
剑桥雅思6听力Section 1SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Questions 1-4Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.Notes on sports clubExample AnswerName of club: KingswellFacilities available: Golf1.......................2.......................Classes available: •Kick-boxing 3.......................Additional facility: 4....................... (restaurant opening soon)Questions 5-8Complete the table below.Questions 9 and 10Complete the sentences below.Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.9 To join the centre, you need to book an instructor's ................... .10 To book a trial session, speak to David....................(0458 95311).1.They've got a lot of facilities we don't have and vice versa.他们有很多我们这里没有的设备,反之亦然。
Vice versa在这里的意思是“我们也有很多他们没有的设备”。
2. We're currently running a range of yoga classes,too.我们目前也提供一系列的瑜伽课程。

Test 6-1SECTION6-1-1Questions 1-10Questions 1-4 Complete the notes below: Write NO MORE TIM N THREE W ORDS for each answer.Notes on sports clubExample AnswerName of club: King wellFacilities available: Golf1__________2 __________Classes available: Kick-boxing.3 ___________Additional facility: 4 (restaurant opening soon)Questions 5-8 complete the table below. Write NO MORE TIJA N TWO NUMBERS for each answer.NIENIBERSHIP SCHEMESQuestions 9 and 10 Complete the sentences below Write ONE WORDS ONLY for each answer.9 To join the centre, you need to book an instructor’s _____________10 To book a trial session, speak to David____________ (0458 95311).SECTION 6-1-2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-16 What change has been made to each part of the theatre?choose SiX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 11-16.RIVENDEN CITY THEATREA doubled in numberB given separate entranceC reduced in numberD increased in sizeE replacedF strengthenedG temporarily closedPart of the theatre11 box office --- 12 shop --- 13 ordinary seats --- 14 seats for wheelchair users ---15 lifts --- 16 dressing rooms ---Questions 17-20 Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer,SECTION 6-1-3 Questions 21-30Question 21 Choose the correct letter; A, B or C21 What is Brian going to do before the course starts?A attend a classB write a reportC read a bookQuestions 22-25 Complete the table below Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Questions 26-30 complete the summary below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer Business CentreThe Business Resource Centre contains materials such as books and manuals to be used for training.It is possible to hire 26___________and 27 ______________There are materials for working on study skills (e.g. 28 _______) anti other subjects include finance anti 29 30 ___________membership costs £50 per year.SECTION 6-1-4 Questions 31-40Questions 31-3 7 complete the table below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer Social history of the East End of LondonQuestions 38-40 Choose THREE letters, A-G.Which THREE of the following problems are mentioned in connection with 20th century housing in the East End?A unsympathetic landlordsB unclean waterC heating problemsD high rentsE overcrowdingF poor standards of buildingG houses catching fireTest 6-2SECTION 6-2-1 Questions 1-10Questions 1-5 Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answerCHILDREN’S ART AND CRAFT WORKSHOPSExample AnswerWorkshops organised every: SaturdayAdults must accompany children under 1 ____________Cost: £2.50Workshops held in: Winter House, 2 ___________StreetSecurity device: must push the 3 ___________to open doorShould leave car behind the 4 __________Book workshops by phoning the 5 _________(on 200765)Questions 6-10 Complete the table below Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Next two workshopsQuestions 11-14 complete the sentences belowWrite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer.TRAIN INFORMATION11 Local services depart from____________ railway station.12 National services depart from the _____________railway station.13 Trains for London depart every ____________each clay during the week.14 The price of a first class ticket includes _____________Questions 15-17 Complete the table belowWrite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer.Questions 18-20 choose THREE letters, A-G.Which THREE attractions can you visit at present by train from Trebirch?A a science museumB a theme parkC a climbing wallD a mining museumE an aquariumF a castleG a zooSECTION 6-2-3 Questions 21-30 complete the tables belowWrite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer:Dissertation Tutorial Record (Education) Name: Sandy GibbonsSECTION 6-2-4 Questions 31-40Questions 31-3 7 Choose the correct let tea; A, B or C’.The history of moving pictures31 Some photographs of a horse running showedA all feet off the ground.B at least one foot on the ground.C two feet off the ground.32 The Scotsman employed by EdisonA designed a system to use the technology Edison had invented.B used available technology to make a new system.C was already an expert in motion picture technology.33 One major problem with the first system was thatA only one person could be filmed.B people could only see very short films..C the camera was very heavy.34 Rival systems started to appear in Europe after people hadA been told about the American system.B seen the American system.C used the American system.35 In 1895, a famous new system was developed byA a French team working alone.B a French and German team working together.C a German team who invented the word `cinema’.36 Longer films were not made at the time because of problems involvingA the subject matter.B the camera.C the film projector.37 The `Lantham Loop’ invention relied onA removing tension between the film reels.B adding three more film reels to the system.C making one of the film reels more effective.Questions 38-40 complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer38 The first motion picture was called The ___________39 ___________were used for the first time oil film in 1926.40 Subtitles were added to The Lights of New York because of its ___________Test 6-3SECTION 6-3-1 Questions 1-10 Complete the form belowWrite ONE WORD ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer:OPENING A BANK ACCOUNTExample Application for a current bank accountType of current account: The 1 `________’accountFull name of applicant: Pleter HenesDate of birth: 2 _____________Joint account holder(s): NoCurrent address: 3 __________Exeterlime at current address: 4 ____________Previous address: Rielsdorf 2, Utrecht, HollandTelephone: work 5 _____________home 796431Occupation: 6 _____________Identity (security): Name of his 7__________ ; SitiOpening sum: 8 € ___________to be transferred from Fransen bank, UtrechtStatements: Every 9 ____________Requests: Supply information about the bank’s10____________________ serviceSECTION 6-3-2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-13 Choose the correct letter A, B or CTHE HISTORY OF ROSE WOOD HOUSE11 When the writer Sebastian George first saw Rosewood House, heA thought he might rent it.B felt it was too expensive for him,C was unsure whether to buy it.12 Before buying the house, George hadA experienced severe family problems.B struggled to become a successful author.C suffered a serious illness.13 According to the speaker, George viewed Rosewood House asA a rich source of material for his books.B a way to escape from his work.C a typical building of the region. Questions 14-17 Label the map below Write the correct lettetr; A-J, next to questions 14-17. ROSEWOOD HOUSE AND GARDENS14 Pear Alley ---- 15 Mulberry Garden ---- 16 Shop ---- 17 Tea Room ---- Questions 18-20 complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer RIVER WALK18 You can walk through the ________that goes along the river bank.19 You can go over the__________ and then into a wooded area.20 On your way back, you could also go up to the____________SECTIO N 6-2-3 Questions 21-30Questions 21-24 Complete the sentences belowWrite NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.MARKETING ASSIGNMENT21 For their assignment, the students must investigate one part of the__________22 