西班牙语常用动词短语preparar + n、+ para + inf、为什么事情做准备; venir + a + inf、来做某事estar + listo + para + inf、准备好了干某事ser + 形容词+ inf、要干什么事情怎么样ayudar + a + alguien + {en + n、} o { a + inf、} 帮助某人干某事estar + ocupado + en + algo 忙于干某事deber + inf、应该干某事; preferir + inf、宁愿,更爱干某事volver + a + inf、重新干某事; estar junto con 与某人在一起; estar junto a 靠近desear + inf、想要干某事; acerca de 关于; apetecer + inf、/algo 渴望…; entrar + en 进入de buena calidad 质量好; sacar + de 从那里取出; hacer el favor + de + inf、请干某事acabar de + inf、刚刚结束; invitar + a + alguien + a + (país / inf、) 邀请permitir + alguien + inf、允许某人干某事; estar + encantado + de + inf、高兴…mucho gusto + en + inf、很高兴…; de pie站着; a pie 步行estar + lleno + de + algo 装满了…; al fondo del pasillo 走廊尽头distinguir algo de algo 区分; arriba + de 在上面separar en las partes / separar algo de algo 分开…; viajar + a /por 到那里旅游subir + a 上去; apearse + de 下来; ordenar + alguien + a + inf、命令某人干某事asistir + a 出席…; pasear + por 散步…; tener ganas + de 希望…interesar(se) + por + n、对什么感兴趣; dejar + de + inf、停止干某事dejar + a + alguien + inf、/ + que + 虚拟让某人干某事además de + n、/ inf、除了…; ponerse en marcha 上路; decidir + a + inf、决定tardar + tiempo + en + inf、耽搁时间干某事; dar vuelta / (recorrido) por + 地点逛了一圈en memoria de 纪念; cada uno en su puesto 各就各位; asombrarse + de + algo 惊讶no es para tanto;不至于如此huir de逃离eatar en apuro; 陷入困境tener miedo + de + inf、/ tener miedo + a + n、; 害怕…merecer(se) + inf、应该得到aconsejar + a + alguien + inf、劝说某人; preocuparse + de + alguien 担心despedirse + de + alguien 告别; faltar + a + n、缺少; acudir + a + inf、赶来帮助atraído + por + n、吸引; disfrutar de 拥有; disfrutar con 享受…fijarse + en + alguien 注视; tener oportunidad de + inf、有机会干某事aplaudir + a + alguien 为某人鼓掌; tener el hábito de + inf、习惯…cultivar el hábito de养成…的习惯; prestar atención a + n、注意elogiar + a + alguien 赞扬某人; dar + consejo + a + alguien 给某人劝告;limitarse + a + inf、仅仅; agradecer + a + alguien 感谢insistir + en + algo/inf、坚持; recordar + a + alguien + que + 虚拟句提醒estar + contento + de + inf、高兴…; servir de + n、充当; precipitarse + a + inf、赶…olvidarse + de + inf、忘记; alejarse + de 远离echar + a + inf、开始干…; echarse en el sofá躺在沙发上; echar del trabajo 丢了工作echar la siesta 睡午觉; pensar + inf、想干某事; pensar + en + n、想念某人apresurarse + a + inf、赶着干; impedir + a + alguien 阻止…; acreditado + en + país 驻在tener + posibilidad + de + inf、有可能…; dedicarse + a + n、从事…tener + experiencia + de + inf、有经验; ser + aficionado + a + n、爱好…graduarse + de 毕业于…; en + sentido + inverso 相反方向ser + capaz + de + inf、有能力…; alegrarse + de + inf、高兴…; confiar + en信任envidiar + a + alguien + por + algo 妒忌; tener + motivo + de + inf、有原因…estar + dispuesto + a + inf、准备…; temer + que + 虚拟,害怕…ingresar + en 加入; adolecer + de 痛; la mayoría de + n、大部分…exigir + a + alguien + que + 虚拟要求某人干什么。
preparar + n. + para + inf为什么事情做准备venir + a + inf(来做某事)estar + listo + para + inf准备好了干某事ser +形容词+ inf;要干什么事情怎么样ayudar + a + alguien + {en + n.}o{ a + inf} 帮助某人干某事estar + ocupado + en +algo忙于干某事deber + inf;应该干某事preferir+inf; 令愿,更爱干某事volver + a + inf; 重新干某事estar junto con ;和某人在一起junto + adesear + inf ; acerca de;关于pasear + por ; apetecer + inf /algo entrar + ende buena calidad; 质量好sacar +de ;从那里取出hacer el favor + de + inf请干某事acabar de + inf ;刚刚结束invitar + a + alguien +a +(país / inf.)邀请permitir + alguien + inf.允许某人干某事Estar + encantado + de + inf 高兴。
mucho gusto + de + inf 很高兴。
de pie站着a pie 步行Estar + lleno + de +algo;装满了。
al fondo del pasillo; 走廊尽头distinguir algo de algo 区分。
arriba + de在上面separar en los partes / separar algo de algo;分开。
viajar +a /por;到那里旅游apearse +de上去subir +a ;下来ordenar + alguien + a + inf;命令某人干某事asistir +a ;出席。
1)A ayudar a B动词原形[A帮助B]2)A ayudar a B(en/conC)[A在C上帮助B]如:Ayudó*a su herm ano en la tienda.(他在店里帮助了其哥哥。
*为ayudar的陈、简、三单数) Me*ayudóa vender la m ercancía.(他帮助了我在卖货[之事]。
*为对格代词一人称)Le ayudam os*a subir el carco.(我们协助了他装货。
*为ayudar的陈、简/现、一复数)Me ha ayudado*m ucho en los estudios.(他对我的学习给过很多的帮助。
1)A ayudar(a B)a动词原形[A帮助B]2)A ayudar(a B)en/conC[A在C上帮助B]如:Me ayudóa salir del poz oa.(他助救了我从坑里逃出来。
)Estas m ediadas ayudarán*a vencer las dificultades.(这些措施将有助于克服困难。
*为ayudar 的陈、将未、三复数)Siem pre que puede m e ayuda a cuidar el niño.(他经常/尽量帮助我照看孩子[之事]。
1)A ayudar a B[A有助B]2)A ayudar a B a动词原形[A在C上有助于B]如:Estas pastillas te ayudarán con la digestión.(这些药片对你的消化将有帮助的。
)Las aspirinas le ayudaron*a bajar la fiebre.(那些阿斯匹林曾有助于使他退烧。
一直…《完》,时间状语、hasta/desde 搭配 老是做…,(不满、负面)
由某动作导致…不好结果 处于…状态(不满、负面)
突然做…《完》echar a+动作类 V;echarse a +情感类 V
Tener que Deber
Deber de Hay que Haber de
刚刚做完…《未》 否 定 形 式 :( 不 满、焦虑)
一直处于…状态 《未》
允许(某 人)… 不得不(人) 责任。应该 做 猜测。想必 泛指 推测。必将
ir Estar
+ger (副动词=ing)
a+ inf.
正在做 ቆ
动作未间断进行 《未》
动作有间断进行 《完》
将要《未》 ×
por+inf para+inf. de+inf. .
就 要 生来就 将要 是…
sin+i +inf. nf.
还是 没有
Acabar tener llevar
最终 , +ger 无否定形式
≈完成时态《未》 Tener 必须有直宾,P.P.与直 宾保持性数一致 一直处于…状态,与表示时间的直宾搭配《未》
=ger , 有否定 形式
llegar guedar(se) andar echar(se)
1. 抓住物品:Segurar最常见的用法就是表示抓住或握住物品,例如:- Segura el bolígrafo con fuerza.(紧握着笔)- El niño seguró la pelota.(孩子抓住了球)- ¿Me puedes segurar las llaves?(你能帮我握住钥匙吗?)2. 持续维持:除了表示抓住物品,segurar还可以表示持续维持某种状态或情况,例如:- No puedo segurar el equilibrio.(我不能保持平衡)- Seguramos la intensidad del entrenamiento.(我们保持了训练的强度)3. 保持联系:Segurar还可以表示保持联系或联系紧密,例如:- Quería segurar el contacto con mi viejo amigo.(我希望和老朋友保持联系)- Debemos segurar una comunicación fluida entre los equipos.(我们应该保持团队间的流畅沟通)4. 坚持:在西班牙语中,segurar还可以表示坚持某种态度或观点,例如:- Seguro mi posición hasta el final.(我会坚持到底)- No sé cómo convencerlo para que segure su posición.(我不知道该怎么说服他坚持自己的立场)5. 支持:除了表示坚持,segurar还可以表示支持或保护某种事物,例如:- Segura tu reputación en todo momento.(始终保护你的声誉)- Debemos segurar los derechos de los ciudadanos.(我们应该保护公民的权益)6. 审核:在某些情况下,segurar也可以表示审核或检查,例如:- La empresa debe segurar la calidad de los productos.(公司应该审核产品的质量)- El supervisor debe segurar que todo el personal esté cumpliendo con las normas.(主管应该检查所有员工是否遵守规定)在使用segurar时,还需要注意以下几点:1. 与其他动词搭配:Segurar可以和其他动词搭配使用,形成各种常用语言表达方式,例如:- Segurar el lugar:保卫某个地方- Segurar el negocio:确保生意的顺利进行- Segurar la puerta:锁住门- Segurar la victoria:确保胜利2. 转化成名词:Segurar有时也可以转化成名词seguridad,表示“安全、保护、安全性”,例如:- La seguridad de los ciudadanos es responsabilidad del gobierno.(保护公民的安全是政府的责任)- Debemos asegurar la seguridad de los trabajadores.(我们应该保障工人的安全)3. 否定形式:在否定形式中使用segurar时,要将它的否定词放在最前面,例如:- No puedo segurar que vendrás a mi fiesta.(我不能保证你会来参加我的聚会)4. 与物品的性质相关:有时,segurar的使用也会和物品的性质有关,例如:- 太阳眼镜:No puedo segurar las gafas porque son muy resbaladizas.(太阳镜我抓不住,因为它们太滑了)- 玻璃杯:Ten cuidado al segurar el vaso, es muy delicado.(当你拿起玻璃杯时要小心,它很娇嫩)segurar是西班牙语中一个非常常用的动词,它有很多不同的用法和含义。
必备西班牙语短语1.Tener derecho a 有权利做什么2.En defensa de 保护3.Hacer daño a 造成伤害4.Empeñarse en 坚持做...5.Hacer algo con eficacia 有效地做某事varse los dientes刷牙7.Detenerse a 停下来做什么8.A diferencia de 与什么不同9.Emanar de = proceder de = provenir de 源自,来自10.Intentar = probar 尝试做某事11.Poner en ejecución 实施12.A mi juicio = en mi opinión = a mi parecer = Creo que = Considero que我认为13.A todo correr 急速地14.Cubrir algo con用什么遮盖15.Aludir a 影射,暗示16.Aspirar a 追求,渴望17.Por azar 偶然18.Al azar 随意19.Por ahora = por el momento = de momento 暂时20.Al aire libre 室外21.Hacer copias de 复制22.Por si acaso 以防万一23.En actitud de 以什么样的姿态24.Amor propio 自尊心25.Si been 虽然26.Basta de 别再...27.Basta con/ para 足够28.En el curso de 在...过程中。
西班牙语常用动词短语desear + inf;souhaiter, decsireracerca de; 关于pasear + por ; promenerapetecer + inf /algo avoir envieentrar + ende buena calidad;质量好sacar +de; (de dentro a fuera):从那里取出(la basura) sortir(salir), tirer(la poubelle, las ordures) hacer el favor + de + inf 请干某事acabar de + inf ;刚刚结束invitar + a + alguien +a +(país / inf.)邀请permitir + alguien + inf.允许某人干某事Estar + encantado + de + inf 高兴..mucho gusto + en + inf 很高兴..de pie站着a pie 步行Estar + lleno + de +algo;装满了..al fondo del pasillo; 走廊尽头distinguir algo de algo 区分(la diferencia, diferencial). distinger...de... (différend)arriba + de在上面(着重高度) ~=encima de(tocar)separar en las partes / separar algo de algo;分开..viajar +a /por; 到那里旅游subir +a ;上去apearse +de下来desmontarordenar + alguien + a + inf;命令某人干某事asistir +a ;出席..pasar + por ;散步..tener ganas + de希望.. (envie, faim)interesar(se) + por + n. ; 对什么感兴趣dejar(vt) laisser; quitterdejar +de +inf 停止干某事arreter +dedejar +a + alguien + inf / + que + 虚拟, 让某人干某事además de +n. / inf;除了..ponerse en marcha; 上路decidir+a+inf;决定tardar(vi) + tiempo + en + inf费时干某事retrasar(vt) retarder(el retraso)迟到dar(donner) vuelta(retour) /recorrido(parcour)por+地方在...地方逛了一圈en memoria de纪念;cada uno en su puesto; 各就各位asombrarse +de +algo;惊讶s'étonner la sombra= la ombreno es para tanto;不至于如此pas grand chosehuir de逃离fuireatar en apuro;陷入困境situation difficiletener miedo+de +inf / tener miedo + a +n.; 害怕.. merecer(se) +inf 应该得到te lo mereces = tu le mérite aconsejar + a + alguien + inf;劝说某人conseiller preocuparse + de + alguien;担心despedirse +de +alguien告别faltar+ a + n. 缺少; manquer falta=manqueacudir+ a+inf赶来帮助atraído+ por + n.吸引;disfrutar de 拥有;disfrutar con 享受...jourir de...fijarse + en +alguien; 注视fixertener oportunidad de + inf;有机会干某事la occasion tener+posibilidad+de+inf; 有可能..aplaudir + a + alguien为某人鼓掌tener el hábito de + inf,习惯..cultivar el hábito de养成..的习惯prestar atención a + n.;注意prêterelogiar+a+alguien赞扬某人faire l'éloge dedar + consejo +a+alguien;给某人劝告; le conseil limitarse +a+inf,仅仅agradecer+ a+alguien感谢remercier qqn pour qch insistir+en+algo/inf;坚持insisterrecordar+a+alguien+que+虚拟句提醒rappelerestar+content@+de+inf高兴..servir de+n,充当precipitarse+ a+ inf;赶.. précipiterolvidarse + de + inf ; 忘记alejarse +de;远离s'éloignerechar+a+inf;开始干.. empezar/ comenzar == co mm encer echarse(werfen) en el sofá, 躺在..echar del trabajo, 丢了工作echar la siesta;睡午觉pensar+inf;想干某事pensar+en+n.想念某人apresurarse+a+inf;赶着干impedir+a+alguien;阻止..pedir请求empêcher acreditado+en+país驻在dedicarse+a+n.从事..tener+experiencia+de+inf;有经验ser+aficionad@+a+n.;爱好...amateurgraduarse+de;毕业于..en+sentido+inverso;相反方向le sensser+capaz+de+inf;有能力..alegrarse+de+inf;高兴..faire plaisir àconfiar+en信任avoir confiance en (confier)envidiar+a+alguien+por+algo; 妒忌.enviertener+motivo+de+inf; 有原因 raison, le motifestar+dispuest@+a+inf;准备(ready and willing).. listo准备(常用)prêt temer+que+虚拟,害怕... tener miedo avoir peur deingresar+en;加入.adolecer+de;痛.enfermo maladla mayoría de +n.大部分..l a majorité deexigir+a+alguien+que+虚拟要求某人干什么.exigerestar en condición de+inf;有条件干..estar enamorad@ de+alguien;爱上..amoureux(se)estar en contacto;与..有联系enterarse+de+algo;知道.. (通知) apprendreofrecerse+de+inf;自告奋勇..s'offrirlibrar de;摆脱..entretenerse+en+inf;消遣..s'amuserdarse cuenta de+inf发觉..a causa de ; 由于.a lo mejor 也许a menudo(petit);经常souventa partir de;从..起al azar随意.au hasardal lado de;在..旁边al mediodía;中午ceder el asiento;让座位cédercuanto antes;尽快darse prisa; 赶快¡date prisa! =dépêche-toi !hacer pregunta ;提问de modo(方式) que; 因此alore, alsode repente;repentino突然soudain/ tout à coupdicho y hecho;说做就做hacer el favor;请.hacer la cama整理床铺de acuerdo;同意más allá再过去一点mejor dicho;确切地说ou plutôtpor escrito;笔头的por lo menos;至少au moins100*常用动词aceptar vt. (accepter)接受, 赞同, 承兑收容permitir vt. (permettre)允许, 许可, 准许, 容忍, 使能够vr. 放任, 纵容dejar vt. (laisser,leave)放, 放下, 留下, 使, 让, 认为, 允许, 遗忘, 放弃, 抛弃, 遗留, 停止, 有待于permitir/dejar 许可让preguntar vt. 问, 提问, 询问creer vt. (croire)相信, 认为vi. 信仰vr. 自以为Crecer vi. (grandir)成长, 生长, 增长, 增值vr. 地位升高prestar vt. (prêter)借给, 给予, 提供, 使具有vi. 有用, 够用vr. 自愿, 迁就romper vt.(casser)打破, 弄碎, 损坏, 冲破, 断绝, 打断, 违反, 开始vi. 散开, 冲出, (花)开放, 突然开始, 暴发traer—traigo, traes, trae, traemos, traéis, traenvt. (apporter, remener) (bringen)带来, 吸引, 造成, 致使, 穿着, 戴着, 引证, 刊载comprar vt. (acheter)买poder puedo (pouvoir)poder1m. 势力, 政权, 权力poder2vt. 能够, 可以impers. 有可能cancelar vt. (annuler)取消, 废除, 结清(债务)cambiar vt. (changer)交换, 改变, 更换, 搬, 迁, 兑换limpiar vt. (nettoyer)使清洁, 清扫peinar vt. (peigner)梳理quejarse vr.