



灌南县第二中学数学阶段性测试姓名:班级:学号:一.单选题1.函数f (x )=lg (x 2+3x +2)的定义域是( ) A .(﹣2,﹣1) B .[﹣2,﹣1] C .(﹣∞,﹣2)⋃(﹣1,+∞) D .(﹣∞,﹣2]⋃[﹣1,+∞) 2.设集合A ={x |x >1},集合,则(∁R A )∩B =( ) A .B .C .{x |x ≤1}D .3.若a ,b ,c ∈R ,a >b ,则下列不等式成立的是( ) A .B .a 2<b 2C .a |c |>b |c |D .的值为()则已知函数)4(,0),3(0,12)(.42f x x f x x x f ⎩⎨⎧>-≤+= 3.A 9.B 19.C 33.D的最小值为则已知121,0,0,1.5++>>=+y xx x y y x ( )45.A 0.B 1.C 22.D6.若不等式mx 2+mx ﹣4<2x 2+2x ﹣1对任意实数x 均成立,则实数m 的取值范围是( )A .(﹣2,2)B .(﹣10,2]C .(﹣∞,﹣2)∪[2,+∞)D .(﹣∞,﹣2)7.若集合A={x|2a +1≤x ≤3a -5},B={x|5≤x ≤16},则能使A ⊆B 成立的所有a 组成的集合为 ( )A.{a |2≤a ≤7}B.{a |6≤≤7}C.{a |a ≤7}D.{a |a<6}8.已知方程05)2(2=-+-+m x m x 有两个不相等的实数根,且两个实数根都大于2,则实数m 的取值范围是 ( )A.(-5,-4)∪(4,+∞)B.(-5,+∞)C.(-5,-4)D.(-4,-2)∪(4,+∞) 二.多选题9.“关于x 的不等式ax 2﹣4ax +4>0对∀x ∈R 恒成立”的一个充分不必要条件是( ) A .B .0<a <1C .0≤a <1D .a ≥010.已知实数x ,y 满足﹣1≤x +y ≤3,4≤2x ﹣y ≤9,则4x +y 可能取的值为( ) A .1B .2C .15D .1611.下列命题中正确的是( )A .命题:“∀x ≥0,x 2≥0”的否定是“∃x <0,x 2<0”B .函数f (x )=a x ﹣4+1(a >0且a ≠1)恒过定点(4,2)C .已知函数f (2x +1)的定义域为[﹣1,1],则函数f (x )的定义域为[﹣1,3]D .若函数,则f (x )=x 2﹣x ﹣2(x ≥﹣1) 12.下列命题中的真命题有( ) A .当x >1时,的最小值是3B .的最小值是2C .当0<x <10时,的最大值是5D .若正数x ,y 为实数,若x +2y =3xy ,则2x +y 的最大值为3 三.填空题的最小值为则,且,已知21131,73231.13-+-=+>>y x y x y x .的取值范围为则已知y x y x -<<-<<,31,42.14 .15.若函数f (x )=lg (x 2﹣mx +1)的定义域为R ,则实数m 的取值范围是 .. 则实数,123+234,=+满足,实数16.2取值范围为的恒成立且不等式若正m m m yx y x y x --≥+四、解答题17.已知二次函数y =f (x )的图象过点A (1,1),不等式f (x )>0的解集为(0,2). (1)求f (x )的解析式;(2)若函数y =f (x )图象的顶点在函数g (x )=b (x ﹣m )2+f (m )(m ≠1)图象上,求关于x 的不等式g (x )<(2﹣m )x 的解集.18.如图,在四棱锥P -ABCD 中,底面ABCD 为正方形,PA ⊥平面ABCD ,E 为PD 上的中点.(1)求证:PB 平面AEC ;(2)设PA=AB=1,求平面AEC 与平面AED 夹角的余弦值..已知ABC 的内角;6,求ABC 面积的最大值.(n na ++=21.已知函数()ln f x x ax =-,()()211g x a x =+-,()R a ∈.(1)当2a =时,求函数()f x 在点()()1,1f 处的切线方程;(2)当()()()2h x f x g x =-时,讨论()h x 的单调性.22.已知双曲线C 的渐近线为430x y ±=,右焦点为()5,0F ,右顶点为A . (1)求双曲线C 的标准方程;(2)若斜率为1的直线l 与双曲线C 交于M ,N 两点(与点A 不重合),当0AM AN ⋅=时,求直线l 的方程.参考答案1. C2.A3.D4.B5.A6.B7.C8. C9.AB 10.BC 11.BCD 12.AC13.1 14.(-1,5) 15.(-2,2) 16.[-1,3]17.解:(1)因为f(x)>0的解集为(0,2),所以设f(x)=ax(x﹣2),因为f(1)=﹣a=1,所以a=﹣1,所以f(x)=﹣x(x﹣2);(2)由(1)可知f(x)=﹣x(x﹣2)=﹣(x﹣1)2+1,函数y=f(x)的顶点(1,1)在g(x)的图象上,则g(1)=b(1﹣m)2﹣m(m﹣2)=1,则b(m﹣1)2=(m﹣1)2,m≠1,所以b=1,所以g(x)=(x﹣m)2﹣m(m﹣2)<(2﹣m)x,整理为:x2﹣(m+2)x+2m<0,即(x﹣2)(x﹣m)<0,当m>2时,不等式的解集为(2,m),当m=2时,不等式的解集为∅,当m<2且m≠1时,不等式的解集为(m,2),综上,当m>2时,不等式的解集为(2,m),当m=2时,不等式的解集为∅,当m<2且m≠1时,不等式的解集为(m,2).18.【详解】(1)如图,连接BD交AC于点O,连接EO,则O为BD的中点,E为PD的中点,OE PB∴∥AEC PB⊄平面AEC,又OE⊂平面,∴平面AEC.PB(2)方法一:由于CD AD ⊥,,ADPA A AD PA =⊂平面AE ⊂平面PAD ,所以CD AE ⊥由于,PA AD E =为PD 中点,所以因此CED ∠即为平面AEC 与平面由于1,CD ED =22⎝⎭(110,,,1,1,022AE AC ⎛⎫∴== ⎪⎝⎭平面ADE 的法向量为(1,0,0AB =设平面AEC 的法向量为(,,n x y z =0,0,AE AC ⋅=⋅=即(1,n ∴=-1,13AB n =⨯设平面AEC 与平面ADE3,3AB n =,与平面ADE 夹角的余弦值为)由正弦定理可得3,sin 0,A A ≠π3⎫=⎪,由于所以π3B -=2ac +,,当且仅当a =(n na ++=222a S +=()1n n a -++-()122n n S --+也适合上式,所以)2,故数列()1n ++-()1n ++-122222n n =+++-)12+.定义域为()0,∞+,(f ',77而()(1123,,AM x y AN x =-=-,则(1AM AN x ⋅=-()212122(3)x x m x x m +-+++)214418(7m m ++化简得27542250m m --=,即75)(3)0m +=,而75。



