摘要摘要32O Ga -β是一种新型宽禁带氧化物半导体材料,禁带宽度大约为4.9eV ,具有良好的化学和热稳定性,在紫外探测器、功率器件等领域应用前景广阔。
本文采用在蓝宝石(0006)晶面上外延的32O Ga -β和32x -1x O )Ga Al -(β薄膜进行退火实验,研究了退火气氛、温度、时间等退火工艺参数对薄膜结晶质量、光学特性、表面组分等特性的影响。
共得到如下结论:第一,700C 条件下,随着退火时间的增长,晶体择优取向变好,表面平整度基本不变,吸收带边持续蓝移,光学带隙变大。
900C 条件下,衍射峰峰位随退火时间延长向小角度偏移,这是因为较高的退火温度引入的应力使得晶体内部发生了晶格畸变,且应力对于晶格常数的贡献大于高温衬底互扩散的贡献。
而1000C 条件下,铝镓氧的衍射峰先是在6h 时向小角度移动,然后随着退火时间的增长向大角度方向移动,这是因为较高的退火温度加上较长的退火时间使得衬底Al 原子向外延膜的扩散已经充分进行。
第二,800C 下对不同气氛中退火的氧化镓薄膜的研究发现,退火气氛对氧化镓的晶体结构影响整体上不明显,相比较而言,氮气退火效果较好。
第三,探测器的I-V 曲线显示,氮气气氛中退火的样品制备的器件的光电流最大,其他气氛中退火后的电流则比参考片弱,因为结晶质量较高的晶体更有利于载流子的迁移,电导更大。
- 1 -。
一、氧缺陷和氧空位的定义与原理1. 氧缺陷:氧缺陷是指固体材料晶格中正常位置上的氧原子因为某种原因而缺失或移动的现象。
2. 氧空位:氧空位是指晶体中氧原子正常位置上出现空位的现象。
二、氧缺陷和氧空位的区别与联系1. 区别:- 形成机制:氧缺陷是由于氧原子离开或移动引起的位置上的缺陷,而氧空位是指氧原子正常位置上出现的空位。
- 占据位置:氧缺陷是晶格中原子位置上的缺陷,而氧空位是晶格中出现的空位。
- 影响范围:氧缺陷会导致晶格的局部或整体畸变,而氧空位则会引起晶格的局部畸变和结构的蠕变。
2. 联系:- 都存在于氧化物中:氧缺陷和氧空位都常常出现在氧化物或含氧化物的材料中。
- 影响性质:氧缺陷和氧空位的存在都会影响材料的物理和化学性质,如导电性、光学性质、热稳定性等。
- 相互转化:氧缺陷和氧空位在一定条件下可以相互转化,即氧原子从缺陷位置移动到空位位置,或者从空位位置移动到缺陷位置。
1. 应用:- 氧缺陷和氧空位可用于调节材料的电导率,从而在电子器件和电池等领域中发挥重要作用。
- 氧缺陷和氧空位可以用于增强材料的光学性质,如增加材料的荧光强度或发射频率,用于光电器件和光催化等应用。
考虑了四种缺陷复合体系:Al Ga2O3V O(Al 掺杂Ga2O3结合氧空位缺陷), Al Ga2O3V Ga(Al掺杂Ga2O3结合镓空位缺陷), Al Ga2O3Ga i (Al掺杂Ga2O3结合镓间隙缺陷)以及Al Ga2O3O i (Al掺杂Ga2O3结合氧间隙缺陷)。
并且,Al掺杂体系Al Ga2O3禁带宽度为4.975eV,略大于本征氧化镓。
2.对于Mg掺杂氧化镓进行仿真,发现引入Mg后,Ga2O3禁带中距价带顶2.13eV 处出现能级,我们预测这是Mg对于Ga2O3引入的受主能级。
第33卷 第5期 2018年10月天津科技大学学报Journal of Tianjin University of Science & TechnologyV ol. 33 No. 5 Oct. 2018收稿日期:2018–04–13;修回日期:2018–07–17基金项目:国家自然科学基金青年基金资助项目(51404170)作者简介:郝 亮(1980—),男,河北雄安人,副教授;通信作者:张慧娜,讲师,zhnzgx@氧空位缺陷对光催化活性的影响及其机制郝 亮1,张慧娜2,闫建成1,程丽君1,关苏军3,鲁 云4(1. 天津市低碳绿色过程装备国际联合研究中心,天津市轻工与食品工程机械装备集成设计与在线监控重点实验室,天津科技大学机械工程学院,天津 300222;2. 天津大学仁爱学院,天津 301636;3. 东京理科大学物理学院,东京 162-8601;4. 千叶大学工学研究院机械系,千叶 263-8522)摘 要:氧空位作为最常见且最重要的一类晶体缺陷,对半导体光催化剂的性能有着显著的影响.近年来,通过引入和调控氧空位的方法来改善光催化活性,尤其是可见光性能,成为光催化研究领域的热点之一.本文详细阐述了含氧化合物中存在的氧空位缺陷对光催化剂的电子结构、几何构造、吸光特性、表面吸附解离等的影响,并在此基础上讨论了氧空位对光生电荷分离、光催化选择性、紫外光及可见光催化活性的影响,以期为今后氧空位缺陷调控型高性能光催化材料的设计及开发提供科学依据.关键词:氧空位;光催化;电荷分离;可见光;光催化活性中图分类号:O643.36;O644.11 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-6510(2018)05-0001-13Effect of Oxygen Vacancy on Photocatalytic Activityand Relevant MechanismHAO Liang 1,ZHANG Huina 2,YAN Jiancheng 1,CHENG Lijun 1,GUAN Sujun 3,LU Yun 4(1. International Joint Center of Low-Carbon Green Process Equipment ,Tianjin Key Lab of Integrated Design and On-line Monitoring for Light Industry & Food Machinery and Equipment ,College of Mechanical Engineering ,Tianjin University of Science & Technology ,Tianjin 300222,China ;2. Renai College of Tianjin University ,Tianjin 301636,China ;3. Department of Physics ,Tokyo University of Science ,Tokyo 162-8601,Japan ;4. Graduate School of Science and Engineering ,Chiba University ,Chiba 263-8522,Japan)Abstract :Oxygen vacancy ,as one of the most common and important crystal defects ,remarkably affects the photocatalytic activity of semiconductors. Improvement on the photocatalytic activity through the introduction and mediation of oxygen vacancies has attracted increasing attention in recent years. In this short review ,we discussed the influence of oxygen vacan-cies on the electronic and geometric structures ,and the optical absorption and dissociative adsorption properties of oxygen-ated chemicals. Based on the discussion ,the effect of oxygen vacancies on photogenerated charge separation ,photocatalytic selectivity ,UV light and visible light-responsive photocatalytic activity is also clarified. The review is expected to help the design and development of oxygen vacancy-mediated photocatalyst with high photocatalytic activity. Key words :oxygen vacancy ;photocatalysis ;charge separation ;visible light ;photocatalytic activities2000年,日本学者Nakamura 等[1]就针对TiO 2中氧空位对其可见光催化降解去除NO 气体的影响进行了研究,但该研究并没有引起足够的重视.直到2011年,陈晓波等[2]利用在氢气气氛中高温煅烧纳米TiO 2粉末,在其表面引入氧空位及大量无序结构等,使其强烈地吸收可见光,进而极大地提高了可见光催DOI:10.13364/j.issn.1672-6510.20180114·2·天津科技大学学报第33卷第5期化产氢效率.由此,引入并调控氧空位成为改善光催化材料活性的重要手段且备受瞩目,因而成为研究的热点之一.氧空位不仅存在于氧化物中,而且存在于所有含氧化合物中.尽管其具有众多优点,如:化学稳定性高、储量丰富、价格低廉和对人体无毒等,许多半导体材料,如:TiO2、SnO2、ZnO、In2O3、WO3、NiO、SrTiO3、BiOCl和Bi2O2CO3等,因为其禁带宽度均在3.0eV以上,对可见光响应性十分低,而基本没有可见光催化活性.众所周知,可见光催化活性的改善是当前光催化领域的最重要研究方向之一,也是光催化技术能否实用化的关键.通过氧空位的引入和调控来提高光催化材料活性尤其是可见光催化活性,作为当前光催化研究热点之一,相关实验及模拟计算研究已经取得了重要成果.已有研究结果表明,氧空位与光催化材料的物理化学特性,包括光催化材料的电子结构[3–4]、几何结构[5–6]、吸光特性[7–8]、表面吸附解离特性[9–10]等都有密切关系.一般而言,TiO2表面氧空位的形成能够形成不成对的电子或者Ti3+,进而导致其电子结构中形成施主能级[11];氧空位的形成导致原来氧原子的位置空缺,进而影响周围的原子进行重排[12–13].此外,因为在价带和导带间形成一个施主能级,导致其具有可见光吸收特性[14–16];氧空位还影响光生电子空穴对的分离和迁移[17–19],进而影响着光催化活性.基于以上原因,发展氧空位调控型光催化材料的可控制备方法并开发出具有高可见光催化活性的氧空位调控型光催化剂是值得期待的.本文参考相关文献,对氧空位的概念和分类、氧空位对光催化材料物理化学性能的影响、氧空位对光催化性能的影响、氧空位的表征及氧空位的引入和调控方法等进行详尽的总结.希望能够使光催化研究者增强对氧空位的认识,并在高性能光催化材料的设计中有所启发和帮助.1 氧空位概述1.1 氧空位的概念氧空位是指在金属氧化物或者其他含氧化合物中,晶格中的氧原子(氧离子)脱离,导致氧缺失,形成的空位,图1给出了TiO2表面氧空位存在及在光催化中作用示意图[20].氧空位是半导体材料尤其是金属氧化物半导体中最常见的一种缺陷,对半导体材料的性能有着重要影响.1.2 氧空位的分类按照所处的空间位置不同,氧空位可以分为表面氧空位和体相氧空位[21–22].如果按照氧空位对光催化性能影响不同进行更细致的分类,体相氧空位又可以分为次表面氧空位和体相氧空位两种[23].如果按照束缚电子数进行分类,可以分为束缚双电子型氧空位(有效电荷为0,即F中心)、束缚单电子型氧空位(有效电荷为+1,即F+中心)和无束缚电子型氧空位(有效电荷为+2)[24–25].氧空位的种类不同,对光催化材料的物理化学性能以及光催化活性影响亦不同,将在下面的讨论中详细叙述.图1TiO2表面氧空位及在光催化中作用示意图Fig. 1Schema of oxygen vacancies in the surface of TiO2 and their role2 氧空位的表征方法当前,氧空位的表征手段主要有电子显微技术(electron microscopy,EM)和电子顺磁共振技术(electron paramagnetic resonance,EPR).电子显微技术是一种利用高分辨和放大倍率的电子显微镜对材料进行特征分析的分析技术,而应用于氧空位表征的电子显微技术主要有扫描隧道电子显微技术(scanning tunneling electron microscopy,STM)[26–27]和高分辨透射电子显微技术(high-resolution transmis-sion electron microscopy,HRTEM)[28–30].STM一般用于观察表面氧空位及其与外界分子之间的相互作用,而HRTEM用于观察表面及体相氧空位.图2给出了氧空位的STM和HRTEM图像[27,31],可以清楚地看出,HRTEM虽然可以看到氧空位缺陷的存在,但是由于分辨率的限制,得到的氧空位图像信息仍然比较模糊.电子顺磁共振(EPR)是由不配对电子的磁矩发源的一种磁共振技术,可以定性和定量检测物质原子或分子中所含的不配对电子,并探索其周围环境的结构特性.对自由基而言,轨道磁矩几乎不起作用,总磁矩的绝大部分来源于电子自旋的贡献,所以电子顺磁共振也称为“电子自旋共振”(electron spin reso-2018年10月 郝 亮,等:氧空位缺陷对光催化活性的影响及其机制·3·nance ,ESR ),EPR 能够准确地确认材料中氧空位的存在与否以及状态[32–34].但是需要注意到,因为EPR 只能检测到不配对电子,所以它只能检测束缚单电子型氧空位,而对束缚双电子型及无束缚电子型氧空位不会产生相应EPR 信号[33].束缚单电子型氧空位对应的g 因子一般介于2.001~2.004[35–38],如图3[33]所示.而该g 因子值对应的束缚单电子型氧空位一般认为是处于体相而非表面[22,39–41];表面氧空位因为通常是束缚双电子型而不能被EPR 直接探测到,但是它们能够还原毗邻的Ti 4+形成Ti 3+,所以可以通过光电子能谱分析(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy ,XPS )探测Ti 3+而间接地证实表面氧空位的存在.但是,因为各种原因,很多研究也用EPR 表征证明表面氧空位的存在[17,35–36].现有研究表明,表面氧空位对光催化材料物理化学性能有显著影响,因此,其相关的研究也最多.