


All requirements given below are subordinate to customer specific requirements. 表中给出的所有要求应服从于顾客的特殊要求 The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is conforming to the customer's requirements. 顾客可以增加其它要求,如检查试验、增加频次,审核员评审时应 证实热处理商遵循了顾客的要求
Version 2, Issue 8/07
PROCESS TABLE E - Annealing / Normalizing / Stress-Relieving 过程工艺表E-退火/正火/去应力退火
All requirements given below are subordinate to customer specific requirements. 表中给出的所有要求应服从于顾客的特殊要求 The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is conforming to the customer's requirements. 顾客可以增加其它要求,如检查试验、增加频次,审核员评审时应 证实热处理商遵循了顾客的要求




该标准的英文原版是由汽车工业行动小组(AIAG)制定的,以下是CQI-9标准的英文原版:CQI-9 Heat Treat System Assessment.1. Scope.This document defines the requirements for a Heat Treat System Assessment. The assessment is a standardized process to evaluate and improve heat treat management and control processes and is applicable to all heat treat suppliers.2. Purpose.The purpose of this assessment is to provide a common framework for heat treat suppliers to assess their systems and processes, identify areas of improvement, and implement effective actions to achieve and sustain high-quality heat-treated products.3. Definitions.Heat Treat System: The combination of equipment, procedures, and personnel used to perform heat treatment processes.Heat Treat Supplier: An organization that performs heat treatment processes on products for the automotive industry.4. Assessment Criteria.The assessment criteria are divided into 15 sections, covering various aspects of heat treat system managementand control. These sections include:Management Responsibility.Quality Planning.Customer-Specific Requirements.Design and Development.Production Part Approval Process.Control of Production and Service Provision. Control of Measuring and Monitoring Devices. Measurement System Analysis.Calibration System.Control of Nonconforming Product.Corrective Action.Preventive Action.Control of Records.Internal Audits.Training.5. Assessment Process.The assessment process involves a series of steps, including:Pre-assessment activities.On-site assessment activities.Post-assessment activities.Corrective action and continuous improvement.6. Assessment Results.The assessment results are used to identify areas of improvement and develop action plans to address anyidentified nonconformities or opportunities for improvement. The results are also used to monitor the effectiveness ofimplemented actions and track progress over time.7. Compliance.Compliance with the requirements of CQI-9 is essential for heat treat suppliers to meet the quality expectationsof the automotive industry. Non-compliance may result in corrective actions or potential disqualification as an approved supplier.It is important to note that the above is a brief summary of the CQI-9 standard in its original English version. For a comprehensive understanding and implementation of the standard, it is recommended to referto the complete and official version of the document, which can be obtained from the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) or their authorized distributors.I hope this provides you with the requested information about the original English version of the CQI-9 standard.Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with.。

CQI-9v3Forms and ProcessTables中英文过程表H

CQI-9v3Forms and ProcessTables中英文过程表H

Version 3, Issued 10/11Item #Related HTSAQuestion #1.0OK / NOK / NAH1.1 3.13.7H1.1 3.13.7H1.2 3.13.7H1.2 3.13.7H1.3 1.18H1.3 1.18H1.4 3.2H1.4 3.2H1.5 3.2H1.5 3.2H1.6 2.16H1.6 2.16H1.7 2.16H1.7 2.162.0OK / NOK / NAH2.1 3.23.3H2.1 3.23.3H2.2 3.23.3H2.2 3.23.3H2.3 3.23.3H2.3 3.23.3H2.4 3.4H2.43.4H2.5 3.5H2.5 3.5H2.6 3.2H2.6 3.23.0OK / NOK / NA H3.11.42.14H3.11.42.14温度控制仪表的监控每炉或参照上面H1.2要求每两小时签字确认,报警系统要满足签字要求。





不要求进行温度均匀性测试(TUS) 和系统准确性测试 (SAT).替代的TUS 和SAT ,温度范围应在试生产期间在工作区用多个热电偶进行测试,并在能力研究阶段核实,针对每个产品形成控制计划温度应由热电偶依据每炉的装载量进行控制,温度代表实际的极端负荷(最大和最小温度),通过记录证明。