(se pleidre; sich beklagen)哀叹, 抱怨, 发牢骚, 告状; 抱怨操心toser vi. (tousser; husten)咳嗽contar–cuento cuentas cuenta contamos contáis cuentavt. (compter; raconter)数, 计算, 讲述, 算在内, 注意vi. 拥用contar con = compter surcortarvt. (couper)切, 割, 分开, 阻断vr. 凝结, 冻裂, 相交, 相切, 张口结舌bailar vt.vi. 跳舞, 摇动, 旋转dibujar vt. (dessiner)画, 绘画, 制图, 描写--- el dibujobeber vt. (boire)喝, 饮, 举杯祝贺, 学得conducir vt. (conduire)引导, 传送, 传载, 驾驶, 带领vi. 通向, 导致vr. 表现comer vi. 吃饭vt. 吃, 消耗, 使褪色vr. 略去explicar vt. (expliquer)表达, 讲授, 讲解caerse – caigo caes cae caemos caéis caenvi. (tomber)落下, 掉, 坠, 倒下, 垮台, 牺牲, 衰落, 失败llenar vt. 装满, 占满, 充满encontrar –encuentro encuentras encuentra encontramos encontráis encuentran vt. 遇到, 碰到, 找到vr. 敌对, 对立terminarvt. 结束vi. 终于caber –quepovi. (to fit) 容纳, 进得去, 有可能+ la posiblidad de , 分得reparar vt.(réparer)修理, 弥补, 恢复体力, 赔偿vi. 考虑, 注意到, 发觉volar –vuelo vuelas vuela volamos voláis vuelanvi. (voler)飞, 飞行, 飞奔, 飞逝vt. 炸毁olvidar vt.vr. (oublier)忘记dar –doy das da damos dais danvt. (donner)给, 赠送, 交给, 授予, 赐予, (钟)打点, 产生, 引起, 发表, 上演, 献出, 提供, 涂, 分牌vi. 发生, 使突然感到, 碰到, 遇到, 开动, 坚持, 命中, 朝向, 通向vr. 屈从, 专心于, 跌, 碰, 以为, 生长ir -- voy vas va vamos vais vanvi. 去, 往, 走, 到, 走开, 离开vr. 漏出* tener tengo tienes tiene tenemos tenéis tienenvt. (avoir, tenir)有, 拥有, 具有, 感到, 受到, 拿着, 盛, 装, 渡过, 当做vr. 站住, 保持oir –oigo, oyes, oye,oímos, oís, oyen(entendre).听到escuchar(écouter听内容)伤害dañar vt. (to damage, to hurt, to harm)伤害, 损坏(abîmer / endommager beschädigen)hacerdaño a algien (faire du mal a qqn)herir—hiero hieres hiere herimos herís hierenvt. (to injure to wound) 使受伤, 打伤, 伤害, 挫伤, (光线)刺眼, (声音)刺耳(blesser可精神上verletzen)perjudicar危害(nuirea qqn schaden jm)destruir--destruyo destruyes destruye destruimos destruís destruyenvt(detruire zerstören)saber --sé sabes sabe …vt. 知道了, 了解, 懂得, 会, 善于vi. 有(某种)味道, 相象, 精明conocer--conozco conoces...vt. (connaître)了解, 熟悉, 懂, 认识aprendervt. (apprendre)学习, 学会* salir – salgo sales...vi. (sortir) 出去, 出来, 出现, 长出, 高开, 出版, 结果是, 相象, 中奖, 摆脱vr. (器皿)漏/marcharse vi (marcher) 行走, 行进, 离开, 运转, 发展, 进展escuchar vt. (écouter) 听, 听从, 听取vr. 得意地讲话vivir vi. (vivre)活, 生存, 生活, 居住vt. 经历perder –pierdo pierdes pierde perdemos perdéis pierdenvt. (perdre)丢失, 失去, 输掉, 错过, 毁坏, 浪费vi. (地位)降低, (布)褪色vr. 迷路, 转向, 丧失名誉, 腐化hacer – hago haces...vt. 造, 作, 干, 偷盗, 扮演, 假装, 以为, (数量上)等于, 排泄, 使, 让vi. 适合, 设法impers. (天气)是, 有, (时间)已满vr. 变成, 提高, 改进necesitar vt.vi. (avoir besoin de) 需要abrir vt. (ouvrir)开, 打开, 切开, 开始vi. (花)开放, 逃跑vr. (门、窗等)朝向, 离开, 展现, 拐小弯cerrar –cierro cierras cierra cerramos cerráis cierranvt. (fermer)关闭, 堵塞, 封住, 中止, 结束, 最后敲定vi. 关闭, 天黑vr. 愈合organizar vt. (organiser)组织, 创立, 调(风琴)pagar vt. (payer) 支付, 付款, 报答, 弥补(罪过)jugar –juego juegas juega jugamos jugáis jueganvt. (jouer) 玩(牌), 下(棋), 赛(球), 使用, 操纵vi. 游戏, 玩耍, 参加比赛, 相配, 配套vr. 拿…冒险poner –pongo pones...vt. (mettre) 放, 安装, 布置, 设想, 赌, 上演, 使处于, 开动, 下(蛋), 献出, 写, 寄vr. 穿, 处于, (太阳等)沉落llover – lluevo llueves llueve llovemos llovéis lluevenvi. (pleuvoir)下雨, 雨点般袭来leer vt. (lire)读, 朗读, 阅读, 看懂, 读懂respondervt. (répondre)回答, 应答vi. 报答, 反应, 反对, 反抗, 产生预期结果, 符合, 负责, 保证correr vi. (courir)跑, 传播, 流动, 流通, 羞愧, 支付, 担负vt. 跑遍, 挪动, 拉开, 追逐, 经历vr. (颜色)扩散, 羞愧, 过分, 离开decir –digo dices dice decimos decís dicendecir1m. 言语, 话, 格言, 警句decir2 (dire)vt. 说, 讲ver – veo ves ve vemos veis venvt. 看见, 查看, 拜访, 观看, 了解, 察觉, 理解, 论及vi. 有视力vr. 处于(某种)状态, 在(某处)m. 视觉, 样子, 看法vender vt. (vendre)卖, 出售, 背叛, 出卖vr. 受贿enviar -- envío envías envía enviamos enviáis envíanvt. (envier)派遣, 差遣, 送到, 邮寄firmar vt. (signer)签署cantarcantar1m. 民歌cantar2 (chanter)vt. 唱, 唱歌, 歌颂, 招供sentarse –siento sientas sienta sentamos sentáis sientanvt. 使坐下, 放稳, 提出(s’asseoir)vi. (式样颜色)合适, 使喜欢(suit)(aller) ~=quedar(fit)大小合身vr. 坐下, 沉淀dormir – duermo duermes duerme dormimos dormís duermenvi. 睡觉, 过夜, 不求进取fumar vi. (fumer)冒烟, 吸烟vr. 挥霍, 逃避hablar vt. (parler)说话, 讲话deletrear vi. (épeler)(buchstabieren)拼读gustar vt.(aimer)尝, 品尝, 乐意, 尝试vi. 使喜欢gastar vt. (dépenser)用钱, 化费, 消耗, 消费ponerse vt. 放, 安装, 布置, 设想, 赌, 上演, 使处于, 开动, 下(蛋), 献出, 写, 寄vr. 穿, 处于, (太阳等)沉落ponerse de pie 站着comenzar –comienzo comienzas comienza comenzamos comenzáis comienzanempezar –empienzo empienzas empienza empezamos empezáis empienzanvt. (commencer)开始estudiar vt. (étudier) 研究, 学习--- estudio=étudetener exito n.成功(réussir)exito (succès)n.出口,通道,安全门;退出v.离开,退出nadar vi. (nager)游泳, 浮, 富有* tomar vt. (prendre)拿, 取, 接受, 攻克, 吃, 喝, 乘坐, 雇用, 租赁, 采取, 彩, 取得, 做出, 作, 享用, 拍摄, 记录, 测量, 感到, 感受, 走vr. 生锈, 自行决定enseñar vt. (enseigner)教育, 出示, 指出pensar vt. (penser)想出, 打算, 认为vi. 想, 考虑, 想到traducir -- traduzo traduces...vt (traduire). 翻译, 表达, 解释viajar vi. (voyager)旅行intentar vt. (essayer) 打算, 试图, 企图apagar vt. (éteindre) 熄灭, 平息encender –enciendo enciendes enciende encendemos encendéis enciendenvt.vr. (allumer)点燃, 激起, 煽动escribir vt. (écrire) 写, 书写, 写信, 写作escribir a máquina (taperàla machine)打字a máquina f.机器, 机件, 自行车, 机动画, 机车, 肌体, 机构, 计划, 宫殿entender –entiendo entiendes entiende entendemos entendéis entiendenvt. (comprendre)明白, 理解, 懂得, 精通vr. 自知, 心中有数, 达成协议, 私通utilizar/ usar使用utilizar vt. (utiliser)使用, 利用usar vt. (utiliser)用, 使用, 享用vi. 惯用esperar vt. (attenndre, espérer)希望, 期望, 等候, 将要发生despertar –despierto despiertas despierta despertamos despertáis despiertanvt. (se réveiller) 打断睡眠, 使醒, 使想起, 激起vi. 醒, 醒悟levantarse (se lever) 起床querer – quiero quieres quiere queremos queréis quierenvt. (vouloir)爱, 想, 要, 愿意desear vt. (souhaiter)希望, 想得到, 祝愿mirar vt. (regarder)看, 查看, 考虑, 敬重vi. 面对, 朝向, 注重trabajar vi. (travailler)劳动, 工作, 努力, 从事, 起作用vt. 耕作, 加工, 学习, 经营, 办理preocuparse vt.(inquiéter)使担心, 使忧虑vr. (s'inquiéter)担心, 关心acertar –acierto aciertas acierta acertamos acertáis aciertan vt. (deviner)打中, 命中, 猜中costar –cuesto cuestas cuesta costamos costáis cuestan vi. 花费(钱/时间)(couter)¿cuánto cuesta? (ça coûte combien?)。
7.aburrir- to annoy, to bore, to vex
8.aburrirse- to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary
9.acabar- to finish, to end, to complete
63.aprender- to learn
64.apresurarse- to hasten, to hurry, to rush
65.aprobar- to approve, to pass a test
66.aprovecharse- to take advantage, to avail oneself
83.ayudar- to help, to aid, to assist
84.bailar- to dance
85.bajar- to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend
86.balbucear- to stammer, to hesitate in speech
17.acompañar- to accompany, to escort, to go with, to keep company
18.aconsejar- to advise, to counsel
19.acordar- to agree (upon)
20.acordarse- to remember
100.caber- to be contained, to fit into
101.caer- to fall
102.caerse- to fall, to fall down, to tumble
52个常用西班牙语不规则动词总结副动词和分词变位常用的西班牙语不规则动词总结如下:1. Ser (to be)Yo soyTú eresÉl/ella/usted esNosotros/as somosVosotros/as soisEllos/ellas/ustedes son2. Ir (to go)Yo voyTú vasÉl/ella/usted vaNosotros/as vamosVosotros/as vaisEllos/ellas/ustedes van3. Tener (to have)Yo tengoTú tienesÉl/ella/usted tiene Nosotros/as tenemos Vosotros/as tenéisEllos/ellas/ustedes tienen 4. Estar (to be)Yo estoyTú estásÉl/ella/usted estáNosotros/as estamos Vosotros/as estáisEllos/ellas/ustedes están 5. Poder (to be able to) Yo puedoTú puedesÉl/ella/usted puede Nosotros/as podemos Vosotros/as podéisEllos/ellas/ustedes pueden 6. Saber (to know)YoséTú sabesÉl/ella/usted sabe Nosotros/as sabemos Vosotros/as sabéisEllos/ellas/ustedes saben 7. Decir (to say, to tell) Yo digoTú dicesÉl/ella/usted dice Nosotros/as decimos Vosotros/as decísEllos/ellas/ustedes dicen Yo vengoTú vienesÉl/ella/usted viene Nosotros/as venimos Vosotros/as venísEllos/ellas/ustedes vienen9. Querer (to want, to love)Yo quieroTú quieresÉl/ella/usted quiereNosotros/as queremosVosotros/as queréisEllos/ellas/ustedes quieren10. Hacer (to do, to make)Yo hagoTú hacesÉl/ella/usted haceNosotros/as hacemosVosotros/as hacéisEllos/ellas/ustedes hacen这些是一些常用的西班牙语不规则动词的变位形式。
西班牙语500个最常用动词500 most used Spanish verbs1. abatir - to knock down, to overthrow, to throw down2. abrasar - to burn, to set on fire3. abrazar - to embrace, to hug; to clamp4. abrir - to open5. absolver - to absolve, to acquit6. abstenerse - to abstain7. aburrir - to annoy, to bore, to vex8. aburrirse - to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary9. acabar - to finish, to end, to complete10. acelerar - to accelerate, to speed, to hasten, to hurry11. aceptar - to accept12. acercar - to bring near, to place near13. acercarse - to approach, to draw near14. acertar - to hit the mark, to hit upon, to do (something) right, to succeed in, to guess right15. aclamar - to acclaim, to applaud, to shout, to hail16. aclarar - to explain, to clarify, to make clear, to rinse, to clear17. acompañar - to accompany, to escort, to go with, to keep company18. aconsejar - to advise, to counsel19. acordar - to agree (upon)20. acordarse - to remember21. acostarse - to go to bed, to lie down22. acostumbrar - to be accustomed23. acuchillar - to knife, to cut, to flash, to cut open24. acudir - to attend, to be present frequently, to respond (to a call), to come to the rescue25. acusar - to accuse26. adelantar - to advance, to keep on, to progress, to go ahead27. adelantarse - to go forward, to go ahead, to move ahead, to take the lead28. adivinar - to divine, to foretell, to guess29. admirar - to admire30. admitir - to admit, to grant, to permit31. adoptar - to adopt32. adorar - to adore, to worship33. adquirir - to acquire, to get, to obtain34. advertir - to advise, to give notice, to give warning, to take notice of, to warn35. afeitarse - to shave oneself36. agarrar - to grasp, to obtain, to seize, to catch, to clutch, to come upon37. agitar - to agitate, to wave, to shake up, to stir38. agotar - to exhaust, to use up39. agradar - to please, to be pleasing40. agradecer - to thank, to be thankful for41. agrandar - to enlarge, to grow larger, to increase42. agravar - to aggravate, to make worse43. agregar - to add, to collect, to gather, to aggregate, to collate44. agrupar - to group45. aguardar - to expect, to wait for46. ahorrar - to economize, to save47. alcanzar - to reach, to overtake48. alegrarse - to be glad, to rejoice49. almorzar - to lunch, to have lunch50. alquilar - to hire, to rent51. alumbrar - to illuminate, to light, to enlighten52. alumbrarse - to be (get) high, to get tipsy, to become lively (from liquor)53. alzar - to heave, to lift, to pick up, to raise (prices)54. amar - to love55. añadir - to add56. andar - to walk57. anunciar - to announce, to foretell, to proclaim58. apagar - to put out (flame, fire), to extinguish, to turn off (flame, fire, light)59. aparecer - to appear, to show up60. aplaudir - to applaud61. apoderarse - to take power, to take possession62. apreciar - to appreciate, to appraise, to esteem63. aprender - to learn64. apresurarse - to hasten, to hurry, to rush65. aprobar - to approve, to pass a test66. aprovecharse - to take advantage, to avail oneself67. apurarse - to fret, to grieve, to worry68. arrancar - to root up (out), to pull up (out), to tear off (away), to snatch69. arreglar - to fix, to arrange, to adjust, to regulate, to settle, to repair70. arrojar - to fling, to hurl, to throw71. articular - to articulate, to pronounce distinctly72. asegurar - to assure, to affirm, to assert, to insure73. asir - to seize, to grasp74. asistir - to attend, to assist, to be present75. asustarse - to be frightened, to be scared76. atacar - to attack77. atenerse - to rely on, to depend on78. atraer - to attract, to allure, to charm79. atravesar - to cross, to go through, to run through80. atreverse - to dare, to venture81. avanzar - to advance82. averiguar - to find out, to inquire, to investigate83. ayudar - to help, to aid, to assist84. bailar - to dance85. bajar - to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend86. balbucear - to stammer, to hesitate in speech87. bañarse - to bathe oneself, to take a bath88. barrer - to sweep, to whisk89. bastar - to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice90. bautizar - to baptize, to christen91. beber - to drink92. bendecir - to bless, to consecrate93. borrar - to erase, to cross out94. bostezar - to yawn, to gape95. botar - to fling, to cast (away), to throw (away), to launch96. broncear - to bronze, to tan97. bullir - to boil, to bustle, to hustle, to stir98. burlarse - to make fun of, to poke fun at, to ridicule99. buscar - to look for, to seek100. caber - to be contained, to fit into101. caer - to fall102. caerse - to fall, to fall down, to tumble103. calentar - to heat (up), to warm (up)104. callarse - to be silent, to keep quiet105. calzar - to shoe, to wear (shoes), to put on (shoes)106. cambiar - to change107. caminar - to walk, to move along108. cansarse - to become tired, to become weary, to get tired 109. cantar - to sing110. caracterizar - to characterize111. cargar - to load, to burden112. casarse - to get married, to marry113. celebrar - to celebrate114. cenar - to have supper, to eat supper115. cepillar - to brush116. cerrar - to close117. certificar - to certify, to register (a letter), to attest118. charlar - to chat, to prattle119. chistar - to mumble, to mutter120. chupar - to suck121. cocinar - to cook122. coger - to seize, to take, to grasp, to grab, to catch123. colegir - to collect124. colgar - to hang (up)125. colocar - to put, to place126. comenzar - to begin, to commence, to start127. comer - to eat128. componer - to compose129. comprar - to buy, to purchase130. comprender - to understand131. conducir - to lead, to conduct, to drive132. confesar - to confess133. conocer - to know, to be acquainted with134. conseguir - to attain, to get, to obtain135. constituir - to constitute, to make up136. construir - to construct, to build137. contar - to count, to relate, to tell138. contener - to contain, to hold139. contestar - to answer, to reply140. continuar - to continue141. contribuir - to contribute142. convencer - to convince143. convenir - to agree, to convene144. convertir - to convert145. convocar - to call together, to convene, to convoke, to summon 146. corregir - to correct147. correr - to run, to race, to flow148. cortar - to cut, to cut off, to cut out149. costar - to cost150. crecer - to grow151. creer - to believe152. criar - to breed, to raise, to bring up (rear)153. cruzar - to cross154. cubrir - to cover155. cuidarse - to take care of oneself156. cumplir - to fulfill, to keep (a promise), to reach one's birthday (use with años)157. dar - to give158. deber - to owe, must, ought159. decidir - to decide160. decir - to say, to tell161. declarar - to declare162. dedicarse - to devote oneself163. defender - to defend164. dejar - to let, to permit, to allow, to leave165. delinquir - to be delinquent, to violate the law166. demostrar - to demonstrate, to prove167. denunciar - to denounce168. depender - to depend169. derribar - to knock down, to overthrow, to tear down, to throw down170. desayunarse - to breakfast, to have breakfast171. descansar - to rest172. describir - to describe, to delineate173. descubrir - to discover174. desear - to desire, to wish, to want175. desempeñar - to play (a part), to act (a part), to discharge, to perform (a duty), to take out of pawn176. deshacer - to undo, to destroy, to take apart177. despedirse - to take leave of, to say good-bye to178. despegar - to detach, to unglue, to unstuck, to take off (airplane)179. desperezarse - to stretch oneself, to stretch one's arms and legs180. despertarse - to wake up oneself181. destruir - to destroy182. desvestirse - to undress oneself, to get undressed183. detener - to stop (someone or something), to detain184. detenerse - to stop (oneself)185. devolver - to return (an object), to refund, to give back186. dibujar - to design, to draw, to sketch187. dirigir - to direct188. disculparse - to apologize, to excuse (oneself)189. discutir - to discuss190. dispensar - to excuse, to dispense, to distribute, to exempt 191. distinguir - to distinguish192. divertirse - to have a good time, to enjoy oneself193. divorciarse - to be (get) divorced194. doler - to ache, to pain, to hurt, to cause grief, to cause regret 195. dormir - to sleep196. ducharse - to take a shower, to shower oneself197. dudar - to doubt198. echar - to cast, to fling, to hurt, to pitch, to throw199. ejecutar - to execute, to carry out, to perform200. ejercer - to exercise, to practice (a professional)201. elegir - to elect, to select, to choose202. embeber - to soak in, to soak up, to suck in, to imbibe203. empezar - to begin, to start204. emplear - to employ, to use205. encender - to incite, to inflame, to kindle, to light206. encerrar - to enclose, to lock up, to confine207. encontrar - to meet, to encounter, to find208. enfadarse - to become angry209. enfermarse - to get sick, to fall sick, to become sick, to fall ill, to become ill210. enojarse - to become angry, to get angry, to get cross211. enseñar - to teach, to show, to point out212. entender - to understand213. entrar - to enter, to go (in), to come (in)214. entregar - to deliver, to hand over, to give215. enunciar - to enunciate, to state216. enviar - to send217. envolver - to wrap up218. equivocarse - to be mistaken219. erguir - to raise, to stand up straight220. errar - to err, to wander, to roam, to miss221. escoger - to choose, to select222. escribir - to write223. escuchar - to listen (to)224. esparcir - to scatter, to spread225. esperar - to expect, to hope, to wait (for)226. esquiar - to ski227. establecer - to establish228. estar - to be229. estimar - to estimate, to esteem, to respect, to value230. estudiar - to study231. exigir - to demand, to urge, to require232. explicar - to explain233. expresar - to express234. fabricar - to fabricate, to manufacture235. faltar - to be lacking, to be wanting, to lack, to miss, to need 236. felicitar - to congratulate, to felicitate237. festejar - to feast, to entertain, to celebrate238. fiar - to confide, to trust239. fijarse - to take notice, to pay attention, to settle240. fingir - to feign, to pretend241. firmar - to sign242. formar - to form, to shape243. fregar - to wash dishes, to scrub244. freír - to fry245. fumar - to smoke246. funcionar - to function, to run (machine)247. ganar - to earn, to gain, to win248. gastar - to spend (money), to wear out, to waste249. gemir - to grieve, to groan, to moan250. gobernar - to govern, to rule251. gozar - to enjoy252. gritar - to shout, to scream, to shriek, to cry out253. gruñir - to grumble, to grunt, to growl, to creak254. guiar - to lead, to guide255. gustar - to be pleasing (to), to like256. haber - to have (as an auxiliary, helping verb to form the compound tenses)257. habitar - to inhabit, to dwell, to live, to reside258. hablar - to talk, to speak259. hacer - to do, to make260. hallar - to find, to discover, to locate261. helar - to freeze262. heredar - to inherit263. herir - to harm, to hurt, to wound264. huir - to escape, to flee, to run away, to slip away265. ignorar - to be ignorant of, not to know266. impedir - to hinder, to impede, to prevent267. importar - to matter, to be important268. imprimir - to imprint, to impress, to print, to fix in the mind 269. incluir - to include, to enclose270. indicar - to indicate, to point out271. inducir - to induce, to influence, to persuade272. influir - to influence273. informarse - to inform oneself, to find out274. inscribir - to inscribe, to record, to register275. inscribirse - to enroll, to register276. insistir - to insist, to persist277. interesarse - to be interested in278. introducir - to introduce279. invitar - to invite280. ir - to go281. irse - to go away282. jugar - to play (a game, sport)283. juntar - to join, to unite, to connect284. jurar - to swear, to take an oath285. juzgar - to judge286. lanzar - to throw, to hurl, to fling, to launch287. lastimarse - to hurt oneself, to feel sorry for, to complain, to regret288. lavar - to wash289. lavarse - to wash oneself290. leer - to read291. levantar - to lift, to raise292. levantarse - to get up, to rise293. limpiar - to clean294. limpiarse - to clean oneself295. llamar - to call, to name296. llamarse - to call oneself, to be named297. llegar - to arrive298. llenar - to fill299. llevar - to carry (away), to take (away), to wear300. llorar - to weep, to cry, to whine301. llover - to rain302. luchar - to fight, to strive, to struggle, to wrestle303. maldecir - to curse304. manejar - to manage, to handle, to drive, to operate (a vehicle) 305. mantener - to maintain, to keep up, to support, to provide for 306. marcar - to mark, to note, to observe307. marchar - to walk, to march, to function (machine), to run (machine)308. marcharse - to go away, to leave309. matar - to kill310. medir - to measure, to weigh, to scan (verses)311. mejorar - to improve312. mencionar - to mention313. mentir - to lie, to tell a lie314. merecer - to merit, to deserve315. mirar - to look, to look at, to watch316. mirarse - to look at oneself, to look at each other (uno a otro, unos a otros)317. mojarse - to get wet, to wet oneself318. montar - to mount, to go up, to climb, to get on, to wind (a watch)319. morder - to bite320. morir - to die321. mostrar - to show, to point out322. mover - to move, to persuade, to excite323. mudarse - to change one's clothes, to change one's place of residence, to move324. nacer - to be born325. nadar - to swim326. navegar - to navigate, to sail327. necesitar - to need328. negar - to deny329. nevar - to snow330. obedecer - to obey331. observar - to observe332. obtener - to obtain, to get333. ocultarse - to hide oneself334. ocupar - to occupy335. ocurrir - to occur, to happen336. ofrecer - to offer337. oír - to hear338. oler - to smell, to scent339. olvidar - to forget340. oponer - to oppose341. ordenar - to order, to command, to put in order, to arrange 342. organizar - to organize, to arrange, to set up343. osar - to dare, to venture344. pagar - to pay345. parar - to stop (someone or something)346. pararse - to stop (oneself)347. parecer - to seem, to appear348. parecerse - to resemble each other, to look alike349. partir - to leave, to depart, to divide, to split350. pasar - to pass (by), to happen, to spend (time)351. pasearse - to take a walk, to parade352. pedir - to ask for, to request353. pegar - to beat, to hit, to slap, to stick, to glue, to paste 354. peinarse - to comb one's hair355. pensar - to think356. percibir - to perceive357. perder - to lose358. perdonar - to pardon, to forgive, to excuse359. permitir - to permit, to admit, to allow, to grant360. pertenecer - to pertain, to appertain, to belong361. pintar - to paint362. pintarse - to make up (one's face), to tint, to color (one's hair, lips, etc.)363. pisar - to tread (on), to step on, to trample364. placer - to gratify, to humor, to please365. platicar - to chat, to talk over, to discuss366. poder - to be able, can367. poner - to put, to place368. ponerse - to put on (clothing), to become, to set (of sun) 369. poseer - to possess, to own370. practicar - to practice371. predecir - to predict, to forecast, to foretell372. predicar - to preach373. preferir - to prefer374. preguntar - to ask, to inquire, to question375. preocuparse - to be concerned, to worry, to be worried376. preparar - to prepare377. prepararse - to be prepared, to get ready, to prepare oneself 378. presentar - to present, to display, to show, to introduce379. prestar - to lend380. principiar - to begin381. probar - to test, to prove, to try, to try on382. probarse - to try on (clothes)383. proclamar - to proclaim, to promulgate384. producir - to produce, to cause385. prohibir - to prohibit, to forbid386. pronunciar - to pronounce387. proteger - to protect388. pulir - to polish389. quedarse - to remain, to stay390. quejarse - to complain, to grumble391. quemar - to burn, to fire392. querer - to want, to wish393. quitarse - to take off (clothing), to remove oneself, to withdraw 394. raer - to scrape, to rub off, to erase, to wipe out395. realizar - to realize, to carry out, to fulfill396. recibir - to receive, to get397. recoger - to pick (up), to gather, to harvest398. recomendar - to recommend, to commend, to advise399. reconocer - to recognize, to acknowledge, to be grateful for 400. recordar - to remember, to recall, to remind401. referir - to refer, to relate402. regalar - to give as a present, to make a present of, to give as a gift403. regar - to water, to irrigate, to sprinkle404. regresar - to return, to go back, to regress405. reír - to laugh406. reírse - to laugh407. rellenar - to refill, to fill again, to stuff408. remitir - to remit, to forward, to transmit409. reparar - to mend, to repair, to notice, to observe410. repartir - to distribute, to deal cards411. repetir - to repeat412. resolver - to resolve, to solve (a problem)413. responder - to answer, to reply, to respond414. retirar - to retire, to withdraw415. retrasar - to delay, to retard416. reunirse - to assemble, to get together, to meet, to gather 417. revocar - to revoke, to repeal418. revolver - to revolve, to turn around, to turn over, to turn upside down419. robar - to rob, to steal420. rogar - to supplicate, to ask, to ask for, to request, to beg, to pray421. romper - to break, to shatter, to tear422. saber - to know, to know how423. sacar - to take out, to get424. sacudir - to shake, to jerk, to jolt425. salir - to go out, to leave426. saltar - to jump, to leap, to hop, to spring427. saludar - to greet, to salute428. satisfacer - to satisfy429. secar - to dry, to wipe dry430. secarse - to dry oneself431. seguir - to follow, to pursue, to continue432. señalar - to signal, to indicate, to point out, to show433. sentarse - to sit down434. sentir - to feel sorry, to regret, to feel435. sentirse - to feel (well, ill)436. separar - to separate, to detach, to sort, to set apart437. ser - to be438. servir - to serve439. socorrer - to help, to aid, to assist, to succor440. sofocar - to choke, to smother, to suffocate, to stifle441. soler - to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of, to have the custom of442. sollozar - to sob, to whimper443. someter - to subdue, to subject, to surrender, to submit 444. sonar - to ring, to echo, to resound, to sound445. soñar - to dream446. sonreír - to smile447. soplar - to blow, to blow out448. sorprender - to surprise, to astonish449. sospechar - to suspect450. sostener - to sustain, to support, to maintain, to uphold 451. subir - to go up, to come up, to climb, to rise, to mount, to geton (a train, bus, etc.)452. subrayar - to underline, to underscore, to emphasize453. subscribir - to subscribe, to agree with, to sign454. suceder - to happen455. sufrir - to suffer, to endure, to bear up, to undergo456. sugerir - to hint, to insinuate, to suggest457. sumergir - to submerge, to plunge, to immerse, to sink458. suponer - to suppose, to assume459. suprimir - to suppress, to abolish, to cancel (in mathematics), to eliminate460. surgir - to surge, to appear, to spout, to spurt461. suspirar - to sigh462. tañer - to pluck, to play (a stringed instrument)463. telefonear - to telephone464. telegrafiar - to telegraph, to cable465. temblar - to tremble, to quake, to quiver, to shake, to shiver 466. temer - to fear, to dread467. tender - to extend, to offer, to stretch, to spread out, to hang out (washing)468. tener - to have, to hold469. tentar - to examine by touch, to feel with the fingers, to attempt, to try470. terminar - to end, to terminate, to finish471. tirar - to pull, to draw, to pitch (a ball), to shoot (a gun), to throw, to fling472. tocar - to play (a musical instrument), to touch473. tomar - to take, to have (something to eat or to drink)474. tostar - to toast, to tan, to roast (coffee)475. trabajar - to work, to labor476. traducir - to translate477. traer - to bring478. tratar - to try, to treat a subject479. tropezar - to stumble, to blunder480. unir - to connect, to unite, to join, to bind, to attach481. usar - to use, to employ, to wear482. utilizar - to utilize483. vaciar - to empty484. valer - to be worth485. velar - to stay awake, to guard, to watch over486. vencer - to conquer, to overcome, to defeat487. vender - to sell488. venir - to come489. ver - to see490. vestirse - to dress oneself, to get dressed491. viajar - to travel492. vigilar - to watch (over), to keep guard, to look out for 493. visitar - to visit494. vivir - to live495. volar - to fly496. volver - to return, to go back497. votar - to vote, to vow498. yacer - to lie down, to be lying down, to lie in a grave 499. zumbar - to buzz, to hum, to flutter around500. zurcir - to darn, to mend。
西班牙语500个常用动词————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:500 most used Spanish verbs1. abatir - to knock down, to overthrow, to throw down2. abrasar - to burn, to set on fire3. abrazar - to embrace, to hug; to clamp4. abrir - to open5. absolver - to absolve, to acquit6. abstenerse - to abstain7. aburrir - to annoy, to bore, to vex8. aburrirse - to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary9. acabar - to finish, to end, to complete10. acelerar - to accelerate, to speed, to hasten, to hurry11. aceptar - to accept12. acercar - to bring near, to place near13. acercarse - to approach, to draw near14. acertar - to hit the mark, to hit upon, to do (something) right, to succeed in, to guess right15. aclamar - to acclaim, to applaud, to shout, to hail16. aclarar - to explain, to clarify, to make clear, to rinse, to clear17. acompañar - to accompany, to escort, to go with, to keep company18. aconsejar - to advise, to counsel19. acordar - to agree (upon)20. acordarse - to remember21. acostarse - to go to bed, to lie down22. acostumbrar - to be accustomed23. acuchillar - to knife, to cut, to flash, to cut open24. acudir - to attend, to be present frequently, to respond (to a call), to come to the rescue25. acusar - to accuse26. adelantar - to advance, to keep on, to progress, to go ahead27. adelantarse - to go forward, to go ahead, to move ahead, to take the lead28. adivinar - to divine, to foretell, to guess29. admirar - to admire30. admitir - to admit, to grant, to permit31. adoptar - to adopt32. adorar - to adore, to worship33. adquirir - to acquire, to get, to obtain34. advertir - to advise, to give notice, to give warning, to take notice of, to warn35. afeitarse - to shave oneself36. agarrar - to grasp, to obtain, to seize, to catch, to clutch, to come upon37. agitar - to agitate, to wave, to shake up, to stir38. agotar - to exhaust, to use up39. agradar - to please, to be pleasing40. agradecer - to thank, to be thankful for41. agrandar - to enlarge, to grow larger, to increase42. agravar - to aggravate, to make worse43. agregar - to add, to collect, to gather, to aggregate, to collate44. agrupar - to group45. aguardar - to expect, to wait for46. ahorrar - to economize, to save47. alcanzar - to reach, to overtake48. alegrarse - to be glad, to rejoice49. almorzar - to lunch, to have lunch50. alquilar - to hire, to rent51. alumbrar - to illuminate, to light, to enlighten52. alumbrarse - to be (get) high, to get tipsy, to become lively (from liquor)53. alzar - to heave, to lift, to pick up, to raise (prices)54. amar - to love55. añadir - to add56. andar - to walk57. anunciar - to announce, to foretell, to proclaim58. apagar - to put out (flame, fire), to extinguish, to turn off (flame, fire, light)59. aparecer - to appear, to show up60. aplaudir - to applaud61. apoderarse - to take power, to take possession62. apreciar - to appreciate, to appraise, to esteem63. aprender - to learn64. apresurarse - to hasten, to hurry, to rush65. aprobar - to approve, to pass a test66. aprovecharse - to take advantage, to avail oneself67. apurarse - to fret, to grieve, to worry68. arrancar - to root up (out), to pull up (out), to tear off (away), to snatch69. arreglar - to fix, to arrange, to adjust, to regulate, to settle, to repair70. arrojar - to fling, to hurl, to throw71. articular - to articulate, to pronounce distinctly72. asegurar - to assure, to affirm, to assert, to insure73. asir - to seize, to grasp74. asistir - to attend, to assist, to be present75. asustarse - to be frightened, to be scared76. atacar - to attack77. atenerse - to rely on, to depend on78. atraer - to attract, to allure, to charm79. atravesar - to cross, to go through, to run through80. atreverse - to dare, to venture81. avanzar - to advance82. averiguar - to find out, to inquire, to investigate83. ayudar - to help, to aid, to assist84. bailar - to dance85. bajar - to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend86. balbucear - to stammer, to hesitate in speech87. bañarse - to bathe oneself, to take a bath88. barrer - to sweep, to whisk89. bastar - to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice90. bautizar - to baptize, to christen91. beber - to drink92. bendecir - to bless, to consecrate93. borrar - to erase, to cross out94. bostezar - to yawn, to gape95. botar - to fling, to cast (away), to throw (away), to launch96. broncear - to bronze, to tan97. bullir - to boil, to bustle, to hustle, to stir98. burlarse - to make fun of, to poke fun at, to ridicule99. buscar - to look for, to seek100. caber - to be contained, to fit into101. caer - to fall102. caerse - to fall, to fall down, to tumble103. calentar - to heat (up), to warm (up)104. callarse - to be silent, to keep quiet105. calzar - to shoe, to wear (shoes), to put on (shoes)106. cambiar - to change107. caminar - to walk, to move along108. cansarse - to become tired, to become weary, to get tired 109. cantar - to sing110. caracterizar - to characterize111. cargar - to load, to burden112. casarse - to get married, to marry113. celebrar - to celebrate114. cenar - to have supper, to eat supper115. cepillar - to brush116. cerrar - to close117. certificar - to certify, to register (a letter), to attest118. charlar - to chat, to prattle119. chistar - to mumble, to mutter120. chupar - to suck121. cocinar - to cook122. coger - to seize, to take, to grasp, to grab, to catch123. colegir - to collect124. colgar - to hang (up)125. colocar - to put, to place126. comenzar - to begin, to commence, to start127. comer - to eat128. componer - to compose129. comprar - to buy, to purchase130. comprender - to understand131. conducir - to lead, to conduct, to drive132. confesar - to confess133. conocer - to know, to be acquainted with134. conseguir - to attain, to get, to obtain135. constituir - to constitute, to make up136. construir - to construct, to build137. contar - to count, to relate, to tell138. contener - to contain, to hold139. contestar - to answer, to reply140. continuar - to continue141. contribuir - to contribute142. convencer - to convince143. convenir - to agree, to convene144. convertir - to convert145. convocar - to call together, to convene, to convoke, to summon 146. corregir - to correct147. correr - to run, to race, to flow148. cortar - to cut, to cut off, to cut out149. costar - to cost150. crecer - to grow151. creer - to believe152. criar - to breed, to raise, to bring up (rear)153. cruzar - to