对氧空位位置的表征,现阶段大多采用HRTEM 结合EPR 的分析方法进行.(a )CeO 2表面氧空位的STM图像(b )BiPO 4中氧空位的HRTEM图像图2 氧空位的STM 图像和HRTEM 图像示例 Fig. 2STM and HRTEM images of oxygen vacancies图3 不同温度氢化处理的TiO 2样品EPR 信号Fig. 3 EPR signals of TiO 2 samples prepared at differenthydrogenated temperatures3 氧空位的引入方法氧空位的引入方法很多,主要有加温氢化法、离子掺杂法、高能粒子轰击法、气氛脱氧法、机械化学力法和化学反应法等.3.1 加温氢化法2011年,陈晓波等[2]将纳米TiO 2粉末在高温氢气气氛中煅烧,制得了黑色的带有表面缺陷的TiO 2纳米晶粉末,该黑色粉末表现出极高的可见光催化光解水制氢效率.该方法是利用氢气与TiO 2晶格中的氧反应,产生含氧空位的TiO 2-x 与H 2O .分析表明,大量的表面缺陷包括Ti 3+以及Ti-H 的形成在TiO 2的价带和导带间引入了一个中间杂质能级,进而极大地增强了其可见光的吸收及可见光光解水制氢效率,图4给出了制备的黑色TiO 2粉末的外观照片以及高分辨电镜照片等信息[2].该研究也揭开了晶体缺陷改善光催化活性研究的序幕.(a )半导体纳米晶体引入表面无序结构后的电子态密度(b )高温氢化前后TiO 2颜色的变化状况(c )氢化处理前TiO 2纳米粉末的HRTEM 图像(d )氢化处理后TiO 2纳米粉末的HRTEM 图像图4高温氢化处理对TiO 2纳米粉末电子态密度、颜色及形貌的影响Fig. 4Influence of hydrogenation at elevated tempera -tures on the electronic density ,color and morpho -logy of TiO 2 nanoparticles在一定的温度(一般100~800℃)将制备得到的含氧化合物光催化材料放置在真空或者低压环境内通入不同流速的氢气,使含氧化合物表面的氧与氢分子发生反应形成水分子,从而在光催化剂的表面甚至是体相中形成氧空位.Chen 等[42]将BiFeO 3纳米粉末在氢气气氛中加热至120~200℃并保温8h ,制得了含有表面氧空位的纳米粉末. Zhang 等[43]将纳米多·4·天津科技大学学报第33卷第5期孔BiVO4薄膜放置在N2/H2混合气体中,400℃加热30min,在其表面以及次表面引入了氧空位.此外,可以经过氢化处理引入氧空位的材料体系还有TiO2[12,44–46]、ZnO[47–48]和WO3[49–50]等.3.2 离子掺杂法离子掺杂法作为改善可见光催化活性的常用手段已经使用了超过30年[51].不管是金属离子还是非金属离子掺杂经常伴随着氧空位的形成.至于此过程中氧空位的形成机制现在仍不是很清楚.2005年,Li等[52]利用喷雾热解法制备了F离子掺杂的TiO2粉末,该粉末在可见光催化降解乙醛和三聚乙烯中表现出非常高的活性,可见光催化活性的产生是因为氧空位的引入.PL谱证实伴随着F离子的掺杂引入了两种类型的氧空位:束缚单电子型氧空位和束缚双电子型氧空位.Rumaiz等[53]和Wu等[54]分别在TiO2中掺杂N离子增强其可见光催化活性,在引入N离子的同时引入了氧空位.其可见光催化活性要归因于N离子的掺杂以及氧空位的引入.除了非金属离子掺杂,金属离子掺杂同样也可以引入氧空位.Jing等[55]利用溶胶凝胶法制备了Zn离子掺杂的TiO2纳米颗粒,Zn离子的掺杂在TiO2表面引入了氧空位,表面氧空位的形成对该材料光催化降解苯酚起着至关重要的作用,且表面氧空位越多,其PL谱以及SPS谱(表面光电压)的信号越强,光催化活性越强.Zhang等[56]通过Zr离子掺杂Bi2WO6引入氧空位,氧空位作为正电荷中心能够容易地捕获电子,进而延长电子寿命;此外,氧空位的形成有利于O2分子在其表面的吸附,因此有利于吸附的O2分子被捕获的电子还原形成超氧自由基.其他金属离子,如V5+[57]和Sn4+[58]等离子的掺杂同样也可以在TiO2晶体中引入氧空位.3.3 高能粒子轰击法一系列研究表明:高能电子和离子等能够解离TiO2表面上的氧离子和中性原子,进而产生氧空位.高能电子和离子能够将表面的Ti—O键打开,进而将O原子或离子移出表面而产生氧空位[59–62].Wang 等[59]利用电子束辐照和Ar+轰击的方法在TiO2的表面引入氧空位.Yim等[60]利用电子轰击方法引入并调控金红石型TiO2表面氧空位及其浓度,同样的结果也得到Scheiber等[61]和Stevin等[62]的证实.通过这种方法不仅可以在氧化物中,也可以在其他的含氧化合物中引入氧空位.例如:Ye等[63]以及Sarwan 等[64]利用紫外光辐照的方法在BiOCl纳米片中引入氧空位.Suwanwong等[65]利用相同方法在SrTiO3中引入表面氧空位.除了电子束、离子束和光子束外,等离子体处理也可以引入氧空位.例如:Nakamura等[1]利用等离子体处理在TiO2中引入了氧空位,并将NO气体可见光催化降解活性大幅地提高.在制备高性能染料敏化太阳能电池过程中,利用同样的办法也可以将氧空位引入到氧化物中[66–67].3.4 气氛脱氧法通过在一定的气氛环境下高温热处理(通常大于400℃)也可以在TiO2等氧化物或者其他含氧化合物引入氧空位,这种气氛环境通常是真空[68–70]、Ar[71–72]、N2[73–74]、He[75]气氛.根据氧在接触界面两相间平衡原理,利用标准Kröger-Vink表示法,高温下氧空位的产生遵循下列的平衡关系:O O V O+1/2O2(g)+2e-(1)该反应的平衡常数K可以表示为K=[V o]n2p(O2)1/2(2)上式可以变形为[V o]=Kn–2p(O2)–1/2(3)这里O O表示晶格氧;V O为氧空位;p(O2)为氧分压.从式(3)可以看出,氧空位浓度随着氧分压的降低而增大.因此,欠氧条件下的高温热处理有利于氧空位的形成[21].3.5 化学反应法将含氧化合物光催化剂与特定还原剂混合,在室温或者加热条件下,可以将氧从含氧化合物的晶格中抽出形成氧空位.本课题组在前期研究中将TiO2涂层与碳粉混合,并在空气环境中加热到一定温度形成氧空位和Ti3+,实验结果得到了XPS和EPR等表征手段的证实[76].Yu等[77]将乙二醇作为还原剂在Bi2O2CO3中引入氧空位;Liu等[78]利用TiCl3作为还原剂在WO3中引入氧空位;Yan等[79]利用NaBH4还原CoFe2O4并在其晶格中引入氧空位.3.6 机械化学力法通过机械化学力也就是常见的球磨方法,对球磨的粉末施加机械剪切力和压力,在粉末中引入大量的晶格畸变,使氧原子脱离原有的晶格位置而引入氧空位.Daiko等[80]利用行星球磨机实施机械化学力在ZnO表面引入氧空位;同样的研究也证实机械化学力可以在氧化物中引入氧空位[81–83].2018年10月郝 亮,等:氧空位缺陷对光催化活性的影响及其机制·5·4 氧空位对材料物理化学性能的影响氧空位的引入会对材料的物理化学特性,包括体系的电子结构、几何结构、材料吸光特性以及表面吸附特性等产生重要影响.4.1 氧空位对电子结构的影响氧空位对引入体系电子结构的影响通常是利用密度泛函理论(density function theory,DFT)计算与实验相结合的方法进行研究的.通常,单个氧空位的形成会在其位置处有一个或者两个电子局域化.该局域化的电子会对TiO2电子结构产生直接影响,具体而言就是在TiO2导带下方产生一个施主能级,该能级位于导带下0.75~1.18eV,如图5[1,21]所示.此外,从TiO2(110)表面桥氧脱离出的中性氧原子在其相邻的五配位Ti原子的3d轨道形成了两个局域化的未成对电子[84].DFT计算结果表明,三配位氧空位的形成在TiO2导带下产生了两个浅施主能级,而一个浅施主能级与两配位桥接氧空位情况下出现的另一个深施主能级耦合[85].总而言之,氧空位的形成还会引起其相邻的Ti原子过量电子的重新分布,并在Ti 3d轨道形成的导带下形成浅施主能级.在TiO2中,这些施主能级随着氧空位的增加而增加,甚至会在高氧空位浓度的锐钛矿型TiO2中与导带重叠.图5具有氧空位的锐钛矿型TiO2带结构模型Fig. 5Band structure of anatase TiO2with oxygen va-cancy4.2 氧空位对几何结构的影响原来氧原子的位置因为氧原子缺失形成氧空位,这必然会导致周围原子的重排,这从拉曼光谱可以得到证实[86].因为氧原子的缺失,为了增强与其结合的其他晶格部分,其临近的三个Ti原子趋向于远离氧空位,这种向外驰豫降低了三个Ti悬挂键间的重叠并且使得Ti—O键的键长变小[87].对Cu2O表面氧空位的研究表明,引入的表面氧空位导致其最接近表面的三个原子层产生驰豫,尽管这种驰豫程度较小,与完美表面相比,这种驰豫是限定在很小范围的,并且主要产生在氧空位的附近[88].也有研究表明,MnO2中大量氧空位的引入可以导致显著的结构扭曲,当有足够的氧空位出现后就会导致一个新相β-MnO2的形成[89].相比较氧空位对其他物理化学特性的影响,对电子结构及几何结构影响的研究仍然较少.4.3 氧空位对吸光特性的影响对光催化剂而言,吸收光线是产生光催化氧化还原反应的必要前提,只有光催化剂吸收了光线,才能在其表面激发产生光生电子–空穴对.然而由于TiO2其自身禁带宽度较大(金红石型为3.0eV,锐钛矿型为 3.2eV),只有波长小于413nm(金红石型)、388nm(锐钛矿型)的光线才能将价带上的电子激发到导带产生光生电子–空穴对,因而,如何让其吸收可见光并激发价带电子成为光催化研究领域最重要课题之一.通过引入氧空位,在TiO2的导带下方引入一个施主能级,减小了其禁带宽度,进而将其光吸收边界延伸到可见光甚至是近红外波段[22,90].除了TiO2这种最常见的光催化剂可以利用引入氧空位增强可见光吸收并提高可见光催化活性外,还有其他一些金属氧化物,如SnO2[91]、ZnO[8,92]、In2O3[93]、WO3[94–95]和一些含氧化合物,如Bi2WO6[56,96–99]、SrTiO3[19,100]、BiOCl[101–102]、BiOBr[103–104]和BiOI[105–106]等,也可以利用该方法进行性能改善.同时也有研究表明,无论是表面氧空位还是体相氧空位,都能够增强可见光的吸收[22];但是在光生电荷的转移过程,两者的作用则截然相反[22].4.4 氧空位对表面吸附的影响作为催化反应,反应物无论是液相还是气相,首先必须吸附在光催化剂表面才能进行后面的氧化还原反应,因此,吸附是光催化反应发生的前提条件.其中,最重要也是研究最多的吸附分子包括O2、H2O、CO2和N2等,下面将分别就这些分子在含有氧空位的光催化剂表面的吸附情况进行详细讨论.DFT计算表明[107]:与完美TiO2表面相比,表面氧空位的引入有利于O2分子的吸附.氧空位引入过程中产生的过量电子在临近的Ti离子附近重新分布,外来的O2可以以超氧态或者过氧化态形式吸附在氧空位.更早的研究[108]表明:在低温条件下,两个O2分子能够化学吸附在一个氧空位上,这些吸附的氧分子即使退火到700K仍然不会脱附;而当退火到200~400K时,这两个O2分子转变为含有四个O原·6·天津科技大学学报第33卷第5期子的其他物种.另一方面,当只有一个O2分子吸附在一个氧空位上时,加热到150K以上这个氧分子解离而填补氧空位.更有实验研究结果[109]指出,即使温度低至120K,O2分子的解离吸附以及解离后的氧填充氧空位同样可以发生.外界O2分子不仅与表面氧空位发生作用,也会与次表面氧空位反应[110],在五配位Ti位置处吸附的以超氧态形式存在的O2,通过与氧空位的反应转变为过氧化态.总之,与完美的表面相比,含有表面或者次表面氧空位的带负电的表面更易吸附O2,且吸附产生的超氧自由基对于促进电荷分离以及氧化有机污染物更有利[21,111].对于表面不存在缺陷的ZnO而言,O2更容易以物理吸附为主,因为化学解离吸附需要更高的能量.而存在表面氧空位的ZnO表面,O2的解离吸附从能量上更容易进行,其中的一个氧原子填充原来的氧空位,另一个氧原子位于两个相邻的Zn原子之间,形成一个桥氧吸附.而该桥氧可以沿着Zn-O二聚体列扩散并捕获填充另一个氧空位[112].表面吸附H2O对光催化剂十分重要,因为表面吸附的H2O与光催化表面发生相互作用在很大程度上影响着光催化氧化还原反应.STM观察及DFT计算结果表明:表面氧空位的引入可以通过形成桥羟基而解离H2O分子[113],氧空位处H2O分子解离而迅速羟基化,DFT计算表明未成对的桥羟基在TiO2(110)表面是十分稳定的[109].而氧空位与H2O分子发生反应形成羟基的速率则是由H2O的扩散速率决定 的[114].而每个氧空位上吸附的H2O分子的解离是通过将一个质子转移到临近的氧原子形成两个羟基,H2O解离是由氧空位的密度决定的,只要有H2O分子扩散到氧空位处就可以进行[115].而另一方面,从能量角度而言,H2O的化学解离吸附更易发生在存在表面缺陷的TiO2表面;而H2O分子物理吸附更易在具有完美的TiO2表面发生[116–117].不仅表面氧空位,次表面氧空位同样也可以与吸附的H2O分子发生相互作用[118].当H2O吸附在表面时,表面氧空位相比次表面氧空位,从能量上讲变得更加稳定,进而次表面氧空位可以以较小的能垒跃迁到表面.表面氧空位的存在可以极大地方便吸附的H2O分子发生解离.反应的路径与另一种反应路径具有相似的能垒,这表明次表面氧空位可以直接或者间接地通过表面氧空位使吸附的H2O分子发生解离.除了TiO2外,学者们还研究了SrTiO3[119]、Cu2O[120]和CeO2[121]等表面H2O的吸附,研究结果表明:氧空位的存在均有利于H2O的解离吸附.因日益严重的环境问题及全球化变暖趋势,CO2的光催化还原引起了越来越多的重视,但因其较低的转化效率该方面的研究始终没有重大突破.因其较强的键合作用,CO2要实现光催化还原,首先要解决其吸附和活化的问题.DFT计算研究表明[122]:氧空位在锐钛矿型TiO2(001)表面上的CO2的解离吸附发挥着重要作用,与完整晶体相比,其吸附位点从四个增加到六个,TiO2表面电荷转移到CO2,C—O键尺寸的增大降低了其键能,进而将反应能垒从113.6kcal/mol(475kJ/mol)减小到了最低45kcal/mol (188kJ/mol);CO2中的一个O原子更容易去填补氧空位进而形成CO.Indrakanti等[123]从量子力学角度出发,利用DFT计算也证明了存在氧空位的TiO2更容易发生电子从基体到CO2的转移.而Pipornpong 等[9]直接计算出了CO2分子在无表面缺陷电中性表面物理吸附和存在表面氧空位的自旋非极性表面化学吸附的吸附能分别为–9.03kcal/mol(–37.8kJ/mol)和–24.66kcal/mol(–103kJ/mol);此外,CO2在存在氧空位TiO2表面的活化能比完美TiO2晶体表面(001)的要低.空气中大量的N2气体为制备NH3等工业气体提供了充足的原材料,通过光催化可以使水与氮气反应制备氨气.同样,氮气在光催化材料表面的吸附和活化对光催化制氨至关重要.Ye等[124]利用Bi5O7Br 在太阳光辐照条件下制备氨气,氨气产生速率高达1.38mmol·h–1·g–1,表观量子效率超过2.3%(辐照光波长为420nm);此外,该研究还表明氧空位有利于N2分子的化学吸附及N2的激活.Hirai等[125]的研究也表明,TiO2表面氧空位的引入也同时产生了Ti3+,而Ti3+作为N2分子的吸附活性位及光生导带电子的捕获陷阱,促进了N2的还原.5 氧空位对电荷分离及光催化性能的调控因为氧空位所处位置不同,对电荷分离的影响亦不同.一般而言,表面氧空位的引入不仅可以在光催化剂的导带下方形成一个缺陷态从而减小其禁带宽度而增大可见光吸收,更可以作为光生电子的捕获中心从而抑制光生电子–空穴对的再复合率,从而提高其光催化性能[12,22,41,44,126–127].光生电子–空穴对的再复合以及载流子寿命可以通过对半导体的稳态及瞬态光致发光光谱测定[128].尽管如此,当氧空位浓度高到一定程度时,氧空位又可以作为电荷复合中心并且降低自由电荷的移动度,进而降低可见光催化活。
