
3. What’s the weather like these days? sunny It is ________.
W:_______________________________ We can’t complain about the weather these days, can we ? __________________ You are right. It has been sunny day M: _________________________________ after day __________. But I suppose the farmers wish it __________________________________ would rain __________.
4. What’s the weather like today? It is ________. rainy How about tomorrow? windy ______________. and snowy
got wet through on my way home. W: I _______________ What terrible weather we’re having today! M: And tomorrow, too. It’s going to be windy and snowy the weatherman said. _______________,
2019 7
2019 8

Happiness means emotion that you feel inside yourself giving your life its worth.
Happiness is satisfaction doing something extraordinary experiencing joy of accomplishment.
4. He calls some friends ansdoscoiacliiazleizses or has a chat.
参与社交 v.
3. What do you think of the woman and
the man in feelings?
The woman is…
worried optimistic
The secret of happiness
OAlntcheotuhgerhehlievehdaadklitntgleo,f great _h_kh_ai_seCn_p_tog_pr_wu_ey_hal_.nd_e_sHg__athea_rheld_two__afola__dnif_yn_d_hstd_h_i_wsh_ihs_se_aae,__aprph_lpvpt_eyahi__nna__ets.s.sYkWsteeo?tdhfhientehndwethhamisemannot thointegas ctohmhiamkehhiismsheacprepty., but each came back"sIanyeinvge, r“_p_u_Ns_ho_._t"i_nt_hg_e_i_nm_t_ah_n_e__w_o_r_l_d _rce_ap_n_li_em_d_a,_“t_ca_hn__dt_hI_en__ew_vo_en_rd_re_u_rs_fh_u_l. _Mt_ho_i_ns_gt_so_f_you haallv,_eI_a_nlr_ee_vae_dr_y_.w“_iT_s_h_enf_o_inr__tth_oa_ot_l_ma_nu_dc_,h.t"here lived a poor man with a patch over one eye anWd ahactr’ustcthhteo sheeclprehtimofwahlakp. piness?

How do you like the paintings?
How do you like the paintings?
Task 2 Listen to the tape and answer the questions
1. What’s the writer? A. a writer B. an artist C. an art student 2. Who does the writer think know the modern art best? A. the adults B. the children C. the artists
Task 2 Listen to the tape and answer the questions
3. What was the writer doing when the little girl came in? A. hanging his picture B. sleeping C. painting
4. Some useful sentences
1. Many people pretend that they understand modern art
2. We like them in the same way that we like pretty curtain material 3. My sister always tell me whether my pictures are good or not
4. I’m hanging the picture on the wall
He pretended __________when the teacher came in (高考原题)

C. Curious.
W: Hey, what happened to you? You look awful! M: Well. I've had a lot of work to do recently. I only got two hours of sleep last night, and none at all the night before that. I don't feel too good right now. W: That sounds terrible. You need to think about your health a bit more. Why don't you have some breakfast and then sleep for a while? M: Well, now that the sun is up, I feel more awake. I'm afraid if I sleep now, I won't wake up. W: But if you don't feel well, you won't be able to do your work. You should at least get an hour or two of sleep. I can call you to wake you up, if you want. M: OK, maybe that's a good idea. Actually, I fell asleep while working last night. W: I can't believe what you're doing to yourself. You're going to die young if you keep this up for much longer…

Analysis of Listening Materials
News reports
These are reports on current events, published in newspapers, on radio or on the Internet They are usually about 200-300 words long and are designed to provide information about recent events
Listening skills
Comprehension of main ideas
The ability to understand the overall message or point of a spoon pass, including the introduction, conclusion, and main points
Recognition of important details
The ability to identify and understand specific information or details within a spoon passage, such as names, dates, locations, and events
The course includes interactive activities and exercises to help participants apply what they learn in real world settings
It is suitable for learners at intermediate and advanced levels of English proficiency