The method the students must use to collect data is ______________23 In total, the students must interview_____________ people.24 Jack thinks the music preferences of______________listeners are similar.Questions 25-30 Complete the notes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer:Marketing Survey: Music PreferencesAge group of interviewee 25 or under45 or overMusic preferences Pop25 ________FolkEasy listening26 ________Medium for listening to music RadioCDTV27 ___________Source of music Music shops28 _________InternetPlaces for listening to music DiscoPub29 ________Concert hall30 _________SECTION 6-3-4 Questions 31-34Questions 31-40 Choose the correct letter, A, B or CIRELAND IN THE NEOLITHIC PERIOD31 According to the speaker, it is not clearA when the farming economy was introduced to Ireland.B why people began to farm in Ireland.C where the early Irish farmers came from.32 What point does the speaker make about breeding animals in Neolithic Ireland?A Their numbers must have been above a certain level.B They were under threat from wild animals.C Some species died out during this period.33 What does the speaker say about the transportation of animals?A Livestock would have limited the distance the farmers could sail.B Neolithic boats were too primitive to have been used.C Probably only a few breeding animals were imported.34 What is the main evidence for cereal crops in Neolithic Ireland?A the remains of burnt grain in potsB the marks left on pots by grainsC the patterns painted on the surface of potsQuestions 35-40 Complete the sentences below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer: STONE TOOLS35 Ploughs could either have been pulled by_________ or by cattle.The farmers needed homes which were permanent dwellings.36 In the final stages of axe-making _______and ______were necessary for grinding and polishing.37 Irish axes were exported from Ireland to ______ and England.POTTERY MAKINGThe colonisers used clay to make pots.38 The ______of the pots was often polished to make them watertight.39 Clay from ______areas was generally used.40 Decoration was only put around the ______of the earliest pots.Test 6-4SECTION 6-4-1 Questions 1-10 complete the notes belowWrite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND1OR A NUMBER for each answer:Example Title of conference: Future Directions in ComputingThree day cost: 1 £ ____________Payment by 2________ or on arrivalAccommodation: Conference Centre --- 3 £__________, per night--- near to conference roomsGuest House ---4 £________ per night----approximately 5 ________walk from Conference Centre Further documents to be sent: 6 ______________an application formLocation: Conference Centre is on 7 ________Park Road, next to the 8 _____________ Taxi costs 9£ ____________or take bus number to from station.SECTION 6-4-2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-13 Which team will do each of the following jobs?Choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct Ietter; A-D, next to questions 11-13. Teams A the blue team B the yellow team C the green team D the red team11 checking entrance tickets --- 12 preparing refreshments --- 13 directing car-park traffic--- Questions 14-20 complete the table below,Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer:Travel ExpoSECTION 6-4-3 Questions 21-30Questions 2 1-25 complete the summary below Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.The School of Education LibrariesThe libraries on both sites provide internet access and have a variety of 21______ materials on education. The Castle Road library has books on sociology, together with 22 ______and other resources relevant to the majority of 23______ school subjects.The Fordham library includes resources for teaching in 24 ______education and special needs.Current issues of periodicals are available at both libraries, although 25 ______issues are only available at Fordham.Questions 26 and 27 Answer the questions belowWrite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer.26 Which books cannot be renewed by telephone or email? ____________27 How much time is allowed to return recalled books? ____________Questions 28-30 choose THREE letters, A-G.Which THREE topics do this term’s study skills workshops cover?A An introduction to the InternetB How to carry out research for a dissertationC Making good use of the whole range of library servicesD Planning a dissertationE Standard requirements when writing a dissertationF Using the Internet when doing researchG What books aitd technical resources are available in the librarySECTION 6-4-4Questions 31-40Questions 3 1-34 Choose the correct letter; A, B or C31 When did Asiatic lions develop as a separate sub-species?A about 10,000 years agoB about 100,000 years agoC about 1,000,000 years ago32 Pictures of Asiatic lions can be seen on ancient coins fromA Greece.B The Middle East.C India.33 Asiatic lions disappeared from EuropeA 2,500 years ago.B 2,000 years ago.C 1,900 years ago.34 Very few African lions haveA a long mane.B a coat with varied colours.C a fold of skin on their stomach.Questions 35-40 Complete the sentences belowWrite NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each answer.THEGIR SANCTUARY35 The sanctuary has an area of approximately _________square kilometres.36 One threat to the lions in the sanctuary is ___________37 The ancestors of the Gir Sanctuary lions were protected by a __________38 A large part of the lions’ ___________consists of animals belonging to local farmers.39 The lions sometimes __________, especially when water is short.40 In ancient India a man would fight a lion as a test of _______________。

雅思(听力)模拟试卷6(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. Listening ModuleListening Module (30 minutes & 10 minutes transfer time)听力原文:JANICE: Hello... Flagstone.JON: Oh hello; is that Flagstone Properties?JANICE: Yes that’s right. Flagstone here. How can I help you? 【Example】JON: Hello. I’m ringing just to make enquiries about renting a house. My name’s Jon Anderson.JANICE: Yes, Mr Anderson. What sort of thing were you looking for?JON: Two-bedroomed house with garden.JANICE: Well... yes, sir, that shouldn’t be any problem... just to let you know that ourmain areas, the main areas we deal with, are the city centre itself... 【Q1】JOS: City centre.., uh-huh.JANICE: And the north suburbs.JON: Oh well.., we were most interested in the Northern areas actually.JANICE: Right... yes... What sort of price were you thinking of?JON: Well... could you give me some idea?JANICE: Certainly. It really ranges from £250 per month. 【Q2】JON: Only £250?JANICE: Yes, to about £500 depending on a number of different factors.JON: What does it depend on?JANICE: Well, obviously the quality of the area. And then whether there’s a garden. 【Q3】JON: Well, as I said, we’d want a garden.JANICE: And a garage pushes up the price.JON: Right... well, we wouldn’t necessarily need one. I think about £350 a month would be our limit.JANICE: OK. Well... would you like to have a look at a couple of properties, sir?JON: Yes, that’d be great.JANICE: Looking at our files... I think we’ve got two which might suit you...JON: Hang on. I’ll just get a pen. Right.JANICE: OK. Well, there’s one on West Park Road which is £325 a month. 【Q4】JON: Are the bills included?JANICE: Well, that one just includes the water bill. 【Q5】JON: OK, right.JANICE: And the second house is in Tithe Road. I’ll just spell that for you... OK?JON: Yep.JANICE: T-I-T-H-E Road.JON: Got that. And how much is that one?JANICE: That’s £380.JON: 380. IS that including water?JANICE: NO, I’m afraid not, but it does include the telephone rental. 【Q6】JON: Oh well, that’s not too bad then. So ....JANICE: So, when would you be available to see them?JON: Well, I’ll be in town next week.., say... Thursday?JANICE: NO, I’m sorry we don’t have any availability for Thursday. How about Wednesday afternoon? 【Q7】JON: OK. That’s fine. Would 5.00 be OK?JANICE: Yes, fine. 5.00 it is. Just come to the Flagstone Offices.JON: Oh, before I forget. What sort of things do I need to get done.., to rent with you?JANICE: Well, the most important thing is a letter from your bank...JON: No problem...JANICE: And then a reference letter from your employer. 