
二、整流器设置1. 功能介绍高效率:转换效率高达98%;宽电压范围:适应不同电网电压;智能保护:具备过压、欠压、过流等保护功能。
2. 参数设置(1)电网电压设定:根据实际电网电压,调整参数P0080的值;(2)电网频率设定:根据实际电网频率,调整参数P0081的值;(3)整流器额定功率设定:根据整流器额定功率,调整参数P0082的值;(4)整流器过压保护设定:根据需求,调整参数P0083的值。
三、逆变器设置1. 功能介绍高性能:采用先进的矢量控制技术;精度高:输出电压精度高达1%;扩展性强:支持多种通信协议和现场总线。
2. 参数设置(1)电机额定功率设定:根据电机额定功率,调整参数P0300的值;(2)电机额定电压设定:根据电机额定电压,调整参数P0304的值;(3)电机额定电流设定:根据电机额定电流,调整参数P0305的值;(4)电机额定频率设定:根据电机额定频率,调整参数P0306的值。
四、设备调试与维护1. 设备调试在完成整流器和逆变器参数设置后,进行设备调试。
2. 设备维护清理设备表面灰尘;检查接线端子是否紧固;检查散热风扇是否正常;检查整流器和逆变器模块是否有异常。
五、故障排除与安全操作1. 故障排除(1)故障现象:变频器无法启动。
NCP5181 36 W镇流器评估板用户手册说明书

NCP5181BAL36WEVB NCP5181 36 W Ballast Evaluation Board User's ManualDescriptionThis document describes how the NCP5181 driver can be implemented in a ballast application. The scope of this evaluation board user’s manual is to highlight the NCP5181driver and not to explain or detail how to build an electronic ballast.The NCP5181 is a high voltage power MOSFET driver providing two outputs for direct drive of two N-channel power MOSFETs arranged in a half-bridge (or any other high-side + low-side topology) configuration.It uses the bootstrap technique to ensure a proper drive of the high-side power switch. The driver works with two independent inputs to accommodate with any topology (including half-bridge, asymmetrical half-bridge, active clamp and full-bridge).Evaluation Board Specification•Input Range: 85−145Vac OR 184−265Vac •Ballast Output Power: 36W (type PL −L 36W)•Pre-heating Current: 295mA •Pre-heating Time: 1second •Nominal Current: 414mADetailed OperationThe lamp ballast is powered via a half bridge configuration. The two power MOSFETs are driven with the NCP5181 driver. The driver is supplied by the V CC rail, and the high side driver is supplied by the bootstrap diode: when the low side power MOSFET (Q2) is switched ON, the BRIDGE pin is pulled down to the ground, thus the capacitor connected between the BRIDGE pin and VBOOT pin is refuelled via the diode D3 and the resistor R5 connected to V CC . When Q2 is switched OFF, the bootstrap capacitor C6supplies the high side driver with a voltage equal to V CC level minus D3 forward voltage diode. Given the NCP5181architecture, it is up to the designer to generate the right input signal polarity. This includes a dead time to avoid a short circuit between the high and low side power MOSFET.The 555 timer generates only one signal for the driver, the second one, in opposite phase is built by inserting an NPN transistor (Q4) for inverting the signal. Afterwards, the dead time is built with R2, D2 and C13 (typically 260ns, see Figure 2).Figure 1. NCP5181 Evaluation BoardWARNING:BEFORE PLUGGING IN THE EVALUATION BOARD, MAKE SURE THE JUMPER IS IN THE CORRECT POSITION: IF J2IS USED, THEN Vin MUST BE LOWER THAN 145Vac.EVAL BOARD USER’S MANUALNCP5181BAL36WEVBDRV_HI (5 V/div)DRV_LO (5 V/div)Time(400 ns/div)Dead time260nsFigure 2. Dead Time Between the High and Low Side DriverIN_HI (10 V/div)DRV_HI (10 V/div)IN_LO(10 V/div)DRV_LO (10 V/div)Time (4 μs/div)Figure 3. Input Output Timing DiagramTube V oltage (100 V /div)Tube current (0.5 V /div)Tube Power (50W/div)TubeAverage power = 32WFigure 4. Tube SignalsNCP5181BAL36WEVBFigure 5. Evaluation Board Schematic720n F 00V820n F 00VFigure 6. PCB Printout: Top and Bottom ViewTEST PROCEDUREFigure 7. Test Setup ConnectionR Load 200 WTable 1. REQUIRED EQUIPMENTAC Power Source can be able to deliver 230V rms or 110V rmsTwo Volt-metersTwo Ampere-meters1 Resistive Load: 200W /50WOne NCP5181 Evaluation Board−Test Procedure1.First of all check if you need jumper #2 (J2 on the board close the diode bridge). This jumper must be removed for use with European mains (230Vac input voltage), and must be in place when using US mains (110Vac). This jumper is used to build a voltage doubler just after the bridge diode in case one is using US mains input voltage range.2.Connect the test setup as shown in Figure 7:•AC Source•V oltmeter and Ampmeter on the Load •Load on the Output3.Apply 230Vac for European mains or 110Vac for US mains on the input connector.4.Check I Load and V Load with the appropriate value in the table below.5.If you get the correct output and input voltage, you can then connect a 36W fluorescent tube on the output (see Figure 8).Table 2. TEST RESULTSInput Mains J2V in (V rms )I in (A rms)V Load (V rms )ILoad (A rms )European Removed230V 278mA 303V 370mA US Yes → Max Input Voltage: 132 V rms110V514mA263V340mAFigure 8. Ballast ConnectionInput ConnectionOutput Connection36W TubeTable 3. BILL OF MATERIAL FOR THE NCP5181 EVALUATION BOARDDesignator Qty.Description Value Tolerance Footprint Manufacturer ManufacturerPart NumberSubstitutionAllowedLeadFreeU21NCP5181NA NA DIP8ON Semiconductor NCP5181PG No Yes U11CMOS IC Analog/Timer NA DIP8Texas Instruments TLC555CP Yes No C1, C22Electrolytic Capacitor47m F, 400V20%Radial Panasonic ECA2GM470Yes No C31Electrolytic Capacitor220m F, 16V20%Radial Panasonic ECA1CM221Yes No C41Electrolytic Capacitor 4.7m F, 63V20%Radial Panasonic EEUEB1J4R7Yes No C5, C62Capacitor100nF, 50V10%Radial Murata RPER71H104K2M1A05U Yes No C7, C82Capacitor220nF, 400V10%Radial Vishay MKT1822422405Yes No C9, C102Capacitor220nF, 100V5%Radial Murata RPE5C2A221J2M1Z05A Yes No C111Capacitor10nF, 100V10%Radial Murata RPER72A103K2M1B05A Yes No C12, C132Capacitor18pF, 100V2%Radial Vishay2252 586 20154Yes Yes C141Capacitor220pF, 400V10%Radial Panasonic ECKATS221KB Yes No C151Capacitor 6.8nF, 1600V5%Radial Vishay2222 375 30682Yes No C161Capacitor NC−Radial−−−−C171Electrolytic Capacitor100m F, 16V20%Radial Panasonic ECA1CM101Yes No D11Zener Diode15V, 1.3W5%Axial Vishay BZX85C15Yes No D21High-speed Diode0.2A, 75V NA Axial PhilipsSemiconductor1N4148Yes No D3, D5, D63Rectifier Diode1A, 400V NA Axial ON Semiconductor1N4936G Yes Yes D41Zener Diode 5.1V, 1.3W5%Axial Vishay BZX85C5V1Yes No F11Fuse500mA, 250V NA Radial Schurter0034.6612Yes No L11Inductor 1.4mH NA NA Vogt53−044No No PT11Diode Bridge600V, 1A NA DFM Vishay DF06M Yes No R11Resistor12k W, 0.33W5%Axial Vishay CFA020712K Yes No R21Resistor82k W, 0.33W5%Axial Vishay CFA020782K Yes No R3, R42Resistor82k W, 3W5%Axial Vishay CPF382K000JN Yes No R5, R6, R73Resistor10W, 0.33W5%Axial Vishay CFA020710R Yes No R8, R92Resistor10k W, 0.33W5%Axial Yageo CFA020710K Yes No R101Resistor33k W, 0.33W5%Axial Vishay CFA020733K Yes No R111Resistor47k W, 0.33W5%Axial Vishay CFA020747K Yes No R121Resistor27k W, 0.33W5%Axial Vishay CFA020727K Yes No R131Resistor15k W, 0.33W5%Axial Vishay CFA020715K Yes No R141Resistor390k W, 0.33W5%Axial Vishay CFA0207390K Yes No R151Resistor22k W, 0.33W5%Axial Vishay CFA020722K Yes No R161Resistor68 k W, 0.33 W5%Axial Vishay CFA020768K Yes NoQ1, Q22Power MOSFETN-channel 8A, 500V NA TO220InternationalRectifierIRF840LC Yes NoQ3, Q42NPN Transistor100mA, 45V NA TO−92ON Semiconductor BC547BG Yes Yes B1, J12Connector2/″NA 5.08mm Weidmuller PM5.08/2/90(1760510000)Yes No J21Jumper Resistor0W, 0.25W NA Axial Yageo ZOR−25−B−52Yes NoADDITIONAL INFORMATIONTECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS :Technical Library: /design/resources/technical−documentation onsemi Website: ONLINE SUPPORT : /supportFor additional information, please contact your local Sales Representative at /support/sales。
2400 系列高频开关整流器用户手册说明书

