statusof modern mall center in connection with other places.Zhengzhou experiences amonsoon-influenced, four-season humid subtropical climate, with cool, drywinters and hot, humid summers. Spring and autumn are dry and short.Well, our bus is coming tothe downtown area of Dengfeng city. Dengfeng has a long history. A number ofsites in and around the township are well worth visiting them. Foremost on thelist is the Shaolin Temple the birth place ofboth Kungfu and Zen Buddhism.Nowladies and gentlemen, our destination has arrived, please carry your items withyou, and get down the bus one by one carefully. Then let’s visit it together.Shaolin TempleWell, ladies and gentlemen:Here weare, Shaolin Temple, in the region of SongMountain, Dengfeng City, Henan Province, is reputedto be the Number One Templeunder Heaven. Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei dynasty , had the templebuilt to accommodate the Indian masterBatuo ,ShaolinTemple means “temple in the thickforests of Shaoshi Mountain”.Shaolin Temple embraces many exciting attractions; the first sight we see is the Shanmen Hall. Hung on its top is atablet reading 'Shaolin Temple'. The tablet wasinscribed by the Emperor Kangxi during the Qing Dynasty. Under the stairs ofthe hall stands two stone lions made in the Ming Dynasty . The hall enshrinesthe Maitreya Buddha.Next we arrive at the Hall of Heavenly Kings. The gate of the hallis guarded by two figures depicting Vajra .Inside the hall are figures of theFour Heavenly Kings who are responsible for inspecting peoples' behavior,helping the troubled, and blessing the people.Please follow me, this is the Mahavira Hall.The Mahavira Hall’s center is ju st before your eyes. Both importantcelebrations and regular prayers are held here. 18 Buddhist Arhats stand alongthe eastern and the southern walls of the hall. Buddhas of the Middle, East andWest are enshrined in this hall, respectively Sakyamuni Buddha, PharmacistBuddha and Amitabha Buddha. On both sides in front of the hall of Mahavira, standthe Bell tower and the Drum Towersymmetrically .They were used to report hoursfor the temple .Normally the bell is used in the morning while the drum, in theafterno on, hence the saying “morning bell and afternoon drum”.Having seen the highlights in the temple courtyards ,let’s visitanother leading section of the Shaolin Temple Sightseeing Zone , named the Pagoda Forest which stands at thefoot of Shaoshi Mountainabout half a kilometer west to Shaolin Temple. It is aconcentration of tomb pagodas for eminent monks and abbots of the temple. Arough count shows more than 240 tomb pagodas of various sizes from the Tang,Song, Jin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties , making it the biggest pagoda forestin China.Most of the pagodas are stone and brick structures.Their shapes are varied,including polygonal, cylindrical, vase-like, conical and monolithic, making thepagoda forest an exhibition of ancient pagodas, carvings and calligraphy ofvarious dynasties. Besides, it isknown that martial arts have been practiced at the temple throughout itshistory. A legend had it that Bodhidharma found monks weak and unhealthy afterlong time meditation practices, so he developed the martial arts to strengthenthem, which formed the basis of Shaolin Kungfu. However the unique aspect ofShaolin culture is the combinationof Shaolin Kungfu and Chan Buddhism.Ok ,ladies andgentlemen, the explanation of the Shaolin Temple has come to an end .Now youcan have a free look and take some pictures as well .See you on the bus an hourlater .Wish you a pleasant tour .Thank you!2.清明上河园(自我介绍)hello, Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Henan province。
The first sight of the changing view of Scissors Peak is in your eyes. Amplification(增词、增译) To be careful, you will find that it is the pictographic stone formed by cleavage fracturing and partly collapses of the rhyolite layers.
