
输出 0-10 V 0-20 mA 4-20 mA 0-10 V 0-20 mA 4-20 mA 0-10 V 0-20 mA 4-20 mA 0-20 mA 0-20 mA 2 x 0-20 mA
宽度 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 6.2mm 12.5 mm 12.5 mm
有源隔离开关 (频率) 有源隔离开关 (U, I) 无源隔离开关
0 ... 50 Hz: 7.5 mHz/K; 0 ... 100 Hz: 15 mHz/K; 0 ... 1 kHz: 0.15 Hz/K; 0 ... 10 kHz: 1.5 Hz/K 0 ... 10 V: 1.5 mV/K; 0/4 ... 20 mA: 3µA/K 宽 6.2 mm:测量值的 100 ppm/K 宽 12.5 mm: 负载 < 600 Ω:< 测量值的 50 ppm/K ;
30 + 1 个周期 ms 30
有源隔离开关 (U, I) 无源隔离开关
mV 有效 mV 有效
<5 <8
1) 对于 3RS17 06:0.1 %,输出 4 - 20 mA 时; 0.3 %,输出 0 - 20 mA 时; 0.3 %,输出 0 - 10 V,输入电压 > 50 mV 时 输入电压 < 50 mV 时,输出端会有一个 最大 20 ms 的延时。
输出保护 输出端的最大过电压
23 °C时的总误差 线性误差 由于环境温度造成的偏差

目录1 安全信息 (1)术语定义 (1)前言 (1)2定位器的供货范围 (2)3组装…………………………………………………………………概述…………………………………………………………………定位器在潮湿环境中的使用……………………………………定位器在易受到强加速作用力或震动场合的使用……………直行程执行机构的连接附件………………………………………组装顺序……………………………………………………………角行程执行机构的连接附件………………………………………组装顺序………………………………………………………………4可选附件的安装……………………………………………………5电气连接……………………………………………………………6气动连接……………………………………………………………注入仪表空气开关………………………………………………..限流器………………………………………………………………7调试(见散页“操作—简要说明”)………………………………直行程执行机构调试准备…………………………………………直行程执行机构的自动初始化…………………………………直行程执行机构的手动初始化…………………………………角行程执行机构调试准备…………………………………………角行程执行机构的自动初始化…………………………………角行程执行机构的手动初始化…………………………………故障校正……………………………………阀门定位器的简明操作指南………………..附录一………………………………………………………………………附录二………………………………………………………………………1 安全信息1.2 前言本操作说明描述了定位器组装、连接、调试的基本步骤,不能取代SIPART PS2电气阀门定位器的操作手册,操作手册中包含了组装、功能、操作的详细信息。
西门子(SIEMENS)妙声力系列电磁流量计变送器MAGFLO MAG5000 MAG6000中文使用手册