2400系列高频开关整流器前 言手册说明本手册适用于2400(V2.2)系列高频开关整流器(以下简称2400系列)。
2400系列满足110VAC 电网制式和220VAC电网制式的供电需求。
内容介绍章次 内容介绍第1章 概述 本章介绍2400系列的应用领域、主要特点和技术规格第2章 结构和原理 本章介绍2400系列的结构和工作原理第3章 安装和调试 本章介绍2400系列的安装和调试方法第4章 使用和维护 本章介绍2400系列的使用和维护方法附件A 包装、运输及存储 本章介绍2400系列的包装、运输及存储的相关事项版本更新说明产品版本 资料版本 资料编号 更新说明V2.0 20070718 SZCT20040418 手册第一次发行,满足220VAC电网制式的供电需求 V2.1 20090618 SZCT20070618 满足110VAC电网制式和220V电网制式的供电需求 V2.2 20110418 SZCT20090818 满足额定容量最大50A的直流输出本书约定本书采用以下标志来表示在操作过程中应该特别注意的地方。
设备内部零件带有致命性的电压或存有高能量的危险!图表目录图1-1 2400系列 外形示意图 (5)表1-1 2400系列的技术规格 (6)表A 各型号参数列表 (8)表B 各型号输出电压及范围列表 (8)图2-1 前面板和后面板示意图 (9)图2-1-1 电源输入端局部放大图 (10)图2-1-2 电源输出端局部放大图 (10)表2-1 前面板和后面板示意图标注说明和接口介绍列表 (11)图2-2 输出电压显示示意图 (12)图2-3输出电流显示示意图 (12)图2-4 指示灯示意图 (13)图2-5 2400系列原理框图 (14)图3-1 2400系列高频开关整流器单台安装示意图 (15)图3-2 2400系列高频开关整流器多台并联安装示意图 (16)表3-1 2400系列模块各型号安装线径列表 (17)表4-1 故障现象及处理方法 (22)表A-1 装箱附件清单列表 (23)目 录第1章概述51.1设备简介 (5)1.2 主要特点 (6)1.3 技术规格 (6)第2章结构和原理92.1 结构介绍 (9)2.1.1 前面板和后面板 92.1.2 状态显示 122.2 工作原理 (14)第3章安装和调试 153.1安装与卸载 (15)3.1.1 安装153.1.2 拆卸183.1.3 相关说明 183.2 输出电压的调定 (18)第4章使用和维护 194.1 使用 (19)4.1.1 开机步骤 194.1.2 浮充电压调节 204.1.3 均充电压调节 204.1.4 内部保护功能 204.2 维护 (21)4.2.1 日常维护 214.2.2故障处理22附录A 包装、运输及存储 23A.1 包装 (23)A.2 运输 (23)A.3 存储 (23)意见反馈表 24第1章概述摘要本章介绍2400系列的应用领域、主要特点和技术规格。
dsb dct 系列滤波充电机 整流器 说明书

