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A ser1ous
B great
n1y There are 。 A severa1
number of possib1e answers to a mu1tip1e-choice qoest∶ on. C nnnllmhered D infinite B finite
on the one hand, the availabi1ity of Eng1ish as a globa1 1anguage is accelerating g1oba1ization. On the other, the globa1ization is aGce1erating the use of English. one of the probIeⅢ s about using terⅢ s such as
s possible.
D spontaneous
C spontaneous1y
His wi11ingness to eXperiment with interesting new ideas clear1y。 reform 1n his t△ me.
t 色 hiⅡ in the~ˉ ~ˉˉ -ˉ-° f sOGial ˉ
1t may eve讧 appear that the muGh hera1ded change has fizzled out, fa△
AG1oser ana1ysis of how innovation Gh0nges tha world, h° wever, te11s a different though1ess newsw° rthy story, as I ex|p1ore more fu11y 1ater in book
the△ r
fortunes and even thei∷ r 1ives in the
brought on by D chaoses
B chao
C Chaoes
Actors try to make their performanGes seem as ~
A responsive B responding
18.Refugees fled their homes so sudden1y that they arrived in the refugee camps a1most in⒏
play with ideas and gadgqts bef° re moving o⒒ 1ing to 1ive up to its prom△ se~
Then, after the hype, there血
ay be a period o£ disillusionment of audience fatigue.
the truth B think
by carefu11y evaluating011 the evidence presented C disGern D infer
any peop1e lost A great 皿 the French Revo1ution. A chaos
‘ post-modernity’
in their titles was published, compared with hardly a handfu1 since. That in itse1f
pact of any innovation or ho event rarely OGcurs quiGk1y. There is a lead time during whiGh intellectua1sa】 d thoseˉ ψ are farsighted
A potent
B potentia1
C impotent .^
iⅡ potent△ a1
of a comp1ex prob1em is not 1ikely to produCe a viab1e or longˉ 1asting C superficia1 D surface
Ⅲ ention the use of terms of
when he discusse⒌
the 1inguistiG trends of the postmodern era?
Write a short passage in about 500wOrds on the following topiC: lWrite on t廴 e ansWer sheet)
If you are not doing we11 in a paro】
Gu1ar subject, you may want
C reforⅢ
_your W⒏ y of studj D replace
aⅢ end
B update
s It △ a jury’ s Job to
rs口 ″ⅠckFy
The judge of the court shou1d be
A disdain
B praise
someone who most peop1e ho1d 1n high D esteeⅢ C reputat1on
lHale Waihona Puke Baidu.Our city needs to develop a_p1an of action for dealing with storms and0ther emergencies.
is te11ing us something about the stage we have collectively reached. The iⅢ
‘ ear1y adopters’
hera1d the Goming changes, in which
to the next new thing。
n ˉ ~~ˉ theiF careers GOmparative1y ear1y △ 1ife. 17.some famo讧 s musicians reached the~ˉ ˉ ェ
A reputation
B apex
C high 1evel
D nadir
bs01ute~ˉ ˉ ˉ ~ ~ˉ ˉ
pmishment to~schoo1chndren。
C train D he1p
~ˉ 亠 J by definition, 亠 ˉ ~ˉˉ
B discip1ine
15;Workers who are conocientious in the performance of their duties are】 B industr1ous C hard workers A industrial
华东师范大学 ⒛11年 攻读硕士学位研窍生入学试题 代 考试科目 码及名称: 619基 秕英语
招 生专 业 (领 域 )名 称 : 荠 语语言文 学 、 外 国语 言 学及应 用语言 学
考生注意 题纸上 (写 明题号 )。 无论以下试题中是否有答题位置,均 应将答案做 在考场另发的答
Complete t№ foll流 珥 0entenc乩 诫 也 the狁 乩
s ~ˉ 亠 ~ˉ and 1iabilities. 12.By law, an annua1 report must 1Ⅱ o1ude a detai1ed breakdown of a company’ D assessment C asset B property A△ ooney
13.The~ˉ ˉ ~ˉˉ and detai1ed footnote⒌f洫 ˉ ˉ
‘ ‘ postmodern’ is that the 1atter and ng the 1990s, a deluge of books containing see皿 s already to have gone out of intellectua1 fashion. Dur△
m° dern’
transfρ rming the wor1d。
done d0al’ . It is here, not somet【
of the21st contury world.But it is on1y呷 由at both are s?rious1y
fiⅢ plementation’ stage, ars. In fact,we are probob1y⒏ 1ready The key perェ od for this transitional stage is the nθ xt10-15∮ θ This is the 1ess exciting As the docade moves on, the Wor1d wi111o0k mor01ike the future
A rear
B back
C vangiard
D content1on
__ˉ — 6. Music has been Ga11ed∶ the most ~ˉˉ ˉ-ˉˉagent for inducing peop1e toˉ
rget their differenGes
and 1ive in harmony.
in most scholarly books arθ designed to document the authors’
A GOpious
B scarce
D many
14.Chinese 1aws now forbid the use of∞ rporal
A Gultivate
2. Ⅲ hat are the conflicting problems of 1anguage as g1oba1ization carries on? 3. Ⅱ would English chango in the process of becoming a g1oba1 1anguage according tc Gr汪 ddol? ow 4. Why does Graddol want to
ˉ 助
W⒒h bo由 post-Illodemi订 and global Engl`h。
Interest in both is waning amongst
Ling to come.
inte11ectua1s =,recise1y because it is noW seen as a
Both haVe becolne mainstream Featur卟
A feasibIe B scientifiG
C natural
D fit
11. Newspapers often publish the ~ teXt of an important po1itical speech
A voc】
B verbatim
C modified
D 1iGensed
(45 points)
g〃 Ι e 刀 ∠ aJ,gzrage Fead” ⒍ 氵 Ι 犭 foFazJJr dⅠ fferen古 Ι FDε
扬 m驷 Ξ ° fiz如 ~犭 s夕 fJ扌 r/re Ι 宫
fr/FEef冫 o砑
fε 夕 汕
ng△rs乃 e攵 0卩 JOd匕 /Fz’ eJ,巳 〃 a古 阴 刀 汔 ¨ 〃ε @幽e夕 扌 oJ,仂 fs s招 teme,,扌 P
D hard work
i6. I was horrified when the sales forGe greeted my great idea for an ad campaign with tota1 A indifference B interest C difference D deference
5years into a20-year period of change。 and less 1ike the past~
ng Answer the fo11oⅡ △ questions on the answer sheet。
Cs p° ints
for each answer)
1. What are the major linguistic characteristics of modern phase?