2016年美国大学生数学建模大赛A题获奖论文A Hot Bath

2014全国数学建模竞赛题目 2015美国数学建模竞赛题目
2014全国数学建模竞赛题目 A题 嫦娥三号软着陆轨道设计与控制策略 B题 创意平板折叠桌 C题 生猪养殖场的经营管理 D题 储药柜的设计
2015 MCM&ICM Problems • Problem A:Eradicating Ebola • Problem B:Searching for a lost plane • Problem C:Managing Human Capital in Organizations • Problem D:Is it sustainable?
• Convex Optimization • Duality-Theory • Lagrange Multipliers • Kernels function
Deep Learning Neural Network
• • • • AlphaGo Zero强化学习战胜AlphaGo 人工智能推动数学建模 数学建模制造新的信息机器 丘成桐:工程上取得很大发展 但理论基础仍非常 薄弱 • 人工智能需要一个可以被证明的理论作为基础。 • 人工智能需要新数学理论
SVHN – real world image dataset
Image classification
Convolutiona Neural Network
全 连 接 卷 积
池 化
CNN- 图像分类和场景特色
LSTM- 翻译语言和语音识别机器
RNN - 语音识别和自然语言分析
• 请建立相应的数学模型和算法,解决以下问题: • (1) 在正方形托盘上放置两个均匀固体介质组成的标定模板,模板的 几何信息如图2所示,相应的数据文件见附件1,其中每一点的数值反 映了该点的吸收强度,这里称为“吸收率”。对应于该模板的接收信 息见附件2。请根据这一模板及其接收信息,确定CT系统旋转中心在 正方形托盘中的位置、探测器单元之间的距离以及该CT系统使用的X 射线的180个方向。 • (2) 附件3是利用上述CT系统得到的某未知介质的接收信息。利用(1) 中得到的标定参数,确定该未知介质在正方形托盘中的位置、几何形 状和吸收率等信息。另外,请具体给出图3所给的10个位置处的吸收 率,相应的数据文件见附件4。 • (3) 附件5是利用上述CT系统得到的另一个未知介质的接收信息。利 用(1)中得到的标定参数,给出该未知介质的相关信息。另外,请具 体给出图3所给的10个位置处的吸收率。 • (4) 分析(1)中参数标定的精度和稳定性。在此基础上自行设计新模 板、建立对应的标定模型,以改进标定精度和稳定性,并说明理由。

图 3 第一小问求解思路图 多项式函数与高斯函数拟合对比 运用 MATLAB 工具箱对在电流强度为 20A 的数据进行多项式函数和高斯函数的拟 合,得到两个拟合图像如图 4 所示:
图 4 两种函数的拟合图像
根据观察 20A 电流情况下两种拟合函数的放电图像, 发现两种函数的放电图像无明 显差别,无法看出哪种函数的拟合效果好,所以本文用两种函数拟合的拟合精度进行比 较,见表 2:
第二小问首先利用 EXCEL 筛选出 231 个电压样本点,采取相对误差是绝对误差与 实际数据的比值的方法,求出 231 个相对误差,取平均即为 MRE . 第三小问是建立在第一小问的基础上, 将数值 9.8V 带入初等函数模型, 求出在 30A, 40A,50A,60A,70A 的电流强度下电池的剩余放电时间. 2.2.2 问题二的分析 问题二要建立适用于任一电流强度在任一时刻的的放电时间,但题中所给数据只有 几个特殊的电流强度,因此利用这些数据来建立任意时刻的模型,就是要建立起任意时 刻都能找到与已有数据的关系,文中引进比例分电压点来建立起这个联系,较好的解决 了不能实现任意时刻的放电时间的计算, 并且与现有数据始终相关, 拟合数据偏差较小. 2.2.3 问题三的分析 对于问题三直接使用衰减状态 3 的数据会导致拟合效果不达要求, 由于新电池状态、 衰减 1 状态和衰减 2 状态使用二次函数拟合效果较好,题目所给是同一电池,因此衰减 状态三应也是与前三个状态变化相似,所以利用前三个状态的与衰减状态 3 现有数据来 作差,进行拟合,补全缺失数据的差值,将补全的差值进行还原,得到衰减状态 3 的缺 失数据,并用 MATLAB 进行四种状态的拟合,结果发现效果较好,

