ASTM A335&A335M-20033 高温用无缝铁素体合金钢管
A105 A420 A335 A350一、A105A 105是一种材质代号,属于特殊钢材,是一种冷锻钢.A105是ASTM标准的材料,是碳素钢锻件。
二、A105、F304、A182、A240、F316、是什么材质A代表的是普通碳素结构钢,F代表的是不锈钢三、美标ASTM A182 Gr F22 对应中国这边的是什么材质在美标材质中,A182开头的材质都是不锈钢,GR:等级(GRADE)F22:锻件,具体是12Cr1MoV 25Cr2MoV 20Cr1Mo1V A四、低温钢A420 WPL6材质的化学成分是什么,可以用什么材质代替?A420 WPL6 美标低温无缝或焊接管件,对应的管材为A333 Gr.6 一般用于低温-45度环境下国内一般选用16Mn管材替代,16Mn可用在-40度工作环境下,虽然指标上符合,但总感觉不大地道,一般还应选择A333 Gr6,当然造价要比16Mn高(ASME 标准D篇材料性能上可查到, ASTM A420 Gr WPL6如果是无缝管件是用钢管材料ASTM A333Gr.6制造,而ASTM A333Gr.6材料的最低使用温度为-30℃,选择16MnD材料代替,要注意Mn含量要符合ASTM A420WPL6中的Mn含量要求,ASTM A420 WPL6的Mn含量为0.50%-1.35%,所以选择16MnD代替时要注意这点,根据ASME标准要求.ASTM A420 WPL6热处理后要在-45℃做低温冲击试验,而不是-40℃,冲击平均值要大于18J)化学成分C SI Mn P S NIA333 Gr3 ≤0.19 0.18-0.37 0.31-0.64 ≤0.025 ≤0.025 3.18-3.82Gr6 ≤0.30 ≥0.10 0.29-1.06 ≤0.025 ≤0.025五、A335 F11对应的国内牌号是?ASTM A335标准册中根本没有F11牌号的钢,只有P11,在国内也没有准确对应的钢,本来15CrMo比较相近,不过测试一下高温性能就知道是完全不同的A335指美国标准:SA-335/SA-335M 高温用无缝铁素体合金钢公称管,GR.指钢的级别,P11是一种低合金耐热钢,比GR.P12(对应我国的15CrMo)含铬量稍高.六、SA-516Gr70 对应的国内牌号七、A350ASTM A350 要求进行缺口韧性试验的管道部件用碳素钢与低合金钢锻件技术规范Standard Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Forgings, Requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping ComponentsGRADE LF1Carbon, max 0.3Manganese, max 0.60-1.35Sulfur, max 0.040Sillcon 0.15-0.30Nickel 0.40 maxChromium 0.30 maxMolybdenum 0.12 maxCopper 0.40 maxColumbium 0.02 maxVanadium 0.05 maxNitrogen ...ATSM A350属于低温铸钢,大概相当于我们国内的16Mn材质,但是低温可以达到-40,16Mn的适用范围是-29,经过适当调质处理可以达到要求。
ASTM A335标准解释
6、长度(分定尺和不定尺) 7、端部加工。 8、选用要求(水压及允许重量偏差)。 9、要求的试验报告(见A530)。 10、标准号。 11特殊要求或任何选用的补充要求。
按本标准提供的材料,除在这里另有规定 外,应符合现行版本的A530/ A530M标 准的适用要求。
一、公称钢管可为热精整或冷拔的,并经过标准所要求 的最终热处理。 二、P2、P12级钢,该两个级别钢应采用粗晶熔化工艺制 造,若在晶粒度或脱氧工艺上有特殊 可要求限定时, 应由采购主和钢厂商定。 三、热处理 1、除P5C、P23、P91、P92、P122和P911级钢以及按规 定外,所有级别的公称管应经再次加热,并以完全退 火,等温退火或正火加回火状态下供货。如以正火加 回火状态下供货,对P5、P5B、P9、P21及P22级钢的 最低回火温度应是675℃对于P1、P2、P11、P12及P15 级钢的最低回火温度应是650 ℃
ASTM-335 或SA-355M Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service
1、美国材料与试验学会标准。 2、属于锅炉和压力容器规范。 3、受A01 <<钢、不锈钢和相关合金>>权 限管辖,并由其委员会直接负责。 4、年号为修改批准和出版年,之后为本版 的更改次。
4)、引用的漏磁通检测方法能够检测出重大的纵向或环向 取向的缺陷 并对其进行定位,应注意到应该采用不同 的测试技术来检测不同取向的缺陷。 5)、水压试验能够发现其尺寸能使试验液体透过管壁的缺 陷,它可通过目测或液体的压降而被发现,但这种试 验不能测出极紧密的穿壁缺陷或虽已深入管壁但当未 完全穿透管壁的缺陷 。 6)、当采购方有意于查明能被检测出的缺陷性质时,对于 这些检验方法在此事项上的特殊应用应和钢管厂方进 一步讨论。
1.ASTM A335 标准简介
2.ASTM A335 标准主要内容
3.ASTM A335 标准的应用领域
4.ASTM A335 标准中文版的意义
ASTM A335 标准是美国材料和试验协会(ASTM)制定的一个标准,全称为“碳钢管件、法兰和螺栓材料的高温强度试验方法”。
ASTM A335 标准的主要内容包括:试验方法的概述、试验设备的要求、试验步骤、试验数据的处理和试验报告的编制等。
ASTM A335 标准主要应用于石油、化工、电力等高温高压行业的管道设备设计和制造。
我国引进和采用了ASTM A335 标准,并将其转化为中文版,这对于推动我国高温高压行业的发展具有重要意义。
ASTM A335 P9高温用无缝铁素体合金钢管
英制外径: DN150
产品:168.3(外径)×7.11(壁厚)P9 带坡口
本文规定了天津钢管集团生产ASTM A335 P9高温用铁素体合金钢管的制造,测试和供
ASTM A335 高温用铁素体合金钢管的标准规范ASTM A999合金钢和不锈钢公称管通用技术要求ASTM E213金属管超声波检查操作规程
ASTM E309 钢管制品采用磁饱和的涡流检测规程ASME B16.25 对焊端部
EN10204 金属产品检验文件的类型
ASTM E92 金属材料维氏硬度的标准测试方法
ASTM E18 金属材料洛氏硬度的标准测试方法
ISO6508 金属材料洛氏硬度测试
ISO6507 金属材料维氏硬度测试。
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ASTM A材质规格对照表
ASTM A美标材质规格大全对照表2--ASTM A3-01(2006) 低、中、高碳素钢(未经热处理的)连接板规格ASTM A302/A302M-03 压力容器用锰钼及锰钼镍合金钢厚板规格ASTM A304-05e2 须符合端部淬火硬度要求的碳钢与合金钢棒材规格ASTM A307-07a 抗拉强度为60000psi的碳素钢螺栓和螺柱的技术规范ASTM A308/A308M-06 热浸法镀锡(铅锡合金)薄钢板规格ASTM A309-01(2007) 用三点试验法测定长镀锌薄钢板镀层的重量成分的试验方法ASTM A309-01(被ASTM A309-01(2007)代替) 用三点试验法测定长镀铅锡薄钢板镀层的重量及成份的方法ASTM A31-04e1 钢铆钉及铆钉和压力容器用棒材ASTM A311/A311M-04 压力容器用钢铆钉和铆钉用钢棒规格ASTM A312/A312M-06 无缝焊接冷加工奥氏体不锈钢管规格ASTM A313/A313M-03 不锈钢弹簧钢丝规格ASTM A314-97(2002) 锻造用不锈及耐热钢坯及钢棒规格ASTM A319-71(2006) 高温无压部件用灰铁铸件ASTM A320/A320M-07 低温用合金钢和不锈钢螺栓材料规格ASTM A322-06(被ASTM A322-07代替) 标准级合金钢棒材规格ASTM A322-07 合金钢棒材.级别ASTM A323-05 硼铁合金规格ASTM A324-73(2004) 钛铁规格ASTM A325-06(被ASTM A325-07代替) 经热处理最小抗拉强度为120/105ksi的热处理钢结构螺栓ASTM A325M-05 经热处理最小抗拉强度为830Mpa的热处理钢结构螺栓ASTM A327-91(2006) 铸铁冲击试验方法ASTM A327M-91(2006) 铸铁冲击试验方法(米制)ASTM A328/A328M-07 钢板桩规格ASTM A333/A333M-05 低温用无缝与焊接钢管规格ASTM A334/A334M-04A 低温用无缝与焊接碳素合金钢管钢管规格ASTM A335/A335M-06 高温用无缝铁素体合金钢管规格ASTM A336/A336M-06A(被ASTM A336/A336M-07代替) 压力与高温部件用合金钢锻件规格ASTM A336/A336M-07 压力与高温部件用合金钢锻件规格ASTM A338-84(2004) 铁路,船舶和其他重型装备在温度达到650华氏度(345摄氏度)时使用的可锻铸铁法兰,管件和阀门零件ASTM A34/A34M-06 磁性材料的抽样和采购试验的标准惯例ASTM A340-03a 有关磁性试验用符号和定义的术语ASTM A341/A341M-00(2005) 用直流磁导计和冲击试验法测定材料的直流磁性能的试验方法ASTM A342/A342M-04 磁铁材料导磁率的试验方法ASTM A343/A343M-03 在电力频率下用瓦特计-安培计-伏特计法(100-1000赫兹)和25 厘米艾普斯亭(EPSTEIN) 机架测定材料的交流电磁性能的试验方法ASTM A345-04 磁设备用平轧电炉钢ASTM A348/A348M-05 用瓦特计--安培计--伏特计法(100-10000赫兹)和25厘米艾普斯亭框测定材料的交流磁性能的试验方法ASTM A350/A350M-04A 管道部件用切口韧性试验要求的碳素钢与低合金钢锻件规格ASTM A351/A351M-06 承压零件用奥氏体、奥氏体-铁素体(复合)钢铸件规格ASTM A352/A352M-06 低温受压零件用铁素体和马氏体钢铸件规格ASTM A353/A353M-04 压力容器用经二次正火及回火处理的含9%镍的合金钢厚板规格ASTM A354-07 淬火与回火合金钢螺栓,双头螺栓及其他外螺纹紧固件规格ASTM A355-89(2006) 渗氮合金钢棒规格ASTM A356/A356M-05(被ASTM A356/A356M-07代替) 汽轮机用厚壁碳素钢、低合金钢和不锈钢铸件规格ASTM A356/A356M-07 汽轮机用厚壁碳素钢、低合金钢和不锈钢铸件规格ASTM A358/A358M-05 高温设备与通用设备用电熔焊奥氏体铬镍不锈钢管规格ASTM A36/A36M-05 结构碳素钢规格ASTM A363-03 地面架空线用镀锌钢丝绳规格ASTM A367-60(2005) 铸铁的激冷试验方法ASTM A368-95A(2004) 不锈钢钢丝索规格ASTM A369/A369M-06 高温用锻制和镗加工碳素钢管和铁素体合金钢管规格ASTM A370-07(被ASTM A370-07a代替) 钢产品机械测试的试验方法及定义ASTM A370-07a 钢产品机械测试的试验方法及定义ASTM A372/A372M-03 薄壁压力容器用碳素钢及合金钢锻件规格ASTM A376/A376M-06 高温中心站用无缝奥氏体钢管规格ASTM A377-03 球墨铸铁压力管规范索引ASTM A380-06 不锈钢零件、设备及系统的清洁、除锈和钝化规程ASTM A381-96(2005) 高压传输系统用金属弧焊钢管规格ASTM A384/A384M-02(被ASTM A384/A384M-07代替) 钢制组装件热浸镀锌时防翘曲和变形的规程ASTM A384/A384M-07 钢制组装件热浸镀锌时防翘曲和变形的规程ASTM A385-05 提供高质量镀锌层(热浸)的规程ASTM A387/A387M-06A 压力容器用铬钼合金钢厚板规格ASTM A388/A388M-07 大型钢锻件超声波检查规程ASTM A389/A389M-03 适合高温受压部件用经特殊热处理的合金钢铸件规格ASTM A390-06 家禽饲养用镀锌钢丝栅栏结构(六角形与直线形)规格ASTM A391/A391M-01 合金钢链条规格ASTM A392-06(被ASTM A392-07代替) 镀锌钢丝制链环栅栏结构规格ASTM A392-07 根据钢棒成份及机械性能选择钢棒的推荐规程ASTM A394-07 传动塔架用镀锌和裸露钢螺栓ASTM A395/A395M-99(2004) 高温用铁素体球墨铸铁受压铸件ASTM A400-69(2006) 根据钢棒成份及机械性能选择钢棒的推荐规程ASTM A401/A401M-03 铬硅合金钢丝规格ASTM A403/A403M-06(被ASTM A403/A403M-07代替) 锻制奥氏体管不锈钢管配件规格ASTM A403/A403M-07 锻制奥氏体管不锈钢管配件规格ASTM A407-07 冷拉卷绕型弹簧钢丝规格ASTM A407-93(2004)(被ASTM A407-07代替) 冷拉卷绕型弹簧钢丝规格ASTM A409/A409M-01(2005) 腐蚀或高温下使用的大直径奥氏体焊接钢管规格ASTM A411-03 镀锌低碳钢铠装线规格ASTM A413/A413M-01 碳素钢链条规格ASTM A414/A414M-06(被ASTM A414/A414M-07代替) 压力容器用碳素钢薄板规格ASTM A414/A414M-07 室内装饰弹簧装置用冷拉之字型、方型和正弦型钢丝规格ASTM A416/A416M-06 预应力混凝土用无镀层七股钢绞线规格ASTM A417-93(2004) 室内装饰弹簧装置用冷拉之字型、方型和正弦型钢丝规格ASTM A418/A418M-05(被ASTM A418/A418M-07代替) 涡轮机和发动机钢转子锻件超声波检验的试验方法ASTM A418/A418M-07 涡轮机和发动机钢转子锻件超声波检验的试验方法ASTM A420/A420M-07 低温用锻制碳素钢和合金钢管配件规格ASTM A421/A421M-05 预应力混凝土用无镀层应力消失钢丝规格ASTM A423/A423M-95(2004) 无缝和电焊接低合金钢管规格ASTM A424-06 搪瓷用钢薄板规格ASTM A426/A426M-05(被ASTM A426/A426M-07代替) 高温作业用离心浇铸铁素体合金钢管规格ASTM A426/A426M-07 高温作业用离心浇铸铁素体合金钢管规格ASTM A427-02 冷轧与热轧用锻制合金钢轧辊规格ASTM A428/A428M-06 铝覆铁或钢件覆层的重量(质量)的试验方法ASTM A434-06 热轧与冷精轧经淬火及回火的合金钢棒规格ASTM A435/A435M-90(2007) 中厚钢板直射束超声检测规格ASTM A437/A437M-06 高温用经特殊热处理的涡轮型合金钢螺栓材料规格ASTM A439-83(2004) 奥氏体可锻铸铁铸件ASTM A447/A447M-93(2003) 高温用镍铬铁合金钢铸件(25-12级)规格ASTM A449-07a 经淬火和回火的钢螺栓和螺柱ASTM A450/A450M-04A 碳素钢管、铁素体合金钢管及奥氏体合金钢管一般要求规格ASTM A451/A451M-06 高温用离心浇铸奥氏体钢管规格ASTM A453/A453M-04 具有同奥氏体钢相类似膨胀系数的耐高温螺栓材料规格ASTM A455/A455M-03 压力容器用高强度锰碳钢中厚板规格ASTM A456/A456M-99(2003) 大曲轴锻件磁粉探伤规格ASTM A459-97(2003) 镀锌扁钢铠装带规格ASTM A460-94(2004)e1 包铜钢丝绳规格ASTM A463/A463M-06 热浸法铝覆层薄钢板规格ASTM A466/A466M-01 非焊接碳素钢链规格ASTM A467/A467M-01(2006) 机器链和盘旋链规格ASTM A469/A469M-07 发电机转子用经真空处理钢锻件的规格ASTM A47/A47M-99(2004) 铁素体可锻铁铸件ASTM A470/A470M-05e1 涡轮机转子和轴用经真空处理的碳钢和合金钢锻件规格ASTM A471-06 涡轮机转子盘和叶轮用经真空处理的合金钢锻件规格ASTM A472/A472M-05 汽轮机轴和转子锻件热稳定性的试验方法ASTM A473-01 不锈钢及耐热钢锻件规格ASTM A474-03 镀铝钢丝绳规格ASTM A475-03 镀锌钢丝绳规格ASTM A478-97(2002) 铬镍不锈钢和耐热钢制编织钢丝规格ASTM A479/A479M-06A 锅炉及其它压力容器用不锈钢棒材和型材规格ASTM A48/A48M-03 灰铸铁铸件标准技术条件ASTM A480/A480M-06b 平轧不锈钢及耐热钢中厚板、薄板及带材的一般要求规格ASTM A481-05 铬金属规格ASTM A482-05 硅铬铁合金规格ASTM A483-04 硅锰合金规格ASTM A484/A484M-06b 不锈钢棒材、方钢坯和锻件的通用要求规格ASTM A485-03 高硬度减磨轴承钢规格ASTM A487/A487M-93(2003) 受压钢铸件规格ASTM A488/A488M-06(被ASTM A488/A488M-07代替) 钢铸件焊接人员及工艺评定规程ASTM A488/A488M-07 钢铸件焊接人员及工艺评定规程ASTM A489-04e1 碳素钢吊耳ASTM A490-06 最小拉伸强度为150千磅/平方英寸热处理钢结构螺栓ASTM A49-01(2006) 热处理碳钢铁连接杆、微合金连接杆和锻造碳素钢异形连接杆规格ASTM A490M-04ae1 最小拉伸强度为150千磅/平方英寸热处理钢结构螺栓ASTM A491-03 经热处理的碳素钢连接板规格ASTM A492-95(2004) 耐热不锈钢丝绳用钢丝规格ASTM A493-95(2004) 冷镦和冷锻不锈钢和耐热钢丝及钢丝棒规格ASTM A494/A494M-05(被ASTM A494/A494M-07代替) 镍及镍合金铸件规格ASTM A494/A494M-07 镍及镍合金铸件规格ASTM A495-06 硅钙及硅锰钙合金规格ASTM A496/A496M-05 混凝土钢筋用变形钢丝规格ASTM A497/A497M-06e1 混凝土用异形焊接钢丝补强规格ASTM A498-06 无缝与焊接碳素钢,铁素体与奥氏体合金钢制有整体散热片的换热器钢管规格ASTM A499-89(2002) 用T型钢轨轧制的碳素钢棒材及型材的规格ASTM A500-03A 结构用碳素钢冷成形圆截面和异形截面焊接钢管和无缝钢管规格ASTM A501-07 热成型焊接碳钢结构管材和无缝碳钢结构管材规格ASTM A502-03 结构钢铆钉规范ASTM A503/A503M-01(2006) 锻造曲轴超声波检验规格ASTM A504/A504M-07 锻制碳钢轮规格ASTM A505-00(2005) 热轧及冷轧合金钢薄板和带材的一般要求规格ASTM A506-05 热轧和冷轧合金钢及结构合金钢薄板与带材规格ASTM A507-06 热轧和冷轧拉制合金钢薄板及带材规格ASTM A508/A508M-05b 压力容器用淬火和回火真空处理碳素钢和合金钢锻件规格ASTM A510-06 碳素钢盘条和粗圆钢丝的一般要求规格ASTM A510M-06 碳素钢盘条和粗圆钢丝的一般要求规格(米制)ASTM A511-04 无缝不锈钢机械管系的规格ASTM A512-06 冷拉对焊碳素钢机械管规格ASTM A513-07 电阻焊碳素钢与合金钢机械管规格ASTM A514/A514M-05 焊接用经回火与淬火的高屈服强度合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A515/A515M-03 中温及高温压力容器用碳素钢中厚板规格ASTM A516/A516M-06 中温及低温设备用压力容器碳素钢中厚板规格ASTM A517/A517M-06 压力容器用经回火与淬火的高强度合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A518/A518M-99(2003) 耐蚀高硅铁铸件ASTM A519-06 无缝碳素钢与合金钢机械管系规格ASTM A521/A521M-06 一般工业用闭式模锻模锻件规格ASTM A522/A522M-07 低温工作用锻制或轧制含镍8%和9%的合金钢法兰、配件、阀门和零件的规格ASTM A523-96(2005) 高压管型电缆通路用平头端无缝及电阻焊钢管规格ASTM A524-96(2005) 环境温度和低温用无缝碳素钢管规格ASTM A529/A529M-05 优质高强度碳锰结构钢规格ASTM A53/A53M-06A 热浸镀锌黑钢焊接管及无缝管规格ASTM A530/A530M-04A 特种碳素钢及合金钢管一般要求规格ASTM A531/A531M-91(2006) 汽轮发电机钢挡圈的超声波检验规程ASTM A532/A532M-93a(2003) 耐磨铸铁ASTM A533/A533M-93(2004)e1 压力容器用经回火和淬的锰钼及锰钼镍合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A534-04 耐磨轴承用渗碳钢规格ASTM A537/A537M-06 压力容器用经热处理的碳锰硅钢中厚板规格ASTM A540/A540M-06 专用合金钢螺栓连接材料规格ASTM A541/A541M-05 压力容器部件用经淬火和回火的碳素钢及合金钢锻件规格ASTM A542/A542M-99(2004)e1 压力容器用经淬火和回火的铬钼、铬钼钒和铬钼钒钛硼合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A543/A543M-93(2004)e1 压力容器用经淬火和回火的镍铬钼合金钢厚板规格ASTM A550-06 铌铁合金规格ASTM A551/A551M-05(被ASTM A551/A551M-07代替) 铁路和高速运输用碳素钢轮箍规格ASTM A551/A551M-07 铁路和高速运输用碳素钢轮箍规格ASTM A553/A553M-06 压力容器用经回火和淬火的含8%及9%镍的合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A554-03 焊接的不锈钢机械管系规格ASTM A555/A555M-05 不锈钢丝和盘条一般要求规格ASTM A556/A556M-96(2005) 给水加热器冷拉无缝碳素钢管规格ASTM A560/A560M-05 铬镍合金铸件规格ASTM A561-71(2004) 工具钢棒材宏观组织腐蚀试验规程ASTM A562/A562M-06 有玻璃涂层或扩散的金属涂层的压力容器用碳素钢和锰钛合金钢厚板规格ASTM A563M-06 碳素钢及合金钢螺母技术规范(米制)ASTM