



BOOKTHREEUNITl The Time 100I. Vocabulary Builder1.Word matchl)b 2)f 3)e 4)g 5)a 6)d8)c 9)h 10)i7)j2. Synonym finder1) immigrants 2) foreigner 3) expatriate 4) aliens5) audacious 6) bold 7) adventurous 8) daring9) light-heated 10) hilarious 11) comical 12) witty15) pull through 16) survive13) escaped 14) stayingalive3・ Wordformation1) compatriot 2) patron 3) patriot 4) paternal 5)expatriate6) circumvent 7) advent 8) revenues 9) misadventure 10)convenientII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)The Preside nt made the Joel 100™ because he lowered my taxes, just like Scott」effers, myaccountant, who also made the list.2)Comi ng in at No. 100 on my list was Nouriel Roubi ni, the econo mist who predicted that thehousi ng bubble was going to burst — thus maki ng him the least in flue ntial pers on in theentire world.3)Nicholas Christakis (No. 5), a Harvard professor of medicine and sociology whose entire fieldof study is how people in flue nee each other, argues that he has affected me as much as asibling.2.Terms translation1)has been supportive of2)Hffling through this issue3)do not even have Wikipedia entries4)the ones we spend the most time with5)more than a $5000 raise wouldDe 2)b 3)j 4) a 5)c 6)7)d8) i 9)f10) g2. Synonym finder1) subsided2) ebbing 3)lesse n 4) wane 5)heady 6) thrilling 7) exhila rati ng 8) exciting 9) ultimate 10) prime 11) foremost12) optimum 13) roots 14) impetus15)spur16) stimulus3. Word formation1) mutual 2) transmuted3) commutes 4) mutate 6) fusible7) confusion8) refuse9) infusing5) mutable10)UNIT 2 The Newsweek 50I. Vocabulary BuilderII. Sentence Structure Sentence combination1) After all, George W. Bush has pretty con siste ntly projected an air of con fide nee, one that tends to get people even more worried than they need to be.2) Swe risen, who after Warre n Buffett is perhaps the most successfu I in vest or in rece nt decades, argues that this has been the crucial flaw in the Bush administration's actions. 3) Carefully retreating from these obligations to restore a market economy will be as complex an exit strategy as the one from Iraq.4) Afgha nista n —is as importa nt as this one huge task: to restore con fide nee, certai nty and reform to America.5)The beginning of 2009, the last year of the first decade of the 21st century, is a good time to consider the nature of power; and of the powerful, because the world is being reordered in so many ways —broadly by what my colleague Fa reed Zakaria calls "the rise of the rest," the emerge nee of powers such as In dia, China and Brazil, and specifically by the global recession.2. Terms translation1) treated as en dowed with super natural, superhuma n, or at least specifically excepti onal powers or qualities2) able to exercise in flue nee in every realm and on every continent in a way that no other major power can3) it was not in being but in doing that George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt built their enormous reputations4) to restore con fide nee to America ns, and in deed to the world5)In the popular imagination, power tends to be viewed in one of two ways, both extreme1. Word match diffu si onDj 2)f 3) a 4)d5)b6)h 7)c8)e9) i10) g2. Synonym finder1) assemblies2)congregation 3) company 4) troop 5) batch 6) party 7) array 8)band 9) dawned 10) emerged 11) arising 12) commenee 13) friction 14)controversy15) discord16) dissent3. Word formation1) fidelity 2) defy3) diffident4) infidelscon fidant6) merciless 刀 Mercer8)mercenaries 9)commercial mercha ndise5)10)UNIT 3 The World in 2009I. Vocabulary BuilderII. Sentence Structure 7. Sentence combination1) Originally designed to last for a year, the London Eye, like that other "temporary" attraction, the Eiffel Tower, is not going any where.2)In 2009 Chicago, the original home of the Ferris, will upgrade its Navy Pier wheel to double its original size, to over 91 metres (300ft), and Berlin's wheel, around 50 metres higher than its 135-metre London rival, will be the tallest in Europe at almost 185 metres. 3)With violenee seemingly on the wane, Baghdad's authorities are beginning the tough sell of tourism in the Iraqi capital, having recently launched a design competition for a Baghdad wheel. 4) Iran could also frighten the neighbourhood by putting a satellite into orbit, which would mean its having the capability to launch an intercontinentai ballistic missile. 5)Optimists may still hope for a peace deal to be signed by Israelis and Palestinians, but pessimists will fear another war between Israel and Lebanon's Hizbullah, with the "Party of GocT acting as Iran's proxy.2. Terms translation1) a striking gap between surging emerging markets and sluggish rich economies. 2) We had a pretty good Olympics, too.3) it is the long odds that can ruin a bookmaker's day 4) let's play a "5%-to-20% game 7'5)with the odds determined largely by their security men1. Word matchl)e 2)i 3)f 4) b 5) h 6)c7)j8) d 9) a10) g2. Synonym finder1) trick2)hoax3) trap4)decep 廿on5) exhaustion 6) Tiredness 7) weariness 8) fatigue 9)venue 10) loca 廿on 11) whereabouts 12) position13)nuances 14) points15) particulars16) spec 讦ics3. Word formation1) compatible 2) passi on ate3) Pathology 4) dispassionpsychopathy6) heirloom7) inherit8) heritage9) heir5)10)UNIT 4 Business and LifeI. Vocabulary BuilderII. Sentence Structure Sentence combination1)He's particularly annoyed by a friend who works at an auto dealership who tweets every time he sells a car; a married couple who bicker on Facebook's public walls and another couple so "mooshy-gooshy" they sit in the same room of their house posting love messages to each other for all to see.2) Last year was a relatively good year to be a Chinese bank, and for none more so than for China Merchants Bank Co., a mid-sized lender that in recent years has built a strong franchise and reputation for quality service.3) China Mobile, the Iongstanding leader among China's telecommunications carriers, has more wireless subscribers than any other company in the world with 493 million subscribers as of June.4) Lenovo, which was late to introduce consumer PCs at a time when commercial sales have declined around the world, suffered more than its competitors from waning global PC sales and was losing market share outside of China.5) Baidu, Google Inc.'s chief rival in China and the country's most popular Web site, has re bo un ded after some n egative publicity last year over its sales practices that sent the company's shares plunging.2. Terms translation1) yet posts videos on Facebook of "uber cute" kittens 2) In all that information you're posting about your life3) who continued to lend at a rapid clip even as Western financial institutions tightened credit4) Of the top five spots in the Chinese survey results, four went to tech giants. 5)most didn't place in the top 10 in the Asia 200 financial-reputation category1. Word match hered ityUNIT 5 CourtesyI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word match1) c 2)g 3) a 4) i 5) b 6) j 刀h 8) d 9) f 10)e2.Synonym finder1) comp unction 2) conscienee 3) remorse 4) guilt5)accused 6) alleged 7) confronted 8) criticize9) divide 10) minus 11) plus 12) times13) stealing 14) snitching 15) plagiarized 16) pilfered3. Word formation1) summit 2) con summate 3) summarized 4) consume 5)summatio n6) morality 7) demoralized 8) morale 9) immoral 10)moralII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)My native state of South Carolina, which is not much smaller than present-day Hungary,once imagined a future for itself as an independent country.2)He was ostracized as a child, not because he was a」ew—his pare nts were n't very religiousanyhow—but because he had been born with two clubfeet, a condition that, in those days,required institutionalization and a succession of painful operations.3)Wise he was, in deed, but Mr. Teszler also had a won derful sense of humor.4)Women were slightly more courteous than men and, oddly, both groups were sign讦icantlymore polite towards their own sex.5)Many in the latter category said they were too busy or could n't be bothered to stop, but asign讦icant minority was more scared of crime - or being seen as a criminal - than rude. 2. Terms translation1)he was as smart as he was modest2)And in a twist you would not believe in a Steven Spielberg film3)Mr. Teszler took the precaution of having cyanide capsules placed in lockets that could beworn about his neck and those of his family.4)They have a reputation for being big-headed, but New Yorkers showed they are big-heartedtoo,5)Toron to, Can ada, came third among our 35 citiesUNIT 6 JapanI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word match1)j 2)e 3) h 4) a 5) i 6) c 7) b 8) g 9) f 10) d2.Synonym finder1) rejecting 2) declined 3) shunned 4) turned himdown5) goldmine 6) lucrative 7) favourable 8) profitable9) welfare 10) safety 11) security 12)haven13) dealings 14) industry 15) venture 16) business3. Word formation1) intended 2) tendentious 3) distend 4) osterisible 5)portent6) contention 7) tend 8) superintendenee 9) pretensions 10)Hyperte nsionII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)For that reason, a growing number of」apanese women seem to believe that work as ahostess, which can easily pay $100,000 a year, and as much as $300,000 for the biggest stars,makes economic sense.2)In a 2009 survey of 1,154 high school girls, by the Culture Studies Institute in Tokyo,hostessing ranked No. 12 out of the 40 most popular professions, ahead of public servant (18) and nurse (22).3)Young women are drawn nonetheless to Cinderella stories like that of Eri Momoka, a singlemother who became a hostess and worked her way out of penury to start a TV career andher own line of clothing and accessories.4) A rece nt New York Times article described the J apa nese profess io n of hostessi ng, whichinvolves entertaining men at establishments where customers pay a lot to flirt and drink withyoung women (services that do not, as a rule, involve prostitution).5)Lear ning in dividual n ames, affilia tions, titles and pers onal attributes while drinking andpaying attention to each customer's needs, demands physical exertion and mental gymnasties.2. Terms translation1)exhausti on from a life of part ying is a more com mon hazard2)let alone at the relatively high pay that hostesses can earn3)are responsible in large part for creating the illusion among even young girls that this is somekind of a glamorous profession4)endorsed the goal of creating a gender-equal society based on respect for the humanrights of women and men,5)But does hostessing bring women a rosy life and socioeconomic mobilityl)e 2) h 3) b 4)i5)d6)j7) a 8)f9)g10) c2. Synonym finder1) hampering2) dogged 3) plagued 4) hinder 5) led 6) head up 7) running 8)headed 9) enjoy 10) blessed 11) boasts 12) possess 13) rate 14) levels15) amount16) extent3. Word formation1) repeal 2) repulse3) propelled 4) pulsationcompulsive6) figuration7) prefigured8) disfigured9) effigy5)10)UNIT 7 AfghanistanI. Vocabulary BuilderII. Sentence Structure 7. Sentence combination1)Poya is a con testa nt in The Candidate, a reality TV show that follows six Afgha ns aged 22 or younger as they compete to develop the policies, campaign and support necessary to win a poll of viewers voting by SMS text messages on their mobile phones.2) There had been some hope for a genuinely competitive election last spring when several popular poli 廿 cians announ ced plans to run for preside nt, but Karzai resp on ded by winning endorsements from key powerbrokers and making shrewd political alliances with former rivals, giving himself a commanding lead.3) Producers of The Candidate, which airs on the privately owned Tolo TV network, are hoping to help by focusing Afghans on what they want from their political leaders.4)In the space of a single week, a string of disturbing military and political events revealed not just the extraordi nary burde ns that lie ahead for the America ns and Afgha ns toili ng to create a stable nation, but the fragility of the very enterprise itself.5) On Tuesday, four American soldiers on patrol near in the southern city of Kandahar were killed when their armored vehicle, known as a Stryker, struck a homemade bomb, now the preferred killer of American troops.2. Terms translation1) in which milli ons of viewers voted via text message every week for their favorite sin ger 2) One of the critical problems we have in Afghanistan is that we have a personality approach to politics3)a rotati ng panel of judges rate the can didates based on prese ntati on, strategy and persuasive ness4) The show's con testa nts are give n $1,300 a month to spe nd on real-world campaig ning1. Word matchtran sfigure1) d 2) i 3) h 4)b 5)j 6)a刀c 8)e 9)g10) fUNIT 8 PakistanI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word match2.Synonym finder1) ache 2) spasm 3) pain 4) twinge5) reports 6) coverage 7) exclusive 8) story9) Trust 10) fund 11) charity 12) Aid13)tra nsformati on 14) shift 15) mutations 16) conversionWord formation1) forgives 2) forlorn 3) forbidden 4) forgo 5)Forget6) assembly 7) simile 8) resembles 9) fascimile 10) simultaneousII. Sentence Structure7. Sentence combination1)But history moves quickly in Pakista n, and after mon ths of televised Taliba n cruelties,broken promises and suicide attacks, there is a spreading sense — apparent in the newsmedia, among politicia ns and the public ——that many Pakista nis are fin ally tur ning against the Taliba n.2)But it seems especially profound among the millions of Pakista nis directly th reate ned bythe Taliban advanee from the tribal areas into more settled parts of Pakistan, like the SwatValley.3)Finally, the military agreed to a truce in February that all but ceded Swat to the Taliban andallowed the in surge nts to impose Islamic law, or Shariah.4)Benazir Bhutto, who was assassinated at age 54 on Thursday in the Pakistani city ofRawalpindi, spent three decades navigating the turbulent and often violent world ofPakistani politics, becoming in 1988 the first woman to be democratically elected to lead amodern Muslim country.5)Under detention at the time, Ms. Bhutto was allowed to visit her father before his executionat Rawalpindi's central prison, only a short distanee from the site of the rally where she waskilled nearly three decades later.2. Terms translation1)and provoked a characteristic response2)he quickly fell into a bitter dispute with Ms. Bhutto over the family's political legacy3)only to be ousted by Pakista n's preside nt in 1990, havi ng served less tha n half her term4)Her ouster, on both occasions, sparked only sporadic protests across Pakistan5)who presented herself on public platforms as the standard-bearer for Pakistan'simpoverished massesl) e 2) h 3) j 4) d 5) a6) c 7)i8)f 9)g10) b1) riddl 2)enigma3)mystery4)puzzlUNIT 9 IndiaI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word match2.Synonym finder5) favouritism 6) preferential treatment 7) discrimination 8) nepotism9) share 10) doled out 11) allotted 12) distributed13) ordered 14) set out 15) arranging 16) Line up3. Word formation1) conceivable 2) interception 3) recipie nt's 4) anticipate 5) deceit6) inflammatory 7) effulgent 8) flagrant 9) inflammable 10) flame II. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)Researchers at the In ter national Food Policy Research In stitute have found that whileincreasing women's decision-making power would reduce discrimination against girls insome parts of South Asia, it would make things worse in the north and west of India.2)In China and in the north and west of India, the spread of ultrasound technology, which caninform parents of the sex of their fetus, has turned a pool of missing girls into an ocean.3)Neighbors who didn't own land, who've watched their friends get rich while they stayedbehind, often don't feel quite as sanguine about the changes.4)Around here, where a way of life is disappearing and no one knows what will take its place,where some one seems to lose for every one who win s, it's a lot harder to know what tomake of India's economic boom.5)There's a tendency, in much of the media, both domestic and foreign, to greet the changesweeping across India either with unbridled optimism or excessive pessimism.2. Terms translation1)the bias against girls was far more pronounced there than in the poorer region2)those aborted, killed as newborns or dead in their first few years from neglect3)Development seemed to have not only failed to help many Indian girls but to have madethings worse.4)because they are denied the health care and the education that their brothers receive5)Nor does a rise in a woman's autonomy or power in the family necessarily counteractprejudice against girlsUNIT 10 HaitiI. Vocabulary Builder1. Word matchDg 2)d 3)b 4) h 5) i 6) a 7)f 8)j 9)c 10) e2. Synonym finder1) intuition 2) sixth sense 3) gut feeling 4) instinct5) residents 6) locals 7) citizens 8) inhabitants9) implore 10) plead for 11) impose on 12) appealed13) appeal 14) retrial 15) Tribunal 16) hearing3. Word formation1) tenet 2) sustain 3) detained 4) maintain 5)ten eme nt6) abstained 7) entertain 8) pertain 9) continent 10)retainII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)Almost instin ctively, he and a group of 11 people, in cludi ng a restaura nt man ager, aschool principal, an accountant, a flight attendant and a truck driver figured out how to getdown to the island nation.2)With roads wiped out by Iandslides, we drove 2.5 hours to Pedernales, a town on thewestern coast of the DR, where we hoped to pick up a boat the rest of the way to Haiti.3)They were detained as they tried to take 33 Haitian children whom the Baptists said hadbeen orphaned into the neighboring Dominican Republic.4)On Tuesday, Reginald Brown, an American lawyer for Jim Allen, one of the detainees, wroteto Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, aski ng her to pers on ally get in volved in thecase.5)In rece nt n ews reports, Bill Clinton, the former US preside nt, was described as working onsuch a plan, while Domi nique Strauss-Kah n, the head of the In ter national Mon etary Fund,called for a "Marshall plan for Haiti", with foreig n go ver nmen ts, compa nies and NGOsdoing the rebuilding and foreign investment setting up factories.2. Terms translation1)Haitia n prosecutors have charged the America ns with kidn appi ng and crimi nal associatio n2)Our point was to draw attention to the plight of Haitian orphans3)the unprecedented situation that exists in Haiti now requires a response beyond what wouldbe expected in the ordinary course4)and those same aid agencies are ready to repeat the same mistakes as before5)ranks coun tries on 10 in dicators of how easy the local go ver nment makes it for a localcitizen to start and run a businessUNIT 11 EducationI. Vocabulary Builder1. Word matchl)a 2)j 3)d 4) h 5)b6)7)f 8)g 9)c 10) e2. Synonym finder1) absorbed 2) assimilate 3) digest 4) taking in5) locations 6)venue 7)site 8) spot9) mission 10) project 11)undertaking 12) assignment13) beaming 14) grinning 15) smirking 16) leered3. Word formation1) victor 2) evicted 3) conviction 4) vanquish 5)convi ncible6) revoked 7) vociferous 8) equivocal 9) advocate 10)vocalII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)House alumni — only one or two will stay on as "sophomore ambassadors'7— are beingencouraged to take advantage of a new university wide support program to smooth the wayto the second year.2)Colleges nation wide are trying to address the special n eeds of first-ge nerati on stude nts, ineluding thecolleges below, which have received grants for inno vative approaches torecruiting and retaining them.3)I was more concerned with finding a hook that would set me apart from the tens ofthousands of other appliesnts, who were, of course, trying to do the same thing.4)Looking through the brochures accumulated on endless campus visits, I didn't find manyschools that offered bachelor's degrees to people who studied a random assortment of Ianguages, and wan derlust made me re I u eta nt to choose one.5)Turns out she was investigating the neurological underpinnings of syntactic structure, usingfunctional M.R.I. to determine where in the brain certain elements of sentence processingtake place.2. Terms translation1)But once in, many were failing.2)no alcohol or over night visitors, midn ight curfew on week nights and 3 a.m. on weeke nds3)She understands all too well the gravitational pull that home can exert.4)This past year; the residents' grades ranged from struggling-to-achieve-C's to dean's list.5)At my affluent public high school, potential pre-meds and Wall Streeters (yes, at age 17)lined the hallways.1) e 2)f3) i 4)c5)j6)a 7)h8)b 9)g10) d2. Synonym finder1) nominated 2) selects3) appointed 4) named 5) friendly 6) amiable 7) pleasant 8) warm9) responsible 10) reas on able 11) mature 12)sensible 13) crawling 14) inching15) creep16) edging3. Word formation1) probation 2) disproved 3) reproved 4)Probationers 6)quashes 7) discuss8)repercussions 9) percussionconcussed5) proof10)UNIT 12 Science and TechnologyI. Vocabulary BuilderII. Sentence StructureSentence combination 1)People are starting to think of underwater archaeology as focused not just on nautical history, but on the prehistoric Iandscape that existed when glaciers had water tied up and sea levels were much lower. 2)He cites rece nt research suggesti ng that tributyli n, a comm on polluta nt used as a preservative and pesticide, impacts cells at even tiny concentrations and could be con tribute to a rise in huma n obesity. 3)The 17-mile (27-kilometer) long particle collider is designed to probe the mysteries of the big bang and illumi nate puzzli ng phe nomena like dark matter, an in visible material that neither emits nor reflects light, yet accounts for the vast majority of mass in the un iverse. 4)While the computer scientists agreed that we are a long way from Hal, the computer that took over the spaceship in "2001: A Space Odyssey/ they said there was legitimate con cer n that tech no logical progress would tran sform the work force by destro ying a widening range of jobs, as well as force humans to learn to live with machines that increasingly copy human behaviors. 5)Impressed and alarmed by advances in art 讦icial intelligenee, a group of computer scientists is debating whether there should be limits on research that might lead to loss of human control over computer-based systems that carry a growing share of society's workload, from waging war to chatting with customers on the phone.2. Terms translation1)By mon itori ng these gen etic varia nts seas on to seas on2) became the first to use a telescope for astronomical observation3) and that is hand in glove with the story of how galaxies formed and evolved4) These cha nges have been largely gen erated by the activities of differe nt kinds of organisms.1. Word match5)genomic data will likely be used to create drugs customized to individuals.1) c 2)f3)b 4)i6)d7) a 8) h 9)e10)gUNIT 13 Health and TechnologyI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word match2. Synonym finder1) skilled 2) brilliant 3) outstanding 4) expert5) principal 6) key 7) main 8)predominant9) recommendations 10) guidanee 11) counselling 12) tip13) desire 14) compulsion 15) 1 onging 16) urge3. Word formation1) hypothecate 2) hypocrisy 3) hyperactive 4) hypothesis 5)Hypers onic6) Corps 7) corpulent 8) corporation 9) incorporated 10)corpseII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)With many villages having no clean water or basic sanitation, let alone reliable access toclinics and doctors, moder n wizardry like molecular diag no sties and digital medical recordsseem ir re leva nt.2)As an HIV parent herself, Ms Thabethe was so incensed by this state of affairs that shehelped start iTeach, an outreach programme based at one of the busiest hospitals inKwaZulu-Natal.3)Using a form of text messaging similar to SMS, this sends out up to a million short messagesa day, encouraging the recipients in their local Ianguage to contact the national AIDS hot line.4)The most promising applications of mHealth for now are public-health messaging, stitchingtogether smart medical grids, extending the reach of scarce health workers and establishingsurveillanee networks for infectious diseases.5)One less on emerging from these various experime nts is that the visible face of any mHealthor e-health scheme, regardless of where it operates, needs to be as simple and user-friendlyas possible, whereas the hidden back end should use sophisticated software and hardware.2.Terms translation1)he delivered a speech at a con fere nee on tech no logy for the developi ng world2)Last year Mr Gates stepped down from Microsoft to run his family's charitable foun dati on3)Given the risk-averse culture of the health systems of the rich world4)despite recent advances in tackling the disease5)it sidesteps the stigma as mobile phones are very personalUNIT 14 GlobalizationI. Vocabulary Builder1.Word matchl)g 2)c 3)e 4)j 5)b 6)h刀a 8) d 9) i 10) f2. Synonym finder1) today 2) now 3) in this day and age 4) nowadays5) amazed 6) staggered 7) astounded 8) astonished9) commendation 10) praise 11) complime nt 12) recogniUon13) deflated 14) discouraged 15) disenchanted 16) let down3. Word formation1) radix 2) eradicated 3) radicle 4) radical 5)eradicator6) acquitted 7) requite 8) unrequited 9) quitter 10)quitII. Sentence StructureSentence combination1)It became a global bra nd in 2005, when it paid aro und $1.75 billi on for the personal-computer business of one of America's best-known companies, IBM—including the ThinkPad laptop range beloved of many businessmen.2)Leno vo's Chin ese R&D labs developed a butt on that recovers a computer system within 60seconds of a crash, essential in countries with an unreliable power supply.3)Mr Yang even moved his family to live in North Carolina to allow him to learn more aboutAmerica n culture and to improve his already respectable comma nd of En glish, the Ianguage of global business.4)This is despite plenty of academic evidenee that open economies generally do better thanclosed ones, that in America in particular many more and generally better jobs have beencreated in recent years than have been destroyed, and that the number of jobs lost tooutsourci ng is tiny compared with those wiped out by tech no logical inno vati on.5)The growing role of states that often lack democratic credentials creates a sense that thecompetition from emerging-economy champions and investors is unfair; and that rich-country firms may lose out to less well-run competitors which enjoy subsidised capital, helpfrom political cronies or privileged access to resource supplies.2.Terms translation1)and talking more about the fate of humanity as a whole2)with emerging-market companies now competing furiously against rich-country ones3)such was its con fide nee in its own bra nd4)in a domestic market buoyed by GDP growth rates。