大 龙 湫 景 区
Guandao Cave 这个关刀洞的看法与众不同,它要从侧面 看才能看出是什么样的,它的侧面与关公 用的青龙偃月刀差不多。
In my opinion:(回译手法) No spitting, no littering, no tramping. Do not spit, litter or tramp. 管住口,不乱吐;
locating----located 位于… be located in / be situated in come from 来自,出生于 Because there are a beautiful lake, spreading reed on the top of mountain and wild geese will come and live here in autumn, it got the name “Yandang”. Division Amplification(增词、增译) Known as “ the famous mountain in the sea”, Yandang Mountain which is known to history as “The First Mountain in Southeast China”, is famous for its peaks, Waterfalls, caves and screen-like mountain peaks.
如,“李白”译为“Li Bai”,“周恩来”译为“Zhou Enlai” “毛主席纪念堂”被译为“Chairman Mao Zedong Memorial Hall”里面的毛主席就被直接音译成人名,对这个历史景点的译名也采用音译和直译相结合的方法。
• 这座规模宏大的白塔是典型的诺曼式军事 建筑,其影响遍及整个王国。它位于泰晤 士河上,由征服者下令修建,目的是保护 伦敦和维护自己的权力。伦敦塔围绕白塔 而建,是一座宏伟的堡垒,曾经有过多次 扩建,已经成为王权的象征。
• 2 文字简练 • 景点介绍词所使用的文字一般简练质朴, 没有很多的华丽辞藻进行描绘,但比较注 重科学性,力求表达正确,常常运用一些 数字、专有名词或科学术语进行说明,专 业性较强。
• 英语景点介绍词具有指示旅游者完成游览 的作用,因此在介绍景点时常常遵循一定 的逻辑顺序,层次清晰。
• The highest concentration(集中) of public buildings occurred in the area around the Commond Garden, where are clustered the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Natural Hisotry, the Palace of Justice, the Parliament, the City Hall, the National Theatre, the University of Vienna and the Votive Church. As an ensemble(整体), the collection is astonishing in its architectural presumption. It is nothing less than an attempt to assimilate and summarize the entire architectural history of Europe.
陕西不仅文物古迹众多,而且自然风光绮丽:有灵秀险峻的 西岳华山和临潼骊山;有激流澎湃的黄河壶口瀑布;还有以保 护大熊猫等珍稀动物为主的生态旅游区。
Shaanxi is not only the many cultural relics, natural scenery and beautiful: There are inspiring area of natural and dangerous Xiyue Huashan Lintong Lishan; there is surging white water of the Yellow River's Hukou waterfall; also for the protection of rare animals such as giant pandas-based eco-tourism area.
兵马俑是始皇陵的从葬坑,位于秦始皇陵东侧约1公里半处,发现于1974年,是当 代最重要的考古发现之一。一号坑是当地农民打井时发现的,后经钻探又先后发现 二、三号坑,其中一号坑最大,面积达14260平方米。三个坑共发掘出700多件陶俑、 100多乘战车、400多匹陶马、10万多件兵器。陶俑身高在1米75至1米85之间,根据 装束、神态、发式的不同,可以分为将军俑,武士俑,车士俑等。坑内还出土有剑、 矛、戟、弯刀等青铜兵器,虽然埋在土里两千多年,依然刀锋锐利,闪闪发光,可 以视为世界冶金史上的奇迹。秦始皇兵马俑规模宏大,场面威武,具有很高的艺术 价值 Terracotta warriors and horses is the only imperial tombs from the mass grave, located on the eastern side of Qin Shi Huang Mausoleum of about 1 kilometer and a half, was found in 1974, is the most important archaeological discoveries of. One pit was discovered when local farmers digging, drilling after another has found that two pit on the 3rd, one of which pits the largest, covering an area of 14,260 square meters. A total of three pits excavated more than 700 pieces of pottery figurine, by more than 100 tanks, more than 400 horses Ma Tao, more than 100,000 pieces of weapons. Pottery figurine at the height of 1 meter 75-1 m 85, according to dress, look, the style, can be divided into general figurines, warrior figurines, figurines, and other vehicles with disabilities. There are also excavated pit sword, spear, halberd, bronze weapons such as machetes, although buried in the soil in more than two thousand years, the blade is still sharp, sparkling, can be seen as a miracle in the history of metallurgy in the world. Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shi Huang large-scale, powerful scenes, with high artistic va的交汇处。始建于明洪武十七年, 原址在今西安市广济街口,明万历十年移于现址,清乾隆五年曾经重修。 钟楼上悬挂铜钟,用以报时,故名钟楼。鼓楼位于西安市西大街与北院 门交汇处,东于钟楼隔广场相望,鼓楼建于明洪武十三年,清代曾两次 重修。楼上原有巨鼓一面,傍晚击鼓报时,故名鼓楼。 Clock Tower is located in Xi'an city of the North and the South East and West Main Street, four of the interchange. Ming Hongwu 17 years before, the site of the Xi'an Guangji in this corner, Wanli next 10 years to move the site of the Qing Emperor Qianlong had five-year renovation. Bronze bell hanging on the clock tower to time, the clock tower named. Drum Tower in Xi'an is located in North and West Main Street Interchange house, the Clock Tower in the east every other across the square, the Drum Tower Ming Hongwu 13 years, twice rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty. The original one upstairs giant drum, drumming in the evening time, the Drum Tower named.
