To Autumn赏析
to autumn by john keats解析
to autumn by john keats解析题为"[解析]《To Autumn》by John Keats"的文章。
[引言]《To Autumn》是英国浪漫主义诗人约翰·济慈(John Keats)创作的一首脍炙人口的诗歌。
本文将逐步分析《To Autumn》,探讨其主题以及作者使用的修辞手法和象征意义。
《To Autumn》描绘了一个壮丽、丰饶的秋天景象,这给读者带来了一种强烈的感受。
[主题三:艺术和创作的力量]除了自然和生命的主题外,《To Autumn》还涉及到艺术和创作的力量。
[修辞手法:色彩和感官的元素]济慈在《To Autumn》中运用了丰富而生动的修辞手法,以传达他想要表达的主题。
To Autumn诗歌点评
To Autumn"To Autumn" is a poem by English Romantic poet John Keats (31 October 1795 – 23 February 1821). The work was composed on 19 September 1819 and published in 1820 in a volume of Keats's poetry that included Lamia and The Eve of Saint Agnes. "To Autumn" is the final work in a group of poems known as Keats's "1819 odes". Although personal problems left him little time to devote to poetry in 1819, he composed "To Autumn" after a walk near Winchester one autumnal evening. The work marks the end of his poetic career, as he needed to earn money and could no longer devote himself to the lifestyle of a poet.A little over a year following the publication of "To Autumn", Keats diedin Rome.The poem has three eleven-line stanzas which describe a progression through the season, from the late maturation of the crops to the harvest and to the last days of autumn when winter is nearing. The imagery is richly achieved through the personification of Autumn, and the description of its bounty, its sights and sounds. It has parallels in the work of English landscape artists,[1] with Keats himself describing the fields of stubble that he saw on his walk as being like that in a painting.[2] The work has been interpreted as a meditation on death; as an allegory of artistic creation; as Keats's response to the Peterloo Massacre, which took place in the same year; and as an expression of nationalist sentiment. Oneof the most anthologised English lyric poems, "To Autumn" has been regarded by critics as one of the most perfect short poems in the Englishlanguage."To Autumn" describes, in its three stanzas, three different aspects of the season: its fruitfulness, its labour and its ultimate decline. Through the stanzas there is a progression from early autumn to mid autumn and then to the heralding of winter. Parallel to this, the poem depicts the day turning from morning to afternoon and into dusk. These progressions are joined with a shift from the tactile sense to that of sight and then of sound, creating a three-part symmetry which is not present in Keats's otherodes.[10]As the poem progresses, Autumn is represented metaphorically as one who conspires, who ripens fruit, who harvests, who makes music. The first stanza of the poem represents Autumn as involved with thepromotion of natural processes, growth and ultimate maturation, two forces in opposition in nature, but together creating the impression that the season will not end.[11] In this stanza the fruits are still ripening and the buds still opening in the warm weather. Stuart Sperry says that Keats emphasises the tactile sense here, suggested by the imagery of growth and gentle motion: swelling, bending and plumping.[10]In the second stanza Autumn is personified as a harvester,[12] to be seen by the viewer in various guises performing labouring tasks essential tothe provision of food for the coming year. There is a lack of definitive action, all motion being gentle. Autumn is not depicted as actuallyharvesting but as seated, resting or watching.[11] In lines 14–15 the personification of Autumn is as an exhausted labourer. Near the end of the stanza, the steadiness of the gleaner in lines 19–20 again emphasises a motionlessness within the poem.[13] The progression through the day is revealed in actions that are all suggestive of the drowsiness of afternoon: the harvested grain is being winnowed, the harvester is asleep orreturning home, the last drops issue from the cider press.[10] The last stanza contrasts Autumn's sounds with those of Spring. The sounds that are presented are not only those of Autumn but essentially the gentle sounds of the evening. Gnats wail and lambs bleat in the dusk. As night approaches within the final moments of the song, death is slowly approaching alongside the end of the year. The full-grown lambs, like the grapes, gourds and hazel nuts will be harvested for the winter. The twittering swallows gather for departure, leaving the fields bare. The whistling red-breast and the chirping cricket are the common sounds of winter. The references to Spring, the growing lambs and the migrating swallows remind the reader that the seasons are a cycle, widening the scope of this stanza from a single season to life in general.[14]Of all of Keats's poems, "To Autumn", with its catalog of concrete images,[15] most closely describes a paradise as realized on earth whilealso focusing on archetypal symbols connected with the season. Within the poem, autumn represents growth, maturation, and finally an approaching death. There is a fulfilling union between the ideal and thereal.[16]Scholars have noted a number of literary influences on "To Autumn", from Virgil's Georgics,[17] to Edmund Spenser's "Mutability Cantos",[18] to the language of Thomas Chatterton,[19] to Samuel Taylor Coleridge's "Frost at Midnight",[20] to an essay on autumn by Leigh Hunt, whichKeats had recently read.