Each batch or recording per see H1.2 above with sign-off every 2hours. Alarm systems satisfy the sign-off requirement. Control plan to include the lose of a thermocouple during the run and alarm settings. Alarms are to be checked quarterly and alarms during the cycle are to be documented.Monitor temperature control instrument(s).红外高温计必须使用恰当或者制造者批准的方法,每年对红外测温仪鉴定一次。



批处理炉 连续记录应每2小时签字确 认一次或过程的每一批次在 2小时内进行签字确认。警 报系统(如果设置,按照 A2.5和A2.6中的要求进行设 置)确保满足签字确认要求 。
符合 / 不符合 / 不适用
连续记录应每2小时签字确 每一班都需对发生 认一次或过程的每一批次在 器签字确认。 2小时内进行签字确认。警 报系统(如果设置,按照 A2.5和A2.6中的要求进行设 置)确保满足签字确认要求 。 发生器应被持续的 监控和处于报警状 态。其他例如氮甲醇系统只需在持 续监控与警报或每 2小时签字确认两 个措施中选一即可 。
1.4 2.14 3.7
1.4 2.14 3.7
1.4 2.14 3.7 3.8 1.4 2.14 3.13 1.4 2.12
连续记录应每2小时签字确 认一次或过程的每一批次在 2小时内进行签字确认。警 报系统(如果设置,按照允 许界限进行设置)确保满足 签字确认要求。 每天
下列要求从属于客户的特殊要求。 客户或许会有额外的要求,比如:测试设备、增加频率等等。在执行作业审核的时候,审核员应验证热处理工厂是否符合客户的要求。 持续加热炉频率按照批次(工作订单)或按规定来执行,二者选频率较高的一个。 OK - 符合要求 NOK - 不符合要求(违规解释参见“HTSA相关问题#” NA - 不适用
项目 # HTSA 相关问题 # 1.0 A1.1 A1.2 A1.3 A1.4 A1.5 A1.6 A1.7 A1.8 A1.9 A1.10 A1.11 2.0 A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.4 热电偶和热电偶的校准应遵循章节3.1. 高温测定的设备仪器以及仪器的校准应遵循章节3.2. 3.1 3.7 3.1 3.7 1.18 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 3.2 2.16 2.16 3.2

cqi-9 条款解释

cqi-9 条款解释

cqi-9 条款解释CQI-9是汽车供应链质量要求的一种标准,主要涉及汽车热处理体系。










在CQI-9的条款中,需要准备以下资料:1.设备炉温均匀性测定记录,最好是符合SAE 2750D。










CQI-9第3版过程表和评审表 中文

CQI-9第3版过程表和评审表 中文
CQI-9 Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment
Version 2, Issue 8/07
工厂名称: 地址:
电话: 传真: 工厂热处理员数量: 自有热处理企业(是/否): 商业热处理企业(是/否):
评估日期: 以往评估日期:
审核员/评估员: 姓名:
工厂热处理工艺类型: 过程表 A - 亚铁 渗碳 碳氮共渗 碳修复 中性淬火 (淬火和回火) 奥氏体等温淬火 / 马氏体等温淬 火 回火 脱溶硬化 / 时效
过程表 B - 亚铁 渗氮 (气体) 铁素体碳氮共渗(气体或盐浴) 过程表 C - 铝合金 铝合金热处理 过程表 D - 亚铁 感应热处理 过程表 E 退火 正火 应力消除 过程表 F 低压渗碳 过程表 G 烧结硬化 过程表 H 离子氮化 现有质量认证体系: 再次评估日期(如果需要): 人员联系方式: 姓名:



All hardness test equipment (for each scale used) shall be calibrated annually minimum, and verified daily or prior to use, per the applicable ASTM standard, ISO standard, JIS standard, or
Dew pointers and gas analyzers, used to verify proper atmosphere in furnaces, shall be calibrated annually at a minimum.
过程表B: 渗碳(瓦斯)和含铁碳氮共渗(瓦斯或盐)
All requirements given below are subordinate to customer specific requirements. 以下给出的所有要求都隶属于客户特定要求。
The customer may have additional requirements, e.g., inspection testing, greater frequencies, etc. When performing the job audit, the auditor shall verify heat treater is conforming to the customer's requirements. 客户有其它附加要求,如检查测试、更高的频率等,在作业审核时,审核员应证实热处理供应商满足客户要求。

