


hybridized s,p orbitals have a large dispersion, leading to increase mobility of photogenerated electrons in the conduction band
major developing history
well-known as the Honda-Fujishima effect
first discovery and basic principles
energy band theory
different energy levels correspond with different bands
special electronic structures—mixed-configuration metal oxides
2、migrate without recombination 3、inhibit the backward reaction
example: Pt-TiO2 at 1980 with NaOH loaded on the cocatalyst
K. Maeda / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews 12 (2011) 237–268
major developing history
special structures—perovskites
Aurivillius phases
Dion-Jacobson phases
Ruddleson-Popper phases
major developing history

Science 2015 光催化电解水 Metal-free efficient photocatalyst for stable visible water splitting

Science 2015 光催化电解水 Metal-free efficient photocatalyst for stable visible water splitting

ACKNOWLEDGMENTSSupported by U.S.Department of Energy award DE-EE0006709(solar cell)and Defense Threat Reduction Agency award HDTRA1-14-1-0030(radiation detector).J.H.conceived the idea and supervised the project;Q.D.grew thesingle crystals and fabricated the devices;Q.D.,Y.F.,and Y.S.P.M.,J.Q.,and L.C.measured the devices under gamma ray irradiation and did the simulation;and J.H.wrote the paper.SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS/content/347/6225/967/suppl/DC1Figs.S1to S11Tables S1and S2References (17–21)27December 2014;accepted 20January 2015Published online 29January 2015;water is a promising means of storing solar energy in a way that compensates for the intermittency of sunlight as a primary source of power (1,2).It can be realized by apply-ing a hybrid system in which a solar cell powers an electrolyzer [photovoltaic (PV)electrolysis].Pho-toelectrolysis (PE)uses photocatalyst electrodes with additional electrical power provided by a photovoltaic element.Photocatalysis (PC)involves light-irradiated catalysts (typically catalyst pow-ders suspended in water)for water splitting (3).Recently reported “solar-to-hydrogen ”(STH)ef-ficiencies for PV electrolysis systems exceed 10%(4–6).State-of-the-art PE systems yield STH values of 2to 3%(7)but are believed to provide a cheaper solution for H 2production.PC is the simplest water-splitting approach,more ame-nable to cheap,large-scale applications of H 2generation.Unfortunately,despite intense efforts during the past 40years (8–15),current direct photocatalysts for water splitting still face several challenging issues:(i)Currently reported cata-lysts suffer from low quantum efficiency (QE)in the visible range,with STH efficiencies less thanof rare and expensive materials;(iii)various pho-tocatalysts show poor stability [e.g.,inorganic sulfide and (oxy)nitride-based photocatalysts are less stable and more susceptible to oxida-tion than water];(iv)O 2release from semi-conductor catalysts is difficult,so that the use of sacrificial reagents is required;(v)the overall four-electron water oxidation to O 2encounters a large overpotential;and (vi)the kinetically com-peting two-electron reaction to H 2O 2often poisons the photocatalysts (19).Overall water splitting to H 2and O 2requires a high free energy of 113.38kcal/mol (20,21).The challenge lies mainly in the release of diatomic O 2,which involves four electron and four pro-ton transfers for the eventual formation of an O-O bond.The concerted four-electron process for oxygen evolution (1.23eV)is thermodyna-mically more favorable than the two-electron process for H 2O 2formation (1.78eV).However,detailed analysis (see supplementary text)shows that a higher reaction rate may be achieved in a system where water is first oxidized via a two-electron reaction to H 2O 2and H 2,followed by H 2O 2decomposition to O 2and H 2O.For this stepwise two-electron/two-electron water splitting to H 2and O 2to be viable and practical,the photo-catalyst applied should be capable of promoting generation as well as subsequent decomposition of H 2O 2with high efficiencies and low overpo-tentials,so as to allow considerable reduction in the energy cost for production of H 2and O 2overall water splitting.Here,we report that nanocomposites of carbon nanodots embedded a C 3N 4matrix perform as an excellent photo-fulfilling the above requirements.C 3N 4is commercially available (e.g.,from Carbo-and can be easily fabricated (e.g.,from urea)19).It is an Earth-abundant and low-cost photo-capable of generating H 2and H 2O 2from even in the absence of catalytic metals,with a low QE (19,22–26).C 3N 4belongs to oldest reported polymer materials prepared chemists (by Berzelius in ~1830)and first “Melon ”(27).In 2006it was determined the visible light activity of TiO 2after treat-with urea was due to “Melon ”(28).In 2009,and colleagues described in detail the properties,electronic structure,and photo-activity of C 3N 4(29).Following this work,groups attempted to optimize the catalytic of C 3N 4,motivated by its relatively low gap energy E g of 2.7eV,and high valence and conduction band positions (29)[1.8–0.9eV versus reversible hydrogen electrode Many heterojunction composites with semiconductors as well as photocatalyst were investigated.The latter included systems with a variety of oxides (30)and sulfides (31)along with pure metals (19)and even graphene (32)and carbon nanotubes (33).Different prep-aration methods were studied in an effort to increase the surface area of C 3N 4and to improve its catalytic activity.The QE values obtained using C 3N 4as a catalyst for water splitting to H 2and O 2have been low (maximum 3.75%at 420nm and less than 0.5%for 500nm),and generally the