SITRANS F M MAGFLO电磁流量计传感器型号:MAG1100,MAG3100,MAG5100W转换器型号:MAG5000,MAG6000MAG 5000MAG 6000输出1路电流输出,1路数字输出 1路继电器输出1路电流输出,1路数字输出1路继电器输出流向 单/双向单/双向通讯协议 可选HART增选通讯模块显示 3行,20位(可选盲显) 3行,20位(可选盲显) 测量精度 读数±0.5% 读数±0.25% 防护等级 IP 67,IP 20 IP 67,IP 20贸易结算 认证 PTB (冷水) PTB,OIMLR75,OIML R117 防爆安全栅 [EEx ia]llC[EEx ia ib]llB,[EEx ia]llC 电源 12~24V AC/DC,115~230V AC 12~24V AC/DC,115~230V AC 批控无有MAG 6000MAG 8000W查阅 操作手册SFIDK.PS.026.E1.02 操作手册SFIDK.PS.026.D2.02MAG1100MAG1100,FOODMAG3100MAG3100WMAG5100W尺寸[mm ] DN2-100 DN 10-100DN 15-2000 DN 25-1200 DN25-1200 连接无法兰(夹装式设计)焊接接头 夹装接头 螺纹接头法兰连接法兰连接法兰连接压力(bar) Max.40 Max.40 Max.100 Max.40 Max.40 温度(℃) -20~200 -30~150 -40~180 -10~95 -5~90 内衬氧化锆(Z r ) 陶瓷(Al 2O 3) PFA陶瓷(Al 2O 3) PFA氯丁橡胶和三元乙丙橡胶、特氟隆(PTEE )、硬橡胶、防锈乳胶氯丁橡胶和三元乙丙橡胶(EPDM)DN25~40&DN350~1200硬橡胶 DN50~300复合合成橡胶电极 铂,哈氏合金C276铂 哈氏合金 AISI 316Ti ,哈氏合金C,铂/铱,钛,钽,接地电极 AISI 316Ti , 接地电极 AISI 316Ti , 接地电极 防护等级 IP 67 IP 67 IP 67/IP 68 IP 67/IP 68 IP 67/IP 68 防爆等级EEx[ia][ib]ll B T4~T6EEx e iallCT3~T6 EEx d[ia][ib] lB T4~T61.1 产品介绍1.2工作方式MAG5100W法兰 (mm)PN 10PN 16PN 40150 lb 300 lb25 N/A N/A SEP SEP N/A 40 N/A N/A SEP SEP N/A 50 N/A SEP N/A SEP N/A 65 N/A SEP N/A SEP N/A 80 N/A SEP N/A SEP N/A 100 N/A SEP N/A SEP N/A 125 N/A SEP N/A PED * N/A 150 N/A PED N/A PED * N/A 200 SEP PED N/A PED * N/A 250 LVD PED N/A PED * N/A 300 LVD PED N/A PED * N/A 350 LVD PED N/A PED * N/A 400 LVD PED N/A PED * N/A 450 LVD PED N/A PED * N/A 500 LVD PED N/A PED * N/A 600 LVD PED N/A PED *N/A 700 LVD PED *N/A N/A PED * 750 N/A N/A N/A N/A PED * 800 LVD PED * N/A N/A PED * 900 LVD PED * N/A N/A PED * 1000 LVD PED * N/A N/A PED * 1050 N/A N/A N/A N/A PED * 1100 N/A N/A N/A N/A PED * 1200 LVDPEDN/AN/APED *MAG3100 & MAG 3100 W法兰(mm)PN6 PN10 PN16PN25PN40PN64PN100150lb 300lb AWWA 25 N/A N/A N/A N/A SEP N/A SEP SEP SEP N/A 40 N/A N/A N/A N/A SEP N/A PED SEP SEP N/A 50 N/A N/A N/A N/A SEP PED PED SEP PED *N/A65 SEP N/A SEP N/A PED PED PED SEP PED *N/A 80 SEP N/A SEP N/A PED PED PED SEP PED * N/A 100 SEP N/A SEP N/A PED PED PED SEP PED * N/A 125 SEP N/A SEP N/A PED PED PED PED * PED * N/A 150 SEP N/A PED N/A PED PED PED PED * PED * N/A 200 SEP SEP PED PED PED PED PED PED * PED * N/A 250 SEP LVD PED PED PED PED PED PED * PED * N/A 300 SEP LVD PED PED PED PED PED PED * PED * N/A 350 LVD LVD PED PED PED PED PED PED * PED * N/A 400 LVD LVD PED PED PED PED N/A PED * PED * N/A 450 LVD LVD PED PED PED N/A N/A PED * PED * N/A 500 LVD LVD PED PED PED N/A N/A PED * PED * N/A 600 LVD LVD PED PED PED N/A N/A PED * PED * N/A 700 LVD LVD PED * N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED *750 N/A N/A N/AN/AN/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED *800 LVD LVD N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED *900 LVD LVD N/A N/A N/AN/A N/A N/A PED *1000 LVD LVD PED * N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED *1050 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED *1100 LVD LVD PED * N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED * 1200 LVD LVD PED * N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED * 1400 LVD LVD PED * N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED * 1500 LVD LVD PED * N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED * 1600 LVD LVD PED * N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED * 1800 LVD LVD PED * N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PED * 2000 LVD LVD PED *N/AN/AN/AN/AN/APED *MAG 3100 高温型 PTFE法兰(mm) PN 6PN 10 PN 16 PN 25PN 40150 lb 300 lb15 N/A N/A N/A N/A SEP SEP SEP 25 N/A N/A N/A N/A SEP SEP SEP 40 N/A N/A N/A N/A PED LVD PED*50 N/A N/A N/A N/A PED PED*PED*65 LVD N/A PED N/A PED PED*PED*80 LVD N/A PED N/A PED PED*PED*100 LVD N/A PED N/A PED PED*PED*125 PED N/A PED N/A PED PED*PED*150 PED N/A PED N/A PED PED*PED*200 PED PED PED PED PED PED*PED*250 PED PED PED PED PED PED*PED*300 PED PED PED PED PED PED*PED*350 PED PED PED PED PED PED*PED*400 PED PED PED PED PED PED*N/A 450 PED PED PED PED PED PED*N/A 500 PED PED PED PED PED PED*N/A600 PED PED PED PED PED PED*MAG 1100 法兰(mm) 陶瓷内衬 150℃陶瓷内衬 200℃陶瓷内衬 Ex陶瓷内衬 Ex-d陶瓷内衬 FOOD PFA 内衬PFA 内衬 ExPFA 内衬 FOOD2 SEP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A3SEP N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 6 SEP N/A SEP SEP N/A N/A N/AN/A 10 SEP N/A SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP 15 SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP 25 SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP SEP 40 PED PED PED PED PED LVD LVD LVD 50 PED PED PED PED PED PED PED PED 65 PED N/A PED PED PED PED PED PED 80 PED PED PED PED PED PED PED PED 100PED PED PED PED PEDPED PED PED2.技术数据2.1 传感器MAG1100和MAG1100ExMAG 1100MAG 1100 PFAMAG 1100 Ex & Ex-d类型无法兰传感器(夹装设计)标称尺寸 mm DN2,3,6,10,15,25,40,50,65,80,1DN10,15,25,40,50,65,80,DN2,3,6,10,15,25,40,50,65,80,10DN 2-65: 40 bar,DN 80: 37.5 bar, DN 100: 30 bar 20 bar DN 2-65: 40 bar,DN 80: 37.5 bar, DN 100: 30 bar工作压力真空度:1×10-6bar真空度:0.02 bar 真空度:1×10-6 bar PFA -30℃到+130℃陶瓷 -20℃到+150℃ -20℃到+120℃ 介质温度高温 -20℃到+200℃(DN 6-100)适应于蒸汽消毒150℃连接时间>1min Max. ±100℃瞬时连接时间>1minDN2,3:Max.ΔT ≤20℃/min DN2,3:Max.ΔT ≤20℃/minDN6,10,15,25:Max ΔT ≤15℃DN6,10,15,25:Max ΔT ≤15℃/min DN40,50,65:Max ΔT ≤10℃/min DN40,50,65:Max ΔT ≤10℃/min DN80,100:Max ΔT ≤5℃/min DN80,100:Max ΔT ≤5℃/min 温度波动时间≤1min ,随后10min 稳定 温度波动时间≤1min ,随后10min 稳定 DN2,3:Max.ΔT ≤100℃ DN2,3:Max.ΔT ≤100℃DN6,10,15,25:Max ΔT ≤80℃DN6,10,15,25:Max ΔT ≤80℃DN40,50,65:Max ΔT ≤70℃DN40,50,65:Max ΔT ≤70℃热振(陶瓷内衬) DN80,100:Max ΔT ≤60℃ DN80,100:Max ΔT ≤60℃分体式信号转换器:-40℃到+100℃环境温度 一体式信号转换器:-20℃到+50℃DN 2-3 氧化锆Z r O 2 氧化锆Z r O 2 内衬 DN 6-100 氧化铝Al 2O 3(陶瓷) 加强PFA (Teflon )氧化铝Al 2O 3(陶瓷) DN 2-3 铂 哈氏合金C-276铂电极 DN 6-100 铂(金钛熔铸合金) 铂(金钛熔铸合金) 外壳材质 不锈钢AISI 316 L(1.4404) 不锈钢AISI 316 L(1.4404)不锈钢AISI 316 L(1.4404)标准 玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺 玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺不锈钢AISI 316 (1.4436)端子盒 高温 不锈钢AISI 316 (1.4436) 不锈钢AISI 316 (1.4436)不锈钢AISI 304 (1.4301) 不锈钢AISI 304 (1.4301)定位螺栓 数量和尺寸符合EN 1092-1:2001数量和尺寸符合EN 1092-1:2001EN1092-1:2001,ANSI B16.5 class 150和300或等同EN1092-1:2001,ANSIB16.5 class 匹配法兰 选项 DN2-10:1/2” 螺纹管接头:G1/2”锥形管ISO 7-1或螺纹管1/2”NPT 标准 合成橡胶EPDM (max,150℃,PN40)合成橡胶EPDM (max,150℃,PN40)选项 石墨(max,200℃,PN40) 石墨(max,200℃,PN40)垫圈 选项 特氟隆PTFE(max,130℃,PN25)特氟隆PTFE(max,130℃,PN25)电缆入口4 Pg 13.5标准 IP 67 符合EN 60529(NEMA4x)(1 m 水深30 min )防护等级 选项 IP 68符合EN 60529(NEMA 6)(10 m 水深持续工作)18-1000Hz 随机各方向符合EN60068-2-36机械负载(振动) 18-1000Hz 随机,3.17Grms 各方向符合EN60068-2-36 传感器:3.17G/一体防爆式Ex-d:1.14G测试压力 80 bar(2×PN) 40 bar(2×PN)80 bar(2×PN)EEx ia/ib llB T4-T6/DEMKO,NO.97D.121909X认证3AEEx de [ia/ib] llBT4-T6/DEMKO,94C.115327XDN 2-65: 12.5Hz DN 10-65: 12.5Hz DN 2-65: 6.25Hz 励磁频率DN 80-100:6.25Hz DN 80-100:6.25Hz DN 80-100:3.125Hz 符合PED,LVT,EMCPED-97/23EC,LVD-73/23 EEC+amendment 93/68/eec,emc-89/336 EEX2.2 传感器MAG 1100 FOODMAG 1100 FOODMAG 1100 FOOD PFA类型 卫生型传感器标称尺寸 DN 10,15,25,40,50,65,80,100连接方式 卫生型接头:直接焊到乳品管、夹装接头、螺纹接头DN10-65:40bar,DN80:37.5bar,DN100:30bar20bar 工作压力 真空度 1×10-6bar0.02bar -20℃到+150℃ -30℃到+130℃介质温度 适用于蒸汽消毒 适用于蒸汽消毒150℃ (温度波动持续时间>1min ): DN10,15,25 Max.ΔT ≤15℃/min DN40,50,65 Max.ΔT ≤10℃/min DN80,100 Max.ΔT ≤5℃/min (温度波动时间≤1min,稳定10min ) DN10,15,25 Max ΔT ≤80℃ DN40,50,65 Max ΔT ≤70℃ 热振DN80,100 Max ΔT ≤60℃最大±100℃ 瞬时 分体式安装:-40℃到+100℃分体式安装:-40℃到+100℃ 环境温度 一体式安装:-20℃到+50℃一体式安装:-20℃到+50℃ 内衬 Al 2O 3(陶瓷)增强PTA(Teflon ) 电极 铂(金钛熔铸合金)哈氏合金C-276外壳材质 不锈钢AISI 316 L(1.4404) 不锈钢AISI 316 L(1.4404) 标准玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺玻璃纤维增强聚酰胺端子盒 选项不锈钢AISI 316 (1.4436) 不锈钢AISI 316 (1.4436) 电缆入口4 Pg 13.54 Pg 13.5标准 IP67符合EN60529(NEMA4x)(1m 水30 min)IP67符合EN60529(NEMA4x)(1m 水30 min)防护等级 选项 IP68符合EN60529(NEMA6)(10m 水深持续工作)IP68符合EN60529(NEMA6)(10m 水深持续工作)机械负载(振动) 18-1000Hz 随机3.17Grms 各方向符合EN60068-2-3618-1000Hz 随机3.17Grms 各方向符合EN60068-2-36测试压力 80 bar (2×PN) 40 bar (2×PN)认证 3A,EHEDG 3A DN 10-65: 12.5Hz DN 10-65: 12.5Hz 励磁频率 DN 80-100:6.25Hz DN 80-100:6.25Hz 符合PED,LVT,EMC PED-97/23EC,LVD-73/23 EEC+amendment 93/68/eec,emc-89/336 EEXMAG 1100 FOOD 附件接头不锈钢AISI 316压力 直接焊到乳品管上的接头:Tri-Clover ISO2037,DIN11850,SMS3008,BS4825-1 DN10,15,25,40,50,65,80DN 100PN 40 PN 25 夹装接头:Tri-Clover ISO2852,DIN32676,SMS3016,BS4825-3DN10,15,25,40,50 DN 65,80,100PN 16 PN 10 螺纹接头DIN 11851: DN10,15,25,40 DN25,40,50,65,80PN 40 PN 25 管道连接/工作压力ISO2853, SS3351,BS4825-4:DN10,15,25,40,50,65,80 SMS 1145:DN25,40,50,65,80PN 16 PN 6 标准 EPDM(-20℃到+150℃) 垫圈选项NBR(-20℃到+100℃)夹具 不锈钢AISI 304,ISO 2852注意:插头与传感器连接时,工作压力应小于接头所允许的压力。