cross154. cubrir - to cover155. cuidarse - to take care of oneself156. cumplir - to fulfill, to keep (a promise), to reach one's birthday (use with años)157. dar - to give158. deber - to owe, must, ought159. decidir - to decide160. decir - to say, to tell161. declarar - to declare162. dedicarse - to devote oneself163. defender - to defend164. dejar - to let, to permit, to allow, to leave165. delinquir - to be delinquent, to violate the law166. demostrar - to demonstrate, to prove167. denunciar - to denounce168. depender - to depend169. derribar - to knock down, to overthrow, to tear down, to throw down170. desayunarse - to breakfast, to have breakfast171. descansar - to rest172. describir - to describe, to delineate173. descubrir - to discover174. desear - to desire, to wish, to want175. desempeñar - to play (a part), to act (a part), to discharge, to perform (a duty), to take out of pawn176. deshacer - to undo, to destroy, to take apart177. despedirse - to take leave of, to say good-bye to178. despegar - to detach, to unglue, to unstuck, to take off (airplane) 179. desperezarse - to stretch oneself, to stretch one's arms and legs 180. despertarse - to wake up oneself181. destruir - to destroy182. desvestirse - to undress oneself, to get undressed183. detener - to stop (someone or something), to detain184. detenerse - to stop (oneself)185. devolver - to return (an object), to refund, to give back186. dibujar - to design, to draw, to sketch187. dirigir - to direct188. disculparse - to apologize, to excuse (oneself)189. discutir - to discuss190. dispensar - to excuse, to dispense, to distribute, to exempt 191. distinguir - to distinguish192. divertirse - to have a good time, to enjoy oneself193. divorciarse - to be (get) divorced194. doler - to ache, to pain, to hurt, to cause grief, to cause regret 195. dormir - to sleep196. ducharse - to take a shower, to shower oneself197. dudar - to doubt198. echar - to cast, to fling, to hurt, to pitch, to throw199. ejecutar - to execute, to carry out, to perform200. ejercer - to exercise, to practice (a professional)201. elegir - to elect, to select, to choose202. embeber - to soak in, to soak up, to suck in, to imbibe203. empezar - to begin, to start204. emplear - to employ, to use205. encender - to incite, to inflame, to kindle, to light206. encerrar - to enclose, to lock up, to confine207. encontrar - to meet, to encounter, to find208. enfadarse - to become angry209. enfermarse - to get sick, to fall sick, to become sick, to fall ill, to become ill210. enojarse - to become angry, to get angry, to get cross211. enseñar - to teach, to show, to point out212. entender - to understand213. entrar - to enter, to go (in), to come (in)214. entregar - to deliver, to hand over, to give215. enunciar - to enunciate, to state216. enviar - to send217. envolver - to wrap up218. equivocarse - to be mistaken219. erguir - to raise, to stand up straight220. errar - to err, to wander, to roam, to miss221. escoger - to choose, to select222. escribir - to write223. escuchar - to listen (to)224. esparcir - to scatter, to spread225. esperar - to expect, to hope, to wait (for)226. esquiar - to ski227. establecer - to establish228. estar - to be229. estimar - to estimate, to esteem, to respect, to value230. estudiar - to study231. exigir - to demand, to urge, to require232. explicar - to explain233. expresar - to express234. fabricar - to fabricate, to manufacture235. faltar - to be lacking, to be wanting, to lack, to miss, to need 236. felicitar - to congratulate, to felicitate237. festejar - to feast, to entertain, to celebrate238. fiar - to confide, to trust239. fijarse - to take notice, to pay attention, to settle240. fingir - to feign, to pretend241. firmar - to sign242. formar - to form, to shape243. fregar - to wash dishes, to scrub244. freír - to fry245. fumar - to smoke246. funcionar - to function, to run (machine)247. ganar - to earn, to gain, to win248. gastar - to spend (money), to wear out, to waste249. gemir - to grieve, to groan, to moan250. gobernar - to govern, to rule251. gozar - to enjoy252. gritar - to shout, to scream, to shriek, to cry out253. gruñir - to grumble, to grunt, to growl, to creak254. guiar - to lead, to guide255. gustar - to be pleasing (to), to like256. haber - to have (as an auxiliary, helping verb to form the compound tenses)257. habitar - to inhabit, to dwell, to live, to reside258. hablar - to talk, to speak259. hacer - to do, to make260. hallar - to find, to discover, to locate261. helar - to freeze262. heredar - to inherit263. herir - to harm, to hurt, to wound264. huir - to escape, to flee, to run away, to slip away265. ignorar - to be ignorant of, not to know266. impedir - to hinder, to impede, to prevent267. importar - to matter, to be important268. imprimir - to imprint, to impress, to print, to fix in the mind 269. incluir - to include, to enclose270. indicar - to indicate, to point out271. inducir - to induce, to influence, to persuade272. influir - to influence273. informarse - to inform oneself, to find out274. inscribir - to inscribe, to record, to register275. inscribirse - to enroll, to register276. insistir - to insist, to persist277. interesarse - to be interested in278. introducir - to introduce279. invitar - to invite280. ir - to go281. irse - to go away282. jugar - to play (a game, sport)283. juntar - to join, to unite, to connect284. jurar - to swear, to take an oath285. juzgar - to judge286. lanzar - to throw, to hurl, to fling, to launch287. lastimarse - to hurt oneself, to feel sorry for, to complain, toregret288. lavar - to wash289. lavarse - to wash oneself290. leer - to read291. levantar - to lift, to raise292. levantarse - to get up, to rise293. limpiar - to clean294. limpiarse - to clean oneself295. llamar - to call, to name296. llamarse - to call oneself, to be named297. llegar - to arrive298. llenar - to fill299. llevar - to carry (away), to take (away), to wear300. llorar - to weep, to cry, to whine301. llover - to rain302. luchar - to fight, to strive, to struggle, to wrestle303. maldecir - to curse304. manejar - to manage, to handle, to drive, to operate (a vehicle) 305. mantener - to maintain, to keep up, to support, to provide for 306. marcar - to mark, to note, to observe307. marchar - to walk, to march, to function (machine), to run (machine)308. marcharse - to go away, to leave309. matar - to kill310. medir - to measure, to weigh, to scan (verses)311. mejorar - to improve312. mencionar - to mention313. mentir - to lie, to tell a lie314. merecer - to merit, to deserve315. mirar - to look, to look at, to watch316. mirarse - to look at oneself, to look at each other (uno a otro, unos a otros)317. mojarse - to get wet, to wet oneself318. montar - to mount, to go up, to climb, to get on, to wind (a watch)319. morder - to bite320. morir - to die321. mostrar - to show, to point out322. mover - to move, to persuade, to excite323. mudarse - to change one's clothes, to change one's place of residence, to move324. nacer - to be born325. nadar - to swim326. navegar - to navigate, to sail327. necesitar - to need328. negar - to deny329. nevar - to snow330. obedecer - to obey331. observar - to observe332. obtener - to obtain, to get333. ocultarse - to hide oneself334. ocupar - to occupy335. ocurrir - to occur, to happen336. ofrecer - to offer337. oír - to hear338. oler - to smell, to scent339. olvidar - to forget340. oponer - to oppose341. ordenar - to order, to command, to put in order, to arrange 342. organizar - to organize, to arrange, to set up343. osar - to dare, to venture344. pagar - to pay345. parar - to stop (someone or something)346. pararse - to stop (oneself)347. parecer - to seem, to appear348. parecerse - to resemble each other, to look alike349. partir - to leave, to depart, to divide, to split350. pasar - to pass (by), to happen, to spend (time)351. pasearse - to take a walk, to parade352. pedir - to ask for, to request353. pegar - to beat, to hit, to slap, to stick, to glue, to paste 354. peinarse - to comb one's hair355. pensar - to think356. percibir - to perceive357. perder - to lose358. perdonar - to pardon, to forgive, to excuse359. permitir - to permit, to admit, to allow, to grant360. pertenecer - to pertain, to appertain, to belong361. pintar - to paint362. pintarse - to make up (one's face), to tint, to color (one's hair, lips, etc.)363. pisar - to tread (on), to step on, to trample364. placer - to gratify, to humor, to please365. platicar - to chat, to talk over, to discuss366. poder - to be able, can367. poner - to put, to place368. ponerse - to put on (clothing), to become, to set (of sun) 369. poseer - to possess, to own370. practicar - to practice371. predecir - to predict, to forecast, to foretell372. predicar - to preach373. preferir - to prefer374. preguntar - to ask, to inquire, to question375. preocuparse - to be concerned, to worry, to be worried376. preparar - to prepare377. prepararse - to be prepared, to get ready, to prepare oneself 378. presentar - to present, to display, to show, to introduce379. prestar - to lend380. principiar - to begin381. probar - to test, to prove, to try, to try on382. probarse - to try on (clothes)383. proclamar - to proclaim, to promulgate384. producir - to produce, to cause385. prohibir - to prohibit, to forbid386. pronunciar - to pronounce387. proteger - to protect388. pulir - to polish389. quedarse - to remain, to stay390. quejarse - to complain, to grumble391. quemar - to burn, to fire392. querer - to want, to wish393. quitarse - to take off (clothing), to remove oneself, to withdraw 394. raer - to scrape, to rub off, to erase, to wipe out395. realizar - to realize, to carry out, to fulfill396. recibir - to receive, to get397. recoger - to pick (up), to gather, to harvest398. recomendar - to recommend, to commend, to advise399. reconocer - to recognize, to acknowledge, to be grateful for 400. recordar - to remember, to recall, to remind401. referir - to refer, to relate402. regalar - to give as a present, to make a present of, to give as a gift403. regar - to water, to irrigate, to sprinkle404. regresar - to return, to go back, to regress405. reír - to laugh406. reírse - to laugh407. rellenar - to refill, to fill again, to stuff408. remitir - to remit, to forward, to transmit409. reparar - to mend, to repair, to notice, to observe410. repartir - to distribute, to deal cards411. repetir - to repeat412. resolver - to resolve, to solve (a problem)413. responder - to answer, to reply, to respond414. retirar - to retire, to withdraw415. retrasar - to delay, to retard416. reunirse - to assemble, to get together, to meet, to gather 417. revocar - to revoke, to repeal418. revolver - to revolve, to turn around, to turn over, to turn upside down419. robar - to rob, to steal420. rogar - to supplicate, to ask, to ask for, to request, to beg, to pray 421. romper - to break, to shatter, to tear422. saber - to know, to know how423. sacar - to take out, to get424. sacudir - to shake, to jerk, to jolt425. salir - to go out, to leave426. saltar - to jump, to leap, to hop, to spring427. saludar - to greet, to salute428. satisfacer - to satisfy429. secar - to dry, to wipe dry430. secarse - to dry oneself431. seguir - to follow, to pursue, to continue432. señalar - to signal, to indicate, to point out, to show433. sentarse - to sit down434. sentir - to feel sorry, to regret, to feel435. sentirse - to feel (well, ill)436. separar - to separate, to detach, to sort, to set apart437. ser - to be438. servir - to