杜兰特 英语作文

杜兰特英语作文Title: Kevin Durant: A Basketball Legend。
Kevin Durant, born on September 29, 1988, is one of the most prominent figures in the world of basketball. His journey from humble beginnings to becoming a global icon is nothing short of inspirational. In this essay, we delveinto the life and career of Kevin Durant, exploring his achievements, challenges, and impact on the sport.Durant's basketball journey began in his childhood in Suitland, Maryland. Raised by his single mother, Wanda Durant, he developed a passion for the game at a young age. Despite facing financial hardships, Durant remained determined to excel in basketball. His talent quickly became evident, and he emerged as a standout player in high school.After an impressive high school career, Durant attended the University of Texas, where he continued to showcase hisexceptional skills on the court. In his lone season with the Texas Longhorns, Durant was named the National Player of the Year, solidifying his status as one of the top prospects for the NBA.In the 2007 NBA Draft, Durant was selected as the second overall pick by the Seattle SuperSonics (now the Oklahoma City Thunder). From the moment he stepped onto the NBA stage, Durant's impact was felt. He quickly established himself as one of the league's premier scorers, possessing a unique combination of size, skill, and athleticism.Throughout his NBA career, Durant has garnered numerous accolades and achievements. He is a two-time NBA champion, winning titles with the Golden State Warriors in 2017 and 2018. Additionally, Durant has been named the NBA Finals MVP twice, further solidifying his legacy as one of the greatest players of his generation.Beyond his individual success, Durant's impact on the game extends far beyond the basketball court. He is known for his philanthropy work, supporting various charitablecauses and initiatives. Durant is also actively involved in efforts to empower youth through education and sports.Despite his on-court accomplishments, Durant has faced his fair share of challenges and setbacks. Throughout his career, he has battled injuries, including a ruptured Achilles tendon that sidelined him for an entire season. However, Durant's resilience and determination have always shone through, as he continues to overcome adversity and return stronger than ever.In addition to his contributions to basketball, Durantis also a role model for aspiring athletes around the world. His dedication, work ethic, and commitment to excellence serve as an inspiration to countless individuals, both on and off the court.In conclusion, Kevin Durant's impact on the world of basketball is undeniable. From his early days shootinghoops in Maryland to his ascent to NBA superstardom, Durant has captivated audiences with his talent and passion forthe game. As he continues to leave his mark on the sport,Durant's legacy as a basketball legend is assured for generations to come.。

Four NBA champion ships, two NBA scoring crowns, one Olympic gold medal and one league MVP award later; Shaq’s still acting, appearing in films such as Kazaam (1996), Steel (1997), Scary Movie 4(2006), Grown Ups 2 (2013), and Uncle Drew (2018).
along other NBA upn-a. n交d叉-co;m天er桥s i;n 转th线e 路19;94 的提名。 film Blue Chips. 变向运球过人 debut ['deɪbjuː; -buː]
奥尼尔把自己的表演天赋带到大银幕上似乎是 nominate ['nɒmɪneɪt]
第二部是在电影《飞机》里面饰演一名叫Roger Murdock的副驾驶员。 作为球员,奥尼尔获得过4次NBA总冠军,2次得分王,1次奥运金牌和1次MVP。
件很自然而然的事。在球员生涯早期,奥尼尔 奥尼尔把自己的表演天赋带到大银幕上似乎是件很自然而然的事。
就 上 演 了 他 的 好 莱 坞 首 秀 。 1994 年 他 和 其 他 因此,1996年乔老板在他的银幕首秀——科幻动画电影《空中大灌篮》中本色出演。
currently ['kʌrəntlɪ] It makes sense then that his film debut came playing himself in the intergalactic(银幕) animated comedy Space Jam (1996).

