毕博 中国银行授信方案
系统 客户化
系统数据 整合方案
Copyright © 2001-2002 毕马威管理咨询版权所有
授信风险模型系统实施: 第一步骤 – 确定授信风险模型范围
产品覆盖 范围
• 零售信贷产品 • 企业信贷产品 • 金融市场批发信贷产品
客户覆 盖范围
授信模型实施与业务整合 分步搭建法及其 实施的进行方法 (讨论稿)
本文内包含的资料属于毕马威管理咨询公司的商业机密, 一旦泄漏,可能被商 业竞争者利用。因此本文档内容仅限于对毕马威管理咨询公司作评估之用;除 此之外,不得私自发布、使用和复制文档的任何内容。
如果毕马威管理咨询公司有幸和贵方签订合同,对本文档中资料的发布、使用 和复制的权利将在以后签订的协议中明确说明。本限制条款不适用于可以从其 它合法渠道得到对文中包含数据的使用授权的情况。
授信风险 衡量数值
授信风险基础建立 授信风险数据储存库
提供授信评分、 评级风险因素
历史数据 操作系统 转移 数据转移
评分、评级效果 汇报
授信风险决策支持 授信决策 限额、风险 流程整合 监控汇报
Copyright © 2001-2002 毕马威管理咨询版权所有
授信风险模型实施: 分步搭建法
第一阶段: 授信风险信息基础建立
授信风险 战略与政策
1. 确定授信 风险模型
2. 确定授信 风险模型
【摘要】@@ 编者按:从广为人知的垂直化、扁平化管理,到近期的数据大集中工作,组织架构再造正在中国的各家商业银行内部悄然酝酿和稳步实施.组织架构再造,不仅是中国银行界管理理念和管理流程的再造,更是中国银行界摆脱"官气"、向真正商业银行转变的变革.本刊记者就此话题专访了毕博大中华区副总裁施能自先生,对组织架构再造中的各种疑难问题一一求解.
经理区万康先生 [J], 谭雪清
3.全力推进中国业务成长——访麦格纳国际亚太区执行副总裁弗兰克·欧博恩先生和麦格纳中国区市场营销及政府关系副总裁孙星原先生 [J], 陈永光
4.雀巢大中华区智能高效的供应链战略——访雀巢大中华区供应链及采购高级副总裁Tony Domingo董明先生 [J], 《物流技术与应用》编辑部
5.用数字技术塑造航运业未来——访康士伯海事亚太区全球客户支持副总裁高军先生和大中华区销售与市场副总裁刘雅玲女士 [J], 赵博
中国银行大额分期信用及担保模式简介,信用卡运营方案 共18页PPT资料
参考他行信用卡授信额度进行授信,最高不超过他行最高授信 额度的120%。对于能够提供信用卡交易记录的,最高可按年 消费总额的100%授信,(参考申请人消费总额授信的,经办 行需提供借款人他行信用卡近一年对帐单或交易流水)
用于持卡人合法的支付需求(可适当延伸至其他非消费的支付结算领域)。不得 用于国家法律和金融法规明确禁止经营的项目,如股票、证券、股本投资等。
二、基本条件 具有中华人民共和国国籍和完全民事行为能力。
资信良好、在我行及其他金融同业无不良信用记录、有按 期偿还借款本息能力的自然人。
说明:如客户同时满足信用类客户所列的两个 或以上授信条件,可以较高的额度条件授信。
12、全国性或地方性知名传媒业,例如报社、杂志社、广播电台、电视台等正式 员工。
1、部门总经理及 以上管理者(等同 处级以上)信用类 大额分期额度不超 过等值人民币50万 元;
2、中级管理者( 等同科级)信用类 大额分期额度不超 过等值人民币35万 元;
3、普通员工信用 类大额分期额度不 超过等值人民币20 万元;
我行存量 2、额度在等值1万元人民币 信用卡年均消费总
信用卡客 (含)以上
3、有一次或以上消费交易 4、卡片当前账户和状态正常
大额消费或有套现 嫌疑的消费。
银行授信调查报告(合用于集团客户综合授信)客户名称:行业类别:信用评级:授信品种:授信金额:授信期限:授信定价:担保方式:担保人全称:经办机构:客户经理:产品经理:================================================================== ==声明:本人对该授信项目进行了深入调查,并在调查的基础上完成本报告的撰写,本人对调查报告所陈述事实和数据的真实性承担责任。
客户经理签名:产品经理签名:贷前调查时间:地点:调查访问的对象:访问人:调查访问方式及内容:调查报告目录:第一部份授信申请人的基本情况.......................................第二部份授信申请人经营情况分析.....................................第三部份行业及政策分析.............................................第四部份授信申请人财务情况分析.....................................第五部份比较分析...................................................第六部份授信申请人与银行合作情况...................................第七部份或者有负债分析...............................................第八部份授信申请人授信用途与还款来源分析...........................第九部份担保分析...................................................第十部份授信风险分析及防范措施.....................................第十一部份集团授信额度分配方案及其他补充说明....................... 第十二部份调查结论.................................................第十三部份经办机构主要负责人意见...................................1、集团本部(母公司)基本情况: 企业名称: 组织机构代码: 经营范围: 行业类别: 注册地址: 实际办公地址:法定代表人及身份证号码:贷款卡编号、密码、贷款卡是否通过人民银行年审: 基本账户行: 注册资金、币种:股东及出资金额、股权占比(如超过 5 个可仅列出前五个):股权结构、重要股东、实际控制人介绍。
1.2 钢压延加工:指通过热轧、冷加工、锻压和挤压等塑型加工使连铸坯、钢锭产生变形,制成具有一定形状尺寸的钢材产品的生产活动。
1.3 特钢:特钢(或称特殊钢)具有特殊的化学成分(合金化)、更高的强度、韧性和物理化学性能,一般分成优质碳素钢、合金钢、高合金钢(合金元素大于10%)三大类。
四、XX优时代部分合作商户及活动内容展示餐饮类商户活动例举:【XX麻辣香锅】:1.超值双人套餐6.8折原价128元优惠价88元2.生日当天凭有效证件享受8 折优惠,另赠饮料一扎【XX火锅】:1.双人餐5.9折原价87元优惠价52元2.乂乂店自助餐10元代金券【XX西餐厅】:1.中西套餐和披萨10元代金券2.饮品类5元代金券【XX咖啡】:1.双人餐原价116优惠价58【XX火锅】:1.免费领取40元代金券西点饮品类商户活动例举:1.生日蛋糕20元代金券(无限制使用)2.面包1元代金券(5元以上单品均可使用)【XX甜甜圈】:1.手工曲奇饼干+黑糖奶茶原价21元优惠价16元3.元气红茶+黑糖奶茶+甜甜圈2只原价32元优惠价28元【XX饮品】:1.饮品3元代金券(8元以上产品均可使用)3.鲜桔冰露原价7元优惠价5元【XX甜品】:1.甜品3元代金券2.芒椰芒果爽原价22元优惠价18元娱乐休闲类商户活动例举:【XX影城】、【XX影城】、【XX影城】:5折观影【XX星】:1.超市消费满38元,阳光场4小时免费欢唱2.包厢包段5折券【XX音乐广场】:1.生日当天凭有效证件,可免包厢费,另赠送果盘一份2.18元可享阳光场(12:30-18:30)欢唱一下午另赠送果盘一份【AGOGOKTV】:1.超市消费38元免费欢唱3小时(白场时段或夜场23:00以后)3.超市消费100元免费欢唱3小时(全部时段)1.免费领取58元房费抵用券【道朴足道养生】:1.道朴四象足道原价169元优惠价130元2.道朴两仪养生原价399元优惠价299元【XX】:1.仅10元即可体验单次健身(全场通用,项目任选)【XX温泉】:1.优时代会员尊享七折优惠【XX形象会所】:1.免费形象设计一次酒店旅游类商户活动例举:【XX酒店】:1.可享88元商务标间/大床房(2选1)入住一晚原价298元2.豪华标间(含双份早餐)原价598元优惠价160元【XX旅行社】:1.XX一日游原价268元/人优惠价238元/人2.XX包机品质七日游原价2950元/人优惠价2780元/人【XX湾】1.半价游园,原价98优惠价48教育培训类商户活动例举:【XX留学】:1.可免费加申一所海外院校(价值1000元)【XX校】:1.享任意两节舞蹈课体验价9.9元【XX英语】:1.“外语口教”可享受8.8折2.“XX”“托福”100元代金券美容美发美甲类商户活动例举:【XX连锁】:1.超值洗剪吹原价38元优惠价16元2.洗剪吹+烫或染原价198元优惠价99元【XX形象顾问】:1.干洗+剪发原价68元优惠价20元2.洗剪吹+造型+卡凡尊贵烫发或卡凡色彩密码染发原价446元优惠价89元【XX美甲】:1.免费领取6折VIP卡内含20元现金,可同时使用【XXspa馆】:1.仅10元即可体验原价198元背部舒压五、XX优时代战略合作伙伴六、XX优时代部分合作商户七、相关案例数据(每季度打印数据)八、合作方案执行2.企划部合作全程跟进,策划统筹各洽谈商户的内容,沟通协调中国银行及公司各部门,确保合作顺利进行;3.市场部拟定各类商户洽谈细节方案,分配业务人员按进程洽谈,保证客户顺利跟进;4.运营部配合开展相关工作,沟通协调市场部做好接待及回访工作。
根据收集的数据和组织战略, 建立能力素质模型,明确员工 需要具备的能力、知识、技能 和特质。
制定具体的实施计划,包括培 训、发展、评估等环节,以确 保能力素质模型的有效实施。
其他银行应该认识到建立以能力素质模型为核心 的战略性课件的重要性,将其作为提升员工能力 和企业竞争力的重要手段。
在制定培训计划之前,银行应深入了解员工的能 力差距和培训需求,确保培训内容与员工的实际 需求相符合。
银行应注重培训过程中的互动和反馈,以及培训 后的效果评估和跟踪,以确保培训效果的有效性 和可持续性。
根据能力素质模型,分析员工的 能力差距,确定培训需求和培训
基于能力素质模型,设计针对性的 培训课程,帮助员工提升能力。
通过评估员工在培训后的能力提升 情况,衡量培训效果,持续改进培 训体系。
根据能力素质模型,为员工设定合理 的绩效目标,明确工作方向。
基于能力素质模型进行人力资源 配置,能够更好地将员工安排到 适合的岗位上,发挥其最大潜能
通过提升员工能力素质和优化人 力资源配置,组织整体绩效得到
能力素质模型的构建需要综合考虑岗位职责、绩效表现、员工发 展等多方面因素,工作量大且复杂度高。