3: “Auto boost” -Standard equalizing with manual over-ride 6: Equalize timer 0-24 hour 7: Equalize timer 0-72 hourA: 115/23050/605: 240-501: 100-606: 277-602: 120-607: 380-503: 208-608: 480-604: 230-50/60Order toll-free:800-554-224326SBS chargers/rectifiers supply reliable DC power to telecommunications, utility,process control and other equipment that requires a well-filtered source. The charger ensures the highest possible reliability of a battery-backed DC power system. The charger automatically eliminates the number-one cause of premature failure in batteries: improper charging. The filtered output and temperature-compensated control circuitry extends battery life, eliminates over- and undercharging, and reduces the risk of thermal runaway.Output Voltage12, 24, 48, 125 and 250 volts nominal,other voltages available. Float voltage adjustable from 90% to 120% of nominal.Equalize voltage adjustable up to 15%above float voltage.Output Voltage Regulation+/- 1% from no load to full load of the correct temperature compensated value with simultaneous variations in input voltage of +/- 10% and frequency of +/- 5%.Current LimitingFactory set limit is at 100% of rated current. Limit adjustable from 50% to 110% of rated current.Protection■Soft start – ensures smooth start up ■Precise electronic current limit ■AC circuit breaker ■DC circuit breakerThe SBS charger is the latest generation of highly reliable chargers/rectifiers SBS has shipped to over 40 nations since 1971. Standard features include AC line compensation, precision voltage regulation, current limiting, input and output circuit breakers, comprehensive alarm system, voltmeter and ammeter,and forced load sharing.Applications:■Switchgear■Telephone Equipment ■Microwave ■Engine Starting ■Alarm SystemsFeatures:■Filtered DC output — Increases bat-tery life■Temperature compensated – elimi-nates the No. 1 cause of premature battery failure■Comprehensive alarm system – pro-vides complete status on charger and battery■Input and output breakers – reduces the need for spare fuses.■Automatic equalizing standard (auto boost)■Variety of input voltages ranging from 120-480VAC single phase ■Precision current limiting protection ■Output high voltage shutdown pro-tection■Battery interactive automatic charge mode■Output voltage temperature compen-sation, with option of remote input ■Temperature compensation disable option■Will charge a dead battery from zero volts■Conformally coated PCBA ■Status indicators■Optional alarm form C relay contacts ■Current sharing of parallel units ■Precision digital ammeter and volt-meter display (available soon)■Surge protected to ANSI and EN standards■UL/C-UL listed, if required■Filtered output 30mV rms@12, 24,and 48VDC;100mV@ 125VDC /200mV@ 250VDCSingle Phase Ordering Info TableOutput Part Housing Weight (V)(A)No.Sizelbs kg 12 12 DCT12-12 DC-1 53 2412 25 DCT12-25 DC-1 68 3112 50 DCT12-50 DC-1 884012 100 DCT-12-100 DC-2A 125 5712 200 DCT12-200 DC-3A 280 12724 6 DCT24-6 DC-1 40 1824 12 DCT24-12 DC-1 58 2624 25 DCT24-25 DC-1 80 3624 35DCT24-35 DC-1 99 4524 50 DCT24-50 DC-1 104 4724 75 DCT24-75 DC-2A 200 9124 100 DCT24-100 DC-2A 225 10224 150 DCT24-150 DC-3A 290 13224 200 DCT24-200 DC-3A330 150Output Part HousingWeight (V)(A)No.Sizelbs kg 48 6 DCT48-6 DC-1 55 2548 12 DCT48-12 DC-1 80 3648 25 DCT48-25 DC-1 104 4748 35 DCT48-35 DC-1 145 6648 50 DCT48-50 DC-2A 180 8248 75 DCT48-75 DC-2A 250 11448 100 DCT48-100 DC-3A 270 123120 6 DCT120-6 DC-1 80 36120 12 DCT120-12 DC-1 96 44120 25 DCT120-25 DC-2A 190 86120 35 DCT120-35 DC-2A 245 111120 50 DCT120-50 DC-3A 330 150240 6 DCT240-6 DC-1 110 50240 12 DCT240-12 DC-2A 210 95240 25 DCT240-25 DC-3A340 155。

前 言本系列产品概括SDD 系列智能高频开关电源是我公司研制的新型开关电源产品,采用全方位防腐材料及工艺,多波形、多功能输出选择,满足不同镀种需要,通过面板按键操作控制,大屏幕荧光显示,具有安装、维护、操作、灵活方便、安全可靠等特点。
本设备采用STP (直流)换向功能,提供:双脉冲、直流、正弦波、单脉冲等波形输出选择,用于满足着色工艺要的需要; 示意图输出正极铜排输入电源线操作面板INPUT 220VACOUTPUT性能与技术指标机械参数产品外形体积和重量见:表1电参数1.环境条件:温度:0 –40℃湿度:≤20--90%2.输入条件:单相220V±10%3.输出范围:0 –12.0V 、0–100.0A4.输出纹波:≤2%(直流输出时)5.稳定度:CC ≤±1%CV ≤±1%6.效率:≥80%(12V 200A )7.缓启:0-999.9秒8.全波频率5~150HZ9.正负脉冲开通关断时间:0.2_999.9ms10. 冷却方式:风冷11 .控制方式:恒压输出控制、恒流输出控制安装和启动安装要求:一、安装使用须知:外接线一览表二、安装环境要求:使用环境二、安装方法1、电源应水平安装于足够散热空间而且能耐较高温度的材质结构上,勿倒2、接地端子必须良好接地,可以防止电击或火警事故。

TEA2206T有源桥式整流器控制器第1.1版 — 2021年5月7日产品数据手册1 总述TEA2206T是一款有源桥式整流控制器,用于以MOSFET取代传统二极管桥中的两个低边二极管。
在90 V(AC)电源电压下,效率可以提高约0.7%。
2 特性和优势2.1 能效特性• 降低了二极管整流器桥的正向导通损耗• 极低IC功耗(2 mW)2.2 应用特性• 直接驱动两个整流器MOSFET• 外部零件数量很少• 集成X电容放电(2 mA)• 自供电• SO8封装2.3 控制特性• 欠压锁定• 用于所有外部功率MOSFET的漏源过压保护• 用于所有外部功率MOSFET的启动时栅极下拉电流3 应用TEA2206T面向将升压型功率因数控制器作为第一级的电源。
它可用于所有需要高效率的电源:• 电源适配器• 台式电脑和一体机电源• 电视电源• 服务器电源有源桥式整流器控制器4 订购信息表1. 订购信息型号封装名称说明版本TEA2206T/1 SO8 塑料小型封装;8引脚;体宽3.9 mm SOT96-15 标示表2. 标示型号标记代码TEA2206T/1 TEA22066 功能框图有源桥式整流器控制器7 引脚配置信息7.1 引脚配置图2. 引脚配置图(SO8)7.2 引脚说明表3. 引脚说明符号引脚说明L 1 左输入HVS 2 高压隔离间隔;不连接GATELL 3 左侧低端栅极驱动器VCC 4 电源电压GND 5 接地GATELR 6 右侧低端栅极驱动器HVS 7 高压隔离间隔;不连接R 8 右输入有源桥式整流器控制器8 功能说明8.1 简介TEA2206是由两个二极管和两个MOSFET构成的有源桥式整流桥的控制器芯片。

供电系统整流器技术规格书2009年6月目录1.总则 (2)1.1本文件适用范围 (2)1.2供货范围内设备类型 (2)2.工程概况 (2)2.1工程说明 (2)2.2环境条件 (2)2.3系统运行方式 (2)2.4相关系统和设备参数 (3)3.设备数量 (4)4.主要元器件清单 (5)5.备品备件、测试工具 (5)6.整流器技术要求 (6)6.1采用标准 (6)6.2技术规格及要求 (7)6.3结构要求 (9)6.4设备的互换性 (10)6.5铭牌 (10)6.6试验内容 (10)6.7接口 (11)7.设备其它要求 (12)7.1工艺要求和防锈 (12)7.2可靠性、可维护性、电磁辐射及兼容 (12)7.3柜体的颜色 (13)7.4标示 (13)1.总则1.1 本文件适用范围本文件适用于北京地铁15号线一期工程整流器设备供货,并作为供应商供货设备的技术依据。
1.2 供货范围内设备类型整流器柜、备品备件和专用工具。
2.工程概况2.1 工程说明北京地铁15号线位于北京东北部地区,主要分布在海淀、朝阳、顺义三个行政区。