serve439. socorrer - to help, to aid, to assist, to succor440. sofocar - to choke, to smother, to suffocate, to stifle441. soler - to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of, to have the custom of442. sollozar - to sob, to whimper443. someter - to subdue, to subject, to surrender, to submit444. sonar - to ring, to echo, to resound, to sound445. soñar - to dream446. sonreír - to smile447. soplar - to blow, to blow out448. sorprender - to surprise, to astonish449. sospechar - to suspect450. sostener - to sustain, to support, to maintain, to uphold451. subir - to go up, to come up, to climb, to rise, to mount, to get on (a train, bus, etc.)452. subrayar - to underline, to underscore, to emphasize453. subscribir - to subscribe, to agree with, to sign454. suceder - to happen455. sufrir - to suffer, to endure, to bear up, to undergo456. sugerir - to hint, to insinuate, to suggest457. sumergir - to submerge, to plunge, to immerse, to sink458. suponer - to suppose, to assume459. suprimir - to suppress, to abolish, to cancel (in mathematics), to eliminate460. surgir - to surge, to appear, to spout, to spurt461. suspirar - to sigh462. tañer - to pluck, to play (a stringed instrument)463. telefonear - to telephone464. telegrafiar - to telegraph, to cable465. temblar - to tremble, to quake, to quiver, to shake, to shiver 466. temer - to fear, to dread467. tender - to extend, to offer, to stretch, to spread out, to hang out (washing)468. tener - to have, to hold469. tentar - to examine by touch, to feel with the fingers, to attempt, to try470. terminar - to end, to terminate, to finish471. tirar - to pull, to draw, to pitch (a ball), to shoot (a gun), to throw, to fling472. tocar - to play (a musical instrument), to touch473. tomar - to take, to have (something to eat or to drink)474. tostar - to toast, to tan, to roast (coffee)475. trabajar - to work, to labor476. traducir - to translate477. traer - to bring478. tratar - to try, to treat a subject479. tropezar - to stumble, to blunder480. unir - to connect, to unite, to join, to bind, to attach481. usar - to use, to employ, to wear482. utilizar - to utilize483. vaciar - to empty484. valer - to be worth485. velar - to stay awake, to guard, to watch over486. vencer - to conquer, to overcome, to defeat487. vender - to sell488. venir - to come489. ver - to see490. vestirse - to dress oneself, to get dressed491. viajar - to travel492. vigilar - to watch (over), to keep guard, to look out for493. visitar - to visit494. vivir - to live495. volar - to fly496. volver - to return, to go back497. votar - to vote, to vow498. yacer - to lie down, to be lying down, to lie in a grave 499. zumbar - to buzz, to hum, to flutter around500. zurcir - to darn, to mend。
500 most used Spanish verbs1. abatir - to knock down, to overthrow, to throw down2. abrasar - to burn, to set on fire3. abrazar - to embrace, to hug; to clamp4. abrir - to open5. absolver - to absolve, to acquit6. abstenerse - to abstain7. aburrir - to annoy, to bore, to vex8. aburrirse - to be bored, to grow tired, to grow weary9. acabar - to finish, to end, to complete10. acelerar - to accelerate, to speed, to hasten, to hurry11. aceptar - to accept12. acercar - to bring near, to place near13. acercarse - to approach, to draw near14. acertar - to hit the mark, to hit upon, to do (something) right, to succeed in, to guess right15. aclamar - to acclaim, to applaud, to shout, to hail16. aclarar - to explain, to clarify, to make clear, to rinse, to clear17. acompañar - to accompany, to escort, to go with, to keep company18. aconsejar - to advise, to counsel19. acordar - to agree (upon)20. acordarse - to remember21. acostarse - to go to bed, to lie down22. acostumbrar - to be accustomed23. acuchillar - to knife, to cut, to flash, to cut open24. acudir - to attend, to be present frequently, to respond (to a call), to come to the rescue25. acusar - to accuse26. adelantar - to advance, to keep on, to progress, to go ahead27. adelantarse - to go forward, to go ahead, to move ahead, to take the lead28. adivinar - to divine, to foretell, to guess29. admirar - to admire30. admitir - to admit, to grant, to permit31. adoptar - to adopt32. adorar - to adore, to worship33. adquirir - to acquire, to get, to obtain34. advertir - to advise, to give notice, to give warning, to take notice of, to warn35. afeitarse - to shave oneself36. agarrar - to grasp, to obtain, to seize, to catch, to clutch, to come upon37. agitar - to agitate, to wave, to shake up, to stir38. agotar - to exhaust, to use up39. agradar - to please, to be pleasing40. agradecer - to thank, to be thankful for41. agrandar - to enlarge, to grow larger, to increase42. agravar - to aggravate, to make worse43. agregar - to add, to collect, to gather, to aggregate, to collate44. agrupar - to group45. aguardar - to expect, to wait for46. ahorrar - to economize, to save47. alcanzar - to reach, to overtake48. alegrarse - to be glad, to rejoice49. almorzar - to lunch, to have lunch50. alquilar - to hire, to rent51. alumbrar - to illuminate, to light, to enlighten52. alumbrarse - to be (get) high, to get tipsy, to become lively (from liquor)53. alzar - to heave, to lift, to pick up, to raise (prices)54. amar - to love55. añadir - to add56. andar - to walk57. anunciar - to announce, to foretell, to proclaim58. apagar - to put out (flame, fire), to extinguish, to turn off (flame, fire, light)59. aparecer - to appear, to show up60. aplaudir - to applaud61. apoderarse - to take power, to take possession62. apreciar - to appreciate, to appraise, to esteem63. aprender - to learn64. apresurarse - to hasten, to hurry, to rush65. aprobar - to approve, to pass a test66. aprovecharse - to take advantage, to avail oneself67. apurarse - to fret, to grieve, to worry68. arrancar - to root up (out), to pull up (out), to tear off (away), to snatch69. arreglar - to fix, to arrange, to adjust, to regulate, to settle, to repair70. arrojar - to fling, to hurl, to throw71. articular - to articulate, to pronounce distinctly72. asegurar - to assure, to affirm, to assert, to insure73. asir - to seize, to grasp74. asistir - to attend, to assist, to be present75. asustarse - to be frightened, to be scared76. atacar - to attack77. atenerse - to rely on, to depend on78. atraer - to attract, to allure, to charm79. atravesar - to cross, to go through, to run through80. atreverse - to dare, to venture81. avanzar - to advance82. averiguar - to find out, to inquire, to investigate83. ayudar - to help, to aid, to assist84. bailar - to dance85. bajar - to lower, to let down, to come down, to go down, to descend86. balbucear - to stammer, to hesitate in speech87. bañarse - to bathe oneself, to take a bath88. barrer - to sweep, to whisk89. bastar - to be enough, to be sufficient, to suffice90. bautizar - to baptize, to christen91. beber - to drink92. bendecir - to bless, to consecrate93. borrar - to erase, to cross out94. bostezar - to yawn, to gape95. botar - to fling, to cast (away), to throw (away), to launch96. broncear - to bronze, to tan97. bullir - to boil, to bustle, to hustle, to stir98. burlarse - to make fun of, to poke fun at, to ridicule99. buscar - to look for, to seek100. caber - to be contained, to fit into101. caer - to fall102. caerse - to fall, to fall down, to tumble103. calentar - to heat (up), to warm (up)104. callarse - to be silent, to keep quiet105. calzar - to shoe, to wear (shoes), to put on (shoes)106. cambiar - to change107. caminar - to walk, to move along108. cansarse - to become tired, to become weary, to get tired 109. cantar - to sing110. caracterizar - to characterize111. cargar - to load, to burden112. casarse - to get married, to marry113. celebrar - to celebrate114. cenar - to have supper, to eat supper115. cepillar - to brush116. cerrar - to close117. certificar - to certify, to register (a letter), to attest118. charlar - to chat, to prattle119. chistar - to mumble, to mutter120. chupar - to suck121. cocinar - to cook122. coger - to seize, to take, to grasp, to grab, to catch123. colegir - to collect124. colgar - to hang (up)125. colocar - to put, to place126. comenzar - to begin, to commence, to start127. comer - to eat128. componer - to compose129. comprar - to buy, to purchase130. comprender - to understand131. conducir - to lead, to conduct, to drive132. confesar - to confess133. conocer - to know, to be acquainted with134. conseguir - to attain, to get, to obtain135. constituir - to constitute, to make up136. construir - to construct, to build137. contar - to count, to relate, to tell138. contener - to contain, to hold139. contestar - to answer, to reply140. continuar - to continue141. contribuir - to contribute142. convencer - to convince143. convenir - to agree, to convene144. convertir - to convert145. convocar - to call together, to convene, to convoke, to summon 146. corregir - to correct147. correr - to run, to race, to flow148. cortar - to cut, to cut off, to cut out149. costar - to cost150. crecer - to grow151. creer - to believe152. criar - to breed, to raise, to bring up (rear)153. cruzar - to cross154. cubrir - to cover155. cuidarse - to take care of oneself156. cumplir - to fulfill, to keep (a promise), to reach one's birthday (use with años)157. dar - to give158. deber - to owe, must, ought159. decidir - to decide160. decir - to say, to tell161. declarar - to declare162. dedicarse - to devote oneself163. defender - to defend164. dejar - to let, to permit, to allow, to leave165. delinquir - to be delinquent, to violate the law166. demostrar - to demonstrate, to prove167. denunciar - to denounce168. depender - to depend169. derribar - to knock down, to overthrow, to tear down, to throw down170. desayunarse - to breakfast, to have breakfast171. descansar - to rest172. describir - to describe, to delineate173. descubrir - to discover174. desear - to desire, to wish, to want175. desempeñar - to play (a part), to act (a part), to discharge, to perform (a duty), to take out of pawn176. deshacer - to undo, to destroy, to take apart177. despedirse - to take leave of, to say good-bye to178. despegar - to detach, to unglue, to unstuck, to take off (airplane) 179. desperezarse - to stretch oneself, to stretch one's arms and legs 180. despertarse - to wake up oneself181. destruir - to destroy182. desvestirse - to undress oneself, to get undressed183. detener - to stop (someone or something), to detain184. detenerse - to stop (oneself)185. devolver - to return (an object), to refund, to give back186. dibujar - to design, to draw, to sketch187. dirigir - to direct188. disculparse - to apologize, to excuse (oneself)189. discutir - to discuss190. dispensar - to excuse, to dispense, to distribute, to exempt 191. distinguir - to distinguish192. divertirse - to have a good time, to enjoy oneself193. divorciarse - to be (get) divorced194. doler - to ache, to pain, to hurt, to cause grief, to cause regret 195. dormir - to sleep196. ducharse - to take a shower, to shower oneself197. dudar - to doubt198. echar - to cast, to fling, to hurt, to pitch, to throw199. ejecutar - to execute, to carry out, to perform200. ejercer - to exercise, to practice (a professional)201. elegir - to elect, to select, to choose202. embeber - to soak in, to soak up, to suck in, to imbibe203. empezar - to begin, to start204. emplear - to employ, to use205. encender - to incite, to inflame, to kindle, to light206. encerrar - to enclose, to lock up, to confine207. encontrar - to meet, to encounter, to find208. enfadarse - to become