CQI-9 审核表 中英版

CQI-9 审核表 中英版
To ensure readily available expertise, there shall be a dedicated and qualified heat treat person on site. This individual shall be a full-time employee and the position shall be reflected in the organization chart. A job description shall exist identifying the qualifications for the position including metallurgical and heat treat knowledge. The Is there a dedicated and qualified heat treat person on- qualifications shall include a minimum of 5 years experience in heat treat operations or a combination of a minimum of 5 years of formal metallurgical education and heat treat site? 现场是否配备专业的有资格的 experience. 为确保快速地获得专业的意见,现场应配备一名专业的、有资质的人员。 热处理人员? 该人员需为全职、在册员工 该职位的岗位描述需包括冶金和热处理教育要求 资质包括至少5年热处理操作经验或至少5年基础冶金教育及热处理经验 The organization shall incorporate a documented advance quality planning procedure. A feasibility study shall be performed and internally approved for each part. Similar parts can be grouped into part families for this effort as defined by the organization. After the part approval process is approved by the customer, no process changes are allowed Does the heat treater perform unless approved by the customer. The heat treater shall contact the customer when clarification of process changes is required. This clarification of process changes shall advanced quality planning? 热处理商是否完成了先期质量 be documented. 策划? 工厂应有文件化的先期质量策划程序。 每一产品都需进行可行性研究及内部批准,类似产品可根据工厂内部定义归成一类处理。 已获得顾客批准的零件,未经顾客允许不得进行更改 当需要进行过程更改时,需通知顾客并保持纪录 The organization shall incorporate the use of a documented Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) procedure and ensure the FMEA's are updated to reflect current part quality status. The FMEA shall be written for each part or part family or they may be process-specific and written for each process. In any case, they shall address all process steps from part Are heat treat FMEA's up to receipt to part shipment and all key heat treat process parameters as defined by the date and reflecting current organization. A cross-functional team shall be used in the development of the FMEA. All processing? special characteristics, as defined by the organization and its customers, shall be FMEA'S是否为最新版本,且与 identified, defined, and addressed in the FMEA. 目前的过程相一致? 工厂应有文件化的FMEA程序且确保FMEA'S为最新版本,能反映当前的产品质量状态 每个零件或零件族都应编制FMEA或根据过程特殊性编制每个过程的FMEA。总之,应包括从 接受到发运的所有过程,且工厂应定义每一个关键热处理过程的参数。 FMEA需要由多功能小组开发完成。 由工厂或顾客确认的重要或关键特性应得到识别,定义并体现在FMEA中

热处理质量管控 CQI-9教材

热处理质量管控 CQI-9教材


金属材料能否通过加热、保温和冷却的 方法以改变内部组织的性能,衡量指标 为:淬硬性、淬透性、淬火变形及开裂 趋势、表面氧化及脱碳趋势、过热及过 烧敏感趋势、回火稳定性、回火脆性。

金属材料是否容易用焊接的方法成优良 的接头的性能称为焊接性能。用接头强 度和母材强度对比来衡量可焊性,两者 接近可焊性好,一般低碳钢具有良好的 可焊性好,中碳钢中等,高碳钢、高合 金钢、铸铁、铝合金的焊接性差。
金属材料的铸造性能包括流动性、收缩 性和偏析倾向等。 流动性指液态金属充满铸型的能力。 收缩性是指金属由液态凝固时和凝固后 体积收缩的程度。 金属的偏析倾向指金属凝固过程中产生 的化学成分和组织上的不均匀,大型铸 件更容易产生偏析。


金属材料锻压后,可改变自已的形状而 不产生破裂的能力,如果金属材料的可 塑性好,易于锻造而不发生破裂,即锻 造性好。铜、铝的合金在冷态下具有很 好的可锻性,炭钢在加热状态下可锻性 好,脆性材料(铸铁)几乎不可锻。 (控制好加热和冷却规范)
SystemAssessment, HTSA)来加以确定,并 维护其记录。其有效性的评估应包括组织的自 我评审、已采取的措施和已被维护的记录。 这要求也同样适用于组织依据条款7.4.1.2 (供应商开发条款)所开发的热处理供应商。
注1:CQI-9 第二版特殊过程:热处理系统评审 发行的生效日期后120天开始实施。 基于CQI-9第二版的发行日期,实施的生效日期是2008年1月7日。