DOI:10.19995/10-1617/F7.2024.02.173企业并购贷款风险识别与控制研究傅蓓蕾(交通银行股份有限公司北京市分行 北京 100033)摘 要:并购是企业快速成长、提高竞争力的重要途径,同时对经济结构优化和高质量发展意义重大,商业银行可通过并购贷款发挥重要作用,但从现状来看,银行业在支持企业并购时仍存在掣肘,主要原因是缺乏体系化的并购贷款风险识别与控制措施。
关键词:并购贷款;风险识别;风险控制;交易风险;信贷风险本文索引:傅蓓蕾.企业并购贷款风险识别与控制研究[J].商展经济,2024(02):173-176.中图分类号:F830.5 文献标识码:A从宏观上来看,产业整合对我国经济结构调整和高质量发展意义重大;从微观上来看,并购重组是企业快速成长、提高竞争力的重要途径。
1. 合作项目确定。
2. 资金支持方式。
3. 风险控制机制。
4. 合作机制完善。
5. 绩效评估和激励机制。
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 中国银行业监督管理委员会关于核准民生信托张博等六人任职资格的批复
三、活动主要内容1. 目标客户该活动的目标客户主要是符合以下条件的个人客户:•年龄在18-65岁之间;•具有稳定的职业和收入来源;•拥有较好的信用记录;•有一定的资产和收入支持;•需要财务支持,提高生活品质;•需要在短期内获得资金支持。
2. 活动优惠在活动期间,农行将推出以下优惠措施:(1)授信额度提升对于符合要求的个人客户,农行将在原有授信额度基础上,视情况适当提升授信额度。
3. 活动宣传为了让更多的客户了解该活动,农行将采取一系列宣传措施,包括但不限于以下形式:(1)线上宣传在农行官方网站、微信公众号等线上平台上,发布该活动的相关信息和通知,让更多的客户可以及时了解活动内容。
1毕博-上海银行—Final Deliverables SmBusLoanProcess
HANVIT BANKSMALL BUSINESSCOMMERCIAL LOANAPPROVAL PROCESS(Draft)11/10/99Prepared by KPMG, LLPTABLE OF CONTENTSCREDIT REVIEW AND LOAN APPROVAL FOR SMALL BUSINESS LOANS (3)T ABLE 1-A PPLICABILITY OF R ETAIL S CORECARD IN B USINESS L OAN D ECISION BY T OTAL L OANA MOUNTS (3)T ABLE 2-C REDIT R EVIEW P ROCESS (4)T ABLE 3-A PPLICABILITY OF R ETAIL S CORECARD IN B USINESS L OAN D ECISION BY B ORROWING E NTITY 4 LOAN DECISION PROCESS (5)STEPS IN CREDIT REVIEW FOR SMALL BUSINESS LOANS (6)L IMITS,P RICING,R ATING (8)N OTE C ONCERNING L OAN A PPLICATIONS N OT P ROCESSED IN CRMS (9)APPENDIX A- USE OF RETAIL SCORECARD VS FINANCIAL ANALYSIS IN COMMERCIAL LENDING (10)APPENDIX B- WHAT THE BANK SHOULD REVIEW (12)CREDIT REVIEW AND LOAN APPROVAL FOR SMALL BUSINESS LOANSFor purposes of this document, Small Business Loans will be defined as those whose total amount is within the Branch Manager’s or Relationship Manager’s lending limit as defined in the Hanvit Bank credit and lending policy manuals. These loans may range from a few thousand Won to as much as 1.5 billion Won (approx. USD1.25 million) for a Class A Commercial Branch Manager.Because of this wide range of loan size, and the corresponding financial size of the businesses, it is difficult to outline a single set of process steps for all such loans. For smaller loans, a simplified procedure will be outlined. For larger loans which begin to approach the W1.5 billion limit, the full CRMS credit analysis should be completed.It is not valid to make an excuse that the borrower does not have accurate financial information which could be used to justify larger loans. While a very small loan could be made based on personal financial information of the business owner, larger loans require financial analysis and the borrower should be required to fill out Hanvit Bank financial statement forms, if no formal financial information is available. 11 NOTE: The financial statements should contain a statement to the fact that the financial information is being provided to the bank for the purpose of obtaining credit, that the information is true and correct to the best knowledge of the persons whose financial information is represented on the forms and must require signatures of all persons whose financial information is represented attesting to the truth of the information.2 Small business credit scoring in the U.S. has shown that for loans above USD100,000 (approx. W 120 million) the accuracy of scorecards prediction of business owner behavior diminishes and more reliance is required on financial statements and business plans. “Impact on Small Business Scoring”, Meridien Research, April 1998.3 The U.S. Federal Reserve Board cautions against the use of credit scoring techniques for loans or credits that are large or complex.4 See Appendix A for additional information.5 See discussion related to importance of obtaining personal guarantees.LOAN DECISION PROCESS:To facilitate simplification of the loan application analysis process, certain policy-based conditions should be set which will be the first gate through which the loan request will proceed. If the borrower fails to meet these conditions, the loan request should be rejected with no further review. For example, if a certain condition exists, such as a Red Condition the bank policy will dictate that the loan request will be rejected.The next steps will depend on the size of the loan and size of the borrower.The decision to make the loan is to be based principally on the cash flow of the business. The main question is whether the net cash flow of the business entity or the net income of the individual (after all business and/or household expenses) is sufficient to repay the loan.Cash flow analysis will require financial statements. Thus for all but the smallest loans (see table above), financial statements should be obtained. These statements could be prepared by the borrower’s accountant. If