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Japan's historical city, the capital of Nara Prefectu re. Nara basin in central and western Honshu, abou t 10 km west of Osaka City, population 328,000. Nar a City, Nara Prefecture's administrative, economic and cultural center, but also to the ancient capital of the world famous tourist city. 710-784 years for t he capital. A city in 1898. Market layout and constr uction Tang Chang'an. In the Modern World and N ara as the front of the town and downtown Kyoto. Meiji era, the city most of the cultural heritage and scenic beauty of Nara Park, watched by people,
A dreamer's Journey
1. Nara 2. Gulangyu
3. Sanya
The first time I know Nara is from a novel<The deer man> it's a humourous novel and in the novel it introduce Nara is a par adise of deer in Nara you can see many many deers they travel around the str eet the park and every where the deers don't scare of people they get harmony with the peopl e so Nara attract me most is the atmosphere you can see the har mony natrue in nara
Gulangyu island
the first time I know gulangyu island is that I have seen a pi cture in my friend's mobile phone . in the picture i see many beautiful sceans and my friend told me the most interest things on the islan d are the little stores it sold many cute and interst things and there are many del icious food on the island
Located in the southernmost tip of Hainan Island, Sanya, located in the geographical coordinates of l atitude 18 ° 09'34 〃 ~ 18 ° 37'27 〃, longitude 108 ° 5 6'30 〃 ~ 109 ° 48'28 〃 between. Harbour in size 19, is China's most southern coastal tourist city. The r esult of Sanya River (the ancient name Linchuan w ater) have something 2 Sanya River rendezvous poi nt, as "Ah"-shaped, so called "Sanya." Lingshui Cou nty east of Sanya, Ledong west, north border Baot ing County, south of the South China Sea. The to tal land area of ​1919 square kilometers, the total se a area of ​6,000 square kilometers, population 690,0 00,
Sanya is the first time that I was still very young, when watching television advertising has a very beautiful s cenery, a b源自文库ue sky and the blue sea, there are many tall coconut tr ee, then there Sanya I know this place.I Know the beautif ul "ends of the earth". that time Sanya has become my dream.
gulang island
Gulang island
Gulang Island is located in the southwest to the Xiamen Island". In Ming Dynasty, the names wer e changed into "Gulang Island".The island covers an area of 1.78 kilometers, with about 23,000 per manent residents. It is abut 1,800 meters long an d 1,000 meters wide, just like an ellipse. With fre sh air, thick forests and blooming flowers all yea r around, the island is also named "Garden on th e Sea". The main scenic spots on Gulang Island a re: Sunlight Rock, Shuzhuang Garden, Bright M oon Garden, Yuyuan Garden, Xiamen Museum, Road around the Island, Zheng Chenggong Me morial Hall,and so on.