单选题1.According to the media,Jordan_________.A.was too old to compete against younger players.B.was in a bad condition.C.was still able to scoreD.was still able to play dunks.答案:D2.avant-gardeA.relating to,or being part of an innovative groupB.a teenagerC.violence attack答案:A3.Which organization announced an emergency meeting to be held in Geneva this week?A.WTOB.WHOOD.EU答案:B4.suffuse.A.to spread through or overB.to kill sbC.to buy a great loaf of答案:A5.Why must local government keep his or her doors to every visitor?A.Economic development depends on it.B.The central government forces them to do that.C.In order to let more people enjoy the beauty of the sites.D.They are friendly and hospitable.答案:A6.______is one of the few areas where Israeli Jews and Arabs live in relative harmony.A.HaifaB.RamallahC.TulkarmD.Tel Aviv答案:A7.How many nations does the commonwealth have?A.54B.53C.48D.1答案:B8.deteriorateA.become worse in quality or conditionB.destroyC.well wealthy答案:A9.decrepit.A.to kill sb at timesB.worn out,impairedC.to set fire on答案:B10.What’s the CIA’s opinion on dealing with Iraq?A.remodel the successful war strategy in AfghanistanB.advocate a coup or destabilization to topple SaddamC.run a war in IraqD.others答案:B11._______is a distinct advantage if you want a career at what passes for the American establishment.A.gilt-edged diplomaB.wealthy familyC.AbilityD.Alumni connection答案:A12.H.M.O.A.家长会B.环保总局C.保健组织答案:C13.The key question in evaluating a college is_________.A.the number of studentsB.the alumniC.the location of the collegeD.how well it teaches its students.答案:D14.spurA.carry out a particular taskB.intriguingC.incite,stimulate答案:C15.tackleA.to try to deal with a difficult problemB.meet troubleC.make a hole答案:A16.What did not the workers do in the run up to the last October’s celebration?A.They finished a network of expressways and ramps crisscrossing the city.B.They built a huge airport in nearby Pudong.C.They built a large-sized shopping mall in the center of city.D.They built a cross-river tunnels linking Shanghai to Pudong.答案:C17.Richard Nixon thinks that the cooperation between the East and the West will be______.A.possibleB.impossibleC.unknown答案:A18.alluringA.get rid ofB.attractive or desirableC.never give up答案:B19.school-boardA.学校教工大会B.学校董事会C.学校组织D.学校大会答案:B20.wrack.A.keep sth from being hurtB.destroy or ruinC.help without any hesitation答案:B21.The1996law created the Temporary Assistant For Needy Families,which slapped a___lifetime on an individual’s right to collect benefits.A.ten-yearB.twelve-yearC.five-yearD.twenty-year答案:C22.-----is a member of the minority who do have problems during menopause.A.Sonja MckinlayB.JamisonC.Ravenna HelsonD.Carol Ryff答案:B23.maritalA.of or relating to marriageB.wife or husbandC.to save答案:A24.desperately.A.luckilyB.to give little hope of successC.hately答案:B25.______took responsibility for the attack in Haifa?A.An Islamic groupB.Several Palestinian soldiersC.Several Palestinian civiliansD.None答案:A26.rekindle.A.to relight(a fire)B.to put out fireC.to set fire on答案:A27.Moriarty is-----now.A.a workerB.a reporterC.an athleteD.a designer答案:D28.A200-point increase in the average SAT score of the college attended resulted in_____greater earnings for students from families in the lowest fifth of income distribution.A.5%B.6%C.7%D.8%答案:C29.alluring.A.Never say goodbye to somebodyB.attractive or desirableC.interesting30.gratifyA.please or satisfyB.discourageC.supremacy答案:A31.In the content of this lesson,among the drugs,_____can easily cause coma and deathA.MDMAB.LSDC.GHBD.heroin答案:C32.The NRA’s power depends on the relatively few close elections that often determine who controls____.A.PresidentB.Supreme CourtC.CongressD.jury答案:C33.grottoe.A.houseB.caveC.cottage答案:B34.Tejano music is dynamite in----but not in California,whose technobanda music does not sell elsewhere.B.New JerseyC.GeorgiaD.Wisconsin答案:A35.incentiveA.induce action or motivate effortB.hard workC.to devote one‘s heart to sb.答案:A36.The attitude of the author revealed in the article named “Exploding Tourism Eroding China’s Riches”is__A.nostalgiaB.criticalC.pessimisticD.optimistic答案:B37.Since1996,the number of people collecting food stamps has sunk by one-third,to___million.A.3B.17C.22D.20答案:B38.collaborationA.to express sorrow or regretB.working together,especially in a joint intellectual effortC.future generation答案:B39.consternation.A.a feeling of shock or worryB.a feeling of happiness and blessnessC.always wanting to fight答案:A40.brunt.A.the main impact or forceB.help sbC.never refuse others答案:A41.suffuseA.to spread through or overB.to kill sbC.to buy a great loaf of答案:A42.jutA.little potB.carefulC.extend beyond the limits of the main body,project答案:C43.Who was awarded the Order of Australia,the country’s highest civil medal of honor?A.CathyB.MoriartyC.Ros答案:B44.prudentA.careful,circumspectB.surprising or astoundingC.of two races答案:A45.The United States says large-scale direct military action may be required only in______.A.IraqB.Iraq and SomaliaC.SomaliaD.none答案:B46.In1981,6-8–year-olds averaged______minutes of homework per week.A.45B.50C.44D.60答案:C47.assumeA.of two racesB.supposeC.of other Spanish-speaking countries答案:B48.upheavalA.a sudden,violent disruption or upsetB.rucksackC.intensively答案:A49.backpack.A.dispute,argumentB.rucksackC.carry out a particular task答案:B50.emphaticallyA.intensivelyB.careful,circumspectC.condemn openly as being evil or reprehensible答案:A51.inboundA.to execute an inbounds passB.to have a tripC.lousy答案:A判断题1.Hug drug is good for people’s healthA.错误B.正确答案:A2.Most of the crimes are not concerned with young peopleA.错误B.正确答案:A3.To build a highway is to bring visitors convenience and safety.A.错误B.正确答案:B4.U.S.estimates the Taliban now controls the whole country of Afghanistan.A.错误B.正确答案:A5.The Taliban began as a group of seminary students.A.错误B.正确答案:B6.China spends the least money on cultural conservation.A.错误B.正确答案:B7.The troubles with gangs are not so seriousA.错误B.正确答案:A8.The Scots and the Welsh worry a lot about those Japanese companies.A.错误B.正确答案:A9.Hug drug is good for people’s healthA.错误B.正确答案:A10.Economic development depends on that local government must keep his or her doors to every visitor.A.错误B.正确答案:B11.In Britain the monarch remains very much at the heart of its Constitution.A.错误B.正确答案:B12.Campus romance is unrequited because women on campus do not expect a marriage.A.错误B.正确答案:A13.Nixon thinks that the cooperation between the East and the West is impossible.A.错误B.正确答案:A14.Nixon still believes that Communist party will be the enemy of the United States forever.A.错误B.正确答案:B15.1221is located at1221Yan’an Xi Road.A.错误B.正确答案:B16.John Kundereri Moriarty,living happily in an aboriginal tribal community in northern Australia,was transported south through Alice Springs.A.错误B.正确答案:B17.Economic development depends on that local government must keep his or her doors to every visitor.A.错误B.正确答案:B18.An unprecedented chance for Gypsies is to be recognized as a nation,albeit one without a defined territory.A.错误B.正确答案:B19.While low-wage jobs are the early magnet for many,there is also evidence of upward mobility.A.错误B.正确答案:B20.An entrepreneurial is someone who starts or organizes a commercial enterpriseA.错误B.正确答案:B21.“Soothe”means to make someone uncomfortableA.错误B.正确答案:A22.The old rule for a polite conversation is:Never mention the topic of sex,religion and politics.A.错误B.正确答案:B23.Hikers don’t like to walking a long way and climbing hills on foot.A.错误B.正确答案:A24.An irritable person is someone of mild temper.A.错误B.正确答案:A25.Nixon thinks that the cooperation between the East and the West is impossible.B.正确答案:A26.Nixon thinks that the cooperation between the East and the West is impossible.A.错误B.正确答案:A27.An irritable person is someone of mild temper.A.错误B.正确答案:A28.College officials should be blamed for the cheating in college rankings.A.错误B.正确答案:B29.The author believes that the rankings have become an unhealthy force in highereducation.A.错误B.正确答案:B30.Poverty rates among Hispanics remain lowA.错误B.正确31.Krueger and Dale concluded that smart,talented kids who attended less selective schools didn’t do just as well in their careers as their counterparts at elite colleges.A.错误B.正确答案:A。

















五.考试说明“英美报刊选读”期末考试题型介绍1.报刊名称及常见报刊词汇英译汉:十小题,每题2分,共20分内容以辅导书的附录为主. 2.阅读理解:2篇文章,选自作业题,选择题或判断题,共40分。