the borrower does not have an accountant, the bank should demand income tax returns from the borrower and the principal owners as will be described below. Alternatively, it has been recommended that Hanvit Bank develop financial statement forms (balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statements) which can be given to the borrower to be filled out.NOTE: If the borrower will not provide financial information sufficient to show that the borrower personally or the business entity has the ability to repay the loan, the loan should not be made.The review of the financial statements should look mostly at the cash flow as it relates to the loan request. Assets of the business which can be pledged, or guarantees of the principal owners of the corporation are only safeguards in the event of business failure. They should not be the primary criteria for approving the loan since without adequate cash flow, the loan would go into default immediately.Cash flow capability should be determined as follows:∙Determine the monthly cash flow of the business entity from the financial statements or tax returns as appropriate.∙Determine the monthly loan payment required to repay the loan over the requested term.∙If the amount of the monthly cash flow in excess of the monthly loan repayment is not substantial, the loan should probably not be made under those terms. A smaller loan, orextended repayment term may be required for the borrower to qualify for the loan.STEPS IN CREDIT REVIEW FOR SMALL BUSINESS LOANS:The following sections set out some steps for loan decision making and processing. The goal is to provide an efficient, cost effective decision process while maintaining the highest possible accuracy of the decision to avoid loan losses. Answers to these questions will guide the Relationship Manager (RM) to ask for the proper information to allow the RM to make an informed decision on the loan request.The RM should utilize the Hanvit Bank loan application forms for all information related to the loan. The Borrower’s Business:∙What is the name of the Business?∙Is the Business,-An individual business person (Proprietorship)?-Is it a separate legal entity? Y/N-What kind of legal entity? Partnership? Corporation?Proprietorship:If the borrower is operating the business as a sole proprietorship, the borrower will own anybusiness assets as well as the borrower’s personal assets in the his/her own name. If this is the case, the bank should get financial statements from the borrower listing all business andpersonal assets. The bank should also get the last three (3) years income tax returns whichshould show the business income and any other personal income (such as from a spouse). If the borrower and the spouse file separate income tax returns, the bank should get the last 3income tax returns from each person. This is required to get as accurate a look as possible into the amount of income the borrower actually has.This income should be compared against the business and household expenses of the borrower and spouse to determine the amount of money the borrower has remaining to be used for loan payments.Partnership or Corporation:If the business is a partnership or corporation, it will have separate financial statements from the personal financial statements of the principals of the business who are requesting financing. In this case, at least three years financial statements should be obtained for the business. Ananalysis of the business financial statements will determine the size and financial strength of the business.For underlimit loans it is likely that the business is small and that there will be a need to have the loans to the business guaranteed by the principal owners of the business (partners orshareholders). If this is the case, it is required that the bank get the personal income tax returns of all such owners as well as their own personal balance sheet (a listing of assets and liabilities). ∙To whom is the loan being made?Loans should generally be made to the entity which owns the business assets. For small business loans, it is advisable to have all assets of the business pledged to the bank as collateral for the loans. If the borrower requests that the loan is to be made to the borrower personally forinvestment in the business, or to another entity special caution is required. In all cases, thefinancial statements of any party to the loan transaction, the borrower, guarantor, entity pledging collateral, etc. must be obtained and reviewed.What is the Loan Request?∙How much money is being requested for the Loan?∙For how long will the money be needed?∙For what purpose will the money be used?6∙How will the loan be repaid?