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Sample Study 6
Dear Mr. Mason, I have learned with great delight that you are opening your own advertising agency and starting business today. I’d like to add my voice to the chorus of congratulations from all sides. With your brilliant background and long record of fine achievements, I’ m sure your own agency will be a great success. May many fortunes find their way to you! Sincerely yours, Peter Smith
Sample Study 2
Dear Mike, Congratulate on your moving into your new residence. You’ve finally got such a nice new house that you’ve always been hoping for. I hope your new dwelling will bring you and your family loads of fortune and good health. Wish you plenty of prosperity and good luck in your new house. Truly yours, Tom
Sample Study 3
Dear Jackson, Your wedding card brings to me the happy news of your marriages. I congratulate you and trust your marriage will be a source of blessing and happiness to you both. Please accept this little present with my congratulations upon your happy wedding. Yours sincerely, Green
I would like to convey my warm congratulations on your promotion. 衷心祝贺你的高升。
Sample Study 1
Dear Mr. Roberts, I have learned with much delighted that you were recently appointed Sales Manager of your company. I would like to convey my warm congratulations on your promotion. Please accept my sincere congratulations. The elevation of position brings with it added responsibilities, and you will double your efforts to give full satisfaction to your employers. I am looking forward to your further promotion. Good luck! Yours sincerely, George McAdam
Sample Study 4
Dear smith, I was so pleased to receive the announcement of the birth of your son. Becoming parents is one of the greatest experiences in the world. I know how proud you and your wife must be of your little boy. My sincere congratulations to you both. Please accept my gift and sincere wishes for the future happiness and prosperity of your family. Yours very sincerely, Tom
Sample Study 5
Dear Hans, My congratulations on your having received a Doctorate in Physics from Fudan University. You have now satisfied a lifelong ambition and can write Ph.D. after your name! I know this has meant years of study and hard work on your part and it’s an achievement you can well be proud of. Wishing you every success un your future career! Yours truly, Peter
Writing Practice 1
根据要求写一封祝贺信,祝贺对方取得学 位具体内容如下: 写信人:李明 收信人:刘伟 内容:获悉你的朋友已经从北京大学毕业 并获得美国文学硕士学位。请你给他写一 封祝贺信。说明你的朋友成功的原因,并 祝愿他今后取得更大的成就。
Writing Practice 2
Useful Expressions
Best wishes! 谨致良好的祝愿! I wish you luck and success in the coming New Year! 在新的一年里,祝你好运,成功! May you two always be in love! May happiness increase with age! 愿你俩永浴爱河,祝你俩幸福与岁俱增! I hope your new dwelling will bring you and your family loads of fortune and good health. 谨祝你的新居将为你全家带来鸿运和安康。
根据要求写一封祝贺信,祝贺对方获得升 职,具体内容如下: 写信人:George 收信人:Thomas 内容:Thomas最近被提升了职位,George 写信表示祝贺。他认为Thomas工作能力和 责任心值得此次升职,认为Thomas在新的 工作岗位上会工作出色,最后祝他不断取 得成功。
Letters of Congratulation
Basic Features
• 祝贺信的格式与普通书信相似。祝贺信根 据对象的不同有正式和非正式之分。一般 说来,正式祝贺信的征文一开始就表示祝 贺,说明祝贺的事由,然后发表个人对该 事由的评价,最后再次表达祝贺或祝福之 意;非正式的祝贺信的写法则教随意。祝 贺信的篇幅不长,语气要热情诚挚。
正式的祝贺信一般要打印,还需要亲笔 签名,以示礼貌。非正式的祝贺信多用手 写,以表示亲密。
congratulate 祝贺
success 成功
wish you good luck 祝你好运
Useful Expressions
Congratulations to you on your success. 祝贺你取得成功。 I would like to offer my warm congratulations to you on your… 我要为你的…向你表示热烈的祝贺。 It was a great pleasure to hear of … 得知…,真是高兴。 I am delighted to read of… 得知…,我非常高兴。
Useful Expressions
Congratulations on your success in the National College Entrance Examination. 祝贺你今年高考旗开得胜,金榜题名! Allow me to offer my heartiest congratulations on your new job.