【Q8】JON: Yes, that’s OK.JANICE: Great, and then we would need you to give 2 weeks’ notice of moving in... 【Q9】JON: Right... 2 weeks’ notice. And what about a deposit? 【Q10】JANICE: That’s one month’s rent, whatever the amount is.JON: OK. One month. Is that it?JANICE: No, sorry, one more.., you will have to pay for the contract.JON: Oh yes. I’d forgotten about that. OK, fine. So I’ll start arranging those, and I’ll...JANICE: ... I’ll see you next week.JON: Yes. Thanks very much.Bye.JANICE: Goodbye.SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Complete the notes below.Areas dealt with: 【1】north suburbs Rent: from 【2】£______to £______ a month Dependes on: the area availability of 【3】garageProperties available: West Park Road rent 【4】£______ a month including 【5】Tithe Road rent £380 a month including 【6】rental Viewing arrangements: meet at office on 【7】at 5.00 pm Need: letter from bank reference from 【8】Must: give 【9】notice of moving in give deposit of 【10】pay for contract1.【1】正确答案:(the) city centre (itself) ACCEPT center2.【2】正确答案:(£) 250 (pounds) (to) (£) (about) 500 (pounds)3.【3】正确答案:(a) garden4.【4】正确答案:(£) 325 (pounds)5.【5】正确答案:(the) water (bill(s))6.【6】正确答案:(the) telephone/phone (rental)7.【7】正确答案:Wednesday/Wed (afternoon)8.【8】正确答案:(your) employer9.【9】正确答案:two/2 weeks’/wks’ // (a) fortnight’s//fourteen/14days’10.【10】正确答案:(1/one) month(‘s) rent NOT one month听力原文:MRS SMITH: Hello, Mrs Sutton. Come in. How are you settling in next door? Have all your things from Canada arrived yet? I thought I saw a removals van outside your house yesterday afternoon.MRS SUTTON: Yes. They came yesterday. We spent all day yesterday arranging them. It’s beginning to feel a bit more like home now.MRS SMITH: That’s good. Look, come in and sit down. Are you alright? You look a bit worried.MRS SUTTON: Well, I am a bit. I’m sorry to bother you so early, Mrs Smith, but I wonder if you could help me. Could you tell me how I can get hold of a doctor? Our daughter, Anna, isn’t very well this morning and I may have Q11 to call somebody out. She keeps being sick and I am beginning to get a bit worried. I just don’t know how the health system works here in England. All I know is that it’s very different from ours back in Canada.MRS SMITH: Well, I don’t know really where to start. Let me think. Well, the first thing you have to do is find a family doctor sometimes we call them general practitioners as well - and register with him or her. If you live here, you’ve got to be on a doctor’s list. If you’re not, things can be a bit difficult. Nobody will come out to you if you’re not registered. Anyway, they work Q12 in things called practices. Sort of small groups of family doctors all working together in the same building. Now what you’ve got to do this morning is register with one of them. There are two practices near here, so we’re quite well off for doctors in this part of Manchester. There’s the Dean End Health Centre about ten minutes’ walk away and there’s another practice in South Hay. That’s about five minutes away going towards the town centre. We’re registered at the Dean End one, but they’re both OK. There are about six doctors in Q13 our practice and four in the other. So ours is quite big in comparison. Q14 And the building and everything’s a bit more modern. South Hay is a bit old-fashioned but the doctors are OK. Their only problem is that they Q15 don’t have a proper appointment system. Sometimes you have to wait for ages there to see someone. Anyway, you go to the receptionist in whichever health centre and ask her to register you with a doctor there. You have to fill in a form, but it doesn’t take long. Ours is called Dr Jones and we’ve been going to him for years - ever since we moved here fifteen years ago. I wouldn’t say he’s brilliant but I suppose he’s alright really. We’re used to him now. They say Q16 he’s very good with elderly people, but he does tend to get a bit impatient with children. Listen, the one who’s supposed to be really good with small children is Dr Shaw. I’ve heard lots of people say that. She’s young and she’s got small children of her own. So you could try registering with her. And if her list is full,I heard somebody say the other day that there’s a really nice young doctor at South Hay, a Dr Williams. He holds special Q17 clinics for people with back trouble. But that’s not really your problem, is it?MRS SMITH: If you want a doctor to visit you at home, you have to ask for a home visit. You’re supposed to do that before 10.30 in the morning, but obviously, if it’s an emergency, you can phone at any time, night or day. It might not be your doctor that comes, though. It’s quite often one of the other doctors in the practice. It doesn’t really seem to make much difference. Otherwise you make an appointment to see your doctor at the health centre. You usually get seen the same day. Not always of course, but usually, as I say. They hold surgeries between 9 and 11.30 every weekday, Q18 and from 4 to 6.30 Monday to Thursday. Saturdays are only for emergencies. When the doctor sees you, he gives you a prescription. He writes what medication you need on it and you take it to a chemist’s shop. There’s one opposite the centre. If it’s for a child under 16, you don’t have to pay. So if it’s for Anna, there’s no problem. The same thing goes if you’re unemployed or retired, Q19 or if you’re pregnant. Just as well because it’s not cheap. You pay the same price for each item the doctor has prescribed. At the moment it’s Q20 something like £5 per item. So you pay for the medication but the consultation with the doctor doesn’t cost you anything. It’s completely free as long as you’re a resident here. You’re going to be here for three years, aren’t you? So there shouldn’t be any question of you paying anything to see the doctor. So that’s one less problem to worry about. Look, Mrs Sutton. If you want, I’ll sit with your daughter for half an hour if you want to go down to the health centre to register. It’s no trouble really, don’t worry.MRS SUTTON: Are you sure you wouldn’t mind? That would really help me a lot. I’ll ask them if they can send someone round later to see Anna. I think I’ll try the Dean End Centre.MRS SMITH: Good idea. Don’t worry about Anna.MRS SUTTON: Right. I’ll be back as soon as I can.SECTION 2 Questions 11-20Questions 11 and 12Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.11.Who is Mrs Sutton worried about?正确答案:(her) daughter (Anna)12.What is the name for a group of family doctors working in the same building together?正确答案:(a) practiceQuestions 13-17Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS OR A NUMBER for each answer.13.【13】正确答案:(about) 614.【14】正确答案:(about) 415.【15】正确答案:better16.【16】正确答案:elderly17.【17】正确答案:back problems/troubleQuestions 18-20Question 18Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.Doctors start seeing patients at the Health Centre from 【18】______ o’clock.18.【18】正确答案:nine/9 o’clock19.Question 19Choose TWO letters A-E.Which TWO groups of patients receive free medication?[A]people over 17 years old[B]unemployed people[C]non-UK residents[D]people over 60 years old[E]pregnant women正确答案:B/E20.Question 20Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS OR A NUMBER.The charge for one item of medication is about £【20】______正确答案:(£) 5听力原文:TUTOR: Hello. Jonathan Briggs, isn’t it?JB: Yes, that’s right.TUTOR: Do come in and sit down.JB: Thanks.TUTOR: Right. Well, Jonathan, as we explained in your letter, in this part of the interview we like to talk through your application form.., your experience to date, etc .... and then in the second part you go for a group interview.JB: Group interview.., yes, I understand...TUTOR: So... your first degree was in Economics?JB: Yes, but I also did Politics as a major strand. 【Q21】TUTOR: And you graduated in 1989. And I see you have been doing some teaching...JB: Yes. I worked as a volunteer teacher in West Africa. I was there for almost three 【Q22】years in total from 1990 to.. umm... 1992. 【Q23】TUTOR: How interesting. What organisation was that with?JB: It’s not one of the major ones. It’s called Teach South. 