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2011--2012学年 1 学期 时间100分钟

最优化理论与方法 课程 48 学时 学分 考试形式: 闭 卷

专业年级: 信科08、应数08 总分100分,占总评成绩 70 %


1.(15 points ) For an unconstrained optimization problem:

),(min x f

Let )0(x be a given point, )0(d be a descent search direction at )0(x .

(1) With the exact line search, show that there is a steplength 0α satisfying

.0)()0()0(0)0(=+∇d d x f T α

(2)Show that when applied to a quadratic objective function, the Newton method with the exact line search terminates in at most one iteration.

2. (15 points )For an unconstrained optimization problem:

.2)(min 2

221x x x f +=

(1) Find a descent direction )0(d of f at .)1,1()

0(T x


(2) By the Armijo line search, find a steplength 0α along )0(d at .)0(x

3.(15 points ) (1)Let .2113⎪⎪⎭⎫

⎝⎛=A Find two directions 1d and 2d such that 1d

and 2d are conjugate with respect to the matrix A .

(2)Show that when applied to a quadratic objective function, with the exact line

search, the PRP conjugate gradient method is equivalent to the FR conjugate gradient method.

4. (15 points ) Apply the BFGS method associated with the exact line search to solve the following problem:

.2)(min 1212

221x x x x x x f --+=

The initial point .)0,1()0(T x =

5. (10 points ) Apply the barrier penalty function method associated to solve the following problem:




1)(min 212

2221≥-+-+=x x t s x x x x f The initial point .)1,1()0(T x =

6. (15 points ) For a constrained optimization problem:



.4)(min 2122




21≥≥≥--≤-+-=x x x x x x t s x x x f

(1) Identify the active constraint(s) at .)4,3()0(T x = (2) Find the set of linearized feasible direction at .)0(x

7. (15 points ) (1) Compute the gradient value 0g of the objective function:


3222122)(x x x x x x x x f --++=

at .)1,1,1()0(T x =

(2) Compute the projection of 0g on the feasible region

}.0,02|{31213=-=+∈=Ωx x x x R x