A: 一个人充满热水的浴缸从一个单一的水龙头,并落户到浴缸里清洁和放松。
B: 小碎片在轨道上绕地球金额已日益受到关注。
2016年美国大学生数学建模大赛A题获奖论文A Hot Bath

The first part has five sections: air’s heat radiation, bathtub wall’s heat radiation, person in, hot water in, bubble existed. We discuss some factors that affect water temperature, such as the shape and the volume of the bathtub and person, especially the motions made by the person in the bathtub because the temperature in the bathtub has a great connection with person. Finally, we get the water temperature variation and distribution model.
In this article, we establish two models. One is water temperature variation and distr one is finding best strategy model. We put forward some acceptable hypothesis to simplify the model. What’s more, we clear the meaning of the word “noticeably”.

do the different fungi interact and decompose ground litter in a fixed patch of land in different
Include predictions about the relative advantages and disadvantages for each species and
combinations of species likely to persist, and do so for different environments including arid,
(difference of each isolate’s competitive ranking and their
moisture niche width, both scaled to [0,1]) of various fungi
and the resulting wood decomposition rate (% mass loss
Your complete solution.



• THE FIVE OUTSTANDING WINNERS OF THE CONTINUOUS MCM (A) PROBLEM ARE: • Northwestern Polytechnical University, China • State University of New York, University at Buffalo, NY — MAA Prize Recipient • Chongqing University, China — SIAM Prize RecipientCentral South University, China — Ben Fusaro Award • University of Adelaide, Australia — INFORMS Prize Recipient • THE FIVE OUTSTANDING WINNERS OF THE DISCRETE MCM (B) PROBLEM ARE: • University of Colorado Boulder, CO — SIAM Prize Recipient & Two Sigma Scholarship Award • Bethel University, MN — MAA Prize Recipient & Frank Giordano Award • University of Colorado Boulder, CO • Colorado College, CO — INFORMS Prize Recipient • Tsinghua University, China • THE FIVE OUTSTANDING WINNERS OF THE INTERDISCIPLINARY ICM (C) PROBLEM ARE: • Xidian University, China • Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China • Xi'an Jiaotong University, China — Leonhard Euler Award • Tsinghua University, China • National University of Defense Technology, China • Also winning as a FINALIST is: • University of Colorado Denver, CO — INFORMS Prize Recipient • THE FOUR OUTSTANDING WINNERS OF THE INTERDISCIPLINARY ICM (D) PROBLEM ARE: • NC School of Science and Mathematics, NC — INFORMS Prize Recipient • Xi'an Jiaotong University, China • Humboldt State University, CA — Rachel Carson Award & Two Sigma Scholarship Award • Zhejiang University, China

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MCM--2016A题 个人思路

2016年数学建模美赛题目原文及翻译-A [个人思路] PROBLEM A:A Hot BathA person fills a bathtub with hot water from a single faucet and settles into the bathtub to cleanse and relax. Unfortunately, the bathtub is not a spa-style tub with a secondary heating system and circulating jets, but rather a simple water containment vessel. After a while, the bath gets noticeably cooler, so the person adds a constant trickle of hot water from the faucet to reheat the bathing water. The bathtub is designed in such a way that when the tub reaches its capacity, excess water escapes through an overflow drain.Develop a model of the temperature of the bathtub water in space and time to determine the best strategy the person in the bathtub can adopt to keep the temperature even throughout the bathtub and as close as possible to the initial temperature without wasting too much water.Use your model to determine the extent to which your strategy depends upon the shape and volume of the tub, the shape/volume/temperature of the person in the bathtub, and the motions made by the person in the bathtub. If the person used a bubble bath additive while initially filling the bathtub to assist in cleansing, how would this affect your model’s results?In addition to the required one-page summary for your MCM submission, your report must include a one-page non-technical explanation for users of the bathtubthat describes your strategy while explaining why it is so difficult to get an evenly maintained temperature throughout the bath water.A题一个热水澡一个人从一个单一的水龙头充满热水浴缸和落户到浴缸清洗和放松。