A564/A564M-04 热锻及冷加工时效硬化不锈及耐热钢棒及型材规格ASTM A565/A565M-05A 高温设备用马氏体不锈钢棒材规格ASTM A568/A568M-06A(被ASTM A568/A568M-07代替) 高强度低合金热轧和冷轧结构碳素钢薄板一般要求规格ASTM A568/A568M-07 高强度低合金热轧和冷轧结构碳素钢薄板一般要求规格ASTM A571/A571M-01(2006) 适用于低温压力容器零件的奥氏体球墨铸铁件ASTM A572/A572M-07 高强度低合金铬钒结构钢规格ASTM A573/A573M-05 增强韧性的结构用碳素钢中厚板规格ASTM A574-04e1 合金钢内六角螺钉ASTM A574M-04e1 合金钢内六角螺钉(米制)ASTM A575-96(2002) 商品级碳素钢棒规格(M级)ASTM A576-90b(2006) 特级热锻碳素钢棒规格ASTM A577/A577M-90(2007) 中厚钢板超声波斜射束检测规格ASTM A578/A578M-96(2001) 直射束超声波检验专用的普通钢板和复合钢板规格ASTM A579/A579M-04A 超强度合金钢锻件规格ASTM A580/A580M-06 耐热不锈钢丝规格ASTM A581/A581M-95b(2004) 易切高速切削用耐热不锈钢丝和钢丝棒规格ASTM A582/A582M-05 易切削不锈钢棒规格ASTM A586-04A 镀锌平行与螺旋钢丝结构索规格ASTM A587-96(2005) 化学工业用电阻焊低碳素钢管规格ASTM A588/A588M-05 4 in. (100 mm)厚屈服点最小为50 ksi /平方英寸(345 MPa)的高强度低合金结构钢规格ASTM A589/A589M-06 无缝焊接碳钢水井管规格ASTM A592/A592M-04 压力容器用经回火和淬火的高强度低合金钢锻制附件及零件规格ASTM A595/A595M-06 结构用锥形低碳钢管或高强度低碳钢管规格ASTM A596/A596M-95(2004) 用环形试验法和冲击法测定材料的直流磁性能的试验方法ASTM A597-87(2004) 铸造工具钢规格ASTM A598/A598M-02 磁放大器磁芯的磁性能测试法ASTM A599/A599M-02 冷轧电解镀锡钢薄板规格ASTM A6/A6M-07 轧制结构钢棒、薄板、中厚板和打板桩的一般要求规格ASTM A600-92A(2004) 高速工具钢规格ASTM A601-05 电解锰金属规格ASTM A602-94(2004) 汽车用可锻铸铁件ASTM A603-98(2003) 镀锌钢丝结构绳规格ASTM A604/A604M-07 自耗电极再溶化钢棒材与钢坯宏观腐蚀试验方法ASTM A604-93(2003)(被ASTM A604/A604M-07代替) 自耗电极再溶化钢棒材与钢坯宏观腐蚀试验方法ASTM A606-04 高强度、低合金、热轧和冷轧且具有较好耐环境腐蚀性的钢、钢板及钢带规格ASTM A608/A608M-06 高温承压设备用铁-铬-镍高合金离心铸造管规格ASTM A609/A609M-91(2002) 碳素低合金马氏体不锈钢铸件的超声波检查规程ASTM A610-79(2004) 铁合金尺寸测量用样品的取样及试验方法ASTM A612/A612M-03 中温及低温压力容器用高强度碳素钢中厚板规格ASTM A615/A615M-07 混凝土钢筋用变形及普通碳素钢棒材规格ASTM A618/A618M-04 热成形焊接及无缝高强度低合金结构管材规格ASTM A623-06A 锡轧制产品一般要求规格ASTM A623M-06A 锡轧制产品的一般要求规格(米制)ASTM A624/A624M-03 一次压延的锡轧制产品和电镀锡薄板规格ASTM A625/A625M-03 一次压延的锡轧制产品和未镀锡的黑钢板规格ASTM A626/A626M-03 二次压延的锡轧制产品和电镀锡薄板规格ASTM A627-03 用于安全用途的均质机床不易加工的钢棒规格ASTM A630-03 测定电镀锡板锡镀层重量的试验方法ASTM A632-04 普通无缝和焊接奥氏体不锈钢管(小直径)规格ASTM A633/A633M-01(2006) 正火的高强度低合金结构钢规格ASTM A635/A635M-06A 高强度低合金及具有经改进可成形性的高强度低合金热轧碳素钢薄板和带材及卷材通用要求规格ASTM A636-76(2004) 氧化镍烧结块规格ASTM A638/A638M-00(2004) 高温作业用沉淀硬化铁基超合金棒材、锻件和锻坯规格ASTM A640-97(2002)e1 8字型电缆架设支架用镀锌钢丝绳规格ASTM A641/A641M-03 镀锌碳素钢钢丝规格ASTM A644-05 铁铸件的相关术语ASTM A645/A645M-05 压力容器用经特殊热处理的5%镍合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A646/A646M-06 航空器与航天器锻件用优质合金钢坯及坯段规格ASTM A648-04ASTM A 预应力混凝土管用冷拔钢丝规格ASTM A649/A649M-04 波纹纸机械用锻制钢辊规格ASTM A650/A650M-03 二次压延的锡轧制品、黑钢板规格ASTM A65-07 钢轨道道钉规格ASTM A653/A653M-06A(被ASTM A653/A653M-07代替) 热浸法镀锌或镀锌铁合金钢薄板规格ASTM A653/A653M-07 热浸处理的镀锌铁合金或镀锌合金薄钢板的标准规范ASTM A656/A656M-05e1 具有经改进的可成形性的热轧结构钢、高强度低合金中厚板规格ASTM A657/A657M-03 一次和二次压延的锡轧制产品及电镀覆铬未镀锡黑钢板的规格ASTM A659/A659M-06 商业级热轧碳素钢薄板和带材(最大含碳量为0.16%-0.25%)规格ASTM A66-07 钢螺纹道钉规格ASTM A660-96(2005) 高温下用离心铸造碳素钢管规格ASTM A662/A662M-03 中低温作业用碳-锰-硅钢压力容器板规格ASTM A663/A663M-89(2006) 机械性能要求的商品级碳素钢棒规格(AASHTO M227/M227M)ASTM A664-06e1 在ASTM规范中对电工钢和层压钢级别的识别ASTM A666-03 退火的或冷加工的奥氏体不锈钢厚钢板、带材、薄板和扁材规格ASTM A667/A667M-87(2003) 离心铸造的双金属(灰口及白口铸铁)圆柱体ASTM A668/A668M-04 一般工业用碳素钢和合金钢锻件规格ASTM A67-00(2005) 低碳钢及高碳钢热加工连接板规格ASTM A671-06 常温和较低温用电熔焊钢管规格ASTM A672-06 中温高压作业用电熔焊钢管规格ASTM A673/A673M-07 结构钢冲击试验用取样方法规格ASTM A674-05 水或其它液体用球墨铸铁管的聚乙烯包装ASTM A675/A675M-03e1 特级热锻碳素钢棒机械性能要求规格ASTM A677-05e1 全处理型无取向电工钢ASTM A678/A678M-05 结构用经回火和淬火的碳素钢和高强度低合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A679/A679M-06 硬拔高抗拉强度钢丝规格ASTM A681-94(2004) 工具钢合金规格ASTM A682/A682M-05 冷轧高碳素钢带材一般要求规格ASTM A683-05e1 半处理型无取向电工钢ASTM A684/A684M-06 冷轧高碳钢带材规格ASTM A686-92(2004) 碳素工具钢规格ASTM A688/A688M-04 给水加热器用奥氏体不锈钢焊接管规格ASTM A689-97(2002) 弹簧用碳素钢及合金钢棒规格ASTM A690/A690M-07 海洋环境用耐大气腐蚀的高强度低合金镍、铜、含磷钢H型桩和钢板桩规格ASTM A691-98(2002) 高温下高压用电熔焊碳素钢和合金钢管规格ASTM A693-06 沉淀硬化耐热不锈钢中厚板、薄板和带材规格ASTM A694/A694M-03 高压传输线用碳素钢及合金钢管法兰、配件、阀门及零件用锻件规格ASTM A696-90A(2006) 压力管系部件用特殊的热锻或冷精轧碳素钢棒规格ASTM A700-05 船运钢产品的包装、标志和装船方法规程ASTM A701-05 硅锰铁规格ASTM A702-89(2006) 热锻钢栅栏柱和组件规格ASTM A703/A703M-07 承压部件用钢铸件通用要求规格ASTM A704/A704M-06 混凝土钢筋用焊接普通钢棒或钢筋网规格ASTM A705/A705M-95(2004) 时效硬化的不锈及耐热钢锻件规格ASTM A706/A706M-06A 混凝土钢筋用低合金钢异形及普通棒材规格ASTM A707/A707M-02(2007) 低温用锻制碳素钢和合金钢法兰规格ASTM A709/A709M-07 桥梁用结构钢规格ASTM A710/A710M-02(2007) 沉淀加强低碳镍铜铬钼钶合金结构钢中厚板规格ASTM A711/A711M-07 钢锻坯规格ASTM A712-97(2002) 软磁性合金电阻率的测试方法ASTM A713-04 热处理部件用高碳弹簧钢丝规格ASTM A714-99(2003) 高强度低合金焊接钢管和无缝钢管规格ASTM A716-03 球墨铸铁涵洞管ASTM A717/A717M-06 单片样品表面绝缘电阻率的试验方法ASTM A719/A719M-02 磁性材料的叠装系数的试验方法ASTM A720/A720M-02 无取向电工钢延展性的试验方法ASTM A721/A721M-02 取向的电工钢的延展性试验方法ASTM A722/A722M-07 预应力混凝土用未镀覆高强度钢棒材规格ASTM A723/A723M-02 高强度压力元件用合金钢锻件规格ASTM A724/A724M-04 焊接多层式压力容器用经淬火及回火的碳锰硅钢压力容器中厚板规格ASTM A726-05 半成品型冷轧磁性迭片级钢ASTM A727/A727M-02(2007) 具有内在切口韧性的管道部分用碳素钢锻件规格ASTM A729/A729M-06 大量运输及电气列车设备用经热处理的合金钢轮轴规格ASTM A732/A732M-05 通用熔模铸造碳钢铸件和低合金钢铸件及高温高强度钴合金铸件规格ASTM A733-03 焊接及无缝碳素钢及奥氏体不锈钢管螺纹接套规格ASTM A734/A734M-87A(2003) 压力容器用经淬火和回火的合金钢和高强度低合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A735/A735M-03 压力容器用中温和低温下使用的低碳锰钼铌合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A736/A736M-03 压力容器用低碳时效硬化的镍铜铬钼铌和镍铜锰钼铌合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A737/A737M-99(2004) 高强度低合金钢压力容器板规格ASTM A738/A738M-05 压力容器用中温和低温下使用的经热处理的碳锰硅钢中厚板规格ASTM A739-90A(2006) 高温或承压部件或两者用热锻合金钢棒规格ASTM A74-06 铸铁污水管及配件的技术规范ASTM A740-98(2003) 金属器具织物(机织或焊接电镀钢丝织物)规格ASTM A741-98(2003) 铸铁污水管与管件规格ASTM A742/A742M-03 波纹钢管用预涂聚合物和金属涂覆钢薄板规格(AASHTO M246/M246M)ASTM A743/A743M-06 一般用耐磨蚀铬铁及镍铬铁合金铸件规格ASTM A744/A744M-06 严酷条件下使用的耐腐蚀镍铬铁合金铸件规格(AASHTO M285/M285M)ASTM A745/A745M-94(2003) 奥氏体钢锻件的超声波检验ASTM A746-03 排污管用球墨铸铁ASTM A747/A747M-04(被ASTM A747/A747M-07代替) 沉淀硬化不锈钢铸件规格ASTM A747/A747M-07 沉淀硬化不锈钢铸件ASTM A748/A748M-87(2003) 压力容器用静态铸造的激冷白口铁-灰口铁双金属轧辊ASTM A749/A749M-97(2002) 热轧高强度低合金碳素钢带通用要求规格ASTM A751-07(被ASTM A751-07a代替) 钢产品化学分析试验方法、规程和术语ASTM A751-07a 钢产品化学分析方法试验及定义ASTM A752-04 合金钢制钢丝棒及粗圆钢丝的一般要求规格ASTM A752M-04 合金钢制钢丝棒及粗圆钢丝的一般要求规格(米制)ASTM A753-02 镍铁软磁合金ASTM A754/A754M-06 使用X射线荧光法对钢上金属镀层的镀层重量(质量)的试验方法ASTM A755/A755M-03 室外露天建筑产品用热浸金属敷层和线材卷经预涂漆的钢薄板规格ASTM A756-94(2001) 不锈耐磨轴承钢规格ASTM A757/A757M-00(2004) 低温下承压设备及其它设备用铁素体和马氏体的钢铸件规格ASTM A758/A758M-00(2005) 具有经改进冲击韧性的锻制碳素钢对接焊管道配件规格ASTM A759-00(2005) 碳素钢吊车轨规格ASTM A760/A760M-06 污水管和排污管用金属镀层波纹钢管规格ASTM A761/A761M-04 野外栓接管、管拱和拱用镀锌波纹结构钢中厚板规格(AASHTO M167/M167M)ASTM A762/A762M-00 下水道和排水沟用预涂聚合物波纹钢管(AASHTO M245/M245M) ASTM A763-93(2004) 铁素体不锈钢晶间腐蚀敏感性检测规格ASTM A764-07 弹簧用按尺寸涂敷及拉制的金属镀敷碳钢丝的规格ASTM A765/A765M-04 具有强制性韧性要求的压力容器部件用碳素钢及低合金钢锻件规格ASTM A767/A767M-05 混凝土钢筋用镀锌钢棒规格ASTM A768/A768M-05 涡轮机转轮和轴用经真空处理的12%铬合金钢锻件规格ASTM A769/A769M-05 高强度电阻锻焊碳素钢结构型材ASTM A770/A770M-03 特殊用钢中厚板整个厚度的抗拉试验规格ASTM A772/A772M-00(2005) 正弦电流用材料的交流磁导率的试验方法ASTM A773/A773M-01 用带直流电子的磁滞曲线记录仪的(B-H)回路法测量材料的磁性能的标准试验方法ASTM A774/A774M-06 低温和中温一般腐蚀用焊接的锻制奥氏体不锈钢配件规格ASTM A775/A775M-06(被ASTM A775/A775M-07代替) 环氧树脂镀层钢配筋规格ASTM A775/A775M-07 环氧树脂镀层钢配筋规格ASTM A778-01 焊接未退火的奥氏体不锈钢管形制品的规格ASTM A779/A779M-05 预应力混凝土用无镀敷、紧密、应力释放的七股绞钢丝索规格ASTM A780-01(2006) 热浸电镀层损坏及未涂覆地方的修补规格ASTM A781/A781M-06 一般工业用钢及合金钢铸件通用要求规格ASTM A782/A782M-06 压力容器用经淬火和回火的锰铬钼硅锆合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A786/A786M-05 热轧碳素钢、低合金钢、高强度低合金钢和合金钢楼面板规格ASTM A787-05 电阻焊金属涂覆碳素钢机械管规格ASTM A788/A788M-06 钢锻件一般要求规格ASTM A789/A789M-05b 通用无缝与焊接铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢管规格ASTM A790/A790M-05b 无缝与焊接铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢管规格ASTM A792/A792M-06A 热浸法55%铝-锌合金镀敷薄钢板规格ASTM A793-96(2001) 不锈钢轧制楼板规格ASTM A794-06 商品冷轧碳素钢薄板(最高含碳量为0.16%-0.25%)规格ASTM A795/A795M-04(被ASTM A795/A795M-07代替) 消防用黑色和热浸镀锌(镀锌)焊接与无缝钢管规格ASTM A795/A795M-07 消防用黑色和热浸镀锌(镀锌)焊接与无缝钢管规格ASTM A796/A796M-06 雨水管、污水管和其它地下设备用波纹钢管、管拱和拱形结构设计规程ASTM A798/A798M-01 污水道和其他设备用工厂制波纹钢管安装规程ASTM A799/A799M-04 估价铁素体含量用仪器校准不锈钢铸件规格ASTM A800/A800M-01(2006) 估价奥氏体合金钢铸件中铁素体含量的规程ASTM A801-04 铁钴高磁性饱和合金ASTM A802/A802M-95(2006) 目测检定铸件表面是否符合标准的规程ASTM A803/A803M-03 焊接铁素体不锈钢给水加热器管规格ASTM A804/A804M-04 在电力频率下用薄钢板型试样对材料交流磁特性的测试方法ASTM A805-93(2002) 冷轧碳素钢扁平丝规格ASTM A807/A807M-02e1 污水道和其他设施用波纹钢结构中厚板管的安装规程ASTM A809-03 镀铝碳素钢丝规格ASTM A810-01 镀锌钢管绕网规格ASTM A811-03 粉末冶金技术制造的软磁铁零件ASTM A813/A813M-01(2005) 单或双焊奥氏体不锈钢管规格ASTM A814/A814M-05 冷加工焊接奥氏体不锈钢管规格ASTM A815/A815M-07 锻制铁素体、铁素体/奥氏体和马氏体不锈钢管配件规格ASTM A817-03 链环栅栏结构用金属涂覆钢丝规格ASTM A818-06 镀铜碳素钢丝规格ASTM A82/A82M-05A 混凝土钢筋用普通钢丝规格ASTM A820/A820M-06 钢纤维混凝土用钢纤维规格ASTM A821/A821M-05 预应力混凝土贮水池用冷拉钢丝规格ASTM A822/A822M-04 液压系统用无缝冷拔碳钢管规格ASTM A824-01(2007) 链环栅栏用Marcelled拉力金属涂覆钢丝规格ASTM A824-01(被ASTM A824-01(2007)代替) 链环栅栏用Marcelled拉力金属涂覆钢丝规格ASTM A827/A827M-02(2007) 锻件及类似产品用碳素钢中厚板规格ASTM A829/A829M-06 合金结构钢中厚板规格ASTM A830/A830M-06 符合化学成份要求的结构用优质碳素钢中厚板规格ASTM A832/A832M-06 压力容器用铬钡以及铬钼钒钛硼合金钢规格ASTM A833-84(2001) 用比较硬度测试仪测定金属材料硬刻痕推荐规格ASTM A834-95(2006) 一般工业用铁铸件的一般要求ASTM A835/A835M-84(2005) 铁合金和合金添加物尺寸规格ASTM A836/A836M-02(2007) 玻璃内衬管和压力容器用钛稳定碳素钢锻件规格ASTM A837/A837M-06 渗碳设备用合金钢锻件规格ASTM A838-02(2007) 继电器用易切削铁素体不锈软磁合金技术规范ASTM A839-02 软磁用途的磷铁粉末冶金制造的零件技术规范ASTM A840-06 全处理的磁性夹层钢ASTM A841/A841M-03A 压力容器用热机械控制工艺加工(TMCP)的中厚钢板规格ASTM A842-85(2004) 致密石墨铁铸件ASTM A844/A844M-04 直接淬火加工的压力容器用含9%镍的合金钢中厚板规格ASTM A847/A847M-05 具有经改进的抗环境腐蚀性的冷成型焊接及无缝高强度低合金结构管规格ASTM A848-01(2006) 低碳磁铁ASTM A849-00(2005) 波纹钢排水管和污水管后涂敷层、铺面材料和衬里规格ASTM A852/A852M-03(2007) 经淬火与回火的低合金结构钢中厚板[厚度为4英寸(100毫米),最小屈服强度70000磅/平方英寸(485兆帕)]规格(AASHTO M313/M313M)ASTM A852/A852M-03(被ASTM A852/A852M-03(2007)代替) 经淬火与回火的低合金结构钢中厚板[厚度为4英寸(100毫米),最小屈服强度70000磅/平方英寸(485兆帕)]规格(AASHTO M313/M313M)ASTM A853-04 普通用碳素钢丝规格ASTM A854/A854M-98(2003) 金属镀层光面高强度钢栅栏和格构钢丝规格ASTM A855/A855M-03 锌-5%铝-铈合金涂覆的钢丝绳规格ASTM A856/A856M-03 锌-5%铝-铈合金涂覆的碳素钢丝规格ASTM A857/A857M-07 冷成形轻型薄钢板桩规格ASTM A858/A858M-07 低温和腐蚀下用经热处理的碳素钢零件的规格ASTM A859/A859M-04 压力容器部件用时效硬化镍铜铬钼铌低碳合金钢锻件规格ASTM A860/A860M-00(2005) 锻制高强度低合金钢对焊配件规格ASTM A861-04 高硅铁管和配件ASTM A862/A862M-98(2003) 波纹钢污水管和排水管上沥青覆层涂敷规程ASTM A865/A865M-06 管接合用黑钢或覆锌(镀锌)焊接或无缝管接头规格ASTM A866-01 抗磨轴承用中碳钢规格ASTM A871/A871M-03(2007) 抗空气腐蚀的高强度低合金结构钢中厚板规格ASTM A871/A871M-03(被ASTM A871/A871M-03(2007)代替) 抗空气腐蚀的高强度低合金结构钢中厚板规格ASTM A872/A872M-07A 腐蚀环境用离心铸造铁素体/奥氏体不锈钢管规格ASTM A874/A874M-98(2004) 适于低温使用的铁素体球墨铸铁铸件ASTM A875/A875M-06 热浸处理的锌-5%铝合金涂覆的钢薄板规格ASTM A876-03 全处理型平轧的晶粒取向的硅铁电工钢ASTM A877/A877M-05 阀弹簧用优质铬硅合金钢丝规格ASTM A878/A878M-05 阀弹簧用优质经改良铬钒钢丝规格ASTM A879/A879M-06 要求指定每个表面涂层质量的设备用电解法镀锌薄钢板规格ASTM A881/A881M-05 预应力混凝土铁路轨枕用应力消失或低应力释放的异形钢丝规格ASTM A882/A882M-04A 有环氧涂层的七根线预应力钢丝绳规格ASTM A884/A884M-06 环氧涂层钢丝和焊接钢丝加固规格ASTM A886/A886M-05 预应力混凝土用应力消除的七线齿纹钢丝绳规格ASTM A887-89(2004) 核设备用经硼酸处理过的不锈钢中厚板、薄板及带材规格。
ASTM A335标准解释解析
1、适合于弯管、卷 边及类似的成形加工 以及熔化焊。可根据设计、工作条件力 学性能及高温特性进行选用。 2、铁素体钢的定义为含Cr小于等于10%的 低、中合金钢。 3、按补充要求进行附加试验时应在订货单 中提出所要求的试验次数, 4、以英寸-磅单位供货,以SI(米)单位订货 需另行提出。
