儿歌歌词大全 (2)
妈妈的吻儿歌歌词 (2)


爱春天,爱阳光,爱湖水,爱花香小鸟小鸟,我的好朋友让我们一起飞翔歌唱一起飞翔歌唱啦啦啦啦啦[让我们荡起双桨] 让我们荡起双桨,小船儿推开波浪海面倒映着白塔,四周环绕着绿树红墙小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中迎面吹来了凉爽的风红领巾迎着太阳,阳光洒在海面上水中鱼儿望着我们悄悄听我们愉快歌唱小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中迎面吹来了凉爽的风做完了一天的功课,我们来尽情欢乐我问你亲爱的伙伴谁给我们安排下幸福的生活?小船儿轻轻飘荡在谁中迎面吹来了凉爽的风[小红花]儿歌歌词金波词尚疾曲花园里,篱笆下,我种下一朵小红花春天的太阳当头照,春天的小雨沙沙下啦啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦啦小红花张嘴笑哈哈花园里,篱笆下,我种下一朵小红花春天的太阳当头照,春天的小雨沙沙下啦啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦啦小红花张嘴笑哈哈[我家几口] 金苗苓词曲我家有几口?让我扳指头爸爸,妈妈,还有我再加一个布娃娃哟!有四口我家有几口?让我扳指头爸爸,妈妈,还有我再加一个布娃娃哟!有四口[谁会这样]少数民族儿歌潘振声曲谁会飞呀,鸟会飞鸟儿鸟儿怎样飞?拍拍翅膀飞呀飞谁会游呀,鱼会游鱼儿鱼儿怎样游?摇摇尾巴点点头谁会跑呀,马会跑马儿马儿怎样跑?四脚离地身不摇。
[我叫轻轻] 张友珊词汪玲曲走路轻轻轻轻上夜班的阿姨还没醒呀敲门轻轻轻轻给邻居叔叔送呀送封信说话轻轻轻轻姐姐灯下看书多用心呀大家夸我是好孩子给我取个名字叫呀叫轻轻走路轻轻轻轻上夜班的阿姨还没醒呀敲门轻轻轻轻给邻居叔叔送呀送封信说话轻轻轻轻姐姐灯下看书多用心呀大家夸我是好孩子给我取个名字叫呀叫轻轻[宝宝睡着了]陆加庆词曲摇啊摇,宝宝快睡觉摇啊摇,宝宝快睡觉我来亲亲你,乖乖睡睡好闭上小眼睛,长呀长得高m……m……宝宝睡着了摇啊摇,宝宝快睡觉摇啊摇,宝宝快睡觉我来亲亲你,乖乖睡睡好闭上小眼睛,长呀长得高m……m……宝宝睡着了[小弟弟早早起]小弟弟,早早起,早呀早早起叠好被子穿好衣,穿好衣亚克西,亚克西,亚克西,亚克西!牙齿刷得干干净,干呀干干净手儿脸儿自己洗,自己洗亚克西,亚克西,亚克西,亚克西![好朋友]你帮我来梳梳头我帮你来扣纽扣团结友爱手拉手我们都是好朋友嘿嘿!你帮我来梳梳头我帮你来扣纽扣团结友爱手拉手我们都是好朋友嘿嘿门前大桥下,游过一群鸭快来快来数一数,二四六七八。

儿歌童谣歌词大全(打印版)一只小蜜蜂呀,飞到花丛中呀,飞呀.二只小耗子呀,跑到粮仓里呀,吃呀.三只小花猫呀,去抓小耗子呀,追呀.四只小花狗呀,去找小花猫呀,玩呀.五只小山羊呀,爬到山坡上呀,爬呀.六只小鸭子呀,跳到水里面呀,游呀.七只小百灵呀,站在树枝上呀,唱呀.八只小孔雀呀,穿上花衣裳呀,美呀.九只小白兔呀,竖起长耳朵呀,蹦呀.十个小朋友呀,一起手拉手呀,乐呀.1什么1,棍子1.鸭子2.耳朵3.帆船4.钩钩5.大肚6.拐杖7.眼镜8.汽球9.棍子打棒球.一根棍子轻轻打,二双筷子里外扒,三人小组爱说话,四个小兵不害怕,五个朋友力气大.小宝宝,起得早,睁开眼,眯眯笑,咿呀呀,学说话,伸伸手,要人抱小胳膊,穿袖子,穿上衣,扣扣子,小脚丫,穿裤子,穿上袜子穿鞋子. 小镜子,圆又圆,看宝宝,露笑脸.闭上眼,做个梦,变月亮,挂上天. 小宝宝,学画画,大蜡笔,手中拿,画小鸭,叫嘎嘎,画小马,骑回家. 逛公园,宝宝笑,东看看,西瞧瞧,花儿香,鸟儿叫,小草绿,小树摇. 小娃娃,看画报,睁大眼,仔细瞧,布娃娃,哈哈笑,伸伸手,要你抱. 斗虫飞'斗虫飞'飞到南山吃露水'露水吃不到'回来吃青草.找啊找啊找朋友(高兴的样子)找到一个好朋友(点头)敬个礼呀(把手伸到眼睛旁边)握握手(同人握手)你是我的好朋友小猫怎么叫,喵喵喵小狗怎么叫,汪汪汪小鸡怎么叫,叽叽叽小鸭怎么叫,嘎嘎嘎小羊怎么叫,咩咩咩老牛怎么叫,哞哞哞老虎怎么叫,噢噢噢青蛙怎么叫,呱呱呱下雨了'哗哗哗;打雷了'轰隆隆;刮风了'呼呼呼;小河流水哗啦啦; 汽车响'嘀嘀嘀;飞机飞'嗡嗡嗡;宝宝笑'哈哈哈;拍拍手'叭叭叭.一二三四五,公园看老虎.老虎正睡觉,咱去看海豹.海豹水里游,咱去看小猴.小猴闲不住,咱去看花鹿.花鹿正吃草,咱去看小鸟.小鸟摇树叶,咱去看孔雀.孔雀开屏真美丽,身上穿着五彩衣. 五个好娃娃,乖乖睡着啦,公鸡喔喔啼,叫醒五娃娃,拇指姐姐起床了,食指哥哥起床了, 中指哥哥起床了,四指弟弟起床了, 五指妹妹起床了.”你拍一,我拍一,润润是个好东西. 你拍二,我拍二,润润聪明又可爱. 你拍三,我拍三,润润从小爱爬山. 你拍四,我拍四,润润爱写毛笔字. 你拍五,我拍五,润润不怕大老虎. 你拍六,我拍六,润润爸爸爱吃肉.你拍七,我拍七,润润要开大飞机. 你拍八,我拍八,润润有个大西瓜. 你拍九,我拍九,润润兜里啥都有.你拍十,我拍十,润润就是爱学习. 你拍一,我拍一,宝宝年年得第一. 你拍二,我拍二,宝宝爱用小手绢. 你拍三,我拍三,宝宝喜欢爬黄山. 你拍四,我拍四,宝宝天天有喜事. 你拍五,我拍五,宝宝天生就有福. 你拍六,我拍六,宝宝出去溜一溜. 你拍七,我拍七,宝宝天天要早起. 你拍八,我拍八,宝宝爸爸发发发. 你拍九,我拍九,宝宝会说小九九. 你拍十,我拍十,宝宝有块智慧石. 一,一,一什么一,一是小猫穿花衣二,二,二什么二,二是小猫梳小辫三,三,三什么三,三是小猫爬雪山四,四,四什么四,四是小猫吃鱼刺五,五,五什么五,五是小猫打花鼓六,六,六什么六,六是小猫吃肥肉七,七,七什么七,七是小猫下象棋八,八,八什么八,八是小猫吹喇叭九,九,九什么九,九是小猫扭一扭--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------由于本书涉及版权问题,此处不便留完整版,还望见谅,需要完整版请点击以下链接下载。
儿歌歌词大全 (2)

儿歌歌词大全1. 《小星星》小星星,你在哪里,我要找你春天秋天夏天冬天我都要找你阳光的下面星星就在我的心里小星星,你在哪里,我要找你2. 《拔萝卜歌》拔萝卜拔萝卜,一拔两拔三拔萝卜,拔萝卜拔萝卜,四拔五拔六拔萝卜。
3. 《小毛驴》小毛驴,小毛驴,你可爱又顽皮,头上长着两只角,尾巴翘得高高的。
4. 《两只老虎》两只老虎,两只老虎,跑得快,跑得快,一只没有眼睛,一只没有耳朵真奇怪,真奇怪。
5. 《小兔子乖乖》小兔子乖乖,把门开开,快点开门,别站着晒月光。
6. 《小苹果》你是我的小呀小苹果,怎么爱你都不嫌多,红红的小脸儿温暖我的心窝,点亮我生命的火火火火。
7. 《捉泥鳅》伸出你小手抓住泥鳅,轻轻一提它会滑到哪里,快快把它塞到摇摇篮里,晚上放学回到家里,带着泥鳅拿出来晒一会,晒完晒过就是泥鳅太阳,轻轻松松都不费什么力,轻轻松松一拔就上岸。
8. 《小燕子》小燕子穿花衣,年年春天来此地。
9. 《小青蛙》嘎嘎嘎,小青蛙,蹦蹦跳跳在荷叶上。
10. 《世上只有妈妈好》世上只有妈妈好,有妈的孩子像块宝。


儿歌歌词大全儿歌歌词大全 (1)1红烛颂 (1)2福娃歌 (1)3虫儿飞 (2)4[小白船] (2)5七步舞 (3)6《泼水歌》 (3)7[数鸭子] (3)8小毛驴 (3)9同一首歌 (3)10生日快乐 (4)11我爱洗澡 (4)12新四季歌 (5)13一二三四五 (5)14小布叮之歌 (6)15我有一个家 (6)16时钟在说话 (6)17妈妈你最好 (7)18七色光 (7)19聪明的一休 (7)20[春天在哪里] (7)21石头剪子布 (8)22微光中的歌吟 (8)23外婆的澎湖湾 (8)24我们多么幸福 (9)25世上只有妈妈好 (10)26爸爸妈妈听我说 (10)27好爸爸坏爸爸 (10)28小星星 (11)29清早听到公鸡叫 (11)30[让我们荡起双桨] (11)31拍手歌(说) (11)1红烛颂你的微笑荡开轻风你的关怀洒落细雨你的身躯化作人梯你的思想容入春泥你是一部厚厚的书我愿用一生来读你是一棵参天的树啊永远牵着我的路你美好心愿的全部啊是燃烧生命的红烛生命的红烛2福娃歌五个娃娃是一家是一家是一家活泼可爱人人夸人人夸人夸.传播中华的文化中华的文化世界人民关注他关注他关注他.北京北京欢迎你,北京欢迎你这就是福娃的名字福娃的名字.北北京京和欢欢迎迎和你你北京北京欢迎你,北京欢迎你.五个精灵小福娃小福娃小福娃象征五只金项链金项链金项链.五种颜色五大洲五大洲五大洲奥运五环更辉煌更辉煌更辉煌.北京欢迎你,这就是福娃的名字福娃的名字北北京京和欢欢迎迎和你你北京北京欢迎你,北京欢迎你.3虫儿飞黑黑的天空低垂亮亮的繁星相随虫儿飞虫儿飞你在思念谁天上的星星流泪地上的玫瑰枯萎冷风吹冷风吹只要有你陪虫儿飞花儿睡一双又一对才美不怕天黑只怕心碎不管累不累也不管东南西北4[小白船]蓝蓝的天空银河里,有只小白船;船上有棵桂花树,白兔在游玩。



56首经典儿歌歌词大全1、做早操 早上空气真叫好,我们都来做早操. 伸伸臂,弯弯腰,踢踢腿,蹦蹦跳,天天锻炼身体好。
2、饭前要洗手 小脸盆,水清请,小朋友们笑盈盈,小手儿,伸出来, 洗一洗,白又净,吃饭前,先洗手,讲卫生,不得病。
3、小手绢 小手绢,四方方,天天带在我身上。
4、搬鸡蛋 小老鼠,搬鸡蛋,鸡蛋太大怎么办?一只老鼠地上躺, 紧紧抱住大鸡蛋.一只老鼠拉尾巴,拉呀拉呀拉回家。
5、大骆驼 骆驼骆驼志气大,风吹日晒都不怕. 走沙漠,运盐巴,再苦再累不讲话. 6、螳螂 螳螂哥,螳螂哥,肚儿大,吃得多。
飞飞能把粉蝶捕, 跳跳能把蝗虫捉。
两把大刀舞起来,一只害虫不放过 7、大蜻蜓 大蜻蜓,绿眼睛,一对眼睛亮晶晶, 飞一飞,停一停,飞来飞去捉蚊蝇。
8、小鸭子 小鸭子,一身黄,扁扁嘴巴红脚掌。
9、拍手歌 你拍一,我拍一,天天早起练身体. 你拍二,我拍二,天天都要带手绢。
你拍四,我拍四,消灭苍蝇和蚊子. 你拍五,我拍五,有痰不要随地吐。
你拍七,我拍七,吃饭细嚼别着急. 你拍八,我拍八,勤剪指甲常刷牙。
10 、小螃蟹 小螃蟹,真骄傲,横着身子到处跑, 吓跑鱼,撞倒虾,一点也不懂礼貌 11 、庆六一 儿童节,是六一,小朋友们真欢喜。
儿歌歌词文档 (2)

茫茫的海洋,蓝蓝的海水吹起了小螺号,心里美吔让我们荡起双桨让我们荡起双桨,小船儿推开波浪海面倒映着白塔,四周环绕着绿树红墙小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中迎面吹来了凉爽的风红领巾迎着太阳,阳光洒在海面上水中鱼儿望着我们悄悄听我们愉快歌唱小船儿轻轻飘荡在水中迎面吹来了凉爽的风做完了一天的功课,我们来尽情欢乐我问你亲爱的伙伴谁给我们安排下幸福的生活?小船儿轻轻飘荡在谁中迎面吹来了凉爽的风春天在哪里春天在哪里呀春天在哪里春天在那青翠的山林里这里有红花呀这里有绿草还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂嘀哩哩嘀哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩春天在青翠的山林里还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂春天在哪里呀春天在哪里春天在那湖水的倒影里迎出红的花呀映出绿的草还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂嘀哩哩嘀哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩春天在湖水的倒影里还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂春天在哪里呀春天在哪里春天在那小朋友眼睛里看见红的花呀看见绿的草还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂嘀哩哩嘀哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩嘀哩哩春天在小朋友眼睛里还有那会唱歌的小黄鹂小草没有花香,没有树高,我是一棵无人知道的小草. 从不寂寞,从不烦恼,你看我的伙伴遍及天涯海角. 春风啊,春风你把我吹绿.阳光啊,阳光你把我照耀.河流啊,山川你哺育了我.大地啊,母亲,把我紧紧拥抱.