



《跨文化交流(英)》课程教学大纲The Course Syllabus of Intercultural Communication一、课程基本信息(Basic Course Information)课程代码:16161402Course code: 16161402课程名称:跨文化交流(英)Course name: Intercultural Communication课程类别:通识必修课Course type: Compulsory Course学时:32Periods: 32学分:2Credits: 2适用对象:创业教育学院学生Target students: Students of School of Entrepreneurship Education考核方式:考查Assessment: Examination二、课程简介(Brief Course Introduction)本课程以英语为教学语言,比较系统地教授在跨文化背景下关于文化、交流、语言、非言语沟通、思维方式、商务礼仪等方面的基本知识。











三、课程内容1.导论- 跨文化交际的定义和重要性- 文化的概念和特征- 跨文化交际的挑战和机遇2.跨文化意识培养- 学习不同文化背景的社会习俗和价值观 - 理解文化影响对行为和沟通方式的影响 - 培养尊重和接纳不同文化的态度3.跨文化交际的理论框架- 霍尔的高/低上下文文化理论- 霍芬斯泰德的文化维度模型- 艾德·霍尔的地区交际模型4.有效跨文化沟通策略- 语言和非语言沟通技巧- 社交礼仪和文化差异- 适应文化差异的沟通策略5.跨文化冲突解决- 跨文化冲突的类型和原因- 解决跨文化冲突的技巧和策略- 跨文化团队合作和冲突管理6.跨文化交际的实践案例- 跨文化交际案例分析和讨论- 文化差异引发的问题和解决方法- 跨文化解决方案的实践经验分享四、课程评估课程将通过以下方式进行评估:1.参与度和课堂表现;2.小组项目和演讲;3.论文或研究报告;4.跨文化交际模拟实践。

五、参考资料- Lustig, M.W., & Koester, J. (2019). Intercultural competence: Interpersonal communication across cultures.- Jandt, F.E. (2019). An introduction to intercultural communication: Identities and relationships.- Samovar, L.A., Porter, R.E., & McDaniel, E.R. (2017). Intercultural communication: A reader.六、备注该大纲仅供参考,教师有权根据实际情况进行适当调整,并在课程开始前向学生说明具体要求和安排。



3. 培养对异质文化的敏感度与欣赏能力(B3)
教学内容 学时 教学方式 作业及要求 基本要求 考查方式
第一章跨文 4
(Course Type)
授课对象 (Audience)
第六章非言 2 语行为与跨 文化交际
第七章教育 4 与跨文化交 际
第八章 商 2 务、礼仪与跨 文化交际
第九章 文化 2 冲突与跨文 化适应
讲授/讨论/ 学生口头报

对自身文化 与中国文化 间“非言语 行为”的比 较,加深其 对跨文化交 际中“非言 语行为” 问 题的与认。
是针对现实历史语境中的具体实践要求而设置的课程,目的是研究异质文化 之间相遇与交际过程中的现象与规律,并且帮助教学对象在理解的前提下更
process of learning from others. In a global era, people inevitably