英美报刊选读复习题一.Reading ComprehensionPassage 1It was not "the comet of the century" experts predicted it might be. Nevertheless, Kohoutek has provided a bonanza of scientific information. It was first spotted 370 million miles from the earth, by an astronomer who was searching sky for asteroids, and after whom the comet was named. Scientists who traced Kohoutek ten month before it passed the earth predicted the comet would be a brilliant spectacle ・ But Kohoutek fell short of this prediction, disappointing millions of amateur sky watchers, when it proved too pale to be seen with the unaided eye. Researchers were delighted nonetheless with the new information they were able to glean from their investigation of the comet. Perhaps the most significant discovery was the identification of two important chemical compounds-methyl cyanide and hydrogen cyanide-never seen in comets before, but found in the far reaches of interstellar space ・ This discovery revealed new clues about the origin of comets. Most astronomers agree that comets are primordial remnant from the formation of the solar system, but whether they were born between Jupiter and Neptune or much farther out toward interstellar space has been the subject of much debate. If compounds no more complex than ammonia and methane key components of Jupiter, were see in comets, it would suggest that comets form within the planetary orbits. But more complex compounds, such as the methyl cyanide found in Kotoutek, point to formation far beyond the planets; there the deep freeze at space has kept them unchanged.1. What is the subject of the passage?( ) a. What was learned from Kohoutek ・ c. Where Kohoutek was spotted.2. Why was Kohoutek referred to as the comet of the century?(a. It was thought to be extremely old.c. Scientists predicted is would be very bright.3. In what respect was Kohoutek a disappointment?(a. It could be seen only through special equipment.c. When was the solar system fonned?d. How was the solar system formed?Passag2The majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clarifying goals, assessing the problem, formulating options, estimating likelihood of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the decision. Rather, in their day-to-day tactical maneuvers, these senior executives rely on what is vaguely termed "intuition^ to manage a network of interrelated problems that require them to deal with ambiguity, inconsistency, novelty and surprise, and to integrate action into the process of thinking.Generations of writers on management have recognized that some practicing managers rely heavily on intuition. In general, however, such writers display a poor grasp of what intuition is. Some see it as the opposite of rationality. Other view it as an excuse for capriciousness.Isenberg^ recent research on the cognitive process of senior managers reveals that managers intuition is neither of these ・ Rather, senior managers use intuition in at least five distinct ways. First, they intuitively sense when a problem exists. Second, managers rely on intuition to perform well-learned behavior patterns rapidly. This intuition is not arbitrary or irrational but is based on years of painstaking practice and hands-on experience that build skills. A third function of intuition is to synthesize isolated bits of data and practice into an integrated picture, often in an H Aha H experience. Fourth, some managers use intuition as a check on the results of more rational analysis. Most senior executives are familiar with the formal decision analysis models and tools, and those who use such systematic methods for reaching decisions are occasionally leery of solutions suggested by these method which run counter their sense of the correct course of action. Finally, managers can use intuition to bypass in-depth analysis and move rapidly to engender a plausible solution. Used in this way, intuition is an almost instantaneous cognitive process in which a manager recognizes familiar patterns.b ・ What was disappointing about Kohoutek ・ d. How Kohoutek was tracked ・ ) b ・ It passes the earth once a century. d ・ Scientists have been tracking it for a c. It did not provide valuable scientific information.d ・ It was moving too rapidly for scientists to photograph・ 4. Before the investigation on Kotoutek, where had methyl cyanide been known to exist?( )a. In comets.b. On asteroids.c. Between Jupiter and Neptune ・ 5. According to the passage, what is one major component of Jupiter?( )a. Hydrogen cyanide ・ b ・ Methyl cyanide ・ c. Hydrogen. 6. What aspect of Kohoutek did scientists find most interesting?( ) d. Beyond the solar system. d. Ammonia. d. Its size. 7. Which of the following question is best answered by information gained from Kohoutek?( )a. Where were comets formed?b. When were comets formed?b ・ It did not approach the earth.One of the implications of the intuitive style of executive management is that "thinking^ is inseparable from acting. Since managers often “know" what is right before they can analyze and explain it, they frequently act first and explain later. An a nalysis is inextricably tied to action in thinking action cycles, in which managers develop thoughts about their companies and organizations not by analyzing a problematic situation and then acting, but by acting and analyzing in close concert.Given great uncertainty of many of the management issues that they face, senior managers often instigate a course of action simply to learn more about an issue. They then use the results of the action to develop a more complete understanding of the issuer One implication of thinking acting cycle is that action is often part of defining the problem, not just implementing the solution.1 • According to the passage, senior manager use intuition in all of the following ways except to ______ .A.speed up the creation of a solution to a problem B・ identify a problemC. bring together disparate facts D・ stipulate clear goal2.The passage suggests which of the following about the "writers on management^ mentioned in line 11? ________A.They have criticized managers for not following the classical rational model of decision analysis.B.They have not based their analyses on a sufficiently large sample of actual managers.C.They have relied in drawing their conclusions on what managers say rather than on what managers do.D.They have misunderstood how managers use intuition in making business decisions.3.Which of the following best exemplifies "an 'Aha' experience^? ______A.A manager risks raking an action whose outcome is unpredictable to discover whether the action changes the problems at hand.B・ A manager performs well-learned and familiar Behavior patterns in creative and uncharacteristic ways to solve a problem ・ C. A manager suddenly connects seemingly unrelated facts and experiences to create a pattern relevant to the problem at hand.D・ A manager rapidly identifies the methodology used to compile data yielded by systematic analysis4.According to the passage the classical model of decision analysis includes all the following except __________ ・A.evaluation of problemB. creation of clear goals to be reached by the decisionC.establishment of clear goals to be reached by the decisionD.action undertaken in order to discover more information about a problem5・ It can be inferred from the passage that which the following would most probably be one major difference in behavior between Manager X, who uses intuition to reach decisions, and Manager Y, who uses only formal decision analysis? _____________A Manager X analyzes first and then acts; Manager Y does notB.Manager X checks possible solution to a problem by systhematic analysis; Manager does not.C.Manager X takes actionin orde to arrive at the solution to a problem; Manager Y does not.D.Manager Y draws on years of hands-on experience in creating a solution to a problem; Manager X does not.6・ It can be inferred from the passage that thinking/acting cycles (line 5, last paragraph) in managerial practice would be likely to result in which of the following __________I• A manager analyzes a network of problem and then acts on the basis of that analysis.II• A manager gathers data by acting and observing the effects of actionIII. A manager takes action without being able to articulate reasons for that particular action.A. I only.B. Il only.C. I and II.D. II and III.7. The passage provides support for which of the following statements? ________A. Managers who rely on intuition are more successful than those who rely on formal decision analysis.B・ Managers cannot justify their intuitive decisions.C.Managers1 intuition works contrary to their rational and analytical skillsD.Intuition rabies managers to employ their practical experience more efficiently・& Which of the following best describes the organization of the first paragraph of the passage? _______A. An assertion is made and a specific supporting example is givenB・ A conventional model is dismissed and an alternative introduced・C. The results of recent research are introduced and evaluated.D・ Two opposing points of view are presented and evaluated・Passag3Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is how to get rid of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the opposite problem - how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which uses not only body heat, but the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs 电灯and refrigerators 冰箱as well. The system works so well that no fuel is needed to make the campus's six buildings comfortable.Some parts of most modern buildings - theaters and offices as well as classrooms - are more than sufficiently heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned even in winter . The technique of saving heat and redistributing it is called “heat recovery^. A few modern buildings recover heat, but the University's system is the first to recover heat from buildings and reuse it in others.Along the way, Pitt has learned a great deal about some of its producers. The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off. Male students send out more heat than female students, and the larger a student is, the more heat he produces - It is tempting to conclude that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a hard-working overweight male genius.1.What is characteristic of the buildings on Johnstown campus of the University of Pittsburgh? _______A. They are more comfortable to live in than other buildings.B. They collect body heat to regulate the temperature in side ・C. They use light bulbs to heat the classrooms.D. They consume less fuel to keep the classrooms cool.2.According to the passage, the technique of heat recovery is used _______ ・A. to provide a special form of air-conditioning B・ to provide heat for the hot water systemC. to find out the source of heat D・ to collect heat and reuse it3・The phrase “the hottest prospect^ in this passage refers to______ .A. the person who suffers most from heat B・ the person who needs more heat than othersC. the person who gives off most heat D・ the person who make better use of body heat4.Which of the following statements is NOT true according the passage? _______A. The harder a student works, the more heat he or she produces.B・ The bigger a student is, the more heat he or she sends out.C・ A girl student sends out more heat than a boy student.D・ A large and hard-working boy student gives off the most heat.5.Which of the following may be the best title for this passage? _______A.Recovery of Body Heat C. Modern Building's Heat SystemB.Body Heat and Sex D. Ways of Heating Buildings二Translate the following sentences:1 .Crackdown on loan repayment penaltiesPeople who repay loans early will get a fairer deal under changes outlined today.2.Hong Kong was hit hard by Sars and had a difficult year but is "bouncing back\ Prime Minister Tony Blair has said during his visit to the region.3.Extra places confirm faith in foundation degreesThere will be an extra 10,000 places on foundation degree courses next year, giving more people a chance to study for a vocationally-focused higher education qualification・三、Read the following short passages and choose the best answe匚Passage 1GENEVA・A 38-year-old Spanish man briefly hijacked 扌仓劫a French airliner on Majorca Sunday and threatened to blow it up to protest 抗议France's plans to resume nuclear testing, then surrendered in 投降放弃Geneva without a struggle after releasing 298 passengers and crew・ An official at Geneva's Cointrin Airport described the man as unbalanced・( )A .A Spanish man hijacked a French airline to protest France's nuclear testing・B.A Spanish man who had threatened to blow up a French airline surrendered in Geneva・C.A Spanish man who had hijacked a French airline suirendered in Geneva.Passage 2TOKYO-When Compaq Computers 康帕电脑and Dell Computer invaded 进入the Japanese market three years age with personal computers selling for half the price of the local varieties 当地品种,rival 竞争对手Japanese companies braced for trouble 准备应河•动舌L・ But instead of killing the Japanese personal computer industry, the American onslaught 猛攻liberated 放纵it・Proceed by what is known as the “Compaq Shock 康巾白冲击J Japanese manufacturers have become fiercer competitors, cutting their prices drastically. The result has been a boom in sales that is benefiting the Japanese manufacturers as much as the Americans.( )A.American and Japanese computer companies compete to win the Japanese market・B."Compaq Shock J has benefited Japanese market.C- Fierce competition between American and Japanese computer companies has helped the computer sales boom in Japan.Passage 3PARIS-A bomb 炸弹exploded at a crowded street market in Paris near the Place de la Bastille Sunday morning, leaving fourpeople slightly hurt・ The police said that the bomb, packed into a pressure cooker and hidden in a bag under a vegetable stand, did not cause greater damage because of a malfunction•功自总失常But the incident clearly left a deep impact onGovernment officials who are facing what they believe to be a campaign of terrorism directed by Islamic militants from Algeria. Police did not immediately link the bomb to three devices planted in recent weeks, which killed seven and wounded scores of others in Paris.( )A ・ A bomb blast at a Paris market hurt four people.B.four people were injured in a crowded street market in Paris..C.Terrorists planted in bomb in Paris that wounded四.cloze:A contract is an agreement between two or more people (1) ________ o ne person agrees to do something by a specified date in return for something done by (2) _______ • Usually the contract is a written document signed and dated by both (3)________ . It must state clearly the consideration, that is, what is to be given or done by one person in (4) __________ f or what is given or done by the other. If one person does (5) ________ was promised and the other does not, that other may be sued in court and required by court order to make good・ He or she (6) ______ also to be required to pay for damages suffered as a result of the failure to perform. The things (7) ________ by both parties must be stated in definite terms (8) __________ the court will hold that the contract is (9) ________ v ague and general to be enforced・(10) ______ ,the time period within which the work is to be done must be definite or the court will say that the document is not a contract.( )1. A. in which B. which C. that D. on that( )2. A. another B. other C. lhe other D. others( )3. A. parts B. people C・ parties D. aspects( )4. A. replace B・ change C. pay me nt D. exchange( )5. A. that B. what C. the thing D. something( )6. A. need B. has C.ought D. may( )7. A. to be done B. to do C.done D. being done( )& A. and B. or C. else D. so( )9. A. so B. too C・ rather D・ over( )10. A. Similar B. The same C. Similarly D. Too英美报刊选读复习题答案Reading ComprehensionPassage 1: l.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.APassage 2:l.D 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.D &BPassage 3: l.B 2.D 3.C 4.C 5.A二Translate the following sentences:1.严罚贷款不偿还行为今天已提出纲要对提前偿还贷款者将获相当的报酬2.Tony Blair在访问这一地区时说:香港因SARS遭受巨大打击,度过重重困难岁月,但目前经济已经回升。



Lesson two:1.Why did some of the HBS grads choose to come back to China although they hadreceived lucrative offers from America's top companies?Answer: Not only has China changed dramatically since most of them left but also the nation can offer more personal freedom and economic opportunities now than ever before.Lesson four1.What activities are harming ancient Buddhist grottoes?Answer: Too many tourists and their breathing are harming them.Lesson seven:The same traits...an elite education尽管这些学生没有选择名牌大学,当他们去参加工时,使他们具有耶鲁大学的理想人选的那些品质——抱负、聪明、智慧—也同时被带到那里,使得他们享受应有的高薪,而且与那些选择了名牌大学的学生相比,他们得到的薪水并不低。

2.Are all state-run universities less competitive than private universities? Please give examples.Answer:No. Some state-run universities are more competitive than some private universities, such as the University of Michigan, Ohio's Miami University and the University of North Carolina4.For students from poor backgrounds, does it affect their future earning to choose an elite university? Why?Answer: Yes. That's because at an elite university he will have better access to the network with affluent students and alumni, and this will influence their future job hunting.Lesson NineThe simple act of voting was ... and voter outreach. (Par. 26)---美国历史上持续时间最长、花钱最多的一次总统选举以投票这种简单的方式结束了,但是他从根本上改变了美国政治的交流策略,也使参与投票的选民人数大大增加。

英美报刊选读(辅修) 对数

英美报刊选读(辅修) 对数

英美报刊选读(辅修)对数The Power of Music: How it Influences Our Emotions and Enhances Our LivesIntroduction:Music, an art form that transcends borders and language barriers, has the power to evoke emotions, spark memories, and bring people together. Whether it's the soulful melodies of a blues song or the energetic beats of a pop anthem, music has a profound impact on our lives. In this article, we will explore the ways in which music influences our emotions and enhances our daily experiences.1. The Connection between Music and Emotions:Music has the ability to tap into our emotions and evoke powerful responses. It can make us feel joyful, sad, nostalgic, or even motivated. The melodies, harmonies, and lyrics work together to create a unique emotional experience for each listener. For example, a slow and melancholic melody might make us feel a sense of longing or sadness, while an upbeat and catchy tune can instantly uplift our spirits.2. Music as a Stress Reliever:In our fast-paced and often stressful lives, music provides a much-needed escape and relaxation. Research has shown that listening to soothing music can lower our heart rate, reduce stress hormones, and promote a sense of calmness. Whether it's classical music, nature sounds, or instrumental tunes, finding a moment of solace through music can have a positive impact on our overall well-being.3. Music and Memories:Have you ever listened to a song and instantly been transported back to a specific moment in your life? Music has a remarkable ability to trigger memories and emotions associated with certain events or people. This phenomenon is known as the "reminiscence bump." Whether it's a song from our childhood or a soundtrack from a memorable movie, music has the power to reignite our past and bring back cherished memories.4. Music as a Social Bond:Music has the unique ability to bring people together, transcending social, cultural, and language barriers. Think about attending a live concert or singing along with your favorite song at a party. These shared experiences create asense of unity and connection among individuals. Music festivals, choirs, and even karaoke nights are all examples of how music fosters social bonds and creates a sense of community.5. Music and Productivity:Have you ever noticed how listening to music while working or studying helps you stay focused and motivated? Music has been found to enhance cognitive function, improve productivity, and increase concentration levels. However, it's important to choose the right type of music for the task at hand. While lyrical music might be distracting when studying, instrumental or ambient music can boost creativity and help maintain focus.6. Music as a Source of Inspiration:Music has the power to inspire us and drive us towards our goals. Whether it's an empowering anthem or a motivational soundtrack, music can ignite our passion and push us to overcome obstacles. Many athletes use music to get in the zone before a competition, and countless artists credit music as their source of inspiration for their creative endeavors.Conclusion:From the way it influences our emotions to its ability to bring people together, music holds a special place in our lives. Whether we use it as a stress reliever, a means of reminiscing, or a source of inspiration, music enhances our daily experiences and enriches our well-being. So the next time you press play on your favorite song, take a moment to appreciate the power of music and the impact it has on our lives.。



英美文学选读模拟题二A.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets. (20x1 points)()1. _________ is regarded as the pioneer of English drama.A.William ShakespeareB.Christopher Marlowe.C.Edmund SpenserD.John Donne()2. n She I compare thee to a summers day?” This is the beginning line of Shakespeare'sA.songsB.playsediesD.son nets()3. Thomas Gray f s masterpiece, __________ once and for all established his fame ass the leader of the sentimental poetry of the day, especially "The Graveyard Schocd”.A.Ode on the SpringB.Ode on a Distant Prospect Of Eton CollegeC.Hymn to AdversityD.Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard()4. Which play is regarded ass the best English comedy since Shakespeare?A.She Stoops to ConquerB.The RivalsC.The School for ScandalD.The Conscious Lovers()5. The publication of f,_________ H marked the beginning of Romantic Age.A.Don JuanB.The Rime of the Ancient MarinerC.The Lyrical BalladsD.Queen Mab()6. As a new kind of ideology, _______ was widely accepted and practised in the later Victorian period.A.earnestnessB.utilitarianismC.respectabilityD.modesty()7. In his novels, Charles Dickens depicted a lot of child characters except _____________ .A.Oliver TwistB.Little NellC.Little DorritD.Charles Surface()8. ________ is acknowledged by many as the most original poet of the Victorian period.A.Robert BrowningB.Alfred TennysonC.George EliotD.John Keats()9. ________ is the last important novelist and poet of the 19th century.A.Thomas HardyB.George EliotC.Alfred TennysonD.Robert Browning()10. _______ does not belong to the post - modernism after the Second World War.A.Existentialist literatureB.Black HumorC.Heater of the AbsurdD.Stream of consciousness()11. In the works of E. M. Forster and D. H. Lawrence, the subject matter is ____________ ・A.the social turmoilB.the hypocrisy of the capitalismC.love and marriageD.human relati on ships()12. James Joyce's works are popular with the readers for in his writings Joyce uses the following kinds of expressing methods.A.sentimental romanceB.historical stylisticsC.in versionD.counterpoint()13. _______ f s f,Leaves of Grass11 established him as the most popular American poet of the 19th century.A.Edger Allen PoeB.James Russel LowellC.John Greenleaf WhitterD.Walt Whitman()14. In his essays, Ralph Waldo Emerson put forward his philosophy except of __________ .A.religionB.the over - soulC.the importance of the in dividualD.nature()15. In the following statements, __________ is not true about the local colorism in American literary realism.A.Their writings are concerned with the life of a small, well - defined region or province.B.The characteristic selling is the isolated small town.C.Their materials were extensive or wide ・ ranging, and the topics were connective.D.Local colorists were consciously nostalgic historians of a vanishing way of life, recorders of a present that faded before their eyes.()16. H______ 蔦a novella about a young American girl who gets "killecT by the winter in Rome, brought James inter national fame for the first time.A.The AmericanB.Daisy MillerC.The EuropeansD.The Portrait of a Lady()17. In his f,_______ Dreiser f s focus shifted from the pathos of the helpless protagonists at the bottom of the society to the power of the American financial tycoons in the late 19th century.A.Sister CarrieB.An American TragedyC.The GeniusD.Trilogy of Desire()18・______ is not among those greatest figures in "The Lost Generation11 or modern American literature.A.Ezra PoundB.Robert FrostC.Walt WhitmanD.William Carlos Williams()19. Robert Frost recited 11_______ ” at President Kennedy f s inauguration.A.The road Not TakenB.Mending the WallC.The Gift OutrightD.Birches()20. Mark Twain^ best works were produced when he was in the prime of his life. All these masterworks drew upon ________ .A.the scenes and emotions of his boyhood and youthB.the hypocrisy of the capitalismC.the bleak view of human natureD.the miserable life of the lower - class poorplete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook. ( 20x1 points)1 • In f,The Canterbury Tales1', Chaucer employed the _________ with true ease and charm for the first time in the history of English literature.2.Christopher Marlowe is the most gifted of the H_________ ”.3.The term H_________ H is commonly used to name the work of the 17th - century writers who wrote under the influence of John Donne.4.Spenser is generally regarded as the greatest non dramatic poet of the Elizabetha n age. His fame is chiefly based on his masterpiece ”___________ u.5.Swift is a master ______ , his satire is usually masked by an outward gravity and an apparent earnestness which renders his satire all the more powerful.6.From the middle part to the end of the 18th century, in English literature__________ flourished. They were mostly stories of mystery and horror which take place in some haunted or dilapidated middle age castles.7.As a leading romanticist, Byron's chief contribution is his creation of the ,f _________ ”,a proud, mysterious rebel figure of noble origin.8.________ is regarded as a ^worshipper of nature11.9.All of Charles Dickens f s later works, with the exception of f,______________ f,(1859), present a criticism of the more complicated and yet most fundamental social institutions and morals of the Victorian England.10.Bernard Shaw began his career as a dramatist in 1892, when his first play ”_________ f,(1892) was put on by the independent theater society.11.__________ was regarded as father of the American short stories.12.The way in which _______ wrote "The Scarlet Letter11 suggests that American Romanticism adapted itself to American puritan moralism.13.The most important feature of Mark 7wain f s Ianguage is the use of vernacular, or ___________ .14.H _________ 11 is Browning^ best - known dramatic monlogue.15.Ezra PouncTs major work of poetry is the long poem called ___________ .16.Hemingway's H____________ H (1936) tells a brilliant short story about a martially wounded American writer who attempts to redeem his imagination from the corrosions of wealth and domestic strife.17.__________ stands as a great dividing line between the nineteenth century and the contemporary American literature.18.Pound was the leader of a now movement in poetry which he called the ”________ 11 movement.19.M After Apple - Picking H is a well - known poem written by ____________ .20.George Eliot's greatest achievement is ,f __________ ,f.C.Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write your answers in the brackets・(10x1 points)()1 ・fl Dr. Faustus11 is a play based on the English Lege nd of a magician aspiring for knowledge and fin ally meeting his tragic end as a result of selling his soul to the Devil.()2. Swift is a master satirist. His satire is usually masked by an outward gravity and an apparent earnestness which ren ders his satire all the more powerful. His H A Modest Proposal11 is gen erally taken as a perfect model.()3. Shelley's greatest achievement is his four ・ act poetic drama, "Prometheus Unbound M. (1820)()4・ Though Naturalism seems to have played an important part in Hardy f s works, there is also bitter and sharp criticism and even open challenge as the irrational, hypocritical and unfair Victorian institutions, conventions and morals which strangle the individual will and destroy natural human emotions and relationships.()5. Hardy is the founder of the '"stream of consciousness11 school of novel writing.()6. American romanticism was in a way derivative; American romantic writing was some of them modeled on English and European works.()7. With the publication of "Daisy Miller11, Henry James1 reputation was firmly established on both sides of the Atlantic and Daisy Miller has ever since become the American girl in Europe, a celebrated cultural type who embodies the spirit of the old world.()8. Altogether, Dickinson wrote 1775 poems of which most had appeared during her lifetime.()9. Hemingway develops the style of colloquialism initiated by Thomas Hardy.()10. Transcendentalism exalted reason over feeling, individual expression over the restraints of law and custom. the author of the following literary works. (5x1 points)1.The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling2.A Journal of the Plague Year3.Ode on a Grecian Urn4.The Lake Isle of Innisfree5.There Was a Child Went ForthE.Define the literary terms listed below. (2x4 points)1.Dramatic Monologue2.SymbolismF.For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which it is taken and then briefly interpret it. ( 2x4 points)1.If l wandered lonely as a cloudThat floats on high o'er vales and hills,When all at once I saw a crowd,A host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees,Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.112."The apparition of these faces in the crowd;Petals on a wet, black bough”.G.Give brief answers to the following questions. (3x5 points)1.What's the theme of "Jane Eyre"?2.What*s the theme of John Galsworthy's "The Man of Property*1?3.How did Walt Whitman make use of the poetic "I” in his works?H.Short essay questions. (2x7 points)I.Read the excerpt from chapter I of "Pride And Prejudice11 in our textbook, and answer the following questions.(1)What is this passage describing?(2)What f s the style of this passage?(3)Analyze the characters of the main roles of this passage: Mr. And Mrs. Bennet.附:答案全国高等教育白学考试模拟试卷(二)英美文学选读参考答案A.1.B2.D3.D4.C5.C6.B7.D8.A9.A10.D11.D12.C13.D14.A15.C16.B17.D18.C19.C20.AB.1 • heroic couplet2.University Wits3.metaphysical poetry4.The Faerie Queene5.satirist6.Gothic novels7.Byronic hero8.Wordsworth9.A Tale of Two Cities10.Widowers1 House11.Washington Irving12.Hawthorne13.Colloquialism14.My Last Duchess15.The Cantos16.The Snows of Kilimanjaro17.The First World War18.Imagist19.Robert Frost20.Middlemarchc.1.F2.T3.T4.T5.F6.T7.F8.F9.F10.FD.1 • Henry Fielding2.Daniel Defoe3.John Keats4.William Bulter Yeats5.Walt WhitmanE.1 • A kind of narrative poem in which one character speaks to one or more listeners whose replies are not giver in the poem. The occasion is usually a crucial one in the speaker's life, and the dramatic monologue reveals the speaker's of a dramatic monologue is n My Last Duchess” by Robert Brow ning. In the poems in eluding n My Last Duchess11, Brow ning chooses a dramatic moment or a crisis, in which his characters are made to talk about their lives, and about their minds and hearts. In "listening” to those one - sided talks, readers can form their own opinions and judgements about the those one - sided personality and about what has really happened.2. Symbolism is the writing technique of using symbols. A symbol is something that conveys two kinds of meaning; it is simply itself, and it stands for something other than itself. In other words, a symbol is both literal and figurative. People, places, things and even events can be used symbolically.A symbol is a way of telling a story and a way of conveying meaning. The best symbols are those that are believable in the lives of the characters and also convincing as they convey a meaning beyond the literal level of the story. Hawthorne and Melville were the two masters of symbolism. For example, the scarlet letter ,f a lf on Hesters breast can give you symbolic meanings. If the symbol is obscure or ambiguous, then the very obscurity and the ambiguity may also be apt of the meaning of the story.F.1.The name of the author is William Wordsworth, and the title of the literary work is H l Wandered Lonely As a Cloud11.译文如下:我独自游荡,像一朵孤云高高地飞越峡谷和山巅,突然,我望见密密的一群,那是一大片金黄色水仙;它们在那湖边的树荫里,在阵阵微风中舞姿飘逸。