歌声与微笑请把我的歌带回你的家请把你的微笑留下请把我的歌带回你的家请把你的微笑留下明天明天这歌声飞遍海角天涯飞遍海角天涯明天明天这微笑将是遍野春花将是遍野春花请把我的歌带回你的家请把你的微笑留下请把我的歌带回你的家请把你的微笑留下明天明天这歌声飞遍海角天涯飞遍海角天涯明天明天这微笑将是遍野春花将是遍野春花请把我的歌带回你的家请把你的微笑留下请把我的歌带回你的家请把你的微笑留下明天明天这歌声飞遍海角天涯飞遍海角天涯明天明天这微笑将是遍野春花将是遍野春花明天明天这歌声飞遍海角天涯飞遍海角天涯明天明天这微笑将是遍野春花将是遍野春花小燕子小燕子,穿花衣年年春天来这里我问燕子你为啥来燕子说:"这里的春天最美丽"小燕子,告诉你今年这里更美丽我们盖起了大工厂装上了新机器欢迎你长期住在这里我爱北京天安门我爱北京天安门,天安门上太阳升,伟大领袖毛主席,指引我们向前进.我爱北京天安门,天安门上太阳升,伟大领袖毛主席,指引我们向前进.我爱北京天安门,天安门上太阳升,伟大领袖毛主席,指引我们向前进.我爱北京天安门,天安门上太阳升,伟大领袖毛主席,指引我们向前进.我爱北京天安门,天安门上太阳升,伟大领袖毛主席,指引我们向前进.我爱北京天安门,天安门上太阳升,伟大领袖毛主席,指引我们向前进.我爱北京天安门,天安门上太阳升,伟大领袖毛主席,指引我们向前进.伟大领袖毛主席,指引我们向前进.我们都是好孩子推开窗看天边白色的鸟想起你薄荷味的笑那时你在操场上奔跑大声喊我爱你你知不知道那时我们什么都不怕看咖啡色夕阳又要落下你说要一直爱一直好就这样永远不分开我们都是好孩子异想天开的孩子相信爱可以永远啊我们都是好孩子最最善良的孩子怀念着伤害我们的那时我们什么都不怕看咖啡色夕阳又要落下你说要一直爱一直好就这样永远不分开我们都是好孩子最最天真的孩子灿烂的孤单的变遥远的啊我们都是好孩子最最可爱的孩子在一起为幸福落泪啊小白兔乖乖有一天,兔妈妈要出去,告诉小白兔们:“不要给大灰狼开门!”小白兔问:“妈妈妈妈,大灰狼长什么样?”妈妈说:“灰手灰脚大尾巴!”“知道了!妈妈再见!”兔妈妈走后,小白兔们开心的在家里玩.不一会儿,噔噔响起了敲门声,“小兔儿乖乖,把门开开妈妈要回来。
儿歌童谣歌词 (2)


(完整版)英文儿歌歌词大全英文儿歌歌词大全转载1. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star(一闪,一闪,小星星)Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, How I wonder what you are!Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle little star, How I wonder what you are!2. ROW, ROW,ROW YOUR BOAT 划,划,划你的船Row, Row, Row, Your Boat, Gently Down The Stream. Merrily ,Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, life Is But A Dream.3. ROUND THE VILLAGE 绕着村落Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, Go round and round the village, As we have done before.Go in and out the windows. Go in and out the windows. Go in and out the windows. As we have done before.Now stand and play the partner. Now stand and play the partner. Now stand and play the partner. And bow before you go.Now follow me to London. Now follow me to London. Now follow me to London. As we have done before.Now shake his hand but leave him. Now shake his hand but leave him.Now shake his hand but leave him. And bow before you go.4. FLY, FLY, BUTTERFLY 飞,飞,蝴蝶Fly, fly, fly , the butterfly. In the meadow is flying high. In the garden is flying low. Fly, fly, fly , the butterfly.5. ONCE I CAUGHT A FISH ALIVE WO 我曾抓住一条活鱼One, two, three, four, five. Once I caught a fish alive. Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Then I let it go again. Why did you let it go? ’cause it bit my finger so. Which finger did it bite? This littlefinger on the right.6. APPLE TREE 苹果树Apple round, apple red, apple juicy, apple sweet. Apple, apple, I love you. Apple sweet, I love to eat.7. RED RIVER VALLEY 红河谷From the valley they say you are going . We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile. For they say you are taking the sunshine. That will brighten our pathway a while.Come and sit by my side if you like me. Don not hasten to bid me goodbye. But remember the red river valley. And the girl that is your all the time.8. WE GO ROUND THE MULBERRY BUSH 让我们绕着桑树丛走Here we go round the mulberry bush. The mulberry bush, the mulberry bush. Here we go round the mulberry bush, on a cold and frosty morning.8. This is the wayThis is the way we wash our hands, we wash our hands, we wash our hands.This is the way we wash our hands, on a cold and frosty morning.This is the way we dry our hands, we dry our hands, we dry our hands.This is the way we dry our hands, on a cold and frosty morning.This is the way we comb our hair, we comb our hair, we comb our hair. This is the way we comb our hair, on a cold and frosty morning.This is the way we clap our hands, we clap our hands, we clap our hands.This is the way we clap our hands, on a cold and frostymorning.This is the way we jump about, we jump about, we jump about.This is the way we jump about our hands, on a cold and frosty morning.9. OLD MACDONALD HAD A FARM 老麦当奴有个农场1.Old MachDonald had a farm, E.I.E.I.Oh! And on his farm he had a cat, E.I.E.I.Oh! With a meow, meow here, and a meow, meow there. Here a meow, there a meow. Everywhere a meow, meow. Old MachDonald had a farm, E.I.E.I.Oh!2. …dog… with a Au Au here, and a Au, Au there. Here a Au, therea Au. Everywhere a Au, Au. …n3. …duck…with a quack quack here, and a quack quack there. Herea quack, there a quack. Everywhere a quack,quack. …n4. …cow…, with a moo moo here, and a moo moo there. Here a moo, there a moo. Everywhere a moo,moo . …n5. …turkey…with a bubble bubble here, and a bubble bubble there. Here a bubble , there a bubble. Everywhere a bubblebubble . …n6. …pig…, with a oink oink here, and a oink oink there. Here a oink, there a oink . Everywhere a oink oink .…n7. …sheep…with a baa baa here, and a baa baa there. Herea baa, there a baa. Everywhere a baa, baa.10.1 BAA, BAA, BLACK SHEEP 咩,咩,黑羊儿Baa, Baa, black sheep. Have you any wool. Yes sir, yes sir, three bags full. One for my master and one for my dame. But none for the little boy that cries in the lane. (One for the little boy that lives in thelane.)11. BINGO 小冰高There was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his name oh. B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, B-I-N-G-O, And Bingo was his name oh.2. …I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O, I-N-G-O,I-N-G-O…n3. …-N-G-O ,-N-G-O, N-G-O, N-G-O, N-G-O, N-G-O,N-G-O…n4. …G-O, G-O, G-O, G-O, G-O, G-O…n5. …O, O, O, O, O, O…nThere was a farmer had a dog and Bingo was his n ame oh. And Bingo was his name oh.12. WHO IS AFRAID OF BIG BAG WOLF 谁害怕大恶狼Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf , big bad wolf, big bad wolf. Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf, Tra la la la la.13.MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB 玛丽有只小羊羔Mary had a little lamb, little lamb, little lamb. Mary had a little lamb. Its fleece was white as snow.Everywhere that Mary went, Mary went, Mary went. Everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go.14.TWO LITTLE DICKY BIRD 两只小鸟Are you ready to play two little dicky birds ?Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall. One named Peter, one named Paul. Fly away, Peter, fly away. Paul. Come back, Peter, come back, Paul.I enjoy that, let’s do it again. Ready, one, two, three, four. Two little dicky birds sitting on a wall. One named Peter, one named Paul. Fly away, Peter, fly away. Paul. Come back, Peter, come back, Paul.15.MY LITTLE PONY 我的小马驹Hop, hop, hop, go and never stop. Where it’s smooth andwhere it’s stony. Trot along my little pony,. Go and never stop.Hop, hop, hop, hop , hop. Hey, hey, hey, go along I say. Do not kick and never stumble. Do not turn and never crumble. Go along I say, Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Jump, jump, jump, do not hit that stump. Never will I cease to ride you till I farther. Yet I’ve tried you. Shan’t I say that stump. Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump.16.OH! WHERE HAS MY LITTLE DOG GONE ?Oh, where, oh, where has my little dog gone? Oh, where, oh, where can he be ? With his ears cut short and his tail cut long. Oh, where, oh, where can he be ?17.THE THREE LITTLE KITTENS 三只小猫The three little kittens, they lost their mittens, and they began to cry. Oh, mother dear, we sadly fear. Our mittens we have lost. What ! Lost your mittens. You naughty kittens. Then you shall have no pie. Meow, meow, meow, meow, we shall have no pie.The three little kittens. They found their mittens. And they began to cry. Oh, mother dear, see here, see here, our mittens we have found. What ! Found your mittens. You good little kittens. And then you shall have some pie. Meow, meow, meow, meow, you shall have some pie.The three little kittens. They downed their mittens. No sooner had they got the pie. Oh, mother dear, we’re really fear. Our mittens we have soiled. What! Soiled your mittens. You naughty, naughty kittens. You have to be more careful when you eat. Meow, meow, meow, meow, they began to cry.The three little kittens. They washed their mittens. And hung them up to dry. Oh, mother dear, look here, look here. The mittens we have washed. Washed the mittens, the darling kittens.I smell a rat close by. Hush,hush, hush, hush, I smell a rat close by.18.SIX LITTLE DUCKS 六只小鸭子Six little ducks that I once knew. Fat ones, skinny ones, fair ones too. But the one little duck with a feather in his back. He ruled the others with a quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.Down to the river they would go, Bibble, bubble, bibble, bubble to and from. But the one little duck with a feather in his back.He ruled the others with a quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack. He ruled the others with a quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.19.BUTTERFLY 蝴蝶Beautiful butterflies, flying all around. Circle round the flowers, dancing up and down, looking for honey everywhere. Everyday you see them searching round, round.20.LITTLE TIGERS 小老虎Little tigers, little tigers. Run so fast, run so fast. Tell me where are you going. Tell me where are you going . Let me know. Let me know.Little tigers, little tigers, pass me by, pass me by. Have you lost your mama ? Have you lost your papa ? Tell me why. Tell me why.Little tigers, little tigers. Run so fast, run so fast. Tell me where are you going . Tell me where are you going. Let me know. Let me know.Little tigers, little tigers, pass me by, pass me by. Have you lost your mama ? Have you lost your papa ? Tell me why. Tell me why21.HAPPY BIRTHDAY 生日快乐Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Dear, Happy Birthday to you.Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday Dear,Happy Birthday to you.22.BRAMS LULLABYE 安眠曲(布拉姆斯)Lu llaby and goodnight, there’s roses deli ght. With lilies bedecked, is baby’s wee bed. Lay thee down now and rest. May the slumber be blest. Lay thee down now and rest. May the slumber be blest.Lullaby and goodnight, the mother’s delight. Bright angels around my darling shall stand. They will guard thee from harm. Thou shalt wake in my arms. They will guard thee from harm . Thu shalt wake in my arms.23.POLLY , PUT THE KETTLE ON 宝丽烧开水Polly put the kettle on. Polly put the kettle on. Polly put the kettle on. Let’s all have tea. Sukey take it off again. Sukey take it off again. Sukey take it off again. They’ve all gone away.24.TO MARKET 上市场To market, to market to buy a gat pig. Home again, home again, jiggeddig jig. To market, to market , to buy a fat pig. Home again, home again, jiggeddig jig.25.ARE YOU SLEEPING? 