西门⼦超声波液位计说明书连续测量 - ⼀体化液位变送器SITRANS Probe LU■概述■组态SITRANSProbe LU ⼆线制回路供电超声波变送器,测量储罐和简单过程容器中液体的液位、体积,同时也可⽤于明渠测量。
■产品特点连续液位测量,测量范围可达 12 m ? 易于安装,启动简单 ? 通过红外线本安⼿持编程器,SIMATIC PDM 或 HART? ⼿操器编程 ? 独⼀⽆⼆的⾼精度 ? 使⽤ HART 或 PROFIBUS PA 进⾏通讯 ? ETFE 或 PVDF 传感器抗化学腐蚀能⼒强 ? 带专利的声智能回波处理技术 ? 极⾼的信 / 噪⽐ ? 对于固定⼲扰⽬标⾃动虚假回波抑制■应⽤SITRANS Probe LU 是供⽔和⽔处理⾏业和化⼯储罐液位测量的最佳解决⽅案。
SITRANS Probe LU 量程为 6m 或 12m。
使⽤⾃动虚假回波抑制技术可避免固定物体的影响,提⾼信 / 噪⽐,使精度到达量程的 0.15% 或 6mm, Probe LU 可提供很⾼的可靠性。
SITRANS Probe LU 内置了经过⽆数现场实践证明的声智能? 回波处理技术,结合了新的回波处理特性和最新的微处理器和通讯技术。
Probe LU 提供两种通讯选件:HART 或 PROFIBUS PA (3.0 型, B级) Probe LU 的传感器为 ETFE 或 PVDF 材质,可抗化学腐蚀。
另外,对于材料和过程温度变化的应⽤, Probe LU 还集成⼀个内置传感器,以补偿温度变化。
? 主要应⽤:化学储罐,滤池,液体储罐SITRANS Probe LU 安装8连续测量 - ⼀体化液位变送器SITRANS Probe LU■技术规格操作模式测量原理典型应⽤输⼊测量范围 ? 6m 型 ? 12 m 型频率输出 mA/HART ? 范围 ? 精度 PROFIBUS PA 性能分辨率精度重复性盲区刷新时间 ? 4/20 mA/HART 型 ? PROFIBUS 型温度补偿波束⾓额定⼯作条件 ? 环境条件 - 地点 - 环境温度 - 相对湿度 / ⼊⼝保护 - 安装等级 - 污染等级 ? 介质条件 - 法兰或螺纹处温度 - 压⼒(容器)设计外壳材质防护等级重量电缆⼊⼝传感器 (2 个选件 ) 过程连接 ? 螺纹连接 ? 法兰连接 ? 其它连接 2" NPT, BSP 或 G/PF 3" 通⽤法兰(见 60 页 ) 或⽤ FMS200 安装套件户提供的安装套件 PBT (聚对苯⼆甲酸丁⼆醇酯) Type 4X/NEMA 4X, Type 6/NEMA 6/IP67/IP68 外壳 2.1 kg 2 x M20 x 1.5 电线接头或 2 x?" NPT 螺纹 ETFE 或 PVDF -40 ~ +85 °C 0.5 bar 室内 / 室外 -40 ~ +80 °C 适于室外I 4 ≤ 3 mm 量程的 0.15% 或 6mm,取其较⼤值 ≤ 3 mm 0.25 m ≤ 5s ≤ 5s, 4mA ≤ 4s, 15 mA 电流回路整个温度范围内的补偿功能 10 ° 4 ~ 20 mA ± 0.02 mA 型式 3 , B 级 0.25 ~ 6m 0.25 ~ 12m 54 KHz 超声波液位测量测量储罐和简单过程容器的液位显⽰和控制接⼝组态本地:LCD 带棒状图远程:通过 HART 或 Profibus PA 使⽤西门⼦ SIMATIC PDM 软件(PC 机)或HART ⼿操器或西门⼦红外线⼿操器 EEPROM 可在断电时保持信息,⽆需备⽤电池额定 24VDC, 550? 最⼤,最⼤ 30 V DC 4 ~ 20 mA 12,13, 15 或 20 mA 取决于组态(⼀般⽤途或本安型)符合标准 IEC 61158-2 认证总则船⽤(只应⽤于HART 通讯选件)危险区 ? 本安(欧洲) ? 本安(美国 / 加拿⼤ ) ATEX II 1G EEx ia IIC T4 FM/CSA (需安全栅) T4, I 类, 1 区, A , B, C, D,组; II 类, E, F, G,组; III 类; FM ( ⽆需安全栅 ) T5:I 类, 2 区, A, B, C 和 D 组红外⼿操器具有 ATEX EEx ia IIC T4 的 IS 模件 FM/CSA I 类,1 区,A,B ,C,D 组 -20 ~ +40 °C 专有红外脉冲信号 3V 锂电池(不可换) CSAUS /C , FM, CE ? 英国劳⽒船⽤认证 ? ABS 形式认证存储器电源 4 ~ 20 mA/HARTPROFIBUS PA⾮易燃(美国)编程 ? 本安西门⼦红外⼿操器 - ⽤于红外⼿操器的认证 ? 环境温度 ? 接⼝ ? 功率9连续测量 - ⼀体化液位变送器SITRANS Probe LU选型和订货数据 SITRANS Probe LU 2 线制回路供电超声波变送器,⽤于测量液体的液位、体积和流量外壳塑料 (PBT),Qty 2 x M20 x 1.5 塑料 (PBT), Qty 2 x 1/2"NPT 量程 / 传感器材质 6 m, ETFE 6 m, PVDF 共聚物 12 m, ETFE 12 m,PVDF 共聚物过程连接 2" NPT (ASME/ASME B1.20.1) 2" BSPT (EN 10226-1) 2” G (EN ISO 228-1) / PF2 (JIS B 0202) 通讯 /输出 4 ~ 20 mA, HART PROFIBUS PA 认证⼀般⽤途, FM, CSA , CE 本安,FM I 类,1 区, A、B、C、D 组 ( 需安全栅 ); II 类, 1 区, E, F, G 组; III 类; ATEX II 1G EEx ia IIC T4 (仅 HART 模件)本安,CSA I 类,1 区, A,B,C,D 组 ( 需安全栅 ); II 类, 1 区, G 组; III 类(仅 HART 模件) FM, l 类, 2 区(只外壳选件 2 )本安,FM/CSA I 类,1 区, A,B,C,D 组(需安全栅); II 类, 1 区, E、 F、 G 组; III 类(仅 PROFIBUS PA 模件)本安, ATEX II 1G EEx ia IIC T4 (仅 PROFIBUS PA 模件) 1)C)订货号 7 ML 5 2 2 1 ■■■■■选型和订货数据其它设计请在订货号上加 “-Z”并规定订货代码不锈钢标牌:测量点数 / 识别(最多 16 个字符)订货号Y151 2 A B C D A B C 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6⽤于 HART/mA 设备的使⽤⼿册 C) 7ML1998-5HT01 英⽂版注意:使⽤⼿册在订货中要单独订货。
西门子 SITRANS P DS III 系列压力变送器 产品手册