12m/s 和 24m/s 时浮标的吃水深度 h0 为 0.7397m 和 0.74883m,同时给出不同风
深度无法计算得出,需要给定浮力初始值 F0 ,从而得到T0 和1 。
钢管受力分析 将钢管看作一个质点,对每节钢管一一受力分析,如图 2 所示,由于每节钢
节钢管受到的力有钢管自身重力 Ggg 、浮力 Fgg 、上一节钢管拉力Ti,i1 和下一节钢
成负相关,即重物球质量越大, 和 越小,故在 5o, 16o, h0 2 条件下,
可以通过不断调节重物球的质量,找到重物球的最小质量和最大质量。 问题三的分析:
对问题三第一个子问题的分析: 系泊系统的设计问题就是要确定锚链的型号、长度和重物球的质量,使得浮 标的吃水深度和游动区域及钢桶的倾斜角度尽可能小。 沿用问题一的算法,增加一个与风力方向相同的水流力,近海水水流力可以
速下钢桶和各节钢管的倾斜角度及浮标的最远位置(浮标的游动区域视为一个圆 面)。考虑到锚链由 210 节链环构成,通过对每节链环进行受力分析确定了每节 链环的位置,从而给出了链环的形状图像。在求解过程中由于拉力具有不确定性, 我们通过两次角度代换使得程序可以顺利地运行。
针对问题二我们沿用了问题一的算法,求得风速为 36m/s 时钢桶和各节钢管
3.4 假设近浅海观测网的传输节点位于同一平面。 3.5 假设在海水流动情况下,仅考虑水流力对浮标、钢管和钢桶的影响,对 锚链和重物球的影响忽略不计。 3.6 假设在海水流动情况下,锚受到的水流力不影响锚链末端与锚的链接处 的切线方向与海床的夹角。 3.7 假设链环在拉力作用下形状不发生改变。


天津大学 边馥萍 fpbian@
参赛 命题 评阅 获奖 培训
1. MCM/ICM 简介
美国大学生数学建模竞赛创始人 Ben Fusaro 1984年向美国教育部申请到一笔为期三年的基金 ,并于1985年开始正式举办。 竞赛由COMAP组织和管理 竞赛的命题、组织形式、宗旨、评审原则 MCM参赛情况: 第1届:1985年 参赛队158个队(美国), 交卷90队,70所大学 第32届:2016年 参赛队7421个队,919所大学, 12个国家及地区,中国学生参赛队超过93.5%
对题目的解读,赛题中没有明确给出的模糊概念 是否澄清。 建模所需的前提条件及假设及其合理性的说明。 通过对赛题的分析论证建模的合理性。 建立有效解答赛题的模型。 对模型的稳定性、敏感性进行测试,检验。 讨论模型的优缺点,给出清晰的结论。 符合要求的摘要:应包含以下内容 用自己的语言描述要解决的问题,强调建模所用 的假设,指出所用的模型类型或构造的新模型, 模型检验及误差分析和优缺点讨论。
2016 ICM Contest Outstanding Teams
美国大学生数学建模竞赛题解析与研究 2007-2008 第一册 2005-2006 第二册 Mathematical Modeling for the MCM/ICM Contest , Volume 1, 2 正确写作美国大学生数学建模竞赛论文 …..
UMAP 案例精选—1、2测已出版,3册即将出版 特点:案例及习题有具体解法,有些适合做教学 案例 配套PPT正在制作中