**** 版次:2002 年 11 月第 1 版 编号:Sjzl2002898
ZXD5000(V2.0)100A 开关整流器是中兴通讯股份有限公司自主开发的通信电源 用开关整流器之一,采用三相交流输入,额定输出为-48V/100A,适用于各种大 中型交换设备、微波通信、数据产品以及光纤传输等通信设备的供电。 本手册主要介绍 ZXD5000(V2.0)100A 开关整流器的工作原理、安装、使用、 日常维护和运输储存等内容。 第一章为开关整流器概述,介绍开关整流器型号的含义和主要特点等; 第二章为工作原理及结构,介绍开关整流器的工作原理和结构; 第三章为性能参数,介绍开关整流器的交、直流参数等; 第四章为监控与显示,介绍开关整流器的监控方法和液晶显示的内容等; 第五章为安装与使用,介绍开关整流器的安装方法和使用方法; 第六章为日常维护与故障处理,介绍开关整流器的常见故障处理方法等; 第七章为包装、运输及储存,介绍开关整流器的包装、运输及储存等注意事项。 本手册适用于工程人员、操作维护人员以及其他相关人员在工作中查阅。 声明:由于产品和技术的不断更新、完善,本资料中的内容可能与实际产品不完 全相符,敬请谅解。如需查询产品的更新情况,请联系当地办事处。
策 划 市场中心工程部 本部事业部用服部
编 著李琳
责任编辑 胡云亮

1. 绝缘强度 输入对输出:2000VAC 输入对机壳:1500VAC 输出对机壳:500VAC
2. 漏电流 小于1.5mA(220V交流输入)
3. 安全标准 符合GB4943-1995的要求
4. 电磁兼容 电磁兼容性能符合表1-1所示的标准。
4. 冷却方式 强迫风冷:42CFM(内部有80mm×80mm×15mm直流风扇)。
1.3.5 执行标准
YD/T731-2002 通信用高频开关整流器
第2章 结构和原理
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2. 输出电压可调范围:42V~58V连续可调(通过外部“PWM”信号调节); 3. 输出限流值:
(32±1)A(输入电压150VAC~300VAC); (20±2)A(输入电压110VAC~150VAC); (10±2)A(输入电压80VAC~110VAC); 限流后,当输出电压降至35V~39V时回扫; 4. 稳压精度≤±0.6%; 5. 电话衡重杂音≤0.5mV; 6. 宽频杂音电压: ≤50mV(3.4kHz~150kHz); ≤20mV(0.15MHz~30MHz); 7. 离散频率杂音电压: ≤5mV(3.4kHz~150kHz); ≤3mV(150kHz~200kHz); ≤2mV(200kHz~500kHz); ≤1mV(0.5MHz~30MHz); 8. 峰-峰值杂音电压≤150mV(20MHz带宽); 9. 模块间均流能力:最大和最小者相差1.5A以下(10%负载以上)。

ZXD1500(V4.0)30A开关整流器用户手册中兴通讯股份有限公司ZXD1500(V4.0)30A开关整流器用户手册资料版本 20051229-R1.2产品版本 V4.0本资料著作权属中兴通讯股份有限公司所有。
Copyright © ZTE CorporationAll rights reserved.No part of this documentation may be excerpted, reproduced, translated, annotated or duplicated, in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of ZTE Corporation.策划市场中心工程部本部事业部用服部编著周芳妍责任编辑刘煜* * * *中兴通讯股份有限公司地址:深圳市高新技术产业园科技南路中兴通讯大厦邮编:518057技术支持网站:客户支持中心热线:(+86755)26770800 800-830-1118传真:(+86755)26770801E-mail:800@* * * *编号:Sjzl20030420意见反馈表为提高中兴通讯用户资料的质量,更好地为您服务,希望您在百忙之中提出您的建议和意见,并请传真至:0755-********,或邮寄至:深圳市科技园中兴通讯大厦市场中心工程部收,邮编:518057。
资料名称ZXD1500(V4.0) 30A开关整流器用户手册产品版本V4.0资料版本20051229-R1.2您单位安装该设备的时间为了能够及时与您联系,请填写以下有关您的信息姓名单位名称邮编单位地址电话E-mail您对本资料的评价好较好一般较差差总体满意工作指导查阅方便内容正确内容完整结构合理图表说明通俗易懂您对本资料的改进建议详细说明内容结构内容详细内容深度表达简洁增加图形增加实例增加FAQ其他您对中兴通讯用户资料的其他建议前言手册说明ZXD1500(V4.0)30A开关整流器(以下简称ZXD1500整流器)是中兴通讯公司自主开发的通信电源用开关整流器之一。

产品版本 V1.0
资料版本 20080630-R1.0
资料编号 sjzl20081607
更新说明 手册第一次发行
本书采用了如下面标志: 注意、小心、警告、危险:提醒操作中应注意的事项。 说明、提示:需要特别说明或提示的事项。
第 1 章 概述................................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1 应用领域 .........................................................................................................................................1-1 1.2 型号说明 .........................................................................................................................................1-1 1.3 主要特点 .........................................................................................................................................1-2 1.4 技术规格 .........................................................................................................................................1-2

松下快速充电宝 BQ-392TCM20
电池使用间歇时,可以仅针对使用过的部分, 随时充电 相对普通充电器,充电速度更快更稳定 4个LED灯,一一对应充电槽,逐个告知充电 进程 提供安全电池盖,保护儿童,避免误操作 充电时候,可以针对电池性能受损部分,有
室内外温度显示,可接3个传感器 冰冻提示,最高/最低温度闹铃 时间,闹铃,日期
三通道独立倒/正计时 记忆 时钟,闹钟,贪睡会叫,日历 背附磁铁
室内外温度显示 无线电控制时钟
带收音机投影时间显示器RRA320PN (黑色、白色)
座机式收音机投影钟,备有1.2寸显示屏 可清楚投射时间及闹铃模式于天花板及墙壁上 可接收FM 收音机频道
爱乐普锂电池移动电源 KBC-L2BC-S
输入:USB-miniB型:DC5.0V/500mA MAX 输出:USB-A型:DC5.0V/500mA*2
高性能锂离子电池(3.7V 5000mAh)
尺寸(重量):W62.D22.H70mm(约130g) 本体带有0N/OFF电力输出的开关,并且有
松下LED护眼台灯 SQ-LD200-P72(红) SQ-LD200-G72(绿) SQ-LD200-K72(黑)



