关键词语境幽默言语语言上下文知识情景知识百科知识一、引言电视情景喜剧(Situation comedies。
对于这样一部来自美国本土的情景喜剧的英语幽默言语,非本族语观众们应该怎样去解读它的幽默言语呢?本文从S perber 和Wilson提出的关联理论出发。
关键词:双关语,幽默,近音双关,同词异义,一词多义,歧解双关The Analysis of the Pun in “Friends”Abstract: Pun is a rhetorical device used to trigger laughter and make fun results. Pun is usually defined as the humorous use of a word that has two or more meanings,or,of different words that sound the same or alike. For those features, puns have been widely used,by means of jokes,riddles and etc., in commercials to enable a bigger profit, in people’s life to enrich the enjoyment of daily speech, especially in literary work to decorate the language with a humorous, jocular or sarcastic effect.The thesis is made up of five chapters. However, most of the previous study of pun are focusing on commercial field and translation section. Through the daily experience of watching films and televison, there are numerous pun in the language of situational comedy, enhancing its humorous effect and adding something valuable. This thesis choose the time-honored sitcome “ Friends” as the corpus, and analyse the corpus according to the classification of pun in Professor Wenjun’s view.In this thesis, Chapter one is introduction,which includes the need, the purpose, the significance and the methodolog. Chapter two is literature review, introducing the relevant terms of the previous study of pun such as Relavance Theory, and the Cooperative Principle. Chapter three offers the introduction to the defination of pun and put its classification in details. Generally it was divided into two broad category: Homophonic Pun and Homonymic Pun. Then it presents further elaboration on these two genres while Paronomasia and Antanaclasis belong to the former and Sylletic Pun and Aseismus pertain to the latter.Chapter four is the main body of the thesis which first makes an introduction to Friends including the main content of the sitcom,the features of its language and the traits of the main characters, then classify the selected examples extracted from Friends according to the classification mentioned in chapter three and analyze them in details. Besides, the pragmatic rhetorical function of pun in Friends and the backgound knowledge needed to get a better command of pun can also be acquired in this part.Chapter five is the conclusion part. It summarizes the research,and points out the limitations of the study.Key words: pun, humor, Paronomasia, Antalaclasis, Sylletic, AsteismusContents Abstract摘要Chapter1 Introduction1.1 The Purpose of the Study1.2 Significance of the Present Study1.3 The Methodology of the StudyChapter 2 Literature Review2.2 Previous Study Relevant to Pun2.2.1 Three Premises of Pun2.2.2 The Relevance Theory2.2.3 The Cooperative Principle(CP)Chapter3 The Definition of Pun and Its Classification3.1 The Definition of Pun3.2 The Classification of PunChapter 4 The Analysis of the Humorous Pun in “Friends”4.1 Brief Introduction of “Friends”4.2 Different Performances of Pun in Friends4.2.1 Humor Produced by Paronomasia4.2.2 Humor Produced by Antanaclasis4.2.3 Humor Produced by Sylletic4.2.4 Humor Produced by Asteismus4.3 The Pragmatic Rhetorical Function of Pun in Friends 4.3.1 Enhance the Sense of Humor in Conversations4.3.2 Vivid Characters of the Actor/Actress4.3.3 Obvious Irony4.4 The Necessary Knowledge to Understand Pun in Friends Chapter5 ConclusionChapter 1 Introduction1.1 The Purpose of the StudyEver since entering the chinese film market,Friends brings the chinese audience in a fresh new way and giving rise to its mounting fans. Young people indulge themselves in the funny dialogues of those characters in this series. However, according to the author’s observation and knowledge, many chinese audience didn’t have the expected laugher at the point which the canned laughter appear. There is one reason that different understandings exist due to the personal variability, but the underlying cause is that they don’t get the point thus no laughter come out. Besides, the author find that the audience often cannot catch the point or lose sight of the point especially at which the pun is hiding. This paper is to display the artistic charm of pun by analyzing it within the background of the sitcom Friends, so as to acquire a better understanding of American culture as well as to explore its positivity and help the broad English lovers in English study and daily communications in further understanding of pun and making use of it then aid to improve their appreciation in film and TV series