use of a sacrificial reagent has been necessary (19,24,26,30–32,34).The efficiency at 700nm can be largely increased by applying dye mol-ecules,but again a sacrificial reagent is a must (35).During water splitting C 3N 4suffers from poi-soning by the produced H 2O 2,which is difficult to remove from the C 3N 4surface (19).Different methods including stirring,bubbling,and/or ad-dition of chemical agents have been attempted for regeneration of the poisoned C 3N 4catalyst (19).Carbon nanodots (CDots;monodisperse graph-ite particles less than 10nm in diameter)exhibit unique photo-induced electron transfer,photo-luminescence,and electron reservoir properties (36).In particular,CDots possess high catalytic activity (by chemical catalysis;no light is needed)for H 2O 2decomposition (37).Given the photo-catalytic properties of CDots and C 3N 4,we hypoth-esized that a combination of CDots and C 3N 4could constitute a high-performance composite photocatalyst for water splitting via the stepwise two-electron/two-electron process:(i)2H 2O →H 2O 2+H 2;(ii)2H 2O 2→2H 2O +O 2.97027FEBRUARY 2015•VOL 347ISSUE SCIENCE1Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Carbon-based FunctionalMaterials and Devices,Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials (FUNSOM),Soochow University,Suzhou 215123,China.2Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Technion,Israel Institute of Technology,Haifa 3200003,Israel.*Corresponding authors.E-mail:zhkang@ (Z.K.);apannale@ (S.-T.L.);shayli@tx.technion.ac.il (Y.L.)RESEARCH |REPORTSo n F e b r u a r y 28, 2015w w w .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mCDots were synthesized by a typical electro-chemical method followed by hydrothermal treat-ment with ammonia (37).CDots-C 3N 4composites were then prepared by heating a mixture of ammonia-treated CDots and urea powder at 550°C for 3hours (see supplementary material).Characterization of the as-produced CDots-C 3N 4composites by transmission electron microscopy (TEM)showed highly porous grains (Fig.1A)consisting of CDots (2to 10nm in diameter)embedded in a porous C 3N 4matrix (Fig.1B).The CDots were non-uniformly distributed,with apparent regions of dots denser by one order of magnitude than the average concentration in the C 3N 4matrix.A high-resolution TEM (HRTEM)image of a CDot crys-tallite (Fig.1C)showed an interplanar spacing of 0.202nm,which corresponds to the 〈101〉spacing of graphitic carbon.The corresponding 2D fast Fourier transform (FFT)pattern (Fig.1D)exhibits the hexagonal crystalline structure of the CDots.Linewidth analysis of x-ray powder diffraction patterns (fig.S1)of the grains of the CDots-C 3N 4composite suggests that the C 3N 4matrix comprises nanocrystallites with an average diameter of ~4nm (29,38,39).The diameter of the grains of the CDots-C 3N 4composite deduced from atomic force microscopy (fig.S2)ranges between 90and 400nm (fig.S3).The incorporation of CDots into the C 3N 4matrix leads to an increase in the ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis)absorption over the entire wave-length range investigated (Fig.2A).The optical band gap of a semiconductor can be estimated from the Tauc plot [i.e.,the curve of converted (a h n )r versus h n from the UV-vis spectrum,in which a ,h ,and n are the absorption coefficient,Planck constant,and light frequency,respectively,and r =2for a direct band gap material and r =1/2for an indirect band gap material].Figure 2B shows a good linear fit when using r =2,in accord with previous work (25)claiming C 3N 4to be a direct band gap material (no good lin-ear fit is obtained for r =1/2).The E g value of CDots-C 3N 4(CDots concentration of 1.6×10−5g CDots /g catalyst )was thus determined to be 2.77eV by measuring the x -axis intercept of an extrapolated line from the linear regime of the curve (Fig.2B,red curve),which is almost identical to that of pure C 3N 4(Fig.2B,2.75eV,black curve)within experimental error.The Tauc plot curve (Fig.2B,red curve)of CDots-C 3N 4shows an apparent tail between 2.0and 2.7eV,which is helpful for improving the light absorb-ance and the photocatalytic efficiency.Aside from an appropriate band gap,the proper matching of conduction band and valence band levels of a photocatalyst with the redox potentials of the photocatalytic reactions is also important for water splitting.We used ultraviolet photo-electron spectroscopy (UPS)to determine the ionization potential [equivalent to the valence band energy (E v )]of CDots-C 3N 4,which was calculated to be 6.96eV by subtracting the width of the He I UPS spectra (Fig.2C)from the excitation energy (21.22eV).The con-duction band energy E c is thus estimated at 4.19eV from E v –E g .The E g ,E v ,and E c values ofSCIENCE 27FEBRUARY 2015•VOL 347ISSUE 6225971Fig.2.Characterization of the electronic structure of the composite catalyst.(A )UV-vis absorption spectra of C 3N 4(black curve)and CDots-C 3N 4(red curve)catalysts.Inset:Digital photograph of catalyst grains.The actual size of the digital photo is 4cm ×4.3cm.(B )(a h n )2versus h n curve of C 3N 4(black curve)and CDots-C 3N 4(red curve).The horizontal dashed black line marks the baseline;the other dashed lines are the tangents of the curves.The intersection value is the band gap.(C )UPS spectra of CDots-C 3N 4(black curve).The dashed red lines mark the baseline and the tangents of the curve.The intersections of the tangents with the baseline give the edges of the UPS spectra from which the UPS width is determined.(D )Band structure diagram for CDots-C 3N 4.In all panels,the CDots concentration in the CDots-C 3N 4sample analyzed was 1.6×10−5g CDots /g catalyst .VB,valence band;CB,conduction band.Fig.1.Characterization of the physical structure of the composite catalyst.