【Q24】TUTOR: Oh, right. Yes, I have heard of it. It operates in several African countries, doesn’t it? And what kind of school was it?JB: A rural co-operative. 【Q25】TUTOR: Oh, a rural co-operative, how interesting.., and what did you teach?JB: A variety of things in different years.., ummm... I did.., with Forms 1 to 3 【Q26】mainly Geography and some English with Form 5. Then in my final year I took 【Q27】on some Agricultural Science with the top year.., that’s Form 6.TUTOR: Right. Quite a variety then...JB: I also ran the school farm.TUTOR: Howinteresting...TUTOR: ... And how did you find the whole experience?JB: I’ll be honest with you. At the end of the first year I really wanted to leave and come home. TUXOR: Why was that?JB: Well... I was very homesick at first and missed my family... 【Q28】TUXOR: Umm... I can quite understand that.JB: ... and I also found it frustrating to have so few teaching resources, but I did decide to stay and in the end I extended my tour to a third year.TUTOR: Right. Things must have looked up then?JB: Yes. We set up a very successful project breeding cattle to sell locally.TUTOR: Really?JB: And then after a lot of hard work we finally got funds for new farm buildings.TUTOR: And you wanted to see things through?JB: Uh-huh.TUTOR: And is that why you want to train to teach Geography?JB: Yes. I’ve had a couple of jobs since then but I now realise I like teaching best. And I chose Geography because.., because it is my favourite subject.., and 【Q29】also because I think it has so many useful applications. 【Q30】TUTOR: Well... you certainly have had some interesting work experience. I’ll ask you now to go on to the next stage of...SECTION 3 Questions 21-30Complete the notes below.Write NUMBERS AND/OR NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.NOTES ON APPLICATIONName: Jonathan BriggsDegree: Economics and 【21】______Teaching experience: V olunteer TeacherLocation: 【22】______Dates: 【23】______V olunteer Organisation: 【24】______Type of school: 【25】______Subjects taught: 【26】______ Forms 1, 2 and 3 —English Form 【27】______ —Agricultural Science Form 6Other responsibilities: ran school farmNOTES (continued)Reasons for wanting to —【28】______leave in first year: —few teaching resourcesReasons for wanting to —success of cattle breeding projectextend tour: —obtained funds for farm buildingsReasons for wanting to train —It is his 【29】______to teach Geography: —It has many 【30】______21.【21】正确答案:Politics22.【22】正确答案:(West) Africa23.【23】正确答案:1990 to 1992 NOT 199324.【24】正确答案:Teach South25.【25】正确答案:rural co(-)operative26.【26】正确答案:Geography27.【27】正确答案:(Form) 5/five/V28.【28】正确答案:(very) homesick29.【29】正确答案:favourite subject ACCEPT favorite30.【30】正确答案:(many) (useful) applications听力原文:ANNOUNCER: Today’s Health Counsel is presented by Paula Clayburg, who is the chiefCounsellor at Liverpool’s famous pain clinic: The Wilton Clinic. Paula...PAULA CLAYBURG: Do you know what Prince Charles, Seve Ballesteros and Elizabeth Taylor have in common? They all suffer from chronic back pain. In fact, bad backs are one of the most common health problems today, affecting people in all walks of life. The most recent available figures show that about a quarter of a million people are incapacitated with 【Q31】back pain every day. And many sufferers don’t know the cause or the solution to their problem. The majority of our patients at the clinic tend to be women. They are especially vulnerable because of pregnancy but also because of osteoporosis, which I personally believe to be the major cause of problems for women. I have many women patients who say they have 【Q32】completely given up exercise because the pain makes them so miserable. But of course that starts up a vicious circle. Bedrest, giving up exercise and pain killers are traditional responses to back pain but, although there are many excellent drugs on the market, at our clinic we are beginning to realise the unique benefits of relaxation therapy. Other 【Q33】specialists in the field make a strong case for certain types of exercise, but in our experience they are easily mishandled and can lead to more harm than good. Now, let’s look at some of the reasons why back pain is developing into such a unique menace. In general, the body is pretty good at self- repair. A strain or a blow to a limb, though painful at the time, generally resolves itself. But the body’s response to back injury can be very counter-productive. When pain strikes, we attempt to keep the 【Q34】back as immobile as possible, which makes the muscles tense up. Research shows that they often go into spasm, which causes further twisting of the spine. A vicious circle is underway. The second mistake we often make when stricken with extreme back pain is to go to bed and stay there. Although at the clinic we recognise that a short rest in bed can be helpful.., up to two days.., any longer 【Q35】makes our back muscles become weaker and unable to hold up our spine. The pain therefore becomes worse. Another problem is being overweight. Anyone a stone or more over- 【Q36】weight who already has back pain is not doing himself any favours: though it won’t actually set it off in the first place, the weight will increase the strain and make things worse. The British diet could be partially to blame for the increase in back pain: over the last ten years the average weight of men has risen by 11 lbs and of women by 9 lbs. So much for the causes and aggravations of pain. But what can WE do to help? There are many ways in which simple day-to-day care can make all the difference. The first point to watch of course is weight. If you are overweight, a diet will make all the difference. Also, studies have shown that just one hour sitting in a slouched position can strain ligaments in the back which can take months to heal. At the clinic we have come to the conclusion that the major cause of the problem is not with the design of chairs, as some have suggested, but in the way WE sit in them. It can be useful to get special orthopaedic 【Q37】chairs, but remember the most important improvement should be in OUR posture. Another enemy of your back is, of course, your beds. If your bed doesn’t give enough support, back muscles and ligaments work all night trying to correct spinal alignment, so you wake up with a tired aching back. Try out an orthopaedic mattress or a spring slatted bed. Research shows that both can be beneficial for certain types of back pain. Another hazard for your back are the shock waves which travel up your spine when you walk, known as heel strike. A real find for our patients has been the shock-absorbing shoe insert. A cheap but very 【Q38】effective solution. And you might be better off avoiding shoes with heels higher than 1 1/2A inches. Though absolutely flat shoes can be a solution for some, others find their posture suffers. 【Q39】Finally a word about the state-of-the-art relief - the TENS machine - a small battery-powered gadget which delivers subliminal electrical pulses to the skin. Our experience indicates that your money is better 【Q40】spent on the more old-fashioned remedies.SECTION 4 Questions 31-40Questions 31-36Choose the correct letters A-C.31.Which column of the bar chart represents the figures quoted?A.AB.BC.C正确答案:A32.According to the speaker, the main cause of back pain in women is ______.A.pregnancy.B.osteoporosis.C.lack of exercise正确答案:B33.As treatment for back pain the Clinic mainly recommends ______.A.pain killers.B.relaxation therapy.C.exercise routines.正确答案:B34.The back is different from other parts of the body because ______.A.it is usually better at self-repair.B.a back injury is usually more painful.C.its response to injury often results in more damage.正确答案:C35.Bed rest is advised ______.A.for a maximum of two days.B.for extreme pain only.C.for pain lasting more than two days.正确答案:A36.Being overweight ______.A.is a major source of back pain.B.worsens existing back pain.C.reduces the effectiveness of exercise.正确答案:BQuestions 37-40Choose the correct letters A-C.[A] Strongly recommended[B] Recommended in certain circumstances[C] Not recommended37.Buy special orthopaedic chairs A.Strongly recommended B.Recommended in certain circumstances C.Not recommended正确答案:B38.Buy shock-absorbing inserts A.Strongly recommended B.Recommended in certain circumstances C.Not recommended正确答案:A39.Wear flat shoesA.Strongly recommended B.Recommended in certain circumstances C.Not recommended正确答案:B40.Buy TENS machineA.Strongly recommended B.Recommended in certain circumstances C.Not recommended正确答案:C。