英美报刊文章选读1. Correct sentences: b d ea.PHILADELPHIA(AP)-Contac and two other popular over-the-counter medicines were withdraw from the market on Friday after rat poison was found in eight capsules that had been tampered with, the drug manufacturer said.c. W ASHINGTON(AP)-President Reagan told leaders of Nicaragua‟s rebel movement today “ we‟re in this together” ,and vowed that “we will never give up” until he can reverse a House vote denying 100 million dollars in military and other aid to the insurgents.f. A bearded gunman believed to be in his 30‟s robbed the Telco Federal Credit Union (1215 E Ashland Ave), of more than $15,000 on Tuesday and escaped in rush-hour traffic.2. Chicago Tribun e-A house in Mt. Prospect caught a fire at 4:40 a.m. on Saturday, which caused the death of Lilian Kozy, an 88 years old woman who lived in 804 S. School St and she was pronounced dead at 5:34 a.m. in Holy Family Hospital because of smoke inhalation.3. After the bank officials reported more than $450,000 turned up mi ssing, the FBI has been investigating on the city‟s largest bank, the First National Bank, for the last 2 weeks, and as a result, late Wednesday,the bank president confirmed an officer of the bank who was cooperating with authorities had been fired in the embezzlement scheme.4. a. “A new football coach will be hired by Friday,” said Athletic director Cliff Gibson.b. “This is a Great Day for GENEV A .” said Mayor Johnson.c. According to Smith, there are several “First-Rate Prospects”: Charles Mays, ichard Kile, John Haring, and Stanley Kelly.d. The teacher asked, “What is the capital of Delaware?”e. John wondered why every teacher always expects us to know all the state capitals.f. “My professor quoted Benvolio from Romeo and Juliet who said, …Why, Romeo,art thou mad?‟ ”said Susan.g. “The president will hold a press conference Thursday evening at 6 o‟clock,” said Johnson.h. “The problem,” Smith said, “is that nobody seems to know what is happening.”i. Smith said:“Journalists often work long hours. H owever, the extra hours are worth it if a solid story can be gained. The best journalists are more than willing to take the extra time.”5. The first version: The title uses a simple statement sentence, and ittells the readers the result of the accident. So readers can know the story as soon as possible. The beginning of the news is used a summary lead, a long and complicated sentence, which gives an account of “what”, “when”, “who”, “where” and “why”. What‟s more, the words are objective, the news tends to use long sentences and its structure is loose. The second version: The title uses a compound sentence, and they are capitalized. So it is good to attract the attention of readers and inspire the readers‟ interest to move on reading. Besides, the beginn ing of the news pays much attention to the astonished result of the accident. Last but not least, compared to the first version, the words used in the second news are more formal and it describes the same story more vividly and emotionally.6. The first passage: The headline uses a simple statement sentence. At the beginning of the news, the first two words are used in capital forms which can catch the attention of the readers. Furthermore, a lot of indirect quotations and passive voice has been used quite frequently in this passage. For example, “…I don‟t think this is going to help, really,‟ a spokesman said.”, “His body was found on Saturday”. However, the news is too long for readers to spend too much time reading it to the end.The second passage: The headline is capitalized, so it can attract the readers‟eyes and inspire readers‟ curiosity to go on reading. At thebeginning of the news, the first word is also used in capital forms which can catch the attention of the readers. And the second passage is only a few lines long so that it is easy for readers to concentrate on it. Besides, punctuation is used sparingly in this passage. At last, the lexis is common and most of the sentence is compound sentences.。



英美报刊选读考到的课本问题及答案Lesson ElevenIs America’s new declinism for real1. What is the difference between the latest global trends report and the one issued four years ago?The latest report foresees world in which the US plays a prominent role in global events,butthe US is seen as one among many global actors". The report issued four years ago had projected "continuing US dominance".2. What does "new declinism" mean?It means that Americans,especially theintellectuals,think that America is in decline. They have lost the aggressive confidence of the Bush years and the "unipolar moment". It is new because there were times in US history when people had similar thoughts.3. What are the reasons of the new declinism?There are three reasons:First,the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have made it clear that US military supremacy does not automatically translate into political victory. Second,the rise of China and India suggests that America’s days as the world’s largest economy are numbered. Third, the financial crisis has fed the notion that the US is living beyond its means and that something is badly wrong with the American model.4. What does William Wohlforth of Dartmouth College think of the new declinism?He pointed out that America may recover from the new declinism just like before and there may be a resurgence of American confidence.5. Why does the writer think that the new declinism may bemore soundly based than the previous ones?Because he thinks that China may pose more challenge to the US than the Soviet Union and Japan since it has a large size and a record of sustained and dynamic economic growth..6. What do you think of America’s decline? And China’s rise?OpenLesson FifteenLibby Defense Portrays Client as a Scapegoat1. For what was I. Lewis Libby charged?Mr. Libby was charged for perjury and obstruction of justice because he was considered to have lied to investigators. He was charged with five felony accounts of lying to the grand jury and to officials of the Federal Bureau of Investigation who were investigating the leak of Ms. Wilson's name to Mr. Novak.2. How did Libby defend himself on the charges of perjury and obstruction of justice?Mr. Libby said that he believed he first learned about Ms. Wilson in a conversation with Tim Russert of NBC. He also told the grand jury that he had been taken aback by Mr. Russert’s information. He had testified that he did not discuss Ms. Wilson’s identity with Judith Miller,a former reporter for The Times,or with Matthew Cooper of Time magazine.3. How did Mr. Wells defend Mr. Libby?Trying to present the case as hopelessly complicated as possible, Mr. Wells spoke for nearly two and a half hours to leave the jurors in doubt about the validity of the charges. And he asserted that Mr. Libby had become enmeshed in legal difficulty because of White House efforts to protect Mr. Rove.4. Why did the White House intend to protect Mr. Rove?Because Mr. Rove was Mr. Bush’s right-hand man and "was most responsible for seeing the Republican Party stayed in office.”And he had a major role in guiding Mr. Bush's re-election campaign.5. Do you think the Bush administration had distorted intelligence about Iraqi efforts to obtain uranium? Why or why not?Yes,I think so. Because the weapons of mass destruction have not been found up to now.6. How do you understand Mr. Cheney’s words that "Not going to protect one staffer and sacrifice the guy who was asked to stick his neck in the meat grinder because of the incompetence of others?"Mr. Cheney means that he is not going to sacrifice Libby just for the purpose of protecting Mr. Rove.Mr. Cheney means that he is not going tosacrifice Libby just for the purpose ofprotecting Mr. Rove.Lesson EighteenA Race We Can All Win1. What are the different views between the author and some other American politicians on China? Why does he think so?Many American politicians have played tovoters’ economic insecurities by scapegoating China,while the author believes that China is not a threat to America,but an incredible opportunity. Since the author has worked 35 years in the private sector, and has run the nation's largest city for 6 years.2. What does the author see behind the growing Chinese economy?Although China emerges as an economic dynamo,theauthor has also seen the frailties underpinning its system. The increasingly congested roads and polluted air choke its economy and its people. The growth of cities is also exposing other fundamental long-term economic challenges,for instance,the education system is simply not producing enough skilled workers--- engineers,doctors,scientists and mangers. At the same time,health-care costs are skyrocketing.3. What common problems do both China and America meet? Give an example to illustrate how China is solving these problems.Both China and America have congestion,pollution,education, and rising health-care costs.4. Compared with China,what are the advantages for America to solve these problems? Do you agree with the author?The author advocates that America has a system of government that is far less corrupt and far more stable,owing to American democratic politics,free press and open, transparent markets.5. In the author's opinion, how can America meet the challenge?The Americans should prevent themselves from slowing down, which means overcoming the political inertia that has stopped them from investing in the 21st-century infrastructure that they need.6. Do you agree with the author’s opinions about China and the US? Please illustrate your own views with some examples.Open.Lesson NineteenWhy the Monarchy Must Stay1.What was Mr. Churchill’s view on Britain’s system of government? Do you agree withhim?a.he thought it was the best that man had yet devisedthough it was imperfect.b. Open.2. What role does Queen Elizabeth II play? Can she play a better role than an American president in a sense? Explain.a. she, as head of state, carries out ceremonial duties, and takes the political accountability while remaining above politics and taking no sides in any political debate.b. In the author’s view, she can. An American president is also the leader of a political party, so he can’t remain above politics.3. What power does Queen Elizabeth II have/ does Her Majesty have the real power to choose a prime minister? Why or why not?a. she can choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament and declare war.b. No. she is a figurehead bound by the tradition, constitution and laws of the nation. She does it on the advice of Parliament.4. If the monarchy were abolished, what would things in Britain be like?The government, Parliament, nation, and Commonwealth would be turned upside down. Every nut and bolt of every one of Britain’s major institutions would have to be altered to make way for change.5. Do you know any scandals about some members of the royal family? Be specific.There are a couple of scandals involving the Queen’s sister and children. Apart from Camillagate 卡米拉门and Squidgygate鱿鱼门事件, it was reported that Princess Michael ofKent had an affair with oil tycoon John Ward Hunt, a relative of the fabulously wealthy Bunker Hunt of Houston, U. S. A.6. Why must the monarchy stay? Can it keep a politician from holding all the powers? Do you think the monarchy must go? State the reasons.a. In the author’s view , it has served both the British Empire and the Commonwealth with great distinction. Besides, it is legitimate and accords with traditions.b. Yes, it can, but it is not the monarchy but the parliamentary democracy that can keep a politician from holding all the powers and becoming a dictator.c. It depends. It is the British people that can decide its future.Lesson TwentyThe Coming Conflict in the Arctic1.What issues would the two heads of states discuss at the Lobster Summit atKennebunkport?Putin and Bush spent most of their time at the “lobster summit” discussing how to prevent the growing tensions between their two countries caused by missile defense in Europe and the final status of Kosovo.2. What’s the real purpose of Russia’s claim to the vast area of the ice covered Arctic seabed?The claim is not really about territory, but rather about the huge hydrocarbon reserves that are hidden on the seabed under the Arctic ice cap. Since these newly discovered energy reserves will play a crucial role in the global energy balance as the existing reserves of oil and gas will be depleted over the next 20 years. And the Russian government wants to secure Russia’s long-term dominance over global energy markets.3. Why are the Arctic reserves so attractive to Arctic-rim countries?Because the whole world is in danger of depleting natural resources, and scientists estimate that the Arctic territory contains more than 10 billion tons of gas and oil deposits. That’s why the Arctic reserves will be of such crucial importance to the world’s energy future, though they are still largely unexplored.4. Why doesn’t international Law recognize Russia’s right to the entire Arctic seabed north of the Russian coastline?The U.S. government has b een jealous of Russia’s attempts to project its dominance in the energy sector and has sought to limit opportunities for Russia to control export routes and energy deposits outside Russia’s territory. As a result, it refused to recognize Russia’s claim to the entire Arctic seabed and blocked the anticipated Russian bid.5. What is the viable scientific evidence supporting Russia's claim? What has boosted Russia's claim over the oil- and gas-rich triangle?After a group of Russian geologists taking a six-week voyage to the Lomonosov Ridge, they claimed the ridge was linked to Russian Federation territory. Their research boosted Russia’s claim over the oil-and gas-rich triangle. The latest findings are likely to prompt Russia to lodge another bid at the UN to secure its rights over the Arctic sea shelf.6. What is the US government’s attitude to the Russian claim? Why did President Bush urge the Senate to ratify the Law of the Sea Convention?The US government refused to recognize Russia’s claim and blocks the bid. President Bush urge the Senate to ratify the Lawof the Sea Convention because , if the Senate ratified the Law of the Sea Convention, U. S. would have the same right to claim a 12 mile zone for territorial waters and a larger 200 mile economic zone in the Arctic territory.7. Why did the author say that it promises to be a tough fight?If the Russian government wants to get its Arctic claim approved, it should have a tough diplomatic fight with other countries, especially the U. S. government.。