(A )TEM image of a grain of the CDots-C 3N 4composite.(B )A magnified TEM image of the CDots-C 3N 4region of (A)marked in red.(C )HRTEM image of a single CDot embedded in C 3N 4.(D )Corresponding FFT pattern of the crys-tallite in (C),indicating hexagonal symmetry.In all panels,the CDots concentration of the sample was 1.6×10−5g CDots /g catalyst .RESEARCH |REPORTSCDots-C 3N 4in electron volts are converted to electro-chemical energy potentials in volts according to the reference standard for which 0V versus RHE (reversible hydrogen electrode)equals –4.44eV versus evac (vacuum level).Figure 2D further shows that the reduction level for H 2is posi-tioned below the conduction band of CDots-C 3N 4,and the oxidation level for H 2O to H 2O 2or O 2is above the valence band;these bands are properly positioned to permit transfer of electrons and holes,respectively,for water splitting,thus corroborating the potential of CDots-C 3N 4as a photocatalyst for overall water splitting.Additional characterization of the CDots-C 3N 4composites included Raman spectroscopy (fig.S4),Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR,fig.S5),energy-dispersive spectra (EDS,fig.S6),x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS,fig.S7),and x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES,fig.S8).Figure 3A shows the evolution of H 2and O 2from 150ml of water containing 0.08g of non-optimized CDots-C 3N 4composite under visible light irradiation.H 2and O 2were both quantified by gas chromatography (GC);a typical sample curve (GC signal)is shown in fig.S9.H 2and O 2evolution proceeded continuously in a molar ratio of H 2/O 2of 2.02,effectively identical to the the-oretical value of 2for overall water splitting,but ceased immediately when the light was turned off.The constant H 2evolution rate was ~8.4m mol/hour and that of O 2~4.1m mol/hour,and no other gases than H 2and O 2(e.g.,CO 2or N 2)were detected by GC.Control experiments showed that no O 2evolution was detected by gas chromatography when pure CDots,pure C 3N 4,or a macroscopic mixture of the two was used as photocatalyst over a 24-hour reaction period.This indicates (see supple-mentary material)that proximity between the CDots and the generation sites of H 2O 2(achieved in the composite CDots-C 3N 4structure)is nec-essary for the CDots to decompose H 2O 2and generate O 2.We further verified that the detected O 2was indeed generated by water splitting.When we used H 218O as reagent under the same water-splitting conditions described earlier,18O 2(mass 36)was the only product detected by GC-MS (gas chromatography –mass spectrometry).We next measured the QE of overall water splitting by CDots-C 3N 4as a function of the incident light wavelength l 0(Fig.3B).QE decreased with in-creasing wavelength,and the longest wavelength capable of inducing water-splitting coincided with the red absorption edge of the CDots-C 3N 4com-posite,suggesting the reaction proceeds via pho-toabsorption by the catalyst.We proceeded to optimize the catalyst composition by measuring QE for different concentrations of CDots in a fixed mass of composite (Fig.3C).With increasing CDots concentration,the QE increased to a max-imum value of 16%around 4.8×10−3g CDots /g catalyst ,after which it decreased upon addition of more CDots.Next,we optimized the amount of composite catalyst added to water at the op-timum CDots/C 3N 4ratio of 4.8×10−3g CDots /g catalyst (Fig.3D).We found that the QE increased to a maximum value of 16%as the catalyst wasadded,and then stayed the same upon further addition.We interpret the dependence of QE on CDots concentration to an enhancement of the decom-position rate of H 2O 2until the rate is sufficient to remove all the generated H 2O 2(by the photo-catalytic effect of C 3N 4).Afterward,further in-crease of the CDots concentration could enhance the light absorption by introducing subband states,thus raising the QE to a maximum,after which addition of more CDots seems to increase energy losses (light absorbed in CDots and not in C 3N 4,e –/h +recombination,lower catalytic ef-ficiency of C 3N 4due to CDots,etc.),thus decreas-ing the QE.On the other hand,the initial increase (Fig.3D)of the composite catalyst load (keeping the CDots concentration constant)increases the generation rate of H 2(more catalyst →more light absorbance)until reaching a maximum.Addi-tional increase of the composite CDots-C 3N 4load cannot further increase the light absorb-ance (all incident light is absorbed),so that theQE remains unchanged (Fig.3D).We believe that the large values of QE obtained by the CDots-C 3N 4composite relate to the highly porous struc-ture of the C 3N 4grains (resulting from the preparation method of the catalyst),which yields a large water-catalyst interface area [97m 2/g as measured by the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET)method].Our further studies systematically confirmed that water-splitting photocatalysis by CDots-C 3N 4indeed proceeds via the stepwise 2e –/2e –two-step process,in which H 2O oxidation to H 2O 2is the first and rate-limiting step,fol-lowed by the second and fast step of H 2O 2dispro-portionation to O 2,which is chemically catalyzed by CDots (detailed experiments and analysis are given in the supplementary material).The experiments above focused on catalytic properties at l =420nm;however,solar water splitting in the vicinity of the solar spectrum peak (l =550to 650nm)region is more relevant to efficient harvesting of solar energy.The QE of the standard CDots-C 3N 4catalyst (i.e.,CDots con-centration of 1.6×10−5g CDots /g catalyst ,catalyst load 0.53g/liter)at l =580nm was relatively low97227FEBRUARY 2015•VOL 347ISSUE 6225 SCIENCEFig.3.Photocatalytic water-splitting performance of the composite catalyst.