



一、美食中英对照烤松茸:roasted matsutake油焖春笋:braised bamboo shoot莲藕排骨汤:lotus root and rib soup酸辣藕丁:hot and sour lotus root炸藕夹:deep-fried lotus root sandwich鱼头泡饼:bread soaked in fish head soup香煎马鲛鱼:decocted mackerel酸菜鱼:boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili二、中英文台本第一集《自然的馈赠》Episode 1 Gift of Nature中国拥有世界上最富戏剧性的自然景观,高原,山林,湖泊,海岸线。




China have the world's most strange natural landscapes, plateaus,mountains and forests, lakes and rivers, coastline. Such kind of geographical span is very good for the growth and reserve of species, which any of other countries don't have a lotof potential raw of food like China. To get the gift of nature, people collect, pick, dig, catch all year round. This episode will show the story about man and nature behind the delicious.香格里拉,松树和栎树自然杂交林中,卓玛寻找着一种精灵般的食物——松茸。




以下是《舌尖上的中国》的英文台本:[场景:开篇]Narrator: Welcome to "A Bite of China," a journey through the flavors and traditions of Chinese cuisine. Join us as we explore the diverse culinary landscape of this vast country.[场景:四川火锅]Narrator: Our first stop takes us to Sichuan province, known for its fiery flavors and mouth-numbing spices. Sichuan hot pot, or "huoguo," is a communal dining experience where friends and family gather around a simmering pot of broth filled with a variety of ingredients.[镜头:锅底翻炒]Narrator: The base of the hot pot is carefully prepared, with a combination of aromatic spices, chili peppers, and Sichuan peppercorns. The ingredients arestir-fried to release their flavors before the broth is added.[镜头:食材入锅]Narrator: Once the broth is boiling, an array of fresh ingredients is added, from thinly sliced meat and vegetables to tofu and mushrooms. Each ingredient cooks quickly, allowing diners to enjoy a variety of flavors and textures.[场景:广东点心]Narrator: In Guangdong province, dim sum is a beloved culinary tradition. These bite-sized delicacies are meticulously crafted and steamed to perfection.[镜头:点心制作]Narrator: Skilled chefs carefully fold and shape the dumplings, ensuring that each one is a work of art. From shrimp dumplings to barbecue pork buns, dim sum offers a tantalizing array of flavors.[场景:云南过桥米线]Narrator: Traveling to Yunnan province, we discover "guoqiao mixian," or crossing the bridge noodles. This iconic dish features a rich broth, rice noodles, and an assortment of fresh toppings.[镜头:撒入葱花]Narrator: As the noodles are added to the hot broth, the aroma fills the air. Toppings such as thinly sliced meat, vegetables, and herbs are added, creating a harmonious blend of flavors.[场景:新疆烤全羊]Narrator: In Xinjiang province, the tradition of roasting a whole lamb is a sight to behold. The lamb is marinated with a mixture of spices and herbs, then slow-roasted over an open fire.[镜头:烤制过程]Narrator: The lamb slowly cooks, its skin turning golden and crispy, while the meat remains tender and juicy. This communal feast brings people together to celebrate and savor the flavors of Xinjiang.[场景:福建闽菜]Narrator: Finally, we arrive in Fujian province, known for its delicate and flavorful Min cuisine. From seafood to soups, Min cuisine showcases the natural flavors of the ingredients.[镜头:炒菜快炒]Narrator: Stir-frying is a common cooking technique in Min cuisine, allowing the ingredients to retain their freshness and texture. The dishes are often light and subtly seasoned, highlighting the natural sweetness and umami of the ingredients.[场景:结尾]Narrator: From the fiery spices of Sichuan to the delicate flavors of Fujian, the culinary journey through China is a testament to the country's rich food culture. Join us next time as we continue to explore the fascinating world of Chinese cuisine.这是一个简要的《舌尖上的中国》英文台本,希望能为你提供一个多角度的全面回答。