1、根据采购方要求,钢管厂从每批取两根进行 分析。 2、分析的结果应向采购方或其代表报告。并与 规定的要求相符合。 3、P91钢管的含碳量可偏离规定有-0.01%和 +0.02%。 4、若试验中的一根不合格,则应自同炉同批的 每一个钢坯或每要公称管进行分析,符合要求 的每个钢坯或公称管应可以接受。
ASTM-335 或SA-355M Standard Specification for Seamless Ferritic Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service
1、美国材料与试验学会标准。 2、属于锅炉和压力容器规范。 3、受A01 <<钢、不锈钢和相关合金>>权 限管辖,并由其委员会直接负责。 4、年号为修改批准和出版年,之后为本版 的更改次。
1、钢管厂应探足够数量的可见表面缺陷进行测定,以保 证对缺陷 的深度做过适当评估,不必查出所有的表面 进行测定,但需保证与下一条的要求相符。 2、当表面缺陷穿透深度越过12.5%公称壁厚或侵犯最小 壁厚时,应认为是有害缺陷,带有这类缺陷的管子应 按下列方法这一处理: 1)、如果剩余厚度仍在规定范围以内,则该类缺陷可以用 砂轮磨去。 2)、焊接修补规定进行返修。 3)、在长度允许范围内,可割去管长中含有缺陷的一截管 段。 4)、拒收。
【免费下载】A335 P91合金管简介
A335 P91合金管简介P91合金管钢相当于国标10Cr9Mo1VNb。
T91/P91(10Cr9Mo1VNb) P91合金管特点:不仅具有高的抗氧化性能和抗高温蒸汽腐蚀性能,而且还具有良好的冲击韧性和高而稳定的持久塑性及热强性能。
A335 P91合金管应用: 可作为亚临界、超临界锅炉壁温≤625℃的高温过热器、再热器用钢管,以及壁温≤600℃高温集箱和蒸汽管道,也可作为核电热交换器以及石油裂化装置炉管。
标准:ASTM A213 ASTM A335 抗拉强度:≥585(MPa) 屈服强度:≥415(MPa) 伸长率:≥20(%) P91钢是美国国立像树岭实验室和美国燃烧工程公司冶金材料实验室合作研制的新型马氏体耐热钢。
P91中文翻译版(ASTM A335)
0.010 0.20-0.50
Cr … 0.50-0.81 4.00-6.00 4.00-6.00 4.00-6.00 8.00-10.00 1.00-1.50 0.80-1.25 … 2.65-3.35 1.90-2.60 1.90-2.60
0.44-0.65 外径和公称壁厚 外径和最小壁厚 内径和公称壁厚 内径和最小壁厚
3.1.6 长度(定尺或不定尺)
表 1 化学成分要求
P1 P2
UNS 标 号A
K11522 K11547
C 0.10-0.20 0.10-0.20
Mn 0.30-0.80 0.30-0.61
7.7 完工交货管子应相当笔直。
8 成品分析
8.1 应买方要求,制造商应从每批管子中抽取两根管子进行分析,每批钢(见
注 6)管应由以下根数钢管构成:
NPS 标号
400 根或其余数
200 根或其余数
100 根或其余数
注 6:一批钢管应由任一炉钢制得的具有相同尺寸和壁厚的按 8.1 中规定根数的管组成。
注 3:推荐回火温度应至少高于预期使用温度 100°F[50℃],因此,若使用温度高于 1100°F[600℃],则购买方应通知制造商。
5.3.2 P1、P2 和 P12 级钢管,可热轧或冷拔,可经 1200°F [650℃]-1300°F[705℃] 最终热处理以代替 5.3.1 中规定的热处理。
0.85-1.05 V0.18-0.25
ASTM A335 P92
锅 炉
Vo 1 . 4 6,No . 3
Ma y ., 2 O 1 5
AS TM A3 3 5 P 9 2钢 用 于
6 2 8 o C的再 热 蒸 汽 管 道 的可 行 性 研 究
使 用成 为一 个 值 得 探 讨 的 问题 。 以可 选 的 P 9 1 、 P 1 2 2 、 E 9 1 1和 P 9 2材 料 的 最 新 试 验 数 据 和 研 究 成 果 为 依 据 、 以 2 0 1 3 年 开 工 的某 项 目为 例 , 从 技 术 角 度 和 经 济 角 度 对 以 上 4种 材 料 进 行 比较 分 析 论 证 , 得 到 了较 为 明 确 的 结 论 。 同 时提 醒 在 P 9 2材 料 的 使 用 中 要 注 意 D e l t a铁 素 体 的 问 题 。 关键 词 : 超 超 临 界 ;许用 应 力 ;P 9 2 ;De l t a 铁 素体
1 9 9 5 年 被 列 入 AS TM A3 3 5 和 AS T M A2 1 3 ; 1 9 9 6 年 列 入 AS ME S A3 3 5 和 AS ME
设 计 内径 / am r
设计壁厚/ mm
6 8 6
5 3
设 计长度( 两 台机 组 ) / m
5 4 0
S A2 1 3 , 均称 之 为 T/ P 9 2 。在 E N 标 准 中其 被 命
对这一 温度下 P 9 2材 料 能 否 安 全 使 用 的 担 心 。
这种疑问也不 是完 全没 有道 理 的, 因为在 B 3 1
CASE 1 8 3 一 Us e o f Se a ml e s s 9 Cr 一 2 W i n A SM E
ASTM A335&A335M-2003 高温用无缝铁素体合金钢管
Designation:A335/A335M–03Standard Specification forSeamless Ferritic Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service1This standard is issued under thefixed designation A335/A335M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon(e)indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope*1.1This specification2covers nominal wall and minimum wall seamless ferritic alloy-steel pipe intended for high-temperature service.Pipe ordered to this specification shall be suitable for bending,flanging(vanstoning),and similar form-ing operations,and for fusion welding.Selection will depend upon design,service conditions,mechanical properties,and high-temperature characteristics.1.2Several grades of ferritic steels(see Note1)are covered. Their compositions are given in Table1.N OTE1—Ferritic steels in this specification are defined as low-and intermediate-alloy steels containing up to and including10%chromium.1.3Supplementary requirements(S1to S7)of an optional nature are provided.These supplementary requirements call for additional tests to be made,and when desired,shall be so stated in the order together with the number of such tests required.1.4The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system must be used independently of the bining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specifi-cation.The inch-pound units shall apply unless the“M”designation of this specification is specified in the order.N OTE2—The dimensionless designator NPS(nominal pipe size)has been substituted in this standard for such traditional terms as“nominal diameter,”“size,”and“nominal size.”2.Referenced Documents2.1ASTM Standards:A450/A450M Specification for General Requirements forCarbon,Ferritic Alloy,and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes3 A999/A999M Specification for General Requirements for Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe3E213Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal Pipe and Tubing4E309Practice for Eddy-Current Examination of Steel Tu-bular Products Using Magnetic Saturation4E381Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars,Billets, Blooms,and Forgings5E527Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys(UNS)3 E570Practice for Flux Leakage Examination of Ferromag-netic Steel Tubular Products42.2Other Documents:SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Nondestructive Personnel Qualification and Certification6SAE J1086Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)73.Ordering Information3.1Orders for material under this specification should include the following,as required,to describe the desired material adequately:3.1.1Quantity(feet,metres,or number of lengths),3.1.2Name of material(seamless alloy steel pipe),3.1.3Grade(Table1),3.1.4Manufacture(hot-finished or cold-drawn),3.1.5Size using one of the following: and schedule number, diameter and nominal wall thickness, diameter and minimum wall thickness, diameter and nominal wall thickness,and diameter and minimum wall thickness.3.1.6Length(specific or random),1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel, Stainless Steel and Related Alloysand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.10on Stainless and Alloy Steel Tubular Products.Current edition approved Apr.10,2003.Published May2003.Originally approved st previous edition approved in2002as A335/A335M-02.2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-cation SA-335in Section II of that Code.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol01.01.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.03.5Annual Book of ASTM Standards,V ol03.01.6Available from the American Society for Nondestructive Testing,1711Arlin-gate Plaza,PO Box28518,Columbus,OH43228-0518.7Available from Society of Automotive Engineers,400Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale,PA15096.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard. Copyright©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA19428-2959,United States.3.1.7Endfinish(Ends Section of Specification A999/ A999M),3.1.8Optional requirements(Section8,11and12of this specification.See the Sections on Hydrostatic Test Require-ments and Permissible Variation in Weight for Seamless Pipe in Specification A999/A999M),3.1.9Test report required(Certification Section of Specifi-cation A999/A999M),3.1.10Specification designation,and3.1.11Special requirements or any supplementary require-ments selected,or both.4.General Requirements4.1Material furnished to this specification shall conform to the applicable requirements of the current edition of Specifi-cation A999/A999M,unless otherwise provided herein.5.Materials and Manufacture5.1Pipe may be either hotfinished or cold drawn with the finishing treatment as required in5.3.5.2Grade P2and P12—The steel shall be made by coarse-grain melting practice.Specific limits,if any,on grain size or deoxidation practice shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser.5.3Heat Treatment:5.3.1All pipe of grades shown in Table1except P5c,P23 P91,P92,P122,and P911as provided in 5.3.2,shall be reheated and furnished in the full-annealed,isothermal an-nealed,or normalized and tempered condition.If furnished in the normalized and tempered condition,the minimum temper-ing temperature for Grades P5,P5b,P9,P21,and P22shall be 1250°F[675°C],the minimum tempering temperature for Grades P1,P2,P11,P12,and P15shall be1200°F[650°C].TABLE1Chemical RequirementsGradeUNSDesigna-tion AComposition,%CarbonMan-ganesePhos-phorus,maxSulfur,maxSilicon ChromiumMolybde-num OthersP1K115220.10–0.200.30–0.800.0250.0250.10–0.50...0.44–0.65...P2K115470.10–0.200.30–0.610.0250.0250.10–0.300.50–0.810.44–0.65...P5K415450.15max0.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 4.00–6.000.45–0.65...P5b K515450.15max0.30–0.600.0250.025 1.00–2.00 4.00–6.000.45–0.65...P5c K412450.12max0.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 4.00–6.000.45–0.65...B P9S504000.15max0.30–0.600.0250.0250.25–1.008.00–10.000.90–1.10...P11K115970.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.0250.50–1.00 1.00–1.500.44–0.65...P12K115620.05–0.150.30–0.610.0250.0250.50max0.80–1.250.44–0.65...P15K115780.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.025 1.15–1.65...0.44–0.65...P21K315450.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 2.65–3.350.80–1.06...P22K215900.