[21]"To Autumn" is thematically connected to other odes that Keats wrote in 1819. For example, in his "Ode to Melancholy" a major theme is the acceptance of the process of life. When this theme appears later in "To Autumn",[22] however, it is with a difference. This time the figure of the poet disappears, and there is no exhortation of an imaginary reader. There are no open conflicts, and "dramatic debate, protest, and qualification are absent".[23] In process there is a harmony between the finality of death and hints of renewal of life in the cycle of the seasons, paralleled by therenewal of a single day.[24]Critics have tended to emphasize different aspects of the process. Some have focused on renewal; Walter Jackson Bate points to the theme of each stanza including "its contrary" idea, here death implying, though only indirectly, the renewal of life.[24] Also, noted by both Bate and JenniferWagner, the structure of the verse reinforces the sense of something to come; the placing of the couplet before the end of each stanza creates a feeling of suspension, highlighting the theme of continuation.[13] Others, like Harold Bloom, have emphasized the "exhausted landscape", the completion, the finality of death, although "Winter descends here as a man might hope to die, with a natural sweetness". If death in itself is final, here it comes with a lightness, a softness, also pointing to "an acceptance of process beyond the possibility of grief."[25] The progress of growth is no longer necessary; maturation is complete, and life and death are in harmony. The rich description of the cycle of the seasons enables the reader to feel a belonging "to something larger than the self", as James O'Rourke expresses it, but the cycle comes to an end each year, analogous to the ending of single life. O'Rourke suggests that something of a fear of that ending is subtly implied at the end of the poem,[26] although, unlike the other great odes, in this poem the person of the poet is entirely submerged,[23] so there is at most a faint hint of Keats's own possible fear. According to Helen Vendler, "To Autumn" may be seen as an allegory of artistic creation. As the farmer processes the fruits of the soil into what sustains the human body, so the artist processes the experience of life intoa symbolic structure that may sustain the human spirit. This process involves an element of self-sacrifice by the artist, analogous to the living grain's being sacrificed for human consumption. In "To Autumn", as aresult of this process, the "rhythms" of the harvesting "artist-goddess" "permeate the whole world until all visual, tactile, and kinetic presence is transubstantiated into Apollonian music for the ear," the sounds of thepoem itself.[27]In a 1979 essay, Jerome McGann argued that while the poem was indirectly influenced by historical events, Keats had deliberately ignored the political landscape of 1819.[28] Countering this view, Andrew Bennett, Nicholas Roe and others focused on what they believed were political allusions actually present in the poem, Roe arguing for a direct connection to the Peterloo Massacre of 1819.[29] Later, Paul Fry argued against McGann's stance when he pointed out, "It scarcely seems pertinent to say that 'To Autumn' is therefore an evasion of social violence when it is so clearly an encounter with death itself [...] it is not a politically encoded escape from history reflecting the coerced betrayal [...] of its author's radicalism. McGann thinks to rescue Keats from the imputation of political naïveté by saying that he was a radical browbeateninto quietism".[30]In his 1999 study of the effect on British literature of the diseases and climates of the colonies, Alan Bewell read "the landscape of 'To Autumn'" as "a kind of biomedical allegory of the coming into being of English climatic space out of its dangerous geographical alternatives."[31] Britain's colonial reach over the previous century and a half had exposed themother country to foreign diseases and awareness of the dangers ofextreme tropical climates. Keats, with medical training,[32] having suffered chronic illness himself,[33] and influenced like his contemporaries by "colonial medical discourse",[34] was deeply aware of this threat.According to Bewell, the landscape of "To Autumn" presents thetemperate climate of rural England as a healthful alternative to disease-ridden foreign environments.[35] Though the "clammy" aspect of "fever", the excessive ripeness associated with tropical climates, intrude into the poem, these elements, less prominent than in Keats's earlierpoetry, are counterbalanced by the dry, crisp autumnal air of ruralEngland.[1] In presenting the particularly English elements of thisenvironment, Keats was also influenced by contemporary poet and essayist Leigh Hunt, who had recently written of the arrival of autumn with its "migration of birds", "finished harvest", "cyder [...] making" and migration of "the swallows",[21] as well as by English landscape painting[1] and the "pure" English idiom of the poetry of Thomas Chatterton.