-From personal earnings of the business person?-From net profits from the business?∙Over what time period (months or years) will the loan be repaid?∙What payments will be made?-Principal and Interest? How Much per Payment?6NOTE: If the loan is to purchase business assets, all assets should be taken as collateral-Interest Only?CAUTION: It should be specifically documented why principal is not also being paid on aregular basis. Interest only loans can easily lead to complacency on the part of the borrowerand lack of financial discipline. This can lead to large losses when the principal amount is later required to be repaid and the borrower has not set aside enough money to repay the principal. Collateral and Guarantees∙What collateral is being pledged to secure the loan?∙Who will guarantee7 the loan?Personal guarantees should be obtained from the owners of the business, partners, or major shareholders of corporations. In all cases where guarantees are taken, the guarantee must be given by the principals and their spouses.Financial Information RequiredGenerally the bank should obtain the following information:∙Personal credit information about the guarantors—typically principals and their spouses∙Select financial data from borrower’s (or guarantors’) personal financial statements (e.g., net worth, total assets). Information about any major personal assets offered as collateral such as real estate or other principal assets should be verified by a check of public records of ownership. ∙Company income sheet and tax information (three to five years)∙Company balance sheets (three to five years)∙Company cash flow statements (three to five years)∙Additional information related to the loan requestSpecifically for small business loans the following financial information should be obtained:∙For Individual Borrower get:-Last 3 years business financial statements and/or-Last 3 years business and/or personal income tax returns, and-Personal Balance Sheet (Assets & Liabilities).∙For Partnership or Corporate Borrower get:-If formal Financial statements, get:▪Last 3 years financial statements▪Last 3 years income tax returns for principals and their spouses who will guarantee the loan, ▪Personal Balance Sheet (Assets & Liabilities) of the principals and their spouses who will guarantee the loan.-If No formal Financial Statements are available, get▪Get last 3 years business income tax returns▪Business Balance Sheet and Income Statement on Hanvit Bank Forms▪Last 3 years income tax returns for principals and their spouses who will guarantee the loan, ▪Personal Balance Sheet (Assets & Liabilities) of the principals and their spouses who will guarantee the loan. Last 3 years business and/or personal income tax returns, and Processing Steps should follow the Hanvit Bank process with two differences. First, the scorecard should be used to get a report of the credit worthiness of the individual. The financial statement analysis should be done in the most efficient manner possible relative to the size of the loan. Second, it is difficult to accurately blend a score or rating of the individual and the business. The score or rating of the individual who is the principal of the business may give an indication of how the affairs of the business will be conducted. However it is the financial strength of the business operations which will provide the ability of the borrower to repay the loan.For small loans, if a visual review of the financial statements (business and personal) shows solid net worth, good income, the RM can proceed to execute the loan. If the loan is for a large amount, the RM should make a more detailed review of the financial statements including, if possible, the use of the CRMS modules to analyze the financial statements.Step 1: Application Dat a. Information is captured on credit applications. Information about the small business and the company principals or owners (and their spouses) is obtained. Information about any 7 U.S. studies have shown that 40% of businesses fail within the first 2 years of operations and 80% within 10 years. These studies also show that the stronger the personal guarantee, the less likely the business is to fail.additional co-signatories or guarantors is also obtained along with the personal financial statements of these persons.At this point, information about the company principal and spouse may be entered into the retail scorecard system.Step 2: Prescreenin g. Before proceeding to the next step, the bank should screen applications against bank guidelines. Typically, prescreening either rejects applications or sends them for review based on certain factors such as Red Conditions, debt-to-income ratio, and other