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 1.90–2.600.87–1.13...P23K416500.04–0.100.10–0.600.030max0.010max0.50max 1.90–2.600.05–0.30V0.20–0.30Cb0.02–0.08B0.0005–0.006N0.030maxAl0.030maxW1.45–1.75 P91K915600.08–0.120.30–0.600.0200.0100.20–0.508.00–9.500.85–1.05V0.18–0.25N0.030–0.070Ni0.40maxAl0.04maxCb0.06–0.10 P92K924600.07–0.130.30–0.600.0200.0100.50max8.50–9.500.30–0.60V0.15–0.25N0.03–0.07Ni0.40maxAl0.04maxCb0.04–0.09W1.5–2.00B0.001–0.006P122K929300.07–0.140.70max0.0200.0100.50max10.00–12.500.25–0.60V0.15–0.30W1.50–2.50Cu0.30–1.70Cb0.04–0.10B0.0005–0.005N0.040–0.100Ni0.50maxAl0.040max P911K910610.09–0.130.30–0.600.020max0.010max0.10–0.508.50–10.500.90–1.10V0.18–0.25Ni0.40maxCb0.060–0.10B0.0003–0.006N0.04–0.09Al0.04maxW0.90–1.10A New designation established in accordance with Practice E527and SAE J1086,Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys(UNS).B Grade P5c shall have a titanium content of not less than4times the carbon content and not more than0.70%;or a columbium content of8to10times the carboncontent.N OTE3—It is recommended that the temperature for tempering should be at least100°F[50°C]above the intended service temperature;conse-quently,the purchaser should advise the manufacturer if the service temperature is to be over1100°F[600°C].5.3.2Pipe of Grades P1,P2,and P12,either hotfinished or cold drawn,may be given afinal heat treatment at1200°F [650°C]to1300°F[705°C]instead of heat treatments specified in5. pipe of Grades P5c shall be given afinal heat treatment in the range from1325°F[715°C]to1375°F [745°C].N OTE4—Certain of the ferritic steels covered by this specification will harden if cooled rapidly from above their critical temperature.Some will air harden,that is,become hardened to an undesirable degree when cooled in air from high temperatures.Therefore,operations involving heating such steels above their critical temperatures,such as welding,flanging, and hot bending,should be followed by suitable heat treatment.5.3.4Grades P92and P911shall be normalized at1900°F [1040°C]minimum and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum as afinal heat treatment.5.3.5Grade P122shall be normalized at1900°F[1040°C] minimum,and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum as afinal heat treatment.5.3.6Grade P23shall be normalized at1900°F[1040°C] minimum with air cooling or accelerated cooling and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum as afinal heat treatment.5.4Except when Supplementary Requirement S7is speci-fied by the purchaser,Grade P91shall be normalized at1900°F [1040°C]minimum,and tempered at1350°F[730°C]mini-mum as afinal heat treatment.Alternatively,liquid quenching and tempering is allowed for thicknesses above3in.when mutually agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.In this case the pipe shall be quenched from1900°F [1040°C]minimum and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum asfinal heat treatment.6.Chemical Composition6.1The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table1.7.Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance7.1The pipe manufacturer shall explore a sufficient number of visual surface imperfections to provide reasonable assurance that they have been properly evaluated with respect to depth. Exploration of all surface imperfections is not required but may be necessary to ensure compliance with7.27.2Surface imperfections that penetrate more than121⁄2% of the nominal wall thickness or encroach on the minimum wall thickness shall be considered defects.Pipe with such defects shall be given one of the following dispositions:7.2.1The defect may be removed by grinding provided that the remaining wall thickness is within specified limits.7.2.2Repaired in accordance with the repair welding pro-visions of7. section of pipe containing the defect may be cut off within the limits of requirements on length.7.2.4Rejected.7.3To provide a workmanlikefinish and basis for evaluat-ing conformance with7.2,the pipe manufacturer shall remove by grinding the following:7.3.1Mechanical marks,abrasions(see Note5)and pits, any of which imperfections are deeper than1⁄16in.[1.6mm]. N OTE5—Marks and abrasions are defined as cable marks,dinges,guide marks,roll marks,ball scratches,scores,die marks,and the like.7.3.2Visual imperfections,commonly referred to as scabs, seams,laps,tears,or slivers,found by exploration in accor-dance with7.1to be deeper than5%of the nominal wall thickness.7.4At the purchaser’s discretion,pipe shall be subject to rejection if surface imperfections acceptable under7.2are not scattered,but appear over a large area in excess of what is considered a workmanlikefinish.Disposition of such pipe shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.7.5When imperfections or defects are removed by grinding,a smooth curved surface shall be maintained,and the wall thickness shall not be decreased below that permitted by this specification.The outside diameter at the point of grinding may be reduced by the amount so removed.7.5.1Wall thickness measurements shall be made with a mechanical caliper or with a properly calibrated nondestructive testing device of appropriate accuracy.In case of dispute,the measurement determined by use of the mechanical caliper shall govern.7.6Weld repair shall be permitted only subject to the approval of the purchaser and in accordance with Specification A999/A999M.7.7Thefinished pipe shall be reasonably straight.8.Product Analysis8.1At the request of the purchaser,an analysis of two pipes from each lot shall be made by the manufacturer.A lot(see Note6)of pipe shall consist of the following:NPS DesignatorUnder2400or fraction thereof2to5200or fraction thereof6and over100or fraction thereofN OTE6—A lot shall consist of the number of lengths specified in8.1of the same size and wall thickness from any one heat of steel.8.2The results of these analyses shall be reported to the purchaser or the purchaser’s representative,and shall conform to the requirements specified in Table1.8.3For grade P91the carbon content may vary for the product analysis by−0.01%and+0.02%from the specified range as per Table1.8.4If the analysis of one of the tests specified in8.1does not conform to the requirements specified in6.1,an analysis of each billet or pipe from the same heat or lot may be made,and all billets or pipe conforming to the requirements shall be accepted.9.Tensile and Hardness Requirements9.1The tensile properties of the material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table2.9.2Table3lists elongationrequirements.9.3Pipe of Grades P91,P92,and P122shall have a hardness not exceeding250HB/265HV[25HRC].9.4Table4gives the computed minimum elongation values for each1⁄32-in.[0.8-mm]decrease in wall thickness.Where the wall thickness lies between two values above,the minimum elongation value is determined by the following formula:Direction of Test Equation B Longitudinal,all grades except P23,P91,P92,P122,and P911E=48t+15.00[E=1.87t+15.00]Transverse,all grades except P23,P91,P92,P122,and P911E=32t+10.00[E=1.25t+10.00]Longitudinal,P23,P91,P92,P122,andP911E=32t+10.00[E=1.25t+10.00] where:E=elongation in2in.or50mm,%,andt=actual thickness of specimens,in.[mm].10.Permissible Variations in Diameter10.1For pipe ordered to NPS or outside diameter,variations in outside diameter shall not exceed those specified in Table5.10.2For pipe ordered to inside diameter,the inside diameter shall not vary more than61%from the specified inside diameter.11.Hydrostatic Test11.1Each length of pipe shall be subjected to the hydro-static test,except as provided for in11.2or11.3.11.2Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order,each length of pipe shall,at the option of the manufacturer,be subjected to the nondestructive electric test as shown in Section 12in lieu of the hydrostatic test.11.3When specified by the purchaser,pipe shall be fur-nished without hydrostatic test and without nondestructive examination.11.4When specified by the purchaser,pipe shall be fur-nished with both the hydrostatic test and a nondestructive examination having been performed.12.Nondestructive Examination12.1When selected by the manufacturer or when specified in the order,as an alternative to the hydrostatic test(11.2),or when secified in the purchase order in addition to the hydro-static test(11.4),each pipe shall be examined by a nondestruc-tive examination method in accordance with Practice E213,TABLE2Tensile RequirementsGradeP1,P2P12P23P91P92,P911P122All Others Tensile strength,min:ksi MPa55380604157451085585906209062060415Yield strength,min:ksi MPa30205322205840060415644405840030205TABLE3Elongation RequirementsElongation RequirementsAll gradesexcept P23,P91,P92,P122,and P911All other gradesLongi-tudi-nalTrans-verseLongi-tudi-nalTrans-verseElongation in2in.or50mm,(or4D),min,%:Basic minimum elongationfor wall5⁄16in.[8mm]andover in thickness,strip tests,and for all small sizes testedin full section302020...When standard round2-in.or50-mm gage length orproportionally smaller sizespecimen with the gagelength equal to4D(4timesthe diameter)is used22142013For strip tests a deductionfor each1⁄32-in.[0.8mm]decrease in wall thicknessbelow in.[8mm]from thebasic minimum elongation ofthe following percentagepoints shall be made1.50A 1.00A 1.00A...A Table4gives the calculated minimum values.TABLE4Calculated Minimum Elongation ValuesWall ThicknessElongation in2in.or50mm,min,% All grades except P23,P91,P92,P122,and Longi-tudinalTransverseLongi-tudinal5⁄16(0.312)8302020 9⁄32(0.281)7.2281919 1⁄4(0.250) 6.4271818 7⁄32(0.219) 5.626 (17)3⁄16(0.188) 4.824 (16)5⁄32(0.156)422 (15)1⁄8(0.125) 3.221 (14)3⁄32(0.094) 2.420 (13)1⁄16(0.062) 1.618 (12)TABLE5Permissible Variations in Outside DiameterOver UnderNPS Designator 1⁄8to11⁄2,incl.1⁄64(0.015)0.401⁄64(0.015)0.40 Over11⁄2to4,incl.1⁄32(0.031)0.791⁄32(0.031)0.79 Over4to8,incl.1⁄16(0.062) 1.591⁄32(0.031)0.79 Over8to12,incl.3⁄32(0.093) 2.381⁄32(0.031)0.79 Over1261%of thespecifiedoutsidediameterPractice E309or Practice E570.The range of pipe sizes that may be examined by each method shall be subject to the limitations in the scope of the respective practices.12.2The following information is for the benefit of the user of this specification:12.2.1The reference standards defined in12.8are conve-nient standards for standardization of nondestructive examina-tion equipment.The dimensions of these standards should not be construed as the minimum size imperfection detectable by such equipment.12.2.2Ultrasonic examination can be performed to detect both longitudinally and transversely oriented discontinuities.It should be recognized that different techniques should be employed to detect differently oriented imperfections.The examination may not detect short,deep imperfections.12.2.3The eddy current examination referenced in this specification has the capability to detect significant disconti-nuities,especially of the short abrupt type.12.2.4Theflux leakage examination referred to in this specification is capable of detecting the presence and location of significant longitudinally or transversely oriented disconti-nuities.It should be recognized that different techniques should be employed to detect differently oriented imperfections. 