!"# 7MF4*33!"#$
Sห้องสมุดไป่ตู้MATIC®,SIPART®,SIREC®,SITRANS® 为西门子注册商标。 所有其他产品名称和系统名称的注册商标所有权必须得到遵守。
未经授权,严禁复制、传播和使用本手册内容。版权所有,违者责任自负。 更新的技术数据内容手册中无注明。
系统说明 ................................................................................................................................................. 2-1 2.1 2.2
7MF4□33 系列 SITRANS P - DS III 压力/差压变送器
DS III 系列变送器,差压系列包括差压、流量、液位和绝压测量,压力系列包括压力、绝压测量。 产品手册
1 技术说明 ................................................................................................................................................. 1-1 1.1 应用范围 ........................................................................................................................................1-1 1.1.1 压力 .................................................................................................................................1-2 1.1.2 差压和流量 ......................................................................................................................1-2 1.1.3 液位 .................................................................................................................................1-2 1.1.4 绝压 .................................................................................................................................1-2 设计和工作原理 .............................................................................................................................1-2 1.2.1 设计 .................................................................................................................................1-3 1.2.2 工作方式..........................................................................................................................1-5 电路原理 .........................................................................................................1-5 压力测量 .........................................................................................................1-6 差压和流量测量 ..............................................................................................1-6 液位测量 .........................................................................................................1-7 差压系列中的绝压测量 ...................................................................................1-7 压力系列中的绝压测量 ...................................................................................1-8 系统组成 ........................................................................................................................................2-1 SIMATIC PDM...............................................................................................................................2-2
西门子 SITRANS LG250 - 操作说明书

制导雷达SITRANS LG250 4 … 20 mA/HART - 两线制棒型和绳型探头带 SIL 认证证书操作说明书 • 09/20172PBD-51041251SITRANS LG250 - 操作说明书46201-ZH-1710303PBD-51041251SITRANS LG250 - 操作说明书46201-Z H -171030目录1关于本文献资料 ............................................................................................................................................51.1 功能 .............................................................................................................................................................................51.2 对象 .............................................................................................................................................................................51.3 使用的标记.. (52)为了您的安全 ...............................................................................................................................................62.1 获得授权的人员.........................................................................................................................................................62.2 合规使用 .....................................................................................................................................................................62.3 谨防错误使用.............................................................................................................................................................62.4 一般安全提示.............................................................................................................................................................62.5 欧盟一致性.................................................................................................................................................................62.6 符合 IEC 61508 的 SIL 合格证书 ..........................................................................................................................62.7 NAMUR 推荐 ............................................................................................................................................................72.8 在美国和加拿大进行安装和运行. (73)产品说明 ......................................................................................................................................................83.1 结构 .............................................................................................................................................................................83.2 作业方式 .....................................................................................................................................................................93.3 包装、运输和仓储 ..................................................................................................................................................103.4 附件与备件 (114)安装 ...........................................................................................................................................................124.1 一般提示 ...................................................................................................................................................................124.2 安装提示 . (125)与供电装置相连接 ......................................................................................................................................205.1 准备接线 ...................................................................................................................................................................205.2 连接 ...........................................................................................................................................................................215.3 单腔式外壳的接线图 ..............................................................................................................................................225.4 双腔式外壳的接线图 ..............................................................................................................................................235.5 防爆 (d-ia) 型双腔式外壳的接线图.....................................................................................................................245.6 附加电子部件...........................................................................................................................................................255.7 启动阶段 . (256)功能安全性 (SIL) ........................................................................................................................................266.1 目的 ...........................................................................................................................................................................266.2 SIL 认证 ....................................................................................................................................................................266.3 应用领域 ...................................................................................................................................................................266.4 参数化的安全方案 ..................................................................................................................................................266.5 调试过程 . (277)用显示和调整模块进行调试 ........................................................................................................................307.1 使用显示和调整模块 ..............................................................................................................................................307.2 操作系统 ...................................................................................................................................................................317.3 参数化 - 扩展了的操作功能..................................................................................................................................327.4 对设置的参数数据的存储 .. (498)用 PACTware 进行调试 .............................................................................................................................508.1 连接计算机...............................................................................................................................................................508.2 通过 PACTware 设置参数.....................................................................................................................................508.3 对设置的参数数据的存储 ......................................................................................................................................519 用其它系统进行调试 ...................................................................................................................................529.1 DD 操作程序............................................................................................................................................................529.2 Field Communicator 375, 475 . (52)10 诊断与服务 .................................................................................................................................................5310.1 维护 ...........................................................................................................................................................................5310.2 诊断储存器 (53)4PBD-51041251SITRANS LG250 - 操作说明书46201-ZH-17103010.3 状态信息 ...................................................................................................................................................................5410.4 排除故障 ...................................................................................................................................................................5610.5 更换电子插件...........................................................................................................................................................5810.6 更换测量绳/测量棒.................................................................................................................................................5910.7 软件升级 ...................................................................................................................................................................6110.8 需要维修时的步骤 .. (61)11 拆卸 (62)11.1 拆卸步骤 ...................................................................................................................................................................6211.2 废物清除 ...................................................................................................................................................................6212 附件 .. (63)12.1 技术参数 ...................................................................................................................................................................6312.2 尺寸 ...........................................................................................................................................................................7512.3 商标 (80)用于防爆区域的安全提示请在将仪表用于防爆应用领域时遵守专门针对防爆的安全说明。
西门子 xrs-5 TRANSDUCER 说明书