(A )T ypical time course of H 2and O 2production from water under visible light irradiation (by a 300-W Xe lamp using a long-pass cutoff filter allowing l >420nm)catalyzed by CDots-C 3N 4(CDots concentration,1.6×10−5g CDots /g catalyst ).(B )Wavelength-dependent QE (red dots)of water splitting by CDots-C 3N 4(irradiated by a 300-W Xe lamp using a bandpass filter of l T 20nm for 420,460,500,540,and 630nm;a bandpass filter of l T 15nm for 580nm;a bandpass filter of l T 10nm for 600nm;a bandpass filter of l T 30nm for 650nm;and a long-pass cutoff filter for l >700nm).The UV-vis absorption spectrum (black)of the CDots-C 3N 4catalyst is superimposed for comparison.The data were derived using a nonoptimized CDots-C 3N 4catalyst (CDots concentration,1.6×10−5g CDots /g catalyst ).(C )QE for different concentrations of CDots (g CDots /g catalyst )in a fixed mass of composite catalyst.Experimental conditions:0.080g of catalyst,150ml of ultrapure water,300-W Xe lamp irradiation for 24hours with a 420T 20nm bandpass filter.The inset shows an enlarged curve of the low CDots concentration in the region marked in the figure.(D )QE for different catalyst loads with a constant CDots concentration of 4.8×10−3g CDots /g catalyst )in 150ml of ultrapure water.The experiments were carried out under the same light irradiation conditions as in (C).For (B),the horizontal bars indicate the width of the wavelength band of the filters used.For (C)and (D),the vertical error bars indicate the maximum and minimum values obtained;the dot represents the average value.RESEARCH |REPORTS(~0.3%).Upon optimization,we succeeded in pre-paring catalysts with a high QE =16%at l =420T 20nm by increasing the quantity of CDots in the C 3N 4.The higher CDots concentration and the associated larger total C fraction in the composite (Fig.4A)concurrently increased the absorbance in the solar spectrum peak region (black versus red curve in Fig.4B).This is most likely due to the effect of C addition leading to the formation of more subband states in the band gap.Figure 4C shows that the H 2generation rate at our standard conditions (80mg of catalyst in 150ml of water;300-W Xe light radiation with a long-pass cutoff filter allowing l >420nm)increased by a factor of 5.4for CDots-C 3N 4with a higher CDots concen-tration.The QE of the catalyst with the optimum amount of CDots (4.8×10−3g CDots /g catalyst )remark-ably increased (Fig.4D,black)relative to the QE of the catalyst with a CDots concentration of 1.6×10−5g CDots /g catalyst (Fig.4D,red).It reached 6.29%at l =580T 15nm (20times the QE for the 1.6×10−5g CDots /g catalyst catalyst)and 4.42%at l =600T 10nm.For irradiation wavelengths l >650nm,both cat-alyst systems showed zero QE (Fig.4D).The solar energy conversion was evaluated in the following studies by using an AM 1.5G (air mass 1.5global conditions)solar simula-tor asthe light source (see fig.S10for ~output spectral distribution)and CDots-C 3N 4(4.8×10−3g CDots /g catalyst )as the catalyst (80mg catalyst in 150ml of water).After 6hours of illumination,the total incident power over the irradiation area of 9cm 2was 0.63W,so that the total input energy was 1.36×104J.During the photocatalytic reaction,1150m mol of H 2was detected by GC,which indicated that the energy generated by water splitting is E F =274J.The STH value of CDots-C 3N 4with the higher concen-tration of CDots was determined to be 2.0%,which is at least one order of magnitude larger than pre-viously reported values (40,41).Indeed,the STH values were very low (0.3%for 1.6×10−5g CDots/g catalyst )for low CDots concentration and reached 2%only at the optimum CDots con-centration (fig.S11).An independent alternative STH calculation based on the CDots-C 3N 4(4.8×10−3g CDots /g catalyst )QE curve (Fig.4D,black curve)and the spectral irradiance of the AM 1.5G solar simulator (fig.S10)was also carried out,yielding a STH value of 1.78%,in good agreement (89%)with the direct solar simu-lator value of 2%(see supplementary material for detailed calculations).A recent work (40)claimed a STH efficiency of 5.1%for CoO nanoparticles,but the catalyst sys-tem was unstable and corroded after 1hour ofoperation.In striking contrast,the CDots-C 3N 4composite of 1.6×10−5g CDots /g catalyst exhibited long-term stability of at least 200days for a cat-alyst dried and reused 200times (Fig.3A),whereas the catalyst with the larger CDots concentration of 4.8×10−3g CDots /g catalyst has shown no obvious de-cay of QE after 501-day cycles of reuse (fig.S12).The stability of the CDots-C 3N 4catalyst system was further studied from several different vantage points:(i)the structural stability of the catalyst over time,(ii)the catalytic functionality (gener-ation rate of H 2and O 2)over time,(iii)the mass loss or gain after long-term operation,and (iv)the gases released during operation (to detect possi-ble degradation by-products).These factors were probed for two CDots concentrations (1.6×10−5and 4.8×10−3g CDots /g catalyst )and two catalyst loads (80mg/150ml and 10mg/150ml).All pho-tocatalytic water-splitting experiments conducted under different conditions for a variety of reac-tion times manifested the same H 2and O 2gen-eration rates and QEs,within experimental error (Fig.3A and figs.S12to S15).These different ex-periments included (i)45days of continuous operation (figs.S13and S14),(ii)200cycles