[36] In "To Autumn", Bewell argues, Keats was at once voicing "a very personal expression of desire for health"[37] and constructing a "myth of a national environment".[35] This "political" element in the poem,[21] Bewell points out, has also been suggested by Geoffrey Hartman, who expounded a view of "To Autumn" as "an ideological poem whose formexpresses a national idea".[38]Thomas McFarland, on the other hand, in 2000 cautioned against overemphasizing the "political, social, or historical readings" of the poem, which distract from its "consummate surface and bloom".[39] Most important about "To Autumn" is its concentration of imagery and allusion in its evocation of nature,[40] conveying an "interpenetration of livingness and dyingness as contained in the very nature of autumn".[41]"To Autumn" is a poem of three stanzas, each of eleven lines. Like others of Keats's odes written in 1819, the structure is that of an odal hymn, having three clearly defined sections corresponding to the Classical divisions of strophe, antistrophe, and epode.[42] The stanzas differ from those of the other odes through use of eleven lines rather than ten, and have a couplet placed before the concluding line of each stanza.[43] "To Autumn" employs poetical techniques which Keats had perfected in the five poems written in the Spring of the same year, but departs from them in some aspects, dispensing with the narrator and dealing with more concrete concepts.[44] There is no dramatic movement in "To Autumn" as there is in many earlier poems; the poem progresses in its focus while showing little change in the objects it is focusing on. There is, in the words of Walter Jackson Bate, "a union of process and stasis", "energy caught in repose", an effect that Keats himself termed "stationing".[45] At the beginning of the third stanza he employs the dramatic Ubi sunt device associated with a sense of melancholy, and questions the personifiedsubject: "Where are the songs of Spring?"[46]Like the other odes, "To Autumn" is written in iambic pentameter (but greatly modified from the very beginning) with five stressed syllables to a line, each usually preceded by an unstressed syllable.[47] Keats varies this form by the employment of Augustan inversion, sometimes using a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable at the beginning of a line, including the first: "Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness"; and employing spondees in which two stressed syllables are placed together at the beginnings of both the following stanzas, adding emphasis to the questions that are asked: "Who hath not seen thee...", "Where are thesongs...?"The rhyme of "To Autumn" follows a pattern of starting each stanza with an ABAB pattern which is followed by rhyme scheme of CDEDCCE in the first verse and CDECDDE in the second and third stanzas.[43] In each case, there is a couplet before the final line. Some of the language of "To Autumn" resembles phrases found in earlier poems with similarities to Endymion, Sleep and Poetry, and Calidore.[48] Keats characteristically uses monosyllabic words such as " to load and bless with fruit the vines that round the thatch-eaves run." The words are weighted by the emphasis of bilabial consonants (b, m, p), with lines like "...for Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells." There is also an emphasis on longvowels which control the flow of the poem, giving it a slow measured pace: "...while barred clouds bloom the soft dying day".[43]Between the manuscript version and the published version of "To Autumn" Keats tightened the language of the poem. One of Keats's changes emphasised by critics is the change in line 17 of "Drows'd with red poppies" to "Drows'd with the fume of poppies", which emphasises the sense of smell instead of sight. The later edition relies more on passive, past participles, as apparent in the change of "While a gold cloud" in line 25 to "While barred clouds".[49] Other changes involve the strengthening of phrases, especially within the transformation of the phrase in line 13 "whoever seeks for thee may find" into "whoever seeks abroad may find". Many of the lines within the second stanza were completely rewritten, especially those which did not fit into a rhyme scheme. Some of the minor changes involved adding punctuation missing from the original manuscript copy and altering capitalisation.[50。
to autumn济慈赏析
to autumn济慈赏析
To_Autumn 秋颂赏析ppt课件
❖ 啊.春日的歌哪里去了?但不要
❖ 想这些吧,你也
❖ 以胭红抹上残梗散碎的田野,
❖ 这时啊,河柳下的一群小飞虫
❖ 就同奏哀音,它们忽而飞高,
❖ 忽而下落,随着微风的起灭;
❖ 篱下的蟋蟀在歌唱,在园中
❖ 红胸的知更鸟就群起呼哨;
❖ 而群羊在山圈里高声咩叫;
The second stanza
❖ Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find Thee sitting careless on a granary floor Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind; Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep Drowsed with the fume of poppies while thy hook Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers; And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep Steady thy laden head across a brook; Or by a cider-press with patient look Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.