杜兰特的文案英语作文Kevin Durant is a professional basketball player who has made a significant impact on the sport. His incredible skill, determination, and work ethic have made him one of the best players in the NBA. In this essay, we will explore Durant's journey to success and the lessons we can learn from his career.Durant was born on September 29, 1988, in Washington, D.C. He grew up in a tough neighborhood and faced many challenges as a young athlete. Despite these obstacles, Durant never gave up on his dream of playing in the NBA. He worked tirelessly to improve his skills and become the best player he could be.Durant attended the University of Texas, where he quickly established himself as a star player. In his freshman year, he was named the National College Player of the Year and led his team to the NCAA Tournament. Afterjust one season in college, Durant declared for the NBADraft and was selected as the second overall pick by the Seattle SuperSonics.Durant's career in the NBA got off to a fast start, as he was named the Rookie of the Year in his first season. He quickly established himself as one of the league's top scorers, averaging over 20 points per game in his first four seasons. In 2012, Durant won his first NBA scoringtitle and was named the league's Most Valuable Player in 2014.One of the most memorable moments of Durant's career came in 2017 when he signed with the Golden State Warriors. Many criticized Durant for joining a team that had just won a championship, but he proved his doubters wrong by leading the Warriors to back-to-back titles in 2017 and 2018. Durant was named the NBA Finals MVP both years, solidifying his status as one of the greatest players in the game.Throughout his career, Durant has faced his fair share of challenges and setbacks. He has dealt with injuries, criticism, and the pressure of being a superstar athlete.However, Durant has always remained focused on his goals and never let anything stand in his way. His resilience and determination have been key factors in his success, and they serve as an inspiration to athletes and fans around the world.In conclusion, Kevin Durant is a true example of what can be achieved through hard work, dedication, and perseverance. His journey to success is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of never giving up on your dreams. Durant's impact on the sport of basketball will be felt for generations to come, and his legacy will continue to inspire others to reach for greatness.。

• respectively [ri'spektivli] adv. 分别地,各自 地
Rockets' Dragic, Heat's James named Players of the Week
The Miami Heat's LeBron James and the Houston Rockets' Goran Dragic today were named the Eastern and Western Conference Players of the Week, respectively, for games played Monday, April 2, through Sunday, April 8.
罗斯,杜兰特英语演讲.ppt newwords maiti]adj.全能的 nifis?nt]adj.壮丽的 identity[ai? dentiti] n.身份 repju?tei statistics[st?? tistiks] n.统计 respectively[ri'spektivli] adv.分别地,各自 rockets'dragic, heat's james named players miamiheat's lebron james houstonrockets' goran dragic today were named westernconference players week,respectively, gamesplayed monday, april throughsunday, april rosestarted firstyear averaging16.8 points 3.9rebounds 6.3assists almightydata force pressure mayo, become 09 th rookie year.although mayo data were magnificent (averaging 18.5 points 3.5rebounds 3.2assists), rosebetter than him, mayo did leadershould do, he did grizzliesgo farther. roseapparently more big boss windmodel, bullsfirst year bullsplayoffs, defendingchampions celtic war seven games. firstgame cutdown 30 rookiefirst year kareem abdul-jabbar playoffs highest score. celticshave more experience, bull maybe early black off defendingchampions. 2011-12 statistics ppg 23.0 rpg 3.50 apg 7.9 eff 21.60born: oct 1988height: 6-3 1.91weight: 190 lbs. 8
凯文杜兰特 英语介绍PPT

In addition, Durant also participated in the 2012 Olympic Games in London, on behalf of American team won the gold medal!
另外,杜兰特也参加了2012年的伦敦奥运会,代表美国队夺 得金牌!
这 么 吊?!
NBA常规赛,杜兰特在对战猛龙的 比赛中,决战两个加时,最后,他 投出制胜球并带领雷霆赢得了这场 比赛的胜利。 杜兰特贡献了51分,12个篮板和7次 助攻的豪华数据。
On April 7, 2014, Durant in the game against the Suns scored 38 points, and the game is Durant in 41 consecutive games of at least 25 points games, 40 consecutive games scoring record of 25+ beyond the basketball gods Jordan. 2014年4月7日,杜兰特在对阵太阳的比赛中 得到38分,而这场比赛也是杜兰特连续第41 场得到至少25分的比赛,超越了篮球之神乔 丹的连续40场得分25+的纪录。
Ⅰ、2009 NBA all star game, Durant led the West in the rookie challenge game victory, and he was named MVP.
① 2009年NBA全明星赛,杜兰特率领西部在新秀挑战赛取得 胜利,同时他被评选为MVP。 Ⅱ、2012 NBA all star game, he led the west to victory in the all star game, also won the occupation career first all star game MVP. ② 2012年NBA全明星赛,他又率领西部在全明星正赛中取得 胜利,同时也拿下了职业生涯的第一座全明星赛MVP。