of 24hours each (Fig.3A),(iii)50cycles of 24hours each (fig.S12),and (iv)15cycles of 24hours (fig.S15).Raman,FTIR,and XPS spectra (figs.S16to S18)of CDots-C 3N 4catalysts before and after 5024-hour cycled reactions show no obvious differ-ences,confirming the structural stability of the CDots-C 3N 4catalyst under water-splitting condi-tions.No CO 2or N 2gas could be detected in the reaction system by GC,which suggests that the CDots-C 3N 4catalyst is stable and did not decom-pose during the photocatalytic process.There was only negligible mass loss or gain in all the exper-iments in which the catalyst was weighed before and after use (tables S1and S2).A recent U.S.Department of Energy (DOE)–solicited technoeconomical analysis of H 2gener-ation by solar water splitting (3)suggested that PC systems with STH =5%(not far away from the 2%efficiency reported above)would allow a H 2production cost of $2.30/kg,which meets the DOE target of $2to $4/kg H 2.The cheapest PE configuration with STH =10%,in compar-ison,allows a H 2production cost of $5.60/kg H 2,more than twice the cost of the PC system (although the efficiency of the PE system is twice the efficiency of the PC system).The present PC catalyst thus offers a simpler and cheaper approach to extract H 2from water in large scale.The main disadvantage of PC systems is the generation of a potentially explosive gas mixture of oxygen and hydrogen,which requires sep-aration to ensure safety.Modern industrial tech-nology offers a variety of mature methods for realization of large-scale hydrogen separation and extraction from other gases (nitrogen,argon,oxygen).This point is considered and is part of the above H 2production cost evaluation of the DOE-solicited work.The separation systems eval-uated (3)include pressure swing adsorption (PSA),temperature swing adsorption (TSA),palla-dium membrane separation,nanoporous mem-brane separation,and electrochemical pumps (42).SCIENCE 27FEBRUARY 2015•VOL 347ISSUE 6225973Fig.4.Catalyst optimization for longer-wavelength absorption.(A )Ratio of nitrogen to carbon (N:C)for different concentrations of CDots (g CDots /g catalyst )in the composite catalyst from the average value of the EDS test.(B )Wavelength-dependent absorbance and derived T auc plots of two different concentrations of CDots in the CDots-C 3N 4composite (red:1.6×10−5g CDots /g catalyst ;black:4.8×10−3g CDots /g catalyst ).(C )H 2generation rate from composites with two different concentrations of CDots (300-W Xe lamp,l >420nm),showing considerable rate increase for higher CDots concentration.(D )Wavelength-dependent QE of water splitting by catalysts with two different concentrations of CDots applying several bandpass filters (for l <680nm).A long-pass cutoff filter was used to attain l >700nm light from a 300-W Xe lamp.For (A)and (C),the vertical error bars indicate the maximum and minimum values obtained;the dot represents the average value.For (D),the horizontal bars indicate the width of the wavelength band of the filters used.RESEARCH |REPORTSThe active wavelength region of CDots-C 3N 4,l <620nm,would allow a theoretical STH efficiency of ~15%for sunlight (AM 1.5G),which thus leaves substantial room for technical optimization.Our catalyst is also mildly active for the overall sea-water photocatalytic ing CDots-C 3N 4(4.8×10−3g CDots /g catalyst )in seawater,we obtained QE (420nm)of 3.86%and STH =0.45%(fig.S19).This is a preliminary result,and future studies should probe the reason for the reduction of water-splitting efficiency of sea water versus pure water [QE (420nm)=16%,STH =2%].We have shown that CDots-C 3N 4composites can be made of low-cost,environmentally benign materials and can split water into H 2and O 2with QEs of 16%for l =420T 20nm and 6.3%for l =580T 15nm.The 2.0%STH efficiency obtained is at least one order of magnitude larger than that previously reported for any stable water-splitting photocatalysts (41).It is close to 5%STH,which allows achievement of the DOE price target for H 2generation.In contrast to the conventional one-step four-electron reaction,CDots-C 3N 4cat-alyzes water splitting to hydrogen and oxygen via the stepwise two-electron/two-electron two-step pathway under visible light irradiation.C 3N 4is re-sponsible for the first step (photocatalysis),and CDots are responsible for the second step (chem-ical catalysis).CDots also increase the light absorb-ance and thus the values of QE and STH.The composite nature of the catalyst provides suffi-cient proximity between the H 2O 2generation sites on the C 3N 4surface and the Cdots so that H 2O 2decomposition and O 2generation in the second stage become efficient.Moreover,CDots-C 3N 4maintains a high rate of hydrogen and oxygen production (for l >420nm)with robust stability in 200runs of recycling use over 200days.The results demonstrate CDots-C 3N 4as a highly ef-ficient and stable photocatalyst for visible light –driven water splitting.REFERENCES AND NOTES1. 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主要问题Βιβλιοθήκη 能量转化效 率低可见光利用 率低
易发生逆反 应
催化剂易发 生光腐蚀
离子 掺杂 掺杂过渡金属离子,使晶体结构发生畸变,产生离子缺陷,成为载流 子的捕获阱,延长其寿命,提高了光生电子-空穴对的分离效果,同 时,过渡金属离子在半导体光催化剂能带中形成杂质能级,缩小了带 隙宽度,从而增大响应波长,使其在可见光区发生激发
良好的化学稳定性,抗磨损性, 低成本和无毒 晶粒尺寸大,比表面积小以及 低分散性等缺点,仅能吸收占 太阳光总能3%~5%的紫外线
这类催化剂表现出较强的可见 光吸收,氧化还原可逆,氧化 态稳定性高,是性能优越的光 敏化染料
金属氧化物、硫化物和氮氧化物 廉价易得,效率高,对可 见光有良好吸收和响应
燃料 光敏 化
在可见光下,光活性物质吸附于光催化剂表面有较大的激发因子, 利用这个特性,只要活性物质激发态电势比半导体导带电势更负, 就有可能将光生电子输送到半导体材料的导带上,从而扩大激发波 长范围,增加光催化反应的效率
外场 耦合
通过热场、电场、微波场、超声波场等外场与光场的耦合效应,可 以提高光催化剂的活性。热场通过提高反应体系温度增大反应速率
cloud-based architecture for applications and network functions, the underlying network connectivity
表面螯 合及衍 生作用