你还在睡觉吗?Are you sleeping ? Are you sleeping ? Brother John, Brother John. Morning bells are ringing. Morning bells are ringing. Ding ding dong. Ding ding dong.26.JINGLE BELLS 铃儿响叮当Dashing through the snow. In a one-horse open sleigh. O’ver the fields we go, laughing all the way. Bells on bobtail ring. Making spirits bright. Oh, What fun it is to ride(and sing a sleighing song tonight) in a one-horse open sleigh, Hey! Jingle bells ! Jingle bells ! Jingleall the way! Oh, What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh, Hey!jingle all the way! Oh, What fun it is to ride in a one-horse open sleigh!27.I HAVE TWO HANDS 我有两只手I have two hands, the left and the right. Hold them up high, so clean and bright. Clap them softly One ,two, three. Clean little hands are good to see. My face is bright, my teeth all white. My dress is clean and all of me. So dear playmates follow me. So that our mother will be happy.28.TEDDY BEAR 玩具熊Teddy bear, teddy bear, turn around. Teddy bear, teddy bear, touch the ground. Teddy bear, teddy bear, show your shoe. Teddy bear, teddy bear, that will do. Teddy bear, teddy bear, go upstairs. Teddy bear, teddy bear, say your prayers. Teddy bear, teddy bear, switch off the light. Teddy bear, teddy bear, say goodnight.29.Rockabaye Baby 睡吧,小宝宝Rockabye baby on the tree top. When the wind blows, the cradle will rock. When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall. And down will come baby, cradle and all.30. HEAD, SHOULDER, KNEES AND TOES 头、肩、膝和脚趾Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes. Head, shoulders, knees, and toes, knees and toes. And eyes and ears and mouth and nose. Oh, head , shoulders, knees, and toes.31.LONDON BRIDGE 伦敦桥London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down. Londonbridge is falling down. My fair lady.(repeat)Build it up with iron bars, iron bars, iron bars. Build it up with iron bars. My fair lady.(repeat)Iron bars will bend and break, bend and break, bend and break. Iron bars will bend and break. My fair lady. (repeat) Build it up with silver and gold, silver and gold, silver and gold. Build it up with silver and gold, my fair lady. Build it up with silver and gold, my fair lady. Build it up with silver and gold, my fair lady.32.IF YOU ARE HAPPY 如果你快乐If you are happy and you know it clap your hands. If you are happy and you know it clap your hands. If you are happy and you know it and you really want to show it if you are happy and you know it clap your hands.(2)…stamp your feet… (3)…nod your head…(4)…say ha ha… (5)…do all four…(做以上四个动作)/doc/9c6693275.html,E AND JOIN THE GAME 齐来参加游戏Let everyone clap hands like me. Let everyone clap hands like me. Come on and join into the game. You’ll find that it’s always the same.Let everyone sneeze like me, Hut-choo. Let everyone sneeze like me, Hut-choo. Come on and join into the game. You’ll find that it’s always the same.Let everyone yawn like me, Ho. Let everyone yawn like me, Ho. Come on and join into the game. You’ll find that it’s always th e same.Let everyone jump up like me, Ya-ho. Let everyone jump up like me, Ya-ho. Come on and join into the game. You’ll find that it’s always the same.Let everyone sit down like me. Let everyone sit down like me. Come on and join into the game. You’ll find that it’s always the same.Let everyone laugh like me, Haha. Let everyone laugh like me, Haha. Come on and join into the game. You’ll find that it’s always the same.33.TEN LITTLE INDIAN BOYS 十个小印地安人One little, two little, three little Indians. Four little, five little, six little Indians. Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians. Ten little Indians boys.Ten little, nine little, eight little Indians. Seven little, six little, five little Indians, Four little , three little, two little Indians, one little Indian boy.One little, two little, three little fingers, Four little, five little, six little fingers. Seven little, eight little, nine little fingers. Ten fingers on your hands.Ten little, nine little, eight little fingers . Seven little, six little, five little fingers, Four little , three little, two little fingers, one finger on your hand.34.SMALL CIRCLE, BIG CIRCLE 小圆圈,大圆圈Small circle, big circle. Small circle, big circle. This is mama, this is papa. Waving goodbye. Six times six, six times six, thirty-six. Six times six, six times six is many. Teddy bear!35.SHAKE MY HAND 握握我的手Shake my hand and then go clap, clap, clap. Shake my foot and then go tap, tap, t ap. One, two , three, I take a little hop. So we’ll dance till th e music stops. Shake my fingers, and then go snap, snap, snap. Shake my nose, and then go wrap, wrap, wrap. Four, five, six and take a little hop. Then go around until the music stops. (repeat)36.WHERE IS THUMBMAN ? 拇指在哪里?Where is thumb man ? Where is thumb man ? Here I am, here I am. Howare you today sir? Very well, I thank you. Run away, run away.(2)pointer (3)tall man (4)ring man (5)pinkie (6)all the men36.ABC SONG ABC歌Come together, come to me. Now I sing the ABC. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z . Now you’ve heard my ABC. Tell me what you think of me. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z.Now you’ve heard my ABC. Let us hear your ABC.All together sing with me. Let us try our ABC. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S and T U V W and X Y Z. Now you’ve heard our ABC. Let us hear your ABC.37.THE MORE WE GET TOGETHER 大家在一起The more we get together, together, together. The more we get together, the merrier we’ll be. For your friends are my friends. And my friends are your friends. The more we get together, the merrier we’ll be.38.ALPHABET SONG 字母表歌A You’re adorable(可爱的);B You’re so beautiful.C You’re beautiful child.D You’re a darling.E You’re exciting.F You’re fairly my heart.G You’re so good to me.H You’re so heavenly(圣洁的).I You’re the one idolized(像偶像一样).J You’re like Jack and Jill.K You’re the love in my eyes. M, N, O, P, I could go on whole day. Q, R, S, T alphabetically speaking your OK. U makes my life complete. V means very sweet. W, X,Y, Z is fun to one to through the alphabet with you. To tell you what you means to me.(repeat)39.DO-RE-ME 哆-来-咪Doe , a deer , a female deer. Ray, a drop of golden sun. Me, a name I call myself. Far, a long long way to run. Sew, a needle pulling thread. La, a note to follow sew. Tea, a drink with jam and bread. That will bring us back to Doe . Oh, oh, oh Doe,…n(2……(repeat)……Doe Ray Me Far Sew La Tea Doe, Doe, Doe.40.AULD LANG SYNE 友谊万岁Should all acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind ? Should all acquaintance be forgot, and days of auld lang syne? For auld la ng syne, my friend, for auld lang syne. We’ll take a cup of kindness yet, for auld lang syne. (repeat)41.HOW DO YOU DO 你好How do you do, Mary, Michael ? How do you do. Is there anything that we can do for you ? We are glad to welcome you. And we hope you like us too. How do you do, Mary, Michael ? How do you do ?(repeat)42.GOOD MORNING 早上好Good morning. Good morning to you. To you and to you. Good morning. Good morning to you and to you. Nancy, Judy and Margaret, Peter, Dandy, Paul and John. Good morning. Good morning to you and to you.(repeat)43.DAY OF THE WEEK 星期歌Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.(repeat)44.APPLE SONG 苹果歌I have an apple and you have two. You give me an apple and I havetwo. I eat one apple and give one b ack to you . I don’t have any apple you still have two.45.甜苹果-Apple Red》的英文歌词.Apple round, apple red 苹果圆,苹果红Apple juice, apple sweet 苹果汁,苹果甜Apple, apple, I love you 苹果,苹果,我爱你Apple sweet I love to eat 苹果甜我喜欢吃《小毛驴-Donkey Donkey I Beg You》英文歌词Donkey Donkey I beg you,Please don''t sing heehaw, heehawI shall feed you.I shall feed you.Please don''t sing heehaw, heehaw.Heehaw, heehaw, heehaw, heehaw.Why you sing so loud?I shall feed you. I shall feed you.Please don''t sing heehaw, heehaw.《多来咪-Do Re Mi》的英文歌词.Let's start at the very beginningA very good place to startWhen you read you begin with A B CWhen you sing you begin with Ro-re-miDo-re-mi Do-re-miThe first three notes just happen to beDo-re-miDo-re-miDo-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti(Spoken:All right,I'll make it easier to listen) Doe,a deer,afemale deerRay,a drop of golden sunMe,a name I call myselfFar,a long,long way to runSew,a needle pulling threadLa, a note to follow solTea,a drink with jam and breadThat will bring us back to Do-oh-oh-oh!Do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-ti-do,sol,do shapin《雪绒花-Edelweiss》的英文歌词Edelweiss, edelweiss,Every morning you greet me. Small and white, Clean and bright,You look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow, May you bloom and grow,Bloom and grow forever. Edelweiss, edelweiss, Bless my homeland forever. Small and white,Clean and bright,You look happy to meet me. Blossom of snow May you bloom and grow,Bloom and grow forever.Edelweiss, edelweiss,FriendsRoses are red Violets are blueGtad to know friends like youA blink in our eyes o shake with our handsThats how we all make friendsA smile in your face lights up the dayThats what all Japanese sayA look in your eyes a touch in my mindHappiness always ar~ivesWhen youre moodyI can help you get your troubles offWhen youre happy share it with meThats what friends are for La La La LaLaWhen youre moody Tell me I can get your troubles offThats what friends are forOn The Way To SchoolOn the way to school today I met a little friendJoining hands we went along Went along went alongJoining hands went along And this is how we wentWe tramped tramped tramped tramped tramped along to school We tramped tramped tramped tramped tramped along to school We walked walked walked walked walked along to school We walked walked walked walked walked along to schoolWe skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped along to school We skipped skipped skipped skipped skipped along to school We hopped hopped hopped hopped hopped along to schoolWe hopped hopped hopped hopped hopped along to schoolWe jumped jumped jumped jumped jumped along to school We jumped jumped jumped jumped jumped along to school Oh! SusannaI come from Alabama,With the banjo on my knee,I'm bound for Louisiana,My true love for to see.It rained all night the day I left,The weather it was dry,The sun so hot I froze myself, Susanna, don't you cry Oh, Susanna,Oh, don't you cry for me,I come from Alabama,With the banjo on my knee.I had a dream the other night When everything was still I dreamt I saw SusannaComing up a hillBuckwheat cakes was in her mouth T ears were in her eyes I said I'd come to take her home Susanna don't you cry. Oh, Susanna,Oh, don't you cry for me,I come from Alabama,With the banjo on my knee.Oh, Susanna,Oh, don't you cry for me,I come from Alabama,With the banjo on my kneeOh, Susanna,Oh, don't you cry for me,I come from Alabama,With the banjo on my knee。