实验室电镀电Βιβλιοθήκη ,实验室高频整流器,实验整流机特 点:
1.本机具有稳压/稳流功能 2.本机具有过压、过流过热、过载保护功能 3.本机具有打气装置,确保药液和电流分部更均匀 4.冷却方式:采用军级风扇,直通风冷
深圳实验室电源、实验室电镀整流器、实验室高频电源该款电源具有时 间,温控,打气功能。时间功能:当设定时间到时自动报警, 温控功能: 当槽体内达到设定温度时,自对对加温管停止加温。打气功能:打开打 气功能,针对槽体药液进行打气搅拌,使药液更均匀。 技术先进,质量上乘,信守合同,价格合理,欢迎咨询!深圳市帝旺德 环保科技有限公司
实验室电镀整流器产品简介, 可根据客户需求配置哈氏槽 哈氏片。 主要零部件:由日本富士、 美国IR、以及德国爱克萨斯 等提供,功率变换。 本机具有稳压/稳流功能。 本机具有过压、过流过热、 过载保护功能。 本机具有打气装置,确保药 液和电流分部更均匀。 冷却方式:采用军级风扇, 直通风冷。
Comet 3000 安装与用户手册

UPS 操作手册
索引 一 . UPS 概述及安装 二.控制面板 三.启动, 关机和手动旁路 四.UPS 远程通讯监控
3 21 40 44
一.UPS 概述及安装
1.2 安全条例............................................................................................................5 1.2.1 人身安全.....................................................................................................5 1.2.2 产品安全.....................................................................................................5 1.2.3 特殊防范.....................................................................................................6
2. UPS 概述 ............................................................................................ 6
2.1 拓扑布局............................................................................................................6 2.2 系统描述............................................................................................................8