5g/L,亚甲基蓝洛液pH 值为9.0、初始浓度为20mg/L,反应60rain后,其降解效果最佳。

%y3+doping titanium dioxide as photocatalyst, methylene blue as simulated printing and dyeing wastewater for photocatalytic degradation experiment, surveying the influence of catalyst dosage, initial pH value, initial concentration, reaction time factors on the degradation reaction, the results show that when the amount of catalyst is 1.5 g/L, pH value is 9.0, the initial concentration is 20 mg/L, react for 60 min, the degradation effect is best.【期刊名称】《上海化工》【年(卷),期】2012(037)003【总页数】3页(P1-3)【关键词】二氧化钛光催化降解亚甲基蓝【作者】王建;陈芳【作者单位】湖北师范学院文理学院湖北黄石435003;湖北师范学院化学与环境工程学院湖北黄石435002【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ134.11印染行业是最大的水资源消耗产业之一,据不完全统计,每年大约有 6亿~7亿t 印染废水排入环境中,主要来源于染料及染料中间体生产行业。








反应机理:当纳米级二氧化钛超微粒子接受波长为388 nm以下的紫外线照射时,其内部由于吸收光能而激发产生电子·空穴对,即光生载流子,然后迅速迁移到其表面并激活被吸附的氧和水分,产生活性自由氢氧基(·OH)和活性氧(·O ),当污染物以及细菌吸附其表面时,就会发生链式降解反应。


–抗菌防霉对大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、铜绿假单胞菌、肺炎克雷伯氏菌等细菌具有极强的杀伤力,光触媒的杀菌能力高达99.99 %,并能有效地抑制肠病毒、流行性感冒、滤过性病毒等病原的传播。





金属负 载
光照产生的电子和空穴分别定域在贵金属和半导体光催化剂 上并发生分离,抑制了电子和空穴的再复合,从而大大提高 了光催化剂的活性和选择性。
复合半 导体
表面螯 合及衍 生作用
复合具有Co不re同In能fo带结构的半导体,利用窄带隙的半导体敏化 宽T带o fu隙lly r的eali半ze th导e p体oten,tial可of a以提高宽带隙半导体的催化活性
良好的化学稳定性,抗磨损性, 低成本和无毒 晶粒尺寸大,比表面积小以及 低分散性等缺点,仅能吸收占 太阳光总能3%~5%的紫外线
这类催化剂表现出较强的可见 光吸收,氧化还原可逆,氧化 态稳定性高,是性能优越的光 敏化染料

The Mechanism of Photocatalytic Water Splitting

The Mechanism of Photocatalytic Water Splitting

The Mechanism of Photocatalytic WaterSplitting随着环保意识和可持续发展理念的深入人心,能源与环境问题日益成为全球关注的焦点。









二、机理1. 光电化学反应在光照射下,光催化材料的电子受光的能量激发跃迁至导带,形成自由电子和空穴。

如图1所示,半导体TiO2的导带最高点(conduction band,CB)和价带最低点(valence band,VB)之间存在带隙,激光照射可以提供足够的光能使价带上的电子跃迁至导带上,形成自由电子;同时,价带上的空穴也会被光子激发至价带上,形成空穴。


图1. TiO2的带结构示意图2. 内部传输在自由电子和空穴被激发后,它们在材料内部发生传输,直至到达材料的表面。


3. 表面化学反应自由电子和空穴到达材料表面后,它们会发生表面化学反应。



光解水制氢 无机半导体

光解水制氢 无机半导体

光解水制氢无机半导体英文回答:Water splitting for hydrogen production using inorganic semiconductors is a promising approach for sustainable energy generation. This process, known as photocatalytic water splitting, involves the use of light energy to drive the chemical reaction that separates water into hydrogenand oxygen. Inorganic semiconductors, such as metal oxidesor sulfides, are used as photocatalysts to facilitate this reaction.One example of an inorganic semiconductor used for photocatalytic water splitting is titanium dioxide (TiO2). TiO2 is a widely studied material due to its excellent stability, low cost, and high efficiency in convertingsolar energy into chemical energy. When TiO2 is exposed to light, it absorbs photons and generates electron-hole pairs. The excited electrons and holes can then participate in redox reactions with water molecules, producing hydrogenand oxygen.Another example is bismuth vanadate (BiVO4), which has attracted significant attention as a potential photocatalyst for water splitting. BiVO4 has a suitable bandgap that allows it to absorb visible light, making it more efficient in utilizing solar energy compared to TiO2. By harnessing the power of sunlight, BiVO4 can generate electron-hole pairs and facilitate the water splitting reaction.In addition to these inorganic semiconductors, there are also efforts to develop hybrid materials that combine the advantages of different components. For example, combining a metal oxide semiconductor with a molecular catalyst can enhance the efficiency and selectivity of the water splitting process. These hybrid materials can provide better charge separation and facilitate the transfer of electrons and holes to the catalytic sites.While photocatalytic water splitting using inorganic semiconductors holds great potential, there are stillchallenges that need to be addressed. One challenge is improving the overall efficiency of the process. Researchers are exploring various strategies, such asdoping the semiconductors with different elements or modifying their surface structures, to enhance their photocatalytic activity. Another challenge is the stability of the photocatalysts, as they can degrade over time due to exposure to harsh reaction conditions. Developing stableand durable materials is crucial for the practical application of photocatalytic water splitting.中文回答:光解水制氢是使用无机半导体制备可持续能源的一种有前景的方法。