❖ 丛飞的燕子在天空呢喃不歇。
Appreciation of To Autumn
❖ This is a special poem. There are two reasons:
to autumn by john keats解析 -回复
to autumn by john keats解析-回复中括号内的主题是"to autumn by john keats解析",以下是一篇1500-2000字的详细解析文章:"To Autumn"是浪漫主义诗人约翰·济慈创作的一首著名的诗歌作品。
"To Autumn"采用了一个明确的三个节段的结构,每个节段描绘了秋天的不同方面。
例如,他描述了果园中的果树“弯曲带翠绿,红透”(bend with apples the mossed cottage-trees)和蜜蜂在花丛中忙碌的景象,“蚊蝇文文,忙里忙外,狂喜不已”(bees busy in the sun)等等。
此外,他还用“季节的使者”(Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness)来形容秋天,表达了秋天作为季节变迁的使者的重要性。
他写道,“有一个可怜的小蒜头蹲在自己的洞穴里,蜘蛛将自己的蚕作为家园”(Then in a wailful choir the small gnats mourn)等等。
to autumn济慈赏析
to autumn济慈赏析《to autumn》是济慈的一首诗歌作品,描绘了秋天的美丽景色和丰收的季节。
本文将从济慈的生平背景、诗歌的主题和意象、以及诗歌的结构和语言运用等方面对《to autumn》进行赏析。
了解济慈的生平背景对于理解《to autumn》这首诗的意义非常重要。
约翰·济慈(John Keats)是英国著名的浪漫主义诗人,生于1795年,逝世于1821年。
《to autumn》是他在生命的最后一年创作的作品之一,也是他最著名的作品之一。
《to autumn》以描绘秋天的景色和丰收的季节为主题,通过生动的意象和细腻的描写,表达了济慈对自然的热爱和对生命的追求。
《to autumn》由三个十四行诗组成,每个十四行诗的行数和押韵方式都是相同的。
《to autumn》是济慈一首充满生命力和热情的诗歌作品,通过对秋天的描绘和对自然的赞美,表达了济慈对生命和自然的热爱。
to autumn
Today’s task--------To Autumn
“To Autumn” ,was written on September 20, 1819,is one of Keats’s finest poems. In it he wonderfully reproduces in words the colors, shapes, and sounds of autumn. It is a poem full of wonderful pictures and of a rich solemn music .It leaves us with a sense of joy of autumn.
这里,诗人通过秋的巡礼,进一步深化了全诗的主题,点明了秋季的 特征,让读者看清了秋天丰收的景象。诗人在这一节里采用了犹如电 影中跳格的表现手法,场景变幻很快,极有动感。但是,诗人又不想 让读者看到一片忙乱的景象。因此,展现在我们眼里的秋,在打谷场 上无忧无虑地坐着;在田垄上静静地躺着,而且沉沉睡着了;在榨酒 机旁也不性急,只是站在那儿无声地观望。也许,诗人想借此告诉读 者,今年是五谷丰登的一年,秋对此十分满意,甚至有点儿陶然物外 的神采。但她也没有因为丰收而变得大大咧咧,她十分珍惜辛辛苦苦 培育出来的点滴成果,所以,她也加入了拾穗人的行列,头顶着满满 的谷袋,蹚过小溪,送到农人的仓里。诗人把这四种形象分别用“坐、 卧、行、立”四种不同的姿态来描绘,这种拟人化的描写,使全诗传 神得维妙维肖。值得一提的是,诗人这里赋以秋的四种化身,均是劳 动者的形象。诗人是尊重劳动的,同情劳动者的。他深知,播种的是 劳动者,收割的也是劳动者。所以,他在他的画面上安排这些处在恬 静境地之中的劳动者的形象,以表现他们的辛劳一年而获得丰收的喜 悦心情。
to autumn诗
to autumn诗
《To Autumn》是英国诗人约翰·济慈(John Keats)于1819年所作的一首诗歌,被认为是他最杰出的作品之一。
总之,《To Autumn》通过对秋天景象的描绘,展现了济慈对自然和生命的热爱,以及对光阴流逝的感慨。
to autumn by john keats解析 -回复
to autumn by john keats解析-回复"to autumn" by John Keats Analysis"To Autumn" is a renowned poem by John Keats, written in 1819. In this poem, Keats describes the beauty of the autumn season, paying homage to its abundance and vitality. The poem consists of three stanzas, each highlighting different aspects of autumn and examining its significance in the cycle of nature. This analysis will delve into the poem's themes, structure, imagery, and language, exploring its aesthetic and philosophical depths.[The Appreciation of Nature and Its Transience]The main theme of "To Autumn" is the profound appreciation of nature and its ever-changing seasons. Keats begins the poem by addressing autumn as a personification, as if he is conversing with the season itself. This personification allows Keats to explore autumn's characteristics and attributes while creating a sense of intimacy between the reader and the natural world.Throughout the poem, Keats depicts autumn as a season of abundance, using vivid imagery to describe its various aspects. Inthe first stanza, he focuses on the bountifulness of autumn, emphasizing the ripening fruits and the busyness of the bees gathering honey from the flowers. This imagery portrays a vibrant and lively season. Keats employs sensory details to engage the reader's senses, inviting them to indulge in the richness of the natural world.In the second stanza, the poem takes a more reflective turn, acknowledging the transient nature of autumn. Keats mentions the "soft-dying day" and the "swell[ing] gourd" as signs of the season's decline. This shift in tone highlights the inevitable passing of time and the ephemeral beauty of autumn, giving the poem a bittersweet quality. Keats ponders the transience of life and how it parallels the changing seasons. By doing so, he encourages the reader to cherish the present moment and embrace the fleeting nature of existence.In the final stanza, Keats amplifies the theme of transience by personifying autumn as a friend bidding farewell. He uses rich imagery to depict the richness of autumn's harvest while acknowledging that time is passing swiftly. This combination of joy and melancholy creates a sense of nostalgia and enhances thepoem's contemplative mood. Keats celebrates autumn while also acknowledging its inevitable end, symbolizing the cycles of life and the acceptance of mortality.