晶粒:金属结晶后形成的外形不规则的 而内部晶体排列方向一致的每个微小晶 体称为晶粒.晶粒等级. 1)晶粒度与加热温度有关? 2)晶粒度与碳含量有关? 3)晶粒度与加热时间和保温时间有关? 4)晶粒度与加热速度有关?



金属材料的铸造性能包括流动性、收缩 性和偏析倾向等。 流动性指液态金属充满铸型的能力。 收缩性是指金属由液态凝固时和凝固后 体积收缩的程度。 金属的偏析倾向指金属凝固过程中产生 的化学成分和组织上的不均匀,大型铸 件更容易产生偏析。
金属材料锻压后,可改变自已的形状而 不产生破裂的能力,如果金属材料的可 塑性好,易于锻造而不发生破裂,即锻 造性好。铜、铝的合金在冷态下具有很 好的可锻性,炭钢在加热状态下可锻性 好,脆性材料(铸铁)几乎不可锻。 (控制好加热和冷却规范)
塑性:塑性指金属材料在外力作用下产 生变形而不被破坏,当外力去除后仍能 使其变形保留下来的性能,他是与脆性 相反的性能。用伸长率和断面收缩率来 衡量,数值越高,越容易压力加工。
伸长率=(L1—L0)/L0*100%(或者采 用延伸率等指标)
强度:金属材料受外力作用时,对变形 或断裂的抵抗能力称为强度,用抗弯、 抗拉、抗压、抗剪、抗扭强度和屈服强 度等衡量;如:TS(抗拉强度)=F0/横 截面积
符合CQI-9的证据,并能按要求提供给STA。热 处理评审由供应商来进行,热处理供应商证明 符合CQI-9,并不能减少组织对其所提供的产 品质量所承担的全部责任。
第二部分:热处理基本 知识及原理
金属材料的各项性能 金属学基础知识介绍 金属热处理工艺概述 金属热处理设备介绍 金属热处理关键参数 金属热处理失效预防
密排六方晶格:它的晶胞是一个立方柱体,在 柱体的每个角上,以及上下底面的中心都排列 一个原子,在晶胞中间还排列有三个原子.属于 这类晶格类型的金属有镁/镉及锌等。