《英美报刊选读》练习题一I. Select from the lettered choice the one, which best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of your choice in the brackets.1.The Bush administration wanted to have percent of Medicare pati ents in H.M.O.’s by2005.A. 13B. 14C. 30D. 33 ( )2.In a 2000 survey by the UCLA Higher Education Research Institute, fewer than ______of college freshman rated magazine rankings “very important.”( )A. 10%B. 15% C 20% D 25%3.The author believes that the rankings have become ____in higher education .( )A. a healthy forceB.an unhealthy forceC. a great benefitD. an advantage4.Many parents complain about _____when they talk about their children’s education. ( )A. campus violenceB. drug abuseC. after-school assignmentsD. basketball tryout5.According to the spokeswoman for the American Association of Health Plans, has outstripped the increase in Medicare reimbursement. ( )A. Medicare inflationB. drug costC. Mediaid inflationD. medical service fee6.The child born between 1947 and 1961 is frequently referred to as ______ ( )A.“ boom baby”B. “boomer parents”C. “ booming child”D.”booming girl”7. The advantages of Harvard confer _____ benefits on the class slacker( )A. manyB. fewC. someD. any8. In 1981, 6-8 –year-olds averaged ______minutes of homework per week.A. 45B. 50C. 44D.609. From the article we know that many HMOs are leaving________.A. the medical a associationB. MedicareC. the General Accounting OfficeD. the United Health Group10. The increase in Medicare payments ______ enough to make up for cuts made in 1997.A. had beenB. will have beenC. was notD. had not been11Where was John Kundereri Moriarty transported when he was 4 years old?A. SouthB. NorthC. East12.、Who was responsible to the Stolen Generation in Australia?A. TerrorismB. White parentsC. State and federal government13.、Who was awarded the Order of Australia, the country’s highest civil medal of honor?A. CathyB. MoriartyC. Ros14.、About ____ Aboriginal and European parentage——were taken from their parentsfrom 1910 until the 1970’s.A. 10,000B. 100,000C. 1,000,00015.、The biggest problem for the continent’s Gypsies(or Roma) to be recognized as a nation is ____ .A. lack of a defined territoryB. without other countries’ recognitionC. lack of a united government16.、Gypsies’ language is related to ____.A. ChineseB. EnglishC. Hindi17.、Nicholas Gheorge, an expert on Gypsy affairs at the OSCE, reckons that therewould be more ____ members in governments of European countries.A. GypsyB. JewishC. Romanian18. The city hall auditorium in East London is a place for ____.A. concertB. witness under Apartheid to release their painC. police office19. Who was hacked and shot to death in 1985 by unnamed members of apartheid-era security forces?A. Nombwyselo MhlawuliB. Sicelo MhlawuliC. MonicaGodolozi.20. The duty of South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission is ____.A. curing the pain under apartheidB. reconciling the survivals with thekillersC. all above21. Joseph Lieberman is ____________.a. Gore’s vice presidential running mateb. Bush’s vice presidential running matec. governor of Texas22. The candidate of the president of the United States often mention God, because________a. they are superstitiousb. they want to be blessed by Godc. they just make use of religion for their political purpose23. ______ a Catholic among the following Presidents.a. Eisenhower wasb. John F. Kennedy wasc. Gorge W. Bush Jr. is24. In the 2000presidential election, the most important state which decides thepolitical fates of Bush and Gore is ________.a. Californiab. Floridac. Maine25.Richard Nixon thinks that the cooperation between the East and the West will be______.a. possibleb. impossiblec. unknown26. The reason that Nixon wrote Richard Nixon is _______.a. to make moneyb. he wants to be a famous peoplec. to improve the odds that posterity will see things his way27. The vice presidential running mate of Gorge W. Bush Jr. in the 2000 Electionwas ______a. Goreb. Powerc. Cheney28. What do you think the people’s attitude to the rule ”Don’t mention sex, politicsand religion”?a. People today still think it is right.b. Nobody cares about it.c. People today strictly obey this rule during their social conversations.29. Gorge W. Bush Jr. and Gorge W. Bush Sr. are the _____ father-and-sonpresident.a. firstb. secondc. third30. Which one do you think is more important during a Presidential Election afterhaving read the three pieces of news?a. Financial supportb. Religion policyc. Both A and BII. March the following words or phases on the left column with their correspondent explanations on the rightA B1.scourg a. scattered fragments; wreckage2.debris b. money or property left to sb in a will3.expunge c. remove or wipe out4.egacy d. person or thing that causes suffering5 desperately e. to give little hope of successA B1. threw the inbounds pass a高难度进球2. give and take b英国政府,英国内阁3. hit big shots c英国王宫4. Downing Street d平等交易5. Buckingham Palace e球从界外投入界内A B1. ANC a. extinction of one nation’s culture2. Aborigines b. South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission3. Cultural genocide c. the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe4. OSCE d. the African National Congress5. SATRC e. relating to the original inhabitants in AustraliaIII. Write T in the bracket if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.( )1. 1221 is located at 1221 Yan’an Xi Road.( )2. Commemorative coins have been issued.( )3. Dublin is the finalist city for 2008.( )4. To build a highway is to bring visitors convenience and safety.( )5. Many people want to make the sites as modern as possible.( ) 6. The old rule for a polite conversation is: Never mention the topic of sex, religion and politics.( ) 7. The reason Gore lost in the election is that he was not a devotional follower of a religion.( ) 8. The candidate often mentioned God during the election, because they wanted to be blessed by God.( ) 9. Nixon still believes that Communist party will be the enemy of the United States forever.( ) 10. Nixon thinks that the cooperation between the East and the West is impossible.11. An entrepreneurial is someone who starts or organizes a commercial enterprise ( )12. “Soothe” means to make someone uncomfortable ( )13. Poverty rates among Hispanics remain low ( )14. An optimist is someone who expects the best to happen ( )15. All the old woman of advanced age are living a happy and satisfying life ( ) IV.Fill in the blanks.1.The EC named Glasgow as_____.2. Officials said perhaps as many as six coup attempts after the 1991 Persian _____war ended infailure.3. Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called____ “the enemy of the entire free world”.4.In his speech on Sunday night, Mr. Sharon promised to strike “the _____ infrastructure” at its foundations.5. Mr. Arafat’s close aide Nabil Aburdeineh said that the Palestinian People would be ____ andwould not surrender.6As the academic year gets underway at our nation’s colleges, the student body will be fairly ________.7The academy has long attributed the slow progress in diversifying faculty to a “_______” —an undersupply of women and minorities enrolled in graduate programs.8More provocative still might be a _______by top-ranked high school athletes and students of the one university, within each major athletic conference, with the worst record in faculty diversity9This is a recipe for happiness for anyone at any age, but for _______the ingredients appear to be most readily available during middle age10Many w omen of that era were bemused by the male medical establishment’s response to “_______troubles.”11. Nearly 10 years passed before Moriarty was able to re-establish contact with his mother by ____.12. Moriarty figures the meeting with his mother as beginning to complete _____.13. The design depicts the movement of ______ people across the Australian landscape when it was being formed, eons ago in the Aboriginal Dreamtime.14. The International Romany Union is probably the most representative of the outfits that speak for _____, but that is not saying a lot.15. The city hall auditorium in _____ has become the theater of South Africa’s pain, its heavy, blood-red curtains a somber backdrop for the saga of the severed hand.V. Explain the following terms very briefly.1.crying jag:2.SAT:3.the non-partisan research:4.prescription drug:5.H.M.O.:6.alma mater :7.UCLA:8.out-of –pocket costs:9.the Medical program:10. Sputnik:Explain the following terms.11Hispanic:12Out-of-date stereotype of midlife:13. Stolen generation14. South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation CommissionVI.Answer the following questions1. What is the main problem for Gypsies in establishing a new country?2. What can South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliat ion Commission do for SouthAfrican people?3Why is “M on the Bund” so popular?4 What are the reasons listed by the Bid Committee of Beijing for choosing it for the 2008 games?5. Why do so many nominees often say in a religious way?6. Do you think Mr. Al Gore will be nominated in the 2004 presidential election by the Democrats?《英美报刊选读》练习题二I. Select from the lettered choice the one, which best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of your choice in the brackets.1. In an economic slump, who is more likely to bear the brunt?()A. the layoff workersB. the bossesC. the U.S. citizensD. the temps2.The device used for the survey is()A. E-mailB. mailC. telephoneD. telegraph3. Since 1996, the number of people collecting food stamps has sunk by one-third, to ()million.A. 3B. 17C. 22D. 204. What cannot a couple resort to when their marriage was in trouble?()A. churchesB. community mental-health centersC. marriage affair classD. therapist5.Where can you get therapy for marital problems?()A. free counseling groupsB. a doctorC. marriage-education courseD. your neighbour6.According to Clifford Notarius, ___ causes problems in marriage()A.differenceB.pressureC. the misunderstandingD. the way to deal with the difference7.Most supervisors are willing to meet employe es’ ()A. sensible requestsB. any requirementsC. all vacationsD. paid leave time8.If Sheila Lindsey’s going to be away for more than a day, she will.()A. never be foundB. change her mailC. be contacted on very important affairsD. come back at once9. A pink slip is ()A. a notice of unemploymentB. a notice of promotionC. a notice of employmentD. a notice of pay increase10.When the economy goes down, the most visible problem is probably to come with()A. welfare reformB. unemployment insuranceC. MedicaidD. food stamp11.The challenge of programming outdoor movies is to match the film to the ________.A.settingsB. conditionsC. weatherD. rivers12. The suburban ________ was the ultimate symbol of 1950s car culture.A.jeepsB. familiesC.drive-inD. falls13. The Mall in _______ offers a Monday night series.A.BaltimoreB. WashingtonC. NewyorkD. California14. What is singular about open-air cinema in New York City is the sheer scope of ______.A.buyingB. going to see the filmC. restingD. offerings15. There are films with a ________ flavor at the Brooklyn Bridge.A.CalifornianB. BrooklynC. WashingtonD. Nebraska16. In Williamsburg, Brooklyn, a clutch of loft-dwellers mount a homemade sheet-metal screen on their roof every other _______.A.FridayB. WednesdayC. MondayD. Sunday17. “Metropolis,” is _______’s 1926 silent homage to city living.A.KameroB. SpiereburgC. Fritz LangD. Lukas18. Jordan, playing _______ in the team.A.forwardB. back forwardC. small forwardD. no role19. Jordan, in his first action in front of the media, tried to keep the beginning stages of his _______entrance into the N BA in perspective.A.thirdB. secondC. firstD. fourth20. Jordan’s being _______, Coach Doug Collins said.A.proudB. modestC. humbleD. greatII. March the following words or phases on the left column with their correspondent explanations on the rightA Bdeteriorate raggedtattered become worsevoid action taken to solve a difficultyflounder to struggleinitiative blankA B1. rekindle a. temporary2. decrepit b. relight3. interim c. destroy4. wrack d. impaired5. covert e. secret or hiddenIII. Write T in the bracket if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.1. John Kundereri Moriarty, living happily in an aboriginal tribal community innorthern Australia, was transported south through Alice Springs.2. The Australian government apologized for the Stolen generation.3. Moriarty is a writer now.4. An unprecedented chance for Gypsies is to be recognized as a nation, albeit one without a defined territory.5. At the night when Sicelo Mhlawuli was killed, 4 others did meet the same fate.6. ( ) Winston Churchill often described parliamentary democracy andconstitutional monarchy as being imperfect----but the best that man had yetdevised.7.( ) In Britain the monarch remains very much at the heart of its Constitution.8.( ) Queen Elizabeth2 cannot choose a prime minister, dissolve Parliament ordeclare war.9.( ) It is one of the great strengths of monarchy that it has never taken sides inany political debate, that it shows itself, as an institution, to be evenhanded. 10.( ) British monarchy has served both the empire and the commonwealth withlittle distinction.IV.Fill in the blanks.1. Law enforces are coming across gigantic stashes of _____ in places where it was rarely seen.2. it’s called the hug drug because it engend ers gooey, rather gauche expressions ____ __ of from users.3. They are drawn by the ____ __ . After setup, the marginal cost of each pill is may be 10 ¢. It’s a sold in New York City clubs for $30.4. In fact, e’s popularity is largely due to its _____ of noticeable downsides.5. Thousands of children on campus die every year from ___ __, and thousands more are injured.6. If the economy tips into recession and the jobless rate_______, America’s already frayed social safety net will be sorely tested.7. If you can be _______in the face of competing requests from co-workers, offer to change your dates if you can.8. As some of the nation’s largest firms announce fresh_______, workers may be more nervous than ever about asking to use their vacation time.9 When emotions are_______, typically, each person just sees what the other person is doing, not how he or she is contributing to the problem.10. The college dating scene leaves many women with two choices when it comes to men; launch intense but vague relationships, or “_______”, for casual physical encounters.V. Explain the following terms very briefly.1. let sth go2. “Silicon Glen”3. power lunches in Edinburgh4. drop off5. till the ground6. top brass7. a tough go8. Easter message9. qualified blessing10. wanted men11. sexual revolution:12. hook up:13. crisis-proof:.14blow up:VI.Answer the following questions1. What have political candidates been made aware of about the possibility of losing more votes?2. How do we deal with the trouble of gangs?3What’s the most important reason why so many Hispanics have come to the United States?4. The text says that signs of the changing face of America can be found all over theplace, can you find some examples。



美英报刊阅读教程答案Lesson 1Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. DVI.1. The three big milestones for America‘s population are the following: 1915 when America‘s population grew to 100 million, 1967 when America‘s population increased to 200 million and 2006 when America‘s population reached 300 million.2. America‘s recent population growth has been extraordinary. Since 2000 alone, America has added 20 million people. In sharp co ntrast with America‘s population increase, Europe‘s birth rates have been plunging and Japan‘s population has been shrinking.3. There are the following three trends: migration to the west and the south, sharp increase of immigrants and fast increase of the over-65 population.4. The fast growth of the South and the West has been buoyed by immigration, lower costs, and recreational opportunities.5. The major factor in the population growth is immigration. Since 2000 alone, there has been a 16 percent rise in the number of immigrants living in American households.6. The most striking difference is the change of the main source. Before 1967, the main source of immigrants was Western Europe. However, after President Johnson signed the Immigration and Naturalization Act in 1965 to stop racial and ethnic quotas for new immigrants, and once the Mexican economy tanked in the 1970s, immigrants from Mexico sharplyincreased. In Fort Wayne, nearly 80 percent of Hispanics are Mexican. An estimated 12 million undocumented immigrants now live in America.7. According to the article, the influx of new immigrants has caused the problem of racial tensions.8. Back in 1990, the median age in America was 22.9 years. But with people having fewer babies, that number started to climb. Lower fertility rates mean older populations. The baby boom caused a brief pause in this movement during the 1950s and 1960s, but the aging trend has since resumed. The median age is up to 36.5 and is expected to rise to 39 by 2030 before leveling off.9. People like Mayor Bill Saffo consider the senior citizens asa real asset because they are active in the community, and they work part-time and create businesses.10. Its main attractions are its great beaches, low cost of living and abundant golf courses.11. The enlarged senior population will overburden Social Security and Medicare, the two largest entitlement programs.OutlineI. Growth of America‘s population(1—2)1. Population growth to 300 million in October, 20062. Extraordinary recent growth compared with other countriesII. America‘s population trends and their impacts(3—4)1. Three broad trendsa. Migration to the west and the southb. Sharp increase of immigrantsc. Baby-boomers‘ getting close to retirement age2. Great impacts of t he trends on America‘s culture, politics and economyIII. The new migration: case study of Boise(5—13)1. Boise‘s fast development2. Challenge for city planners3. Four-decade migration pattern4. Factors in the fast growth5. Sources of new residents in Boise6. Developers‘ purchase of land at a feverish pace7. Economic planners‘ effort to attract solid jobsIV. Big wave of immigrants(14—19)1. Increase of ethnic diversity at Northwood Middle School2. Fort Wayne‘s population composition change3. Fast growth of Hispanicsa. Example of Fort Wayneb. Example of Goshen4. Tensions caused by the influx of HispanicsV. Graying of America and its impacts(20—26)1. Onslaught of 77 million aging boomers2. Growth of America‘s median age3. Impacts of senior people‘s increase on the economy: case study of Wilmingtona. Attractions for the senior peopleb. Specific examples of Bill and Brydenc. Senior people‘s contribution to the local economyVI. Prospects of America‘s population change(27-31)1. Further acceleration of population growth2. Increase of population proportion of the South and the West3. Greater impacts of births by new immigrants4. Doubling of the over-65 population and the heavy loads on Social Security and MedicareLesson 2Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. DVI.1. Because they are pragmatic and resourceful in money matters. They not only work hard to earn more money, but also save for retirement, make investment and hedge against the unexpected.2. The first grim reality is that in about 30 years, just as the first of this age group step into retirement, the traditional Society Security System won‘t be able to support them. The second one is the decreased job security today. The third one is that they carry more debt at their age than any other generation had. All these factors force them to pay more attention to money matters.3. Matures are ―savers‖ whereas Xers are ―hedgers‖. Matures saved what they could so that their children might have more comfortable lives. But Xers do not have such an expectation. Their different attitudes toward money were shaped by the circumstances surrounding the youth. Aftereffects of the Depression and World War Ⅱforced the Matures to be self-sacrificing and frugal. Xers experienced many uncertainties and crises: the savings-and-loan debacle of the ?80s, recession of the early ?90s and parents‘divorce. All these experiences havehelped them to develop pragmatism and the habit of protecting against the expected.4. Because this generation is more interested and better versed in investment. A study by Amex shows that they take more risks on technology stocks.5. They are more eager to earn money through hard work and more interested in starting up their own businesses for profits.6. No. they are spending money to make the time before retirement a pleasure. They spend more money than Boomers did in the same span on stereos, cellphones, beepers, all new VW Jettas and GMC Sunfires.OutlineI. News Lead: general description of Gen-X(1—2)Definition: age span; total number; focus on money; buying powerII. Reasons for Xers‘ focus on money(3—7)1. Survival instinct2. Early awareness of the unsafe cover of the social security system3. Faced with decreased job security4. Burdened with heavy debtIII. Measures taken to prepare for the future(8—24)1. Saving for retirement2. Hedging against the unexpected3. Investing in stocksa. Taking more risks on technology stocksb. Drawing more attention from investment firmsc. Showing more interest in forming clubs4. Money-first work ethica. More willing to work hard, take more job offersb. More interested in starting up their own businessesc. More preoccupied with money-makingIV. Xers‘ purchasing power(25—26)1. Xers‘ consumption pattern2. Reason for the consumption patternLesson 3Answers to the QuestionsV. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. DVI.1. They found those Korean-Americans isolated and helpless, and recognized the attacks as a threat to Asians as a whole. For many Asian-Americans, the riots represented as an assault on their faith in America.2. The total population of Asian-Americans is about 7.3 million. Nearly 2.5 million arrived during the 1980s. The fastest increasing groups are Koreans and Vietnamese. About half of Asian immigrants settle on the Pacific coast while hundreds of thousands move on to New York and dozens of cities in between.3. They were brought to the United States in the 1860s to work on continental railroads as coolies. They were ill-treated and vilified as a ―population befouled with all the social vices‖. In 1887, there occurred the Snake River Massacre in Oregon, in which 31 Chinese were robbed and murdered.4. Asian families earn an average of $35,900 per year, more than the average for white families. However, as the Asian familyis larger, their per capita income is actually less than that of white people.5. They are called the ―model minority‖ because of their superiority to o ther races in habits of study and work. They are said to embody the American Dream of hard work, thrift and success. Asians, however, rebel against the model-minority label as another insidious stereotype. They think that it is a subtly racist excuse not to help underprivileged Asians and to hold back even average Asians on the ground that they already h ave ―natural‖ advantages.6. Because they believe that Asian-Americans have accepted the white mainstream culture and white people love them for everything the blacks are not.7. They are making great efforts to preserve and acquire the Asian culture by improving their original language proficiency, attacking the model minority image and Asians who forget their original culture.8. The main obstacles are skin color and lack of English proficiency.9. The Indo-Chinese group is most noted for street gang activities. The main cause is unemployment.10. The ties within each small Asian group are close and family connections are strong. A key link in the system is rotating credit association. However, many Asians lack a larger sense of unity and bring ancient rivalries from native countries. Most Asian support groups are based on nationality or even smaller units.OutlineI. Impact of the Los Angeles riots(1—2)1. Korean sufferings and helpless state2. Assault on Asian-Americans‘ faith in AmericaII. Racial bias against Asian-Americans(3—7)1. Asian immigrants‘ uglified image in the past2. Present model-minority label and its harmful effects3. Resentment against Asians for their success and behavior4. Asians‘ isolation from the rest of the society5. Boycotts and assaults on Asian businessesIII. American culture‘s influence(8—12)1. Fast increase of Asian immigrants wishing to realize the American Dream2. Second generation‘s tendency to abandon Asian values3. Identity crisis resulting from two cultures‘ pu ll4. Young people‘s efforts to preserve the original culture5. The least assimilated group: Chinatown residentsIV. Discrimination against Asians(13—17)1. Hurdles for assimilation2. Glass ceiling3. UnemploymentV. Similarities and differences between Asians and Blacks(18—21)1. Similar sufferings2. Similar spiritualities3. Asian-Americans‘ less difficulty in shrugging off the legacy of discrimination4. First-generation Asian immigrants‘ incredibly hardworking and thrifty characterVI. Asians‘ ties and political status(22—24)1. Close community ties2. Lack of a larger sense of unity3. Underrepresentation at all government levelsVII. Author‘s view concerning the development of Asians‘ sentiment(25) Unlikely to become a wider political movement。