数学建模Mathematical Modeling史加荣 西安建筑科技大学理学院 禁止在网上传播 “万物皆数”是 毕达哥拉斯学 派认为一切都 可用“数”衡量 的观点。
韩启德, 医学院 士,曾任北京 大学常务副校 长,全国政协 副主席,中国 科学技术协会 主席。
个人简介简介男,1979年生于山东省东阿县,副教授教育与工作经历2012年获西安电子科技大学信息与通信工程 (智能信息处理)博士学位 2005年获西安电子科技大学应用数学硕士学位 2002年获山东师范大学数学与应用数学学士学位 2005年至今在西安建筑科技大学工作教学讲授本科生的课程: 《数学建模》、《数学软件及其应用》 《线性代数》、《概率论与数理统计》、《数学实验》 讲授研究生的课程: 《数据分析及可视化》、《统计学习》、《数理统计》 其它:曾主持校级数学建模教改项目一项 获校级数学建模教学成果奖一项 负责《数学建模》通识课程建设 参编《数学建模及其软件实现》、《概率统计》、 《数理统计》等教材指导国家级大学生创新项目两项 全国大学生数学建模竞赛陕西赛区评卷人科研主持国家青年基金、省青年基金(已结题)、 省教育厅基金(已结题)和校基金(已结题)各一 项。
在《电子学报》、《模式识别与人工智能》、 《计算机科学》和《Mathematical Problems in Engineering》、《Plos One》 、《Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 》等国内外期刊上发 表论文30余篇,其中第一作者20余篇。
感兴趣的研究领域 数学建模在智能科学 领域中的应用。
(1)机器学习 人工智能的发展已出现瓶颈,但其分支—— 机器学习却发展迅速。
机器学习是一门多领域交叉学科,涉及概率论、 统计学、逼近论、凸分析、算法复杂度理论等多门 学科。
专门研究计算机怎样模拟或实现人类的学习 行为,以获取新的知识或技能,重新组织已有的知 识结构使之不断改善自身的性能。

2016 MCMProblem AA Hot Bathand relax.Unfortunately, the bathtub is not a spa-style tub with a secondary heating system and circulating jets, but rather a simple water containment vessel. After a while, the bath gets noticeably cooler, so the person adds a constant trickle of hot water from the faucet to reheat the bathing water. The bathtub is designed in such a way that when the tub reaches its capacity, excess water escapes through an overflow drain.Develop a model of the temperature of the bathtub water in space and time to determine the best strategy the person in the bathtub can adopt to keep the temperature even throughout the bathtub and as close as possible to the initial temperature without wasting too much water.Use your model to determine the extent to which your strategy depends upon the shape and volume of the tub, the shape/volume/temperature of the person in the bathtub, and the motions made by the person in the bathtub. If the person used a bubble bath additive while initially filling the bathtub to assist in cleansing, how would this affect your model’s results?In addition to the required one-page summary for your MCM submission, your report must include a one-page non-technical explanation for users of the bathtub that describes your strategy while explaining why it is so difficult to get an evenly maintained temperature throughout the bath water.。

注 :长 度 是 指 每 节 链 环 的 长 度 。
· 23 ·
2016 年 “高 教 社 杯 ”全 国 大 学 生 数 学 建 模 竞 赛 题 目
2016 ,国务院发布《关 于 进 一 步 加 强 城 市 规 划 建 设 管 理 工 作 的 若 干 意 见 》,其 中 第 16 条关于推广街区制,原则上不再建设封闭住宅小区,已建成的住宅小区 和 单 位 大 院 要 逐 步 开 放 等 意 见, 引起了广泛的关注和讨论。
系 泊 系 统 的 设 计 问 题 就 是 确 定 锚 链 的 型 号 、长 度 和 重 物 球 的 质 量 ,使 得 浮 标 的 吃 水 深 度 和 游 动 区 域 及钢桶的倾斜角度尽可能小。
问 题 1 某 型 传 输 节 点 选 用II型 电 焊 锚 链22.05m,选 用 的 重 物 球 的 质 量 为1 200kg。 现 将 该 型 传 输节点布放在水深18m、海床 平 坦、海 水 密 度 为 1.025×103 kg/m3 的 海 域。 若 海 水 静 止,分 别 计 算 海 面 风 速 为 12 m/s和 24 m/s时 钢 桶 和 各 节 钢 管 的 倾 斜 角 度 、锚 链 形 状 、浮 标 的 吃 水 深 度 和 游 动 区 域 。
城 市 规 划 和 交 通 管 理 部 门 希 望 你 们 建 立 数 学 模 型 ,就 小 区 开 放 对 周 边 道 路 通 行 的 影 响 进 行 研 究 ,为 科 学 决 策 提 供 定 量 依 据 ,为 此 ,请 你 们 尝 试 解 决 以 下 问 题 :