第1篇(一)Verse 1:阳光明媚笑哈哈,幼儿园里真热闹。
(二)Verse 2:上下楼梯靠右行,不推不挤要有序。
(三)Verse 3:过马路看红绿灯,遵守规则最重要。
(四)Verse 4:火警电话119,遇到火灾快拨打。
(五)Verse 5:吃饭喝水讲卫生,生病了要及时报告。
(六)Verse 6:游泳玩耍要小心,河边湖边不靠近。
(七)Verse 7:陌生人来不接近,个人信息要保密。

儿歌歌词数鸭子门前大桥下,游过一群鸭, 快来快来数一数,二四六七八 ,嘎嘎嘎嘎,真呀真多呀,数不清到底多少鸭,数不清到底多少鸭。
生日快乐 - 儿歌祝你生日快乐祝你生日快乐祝你生日快乐祝你生日快乐Happy birthday to youHappy birthday to youHappy birthday to youHappy birthday to youABC字母歌a b c d e f g, h i j k l m n, o p q,r s t u v w x y z now you know your a b c, every-body sing with me a b c d e f g, h i j k l m n, o p q,r s t u v w x y z now you know your a b c, every-body sing with me。

儿歌童谣歌词大全(Children's songs and nursery rhymes)4. ride Malaysia doll, riding a horse, clattering clattering clattering quack. Ride to my grandmother, grandmother on her laugh. Little brother to buy chocolate7. hand clapping song, pat, pat, hand in hand. Mom, clap, clap doll. Mom, baby, clap, clap your hands.8. gold gold silver hook hook hook, hook, talk to count, or isa dog. Gold silver hook hook, hook, talk to count, please reach out your hands. 123, hook hook hook hook three ah ah!9. see I can clap your hand, I can see, I don't touch you don't touch. I feel you touch the ear ear. I feel you touch your nose nose. I feel you touch your eyes, eyes. I feel you touch the head head.10. cat cat cat, are great, life will draw down. What picture? Well, the five petals of plum blossom.11. my snare drum Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong Dong, I speak it to understand, I said when the three ring, my drum thump, thump, thump. Hey, no, baby sleep in a small bed, I don't like drum drum sound, say: understand, understand, understand!12. dolls, dolls don't get angry, you don't get angry, I will give you a gift. Not just the temper, and throw you in. Dirty your new clothes, fall on your face is mud. Must be very painful?I am really sorry! I take your clothes dirty, dirty face I wash for you. Where is the pain I gave you rub, from now on, I will take care of you.13. a chicken Jiji grumble a chicken Jiji grumble; two puppies bark; three sheep Baa Baa; four mice Zhizhi; five Bo Gu Goo Goo Goo six frogs; Loka; seven crickets buzzing; eight little Xia quack; nine doves chirp chirp.14. two kittens two kittens, to steal peach, a tree, a sentry. Hear the dog, barking barking, and ran down, catch up with the dog, a good bite. Bite bite bite skin, hair, two tail pain, "nice cat".15 thousand thousand million stars, star star, little star, point out, twinkle, twinkling countless.16. finger thumb finger play touch, do chicken call: grumble, grumble, grumble. Fingers close together, do a pair of scissors to play: cracking, cracking, cracking. Five fingers clenched fist, a knock on the boom, boom, boom. Thumb. Praise you wear: good, good, good safflower. The little finger little finger hook, we smiled: hee, hee hee, jumping. Small hand pat, we sing songs: wonderful, wonderful, wonderful.17. you pull hook shot, I shot the little finger head pull hook. Pull hook, pull hook, we are good friends.18. old old snow snow, do the rice cake, grinding powder, pour down, fell on the ground, we are not.Do morning exercises 19. kids, get up early to do morning exercises before 1234, the birds are flying, then the horse run, daily exercises in good health.20. saw saw pull pull, pull the saw, grandma, sing opera. Mom, Dad, little baby, also want to go. Pull the saw, pulling you over, I saw the past. Pull up, pull up, baby, grow up fast.21. long nails long nails do not cut, and as a puppy like cat, little hands to see grandma, grandma got a fright.22. fingers two thumb song curved waist, nodded. The two variable index finger cock, a fight. Two little finger hook a hook, make friends. Two hands touch, clap your hands.23. make a snowman north wind, snow, snowman, really lively. Two walnut when eyes, upturned nose of pepper. The sun does not give it a smile. It's the sun.24. smile smile: "bzzzzt how chickens! "Duck how to laugh:" quack quack! "Frog laugh:" Gua Guagua! "Baby how to smile:" ha ha ha! "25. wash song lined up, go ahead, do what? Go wash your hands. Small soap to wipe my hands; tap water, give me a hand; a small towel, wiped his hand to me. Hand washing is really clean,We all clap your hands.26. long years a snow, ice, wintersweet flowers, magpie called cha, called his brother, called sister, is my baby, after a year long years.27. a bird called a bird called cha cha cha cha, two frogs croak,three pigs hum hum, four pony Gung dada, five dolls laugh, eat a big watermelon.28. south south and South South Landry club, had a habit of. The paper strip is not open, mouth a pout: "mother! "Your shoelace is untied, his feet:" mother! "Mother, mother! The anxious mother and chaos. He has a habit of Lan Lan. Mother gave her a little rice, put yourself. ". The mother gave her face, small mouth with a smile: "myself. "Myself, myself! "A mother laugh. Little friends, you like the south, or like Landry?29. my brother fell down to help brother walk do not pay attention, I fell to the ground up. For he took off the ash, help him wash his hands mud. I want to be a good boy, remember to help each other.30. what good reading Jane and