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式中, I 为受噪声污染的图像; NL 为经过 NL-means 图像去噪后的图像; ni (i 1, 2,3) 表示图像 的第 ni ( ni 为像素点坐标)个像素点, I (ni ) 为其对应灰度值, R(ni ) 和 S (ni ) 分别为以 ni 为中心的相 似窗和搜索窗; (n1 , n2 ) 和 d (n1 , n2 ) 分别表示 R(n1 ) 与 R(n2 ) 相似程度和欧氏距离(两个图像块的欧 式距离为两图像块差的平方和) , h 为衰减参数。 (2)非局部均值算法中参数设置 非局部均值一共有 3 个参数:相似窗 R(ni ) 的大小、搜索窗 S (ni ) 的大小、衰减参数 h 的取值。 这三个参数取值是相互影响,共同作用于 NL-means 的去噪效果:相思窗 R(ni ) 的取值决定使用多大 的窗口进行相似性度量,相似窗过小时大部分相似窗之间的欧氏距离相近,无法区分是否相似,过 大时计算复杂度过高;搜索窗 S (ni ) 的取值决定使用多大的窗口寻找相似窗, 搜索窗过小时可能找不 到足够的相似窗,过大时则计算复杂度过高,理论上,搜索窗为全图时去噪效果最好,但事实并非 这样,搜索窗过大反而会使去噪精度下降(欧氏距离度量相似性的原因) ;衰减参数 h 实际是一个阈 值的作用,当两个相似窗的欧式距离小于 h 时则判定为相似(占得权重 (n1 , n2 ) 较大) ,否则判定为 不相似 (占的权重 (n1 , n2 ) 较小) 。 因此, 增大相似窗 R(ni ) 的大小, 减小 h 的大小, 增大搜索窗 S (ni ) 的大小, 三者对 NL-means 去噪精度的提升可达到同样的效果。 前人大量实验得到三个参数的取值:









具体而言,非局部均值去噪技术主要包括以下步骤:1. 选取每个像素的邻域窗口通常情况下,取邻域窗口的大小与噪点大小相当,窗口大小较小时会影响降噪效果,窗口过大会增加计算量。

2. 计算相似度权重对于每个邻域窗口,需要计算其中各像素之间的相似度。


以欧式距离为例,其计算公式为:$d(x,y) = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^n{(x_i-y_i)^2}}$其中,$x$和$y$分别表示窗口内的两个像素,$n$为像素维数。