一、选择题(50×1分)1. 下列关于减压过滤的说法错误的是()(A)胶体沉淀可通过减压过滤进行分离(B)滤纸的大小应略小于漏斗内径(C)滤液由吸滤瓶上口倾出(D)抽滤结束时,应先拔掉橡皮管,再关减压泵2. 某实验报告中有如下记录,其中实验数据合理的是()(A)温度计上显示的室温读数为24.60 C(B)用100mL量筒量取5.26 mL稀H2SO4溶液(C)用广泛pH试纸测得溶液的pH值为3.5(D)用分析天平称取0.5360 g Na2CO33. 下列有关托盘天平的使用,说法错误的是()(A)托盘天平精确度不高,最大载荷为200 g的托盘天平的精密度为± 0.1 g(B)称量时,砝码放在托盘天平右侧(C)托盘天平不能称量热的物品。

(D)称量氯化钠固体,可以用称量纸称量,也可用烧杯称量(D)以上操作均不正确4. 下列实验室事故的处理方法,正确的是()(A)烫伤,立刻用冷水冲洗再处理,若皮肤未破,涂饱和碳酸氢钠于伤处,若皮肤已破,涂1 %的高锰酸钾溶液。



(D)被玻璃碎片割伤后应立即包扎伤口送医院治疗5. 下列说法正确的是()(A)金属钾保存在煤油中,白磷保存在水中(B)做完银镜反应的试管,不能留存,应立刻洗涤,因为久置会变成叠氮化银,易爆炸(C)高锰酸钾不能在硏钵中硏磨,否则引起爆炸(D)酸性溶液不能倒入水槽,碱性废液可倒入水槽,并要用水冲洗6. 下列说法错误的是()(A)酒精灯加热时应使用酒精灯的还原焰加热(B)开动离心机应先慢速,运转平稳后再转到快速(C)氧气钢瓶和氮气钢瓶分别是蓝色和黑色(D)分析纯和化学纯试剂标签的颜色分别是蓝色和红色7. 某学生做完实验以后,采用以下方法分别清洗所用仪器:(1)用HNO3清洗做过银镜反应的试管(2)用酒精清洗做过碘升华的烧杯(3)用浓HCl清洗做过KMnO4分解实验的试管(4)用HCl清洗长期存放过FeCl3溶液的试剂瓶(5)用NaOH溶液清洗盛过苯酚的试管你认为他的操作:()(A)(2)不对(B)(3)(4)不对(C)(4)(5)不对(D)全部正确8. 下列溶液中,在空气里既不易被氧化、也不易分解、且可以用无色玻璃试剂瓶存放的是()(A)硝酸(B)醋酸(C)氢氟酸(D)氢硫酸9. 欲配制和保存FeSO4溶液,应该采取的正确措施是()①把蒸馏水煮沸以赶走水中溶解的O2②溶解时加入少量稀硫酸③溶解时加入少许铁粉④溶解时加入少量盐酸⑤放入棕色瓶中(A)②③(B)②③⑤(C)①③④(D)①②③10. 在强酸性介质中,某些强氧化剂能将Mn2+ 氧化成MnO4-,该方法被用于Mn2+ 鉴定。





(8分)(1)那间máo cǎo屋后有一只母鸡率领着一群小鸡,在xī shū的篱笆下mì shí,ɡòu chénɡ了一幅美丽的画面。

(2)nà mǐ机器人可以通过血管直达bìng zào,杀死癌xì bāo ,科技yōng有无限潜能,它能帮人类解决各种安全yǐn 患。



(3分)五彩斑斓(表示颜色):____________ ____________ ___________前俯后仰(含反义词):____________ ____________ ___________2.我会组词。