“跨文化交际”课程说明Special English Options for MSc Candidates, Fall 2018 Any first-year MSc candidates at an intermediate or upper level of English (no non-speakers!) are free to choose one of these three special courses to satisfy the English requirement in the fall term of 2018-2019. [There are also three highly interactive regular English courses (EFL) taught by foreign instructors.] All courses will be held once a week for the whole term.ART: Talking About Art. (Nicholas Kingston-Smith) When human beings produce objects or gestures that we think of as “art”, what are they doing? In this very interactive English course, participants will study photos of art works (jewelry, sculpture, painting, ceramics) and push themselves and each other to see what is really there. NickKingston-Smith will give short talks, set up group discussions in English and later arrange camera assignments that challenge students to “see” in a fresh and deeper way. We aim to enable participants to approach the tasks in their own lives in a more thoughtful and creative spirit, by first observing things around them more sharply – using English. This class is only for students willing to use English actively.DEBATE: Building Fluency in English Through Debate. (Janey Robideau) Students will learn how formal debates are conducted in theEnglish-speaking world. They will read background material and work in groups to argue the pros and cons of a range of issues. Many of the issues will be related to the earth sciences and environmental studies. The emphasis in the class will be on sharpening reasoning skills and developing the oral English of argument, exchange and persuasion. Students must start with some previous ability to use general English conversationally.GEOLOGICAL ENGLISH: Talking about Earth. (William White) The earth sciences are very different fields, but they share a basic vocabulary to talk about Earth as a dynamic system. This interactive course will use short readings, discussions, dialogs, dictations and drills to launch students in the use of the basic English of geology important in their careers. The primary objective is to give students greater confidence in talking about geological matters, and secondarily to build greater willingness to use geological textbooks and articles in English. Grading will reflect participation and the results of several short quizzes. Only students with some ability to use general English orally can enter the class.1.教材来源:课程参考教材共三本,并配课件ppt1)《英汉互译实用教程》安静, 隗雪燕主编知识产权出版社2)《科技英语翻译》赵萱,郑仰光主编外语教学与研究出版社3)《研究生英语阅读与翻译》李健主编外语教学与研究出版社2.教学内容:硕士研究生在之前的英语学习中掌握、积累了大量英语词汇、语法和相关技能。



学校名称:澳洲悉尼大学 The University of Sydney
Master of Cross-cultural Communication at the University of Sydney





CRICOS code: 055326A



跨文化交际课程大纲(Cross-cultural Communication)课程性质:专业方向课课程学分/学时:2.0学分/30学时上课时间/教室:开课学院:外国语学院教师姓名/职称:马书红,副教授;王初艳,讲师教师联系方式:187****1369,*****************办公时间/地点(Office hours/Place):周四上午8:00-12:00,南区办公楼305一、课程简介及目标(一)本课简介本课程是面向英语专业学生的专业方向课,主要内容包括:文化的定义、层次和特征;跨文化交际的定义;家庭对个体的社会化、社会交际能力、男女家庭角色定位、价值观等的影响;身份的定义和分类(人种身份、民族身份、性别身份、国家身份、组织身份、个人身份、网络虚拟身份等);刻板印象及避免产生刻板印象的方法;偏见及其成因;民族中心主义的定义及特点;感知的定义、感知与文化和信念的关系、个人主义和集体主义、权力距离、柔性和刚性文化、高语境和低语境文化;不同文化的非语言交际方式和特征;不同文化的时间和空间概念;不同文化的领导风格;解决跨文化交际冲突的策略。
















五、教学方式课堂精讲、案例研讨、学生演讲+问答+点评六、教学内容及学时分配1.导论4学时1.1课程简介1.2跨文化交际定义1.3跨文化交际的作用1.4跨文化交际案例研讨2交流技巧及实践6学时2.1演讲技巧2.2讲座问答技巧2.3演讲问答技巧3中西文化比较22学时3.1重要节日的起源及风俗3.2社会行为案例研讨3.3教育理念及模式3.4家庭+案例研讨3.5社交礼仪案例研讨3.6宗教信仰3.7饮食习惯及餐桌礼仪3.8环境问题及案例研讨3.9交通问题及案例研讨3.10独立意识+案例研讨4摘要写作技巧及实践2学时5中西方科技文化6学时5.1中医5.2中国科技文化5.3西方科技文化6.工作比较6学时6.1英汉求职信写作差异+实践6.2工作观念及态度6.3模拟工作面试7.笔试2学时七、成绩考核及评分课堂表现(研讨+提问)20分课堂演讲20分写作练习20分笔试40分八、参考文献1.Samovar,L.A.&porter,R.E.&McDaniel,munication between Cultures[M].7th ed.Boston:Wasworth,20102.胡文仲.跨文化交际学概论[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.3.陈国明.跨文化交际学[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社,2009.4.李庆本,毕继万.中外文化比较与跨文化交际[M].北京:北京语言文化大学出版社,2014.5.祖晓梅.跨文化交际[M].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2015.九、大纲撰写人:王玉雯。