3. 像素加权平均根据相似度权重和像素灰度值,对待处理像素进行加权平均。


4. 重复步骤2和3,直到图像整体的噪声被去除干净。








基于非局部平均的多光谱遥感图像除噪声刘鹏;刘定生;李国庆;刘志文【期刊名称】《光谱学与光谱分析》【年(卷),期】2011(31)11【摘要】非局部平均除噪声的方法合理利用了图像自身的冗余性和邻域的相似性,可以获得非常好的除噪声的效果.但是目前大多关于非局部平均算法的研究主要集中在对单波段图像的除噪声方面.单独平滑多光谱遥感图像的每个波段会比较严重地损失图像的光谱特征.为此,文章提出了两方面的改进:首先,改进了非局部平均的平滑核函数,让核函数中的加权系数与每个波段建立联系而不是只涉及单一波段;其次,引入相关系数来衡量不同像素邻域的光谱相似性,并把这种光谱相似性作为非局部平均平滑约束的一部分.通过两方面的改进,传统的非局部平均的方法可以适应多光谱遥感图像的平滑除噪声.最后用不同卫星图像在不同的噪声水平下对算法进行了充分的测试,实验证明本文提出的方法更好的平滑掉了噪声而且更好的保持了图像的光谱特征.%The non-local mean denoising (NLM) exploits the fact that similar neighborhoods can occur anywhere in the image and can contribute to denoising. However, these current NLM methods do not aim at multichannel remote sensing image. Smoothing every band image separately will seriously damage the spectral information of the multispectral image. Then the authors promote the NLM from two aspects. Firstly, for multispectral image denoising, a weight value should be related to all channels but not only one channel. So for the kth band image, the authors use sum of smoothing kernel in all bands instead of one band.Secondly, for the patch whose spectral feature is similar to the spectral feature of the central patch, its weight should be larger. Bringing the two changes into the traditional non-local mean, a new multispectral non-local mean denoising method is proposed. In the experiments, different satellite images containing both urban and rural parts are used. For better evaluating the performance of the different method, ERGAS and SAM as quality index are used. And some other methods are compared with the proposed method. The proposed method shows better performance not only in ERGAS but also in SAM. Especially the spectral feature is better reserved in proposed NLM denoising.【总页数】5页(P2991-2995)【作者】刘鹏;刘定生;李国庆;刘志文【作者单位】中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心,北京100094;中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心,北京100094;中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心,北京100094;中国科学院对地观测与数字地球科学中心,北京100094【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP751【相关文献】1.基于主成分分析的高光谱遥感图像非局部去噪 [J], 印佳;杜战战2.基于贝叶斯非局部平均滤波的超声图像斑点噪声抑制算法 [J], 方宏道;周颖玥;林茂松3.基于非局部平均滤波的冲击噪声图像恢复算法 [J], 周颖癑;臧红彬;赵井坤;林茂松4.基于异质性测量和非局部平均的斑点噪声抑制 [J], 陈少波;侯建华;熊承义;张华5.基于非局部全变分的高光谱混合噪声恢复 [J], 孔祥阳;王惠;李欣星;伍晓亮因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。



摘要 : 图像去噪一直都是计算机 图形处理和计算机视 觉中的一 个研 究热点, 中非局部化均值算 法是近年 来去噪 效果 出 色的算法 其 之一 , 是非局部 均值 算法容 易导致细节模糊 , 但 该文基 于指数加权函数的基础 上引进 了余 弦函数 , 出了一种改进的非局部均值 图 提
像去噪方法 , 通过 实验表明 , 该文的改进 算法比传统的算法更能保持 细节。 关键词 : 图像 处理 ; 非局部均值算法; 图像去噪 ; 高斯噪声
Ab t a t I g e o s g h sa y e n ah ti u n Co u e a h c a d Co u e s n No — o a M e n t o so e o sr c ma e d n i n a l i i wa sb e o s e i mp tr Gr p i n mp trVi o . s i n lcl a smeh d i n f
t e tpe o m i g e h swhih a o ete e hegr a r r n m t od f c r us r m ndo e e r h. m i g a hepr blm fb u st e al n org n on—l c lm e n l usr s ac . Ai n tt o e o l r he d ti i i i a n s l o a a sa—
中图分类号 : P 8 文献标识码 : 文章编号 :0 9 3 4 (0 22 — 4 8 0 T 13 A 10 - 042 1 )2 5 — 2
Th n c l e n n ii g Re e r h eNo Lo a a sDe o sn s a c M
LI uo—ya U Zh
I N 0 9 3 4 SS 1 0 - 0 4





其次,基于图像中所有像素的非局部平均,我们提出了一种新的算法- 非局部均值(NL-means)。




在那种情况下,n(i)是i.i.d. 具有零均值和方差σ2的高斯值。



这种平均可以在本地进行:高斯平滑模型(Gabor [7]),各向异性过滤(Perona-Malik [11],Alvarez等人[1])和邻域过滤(Yaroslavsky [16],Smith 等人。

[14],Tomasi等人[15])通过变分计算:总变差最小化(Rudin-Osher-Fatemi [13])或频域中:经验维纳滤波器(Yaroslavsky [16] )和小波阈值法(Coiffman-Donoho [5,4])。