Andy, holding the book look. The cat and the dog, also laicourenao. Jane read books, watch and brains, cat saw, meowing good. Andy book, turn over. The dog barked: "how much do you know? "Our little friend, you see, Jane and Andy, which read?31. is your mother is not at home, I have to sweep the table,I wipe. Listen to! It is her mother's footsteps, I quickly hide secretly watch at the door. The mother came in, look at the floor, look at the table. Mother asked: "who put her house so well? "Meow, meow, meow! "I am meow. My mother pulled the door open look, said happily: "Oh, it's you, labor of love baby! "32. spring to spring, spring, the flowers were blossoming open smile. Green grass, birds, butterflies, bees dance together.33. rain tick, tick, under the rain! The grass says: now, now,I want to germinate. Pear said: now, now, I want to bloom. Wheat said: now, now, I want to grow up. Tick, tick, under the rain!34. snow photos for me. It's snowing, snow, the ground is covered with small snowflakes. Little sister, slip, to print a little doll. Little sister, mother shouted: "come on, come on, give me the snow photos! "35. little hedgehog hedgehog hair, haircut, scrape scrape cracking, cracking, and my hair looked at it, not a little hedgehog, is a small doll.36. Liu called wells forest hill green, Liulv, two dolls climbed up the tree and fold root wicker call. The little baby, Yaya, sitting in the hillside play call, like two small tits.37. elm money wells Lin Yuku money, round and round, like a string of large coins. Child of the mountain, and abuse, put it in front of the school. In spring, autumn, trees become atriplex.38. a small willow river, Hua Lala, willow girl wash hair, hair soft, uniform, wind hair messy. Oh, the lack of a large hairpin.39. children, the cat and the words of adults(1) children. If the cat lazy, lazy cat, from the Qing Dynasty to early late, what I do every day? Learning, work and play! He curled up into small groups! The snoring, snoring, sleep noand no end.(2). Kitty said children lazy, lazy child, from early morning to late night, what I do? The mouse caught only three! Can he hold the big pillow, snoring, snoring, sleep there is no limit.(3). The words of adults twenty-four hours a day, a day to night. The child only to see during the day, only to see the cat at night, the children are not lazy.Aunt Liu, 40. Aunt Liu pool station, green hair, floating in water. The comb, comb with more rain with more and more beautiful. Liu Gugu smiled into a flower, the flower is called spring.41. driver didi tick! Beep! I am a small driver. Mom and dad let me take you to go to work.Forty-twoThree Kitty Cat three, west east running, running, meow meow called. Three little cat, look East, West look, meow meow called. Three little cat, eat and eat and eat the belly, wonderful wonderful smile on. Three little cat, wash, face wash, wonderful wonderful smile on. Three little cat, play a roll, want to sleep, snoring sound alarm, meow meow is no longer. Three little cat, dusk to wake up, stretch, like claws, happy wonderful wonderful laugh. Call call43. little bunny bunny, hair long, sister weeding I feed grain. Cut a bunch of rabbit twisting line, to do the doll, winterclothes.44. small buttons and buttons, falling down. Bent down, picked up. Home sewing up. 123, stand in a row.The 45. diagonal angle two lambs don't fight, diagonal angle. Mother, saw, opened two baby: "baby, you know, why are we two horns? If the angle of playing herself, watching the wolf laugh. "46. of antiphonal singing while more, while less, a pencil witha knife. A big, a small, a watermelon, a jujube. One side of small, a pig, a cat. While more, while less, a group of geese a bird. A big, a small, a tree in a straw. While jumping, singing, remember how much size.47. Lantern Festival lantern lights in the number of baby chicken, duck baby lamp, a leap frog lamp; light peach, lotus lamp, a flower peony lamp; an lamp, a lamp lamp head, and lamp; car lights, train lights, a plane lamp...... 123, 321, the number of children grandparents to help him countless lights; the number of Yishushu to dawn.48. Baby Panda baby panda, walk shake, turn a somersault, let you see.49. small goldfish shook his head, put tail, mouth spit bubbles. Blisters blisters water upstream, that is a small ball of goldfish.50 parrot parrot, called love, learn the words: "you early, youearly! "In the evening, also sing the same song:" you had, you early! "The parrot, Qiao Zuiben brain, will only learn words, not create.51. tiger tiger birthday birthday, everyone to send gifts, send monkey peach, cat fish, rabbit send radish, bear send corn. The tiger howled and gas, we run anxious.52. digital song one or two, three, four or five, six, climbed up the hill; tumbling; seven or eight, nine, shoot the ball; both her hands, ten fingers.53. March April is right or wrong leaves floating, wearing coats in July June. In September October, the peach blossom fan to eat ice cream, December. I spoke to said the kangaroo, the panda that I was wrong. What is right or wrong, please think carefully.54. watch TV will bear in front of the TV, see at twelve a.m.. Screen out Mickey Mouse, mouth yawning. Bear a look to follow one after another, endless. Hey, why don't