3. 教学内容与教学要求:英语专业教学大纲强调,在语言学习过程中要培养学生的跨文化交际意识,增强对文化差异的敏感性和宽容性,提高处理跨文化交际冲突的灵活性,即跨文化交际能力。

















《跨文化交际》课程教学大纲一、课程说明:《跨文化交际》是英语翻译专业一门必修课,该课程就中国文化和西方文化进行介绍并作对比研究, 授课内容主要涉及语言,文化和跨文化交际的话题。




在传统的外语教学中, 人们往往忽视文化的重要作用, 只注重语言能力的培养而未能顾及交际能力的提高。

近年来国内学者认识到外语教学必须引进文化知识的对比,训练学生灵活运用语言知识, 更好地与外国人沟通, 减少和避免误解。

该课程教学要求学生提高对文化差异的敏感性, 更有效地与外国人进行交际,为英语翻译专业课程的学习和翻译实践能力的提高奠定基础。

三、教学重点及难点:该课程教学重点在于培养学生对英语国家文化的了解及跨文化交际意识, 提高驾驭英语语言的能力, 从而使其能得体地运用语言与操英语的外国人士进行交流。

该课程授课形式为系列讲座, 以讲解为主,课堂讨论为辅。

教师的讲授重点是帮助学生认识中西文化的异同,分析文化差异的根源, 帮助学生深化对西方文化的理解。







该课程还讨论语言交际中的具体问题,比如介绍与问候,词语的使用,非言语交际,价值观念,对时间,空间的看法,对教育,工作的态度, 人际间的关系, 家庭观念,以及文化冲突,文化休克等问题。
















《跨文化交际学》教学大纲课程中文名称:跨文化交际学课程英文名称:Cross-culture Communication学分: 2 总学时: 36课程性质: 非学位选修课适用研究生专业:英语语言文学一、本课程的性质和任务本课程是我校英语语言文学专业的非学位选修课,是研究翻译学科。








二、本课程的教学内容和基本要求一、绪论(Introduction)1. 关于交际、文化与跨文化交际2. 关于跨文化交际研究的理论二、价值观念(Values)1.了解不同文化背景下的“Friendship”概念2.了解不同文化背景下的“Ethics”概念3.了解不同文化背景下的“Individualism & Self-Reliance”概念4.了解不同文化背景下的“Privacy”概念5.了解不同文化背景下的“Equality”概念6.了解不同文化背景下的“Attributes”概念7.了解不同文化背景下的“Time & Space”概念8.了解不同文化背景下的“Competition & Cooperation”概念9.了解不同文化背景下的“Volunteerism & Philanthropy”概念三、日常生活(Daily Life)1.了解不同文化背景下的生活方式(Lifestyle)2. 了解不同文化背景下的家庭伦理(Family & Marriage)3.了解不同文化背景下的娱乐生活(Entertainment)4. 了解不同文化背景下的假日旅行(Holidays & Travel)5. 了解不同文化背景下的艺术建筑(Art & Architecture)6. 了解不同文化背景下的科学技术(Science & Technology)四、社交生活(Social Life)1. 了解不同文化背景下的教育体制(Education)2. 了解不同文化背景下的宗教信仰(Religion)3. 了解不同文化背景下的政治和法律(Political Systems & Law)4. 了解不同文化背景下的种族观念(Minorities)5. 了解不同文化背景下的偏见和模式化(Prejudice & Stereotyping)6. 构建消除文化休克的桥梁(Building Bridge)三、课程学时分配四、其它1、先修课程:无2、教学方法建议:采用任务型教学与自主研究相结合的模式3、考核方式:平时作业 10% 期中读书报告 30% 期末论文 60%4、教材及主要参考书:教材:张蓓郑文圆主编《跨文化意识》,清华大学出版社,2003年主要参考书:Claire Kramsch,《语言与文化》,上海外语教育出版社出版,2000Basil Hatim,Communication Across Cultures,上海外语教育出版社,2001 邓炎昌刘润清,《语言与文化》,外语教育与研究出版社出版关世杰,《跨文化交际学》,北京大学出版社,1999胡文仲,《跨文化交际学概论》,外语教学与研究出版社,1999胡文仲,《文化与交际》,外语教学与研究出版社,1998林大津,《《跨文化交际研究》,福建人民出版社,1996赵艳萍,《文化与交际》,中国人民大学出版社,1999制订者:审核者:外国语学院。