出的 MSNL 方 法 的光 谱 角度 误 差 ( AM) 直都 是 最小 - M S 一
的, 尤其是 噪声 比较大情况下更加 明显一 些 。在噪声 比较小
的 情 况 下 , 文 提 出 方 法 MSNL 的 相 对 整 体 维 数 综 合 误 本 - M 差( R E GAS 总 体 上 也 是 比较 小 的 ,只 有 少 数 情 况 误 差 相 对 )
型都取得了 比较好的效 果 ,但是都 要对 先验 知识进 行假 设 。
基 于偏微 分方 程的除噪声 方法 _ ] 7 已经 发展 了很多 年 ,基于 全变分的图像 除 噪模 型 可 以转化 为 求解 偏微 分 方程 。近年 来 ,彩色全变分除噪声[ 和基于偏微分方程 的多值 图像 除噪 9 ] 声通用框架 『 都 已提 出。这些方法 都是适应 多光谱 图像 的 , 】 叩 在不 同波段上 的图像值 的组合被认 为是 向量 ,图像除 噪声的
通过 两方 面的改进 , 传统的非局部平均 的方法可 以适应 多光谱遥 感 图像 的平 滑除噪声 。最后 用不 同卫星 图 像在不 同的噪声水 平下 对算法进行 了充分的测 试 , 实验 证明本文 提出的方法 更好 的平滑掉 了噪声 而且更好
的保 持 了 图像 的光 谱 特 征 。
关键词 非局部平均 ; 图像除噪声 ; 光谱特 征
进, 传统 的非局部平 均的方法更加适应多 光谱遥感 像除 噪
4 结 论
本文改进 了非局部平 均的平滑核函数 ,让核 函数 中 的加 权 系数与每个波段建立联 系而不是 只涉及单一 波段 ,引入相
声的情况 。 文用不同卫星的图像在 同的噪声水 平下对算 本
法进 行 了 充 分 的验 证 ,实 验 证 明 本 文 提 出 的 方 法 比 较 好 的平 滑 掉 了噪 声 ,不 但 获 得 更 好 的 视 觉 效 果 而 且 更 好 的 保 持 _ r图






