剑桥雅思6第二套听力Section 2真题+解析

剑桥雅思6第二套听力Section 2真题+解析:SECTION 2 Questions 11-20Questions 11-14Complete the sentences below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.TRAIN INFORMATION11 Local services depart from ................... railway station.12 National services depart from the ................... railway station.13 Trains for London depart every ................... each day during the week.14 The price of a first class ticket includes................... .Questions 15-17Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Questions 18-20Choose THREE letters, A-G.Which THREE attractions can you visit at present by train from Trebirch?A a science museumB a theme parkC a climbing wallD a mining museumE an aquariumF a castleG a zoo场景背景介绍本节对话涉及如何才能买到更便宜的火车票,以及头等车厢和普通车厢在服务方面的差别。

雅思模拟考试题及答案一、听力部分1. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 火车将在10分钟后到达。
B. 火车已经晚点了20分钟。
C. 火车将在30分钟后出发。
答案:B2. 根据所听对话,选择正确的答案。
A. 男士建议女士去看医生。
B. 女士建议男士去看医生。
C. 两人都同意去看医生。
答案:A二、阅读部分Passage 1阅读以下短文,并回答以下问题。
The history of the bicycle can be traced back to the early 19th century, when it was first invented as a means of transportation. Over the years, the bicycle has evolved from a simple wooden frame to a complex machine with gears and brakes.3. 根据短文,自行车的历史可以追溯到哪个世纪?A. 18th centuryB. 19th centuryC. 20th century答案:B4. 短文中提到自行车最初是由什么制成的?A. 金属B. 木头C. 塑料答案:BPassage 2阅读以下短文,并回答以下问题。
Many people believe that the internet has changed the way we communicate. With the advent of social media, people can now share their thoughts and experiences with others instantly.5. 根据短文,互联网改变了什么?A. 我们的工作方式B. 我们的沟通方式C. 我们的学习方式答案:B6. 短文中提到的社交媒体允许人们做什么?A. 立即分享他们的想法和经历B. 与朋友面对面交流C. 通过邮件发送信息答案:A三、写作部分Task 1根据所给图表,描述以下趋势。

雅思模拟试题及答案一、听力部分1. What is the man going to do next?A. Buy a giftB. Go to the libraryC. Visit a friend2. How much will the woman pay for the ticket?A. $10B. $20C. $303. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. ColleaguesB. FriendsC. Family members4. Why is the man worried?A. He has lost his wallet.B. He is late for work.C. He has missed his flight.5. What does the woman suggest doing?A. Going to a restaurantB. Cooking at homeC. Ordering takeout二、阅读部分Passage 1Questions 6-10What is the main idea of the passage?6. The importance of sleep.7. The impact of technology on sleep.8. The benefits of exercise.9. The role of diet in health.10. The effects of stress on the body.Passage 2Questions 11-15What is the author's opinion on the new policy?11. It is necessary and effective.12. It is unnecessary and harmful.13. It is too early to tell.14. It is a good start but needs improvement.15. It is not relevant to the issue.Passage 3Questions 16-20What does the study suggest about the future of the industry?16. It will decline rapidly.17. It will grow steadily.18. It will remain stable.19. It will experience fluctuations.20. It will be replaced by another industry.三、写作部分Task 1You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.The charts below show the percentage of water usage in agriculture, industry, and domestic purposes in a certain country from 2000 to 2020.Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.Task 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.Some people think that the government should decide the subject for students to study at university. Others believe that students should be free to choose whatever subjects they wish. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.四、口语部分Part 1Questions 21-2521. What kind of music do you like?22. Do you prefer to watch movies at home or in a cinema?23. How often do you go shopping?24. Do you like to cook? Why or why not?25. What do you usually do in your free time?Part 2Cue CardDescribe a place you visited that was particularly memorable. You should say:- Where it was- When you went there- What you did there- And explain why it was memorable.Part 3Questions 26-3026. What are the benefits of traveling?27. Do you think traveling is expensive?28. What are some popular tourist destinations in your country?29. How do people plan their vacations?30. What are some common problems people face while traveling?听力部分答案1. C2. B3. A4. A5. B阅读部分答案Passage 16. A7. B8. C9. D10. EPassage 211. C12. D13. E14. F15. GPassage 316. H17. I18. J19. K20. L写作部分答案Task 1- Agriculture accounted for the largest percentage of water usage.- Industry saw a steady decline in water usage.- Domestic water usage increased slightly over the period.Task 2- Some argue that the government should determine university subjects.- Others believe students should have the freedom to choose. - In my opinion, a balance between guidance and choice is necessary.口语部分答案Part 1- Answers will vary based on individual preferences and experiences.Part 2- Describes a memorable place visited.- Provides details about the location, time, activities, and reasons for its memorability.Part 3- Discusses the benefits and costs of traveling.- Discusses popular destinations and planning methods.- Addresses common problems faced by travelers.。

Section 1Questions 1-5听力材料:你将在录音中听到关于租房信息的对话。
Questions 1-5选择正确答案或完成句子。
1. What type of property is available for rent?A. ApartmentB. HouseC. Studio2. How much is the monthly rent?A. $800B. $850C. $9003. When can the tenant move in?A. 15th AugustB. 20th AugustC. 25th August4. What furniture is included in the rent?A. Bed and wardrobeB. Sofa and TVC. Dining table and chairs5. What should the tenant do before signing the contract?A. Pay the depositB. Bring identificationC. Sign the lease agreementSection 2Questions 6-10听力材料:接下来你将听到一段校园导览介绍。
Questions 6-10选择正确答案或完成句子。
6. Where is the library located on the campus?A. Next to the science labB. Behind the student centerC. Across from the cafeteria7. What can students borrow at the library?A. LaptopsB. CalculatorsC. Notebooks8. What should students do if they want to reserve a study room?A. Visit the library in personB. Call the library staffC. Use online booking system9. Who is the main contact person for library inquiries?A. Professor BrownB. Ms. WatsonC. Dr. Johnson10. What are the library hours on weekends?A. 9:00 am - 5:00 pmB. 10:00 am - 6:00 pmC. 11:00 am - 7:00 pmSection 3Questions 11-15听力材料:你将听到一段讨论关于毕业生就业的访谈。

剑桥雅思6第一套听力Section3真题+解析剑桥雅思6第一套听力Section 3真题+ 解析***** 3 Questions 21-30Question 21Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.21 What is Brian going to do before the course starts?A attend a classB write a reportC read a bookQuestions 22-25Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Questions 26-30Complete the summary below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.Business CentreThe Business Resource Centre contains materials such as books and manuals to be used for training. It is possible to hire26................... and27................... .There are materials for working on study skills(e.g.28................... ) and other subjects include finance and29...................30................... membership costs £50 per year.题型:选择,表格填空,句子填空考查技能:听出具体信息场景:课程咨询场景背景介绍学校经常会接到很多关于课程设置、课程内容及学校周边环境和设施的咨询电话。