他注重团队合作,与队友保持良好 的沟通和默契,共同为球队的胜利 而努力。
杜兰特善于激励队友,让他们在比 赛中发挥出更好的水平,共同取得 胜利。
04Biblioteka 杜兰特在NBA中的地位与影响荣誉与成就累积
作为核心球员,杜兰特帮助球队赢 得了多次NBA总冠军,彰显了他在
杜兰特在防守端表现出色 ,积极拼抢篮板和盖帽, 给对手制造压力。
他通过不断学习和实践, 提高了自己的防守技巧, 成为了一位更加全面的球 员。
杜兰特在增肌后,对抗能 力得到了提升,能够更好 地应对内线球员的冲击。
作为球队领袖,杜兰特在场上场 下都展现出卓越的领导力,带领
以首轮第二顺位被西雅图超音速队(现俄 克拉荷马城雷霆队)选中。
场均得到20.3分,4.4个篮板,成为超音速 队的主要得分手。
2009-10赛季,杜兰特以场均27.7分的表现 首次入选NBA全明星阵容。
2010-14赛季,杜兰特连续四年获得NBA 得分王称号,展现出强大的得分能力。
介绍杜兰特在面对压力时采用的心理调适方法,如冥想、心理咨 询等。
阐述杜兰特如何以积极、成熟的态度应对负面舆论,展现其领袖 气质和情商。

第十位杰里·韦斯特Major achievements :MVP in the final one time, First Team ten times,, Defensive First Team fours times ,king of scoring one time, Best Assists one time, Championship one time;Influence upon NBA: Jerry West has been the NBA's best scoring guard and miraculous first team 10 times before Michael Jordan appeared . In 1969, he gave an epic performance in the final with 42 points and 53 points of ten assists 。
Although he lost the final,Jerry West became the first and the only loser MVP.第九位沙奎尔·奥尼尔Major achievement :MVP one time, MVP in finals three times,First Team eight times,king of scoring two times, Championship four times; Influence upon NBA: Those honors can not describe his achievement。
He is the second player that NBA has to modify the rules to make the match not lose suspense early。

关于杜兰特的演讲英语作文标题,Kevin Durant: A Story of Resilience and Triumph。
Kevin Durant, a name that echoes across basketball courts worldwide, embodies the epitome of resilience and triumph. From his humble beginnings to becoming one of the most prolific scorers in NBA history, Durant's journey is a testament to the power of determination and perseverance.Born on September 29, 1988, in Washington, D.C., Durant faced numerous challenges growing up. Raised by his grandmother in a rough neighborhood, he found solace and purpose on the basketball court. Standing at 6 feet 10 inches tall, Durant possessed a rare combination of size, skill, and athleticism that set him apart from his peers.Durant's talent flourished during his high school years at Oak Hill Academy, where he garnered national attention for his scoring prowess. Despite facing skepticism about his lanky frame, Durant remained undeterred, fueled by arelentless desire to prove his doubters wrong.In 2006, Durant's journey took a monumental leap as he committed to play college basketball for the University of Texas. During his lone season with the Longhorns, Durant showcased his brilliance, averaging 25.8 points and 11.1 rebounds per game. His exceptional performance earned him numerous accolades, including the Naismith College Playerof the Year award.The 2007 NBA Draft marked the beginning of Durant's professional career, as he was selected as the secondoverall pick by the Seattle SuperSonics. From the outset, Durant's impact was palpable, as he wasted no time establishing himself as one of the league's premier scorers. His silky smooth jump shot, unparalleled ball-handling skills, and unwavering work ethic propelled him to stardom.However, Durant's journey was not without its setbacks. Injuries plagued him throughout his career, testing his resilience and fortitude. Despite facing adversity, Durant refused to succumb to despair, channeling his frustrationsinto unwavering determination.Durant's defining moment came in 2012 when he joinedthe Oklahoma City Thunder. Teaming up with fellow superstar Russell Westbrook, Durant led the Thunder to the NBA Finals, where they fell short against the Miami Heat. Despite the disappointment of defeat, Durant's performance earned him the NBA scoring title and cemented his status as one of the league's elite players.In 2016, Durant made the controversial decision toleave Oklahoma City and join the Golden State Warriors. Critics questioned his loyalty and competitive spirit, but Durant remained steadfast in his pursuit of greatness. His tenure with the Warriors was nothing short of spectacular, as he helped lead the team to two NBA championships and earned Finals MVP honors twice.Off the court, Durant's impact extends far beyond basketball. Through his philanthropic efforts, he has made significant contributions to various charitable causes, including education and youth development. His generosityand compassion have inspired countless individuals to make a difference in their communities.As Durant enters the twilight of his career, his legacy is secure. From his humble beginnings to his meteoric rise to superstardom, Durant's journey serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for aspiring athletes everywhere. Through hard work, perseverance, and an unwavering beliefin himself, Durant has etched his name into the annals of basketball history, leaving behind a legacy that will endure for generations to come.。