and promote language competence.1.2 Significance of the Present StudyThe study will be of significance chiefly in practice. Once all the rage as a situational comedy, numerous people are still reviewing Friends series nowadays, for those who studying English and regard it as a must-see classic in particular. The six leading roles in Friends each possesses different their own characteristics, they live and work together, sparking unique language style. Pun,as a figure of speech and also a kind of linguistic art, is presented in their conversations incisively and vividly. This research is set in the former,emphasis on the latter, combining and analyzing in both sides, showing the magnetism of English that derived from humor. In this way, western culture are further exposed to the readers and they are able to have a better access to the humorous point in the context, consequently the appeal of English learning to the learners boost. In the situational comedy,humor is incurred not only by some humorous language like pun, but also by the combination of some clauses that triggers humor and the situation which is divided into the context of the language and the surroundings; therefore, the study of humor in sitcom should take situations into consideration thus it is more dynamic and applicable.1.3 The Methodology of the StudyThe method adopted is mainly corpus, quantitive and descriptive approach. The versionanalyzed here is download from the internet. There are more than two hundred episodes in total in Friends. So, an exhaustive and analysis of all the episodes proves to be redundant and impossible for the limitation of the length of the present paper. Hence the method is to select several situations randomly where pun appear from al the ten seasons, taking the background laugh sound in the video as the indicator of humor.Chapter2 Literature Review2.1 Three Premises of PunThe formation of pun has three presuppositions according to Achibald A.Hill(1985:449-450), namely, double context, hinge and trigger.(李鑫华,2000:195) Double context is the premise of the arise of pun to which the language environment the hinge attaches. Hinge means the words in which pun are embodied. It is the joint point and axis which combines together to form the pun and, polysemy and homonyms are usually act as the role s of hinge. Trigger refers to the user’s motive and the background. No connection can be achieved without hinge in double context, and double context is the core of pun resulting from using the linguistic ambiguity.2.2 Previous Study Relevant to PunThis part of thesis pick up only two theories to make brief introductions concerning pun.2.2.1 The Relevance TheoryRelevance theory is a proposal raised by Dan Sperber and Deirdre Wilson, seeking to explain the second method of communication: one that takes into account implicit inferences. It argues that the information recipient will search for meaning in any given communication situation and having found meaning that suits their expectation of relevance, will stop processing.Sperber and Wilson’s theory starts with some watershed assumptions that are typical of pragmatic theories. That is to say, it argues that all utterances are encountered in some context and that utterances convey several implicatures. In addition, they posit the notion of manifestness, which means when something is grasped either consciously or unconsciously by some one.They further state that it will be obvious to people who are engaged in inferential communication that each other have the notion of relevance in their minds. This will causeeach person engaged to arrive at the presumption of relevance, which is the notion that (a) implicit messages are relevant enough to be worth bothering to process, and (b) the speaker will be as economical as they possibly can be in communicating it.The core of the theory is the “communicative principle of relevance”, which explains that by the act of making an utterance the speaker is conveying that what they have said is worth listening to. It will provide "cognitive effects" worthy of the processing effort required to find the meaning. In this way, every ostensive act of communication will look something like this:1. Purposefully, the speaker gives a clue to the hearer as to what the hearer wishes to communicate - that is a clue to his/her intention.2. The hearer speculate the intention by analysing the clue and the context-mediated information. The hearer have to interpret the clue, taking into account the context, and