使用手册• 2004.10中文集万千于一身北京迪妙声科技有限公司BEJING DELLSONICS SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY LTD.地址:北京海淀区魏公村街1号韦伯豪家园3-3-702 (100081) DELLSONICS公 司 简 介北京迪妙声科技有限公司(原名北京妙声力科技有限公司),位于北京市海淀区中关村南大街,是与西门子公司德国总部正式签约的西门子过程仪表及分析仪器核心合作伙伴,也是西门子北方区域规模最大、实力最强的优秀代理商。
二、西门子过程仪表产品:电磁流量计、质量流量计、超声波流量计、 温度变送器、压力变送器、阀门定位器、气体分析仪等。
三、德国UWT 公司的阻旋式料位开关、音叉式料位开关、重锤式料位计等产品。
成立于 1954 年的西门子-妙声力公司(Milltronics)是世界公认的超声波物位测量领域的领导者,全球最大的超声波物位仪表生产厂家,在超声波、雷达、电容技术领域拥有超过 60 项专利,超声波产品的综合性能指标经美国《控制》杂志评比,其综合性能名列全球第一!作为西门子公司长期稳定的代理商,我公司有着10 余年产品的销售和服务经验,无论从专业技术水平、现货及备件库存量、售后服务质量、仪表维护以及故障产品国内维修能力等方面,都具备显著的优势。
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西门子 使用说明书

Operating manual for diagnostics M200D AS-i1.Lieferumfang (3)1.1.Scope of delivery (3)1.1.1.CPUs (3)1.1.2.AS-i Master (3)1.2.Mode of operation (3)1.3.Overview of the S7-blocks (3)1.4.Necessary Software (3)2.Implementation in S7 project (4)2.1.Step 7 blocks (4)2.1.1.Parameter description (5) (5)DDR_ASi_Master (5) (6) (6) (6) (6)2.1.2.Return Values alarm messages (7)2.1.3.Return value Error messages (7)Note The diagnosis screens and the program are not binding and do not claim to be complete regarding the circuits shown, equipping and anyeventuality. The diagnosis screens and the program do not representcustomer-specific solutions. They are only intended to provide supportfor typical applications. You are responsible for ensuring that thedescribed products are correctly used. The introduced examples do notrelieve you of the responsibility of safely and professionally using,installing, operating and servicing equipment. Using these functionexamples and tools within the examples, you accept that Siemenscannot be made liable for any damage/claims beyond the liability clausedescribed. We reserve the right to make changes to these functionexamples and tools at any time without prior notice. If there are anydeviations between the recommendations provided in these examplesand other Siemens publications – e.g. Catalogs – the contents of theother documents have priority..Warranty, Liability and SupportWe accept no liability for information contained in this document.Any claims against us – based on whatever legal reason – resulting fromthe use of the diagnosis screens and the program information, programs,engineering and performance data etc., described in this example shall beexcluded. Such an exclusion shall not apply in the case of mandatoryliability, e.g. under the German Product Liability Act(“Produkthaftungsgesetz”), in case of intent, gross negligence, or injury oflife, body or health, guarantee for the quality of a product, fraudulentconcealment of a deficiency or breach of a condition which goes to theroot of the contract (“wesentliche Vertragspflichten”). However, claimsarising from a breach of a condition which goes to the root of the contractshall be limited to the foreseeable damage which is intrinsic to thecontract, unless caused by intent or gross negligence or based onmandatory liability for injury of life, body or health. The above provisionsdo not imply a change in the burden of proof to your detriment.Copyright© 2009 Siemens I IA. It is not permitted to transfer or copythese diagnosis screens and the program or excerpts of themwithout first having prior authorization from Siemens I IA in writing.For questions about this document please use the following e-mailaddress:mailto:********************************1. Lieferumfang1.1. Scope of deliveryThis function block is written for the diagnosis AS-i Motor Starters for the product family ofM200D. It has to be used for SIEMENS AS-I Masters, which work with the AS-I Master function …ASi_3422“ (FC7). The function block can read “warning / messages” and “faults” of the M200DAS-i Motor Starters.The function block can only be used with the communication processors CP342 and PROFIBUS DP/ASi-Links of SIEMENS.For the IE/AS-INTERFACE LINK PN IO this function block cannot be used.1.1.1. CPUsAll CPUs of the SIEMENS series S7-300/400 can be used.1.1.2. AS-i MasterThis function block can be used for following SIEMENS ASI-Master:communication processor MLFBCP 342-2 6GK7342-2….CP 343-2 6GK7343-2AH0x-0XA0CP 343-2 P 6GK7343-2AH1x-0XA0DP/AS-i MasterDP/AS-i LINK Advanced 6GK1415-2BAxxDP/AS-Interface Link 20E 6GK1415-2AAxxDP / AS-i F-Link 3RK1314-1….Table 1: Overview AS-i Master1.2. Mode of operationIf you initiate the function block by setting the entry Enable , at first the S1 Status bit is requested. Dependant on the value of the S1 Status bit the read out as follows:S1 = 1 – Errors are requested and displayedS1 = 0 – Warnings are requested and displayedThe Value is stored in the WORD RetVal . See RetVal1.3. Overview of the S7-blocksblock-numberdescription Comment FC7 ASi_3422 Im FB 21 enthaltenFB21 Read out diagnosis of MotorStarter M200D AS-i Block-number can always be changed. FB can be used as a multi-instance.Table 2: Overview S7-Blocks 1.4. Necessary Software•Step 7 from V5.4+SP42. Implementation in S7 project2.1. Step 7 blocksThe function block can be called in OB1 or in a time controlled OB (OB30-OB38; depedant of the CPU).Atention: The block can be contained several times in the user programme. Is this the case it must be ensured, that only one function block is active at the sametime. This means, that only one …Enable“- Input may have the value …1“ atthe same time. See parameter description of function block …FC ASI_3422“of ASi-Master manual.Hint: The block number of FB21 can always be changed – the name DB67 is arbitrary as well here2.1.1. Parameter descriptionName TypArtMemoryareacomment Enable BOOLEE,A,M,D,L,ConstantTrigger Read out DiagnosisLADDR_ASi_Maste r WORD EE,A,M,D,L,ConstantPAE Address of respective AS-iMasterSlave_Adresse BYTE EE,A,M,D,L,Constant AS-i Slave Address of the respective Motor Starter for DiagnosisBusy BOOLAE,A,M,D,LFuntion block is busy reading outDiagnosisRetVal WORDAE,A,M,D,LValue of Diagnosis (Warnings anderror) - Details see belowStatus_ASi_3422 DWORD E/AM,D Status word of function block…ASi_3422“Table 3: function block parameter2.1.1.1. EnableWith this parameter the Diagnosis of the M200D Motor Starter is started. If the parameter is set to …True“ permanently, then the diagnosis is read out permanently. If the diagnosis shall be read out only at one certain point, the parameter can to be set with an impulse. LADDR_ASi_MasterHere the start adress of of the AS-i Master has to be set. (See process Image of HWKonfig) Slave_AdresseThe Slave address of the respective M200D Motor Starter has to be set here. BusyIf this parameter output is …TRUE“, the function block is active to read out diagnosis of a Motor Starter. If the function block shall be called several times for the respective AS-i Master, this parameter can be used for interlocking. RetValThe output parameter RetVal (WORD) contains the diagnosis values and error information of the …ASi_3422“. The exact description of the error values, values > 8000hex, you can find in the manual of the respective AS-i Masters at the description of the function block …FC ASI_3422“.If there is no error in the run of the function block the error/warning messages are displayed in the right byte, the left Byte is …0“. The messages are displayed in the right Byte as follows:Bit 7..4 Bit 3..0Output Error number Output warning number2.1.1.6. Status_ASi_3422With this parameter entry the status of the function Block As-i Diagnosis is displayed in a double word. If the function Block …M200D_ASi-Diagnosis“ for one AS-i-Master is used several times in the programme, or the block …FC_ASi_3422“ is used for this AS-i-Master as well for a differentfunction 1, the identical data area for the parameter …Status_ASi_3422“ (or …Status“ for FC …ASi_3422“), always must be used for storing the Status double word (e.g. MD54 orDB11.DBD2).2.1.2. Return Values alarm messagesResponse:Diagnose – alarms (A) / messages (M)P3 P2 P1 P0 Message / alarm0 0 0 0 00 dezNo alarm / message 0 1 0 0 04 dez(M) Thermal motor model deactivated 1 0 1 0 10 dez (M) Manual local control1 0 1 1 11 dez (A) Prewarning limit of motor model exceeded1 1 0 0 12 dez (M) Temperature sensor deactivatedTable 4: Warnings of M200D AS-i Basic2.1.3. Return value Error messagesFeedback: Diagnosis – Errors (F)P3 P2 P1 P0Errors 0 0 0 0 00 dez No fault0 0 1 0 02 dez (F) Main switch OFF0 0 1 1 03 dez (F) Zero current disconnection0 1 0 0 04 dez (F) Overload0 1 0 1 05 dez (F) Device fault0 1 1 0 06 dez (F) Supply voltage switching elementmissing1 0 0 1 09 dez (F) Plug removed line-side1 0 1 0 10 dez (F) Supply voltage electronics insufficient1 1 0 0 12 dez (F) short circuit tripping1 1 0 1 13 dez (F) Asymmetry disconnection1 1 1 0 14 dez(F) Incorrect parameter value1 1 1 1 15 dez(F) Group fault Table 5: Errors M200D AS-i Basic1 For a different function independent of the Function block Diagnosis。
西门子-CP 114 – CP 115 差压变送器 产品手册说明书