Kung Pao chicken is a spicy
Kung Pao chicken
stir-fry dish that made with chicken, peanuts, vegetables, and chili peppers. The classic dish originated in the Sichuan Province of south-western China.
中 国 风 中 国 风 呀
Spring rolls
Spring roll is a traditional Chinese folk festival food. It is very popular in the whole of China, especially in the Jiangnan region. In addition to civil society for their own consumption outside the home, it is commonly used in hospitality. 中 国 风 中 国 风 呀
中 国 风 中 国 风 呀
Lanzhou hand-pulled noodles
This Islamic province makes hands-down the best noodles with beef or lamb in the country. The perfect Lanzhou La mian is made with five ingredients, a clear soup, white radish, green coriander, red chilis and yellow noodles.
中 国 风 中 国 风 呀



口水鸡 Steamed chicken with chili sauce 旧译:Mouth-watering chicken ;口水浸泡的鸡
A bite of China
Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines :
Shandong Jiangsu Sichuan Hunan Anhui Zhejiang Fujian
饺子 dumpling
馄饨 wonton
韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings
皮蛋 preserved egg 100-year egg
茶叶蛋 tea eggs
豆浆 Soybean milk 豆脑 tofu brain
臭豆腐 Stinky (smelly)tofu
麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu (stir-fried tofu in hot sauce) 旧译:Pock-marked old woman's beancurd;满脸麻子的老太婆的豆腐
Various Chinese Dishes
鲁菜 Shandong Cuisine 湘菜 Hunan cuisine 徽菜 Anhui Cuisine 川菜 Sichuan Cuisine
粤菜 Cantonese Cuisine 苏菜 Jiangsu Eight Cuisine Cuisines 闽菜 Fujian 浙菜 Cuisine ZheJiang Cuisine
丈妻肺片 Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce 旧译:“Man-and-wife”lung slices ;丈夫和妻子的肺切片





影⽚简介⽚名:⾆尖上的中国 A Bite of China导演:陈晓卿类型:纪录⽚ Documentary视频欣赏影⽚内容提要⼀、美⾷中英对照⼤煮⼲丝:raised shredded chicken with ham and dried tofu⾖腐脑:tofu curd⾹炸奶⾖腐:fried dried milk cake蒙古奶茶:Mongolia milky tea炸乳扇:fried dairy fan烤⽺排:baked lamp chop红烧⽑⾖腐:stinky tofu braised in soy sauce酸菜⽩⾁:pickled Chinese cabbage with plain boiled pork酸菜饺⼦:dumpling of pickled Chinese cabbage⼆、中英⽂台本第三集《转化的灵感》Episode 3 Inspiration for Transformation在吃的法则⾥,风味重于⼀切。



Taste is more important than anyting else as far as food is concerned. The Chinese have never restricted themselves to a certain tedious food list. With their understanding of food, the Chinese are always looking for an inspiration for change.天⼀放晴,姚贵⽂就把⽵匾搬到天台上。