2016年AMC12真题及答案2016 AMC12 AProblem 1What is the value of ?SolutionProblem 2For what value of does ?SolutionProblem 3The remainder can be defined for all realnumbers and with by where denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to . What is the value of ?SolutionProblem 4The mean, median, and mode of the data values are all equal to . What is the value of ?SolutionProblem 5Goldbach's conjecture states that every even integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two prime numbers (for example, ). So far, no one has been able to prove that the conjecture is true, and no one has found a counterexample to show that the conjecture is false. What would a counterexample consist of?SolutionProblem 6A triangular array of coins has coin in the first row, coins in the second row, coins in the third row, and so on up to coins in the th row. What is the sum of the digits of ?SolutionProblem 7Which of these describes the graph of ?SolutionProblem 8What is the area of the shaded region of the given rectangle?SolutionProblem 9The five small shaded squares inside this unit square are congruent and have disjoint interiors. The midpoint of each side of the middle square coincides with one of thevertices of the other four small squares as shown. The common side length is , where and are positive integers. What is ?SolutionProblem 10Five friends sat in a movie theater in a row containing seats, numbered to from left to right. (The directions "left" and "right" are from the point of view of the people as they sit in the seats.) During the movie Ada went to the lobby to get some popcorn. When she returned, she found that Bea had moved two seats to the right, Ceci had moved one seat to the left, and Dee and Edie had switched seats, leaving an end seat for Ada. In which seat had Ada been sitting before she got up?SolutionProblem 11Each of the students in a certain summer camp can either sing, dance, or act. Some students have more than one talent, but no student has all three talents. There are students who cannot sing, students who cannot dance, and students who cannot act. How many students have two of these talents?SolutionProblem 12In , , , and . Point lies on ,and bisects . Point lies on , and bisects . The bisectors intersect at . What is the ratio : ?SolutionProblem 13Let be a positive multiple of . One red ball and green balls are arranged in a line in random order. Let be the probability that at least of the green balls are on the same side of the red ball. Observe that andthat approaches as grows large. What is the sum of the digits of the least value of such that ?SolutionProblem 14Each vertex of a cube is to be labeled with an integer from through , with each integer being used once, in such a way that the sum of the four numbers on the vertices of a face is the same for each face. Arrangements that can be obtained from each other through rotations of the cube are considered to be the same. How many different arrangements are possible?SolutionProblem 15Circles with centers and , having radii and , respectively, lie on the same side of line and are tangent to at and , respectively,with between and . The circle with center is externally tangent to each of the other two circles. What is the area of triangle ?SolutionProblem 16The graphs of and are plotted on the same set of axes. How many points in the plane with positive -coordinates lie on two or more of the graphs?SolutionProblem 17Let be a square. Let and be the centers, respectively, of equilateral triangles with bases and each exterior to the square. What is the ratio of the area of square to the area of square ?SolutionProblem 18For some positive integer the number has positive integer divisors, including and the number How many positive integer divisors does the number have?SolutionProblem 19Jerry starts at on the real number line. He tosses a fair coin times. When he gets heads, he moves unit in the positive direction; when he gets tails, he moves unit in the negative direction. The probability that he reaches at some time during thisprocess is where and are relatively prime positive integers. What is (For example, he succeeds if his sequence of tosses is )SolutionProblem 20A binary operation has the properties that andthat for all nonzero real numbers and (Here the dot represents the usual multiplication operation.) The solution to theequation can be written as where and are relatively prime positive integers. What isSolutionProblem 21A quadrilateral is inscribed in a circle of radius Three of the sides of this quadrilateral have length What is the length of its fourth side?SolutionProblem 22How many ordered triples of positive integerssatisfy and ?SolutionProblem 23Three numbers in the interval are chosen independently and at random. What isthe probability that the chosen numbers are the side lengths of a triangle with positive area?SolutionProblem 24There is a smallest positive real number such that there exists a positive real number such that all the roots of the polynomial are real. In fact, for this value of the value of is unique. What is the value ofSolutionProblem 25Let be a positive integer. Bernardo and Silvia take turns writing and erasing numbers on a blackboard as follows: Bernardo starts by writing the smallest perfect square with digits. Every time Bernardo writes a number, Silvia erases the last digits of it. Bernardo then writes the next perfect square, Silvia erases the last digits of it, and this process continues until the last two numbers that remain on the board differ by atleast 2. Let be the smallest positive integer not written on the board. For example,if , then the numbers that Bernardo writes are , and the numbers showing on the board after Silvia erases are and , andthus . What is the sum of the digits of ?2016 AMC 12A Answer Key1 B2 C3 B4 D5 E6 D7 D8 D9 E10 B11 E12 C13 A14 C15 D16 D17 B18 D19 B20 A21 E22 A23 C24 B25 E。