criteria revealed on the application.Step 3: Public Credit Information. Information from both consumer and business credit bureaus should be obtained. Information from the bank’s customer information files (CIFs) about both the small business and the guarantors may also be accessed.Step 4: Credit Scorin g. Processing a small business application with two guarantors (e.g. co-owners of the business and their spouses) will produce two credit scores from the retail scorecard. The individual scores in this example will probably represent different levels of risk. While each guarantor will be required to fully guarantee the requested loan, the bank should decide whether to use the highest score or an average or blend of all available scores.Step 5: Repayment Ability. There are generally two entities whose financial condition must be analyzed in order to make a loan to a small business. The Business itself and the Business Owner. The basic rule is to lend money to the entity which owns the business assets. If this is an individual, the analysis should identify the sources of income to the individual and the total of assets that can be pledged to the bank as collateral. If the business is a separate entity (e.g., partnership or corporation) the size of the business will determine the scope of the analysis.For very small businesses the credit application is most likely to be accepted or rejected based on the creditworthiness of the company principal(s). As business size (and corresponding loan size) increases, more reliance must be placed on the business operations. The bank should rely primarily on the financial strength of the entity which owns the business assets since that will likely be the entity with the primary ability to repay the loan. The lending decision should be made on this credit review regardless of the collateral or guarantees pledged.Limits, Pricing, Rating:The scope of review of borrower or guarantor information should be appropriate to the size of the total loans which the borrower will owe to the bank and the size of the business. For example, a tinyor small business loan to an individual or small business may require little review. However, a tiny or small business loan to an SME or Large Corporate account may require significant review for a variety of reasons.For example if this is an existing SME or LC account at Hanvit Bank, the loan must be considered in light of the total loan exposure of the borrower to the bank. If it is from a new SME or LC, the initial question is why is this borrower now coming to Hanvit Bank. If the financial information and credit review returns strong results, it may be very appropriate to aggressively market to this company.On the other hand, the credit review may determine that this company is in serious financial trouble and additional loan requests have been turned down by its existing banks. It is therefore not prudent to make this loan under any conditions. Failure to do a proper financial analysis and credit review (e.g., assuming there is no risk in making a small loan to a large company) could easily result in a bad loan decision and loss to the bank.Under all circumstances, the skill, experience and judgment of the RM, Branch Office Manager and Credit Review Officer must be applied to determine what is the appropriate amount of review to be made for loans.∙Limits, Pricing & RatingThe idea is that if there are not enough data items to run KIS modules, then a simple decision tool should be developed to ensure fast and consistent decisions for limits, pricing and rating.The following are suggestions for each topic.-LimitsLimits based on Cash Flow:This will be determined by a simple formula or worksheet. Cash flow of the business shouldbe compared against the total loan payments required for all loans to the borrower (fromHanvit Bank and other lenders). If the cash flow does not significantly exceed the total ofpayments required, the loan should not be made.▪Limits based on Collateral or Guarantees:If the cash flow is sufficient to repay the debts, limits can be restricted by the amount ofavailable collateral or guarantees. If the amount of the loans requested exceeds the value ofbusiness assets available to collateralize the loan or the total of guarantees (supported by un-pledged assets) the total amount of the loans should be reduced so they do not exceed thecollateral or guarantees, regardless of cash flow.-Pricing▪Pricing should be done by a simple formula or worksheet similar to that which is in use at Hanvit Bank today. There should be little gradation in pricing for loans whose prices are notdetermined by the CRMS pricing module. This is to reduce the time to make decisions, andensure consistency and fairness of pricing decisions across multiple borrowers.