《舌尖上的中国》美食英文翻译大全Honey shortening 酥油蜂蜜Honey-glazed eel 蜂蜜鰻鱼Spicy sausage 麻辣香肠Lantian 'belt' noodles 蓝田裤带面Stewed mudskippers 清炖跳跳鱼Pancake roll stuffed with scallions 煎饼卷大葱Leishan fish sauce 雷山鱼酯Chaozhou spring roll 潮州春器Quanzhou radish rice roil 泉州萝卜饭Fried beef dumpling 牛肉锅贴Double cooked pork slices 回锅肉Rapeseed Oil 菜籽油Fried rice crust 油炸锅巴Red oil 红油shredded pork with garlic sauce 蒜泥白肉Pig ears dressed with sause 凉拌猪耳Chongqing small noodles 重庆小面Suzhou noodles stewed in first-time soup 苏州头汤面Hanging noodles 挂面Glutinous rice rolls 糯米卷Suzhou-style little diamond cakes 苏式小方糕Red date paste cake 枣泥拉糕Fern Root Cake 蕨根糍粑Boat pastry 船点Oyster omelette with tapioca starch 蚝烙Dried bean curd threads in consomme 烫干丝Bone-free fish 脱骨鱼Three-nested Duck 三套鸭Chicken, mushroom, ham threads in consomme扣三丝Flash fried river shrimp 油爆河虾Eel Clay Pot 黃鳝啫啫煲雷笋炒肉丝Thunder bamboo shoots fried with shredded pork笋干炖鸡Stewed chicken with dried bamboo shoots铁锅炖鱼Fish and tofu stewed in iron pot咸肉蒸黄泥拱竹笋Steamed bacon with Huang-ni-gong bamboo shoots 愉钱饭Elm seeds meal九层皮Nine-layer cake紫苏炒青蜥Purple perilla fried with spiral shell玛仁糖/切糕Xinjiang nut cake抓饭Xinjiang hand pilaf虾子小刀面Sliced Noodles with shrimp roe桂花糯米藕Steamed lotus root stuffed with sweet sticky rice板栗烧鸡Braised chicken with chestnuts delicious老鸭雁来蕈Old duck stewed with lactarius delicious小凹馍(由玉米面和韭菜制成)Steamed concave buns made of maize flour and Chinese chives 莜面凉皮Cold oat noodles枣花馍Steamed jujube flower bun天门蒸菜Tian-men steamed dishes红烧肉Braised pork in brown sauce泡菜鱼Stewed fish in pickles各种泡菜all kinds of pickles西瓜酱Watermelon jam虾子焖茭白Shrimp roe stewed with cane shoots蒲菜涨蛋Cattail omelette蒲菜水饺Cattail dumplings奶汤蒲菜Stewed cattail in milky soup蒲笋干烧肉Braised pork with dried cattail陈皮红豆沙Orange flavored red bean paste红豆姜撞奶Ginger milk with red bean莲子龟苓膏Lotus seed tortoise jelly木瓜雪耳羹White fungus broth with papaya鹌鹑蛋白果糖水Quail egg white sweet soup黄糖糍粑Glutinous rice cake with brown sugar猪脚姜Stewed pig's feet with ginger冬瓜荷叶煲老鸭Boiled old duck with winter melon and lotus leaf小鸡炖蘑菇Stewed chick with mushroom烩南北Stewed mushrooms with winter bamboo shoots 重庆火锅Chongqing hot pot北京涮肉火锅Beijing instant-boiled sliced mutton云南菌子火锅Yunnan mushroom hot pot潮汕牛肉火锅Chaoshan beef hot pot鸡蛋仔Egg puff粉圆Tapioca Pearls烤香肠Toasted sausage葡式焗扇贝Portuguese-style baked scallops豆腐蒸桂花鱼Steamed mandarin fish with tofu金汤水煮鳜鱼Stewed mandarin fish in pumpkin soup 水煮海鲜Poached seafood盆菜Poon choi / basin meal西湖醋鱼West Lake fish in sweet and sour sauce鲤鱼焙面Sweet-and-sour carp baked with noodles开封灌汤包Kaifeng soup dumplings杭州小笼包Hangzhou soup dumplings片儿川Noodles with preserved vegetable罗宋汤Borscht炸猪排Fried pork chop牛肉球Steamed beef ball纳仁Stewed mutton with noodles大盘鸡Saute spicy chicken with potatoes架子肉Meat roasted on skewer烤包子Roasted stuffed bun拉条子Xinjiang noodles上海桂花糕Shanghai osmanthus cake红烧牛肉面Braised beef noodles壳莱肉/淡菜Dried mussel meat酸辣华子鱼Hot and sour Amur ide沙蟹汁Ghost crab extract,韭花酱Leek flower sauce羊肚包肉Roasted mutton wrapped in lamb tripe红柳枝烤羊肉Roasted mutton cubes on rose willow branch 手抓羊肉Boiled mutton / Mutton eaten with hands馔Xinjiang naan清蒸石斑鱼Steamed grouper清蒸鱼干Steamed dried fish清蒸虾干Steamed dried shrimps炒鸡枞Fried termite mushroom。