英美报刊选读_课文word整合版Unit2 Gender IssuesMen turn to jobs women usually do 1.HOUSTON - Over the last decade, Americanmen of all backgrounds have begun flocking to fields such as teaching, nursing and waiting tables that have long been the province of women.2."The way I look at it is that anything, basically,that a woman can do, a guy can do," said Miguel Alquicira, who graduated from high school when construction and manufacturing jobs were scarce and became a dental assistant.3.The trend began well before the crash,andappears to be driven by a variety of factors, including financial concerns, quality-of-life issues and a gradual erosion ofg ender stereotypes.4.In interviews, about two dozen men played downthe economic considerations, saying that the stigma associated with choosing such jobs had faded, and that the jobs were appealing not just because they offered stable employment, but because they were more satisfying.5."I.T. is just killing viruses and clearing paperjams all day," said Scott Kearney, 43, who tried information technology and other fields before becoming a nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit at Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital in Houston.6.An analysis of United States census data by TheNew York Times shows that from 2000 to 2010, occupations that are more than 70 percent female accounted for almost a third of all job growth for men, double the share of the previousdecade. 7.That does not mean that men are displacing women - those same jobs accounted for almost two-thirds of women's job growth. But in Texas, for example, the number of men who are registered nurses nearly doubled in that time period.8.The shift includes low-wage jobs as well.Nationally, two-thirds more men were bank tellers, almost twice as many were receptionists and two-thirds more were waiting tables in 2010 than a decade earlier.9.Even more striking is the type of men who aremaking the shift. From 1970 to 1990, according to a study by Mary Gatta, senior scholar at Wider Opportunities for Women, an organization based in Washington, D.C., and Patricia A. Roos, a sociologist at Rutgers University in New Jersey, men who took so-called pink-collar jobs tended to be foreign-born, non-English speakers with low education levels.10.Now, though, the trend has spread among men ofnearly all races and ages, more than a third of whom have a college degree. In fact, the shift is most pronounced among young, white, college-educated men like Charles Reed, a sixth-grade math teacher at Patrick Henry Middle School in Houston.11.Mr. Reed, 25, intended to go to law school after atwo-year stint with Teach for America, a national teacher corps of recent college graduates who spend two years helping under-resourced urban and rural public schools. But Mr. Reed fell in love with teaching. He says the recession had little to do with it, though he believes that, by limiting prospects for new law school graduates, it made his father, a lawyer, more accepting.12.To the extent that the shift to "women's work"has been accelerated by recession, the change may reversewhen the economy recovers. "Are boys today saying, 'I want to grow up and be a nurse?'" asked Heather Boushey, senior economist at the Center for American Progress."Or are they saying, 'I want a job that's stable and recession-proof?'"13.Daniel Wilden, a 26-year-old Army veteran andnursing student, said he had gained respect for nursing when he saw a female medic use a Leatherman tool to save the life of his comrade."She was a beast," he said admiringly.14.More than a few men said their new jobs werefar harder than they imagined. But these men can expect success. Men earn more than women even in female-dominated jobs. And white men in particular who enter those fields easily move up to supervisory positions, a phenomenon known as the glass escalator, said Adia Harvey Wingfield, a sociologist at Georgia State University.15."I hated my job every single day of my life," saidJohn Cook, 55, who got a modest inheritance that let him drop a $150,000-a-year database consultant's job to enter nursing school. 16.His starting salary will be two thirds lower, but database consulting does not typically earn hugs like the one Mr. Cook received from a girl after he took care of her premature baby sister. "It's like, people get paid for doing this kind of stuff?"Mr. Cook said, tears coming to his eyes as he recounted the episode.17.Several men cited the same reasons for seekingout pink-collar work that have drawn women to such careers: less stress and more time at home.At John G. Osborne Elementary School, Adrian Ortiz, 42,joked that he was one of the few Mexicans who made more in his native country, where he was a hard-working lawyer, than he did in the United States as a kindergarten teacher in a bilingual classroom. "Now," he said, "my priorities are family, 100 percent."18.Betsey Stevenson, a labor economist at theUniversity of Pennsylvania, said she was not surprised that changing gender roles at home, where studies show men are shouldering more of the domestic burden, are showing up in career choices. "We tend to study these patterns of what's going on in the family and what's going on in the workplace as separate, but they're very much intertwined," she said. "So as attitudes in the family change, attitudes toward the workplace have changed."19.In a classroom at Houston Community College,Dexter Rodriguez, 35, said his job in tech support had not been threatened by the tough economy. Nonetheless, he said, his family downsized the house, traded the new cars for used ones and began to live off savings, all so Mr.Rodriguez could train for a career he regarded as more exciting.20."I put myself into the recession," he said,"because I wanted to go to nursing school."Unit3 E-CommerceThe Post-Cash Economy1.In London, travelers can buy train tickets withtheir phones - and hold up the phones for the conductor to see. And in Starbucks coffee shops in the United States, customers can wave their phones in front of the cash register and pay for their soy chai lattes.2.Money is not what it used to be, thanks to theInternet. And the pocketbook may soon be destined for the dustbin of history - at least if some technology companies get their way.3.The cellphone increasingly contains theessentials of what we need to make transactions."Identification, payment and personal items," as Hal Varian, the chief economist at Google, pointed out in a new survey conducted by the Pew Research Center in Washington, D.C. "All this will easily fit in your mobile device and will inevitably do so."4.The phone holds and records plenty more vitalinformation: It keeps track of where you are, what you like and who your peers are. That data can all be leveraged to sell you things you never knew you needed.5.The survey, released last month by the PewResearch Center's Internet and American Life Project along with Elon University's Imagining the Internet Center in North Carolina, asked justover 1,000 technologists and social scientists to opine on the future of the wallet in 2020. Nearly two-thirds agreed that "cash and credit cards will have mostly disappeared" and been replaced with "smart" devices able to carry out a transaction.But a third of the survey respondents countered that consumers would fear for the security of transactions over a mobile device and worry about surrendering so much data about their purchasing habits.6.Sometimes, those with fewer options are theones to embrace change the fastest. In Kenya, a service called M-Pesa (pesa is money in Swahili) acts like a banking system for those who may not have a bank account. With a rudimentary cellphone, M-Pesa users can send and receivemoney through a network of money agents, including cellphone shops. And in India, several phone carriers allow their customers to pay utility bills and transfer small amounts of money over their cellphones.7.Several technology companies, big and small,are busy trying to make it easier for us to buy and sell all kinds of things without our wallets. A start-up,WePay, describes itself as a service that allows the smallest merchant - say, a dog walker - to get paid; the company verifies the reputations of payers and sellers by analyzing, among other things, their Facebook accounts. 8. A British start-up, called Blockchain, offers afree iPhone application allowing customers to use a crypto-currency called bitcoins, which users can mint on their computers.9. A company called Square began by offering asmall accessory to enable food cart vendors and other small merchants to accept credit cards on phones and iPads. Square's latest invention allows customers to register an account with Square merchants and pay simply by saying their names. The customer's picture pops up on the merchant's iPad.10.Google Wallet has been designed to sit in yourphone, be linked to your credit card, and let you pay by tapping your phone on a reader, using what is known as near field technology.But Google Wallet works on only four kinds of phones, and not many merchants are equipped for near field technology.11.Meanwhile, PayPal, which allows people tomake payments over the Internet, has quietly begun to persuade its users to turn to their cellphones. PayPal posted about $118 billion in total transactions last year and became thefastest-growing segment of eBay, its parent company.12."The physical wallet, which had no innovationin the last 50 years, will become an artifact,"John J. Donahoe, the chief executive of eBay, told me recently. The wallet would move into the cloud, and ideally, from his perspective, into PayPal. No more would the consumer worry about losing a wallet. Everything, he declared, would be contained within PayPal. It would also enable the company to collect vast amounts of data about customer habits, purchases and budgets.13.Mr. Donahoe said he wanted his company to become "a mall in your pocket."14.I recently described PayPal's plans to AlessandroAcquisti, an economist who studies digital privacy at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Mr. Acquisti smiled. If today all you need to do is enter your phone number and PIN when you visit a store, perhaps tomorrow, he said, that store will be able to detect your phone by its unique identifier. Perhaps, you won't have to shop at all. Your shopping data would be instead collected, analyzed and used to tell you exactly what you need: a motorcycle from Ducati or purple rain boots in the next size for your growing child. Money will be seamlessly taken from your account. A delivery will arrive at your doorstep. "In the future, maybe you won't have to pay," Mr. Acquisti offered, only half in jest."The transaction will be made for you."Unit4Cultural ExchangeAsia’s Endangered Species: the Expat1.Forget expats. Western companies doingbusiness in Asia are now looking to locals to fill the most important jobs in the region.2.Behind the switch, experts say, are severalfactors, including a leveled playing field in which Western companies must approach newly empowered Asian companies and consumers as equals and clients—not just manufacturing partners./doc/2216449449.html,panies now want executives who can securedeals with local businesses and governments without the aid of a translator, and who understand that sitting through a three-hour dinner banquet is often a key part of the negotiating process in Asia, experts say.4.In fact, three out of four senior executives hiredin Asia by multinationals were Asian natives already living in the region, according to a Spencer Stuart analysis of 1,500 placements made from 2005 to 2010. Just 6% were noncitizens from outside of Asia.5."It's a strategic necessity to be integrated in theculture. Otherwise, the time to learn all of it takes forever," said Arie Y. Lewin, a professor of strategy and international business at Duke University's Fuqua School of Business. He adds that locals may better navigate a business culture where copycats and competitors often play bydifferent rules.6.What's more, a failed expatriate hire can be acostly mistake and slow a firm's progress in the region, said Phil Johnston, a managing director at recruiter Spencer Stuart.7.To help companies fill Asia-based executiveroles, at least two search firms—Spencer Stuart and Korn/Ferry International—say they have begun classifying executives in four broad categories: Asia natives steeped in localculture but educated in the U.S. or Europe; the foreigner who has lived or worked in Asia for a long time;a person of Asian descent who was born orraised in a Western country but has had little exposure to Asia; and the local Asian executive who has no Western experience.8.For companies seeking local expertise, bothfirms said the first category is by far the mostsought-after. But Mr. Johnston said those candidates are difficult to find and retain, and they can command salaries of $750,000 to $1 million—on par with, and sometimes more than, their expat counterparts.9.German conglomerate Siemens AG in 2010hired Mei-Wei Cheng, a China-born Cornell University graduate, to head its Chinese operations—a role previously held by European executives.10.While Siemens's European executives had madeinroads with Chinese consumers—building sales in the region to nearly one-tenth of global revenue—the firm realized it needed someone who could quickly tap local business partners.11.After an extensive search, Siemens hired Mr.Cheng, formerly CEO at the Chinese subsidiaries of Ford Motor Co. and General Electric Co. GE12.The decision to hire locally seems to have paidoff for Siemens: In his first 18 months on the job, Mr. Cheng forged two wind-power jointventures with Shanghai Electric Group Co.13.Mr. Cheng communicates easily with localofficials, a major advantage when it comes to selling energy technology to individual cities, says Brigitte Ederer, head ofhuman resources for Siemens and a member of the company's managing board. Many local officials don't speak English.14.Bob Damon, president of recruiter Korn/FerryInternational's North American operations, said the current talent pool for executive roles is so limited that most top Asian executives simply rotate from one Western company to another, as Mr. Cheng did.15.Other companies are adding to the demand bycreating new positions in Asia.Campbell Soup Co. CPB last week announced the appointmentof Daniel Saw as its first-ever president of Asia operations, while Canadian conglomerate Bombardier Inc. BBD.B.T hired Albert Li to filla new role overseeing its aerospace business inChina. Both executives were born in Asia and have worked as regional managers for Western multinationals.16.Meanwhile, younger Chinese professionals arepositioning themselves to meet the need for executive talent in the years to come. Nearly four in 10 American M.B.A. programs say China was their fastest-growing source of foreign applicants last year, according to the Graduate Management Admission Council, which administers the Graduate Management Admission Test.17.Foreigners with no Asia experience, on the otherhand, need not apply, recruiters said. Spencer Stuart's Mr. Johnston said he occasionally receives inquiries from Western middle managers, proclaiming that they are finally ready to make a career move to the region. He advises them that "there is nothing about their experience that is interesting or relevant to Asia."18.In hubs like Singapore and Hong Kong, expatsreceive as much as $200,000 a year in subsidies for housing, transportation and private schooling, Mr. Johnston said. Payments to offset taxes for these benefits add up to another $100,000.Altogether, a bad match can cost a company as much as $1 million, after figuring in relocation costs, he said.19.Monster Worldwide Inc. Chief Executive SalIannuzzi said the company has been hiring locally for several years, in part because he found deploying expatriates cost too much. "Ittakes them six months to figure out how to take a ferry, they're there for 12 months, and then they spend the next six months figuring out how to get home," he said.20.Like some other companies, Monster now tracksits own workers to ensure a pipeline of talent. 21.The online job-search company's current head ofChina operations, Edward Lo, a former fraternity brother of Mr. Iannuzzi, understands the local scene, is well connected in China and knows how to recruit, Mr. Iannuzzi said.Among Mr. Lo's duties: finding his own successor before he retires.22.Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc.based in White Plains, N.Y., also develops its own leaders for Asia, plucking people who have come up through the company ranks. For example, the head of Asia Pacific started in the 1970s on the finance team in Hong Kong, and the head of the Middle East region was a hotel manager who worked his way up.23.Having grown up in their markets, managersunderstand customer needs, said Starwood CEO Frits van Paasschen. Regional heads in China, for instance, know that whendealing with land owners or developers, deals are less "transactional," and more "trust-based," he said.They also know that Chinese travelers—who now comprise the majority of hotel guests in the region—feel more at home when they're supplied with tea kettles, slippers and chopsticks, headded.24.For fast-food company Yum Brands Inc. CEODavid Novak calls his Asia-bred regional head and executive team "our single biggest competitive advantage." China has become the company's biggest earnings driver, comprising more than 40% of operating profit.25.Thanks to Yum's China leaders, Mr. Novak says,KFC in China began serving rice porridge and soy milk for breakfast, and Pizza Hut now offers an afternoon tea menu—both of which have been big hits among local customers.Unit5Auto-WorldThe Future of the Car :Clean, Safe and it Drives itselfCars have already changed the way we live. They are likely to do so again1.SOME inventions, like some species, seem tomake periodic leaps in progress. The car is one of them. Twenty-five years elapsed between Karl Benz beginning small-scale production of his original Motorwagen and the breakthrough, by Henry Ford and his engineers in 1913, that turned the car into the ubiquitous, mass-market item that has defined the modern urban landscape. By putting production of the Model T on moving assembly lines set into the floor of his factory in Detroit, Ford drastically cut the time needed to build it, and hence its cost. Thus begana revolution in personal mobility. Almost abillion cars now roll along the world’s highways.2.Today the car seems poised for another burst ofevolution. One way in which it is changing relates to its emissions. As emerging markets grow richer, legions of new consumers are clamouring for their first set of wheels. For the whole world to catch up with American levels of car ownership, the global fleet would have to quadruple. Even a fraction of that growth would present fearsome challenges, from congestion and the price of fuel to pollution and global warming.3.Yet, as our special report this week argues,stricter regulations and smarter technology are making cars cleaner, more fuel-efficient and safer than ever before. China, its cities choked in smog, is following Europe in imposing curbs on emissions of noxious nitrogen oxides and fine soot particles. Regulators in most big car marketsare demanding deep cuts in the carbon dioxide emitted from car exhausts. And carmakers are being remarkably inventive in finding ways to comply.4.Granted, battery-powered cars have disappointed.They remain expensive, lack range and are sometimes dirtier than they look—for example, if they run on electricity from coal-fired power stations. But car companies are investing heavily in other clean technologies. Future motorists will have a widening choice of super-efficient petrol and diesel cars, hybrids (which switch between batteries and an internal-combustion engine) and models that run on natural gas or hydrogen. As for the purely electric car, its time will doubtless come.Towards the driverless, near-crashless car 5.Meanwhile, a variety of ―driver assistance‖technologies are appearing on new cars, which will not only take a lot of the stress out of driving in traffic but also prevent many accidents. More and more new cars can reverse-park, read traffic signs, maintain a safe distance in steady traffic and brake automatically to avoid crashes. Some carmakers are promising technology that detects pedestrians and cyclists, again overruling the driver and stopping the vehicle before it hits them.A number of firms, including Google, are busy trying to take driver assistance to its logical conclusion by creating cars that drive themselves to a chosen destination without a human at the controls. This is where it gets exciting.6.Sergey Brin, a co-founder of Google, predictsthat driverless cars will be ready for sale tocustomers within five years. That may be optimistic, but the prototypes that Google already uses to ferry its staff (and a recent visitor from The Economist) along Californian freeways are impressive. Google is seeking to offer the world a driverless car built from scratch, but it is more likely to evolve, and be accepted by drivers, in stages.7.As sensors and assisted-driving softwaredemonstrate their ability to cut accidents, regulators will move to make them compulsory for all new cars. Insurers are already pressing motorists to accept black boxes that measure how carefully they drive: these will provide a mass of data which is likely to show that putting the car on autopilot is often safer than driving it.Computers never drive drunk or while texting. 8.If and when cars go completely driverless—forthose who want this—the benefits will be enormous. Google gave a taste by putting a blind man in a prototype and filminghim being driven off to buy takeaway tacos. Huge numbers of elderly and disabled people could regain their personal mobility. The young will not have to pay crippling motor insurance, because their reckless hands and feet will no longer touch the wheel or the accelerator. The colossal toll of deaths and injuries from road accidents—1.2m killed a year worldwide, and 2m hospital visits a year in America alone—should tumble down, along with the costs to health systems and insurers.9.Driverless cars should also ease congestion andsave fuel. Computers brake faster than humans.And they can sense when cars ahead of them are braking. So driverless cars will be able to drive much closer to each other than humans safely can. On motorways they could formfuel-efficient ―road trains‖, gliding along in the slipstream of the vehicle in front. People who commute by car will gain hours each day to work, rest or read a newspaper.Roadblocks ahead10.Some carmakers think this vision of the future is(as Henry Ford once said of history) bunk.People will be too terrified to hurtle down the motorway in a vehicle they do not control: computers crash, don’t t hey? Carmakers whose self-driving technology is implicated in accidents might face ruinously expensive lawsuits, and be put off continuing to develop it.11.Yet many people already travel, unwittingly, onplanes and trains that no longer need human drivers. As with those technologies, the shift towards driverless cars is taking place gradually.The cars’ software will learn the tricks that humans use to avoid hazards: for example, braking when a ball bounces into theroad, because a child may be chasing it. G oogle’s self-driving cars have already clocked up over 700,000km, more than many humans ever drive;and everything they learn will become available to every other car using the software. As for the liability issue, the law should be changed to make sure that when cases arise, the courts take into account the overall safety benefits of self-driving technology.12.If the notion that the driverless car is round thecorner sounds far-fetched, remember that TV and heavier-than-air flying machines once did, too.One day people may wonder why earlier generations ever entrusted machines as dangerous as cars to operators as fallible as humans.Unit6 RomanceThe Modern Matchmakers现代红娘Internet dating sites claim to have brought scienceto the age-old question of how to pair offsuccessfully. But have they?互联网相亲网站声称已经将科技运用如何成功配对的问题之上。