Listening TestTIME ALLOWED: APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES, PLUS 10 MINUTES TO TRANSFER ANSWERSNUMBER OF QUESTIONS: 40This test has been written to simulate the IELTS test in its style, format, level of difficulty, question types and length. You should do this test under IELTS test conditions. This means playing the recording only once without pausing or stopping.InstructionsYou will hear four different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear.There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions before tie recording is played. You will also have the opportunity to check your answers.The recording will be played ONCE only.The test is in four sections. Write your answers on the question sheet as you listen. At the end of Section 4 you have 10 minutes to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.Now turn to Section I on the next page.SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Questions 1-5Complete the notes below.Write No MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Questions 6-10Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.6 In the test of road rules, you are allowed to make no more thanA one mistake,B two mistakes.C four mistakes.7 A person who has a learner's licence can only drive with a personA who has a provisional licence.B who has a full licence.C who is an authorised driving instructor.8 A provisional licence is valid forA 9 months.B 18 months.C 6 months.9 The maximum speed for a person who has a learner's licence isA 60 km per hour.B 100 km per hour.C 80 km per hour.10 While driving, a person isA not allowed to use a mobile phone.B only allowed to use a mobile phone if they are not holding it,C allowed to send an SMS.SECTION 2 QUESTIONS11-20Questions 11-15What is stated about the following means of transport from the airport?Choose your answers from the box below and write the correct letters, A-G, next to questions 11-15.11 trains ...........12 minibuses ..........13 buses ...........14 cars ...........15 taxis ...........Questions 16-20Label the floor plan below.Choose FIVE answers from the box below and write the correct letters. A-H, next to numbers 16-20 on the floor plan.D newsagency H wine barSECTION 3 Questions 21-30Questions 21-26Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.21 The largest numbers of Tasmaniandevils live inA coastal areas.B drier forests.C rainforests.22 An adult female can weigh up toA 4.5 kg.B 9kg.C 13 kg..23 Tasmanian devils areA shy.B aggressive.C friendly.24 In one year an adult female usually raisesA one baby.B three babies.C twenty babies.25 Tasmanian devils become independent when they are aboutA 5 months old.B 8 months old.C 2 years old.26 Farmers areA permitted to shoot or poison them.B paid to kill them.C prohibited from killing them.Questions 27-30Complete the summary below using words from the box.Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letters, A-I, next to questions 27-30.Tasmanian devils live alone and move slowly. They usually eat 27 ................... animalsand arc not affected by the diseases of the animals they eat. They are generally 28………They travel long distances at night and are famous for their strong appetite. To decide theorder in which they eat, Tasmanian devils often 29 ................ whereas if they are afraid,they 30 ...................SECTION 4 Questions31-40Questions 31-37Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer Framework of surveyAims of survey: investigate type of people who do yoga, styles of yoga, frequency of practice, 31 .................................. for practice, benefits of yoga.Conducted via Internet due to effectiveness and 32 ...................................4,000 respondents nationwide.Respondents: one-third teachers, two-thirds students, 33 .............................. women. Findings of surveyMales and younger people prefer more vigorous styles.Uses of yoga: 34 .................................. and., ................................. meditation spiritual path.Approximately 2% of total population practice yoga; highest participation 35-to44-year-oldsLess time spent on physical exercise due to rise in popularity of 35 ........................... 56% of yoga students do yoga one to two times per week; 56% of yoga teachers do yoga five to seven times per week.Reasons for starting yoga practice: health and fitness, 36 ................................... treat physical problem.Major motivation to continue yoga: 37 ...................................Questions 38--40Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.38 A major cause of injuries when doing yoga isA headstand and shoulder stand.B students causing injuries to themselves.C teachers pushing students too hard.39 A typical yoga teacher earns moneyA only from teaching yoga.B from massage therapy.C from nursing.40 The speaker concludes thatA teaching yoga is not a good way to earn a high income.B yoga is a relatively expensive form of exercise.C the benefits of yoga are unproven.。

雅思考试模拟试题含答案Section 1: ListeningPart 1: (Questions 1-10)Questions 1-5: Complete the form below.EXAMPLE ANSWER:Name: Sophie Smith1. Purpose of visit: Study English2. Duration of stay: ________ 6 ________ weeks3. Accommodation: Homestay4. Dietary requirements: ________ Vegetarian ________5. Airport transport: ________ Yes ________Part 2: (Questions 11-20)Questions 11-15: Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.11. What is the main purpose of the talk?A. Discuss the importance of recycling.B. Explain the process of recycling.C. Announce a new recycling program.12. What should people do with plastic bags?A. Put them in the recycling bin.B. Reuse them multiple times.C. Dispose of them in a landfill.13. How long does it take for a plastic bottle to decompose?A. 100 years.B. 500 years.C. 1000 years.14. Why is recycling glass beneficial?A. It reduces greenhouse gas emissions.B. It conserves energy.C. It saves money.15. What happens to recycled paper?A. It is turned into new paper products.B. It can be composted.C. It is used to make cardboard.Part 3: (Questions 21-30)Questions 21-25: Complete the sentences.21. The seminar has been postponed until ________ next month.22. The attendees will receive a ________ containing all the relevant information.23. In the workshop, participants will learn about ________ and its impact on the environment.24. The guest speaker will discuss innovative ________ to reduce waste.25. The conference will conclude with a ________ and Q&A session.Part 4: (Questions 31-40)Questions 31-35: Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.31. What is responsible for the majority of air pollution in cities?A. Vehicle emissions.B. Industrial activity.C. Burning fossil fuels.32. What is a potential consequence of air pollution on human health?A. Respiratory problems.B. Skin allergies.C. Vitamin deficiency.33. How does air pollution affect the environment?A. It contributes to global warming.B. It leads to deforestation.C. It causes soil erosion.34. Which of the following is NOT a way to reduce air pollution?A. Using public transportation.B. Planting more trees.C. Increasing industrial production.35. What role can individuals play in reducing air pollution?A. Choosing eco-friendly products.B. Voting for environmental policies.C. Donating money to environmental organizations.Section 2: ReadingPart 1: (Questions 41-50)Questions 41-45: Complete the sentences with the correct information.41. The Great Barrier Reef is located off the coast of ________.42. Coral reefs are made up of tiny ________ called polyps.43. ________ are responsible for the vibrant colors of coral reefs.44. Rising sea temperatures can cause coral bleaching due to the loss of ________.45. ________ play a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of coral reef ecosystems.Questions 46-50: Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.46. What is the main focus of the passage?A. The impact of climate change on coral reefs.B. The history of the Great Barrier Reef.C. The biodiversity of coral reef ecosystems.D. The importance of conserving coral reefs.47. What does the phrase "a diverse array" mean?A. A limited selection.B. A wide variety.C. A uniform group.D. A single species.48. How does global warming affect coral reefs?A. It causes coral bleaching.B. It stimulates coral growth.C. It increases fish population.D. It enhances coral resilience.49. Which human activities pose a threat to coral reef ecosystems?A. Overfishing and pollution.B. Beach tourism and sunscreen use.C. Marine research and coral farming.D. Oil drilling and deep-sea mining.50. According to the passage, what can individuals do to protect coral reefs?A. Reduce carbon emissions.B. Admire reefs from a distance.C. Limit fishing activities.D. Support coral transplantation projects.Section 3: WritingPart 1: (Task 1)You are given a bar graph below. Write a report describing the information presented.Part 2: (Task 2)Write an essay on the following topic:In today's digital age, some argue that traditional forms of communication, such as letter writing and face-to-face conversations, are fading away in favor of instant messaging and social media interactions. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Provide relevant examples and experiences to support your viewpoint.(Note: The word count for the writing tasks is not included in the 1500-word limit requested in the question prompt.)。