Differential pressure transmitterCP 114 – CP 115KEY POINTSMaterial : ABS V0 as per UL94Protection : IP65Display : LCD 10 digits. Size : 50 x 17 mmHeight of digits : Value : 10 mm ; Unit : 5 mm Connections : safety Ø 6.2 mmCable gland : for cables Ø 8 mm maximum Weight : 143 g- Ranges from -500/+500 mbar to -2000/+2000 mbar (according to models)- Configurable intermediary ranges- 0-10 V or 4-20 mA output, active, power supply 24 Vac/Vdc (3-4 wires) or 4-20 mA output, passive loop, power supply from 16 to 30 Vdc (2 wires)- ABS V0 housing, IP65, with or without display - “¼ turn” system mounting with wall-mount plate - Housing with simplified mounting systemFEA TURES OF THE HOUSING90 mm109 m m46 mmTECHNICAL FEA TURESMeasurement units mbar, inWG, mmHG, PSI, mmH 2O, daPa, hPa, kPa Accuracy*±1.5% of reading ±3 mbar Response time 1/e (63%) 0.3 sResolution 1 mbar ; 0.1 inWG ; 1 mmHG ; 1 mmH 2O ; 1 hPa ; 10 daPa ; 0.1 kPa ; 0.1 PSI Autozero Manual with push-button Type of fluidAir and neutral gasesOverpressure tolerated CP114 : 1400 mbar ; CP115 : 4100 mbar Operating temperature From 0 to +50 °C Storage temperatureFrom -10 to +70 °CMeasuring range4 : -500/+500 mabr5 : -2000/+2000 mbarPART NUMBERCP 11To order, just add the codes to complete the part number :Power supply / OutputA : Active – 24 Vac/Vdc – 0-10 V or 4-20 mA P : Passive – 16/30 Vdc – 4-20 mADisplayO : with display N : without displayExample : CP 114 – AOPressure transmitter measuring range -500/+500 mbar, 0-10 V or 4-20 mA active, with display*All the accuracies indicated in this technical datasheet were stated in laboratory conditions, and can be guaranteed for measurements carried out in the same conditions, or carried out with calibration compensation.TECHNICAL SPECIFICA TIONSCONNECTIQUESPressure connectionsOutput / Supply- active sensor 0-10 V or 4-20 mA (alim. 24 Vac/Vdc ± 10%), 3-4 wires - passive loop 4-20 mA (power supply 16/30 Vdc), 2 wires - maximum load : 500 Ohms (4-20 mA)- minimum load : 1 K Ohms (0-10 V)Consumption2 VA (0-10 V) or max. 22 mA (4-20 mA)Electromagnetical compatibility EN61326Electrical connection Screw terminal block for cables Ø0.05 to 2.5 mm 2 Communication to PC Kimo USB-mini Din cable EnvironmentAir and neutral gasesInside the front housingDIP SwitchsOutput terminalblockPower supply terminalblockLCC-S connectionFixed back housingRemovable front faceCable glandAutozeroELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS – as per NFC15-100 standardThis connection must be made by a qualified technician . To make the connection, the transmitter must not be energized.For CP114/115 – AO models and CP114/115 – ANmodels with 0-10 V or 4-20 mA output – active, 4 wires:A-+0-10 V output76LN Power supply 24 Vac class IIor N L12+3VP +5IP4GND -7+6-Power supply 24 Vdc-VRegulator display orPLC/BMS passive typeor-+4 wiresTo make a 3-wire connection, before powering up the transmitter, please connect the output ground to the input ground. See drawing below.4 wires3 wires+4-20 mA outputRegulator display orPLC/BMS active type-12+3VP +5IP4GND -7+6-3 wiresPower supply24 Vdc+5IP4GND -7L 6N +Power supply24 Vac class IILN A-+0-10 V outputor VRegulator display or PLC/BMS passive type-+Sortie 4-20 mARegulator display or PLC/BMSactive type orSETTINGS AND USE OF THE TRANSMITTERTo perform an autozero, unplug the 2 pressure connections tubes and press the “Autozero” key.When an autozero has been performed, “On” green light turns off then turns on, and on transmitters equipped with a display, “autoZ” is displayed.➢ Autozero➢ ConfigurationTo configure the transmitter, it must not be energized. Then, you can make the settings required, with the DIP switches (as shown on thedrawing below). When the transmitter is configured, you can power it up.To configure the transmitter, unscrew the 4screws from the housing then open it. DIPswitches allowing the different settings arethen accessible.To set a measuring range, put the 1, 2 and 3 on-off switches as indicated in the table below.➢ Measuring range settings – left DIP switchExample :● From 0 to 750 mmH2O, measuring range is 750 mmH2O.● From -500 mbar to +500 mbar, measuring range is 1000 mbar.● Measuring ranges of the CP114transmitter on the ±500 mbar range according to the measurement unit.● Measuring ranges of the CP115transmitter on the ±2000 mbar range according to the measurement unit.Type oftransmitterCP114CP115CP114CP115CP114CP115CP114CP115CP114CP115 mbar100500200750300100040015005002000inWG40.0200.080.0300.0120.0400.0160.0600.0200.00800.0 kPa10. PSI 2.010.0 4.015.0 mmHg8040016060024080032012004001600mmH2O1000500020007500300010 000400015 000500020000 daPa 1.0 5.0 2.07.5 3.010.0 4.015.0 5.020.0 hPa100500200750300100040015005002000 12341234123412341234Combination 1Combination 2Combination 3Combination 4Combination 5Measuringranges settingStandard range orcentral 0 settingLeft DIP switch12341234Right DIP switchOutput settingUnits settingOn-off switch➢ Standard range / central zero setting – left DIP switchTo set the type of measuring range, put the on-off switch 4 as indicated beside :Configurations Full scale Central zeroCombinationsExample 0-100 mbar : Full scale / 0Central zero(0 / 100 mbar)(-50 mbar / 0 / +50 mbar)For CP114/115 – PO models and CP114/115 – PN models with 4-20 mA output – passive :2 wires IT57+6-Power supply16-30 VdcVdcA-+IT57+6-Vdc-2 wires+A2 wires............Display/regulator/PLCpassive typeDisplay/regulator/PLCactive type +-16-30 VdcorF T a n g – t r a n s m i t t e r _C P 114-115 – 08/03/13 – R C S (24) P ér i g u e u x 349 282 095 N o n -c o n t r a c t u a l d o c u m e n t – W e r e s e r v e t h e r i g h t t o m o d i f y t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f o u r p r o d u c t s w i t h o u t p r i o r n o t i c e .MAINTENANCEPlease avoid any aggressive solvent. Please protect the transmitter and its probes from any cleaning product containing formalin, that may be used for cleaning rooms or ducts.OPTIONS AND ACCESSORIES●KIAL-100A : Power supply class 2 , 230 Vac input, 24 Vac output●LCC-S : configuration software with USB cable●Connection tube ●Connection fittings ●Through-connections●Straight connections ●Spherical coupling nut➢Output setting – right DIP switch (CP114/115 – AO and CP114/115 – AN models)To set the type of analogue output, please put the on-off switch of the output as shown beside.➢Units setting – right DIP switchTo set a measurement unit, put the on-off switches 2, 3 and 4 of the units as shown in the table below.Please follow carefully the combinations beside with the DIP switch. If the combination is wrongly done, the following message will appear on the display of the transmitter “CONF ERROR”. In that case, you will have to unplug the transmitter, place the DIP switches correctly, and then power the transmitter up.ConfigurationsmbarinWGkPaPSImmHGmmH 2OdaPahPaCombinationsConfigurations4-20 mA0-10 VCombinations1234123412341234123412341234123412341234MOUNTINGTo mount the transmitter, mount the ABS plate on the wall (drilling : Ø6 mm, screws and pins are supplied).Insert the transmitter on the fixing plate (see A on the drawing beside). Rotate the housing in clockwise direction until you hear a “click” which confirms that the transmitter is correctly installed.Once the transmitter is installed and powered up, please make an autozero to guarantee the correct working of the transmitter in any position.An easy and friendly configuration with the software !You can configure your own intermediary ranges.Caution : the minimum difference between the high range and the low range is 20.For example, it is possible to set the instrument from -20 to 0 mbar, from 0 to +20 mbar, or from -10 to +10 mbar...• To access the configuration via software :- Set the DIP switches as shown beside. Nota : the on-off switch 1 of the right DIP switch can be inany position (selection of the analogue output 0-10 V or 4-20 mA)- Connect the cable of the LCC-S to the connection of the transmitter.• Please refer to the user manual of the LCC 100 to make the configuration.CONFIGURA TION VIA LCC-S SOFTW ARE (option)1234Left DIP switch 1234Right DIP switchThe configuration of the parameters can be done either with the DIP switch or via software (you can not combine both solutions).7.5mm8mm4.5mm40mm50m m68m m75mm37.5mm23.75m m14mmAA。