例:凡—(巩)(巩固)正—( )( ) 刘—( )( ) 建—( )( )(2)给下面的字去偏旁,再组词。

例:挑—(兆)(预兆)绘—( )( ) 洁—( )( ) 预—( )( )3.请写出下列句子中加点词语的近义词。


( )(2)这个故事发生在很久很久以前,约莫..算来,总有几万年了。

( )(3)说到恐龙,人们往往想到凶猛的霸王龙或者笨重..、迟钝的马门溪龙。

( )三、选择题。





《计算机应用》阶段测试题一一、单项选择题1.我们所说的“计算机”,一般是指__ B__。

A. 电子计算机B. 电子数字式计算机C. 电子模拟式计算机D. 电子混合式计算机2.世界上第一台电子计算机是__A___。

A. ENIACB. IBM 4381C. M 240D. IBM PC XT3.世界上第一台电子计算机产生于_C_。

A. 上世纪20年代B. 上世纪30年代C. 上世纪40年代D. 上世纪50年代4.世界上第一台电子计算机产生于__D_。

A. 英国B. 法国C. 德国D. 美国5.世界上第一台电子计算机的核心部件是用_A__作的。

A. 电子管B. 晶体管C. 集成电路D. 超大规模集成电路6.微型计算机问世于__B___。

A. 20世纪60年代B. 20世纪70年代C. 20世纪80年代D. 20世纪90年代7.微型计算机出现的技术基础C__。

A. 用户的水平B. 计算机网络C. 超大规模集成电路技术D. 计算机系统的可靠性8.最初的微型计算机系统是___a___。

A. 4位机系统B. 8位机系统C. 16位机系统D. 32位机系统9.汇编语言更接近___a__。

A. 机器语言B. 高级语言C. 自然语言D. 查询语言10.64位微型计算机系统是指__D___。

A. 内存容量64MBB. 硬盘容量64MGC. 计算机有64个接口D. 计算机的字长为64位11.存储容量1B是指__B__。

A. 1位B. 8位C. 16位D. 64位12.存储容量1B是指___b___。

A. 1个位B. 1个字节C. 1个字D. 2个字13.存储容量1GB是指__c__。

A. 存储容量为1024个字节B. 存储容量为1024*1024个字节C. 存储容量为1024*1024*1024个字节D. 存储容量为1024*1024*1024*1024个字节14.一台计算机系统由___a__构成。

A. 软件和硬件B. 系统和用户C. 程序和数据D. 主机和外设15.计算机主机由__c_构成。



1、下列哪个词语的拼音拼写正确?A、独立(dú lì)B、努力(nǔ lì)C、书籍(shū jí)D、夸奖(kuā jiǎng)(答案:C)解析:A项“独立”应拼为“dúlì”但选项本身拼音无误,此处为干扰项;B项“努力”拼音正确,但非本题答案;C项“书籍”拼音正确,且为本题正确答案,因为“籍”应读“jí”而非“jì”;D项“夸奖”应拼为“kuā jiǎng”,但“奖”字拼音标注错误,应为三声而非一声。
















[判断题] *对(正确答案)错2、15.下列词语中加点的字注音完全正确的一项是()[单选题] *A.提防(tí)称职(chèn)狡黠(xiá)振聋发聩(kuì)B.氛围(fēn)憎恶(zēng)阴翳(yì)矫揉造作(jiāo)C.字帖(tiè)倔强(jué)叱咄(duō)吹毛求疵(cī)(正确答案)D.诡谲(jué)两栖(xī)愧怍(zuò)悲天悯人(mǐn)3、1《荷塘月色》《画里阴晴》《林教头风雪山神庙》的作者分别是朱自清、吴冠中、施耐庵。

[判断题] *对错(正确答案)4、“睿智”的“睿”的正确读音是“ruì”。

[判断题] *错5、叶子出水很高,像亭亭的舞女的裙。

修辞格是()[单选题] *夸张夸张拟人比喻(正确答案)6、泰山的别名是()[单选题] *岱(正确答案)泰岳宗7、下列选项中加着重号字注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、樯橹qiáng酹lèi 吟啸xiào羽扇纶巾guān(正确答案)B、笺注qiān 赤鼻矶jī蓑衣suō料峭qiāoC、针砭biǎn 粗糙cāo 差别chā创伤chuāngD、战栗zhàn炽烈chì对称chèng 万箭攒心cuán8、1“爱而不见”的下一句是“俟我于城隅。

”[判断题] *错9、对《红楼梦》中的情节概述不准确的一项是( ) [单选题] *A.史湘云醉眠芍药裀B.王熙凤大闹宁国府C.薛宝钗重建桃花社(正确答案)D.贾探春兴利除宿弊10、下列选项中加着重号字注音正确的一项是()[单选题] *A、槁暴pù輮使之然róu舟楫jì舆马yúB、蛟龙jiāo跬步kuǐ骐骥jì爪牙zhǎo(正确答案)C、镂金lóu 弩马nǔ洞穴xué生非异也xìngD、跂而望qì锲而不舍qì二螯áo 参省乎己xǐng11、1“千呼万唤始出来”的下一句是“唯见江心秋月白”。





)1.aggressive2.wholesale3.conform4.deprive5.multiply6.booming7.corruption8.reap9.surge10.tempting 11.successive12.reckon13.submit14.facility15.broadcast16.proposal17.gear18.swiftlypse20.ascertain二、翻译。


)1.On the other hand, he did not accept as well founded the charge made by some of his critics that, while he wasa good observer, he had no power of reasoning.2.We are thus led to distinguish, within the broad educational process which we have been so far considering, a more formal kind of education-that of direct tuition or schooling.3.In fact,it is difficult to see how journalists who do not have a clear grasp of the basic features of the Canadian Constitution can do a competent job on political stories.考研英语阶段测试卷一(答案)8月11日英语晨测答案三、写出下列单词的所有中文含义。



