12.2.5The hydrostatic test of Section11has the capability tofind imperfections of a size that permit the testfluid to leak through the pipe wall so that it may be either visually seen or detected by a loss offluid pressure.This test may not detect very tight,through-wall imperfections,or imperfections that extend into the wall without complete penetration.12.2.6A purchaser interested in ascertaining the nature (type,size,location,and orientation)of discontinuities that can be detected in the specific application of these examinations should discuss this with the manufacturer of the tubular products.12.3Time of Examination:Nondestructive examination for specification acceptance shall be performed after all mechanical processing,heat treatments and straightening operations.This requirement does not preclude additional testing at earlier stages in the process-ing.12.4Surface Conditions:12.4.1All surfaces shall be clean and free of scale,dirt, grease,paint,or other foreign material that could interfere with interpretation of test results.The methods used for cleaning and preparing the surfaces for examination shall not be detrimental to the base metal or the surfacefinish.12.4.2Excessive surface roughness or deep scratches can produce signals that interfere with the test(see12.10.2.3). 12.5Extent of Examination:12.5.1The relative motion of the pipe and the transducer(s), coil(s),or sensor(s)shall be such that the entire pipe surface is scanned,except for end effects as noted in12. existence of end effects is recognized,and the extent of such effects shall be determined by the manufacturer, and,if requested,shall be reported to the purchaser.Other nondestructive tests may be applied to the end areas,subject to agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.12.6Operator Qualifications—The test unit operator shall be certified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A,or an equivalent, recognized and documented standard.12.7Test Conditions:12.7.1For examination by the ultrasonic method,the mini-mum nominal transducer frequency shall be2.25MHz. 12.7.2For eddy current testing,the excitation coil fre-quency shall be10kHz,or less.12.8Reference Standards:12.8.1Reference standards of convenient length shall be prepared from a length of pipe of the same grade,size(NPS or outside diameter and schedule or wall thickness),surfacefinish and heat treatment condition as the pipe to be examined. 12.8.2For ultrasonic testing,the reference notches shall be any one of the three common notch shapes shown in Practice E213,at the option of the manufacturer.The depth of the notch shall not exceed121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness of the pipe or0.004in.(0.1mm),whichever is greater.The length of the notch shall be at least twice the diameter of the transducer(s).The width of the notch shall not exceed the depth.12.8.3For eddy current testing,the reference standard shall contain,at the option of the manufacturer,any one of the following discontinuities: Hole—The reference standard shall contain three or more holes,equally spaced circumferentially around the pipe and longitudinally separated by a sufficient distance to allow distinct identification of the signal from each hole.The holes shall be drilled radially and completely through the pipe wall,with care being taken to avoid distortion of the pipe while drilling.The hole diameter shall vary with NPS as follows: NPS Designator Hole Diameter1⁄20.039in.(1mm)above1⁄2to11⁄40.055in.(1.4mm)above11⁄4to20.071in.(1.8mm)above2to50.087in.(2.2mm)above50.106in.(2.7mm) Tangential Notch—Using a round tool orfile with a1⁄4in.(6.4mm)diameter,a notch shall befiled or milled tangential to the surface and transverse to the longitu-dinal axis of the pipe.Said notch shall have a depth not exceeding121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness of the pipe or0.004in.(0.1mm),whichever is greater. Notch—A notch0.031in.or less in width shall be machined in a radial plane parallel to the tube axis on the outside surface of the pipe,to have a depth not exceeding121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness of the pipe or0.004in.(0.1mm),whichever is greater.The length of the notch shall be compatible with the testing method. 12.8.4Forflux leakage testing,the longitudinal reference notches shall be straight-sided notches machined in a radial plane parallel to the pipe axis.For wall thickness less than1⁄2 in.(12.7mm),outside and inside notches shall be used;for wall thicknesses equal to or greater than1⁄2in.,only an outside notch shall be used.Notch depth shall not exceed121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness or0.004in.(0.1mm), whichever is greater.Notch length shall not exceed1in.(25.4 mm),and the width shall not exceed the depth.Outsideandinside notches shall have sufficient separation to allow distinct identification of the signal from each notch.12.8.5More or smaller reference discontinuities,or both, may be used by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.12.9Standardization Procedure:12.9.1The test apparatus shall be standardized at the beginning and end of each series of pipes of the same size (NPS or diameter and schedule or wall thickness),grade and heat treatment condition,and at intervals not exceeding4h during the examination of such pipe.More frequent standard-izations may be performed at the manufacturer’s option or may be required upon agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.12.9.2The test apparatus shall also be standardized after any change in test system settings,change of operator,equip-ment repair,or interruption due to power loss,shutdown or operator breaks.12.9.3The reference standard shall be passed through the test apparatus at same speed and test system settings as the pipe to be tested.12.9.4The signal-to-noise ratio for the reference standard shall be2.5to1or greater and the reference signal amplitude for each discontinuity shall be at least50%of full scale of the display.12.9.5If upon any standardization,the reference signal amplitude has decreased by25%(2db),the test apparatus shall be considered out of standardization.The test system settings may be changed,or the transducer(s),coil(s)or sensor(s)adjusted,and the unit restandardized,but all pipe tested since the last acceptable standardization must be re-tested.12.10Evaluation of Imperfections:12.10.1Pipes producing a signal equal to or greater than the signal produced by the reference standard shall be positively identified and they shall be separated from the acceptable pipes.The area producing the signal may be reexamined. 12.10.2Such pipes shall be subject to one of the following three dispositions: pipes may be rejected without further exami-nation,at the discretion of the manufacturer. pipes shall be rejected,but may be repaired, if the test signal was produced by imperfections which cannot be identified,or was produced by cracks or crack-like imper-fections.These pipes may be repaired by grinding(in accor-dance with7.2.1),welding(in accordance with7.6)or section-ing(in accordance with7.2.3).To be accepted,a repaired pipe must pass the same nondestructive examination by which it was rejected,and it must meet the remaining wall thickness requirements of this specification. pipes may be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of Section7,if the test signals were produced by visual imperfections such as those listed below:(a)Scratches,(b)Surface roughness,(c)Dings,(d)Straightener marks,(e)Cutting chips,(f)Steel die stamps,(g)Stop marks,or(h)Pipe reducer ripple.13.Mechanical Tests Required13.1Transverse or Longitudinal Tension Test and Flatten-ing Test,Hardness Test,or Bend Test—For material heat treated in a batch-type furnace,tests shall be made on5%of the pipe from each treated lot(see Note7).For small lots,at least1pipe shall be tested.For material heat treated by the continuous process,tests shall be made on a sufficient number of pipe to constitute5%of the lot(see Note7),but in no case less than2pipe.N OTE7—The term“lot”applies to all pipe of the same nominal size and wall thickness(or schedule)which is produced from the same heat of steel and subjected to the samefinishing treatment in a continuous furnace;whenfinal heat treatment is in a batch-type furnace,the lot shall include only that pipe which is heat treated in the same furnace charge.13.2Hardness Test:13.2.1For pipe of Grades P91,P92,P122,and P911, Brinell,Vickers,or Rockwell hardness tests shall be made ona specimen from each lot(see Note7).13.3Bend Test:13.3.1For pipe whose diameter exceeds NPS25and whose diameter to wall thickness ratio is7.0or less shall be subjected to the bend test instead of theflattening test.Other pipe whose diameter equals or exceeds NPS10may be given the bend test in place of theflattening test subject to the approval of the purchaser.13.3.2The bend test specimens shall be bent at room temperature through180°without cracking on the outside of the bent portion.The inside diameter of the bend shall be1in. [25mm].13.3.3Test specimens for the bend test specified in13.3 shall be cut from one end of the pipe and,unless otherwise specified,shall be taken in a transverse direction.One test specimen shall be taken as close to the outer surface as possible and another from as close to the inner surface as possible.The specimens shall be either1⁄2by1⁄2in.[12.5by12.5mm]in section or1by1⁄2in.[25by12.5mm]in section with the corners rounded to a radius not over1⁄16in.[1.6mm]and need not exceed6in.[150mm]in length.The side of the samples placed in tension during the bend shall be the side closest to the inner and outer surface of the pipe,respectively.14.Certification14.1In addition to the information required by Specification A999/A999M,the certification shall state whether or not the pipe was hydrostatically tested.If the pipe was nondestruc-tively examined,the certification shall so state and shall show which practice was followed and what reference discontinuities were used.In addition,the test method information as given in Table6shall be appended to the specification number and grade shown on the certification.15.Product Marking15.1In addition to the marking prescribed in Specification A999/A999M,the marking shall include the length,an。