一种基于区域自适应的非局部均值(Nonlocal Means)图像去噪方法

一种基于区域自适应的非局部均值(Nonlocal Means)图像去噪方法

Region-based non-local means algorithm for noise removalW.L.Zeng and X.B.LuThe non-local means (NLM)provides a useful tool for image denoising and many variations of the NLM method have been proposed.However,few works have tried to tackle the task of adaptively choos-ing the patch size according to region characteristics.Presented is a region-based NLM method for noise removal.The proposed method first analyses and classifies the image into several region types.According to the region type,a local window is adaptively adjusted to match the local property of a region.Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method and demonstrate its superior-ity to the state-of-the-art methods.Introduction:The use of the non-local means (NLM)filter for noise removal has been extensively studied in the past few years.The NLM filter was first addressed in [1].The discrete version of the NLM is as follows:u (k ,l )=(i ,j )[N (k ,l )w (k ,l ,i ,j )v (i ,j )(1)where u is the restored value at pixel (k,l )and N (k,l )stands for theneighbourhood of the pixel (k,l ).The weight function w (k,l,i,j )is defined asw (k ,l ,i ,j )=1exp −||T k ,l v −T i ,j v ||22,a(2)where T k,l and T i,j denote two operators that extract two patches of sizeq ×q centred at pixel (k,l )and (i,j ),respectively;h is the decay para-meter of the weights; . 2,a is the weighted Euclidean norm using a Gaussian kernel with standard deviation a ,and Z (k,l )is the normalised constantZ (k ,l )= (i ,j )exp −||T k ,l v −T i ,j v ||22,ah 2(3)The core idea of the NLM filter exploits spatial correlation in the entireimage for noise removal and can produce promising results.This method is time consuming and not able to suppress any noise for non-repetitive neighbourhoods.Numerous methods were proposed to accel-erate the NLM method [2–4].Also,variations of the NLM method have been proposed to improve the denoising performance [5–7].In smooth areas,a large matching window size could be used to reduce the influ-ence of misinterpreting noise as local structure.Conversely,a small matching window size could be used for the edge /texture region,which means not only the local structure existing within a neighbour-hood can be effectively used but can also speed up the matching process.To the best of our knowledge,few works have tried to tackle the task of adaptively choosing the patch size according to region characteristics.To overcome the disadvantage of the NLM method and its variances,in this Letter we present an adaptive NLM (ANLM)method for noise removal.The proposed method first analyses and classifies the image into several region types based on local structure information of a pixel.According to the region type,a local window is adaptively adjusted to match the local property of a region.Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method.Proposed NLM algorithm:The adaptive patches based non-local means algorithm is conducted according to the region classification results,owing to the fact that the structure tensor can obtain more local structure information [8].Therefore,we use it to classify the region.For each pixel (i,j )of the region,the structure tensor matrix is defined asT s =t 11t 12t 12t 22 =G s ∗(g x (i ,j ))2G s ∗g x (i ,j )g y (i ,j )G s ∗g y (i ,j )g x (i ,j )G s ∗(g y (i ,j ))2where g x and g y stand for gradient information in the x and y directions,G s denotes a Gaussian kernel with a standard deviation s .Theeigenvalues l 1and l 2of T s are given byl 1=12t 11+t 22+ (t 11−t 22)2+4t 212 and l 2=1t 11+t 22− (t 11−t 22)2+4t 212 For a pixel in the smooth region,there is a small eigenvalue difference;for a pixel in an edge /texture region,there is a large eigenvalue differ-ence.Therefore,region classification can be achieved by examining the eigenvalue difference of each pixel.Let l (i ,j )=|l 1(i ,j )−l 2(i ,j )|.We propose the following classifi-cation scheme to partition the whole image region into n classes {c 1,···,c n }:(i ,j )[c 1,if l (i ,j )≤l min +(l max −l min )n c 2,if l (i ,j )≤l min +2(l max −l min )n ...c n ,if l (i ,j )≤l min +n (l max −l min )n ⎧⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎨⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎪⎩where l min and l max are the minimum and maximum of {l (i ,j ):(i ,j )[V },respectively.To exploit the local structure information and reduce noise in different regions,we adaptively choose the matching window based on the region classification result.The scheme for selecting the matching window is asfollows:if (k ,l )[c r ,T k ,l :=T r k ,l ,where T rk ,l denotes an operator of the r-type region that extracts one patch of size q r ×q r .To reduce the influ-ence of misinterpreting noise as local structure,a larger patch size is adopted for a smooth region.In contrast,a small patch size is employed for the edge /texture region.Intuitively,the number of the class n should be as big as possible.In practice,the gain is insignificant for n greater than 4.Therefore,we choose n ¼4in our experiments.Table 1:PSNR performance comparison of ‘Lena’,‘Barbara’,‘Peppers’imagesFig.1Comparison of results with additive Gaussian noise of s ¼35a Original image b Noisy image c NLM d WUNLM e ANLMExperimental results:In this Section,we compare our proposed ANLM method with the NLM method [2]and the weight update NLM (WUNLM)method [3].We test the proposed method on ‘Lena’,‘Barbara’,and ‘Peppers’,which were taken from the USC-SIPI Image Database (/database/base).The performance of the method was evaluated by measuring the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR).In general h corresponds to the noise level and is usuallyELECTRONICS LETTERS 29th September 2011Vol.47No.20,1125-1127fixed to the standard deviation of the noise.The size of the search window is21×21.Table1shows results obtained with three methods across four noise levels.Figs.1a and b,show the‘Barbara’image and the corresponding noisy image generated by adding Gaussian white noise with variance s¼35,respectively.Figs.1c–e show denoised images by using the NLM,WUNLM,and ANLM methods,respectively.From the standpoint of perceptual view and PSNR values,the proposed ANLM method produced the best quality. Conclusions:An adaptive NLM(ANLM)method for noise removal is presented.In the method,an image isfirst analysed and classified into several region types.According to the region type,a local window is adaptively adjusted to match the local property of a region. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method and demonstrate its superiority to the state-of-the-art methods. Acknowledgments:This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under grant60972001,the National Key Technologies R&D Program of China under grant2009BAG13A06 and the Scientific Innovation Research of College Graduate in Jiangsu Province under grant CXZZ_0163.#The Institution of Engineering and Technology20115August2011doi:10.1049/el.2011.2456W.L.Zeng(School of Transportation,Southeast University,Nanjing 210096,People’s Republic of China)X.B.Lu(School of Automation,Southeast University,Nanjing210096, People’s Republic of China)E-mail:xblu2008@References1Budades,A.,Coll,B.,and Morel,J.M.:‘A review of image denoising algorithms,with a new one’,Multiscale Model Simul.,2005,4,(2), pp.490–5302Mahmoudi,M.,and Sapiro,G.:‘Fast image and video denoising via nonlocal means of similar neighborhoods’,IEEE Signal Process.Lett., 2005,12,(12),pp.839–8423Vignesh,R.,Oh,B.T.,and Kuo,C.-C.J.:‘Fast non-local means(NLM) computation with probabilistic early termination’,IEEE Signal Process.Lett.,2010,17,(3),pp.277–2804Brox,T.,Kleinschmidt,O.,and Cremers,D.:‘Efficient nonlocal means for denoising of textural patterns’,IEEE Trans.Image Process.,2008, 17,(7),pp.1083–10925Kervrann,C.,and Boulanger,J.:‘Optimal spatial adaptation for patch-based image denoising’,IEEE Trans.Image Process.,2006,15,(10), pp.2866–28786Ville,D.V.D.,and Kocher,M.:‘SURE-based non-local means’,IEEE Signal Process.Lett.,2009,16,(11),pp.973–9767Park,S.W.,and Kang,M.G.:‘NLM algorithm with weight update’, Electron.Lett.,2010,16,(15),pp.1061–10638Brox,T.,Weickert,J.,Burgeth,B.,and Mrazek,P.:‘Nonlinear structure tensors’,Image put.,2006,24,pp.41–55ELECTRONICS LETTERS29th September2011Vol.47No.20。