五年级下册阶段过关检测卷Unit 1--Unit 2班级__________ 姓名 ___________ 得分___________一、找出句中含有与所给单词画线部分读音相同的单词。

(5分)1. I'm driving a train in the trees beside the street.try _____________ _____________ ______________2. Andy is drawing a dress.Andrew _____________ _____________二、单项选择。

(20分)( )1. The bus goes ____________ the town from north to south.A.downB.inC.throughD. round( )2. The fish is bad. We'd better not eat ____________.A.itB.theyC.itsD.them( 3.There3.There ___________ some water and pies on the table. Do you want some?A.isB.areC.amD.be( )4.-Anna, how does the dress look on me?-I'm sorry to say that it doesn't _____________ you well.A.likeB.fitC.makeD.look( )5. The Maths problem is difficult, but I ___________ get the answer.A.hardB.badlyuallyD.finally( )6. Beijing is a big city. Olivia wants ___________ it.A.visitB.visitingC.visitsD. to visit( )7. On the first day of Chinese New Year, we ___________ new clothes.A. put offB. take offC. put onD. try on( )8. It's ___________ us to go to bed early. We can have a good sleep.A. bad forB. good forC. bad atD. good at( )9.- ___________ can't you go with us?-____________ my leg hurts.A.Why; BecauseB. Why; ButC. What; BecauseD. What; But( )10.-The box is too heavy for me. -____________.A.Glad to hear thatB. Come onC. Let me help youD. Me too三、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。





(A)stdio (B)function (C)include (D)main3.C程序的基本构成单位是____.(A)子程序(B)函数(C)过程(D)函数和过程4.下列字符序列中,不可用作C语言标识符的是____。

(A)abc123 (B)no.1 (C)_ok (D)_123_ 5.序列字符序列中,可以作为变量名的是____。

(A)c++ (B)_DAY(C)123abc (D)a b c6.以下程序的正确执行结果为_______。

void main(void){char a,b;a =‘0’;b = ‘5’;printf (“%d,%d,%c,%c\n”,a,b,a,b);}说明:字符0的ASCII码值为十进制48。

答案:48,53,0,57.设有以下说明语句:int a;char b;float c;则以下结果为整数的表达式是____。

(A)a+b(B)a+c (C)b+c (D)a+b+c 8.已知字母a的ASCII码值为97,则下面程序的输出结果是____。

void main(void){char c;c = ‘b’+‘5’-‘3’;printf (“%c”, c);}(A)e (B)d (C)100 (D)1019.设a , x 均为整形变量,试写出下列语句的输出结果。

(1)x = 11 / 2 ; printf (“%d\n”, x);答案:(2)510.试分析下列程序的运行结果。

void main(void){int x , y ;x = 18 ;y = ( x ++) + x ;printf (“%d\n”, y);}答案:3611.用scanf (“%d , %d”, &x , &y );输入数据时,下面输入方式中正确的是_____。




(每小题2分,共20分)1.下列各组词语中加点宇的读音完全正确的一组是()A.野马脱缰.(jiāng) 吞噬.(shì) 琼.浆(qóng) 青面獠.牙(liáo)B.优哉游哉.(zāi) 招徕.(lái) 随心所欲.(yù) 毫无倦.意(juàn)C.哄.堂大笑(hòng) 结束.(shù) 行善积.德(jī) 雪域.高原(yù)D.响彻.旷野(chè) 婀娜.(nuó) 赞叹不已.(yǐ) 一鼓一钹.(bá)2.下列词语中加点字的读音完全相同的一项是()A.正.月正.确正.直端正.B.纤.细纤.绳纤.维纤.夫C.散.步松散.散.开散.漫D.喷撒.撒.种播撒.撒.了汤3.用“续”组成词语,填入下面句中,不合适的一项是()A.鲁滨孙找到很多可以用、可以吃的东西,陆续..搬到岸。












《工程项目管理》测验题 (1)

《工程项目管理》测验题 (1)


(分数:1分)A. 项目的收尾B. 项目后评价C. 项目的交接D. 项目监督正确答案:B 2、2、以下哪个不是项目的参与者()。

(分数:1分)A. 项目投资者B. 项目的负责人C. 项目设计单位D. 城市管理者正确答案:D 3、3、项目成本管理主要包括工程估价、成本计划、支付计划和()。

(分数:1分)A. 资金筹集B. 成本核算C. 进度安排D. 成本控制和工程款结算与审核正确答案:D 4、4、下列关于工程项目目标的说法中,正确的是()。

(分数:1分)A. 目标应是长远和抽象的B. 目标不应有时间限制C. 目标只能由最高决策者掌握D. 目标是现实的,是可达到的正确答案:D 5、5、下列关于业主对工程项目管理的表述中,正确的是()。

(分数:1分)A. 管理目的是实现项目各利害关系人的全部期望B. 业主是对工程项目进行全面管理的中心C. 在项目建设过程中,业主对项目大都采用直接管理方式D. 以进度为中心进行控制正确答案:B 6、6、下列建立项目管理组织的步骤,正确的先后顺序是()。

①确定项目工作内容②确定合理的项目目标③组织结构设计④确定组织目标和组织工作内容(分数:1分)A. ①一②一③一④B. ②一①一③一④C. ②~①一④一③D. ①~②一④一③正确答案:C 7、7、规模小、时间短、专业面窄的项目适宜采用的组织形式是()。