A Culinary Journey Through China: A Reviewof "A Bite of China"In the heart of every culture, lies its cuisine. This is especially true for China, a vast country with a rich and diverse gastronomic heritage. "A Bite of China," a documentary series produced by the Chinese Central Television (CCTV), offers a delicious and captivating exploration of this rich culinary landscape. Through the lens of food, the series takes viewers on a journey through China, introducing them to the diverse flavors, techniques, and stories behind the country's most celebrated dishes.The series begins by highlighting the intricate relationship between food and the natural environment. China, with its diverse climates and vast landscapes, boasts a bounty of ingredients that are unique to its soil and climate. From the fertile plains of the Yangtze River to the snow-capped mountains of the Tibet Plateau, each region offers its own unique flavors and ingredients. The documentary showcases how these ingredients are harvested, prepared, and transformed into delicious dishes that are as much a part of the region's identity as its people.Beyond the ingredients, "A Bite of China" also delves into the history and traditions behind Chinese cuisine. The series explores how food has been a medium for cultural exchange, telling stories of how dishes have traveled along trade routes and been adopted by different communities, evolving into new flavors and recipes. It also highlights the role of food in Chinese festivals and celebrations, showing how specific dishes are associated with particular occasions and how they are prepared with love and care.One of the most compelling aspects of the series is its focus on the people behind the food. The documentary introduces us to chefs, farmers, and families who have dedicated their lives to perfecting their craft and preserving their cultural heritage through food. Their stories, often interwoven with the history and traditions of their regions, add a personal and emotional touch to the series, making it more than just a cooking show; it's a celebration of Chinese culture and identity.The cinematography and production values of "A Bite of China" are also noteworthy. The series is shot in stunning high-definition, capturing the beauty of China's landscapesand the details of food preparation in breathtaking detail. The music and narration are also carefully crafted, creating an emotional and immersive experience for the viewer.Overall, "A Bite of China" is a must-watch for anyone interested in Chinese culture, cuisine, or simply the art of food preparation. It's a journey through China's rich culinary heritage, offering insights into the country's diverse flavors, traditions, and people. Through the lens of food, the series presents a vivid and captivating portrait of China, inviting viewers to taste, smell, and experience the beauty of its culture firsthand.**《舌尖上的中国》节目介绍**食物是文化的灵魂,这一点在中国尤为明显。



Sichuan Cuisine
Sichuan Cuisine
Sichuan Cuisine
Long ago, Guangdong has been the farthest end of China and lack of all support from the rulers
Cantonese people ate what they could find locally. Wild animals, plants even insects.
201205010311 Jenny (刘红红)
Tasting China
• China covers a large territory and has many nationalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since China's local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Beijing Cuisine and Shanghai Cuisine.
The Most Famous Dishes: Fish Head in Casserole 砂锅鱼头煲 River Carp in Sweet-and-sour Sauce with Pine Nuts 糖醋黄河鲤鱼 Steamed Bun Stuffed with Pork and Peeled Shrimp虾仁肉包 Different Kinds of Sticky Rice Cake 糯米团



China has a vast territory, is the world's attention to" eat" national. After thousands of years of development. Formed the" broad and profound food culture". Long-term since, because each district made of different raw materials, different ingredients, using different cooking methods, and formed their own unique flavor and different cuisines. Among them, more famous cuisine refers to Chuan, Yue, Su, Xiang, Min, Hui, Zhe, Lu.
People say:
Information Chinese:舌尖上的中国 English:A Bite of China Director:Chen Xiao Qin Type:Documentary "A Bite of China" is a Chinese record channel launched the first highend food series documentary, and is the first use of HD equipment to shoot the large food documentary. In the domestic shooting 60 sites, covering Hong Kong, China each region, it displayed in all aspects of the broad and profound Chinese food culture.Showing to the audience, especially overseas audience of Chinese diet change,the differ in thousands of ways of diet and unique taste, aesthetic, and rise to the survival of the wisdom of dimensions of Oriental life values, let the audience from the diet culture side understanding of tradition and change in china.