[Structure and Imagery]Keats's use of structure and imagery in "To Autumn" contributes to the poem's overall effect. The poem is written in three stanzas, each containing eleven lines with a varying rhyme scheme. The first stanza follows an ABABCDEDCCE rhyme scheme, while the second stanza moves to a ABABCDECDDE pattern. The final stanza adopts a unique AABCDE rhyme scheme. This shift in rhyming patterns mirrors the changing season and adds to the poem's musicality.In terms of imagery, Keats employs vibrant and sensory language to create vivid pictures in the reader's mind. He uses visual imagery to describe the "barred clouds blooming" in the sky and the "maturing sun" casting its golden light. Through tactile imagery, Keats evokes the sensation of warmth and lushness in lines such as "fill all fruit with ripeness to the core" and "swell the gourd." By engaging the reader's senses, Keats enhances their experience of autumn's beauty and creates a deeper connection to the naturalworld.[Language and Tone]Keats's language and tone in "To Autumn" contribute to the poem's overall message and emotional impact. The language throughout the poem is rich and evocative, with a balance of sensuousness and thoughtfulness. Keats's choice of words reflects his admiration for autumn's beauty, using phrases like "mellow fruitfulness" and "bosom[ing] loads" to convey the abundance and fullness of the season.The tone of the poem is primarily pastoral and contemplative. Keats maintains a sense of reverence and awe throughout, showcasing his deep appreciation for the natural world and its temporality. The poem's tone and language work together to evoke a sense of profound introspection and connection with nature, urging the reader to reflect on the ephemeral nature of life and find solace in the beauty of the present moment.In conclusion, "To Autumn" by John Keats is a masterpiece that captures the essence of the autumn season and explores profoundthemes of appreciation and transience. Through its structure, imagery, language, and tone, the poem invites the reader to immerse themselves in the beauty of nature. Keats serves as a guide, challenging us to embrace the fleeting nature of life and find solace in the ever-changing cycles of the natural world. "To Autumn" is a timeless work that continues to captivate readers with its exquisite portrayal of the season's beauty and its reflection on the human experience.。
To Autumn 《秋颂》英文赏析
To AutumnJohn KeatsTo Autumn is an immortal poem. I will try to write some of my feelings after reading To Autumn and analyze it. I believe this will not be an easy work.To Autumn deals with the presence of nature and how autumn itself is more significant than any of the other seasons. What most called my attention was the infinite number of images you can imagine by reading it. It seems that john Keats describes what he imagine and while reading it, I can create the picture in my mind, of what he is seeing.To Autumn has three stanzas. Each of three stanzas shows us different time of a day and different time of autumn. I thought this poem exhibited two kinds of progression of time. First is the time of day. The first stanza is the morning with the "mists". The second is late afternoon, when the hot sun is beating down and makes everyone drowsy. The third is at sunset with the "barred clouds" piercing the sky with its "rosy hue". This poem also shows a progression in the season of autumn itself. The first stanza is early autumn because "summer has o'er brimmed. It shows the maturing of summer’s bounty. The second is mid-autumn, because it's time for harvest. The third is late autumn because the birds are headed south for winter.In stanza 1, Keats describes autumn with a series of specific,concrete, and vivid images. The stanza begins with autumn at the peak of fulfillment and continues with an Initially autumn and the sun "load and bless" by ripening the fruit. But the apples become so numerous that their weight bends the trees; the gourds "swell," and the hazel nuts "plump." Personification in this stanza is not very clear.In stanza 2, autumn personified as a harvester, crosses a brook and watches a cider press. Otherwise autumn is listless and even falls asleep. The furrow is "half-reap'd," the winnowed hair refers to ripe grain still standing, and apple cider is still being pressed. However, the end of the cycle is near. The press is squeezing out "the last oozings." Find other words that indicate slowing down. Notice that Keats describes a reaper who is not harvesting and who is not turning the press. Personification here is very successful. It gives autumn a personality and the autumn is no longer abstract.In stanza 3, spring in line one has same function as summer in stanza 1. They represent process, and