智库时代 ·181·智库观察汉译英翻译策略研究之旅游景点介绍颜 瑜(咸阳职业技术学院,陕西咸阳 712000)摘要:本文通过对桂林著名景点-月亮山进行中译英实践,从直译、意译、形合、意合、读者的审美趋向等理论,增译、减译、从抽象到具体、视觉转换等策略方面对月亮山景区的介绍进行了分析,并简述了翻译过程,希望对相关旅游景点的翻译贡献绵薄之力。
根据Hans J.Vermeer 于20世纪70年代提出的目的论,其指某个译文或者翻译行为的目的,用希腊语表示为Skopos.根据Vermeer 分析,翻译行为可能有三种目的:(1)翻译过程中译者的基本目的;(2)目标语环境中译文的交际目的;(3)使用特定的翻译策略或者翻译程序的目的。
1. 阐述旅游景点汉语介绍英译的重要性和现实意义。
英汉旅游景点介绍文本对比与翻译1. 概述在国际交流日益频繁的今天,旅游成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。
2. 英汉旅游景点介绍文本对比2.1 英文旅游景点介绍文本示例Stonehenge, located in Wiltshire, England, is a prehistoric monument that consists of a ring of standing stones. It is also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The monument is believed to have been constructed around 3000-2000 BC, andits purpose and significance still remain a mystery. Visitors come from all over the world to marvel at the ancient stones and ponder their meaning.2.2 汉语旅游景点介绍文本示例位于英格兰威尔特郡的巨石阵是一座史前纪念碑,由一圈矗立的石头组成。
【 键 词】 点介 绍文 本 ; 比 : 译 关 景 对 翻
冲 图分类号】 3 59f H 1. 文献标识鹤】 Af 文童编号】 0 8 95 (0 10 — 04 0 10 — 0 5 2 1 )10 6 — 4
S e c Sp tTe t Co pa a i e Ana y i nd c ni o x s m r tv l ssa
d v r iy o c n re n t o rs a o . i e st fs e e is i hef u e s ns
例 2) O n e h ti i ie u tte tp Doy Uwo d rw a t sl p a h o k
o s mie f Yo e t Fal b f r t e ls. e n e h wae s ls v r he t r pi o e t l
特色 、 景观价值等 内容的文字性介绍 。 旅游景观主要包 括人文古迹 、 自然风景和 自然人文综合景观等 三类 。 其
中人文古迹景观介绍 以历史 渊源和文化特色为主要 内
容; 山水风景介绍强调优美 的景色 ; 自然人文综合景观
将二者融合在一起 。 包括地理位 置 、 地貌结构 、 历史 沿
bi rnk? Th Fal be i s a s o i t e g a ie e ls g n s n w n h r n t
表现情理 、 强调客观融 入主 观 , 欢托物 寄情 、 喜 遗形 写
神 。 映 在 语 言 表 达 形 式 上 , 语 行 文 讲 究 四六 骈 体 、 反 汉
用 字 凝 练 含 蓄 、 韵 和谐 的 传 统 和 习惯 。 音 1英 语 用 语 简 略 V . S汉 语 言 辞 华 美 。 英 语 景 点 介 绍 文 本 大 多 风 格 简 约 。 达 直 观 通 俗 , 重 信 息 表 注
Translation of the names of Chinese scenic spots 景点名称的翻译方法
1. 音译 2. 意译
3. 音意兼译
4. 音意双译
将地点名称直接用拼音标注,是地名翻译中最简 单的一种,也是最常用的一种方法 Shanghai,Hangzhou 但是景点名称的翻译一般不宜简单采用普通地名 单一的音译法 太和殿---Tai He Dian 乾清宫---Qian Qing Gong 雁荡山---Yan Dang Shan。
1.意译:专名和通名均 意译,即意译+意译 a.虎丘 b.十三陵 d.故宫 2.音译兼意:专名音译, 通名意译,即音译+意译 a.太和殿 b.黄山 3音译和意译相结合 a.大观园 b.怡红院
Tiger Hill Ming Tombs the Imperial Palace Taihedian Hall HuangshanMountain Daguanyuan(Grand view garden) Yihongyuan(Happy red court)
12.高山译为 Mountain,如“太行山 Taihang Mountain”或“Mt. Taihang”。比 较小的山、山丘等译为 Hill, 如“万寿山 Longevity Hill”。 13.岛 Island 14.桥 Bridge 再例如:岩(crag, cliff)) 、峰(peak)、石 (stone)、 江(river)、河(river)、溪 (stream)、湖 (lake)、 海 (sea)、池 (pond)、泉(spring )、 岛 (islet, isle,island)
The river, together with the erosive forces of