一、美食中英对照烤松茸:roasted matsutake油焖春笋:braised bamboo shoot莲藕排骨汤:lotus root and rib soup酸辣藕丁:hot and sour lotus root炸藕夹:deep-fried lotus root sandwich鱼头泡饼:bread soaked in fish head soup香煎马鲛鱼:decocted mackerel酸菜鱼:boiled fish with pickled cabbage and chili二、中英文台本第一集《自然的馈赠》Episode 1 Gift of Nature中国拥有世界上最富戏剧性的自然景观,高原,山林,湖泊,海岸线。




China have the world's most strange natural landscapes, plateaus,mountains and forests, lakes and rivers, coastline. Such kind of geographical span is very good for the growth and reserve of species, which any of other countries don't have a lotof potential raw of food like China. To get the gift of nature, people collect, pick, dig, catch all year round. This episode will show the story about man and nature behind the delicious.香格里拉,松树和栎树自然杂交林中,卓玛寻找着一种精灵般的食物——松茸。



Helmed by award-winning documentary maker Chen Xiaoqing(陈晓卿 ), A Bite of China is filled with mouthwatering images of food ranging from haute cuisine to local delicacies, the documentary captures the beautiful and refined process of food-making.
Famouse dishes
Fam -ous
Dish -es
Fam -ous
Dish -es
Sichuan Cuisine
• Sichuan Cuisine: Sichuan Cuisine are spicy and hot, is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world.
Zhejiang Cuisine
• Zhejiang Cuisine: Made up of Hanzhou, Ningbo and Shaoxing Cuisines, Zhejiang is enjoyed for its freshness, tenderness, and mellow fragrance .
Sichuan Cuisine
Guangdong Cuisine
• Guangdong Cuisine: Guangdong cuisine is considered light, crisp, and fresh.



英语作文关于舌尖上的中国On the Tip of the Tongue: A Taste of China。

China is a country with a long history and a rich culture, and one of the most important aspects of this culture is its food. From the spicy Sichuan cuisine to the delicate Cantonese dim sum, Chinese food is famous all over the world for its variety, flavor, and complexity. The documentary series "A Bite of China" (舌尖上的中国) explores the diverse culinary traditions of China, revealing the stories and secrets behind some of the country's most beloved dishes.The series is divided into seven episodes, each focusing on a different aspect of Chinese cuisine. Thefirst episode, "The Gift of Nature," explores the relationship between food and the natural world. It takes us to the remote mountains of Yunnan, where villagers harvest wild mushrooms and bamboo shoots, and to thefertile fields of the Yangtze River Delta, where farmersgrow rice and vegetables. We learn about the importance of seasonality in Chinese cooking, and how different regions of China have their own unique ingredients and flavors.The second episode, "The Story of Staple Food," looks at the role of rice and noodles in Chinese cuisine. We see how rice is grown and harvested in the terraced fields of Guangxi, and how it is transformed into delicious dishes like congee and fried rice. We also learn about the history of noodles, and how they have become a staple food in northern China.The third episode, "The Inspiration of Transformation," shows how Chinese chefs use their creativity and skill to transform simple ingredients into complex and beautiful dishes. We visit a restaurant in Chengdu that specializesin hot pot, a communal meal where diners cook their own meat and vegetables in a simmering broth. We also see how street vendors in Xi'an make hand-pulled noodles, a technique that requires years of practice and skill.The fourth episode, "The Taste of Time," explores theimportance of tradition in Chinese cooking. We meet a family in Fujian that has been making rice wine for generations, using a recipe that has been passed down for centuries. We also learn about the history of tea, and how it has become an integral part of Chinese culture.The fifth episode, "Secrets of the Kitchen," takes us behind the scenes of some of China's most famous restaurants. We see how chefs at a Beijing duck restaurant prepare the dish from start to finish, and how a restaurant in Shanghai uses cutting-edge technology to create innovative dishes.The sixth episode, "A Perfect Blend," looks at the art of combining flavors in Chinese cooking. We visit a market in Guangzhou, where vendors sell exotic ingredients like snake and turtle, and see how they are used in dishes like snake soup and turtle stew. We also learn about the importance of balance in Chinese cuisine, and how dishes are designed to be both flavorful and nutritious.The final episode, "Our Farm," focuses on theimportance of sustainability in Chinese agriculture and cuisine. We see how farmers in Sichuan use traditional methods to grow crops without using pesticides or fertilizers, and how a restaurant in Beijing sources its ingredients from local farms. We also learn about the challenges facing Chinese agriculture, including pollution and urbanization.Overall, "A Bite of China" is a fascinating and informative series that offers a glimpse into the rich and diverse world of Chinese cuisine. Whether you are a food lover or simply interested in learning more about Chinese culture, this documentary is sure to leave you hungry for more.。