金属氧化物的氧空位过多1. 引言1.1 定义金属氧化物中的氧空位是指氧原子在材料晶体结构中的空位。
1.2 重要性金属氧化物的氧空位是指在金属氧化物晶格中存在未被氧原子填入的空位。
1.3 研究背景金属氧化物的氧空位过多是一个近年来备受关注的研究领域。
压电和气敏等性 +,- 是一种具有优良的光电、 预言, 质的直接带隙化合物半导体材料, 文献 [’, %] LJ 掺杂 +,- 稀磁半导体材料的 ! ) 可以达到室温 以上, 这为自旋电子器件的发展提供了光明的前景 . 已有很多研究小组开展了 )* 掺杂 +,- 体系的实验
[ ] 氧空 RB:;:P: 等 "$ 在研究 )* 掺杂 W," -& 体系时指出,
位缺陷对体系的磁性有决定性的影响 . 因为 +,- 及 其掺杂薄膜的缺陷与制备的气氛密切相关, 不同气
["!] 氛下氧空位和锌间隙等很容易生成 , 因此我们认
, 在高密度非易失性存储器、 磁感应器、 光隔离
器、 半导体集成电路、 半导体激光器和自旋量子计算 机等领域有广阔的应用前景, 已经成为材料领域的
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本文中所使用的方法是以密度泛函理论为基础的第一性原理方法,采用Materials Studio 8.0中的CASTEP模块建立不同电荷的氧空位和氧间隙位的β-Ga2O3,对于不同的结构进行优化,在优化的基础上我们计算了每个结构的生成焓及形成能,并找到生成焓最低的结构,分析这些结构的晶格常数、体系总能量的变化趋势,以及形成能随费米能级的变化。
得出了三种氧空位对应的缺陷能级到价带顶之间的距离分别为VO(I) =3.31eV、VO(II)=2.70eV 和VO(III)=3,57eV。
关键词:β-Ga2O3;第一性原理;形成能AbstractIn recent years, the determination of Fermi energy levels in semiconductors under different conditions and the effect of defects in deep energy levels on luminous efficiency have attracted extensive attention from ed in this article the method is based on density functional theory of the primary principle of method, using Materials Studio CASTEP module in the 8.0 to build different charge oxygen vacancy and interstitial oxygen beta Ga2O3, for different structure optimization, on the basis of optimized we calculated the formation enthalpy of each structure and formation energy, and find the lowest formation enthalpy structure, analyzing the structure of the lattice constant and the change trend of total energy system, and can form along with the change of Fermi level.The distances between the defect energy level corresponding to the three oxygen vacancies and the valence band top are VO(I) =3.31eV, VO(II)=2.70eV and VO(III)= 3,57 eV, respectively.The above distances are all larger than 1, which indicates that all vos are deep donors.And from the experiment, it is concluded that the oxygen vacancy of tanyi -Ga2O3 is a deep level defect.The above analysis is of guiding significance to the study of the factors affecting the efficiency of semiconductor luminescence in this experiment.Keywords: β-Ga2O3;First principle;formation energy目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1课题背景 (1)1.2半导体材料的介绍 (2)1.3半导体的缺陷 (4)1.4本文主要研究内容 (7)第二章理论基础和计算方法 (9)2.1密度泛函理论 (9)2.1.1 Hohenberg_Kohn 定理 (9)2.1.2 Kohn_Sham方程 (10)2.1.3局域密度近似和广义梯度近似 (12)2.2 Material Studio (13)2.2.1 CASTEP模块 (13)第三章 (14)3.1 构建模型 (14)3.2 β-Ga2O3的结构优化及分析 (14)第四章结论与展望 (19)4.1结论 (19)4.2展望 (19)参考文献 (21)致谢 (24)第一章绪论1.1课题背景现如今社会正在飞速发展,由于半导体可以控制材料的导电性,所以在电子技术,特别是微电子技术领域的迅猛发展做出了突出贡献。
氧化镓 氧空位xps
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氧空位 tfsi
氧空位 tfsi
氧空位的缺陷方程可以表示为:MOx-ʎO晶格=V0+ MOx-1+ʎ/2O2。
Oxygen vacancies and donor impurities in β -Ga 2 O 3J. B. Varley, J. R. Weber, A. Janotti, and C. G. Van de WalleCitation: Applied Physics Letters 97, 142106 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3499306View online: /10.1063/1.3499306View Table of Contents: /content/aip/journal/apl/97/14?ver=pdfcovPublished by the AIP PublishingArticles you may be interested inElectron spin resonance parameters of cation vacancies in tin dioxide doped with fluorine and hydrogenJ. Appl. Phys. 114, 143907 (2013); 10.1063/1.4824745Defect engineering of the oxygen-vacancy clusters formation in electron irradiated silicon by isovalent doping:An infrared perspectiveJ. Appl. Phys. 112, 123517 (2012); 10.1063/1.4770488Hydrogen impurities and native defects in CdOJ. Appl. Phys. 110, 063521 (2011); 10.1063/1.3641971The role of threading dislocations and unintentionally incorporated impurities on the bulk electron conductivityof In-face InNAppl. Phys. 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Download to IP: On: Tue, 12 AprOxygen vacancies and donor impurities in-Ga2O3J.B.Varley,1,a͒J.R.Weber,1A.Janotti,2and C.G.Van de Walle21Department of Physics,University of California,Santa Barbara,California93106-9530,USA2Department of Materials,University of California,Santa Barbara,California93106-5050,USA͑Received3September2010;accepted17September2010;published online6October2010͒Using hybrid functionals we have investigated the role of oxygen vacancies and various impurities in the electrical and optical properties of the transparent conducting oxide-Ga2O3.Wefind that oxygen vacancies are deep donors,and thus cannot explain the unintentional n-type conductivity.Instead,we attribute the conductivity to common background impurities such as silicon and hydrogen.Monatomic hydrogen has low formation energies and acts as a shallow donor in both interstitial and substitutional configurations.We also explore other dopants,where substitutional forms of Si,Ge,Sn,F,and Cl are shown to behave as shallow donors.©2010American Institute of Physics.͓doi:10.1063/1.3499306͔Of all the wide-band-gap oxide semiconductors,-Ga2O3is one of the few that remains transparent well into the ultraviolet͑UV͒,making it a promising deep-UV trans-parent conducting oxide͑TCO͒for applications in laser li-thography,solar cells,and UV optoelectronic devices.1,2Un-intentionally doped-Ga2O3can have carrier concentrations up to1018cm−3.3Its band gap is4.9eV,2considerably larger than that of conventional TCOs such as In2O3,SnO2,and ZnO.