闭卷 A卷开卷(开卷考试禁止使用手机等电子设备)□B卷大学试题、试卷纸班级: 2019专升本英语课程名称: 英美报刊选读拟题人: 2021 年4月 28日姓名: 学号: 审题人: 年月日请将所有的答案都写在答题卡上!!!Section I Fundamental Knowledge of News Reading (50 points in all) Part A. Multiple Choice Question (40 points in all, 2 points each)Directions: choose an appropriate answer for each of the following sentences.1. News is a _____________ of a recent or what is reported in a newspaper, news periodical, or newsbroadcast with news values.A. storyB. commentC. recordD. report2. The news that deals with formal or serious topics and events is called ___________.A. hard newsB. soft newsC. hot newsD. home news3. The news that deals with informal or interesting topics and events is called ___________.A. hard newsB. soft newsC. hot newsD. home news4. The news that provides the latest information is called ____________.A. hard newsB. soft newsC. hot newsD. home news5. The types of journalism include the news story, news report, feature,editorial, and __________.A. eventB. commentaryC. obituaryD. announcement6. The most important news can be found in the __________ of the major English newspapers.A. second pageB. third pageC. front pageD. the last page7. News summary is usually laid on the ___________ page.A. second pageB. third pageC. front pageD. the last page8. News lead is usually located ______________.A. under the headlineB. under the news summaryC. on the second pageD. on the last page9. ___________ is the heading printed in large, outstanding letters above a story in a newspaper.A. News summaryB. News leadC. News headlineD. Editorial10. The word “metro” which appears in front page of a news paper means ____________.A. subwayB. international newsC. city newsD. national news11. The comma used in the headline “Maria, Lisa win the Best Young Actress” means____________.A. orB. andC. butD. with12. The comma used in the headline “Bomb Blows Down Bus in Thailand, Kills 3 Soldiers”means__________.A. orB. andC. butD. with13. The colon used in the headline “President Bush: Banned Weapons Will Be Found”means___________.A. andB. saysC. isD. does14. The colon used in the headline “Teenage Chinese actors: True Masters of Arts” means ___________.A. andB. saysC. areD. do15. The colon used in the headline “Mao: We Should Support Third World Countries” means _________.A. andB. saysC. isD. does16. What type of news people can read in the category of “diversion” which appears in the front page? ___________A. international newsB. local newsC. recreational newsD. hard news17. What type of news people can read in the category of “obituary” which appears in the front page? _________A. good newsB. sad newsC. hard newsD. soft news18. What type of news people can read in the category of “kaleidoscope” which appears i n the front page? __________A. hard newsB. soft newsC. hot newsD. all kinds of news19. The term “Sino-America” means ___________.A. only AmericaB. north AmericaC. China and AmericaD. Canada and America20. The term “Forex” means ______________.A. fax machineB. foreign exchangeC. foreign tradeD. further control Part B. Fill in the blanks (10 points in all, 2 points each)Directions:fill in the blanks with appropriate word (s) which are omitted in the following headlines.21. __The____Italian Ex-mayor _has been___ Murdered.22._____A_ Banker _was_____ Found Dead in Garage.23. ______People who __ Have Dollars, ____it____ Will Sell.24. ____There were____No Survivors in ____the ___ Gulf Air Crash.25. Colombian __vaccine was _______ Sent to U.S. for Drug Trial.Section II Summing Up News Lead (20 points in all, 4 points each) Please indicate the 5W in the following News Lead.1 dead, 11 injured in Kunming smashThe wreckage of a sedan and a bus that plunged into a river after a head-on crash in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province, yesterday. The bus careered (猛冲) off the road and into the river after colliding with the sedan. The sedan driver was killed and 11 bus passengers injured. It is said that the accident was due to the slippery road after raining.26.Who ______ sedan driver __bus passengers ________27.What _____ The wreckage of a sedan and a bus that plunged into a river after a head-on crash ______28.When _______ yesterday ________29.Where ___ in Kunming, capital of Yunnan Province ____________30.Why _____ the accident was due to the slippery road after raining ____________Section III Reading Comprehension (30 Points in all, 2 points each) Directions:Read the following three news from the textbook carefully and then decide the correct answer for each of the following questions marked 31 through 45.News #1: Is an Ivy League Diploma Worth It?(Lesson Four, Page 32-35)31.Why did Daniel Schwartz enroll City University of New York’s Macaula y Honors College instead of Cornell University?A.because Cornell University is not an Ivy League.B.because Macaulay Honors College is more prestigious than Cornell University.C.because he doesn’t need to pay tuition at Macaulay Honors College.D.because he was not accepted by Cornell University.32.“As student-loan default rate climb and college graduates fail to land jobs, an increasing number of students are betting they can get just as far with a degree from a less-expensive school......”(Paragraph 4). What does the word “land” and “are betting” mean in the quoted sentence, respectively?A.quit, are making a betB. find, are arguingC. find, are thinkingD. get, are denying33.“Such choices meant families across all income brackets spent 9% less-- an average of $21,889 in cash, loans, scholarships and other methods -- on college in 2010-11 than in the previous year, according to the report.” Which of the following is TRUE according to the above quoted sentence?A.Families across all income levels spent about $23,859 on college in 2009-10 school year.B.Low-income families spent about $23,859 on college in 2010-11 school year.C.High-income families spent about $23,859 on college in 2009-10 school year.D.Families across all income levels spent about $21,889 on college in 2009-10 school year.34.“Attending a private university still can pay off.” (paragraph 16) What does the phrase “can pay off” mean in the above quoted sentence?A.can wipe off debtB. is worthwhileC. is more expensiveD. can bring drawbacks35.Natasha ________ an offer from Boston college after she got to know that her family would need to spend $30,000 a year.A. AcceptedB. hesitated aboutC. consideredD. refusedNews #2: Five myths about the American dream(Lesson Nine, Page 97-100)36.According to the survey of more than 1,300 adults, about one-third of Americans ranked ______ as their first definition of the American dream.A.wealthB. a good life for my familyC. financial securityD. freedom37.According to the survey of more than 1,300 adults, which of the following is mostly valued by Americans as their dream?A.HealthB. freedomC. opportunityD. pursuit of happiness38.“Those who profit most from h omeownership are far and away the largest source of political campaign contribution.” The meaning of the above quoted sentence is that ___________.A.Those who profit most from homeownership are not the largest source of political campaign contribution.B.Those who profit most from homeownership are so far the largest source of political campaign contribution.C.Those who profit most from homeownership are so far the smallest source of political campaign contribution.D.Those who profit most from homeownership are far from the largest source of political campaign contribution.39.“One in five American homeowners is underwater, owing more a mortgage than what the home is worth.” The phrase “is underwater” in the above quoted sentence means _____________?A.The house is beneath waterB. the house is devaluedC. the homeowner became richerD. the homeowner feels happier40. The term "American dream" was created by __________.A. George WashingtonB. James AdamsC. Martin Luther KingD. Abraham LincolnNews #3 Pentagon Digs In Our Cyberwar Front(Lesson 11, Page 118-120)41.“The U.S. military is accelerating its cyberwar training programs to prepare for conflict on an emerging battlefield.” The above cited sentence means that _____________________.A.The U.S. military is speeding up its cyberwar training programs to prepare for conflict on an burgeoning battlefield.B.The U.S. military is slowing down its cyberwar training programs to prepare for conflict on an burgeoning battlefield.C.The U.S. military is speeding up its internet war training programs to prepare for conflict on an outdated battlefield.D.The U.S. military is terminating its internet war training programs to prepare for conflict on an incoming battlefield.42.“In June, the U.S. Air Force’s elite Weapon School graduated its first class of six airmen trained to fight in cyberspace.” The above cited sentence means that _____________________.A.Six pilots who graduated in June from U. S. Air Force’s elite Weapon School will be trained to fight in air war.B.The first batch of six pilots trained to fight in cyberwar graduated in June from U.S. Air Force’s elite Weapon School.C.Six pilots who graduated in June from U. S. Air Force’s elite Weapon School were receiving training to fight in cyberspace.D.Only six airmen graduated in June from U. S. Air Force’s elite Weapon School were qualified for receiving training to fight in cyberspace.43.“Cyberwarfare techniques have been deployed in an U.S. and Israeli campaign to undermine Iran's nuclear program.” What does the word “deployed” mean in the above cited sentence?A.settled downB. worked outC. arrangedD. designed44.“While cyber may not look or smell exactly like a fighter aircraft or a bomber aircraft, the relevancy in any potential conflict is the same.” The above cited sentence means that _____________________.A.The conflict in cyberwar is different from the real air war.B.The conflict in cyberwar is highly related to the real air war.C.Fighter aircraft or bomber aircraft are involved in cyberwar.D.Both cyberwar and real air war need fighter aircraft or bomber aircraft.45.According to the text, ______ is the main air force aggressor in cyberwar.manderB. generalC. officerD. hacker。



英美报刊选读》(反思性日记)姓名:吕毅杰班级:英语114 学号:2011012894 Reflective JournalDecember 16th,2013 MondayThis is the first time to write the reflective diaries.To be honest, I really like this course. Admittedly,in each class, i can know about variety of interesting news,and Ms Xue is very enthusiasm in class.Of course, what is the most important is the significances: firstly, good learning Resources for English learners for the rich vocabulary,which includes various idioms, common sayings and diverse phrases.Secondly, it will enable the learners to enhance their reading ability by providing authentic English learning material. Thirdly,broaden the readers’horizon, being the major access to world news..At last, good helper for the learners to improve their writing skill, due to the expert use of various writing techniques like personification, irony etc.in features.However,we will face a lot of problems when reading the News.There are three major difficulties of Reading English Newspapers.First of all, the special writing style which often goes against the normal grammar will pose great obstacle for learners because it always strives to contain the richest information in as few words as possible.What’s more,News English is rich in pu ns overtones,and various word games by means of polysemy,synonym and antinomy.Finally,western journalists like to quote the classics in their reports, so lack of necessary cultural background knowledge will lead to confusion.In fact,Even though there are many difficulties in learning this course,I still like it.Especially those papers,which are cogent.For example,the first paragraph of “How china runs the world economy”:”’If you want one year of prosperity, grow people’.This old Chinese proverb crudely sums up how the entry of China’s massive labour force into the global economy may prove to be the most profound change for50, and perhaps even for 100,years.’’The first sentence is quoted a Chinese proverb,and explained by a Chinese style. Thinking subjectively, Chinese reader will easily tend to approve it.And for me,Even if I don't know about economics,I will read on it.Also,the clear and concise is a one of the pared to China's newspapers,it is more objective.Nevertheless, a coin has two side .Both of reading and writing, I would prefer to reading it is hard for me to give a outline,although Ms xue give us some method.Recent classes,I always try to overcome it.By several times practice,i can do it.The key is to grasp the several elements,as about people, places, time and reasons, etc.All in all,it is really a good course, not only can broaden our knowledge, but also help to our English learning .After 30 days,half year will be finished.There is not much class left,as my favourite subject,I should be more treasure each class.thank you ! Good teacher,Good course!。



英美报刊选读I. Select from the lettered choice the one, which best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of your choice in the brackets.1-5. a c b b a 6-10.c c b b cII. March the following words or phases on the left column with their correspondent explanations on the right1-d; 2-e; 3-a; 4-c; 5-bIII. Write T in the bracket if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.T F F T FIV.Fill in the blanks.1. letter2. the jigsaw puzzle3. the Kangaroo Spirit4. Gypsies5. East LondonV.Explain the following terms.1.Australian government carried on a plan, which goal is the extinction of aboriginal culture, they picked up the aboriginal children from their parents and sent to white parents to receive the western education. Therefore, this generation is called the stolen generation.2.South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission is an organization to find the truth under apartheid, compensate the survivals and reconcile the opposite sides in South Africa.VI.Answer the following questions1.They want to get the support of those who strongly believe this or that kind of religion. In fact, some of them are not believers of a certain religion, or they do not believe any religion.2.Yes. Because he has outpolled Mr. Bush in the popular vote, and he has undisputed experience and expertise.。



英美文学选读模拟题一A. Each of the statements below is following by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the brackets. (20x1 points)()1. In Spenser's "The Faerie Queene", _______ is the play role in each of the 12 major adventures.A. ArthurB. RedcrosseC. UnaD. Archimago()2. In Milton's works, H" is the greatest, indeed the only generally acknowledged epic inEnglish literature since "Beowulf".A. Paradise LostB. Paradise RegainedC. Samson AgonistesD. Lycidas()3. _______ was regarded as "Father of the English Novel", for his contribution to theestablishment of the form of the modern novel.A. Daniel DefoeB. Jonathan SwiftC. Jane AustenD. Henry Fielding()4. _______ compiled the "The Die廿onary of the English Language" which became the foundationof all the subsequent English dictionaries.A. Ben JohnsonB. Samuel JohnsonC. Alexander PopeD. John Dryden()5. The "Byronic hero** first appears in Byron's works, n__________ ”.A. Childe Harold's PilgrimageB. Don JuanC. Oriented TalesD. Manfred()6. _______ made criticism on Elizabethan drama, which renewed interest in Shakespeare and ledto the discovery of his contemporaries.A. ColeridgeB. ByronC. WordsworthD. Keats()7. _______ is the most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens* works.A. Language*s Forsyte novels are masterpieces of critical realism in theB. Character - PortrayalC. HumorD. Plot()8 In 1847, the Bronte Sisters published the following famous novels except ” ___________ ”.A. Jane EyreB. ShirleyC. Wuthering HeightsD. The Tenant Of Wildfell Hall()9. In _______ 's hands, "drama 廿c monologue" reaches its maturity and perfection.A. Alfred TennysonB. Robert BrowningC. William ShakespeareD. George Eliot()10.As a woman of exceptional intelligence and life experience, George Eliot shows a particular concern for ______________ .A. the feminismB. the education for womenC. the des 廿ny of womenD. the low status of women()11. Symbolism appeared in the late 19th century in ______________ .A. FranceB. GermanyC. EnglandD. Italy ()12. The three trilogies of early 20th century.A. John GalswortryB. Arnold BennettC. Jame JoyceD. H. G. Wells()13. In the following statements, ____________ is Bernard Shaw's political point of view.A. He regarded the establishment of socialism by the emancipation of land and industrial capital from individual and class ownership as the final goal.B. He was for the means of violent revolution of armed struggle in achieving the goal of socialism.C. He had a trust of the uneducated working class in fighting against capitalists.D. He held that both those superior intellects and those industrial workers could have the ability to shoulder the task of fighting against the capitalism.()14. The New England transcendentalism was from the very beginning a local phenomenon restricted only to those people living in new England, who carried out the movement as a reaction against the cold, rigid rationalism of______________________ in Boston.A. PuritanismB. CalvinismC. ClassicismD. Unitarianism()15. In the following statements, __________ is not true as to Washington lrving*s famous story ”Rip Van Winkle".A. The story is a tale remembered mostly for Rip's 20 - year sleep, set against the background of the inevitably changing America.B. In the story Irving skillfully presents to us paralleled juxtapositions of two totally different worlds before and after Rip's 20 years' sleep.C. Irving describes Rip's response and reaction in dramatic way, so that we see clearly both the narrator and Irving agree on the preferability of the present to the past, and the preferability of the real world to a dream - like one.D. The social conservatism and literary preference for the past is revealed, to some extent, in the story.()16. _______ is not among the artistic features of Whitman's writing.A. The use of the poetic "l MB. Free verseC. Musicality or rhythmD. Allegory()17. Henry James's fame generally rests upon his novels and stories with _____________ .A. the love and marriage themeB. the theme of humor and satire on lifeC. the theme of revealing the miserable life of the poor and criticizing the capitalismD. the international theme()18. In the following statements, __________ is not true as to the backgrounds for the American literature between the two world wars.A. The United states had become the most powerful industrialized nation in the world.B. The technological revolution had brought about great changes in the life of the American people.C. The Crash marked the beginning of "The Great Economic Depression" in the 1920s.D. Despite its booming industry and material prosperity, there was a sense of unease and restlessness underneath.()19. Ezra Pound's "The Cantos" is ________ .A. lyricsB. epic poemC. odeD. pastoral()20. _______ is acknowledged by many as the most original poet of the Victorian period.A. Robert BrowningB. Alfred TennysonC. George EliotD. John KeatsB. Complete each of the following statements with a proper word or a phrase according to the textbook. (20x1 points)1. _____ i s the essence of the Renaissance.2. In "The Faerie Queene", the Redcrosse knight in Book I stands for St. George, and Sir Guyon in Book II Represents Temperance. Such kind of writing style is called _____________ .3. "H amlet”,"Othello”,"King Lear" and " ______ " are generally regarded as Shakespeare's four great tragedies.4. As a represents廿ve of the enlightenment, Pope was one of the first to introduce _____________ to England.5. _____ *s novels are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower - class people.6. The literary form of neo - classicism is of the strict symmetry. The prevailing genre ofneoclassical literature is ________ w hich consists of two riming lines of iambic pentameter, and the second line completes the thoughts expressed by the couplet.7. _____ i s central to Blake's concern in the "Songs of Innocence" and "Songs of Experience".8. The poet Robert Southey as well as Coleridge and Wordsworth lived nearby and the three men became known as the ”_________ ”.9. Jane AusteiYs masterpiece is " _____________10. ________ is Robert Browning's masterpiece.11. The realistic novels of the 1920s and 1930s were more or less touched by a pessimistic mood, preoccupied with the theme of ___________ , and shaped in different forms.12 In the mid - 1950s and early 1960s, there appeared a group or young novelists and playwrights with lower - middle - class background, who were known as ”___________________ ”.13. Melville is best known as the author of one book named ______________ , which is, critics have agreed, one of the world's greatest masterpieces.14. The particular concern about the local character of a region came about as ”_________ ", a unique variation of American literary realism.15. By the turn of the century, with the publics廿on of "The Man That Corrupted Hadleybury** (1900) and "The Mysterious Stranger" (1916), the change in Mark Twain from an optimist to an almost despairing pessimist could be fell and his cynicism and disillusionment with what Twain referred to regularly as the " _______________________ " became obvious.16. As a sequel to "Tom Sawyer", " __________ ” marks the climax of Twain*s literary creativity.17. One of James's literary techniques innovated to cater for the psychological emphasis is his narrative ” ________ H.18. The postwar poet Robert Lowell is the leading figure of _____________ poetry.19. In Fitzgerald's great fiction, there's always full of the main theme of the bankruptcy of the" _____ ”, especially in "The Great Gatsby" (1925).20. Most of Faulkner's works are set in the American South about people from a small region in Northern Messissippi, ____________ County.C. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and write your answers in the brackets. (10x1 points)( )1. In his poetry, Donne frequently applies conceits, i. e. extended metaphors involvingdrama廿c contrasts.( )2. "The Pilgrim's Progress** is the most successful religious allegory in the English language.()3. The 19th century produced the first English novelists, who fall into two groups the sen廿mentalist novelists and the realist novelists.()4. The most important contribution Byron has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry, the poetry of the growing inner self, but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature.()5. Generally speaking, Jane Austen was a writer of the 18th - century, though she lived mainly in the nineteenth century.()6. In the Victorian period, the novel became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought.()7. "The Waste Land", Eliofs most important single poem, has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20th - century English poetry, comparable to Wordsworth's "Lyrical Ballads".()8. While Mark Twain and Henry James seemed to have paid more ail ention to the "life" of the Americans, Howells had apparently laid a greater emphasis on the "inner world" of man.()9. Dickinson's poetry is unique and unconventional in its own way. Her poems have no titles hence are always quoted by their first lines. In her poetry there is a particular stress pattern, in which dashes are used as a musical device to create cadence and capital letters as a means of emphasis.()10. Most of Faulkner's works are set in the American North, with his emphasis on the Northern subjects and consciousness.D. Name the author of the following literary works. (5x1 points)1. The Passionate Shepherd to His Love: Marloew2. Composed upon Westminster Bridge: Wordsworth3. The Moll on the Floss4. Break, Break, Break. :Tennyson5. A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man: JoyceE. Define the literary terms listed below. (2x4 points)1. The Heroic Couplet2. Stream of ConsciousnessF. For each of the quotations listed below please give the name of the author and the title of the literary work from which it is taken and then briefly interpret it. (2x4 points)1. "The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd wind slowly o'er the les,The plowman homeward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me."2. "Round the cape of a sudden came the sea,And the sun looked over the mountains rim:And straight was a path of gold for him,And the need of a world of men for me."G. Give brief answers to the following questions. (3x5 points)1. Make a comment on the image of Robinson Crusoe.2. What are the features of Charles Dickens's novels?3. What's Nathaniel Hawthorne's "black" vision of life and human beings?H. Short essay questions. (2x7 points)I. How is the fatalism revealed in Hardy's works?(Naturalist)2. Analyse the artistic features of Earnest Hemingway*s novels.附:答案全国高等教育自学考试模拟试卷(一)英美文学选读参考答案A.1. A2. A3. D4. B5. A6. A7. B8. B9. B10. C11. A12. A13. A14. D15. C16. D17. D18. C19. B20. AB.1. Humanism2. allegory3. Macbeth4. ra廿onalism5. Daniel Defoe6. heroic couplet7. Childhood8. Lake poets9. Pride and Prejudice10. The Ring and the Book11. man's loneliness12. the Angry Young Men13. Moby - Dick14. local colorism15. damned human race16. Adventures of Hucklebrry Finn17. point of view18. Confessional19. American Dream20. YoknapatawphaC.1. T2. T3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T8. F9. T10. FD.1. Christopher Marlowe2. William Wordsworth3. George Eliot4. Alfred Tennyson5. James JoyceE.1. The heroic couplet refers to iambic pentameter rhymed in two lines. During the Restoration and the 18th century Alexander Pope perfected the closed couplet, which means only a couplet xan express a compete idea, and developed it to the heroic couplet. A good example in " The Rape of the Lock" is: but when to mischiet mortals bend their will, how soon they find fit instruments of ill!2. In Joyce's opinion, the artist, who wants to reach the highest stage and to gain the insights necessary for the crea廿on of dramatic art, should rise to the position of a godlike objectivity; he should have the complete conscious control over the creative process and depersonalize his own emotion in the artistic creation. He should appear as an omniscient author and present unspoken materials directly from the psyche of the characters, of making the characters tell their own inner thoughts in monologues. This literary approach to the presentation of psychological aspects of characters is usually termed as "stream of consciousness**.1. The 廿tie of the literary work is "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard'*, and its author is Thomas Gray.译文如下:晚钟响起来一阵阵向白昼告别,牛群在草原上迂回,吼声起落,耕地人累了,回家走,脚步踉跄,把整个世界留给了黄昏与我。