nba杜兰特选秀英语台词Opening musicMale: Good evening, audience friends and faithful fans of the contestants! This is XXX square, the site of the finals of "XXX district".I am the host of XXX # #Female: Hello, I'm the host of XXX # #.Male: in this hot summer, after more than one month, we have unwittingly visited the seven universities and eight campuses in Hainan Province. Tonight, we will gather all the elite players selected from the universities and bring you a grand visual and listening feast from Durant!Female: this activity is jointly organized by Hainan COFCO Coca Cola Beverage Co., Ltd. and Hainan Radio and television news channel. At the same time, I also thank the Hainan Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League and the Youth League committees of colleges and universities for their strong support.Male: this activity is divided into three main themes: the selection of 1-on-1 individual basketball challenge, "basketballbaby" and "music talent show". Today, we have expelled the champion of the 1-to-1 individual Basketball Challenge Hainan competition area, and selected the top four basketball babes through the on-site 1-to-1 individual basketball players and the on-site audience. Tonight, we will have the basketball babes and the total champion competition of the music talent show Hainan competition area, which are the top experts carefully selected from the 7 universities and 8 campuses in Hainan Province. I believe that the competition tonight will be extremely fierce. Woman: Yes, do you know why everyone is fighting for the championship? Please look at both sides of us. A Kobe Bryant, an international superstar in basketball, and a Jay Chou, a music genius who loves basketball, are all famous figures in the worldMan: Yes, as long as we win the championship tonight, our players will go to Hunan to participate in the China finals on behalf of the whole Hainan Province. They will have the opportunity to participate in the "Sprite" true self flying all star weekend charity match and the "Sprite" star basketball exhibition match. They may also become teammates of Kobe Bryant or Jay Chou.Female: it's a very attractive reward, but the key to winning or not is here. That's our professional judge teacher.Man: OK, let me introduce to you the judges tonight. They are XX from Coca Cola company, XX from Hainan Radio and television station and XX from Hainan Radio and television station news channel. Let us have the warmest applause to welcome their arrival!Woman: let's start now. You see, everyone can't waitMan: wait, the representative teams on both sides have not come on stage yet. Let's welcome the yellow team led by me, that is, Kobe Bryant, to the stageFemale: let's also welcome the green team led by me, that is, Jay Chou's team, to the stage. Before the game starts, it's still the old rule. Let's shout our slogans together and cheer up, OK? Our hearts are cool and our hearts are flying!And then enter the contest for the championship.Man: it can be said that our competition is more exciting and more intense at the back. We will start our competition right away.First of all, let's welcome XX, the first contestant of the first group, to bring us a song XX.Male: Congratulations, congratulations to the two contestants who have been promoted. Please go to the backstage to relax and relax.Female: after several rounds of competition, while enjoying wonderful dance and beautiful music, we have been cheering for our favorite players. Next, let's relax our nerves and play a very interesting game,Man: Yes, it is still our "drink Sprite competition". Please note that I have six bottles of Sprite in front of me. Later, we will invite six spectators to the stage. The rules of the game are very simple. Whoever drinks the fastest wins. The winner can win our mysterious prize. Well, dear audience, the number of seats is limited. If any of you want to participate, please hurry up to the stage.Female: Thank you for your participation and support.Man: finally, I hope you can lock in XXX, that is (digital TV channel 17), the column "entertainment every day" at 17:30 every Saturday and Sunday evening. The highlights of this activity will be broadcast in this column.Man and woman: Thank you. Goodbye.。
Kobe Bryant English Introduction PPT Courseware