-Ga2O3in single-crystal form4has also been explored as an alternative substrate for epitaxial GaN growth,5despite having a crystal structure that differs from the GaN wurtzite e of-Ga2O3is very appealing as it would com-bine the transparency of sapphire with the electrical conduc-tivity of SiC,the two primary substrates currently used for commercial GaN-based devices.Currently,the lack of understanding and control of the unintentional n-type conductivity of-Ga2O3still inhibits its applications.As with many other oxides,this conductivity has historically been attributed to the presence of oxygen vacancies͑V O͒,largely based on the correlation between conductivity and oxygen partial pressure in annealing environments.6Calculations have offered insight into the mi-gration mechanisms7and the relative energies of oxygen va-cancies in the inequivalent sites of the monoclinic structure7,8 but only minimal information about the charge states and ionization energies.In this letter,we report formation energies and charge-state transition levels for oxygen vacancies and donor impu-rities based on density functional theory͑DFT͒using novel hybrid functionals that do not suffer from the band-gap prob-lem inherent in traditional DFT.Wefirst discuss the band structure of-Ga2O3,comparing with experiment and previ-ous calculations.We then describe the electronic structure and stability of the oxygen vacancy,showing that it does not contribute to the observed conductivity.Finally,we report results for donor impurities,and suggest that silicon and hy-drogen are the likely cause of the observed electrical conduc-tivity in unintentionally doped-Ga2O3.The calculations are based on generalized Kohn–Sham theory with the HSE06screened hybrid functional9and the projector augmented-wave method,as implemented in the V ASP code.10,11The Hartree–Fock mixing parameter is set to 35%,which reproduces the experimental band gap;2the re-sulting structural parameters are in good agreement with the experimental values͑Table I͒.We use a120-atom supercell,a2ϫ2ϫ2mesh of Monkhorst–Pack k-points,and a plane-wave basis set with a cutoff of400eV.The semicore Ga d electrons were treated as core electrons;tests in which these d electrons were ex-plicitly included in the valence produced formation energies that differ by less than0.1eV.Corrections due tofinite-size effects resulting from the long-range Coulomb interaction of charged defects in a homogeneous neutralizing background were explicitly included following the scheme of Freysoldt et al.,15with a weighted spatial-averaged static dielectric constant of10.Formation energies͑E f͒are key quantities from which we can derive impurity and defect concentrations,stability of different charge states,and the related electronic transition levels.16The formation energy of V O in Ga2O3is given by the following:E f͓V O q͔=E tot͓V O q͔−E tot͓Ga2O3͔+O+q⑀F,where E tot͓V O q͔and E tot͓Ga2O3͔represent the total energy of the supercell containing a vacancy in charge state q,and thata͒Electronic mail:jvarley@.TABLE I.Calculated lattice parameters,formation enthalpy per formulaunit,direct and indirect band gaps,and electron effective masses for-Ga2O3,as compared to experiment and previous calculations.Parameter HSE06B3LYP Experimenta͑Å͒12.2512.34a12.23Ϯ0.02bb͑Å͒ 3.05 3.035a 3.04Ϯ0.01bc͑Å͒ 5.84 5.799a 5.80Ϯ0.01b͑deg͒103.9103.9a103.7Ϯ0.3b⌬H͑eV/f.u.͒Ϫ10.40¯Ϫ11.29cEgd͑eV͒ 4.87 4.69a 4.9dEgi͑eV͒ 4.83 4.66a¯mcء/me0.281Ϯ0.0050.342a0.5–2.0ea Reference12.b Reference13.c Reference14.d Reference2.e Reference1.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS97,142106͑2010͒0003-6951/2010/97͑14͒/142106/3/$30.00©2010American Institute of Physics97,142106-1Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: https:///authors/rights-and-permissions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 12 Aprof a perfect crystal in the same supercell.The O removed from the crystal is placed in a reservoir which we reference to the energy of an O 2molecule.The chemical potential O can vary to represent experimental conditions during growth or annealing,i.e.,from O-rich ͑Ga-poor ͒to O-poor ͑Ga-rich ͒conditions.The electrons are exchanged with the Fermi level ⑀F ,which is conventionally referenced to the valence-band maximum ͑VBM ͒.The monoclinic crystal structure of -Ga 2O 3,space group C2/m ,is described by four lattice parameters ͑Table I ͒;the three lattice vectors and ,the angle between the a and c axes.12It possesses three inequivalent O sites and two inequivalent Ga sites.O ͑I ͒and O ͑II ͒are threefold coordi-nated,while O ͑III ͒is fourfold coordinated.Ga ͑I ͒and Ga ͑II ͒are tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated,respectively.The calculated band structure of -Ga 2O 3is shown in Fig.1.We find an indirect band gap of 4.83eV ,with the VBMlocated just off of the M point,slightly smaller than the direct band gap of 4.87eV at ⌫.Analysis of the dipole ma-trix elements reveals that while the vertical transitions aredipole-allowed at the ⌫point and at the VBM,they areroughly an order of magnitude weaker at the VBM and rap-idly decrease to 0at the M -point.The weakness of the indi-rect transitions and the small energy difference between in-direct and direct gaps effectively make -Ga 2O 3a direct -gapmaterial,consistent with the experimentally observed sharpabsorption onset at ϳ4.9eV.2The electron effective mass issmall and almost isotropic,with a value of 0.281Ϯ0.005m e .In contrast,the almost flat valence band results in hole effec-tive masses ͑m h ء͒that can be much larger,in agreement with previous calculations.12,17While the low dispersion along the ⌫-Z direction makes it difficult to extract an accurate value,estimated around 40m e from our fits,we do find a muchsmaller m h ءalong the ⌫-A direction ͑0.40m e ͒.The calculated formation energies for V O in Ga 2O 3areshown in Fig.2͑a ͒.The ͑+2/0͒transition levels,denoted by the kinks in the formation-energy plots,are more than 1eVbelow the conduction-band minimum ͑CBM ͒.We thus con-clude that V O acts as a deep donor and cannot contribute ton -type conductivity.As seen in Fig.2͑a ͒,V O is stable in theneutral charge state for Fermi-level values in the upper partof the band gap.The different oxygen sites lead to slightly different geometries,formation energies and transition lev-els:͑2+/0͒=3.31eV for O ͑I ͒,2.70eV for O ͑II ͒,and 3.57eV for O ͑III ͒.V O 0has the lowest energy on the O ͑II ͒site,inwhich two of the three O–Ga