surmise what the speaker intended to convey.For Sperber and Wilson, relevance is conceived as relative or subjective, as it determined by the state of knowledge of a hearer when they encounter an utterance. However, they are quick to note that their theory does not attempt to exhaustively define the concept of "relevance" in everyday use, but tries to show an interesting and important part of human communication, in particular ostensive-inferential communication.2.2.2 The Cooperative Principle(CP)Herbert Paul Grice, an Oxford philosopher and famous linguistician, came up with the term “conversational implicature” in 1967 and revealed to the public afterwards. He noticed that people do not always say things explicitly in daily conversation, on the contrary, they are more likely to convey the meanings that can nonetheless be inferred. Grice believed that we can tell the differences between the speaker said and what the speaker virtually meant, suggested or implied. Furthermore, Grice coined the term implicature to replace the logical use of the term implication and explored how people manage to convey implicature, which is indirectly expressed. This kind of behavior was generalized by Grice in to Cooperative Principle. The In Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy clarified that this theory of Grice “opened up a new era for pragmatic”.Further specification of CP includes four categories of maxims: the maxim of quantity, the maxim of quality, the maxim of relation and the maxim of manner. Quantity maxim requires one to make his contribution as informative as is required and for the present purpose of the exchange only instead of being more informative than is required. Qualitymaxim is stated as not to say what one believes to be false and not to say that for which one lacks adequate evidence. Relation maxim is relatively simple with being relevant as its single sub-maxim. Manner maxim focuses on the necessity to avoid obscurity and ambiguity as well as the necessity to be brief and orderly.In accordance to CP, people engaging in a conversation can deduce the meaning of the speaker in that situation by what he says in that moment. That is to say the listener and the speaker both assume each other conform to CP, thus both sides of them are able to deduce the implication of the speech. However, for various reasons, people often violate the principles intentionally or accidentally in conversation. As long as a maxim is broken, our language becomes indirect. Grice made a distinction between literal meaning and the speaker’s intention. Recipients, when hearing an utterance, will process its literal meaning first with the supposition that the speaker is keeping to CP and its attendant maxims. Then, they check the literal interpretation against the context to see whether it fits or not. If it does, it can be taken to reflect the speaker’s inte ntion. If not, the recipients will work out possible implicature corresponding to the utterance of the speaker. Humor is thus created sometimes as a result of the clash between the initial interpretation and the implicature.Chapter3 The Definition of Pun and Its Classification3.1 The Definition of PunIn the Oxford English Dictionary, pun is defined in this way: “The use of a word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different association,or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings, so as to produce a humorous effect”.(1989:832)Webster’s Third New International Dictionary defines pun as “The humorous use of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or application of words having the same or nearly the same sound but different meanings:a play on words”. (1961:2014)According to Ci Hai(2002) pun is defined as “one of the figures of speech, making one word or sentence relate to two matters by making use of the homophonic or homonymic relation.”The Longman Dictionary Dictionary of Contemporary says “an amusing use of a word or phrase that has two or more different meanings which is called polysemy or of words with the same sound and spelling but different meanings which is called ho monymy.”(1984:751) The definition of “pun” in Collins English Language Dictionary is “a use of words that have more than one meaning, or words that have same sound but different meanings, so thatwhat you say have two differet meanings and makes people lau gh.”