(分数:1分)A. 项目式B. 平衡矩阵式C. 直线式D. 弱矩阵式正确答案:C 8、8、招标管理中的公平原则是指()。

(分数:1分)A. 工程项目招标具有较高的透明度B. 给与所有投标人平等的权利C. 评标时按事先公布的标准评审D. 当事人应正确行使权利和履行义务正确答案:B 9、9、下列关于M、N工作之间的顺序关系的表述,正确的是()。



分子生物学阶段测试一1.Klenow片段是指:* [单选题] *A.DNA聚合酶Ⅰ之大片段,无DNA聚合酶活性B.DNA聚合酶Ⅰ之小片段,有DNA聚合酶活性C.DNA聚合酶Ⅱ之大片段,有DNA聚合酶活性D.DNA聚合酶Ⅲ之大片段,有DNA聚合酶活性E.DNA聚合酶Ⅰ之大片段,有DNA聚合酶活性(正确答案)2.下列哪项不是DNA模板的作用* [单选题] *A.在逆转录中指导DNA合成(正确答案)B.在转录中指导RNA合成C.在复制中指导合成RNA引物D.在复制中指导合成DNA片段E.在复制中指导修补RNA引物缺口3.DNA复制的方向性是指* [单选题] *A.新链只能从5’端向3’端延长(正确答案)B.DNA双螺旋上两股单链走向相反,一股从5’→3’延长,一股从3’→5’延长C.两股单链走向相同D.两股均为连续复制E.多个复制起始点,有多种复制方向4.DNA拓扑异构酶的作用是* [单选题] *A.解开DNA双螺旋使易于复制B.使DNA解链旋转不致缠结(正确答案)C.把DNA异构为RNA作为引物D.辨认复制起始点E.稳定分开的双螺旋5.原核DNA合成中,主要功能是合成前导链与冈崎片段的酶是* [单选题] *A.DNA聚合酶IB.DNA聚合酶IIC.DNA聚合酶III(正确答案)D.引物酶6.下列说法错误的是* [单选题] *A.基因都具有编码产物B.启动子属于编码序列(正确答案)C.真核生物的基因组通常含有很多重复序列D.高度重复序列通常不编码蛋白产物E.真核生物的基因是断裂基因7.关于引物酶正确的是* [单选题] *A.是一种DNA聚合酶B.是一种反转录酶C.是一种RNA聚合酶(正确答案)D.是dnaA基因的产物E.与转录相关的酶8.不参与DNA损伤修复的酶是:* [单选题] *A.光复活酶B.引物酶(正确答案)C.DNA聚合酶ID.DNA连接酶E.DNA聚合酶II9.DNA突变、受损后的最常见修复方式是* [单选题] *A.光修复B.错配修复C.切除修复(正确答案)D.重组修复E.SOS修复10.逆转录过程需要的酶是* [单选题] *A.DNA指导的DNA聚合酶B.核酸酶C.RNA指导的RNA聚合酶D.DNA指导的RNA聚合酶E.RNA指导的DNA聚合酶(正确答案)11.关于原核生物与真核生物DNA复制的特点,错误的是* [单选题] *A.一般都有多个复制子(正确答案)B.两者都需要RNA引物C.两者都要合成冈崎片段D.新链的合成方向都是5’-3’E.都是半不连续性复制12.真核生物DNA存在于* [单选题] *A.线粒体与微粒体内B.线粒体与高尔基体内C.细胞核与线粒体内(正确答案)D.细胞核与高尔基体内E.细胞核与溶酶体内13.在真核生物复制时参与引物RNA合成的DNA聚合酶为* [单选题] *A.DNA聚合酶α(正确答案)B.DNA聚合酶βC.DNA聚合酶γD.DNA聚合酶εE.DNA聚合酶δ14.端粒酶是一种蛋白质-RNA复合物,其中RNA起* [单选题] *A.催化作用B.延伸作用C.模板作用(正确答案)D.引物作用15.下列有关端粒和端粒酶描述错误的是* [单选题] *A.端粒是染色体末端短的串联重复序列B.端粒酶是一种引物酶,来维持端粒的长度(正确答案)C.端粒酶在肿瘤细胞和生殖细胞中活性很高D.端粒每复制一次,缩短一次,所以端粒和衰老有一定的关系16.复制时辨认起始点的是* [单选题] *A.DNA聚合酶B.解螺旋酶C.DnaA蛋白(正确答案)D.单链DNA结合蛋白E.拓扑异构酶17.识别DNA双螺旋结构扭曲的DNA损伤修复系统是* [单选题] *A.错配修复B.重组修复C.直接修复D.碱基切除修复E.核苷酸切除修复(正确答案)18.用电子显微镜观察正在进行DNA复制的细胞内的冈崎片段,会发现它们是* [单选题] *A.附着在长链DNA分子上的短DNA片段(正确答案)B.分散的双链DNAC.附着在mRNA分子上的短DNA片段D.分散的双链RNAE.分散在细胞质中DNA短片段19.D环复制* [单选题] *A.是线粒体DNA复制的方式(正确答案)B.需切断环状DNA才进行复制C.不属于半不连续复制D.起始点在DNA双链同一位点E.不属于半保留复制20.关于DNA连接酶正确的是* [单选题] *A.合成RNA引物B.将双螺旋解链C.连接DNA分子上的单链缺口(正确答案)D.使相邻的两个DNA单链连接E.以上都不正确21.下列哪一项对于DNA作为遗传物质是不重要的* [单选题] *A.DNA分子双链且序列互补B.整个基因组信息都包含在一条DNA分子上(正确答案)C.DNA可以与RNA形成碱基互补D.DNA聚合酶有3‘-5’的校读功能22.基因的编码产物可以是* *A.蛋白质(正确答案)B.tRNA(正确答案)C.rRNA(正确答案)D.多糖E.脂肪23.DNA发生突变后其修复方式包括* *A.碱基切除修复(正确答案)B.核苷酸切除修复(正确答案)C.重组修复(正确答案)D.错配修复(正确答案)E.光复活修复(正确答案)24.大肠杆菌中DNA聚合酶Ⅰ的作用是* *A.催化合成RNA引物B.修复DNA的损伤(正确答案)C.填补冈崎片段间的空隙(正确答案)D.将DNA片段连接起来E.降解RNA引物(正确答案)25.参加DNA半保留复制的物质有* *A.4种dNTP(正确答案)B.DNA聚合酶(正确答案)C.σ因子D.逆转录酶E.RNA引物(正确答案)。