bonds are the longest among allO–Ga bonds.Additionally,the E fof the V O are high for most values of oxygen chemical potential,indicating a low con-centration of vacancies will be present.The paramagnetic state V O +is not stable for any value ofthe Fermi level but could be generated by photoexcitation.By calculating V O +in the geometry of the V O 0configuration,we predict absorption energies of 2.71,3.37,and 2.52eV for O ͑I ͒,͑II ͒,and ͑III ͒sites,with corresponding emission ener-gies of 0.67,1.23,and 0.65eV .Since the reported electron paramagnetic resonance experiments do not mention inten-tional photoexcitation,the assignment of the reported EPR signal to oxygen vacancies 18should be re-examined.Addi-tional emission energies of 2.06,1.40,and 2.25eV can result from above-band-gap excitations,due to the recombinationof an electron localized on the V O 0with a photogenerated holein the valence band.None of these emission energies matchthe characteristic blue or green luminescence bands of-Ga 2O 3,19suggesting that these bands do not originate fromV O .Turning now to impurities,we first investigated the role of hydrogen.We find that H can occupy either interstitial ͑H i ͒or substitutional sites ͑H O ͒;20in both configurations,H acts as shallow donor.Due to the complex crystal structure of -Ga 2O 3,many configurations exist in which H i +forms a strong bond with an O atom and which are all close in en-ergy.In the lowest-energy configuration ͓included in Fig.2͑b ͔͒,H i +bonds to a lone pair of the threefold coordinated O ͑I ͒.The low formation energy of H i under both O-rich and O-poor conditions indicates it will be easily incorporated as an unintentional impurity whenever H is present in the growth or annealing environment.In the acceptor charge state,H i −,the H atom preferentially sits near two Ga atoms,yielding a transition level ͑+/−͒=4.90eV,just above the CBM.Interstitial hydrogen thus behaves exclusively as a shallow donor for any Fermi level within the band gap of -Ga 2O 3.21Substitutional hydrogen,H O ,has a low forma-tion energy only under O-poor conditions.22The energy barrier for the dissociation of the H O +into H i +and V O 0is only 1.33eV ,estimated as the sum of the binding energy ͑0.99eV ͒and the migration barrier of H i +͑0.34eV ͒.Such a low barrier indicates that both H i +and H O +are mobile at modest temperatures and may be readily removable by thermal annealing.1,3-6-4-202468101214V Z ΓA M LE n e r g y (e V )FIG.1.͑Color online ͒Band structure for -Ga 2O 3calculated using the primitive unit cell of base-centered monoclinic -Ga 2O 3͑see Ref.12͒.The VBM,which occurs just off the M point and is only 0.03eV higher than at ⌫,is set to zero on the energy axis.1234–2–1012345Fermi level (eV)F o r m a t i o n e n e r g y (e V )V OO−poorO−rich(a)V OFermi level (eV)(I)(II)(III)(I)(II)(III)FIG.2.͑Color online ͒Formation energy vs Fermi level for the oxygenvacancy ͑a ͒and H impurities ͑b ͒in -Ga 2O 3.Values for O-rich and O-poor conditions are shown.The labels ͑I ͒,͑II ͒,and ͑III ͒refer to the three in-equivalent O sites.Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: https:///authors/rights-and-permissions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 12 AprIn addition to hydrogen,we find that other impurities may also contribute to the observed n -type behavior.In Fig.3,we show the formation energies of Si,Ge,and Sn substi-tuting on the Ga site,23as well as F and Cl on the O site,24all of which are shallow donors that may contribute to the n -type conductivity of Ga 2O 3.Si and Ge prefer the tetrahe-dral coordination of the Ga ͑I ͒site,while Sn prefers the oc-tahedral coordination of the Ga ͑II ͒site.F and Cl both prefer the threefold coordination of the O ͑I ͒site.The formation energies suggest that Si,Ge,Sn,F,and Cl are readily incor-porated.Indeed,it has been observed that Si is a dominant background impurity in both high-purity powders ͑6N ͒and single crystals,25with the increase in Si content of the single crystals possibly due to the presence of quartz in the various growth techniques.25,26When intentionally incorporated,both Si ͑Ref.27͒and Sn ͑Ref.2͒have been shown to notably enhance the conductivity.Our results suggest that F and po-tentially Cl will also be effective n -type dopants.In summary,we have presented hybrid functional calcu-lations for oxygen vacancies and several candidate donor im-purities in -Ga 2O 3.We find that oxygen vacancies cannot explain the observed unintentional n -type conductivity,since they are deep donors with an ionization energy of more than 1eV .Our results suggest that unintentionally incorporated impurities are likely to be responsible for the observed n -type conductivity.Hydrogen,Si,Ge,Sn,F,and Cl are all calculated to be shallow donors in -Ga 2O 3.We gratefully acknowledge useful discussions with M.Y .Tsai,O.Bierwagen,T.Nagata,H.He,and R.Pandey.The work was supported by the NSF MRSEC Program ͑Grant No.DMR05-20415͒,the SRC ͑Grant No.2009-VJ-1867͒,the UCSB SSLEC,and by Saint-Gobain Research.We ac-knowledge the use of computing facilities at CNSI ͑Grant No.NSF CHE03-21368͒,TeraGrid,and TACC ͑Grant No.NSF DMR07-0072N ͒.1N.Ueda,H.Hosono,R.Waseda,and H.Kawazoe,Appl.Phys.Lett.70,3561͑1997͒.2M.Orita,H.Ohta,M.Hirano,and H.Hosono,Appl.Phys.Lett.77,4166͑2000͒.3M.R.Lorenz,J.F.Woods,and R.J.Gambino,J.Phys.Chem.Solids 28,403͑1967͒.4E.G.Víllora,K.Shimamura,Y .Yoshikawa,K.Aoki,and N.Ichinose,J.Cryst.Growth 270,420͑2004͒.5E.G.Víllora,K.Shimamura,K.Aoki,T.Ujiie,and K.Kitamura,Appl.Phys.Lett.90,234102͑2007͒.6K.Bernhardt,M.Fleischer,and H.Meixner,Siemens Compon.30,35͑1995͒.7M.A.Blanco,M.B.Sahariah,H.Jiang,A.Costales,and R.Pandey,Phys.Rev.B 72,184103͑2005͒.8Z.Hajnal,J.Miro,G.Kiss,F.Reti,P.Deák,R.C.Herndon,and J.M.Kuperberg,J.Appl.Phys.86,3792͑1999͒.9J.Heyd,G.E.Scuseria,and M.Ernzerhof,J.Chem.Phys.118,8207͑2003͒;124,219906͑2006͒.10G.Kresse and J.Furthmüller,Phys.Rev.B 54,11169͑1996͒;Comput.Mater.Sci.6,15͑1996͒.11P.E.Blöchl,Phys.Rev.B 50,17953͑1994͒;G.Kresse and D.Joubert,ibid.59,1758͑1999͒.12H.He,R.Orlando,M.A.Blanco,and R.Pandey,Phys.Rev.B 74,195123͑2006͒.13S.Geller,J.Chem.Phys.33,676͑1960͒.14CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics ,edited by D.R.Lide ͑CRC,Boca Raton,Florida,2004͒.15C.Freysoldt,J.Neugebauer,and C.G.Van de Walle,Phys.Rev.Lett.102,016402͑2009͒.16C.G.Van de Walle and J.Neugebauer,J.Appl.Phys.95,3851͑2004͒.17K.Yamaguchi,Solid State Commun.131,739͑2004͒.18M.Yamaga,E.G.Víllora,K.Shimamura,N.Ichinose,and M.Honda,Phys.Rev.B 68,155207͑2003͒.19K.Shimamura,E.G.Víllora,T.Ujiie,and K.Aoki,Appl.Phys.Lett.92,201914͑2008͒.20A.Janotti and C.G.Van de Walle,Nature Mater.6,44͑2007͒.21P.D.C.King,I.McKenzie,and T.D.Veal,Appl.Phys.Lett.96,062110͑2010͒.22The formation energies of H i and H O are limited under O-rich conditions due to formation of H 2O.23The formation energies of the group-IV elements on the Ga site are limited under O-rich conditions due to formation of SiO 2,GeO 2,and SnO 2.SiO 2leads to an additional constraint under O-poor conditions.24The formation energies of the group-VII elements are limited due to the formation of GaF 3and GaCl 3.25T.Harwig,F.Kellendonk,and S.Slappendel,J.Phys.Chem.Solids 39,675͑1978͒.26E.G.Víllora,T.Atou,T.Sekiguchii,T.Sugawara,M.Kikuchi,and T.Fukuda,Solid State Commun.120,455͑2001͒.27E.G.Víllora,K.Shimamura,Y .Yoshikawa,T.Ujiie,and K.Aoki,Appl.Phys.Lett.92,202120͑2008͒.Fermi level (eV)F o r m a t i o n e n e r g y (e V )Fermi level (eV)FIG.3.͑Color online ͒Formation energy vs Fermi level for several shallow donor impurities in -Ga 2O 3under ͑a ͒O-rich and ͑b ͒O-poor conditions.The labels ͑I ͒and ͑II ͒refer to the inequivalent Ga or O sites;only the results for the lowest-energy site are shown.Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: https:///authors/rights-and-permissions. 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氧化镓中常见的位错有点状位错(dislocation)和晶界(grain boundary)。
点状位错可以通过几何缺陷来描述,包括直线状位错(edge dislocation)和螺旋状位错(screw dislocation)。
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Oxygen vacancies and donor impurities in β -Ga 2 O 3J. B. Varley, J. R. Weber, A. Janotti, and C. G. Van de WalleCitation: Applied Physics Letters 97, 142106 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3499306View online: /10.1063/1.3499306View Table of Contents: /content/aip/journal/apl/97/14?ver=pdfcovPublished by the AIP PublishingArticles you may be interested inElectron spin resonance parameters of cation vacancies in tin dioxide doped with fluorine and hydrogenJ. Appl. Phys. 114, 143907 (2013); 10.1063/1.4824745Defect engineering of the oxygen-vacancy clusters formation in electron irradiated silicon by isovalent doping:An infrared perspectiveJ. Appl. Phys. 112, 123517 (2012); 10.1063/1.4770488Hydrogen impurities and native defects in CdOJ. Appl. Phys. 110, 063521 (2011); 10.1063/1.3641971The role of threading dislocations and unintentionally incorporated impurities on the bulk electron conductivityof In-face InNAppl. Phys. 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Download to IP: On: Tue, 12 AprOxygen vacancies and donor impurities in-Ga2O3J.B.Varley,1,a͒J.R.Weber,1A.Janotti,2and C.G.Van de Walle21Department of Physics,University of California,Santa Barbara,California93106-9530,USA2Department of Materials,University of California,Santa Barbara,California93106-5050,USA͑Received3September2010;accepted17September2010;published online6October2010͒Using hybrid functionals we have investigated the role of oxygen vacancies and various impurities in the electrical and optical properties of the transparent conducting oxide-Ga2O3.Wefind that oxygen vacancies are deep donors,and thus cannot explain the unintentional n-type conductivity.Instead,we attribute the conductivity to common background impurities such as silicon and hydrogen.Monatomic hydrogen has low formation energies and acts as a shallow donor in both interstitial and substitutional configurations.We also explore other dopants,where substitutional forms of Si,Ge,Sn,F,and Cl are shown to behave as shallow donors.©2010American Institute of Physics.͓doi:10.1063/1.3499306͔Of all the wide-band-gap oxide semiconductors,-Ga2O3is one of the few that remains transparent well into the ultraviolet͑UV͒,making it a promising deep-UV trans-parent conducting oxide͑TCO͒for applications in laser li-thography,solar cells,and UV optoelectronic devices.1,2Un-intentionally doped-Ga2O3can have carrier concentrations up to1018cm−3.3Its band gap is4.9eV,2considerably larger than that of conventional TCOs such as In2O3,SnO2,and ZnO.-Ga2O3in single-crystal form4has also been explored as an alternative substrate for epitaxial GaN growth,5despite having a crystal structure that differs from the GaN wurtzite e of-Ga2O3is very appealing as it would com-bine the transparency of sapphire with the electrical conduc-tivity of SiC,the two primary substrates currently used for commercial GaN-based devices.Currently,the lack of understanding and control of the unintentional n-type conductivity of-Ga2O3still inhibits its applications.As with many other oxides,this conductivity has historically been attributed to the presence of oxygen vacancies͑V O͒,largely based on the correlation between conductivity and oxygen partial pressure in annealing environments.6Calculations have offered insight into the mi-gration mechanisms7and the relative energies of oxygen va-cancies in the inequivalent sites of the monoclinic structure7,8 but only minimal information about the charge states and ionization energies.In this letter,we report formation energies and charge-state transition levels for oxygen vacancies and donor impu-rities based on density functional theory͑DFT͒using novel hybrid functionals that do not suffer from the band-gap prob-lem inherent in traditional DFT.Wefirst discuss the band structure of-Ga2O3,comparing with experiment and previ-ous calculations.We then describe the electronic structure and stability of the oxygen vacancy,showing that it does not contribute to the observed conductivity.Finally,we report results for donor impurities,and suggest that silicon and hy-drogen are the likely cause of the observed electrical conduc-tivity in unintentionally doped-Ga2O3.The calculations are based on generalized Kohn–Sham theory with the HSE06screened hybrid functional9and the projector augmented-wave method,as implemented in the V ASP code.10,11The Hartree–Fock mixing parameter is set