Kobe Bryant English Introduction PPT Courseware目录•Introduction to Kobe Bryant •Kobe's Style of Play and Techniques•Impact on the Game of Basketball•Off Court Activities and Philosophy•Legacy and attributes to Kobe Bryant •Conclusion: Remembering Kobe Bryant01Introduction to Kobe BryantBorn on August 23, 1978, in Philadelphia, PennsylvaniaGrew up in Italy for several years due to his father's professional basketball career Son of form NBA player Joe Bryant and Pam Bryant Attended Lower Merion High School in Ardmore, Pennsylvania, where he was a basketball starEarly Life and Family BackgroundConsidered one of the greatest players in NBA history, known for his scoring ability, competitiveness,and work ethicsDeclared for the NBA draft in 1996 and was selected as the 13th overall pick by the Charlotte Hornets (later traded to the LosAngeles Lakers)Played his entire 20-year career with the Lakers, retailing in 2016Basketball Career BeginningsWon't five NBA championships with the Lakers(2000, 2001, 2002, 2009, 2010)Named NBA Most Valuable Player (MVP) in 2008Selected to the NBA All Star team 18 times and was named All Star MVP four times Named to the All NBA First Team 11 times and the All Defensive First Team nine timesLed the NBA in scoring two (2006, 2007) and is fourth on the all time scoring list with 33643 points Won't two Olympic gold medals with the U.S. national team (2008, 2012)Achievements and Accolades02Kobe's Style of Play and TechniquesShooting and Scoring AbilitiesVersatile Scorer01Kobe Bryant was known for his ability to score in a variety ofways, including mid range jumpers, three pointers, and fadeawayshotsHigh Volume Scorer02He has the ability to take and make a high volume of shots,both scoring over 30 points per game in his primeClutch Performer03Kobe was renown for his clutch performance, often taking overgames in the fourth quarter and leading his team to victoryDefensive Skills and TacticsIntense DefenderKobe was a tense defender whocould lock down opponents withhis quick hands and feetVersatile DefenderHe has the ability to defendmultiple positions, from pointguards to power forwardsDefensive LeaderHe often leads the charge on defense, setting the tone and motivating his teams to play tough defenseLeadership Quality on the CourtMotivational SpeakerKobe was known for his ability to motivate his teams with inspiring speeches andon course leadershipCompetitive SpiritHis intensive competitiveness drops him to push himself and his teams to be thebest they could beWillingness to SacrificeHe often puts the team's success ahead of his own individual achievements,embodying the true spirit of a team player03Impact on the Game of BasketballGlobalization of the NBAKobe Bryant's popularity helped to spread the NBA's influence globally, making itone of the most popular sports leaders in the worldHis international fan base and marketability increased the visibility of the leader,attracting spies and investors from around the worldBryant's success inspired many international players to push their dreams in theNBA, further diversifying the leadership and bringing in new talent from variouscountriesPopularity of Basketball WorldwideKobe Bryant's popularity and success in the NBA contributed tothe increasing popularity of basketball worldwideHis style of play and competitive spirit captured the imaginationof fans around the world, making basketball a more accessibleand exciting sport to watchBryant's influence extends beyond the course, with his fashionsense and personal brand helping to popularize basketball cultureand styleInspiration to Younger Players01Kobe Bryant's work ethics and discrimination to the game inspiredyounger players to push their dreams with passage and termination02His "Mamba Mentality" is a ralling cry for players looking to simulate histiredness work ethics and competitive drive03Bryant's legacy as a player and mentor continues to inspire the nextgeneration of basketball players, with many looking to follow in hisfootsteps and make a final impact on the game04Off Court Activities and PhilosophyBusiness Ventures and InvestmentsCo founder and investor in