scratch阶段测试一scratch阶段测试一1.在Scratch中,舞台是创作和演示程序的场地,其坐标原点位于舞台的()[5分]A 左上角B 左下角C 右下角D 中心2.在Scratch中,增加角色有多种方法,其中()从电脑中导入角色。

[5分]A 绘制新角色B 从本地文件中上传角色C 来个令人惊喜的角色吧3.在选择结构中,计算机判断条件是否成立是靠关系表达式与逻辑表达式来完成。


[5分]A 动作B 外观C 控制D 运算4.顺序、选择、循环是三种基本结构,其中()结构实现程序反复执行。

[5分]A 顺序B 选择C 循环5.在Scratch中,()库用来为角色设置不同的外观效果。

[5分]A 动作B 外观C 画笔D 控制6.舞台是创作、演示程序的场地。


舞台的中间位置为坐标原点(x=0,y=0)[5分]A 480B 240C 500D 4007.要控制小狗向上移动10步,命令是()[5分]A 移动10步B 面向180度,移动10步C 面向0度,移动10步8.要让小猫随机产生许多数字,必须要先使用()命令。

[5分]A 变量B 在1-10之间随机选一个数9.要使Scratch中的角色在舞台上画出图案,应选用下列哪一条命令()?[5分]A 清空并抬笔B 落笔并移动10步C 将画笔颜色设定为0D 将画笔粗细增加110.为了让小丑表演不同的动作,必须要在()中导入其它几个造型。

[5分]A 角色B 背景C 造型11.想让小猫一直在舞台上移动,应采用下列哪种程序结构()()。

[5分]A 重复执行100次B 重复执行C 如果...那么...D 如果...那么...否则12.以下不属于角色旋转模式的是Scratch造型编辑区中右图中按钮的作用是()[5分]A 撤销B 重复执行D 替换13.以下标签页不属于舞台的标签页是[5分]A 造型B 脚本C 声音D 背景14.以下不属于角色旋转模式的是[5分]A 任意旋转B 上下旋转C 左右旋转D 不可旋转15.以下说法正确的是[5分]A Scratch可以识别所有的音频文件格式。