-Rating▪Rating for all small loans in which the rating cannot be established via the CRMS rating module, will be given an initial rating at the lowest pass grade. In the event that the loanbecomes delinquent or is determined to be not collectible, the loan will be given a loanclassification corresponding to the appropriate FSC classification for the delinquency ordefault condition.Note Concerning Loan Applications Not Processed in CRMS:The fact that the loan application does not go through the CRMS “Submission & Approval” process does not mean that the loan or borrower information will not be in the CRMS database!!!!Any data contained in the loan accounting system database (A/S) can be downloaded to the CRMS database, even if the information is not entered directly into the CRMS database. A very specific example is the reduced balance of the loan or interest information. Loan advances, payments, interest accruals etc. will be processed through the existing A/S and this information should be downloaded to the CRMS for decision support or other purposes.8What this does mean is that the loan analysis and decision will not be made using the CRMS modules and will proceed fairly directly and quickly from loan application to execution in the A/S. It is important to understand that it is valuable to keep the time and cost required for reviewing and approving small loans as low as possible.The reason is similar to the reason for the use of scorecards for retail loans. The possible loss from these small loans for business purposes is too small to justify investing much time and expense in the investigation and decision making for these loans. On the other hand, it is higher than for retail loans and thus personal judgment of the RM or Branch Office Manager must be part of the decision process.8 It remains the strong recommendation of KPMG that the CRMS should not become a surrogate or replacement for a commercial loan accounting system.APPENDIX A- USE OF RETAIL SCORECARD VS FINANCIAL ANALYSIS IN COMMERCIAL LENDINGRetail scorecard use in commercial lending can greatly simplify and speed up the decision on whether a business loan to an individual should be approved. It can also help decide if the guarantee of the individual is of any value in justifying a loan to a separate business entity.The following chart illustrates where the use of the retail scorecard will benefit the commercialAPPENDIX B- WHAT THE BANK SHOULD REVIEWIn performing the credit analysis of the borrower’s business, the RM should review the borrower’s creditworthiness by analyzing the following information.∙Capacity to repay the loan is the most critical factors. The Bank will want to know exactly how the borrower intends to repay the loan. The bank should consider the cash flow from the business, the timing of the repayment, and the probability of successful repayment of the loan.Payment history on existing credit relationships, (both personal or commercial) is considered an indicator of future payment performance. The bank also should know about the borrower’scontingent or alternative sources of loan repayment. These are other sources of income or assets that could be sold to repay the debt. If these assets are the only other source or loan repayments, they should be pledged to the bank as collateral.∙Capital is the money the borrower personally has invested in the business and is an indication of how much the borrower has at risk should the business fail. The bank should expect theborrower to has contributed from the borrower’s own assets and to has undertaken personalfinancial risk to establish the business before asking the bank to commit any funding.∙Collateral or guarantees are additional forms of security the borrower can provide the bank.Giving a bank collateral means that the borrower pledges assets the borrower own, such as the borrower’s home, to the bank with the agreement that it should be the repayment source in case the borrower can't repay the loan. A guarantee, on the other hand, is just that -- someone else signs a guarantee document promising to repay the loan if the borrower can't. The bank mayrequire such a guarantee in addition to collateral as security for a loan.∙Purpose of the loan. Will the money be used for working capital, additional equipment, or inventory? The bank also should consider the local economic climate and conditions both within the borrower’s industry and in other industries that could affect the borrower’s business.