wind, rain, snow, heat and cold, has formed a spectacular gorge one-mile deep and at some points 18 miles across. The colorful strata of the canyon walls reveal the rock formations of the earth's evolution from nearly 2 billion years ago; they contain fossils of the earliest living things from 500 million years ago. The river continues to carve into the earth's surface. (/worldheritage/)
Mechanical transfers
The construction of Great Wall actually begun during the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period. Later, the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty ordered to link the walls up after he united China. The Great Wall already existed in the Han Dynasty. Thus the use of "built" here is definitely incorrect. That's to say the Great Wall was "repaired" or "mended" several times.
下面店铺为大家带来中国旅游景点青城山英文介绍,欢迎大家阅读!中国旅游景点青城山英文介绍Next to Chengdu lies Mount Qingcheng, one of thebirthplaces of Taoism (Daoism) China's onlyindigenous religion.青城山位邻成都,中国唯一的本土宗教道教的发祥地之一。
It is still a religious centre sprinkle with caves andshrines venerated by Taosit.这仍然是一个宗教中心,有被道士所尊崇的洞穴和圣祠。
Founded in AD 143 in Mount Qingcheng, Taoism hasdeveloped into an important religion in SoutheastAsia, exerting tremendous influence there.道教在青城山成立于公元143年,已经发展成为一个在东南亚重要的宗教,发挥巨大的影响力。
For ordinary tourists, Mount Qingcheng is an ideal summer resort.对于普通游客,青城山是一个理想的避暑胜地。
The four-hour trek to its summit,1600 metres above sea level,is a pleasant trip.四个小时的长途跋涉到达海拔1600米峰顶,是一次愉快的旅行。
Sixteen kilometres from Dujiangyan city,Mount Qingcheng has been known since ancient timesas “the most tranquil place under heaven (青城天下幽)”.距都江堰市16公里,青城山自古以来因“青城天下幽”而闻名。
旅游景点英译公示语语用失误例析1. 引言1.1 背景介绍旅游景点英译公示语的重要性在如今的全球化环境下变得愈发重要。
【背景介绍至此结束】2. 正文2.1 旅游景点英译公示语的重要性The importance of English translation signs in tourist attractions cannot be overstated. These signs serve as a crucial communication tool for foreign visitors who may not understand the local language. They provide essential information about the site, including historical background, safety guidelines, and cultural significance.2.2 语用失误在旅游景点英译公示语中的表现In the translation of tourist attraction signs, language use errors are commonly seen and can greatly affect the overall impression of the place. These errors can range from simple grammatical mistakes to cultural misunderstandings, and they can confuse or even offend visitors.2.3 语用失误例析在旅游景点的英译公示语中,语用失误是比较常见的情况。