2016年cupt竞赛题目2016年IYPT竞赛题目Problems for the 29th IYPT 20161.Invent yourselfTruly random numbers are a very valuable and rare resource. Design, produce, and test a mechanical device for producing random numbers. Analyse to what extent the randomness produced is safe against ering tamp1.真实随机数是一种很有价值而且稀有资源。
2.Lagging PendulumA pendulum consists of a strong thread and a bob. When the pivot of the pendulum starts moving along a horizontal circumference, the bob starts tracing a circle which can have a smaller radius, under certain conditions. Investigate the motion and stable trajectories of the bob.2.滞后的摆一根坚韧的线和重物可构成一个摆。
3.Acoustic LensFresnel lenses with concentric rings are widely used in optical applications, however a similar principle can be used to focus acoustic waves. Design and produce an acoustic lens and investigate its properties, such as amplification, as a function of relevant parameters.3.声学透镜菲涅耳透镜在光学中很常用,而利用相同的原理可以汇聚声波。

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Abstract- Firstly the types of skiing about how a skier uses the snowboard are being discussed and we conclude that a skilled skier can perform carved turns to minimize the speed loss while turning. We assume that a skilled snowboarder can always choose the best path in a “half-pipe” game and can turn without energy reduction. Then a dynamic model studying the process of a snowboarder moving from the bottom to the air is set up, aiming at investigating the relationship between “speed loss” and “path choice” in a “half-pipe”. Applying the functional analysis technique we work out a solution to the simplified model. With this solution a new type “half-pipes” that can minimize the resistance effect are designed. When analyzing the maximum twists in the air, we recognize that the kinetics just before the snowboarder taking off is the key. We do the analysis and conclude that a steep end of the course can help to fly high. At last we simply research the “practical” snow course and remark the strengths and weaknesses of our model.
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Our experience of everyday life tells us that, bathing quality is relevant to the temperature of the water. Hence the optimality of the water-adding strategy in bathing process has become an issue.
Part II Finding the best strategy ...................................................................12 VI. Results ........................................................................................................ 12
Key words: bathtub; heat-conduction; temperature variation and distribution;
water strategy; finite volume method;
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Summary ................................................................................................................ 1 I. Introduction......................................................................................................4 II. Analysis ........................................................................................................4 III. Assumptions ................................................................................................. 6 IV. Notation ........................................................................................................ 7 V. Models .......................................................................................................... 8
Part I.............................................................................................................12 Results of Air’s Heat Radiation Model ............................................12 Results of Bathtub Wall’s Heat Radiation........................................13 Results of “Person In”......................................................................13 Results of “Hot Water In” ................................................................ 13 Results of bubble existed model ...................................................... 15 Results of Water Temperature Variation and Distribution Model....15
MCM/ICM Summary Sheet (Your team's summary should be included as the first page of your electronic submission.) Type a summary of your results on this page. Do not include the name of your school, advisor, or team members on
In this article, we establish two models. One is water temperature variation and distribution model and the other one is finding best strategy model. We put forward some acceptable hypothesis to simplify the model. What’s more, we clear the meaning of the word “noticeably”.
The second part aims to finding the best water strategy. Different strategies are considered for adding hot water and the amount of the hot water. The key of strategies is how to choose the moment of opening the faucet and the lasting time. By developing an optimization model of the strategy, we manage to determine a strategy for different users and extend the model with a finite volume method. Under the condition of the same bathing time, we study what’s the ideal time to add the hot water to make it to the initial temperature.
The first part has five sections: air’s heat radiation, bathtub wall’s heat radiation, person in, hot water in, bubble existed. We discuss some factors that affect water temperature, such as the shape and the volume of the bathtub and person, especially the motions made by the person in the bathtub because the temperature in the bathtub has a great connection with person. Finally, we get the water temperature variation and distribution model.
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We transform the weight p. With the restrict condition of the temperature in the bath and the amount of the hot water, the question can be transformed to a nonlinear optimization. We get the conclusion and optimal results through the PDE (Partial Differential Equations) toolbox of MATLAB. And the result shows a clear superiority for choosing a suitable strategy for different users.