angry209. enfermarse - to get sick, to fall sick, to become sick, to fall ill, to become ill210. enojarse - to become angry, to get angry, to get cross211. enseñar - to teach, to show, to point out212. entender - to understand213. entrar - to enter, to go (in), to come (in)214. entregar - to deliver, to hand over, to give215. enunciar - to enunciate, to state216. enviar - to send217. envolver - to wrap up218. equivocarse - to be mistaken219. erguir - to raise, to stand up straight220. errar - to err, to wander, to roam, to miss221. escoger - to choose, to select222. escribir - to write223. escuchar - to listen (to)224. esparcir - to scatter, to spread225. esperar - to expect, to hope, to wait (for)226. esquiar - to ski227. establecer - to establish228. estar - to be229. estimar - to estimate, to esteem, to respect, to value230. estudiar - to study231. exigir - to demand, to urge, to require232. explicar - to explain233. expresar - to express234. fabricar - to fabricate, to manufacture235. faltar - to be lacking, to be wanting, to lack, to miss, to need 236. felicitar - to congratulate, to felicitate237. festejar - to feast, to entertain, to celebrate238. fiar - to confide, to trust239. fijarse - to take notice, to pay attention, to settle240. fingir - to feign, to pretend241. firmar - to sign242. formar - to form, to shape243. fregar - to wash dishes, to scrub244. freír - to fry245. fumar - to smoke246. funcionar - to function, to run (machine)247. ganar - to earn, to gain, to win248. gastar - to spend (money), to wear out, to waste249. gemir - to grieve, to groan, to moan250. gobernar - to govern, to rule251. gozar - to enjoy252. gritar - to shout, to scream, to shriek, to cry out253. gruñir - to grumble, to grunt, to growl, to creak254. guiar - to lead, to guide255. gustar - to be pleasing (to), to like256. haber - to have (as an auxiliary, helping verb to form the compound tenses)257. habitar - to inhabit, to dwell, to live, to reside258. hablar - to talk, to speak259. hacer - to do, to make260. hallar - to find, to discover, to locate261. helar - to freeze262. heredar - to inherit263. herir - to harm, to hurt, to wound264. huir - to escape, to flee, to run away, to slip away265. ignorar - to be ignorant of, not to know266. impedir - to hinder, to impede, to prevent267. importar - to matter, to be important268. imprimir - to imprint, to impress, to print, to fix in the mind 269. incluir - to include, to enclose270. indicar - to indicate, to point out271. inducir - to induce, to influence, to persuade272. influir - to influence273. informarse - to inform oneself, to find out274. inscribir - to inscribe, to record, to register275. inscribirse - to enroll, to register276. insistir - to insist, to persist277. interesarse - to be interested in278. introducir - to introduce279. invitar - to invite280. ir - to go281. irse - to go away282. jugar - to play (a game, sport)283. juntar - to join, to unite, to connect284. jurar - to swear, to take an oath285. juzgar - to judge286. lanzar - to throw, to hurl, to fling, to launch287. lastimarse - to hurt oneself, to feel sorry for, to complain, toregret288. lavar - to wash289. lavarse - to wash oneself290. leer - to read291. levantar - to lift, to raise292. levantarse - to get up, to rise293. limpiar - to clean294. limpiarse - to clean oneself295. llamar - to call, to name296. llamarse - to call oneself, to be named297. llegar - to arrive298. llenar - to fill299. llevar - to carry (away), to take (away), to wear300. llorar - to weep, to cry, to whine301. llover - to rain302. luchar - to fight, to strive, to struggle, to wrestle303. maldecir - to curse304. manejar - to manage, to handle, to drive, to operate (a vehicle) 305. mantener - to maintain, to keep up, to support, to provide for 306. marcar - to mark, to note, to observe307. marchar - to walk, to march, to function (machine), to run (machine)308. marcharse - to go away, to leave309. matar - to kill310. medir - to measure, to weigh, to scan (verses)311. mejorar - to improve312. mencionar - to mention313. mentir - to lie, to tell a lie314. merecer - to merit, to deserve315. mirar - to look, to look at, to watch316. mirarse - to look at oneself, to look at each other (uno a otro, unos a otros)317. mojarse - to get wet, to wet oneself318. montar - to mount, to go up, to climb, to get on, to wind (a watch)319. morder - to bite320. morir - to die321. mostrar - to show, to point out322. mover - to move, to persuade, to excite323. mudarse - to change one's clothes, to change one's place of residence, to move324. nacer - to be born325. nadar - to swim326. navegar - to navigate, to sail327. necesitar - to need328. negar - to deny329. nevar - to snow330. obedecer - to obey331. observar - to observe332. obtener - to obtain, to get333. ocultarse - to hide oneself334. ocupar - to occupy335. ocurrir - to occur, to happen336. ofrecer - to offer337. oír - to hear338. oler - to smell, to scent339. olvidar - to forget340. oponer - to oppose341. ordenar - to order, to command, to put in order, to arrange 342. organizar - to organize, to arrange, to set up343. osar - to dare, to venture344. pagar - to pay345. parar - to stop (someone or something)346. pararse - to stop (oneself)347. parecer - to seem, to appear348. parecerse - to resemble each other, to look alike349. partir - to leave, to depart, to divide, to split350. pasar - to pass (by), to happen, to spend (time)351. pasearse - to take a walk, to parade352. pedir - to ask for, to request353. pegar - to beat, to hit, to slap, to stick, to glue, to paste 354. peinarse - to comb one's hair355. pensar - to think356. percibir - to perceive357. perder - to lose358. perdonar - to pardon, to forgive, to excuse359. permitir - to permit, to admit, to allow, to grant360. pertenecer - to pertain, to appertain, to belong361. pintar - to paint362. pintarse - to make up (one's face), to tint, to color (one's hair, lips, etc.)363. pisar - to tread (on), to step on, to trample364. placer - to gratify, to humor, to please365. platicar - to chat, to talk over, to discuss366. poder - to be able, can367. poner - to put, to place368. ponerse - to put on (clothing), to become, to set (of sun) 369. poseer - to possess, to own370. practicar - to practice371. predecir - to predict, to forecast, to foretell372. predicar - to preach373. preferir - to prefer374. preguntar - to ask, to inquire, to question375. preocuparse - to be concerned, to worry, to be worried376. preparar - to prepare377. prepararse - to be prepared, to get ready, to prepare oneself 378. presentar - to present, to display, to show, to introduce379. prestar - to lend380. principiar - to begin381. probar - to test, to prove, to try, to try on382. probarse - to try on (clothes)383. proclamar - to proclaim, to promulgate384. producir - to produce, to cause385. prohibir - to prohibit, to forbid386. pronunciar - to pronounce387. proteger - to protect388. pulir - to polish389. quedarse - to remain, to stay390. quejarse - to complain, to grumble391. quemar - to burn, to fire392. querer - to want, to wish393. quitarse - to take off (clothing), to remove oneself, to withdraw 394. raer - to scrape, to rub off, to erase, to wipe out395. realizar - to realize, to carry out, to fulfill396. recibir - to receive, to get397. recoger - to pick (up), to gather, to harvest398. recomendar - to recommend, to commend, to advise399. reconocer - to recognize, to acknowledge, to be grateful for 400. recordar - to remember, to recall, to remind401. referir - to refer, to relate402. regalar - to give as a present, to make a present of, to give as a gift403. regar - to water, to irrigate, to sprinkle404. regresar - to return, to go back, to regress405. reír - to laugh406. reírse - to laugh407. rellenar - to refill, to fill again, to stuff408. remitir - to remit, to forward, to transmit409. reparar - to mend, to repair, to notice, to observe410. repartir - to distribute, to deal cards411. repetir - to repeat412. resolver - to resolve, to solve (a problem)413. responder - to answer, to reply, to respond414. retirar - to retire, to withdraw415. retrasar - to delay, to retard416. reunirse - to assemble, to get together, to meet, to gather 417. revocar - to revoke, to repeal418. revolver - to revolve, to turn around, to turn over, to turn upside down419. robar - to rob, to steal420. rogar - to supplicate, to ask, to ask for, to request, to beg, to pray 421. romper - to break, to shatter, to tear422. saber - to know, to know how423. sacar - to take out, to get424. sacudir - to shake, to jerk, to jolt425. salir - to go out, to leave426. saltar - to jump, to leap, to hop, to spring427. saludar - to greet, to salute428. satisfacer - to satisfy429. secar - to dry, to wipe dry430. secarse - to dry oneself431. seguir - to follow, to pursue, to continue432. señalar - to signal, to indicate, to point out, to show433. sentarse - to sit down434. sentir - to feel sorry, to regret, to feel435. sentirse - to feel (well, ill)436. separar - to separate, to detach, to sort, to set apart437. ser - to be438. servir - to serve439. socorrer - to help, to aid, to assist, to succor440. sofocar - to choke, to smother, to suffocate, to stifle441. soler - to be accustomed to, to be in the habit of, to have the custom of442. sollozar - to sob, to whimper443. someter - to subdue, to subject, to surrender, to submit444. sonar - to ring, to echo, to resound, to sound445. soñar - to dream446. sonreír - to smile447. soplar - to blow, to blow out448. sorprender - to surprise, to astonish449. sospechar - to suspect450. sostener - to sustain, to support, to maintain, to uphold451. subir - to go up, to come up, to climb, to rise, to mount, to get on (a train, bus, etc.)452. subrayar - to underline, to underscore, to emphasize453. subscribir - to subscribe, to agree with, to sign454. suceder - to happen455. sufrir - to suffer, to endure, to bear up, to undergo456. sugerir - to hint, to insinuate, to suggest457. sumergir - to submerge, to plunge, to immerse, to sink458. suponer - to suppose, to assume459. suprimir - to suppress, to abolish, to cancel (in mathematics), to eliminate460. surgir - to surge, to appear, to spout, to spurt461. suspirar - to sigh462. tañer - to pluck, to play (a stringed instrument)463. telefonear - to telephone464. telegrafiar - to telegraph, to cable465. temblar - to tremble, to quake, to quiver, to shake, to shiver 466. temer - to fear, to dread467. tender - to extend, to offer, to stretch, to spread out, to hang out (washing)468. tener - to have, to hold469. tentar - to examine by touch, to feel with the fingers, to attempt, to try470. terminar - to end, to terminate, to finish471. tirar - to pull, to draw, to pitch (a ball), to shoot (a gun), to throw, to fling472. tocar - to play (a musical instrument), to touch473. tomar - to take, to have (something to eat or to drink)474. tostar - to toast, to tan, to roast (coffee)475. trabajar - to work, to labor476. traducir - to translate477. traer - to bring478. tratar - to try, to treat a subject479. tropezar - to stumble, to blunder480. unir - to connect, to unite, to join, to bind, to attach481. usar - to use, to employ, to wear482. utilizar - to utilize483. vaciar - to empty484. valer - to be worth485. velar - to stay awake, to guard, to watch over486. vencer - to conquer, to overcome, to defeat487. vender - to sell488. venir - to come489. ver - to see490. vestirse - to dress oneself, to get dressed491. viajar - to travel492. vigilar - to watch (over), to keep guard, to look out for493. visitar - to visit494. vivir - to live495. volar - to fly496. volver - to return, to go back497. votar - to vote, to vow498. yacer - to lie down, to be lying down, to lie in a grave 499. zumbar - to buzz, to hum, to flutter around500. zurcir - to darn, to mend最新文件仅供参考已改成word文本。