1、The Palace MuseumThe Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City, is located in the center of Beijing、The imperial palace used by emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties is the largest and most complete ancient woodenstructure building complex in the world、Construction of the Forbidden City started in 1406 and lasted 14 years、24 emperors were enthroned there.2、The Great wallThe Great Wall, located in northern China, is 6,700 kilometers long and thus known as the “10,000li Great Wall”、Construction of the wall went on for more than 2,000 years, from 7 th century to 14 th century AD、The wall has become a symbol of both China’s proud historyand its present strength.3、Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum and Terracotta ArmyQinshihuang’s Mausoleum is located in Lintong District, 35 kilometers east of Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province、Construction ofthe mausoleum lasted38 years and involved over 700,000 workers、Over the years, a total of 50,000 important cultural relics have been unearthed、In 1980, two bronze painted horsedrawn chariots were unearthed、They are the largest and most complete bronze chariots and horses discovered so far、In 1974, farmers who were digging a well about kilometers east of Qinshihuang’s Mausoleum discovered three vaults containing Qinshihuang’s Buried Legion、The largest of the three vaults contains 6,000 lifesize terracotta warriors and horses、The collection of warriors is often dubbed the“eighthwonder of the world”.4、Zhoukoudian: Home of the Peking ManRemains of the Peking Man (homo erectus) are located on the Dragon Bone Hill at Zhoukoudian Village, Fangshan District, Beijing、In the 1920s, archaeologists discovered the complete skull of Peking Man、Later, more skull bones as well as stone and bone instruments were unearthed、Peking Man lived 690,000 years ago, during Paleolithic times、Findings indicate that Peking Man knew how to make fires.5、The Mogao Grottoes at DunhuangDunhuang Grottoes comprise of the Mogao grottoes,10、Potala Palace PotalaPalace in Lhasa is situated on Red Hill 3,700 meters above the sea level、The palace was built by Tibetan King Songtsan Gambo in the 7 th century for Tang Princess Wencheng、Potala features the essence of ancient Tibetan architectural art and houses many artifacts of the Tubo Kingdom.11、The Lushan MountainThe Lushan Mountain, located south of Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, is one of the most famous mountains in China、The mountain features beautiful peaks, seas of clouds, waterfalls and historical sites、Bailu Academy is one of Chinese first schools of higher learning、13、The Emei Mountain and Leshan Giant Buddha The Emei Mountain is one of China’s four famous Buddhist Mountains、It is located 7 kilometers southwest of Emeishan City, Sichuan Province、There are 150 temples on the mountain、The mountain features more