Photocatalysis. A multi-faceted concept for green chemistry中文PPT

Photocatalysis. A multi-faceted concept for green chemistry中文PPT
①二氧化钛 催化剂具有 很强氧化性 能,甚至能 够氧化碳氢化合物。因此,只要 存在氟化剂AgF,便可在室温下 利用TiO2,将苄基中的C-H键替 换为C-F键。该方法所使用的试 剂安全可靠,杜绝了氟或其它高活性衍生物的使用 。
②CdS光催化作用下,起始物质L-赖 氨酸(5)经过大量的外消旋作用,以及 一个脱氨基-N-环化过程,以较低产率 生成哌啶-2-羧酸(6)。但是,让催化剂 CdS结合少量(<0.3wt%)Pt或PtO2, 则转换率可提高约2.5倍。
1、光致氧化反应 2、深入氧化生成 C-X和C-N键 3、光致还原作用 4、C-C键的形成
光致氧化反应: 基于光催化技术,用O2取代有害金属氧化剂,以提高经济效益和环境效益。
①TiO2(锐钛矿)是氧化1-苯基乙醇的有效催化剂,先将 1-苯基乙醇置于干燥乙腈中,然后缓慢通入氧气流对其 进行氧化(示意图右,下)。 ②使用了二氧化硅包被的H3PW12O40,作为可循环利用 的多相光催化剂,进行相关实验(右图,上) 。
C) 通过制备固溶体控制导/价带结构。 所形成的新的导/价带电位,必须符合 H2O的氧化/还原电位,并且催化剂必 须有良好的催化性能。 举例:可见光下,用Y2WO6和Bi2WO6 间的固溶体BiYWO6(BYW)充当光催化 剂,可彻底地分解水。其中Bi(6s)和 Y(4d)轨道分别提供了新的VB和CB,带 隙为2.71eV
总实验研究到商业开发 的过程。纵观近期的文献,得知从2000年开始,每年会有 多于1300项(1990年前只有十分之一)关于光催化的国际 性专利发表。重点关注了基于TiO2的污染控制研究。 前面所陈述的各类反应,都基于反应过程中生成的高活性物 质C* ,用于水解制氢、化学合成、污染去除。



什么是光触媒光触媒[Photocatalyst]是光 [Photo=Light] + 触媒(催化剂)[catalyst]的合成词。


光触媒在光的照射下会产生类似光合作用的光催化反应(氧化坊乖 从?,产生出氧化能力极强的自由氢氧基和活性氧,这些产物可杀灭细菌和分解有机污染物。


















Polymeric Photocatalysts Based on Graphitic Carbon Nitride Semiconductor-based photocatalysis is considered to be an attractive way for solving the worldwide energy shortage and environmental pollution issues. Since the pioneering work in 2009 on graphitic carbon nitride (g-C 3 N 4 ) for visible-light photocatalytic water splitting, g-C 3 N 4 -based photocatalysis has become a very hot research topic. This review summarizes the recent progress regarding the design and preparation of g-C 3 N 4 -based photocatalysts, including the fabrication and nanostructure design of pristine g-C 3 N 4 , bandgap engineering through atomic-level doping and molecular-level modifi cation, and the preparation of g-C 3 N 4 -based semiconductor composites. Also, the photocatalytic applications of g-C 3 N 4 -based photocatalysts in the fi elds of water splitting, CO 2 reduction, pollutant degradation, organic syntheses, and bacterial disinfection are reviewed, with emphasis on photocatalysis promoted by carbon materials, non-noble-metal cocatalysts, andZ-scheme heterojunctions. Finally, the concluding remarks are presented and some perspectives regarding the future development of g-C 3 N 4 -based photocatalysts are highlighted.以石墨相氮化碳为基础的聚合物光催化剂1.引言日益严重的能源短缺和环境危机问题正成为人类社会长期发展的严重威胁。

Water splitting by photocatalytic materials

Water splitting by photocatalytic materials

Water splitting by photocatalyticmaterials随着人们对可再生能源的需求日益增长,光催化材料逐渐成为人们关注的焦点。















这个过程如下所示:2H2O + hv → 2H2 + O2其中,hv代表注入光催化材料的光能。














关键词:光催化;水分解;催化剂Process of Photocatalytic Decomposition of WaterAbstract: Photocatalytic decomposition of water is a way to solve the energy crisis which owns a bright future. This article mainly introduce the photocatalytic decomposition of water from the aspect of theory of photocatalytic, catalyst of the photocatalytic and catalysts preparation. And analysis of the challenge and the prospection of the future development also have been done. Key words: photocatalytic; decomposition of water; catalysts引言随着社会的发展,人类对能源的需求越来越高,能源问题将是人类未来必须面对的难题。




半导体 SiC 光催化分解水制氢研究进展

半导体 SiC 光催化分解水制氢研究进展

半导体 SiC 光催化分解水制氢研究进展杨静静;何勇平;彭媛【摘要】简单介绍了半导体光催化分解水制氢的原理,综述了改变SiC的尺寸形貌、负载石墨烯、负载贵金属、半导体复合等方法对SiC的光催化产氢性能的影响,重点讨论了复合半导体的光催化产氢机理及SiC与其他半导体复合的研究进展,并提出前景展望。

%The basic mechanism of photocatalytic water-splitting to hydrogen over semiconductor photocatalyst was introduced.The methods to enhance hydrogen production were reviewed, including changing its morphology, loading graphene, loading noble metal, combining with semiconductors, and their effects on hydrogen production were discussed.The hydrogen-producing mechanism of compound semiconductor materials and the related research progress were focused on.The foreground was also prospected.【期刊名称】《广州化工》【年(卷),期】2015(000)007【总页数】3页(P34-36)【关键词】碳化硅SiC;光催化;氢气【作者】杨静静;何勇平;彭媛【作者单位】重庆化工职业学院环境与质量检测系,重庆 400020;中国航油集团重庆石油有限公司,重庆 401120;北京科技大学化学与生物工程学院化学系,北京 100083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TQ426.7能源危机和环境污染是人类社会目前所面临的两大严峻问题,利用太阳能制氢是解决能源和环境问题的最有效途径之一。

光催化水氧化机理 水亲核进攻机理和自由基耦合机理

光催化水氧化机理 水亲核进攻机理和自由基耦合机理


Photocatalytic water oxidation is a chemical reactionthat uses light energy to split water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen.2.水亲核进攻机理是指水分子中的氧原子发生亲核进攻,将光生产的活性中心氧化成氧气。

The water nucleophilic attack mechanism refers to the oxygen atom in water molecules undergoes nucleophilic attack, oxidizing the active center produced by light into oxygen.3.在水亲核进攻机理中,水分子的氧原子与活性中心发生短暂的共价结合,形成氧合物中间体。