the change of time. Spring is a time of a rebirth of life. Autumn means death for the now "full-grown" lambs which were born in spring; they are ravaged in autumn. And the answer to the question of line 1, where are Spring's songs, is that they are past or dead. The auditory details that follow are autumn's songs.I know that Kea ts wrote ‘To Autumn’ shortly before his death, but to me this poem is more about the approaching death of Keats and theautumn prior to the ravages and harshness of winter. It is a romantic poem, of opportunities missed and pleasant gains. It contrasts with the misery of day to day life, with a progressive illness in the early 19th century, which only opium can offer some respite. Keats was clearly in a bad way, although facing his death, and the very intensity, passion and clarity of the poem reflects this.。
To autumn赏析
BackgroundIt was during the months of spring 1819 that he wrote many of his major odes. Following the month of May 1819, he began to tackle other forms of poetry, including a play, some longer pieces, and a return to his unfinished epic, Hyperion. His brother's financial woes continued to loom over him, and, as a result, Keats had little energy or inclination for composition, but, on 19 September 1819, he managed to squeeze out To Autumn, his last major work and the one that rang the curtain down on his career as a poetThemesAs the poem progresses, Autumn is represented metaphorically as one who conspires, who ripens fruit, who harvests, who makes music.In stanza 1, Keats describes autumn with a series of specific, concrete, and vivid images. The stanza begins with autumn at the peak of fulfillment and continues with an Initially autumn and the sun “load and bless” by ripening the fruit. But the apples become so numerous that their weight bends the trees; the gourds “swell”, and the hazel nuts “plump”. Keats presents us a wonderful picture of the maturation of autumn.In the second stanza Autumn is personified as a harvester,[13] to be seen by the viewer in various guises performing labouring tasks essential to the provision of food for the coming year. There is a lack of definitive action, all motion being gentle. Autumn is not depicted as actually harvesting but as seated, resting or watching.[12] In lines 14–15 the personification of Autumn is as an exhausted labourer. Near the end of the stanza, the steadiness of the gleaner in lines 19–20 again emphasises a motionlessness within the poem.[14] The progression through the day is revealed in actions that are all suggestive of the drowsiness of afternoon: the harvested grain is being winnowed, the harvester is asleep or returning home, the last drops issue from the cider press.[11]The last stanza contrasts Autumn's sounds with those of Spring. The sounds that are presented are not only those of Autumn but essentially the gentle sounds of the evening. Gnats wail and lambs bleat in the dusk. As night approaches within the final moments of the song, death is slowly approaching alongside of the end of the year. The full-grown lambs, like the grapes, gourds and hazel nuts will be harvested for the winter. The twittering swallows gather for departure, leaving the fields bare. The whistling red-breast and the chirping cricket are the common sounds of winter. The references to Spring, the growing lambs and the migrating swallows remind the reader that the seasonsare a cycle, widening the scope of this stanza from a single season to life in general意象美,修辞美和结构美一,意象美(the beauty of images)济慈对意象的理解是满怀深情、精雕细琢;充分运用色、声、光影的组合;重层次、重质感就像浓笔重彩的油画和马赛式的浮雕一样,带有典型的西方文化重分析,重描述的特点。
To?Autumn?赏析--方林(1)T o Autumn 赏析To AutumnSeason of mists and mellow fruitfulness,Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun, Conspiring with him how to load and blessWith fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run; To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees, And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,And still more, later flowers for the bees,Until they think warm days will never cease,For Summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may findThee sitting careless on a granary floor,Thy hair sort-lifted by the winnowing wind;Or on a half-reap'd furrow sound asleep,Dows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hook Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers. And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep Steady thy laden head across a brook;Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours. Where are the songs of Spring? Ay, where are they?Think not of them, thou hast thy music too,While barred clouds bloom the soft-dying day,And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;Then in a waiful choir the small gnats mournAmong the river sallows, borne aloftOr sinking as the light wind lives or dies;And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble softThe red-breast whistles form a garden-croft;And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.赏析:这首诗写后两天,济慈给他的好友John Hamilton Reynolds一封信并附上这首诗,信里说:“现在这季节真美,——空气多好,爽利的舒适,真的,不开玩笑,真是宜人天气——蔚蓝的天空——我从来也没有这么喜欢过收割过的田野——是啊,比春天那种冰冷的绿色好多了,不知怎地,收割过的田野看上去很温暖,就像有的图画看上去温暖一样。