astm标准a335m p92
ASTM标准A335M P92简介ASTM标准A335M P92是一种热轧合金钢管,具有高温强度和耐热性能。
本文将从以下几个方面对ASTM标准A335M P92进行介绍。
一、ASTM标准A335M P92的材料成分根据ASTM标准A335M P92,其化学成分包括碳素、锰、磷、硫、硅、铬、钼、钛和铌等元素。
二、ASTM标准A335M P92的制造工艺A335M P92钢管采用热轧工艺制造,一般采用炉排式热处理方法。
三、ASTM标准A335M P92的应用范围A335M P92钢管常用于高温高压下的管道和设备,如燃烧器、锅炉、换热器等。
四、ASTM标准A335M P92的产品规格A335M P92钢管的规格包括外径、壁厚和长度等参数。
五、ASTM标准A335M P92的质量控制A335M P92钢管在生产过程中需要进行严格的质量控制,包括化学成分分析、机械性能测试、金相组织分析等。
总结:ASTM标准A335M P92是一种重要的合金钢管标准,具有高温强度和耐热性能。
ASTM标准A335M P92的应用将会为相关行业的发展提供有力保障。
ASTM标准A335M P92在相关行业中扮演着重要角色。
ASTM A352化学成分的描述
ASTM A352化学成分的描述ASTM A352是一种常用于制造高温、高压下使用的合金钢阀门和法兰的标准。
在本文中,我们将深入探讨ASTM A352化学成分的描述,并分享对这个标准和相关材料的观点和理解。
ASTM A352标准适用于制造用于高温、高压服务的铸造合金钢阀门和附件。
首先,让我们来看看ASTM A352标准对于合金钢化学成分的要求。
ASTM A352标准对于化学成分的要求包括碳含量、硅含量、锰含量、磷含量、硫含量、镍含量、铜含量、钼含量、铬含量和钛含量等元素。
除了这些主要合金元素外,ASTM A352标准还对其他微量元素的含量进行了限制。
ASTM A352标准还强调了对合金钢材料的热处理要求。
对于ASTM A352化学成分的描述,评估其相关性和重要性是至关重要的。
ASTM A335 A335M-03《高温作业用铁素体合金钢无缝钢管》
0.30~ 0.61
0.025 0.025
≤ 0.50
0.80~ 1.25
0.05~ 0.15
0.30~ 0.60
1.15~ 1.65
牌号及化 2 学成份
0.05~ 0.15
0.30~ 0.60
0.025 0.025
≤ 0.50
0.05~ 0.15
0.30~ 0.60
12 标志
除ASTM A999/A999M标准规定的标志外,还应标明下列内容:
8 无损检验 涡流检验时,钻孔直径应符合下列要求:
≤ 0.12
0.30~ 0.60
0.025 0.025
≤ 0.50
4.00~ 6.00
≤ 0.15
0.30~ 0.60
0.25~ 1.00
6)、当采购方有意于查明能被检测出旳缺陷性质时,对于 这些检验措施在此事项上旳特殊应用应和钢管厂方进 一步讨论。
6、长度(分定尺和不定尺) 7、端部加工。 8、选用要求(水压及允许重量偏差)。 9、要求旳试验报告(见A530)。 10、原则号。 11特殊要求或任何选用旳补充要求。
按本原则提供旳材料,除在这里另有要求 外,应符合现行版本旳A530/ A530M原 则旳合用要求。
一、公称钢管可为热精整或冷拔旳,并经过原则所要求 旳最终热处理。
7、试验状态 1)、用超声波措施进行检验时,最小旳名义换能器频率
2)、对于涡流试验,线圈旳励磁频率应不大于等于 10kHZ。
8、参照原则试块 1)、应从和要检验管相同级别、规格尺寸、表面质量及
2)、对超声波检验,原则试块上旳参照切槽根据钢管厂 旳选择能够从规程中示出旳三种常用切槽形状中任选 一种,缺口旳深度不得超出要求管壁厚度旳12.5%或 0.1mm两者取较大值,切槽旳长度应至少为换能器直 径旳两倍,切槽旳宽度不得超出其深度。
6、P23级钢旳最终热处理应在最低1040 ℃下正火,和在 最低730 ℃下回火。
1、钢管厂应探足够数量旳可见表面缺陷进行测定,以确 保对缺陷 旳深度做过合适评估,不必查出全部旳表面 进行测定,但需确保与下一条旳要求相符。
9.3 P91级钢管的硬度应介于190~250HBW/196~265HV(91HRB~25HRC)。P24、P92、P122及P36级钢管硬度不超过250HBW/265HV30(25HRC)。
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Designation:A 335/A 335M –03Standard Specification forSeamless Ferritic Alloy-Steel Pipe for High-Temperature Service 1This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 335/A 335M;the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of original adoption or,in the case of revision,the year of last revision.A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.A superscript epsilon (e )indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.1.Scope *1.1This specification 2covers nominal wall and minimum wall seamless ferritic alloy-steel pipe intended for high-temperature service.Pipe ordered to this specification shall be suitable for bending,flanging (vanstoning),and similar form-ing operations,and for fusion welding.Selection will depend upon design,service conditions,mechanical properties,and high-temperature characteristics.1.2Several grades of ferritic steels (see Note 1)are covered.Their compositions are given in Table 1.N OTE 1—Ferritic steels in this specification are defined as low-and intermediate-alloy steels containing up to and including 10%chromium.1.3Supplementary requirements (S1to S7)of an optional nature are provided.These supplementary requirements call for additional tests to be made,and when desired,shall be so stated in the order together with the number of such tests required.1.4The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units are to be regarded separately as standard.Within the text,the SI units are shown in brackets.The values stated in each system are not exact equivalents;therefore,each system must be used independently of the bining values from the two systems may result in nonconformance with the specifi-cation.The inch-pound units shall apply unless the “M”designation of this specification is specified in the order.N OTE 2—The dimensionless designator NPS (nominal pipe size)has been substituted in this standard for such traditional terms as “nominal diameter,”“size,”and “nominal size.”2.Referenced Documents 2.1ASTM Standards:A 450/A 450M Specification for General Requirements forCarbon,Ferritic Alloy,and Austenitic Alloy Steel Tubes 3A 999/A 999M Specification for General Requirements for Alloy and Stainless Steel Pipe 3E 213Practice for Ultrasonic Examination of Metal Pipe and Tubing 4E 309Practice for Eddy-Current Examination of Steel Tu-bular Products Using Magnetic Saturation 4E 381Method of Macroetch Testing Steel Bars,Billets,Blooms,and Forgings 5E 527Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)3E 570Practice for Flux Leakage Examination of Ferromag-netic Steel Tubular Products 42.2Other Documents:SNT-TC-1A Recommended Practice for Nondestructive Personnel Qualification and Certification 6SAE J 1086Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS)73.Ordering Information3.1Orders for material under this specification should include the following,as required,to describe the desired material adequately:3.1.1Quantity (feet,metres,or number of lengths),3.1.2Name of material (seamless alloy steel pipe),3.1.3Grade (Table 1),3.1.4Manufacture (hot-finished or cold-drawn),3.1.5Size using one of the following: and schedule number, diameter and nominal wall thickness, diameter and minimum wall thickness, diameter and nominal wall thickness,and diameter and minimum wall thickness.3.1.6Length (specific or random),1This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01on Steel,Stainless Steel and Related Alloysand is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee A01.10on Stainless and Alloy Steel Tubular Products.Current edition approved Apr.10,2003.Published May 2003.Originally approved in st previous edition approved in 2002as A 335/A 335M-02.2For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi-cation SA-335in Section II of that Code.3Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 01.01.4Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 03.03.5Annual Book of ASTM Standards ,V ol 03.01.6Available from the American Society for Nondestructive Testing,1711Arlin-gate Plaza,PO Box 28518,Columbus,OH 43228-0518.7Available from Society of Automotive Engineers,400Commonwealth Drive,Warrendale,PA 15096.1*A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard.Copyright ©ASTM International,100Barr Harbor Drive,PO Box C700,West Conshohocken,PA 19428-2959,UnitedStates.3.1.7Endfinish(Ends Section of Specification A999/ A999M),3.1.8Optional requirements(Section8,11and12of this specification.See the Sections on Hydrostatic Test Require-ments and Permissible Variation in Weight for Seamless Pipe in Specification A999/A999M),3.1.9Test report required(Certification Section of Specifi-cation A999/A999M),3.1.10Specification designation,and3.1.11Special requirements or any supplementary require-ments selected,or both.4.General Requirements4.1Material furnished to this specification shall conform to the applicable requirements of the current edition of Specifi-cation A999/A999M,unless otherwise provided herein.5.Materials and Manufacture5.1Pipe may be either hotfinished or cold drawn with the finishing treatment as required in5.3.5.2Grade P2and P12—The steel shall be made by coarse-grain melting practice.Specific limits,if any,on grain size or deoxidation practice shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser.5.3Heat Treatment:5.3.1All pipe of grades shown in Table1except P5c,P23 P91,P92,P122,and P911as provided in 5.3.2,shall be reheated and furnished in the full-annealed,isothermal an-nealed,or normalized and tempered condition.If furnished in the normalized and tempered condition,the minimum temper-ing temperature for Grades P5,P5b,P9,P21,and P22shall be 1250°F[675°C],the minimum tempering temperature for Grades P1,P2,P11,P12,and P15shall be1200°F[650°C].TABLE1Chemical RequirementsGradeUNSDesigna-tion AComposition,%CarbonMan-ganesePhos-phorus,maxSulfur,maxSilicon ChromiumMolybde-num OthersP1K115220.10–0.200.30–0.800.0250.0250.10–0.50...0.44–0.65...P2K115470.10–0.200.30–0.610.0250.0250.10–0.300.50–0.810.44–0.65...P5K415450.15max0.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 4.00–6.000.45–0.65...P5b K515450.15max0.30–0.600.0250.025 1.00–2.00 4.00–6.000.45–0.65...P5c K412450.12max0.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 4.00–6.000.45–0.65...B P9S504000.15max0.30–0.600.0250.0250.25–1.008.00–10.000.90–1.10...P11K115970.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.0250.50–1.00 1.00–1.500.44–0.65...P12K115620.05–0.150.30–0.610.0250.0250.50max0.80–1.250.44–0.65...P15K115780.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.025 1.15–1.65...0.44–0.65...P21K315450.