B: You were?
A: Yes, I thought _I _m__ig_h__t_l_o_s_e__y_o_u_______.
B: Oh, I guess even kings get scared , huh? A: Mmm – mm. B: But you know what. A: What? B: I think those hyenas (土狼)were even scareder! A: Because nobody messes with your dad!
Retell the story with the clues:
Father lion was disappointed in his son for _______________________________________. But the son just wanted to be brave like his dad. His dad told him that he only behave bravely ______________. Being brave doesn’t mean _____________. What’s more, he was scared that day because__________________. His son was surprised to hear his dad’s words and also felt proud of his dad.
differ • po soft and weak +eg hard • 父 ?女 want: po or eg • 女 smi +lear deter fight back diff.
B: You were?
A: Yes, I thought _I _m__ig_h__t_l_o_s_e__y_o_u_______.
B: Oh, I guess even kings get scared , huh? A: Mmm – mm. B: But you know what. A: What? B: I think those hyenas (土狼)were even scareder! A: Because nobody messes with your dad!
Retell the story with the clues:
Father lion was disappointed in his son for _______________________________________. But the son just wanted to be brave like his dad. His dad told him that he only behave bravely ______________. Being brave doesn’t mean _____________. What’s more, he was scared that day because__________________. His son was surprised to hear his dad’s words and also felt proud of his dad.
differ • po soft and weak +eg hard • 父 ?女 want: po or eg • 女 smi +lear deter fight back diff.

4. According to Peter, what is the problem with the building?
A. The air-conditioning is too strong. B. The air-conditioning is out of order. C. The air-conditioning stops working sometimes. 5. Why did Peter miss the breakfast yesterday morning? A. He overslept. B. He couldn't fall asleep the night before. C. He talked with his roommates late into the night. 6. How many students will be staying in this room? A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
1. Where does Jane ask Tom to meet her at first?
2. When and where do they agree to meet finally?
3. What does Jane have to do before going out to meet Tom?
13. What do the students come to the school for?
A. Visiting the school. B. Attending summer courses. C. A sightseeing tour of the area. 14. How long has the school been open? A. Twenty years. B. Five years. C. Twenty-five years. 15. What could the students do in the study center if they were out late the night before? A. Talk to the teachers. B. Use the equipment. C. Do the homework.

注意对话中肯定与否定 回答.
肯定回答: Yes / Absolutely / I agree with you… ; 否定回答: I’m sorry, I’m busy now, I’m afraid I can’t…… 常见语气词: well — 委婉否定
M: Can you possibly lend me $ 10? W: It's out of the question.
B. Doctor and patient. (medicine)
C. Teacher and student.
Who might the man be? A. A director. B. A building designer. C. A photographer. (picture)
规 范
的 解
步 3.听后
高考听力有一半的信息靠听,而另一半 的信息靠阅读。因此,我们应该迅速浏 览题干和所给选项,做到有备而发!
1.看题干透露的信息:分男女、 抓关键词。
忽略相似部分,把注意力集中在有较大 差异的部分,画重点和关键词。
(I went to Spain, actually)
How many shirts will the man buy? A. Three B. Five C. Six
(...two red ones and three green ones.)
长对话适当预测内容 1. Why do the speakers want to go for a

1. Why is the woman feeling nervous? 2. How does the man do if he is getting
into a bad mood? 3. What do you think of the woman and the
man in feelings?
4. He calls some friends ansdoscoiacliiazleizses or has a chat.
参与社交 v.
3. What do you think of the woman and
the man in feelings?
The woman is…
worried optimistic
Can you think of some words to describe people’s feelings and emotions?
different feelings and emotions
embarrassed frightened
amazed optimistic
nervous scared
Free talk
Can you tell me what things can make you happy? For me, my happiness is to_________ _____________________________
Free talk
Can you tell me what things can make you happy? For me, my happiness is to_s_p_en_d__t_im_e_ _w_i_th__m_y__f_am__il_y,__m_y__f_ri_e_n_d_s s emotion that you feel inside yourself giving your life its worth.