研究生跨文化交际英语教程 case学习

研究生跨文化交际英语教程 case学习

第一单元Communication Across Cultures 概括介绍跨文化交际,重点描述当今席卷世界的“全球化”浪潮和由此产生的不同文化之间的碰撞和冲突,并在此时代背景下来认识身处“地球村”中的不同文化群体所共同面对的跨文化交际问题。

第二单元Culture and Communication 以文化和交际为中心话题,主要说明文化构成了人们的基本生存环境,人类社会生活中的一切无不受到文化的制约和规定,介绍交际及其过程所涉及的各种因素,揭示交际的复杂性与开放性,以及文化与交际的不可分离。

第三单元Cultural Diversity 以文化的多样性为中心话题,主要讨论不同文化之间在许多方面、尤其是价值观上所存在的巨大差异,并提供了对文化差异进行描述与分析的一些基本框架。

第四单元Language and Culture 主要介绍语言与文化之间的相互关系,分析不同语言在使用上所存在的显性与隐性文化差异,以及这些差异对跨文化交际的影响。

第五单元Culture and Verbal Communication 着重介绍人们社会交往中的语言使用和文化与语言之间的相互关系,分析不同语言在使用上所存在的显性与隐性文化差异,以及这些差异对跨文化交际的影响。

第六单元Culture and Nonverbal Communication 主要涉及各种形式的非言语交际,包括手势、表情、眼神、姿态、身体接触以及等,同时描述了不同文化在非言语行为上的种种差异。

第七单元Time and Space Across Cultures 的主要内容是关于时间和空间在交际中的使用,重点分析不同文化间在这些方面存在的差异及其对跨文化交际的影响。

第八单元Cross-cultural Perception 所介绍的主要是不同文化群体的相互感知与认识,民族中心主义倾向对跨文化交际的影响,第九单元Intercultural Adaptation 主要涉及跨文化调节与适应过程中发生的文化冲击及其应对方法,以及生活在多元文化世界中会面临的问题等。




跨文化交际的英语名是Intercultural munication,早期也称为Cross-cultural munication。






1974年,跨文化教育训练与研究学会(SIETAR,Society for Intercultural Education,Training and Research)在美国正式宣布成立。


