To Autumn诗歌《秋颂》英文赏析
An appreciation of ToAutumnAs known to all, To Autumn is one of the representative works of John Keats. Having learned it in the class, I’d like to talk about my appreciation of it, respectively in terms of structure, content and theme.Structurally speaking, we can clearly see three stanzas in this poem which describes different aspects of autumn. And the development of the stanzas is in keeping with the progressing of the day and that of the season. First is the time of day. The first stanza is the morning with the "mists". The second is noon, when the wind makes everyone drowsy. The third is at sunset with the "barred clouds" blooming “the soft-dying day”. This poem also shows three stages in the season of autumn itself. The first stanza is early autumn because "summer has o'er brimmed. It shows the maturing of summer’s bounty. The second is mid-autumn, because it's time for harvest. The third is late autumn because the birds are headed south for winter.In terms of content, we can conclude three specific aspects of autumn, namely the plants of autumn in the first stanza, the people of autumn in the second stanza and the sound of autumn in the third stanza. And there are different devices in different parts. For the first part, John Keats mainly uses sensuous images, like the vines with fruit that round the thatch-eves run, the gourds “swell”and the hazel nuts “plump”. In the second part, personification is the major device. The autumn is like an old farmer who crosses a brook and watches a cider-press. For the third part, onomatopoeia is wildly used. For example, the small gnats mourn in a wailful choir, the hedge-crickets sing, the red -breast whistles and swallows twitter, etc.When it comes to the theme of this poet about autumn, it’s really special. Generally, people like to show sorrow or melancholy to autumn, but in this poet, John Keats show optimism and attachment to this season. Instead of feeling sad and disappointed for the bleak visage of autumn, he passionately and vividly describes many adorable things and interesting activities of autumn, which make us feel the natural beauty and create the picture in our mind, of what he is seeing. So we can say that his optimism actually makes this poem more inspiring.In short, through the vivid description of color, sounds and active images of nature, his emotions are totally got across. In the poet, not only can we feel the beauty of the words and the nature, but also we can feel the optimism of the poet. In my eyes, this is obviously a masterwork.外院12级法英班舒梦05120134。
•3 春天之歌在何方?啊,春天之歌在何方? 你也有你的音乐,不必为此冥思苦想; 当细浪般的云层映出柔和的夕照, 残梗凌乱的田野抹上玫瑰色的霞光; 在那河边的柳树丛中, 小虫一起把悲哀的曲调奏响, 时起时落,随着轻风悠悠飘扬; 篱笆里,蟋蟀同声吟唱, 园中的知更鸟呼哨嘹亮; 山涧那边长大的羊羔咩咩叫唤, 唧唧喳喳,空中的燕子群集飞翔
• II
Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find Thee sitting careless on a granary floor, Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind; Or on a half-reaped furrow sound asleep, Drows'd with the fume of poppies, while thy hook Spares the next swath and all its twinéd flowers: And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep Steady thy laden head across a brook; Or by a cider-press, with patient look, Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.
In stanza 3, spring in line one has same function as summer in stanza 1. They represent process, and the change of time. Spring is a time of a rebirth of life. Autumn means death for the now "full-grown" lambs which were born in spring; they are ravaged in autumn. And the answer to the question of line 1, where are Spring's songs, is that they are past or dead. The auditory details that follow are autumn's songs.
to autumn诗歌赏析备课讲稿
The first stanza is the description of the natural scenery
sky(maturing sun) spatial order:
field(later flowers and bees
olfactory image: the fumme of poppies.
tactile image: soft-lifted, winnowing wind,sound asleep
The second stanza is the description of the harvest in autumn.