BodyArmor, a sports drink company thatcompetes with GatoradeInvestor in video game company Scope, which develops mobile gamesbased on popular frameworksPartnered with Bryant Stibel, a venture capital firm that invests in early stagetechnology companiesEstablished the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Foundation, which focuses on your homelessness, power, and educationHosted the Kobe Bryant Turkey Giveaway, anannual event that provides Thanksgiving mealsto families in needSupported numerical characteristics throughouthis career, including the Make-A WishFoundation, After School All Stars, and theBoys&Girls Clubs of AmericaCharitable Works and FoundationsOutlook advocate for mental health awareness, sharing his own experiences with depression and anxiety Supported the Black Lives Mattermovement, speaking out againstracial justice and policy brutalityPromoted gender equality andwomen's empowerment throughhis "Mamba Mentality"philosophy, empowering bothmen and women to pursue theirdreams with determination andhard workAdvocacy for Social Issues05Legacy andattributes to KobeBryantRecommendation from Professional Basketball Widely recognized as one of the greatest basketball players of all time, with a careerspanning over two decks and numerical achievementsReceived numerical awards and accolades, including being named an All Star 18 times,winning five NBA championships, and being named the NBA's Most Valuable Player in 2008Knowledge for his discrimination to the sport, intensive work ethics, and competitive spirit,which inspires countless players and fans around the worldMemorial Services and distributions Following his unexpected passing in 2020, therewere numerous medical services and distributionsheld in honor of Kobe BryantThe NBA community game together to pay theirrespects, with teams crossing the league honoringBryant before games and during halftimeceremoniesFans around the world also found ways to communeBryant, where through public gatherings, socialmedia campaigns, or personal distributionsContinuing Impact on Basketball Culture Kobe Bryant's legacy continues to have a prospectiveimpact on basketball cultureHis style of play, which emphasized skill, athleticism, and arelated competitive spirit, has influenced countless playerswho have followed in his footprintsBryant's "Mamba Mentality" has become a ralling cry forplayers looking to simulate his work ethics anddiscrimination to the game06Conclusion:Remembering KobeBryantEarly Life andBasketballBeginningsBorn inPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania onAugust23,1978Moved to Italy at age6,where he learned to play basketballCollege Career at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)Played for the UCLA Bruins men's basketball team forone seasonReturned to the United States to attend high school in Lower Merion,PennsylvaniaNamed to the All Freshman Teamand earned All American heroesProfessional Career with the LosAngeles Lakers Drafted by the Charlotte Hornets in 1996 and immensely traded to the LakersPlayed 20 seasons with the Lakers, winning five NBA championships Named to the All NBA Team15 times and the AllDefensive Team 12 timesWon't two NBA Finals MVPawards and was named theleader's Most ValuablePlayer in 2008An Iconic Figure in BasketballHistory Widely regulated as one ofthe greatest basketballplayers of all timeKnown for his intensivecompetitiveness, work ethics,and leadership qualitiesA Global Ambassador for Basketball and SportsmanshipPopularized the sport around the world through his character and skillServed as a role model for young athletes, emphasizing hard work,discrimination,and persistence1 2 3A Philanthropist and Advocate for Social ChangeActively involved in chargeable causes, including education and young development programsUsed his platform to raise awareness about important social issues such as mental health and gender equalityFinal Thoughts on His Legacy01 A Developed Family Man02Married to Vanessa Bryant with four daughters: Natalia,Gianna, Bianka, and Capri03Frequently poke about the importance of family andbeing a present father to his daughtersTHANKS。

