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中文摘要(关键词) (1)

英文摘要(关键词) (1)

前言 (2)

1 近年中国文化贸易产业贸易现状及特点 (3)

1.1 中国文化贸易产业现状 (3)

1.2 中国文化产业贸易的发展特点 (4)

1.2.1是我国文化资源进入到大调整、大整合的时期 (4)

1.2.2我国进出口文化产业贸易结构进一步优化,贸易方式向多样化发展 (5)

2 中国文化产业贸易进出口不平衡,存在逆差 (5)

2.1 我国文化产业贸易自身存在缺陷,文化贸易体制与国际脱轨 (5)

2.2 我国文化贸易发展所面临的国际竞争压力 (5)

2.3 文化产业贸易的国际竞争日趋激烈,文化安全形势日益严峻,发展文化贸易的企业整体实力弱,观念滞后 (5)

3 提升我国文化产业贸易发展的对策 (6)

3.1 加强政府推动,转变政府职能,实现政府引导与市场机制的融合,从战略高度重视文化产业的发展 (6)

3.2 发展文化贸易企业必须引入现代企业制度,加速经营性文化的产业化进程,走集约型发展道路 (6)

3.3 建立行之有效的资金支持机制 (6)

结论 (7)

参考文献 (8)




Abstract: With the increasingly development of the world economy, the world economic landscape has changed. Cultural industry is the important symbol of comprehensive national strength, is the important guarantee of social and economic sustainable development, is the new growth point of national economy, is an important part of social economy in the future. Therefore, the development of cultural trade industry and is the inevitable requirement of modern economic and social sustainable development. Among them, the south Korean culture minister said that let the whole world awestruck by three words: "in the 19th century is the century of military conquering the world; the 20th century is the century of economic to conquer the world: the 21st century is the century of culture to create new world." In the future developing of the world, it's not, will not far from the line. At present, many of the cultural industry in our country own existence unreasonable industrial structure, technical content is high enough, foreign domestic development degree is small, the market access threshold is higher, the enterprise scale and the core competitiveness is not strong, lack of professional talents, traditional constraints such as a series of problems still have large, this is largely restricts the development of cultural trade in our country, the serious influence the improvement of China's cultural trade

international competitiveness, these problems remain to be further improved.

Keyword: The cultural industry trade The status quo countermeasures