I. Oral Projects for Intercultural CommunicationPROJECT1 COMMUNICATION AND CULTUREProject Duration: 2 weeks’ cooperative preparation before class.Project Purpose:• To understand the differences caused by different cultures• To arouse intercultural awareness and to act accordingly• To develop a critical view about the differences caused by different cultures• To enhance English language proficiency.• To improve cooperative skills, leadership, and communicative skills.• To develop reasoning skills, critical thinking and problem-solving ability.Project Description:To make a presentation to analyse the project you choose with the help of PPT, oral report, role play and video/audio files. You can choose the illustrate your idea with examples, proofs sand evidence from life with proper reasoning skills. You need to collect information on the topic first, and then organise the information in a logic way and restructure it based on your understanding. During your restructuring, you can design activities such as a short lecture, role plays,mini-contest about the information you will convey to your classmates. When you deliver the presentation, all of your members should have at least one role to play to show your cooperation. You can invite guests to your group, and you also can record a video about your theme. And in your presentation, there should be some video or audio files to support your topic. You can find clips in films or some documents. And remember, you should try to make your presentation informative by speaking slowly and clearly, paying attention to the audience’s response. Requirements:• Present your project in English.• If there are some difficult words and expressions during your presentation, please make illustrations to help your classmates understand them better.• Speak slowly and clearly to make you understood.• Use necessary props to help you convey information more effectively.• Design different activities vividly to make your project better understood, convey as much information as you could, persuade others as strongly as you can, and design some interactive activities to arouse the interest among your classmates.• Make natural transitions between different activities to support your project.Presentation Aids:• Files: PPT, pictures, videos, audios• Forms: speeches/lectures, role plays, self-made films• Other self-made props• A little quiz or competition about your project after presentation.Suggested Structure:• Brief introduction about your group members and different roles• General introduction to your topic• Key words and expressions about your topic• Proverbs and sayings about your topic• Outline to demonstrate your views• Arguing the matter pros and cons(正反两方面论证), from different perspectives(分层论证), or by analysis(分析论证)• Summary of important tips to understand your topic• Interactive activities with your audienceProject Evaluation:Your work will be evaluated by the professional judgement of teachers. The full mark is 4 pointsRubrics for evaluation:• The usage of multimedia and props: 1point• Organisation: 0.5points (PPT, structure, roles)• Presentation: 1point– Clarification– Logic– Eye contact– Interaction with audience• Information-conveying efficiency: 1 point• Cooperation among group members: 1 pointTime for Presentation: around the 2nd weekPROJECT2 THE HIDDEN CORE OF CULTUREProject Duration: 2 weeks’ cooperative preparation before class.Project Purpose:• To understand the differences caused by different cultures• To arouse intercultural awareness and to act accordingly• To develop a critical view about the differences caused by different cultures• To enhance English language proficiency.• To improve cooperative skills, leadership, and communicative skills.• To develop reasoning skills, critical thinking and problem-solving ability.Project Description:To make a presentation to analyse the project you choose with the help of PPT, oral report, role play and video/audio files. You can choose the illustrate your idea with examples, proofs sandevidence from life with proper reasoning skills. You need to collect information on the topic first, and then organise the information in a logic way and restructure it based on your understanding. During your restructuring, you can design activities such as a short lecture, role plays,mini-contest about the information you will convey to your classmates. When you deliver the presentation, all of your members should have at least one role to play to show your cooperation. You can invite guests to your group, and you also can record a video about your theme. And in your presentation, there should be some video or audio files to support your topic. You can find clips in films or some documents. And remember, you should try to make your presentation informative by speaking slowly and clearly, paying attention to the audience’s response. Requirements:• Present your project in English.• If there are some difficult words and expressions during your presentation, please make illustrations to help your classmates understand them better.• Speak slowly and clearly to make you understood.• Use necessary props to help you convey information more effectively.• Design different activities vividly to make your project better understood, convey as much information as you could, persuade others as strongly as you can, and design some interactive activities to arouse the interest among your classmates.