Acabo de 刚刚结束A menudo 经常A tiempo 准时A diario 每天Asílo espero 我希望如此Ahora mismo 就在现在Aqui mismo 就在这里A la perfeccion 十全十美A lo largo de 延着A lo mejor 也许Al parecer好像A partir de 从…开始Auxiliar de vuelo 男飞行服务员A veces 有时Al menos 至少Además 除此以外Creo que sí我相信Creo que no 我不相信Cabeza llena de pájaros 脑子空空Correo eletrónico 电子邮件Cuarto de estar 起居室De veces en cuando 偶尔Desde luego 当然De todas formas 不管怎样De repente 突然De momento 目前Dar un paseo 散步De acuerdo 同意En forma 身体好En oferta 大减价En el acto 当场En señal de 表示Estabamos …en carretera 当我们…的时候Echar de menos 怀念,惦念Echarse la siesta 睡午觉En punto 正好Estación del año 季节Fin de semana 周末Forma parte 一部分Facturar el quipaje托运行李Hace buen/mal tiempo 好/坏天气Hace calor 热Hacer caso 重视Hacer deporte 做运动Hacer falta 犯错Hacer frío 冷Hacer noche 过夜Hace sol 晴天Hace viento 有风Humor de perro 很生气¡Igualmente!同样祝你Inposible 不可能Ir de cabeza 一头栽下去Ir de compras 购物Lo general 就一般而言Lo peor 最糟Mientras tanto 与此同时Medio de transporte 交通工具Merecer la pena 值得Montar en bicicleta 骑自行车Pasar noche 过夜Pasar por 经过Paso de cebra 斑马线Poco a poco 慢慢地Poner la mesa 摆桌子Ponerse de acuerdo 同意Ponerse de carretera 出发Por desgracia 不幸地Por supuesto 当然Preocuparse de/por 担心Pase a 不管,尽管Posible 可能Parece que 看来Puerta de embeza 按人头计算Perfume suave 淡的香水Salón comedor 客厅Ser puntual 准时Sobre todo 由其是Saliócorriendo 跑出去Soñado viaje 梦想的旅行Sin embargo 但是Sin duna 毫无疑问Tener que 必须Tener razón 有道理Tener hambre 饿Tener prisa 忙Ya que 因为Varias veces 各种的,多次的,多遍Valer la pena 值得a causa de 由于a la puerta 在门口a lo mejor 或许a los pocos metros (走了)没几米a menudo 经常a partir de 从……起a toda carrera飞快的ahora mismo 立即,马上,这会儿al azar偶然al dia 每天al lado de 在……旁边al mediodia 中午cerca de 在……附近colegio de mayor学生公寓como tuquieras随你的便con frecuencia经常con mucho gusto 很高兴cuanto antes尽快cuarto de baño卫生间de acuerdo同意darse prisa赶紧,赶快de compras购物de modo que 因此de pie站着de repente突然dentro de 在……之内desde luego当然dicho y hecho说干就干echar siesta睡午觉en memoria de 纪念hacer el favor劳驾hacer la cama 整理床hacer pregunta提问题igual que跟……一样junto a 靠近……的junto con跟……一起lejos de 离……远mejor dicho 确切的说meterse de 滥竽充数干某事no es tanto不至于如此no solo ... sino tambien不仅……而且Palacio Imperial故宫pasta de diente (un tubo de)一筒牙膏ponerse en camino上路por ejemplo比如por escrito笔头的por favor劳驾por la mañana上午por la tarde下午por lo menos至少por ultimo最后sobre todo尤其,特别是tan ... como跟……一样tener ganas想,有愿望tener mucho que hacer有许多事情要做tener que应该,必须tomar el pulso号脉un poco mas较……多一点volver a + inf.重新(作某事)ya que既然acabar con 结果,消灭acabar de + inf. 刚刚(做完)a pie 步行a decir verdad 说真的a domicilio 上门服务al encunentro de 迎面a lo lejos 远处al pie de la letra 原原本本的al poco rato 不一会儿以后angela de la guarda 守护天使animal domestico 家畜animal salvaje 野生动物a pesar de 尽管cabe preguntar 不禁要问como de costumbre 照常curriculum vitam 履历darse cuenta 发觉de cerca 就近de inmediato 立即de ninguna manera 绝对不de pronto 突然de todas maneras 不管怎么说de todo 什么都de veras 真的de vez en cuando 时不时sin duda alguna 毫无疑问en pie 站立着en lo que se refiere 在......方面en mi vida 一生(也,不,没)por turno 轮班en todo caso 不管怎么说en...honor de 为......举行guardar cama 卧床(休息)llamada internacional 国际电话en primer lugar 首先mientras tanto 正当此时ni siquiera 连......也不(没)por completo 根本,完全por fin 终于por medio de 借助lo antes posible 尽早sea o sea 不管怎么说tan pronto como 一......就......a bordo 在船上a cambio de 换取a diferencia de 与......不同a duras penas 勉强的,很费劲的a la vez 同时a grandes rasgos 大致上a la vista 在......眼前a lo ancho 横跨a orillas de 在......边上,在......旁边a lo largo 顺着,沿着a principios de 在......之初a salvo 脱险,安全a proposito 顺便说,故意a su vez 而他,她,它(们)acerca de 关于,有关acabar por +inf. 最终al cabo de 在......之后Antiguo Testamento 旧约全书caballero andante 游侠骑士como si 仿佛,好像dar con 找到Consejo de Seguridad 安全理事会de acuerdo con 根据llevarse a cabo 进行,完成conciliar el sueño 入睡,睡着por poco 险些,差一点lo mismo ocurre 同样如此jurisdiccion maritima 领海materia prima 原料objetos de tocador 化妆品poder que 可能poner en libertad 释放por casualidad 偶然的por el estilo 类似的por parte de 来自echar en cara 揭短,提醒别人别忘记所受的恩惠por supuesto 当然por primera vez 第一次quedar en 约好,定好respecto de 有关,关于sacar la luz 发掘出来,公布出来dar a conocer 发表,公布todo el mundo 所有的人tomar parte en 参加venido a menos 没落的viento en popa 一帆风顺no obstante 但是mal parado 下场不好Tropico de Cancer 北回归线en abstracto 抽象的en adelante 从此以后en busca de 寻找en consecuencia因此,结果是en contraposicion与......相对en fin 总之en forma de 以......方式en lugar de 不…...而en medio de 在......中间en plena flor 处于鼎盛时期,正当年en vano 白白的,徒劳的en presencia de 在......面前en verdad 真的en vilo 悬空的en vivo 活生生的un ojo de cara 价钱贵的邪乎,贵的离谱al alcance de 手边al compas 由......伴奏a media que 随着a mediados de 中期,中叶a pies juntillas 双脚并拢,确信无疑a punto de 马上就......arco triunfal 凯旋门arma una gresca 大吵大闹a sangre y fuego 血与火a traves de 通过carta de naturaleza 入籍证书conquistar la mano 求婚dar a luz 生下,产下dar l a razon 赞同de antemano 事先de cuando en cuando 时而de hecho 实际上de lo contrario 否则en absoluto 绝对的en cambio 相反en compañia de由......陪伴en comparacion con 与......相比en comun一致,共有en cuanto 一旦en general 通常en juego 起作用en la actualidad目前en persona 亲自en picado 直线下降en propia carne 亲身,亲自en realidad 实际上en total 总共en via de 正在hacerse cargo de 负责homo sapiens智人ingenieria genetica 基因工程perder de vista 忽略por descontado毫无疑问por desgracia 不幸的是por encargo de 受......委托por lo bajo 低声,私下sacar adelante 抚育培养sin mas ni mas 随随便便tabla de lavar 搓板tomar nota 登记valer la pena 值得。
1. 触摸的意义在最基本的层面上,"tocar"可以用来指代触摸或轻碰物体。
比如:- Tocó el hombro de su amigo para llamar su atención(他轻拍了朋友的肩膀以引起他的注意)。
- El bebé tocó la pantalla del teléfono con su pequeño dedo(婴儿用小手指碰触了手机屏幕)。
2. 弹奏乐器另外,"tocar"也经常被用来描述弹奏乐器。
- Marta toca el piano muy bien, lleva años estudiando música(玛塔弹钢琴弹得很好,她学习音乐已经多年了)。
- Me gustaría aprender a tocar la guitarra eléctrica algún día(我希望有一天能学会弹电吉他)。
3. 接触或与某事物有关此外,"tocar"还可以表示接触、碰到或涉及到某事物。
- No toques el fuego, es peligroso(不要碰火,很危险)。
- ¿Has tocado ya el tema de tu viaje con tus padres?(你和你父母讨论过你的旅行计划了吗?)。
4. 符合某个条件最后一种常见的用法是当表示符合某个条件时。
- A nosotros nos toca limpiar la sala esta semana(轮到我们这周清理客厅了)。
西语初学者需要掌握的西语动词有哪些?1.Ser:是表示身份:Soy José.Soy estudiante.我是何塞。
表示国籍:Soyespa?ol,de Barcelona.我是西班牙人,来自巴塞罗那。
2.Estar:是...,在...表示身体状况:Estoy bien/mal.我很好/不好。
表示情绪状态:Estoy contento.我觉得高兴。
表示方位位置:Madrid estáen El Centro de Espa?a.马德里位于西班牙的中部。
Estoy en unacafetería.我在一家咖啡馆里。
3.Ir:走,去Voy a laescuela.我去学校。
准备做,打算做:ir+a+动词原形:Voy a aprenderespa?ol.我准备去学习西班牙语。
4.Venir来:Vendrádentro de cinco minutos.他5分钟之后来。
5.Tomar拿着:Toma esta botella.拿着这个瓶子。
吃;喝:Quiero tomar algo ligero.我想吃点清淡的东西Quiero tomar un café.我想喝一杯咖啡。
er吃:Megusta comer platos mexicanos.我喜欢吃墨西哥菜。
吃午饭:Losespa?oles cenan a las 22:00.西班牙人晚上10点吃晚饭。
ar使用:?Puedousar tu diccionario de espa?ol?我可以用一下你的西语字典吗?8.Querer想要,愿望(某物):Quiero un kilo de patatas.我想要一公斤土豆。
想要做:querer+动词原形:Quiero viajara Espa?a.我想去西班牙旅游。
9.Hacer做:Elni?o estáhaciendo la cama.孩子正在整理床铺。
Seguir 跟随,陪伴Comunicar 通知,交流Parecer 好像是,认为,觉得Detener停止,逮捕Abandonar 放弃Curar 治疗Chupar 吮吸Apoyar en倚,靠,支持Reservar预定Acabar de 刚刚做过某事Corregir 修改Relajarse 休息Olvidar 忘记Seducir 诱惑,吸引,勾引Arruinar 破坏,毁灭Cazar打猎Pescar 钓鱼Disfrutar 享受Apreciar 评价Hervir 煮沸,沸腾,烧开Desplumar掉毛Fracturarse 骨折Luchar奋斗,争斗Sorprender 使意外Carecer de 缺乏Participar 参加Recoger 捡起Jadear 喘气Serrar锯开Arreglar 修理Actuar de 担任Cumplir ..años满。
岁Probar 尝试,品尝Hacer trasbordo 换乘-交通工具Cruzar 横穿Ocurrirse 突然想起Suponer 想象Fallecer 去世Ocurrir 发生Vender al por mayor批发Fabricar 生产,制造Enfrentar 面对Preocuparse 担心,操心Vergüenzar羞愧Gatear爬行Mamar 吃奶(婴儿)Quemar 烧Prensentar介绍Mudar 搬家Comprimir 压缩Imprimar 印刷,留下痕印Deprimir使。
压抑,沮丧Reprimir抑制,克制,忍Suprimir 消除Averiguar 调查,查明Adivinar 猜测,占卜,预言Doler受伤Combate de boxeo打拳Reír 笑Acordar商定Cosechar 收获,收割Adaptar 适应,改编Derretir 溶化Rechazar 否定,拒绝Devolver 吞噬Desvirgar 夺去贞操Indisponer 使。
beber 喝dar 给cancelar 取消esperar 等待;希望,期望,盼望:mirar 看escribir 写hablar 说话,谈论,讲述:pagar 支付;偿还;报答,酬谢responder 回答,应答ponerse de pie 起立fumar 吸烟explicar 解释,说明;讲解olvidar 忘记* tomar 拿,取;吃, 喝escribir a máquina 打字tener exito 取得成功comprar 购买romper 打破comenzar 开始vivir 生活firmar 在……上签字;签署;签订nadar 游泳llover 下雨vender 出售llenar 填充cambiar 换;交换;改变,使发生变化quejarse 呻吟;哀叹;抱怨(de),发牢骚;告状(a)oir 听到caber « por »进得去,通得过;en,entre »放得下,容纳得了;有可能,存在可能limpiar 清理prestar 提供pensar 思考estudiar 研究,学习dañar / herir 损害/伤害bailar 跳舞correr 跑,奔,驰.volar 飞utilizar / usar 使用enseñar 教育;教会saber / conocer 知道/了解abrir 打开encender 点燃;打开(电器开关)creer 相信hacer 做jugar 玩poder 能够,可以cerrar 关掉sentarse 坐下apagar 熄灭ir 去escuchar 听toser 咳嗽.aprender «a, de, por»学习, 学会, 掌握;记住peinar 梳理(毛发). (也用作自复动词)perder 丢失,失落preocuparse 关心,注意,担心despertar 打断睡眠,使醒,唤醒gastar 花费(金钱);耗费,消耗entender 懂,明白poner 放,摆;安,装querer - desear 想,要,希望,渴望permitir 允许,许可,准许intentar 试图,努力encontrar 找到;遇到,看到,碰到viajar <por> 旅行dormir 睡觉traer 带来,拿来;致使,使处于(某种状况)cantar 唱歌caerse 跌倒,落下cortar 切,割,剪裁enviar <a,de,por>派,派遣,差遣contar 讲述, 叙述;算,计算preguntar 问deletrear 拼读.aceptar 接受leer 阅读* tener 有;拥有;享有terminar 完成conducir 传,送;驾驶(车辆)* salir 出去;离开;(书籍、期刊等)出版decir 说necesitar 需要trabajar 工作reparar 修复hablar 交谈ver 观看traducir 翻译decir 说dibujar 画mirar 看,望comer 吃;吃东西,吃饭organizar 组织;创立,建立(组织,企业)。
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preparar + n. + para + inf为什么事情做准备venir + a + inf(来做某事)
estar + list@ + para + inf准备好了干某事
ser +形容词+ inf;要干什么事情怎么样
ayudar + a + alguien + {en + n.} o { a + inf} 帮助某人干某事
estar + ocupad@ + en +algo忙于干某事
deber + inf; 应该干某事preferir+inf; 宁愿,更爱干某事
volver + a + inf; 重新干某事estar junt@ con; 和某人在一起junto + a
desear + inf; acerca de; 关于pasear + por ; apetecer + inf /algo entrar + en
de buena calidad;质量好sacar +de; 从那里取出hacer el favor + de + inf 请干某事acabar de + inf ;刚刚结束invitar + a + alguien +a +(país / inf.)邀请
permitir + alguien + inf.允许某人干某事Estar + encantad@ + de + inf 高兴。
mucho gusto + en + inf 很高兴。
de pie站着a pie 步行
Estar + lleno + de +algo;装满了。
al fondo del pasillo; 走廊尽头
distinguir algo de algo 区分。
arriba + de在上面
separar en las partes / separar algo de algo;分开。
viajar +a /por; 到那里旅游subir +a ;上去apearse +de下来 ordenar + alguien + a + inf;命令某人干某事asistir +a ;出席。
pasar + por ;散步。
tener ganas + de希望。
interesar(se) + por + n. ;对什么感兴趣dejar +de +inf 停止干某事
dejar +a + alguien + inf / + que + 虚拟, 让某人干某事
además de +n. / inf;除了。
ponerse en marcha; 上路decidir+a+inf;决定
tardar + tiempo + en + inf耽搁时间干某事dar vuelta / (recorrido)por+地点逛了一圈
en memoria de纪念; cada uno en su puesto; 各就各位asombrarse +de +algo;惊讶no es para tanto;不至于如此huir de逃离eatar en apuro;陷入困境
tener miedo+de +inf / tener miedo + a +n.; 害怕。
merecer(se) +inf 应该得到
aconsejar + a + alguien + inf;劝说某人preocuparse + de + alguien;担心despedirse +de +alguien
告别faltar+ a + n. 缺少; acudir+ a+inf赶来帮助
atraído+ por + n.吸引;disfrutar de 拥有;disfrutar con 享受...
fijarse + en +alguien; 注视tener oportunidad de + inf;有机会干某事
aplaudir + a + alguien为某人鼓掌tener el hábito de + inf,习惯。
cultivar el hábito de养成。
的习惯prestar atención a + n.;注意
elogiar+a+alguien赞扬某人dar + consejo +a+alguien;给某人劝告;
limitarse +a+inf,仅仅agradecer+ a+alguien感谢
servir de+n,充当precipitarse+ a+ inf;赶。
olvidarse + de + inf ; 忘记alejarse +de;远离
echarse en el sofá, 躺在。
echar del trabajo, 丢了工作echar la siesta;睡午觉pensar+inf;想干某事pensar+en+n.想念某人
acreditado+en+país驻在,tener+posibilidad+de+inf; 有可能。
envidiar+a+alguien+por+algo; 妒忌。
tener+motivo+de+inf; 有原因。
la mayoría de +n.大部分。
estar en condición de+inf;有条件干。
estar enamorad@ de+alguien;爱上。
estar en contacto;与。
librar de;摆脱。
darse cuenta de+inf发觉。
a causa de ; 由于。
a lo mejor 也许a menudo;经常
a partir de;从。
起al azar随意。
al lado de;在。
旁边al mediodía;中午
ceder el asiento;让座位cuanto antes;尽快darse prisa; 赶快hacer pregunta ;提问
de modo que; 因此de repente;突然dicho y hecho;说做就做hacer el favor;请。
hacer la cama 整理床铺de acuerdo;同意más allá再过去一点
mejor dicho;确切地说por escrito;笔头的por lo menos;至少tomar el pulso号脉。