CQI-9第三版 热处理评估中英文版

CQI-9第三版 热处理评估中英文版

PROCESS AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS All furnaces, generators and quench systems shall have temperature indicating instruments. 所有的热处理炉、气体发生器和淬火系统应有温度指示仪表 Continuous strip charts and/or data loggers are required for temperature and carbon monitoring unit, e.g., dew point, oxygen probe, IR gas analyzer, etc. 温度和碳势的监视系统要求有连续纸带记录和/或数据日志,如露点仪、氧探头、红外线(IR)气体分析仪等。 Atmosphere flow meters/indicators are required. 要装有气氛流量表/指示仪。 A program for furnace and generator burnout is required (applies to carbon bearing atmospheres). 要建立针对热处理炉和气氛发生器的燃尽程序(应用于含碳气氛) Dew pointers, 3-gas analyzers, spectrometers, and carbon IR combustion analyzers (shim stock analysis), used to verify carbon potential in furnaces, shall be calibrated annually at a minimum (applies to carbon bearing atmospheres).检验炉内碳势的露点仪、三气体分析仪、 光谱分析仪和红外碳燃烧分析仪(间隙试片分析)等仪器应至少每年校准一次(含碳气氛适用)。 Verification of calibration of spectrometers, and carbon IR combustion analyzers, shall be checked daily or prior to use (applies to carbon bearing atmospheres). 光谱分析仪和红外碳燃烧分析仪应每天或使用前进行校准验证(含碳气氛适用)。 Verification of calibration of 3-gas analyzers with zero gas and span gas shall be performed weekly at a minimum (applies to carbon bearing atmospheres). 三气体分析仪的零点和气体测量范围应至少每周校准验证一次(含碳气氛适用)。 Oxygen probe controllers shall be calibrated quarterly (single-point or multi-point calibration) or semi-annual (multi-point calibration only; single-point calibration not allowed). This applies to carbon bearing atmospheres.氧探头控制器应每季度校准一次(单点或多点校准)或 每半年一次(仅对多点校准;不允许单点校准)。含碳气氛适用。 All hardness test equipment (for each scale used) shall be calibrated annually minimum, and verified daily or prior to use, per the applicable ASTM standard, ISO standard, JIS standard, or approved standard.所有硬度测试设备应至少每年校准一次,且每天或使用前按 照适用的美国材料试验学会(ASTM)标准、国际标准化组织(ISO)标准、日本工业标准(JIS)或经审核批准的标准确认。 PYROMETRY高温测量仪器 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.2 3.3 3.4 Thermocouples and calibration of thermocouples shall conform to Section 3.1.热电偶及其校准应符合3.1节的要求。 Pyrometry Instrumentation and Calibration of instrumentation shall conform to Section 3.2. 高温测试仪器及仪器校准应符合3.2节的要求。 CQI-9 requires a System Accuracy Test (SAT) check of the control thermocouple in the Qualified Work Zone per Section 3.3 CQI-9要求按照3.3节对合格工作区内的控制传感器进行系统准确度测试(SAT)。 TUS shall be performed annually and after major rebuild per Section 3.4. 温度均匀性测试(TUS)应按照3.4节实施,其检验频率应为每年一次及设备大修后进行。 Temperature uniformity tolerance for hardening furnaces shall be +/- 15º (or +/- 25º Temperature uniformity tolerance for tempering C F). furnaces shall be +/- 10º (or +/- 20º 温度均匀性的最大允许误差为:淬火炉应为±15ºC(±25ºF),回火炉应为±10ºC(±20ºF) C F). Recorded temperature(s) for sintering processes shall be controlled within +/- 10º (or +/- 15º of the set point for processes operating C F) less than 1000º (1830º and +/- 20º (+/- 35º for processes operating greater than 1000º (1830º as evidenced by continuous C F) C F) C F) recording pyrometers. Furnace temperature shall be controlled with soak times starting at the lower tolerance limit (as defined above). 烧结过程用连续自动高温测试仪获得的记录温度应控制为:在<1000º C(1830º F)温度下运行的过程应控制在设定值的±10ºC(±15º F)内,在>1000º C(1830º F)温度下运行的过程应控制在设定值的±20ºC(±35ºF)内。炉温及保温时间应从炉温达到公差下限(公差 如上所述)时开始控制。 For Continuous Furnaces, this requirement applies to the Qualified Work Zone.对连续炉,该要求对合格工作区适用。 PROCESS MONITOR FREQUENCIES 程监视频次 过 Batch Furnace分批炉 Continuous Furnace连续炉 Atmosphere Generation 气氛发生器
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CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issue 10/11
Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment
Questi on Numb er
Requirements and Guidance
Objective Evidence
Not Satis
Are all heat treat related and referenced specifications current and available? For example: Industry and customer specific specifications such as SAE, AIAG, ASTM, ISO, EN, JIS, General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler. 热处理相关规范和引用规范 是否为最新的和可使用的? 例如,行业及顾客具体规范 如SAE、AIAG、ASTM、 ISO、 EN、 JIS和通用、福 特、戴姆勒克莱斯勒等公司 。
Requirements and Guidance
Objective Evidence
Not Satisfactory
Needs Immediate Action