than 3,000 plant species and 2,000 varieties of animals、Leshan Giant Buddha is located on the east bank of the Minjiang River in Leshan city, Sichuan Province、The Buddha is carved out of a cliff and, being meters tall, is thelargest sitting Buddha in China、Carving of the Buddha started in 713 and was completed in803、The body of Buddha has a water drainage system to prevent erosion.12、Ancient Buildings on the Wudang MountainThe Wudang Mountain, located in northwestern Hubei Province, is a sacred Taoist mountain that is best known as the birthplace of Wudang martial arts、The Gold Hall built on the mountain in 1416 represents advanced architectural styleand building techniques of that period.。
英语笔译实践作业材料旅游景点翻译赏析班级:英语三班组长:组员:大连老虎滩公园景点介绍英译的分析例一大连老虎滩海洋公园被国家旅游局首批评为AAAAA级景区,中国旅游知名品牌,并通过了 ISO9001质量管理体系和ISO14001环境管理体系的认证。
Dalian Tiger Beach Ocean Park is the first AAAAA level scenic named by the National Tourism Administration. It is the well-known brand in China and passed the ISO9001 quality management system and ISO14001 environment management system certification. Tiger Beach Ocean Park demonstrates the marine culture and shows the feature of Dalian. It is a modern marine theme park that comprises sightseeing, entertainment, science, shopping and culture.例一选自老虎滩海洋公园的概况简介,为遵循目的论的连贯性法则,译者重新整合句子结构及成分,将“中国旅游知名品牌”与“并通过了 ISO9001质量管理体系和ISO14001环境管理体系的认证”两部合为一个并列句,使译文简洁流畅,并且脱离了翻译痕迹。
另外,“ISO9001质量管理体系和ISO14001环境管理体系”是专有名词,译者在翻译此部分时忽略了此问题,因此应译为“ISO9001 Quality Management System and ISO14001 Environment Management System”,以便使外国游客能够更清晰地理解此部分。
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• 内环路的东端是城市公园……
• 景点牌示属于信息型语篇。在文体风格上,英文牌示解说 具有说明文的特点,风格简约,结构严谨而不复杂,语言 用字简洁明了,表达直观通俗,注重信息的准确性和语言 的实用性。在句法上英语景点牌示多使用由be作系动词的 句子。在讲解具体实物的制作过程时,多使用被动语态和 祈使句。 • 由于英语和汉语在语言系统、语言结构和文化上的差异, 在制作中英双语牌示,将中文内容翻译成英语时,我们要 多借鉴有代表性的英语牌示解说的写作手法和语言特点, 定性、定量地深入了解它们的需求。
• 这座规模宏大的白塔是典型的诺曼式军事 建筑,其影响遍及整个王国。它位于泰晤 士河上,由征服者下令修建,目的是保护 伦敦和维护自己的权力。伦敦塔围绕白塔 而建,是一座宏伟的堡垒,曾经有过多次 扩建,已经成为王权的象征。
• 2 文字简练 • 景点介绍词所使用的文字一般简练质朴, 没有很多的华丽辞藻进行描绘,但比较注 重科学性,力求表达正确,常常运用一些 数字、专有名词或科学术语进行说明,专 业性较强。
• 悉尼歌剧院于1973年落成,它从建筑形式和结构设 计方面融合了多种创新元素,是20世纪伟大的建筑 作品。这座镶嵌在美妙海景上位大的城市雕塑,从半 岛的一角伸向悉尼港,将对建筑艺术留下持久的影响 。
• The Sydney Opera House comprises three groups of interlocking vaulted “shells” which roof two main performance halls and a restaurant. These shell-structures are set upon a vast platform and are surrounded by terrace areas that function as pedestrian concourses. In 1957, when the project of the Sydney Opera House was awarded by a n international jury to Danish architect Jorn Utzon, in marked a radically new apporach to construction.
