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1序 (2)

2基础篇 (2)

3财务篇 (2)

4物流篇 (2)

5生产与工单管理篇 (2)

6系统管理篇 (2)


7.1财务术语 (3)

7.1.1 Chart of Accounts 财务科目表 (3)

7.1.2 Accounting process 记账过程 (8)

7.1.3 Finance Reports财务报表 (11)

7.2物流术语 (13)

7.2.1 Procurement采购管理 (13)

7.2.2 Sales Management销售管理 (15)

7.2.3 Inventory Management存货管理 (16)

7.2.4 物流报表 (17)

7.3生产术语 (18)

1. 序

2. 基础篇

3. 财务篇

4. 物流篇

5. 生产与工单管理篇

6. 系统管理篇

7. ERP English专用语

本章是专门讲解ERP软件的常用英语专门用语的。ERP作为一个西方发明的管理工具,大量使用专门的术语,对于我国的广大使用者学习者的确是一个需要专门处理的内容。此外,ERP实施中很多公司都有外籍管理人员参与,需要中方员工能够流畅地沟通讨论实施中的各种问题。本书主要是以ADONIX使用到的术语进行讲解,其中使用较多的英语知识,阅读者需要较好的英语基础。这方面需要深造的读者可以联系《ERP English》培训班。

a) 财务术语

财务模块,finance module,是ERP的核心,即便不是财务专业的读者,也需要了解一些最基本的财务术语。Module,模块,是ERP系统的各个组成部分。粗的分类就是finance,logistics,production三大模块,财务、物流、和生产。

其中财务模块又通常分为GL (General Ledger),AP(Account Payable),AR(Account Receivable),即总帐、应付、和应收模块。

i.Chart of Accounts 财务科目表

Chart of accounts,就是财务科目表,简称COA。


Credit Memo

可以解释为退款的通知,是采购退货之后从供应商那儿退款之后记账用的。反过来如果客户退货,那么就应该是Debit Memo,但是也有叫Customer Credit Memo的。

▪Why you call it a credit memo? We don’t have this in China.

✧What do you call it then?

▪No, we don’t use a separate bill. We deduct the amount from the next invoice.

✧But how do you know it is not a discount?

▪Is there any difference between a credit memo and a discount invoice? Anyway it is a less charged situation.

✧Certainly there is!


Payables Write Off

应付帐款如果对方取消了,就是write off。Write off是个常用的词汇,比如固定资产报废了,也是write off assets;存货盘点出现盘亏,记账把它write off。等等。

Variance Account

就是差异科目。会计记帐上会处理许多差异,比如增值税17%的税值往往会因为累计而发生四舍五入的差异,这样需要差异科目来记录这些差异,比如Rounding Variance。

计算机记帐特别是ERP系统,需要其他一些特殊的科目来处理一些技术性的分录,比如dummy accounts,suspense accounts, temporary accounts等等。不同的财务高级主管会使用不同的技术词汇。

▪I don’t understand which account we should use for loan shipments.

✧You can just pick up a dummy account and use it. When we run the test we will come back to

check the result. We can then replace the dummy account by the correct one.


▪I am entering the initial balances, it is a long list. How can I save it for afternoon. I have to eat lunch.

✧You can simply close your balance to account 99999, the Initialization Dummy Account.

▪Then what?

✧Well, you can reopen the entry, delete the number under 99999, and start again.

这段话就是在讨论怎么把输到一半的初始化财务余额存一下,下午再继续输入。这时候就要使用Initialization Dummy Account,先把剩下的余额存在这个科目下,等回来再打开,把这个临时科目下的数字清掉,继续输入即可。

PPV Variance Account

PPV 就是Purchase Price Variance,采购价格差异。这是一个典型的差异科目。

Gain and Loss

汇兑损益。非财务的人员只要理解在不同币种之间进行转手时总是会发生汇率的差价的,因此财务上需要计算这种差价因为汇率涨跌造成对公司财务的影响。有时这种影响只是理论上的,纸面上,但是系统会自动地计算出来,并在这些汇兑损益的科目中记录,比如A/P Gain on Currency Exchange、A/R Gain on Currency Exchange、Cash Gain on Currency Exchange、A/R Loss on Currency Exchange、A/P Loss on Currency Exchange、Cash Loss on Currency Exchange。


▪We used to calculate the gain and loss on paper. This time we are going to use the system to handle it. Watch out for the outcomes.

✧We have compared the gain and loss numbers with our spreadsheet, they are different. But

the difference is small.

▪I would rather believe the system number.

Inventory Revaluation