RECTIFIERPSR327 USER MANUALEltek_UM_PSR327_21TE_E_R6.0Notes to this manualATTENTION! Read this manual very carefully before installing and commissioning the specified module. This manual is a part of the delivered module. Familiarity with the contents of this manual is required for installing and operating the specified module.The rules for prevention of accidents for the specific country and the general safety rules in accordance with IEC 364 must be observed.The function description in this manual corresponds to the date of publishing.Technical changes and changes in form and content can be made at any time by the manufacturer without notice. There are no obligations to update the manual continually.The module is manufactured in accordance with applicable DIN and VDE standards such as VDE 0106 (part 100) and VDE 0100 (part 410). The CE marking on the module confirms compliance with EU standards 2006-95-EG (low voltage) and 2004-108-EG (electromagnetic compatibility) if the installation and operation instructions are followed.Supplier:ELTEK DEUTSCHLAND GmbHBU IndustrialSchillerstraße 16D-32052 Herford☎+ 49 (0) 5221 1708-210FAX + 49 (0) 5221 1708-222Email *************************Internet Please note: No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means -electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording- for whatever reason without the explicit written permission of Eltek Deutschland GmbH.Changes and errors excepted.2011. ELTEK DEUTSCHLAND GmbH. All rights reserved.The current revision status of this user manual is the following:Revision: 6.0Date: 2010-11-23Date00 First edition RTH 2007-11-0601 Minor text modifications RTH 2008-01-0402 Minor text modifications, sections “Commissioning”, “Outputpower diagram” and “Monitoring” reworked RTH 2008-04-101.3 Minor text modifications, “Index of figures” inserted, newrevision status numbering (X.X) introduced. RTH 2008-11-03 2.0 Section 4.2.1 “Start-up behaviour” inserted; TechnicalRTH 2009-04-29 specifications: Adjustable output voltage range changed.3.0 Section4.5 “Monitoring” reworked. RTH 2009-05-15RTH 2009-07-07 4.0 Minor text modifications, section 4.7 “Default value setting forNiCd batteries” inserted.5.0 Technical specifications: “Internal decoupling circuit” corrected. RTH 2009-07-246.0 Input frequency range updated. RTH 2010-11-23Contents1A. Safety Instructions (5)1B. Electric Waste Disposal (5)2. General Information (6)3. Type Range/Equipment (6)3.1 Main Data (6)3.2 Available Options and Assembly Equipment (7)3.3 Front view/Front side LED panel (8)3.4 Rear Side Connection (9)3.5 Cooling and Air Flow Direction (10)3.6 Communication Interface (10)4. Handling (11)4.1 Storage (11)4.2 Commissioning (11)4.2.1 Start-up behaviour (11)4.3 Charge Characteristic/Output Power Diagram (12)4.4 LED Indications (13)4.5 Internal Monitoring (13)4.6 Threshold & Default Values (14)4.7 Default value setting for NiCd batteries (14)5. External Functions (15)6. Maintenance (15)7. Troubleshooting (16)8. Technical Specifications (17)8.1 Dimensional Drawings (19)Index of FiguresFigure 1) DC Power Rack DCR PSR327-8.1 (7)Figure 2) DC Power Rack DCR PSR327-10.8 (7)Figure 3) Front view (8)Figure 4) Male connectors (9)Figure 5) Module air flow (10)Figure 6) Output power diagram (example PSR327/48-56) (12)Figure 7) Screenshot “PC software for CAN-Dongle” (14)Figure 8) Module dimensions (19)1A. Safety InstructionsWarning!B ecause several components of operating electrical modules are charged by dangerous voltage, the improper handling of electrical modules may be the cause of accidents involving electrocution, injury, or material damages.•Operation and maintenance of electrical modules must be performed by qualified skilled personnel such as electricians in accordance with EN 50110-1 or IEC 60950.•Install the module only in areas with limited access to unskilled personnel.•B efore starting work, the electrical module must be disconnected from mains. Make sure that the module is earthed.•Do not touch connector pins as they can be charged with dangerous voltage up to 30 seconds after disconnection.•Only spare parts approved by the manufacturer must be used.1B. Electric Waste DisposalSeparate collection is the precondition to ensure specific treatment and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment and is necessary to achieve the chosen level of protection of human health and the environment.In the case of waste disposal of your discarded equipment we recommend to contact a waste management company.2. General InformationThe PSR327 rectifier rectifies sinusoidal AC input voltage to DC output voltage.The PSR327 is a hot plug-in module with rear side connectors and is designed to be mounted in an assembly set 19’’ sub rack (see section 3.2). Due to the state-of-the-art circuitry design, the unit has very low losses and therefore very compact dimensions, low weight and high power density.The PSR327 rectifier can be used in all DC applications with or without battery.The rectifier is delivered with factory set default values for lead acid batteries. If the rectifier is to be used for NiCd batteries, the default values must be parameterized accordingly using a CAN dongle and special software.The nominal output power per unit is 2.7 kW. Up to a maximum of 48 modules can be switched in parallel to increase the system output power or to build redundant power supply systems (n + 1-principle).3. Type Range/EquipmentPSR327 rectifiers according to the following table are available:Nominal Output Current PSR327/48-56 101-027-158.00 48 V DC56 A DCPSR327/60-45 101-027-168.00 60 V DC45 A DCPSR327/110-25 101-027-178.00 108 V DC25 A DCPSR327/220-12.5 101-027-188.00 216 V DC12.5 A DC3.1 Main DataNominal input voltage: 230 V ACNominal input current: 12.9 A ACInput frequency range: 16⅔ - 60 Hz (+5 %)Nominal output power 2.7 kWFor more specific data, see section 8.3.2 Available Options and Assembly EquipmentDC Power Rack DCR PSR327-8.1 LV (assembly set 19’’ sub rack 3Uincl. backplane for three PSR327/48 V or 60 V rectifiers and one UPC3-48/60 V DC controller), DCC-CB1 connection board included. 102-327-318.LV01DC Power Rack DCR PSR327-8.1 HV (assembly set 19’’ sub rack 3U incl. backplane for three PSR327/110 V or 220 V rectifiers and one UPC3-110 V or 220 V DC controller), DCC-CB1 connection board included.102-327-318.HV01DC Power Rack DCR PSR327-10.8 LV (assembly set 19’’ sub rack 3U incl. backplane for four PSR327/48 V or 60 V rectifiers).102-327-408.LV01DC Power Rack DCR PSR327-10.8 HV (assembly set 19’’ sub rack 3U incl. backplane for four PSR327/110 V or 220 V rectifiers). 102-327-408.HV01Cover plate (with handle) to cover empty PSR slots, 1/4 x 19’’, 3U; RAL 7035881-MEC-BPL.03.21.B Monitoring, control and signalling unit (DC controller) UPC3-48/60 V 301-003-598.02 Monitoring, control and signalling unit (DC controller) UPC3-110 V 301-003-798.02 Monitoring, control and signalling unit (DC controller) UPC3-220 V 301-003-898.02DCC-CB1; connection board (with MSTB screw terminals) necessary to connect all measuring, control and signalling wires over the backplane of the sub rack to the control unit UPC (spare part). 302-DCC-CB1.00CAN dongle, incl. PC software; necessary to change the internal default values of the rectifier (e.g. for NiCd application).880-CAN-DNG.00Figure 1) DC Power Rack DCR PSR327-8.1 fully equipped with three PSR327 rectifiers and one UPC3 DC controllerFigure 2) DC Power Rack DCR PSR327-10.8 fully equipped with four PSR327 rectifiers3.3Front view/Front side LED panelFigure 3) Front view The PSR327 rectifier is equipped with the following four LED indicators:INPUT OKOUTPUT OKVout>ALARMFor more information about the LED indicators, see section 4.4 please.Two captive screws are used for each module to secure it to the sub rack (components of the module)3.4 Rear Side ConnectionThe rear side male connections (AC input voltage, DC output voltage and signals) are shown in figure 4) and are defined in the table below.Figure 4) Male connectors (shown from the rear side of the module)Pin assignment of the rear side connector:Pin Function2b L1 - Input5b N - Input8b - - -11b PE13a CAN - CVSS13c (-) output voltage sense link14a CAN - H14c CAN - L15a - - -15c CAN - CVCC16a AGND16c - - -17a Hardwarecoding CODE217c Hardwarecoding CODE118a Collective Alarm NC18c Collective Alarm COM19a Collective Alarm NO19c - - -20a - - -20c (+) output voltage sense link22b (-) Output25b (-) Output28b (+) Output31b (+) Output3.5 Cooling and Air Flow DirectionThe unit is cooled with an internal fan. The airflow is from the front to rear side. The fan is monitored and speed-controlled dependent on module temperature. To provide sufficient air flow, a minimum space (see item “A” in figure 5) of 50 mm is required between the unit and the rear cabinet wall as well as an unobstructed supply of air to the front of the module.Figure 5) Module air flow3.6 Communication InterfaceThe PSR327 rectifier is equipped with a serial data interface in accordance with the Controller Area Network (CAN) specification. The CAN-Bus connection is integrated in the rear side connector.Several modules in a system or parallel connection can be controlled and monitored through the CAN-Bus by a central UPC DC controller unit.The following parameters of a specific rectifier unit can be controlled or monitored:•Output voltage•Output current•Device temperature•Device statusFurthermore, the rectifier unit receives all threshold values through the CAN-Bus from theDC controller unit.4. Handling4.1 StorageModules must be stored in a dry, dust free environment with a storage temperature in accordance with the specific technical data (see section 8).4.2 CommissioningNote:B efore commissioning the module, make sure that the input voltage corresponds to the input voltage range of the unit as specified on the type plate and that the output voltage of paralleled units matches.1.Carefully unpack the unit2.Fill the rack beginning with the left slot.3.Put the unit into an empty slot.4.Carefully slide in the unit until the module connector touched the backplane connector.5.Increase the force until the unit fits in completely. Avoid using too much force. If the unit does notfit in, begin again at step 3.6.Secure the module using the two captive screws (M3x12) provided with the module.7.Switch