• Make natural transitions between different activities to support your project.Presentation Aids:• Files: PPT, pictures, videos, audios• Forms: speeches/lectures, role plays, self-made films• Other self-made props• A little quiz or competition about your project after presentation.Suggested Structure:• Brief introduction about your group members and different roles• General introduction to your topic• Key words and expressions about your topic• Proverbs and sayings about your topic• Outline to demonstrate your views• Arguing the matter pros and cons(正反两方面论证), from different perspectives(分层论证), or by analysis(分析论证)• Summary of important tips to understand your topic• Interactive activities with your audienceProject Evaluation:Your work will be evaluated by the professional judgement of teachers. The full mark is 4 pointsRubrics for evaluation:• The usage of multimedia and props: 1point• Organisation: 0.5points (PPT, structure, roles)• Presentation: 1point– Clarification– Logic– Eye contact– Interaction with audience• Information-conveying efficiency: 1 point• Cooperation among group members: 1 pointTime for Presentation: around The 5th weekPROJECT3 VERBAL COMMUNICATIONProject Duration: 2 weeks’ cooperative preparation before class.Project Purpose:• To understand the differences caused by different cultures• To arouse intercultural awareness and to act accordingly• To develop a critical view about the differences caused by different cultures• To enhance English language proficiency.• To improve cooperative skills, leadership, and communicative skills.• To develop reasoning skills, critical thinking and problem-solving ability.Project Description:To make a presentation to analyse the project you choose with the help of PPT, oral report, role play and video/audio files. You can choose the illustrate your idea with examples, proofs sand evidence from life with proper reasoning skills. You need to collect information on the topic first, and then organise the information in a logic way and restructure it based on your understanding. During your restructuring, you can design activities such as a short lecture, role plays,mini-contest about the information you will convey to your classmates. When you deliver the presentation, all of your members should have at least one role to play to show your cooperation. You can invite guests to your group, and you also can record a video about your theme. And in your presentation, there should be some video or audio files to support your topic. You can find clips in films or some documents. And remember, you should try to make your presentation informative by speaking slowly and clearly, paying attention to the audience’s response. Requirements:• Present your project in English.• If there are some difficult words and expressions during your presentation, please make illustrations to help your classmates understand them better.• Speak slowly and clearly to make you understood.• Use necessary props to help you convey information more effectively.• Design different activities vividly to make your project better understood, convey as much information as you could, persuade others as strongly as you can, and design some interactive activities to arouse the interest among your classmates.• Make natural transitions between different activities to support your project.Presentation Aids:• Files: PPT, pictures, videos, audios• Forms: speeches/lectures, role plays, self-made films• Other self-made props• A little quiz or competition about your project after presentation.Suggested Structure:• Brief introduction about your group members and different roles• General introduction to your topic• Key words and expressions about your topic• Proverbs and sayings about your topic• Outline to demonstrate your views• Arguing the matter pros and cons(正反两方面论证), from different perspectives(分层论证), or by analysis(分析论证)• Summary of important tips to understand your topic• Interactive activities with your audienceProject Evaluation:Your work will be evaluated by the professional judgement of teachers. The full mark is 4 pointsRubrics for evaluation:• The usage of multimedia and props: 1point• Organisation: 0.5points (PPT, structure, roles)• Presentation: 1point– Clarification– Logic– Eye contact– Interaction with audience• Information-conveying efficiency: 1 point• Cooperation among group members: 1 pointTime for Presentation: around the 7th weekPROJECT4 NONVERBAL COMMUNICATIONProject Duration: 2 weeks’ cooperative preparation before class.Project Purpose:• To understand the differences caused by different cultures• To arouse intercultural awareness and to act accordingly• To develop a critical view about the differences caused by different cultures• To enhance English language proficiency.• To improve cooperative skills, leadership, and communicative skills.• To develop reasoning skills, critical thinking and problem-solving ability.Project Description:To make a presentation to analyse the project you choose with the help of PPT, oral report, role play and video/audio files. You can choose the illustrate your idea with examples, proofs sandevidence from life with proper reasoning skills. You need to collect information on the topic first, and then organise the information in a logic way and restructure it based on your understanding. During your restructuring, you can design activities such as a short lecture, role plays,mini-contest about the information you will convey to your classmates. When you deliver the presentation, all of your members should have at least one role to play to show your cooperation. You can invite guests to your group, and you also can record a video about your theme. And in your presentation, there should be some video or audio files to support your topic. You can find clips in films or some documents. And remember, you should try to make your presentation informative by speaking slowly and clearly, paying attention to the audience’s response. Requirements:• Present your project in English.• If there are some difficult words and expressions during your presentation, please make illustrations to help your classmates understand them better.• Speak slowly and clearly to make you understood.• Use necessary props to help you convey information more effectively.