∙Character of the borrower is the general impression the borrower makes on the bank. The bank should form a subjective opinion as to whether or not the borrower is sufficientlytrustworthy to repay the loan or generate a return on funds invested in the borrower’s company.The borrower’s educational background and experience in business and in the borrower’sindustry should be reviewed. The quality of the borrower’s references and the background and experience levels of the borrower’s employees also should be taken into consideration. Financial AnalysisAs part of the review of the borrower’s information, the Bank should use four primary financial statements to make a credit decision.A Personal Financial Statement indicates the borrower’s net worth. Each partner or stockholder owning a substantial percentage (for example, 20 percent or more) of the business should submit one.A personal financial statement is important to the bank, particularly if the borrower has never received financing for the borrower’s business before, because it gives the bank evidence of personal assets the borrower could pledge to secure a loan.A Company Balance Sheet provides the borrower with a snapshot of the borrower’s business at a specific time, such as the end of the year. It keeps track of the borrower’s company's assets, or what the company owns (including its cash), and the company's debts, or liabilities (generally loans from others). It also shows the capital, or equity, put into the business by the borrower or other persons.A Company Profit and Loss Statement shows the profit or loss for the year. The profit and loss statement, also called the income statement, takes the sales for the business, subtracts the costs of goods sold, then subtracts other expenses. The result is the net profit of the business.A Statement of Cash Flows for the business presents the sources of cash in the borrower’s business -- from net income, new capital, or loan proceeds -- versus the expenditures, or uses of the cash, over a specified period of time.NOTE: The Statement of Cash Flows is the most important item to review since cash flow will determine how much money is available to repay the loan being made. The net cash flow from the business should be substantially larger than the total payments required for the new loan for a given period of time. For example, if the annual cash flow from the business is less than, equal to, or only slightly larger than the total annual loan payments (principal plus interest) the loan should not be made.NOTE: it is not proper to analyze the cash flow and loan payments based on payments of interest only. Even if the loan is set up for a single principal payment at the end of a term (e.g. three years) the business will be required to repay the principal. If the cash flow is analyzed against an interest only payment, it will give a false sense of security that the loan can be repaid.The borrower should have an effective accounting system. Without this system, the borrower won't know if the business operations are profitable or not, or if the business has enough cash on hand to pay for its own orders of merchandise or goods and services needed to run the business. A good system will also help the borrower track the borrower’s company's growth and anticipate future cash needs.Ratio AnalysisThe RM should perform simple analysis of the following ratios. This information can be taken from the financial statement of the borrower. Ratios permit review of a company's current financial performance versus that of previous years. An analysis of a company's financial performance considers the status, changes, and relationships of critical components of a company's health.The following section presents some basic ratios from four financial ratio categories: -profitability,-liquidity,-leverage, and-turnover.The section also provides examples of the ratios calculated for a sample company. The bank's analysis should also include comparison of these ratios with standard ratios specific to the borrower’s particular industry. This information could be obtained from the Credit Planning Department and should be kept up to date for all RM’s and credit review personnel.ProfitabilityProfit is the compensation an entrepreneur receives for the assumption of risk in a businessventure. The profitable business must cover its overhead expenses and generate profits for its owner out of its "after-product-costs" cash.Gross Profit is a commonly used measure of profitability. It is the borrower’s sales minus the borrower’s product costs. In ratio form, it is called the gross profit margin:Net Sales - Cost of Goods SoldGross Profit Margin = ---------------------------------------Net SalesExample: $633,000 - $358,000-------------------------- x 100 = 43.4%$633,000Operating Profit Margin is