ON the module by external MCB.Note: The PSR327 is serially equipped with an internal output side decoupling diode. This ensureshot plug-in capability for the module and enables the operator to add modules under operating conditions.Note: Before a module is to be removed, it must be switched off by the external input fuse!Caution: After switching off the module the internal capacitors are still fully charged. Do not touch connector pins as they can still be charged with dangerous voltage after disconnection.4.2.1 Start-up behaviourWhen the PSR327 is switched on (without CAN-Bus connection) first it provides a start-up voltage according to the table below. The start-up voltage is held for 60 seconds, than the output voltage steps up to the internal default value.220 V version Start-up voltage (VDC) 45.0 55.5 97.5 192.0Default value Vo (VDC) 54.5 68.1 122.6 245.2If a DC controller unit (UPC) is integrated into the system, it is powered with the start-up voltage after the rectifier has been switched on. The output voltage immediately steps up to the value given from the UPC unit via CAN-Bus.If a DC controller unit (UPC) is integrated into the system (e.g. powered by the battery and due to this operating yet) the rectifier directly provides the output voltage given from the UPC unit via CAN-Bus.4.3 Charge Characteristic/Output Power DiagramThe charge characteristic of the PSR327 is a power limited IV characteristic curve in accordance with DIN 41772/DIN 41773.For modules in parallel operation mode a load sharing of about ±10 % is attained due to a sloping output voltage line (-1 % at 100 % Inom).The module is continuous short circuit proof.Figure 6) Output power diagram(example PSR327/48-56)Calculation of the output current (Io) at different output voltage values using the PSR327/48-65 being the example:The PSR327 rectifier provides an output power of Vonom x Ionom= Ponom (48 V x 56.25 A=2700 W).As shown with the output power diagram (see figure 6), the nominal output current (56.25 A) is available at the nominal output voltage (48.0 V).At other output voltage values (e.g. float or boost charge voltage), the output current is corresponding to the following formula: Io= Ponom : VoExample 1):Float charge voltage for lead acid batteries (24 cells) = 54.5 V; Io= 2700 W : 54.5 V= 49.5 AExample 2):Boost charge voltage for lead acid batteries (24 cells) = 57.6 V; Io= 2700 W : 57.6 V= 46.9 A4.4 LED IndicationsFunctions of front panel LED indicatorsFor factory set output voltage threshold values, see section 4.6**The module is equipped with an isolated signalling contact (normally open contact).The maximum load is 60 V DC/500 mA. The contact is time-delayed and reacts after approx. 10 sec.4.5 Internal MonitoringMonitored values Criteria FunctionAC input voltage I.) Mains input voltage 164 V≤ Vn≤ 195V Linearly decreases output power. II.) Mains input voltage <164 V Module automatically switches off. III.) Mains input voltage >184 V Module switches on.IV.) Mains input voltage >275 VModule switches off (self-locking). Itmust be manually restarted.DC output voltage Output voltage higher than theadjusted operating threshold*Module automatically switches off (selflocking). The unit must be manuallyrestarted.Moduletemperature Heat sink temperature ≥80 °C Module automatically switches off. It automatically switches on when the heat sink cools down to ≤70 °C.Cooling fan Cooling fan malfunction Module automatically switches off. After 30 sec. the module automatically tries three times to restart. If this fails, the module switches off and must be manually restarted.Short circuit Module automatically detects shortcircuit operation by the output voltagevalue. (criteria: Vout ≤83 % of Vnom)Module automatically switches off after3 seconds. After 30 seconds themodule automatically tries to restartrepeatedly.*For factory set output voltage threshold values, see section 4.64.6 Threshold & Default ValuesThe following table shows the factory set threshold/default values which are internally stored in the PSR327 unit (for lead acid batteries):220 V version Output voltage Vo (V DC) 54.5 68.1 122.6 245.2Over voltage V> (V DC) 60.0 75.0 135.0 270.0Current limiting Iconst (A DC) 56.0 45.0 25.0 12.5Note: The threshold/default values can only be changed in combination with a UPC DC controller unit.If an UPC DC controller unit is controlling the power supply unit through the CAN-Bus, the charge voltage is completely controlled by the UPC based on its configuration values and momentary charge state (for example temperature compensation, boost charge, or battery test). That means that the values sent from the UPC over CAN-B us have top priority. During CAN-B us communication the internally stored values of the rectifier are invalid.B ut when the CAN-B us connection is inactive for more than five seconds (e. g. due to trouble), the PSR327 automatically switches back to the internally stored default values. In this case it is ensured that the battery is charged in the float charge mode.4.7 Default value setting for NiCd batteriesIf the rectifier is to be used to charge NiCd batteries the default/threshold values must be set according to the individual battery type using a CAN dongle and PC software (see section 3.2 “Available Options and Assembly Equipment”). A specific manual is available on request. For the adjusting range of the output voltage please see section 8 “Technical Specifications”.Figure 7) Screenshot “PC software for CAN-Dongle”5. External FunctionsIf the rectifier works together with a UPC DC controller unit, the following external functions can be used:•Compensation of output voltage•Temperature compensation of charge voltage•Discharge test•Boost charge modeFor more information about these functions, read the UPC user manual.6. MaintenanceIn general, the module is maintenance-free. Exclusively the fan is a component consisting of moving parts. By way of precaution a yearly inspection with following checks is recommended:•Mechanical/visual inspection•Removal of dust and dirt, especially on radiator surfaces•Check for internal dust or humidityIt is recommended to exchange the fan every five years.Attention!Dust combined with moisture or water may influence or destroy the internal electronic circuits.Dust inside the unit can be blown out with dry compressed air.The interval between the checks depends on ambient conditions of the installed module.7. TroubleshootingNo output voltage Is mains voltage present? Check→Mains switched to “ON” position? CheckPSR327 module plugged in securely? CheckIncorrect polarity or short circuit at the output? CheckLED V> on? 1.) Switch the module off and on.2.) Check the settings forV> (see section 4.6).Deviation of the output voltage Is the unit operating in current limiting modedue to overload?Reduce the loadIs the output voltage setting Vout at the DCcontroller incorrect?Adjust output voltage to nominalvalues (see section 4.6)If an external sensor lead is used for the outputvoltage, is the connection faultless?CheckIf the unit still does not work even though all checks have been done, contact your sales agent or the service department of ELTEK DEUTSCHLAND GmbH.8. Technical SpecificationsPSR327/220-12.5 Material code 101-027-158.00 101-027-168.00 101-027-178.00 101-027-188.00 AC input:Nominal input voltage 230 V AC ±20 % ✐✐✐Nominal input current 12.9 A AC✐✐✐Input frequency range 16⅔ - 60 Hz (+5 %) ✐✐✐Power factor >0.99 @ P >50 %Total harmonic distortion <5 % ✐✐✐Efficiency ≥91 % ✐✐✐Internal input fusing 16 A (6.3 x 32 mm) ✐✐✐DC output:Nominal output voltage 48 V DC60 V DC108 V DC216 V DCNominal output current 56 A DC @ 48 V 45 A DC @ 60 V 25 A DC @ 108 V 12.5 A DC @216 V Nominal output power 2700 W ✐✐✐Charge characteristic line IV characteristic according to DIN41772/DIN41773; power limitedAdjustable output voltagerange42 - 62 V DC52.5 - 78 V DC87 - 150 V DC170 - 295 V DCDefault value of the chargingvoltage (factory set, 2.27V/cell; lead acid battery*)54.5 V DC68.1 V DC122.6 V DC245.2 V DCOutput over voltage Vo>(factory set, 2.5 V/cell; leadacid battery*)60 V DC75 V DC135 V DC270 V DCOutput under voltage Vo<(factory set, 1.7 V/cell; leadacid battery*)40.8 V DC51 V DC91.8 V DC183.6 V DC*Default/threshold values for charging of NiCd batteries are settable using a CAN dongle and PC software.Voltage ripple / psophometric acc. to CCITT-A ≤20 mVpp/≤ 1.8 mV≤20 mVpp/≤2.0 mV≤100 mVpp/n/a≤200 mVpp/n/aDynamic accuracy of the charge voltage <3 % Vnom at load changes between 10 % - 90 % - 10 % Inom; transient time ≤1.5 msShort circuit protection Continuous short circuit proof; 1 x InomPSR327/220-12.5 Parallel operation Yes (max. 48 units with UPC DC controller unit);current sharing ≤10 % Inom; sloping output voltage line (-1 % at 100 % Inom)Internal decoupling at the output Yes; active, low-loss decouplingcircuit in thenegative outputline✐Yes, in thepositive outputline✐Internal output fuse 80 A 80 A 30 A 20 A Standard Features:LED signalling Input OK (green), Vo OK (green), Vo> (red), Alarm (red)Main processor 16Bit Fujitsu ✐✐✐Isolated signalling contact “Collective alarm”; relay COM/NO/NC, maximum contact load: 60V DC/500mA Communications interface CAN-Bus, proprietary protocolEnvironmental:Ambient temperature Operation: -20 °C to +55 °C, storage: -40 °C to +85 °CClimatic conditions according to IEC 721-3-3 class 3K3/3Z1/3B1/3C2/3S2/3M2Max. installation altitude ≤ 1500 mAudible noise <45 dB (A) ✐✐✐Mechanical:Type of construction ¼ x 19’’, 3U ✐✐✐Cooling Fan cooling (temperature-controlled, r.p.m.-monitored)Connector AC input, DC output and signals: DIN41612-M-connectorDimensions (W/H/D) 106.3/133/326.5 mmMinimum installation depth 438 mm (in combination with an assembly set 19’’ sub rack)Weight approx. 3.9 kg ✐✐✐Type of enclosure /Protection classIP20 (front panel) / 1Colour Front panel: RAL 7035, neutral, black print RAL 9005Compliances:CE conformity yes ✐✐✐Compliance to safetystandardsEN60950-1; VDE0100 T410; VDE0110; EN50178; EN60146Compliance to EMCstandardsEN55022/24 (ITE), class “A“; EN61000-4 T2-58.1 Dimensional DrawingsFigure 8) Module dimensionsSupplier:ELTEK DEUTSCHLAND GmbHBU IndustrialSchillerstraße 16D-32052 Herford☎+ 49 (0) 5221 1708-210FAX + 49 (0) 5221 1708-222Email *************************Internet 2011. ELTEK DEUTSCHLAND GmbH. All rights reserved.。