The organization shall incorporate the use of a documented Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) procedure and ensure the FMEA's are updated to reflect current part quality status. The FMEA shall be written for each part or part family or they may be processspecific and written for each process. In any case, they shall address all process Are heat treat FMEA's up to steps from part receipt to part shipment and all key heat treat process date and reflecting current parameters as defined by the organization. A cross-functional team shall be used in the development of the FMEA. All special characteristics, as defined by the processing? 热处理的PFMEA是否得到 organization and its customers, shall be identified, defined, and addressed in the 更新并与当前的工艺过程一 FMEA.组织应有文件化的PFMEA管理程序,并确保PFMEA得到更新以反映零件 当前的质量状况。每一零件或零件系列应有形成文件的PFMEA,或者每一过程都 致? 具有明确的过程规范。无论哪种情况,FMEA应体现从材料接收到零件交付的所 有过程步骤,同时组织需对所有关键热处理的过程参数给予确认。应建立包括操 作者在内的多方论证小组进行PFEMA开发,具有高风险顺序数RPN值的项目应每 年进行处理和关注。所有顾客和组织定义的关键特性、重要特性均应在PFEMA中 得到识别、定义和说明。
To ensure readily available expertise, there shall be a dedicated and qualified heat treat person on site. This individual shall be a full-time employee and the position shall be reflected in the organization chart. A job description shall exist identifying the qualifications for the position including metallurgical and heat treat Is there a dedicated and qualified heat treat person knowledge. The qualifications shall include a minimum of 5 years experience in heat treat operations or a combination of a minimum of 5 years of formal on-site? 现场是否配备合格专职的热 metallurgical education and heat treat experience. 为确保方便的获得热处理专门技术,现场应配备合格专职的热处理负责人。该责 处理责任人? 任人应为全职员工且其岗位应在组织机构图中体现。其岗位资格描述应包括具有 金相学和热处理知识,该岗位的资历应包括:在热处理技术领域具有至少5年的 工作经验,或者接受正规金相教育和热处理工作实践合计时间至少为5年。
The organization shall incorporate the use of a documented Control Plan procedure and ensure the Control Plans are updated to reflect current controls. The Control Plans shall be written for each part or part family or they may be process-specific and written for each process. In any case, they shall address all process steps from part receipt to part shipment and identify all equipment used and all key heat treat process parameters as defined by the organization. A cross-functional team, including a production operator, shall be used in the development of Control Plans, which shall be consistent with all associated Are heat treat process documentation such as work instructions, shop travelers, and FMEA's. All control plans up to date and special characteristics, as defined by the organization and its customers, shall be reflecting current identified, defined, and addressed in the Control Plans. Sample sizes and processing? frequencies for evaluation of process and product characteristics shall also be 热处理过程的控制计划是否 addressed consistent with the minimum requirements listed in the Process 得到更新并与当前的工艺过 Tables, Sections 3.0 and 4.0.组织应有文件化的控制计划管理程序,并确保控制 程一致? 计划得到更新以反映零件当前的质量状况。每一零件或零件系列应有形成文件的 控制计划。或者每一过程都具有明确的过程规范。无论哪种情况,控制计划都应 说明从材料接收到零件交付的所有过程步骤并识别所有使用的过程设备,同时组 织需对所有关键热处理的过程参数给予确认。应建立包括操作者在内的多方论证 小组进行控制计划开发,该控制计划应和所有相关的文件如作业指导书,工艺流 程卡和PFMEA保持一致。所有顾客和组织定义的关键特性、重要特性均应在控制 计划中得到识别、定义和发布。过程评价的样本容量和抽样频率、产品特性应得 到发布并和过程表3.0和4.0最低要求保持一致。
CQI-9Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment Version 3, Issue 10/11
Special Process: Heat Treat System Assessment
Questi on Numb er
Requirements and Guidance
Objective Evidence
Not Satisfactory
Needs Immediate Action
Section 1 - Management Responsibility & Quality Planning管理职责和质量策划
The organization shall incorporate a documented advance quality planning procedure. A feasibility study shall be performed and internally approved for each part. Similar parts can be grouped into part families for this effort as defined by the organization. After the part approval process is approved by the customer, Does the heat treater no process changes are allowed unless approved by the customer. The heat perform advanced quality treater shall contact the customer when clarification of process changes is planning? required. This clarification of process changes shall be documented. 是否进行热处理的质量先期 组织应建立产品质量先期策划的程序文件(APQP)。每一零件应进行可行性研究并 策划(APQP)? 获得内部批准,组织可以将相似的一组零件定义为一个系列进行可行性研究。在 PPAP获得顾客批准后,不允许发生任何工艺过程的更改、除非得到顾客批准。 当要求进行工艺过程更改确认时,热处理供方应主动联系顾客。工艺过程的更改 记录应予保持。