• Design different activities vividly to make your project better understood, convey as much information as you could, persuade others as strongly as you can, and design some interactive activities to arouse the interest among your classmates.• Make natural transitions between different activities to support your project.Presentation Aids:• Files: PPT, pictures, videos, audios• Forms: speeches/lectures, role plays, self-made films• Other self-made props• A little quiz or competition about your project after presentation.Suggested Structure:• Brief introduction about your group members and different roles• General introduction to your topic• Key words and expressions about your topic• Proverbs and sayings about your topic• Outline to demonstrate your views• Arguing the matter pros and cons(正反两方面论证), from different perspectives(分层论证), or by analysis(分析论证)• Summary of important tips to understand your topic• Interactive activities with your audienceProject Evaluation:Your work will be evaluated by the professional judgement of teachers. The full mark is 4 pointsRubrics for evaluation:• The usage of multimedia and props: 1point• Organisation: 0.5points (PPT, structure, roles)• Presentation: 1point– Clarification– Logic– Eye contact– Interaction with audience• Information-conveying efficiency: 1 point• Cooperation among group members: 1 pointTime for Presentation: around the 9th weekPROJECT5 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIPSProject Duration: 2 weeks’ cooperative preparation before class.Project Purpose:• To understand the differences caused by different cultures• To arouse intercultural awareness and to act accordingly• To develop a critical view about the differences caused by different cultures• To enhance English language proficiency.• To improve cooperative skills, leadership, and communicative skills.• To develop reasoning skills, critical thinking and problem-solving ability.Project Description:To make a presentation to analyse the project you choose with the help of PPT, oral report, role play and video/audio files. You can choose the illustrate your idea with examples, proofs sand evidence from life with proper reasoning skills. You need to collect information on the topic first, and then organise the information in a logic way and restructure it based on your understanding. During your restructuring, you can design activities such as a short lecture, role plays,mini-contest about the information you will convey to your classmates. When you deliver the presentation, all of your members should have at least one role to play to show your cooperation. You can invite guests to your group, and you also can record a video about your theme. And in your presentation, there should be some video or audio files to support your topic. You can find clips in films or some documents. And remember, you should try to make your presentation informative by speaking slowly and clearly, paying attention to the audience’s response. Requirements:• Present your project in English.• If there are some difficult words and expressions during your presentation, please make illustrations to help your classmates understand them better.• Speak slowly and clearly to make you understood.• Use necessary props to help you convey information more effectively.• Design different activities vividly to make your project better understood, convey as much information as you could, persuade others as strongly as you can, and design some interactive activities to arouse the interest among your classmates.• Make natural transitions between different activities to support your project.Presentation Aids:• Files: PPT, pictures, videos, audios• Forms: speeches/lectures, role plays, self-made films• Other self-made props• A little quiz or competition about your project after presentation.Suggested Structure:• Brief introduction about your group members and different roles• General introduction to your topic• Key words and expressions about your topic• Proverbs and sayings about your topic• Outline to demonstrate your views• Arguing the matter pros and cons(正反两方面论证), from different perspectives(分层论证), or by analysis(分析论证)• Summary of important tips to understand your topic• Interactive activities with your audienceProject Evaluation:Your work will be evaluated by the professional judgement of teachers. The full mark is 4 pointsRubrics for evaluation:• The usage of multimedia and props: 1point• Organisation: 0.5points (PPT, structure, roles)• Presentation: 1point– Clarification– Logic– Eye contact– Interaction with audience• Information-conveying efficiency: 1 point• Cooperation among group members: 1 pointTime for Presentation: around the 12th weekPROJECT6 IMPROVING INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONProject Duration: 2 weeks’ cooperative preparation before class.Project Purpose:• To understand the differences caused by different cultures• To arouse intercultural awareness and to act accordingly• To develop a critical view about the differences caused by different cultures• To enhance English language proficiency.• To improve cooperative skills, leadership, and communicative skills.• To develop reasoning skills, critical thinking and problem-solving ability.Project Description:To make a presentation to analyse the project you choose with the help of PPT, oral report, role play and video/audio files. You can choose the illustrate your idea with examples, proofs sand evidence from life with proper reasoning skills. You need to collect information on the topic first, and then organise the information in a logic way and restructure it based on your understanding. During your restructuring, you can design activities such as a short lecture, role plays,mini-contest about the information you will convey to your classmates. When you deliver the presentation, all of your members should have at least one role to play to show your cooperation. You can invite guests to your group, and you also can record a video about your theme. And in your presentation, there should be some video or audio files to support your topic. You can find clips in films or some documents. And remember, you should try to make your presentation informative by speaking slowly and clearly, paying attention to the audience’s response. Requirements:• Present your project in English.