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 2.65–3.350.80–1.06...P22K215900.05–0.150.30–0.600.0250.0250.50max 1.90–2.600.87–1.13...P23K416500.04–0.100.10–0.600.030max0.010max0.50max 1.90–2.600.05–0.30V0.20–0.30Cb0.02–0.08B0.0005–0.006N0.030maxAl0.030maxW1.45–1.75 P91K915600.08–0.120.30–0.600.0200.0100.20–0.508.00–9.500.85–1.05V0.18–0.25N0.030–0.070Ni0.40maxAl0.04maxCb0.06–0.10 P92K924600.07–0.130.30–0.600.0200.0100.50max8.50–9.500.30–0.60V0.15–0.25N0.03–0.07Ni0.40maxAl0.04maxCb0.04–0.09W1.5–2.00B0.001–0.006P122K929300.07–0.140.70max0.0200.0100.50max10.00–12.500.25–0.60V0.15–0.30W1.50–2.50Cu0.30–1.70Cb0.04–0.10B0.0005–0.005N0.040–0.100Ni0.50maxAl0.040max P911K910610.09–0.130.30–0.600.020max0.010max0.10–0.508.50–10.500.90–1.10V0.18–0.25Ni0.40maxCb0.060–0.10B0.0003–0.006N0.04–0.09Al0.04maxW0.90–1.10A New designation established in accordance with Practice E527and SAE J1086,Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys(UNS).B Grade P5c shall have a titanium content of not less than4times the carbon content and not more than0.70%;or a columbium content of8to10times the carboncontent.N OTE3—It is recommended that the temperature for tempering should be at least100°F[50°C]above the intended service temperature;conse-quently,the purchaser should advise the manufacturer if the service temperature is to be over1100°F[600°C].5.3.2Pipe of Grades P1,P2,and P12,either hotfinished or cold drawn,may be given afinal heat treatment at1200°F [650°C]to1300°F[705°C]instead of heat treatments specified in5. pipe of Grades P5c shall be given afinal heat treatment in the range from1325°F[715°C]to1375°F [745°C].N OTE4—Certain of the ferritic steels covered by this specification will harden if cooled rapidly from above their critical temperature.Some will air harden,that is,become hardened to an undesirable degree when cooled in air from high temperatures.Therefore,operations involving heating such steels above their critical temperatures,such as welding,flanging, and hot bending,should be followed by suitable heat treatment.5.3.4Grades P92and P911shall be normalized at1900°F [1040°C]minimum and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum as afinal heat treatment.5.3.5Grade P122shall be normalized at1900°F[1040°C] minimum,and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum as afinal heat treatment.5.3.6Grade P23shall be normalized at1900°F[1040°C] minimum with air cooling or accelerated cooling and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum as afinal heat treatment.5.4Except when Supplementary Requirement S7is speci-fied by the purchaser,Grade P91shall be normalized at1900°F [1040°C]minimum,and tempered at1350°F[730°C]mini-mum as afinal heat treatment.Alternatively,liquid quenching and tempering is allowed for thicknesses above3in.when mutually agreed upon between the manufacturer and the purchaser.In this case the pipe shall be quenched from1900°F [1040°C]minimum and tempered at1350°F[730°C]minimum asfinal heat treatment.6.Chemical Composition6.1The steel shall conform to the requirements as to chemical composition prescribed in Table1.7.Workmanship,Finish,and Appearance7.1The pipe manufacturer shall explore a sufficient number of visual surface imperfections to provide reasonable assurance that they have been properly evaluated with respect to depth. Exploration of all surface imperfections is not required but may be necessary to ensure compliance with7.27.2Surface imperfections that penetrate more than121⁄2% of the nominal wall thickness or encroach on the minimum wall thickness shall be considered defects.Pipe with such defects shall be given one of the following dispositions:7.2.1The defect may be removed by grinding provided that the remaining wall thickness is within specified limits.7.2.2Repaired in accordance with the repair welding pro-visions of7. section of pipe containing the defect may be cut off within the limits of requirements on length.7.2.4Rejected.7.3To provide a workmanlikefinish and basis for evaluat-ing conformance with7.2,the pipe manufacturer shall remove by grinding the following:7.3.1Mechanical marks,abrasions(see Note5)and pits, any of which imperfections are deeper than1⁄16in.[1.6mm]. N OTE5—Marks and abrasions are defined as cable marks,dinges,guide marks,roll marks,ball scratches,scores,die marks,and the like.7.3.2Visual imperfections,commonly referred to as scabs, seams,laps,tears,or slivers,found by exploration in accor-dance with7.1to be deeper than5%of the nominal wall thickness.7.4At the purchaser’s discretion,pipe shall be subject to rejection if surface imperfections acceptable under7.2are not scattered,but appear over a large area in excess of what is considered a workmanlikefinish.Disposition of such pipe shall be a matter of agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.7.5When imperfections or defects are removed by grinding,a smooth curved surface shall be maintained,and the wall thickness shall not be decreased below that permitted by this specification.The outside diameter at the point of grinding may be reduced by the amount so removed.7.5.1Wall thickness measurements shall be made with a mechanical caliper or with a properly calibrated nondestructive testing device of appropriate accuracy.In case of dispute,the measurement determined by use of the mechanical caliper shall govern.7.6Weld repair shall be permitted only subject to the approval of the purchaser and in accordance with Specification A999/A999M.7.7Thefinished pipe shall be reasonably straight.8.Product Analysis8.1At the request of the purchaser,an analysis of two pipes from each lot shall be made by the manufacturer.A lot(see Note6)of pipe shall consist of the following:NPS DesignatorUnder2400or fraction thereof2to5200or fraction thereof6and over100or fraction thereofN OTE6—A lot shall consist of the number of lengths specified in8.1of the same size and wall thickness from any one heat of steel.8.2The results of these analyses shall be reported to the purchaser or the purchaser’s representative,and shall conform to the requirements specified in Table1.8.3For grade P91the carbon content may vary for the product analysis by−0.01%and+0.02%from the specified range as per Table1.8.4If the analysis of one of the tests specified in8.1does not conform to the requirements specified in6.1,an analysis of each billet or pipe from the same heat or lot may be made,and all billets or pipe conforming to the requirements shall be accepted.9.Tensile and Hardness Requirements9.1The tensile properties of the material shall conform to the requirements prescribed in Table2.9.2Table3lists elongationrequirements.9.3Pipe of Grades P91,P92,and P122shall have a hardness not exceeding250HB/265HV[25HRC].9.4Table4gives the computed minimum elongation values for each1⁄32-in.[0.8-mm]decrease in wall thickness.Where the wall thickness lies between two values above,the minimum elongation value is determined by the following formula:Direction of Test Equation B Longitudinal,all grades except P23,P91,P92,P122,and P911E=48t+15.00[E=1.87t+15.00]Transverse,all grades except P23,P91,P92,P122,and P911E=32t+10.00[E=1.25t+10.00]Longitudinal,P23,P91,P92,P122,andP911E=32t+10.00[E=1.25t+10.00] where:E=elongation in2in.or50mm,%,andt=actual thickness of specimens,in.[mm].10.Permissible Variations in Diameter10.1For pipe ordered to NPS or outside diameter,variations in outside diameter shall not exceed those specified in Table5.10.2For pipe ordered to inside diameter,the inside diameter shall not vary more than61%from the specified inside diameter.11.Hydrostatic Test11.1Each length of pipe shall be subjected to the hydro-static test,except as provided for in11.2or11.3.11.2Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order,each length of pipe shall,at the option of the manufacturer,be subjected to the nondestructive electric test as shown in Section 12in lieu of the hydrostatic test.11.3When specified by the purchaser,pipe shall be fur-nished without hydrostatic test and without nondestructive examination.11.4When specified by the purchaser,pipe shall be fur-nished with both the hydrostatic test and a nondestructive examination having been performed.12.Nondestructive Examination12.1When selected by the manufacturer or when specified in the order,as an alternative to the hydrostatic test(11.2),or when secified in the purchase order in addition to the hydro-static test(11.4),each pipe shall be examined by a nondestruc-tive examination method in accordance with Practice E213,TABLE2Tensile RequirementsGradeP1,P2P12P23P91P92,P911P122All Others Tensile strength,min:ksi MPa55380604157451085585906209062060415Yield strength,min:ksi MPa30205322205840060415644405840030205TABLE3Elongation RequirementsElongation RequirementsAll gradesexcept P23,P91,P92,P122,and P911All other gradesLongi-tudi-nalTrans-verseLongi-tudi-nalTrans-verseElongation in2in.or50mm,(or4D),min,%:Basic minimum elongationfor wall5⁄16in.[8mm]andover in thickness,strip tests,and for all small sizes testedin full section302020...When standard round2-in.or50-mm gage length orproportionally smaller sizespecimen with the gagelength equal to4D(4timesthe diameter)is used22142013For strip tests a deductionfor each1⁄32-in.[0.8mm]decrease in wall thicknessbelow in.[8mm]from thebasic minimum elongation ofthe following percentagepoints shall be made1.50A 1.00A 1.00A...A Table4gives the calculated minimum values.TABLE4Calculated Minimum Elongation ValuesWall ThicknessElongation in2in.or50mm,min,% All grades except P23,P91,P92,P122,and Longi-tudinalTransverseLongi-tudinal5⁄16(0.312)8302020 9⁄32(0.281)7.2281919 1⁄4(0.250) 6.4271818 7⁄32(0.219) 5.626 (17)3⁄16(0.188) 4.824 (16)5⁄32(0.156)422 (15)1⁄8(0.125) 3.221 (14)3⁄32(0.094) 2.420 (13)1⁄16(0.062) 1.618 (12)TABLE5Permissible Variations in Outside DiameterOver UnderNPS Designator 1⁄8to11⁄2,incl.1⁄64(0.015)0.401⁄64(0.015)0.40 Over11⁄2to4,incl.1⁄32(0.031)0.791⁄32(0.031)0.79 Over4to8,incl.1⁄16(0.062) 1.591⁄32(0.031)0.79 Over8to12,incl.3⁄32(0.093) 2.381⁄32(0.031)0.79 Over1261%of thespecifiedoutsidediameterPractice E309or Practice E570.The range of pipe sizes that may be examined by each method shall be subject to the limitations in the scope of the respective practices.12.2The following information is for the benefit of the user of this specification:12.2.1The reference standards defined in12.8are conve-nient standards for standardization of nondestructive examina-tion equipment.The dimensions of these standards should not be construed as the minimum size imperfection detectable by such equipment.12.2.2Ultrasonic examination can be performed to detect both longitudinally and transversely oriented discontinuities.It should be recognized that different techniques should be employed to detect differently oriented imperfections.The examination may not detect short,deep imperfections.12.2.3The eddy current examination referenced in this specification has the capability to detect significant disconti-nuities,especially of the short abrupt type.12.2.4Theflux leakage examination referred to in this specification is capable of detecting the presence and location of significant longitudinally or transversely oriented disconti-nuities.It should be recognized that different techniques should be employed to detect differently oriented imperfections. 