基于非局部均值的图像降噪祁国平;吴朝润【摘要】The article introduces the basic idea of the image denoising research,then describes a non-local means denoise algorithms.Finally,it uses MATLAB R2008a to achieve the noise reduction effect of the non-local mean noise reduction algorithm under the different standard deviation,and assessment this algorithm with structural similarity and peak signal to noise,lists the image denoise processing results and evaluation criteria for data.On this basis,it finds the image denoising algorithm that suitable for human visual system.%首先介绍了图像降噪的基本思路,其次介绍了非局部均值降噪算法,最后用MATLAB R2008a实现非局部均值降噪算法在不同标准差下的降噪效果,用结构相似度及峰值信噪比评价标准评价该算法,列出它们的图像降噪处理结果及评价准则数据。




值。与局部滤波或频域滤 波的 主要不 同是系统 用 图像可 以
提供 的所 有可能的 自我预测。
离散 噪声 图像 ={() ∈, , 素 的估计值 ^ [ ] J }像 口 ()通过所有像素 的加权平均来 计算。 ,
Ⅳ [ () = ’ (J 口 . L ] i ) () () 3
摘 要: 首先介绍 了图像 降噪的基本 思路 , 次介 绍 了非局部 均值 降噪 算法 , 其 最后 用 M rAB咖 8 An a实现 非 局部均值 降噪算法在 不同标 准差下的降噪效果 , 用结 构相似度 及峰值 信噪 比评 价标 准评价该 算 法, 出它们的 图 列 像降噪处理结果及评价 准则数据 。在 此基础 上寻找 适合人 类视 觉效果 的图像降噪算 法。 关键词 : 图像 降噪 ;非局部均值 ;峰 值信噪 比;结构相似度 中图分类号 :’ 9 , 3l I P 文献标识码 : A
山西 电子技 术 2 1 第 2期 02年
文 章 编 号 :6 44 7 (02)20 4 -3 l7 .5 8 2 1 0 -o5 o
应 用 实践
基 于非局 部 均值 的 图像 降噪
祁 国平 ,吴朝润。
( .中北 大学 电子 测试技 术 国 家重 点 实验 室 ,山西 太原 O 05 ; 1 30 l 2 .中北 大学 信 息与通 信 工程 学院 , 山西 太原 0o 5 ) 30 1
欧 氏距 离是为了提出噪声邻域的等式 :
EI ) )l,=l (『 一 ( )I,+ . J ( 一 ( J I J ) u J 2 ; “7 、 = f ;
() 4
很多降噪 和恢复原 始图像 的方法提 出, 它们 虽然在降噪 方法上 不同 , 被广泛 应用 的理 论是 : 但 消噪通过 平均 来实 现 。局部平均方法 : 高斯平 滑模 型 , 邻域滤 波 ; 域 : 典维 频 经 纳滤 波 , 小波阈值方法 。 我们定 义消 噪方 法 作为 一个 分解 : =D +n , ^ (