Noodles - Noodles are a common stack in Chinese cuisine, made from various types of flow and often served in soups or still friends Some common types of noises include "Egg Noodles", "Flat Noodles", and "Shredded Noodles"
Eight major cuisines
Zhejiang Cuisine - Zhejiang Cuisine emphasizes freshness, tenderness, and arama, often using light seasonings and cooking methods such as steaming and steaming Typical dishes include "West Lake Fish" (a steamed fish dish with a light sauce) and "Braised Duck with Ginseng"
Anhui Cuisine - Characterized by its rich flavors and strong seasonings, Anhui Cuisine often uses pickled vegetables and smoked meals Typical dishes include "Anhui Stewed Pork" (a stewed pork dish with a rich sauce) and "Anhui Stir Fried Greens"
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• Exquisite 精致的
Su Cuisine
From Jiangsu Province and Shanghai. Ingredients are supposed to be as fresh as possible in this cuisine. Because of the delicate life style around this region, people would like to process ingredients in a exquisite way. Thus the servings are always little smaller but much more refined. Sweet is the main flavor of Su Cuisine, and food are always cooked thoroughly into very soft, which can utterly digest the sweet and delicious sauce.
Stargazy pie 仰望星空派
• It is made of England.along with eggs and potatoes,covered with a pastry crust.
Fried tarantulas 油炸蜘蛛
• It is made of Cambodia.the size of a human palm
鲁菜 Shandong Cuisine 湘菜 Hunan cuisine 徽菜 Anhui Cuisine 川菜 Sichuan Cuisine
粤菜 Cantonese Cuisine 苏菜 Jiangsu Eight Cuisine Cuisines 闽菜 Fujian 浙菜 Cuisine ZheJiang Cuisine
Escamoles 蚂蚁
• It ish made of Mexico.The most popular way to eat them is in a taco with guacamole(鳄梨酱)
Thank You
A Bite of china
W h a t a g o o d
A Bite of China
• A recent documentary “A Bite of China” which takes the fine food as the theme has beaten many TV series,It is a best patriotic video.whetted ours appetite. We are fascinated by fresh ingredients,delicat presentation,intricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese food. • Ingredient 食材 • Intricate 精细 • Patriotic 爱国的
Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines :
Shandong Jiangsu Sichuan Hunan Anhui Zhejiang Fujian
Various Chinese Dishes
Su Cuisine
Su Cuisine
• Many people nowadays refer to themselves as Chihuo, people who love to eat and are satisfied and excited when tasting delicious food.In English,foodie.
Sichuan Cuisine
• Sichuan cuisine is famous for its hot and spicy dishes. The climate in Sichuan and Chongqing is very humid all through the year, then people there like to keep the damp out by eating heavily spiced food. Hot chilli, wild pepper and ginger are the ever-present ingredients • chilli 辣椒粉 • spiced含香料的 • pepper 胡椒粉 • ginger 姜
Sichuaቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ Cuisine
Sichuan Cuisine
Sichuan Cuisine
Long ago, Guangdong has been the farthest end of China and lack of all support from the rulers Cantonese people ate what they could find locally. Wild animals, plants even insects. 18-19th century, immigrants spread over the world and set up many Cantonese restaurants. Nowadays, most Chinese restaurants overseas serve mainly Cantonese food.
Guangdong Cuisine
Cantonese cuisine incorporates almost all edible meats, including organ meats, chicken feet, duck and duck tongues, snakes, and snails. Freshest and quality ingredients are crucial. Spices should be used in modest amounts to avoid overwhelming the flavors of the primary ingredients. Garlic, chives, ginger and coriander leaves are main spices.