大学雅思六级试题及答案一、听力理解(共30分,每题1分)1. What is the man going to do?A) Buy a new carB) Sell his old carC) Repair his old carD) Borrow money for a car答案:C2. Why did the woman refuse the job offer?A) She was not interested in the position.B) She had another job offer.C) The salary was too low.D) The company was too far away.答案:B3. What time does the train leave?A) 6:00 amB) 6:30 amC) 7:00 amD) 7:30 am答案:B4. What is the relationship between the two speakers?A) Husband and wifeB) Teacher and studentC) Doctor and patientD) Salesman and customer答案:A5. What is the weather like today?A) SunnyB) RainyC) CloudyD) Snowy答案:B二、阅读理解(共40分,每题2分)Passage 1The rise of digital technology has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, and live. With the advent of smartphones and the internet, information is now more accessible thanever before. However, this convenience comes at a cost. The constant bombardment of digital information can lead to information overload, which in turn can cause stress and anxiety.6. What is the main idea of the passage?A) Digital technology has made life easier.B) The internet has increased the amount of information available.C) The rise of digital technology has both advantages and disadvantages.D) Information overload is a major problem in today's society. 答案:C7. What is the potential negative effect of digitaltechnology mentioned in the passage?A) It makes people more anxious.B) It reduces the need for human interaction.C) It increases the risk of identity theft.D) It leads to a decrease in productivity.答案:APassage 2In recent years, there has been a growing interest in sustainable living. Many people are making efforts to reduce their carbon footprint by using renewable energy sources, recycling, and adopting a more eco-friendly lifestyle. This trend is not only beneficial for the environment but also for the individual's health and well-being.8. What is the main focus of the passage?A) The benefits of sustainable living for the environment.B) The reasons behind the growing interest in sustainable living.C) The impact of sustainable living on individual health.D) The various ways people can adopt a sustainable lifestyle. 答案:D9. What is one way people can contribute to sustainable living?A) By using non-renewable energy sources.B) By throwing away recyclable materials.C) By using public transportation.D) By consuming more meat.答案:C三、写作(共30分)10. Write an essay on the topic "The Impact of Social Mediaon Young People." Your essay should be no less than 300 words. You should base your essay on the information provided in the prompt and include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.答案:[学生作文]四、翻译(共20分,每题5分)11. 翻译以下句子为英文:“随着科技的快速发展,人们的生活变得越来越便利。

剑桥雅思听力材料6 手打可打印---------------------------------------Text1:Section: 11-4 complete, no more than three words9-10 write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer9 To join the centre, you need to book an instructor’s10 To book a trial session, speak to David (0458 95311) Section: 211-16 choose, What change has been made to each part of thetheatre?Part of the theatre11 box office12 shop13 ordinary seats14 seats for wheelchair users15 lifts16 dressing rooms17-20 complete, no more than two words and/or a number21 choose21 What is Brian going to do before the course starts?A attend a classB write a reportC read a book22-25 complete, no more than two words26-30 complete, no more than two wordsThe Business Resource Centre contains materials such as books and manuals to be used for training. It is possible to hire 26and27. There are materials for working on study skills (e.g.28) and other subjects include finance and 29.30membership costs £50 per year.31-37 complete, no more than two wordsSocial history of the East End of London38-40 choose THREE of the following problems are mentioned in connection with 20th century housing in the East End?A unsympathetic landlordsB unclean waterC heating problemsD high rentsE overcrowdingF poor standards of buildingG houses catching fireText2:Section: 11-5 complete, no more than two words and/or a numberCHILDREN ’S ART AND CRAFT WORKSHOPS● Adults must accompany children under 1 ● Cost: £2.50● Workshops held in: Winter House, 2 Street ● Security device: must push the 3 to open door ● Should leave car behind the 4● Book workshops by phoning the 5 (on 200765)6-10 complete, no more than two wordsSection: 211-14 complete, no more than two words and/or a numberTRAIN INFORMATION11 Local services depart from railway station.12 National services depart from the railway station.13 Trains for London depart every each day during the week. 14 The price of a first class ticket includes.15-17 complete, no more than two words and/or a number18-20 choose THREE attractions can you visit at present by trainfrom Trebirch?21-30 complete no more than three words and/or a numberDissertation Tutorial Record (Education) Name: Sandy Gibbons31-37 choose31 Some photographs of a horse running showedA all feet off groundB at least one foot on the groundC two feet off the ground32 The Scotsman employed by EdisonA designed a system to use the technology Edison had inventedB used available technology to make a new systemC was already an expert in motion picture technology33 One major problem with the first system was thatA only one person could be filmedB people could only see very short filmsC the camera was very heavy34 Rival systems started to appear in Europe after people hadA been told about the American systemB seen the American systemC used the American system35 In 1895, a famous new system was developed byA a French team working aloneB a French and German team working togetherC a German team who invented the word ‘cinema’36 Longer films were not made at the time because of problems involvingA the subject matterB the cameraC the film projector37 The ‘Lantham Loop’ invention relied onA removing tension between the film reelsB adding three more film reels to the systemC making one of the film reels more effective38-40 complete, no more than three words38 The first motion picture was called The. 39were used for first time on film in 1926.40 Subtitles were added to The Lights of New York because of itsText3:Section: 11-10 complete, no more one word and/or a number11-13 chooseTHE HISTORY OF ROSEWOOD HOUSE11 When the writer Sebastian George first saw Rosewood House, heA thought he might rent itB felt it was too expensive for himC was unsure whether to buy it 12 Before buying the house, George hadA experienced severe family problemsB struggled to become a successful authorC suffered a serious illness13 According to the speaker, George viewed Rosewood House asA a rich source of material for his booksB a way to escape from his workC a typical building of the region14-17 write the correct letter, A-J14 Pear Alley 15 Mulberry Garden 16 Shop 17 Tea Room18-20 complete, ONE WORD ONLYRIVER WALK18 Yon can walk through the that goes along the river bank. 19 You can go over the and then intoa wooded area.21-24 complete, no more than 3 words and/or a number MARKETING ASSIGNMENT21 For their assignment, the students must investigate one part of the .22 The method the students must use to collect data is .23 In total, the students must interview people.24 Jack thinks the music preference of listeners are similar.25-30 complete, no more than two words31-34 chooseIRELAND IN THE NEOLITHIC PERIOD31 According to the speaker, it is not clearA when the farming economy was introduced to IrelandB why people began to farm in IrelandC where the early Irish farmers came from32 What point does the speaker make about breeding animals in Neolithic Ireland?A Their number must have been above a certain levelB They were under threat from wild animalsC Some species died out during this period33 What does the speaker say about the transportation of animals?A Livestock would have limited the distance the farmers could sailB Neolithic boats were too primitive to have been usedC Probably only a few breeding animals were imported34 What is the main evidence for cereal crops in Neolithic Ireland?A the remains of burnt grain in potsB the marks left on posts by grainsC the patterns painted on the surface of pots35-40 write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDSSTONE TOOLS35 Ploughs could either have been pulled by or by cattle.