(1987:1164)To summarize, though there are various definitions of pun with its own characteristics, they share something in common. In one aspect, pun have two or more meanings through the play on the words. The same sound or pronunciation as it have, it totally differs in meaning. On the other hand, as a rhetorical device, the purpose of using pun is to produce some language effects, like satiric or humorous or witty effects. The speaker arouses the attention or interests from the hearer and the hearer enjoys the process of interpreting the pun.3.2 The Classification of PunPun has been classified into many types based on different standards in linguistic study. Due to the slightly differed definitions, it is hard to classify the puns. In this paper, the author is going to specify pun into two broad types,firstly, homophonic pun and homonymic pun. Then give further classifications according to professor WenJun’s work “英语写作修辞”(1991:315-318), which is , namely, homophonic pun, paronomasia, antalaclasis, sylletic and asteismus.(1) Homophonic PunHomophonic pun refers to the same or similar sound of a word used to give rise to a pun in sentences.1)ParonomasiaParonomasia is the use of two words similar in pronunciation but different in spelling and meaning. Steven Paul put forward that paronomasia, or adnomination originates from the Greek vocabulary and it means “a slight name change”.2) AntalaclasisAntanaclasis means one word with different meaning by apearing twice or more times. Homonym is usually in this type.(2) Homonymic PunHomonymic pun refers to a word with various meaning or ambiguity to casue the effect of pun.1) SylleticSylletic is one word with at least two meanings but appearing only once. Though similar to an antanaclasis, a sylleptic pun usually appears only once, using fewer words to express more information.2) Asteismus(歧解双关)Asteismus involves a distorted comprehension of earlier word or words. This type of punsis usually employed in dialogue, referring to one’s intentional misunderstanding of the meaning of word or words.Chapter4 The Analysis of the Humorous Pun in “Friends”4.1 Brief Introduction of “Friends”Friends, from 1994 to May 2004, with ten seasons, has been one of the most popular sitcoms in American television history and gained tens of millions of fans throughout the world. This successful sitcom touches upon almost every aspect of American life, and vividlY depicts the life of six friends, who are three females, Monica, Rachel, Phoebe and three males, Ross, Chandler and Joey. They often get together at Monica and Rachel’s department or share the sofa at Greenwich Village’s “Central Perk” coffeehouse in New York’s Manhattan to enjoy the treasured times with each other. A brief introduction of the six protagonists will be followed.Monica Galler, Ross’s younger sister, a girl who was a laugh stock during her childhood for her extreme overweight, has an insatiable appetite for total neatness and things well organized in almost everything such as house-cleaning, food processing and wedding arrangement. More often than not, Monica speaks in a biting and bossy manner, so her sense of humor comes from her cranish character.Rachel Green, a typical “American sweetheart”, who is beautiful, spoiled, fussy and gossipy, ran away on her wedding day and accidentally encountered Monica,her best friend in high school, and henceforth lead a independent life with other five protagonists. Firstly she worked as a cafe waitress in “Central Perk”; because of her unique taste and her passion for fashion, she got a decent office job at Ralph Lauren. Rachel’s sense of humor reflects from her naive character and that makes her very lovely.Phoebe Buffay, a vegetarian and environmentalist, is a lovable and quirky girl. Being once abandoned child, she had a tough experience in her childhood and thus bad educated but seems to be eternally optimistic. She ekes out a living as a freelance masseuse and works as a single sone-writer and bar-singer in spare time. She often speaks boldly, even abnormally sometimes, to satirize snide events and hypocrites in the society. Generally speaking, his sense of humor comes from his pedantic and scholastic’s character.Ross Galler, Monica’s elder brother and divorces three times, is an intellectual and a high-strung paleontologist works as a professor in a university. He is timid and easily annoyed sometimes because he has a girlish childhood. As the most erudite and also themost bookish one among the six, he always speaks in a scientific and rigorous way.C handler Bing, Ross’s roommate in college and marries his long-time friend Monica, changes his career from data processing to