to 35%,which reproduces the experimental band gap;2the re-sulting structural parameters are in good agreement with the experimental values͑Table I͒.We use a120-atom supercell,a2ϫ2ϫ2mesh of Monkhorst–Pack k-points,and a plane-wave basis set with a cutoff of400eV.The semicore Ga d electrons were treated as core electrons;tests in which these d electrons were ex-plicitly included in the valence produced formation energies that differ by less than0.1eV.Corrections due tofinite-size effects resulting from the long-range Coulomb interaction of charged defects in a homogeneous neutralizing background were explicitly included following the scheme of Freysoldt et al.,15with a weighted spatial-averaged static dielectric constant of10.Formation energies͑E f͒are key quantities from which we can derive impurity and defect concentrations,stability of different charge states,and the related electronic transition levels.16The formation energy of V O in Ga2O3is given by the following:E f͓V O q͔=E tot͓V O q͔−E tot͓Ga2O3͔+O+q⑀F,where E tot͓V O q͔and E tot͓Ga2O3͔represent the total energy of the supercell containing a vacancy in charge state q,and thata͒Electronic mail:jvarley@.TABLE I.Calculated lattice parameters,formation enthalpy per formulaunit,direct and indirect band gaps,and electron effective masses for-Ga2O3,as compared to experiment and previous calculations.Parameter HSE06B3LYP Experimenta͑Å͒12.2512.34a12.23Ϯ0.02bb͑Å͒ 3.05 3.035a 3.04Ϯ0.01bc͑Å͒ 5.84 5.799a 5.80Ϯ0.01b͑deg͒103.9103.9a103.7Ϯ0.3b⌬H͑eV/f.u.͒Ϫ10.40¯Ϫ11.29cEgd͑eV͒ 4.87 4.69a 4.9dEgi͑eV͒ 4.83 4.66a¯mcء/me0.281Ϯ0.0050.342a0.5–2.0ea Reference12.b Reference13.c Reference14.d Reference2.e Reference1.APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS97,142106͑2010͒0003-6951/2010/97͑14͒/142106/3/$30.00©2010American Institute of Physics97,142106-1Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: https:///authors/rights-and-permissions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 12 Aprof a perfect crystal in the same supercell.The O removed from the crystal is placed in a reservoir which we reference to the energy of an O 2molecule.The chemical potential O can vary to represent experimental conditions during growth or annealing,i.e.,from O-rich ͑Ga-poor ͒to O-poor ͑Ga-rich ͒conditions.The electrons are exchanged with the Fermi level ⑀F ,which is conventionally referenced to the valence-band maximum ͑VBM ͒.The monoclinic crystal structure of -Ga 2O 3,space group C2/m ,is described by four lattice parameters ͑Table I ͒;the three lattice vectors and ,the angle between the a and c axes.12It possesses three inequivalent O sites and two inequivalent Ga sites.O ͑I ͒and O ͑II ͒are threefold coordi-nated,while O ͑III ͒is fourfold coordinated.Ga ͑I ͒and Ga ͑II ͒are tetrahedrally and octahedrally coordinated,respectively.The calculated band structure of -Ga 2O 3is shown in Fig.1.We find an indirect band gap of 4.83eV ,with the VBMlocated just off of the M point,slightly smaller than the direct band gap of 4.87eV at ⌫.Analysis of the dipole ma-trix elements reveals that while the vertical transitions aredipole-allowed at the ⌫point and at the VBM,they areroughly an order of magnitude weaker at the VBM and rap-idly decrease to 0at the M -point.The weakness of the indi-rect transitions and the small energy difference between in-direct and direct gaps effectively make -Ga 2O 3a direct -gapmaterial,consistent with the experimentally observed sharpabsorption onset at ϳ4.9eV.2The electron effective mass issmall and almost isotropic,with a value of 0.281Ϯ0.005m e .In contrast,the almost flat valence band results in hole effec-tive masses ͑m h ء͒that can be much larger,in agreement with previous calculations.12,17While the low dispersion along the ⌫-Z direction makes it difficult to extract an accurate value,estimated around 40m e from our fits,we do find a muchsmaller m h ءalong the ⌫-A direction ͑0.40m e ͒.The calculated formation energies for V O in Ga 2O 3areshown in Fig.2͑a ͒.The ͑+2/0͒transition levels,denoted by the kinks in the formation-energy plots,are more than 1eVbelow the conduction-band minimum ͑CBM ͒.We thus con-clude that V O acts as a deep donor and cannot contribute ton -type conductivity.As seen in Fig.2͑a ͒,V O is stable in theneutral charge state for Fermi-level values in the upper partof the band gap.The different oxygen sites lead to slightly different geometries,formation energies and transition lev-els:͑2+/0͒=3.31eV for O ͑I ͒,2.70eV for O ͑II ͒,and 3.57eV for O ͑III ͒.V O 0has the lowest energy on the O ͑II ͒site,inwhich two of the three O–Ga bonds are the longest among allO–Ga bonds.Additionally,the E fof the V O are high for most values of oxygen chemical potential,indicating a low con-centration of vacancies will be present.The paramagnetic state V O +is not stable for any value ofthe Fermi level but could be generated by photoexcitation.By calculating V O +in the geometry of the V O 0configuration,we predict absorption energies of 2.71,3.37,and 2.52eV for O ͑I ͒,͑II ͒,and ͑III ͒sites,with corresponding emission ener-gies of 0.67,1.23,and 0.65eV .Since the reported electron paramagnetic resonance experiments do not mention inten-tional photoexcitation,the assignment of the reported EPR signal to oxygen vacancies 18should be re-examined.Addi-tional emission energies of 2.06,1.40,and 2.25eV can result from above-band-gap excitations,due to the recombinationof an electron localized on the V O 0with a photogenerated holein the valence band.None of these emission energies matchthe characteristic blue or green luminescence bands of-Ga 2O 3,19suggesting that these bands do not originate fromV O .Turning now to impurities,we first investigated the role of hydrogen.We find that H can occupy either interstitial ͑H i ͒or substitutional sites ͑H O ͒;20in both configurations,H acts as shallow donor.Due to the complex crystal structure of -Ga 2O 3,many configurations exist in which H i +forms a strong bond with an O atom and which are all close in en-ergy.In the lowest-energy configuration ͓included in Fig.2͑b ͔͒,H i +bonds to a lone pair of the threefold coordinated O ͑I ͒.The low formation energy of H i under both O-rich and O-poor conditions indicates it will be easily incorporated as an unintentional impurity whenever H is present in the growth or annealing environment.In the acceptor charge state,H i −,the H atom preferentially sits near two Ga atoms,yielding a transition level ͑+/−͒=4.90eV,just above the CBM.Interstitial hydrogen thus behaves exclusively as a shallow donor for any Fermi level within the band gap of -Ga 2O 3.21Substitutional hydrogen,H O ,has a low forma-tion energy only under O-poor conditions.22The energy barrier for the dissociation of the H O +into H i +and V O 0is only 1.33eV ,estimated as the sum of the binding energy ͑0.99eV ͒and the migration barrier of H i +͑0.34eV ͒.Such a low barrier indicates that both H i +and H O +are mobile at modest temperatures and may be readily removable by thermal annealing.1,3-6-4-202468101214V Z ΓA M LE n e r g y (e V )FIG.1.