Second stanza:
Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store? Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may
find Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,
Thy hair soft-lifted by the winnowing wind; Or on a half-reap’d furrow sound asleep,
to autumn诗歌赏析
First stanza:
Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless With fruit the vines that round the
to autumn by john keats的解析
to autumn by john keats的解析
《To Autumn》是英国浪漫主义诗人约翰·济慈的一首著名诗作。
To autumn 赏析
to autumn 韵律
to autumn 韵律韵律是英语诗歌中一项非常重要的元素,它通过节奏、音节和押韵的组合来创造出特定的声音和韵律感。
英国诗人约翰·济慈的诗歌作品《To Autumn》是一个极好的例子,既展示了他对自然的热爱和赞美,同时也运用了丰富的韵律元素来营造出独特的韵律节奏。
《To Autumn》这首诗描绘了秋天饱满丰收的美景,以及秋天给人们带来的宁静和满足感。
在以下的文章中,我将一步一步回答关于《To Autumn》的韵律问题,以帮助读者更好地理解和欣赏这首诗的韵律之美。
首先,我们可以注意到《To Autumn》是一首十四行诗,采用了英文诗歌中常见的押韵格式——雪莱体(Shelleyan Ode)。
济慈在《To Autumn》中使用了一种叫做“英语浊化”的语音现象,这种现象会让某些辅音发出浊音。
拿第一行“Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness”来说,这一行有十个音节,其中“of”和“and”是不重读的。
此外,我们还需要注意到《To Autumn》中的押韵模式。
济慈选择了一种相对简单的押韵技巧——每两行押韵一次(aa bb cc dd ee ff gg)。
例如,在第二段的第一行和第二行中,我们可以看到“that loads and bends”和“that swathes the furrowed”两行中的“ends”和“bends”押韵。
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To AutumnJohn KeatsTo Autumn is an immortal poem. I will try to write some of my feelings after reading To Autumn and analyze it. I believe this will not be an easy work.到秋天是一个不朽的诗篇。
To Autumn deals with the presence of nature and how autumn itself is more significant than any of the other seasons. What most called my attention was the infinite number of images you can imagine by reading it. It seems that john Keats describes what he imagine and while reading it, I can create the picture in my mind, of what he is seeing.到秋天涉及自然的存在,以及如何秋季本身比其他任何季节更为显著。
To Autumn has three stanzas. Each of three stanzas shows us different time of a day and different time of autumn. I thought this poem exhibited two kinds of progression of time. First is the time of day. The first stanza is the morning with the "mists". The second is late afternoon, when the hot sun is beating down and makes everyone drowsy. The third is at sunset with the "barred clouds" piercing the sky with its "rosy hue".到秋天有三个节。
This poem also shows a progression in the season of autumn itself. The first stanza is early autumn because "summer has o'er brimmed. It shows the maturing of summer’s bounty. The second is mid-autumn, because it's time for harvest. The third is late autumn because the birds are headed south for winter.这首诗也说明在秋季本身的季节进程。
In stanza 1, Keats describes autumn with a series of specific, concrete, and vivid images. The stanza begins with autumn at the peak of fulfillment and continues with an Initially autumn and the sun "load and bless" by ripening the fruit. But the apples become so numerous that their weight bends the trees; the gourds "swell," and the hazel nuts "plump." Personification in this stanza is not very clear.在节1 ,济慈描述了一系列具体的,具体的,生动的图像秋天。
In stanza 2, autumn personified as a harvester, crosses a brook and watches a cider press. Otherwise autumn is listless and even falls asleep. The furrow is "half-reap'd," the winnowed hair refers to ripe grain still standing, and apple cider is still being pressed. However, the end of the cycle is near. The press is squeezing out "the last oozings." Find other words that indicate slowing down. Notice that Keats describes a reaper who is not harvesting and who is not turning the press. Personification here is very successful. It gives autumn a personality and the autumn is no longer abstract.在节2 ,秋季拟人化为一个收割机,穿过一条小溪和一个手表苹果酒按。
该沟是“半reap'd ”的淘头发是指成熟的粮食仍然站立,并且苹果汁仍然被按下。
新闻界是挤掉“最后oozings 。
In stanza 3, spring in line one has same function as summer in stanza 1. They represent process, and the change of time. Spring is a time of a rebirth of life. Autumn means death for the now "full-grown" lambs which were born in spring; they are ravaged in autumn. And the answer to the question of line 1, where are Spring's songs, is that they are past or dead. The auditory details that follow are autumn's songs.在节3 ,弹簧线一条具有相同的功能,夏天在节1 。
I know that Keats wrote ‘To Autumn’ shortly before his death, but to me this poem is more about the approaching death of Keats and the autumn prior to the ravages and harshness of winter. It is a romantic poem, of opportunities missed and pleasant gains. It contrasts with the misery of day to day life, with a progressive illness in the early 19th century, which only opium can offer some respite. Keats was clearly in a bad way, although facing his death, and the very intensity, passion and clarity of the poem reflects this.我知道济慈写了“秋”他去世前不久,但对我来说这首诗更多的是济慈的接近死亡和破坏,冬季的严酷前秋。