摘要非局部平均的去噪方法研究摘要本论文主要围绕着图像去噪这个困扰了研究学者已久的图像处理难点展开了讨论,对非局部几何思想及其在图像去噪中的应用进行了研究,主要内容包括:Non-Local means算法的实现、Non-Local means算法与其它去噪算法的方法噪声比较、合理邻域的选择以及基于广义Gaussian模型的Non-Local去噪算法。




A. Buades等人提出了方法噪声的概念,转换了人们对于去噪问题的视角。

本文针对方法噪声的概念,给出了Gaussian滤波器、各向异性滤波器、Wiener滤波器、小波阈值去噪方法以及Non-Local means的方法噪声公式,并通过具体实验结果证明了Non-Local means算法的优越性;针对Non-Local的算法冗余度,提出适当地筛选邻域,保留相似性较大的像素、舍弃权值较小的像素,可以在保持去噪效果的基础上提高运算速度。

邻域平均灰度值和梯度值都是很好的选择;将Non-Local思想与小波域广义Gaussian模型相结合,在分解图像的各个子波带运用Non-Local means算法。


关键词:非局部平均,方法噪声,广义Gaussian模型,邻域相似度,小波阈值,图像去噪A RESEARCH ON IMAGE DENOISINGBY NON-LOCAL MEANSABSTRACTThis thesis mainly discusses about image denoising, which has disturbed researchers for quite a long period. It does researches on Non-Local algorithm and its application in image denoising. The thesis emphasizes on the following parts: implementation on Non-Local means, comparison of method noise among Non-Local means and other filters, rational selection of neighborhoods, and Non-Local means algorithm based on General Gaussian Distribution.The noise reduction will affect the whole work of image processing. It’s extremely difficult to distinguish unknown noise from details and structures in natural images. The basic idea of denoising is average, so the key point is how to do smoothing while preserving details or high frequency parts. A. Bades, et al brought forward the concept of method noise, which changed the viewpoint of the problem.Based on the above, the contributions of our work mainly focus on the following aspects:1. Formulae of method noise for the Gaussian smoothing filter, the anisotropic filter, the Wiener filter, the translation invariant wavelet thresholding, and Non-Local means algorithm are deduced. The experiments’ result shows that Non-Local means is better than any mentioned filters.2. In order to accelerate the Non-Local means algorithm, filters that eliminate unrelated neighborhoods from the weighted average are introduced. These filters are based on local average gray values and gradients, pre-classifying neighborhoods and thereby reducing the original quadraticcomplexity to a linear one and reducing the influence of less-related areas in the denoising of a given pixel.3. A denoising technique based on General Gaussian Distribution is addressed. The wavelet coefficients of a noised image in each sub-band are modelized by a GGD whose parameters are estimated using an appropriate technique. The estimated parameters are used to define a generalized Non-Local mean which allows us to restore the original image. This algorithm allows us to reduce the computational cost since processed images are smaller.KEY WORDS: Non-Local means, Method Noise, General Gaussian Distribution, Neighborhood Similarity, Wavelet Thresholding, Image Denoising上海交通大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果。






















在这些实验中,我们主要使用了两种评价标准:PSNR(Peak signal-to-noise ratio)和SSIM(Structural similarity index)。