͑Color online ͒Band structure for -Ga 2O 3calculated using the primitive unit cell of base-centered monoclinic -Ga 2O 3͑see Ref.12͒.The VBM,which occurs just off the M point and is only 0.03eV higher than at ⌫,is set to zero on the energy axis.1234–2–1012345Fermi level (eV)F o r m a t i o n e n e r g y (e V )V OO−poorO−rich(a)V OFermi level (eV)(I)(II)(III)(I)(II)(III)FIG.2.͑Color online ͒Formation energy vs Fermi level for the oxygenvacancy ͑a ͒and H impurities ͑b ͒in -Ga 2O 3.Values for O-rich and O-poor conditions are shown.The labels ͑I ͒,͑II ͒,and ͑III ͒refer to the three in-equivalent O sites.Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: https:///authors/rights-and-permissions. Download to IP: On: Tue, 12 AprIn addition to hydrogen,we find that other impurities may also contribute to the observed n -type behavior.In Fig.3,we show the formation energies of Si,Ge,and Sn substi-tuting on the Ga site,23as well as F and Cl on the O site,24all of which are shallow donors that may contribute to the n -type conductivity of Ga 2O 3.Si and Ge prefer the tetrahe-dral coordination of the Ga ͑I ͒site,while Sn prefers the oc-tahedral coordination of the Ga ͑II ͒site.F and Cl both prefer the threefold coordination of the O ͑I ͒site.The formation energies suggest that Si,Ge,Sn,F,and Cl are readily incor-porated.Indeed,it has been observed that Si is a dominant background impurity in both high-purity powders ͑6N ͒and single crystals,25with the increase in Si content of the single crystals possibly due to the presence of quartz in the various growth techniques.25,26When intentionally incorporated,both Si ͑Ref.27͒and Sn ͑Ref.2͒have been shown to notably enhance the conductivity.Our results suggest that F and po-tentially Cl will also be effective n -type dopants.In summary,we have presented hybrid functional calcu-lations for oxygen vacancies and several candidate donor im-purities in -Ga 2O 3.We find that oxygen vacancies cannot explain the observed unintentional n -type conductivity,since they are deep donors with an ionization energy of more than 1eV .Our results suggest that unintentionally incorporated impurities are likely to be responsible for the observed n -type conductivity.Hydrogen,Si,Ge,Sn,F,and Cl are all calculated to be shallow donors in -Ga 2O 3.We gratefully acknowledge useful discussions with M.Y .Tsai,O.Bierwagen,T.Nagata,H.He,and R.Pandey.The work was supported by the NSF MRSEC Program ͑Grant No.DMR05-20415͒,the SRC ͑Grant No.2009-VJ-1867͒,the UCSB SSLEC,and by Saint-Gobain Research.We ac-knowledge the use of computing facilities at CNSI ͑Grant No.NSF CHE03-21368͒,TeraGrid,and TACC ͑Grant No.NSF DMR07-0072N ͒.1N.Ueda,H.Hosono,R.Waseda,and H.Kawazoe,Appl.Phys.Lett.70,3561͑1997͒.2M.Orita,H.Ohta,M.Hirano,and H.Hosono,Appl.Phys.Lett.77,4166͑2000͒.3M.R.Lorenz,J.F.Woods,and R.J.Gambino,J.Phys.Chem.Solids 28,403͑1967͒.4E.G.Víllora,K.Shimamura,Y .Yoshikawa,K.Aoki,and N.Ichinose,J.Cryst.Growth 270,420͑2004͒.5E.G.Víllora,K.Shimamura,K.Aoki,T.Ujiie,and K.Kitamura,Appl.Phys.Lett.90,234102͑2007͒.6K.Bernhardt,M.Fleischer,and H.Meixner,Siemens Compon.30,35͑1995͒.7M.A.Blanco,M.B.Sahariah,H.Jiang,A.Costales,and R.Pandey,Phys.Rev.B 72,184103͑2005͒.8Z.Hajnal,J.Miro,G.Kiss,F.Reti,P.Deák,R.C.Herndon,and J.M.Kuperberg,J.Appl.Phys.86,3792͑1999͒.9J.Heyd,G.E.Scuseria,and M.Ernzerhof,J.Chem.Phys.118,8207͑2003͒;124,219906͑2006͒.10G.Kresse and J.Furthmüller,Phys.Rev.B 54,11169͑1996͒;Comput.Mater.Sci.6,15͑1996͒.11P.E.Blöchl,Phys.Rev.B 50,17953͑1994͒;G.Kresse and D.Joubert,ibid.59,1758͑1999͒.12H.He,R.Orlando,M.A.Blanco,and R.Pandey,Phys.Rev.B 74,195123͑2006͒.13S.Geller,J.Chem.Phys.33,676͑1960͒.14CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics ,edited by D.R.Lide ͑CRC,Boca Raton,Florida,2004͒.15C.Freysoldt,J.Neugebauer,and C.G.Van de Walle,Phys.Rev.Lett.102,016402͑2009͒.16C.G.Van de Walle and J.Neugebauer,J.Appl.Phys.95,3851͑2004͒.17K.Yamaguchi,Solid State Commun.131,739͑2004͒.18M.Yamaga,E.G.Víllora,K.Shimamura,N.Ichinose,and M.Honda,Phys.Rev.B 68,155207͑2003͒.19K.Shimamura,E.G.Víllora,T.Ujiie,and K.Aoki,Appl.Phys.Lett.92,201914͑2008͒.20A.Janotti and C.G.Van de Walle,Nature Mater.6,44͑2007͒.21P.D.C.King,I.McKenzie,and T.D.Veal,Appl.Phys.Lett.96,062110͑2010͒.22The formation energies of H i and H O are limited under O-rich conditions due to formation of H 2O.23The formation energies of the group-IV elements on the Ga site are limited under O-rich conditions due to formation of SiO 2,GeO 2,and SnO 2.SiO 2leads to an additional constraint under O-poor conditions.24The formation energies of the group-VII elements are limited due to the formation of GaF 3and GaCl 3.25T.Harwig,F.Kellendonk,and S.Slappendel,J.Phys.Chem.Solids 39,675͑1978͒.26E.G.Víllora,T.Atou,T.Sekiguchii,T.Sugawara,M.Kikuchi,and T.Fukuda,Solid State Commun.120,455͑2001͒.27E.G.Víllora,K.Shimamura,Y .Yoshikawa,T.Ujiie,and K.Aoki,Appl.Phys.Lett.92,202120͑2008͒.Fermi level (eV)F o r m a t i o n e n e r g y (e V )Fermi level (eV)FIG.3.͑Color online ͒Formation energy vs Fermi level for several shallow donor impurities in -Ga 2O 3under ͑a ͒O-rich and ͑b ͒O-poor conditions.The labels ͑I ͒and ͑II ͒refer to the inequivalent Ga or O sites;only the results for the lowest-energy site are shown.Reuse of AIP Publishing content is subject to the terms at: https:///authors/rights-and-permissions. 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