• 泰山位于山东省中部,地跨济南、泰安两 市,主景区规划面积125平方千米,森林 覆盖率81%,主峰玉皇顶海拔1524米。泰 山主体为“泰山杂岩”,是华东寒武纪时 期 古变质岩体系最古老最重要的代表. • Straddle • Taishan Complex Rock • Cambrian Period • prehistoric metaporphic system
• 泰山位于山东省中部,地跨济南、泰安两市,主 景区规划面积125平方千米,森林覆盖率81%, 主峰玉皇顶海拔1524米。泰山主体为“泰山杂 岩”,是华东寒武纪时期 古变质岩体系最古老 最重要的代表. • Straddle
• Taishan Complex Rock
• Ca system
• 悉尼歌剧院由三组相互交错的拱状“贝壳”组成,其 中两组为主表演厅,另一组为餐厅。这些贝壳形构 造被固定在一个巨大的平台之上,周围是作步行通 道的露台区域。1957年,悉尼歌剧院建筑工程国 际评判委员会选中了丹麦建筑师耶耳恩.乌特松的 设计方案,这标志着其建筑界的全新开始。
KAKADU National Park
• In the opposite direction is the famous State Opera House, one of the city ‘s outstanding temples of music… • Across the Ring from the opera house stands the huge Karl Church, undoubtedly the most important of the city’s baroque churches… • In front of the church, a massive modernistic sculpture… • At the east end of the Ring is the City Park
• 科门花园周围是公共建筑最密集的区域。 聚集于此的有美术馆、自然历史博物馆、 最高法院、议会、市政厅、国家大剧院、 维也纳大学、还愿教堂。这些建筑作为一 个整体着实令人惊叹,不免让人认为它完 全吸收和汇总了整个欧洲的建筑历史。科 门花园对面是这座城市其中一个著名的音 乐殿堂---国家歌剧院……
• 从歌剧院穿过内环路是宏大的卡尔教堂, 它无疑是这座城市最重要的巴洛克式教堂 … • 教堂的前面是一座雄伟的现代雕塑…..
• 自由女神像 • 自由女神像由法国雕刻家巴托尔迪与工程 师古斯塔夫.艾菲尔(负责钢铁支架)在巴 黎合作建造而成。这座高耸的象征自由饿 纪念碑是法国在1886年送给美国独立100 周年的礼物。矗立在纽约港入口处的这座 纪念碑迎接了成千上万到美国的移民。
• The massive White Tower is a typical example of Norman military architecture, whose influence was felt throughout the kingdom. It was built on the Thames by William the Conqueror to protect London and assert(维护)his power. The Tower of London-an imposing fortress (堡垒) with many layers of history, which has become one of the symbols of royalty-was bult around the White Tower.
• 英语景点介绍词具有指示旅游者完成游览 的作用,因此在介绍景点时常常遵循一定 的逻辑顺序,层次清晰。
• The highest concentration(集中) of public buildings occurred in the area around the Commond Garden, where are clustered the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Natural Hisotry, the Palace of Justice, the Parliament, the City Hall, the National Theatre, the University of Vienna and the Votive Church. As an ensemble(整体), the collection is astonishing in its architectural presumption. It is nothing less than an attempt to assimilate and summarize the entire architectural history of Europe.
• Made in Paris by the French sculptor Bartholdi, in collaboration with Gustave Eiffel (who was responsible for the steel framework), this towering monument to liberty was a gift from France on the centenary of American independence in 1886. Standing at the entrance to New York Harbour, it has welcomed millions of immigrants to the United States ever since.
• 景点牌示语包括以下几种:
• 1)全景牌示 • 2)指路牌示 • 3)服务牌示 • 4)忠告牌示
• 5)景点牌示
• 思考: • 通过阅读景点牌示语,请概括出景点牌示 语的文本特点。 • 例如内容、用词、句法、逻辑、修辞、感 情色彩等
Statue of Liberty
• 景点牌示语是在旅游景点使用的,以说明文本简单介绍景 点基本情况的一种文本。在很多旅游景点,为了使旅游者 了解该景点基本情况,景点管理部门以图版、碑刻、附文 等形式进行简要介绍说明。 • 其功能主要在于传递信息,但也间接具有教育的功能,增 加旅游者在人文,历史,自然等方面的知识,增强游览的 兴趣。
• 1.内容客观 • 景点介绍词只对境地那的基本情况进行客 观的介绍,既不抒情,也不议论,更不夸 张。一般不带任何感情色彩,显得客观实 在。
Statue of Liberty
• Made in Paris by the French sculptor Bartholdi, in collaboration with Gustave Eiffel (who was responsible for the steel framework), this towering monument to liberty was a gift from France on the centenary of American independence in 1886. Standing at the entrance to New York Harbour, it has welcomed millions of immigrants to the United States ever since.