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输入电压,输出电压,输出电流,PLC 文本显示器,指示灯显示
具有远程通信功能,通信接口采用 RS485 标准接口。
DC110V 或 DC220V,50W
防护等级 IP20
1200mm (宽) ×1200mm (深) ×2300mm (高)
株洲变流技术国家工程研究中心有限公司 株洲南车时代电气股份有限公司
一、 二、 三、 四、 五、 六、 七、
产品的优点和特点 ....................................................................................................................... 3 产品结构....................................................................................................................................... 4 产品原理及功能 ........................................................................................................................... 5 产品标准规格、标准接线图、标准接口、外形尺寸 ............................................................... 6 应用领域....................................................................................................................................... 9 典型工程与主要供货业绩 ......................................................................................................... 10 容量选型及订货须知 ................................................................................................................. 13
page 5
四、 产品标准规格、标准接线图、标准接口、外形尺寸
额定功率 kW
额定输出电压 V 额定输出电流 IN A
二极管型式 额定交流输入电压 V
ZQA-IN/750-I ZQA-IN/750-II ZQA-IN/1500-I ZQA-IN/1500-II
1500 667~1333 1串2并
1500 1333~2000
1串3并 1180V,50Hz
VI 类负荷,100% — 连续,150% IN — 2 小时,300% IN —1 分钟
武汉 1 号线一期工程
武汉 1 号线二期工程
武汉 4 号线一期工程
北京地铁 15 号线
沈阳地铁 1 号线
沈阳地铁 2 号线
16 沈阳地铁 2 号线浑南停车场
17 株电力机车厂城轨试验线
功率 (kW)
2200 3000 3450 2200 3600 4000 1800 3000 3600 2200 3000 1000 1600 2200 3450 2500 2250 3000 3000 1650 2250 1150 1650 2250 1500 1875 1875 1500 2000 1500 1500
可选项:逆流保护 是□ 否□;通讯 是□ 否□。
等效 24 脉波整流,纹波因数小,输出平稳
两套整流机组并联运行构成等效 24 脉波整流,有效抑制高次谐波,输出平稳。
两台整流器并联运行,整流机组的功率因数在额定负荷下大于 95%。 整流机组的效率在额定负荷下大于 98%。
采用标准 GGD 柜体,内部设计紧凑合理,有效节省占地面积。 自主研发的高性能散热器,散热高效可靠。 采用自然冷却方式,低噪音,节能环保。
page 8
五、 应用领域
牵引供电整流器专业应用于城市轨道交通牵引供电系统和中、低速磁悬浮牵引供电系统,与整 流变压器一起将交流电转换为直流电,为地铁或轻轨列车提供牵引电源。
page 9
六、 典型工程与主要供货业绩
1、 典型工程 (1)广州地铁 2 号线
2、 订货须知:
750 V 系统:12 脉波 750V 整流柜,输入交流 590V,50Hz,输出功率
可选项:玻璃门 是□ 否□;电磁锁 是□ 否□;
1500V 系统:12 脉波 1500V 整流柜,输入交流 1180V,50Hz,输出功率
程建设中获得客户肯定,为产品质量赢得了信誉,并于 2010 成功中标武汉地铁 4 号线 1 期工程。
page 102、 主要供货业绩源自序号地区线路1
广州地铁 2 号线
广州地铁 3 号线
广州地铁 3 号延长线
广州地铁 5 号线
深圳地铁 1 号线
深圳地铁 1 号线延长线
page 4
三、 产品原理及功能
610 610 610 610 610 590 590 590 1180 1180 1180 1180
1300 1180 1300
Ud (V) 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
1050mm (宽) ×1110mm (深);带膨胀螺栓、绝缘垫圈和绝缘垫块等安装附件。 喷塑,冰灰色 GY09 或可选 下进下出,电缆
page 6
2、 标准接线图
3、 标准接口
输入侧 主回路电源 控制电源 照明、加热电源 输入 35kV(或 10kV)状态信号 输出侧 失电报警信号 超温报警、跳闸信号 熔断报警、跳闸信号 逆流跳闸信号 RS485 通讯输出
750 750 750 750 750 750 750 750 1500 1500 1500 1500 750/15 00 750/15 00 750/15 00 1650 1500 1650
2008 2009 2003 2008 2004 2008/2011 2003
具有布局美观明了的柜面显示和报警指示。 人机界面操作简单,显示直观,易于掌握。 进出线方式为“下进下出”,电缆连接,柜内检修或维护方便。
page 3
二、 产品结构
电压电流表:显示交直流电压或电流。 故障显示屏:显示桥臂熔断状态、散热器超温状态、逆流状态等。 控制旋钮:控制电源开关、照明和加热器开关。 指示灯:交流电源指示、直流电源指示。 复位按钮:温度、逆流信号和故障解除。 温度显示仪:显示散热器最高处温度。 凝露控制器:可手动和自动加热。
1.单台整流器由 12 脉波整流电路构成,12 脉波整流电路由两个 3 相全波整流桥并联组 成。其中一个 3 相全波整流桥接向整流变压器的二次侧星形绕组,另一个 3 相全波整 流桥接向整流变压器的二次侧三角形绕组。当两台整流变压器高压网侧并联的绕组分 别采用±7.5°外延三角形联接时,两套整流机组并联运行即可构成等效 24 脉波整流。 2.整流器主要是实现经整流变压器降压后的交流电转换成 1500V 或 750V 的直流电供地 铁或轻轨车辆牵