Answer key for Lesson 10V.CABDCVI.1.Richard Atkinson investigated the problems by personally reading the manuals and sampletests to review and assess the verbal and mathematical questions. Besides, he visited schools to find students’ responses to SAT exams.2.After the investigation, he proposed that SAT I should be scrapped. His proposal has caused ahuge stir on campuses nationwide and rekindled long-standing arguments about the test.3.The College Board argues that SAT measures the sort of higher-order math andliterary-reasoning skills that students need to succeed in college and later in life and that the test correlates well with freshman-year college grades.4.They have adopted college admission systems based in part on class is automatically admittedto state universities.5.Their worry is that it is only a matter of time before there is pressure to scrap subject-areatests and getting rid of the SAT is the first step in a wretched direction.6.SAT I refers to the tests on higher-order math and literary-reasoning skills. Many critics thinkthe questions are confusing and verbal analogies too obscure. SAT II refers to the subject-specific achievement tests which measure knowledge in such areas as writing, math, physics, history and foreign language.7.The test debate will not die down anytime soon.Answer key for Lesson 11V.B C B A DVI.1.The insurance company has refused Lorraine Hiskey’s medical bill, because the companyclaimed that her treatment was “experimental”.2.Politicians have focused attention on the 35 million Americans who have no health coverage.3.The kind of medical care deemed experimental, unproven, unnecessery or to inappropriate isdenied coverage。

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这两种授课方式的好处是,使学生通过自学(指预习) 和教师的指导, 自己主动去掌握知识。

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此外, 这也使有的教员摆脱了那种课文注释那么 详细而觉得在课堂上没有多少可讲的被动地位和局面。

当然, 这只是本人的实践和看法。

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五. 考试说明“英美报刊选读”期末考试题型介绍1.报刊名称及常见报刊词汇英译汉: 十小题,每题 2分,共 20分内容以辅导书的附录为主 . 2.阅读理解: 2 篇文章,选自作业题,选择题或判断题,共 40 分。

3.阅读与翻译:一篇文章,选自教材重点课目练习,共40 分。

1).问答题: 20 分。

2).段落英译汉: 20 分。

六. 课程辅导英美报刊选读》辅导一Newspapers and Headlinesnewspapers do you like to read?The following is a list of the majornewspapers in Britain and the United States.• The major newspapers in BritainSundaysNews of the WorldThe Sunday TimesDaily MirrorDo you have the habit of readingnewspapers in English?WhatDailiesThe Times The Guardian The Observer Financial Times The Sunday People The Daily Telegraph Sunday MirrorDaily ExpressThe Sunday TelegraphDaily Mail•The major daily newspapers in the United StatesNew York Times USA TodayWashington Post Chicago Daily TribuneLos Angeles Times Detrolt NewsWall Street Journal New York Daily NewsChristian Science MonitorNewspapers ,along with reporting the news ,instruct ,entertain, and give opinions. A newspaper has separate sections: world news, national and local news, sports, business ,entertainment, opinions, comics, classified ads,etc.You can be a better reader if you know what to expect in a newspaper.For example, when you read a newspaper you usually look quickly at headlines first. Newspaper headlines have a language of their own and it is necessary to learn about it.Please read the following headlines:Moscow official wounded by gunmenEarthquake rocks TurkeyHusband to sue wifeBoy on cliff rescuedYoung Sudanese refugees endured famine, separations from familyFrom above we can see two prominent features of English newspaper headlines:☆ Headlines are almost always in the present tense and even future☆ Headlines generally omit unnecessary words, especially articles and the verb to be.And is often replaced by a comma.Newspaper headlines can be classified into several types:events are put in the present tense O☆ Straight headlines give you the main topic of the story.They are the most common type of headline and are the easiest to understand.Snow has chilling effects on SouthClinton offers Bush advice.☆ Headlines that ask a question,report a future possibility or offer some doubt about the truth or accuracy of the story.Can technology fix ballot woes?Do market analysts have bad aim or bad intentions?☆ Headlines that contain a quotation which is important or which shows that a statement is not proven.Mother:Let my baby go“We won't quit ”☆ Double headlines are two-part headlines for the same story and are often used for major events.How Express broke diplomatic silenceHUSH-UP ON “SPY” ENVOYS☆ Feature headlines are used for stories that are either highly unusual or amusing.Headlines for such stories try to be as clever as possible to catchthe reader'sinterest.Teletubbles maker seeks funds for expansionDead student fell under the crush during clashes《英美报刊选读》辅导二Understanding Headline VocabularyEnglish newspaper headlines use a special vocabulary.A headline contracts a lot of information into a short space and hence in headlines we often see• Short words used instead of long onese.g. aid=assist bare=expose or reveal;blast=explode probe=investigationwoo=seek to win• Abbreviations such as short names which can be used when they are likely to be identified by the reader.Also initials are used whenever possible.e.g. Close-up on WILL(WILL=Willam Shakespeare)Yard smash airport gang(Yard=Scotland Yard)MP slams hospital delay(MP=member of Parliament) • shortened words and slangBr fly into stormover plgeon ban(Br=Britain) Olivier denies“ blackmail ” jibe(jibe=an insulting attack)The following is a list of words with their common headline meanings.Try to be famillar with these words.Word Common headline meaning ExamplAccord agreement Accord possible today Airto make knownTV airs “ facts o ”n armsdeliveryAssailto criticize strongly Russ assails US on A-tests Axeto dismiss from a jobGovernor to axe aide?Backto supportAlgeria backs decision to ignoredollarBalkto refuse to acceptUnion balks at court orderBarnot to allowClub faces shutdown for barringwomenBidattempt Bid to open borderofferUnion rejects latest bid Bilkto cheatClerk bilks company of $1me.g. Weekly mag launched(mag=magazine)for stamp lovers to beMP blasts democratsBlaze kills threeManagement cites labor shutdownMan claims ghost sightingBombs claim40Marine dies in clashMayor clashes with cityMoscow cool to aid offerSunday driving curbsJury deadlock in kidnapeffort Cancer drive exceedsBlast(noun)(verb)blaze cite unrest forclaim claim(claim the life of) clash(noun)(verb) council cool curb planned deadlock trialdrive goalexplosion;strong criticism criticize strongly strikewith explosives firementionto declare to be trueto killbattle; dispute disagreestrongly;fightuninterested; unfriendly limit; controla disagreement thatcannot be settleda strong well-planned Tanker blast near Manilaby a group for a particular purposevoteindependencehomesdue expected Greek FM due todayeyeto watch with interestWomen's groups eye courtease to reduce or loosen Rome eases martial laweve the day beforeViolence on eve offault to find in the wrongfeud dispute;strong disagreementflayaccuse;criticize stronglyfoe opponent; enemyfoilto prevent from succeedinggripto take hold ofStudy faults policeBorder feud danger to regionalpeaceUS flays RussiaClinton talks with congressional foesFBI folls bid to hijack plane toIranCholera fear grips Japangutto destroy completely by fire Year's biggest fire guts 178head off to prevent President heads off railstrikeloot(noun) stolen money or goodsheist theft holdkeep in police control; arrestinkto signkeyvery importantkick off to beginlash out criticize strongly;accuselaud to praise lineposition;demandlaunch to beginlinkconnected toloomexpected in the near futureJewel heist foiled 7 held for smugglingThailand,Malaysia ink sea treatyGov't.wins key voteFiery speech kicks off campaignCollege heads lash out at NUS PM lauds community spirit Israel softens linePolice launch anti-drug drive Fungus linked to mysterydiseasTreaty dispute loomingPolice recover loot(verb) unlawful taking away of Rioters loot stores goodsvaluablenab to capture Gang leader nabbednet to take possession of; Customs check nets over$2mcapturenod approval Minister seeks nod for oil savingplanoffice an important government Minister quits,tired of office positionopt choose;decide Swiss opt to back tax forchurchesoustVoters'oust incumbentsto take power away frompact a solemn agreement Peace pact today?Plea deeply felt request Mother's plea;Let me see mybabya statement in court indicating Guilty pleas expectedguilt or innocence Guilty pleas expectedpledge promise IOC pledges supportpoised ready for action Workers poised to strikepoll election October poll?Voting station Voters go to the polls in JapanPost position in government, Unknown gets key CabinetpostBusinessProbe investigation Governor orders fire probePrompt to cause Court decision prompts publicangerRage to burn out of control Forest fire rages]Rap(noun) accusation charge Corruption rap unfair sayssenator(verb) criticize Safety commission raps autocompaniesrock to shock;to surprise Gov't.report rocks stock market rout defeat completely Rebels routed,leave 70 deadrow a quarrel Oil price row may bring downgov't.rule decide Court rules out PLO talkssack dismiss from a job Jail chief sackedsack(from to search thoroughly and rob 14 held for US embassysackingransack ” )set decided on;ready IMF talks set for Aprilslay to kill or murder 2 slain in family rowsnag problem;difficulty Last minute snag hits arms talkssnub to pay no attention to Protestants snub Ulster peace bidsoar to rise rapidlyInflation rate soarsspark to cause;to lead to action Frontier feuding sparksattackstalemate a disagreement that cannot be settledNew bid to break hostage stalematestall making no progress Peace effort in Lebanon stalledstance attitude;way of thinking New stance toward power cutsstem to prevent or stop Rainy season stems refugee exitsway to influence or persuade President fails to swayunion-strike setswindle an unlawful way of getting money Stock swindle in NYthwart prevent from being successful Honduras attack thwartedties relations Vietnam ties soon?Trim to cut Senate trims budget Trigger to cause Killing triggers riotVie to compete Irish top ranks vie forofficeVoid to determine to be invalid Voting law voides by courtVow a solemn promise Police chief vows to catch kidnappersWeigh to consider Bush weights tax increase《英美报刊选读》辅导三The Newspaper LeadThe first paragraph of a news story is called the lead. It almost always gives you the story's main topic and most important facts. When you read a newspaper lead sentence, try to find the subject and main verb and note how the rest of the sentence adds information to the subject and main verb.Anwar Sadat Assassinated at Cairo Military ReviewCAIRO,October7-Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, amodern-day pharaoh who attempted to lead the Arab world toward a permanent Mideast peace with Isreal, was assassinated yesterday by a band of soldiers who attacked a military parade reviewing stand with automatic rifles and hand grenades.Note that a great deal of information is included in a single sentence.The writer has organized the sentence around the subject(Egyptian President Anwar Sadat)and main verb(was assassinate) very carefully.The lead sentence usually does the following:• Answers questions such as “who? ” “what? ” “where?result?• Adds background to help you better understand the story orState where the source of the story comes from.英美报刊选读》辅导四Read the News StoryIn most news stories the most important facts will be found near the beginning-usually within the first two or three paragraphs.The remainder of the story will give details explaining and clarifying the main points,or introducing new,but less important information.The following is a formula for a typical news story;• Paragraph OneThe story's subject and most important facts.• Paragraph TwoImportant facts that the writer was unable to include in the lead;Information to clarify the facts in the lead;A particularly important quote.• The rest of the storySpecific details to answer readers' questions;Statements and opinions by people involved in the story or by outside observers;Background information;New,but less important facts.Accordingly, when you read a news story, you are to:• Read the beginning of the story very carefully because it contains the most important fact.• Try to look for more facts than those given in the lead.• If you don't understand something at the beginning of a story, keep reading for a second(and perhaps a third) chance to understand.《英美报刊选读》辅导五Reading the Feature Story in a NewspaperIn most news stories the main points come very early and less impotant information comes later.There is another kind of story_thefeature story which follows a different format,the feature format.is a good way toenlarge our bit about many topics in English.The magazines in Britain and the UnitedBritain Today Contemporary Review London Magazine Observer Review PunchUS News & World Report Reader's Digest Business Weekly Harper'sAmerican ReviewVery often we read magazines whiletraveling or relaxing anywhere.Writers of magazine articles do not expect theirPopular Magazines and Magazine Articlesmagazines Reading popular vocabulary andlearn a little following is a list of major States.• Magazines in BritainThe Economist The Spectator New Statesman New Scientist The Listener British Weekly• Magazines in the United StatesTime Newsweek Life Fortune PeopleThe New Yorkeraudience to spend too much time reading and try to make the main ideas stand out clearly. The task for the reader is to locate these main ideas quickly.Popular magazine writers use various devices to capture a reader'sattention:clever titles,short paragraphs and compound nouns to economize on words.Articles in magazine often have characteristics similar to those found in news stories or articles found in newspapers.Here are some feautures of magazine articles:• An introductory paragraph summarize the main idea;• The details are given in the rest of the articles;• The author's view of the subject is directed to a particular audience but may interest readers in general.《英美报刊选读》辅导六Reading AdvertisementsMost magazines and newspapers contain advertisements that are designed to make us want the product.Advertisers want us to believe that their product is important for a good life. Some advertisements even present viewpoints on timely subjects.Like newspaper editorials.Such ads try to influence the reader's opinions.The language of advertising must be a language of immediate impact and rapid persuasion. No one is likely to spend much time deciding whether to read a printed advertisement or listen to a spoken one:If their attention is not attracted immediately and held firmly for the short amount of time necessary to absorb what is being said. Then the advertisement will have miserably. So the advertising language uses a basically simple grammatical structure and a richly suggestive and descriptive vocabulary.Read the following ad.Only the cream of the crop filesOur chefs buy only the freshest and most expensive ingredients for our kitchens.Anywhere.Because they believe that good food really is the way to a person's heart.Obviously, there are many who would agree.In fact, experienced travelers have rewarded Swissair with the greatest percentage of repeat business.Which is not something we take lightly.Because travelers who fly more, expect more.So our chefs prepare five gourmet selections for every flight. Plus any one of 15 different special meals on request:Hindu,Kosher,Moslem,diabetic,slat- free,vegetarian,dietetic …you name it.Only the best will please Swissair passengers.The cream of the crop.Swissair has worldwide departures from New York, Boston, Chicago, Montreal and Toronto.Call Swissair of your travel expertSWISSAIRIn the above ad, a great deal is said in a few words. We see short sentences, vivid language, and many informal, popular expressions. They appeal to all of the senses.When you read an advertisement, you may:• Look for the hidden message; the way in which an advertiser uses words and pictures to influence readers opinions and attitudes.• Read between the lines for meanings implied rather than clearly stated.• Find the source of its appeal to the senses.。