2.2 JOG运行方式2。

目录1技术参数 (2)2安装说明 (3)3接线说明 (5)3.1 变送器(直流供电型)接线端子说明 (6)3.2 变送器(交流供电型)接线端子说明 (7)3.3 仪器接线功能图 (8)3.4 电极接线示意图 (8)4按键和界面说明 (9)4.1 按键及指示灯说明 (9)4.2 界面说明 (10)5操作说明 (13)5.1 参数设置操作 (14)5.2 校正操作 (15)6电极诊断及出错信息 (17)7电极保养说明 (19)8操作密码 (20)8.1 参数设置密码 (20)8.2 校正密码 (20)附1缓冲液 (21)附2技术术语 (23)安全预防措施请认真阅读并遵守下列要求!在仪器上电前,请对照您持有仪表的型号,确认供电电压:变送器需用18V-30VDC直流电源供电变送器需用100V-250V AC交流电源供电打开仪器会有电路部分暴露,因此除了接线仓和仪表透明罩外,不应打开仪器其它部分。
出现以下情况时,保护可能失效:◇仪器外观有明显破损◇仪器不能正常测量◇长期储存于超过70℃的环境中◇经过剧烈的震动或碰撞后11 技术参数22安装说明①31、请选择合适位置安装pH计(以下简称仪器),避免仪器直接受到阳光照射。
4、仪器内部的继电器为小电流继电器,若要控制较大动力的图2-1 仪器和动力装置接线示意图43 接线说明接线仓内部图(拆掉压线盖)接线步骤:打开接线仓盖→拆下压线盖→接线→装上压线盖→装上接线仓盖。
5673.3 仪器接线功能图84 按键和界面说明Wash 灯:清洗指示灯,当清洗继电器动作时,此灯亮Alarm灯:报警指示灯,仪表超限报警或自检报警时,此灯亮94.2 界面说明4.2.1 测量界面入码自动清零,请操作人员重新输入。

2.2 JOG运行方式2.2.1JOG运行1.按下机床控制面板上的点动键;2.选择进给速度;3.按下坐标轴方向键,机床在相应的轴上发生运动。

直流电压 7 档可选 • - 1 - +16 mV • -3 - +32 mV • -7 - +65 mV • -15 - +131 mV • -31 - +262 mV • -63 - +525 mV • -120 - +1000 mV
• 按 DIN IEC 751, DIN 43760, JIS C 1604-97, BS 1904
Pt10, Pt50, Pt100, Pt200, Pt1000
• 按 JIS C 1604-81
Pt10, Pt50, Pt100
• 按 DIN 43760 电压测量
Ni50, Ni100, Ni120, Ni1000 温度 - 线性
• C 型 : W5-Re (ASTM 988)
• D 型 : W3-Re (ASTM 988)
• E 型 : NiCr-CuNi (DIN IEC 584) • J 型 : Fe-CuNi (DIN IEC 584)
• K 型 : NiCr-Ni (DIN IEC 584)
• L 型 : Fe-CuNi (DIN 43710)
• Pt50
-200 ... +649
• Pt100
-200 ... +649
DIN 43 760 • Ni50 • Ni100 • Ni120 • Ni1000
-60 ... +250 -60 ... +250 -60 ... +250 -60 ... +250