advertising. He is a very warm-hearted, kind and generous person, always help his roommate Joey in danger or difficulty and knee on making dry jokes in response to the actions of his friends. Because of the incurable mental hurt caused by his parents’ divorce, he is cynical, ironic and more or less over self-protected Joey Tribbiani, a handsome but not-so-intelligent Italian descendant, is a food lover and playboy with childlike innocence. He struggles in his acting business in New York and finally make it in the sitcom Days of Our Lives. With his poor education background, he often speaks rudely and sometimes illogically.4.2 Different performances of pun in FriendsThe author picked up several samples by watching again almost the whole ten seasons from the downloaded series to have a further look about the puns in Friends. The followings are the extracted examples and their interpretations.4.2.1 Humor Produced by Paronomasia(1)Rachel: No But Ross. We are never gonna happen,ok? Accept that.Ross: E-except,except what?Rachel: No,no. “Accept” that.(season2episode14)In this situation, rachel is telling ross they have broken up with each other and hopes Ross could face this reality. But in Ross’s heart, he still wishes to fix the relationship with rachel and stay together with her since he had been in love with Rachel for a long time and finally being with her. So subconsciously, he make the mistake of thinking “accept” as “except”, supposing that there might be something he can do to repair the break up. However, Rachel has make up her mind and repeat to Ross to accept that.(2)[Scene: Central Perk, Joey is getting a phone number from a woman (Casey) as Chandler watches from the doorway.]…Chandler: I just think it's time for you to settle down. Make a choice. Pick a lane.Joey: Who’s Elaine?(Season4 Episode7)In this part, Chandler finds Joey are dating two girls in the same period, which Joey isdoing all the time, and that he happens to love one of the girls secretly. So he tries to persuade Joey to pick the other girl. Joey feels strange for Chandler’s suggestion, so Chandler has to explain that as a friend of Joey, he just wants Joey to settle down with a girl Joey likes. Here, “pick a lane” means make a choice and choose one of the two girls. Logically, Joey’s expected reply should be “OK, I will choose Cathy (or Casey)” or “I will choose both.”. However, as a playboy, Joey surprises us by saying “Who is Elaine” with a confusing tone, mistakenly takes it as another girl’s name, which deviate from Chandler’s and audiences’ expectation. Hence, audiences have to interpret the dialogue and find that Joey mishears Chandler’s words because “a lane” has a similar pronunciation with “Elaine”, a response which can more or less underline his figure a lady-killer.(3)[Scene: Central Perk, everyone is there as Rachel enters, happily.]Rachel: Good, you guys are all here!Ross: Hey! What's up?Rachel: Well, I have a job interview at Ralph Lauren tomorrow!All: Congratulations! Ohh, that's great!Rachel: I know!Joey: Boy, that guy's underwear sucks!Rachel: Wh-what?!Joey: I got this pair marked “XS”, I gotta tell ya, there was no room for excess anything in there.(Season 5 Episode17)The background of the dialogue is that Rachel gets a job interview at Ralph Lauren. Since it is a very famous fashion brand, Rachel is very excited and runs to the other friends. All the others congratulate her except Joey, who speaks out his dissatisfaction of the clothes of this brand. When hearing “XS”, people all know it is the abbreviation for “extra small” to mark the clothes of very small size. Audiences may expect Joey to say something about the problem of the size or the clothes. However, Joey’s following words are quiet different from audiences’ expectation. By reanalyzing his words, audiences find that Joey assume “XS” to “excess”, which two words have a similar pronunciation while the latter means “in addition to an amount that is necessary”. The word “excess” in his mind relate to the meaning of “more” and “large”, so Joey treats the two as a same one and only has the frame of “excess”, which is the reason why he is not satisfied with t he clothes of this brand. People won’t make such mistake normally, Joey’s character of a little bit silly vividlyappears in the screen.(4)Monica: we’re supposed to be spending a romantic weekend together. What’s the matter with you?Chandler: I just want to watch a little television. What is the big deal? Jeez,relax,mom! Monica: what did you say?Chandler: I said “Jeez, relax, Mon.”