单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的 提炼,为了最终呈现发布的良好效果 ,请尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;单击 此处添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼 ,为了最终呈现发布的良好效果,请 尽量言简意赅的阐述观点;单击此处 添加正文,文字是您思想的提炼,为 了最终呈现发布的良好效果,请尽量 言简意赅的阐述观点;单击此处添加 正文 10*16
Teaching methods and means
Teaching methods
The course options a variety of teaching methods, including classroom lectures, group discussions, individual tutorials, online learning, etc
Course background and significance
Background of English listening tTeheaimcphoirntangce of English listening
teaching in second language acquisition, the current situation anh listening teaching in China
Note taking
The ability to summarize or retain what has been heard, which can help with comprehension and memory
The ability to take notes while listening, which can help with comprehension and memory

Bowing down my head I'm feeling happy now,to your victory sweet Learning how lose is feeling 1. ______ You know I'mto happy now paradise Been talking to the birds Another lesson learnt in 7. _______ and on me my once, 2. ________ side I letthey're you trick fool I you know I'm happy now won't 8._____ me twice dawn survive Just the _____ of a new dayI 9. You like turn me3. on my head but still _____ Just like thehappy 4. tip ____ of a new wave I'm feeling now, You know I'm happy happy now now, I know I am I'm feeling happy now hill Just like the sun over the 5. _____ won’t I say I will You say I 6._____,
Bowing down my head to your victory I'm feeling happy now, Learning how to lose is feeling 1. ______ You know I'm happy now Been talking to the birds Another lesson learnt in 7. _______ and they're on my 2. ________ I let you trick me once, I know I'm happy now you won't 8._____ me twice Just like the 3. _____ of a new day You turn me on my head but still I 9. _____ Just like the 4. ____ of a new wave I'm feeling happy now, You know I'm happy now, I know I am happy now I'm feeling happy now Just like the sun over the 5. _____ You say I 6._____, I say I will
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ead to your victory I'm feeling happy now, Learning how to lose is feeling 1. ______ You know I'm happy now Been talking to the birds Another lesson learnt in 7. _______ and they're on my 2. ________ I let you 8._______ me once, I know I'm happy now you won't 9._____ me twice Just like the 3. _____ of a new day You turn me on my head but still I 10. ____ Just like the 4. ____ of a new wave I'm feeling happy now, You know I'm happy now, I know I am happy now I'm feeling happy now Just like the sun over the 5. _____ You say I 6._____, I say I will
Bowing down my head to your victory I'm feeling happy now, Learning how to lose is feeling 1. ______ You know I'm happy now Been talking to the birds Another lesson learnt in 7. _______ and they're on my 2. ________ I let you 8._______ me once, I know I'm happy now you won't 9._____ me twice Just like the 3. _____ of a new day You turn me on my head but still I 10. ____ Just like the 4. ____ of a new wave I'm feeling happy now, You know I'm happy now, I know I am happy now I'm feeling happy now Just like the sun over the 5. _____ You say I 6._____, I say I will
Free talk
Can you tell me what things can make you happy? spend time For me, my happiness is to_________ with my family,my friends and you. _____________________________
Can you think of some words to describe people’s feelings and emotions?
different feelings and emotions embarrassed
amazed optimistic
1. Why is the woman feeling nervous? 2. How does the man do if he is getting
into a bad mood?
3. What do you think of the woman and the man in feelings?
1.Why is the woman feeling nervous?
Because she just had a test and she is not sure how well or how bad she did. 2. What does the man do if he is getting into a bad mood? He calls some friends and socializes or has a chat.
Happiness means emotion that you feel inside yourself giving your life its worth.
Happiness is satisfaction doing something extraordinary experiencing joy of accomplishment.
proud moody nervous
Free talk
Can you tell me what things can make you happy? For me, my happiness is to_________
How can we make ourselves happy in our daily life as a student ?
be brave while facing difficulties take one’s courage in both hands have a young heart take exercise to keep healthy enjoy life and have some true friends have a good sense of humor ready to help others finally, money is not everything
Bowing down my head to your victory Learning how to lose is feeling 1. sweet ______ Been talking to the birds and they're on my 2. ________ side I know I'm happy now Just like the 3. dawn _____ of a new day Just like the 4. ____ tip of a new wave You know I'm happy now, I'm feeling happy now hill Just like the sun over the 5. _____ won’t I say I will You say I 6._____,
The secret of happiness
Once there lived a king of great Although he had little, ______________________. Yet he was not ____________________. When the happy. He told his servants to find him king heard of this, he asked the man things to make him happy, but each came to teach him his secret. back saying, “_____________________ "I never push." the man _________________________________you replied,“ and I never rush. Most of have already.“ Then in that land, there all,_______________________." lived a poor man with a patch over one eye and a crutch to help him walk.