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阶段测试(一)Ⅰ.阅读理解㈠阅读理解AThe first day of school our professor challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t know.I turned around to find a wrinkled(有皱纹的) old lady.She said,“Hi,handsome.My name is Rose.I’m 87 years old.Can I give you a hug?”I laughed and enthusiastically responded,“Of course you may!”,and she gave me a giant squeeze.“Why are you in college at such an old age?”I asked.I was curious what may have motivated her to be talking on this challenge at her age.“I always dreamed of having a college education and now I’m getting one!”she told me.After class we shared a chocolate milk shake.We became instant friends.Every day for the next three months,we would leave class together and talk non-stop.Over the course of the year,Rose became a campus star and she easily made friends wherever she went.At the end of the term we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet(宴会).I’ll never forget what she taught us.She cleared her throat and began,“We do not stop playing because we are old;we grow old because we stop playing.If you are 19 years old and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing,you will turn 20 years old.If I’m 87 years old and stay in bed for a year and n ever do anything,I will turn 88.Anybody can grow older.That doesn’t take ant talent or ability.The idea is to grow up by always finding the opportunity in change and have no regrets.”At the year’s end Rose finished the college degree.One week after gradua tion,Rose died peacefully in her sleep.Over 2000 college students attended her funeral in honor of the wonderful woman who taught by example that it’s never too late to be all you can possibly be.1.Where did the author first got to know Rose?A.In a café.B.In class.C.At a banquet.D.In the library.2.What did Rose want to do through her speech?A.Express gratefulness for her education.B.Share her ambition with others.C.Encourage her college mates.D.Show her speaking skills.3.What does the author think of Rose?A.Energetic and caring.B.Positive and admirableC.Curious an friendlyD.Innocent and enthusiastic.4.Which can be the best title for the text?A.A Forever FriendB.Memory of College LifeC.We All Grow OlderD.Never Too Late to Pursue DreamsBEver feel like you’ve been hit on the head after a bad night’s sleep?According to scientists,the thought is n’t as far-fetched as it seems.A study found going without sleep for just one night causes changes in the brain similar to those that occur after a blow to the head.Professor Christian Benedict,of Uppsala University,Sweden,explained that the chemicals NSE and S-100B are biomarkers for brain damage.He said:“What we found was that their levels in the blood rose in the group that went without sleep for a night.This was not to the extent that would happen after a head injury,for instance,but it was still significant.During sleep,the brain cleans itself of toxic substances and NSE and S-100B increase in response to there substances.”He said the findings back up previous research showing how the brain uses sleep to clean itself.Professor Benedict said his study could also support previous studies which linked lack of sleep with increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease,Parkinson’s disease and Multiple sclerosis.The rise of the chemicals in the blood after sleep loss may suggest not getting enough sleep is conducive to a loss of brain tissue, explained.Professor Benedict,whose study is published in the journal Sleep,added:“In conclusion,the findings of our trial indicate a good night’s sleep may be critical for maintaining brain health.”A third of the UK population suffer from sleep-related problems,while the average person now sleeps for only seven hours a night,compared with almost nine a few decades ago.Many scientists believe irregular sleeping patterns lead to illnesses ranging from aches and pains to heart dis ease,while less than eight hours’ sleep a night can lower the IQ the next day.And more and more scientists have offered many different ways to get a good night’s sleep.1.The underlined phrase in Paragraph 3 probably means“”.A.supportB.objectC.reflectD.drag2.According to the passage,what can we infer from the study?A.A good night’s sleep can’t decrease the risks of many diseases.B.A good night’s sleep makes no difference to our health.C.The longer we sleep,the better our body becomes.D.A good night’s sleep benefits our brain health.3.What may the passage talk about next?A.The reasons why the research began.B.The disadvantages of a poor night’s sleep.C.The diseases linked to a poor night’s sleep.D.The advice on how to get a good night’s sleep.4.What is the best title of the passage?A.The Background of a Research on Sleep and Our BrainsB.The Findings of a Research on Sleep and Our BrainsC.The Effect of a Good Sleep on Our Brains.D.The Importance of a Good Sleep.CGretchen Alexander is sightless.But she refuses to allow her blindness to limit her life activities.She enjoys archery,golf,softball,sailing and water skiing,as well as a number of other activities that those of us who are sighted have yet to learn.She also speaks to groups about living life fully.When speaking to a group of high school students,she was once asked if there was anything she wouldn’t try.“I’ve decided never to try skydiving,”she answered.“It would scare me to de ath.”Why do some people rose above their problems and live life fully,while others become defeated?Merle Shain explains it this way:“There are only two ways to approach life:as a victim or as a gallant fighter.And you must decide whether you want to act o r to react.”When discourages,a victim reacts,perhaps in pain or self-pity.But a fighter will act.A fighter will make a decision to change that set of circumstances that leave him or her discouraged.Or a fighter will decide to accept those circumstances with grace and move ahead anyway.A fighter will decide to act with courage.A fighter will take responsibility for his or her happiness.No matter how afraid,a fighter will refuse to give in to the most defeating of all humanemotions—helplessness.A victim rea cts.A fighter acts.To be a victim or a fighter it’s your decision.It’s a decision about whether you will lie you life fully with courage,or you will be forever defeated by harsh circumstances.Make it well,for it may be one of the most important decisions you ever make.Will you be a victim or a gallant fighter?1.What can we learn about Gretchen Alexander from this passage?A.She is more athletic than whose of us who are sighted.B.She is discouraged when her dog is scared.C.There is no limitation to her life activities.D.She is a brave fighter.2.The underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to “”.A.lifeB.choiceC.courageD.circumstance3.The third paragraph mainly talks about .A.the difference between a victim and a fighterB.The reactions to helplessnessC.Decision-makingD.A fighter’s responsibility4.The best title for this passage would be .A.Gretchen Alexander’s LifeB.Merle Shain’s Attitude to LifeC.Victims and fightersD.The Way of LifeDWe’re often told to “eat a rainbow”and we aim for the guideline that says the more color a food has,the better it is.However,color is just one indicator of nutrient.Produce that wears white could be just as valuable.In fact,some white vegetables contribute substantial quantities of nutrients that we seem to be missing most often,also known as shortfall nutrients,like potassium(钾),magnesium(镁) and fiber.MushroomsMushrooms are low in calories,fat-free,cholesterol-free,gluten-free,with barely any sodium(钠),and yet they carry a wealth of selenium,potassium,riboflavin(核黄素),niacin and vitamin D.Mushrooms are also hearty and filling so they can help you control your