you? Bear sleeping in front of the tv.55. snail out snail dispatched chuanmenzi, carrying a small house, the thunder rain has come under heavy rain, "I am not afraid, I will hide in a small room. "56. streams and creeks, streams flow dolls, out of a small vortex. Baby baby laugh and laugh, laugh out two small dimples.The 57. stream stream, stream, singing to go. The mountainfather asked him tired? The brook tinkling shook his head. The wind mother-in-law asked him bitter or not? The brook tinkling waved his hand. Singing and dancing rush to the sea, the waves fangendou dance.58. guests to the guests, my mother was not at home, I asked the guest room to sit, pour a cup of tea: "aunt, hello! Aunt, please have a cup of tea! "59. stick nose lined up to play, blindfolded, do not speak. You to paste the nose, my nose forward. One step, two step, three step, four step, ha ha, nose to the mouth under.61. Marie had a little lamb Marie had a little lamb, little lamb, little sheep, Marie had a little lamb, it was really beautiful. No matter where Marie, where, where,No matter where Marie, it must go.62. watch shop tick tick tick, a bit, drops, drops of large, small alarm clock, alarm clock, Dong dong. Tick tick tick drops, a drop drop, square, round little face, big and small are not the same.63. small dimples little nest, little litters, baby smile, two small dimples.64. I have a pair of little hands, hands like a tadpole, Grandpa and I shook hands, only shook his finger.65. hand flower gargle cup, drink clear water, raised his head,with the mouth closed, grunt spit the water.66. my apple is a big apple, the children all love me, please go and wash your hands, if you don't touch my hands dirty.67. small bench stool, really obedient, together with my mother, my mother came back from work, I ask my mother to sit down quickly.68. sitting in row, eat fruit, you, me, you not stay a.69. little ducks and small ducks quacking, go up the road to shake it, shake to a small river, have a bath.70. like the swallows fly up, down, one by one, grinning, sliding down the call, like swallows.。
儿歌歌词 (2)

1. 小白兔乖乖,东边日出西边雨,
2. 看我七彩气球,红黄蓝绿橙紫五颜六色,
3. 小鱼游来游去,快乐的水中闪烁,
小蝌蚪变成青蛙,嘴里吐泡泡,好好玩4. 小星星闪亮亮,挂在天空中,
5. 小蜜蜂忙碌忙碌,采花蜜很快乐,
6. 小草儿欢快长,绿油油的十分茂盛,
7. 小兔子乖乖睡,闭上眼睛做美梦,
8. 小幸运跟随我,每一天都如阳光灿烂,
9. 小雨滴落在窗台,哗啦啦的声音好美妙,
10. 小鸟飞呀飞,飞过高山和大海,
儿歌童谣歌词大全 (2) (1)

儿歌童谣歌词大全1. 过年呼呼,呼呼,雪花飘;噼叭,噼叭,放鞭炮;咚锵,咚锵,玩龙灯;哈哈!哈哈!过年了!2. 新年到新年到,新年到,提花灯,看花炮。
小娃娃,长一岁,走路不用妈妈抱3. 小剪刀小剪刀,张嘴巴,不吃鱼,不吃虾,爱吃娃娃的长指甲4. 骑大马小娃娃,骑大马,呱哒呱哒呱哒呱。
小弟弟买巧克力5. 小弟弟,上街去,买了两块巧克力。
6. 小老鼠上灯台小老鼠,上灯台,偷油吃,下不来。
7. 拍手歌手手,拍拍,拍拍,手手。
8. 金钩钩金钩钩,银钩钩,说话要算数,不然是小狗。
一二三,勾呀勾呀勾三勾!9. 看我摸拍手掌,看我摸,我不摸呀你别摸。
10. 小猫小猫小猫,本领真大,一生下来,就会画画。
11. 小鼓咚咚咚我的小鼓咚咚咚,我说话儿它都懂,我说小鼓响三下,我的小鼓:咚、咚、咚。
哎哟哟,这不行,宝宝睡在小床中,我的小鼓别响了,小鼓说声:懂、懂、懂!12. 布娃娃,别生气布娃娃,你别生气,我来给你赔个礼。
13. 一只小鸡叽叽叽一只小鸡叽叽叽;二只小狗汪汪汪;三只绵羊咩咩咩;四只老鼠吱吱吱;五只鹁鸪咕咕咕;六只青蛙咯咯咯;七只蟋蟀唧唧唧;八只小鸭呷呷呷;九只斑鸠啾啾啾。
14. 两只小猫两只小猫,上山偷桃,一只上树,一只放哨。
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《听妈妈讲那过去的事情》管桦词翟希贤曲狄其安配器独唱:何秋雯月亮在白莲花般的云朵里穿行晚风吹来一阵阵快乐的歌声我们坐在高高的谷堆旁边听妈妈讲那过去的事情那时候,妈妈没有土地全部生活都在两只手上汗水流在地主火热的田野里妈妈切却吃着野菜和谷糠冬天的风雪狼一样嚎叫妈妈却穿着破烂的单衣裳她去给地主缝一件狐皮长袍又冷又饿跌倒在雪地上经过了多少苦难的岁月妈妈才盼到今天的好光景《夸妈妈》妈妈你的眼睛会说话你时尚你漂亮小朋友都羡慕咱妈妈你的心里只有家你聪明你善良在我心中你最伟大妈妈爸爸时常都把你夸说你贤惠说你温柔说这辈子找你就找对了《我爱我的家》我爱我的家弟弟爸爸妈妈爱是不吵架常常陪我玩耍我爱我的家儿子女儿我的他爱就是忍耐家庭所有繁杂我爱我的家儿子女儿我亲爱的她爱就是付出让家不缺乏让爱天天住你家让爱天天住我家不分日夜秋冬春夏全心全意爱我们的家让爱天天住你家让爱天天住我家充满快乐拥有平安让爱永远住我们的家我爱我的家弟弟爸爸妈妈爱是不嫉妒弟弟有啥我有啥我爱我的家儿子女儿我的他爱就是感谢不记任何代价我爱我的家儿子女儿我亲爱的她爱就是珍惜时光和年华让爱天天住你家让爱天天住我家不分日夜秋冬春夏全心全意爱我们的家让爱天天住你家让爱天天住我家充满快乐拥有平安让爱永远住我们的家让爱永远住我们的家《好妈妈》我的好妈妈,下班回到家,劳动了一天,妈妈辛苦了!妈妈、妈妈快坐下,妈妈、妈妈快坐下,请喝一杯茶!让我亲亲你吧、让我亲亲你吧!我的好妈妈!宝宝最爱听的儿童歌曲—爸爸歌《好爸爸坏爸爸》好爸爸坏爸爸我有一个好爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸好爸爸好爸爸我有一个好爸爸做起饭来锵铛铛锵铛铛洗起衣服嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓高起兴来哈哈哈哈哈哈打起屁股啪啪啪啪啪啪嗯真是稀里哗啦爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸好爸爸好爸爸我有一个好爸爸那个爸爸不骂人那个孩子不害怕打是亲来骂是爱哪个不是好爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸好爸爸好爸爸我有一个好爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸好爸爸好爸爸我有一个好爸爸我有一个好爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸好爸爸好爸爸我有一个好爸爸做起饭来锵铛铛锵铛铛洗起衣服嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓嚓高起兴来哈哈哈哈哈哈打起屁股啪啪啪啪啪啪嗯真是稀里哗啦爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸好爸爸好爸爸我有一个好爸爸那个爸爸不骂人那个孩子不害怕打是亲来骂是爱哪个不是好爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸好爸爸好爸爸我有一个好爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸爸好爸爸好爸爸我有一个好爸爸《爸爸》爸爸啊爸爸每天晚回家我知道你是为了我为了咱的家爸爸啊爸爸多么辛苦呀我有一个小心愿说给你听吧给我一点点给我一点点时间你和我一起玩耍你陪我聊聊天给我一点点给我一点点时间你和我一起做游戏我心比蜜还甜《找爸爸》落雨不怕落雪也不怕就算寒冷大风雪落下能够见到他可以日日见到他面如何大风雪也不怕我要我要找我爸爸去到那里也要找我爸爸我的好爸爸未找到若你见到他就劝他回家宝宝最爱听的儿童歌曲—学习歌《找朋友》找呀找呀找朋友找到一个好朋友敬个礼呀,握握手呀你是我的好朋友再见《丢手绢》丢丢丢手绢轻轻的放在小朋友的后面.大家不要告诉他.快点快点抓住他快点快点抓住他.《新四季歌》春天春天是温暖的夏天夏天是炎热的秋天秋天刮大风呀冬天冬天是寒冷的Spring is warmSummer is hotAuttuen is windyWint is cold《刷牙歌》小牙刷,手中拿我呀张开小嘴巴刷左边,刷右边上下里外都刷刷早上刷,晚上刷刷得牙齿没蛀牙张张口,笑一笑我的牙齿刷得白花花《拾豆豆》胖丫丫哎俊扭扭手牵着手儿过沟沟过沟沟拾豆豆一拾拾了一兜兜依呀得儿哟一拾就拾了一兜兜呀依哟金豆豆哎银豆豆圆不溜溜地红豆豆一颗颗拾到手丰收果实不能丢依呀得儿哟丰收的果实不能丢呀依哟胖丫丫哎俊扭扭手牵着手儿过沟沟过沟沟拾豆豆一拾拾了一兜兜依呀得儿哟一拾就拾了一兜兜呀依哟金豆豆哎银豆豆圆不溜溜地红豆豆一颗颗拾到手丰收果实不能丢依呀得儿哟丰收的果实不能丢呀依哟《问候歌》啊朋友们情呀情我唱歌来问候你你有什么事情情呀情呀我能够帮助你在春天夏天叮呀叮呀秋天和严冬我叮呀叮呀叮呀叮呀喜呀喜欢你啊朋友们情情呀情我唱歌来问候你你有什么事情情呀情呀我能够帮助你在春天夏天叮呀叮呀秋天和严冬我叮呀叮呀叮呀叮呀喜呀喜欢你啊朋友们情情呀情我唱歌来问候你你有什么事情情呀情呀我能够帮助你在春天夏天叮呀叮呀秋天和严冬我叮呀叮呀叮呀叮呀喜呀喜欢你《劳动最光荣》太阳光金亮亮雄鸡唱三唱花儿醒来了鸟儿忙梳妆小喜鹊造新房小蜜蜂采蜜忙幸福的生活从哪里来要靠劳动来创造青青的叶儿红红的花小蝴蝶贪玩耍不爱劳动不学习我们大家不学它要学喜鹊造新房要学蜜蜂采蜜糖劳动的快乐说不尽对数歌》你说一,我对一,小猫最爱把脸洗。