(s5e5)In this sitcom, the other friends often call Monica “Mon” for short, which has a similar pronunciation with “Mom”. I n Friends, Monica is a methodical person and a fanatic for cleanliness. In most cases, Monica takes care of the others, also keeps waffling like a Mom. But here chandler uses “ mom” instead of “Mon” on purpose, since he wants to express his anger. In this example, Monica is on a vacation with chandler, but her perfectionism drives chandler mad. She complains a lot about the hotel and changes several times but still cannot be satisfied. Chandler is tired about monica’s picky manners and wants to watch a foot ball game. So he uses “Mom”, which is similar to “Mon” to let out his discontent and indicate Monica is being like a Mom that likes to give orders and being fussy about everything. In fact, the script writers mean to use the phonetic pun so as to impress p eople’s mind to emphasis Monica’s some characteristics like mom.4.2.2 Humor Produced by Antalaclasis(1)Chandler: Rach,Rach,we gotta settle.Rachel: Settle what?Chandler: The Jamestown colony of Virginia. See, king james is giving us the land so…(s1e18)In this conversation, Chandler asks rachel to settle the money after playing poker. Rachel, however, does not know what chandler means by saying settle. So Chandler comes up with a joke by using different definition of “settle”, which can mean paying a debt in card play or establishing residence in some place.(2)[Chandler and Joey meet two beautiful girls whose radiator doesn’t work.] Chandler: Oh, no, no, no, wait, wait…Uh, we may not know anything about radiators persay, but we do have a certain amount of expertise in the heating and cooling…mileu. Joey: Uh, aren’t we kind of in the middle of something here?Chandler: Yes, but these women are very hot, and they need our help! And they’re very hot. (with a queer expression)(V olume 19, the First Season, “Friends”)These conversation occurs when six of them are looking for Marcel, Ross’s illegal monkey pet. Chandler and Joey knock at a door to enquire the information about Marcel and run into two girls. One of the girls asks them whether they know how to fix a radiator, and them the other girl shows up. They dress in a very sexy way and both of them are sweaty due to the unavailable AC, and these factors form an appealing picture to male. Chandler wants to help these women to mend the radiator because they are pretty. But Joey thinks they should focusing on helping Ross. Thus, Chandler repeat his utterance by saying “they are very hot” to suggest Joey that these are two beautiful women! The first “hot” Chandler refers to the literal meaning, which is a higher body temperature of these girls because of the broken radiator, and the second “hot”, in another way, means they are very sex ually attractive and desirable. Chandler speaks the seemingly unnecessary repetition with a queer facial expression to remind Joey that they should grab this chance and do something about these two girls.(3) [Rachel entering from the bathroom]Rachel: H ey Mon? I’m gonna check my message.Chandler: You just thought of that in there?Monica: Yeah, sure. Nature called, she wants to see what else did(called).(s6e18)Rachel is asking Monica to see if there is any telephone message for her when she comes out of toilet. “Call of nature” is a polite expression of go the bathrooms. The word “call” in this phrase is a noun, while the second “call”, pronouns by “did”, is a verb which means a telephone connection here. Monica used the euphemism to connect the two acts together and expressed the two meanings.4.2.3 Humor Produced by Sylletic(1) (Ross is playing poker with Rachel and he looks in his wallet, realizing that he has only two dollars to bet in.)Ross: (To Joey) Joey, I’m a little shy.Joey: That’s OK, R oss, You can ask me. What?(V olume 18, the First Season, “Friends”)Just according to the initial part of this exchange, people see what Ross is doing and hear what Ross says: Ross is playing poker with Rachel; Rachel has bet in seventeen dollars; Ross only has two dollars in his wallet. By saying he is a little shy, Ross means that he is lack of money. Based on previous situation, people naturally have the assumptions of their first response in mind toward this scene, which is that Ross lacks of money at that specific moment and hopes Joey could lend him some and Joey is expected to make some corresponding response. “Shy” is a polysemous word and it usually means “timid and nervous in the presence of others; reserved” (Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary, 1989: 1402); Joey is slow in thinking and is simple-minded to some extent, so he does not get the implicature of Ross’ utterance and interprets it as Ross is too timid to ask him some certain questions.