• If there are some difficult words and expressions during your presentation, please make illustrations to help your classmates understand them better.• Speak slowly and clearly to make you understood.• Use necessary props to help you convey information more effectively.• Design different activities vividly to make your project better understood, convey as much information as you could, persuade others as strongly as you can, and design some interactive activities to arouse the interest among your classmates.• Make natural transitions between different activities to support your project.Presentation Aids:• Files: PPT, pictures, videos, audios• Forms: speeches/lectures, role plays, self-made films• Other self-made props• A little quiz or competition about your project after presentation.Suggested Structure:• Brief introduction about your group members and different roles• General introduction to your topic• Key words and expressions about your topic• Proverbs and sayings about your topic• Outline to demonstrate your views• Arguing the matter pros and cons(正反两方面论证), from different perspectives(分层论证), or by analysis(分析论证)• Summary of important tips to understand your topic• Interactive activities with your audienceProject Evaluation:Your work will be evaluated by the professional judgement of teachers. The full mark is 4 pointsRubrics for evaluation:• The usage of multimedia and props: 1point• Organisation: 0.5points (PPT, structure, roles)• Presentation: 1point– Clarification– Logic– Eye contact– Interaction with audience• Information-conveying efficiency: 1 point• Cooperation among group members: 1 pointTime for Presentation: around the 15th weekII. Written Projects for intercultural communicationProject Title: Title is chosen and decided by yourself from what have learnt in this course. Project Duration: Two monthsProject Purpose: To enhance English writing skills, reasoning and critical thinking ability. Project Description: Write two term theses whose title is chosen by yourself in at least 400 English words.Requirements:1.Understand the topic of your own writing fully and accurately.2.If there are some difficult words and expressions in your reading materials, please refer tothe English dictionary and the dictionary for specific English, if necessary.3.Make some key notes before your work.4.Avail yourself of the section of writing skills in your textbook of reading and some otherbooks regarding writing and reading skills and strategies.e certain criteria of writing like clarity, expressiveness and grace.6.You must proofread and polish your first draft of your work.7.Your last draft of translation is encouraged to be finished in handwritten form.Project Aids:1. Good dictionaries like Oxford Dictionary or Webster Dictionary.2.Good reference books on textbook.3.Other reference books on intercultural communicationProject Evaluation:Your work is to be evaluated by the teacher. The full mark is 3 points respectively, 6 points altogether.Criteria for evaluation:3 points EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION WITH ACCURACIESThe thesis effectively addresses the writing task. It demonstrates a well developed logical organisational structure with clearly stated main ideas and sufficient supporting details. It has almost no errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays an adequate ability to use the language with appropriacy. No difficulty is experienced by the reader.2.5 points GOOD COMMUNICATION WITH FEW INACCURACIESThe thesis adequately addresses almost all of the writing task, though it deals with some parts more effectively than others. It demonstrates a generally well developed logical organisational structure with main ideas and supporting details. It has relatively few significant errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays an ability to use the language with appropriacy. Very little difficulty is experienced by the reader.2 points PASSABLE COMMUNICATION WITH SOME INACCURACIES.The thesis adequately addresses most of the writing task. On the whole, it demonstrates an adequately developed organisational structure, though there may occasionally be a lack of relevance, clarity, consistency or support. It has occasional errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, which may, from time to time, obscure meaning, and for the most part it displays some ability to use the language with appropriacy. Occasional difficulty is experienced by the reader.1.5 points PROBLEMATIC COMMUNICATION WITH FREQUENT INACCURACIESThe thesis only addresses some of the writing task. It demonstrates an inadequate organisational structure, and there may quite often be a lack of relevance, clarity, consistency or support. It has frequent errors of vocabulary, spelling, punctuation or syntax, and it displays a limited ability to use the language with appropriacy. Some difficulty is experienced by the reader.0-1point ALMOST NO COMMUNICATIONDeadline for submission: The first paper must be submitted before the 7th week;the second paper must be submitted before the 15thweek.。

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1. 《新编跨文化交际英语教程》许力生主编上海外语教育出版社 2012年版
2. 《跨文化交际》张爱琳主编重庆大学出版社 2011年
3. 《跨文化语言交际学概论》胡文仲著外语教学与研究出版社 1999年版
4. 《跨文化语言交际》吴为善著商务印书馆 2007
分析总结报告作为平时成绩,占20 % ;
交际情景案例作为期中考核成绩,占30 % ;
期末考核为书面考试,占50 % 。