基于图像分割的非局部均值去噪算法徐苏;周颖玥【期刊名称】《计算机应用》【年(卷),期】2017(37)7【摘要】针对传统非局部均值(NLM)算法的滤波参数非自适应及去噪后边缘易模糊的缺点,提出一种基于图像分割的非局部均值去噪算法.该算法分为两个阶段:第一阶段根据噪声大小及图像纹理自适应确定滤波参数的值,并采用传统非局部均值算法得到去噪结果图;第二阶段根据像素点方差的不同,将该去噪结果图分为细节区域和背景区域,再对属于不同区域的图像块分别去噪,同时为了更有效地去除噪声,还采用了反向投影的方式,充分利用了第一阶段方法噪声中残留的结构信息.实验结果表明,与传统非局部均值算法及其三种改进算法相比,所提算法的峰值信噪比(PSNR)及结构相似性(SSIM)更高,纹理细节和边缘结构更完整,图像更清晰,本真信息保留更完整.%Focusing on the problems of non-adaption of filtering parameters and edge blur of Non-Local Means (NLM) algorithm,an improved NLM denoising algorithm based on image segmentation was proposed.The proposed algorithm is composed of two phases.In the first phase,the filtering parameter was determined according to the noise level and image structure,and traditional NLM algorithm was used to remove the noise and generate the rough clean image.In the second phase,the estimated clean image was divided into detailed region and background region based on pixel variance,and the image patches belonged to different regions were denoised separately.To effectively remove the noise,the back projectionwas utilized to make full use of the residual structure from the method noise of the first phase.The experimental results show that compared with traditional NLM and three NLM-improved algorithms,the proposed algorithm achieves higher Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Structural SIMilarity (SSIM),while maintaining more structure details and edges,making the denoised image clear and retaining the complete real information.【总页数】6页(P2078-2083)【作者】徐苏;周颖玥【作者单位】西南科技大学信息工程学院,四川绵阳621010;特殊环境机器人技术四川省重点实验室(西南科技大学),四川绵阳621010;西南科技大学信息工程学院,四川绵阳621010;特殊环境机器人技术四川省重点实验室(西南科技大学),四川绵阳621010【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP391.413【相关文献】1.基于梯度特征的双核非局部均值去噪算法 [J], 张玉征;杨词慧;林泉2.基于局部边沿方向的非局部均值图像去噪算法 [J], 贾丽娜;焦枫媛;刘瑞强;桂志国3.基于直觉模糊散度的自适应非局部均值去噪算法 [J], 张宁; 宋小鹏; 刘祎; 张鹏程; 桂志国4.基于3维轴距与非局部均值的无人机巡检图像去噪算法 [J], 唐丽丽;马宪民;商立群5.基于边缘检测的非局部均值图像去噪算法 [J], 李向前因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。























第37卷第8期计算机仿真2020年8月文章编号:1006 -9348(2020)08 -0228 -07一种基于深度学习的非局部均值图像降噪方法刘建宾,刘保中(北京信息科技大学计算机学院,北京K X H01)摘要:针对传统图像降噪算法对图像进行降噪时效果不佳的问题,提出一种深度学习与非局部均值滤波算法相结合的图像 降噪新方法。

在传统非局部均值滤波算法基础上,通过构建图像分块滤波学习过程框架和五层神经网络模型,运用梯度下 降反向传导算法和ReLU激活函数,采用均方对数误差损失函数和Adam优化函数进行小批量处理模型训练,在kerns框架 上得到较好的降噪效果。