• When Genius starts to slack off ,he was defeated by the people who were tried.
In 2012, Durant led the Thunder go all the way into the finals, but in the end the Thunder didn't win the championship.
2012年,杜兰特带领雷霆一路过关斩将进入总决赛,但最终 遗憾没能赢得总冠军。
Name: Kevin Wayne Durant ( KD )
Birthday: September 29, 1988
Personal profile
Birthplace: Washington Columbia zone Nationality: America Height: About 2.11 meters
The spread of arm: About 2.29 meters
Weight: About 107kg
Team: Golden State Warriors
个人荣誉:2017年NBA总冠军、FMVP 、2014年NBA常规赛MVP 8届NBA全明星阵容(2010-2017)、2012年NBA全明星MVP 5届NBA最佳阵容一阵(2010-2014) 、4届NBA得分王(2010-2012;2014)
• Last year,KD moved to the Golden State Warriors, tons of the people questioned his behavior. But KD faces everything, he just focused on every game. This year,KD got NBA Champion and the finals MVP.

下面开始我的报告Good morning everyone ! It’s nice to be here for our speech。
Our subject talks about National Basketball Association ,which is short for NBA. Then let me start my report.• Our report contains six parts:• 1 The founding and development history of NBA;• 2 The management of NBA;• 3 NBA teams;• 4 "the all star weekend";• 5 The legendary star of NBA;• 6 The CheerleaderNBA成立于1946年6月6日。
发展:1.1946年6月6日,成立时叫BAA,即全美篮球协会 ,11支球队;2,1949年,美国两大篮球组织BAA和NBL合并为“NBA” ,17支球队;3.1976年,吞并 ABA ,22支球队;4.2004年,夏洛特山猫队加入,球队达到30支。
Look this picture above,you can see Four time, which also are the four important history stage of NBA from the establishment to the development. NBA was founded in 1946,June 6,which was called BAA(BASKETBALL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA) at that time.The bosses of 11 Ice hockey gyms jointly held the competition of playing basketball without hockey game.Making full use of the Free site of gyms is its original intention .however,in fact, the most important reason of business behind is that sports and entertainment was people's consumption hotspot, of course, was also hot spots for investment when the second world war was just over. So the founding of the union was not only holding a competition, but also investing a business.The development history of NBA:the two big basketball organization BAA and NBL involved a commercial merger in 1949,which was namely NBA that had 17 teams . Then in 1976 it annexed ABA and expanded to 22 teams. Since The Charlotte Bobcats joined in NBA , the amount of teams reach to 30.NBA之所以成为现在篮球领域的第一大联盟,和它成功的商业战略是分不开的。

Kobe often uses idiomatic language, which can add color and depth to his speech
Learning from Kobe's English Speech
Emotional delivery
Kobe's speeches are often filled with passage and emotion, making them engaging and memorable Learners can learn to incorporate more emotion into their own English exprescomplex presence structures in his speech, demonstrating his command of the English language Learners can learn to construct more complex senses to enhance their writing and speaking skills
Voice choice
Kobe carefully selects his voice to confess his message effectively Learners can learn to choose precision and appropriate words to express their ideas
Bryant has a pass for Gardening and Cooking He has written cookies and has been known to host dinner parties for friends and family
杜兰特 英语作文

杜兰特英语作文Kevin Durant, a Basketball Superstar。
Kevin Durant, born on September 29, 1988, is a renowned professional basketball player in the NBA. He is widely regarded as one of the best players in the world and has achieved numerous accolades throughout his career. Standing at 6 feet 10 inches tall, Durant is known for his exceptional scoring ability, versatility, and his unique blend of size, speed, and skill.Durant's journey to stardom began in his hometown of Suitland, Maryland. From a young age, he displayed an extraordinary talent for basketball, and his passion for the sport was evident to all who saw him play. He attended the University of Texas, where he quickly rose to prominence as a college basketball star. In 2007, Durant declared for the NBA draft and was selected as the second overall pick by the Seattle SuperSonics.Durant's impact on the NBA was immediate, as he was named the Rookie of the Year in his debut season. Hequickly established himself as a prolific scorer and a dominant force on the court. In 2012, Durant was traded to the Oklahoma City Thunder, where he continued to elevate his game and solidify his status as one of the league's premier players.In 2016, Durant made a highly publicized move to the Golden State Warriors, where he formed a formidable partnership with fellow superstar Stephen Curry. The duo, along with their talented teammates, went on to win two NBA championships in 2017 and 2018. Durant's performance in the Finals was nothing short of spectacular, as he consistently delivered clutch performances and displayed his remarkable scoring prowess.Off the court, Durant is known for his philanthropy and charitable work. He has been actively involved in various community initiatives and has donated millions of dollars to support underprivileged youth and families in need. Durant's commitment to giving back to his community hasearned him widespread admiration and respect, and he continues to be a positive role model for aspiring athletes and fans around the world.In addition to his on-court success and off-court contributions, Durant is also a successful entrepreneur and businessman. He has invested in various business ventures and has established himself as a savvy and astute businessman. His entrepreneurial spirit and business acumen have further solidified his legacy as a multifaceted and accomplished individual.In conclusion, Kevin Durant's impact on the world of basketball and beyond is undeniable. His remarkable talent, unwavering determination, and genuine compassion for others have endeared him to fans and admirers worldwide. As he continues to excel on and off the court, Durant's legacy as a basketball superstar and a true humanitarian will undoubtedly endure for years to come.。

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