weight.They can help simple dishes come alive.GarlicAside from tasting great,garlic has been regarded as being able to help hair grow,cause acne to disappear and keep a cold and the flu away.Its antioxidant properties can help strength your immune system,and to get the most out of garlic’s act ive chemical—allicin,cut a clove of garlic up and expose it to the air for a while before you cook with it.OnionsChef Julia Child said,“I cannot imagine a world without onions,”and for good reason.The anti-inflammatory(消炎的)chemical in onions,called quercetin,can help ease discomfort from arthritis,and quercetin’s beneficial properties have been associated with a lower risk of cancer,heart disease,diabetes and a stronger immune system.PotatoesNearly all Americans fail to meet dietary recommendations for potassium(97 percent) or dietary fiber (95 percent).On an equal weight basis,the white potato provides as much fiber as andmore potassium than other commonly consumed vegetables or fruit.Potatoes also provide vitamin C,vitamin B6 and magnesium,in addition to small amounts of high-quality protein.1.According to the passage,which of following doesn’t belong to shortfall nutrients?A.CalciumB.FiberC.MagnesiumD.Potassium2.If you are losing weight,it is effective to have .A.mushroomsB.garlicC.onionsD.potatoes3.Before cooking,cut garlic up and expose it to the air in order to .A.get riboflavinB.taste deliciousC.get allicinD.decrease the risk of cancers4.What similarity do garlic and onions have according to the passage?A.They can help hair grow.B.They can keep colds and flu away.C.They can help ease discomfort.D.They can strengthen your immune system.㈡阅读七选五Ways to Improve Your MemoryHuman mind is remarkable thing.In many ways we could consider it the original super computer ,capable of astonishing feats when it’s wo rking optimally.Some of the secrets of getting the most out of our minds are quite simple to carry out once we are aware of them. 1 Check out these ways to improve your memory,and you may never find yourself wondering where you left your car keys again!Cut Stress. 2 This means when anyone with these things is running wild in your life,your memory will suffer,sometimes greatly.Some methods that have worked again and again:meditation,yoga or even spending relaxing time with a pet. 3Get Blood Flowing.Exercise isn’t only great for your body,but it’s equally good for your long and short term memory. 4 Then what you thought was a bad memory will likely be replaced by a more youthful mind that is less forgetful.So running,swimming,riding a bike or clocking in on the rowing machine are all good choices here.5 This is a trick used by all of the world’s top memory contest winners,so you know that if we accept it we should take it very seriously!Instead of thinking of words and numbers when we try to remember something,make an effort to think in visual terms.By associating what we would like to remember with images,we are much,much more likely to remember what we wish to without struggling.It’s a law of how our minds work that can be easily used to impro ve our memories in seconds.Get in the habit of drawing pictures in your mind and a memory contest may be in your near future too!A.Image Association.B.Eat more fish and legumes.C.Give these a try and see what you think.D.Have you even wished you memory?E.Get moving,and keep your blood flowing in a healthy manner consistently.F.In fact,not sleeping well one night can take a good night’s sleep to recover from.G.Depression,stress and anxiety all tax the same area of your brain that is responsible for memory. Ⅱ.完形填空Beautiful Memories of My DadI think of you today,Dad.I almost 1 out loud when I see you in myself.It makes me2 that you’re a part of me and will always be within my3 .It brought a warm smile,as I remembered how you taught me about characters,4 ,justice,and self-respect.You taught me to enjoy life and that fun and recreation were5 to refresh the creative forces in making more effort.You taught me to6 my work,as almost one third of my life is spent in my effort.You taught me to share my 7 ,for only by giving do I truly receive.You taught me love, 8 you shared yourself with all seven of us children.Throughout you Dad,I learned what istruly 9 in life.I now know that you continue to live through me and I hope I have passed that.I know that your life was not 11 ,losing your father when you were only two years old.I know that having to 12 school and help provide for your mother was a necessity.You 13 your responsibilities,as you did in providing for our 14 .Thanks,Dad.So,parents, 15 Dads,remember that you do make a difference by 16 you teach your children, 17 that they will make a difference in this world.Children,now it is time to 18 your love and thanks to your Dad 19 what he does for you.A big hug ,a 20 “thank you”,and living a life of purpose will give him more joy.1.( )A.shout ugh C.cry D.scream2.( )A.recognize B.remember C.realize D.agree3.( )A.heart B.head C.body D.world4.( )A.honesty B.health C.friendship D.work5.( )A.found B.discussed C.needed D.collected6.( )A.ignore B.leave C.finish D.enjoy7.( )A.sorrow B.riches C.stories D.knowledge8.( )A.as B.unless C.when D.even if9.( )A.necessary B.hard C.interesting D.important10.( )A.colleagues B.friends C.kids D.parents11.( )A.wonderful B.easy C.difficult D.safe12.( )A.get rid of B.catch up with C.drop out of D.look forward to13.( )A.avoided B.lost C.abandoned D.took14.( )A.family B.relatives C.society D.mother15.( )ually B.especially pletely D.probably16.( )A.which B.when C.what D.where17.( )A.or B.so C.but D.and18.( )A.return B.tell C.express D.teach19.( )A.for B.about C.of D.in20.( )A.careful B.warm C.surprising fortableⅢ.语法填空A:I’ve read a book about personal ideals, 1 concludes that living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.B:I agree.The most important in life is to have a great aim,and the 2 (determine)to attend it.Ideals are like the stars We never reach them, 3 like mariners,we can chart our course by them.A:At the very beginning,I wanted to be a writer However,I was not very 4 (comfortable)and gave up.B:The only limit to our realization of tomorrow 5 our doubts of today.A:To be honest,I really love writing .Luckily,I 6 (publish)some stories in newspapers up to now.B:Congratulations.You should devote yourself 7 realizing your dream.A:Right.I’ve also learned it from the book that it’s the ideals 8 have lighted my way,and given me new courage to face life cheerfully.B:As the old 9 goes,where there’s a will,there’s a way.So,don’t part with your illusions. When they are gone,you may still exist,but you have cased to live.A:Always 10 (bear)this in mind,I may achieve my dream earlier.Right?B:Correct.Good luck!1. 2. 3. 4. 5.6. 7. 8. 9. 10.Ⅳ.单词拼写1.Weather (permit),we’ll go camping on the West hill this weekend.2.With Jack (direct)me,I had no difficulty in finding the principal’s house.3.On the open land,he found a place in a field where he could sleep without being .(disturb)4.Blood must (循环)properly in the head to supply the fresh oxygen the brain cells need.5.If money comes and goes without good planning,you are likely to live on a tight .(债务)6.The man is very rich but he is always in (衣衫褴褛的) on purpose to pretend to be a beggar.7.Much of the social history of the western world over the past three d has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.These thirty years definitely has a special role in history.8.It was all my f that my son had made such a silly but serious mistake.9.In order to keep healthy,you’d better have a b diet.10.The driver i the danger sign and then could not stop the bus on the hill.Ⅴ.完成句子1.You understand not only what the rule says but also what it means as if you yourself .(make)你不仅理解该规定的内容,而且也理解它的含义,就好像是你亲自制定似的。