关键词:非局部均值;深度学习;图像分块;图像降噪;神经网络中图分类号:TP391 文献标识码:BNon - Local Mean Image Denoising Method Based on Deep LearningLIU Jian - bin,LIU Bao - zhong(Computer School,Beijing Information Science&Technology University,Beijing 100101):Aiming at the problem that the traditional image denoising algorithm is not effective in noise reduction,a new image denoising method combining deep learning and non- local mean filtering algorithm is proposed.On thebasis of the traditional non- local mean filtering algorithm,by constructing the image block filtering learning process framework and the five- layer neural network model f using the gradient descent reverse conduction algorithm and the RELU activation function,the mean square logarithmic error loss function and the Adam optimization function were used to perform small batch processing model training and obtain better noise reduction effect on Keras framework.The effectiveness of the method was verified by comparison with Gaussian filtering,median filtering,bilateral filte­ring,and non- local mean filtering algorithms.:Non- local means(NLM);Deep learning;Image segmentation;Image denoising;Neural networki引言在图像处理领域中图像降噪问题备受研究者的青睐。

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In this thesis, animage denoising methodbased on conventionalnon-local means algorithmwhich balanceseffectsand efficiencies is proposed.Its ability foractual applicationis provedbytests onOCT medical images.Furthermore, theimplement on hardwareaccelerate the proposed methodforreal-time processing.Experimental results confirmthegood balancebetweendenoising and computing speed.
The idea of non-local means algorithmcan take gooduseof themassiveredundant information in images.Althoughthe algorithm isfeasible,thesearch and matchfor similar patches,and thesimilaritycalculationlead tohighcomputational cost.Thusthe computation is in great need to be reduced. Local binary descriptor(LBP)for image processing is introduced as anewponitof view. It canbotheffectively extract image local features, such as edgesandcorners, andquantitatively convertthemto a binary string.The binarydescriptor supports a fast imagefeaturematching with a logical operationandadjustmentforthe search window size.Thereby the amount of computationcan bereducedby at least one order of magnitude.
There are many kinds of noise in the practical application.Alarge amount of image denoising algorithmshave been studied. Non-local means algorithm becamea research hotspotafterproposed because of its good denoising effect andprotectionof the image feature information. The algorithmbasedonthelarge amount of self-similar informationsin digital images, search fortheotherpatches in the image which aresimilarto the central patch andcalculatethe similar weightsby Gauss distance.In theend,thenew pixel valueis obtainedbyweighted average of the blocks in the searcharea.
空域滤波器通常分为局部和非局部滤波器。局部滤波器如双边滤波器[8] [9]和训练滤波器[10]在减少时间复杂性上效果较好。然而,在高噪声的情况下,由于相邻像素之间的相关性已被噪声严重损坏,这些方法的去噪效果并不理想。与局部滤波器不同,非局部滤波器利用非局部方式获得图像内部天然的自相似性。非局部均值滤波[11]通过加权平均同一幅图像中的其他像素块得到去噪后的图像。它与局部滤波器相比鲁棒性更好,因为它考虑到每个像素周围的邻域像素而不仅考虑中心像素。这个滤波器带来显著去噪效果的同时,计算量也非常庞大,因为每个染噪的像素都由图像中所有像素的加权平均值代替。
一般而言,图像去噪方法可以分为空间域,变换域和基于图像表示的字典学习。现在比较流行的变换域方法有高斯尺度混合模型方法[3],Stein无偏风险估计(SURE)[4]和三维块匹配去噪算法(Block-matching and 3D filtering algorithm, BM3D)[5]。聚类与奇异值分解(K-SVD)[6]学习同步稀疏编码(LSSC)[7]是现在两个优秀的字典学习方法。以上方法虽然去噪质量令人满意,但是基于变换的方法算法复杂度要求较高,而稀疏模型要付出昂贵的计算代价,因此两者都不适合实时应用。
The imagescorrupted by noisenot onlybringabout poorvisual effectsbut also losepartofthe usefulinformation, which is not conducive to the subsequent image analysis. Image denoising is apopularand difficult problem in the field of digital image processing, which can improve the image quality and provide favorable conditions for the image processing. This paper mainly studied the image denoising algorithm, especially non-local means(NLM) filter algorithm.In order to overcomethe weakness ofNLM,a transform of NLMcombined with local binary descriptors(LBP) isproposed.Furthermore, a parallel implemention whichtake advantage of hardware accelerationis also provided for real-time image denoising.