(2) [Scene: Monica and Rachel's, the girls are all there, discussing their bad luck with men.]……Rachel: How did we end up with these jerks? We're good people!Monica: I don't know. Maybe we're some kind of magnets.Phoebe: I know I am. That's why I can't wear a digital watch.(Season1 Episode14)Valentine’s Day is coming. But all the three girls are single, they all very upset. Now they are getting together to talk about the men they used to date with. Rachel wonders why the good girls like them will end up with these jerks. In this s ituation, “magnets” in Monica’s words should be interpreted as “a person (or a place or a thing) that somebody (or something) is attracted to.”When Phoebe agrees with her by saying the first sentence, people may think that Phoebe is full of confidence about her charm and expect her to say something about this. But her following utterances is quiet divergent from her former speech, driving our thoughts to other places. “a digital watch” Phoebe says is consistent with another meaning of “magnet”, which refers to “irons or other material which attracts iron towards it.” This response is fairy coincide with Pheobe’s personality that she always pick up the unusual interpretation of one thing in her world.(3)。
例句:Monica: Are you ok, sweetie?Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbled my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck. (第一集)例句的对话发生在Ross的同性恋妻子搬走之后,Ross对自己失落痛苦情感的描述,他没有使用直接的言语说明,而是运用了一个比喻“我感觉好像有人把手伸到我的喉咙里,抓住我的小肠,从我嘴里拽出来,然后缠到我的脖子上”来表达。
一、词汇1. 双关语双关语是指一句话有两个或多个不同的解释。
”2. 似曾相识似曾相识是指新词组的本质是从识别出现过的旧词语构成的,从而产生了一种“看起来不知道,听起来却很熟悉”的感觉。
二、语法1. 反向格反向格是指对词语反向的使用,以突出对比和产生笑话效果。
三、语境1. 知识累积知识累积是指将先前的知识与当前的语境相融合从而使幽默效果更加突出。
2. 相互出其不意相互出其不意是指对话中针对莫名其妙或想不到的题目而互相发表意见和观点,使对话变得幽默和引人注目。
以下是对外国情景喜剧中言语幽默的修辞分析:1. 双关语:双关语是一种常见的言语幽默修辞。
在《老友记》中,乔伊经常用“how you doing”(你好吗)打招呼,当他对异性使用时,常常让人误会他的意思,产生喜剧效果。
2. 夸张修辞:夸张修辞是一种通过夸大事物的方式来引起观众的笑的修辞手法。
3. 反讽:反讽是一种通过与事实相反的说法来引起嘲笑或幽默效果的修辞手法。
4. 反复,反问与预期:外国情景喜剧经常使用重复、反问和突变预期来制造幽默效果。
5. 幽默隐喻:隐喻是一种通过比喻的方式来引起幽默效果的修辞手法。
科技信息SCIENCE &TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION 2010年第21期1双关语的定义英语语言中有一种常见的修辞,叫双关语,英文是pun,又称paronomasia,利用谐音,或者一词多义,或者特定的情景,带出两层或两层以上的含义,或者联想。
Oxford English Dictionary (1989:832)对pun 的定义是:“the use ofa word in such a way as to suggest two or more meanings or different associations,or the use of two or more words of the same or nearly the same sound with different meanings,so as to produce a humorous effect.”Webster ’s Third New International Dictionary (1981:1842)的解释是:“the humorous of a word in such a way as to suggest different meanings or applications or of words having the same or nearly the same sound but different meanings:a play on words.”从这些定义,我们可以看出双关语是a play on words (文字游戏),不是利用发音相似或相同的词汇,甚至是具有两个或多个含义的同一个词汇,或者句子,表达出两个或以上的含义,达到委婉含蓄,诙谐幽默的效果,这样,让听的人觉得既生动有趣,又点到为止,心领神会,十分有趣。
本文从语篇衔接的角度对《老友记》中的幽默进行分析,不仅可以深化人们对该剧的欣赏与领悟,而且还能加深人们对幽默的理解,丰富学习者的语言、文化知识, 增强在实际中更有效地理解和应用英语的能力。
一、Grice 的会话含义理论根据何兆熊主编的《新编语用学概要》一书,Grice的会话含义理论包括会话含义和会话的合作原则。
“Culture is a process that both includes a nd excludes,always entails the exercise of power and control.”同一文化群体中的个人总以“局内人”(Insider)自居;与之相对的是“局外人”(Outsider),文化将他们分开。
” 钱德勒回答道:“要不你试试牙膏,效果看起来会很不错.”钱德勒在这个场景中使用了双关语来表达自己对乔伊牙齿变黄的看法,一方面是因为乔伊在吃太多巧克力,另一方面,卡其饼干也是一种和巧克力类似的食物,因此,钱德勒的回答既包括了对乔伊的调侃,又表达出了自己的建议。
二、预设理论角度预设预设(presupposition)概念最早是德国哲学家和数学家gottlob frege在1892年撰写的《情意与参照》(“on sense and reference”)一书中用来解释一些语义中的逻辑现象时提出的。
后来英国哲学家bertrand russell和p.e.strawson等人对“预设“的认识作了补充研究形成了预设理论。
A Comprehensive Analysis of Verbal Humor in the American Sitcom Friends美国情景喜剧《老友记》中言语幽默的综合分析AbstractHumor is collection and product of the high development of human language and wisdom. It‟s also a requisite element of daily life, which brings us more than laugh. In our daily life, it plays an important role. It can make society more harmonious, reflect one`s wisdom and attitude towards life, resolve conflicts between people and so forth. However English humor has been ignored or misread for this or tha t reason, especially, in china. Firstly, Understanding humor is a serious business, Stuss says: "You need the ability to make an inference; you also need the ability to have a self-awareness concept. Therefore,in order to learn and understand exactly what is verbal humor and how to apply it into practice, we should heighten our awareness of cross-cultural context and acquire more relevant cultural background knowledge. Taking the American popular situational comedy Friends as an example, this paper mainly describes verbal humor via visual, language and culture context approaches, including lines, body language and culture analysis, etc. These corpus make the analysis as “vulgar” as possible (meaning there should be “as direct a path as possible between observation of similarities and the consequences”),which helps master the key of the theory in no time.Key word: Verbal Humor; American Sitcom; Friends; Approaches摘要幽默是人类语言与智慧迅速发展的产物和结晶。