参与社交 v.
3. What do you think of the woman and the man in feelings? worried The woman is… optimistic happy excited and the man is… nervous moody socialized
Happiness is courage. Happiness is attitude Happiness is to face everything with smile We are young. We are happy. In front of us is the difficulty But we never worry Just be happy every day. Just think about things in a positive way See? Happy life is easy.
The secret of happiness
Once there he lived a king of great Although had little, ______________________. he was he strength was always and wealth happy Yet ____________________. When thenot Could he find happiness? happy. He told servants to find king heard of his this, he asked thehim man things to make him happy, but each came to teach him his secret. back"I saying, “_____________________ Noting the world never push." thein man _________________________________you can match the wonderful things replied,“ and I never rush. Most of have Then in that I already.“ never wish for too land, muchthere all,_______________________." lived a poor man with a patch over one eye What’s the of happiness? and a crutch to secret help him walk.
Bowing down my head to your victory I'm feeling happy now, Learning how to lose is feeling 1. ______ You know I'm happy now Been talking to the birds Another lesson learnt in 7. _______ and they're on my 2. ________ I let you 8._______ me once, I know I'm happy now you won't 9._____ me twice Just like the 3. _____ of a new day You turn me on my head but still I 10. ____ Just like the 4. ____ of a new wave I'm feeling happy now, You know I'm happy now, I know I am happy now I'm feeling happy now Just like the sun over the 5. _____ You say I 6._____, I say I will
Free talk
Can you tell me what things can make you happy? spend time For me, my happiness is to_________ with my family,my friends and you. _____________________________
Can you think of some words to describe people’s feelings and emotions?
different feelings and emotions embarrassed
amazed optimistic
1. Why is the woman feeling nervous? 2. How does the man do if he is getting
into a bad mood?
3. What do you think of the woman and the man in feelings?
1.Why is the woman feeling nervous?
Because she just had a test and she is not sure how well or how bad she did. 2. What does the man do if he is getting into a bad mood? He calls some friends and socializes or has a chat.
Happiness means emotion that you feel inside yourself giving your life its worth.
Happiness is satisfaction doing something extraordinary experiencing joy of accomplishment.
proud moody nervous
Free talk
Can you tell me what things can make you happy? For me, my happiness is to_________
How can we make ourselves happy in our daily life as a student ?
be brave while facing difficulties take one’s courage in both hands have a young heart take exercise to keep healthy enjoy life and have some true friends have a good sense of humor ready to help others finally, money is not everything
Bowing down my head to your victory Learning how to lose is feeling 1. sweet ______ Been talking to the birds and they're on my 2. ________ side I know I'm happy now Just like the 3. dawn _____ of a new day Just like the 4. ____ tip of a new wave You know I'm happy now, I'm feeling happy now hill Just like the sun over the 5. _____ won’t I say I will You say I 6._____,
The secret of happiness
Once there lived a king of great Although he had little, ______________________. Yet he was not ____________________. When the happy. He told his servants to find him king heard of this, he asked the man things to make him happy, but each came to teach him his secret. back saying, “_____________________ "I never push." the man _________________________________you replied,“ and I never rush. Most of have already.“ Then in that land, there all,_______________________." lived a poor man with a patch over one eye and a crutch to help him walk.
参与社交 v.
3. What do you think of the woman and the man in feelings? worried The woman is… optimistic happy excited and the man is… nervous moody socialized
Happiness is courage. Happiness is attitude Happiness is to face everything with smile We are young. We are happy. In front of us is the difficulty But we never worry Just be happy every day. Just think about things in a positive way See? Happy life is easy.
The secret of happiness
Once there he lived a king of great Although had little, ______________________. he was he strength was always and wealth happy Yet ____________________. When thenot Could he find happiness? happy. He told servants to find king heard of his this, he asked thehim man things to make him happy, but each came to teach him his secret. back"I saying, “_____________________ Noting the world never push." thein man _________________________________you can match the wonderful things replied,“ and I never rush. Most of have Then in that I already.“ never wish for too land, muchthere all,_______________________." lived a poor man with a patch over one eye What’s the of happiness? and a crutch to secret help him walk.