12.2.5The hydrostatic test of Section11has the capability tofind imperfections of a size that permit the testfluid to leak through the pipe wall so that it may be either visually seen or detected by a loss offluid pressure.This test may not detect very tight,through-wall imperfections,or imperfections that extend into the wall without complete penetration.12.2.6A purchaser interested in ascertaining the nature (type,size,location,and orientation)of discontinuities that can be detected in the specific application of these examinations should discuss this with the manufacturer of the tubular products.12.3Time of Examination:Nondestructive examination for specification acceptance shall be performed after all mechanical processing,heat treatments and straightening operations.This requirement does not preclude additional testing at earlier stages in the process-ing.12.4Surface Conditions:12.4.1All surfaces shall be clean and free of scale,dirt, grease,paint,or other foreign material that could interfere with interpretation of test results.The methods used for cleaning and preparing the surfaces for examination shall not be detrimental to the base metal or the surfacefinish.12.4.2Excessive surface roughness or deep scratches can produce signals that interfere with the test(see12.10.2.3). 12.5Extent of Examination:12.5.1The relative motion of the pipe and the transducer(s), coil(s),or sensor(s)shall be such that the entire pipe surface is scanned,except for end effects as noted in12. existence of end effects is recognized,and the extent of such effects shall be determined by the manufacturer, and,if requested,shall be reported to the purchaser.Other nondestructive tests may be applied to the end areas,subject to agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.12.6Operator Qualifications—The test unit operator shall be certified in accordance with SNT-TC-1A,or an equivalent, recognized and documented standard.12.7Test Conditions:12.7.1For examination by the ultrasonic method,the mini-mum nominal transducer frequency shall be2.25MHz. 12.7.2For eddy current testing,the excitation coil fre-quency shall be10kHz,or less.12.8Reference Standards:12.8.1Reference standards of convenient length shall be prepared from a length of pipe of the same grade,size(NPS or outside diameter and schedule or wall thickness),surfacefinish and heat treatment condition as the pipe to be examined. 12.8.2For ultrasonic testing,the reference notches shall be any one of the three common notch shapes shown in Practice E213,at the option of the manufacturer.The depth of the notch shall not exceed121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness of the pipe or0.004in.(0.1mm),whichever is greater.The length of the notch shall be at least twice the diameter of the transducer(s).The width of the notch shall not exceed the depth.12.8.3For eddy current testing,the reference standard shall contain,at the option of the manufacturer,any one of the following discontinuities: Hole—The reference standard shall contain three or more holes,equally spaced circumferentially around the pipe and longitudinally separated by a sufficient distance to allow distinct identification of the signal from each hole.The holes shall be drilled radially and completely through the pipe wall,with care being taken to avoid distortion of the pipe while drilling.The hole diameter shall vary with NPS as follows: NPS Designator Hole Diameter1⁄20.039in.(1mm)above1⁄2to11⁄40.055in.(1.4mm)above11⁄4to20.071in.(1.8mm)above2to50.087in.(2.2mm)above50.106in.(2.7mm) Tangential Notch—Using a round tool orfile with a1⁄4in.(6.4mm)diameter,a notch shall befiled or milled tangential to the surface and transverse to the longitu-dinal axis of the pipe.Said notch shall have a depth not exceeding121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness of the pipe or0.004in.(0.1mm),whichever is greater. Notch—A notch0.031in.or less in width shall be machined in a radial plane parallel to the tube axis on the outside surface of the pipe,to have a depth not exceeding121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness of the pipe or0.004in.(0.1mm),whichever is greater.The length of the notch shall be compatible with the testing method. 12.8.4Forflux leakage testing,the longitudinal reference notches shall be straight-sided notches machined in a radial plane parallel to the pipe axis.For wall thickness less than1⁄2 in.(12.7mm),outside and inside notches shall be used;for wall thicknesses equal to or greater than1⁄2in.,only an outside notch shall be used.Notch depth shall not exceed121⁄2%of the specified nominal wall thickness or0.004in.(0.1mm), whichever is greater.Notch length shall not exceed1in.(25.4 mm),and the width shall not exceed the depth.Outsideandinside notches shall have sufficient separation to allow distinct identification of the signal from each notch.12.8.5More or smaller reference discontinuities,or both, may be used by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.12.9Standardization Procedure:12.9.1The test apparatus shall be standardized at the beginning and end of each series of pipes of the same size (NPS or diameter and schedule or wall thickness),grade and heat treatment condition,and at intervals not exceeding4h during the examination of such pipe.More frequent standard-izations may be performed at the manufacturer’s option or may be required upon agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.12.9.2The test apparatus shall also be standardized after any change in test system settings,change of operator,equip-ment repair,or interruption due to power loss,shutdown or operator breaks.12.9.3The reference standard shall be passed through the test apparatus at same speed and test system settings as the pipe to be tested.12.9.4The signal-to-noise ratio for the reference standard shall be2.5to1or greater and the reference signal amplitude for each discontinuity shall be at least50%of full scale of the display.12.9.5If upon any standardization,the reference signal amplitude has decreased by25%(2db),the test apparatus shall be considered out of standardization.The test system settings may be changed,or the transducer(s),coil(s)or sensor(s)adjusted,and the unit restandardized,but all pipe tested since the last acceptable standardization must be re-tested.12.10Evaluation of Imperfections:12.10.1Pipes producing a signal equal to or greater than the signal produced by the reference standard shall be positively identified and they shall be separated from the acceptable pipes.The area producing the signal may be reexamined. 12.10.2Such pipes shall be subject to one of the following three dispositions: pipes may be rejected without further exami-nation,at the discretion of the manufacturer. pipes shall be rejected,but may be repaired, if the test signal was produced by imperfections which cannot be identified,or was produced by cracks or crack-like imper-fections.These pipes may be repaired by grinding(in accor-dance with7.2.1),welding(in accordance with7.6)or section-ing(in accordance with7.2.3).To be accepted,a repaired pipe must pass the same nondestructive examination by which it was rejected,and it must meet the remaining wall thickness requirements of this specification. pipes may be evaluated in accordance with the provisions of Section7,if the test signals were produced by visual imperfections such as those listed below:(a)Scratches,(b)Surface roughness,(c)Dings,(d)Straightener marks,(e)Cutting chips,(f)Steel die stamps,(g)Stop marks,or(h)Pipe reducer ripple.13.Mechanical Tests Required13.1Transverse or Longitudinal Tension Test and Flatten-ing Test,Hardness Test,or Bend Test—For material heat treated in a batch-type furnace,tests shall be made on5%of the pipe from each treated lot(see Note7).For small lots,at least1pipe shall be tested.For material heat treated by the continuous process,tests shall be made on a sufficient number of pipe to constitute5%of the lot(see Note7),but in no case less than2pipe.N OTE7—The term“lot”applies to all pipe of the same nominal size and wall thickness(or schedule)which is produced from the same heat of steel and subjected to the samefinishing treatment in a continuous furnace;whenfinal heat treatment is in a batch-type furnace,the lot shall include only that pipe which is heat treated in the same furnace charge.13.2Hardness Test:13.2.1For pipe of Grades P91,P92,P122,and P911, Brinell,Vickers,or Rockwell hardness tests shall be made ona specimen from each lot(see Note7).13.3Bend Test:13.3.1For pipe whose diameter exceeds NPS25and whose diameter to wall thickness ratio is7.0or less shall be subjected to the bend test instead of theflattening test.Other pipe whose diameter equals or exceeds NPS10may be given the bend test in place of theflattening test subject to the approval of the purchaser.13.3.2The bend test specimens shall be bent at room temperature through180°without cracking on the outside of the bent portion.The inside diameter of the bend shall be1in. [25mm].13.3.3Test specimens for the bend test specified in13.3 shall be cut from one end of the pipe and,unless otherwise specified,shall be taken in a transverse direction.One test specimen shall be taken as close to the outer surface as possible and another from as close to the inner surface as possible.The specimens shall be either1⁄2by1⁄2in.[12.5by12.5mm]in section or1by1⁄2in.[25by12.5mm]in section with the corners rounded to a radius not over1⁄16in.[1.6mm]and need not exceed6in.[150mm]in length.The side of the samples placed in tension during the bend shall be the side closest to the inner and outer surface of the pipe,respectively.14.Certification14.1In addition to the information required by Specification A999/A999M,the certification shall state whether or not the pipe was hydrostatically tested.If the pipe was nondestruc-tively examined,the certification shall so state and shall show which practice was followed and what reference discontinuities were used.In addition,the test method information as given in Table6shall be appended to the specification number and grade shown on the certification.15.Product Marking15.1In addition to the marking prescribed in Specification A999/A999M,the marking shall include the length,an。