In the water nucleophilic attack mechanism, the oxygen atom of water molecules temporarily forms a covalent bondwith the active center, forming an oxo complex intermediate.4.这个氧合物中间体随后分解,释放出氧气并再生活性中心,为光催化水氧化反应提供了动力。

The oxo complex intermediate then decomposes, releasing oxygen and regenerating the active center, providing the driving force for the photocatalytic water oxidation reaction.5.另一种光催化水氧化的机理是自由基耦合,包括单电子转移和氧释放。




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关键词:光解水、半导体水氧化催化剂、半导体改性、研究进展、综述The Development of Solar energy photolysis aquatic O2 semiconductor catalystShenghang SHI(5120141979)(Applied chemistry1402 School of materials science and engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology, Mianyang 621000)Abstract: Solar energy is currently restricted to aquatic O2 low efficiency water solution as the main reason for the new energy use of the semiconductor photocatalyst because of its simplicity and stability has become a hot research topic, so the semiconductor water oxidation catalyst has good prospects, In this paper, the effects of different modification methods on the O2 efficiency of photo degradation of aquatic products were reviewed, and the development trend of semiconductor water oxidation catalysts was also discussed.Keywords:the photolysis of water; semiconductor water oxidation catalysts; emiconductor modification; research progress; review前言随着科技的不断发展,化石能源的消耗日益增大,全球正面临着严重的能源危机,为了解决能源问题开发清洁高效的可持续能源势在必行。



太阳能光解水制氢催化剂研究进展张建斌;查飞;左国防;唐慧安【期刊名称】《广东化工》【年(卷),期】2011(038)010【摘要】Hydrogen production from water decomposition on photocatalysts with solar energy is an efficient way to transform solar energy to hydrogen energy.Photocatalysts developed in recent years for water decomposition are metal complexes,metal oxide,inorganicla layered compounds,Z-type photocatalytic hydrogen production reaction system,photocatalytic biological reaction system.The following method can improve photocatalytic activities effectively: metal loading,ion doping,composite semiconductor,dye sensitization,electron trapers,surface chelation and derivatives and external field coupling.To discovery new photocatalysts with peculiar construction and without precious metal loading and to recycle sacrificial agent will be the future direction of development.%利用太阳能制氢是将太阳能转换成氢能的有效方式。

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major developing history
metal-free photocatalysts
electron transitions from the valence band populated by N2p orbitals to the conduction band formed by C2p orbitals
This high activity appears to be due to the thin walls of the mesopores, which provide a short distance for the excited electrons and holes to travel to the surface, reducing the probability of electron– hole recombination.
the biggest problem is the back electron transfer
major developing history
development of visible light utilization—Spectralsensitization
slow electron transfer from the nanoparticulate IrO2 catalyst to the oxidized dye which does not compete effectively with back electron transfer from the conduction band of TiO2 to the dye
major developing history
development of visible light utilization
provides a discreet energy level
totally new band
major developing history
development of visible light utilization-valence band control
major developing history
Water splitting through two-step photoexcitation (Z-scheme)
controlling the selectivity for the forward reactions on each photocatalyst
major developing history
special structures—the well-known lamellar particle
major developing history
special structures—perovskites
Cubic Perovskites
Double Perovskites
probably from its unique electronic properties
major developing history
special structures:Ruddlesden–Popper type layered perovskites of A2La2Ti3O10
a series of layered perovskites have AQYs higher than 20% under UV irradiation
[32] T.Takata,K.Shinohara,A.Tanaka,M.Hara,J.N.Kondo,K.Domen,J.Photochem. Photobiol. A: Chem. 10
major developing history
special structures—perovskites: tunnel structured BaTi4O9 and Na2Ti6O9
major developing history
Water splitting through two-step photoexcitation (Z-scheme)
Strategy to improve the photocatalytic activity
Ways to improve photocatalytic activity
Photo-catalysts for water splitting
赵宇 黄子健 王宏宇 2016年11月23日
first discovery and basic principles
First discovered at 1972
initiated by the demonstration of photo-electrochemical (PEC)
A Tradeoff
A small size
increases the density of surface catalytic sites
increase the probability of recombination between photogenerated electrons and holes,
pentagonal prism tunnel
built-in polarization field
[26] Y. Inoue, T. Niiyama, Y. Asai, K. Sato, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. (1992
major developing history
first discovery and basic principles
test reactions for overall water splitting
first discovery and basic principles
generally to be particles
specific needs that must be met
1、the band gap restriction 2、migrate without recombination 3、inhibit the backward reaction
example: Pt-TiO2 at 1980 with NaOH loaded on the cocatalyst
K. Maeda / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews 12 (2
special electronic structures—d10-Type metal oxides MGa2 O4
the poor symmetry of octahedral and tetrahedral coordination tends to lead to the formation of isolated orbitals
local internal fields due to the dipole moment inside the distorted units
major developing history
special electronic structures—d10-Type metal oxides Ga2 O3
full-occupied half-occupied unoccupied band gap CB VB
first discovery and basic principles
semi-ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้onductors are very useful in this area
K. Maeda / Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology C: Photochemistry Reviews 12 (2
Improving the physicochemical properties of the photocatalyst
Refining cocatalysts
Controlling the reaction conditions
Strategy to improve the photocatalytic activity
major developing history
development of visible light utilization—Spectralsensitization
organic dyes or inorganic narrow-gap semiconductors
energy gap sufficiently small to harvest visible photons excited-state potential that is more negative
special electronic structures—mixed-configuration metal oxides
hybridization of the atomic orbitals of the two metal ions show effect on the density of states and energy dispersion in the conduction bands increase the mobility of photoexcited electrons and holes
well-known as the Honda-Fujishima effect
first discovery and basic principles
energy band theory
different energy levels correspond with different bands