another measure of the borrower’s profitability. This is the corecash flow source that is expected to grow year to year as the borrower’s business grows, and it excludes interest expense, taxes, and "extraordinary items" such as the sale of property orother assets. Higher profitability from one year to the next is generally considered a good sign for a company.Operating ProfitOperating Profit Margin = ---------------------Net SalesExample: $164,000----------- x 100 = 25.9%$633,000LiquidityHow much cash does the borrower’s business have on hand for immediate use? This tells the bank whether the borrower has enough money to run the business from day to day (including making loan payments) without having to borrow additional funds.The Quick Ratio shows what assets the borrower’s business can immediately convert to cash, such as the business checking account and money market accounts.Cash +Marketable Securities +Accounts ReceivableQuick Ratio = ---------------------------------------------------------------Current LiabilitiesExample: $3,000 + $8,000 + $42,000--------------------------------- = 0.45$118,000The Current Ratio is a broader indication of liquidity because it includes inventory. Forpurposes of showing the borrower’s immediate access to cash, many banks find it less useful than the quick ratio. The borrower’s current assets should exceed the borrower’s currentliabilities.Current AssetsCurrent Ratio = -----------------------Current LiabilitiesExample: $212,000------------ = 1.8$118,000LeverageThe Leverage ratios measure the company's use of borrowed funds in relation to the amount of funds provided by the shareholders or owners. These ratios tell the bank how much money the borrower has borrowed versus what money the borrower and other owners has put into the borrower’s company. This is important because borrowed money carries interest costs and the borrower’s business must generate sufficient cash flow to cover the interest and principalamounts due to the bank. Generally speaking, companies with higher debt levels should hashigher interest costs to cover each month, so low to moderate leverage is nearly alwaysviewed more favorably by The bank.Debt Ratio is the most common leverage ratio:。
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➢ 以下是可能受到CRS項目實施而需要作調整的政策:
• 授信審批制度與授權制度 • 授信組合管理政策 • 客戶管理政策 • 授信業務與產品政策 • 抵押與擔保政策 • 授信申請及重檢評估掌握準則 • 授信發放後的管理 • 確認利息收入、撥備及核銷呆帳管理政策
➢ 政策調整的工作包括:
• 覆檢現有的授信政策 • 修改授信文件以配合政策改變 • 建議修改的授信政策 • 提供相關培訓 ▪ 協助獲得中高層領導通過
•風險衡量的應 用及管理
• 內部評級模型的建 立 • 可預見損失(違約 暴露、違約概率、 給定違約損失及期 限) • 不可預見損失及授 信風險值(CVaR) • 風險資本平衡收益 率 (RAROC) • 壓力測試模型 • 限額管理 • 貸款定價 • 法定資本要求計算
•新建立的系統 • 中央授信風險管理 系統(CCS) • 授信數據收集 (CDC)系统 • 授信風險數據儲存 庫 (CRDS) • 在線分析(OLAP)、 儀錶盤、及報表系 统
•新建立系統與中銀香 港現有系统的整合
• CWS • 企業數據庫(EDW) • EPM • 主機系統
•管理報表及授 信文件
• 中銀香港授信風險 管理報表 • 授信營運報表 • 授信控制管理報表 • 香港金管局報表 •貸款申請表/放審 書/及數據收集表格
毕博 中国银行授信方案
評估巴塞爾新資本協議及金管局新貸款分類對授信政策、授信流程及組織與管 理架構的影響,評估過程中會檢視有關的實施基礎要素需否作出修改。
▪ 風險管理部 ▪ 企業銀行及金融機構部 ▪ 零售銀行部 ▪ 特殊資產管理部 ▪ 中國業務總部 ▪ 營運部放款處
毕博 中国银行授信方案
➢ 流程調整的工作包括: ▪ 覆檢現有的授信流程文件 ▪ 實地與部門人員會面並考察現有流程 ▪ 修改授信流程文件以嵌入系統新引入之流程 ▪ 舉行工作坊確認相關授信流程的調整 ▪ 確保有適當工作指引和用戶操作手冊 ▪ 識別在人員配置方面因系統實施而帶來新的工作責任及所需技能 ▪ 識別欠缺的工作責任及技能 ▪ 透過各種方法解決此工作崗位及技能差距 ▪ 提供相關培訓 ▪ 協助獲得中高層領導通過
毕博 中国银行授信方案
毕博 中国银行授信方案
▪ 變革管理的目標與架構 ▪ 進行變革管理的方法
▪ 明確CRS引致的變革方向及評估變革影響 ▪ 設計對策及變革管理工作計劃 ▪ 實施及監控變革管理工作 ▪ 變革促成前期工作
▪ CRS項目基礎培訓大綱 ▪ 問題與討論
毕博 中国银行授信方案
▪ 分析和設計實施CRS項目所牽涉的組織結構、授信政策、授信流程、風險衡量的 用、資訊系統、管理報表及授信文件方面需耍實現的轉變。
▪ 分析變革的影響,運用變革管理的方法結合到項目方案中,以促成由現狀轉變到 景
▪ 消除員工因不了解、抗拒和難以適應變革而産生的阻力,促使中銀香港各方面得 協調、盡快適應新系統,以達至項目的效益。
毕博 中国银行授信方案
▪ CRS項目不單是一項資訊系統實施項目,更是一項授信風險管理概念和文化推行的項目 ▪ 當CRS解決方案推行至業務投產時,因為實施新的授信風險管理概念,業務要運用新系
處理新的數據輸入,採用新的業務流程配合新增授信風險監控點…所以CRS項目需要很 的實施技巧、在加強管理授信風險的同時,亦兼顧業務發展和提高效率的實際需求。 ▪ 因此,CRS項目變革管理的工作目標是:
•管理報表 及授信文件
•管理層的認 同和助力
•交流與溝 通
•個人及團 隊能力
•架構和流 程轉變
•變革管理工作計劃 •實施及監控變革管理工作
毕博 中国银行授信方案
毕博 中国银行授信方案
▪ 授信風險管理系統的每一個變革要素都是互相緊扣,以達致一個全面 的解決方案。
➢ 畢博將協助中銀香港進行以上的流程調整工作。
毕博 中国银行授信方案
▪ 組織與管理架構
➢ 以下是可能受到CRS項目實施而需要作調整的架構及權責:
▪ 風管部及其新增職責(例如風管模型的定期或不定期與管理定期檢討及維護), 以及信貸審批權力
▪ 前線人員及其新增職責(例如新增客戶資料搜集),以及信貸審批權力
➢ 畢博將協助中銀香港進行以上的政策調整工作。
毕博 中国银行授信方案
▪ 授信流程
➢ 以下是可能受到CRS項目實施而需要作調整的授信流程:
▪ 授信敘做及審批 ▪ 授信放款 ▪ 限額及額度設定與監控 ▪ 授信組合監控 ▪ 授信監控 / 異常報表 ▪ 問題貸款管理 ▪ 追收管理
➢ 而上述授信流程調整涉及的部門包括:
毕博 中国银行授信方案
▪ 以下是為CRS項目制定的變革管理架構
▪ 變革管理前期工作為項目的變革管理工作建立標準、底線及工作方法。
•變革管理 前期工作 (即部份甲 期工作)
•組織與管 理架構
•風險衡量 的應用及管
➢ 畢博將協助中銀香港進行下例有關的組織與管理架構調整工作,包括:
▪ 覆檢現有的組織與管理架構 ▪ 修改組織與管理架構,以配合新增職責所引致的改變 ▪ 撰寫因新增職責涉及的崗位而需修改的工作描述 ▪ 協助獲得人力資源部的認同和審核 ▪ 提供相關職責的基礎培訓 ▪ 協助獲得中高層領導通過
▪ 所以在實施授信風險管理系統方案時,必須徹底考慮每一個變革要素 的相互影響性,才可確保變革成功。
• 授信審批制度與授 權制度
• 授信組合管理政策 • 客户管理政策 • 授信業務與產品政
策 • 抵押品與擔保政策 • 授信申請及重檢評
估掌握準則 • 確認利息收入、撥
備及核銷呆帳管理 政策
• 可能涉及的流程修 改 • 授信敘做及審批 • 授信放款 • 限額及額度設定與 監控 • 授信組合監控 • 信貸監控 / 異常報 表 • 問題貸款管理
•組織與管理架 構
• 可能涉及的組織與 管理架構修改 • 部門的職責 • 上層跟下層的權責 • 工作崗位的職責 • 部門及人事的激勵 及薪酬機制