P0004=2 →P0010=30 →P0970=1 恢复时会显示“busy”
4、下标:选择一个参数号(P***),按“P”键后显示In000 即下标0,再按一次


说 明 备 注
D2 说 明 备 注
西门子PASCAL CV 3110型压力变送器产品说明书

P RESSURE T RANSMITTER PASCAL CV T YPE S ERIES FOR FOOD /PHARMACEUTICALS /CV 3110BIOTECHNOLOGYSignal output::● 4..20 mA, can be retrofitted with optional HART ®protocol ●PROFIBUS PA ■Function modules●Multifunctional display with 5-segment digital display and bar graph●HART ®protocol●Switching module with 2 floating channels, maximum 1.5 Aswitching current, electrically isolated at all sides, without additional auxiliary power ■Function module replacement on site without recalibration "plug and measure"■Watchdog for electronics modules and measuring cell■Hygienic design according to EHEDG, FDA und GMP recommendations ■Material and surface quality according to the hygienic requirements ■Limits of measuring range 0...80 mbar to 0...40 bar ■Accuracy: < 0.25% (linearity, hysteresis and repeatability)■Turndown 5:1■Explosion protection: II 1/2G EEx ia IIC T6■Medium temperature up to 160 °C■Piezoresistive measuring cell, directly aerated, fully weldedThe pressure transmitter PASCAL CV is suited for measuring the relative and absolute pressures of gases, vapors and liquids. The type series CV3110 has been developed to meet the stringent demands of food processing, pharmaceutical technology, and biotechnology. Special attention has been given to good surface quality. Thus, for instance, roughness values to Ra 0.4 µm can be guaranteed for wetted parts (for welds: Ra < 0.8µm) or the system can be electropolished as well.The modular design of the pressure transmitter allows users to choose the best possible device for his specific operating requirements.PASCAL CV is equipped with a variety of process connections and uses smart module technology for display, switching and communication purposes.These functional modules can be exchanged or extended with ease without having to remove the transmitter from the process.Other designs available●PASCAL CV 3100 for general application●PASCAL CV 3120 for chemical/petrochemical industryProcess connection: all standard screw-in, flange and inline connectionsBasic modulePROFIBUSFunction modulesDisplay moduleHART ®-moduleSwitchingmodule4...20 mAData Sheet: D4-017/2P. 1Rev. 0D3Housing hygienic housing design with screw cap and windowMaterialhousing:stainless steel mat.no. 1.4301window:Macrolon gasket:NBR O-ringConstructiontwo-chamber system, minimum housing volume, excellent moisture and condensate protection Pressure compensation PTFE filter system Degree of protection EN 60529, IP 66Climatic category DIN EN 60721 3-4, 4K4HElectrical connection· screwed terminals 1 mm², cable entry fitting through screwing· circular plug connector M 12Weightstandard device without diaphragm seal and function modules approx. 0.65 kgHousing designConstruction welded designDiaphragm modifications see page 5 or order code Materialstainless steel mat.-no. 1.4404 or 1.4435see order codeSensor piezoresistive measuring element System fillfoodstuff oil FD1 (USDA-H1)according to FDAAmbient temperature -20 to 85°C Process temperature depending on design Allowed storage temperature -40...85 °CNote safety values as per examination certificate!Standard design 12....40 VDC Ex-proof design12....30 VDCInterference emission EN 50081 section 1Noise immunityEN 50082 section 2EU examination certificateII 1/2G EEx ia IIC T6Data Sheet: D4-017/2Housing design Measuring system Signal4...20 mA, two-wire,optional with HART protocol (not yet available)Current range 3.8 - 20.8 mA Current limitation approx. 22 mA Alarm state < 3.6 mA, optional > 21 mA Delay time approx. 160 ms measuring cycle 6 measurements / second Measuring range setting turndown 5:1Damping t 0.0 - 120.0 secondsLoadR <(Ohm)Limit point setting DIN 16086Reference conditions DIN EN 60770-1Calibration position vertical mounting position Linearity errors< 0.15% of span TD 5:1 no changeHysteresis < 0.05% of nominal range Repeatability < 0.05% of nominal range Influence of mounting position < 3.5 mbar Long-term drift < 0.1%/year of nominal range DIN EN 60770-1Temperature effecta)Lower range value / upper range value in range 0...60°C ± 0.15%/10 K of nominal range in range < 0°C, > 60°C ± 0.2%/10 K of nominal range b) process connection (diaphragm seal) depending on design flat diaphragm zero point error DN 25/1"4,8 mbar/10 K DN 32/1 1/2"2,3 mbar/10 K DN 401,6 mbar/10 K DN 50/2"0,6 mbar/10 K inline diaphragm zero point error DN 25/1"9,5 mbar/10 K DN 32/1 1/2"4,1 mbar/10 K DN 403,9 mbar/10 K DN 50/2"3,9 mbar/10 KThe specified zero error for the process connection is a guide value for a standard design. We can provide a detailed system calculation upon request. Systems with reduced diaphragm seal errors are also available.Temperature ranges OutputAccuracyApproval/testsP 0 t 2xt 3xt 4xt 5xte.g. damping t = 10 s = 50 s ~100 %windowsO-ring-seal electronicsfully encapsulated replaceablegasketsensor chamber fully encapsulated (reduced volume)plug connection cable entry fitting U - 12 V 22.5 mA^Process connection separate terminal compartment (reduced volume)terminalspressure sensor with direct connection to atmosphericpressure compensationatmospheric pressurecompensationP. 2100 %63 %Supply limits of measuring range meas. span nominal range: e.g. 1 barData Sheet: D4-017/2Display module (multifunctional display) optional·Module housing made of ABS, encapsulated electronics unit·Many operating mode menus ·5-segment pressure read-out with unit ·Read-out display-pressure (standard)-percent -current-sensor temperature·Bar graph 36 segments = 0...100%·Measuring circuit test (current sensing function)3.55...22.0 mA·Alarm indicator on display·Switching function indicator (with switching module)Switching module, optional·No additional auxiliary power required ·Module housing made of ABS, encapsulated electronics unit · 2 limit values, voltage free, short-circuit-proof ·Switching capacity 50 V DC / 500 mA (Ri < 1.5 Ω)or 30 V DC / 1.5 A (Ri < 0.3 Ω)·Overload indicator: LED red, overload or short-circuit ·Fusible cut-out at overload /short-circuit with automatic reset ·Switch points: 0.0 - 100.0% adjustable Standard: 50.0%·Switching function: maker or breaker, adjustable Standard: breaker ·Device off circuit: contact open ·Hysteresis: 0.0% to 100.0%, adjustable standard: 0.1%falling or rising, adjustable,standard: falling ·Switching rate: 6 Hz·Electrically isolated to all sidesInsulation voltage: 500 V, 2.5 kV/2 sec.·Electrical connection: terminal blocks 1 mm²pluggable with automatic module detection - plug and measure -P. 3Profibus module description and HART ® connection upon request ^pluggable with automatic module detection - plug and measure -Basic module: 4...20 mAData Sheet: D4-017/2Switching modulex = configurable w = factory settingP. 4Data Sheet: D4-017/2Mounting positionHousingProcess connectionsP. 5(short term up to 140°C, 1h)Modifications reservedData Sheet: D4-017/2P. 6- please give additional specifications for models not listed -LABOM Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH Postfach 12 62 D-27795 Hude Tel. (04408)804-0 Fax: (00408)804-404。
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