●T he farmers needed homes which were permanent dwellings.36 In the final stages of axe-making, and were necessaryfor grinding and polishing.37 Irish axes were exported from Ireland to and England.POTTERY MAKING●T he colonisers used clay to make pots.38 The of the pots was often polished to make them watertight.39 Clay from areas was generally used.40 Decoration was only put around the of the earliest pots.Text4:Section: 11-10 complete, no more than two words and/or a numberThree day cost: 1£Payment by 2or on arrivalAccommodation:Conference Centre●3£per night●near to conference roomsGuest House●4£per night●approximately 5walk from Conference CentreFurther documents to be sent:●6●an application formLocation:Conference Centre is on 7Park Road, next to the 8Taxi costs 9£or take bus number 10from staton. Section: 211-13 choose THREE answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-D11 checking entrance tickets12 preparing refreshments13 directing car-park traffic14-20 complete, no more than three words and/or a numberSection: 321-25 complete, ONE WORD ONLY26-27 answer the questions, no more than two and/or a number26 Which books cannot be renewed by telephone or email?27 How much time is allowed to return recalled books?28-30 Which THREE topics do this term’s study skills workshops cover?A An introduction to the InternetB How to carry out research for a dissertationC Making good use of the whole range of library servicesD Planning a dissertationE Standard requirements when writing a dissertationF Using the Internet when doing researchG What books and technical resources are available in the librarySection: 431-34 choose31 When did Asiatic lions develop as a separate sub-species?A about 10,000 years agoB about 100,000 years agoC about 1,000,000 years ago32 Pictures of Asiatic lions can be seen on ancient coins from?A GreeceB The Middle EastC India33 Asiatic lions disappeared from EuropeA 2,500 years agoB 2,000 years agoC 1,900 years ago34 Very few African lions haveA a long maneB a coat with carried coloursC a fold of skin on their stomach31-34 complete, no more than TWO words and/or a numberTHE GIR SANCTUARY35 The sanctuary has an area of approximately square kilometres.36 One threat to the lions in the sanctuary is .37 The ancestors of the Gir Sanctuary lions were protected by a .38 A large part of the lion’s consists of animals belonging to local farmers.39 The lions sometimes , especially when water is short.40 In the India a man would fight a lion as a test of .感谢阅读,欢迎大家下载使用!。

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Listening TestTIME ALLOWED: APPROXIMATELY 30 MINUTES, PLUS 10 MINUTES TO TRANSFER ANSWERSNUMBER OF QUESTIONS: 40This test has been written to simulate the IELTS test in its style, format, level of difficulty, question types and length. You should do this test under IELTS test conditions. This means playing the recording only once without pausing or stopping.InstructionsYou will hear four different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear.There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions before tie recording is played. You will also have the opportunity to check your answers.The recording will be played ONCE only.The test is in four sections. Write your answers on the question sheet as you listen. At the end of Section 4 you have 10 minutes to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.Now turn to Section I on the next page.SECTION 1 Questions 1-10Questions 1-5Complete the notes below.Write No MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.Questions 6-10Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.6 In the test of road rules, you are allowed to make no more thanA one mistake,B two mistakes.C four mistakes.7 A person who has a learner's licence can only drive with a personA who has a provisional licence.B who has a full licence.C who is an authorised driving instructor.8 A provisional licence is valid forA 9 months.B 18 months.C 6 months.9 The maximum speed for a person who has a learner's licence isA 60 km per hour.B 100 km per hour.C 80 km per hour.10 While driving, a person isA not allowed to use a mobile phone.B only allowed to use a mobile phone if they are not holding it,C allowed to send an SMS.SECTION 2 QUESTIONS11-20Questions 11-15What is stated about the following means of transport from the airport?Choose your answers from the box below and write the correct letters, A-G, next to questions 11-15.11 trains ...........12 minibuses ..........13 buses ...........14 cars ...........15 taxis ...........Questions 16-20Label the floor plan below.Choose FIVE answers from the box below and write the correct letters. A-H, next to numbers 16-20 on the floor plan.D newsagency H wine barSECTION 3 Questions 21-30Questions 21-26Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.21 The largest numbers of Tasmaniandevils live inA coastal areas.B drier forests.C rainforests.22 An adult female can weigh up toA 4.5 kg.B 9kg.C 13 kg..23 Tasmanian devils areA shy.B aggressive.C friendly.24 In one year an adult female usually raisesA one baby.B three babies.C twenty babies.25 Tasmanian devils become independent when they are aboutA 5 months old.B 8 months old.C 2 years old.26 Farmers areA permitted to shoot or poison them.B paid to kill them.C prohibited from killing them.Questions 27-30Complete the summary below using words from the box.Choose FOUR answers from the box and write the correct letters, A-I, next to questions 27-30.Tasmanian devils live alone and move slowly. They usually eat 27 ................... animalsand arc not affected by the diseases of the animals they eat. They are generally 28………They travel long distances at night and are famous for their strong appetite. To decide theorder in which they eat, Tasmanian devils often 29 ................ whereas if they are afraid,they 30 ...................SECTION 4 Questions31-40Questions 31-37Complete the notes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer Framework of surveyAims of survey: investigate type of people who do yoga, styles of yoga, frequency of practice, 31 .................................. for practice, benefits of yoga.Conducted via Internet due to effectiveness and 32 ...................................4,000 respondents nationwide.Respondents: one-third teachers, two-thirds students, 33 .............................. women. Findings of surveyMales and younger people prefer more vigorous styles.Uses of yoga: 34 .................................. and., ................................. meditation spiritual path.Approximately 2% of total population practice yoga; highest participation 35-to44-year-oldsLess time spent on physical exercise due to rise in popularity of 35 ........................... 56% of yoga students do yoga one to two times per week; 56% of yoga teachers do yoga five to seven times per week.Reasons for starting yoga practice: health and fitness, 36 ................................... treat physical problem.Major motivation to continue yoga: 37 ...................................Questions 38--40Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.38 A major cause of injuries when doing yoga isA headstand and shoulder stand.B students causing injuries to themselves.C teachers pushing students too hard.39 A typical yoga teacher earns moneyA only from teaching yoga.B from massage therapy.C from nursing.40 The speaker concludes thatA teaching yoga is not a good way to earn a high income.B yoga is a relatively expensive form of exercise.C the benefits of yoga are unproven.。