他会用“How you doin’?”(你好吗?)这个简单的问题来博得女孩的欢心,引起观众的笑声。
引 言
强 有 力 的 工 具 。实 际 上 , 关 联理论 的“ 语境 ” ( 又称认 知环境 )
关 联理 论是 由S p e r b e r 和Wi l s o n T 1 9 8 6 年 在其著 作 《 关
过做 出明示 刺激行 为 , 明确表 达 自己的意 图 ; 然而从 听话 人 的角度 , 交 际又是一个 推理过 程 , 说话人 借助 明示手 段提供 的信息 ,进 行认知 推理行 为 ,从 而推 断出说话 人 的交 际意 图。根据关联 原则 . 任何一个交 际行为都传递 着最佳关联性 的假设或期 待 ,听者试 图以最小 的认知 努力 获得最 强 的语
境效果 , 以此 推 导 出说 话 者 的 交 际 意 图 。 关联理 论 中提到 了“ 语境 ” 这 一概念 , 关 联理 论认 为 , 话
这个 单词在一 篇文章 中被使 用且需 要 翻译 为汉 语时 .汉语 中包 含全部 五个含 义的对等 词是不 存在 的 .这 种情况 如何 处理 ?如果把全 部五个含义都 翻译出来就 会显得赘余 , 更重 要 的是 , 在特 定的语境 下 , 并不是 所有 含义都 能产 生语境 效
我 们 已经讨论 了关 联理论对 翻译 方面 的指导 作用 。关
联 理论认 为 。 翻译包 括
仅仅 局限于外 部信息 和正在处 理 的话语 .例如对 未来科 学 的设 想 、 宗 教信仰 、 有 关轶 事趣 闻的记忆 , 等等, 这些 “ 语境 ”
从 关 联 理 论 看 美 剧 中 言 语 幽 默 的 翻 译
以《 老 友记 》 为例
宋 岩 静 贺 旭 华 周 均 霞2
4 0・
武夷学院学报 2 1 0 2年第 1期
个 词 去 暗 示两 种 或 两 种 以上 的意 义 或 引起 不 同的
洗 澡 就 直 接 到 片场 工 作 ( 中角 色乔 伊 就 是 一 名 演 剧 员) 。由于身 上太 臭被 导演发 现 , 乔伊 只好借用 大牌 赫 斯 顿个 人休 息室 的浴 室洗 澡 ,但 是被 赫 斯顿 发 现 , 于
不 仅 影 响到 观众对 台词意 思 的理解 , 直 接影 响 到导 还 演 和 编剧试 图达到 的效 果 的发挥 , 至 于影 响 观众 体 甚 会 整部 电影 、 电视 剧 的 中心 思想 , 使其 误 人歧 途 、 知 不 所 云 。 因此 , 双关语 的翻译 对影 视 翻译来 说 是一 个 莫
而 , 文 双关 语 建立 在 其语 言特 有 的 文 字形 式 、 英 音位
特点 和 句法关 系的基 础上 , 这使 其 汉译 必 然有 一定 可 译 性 限度 。此外 , 有许 多英 文 双关 仅 仅是 一种 文 字游 戏 ,如 “ y i a f e O r h ea s t a w Wh s v rS c ?B cue i h st o i i
是 有 了下 面这 一 段对话 :
J e An w y Ia ral or . u t k o y: y a . m e y sr B tIsi . l y n
收 稿 日期 : 0 1 1 — 9 2 1 - 2 1
i g r df r n s o it n r t e u e o w r mo e n s o i e e t a s ca i ,o h s f t o o r f o
作者简介: 高远 ( 97一 , , 18 )男 汉族 , 士研 究生( 硕 在读 ) ,
- 225 -校园英语 / 语言文化英语幽默中双关的应用——以《老友记》为例海南师范大学外国语学院13级英语3班/李鸿韬【摘要】在现代英语中,双关(pun)是利用词的谐音、词的多义或歧义等,在同一句话里同时表达不同的意义, 营造出一种幽默诙谐或者嘲弄讥讽的修辞效果。
本文以美剧 《老友记》(Friends)中的对话为例对其中运用的双关进行分析,以便使我们能更好地理解英语幽默。
【关键词】双关 老友记 英语幽默幽默(摘自1989版《辞海》)指发现生活中喜剧性因素和在艺术中创造,表现喜剧性因素的能力。
在《老友记》中有一个场景:钱德勒在公寓里看电视,看到了他最喜爱的演员雅丝敏•布莉丝,于是他转向一旁的宠物鸡对它说道:“ I know. See, yes. That's Yasmine Bleeth, she's a completely different kind of chick. I love you both. But in very different ways.”其中的“chick ”在英语中既可表示小鸡,也可表示年轻女孩。
《老友记》中钱德是一家公司的主管,心慕下属妮娜,借口催她上交周五数字报告,把她叫进办公室,之后有这么一段谈话:Nina: You wanted to see me?Chandler: Yes. I was reviewing your data. You ’ve been postdating your Friday numbers.Nina: Which is bad. Because?Chandler: Well, it throws my WENUS out of whack.Nina: Excuse me, WENUS?Chandler: WENUS ——Weekly Estimated Net Usage Statistics.Nina: Oh, right, Gotcha. It won ’t happen again. I wouldn ’t do anything to hurt your WENUS.钱德说妮娜迟交周五数字报告,这样使他的周评估净值使用产生问题。
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比如当罗斯和瑞秋因为吵架二分手的时候,罗斯不愿意就这样分手就努力地挽回,然而瑞秋直接说到:“accept that”(接受现实把)进行回绝,但是罗斯听成了:“except what?”(除非还有什么?)在对话中“accept”与”except”的发音十分接近,透漏出罗斯根本不愿意分手,捉住每一个可以挽留的机会的心情。
另外在钱德发现乔伊脚踏两支船在和二个女孩同时在交往,其中一个女孩子还是自己暗恋的对象,于是积极地怂恿乔伊选择另一个女孩子进行交往,放弃自己暗恋的对象,乔伊对于钱德的建议感到莫名其妙,钱德只好对乔伊说到:“i just think that it is time for you making a choice . pick a lane.”(我想你应该是做出一个决定的时候了,爱你所爱吧!)谁料想乔伊竟然把 a lane 误听做成为一个女孩子的名字,于是反问道:“who is elane?”(谁是艾蓝?)同时也反映出乔伊的文化水平不高,道德观念薄弱的人物形象。
比如几个朋友在打牌的时候,罗斯说到:“i think you had better get out of the shower, cause i got a flush.”(我有同花顺,你们赶紧逃出浴室吧。
又如情人节的时候,恋爱过后的三个女孩聚集在以其进行清理仪式,因为他们三个感觉自己以前交往的几个男朋友都是jerks (eggs蛋),于是他们决定烧掉所有前男友的东西。
瑞秋说到:“how did we deal with these jerks? we are all kind people!”(我们当初怎么会和这些混蛋交往?我们可都是好孩子啊!)莫妮卡接道:“i don’t know the reason. maybe we are some kind magnet.”(我也不清楚,也许我们有某种特殊的魅力吧!)magnet在此处莫妮卡想表达的意思是对他人有吸引力的人或事,可是,菲比却把magnet理解成为另外一个意思:表示磁铁或者磁石,不假思索地回答道:“i accept i am. that’s the reason that i can’t wear a digital watch.”(我成人我就是,这就是我为什么不戴电子表的原因。
比如当瑞秋打算将前未婚夫送给自己的戒指退还的时候发现戒指不见了,便问:“has anyone seen my engagement ring?”(有谁看见我的订婚戒指了?)表达的意思是想知道戒指放在哪里了,但是菲比理解成了瑞秋问大家感觉她的戒指看着怎么样,也是答道:“yes, it is beautiful.”(看过了,十分漂亮!)还有菲比找了一位科学家的男朋友—大卫,原本大卫打算和同事马克斯一起外出做科研工作,但是为了讨菲比的欢心,决定不再外出留在菲比的身边。
我们都知道小野洋子是beatles乐队主唱john lennon的第二任妻子,john lennon为了小野洋子整整五年时间没有在公开露面过,大家都认为她是导致beatles乐队解散的罪魁祸首。
钱德建议用joey switzerland作为艺名,因为瑞士一直是
再则,大家都对莫妮卡的男朋友亚伦(alan)有着很好的印象,钱德就开玩笑说:“personally i could have a gallon of alan.”(我个人还是能喝下一加仑的亚伦。