新概念3 测试卷

新概念3 测试卷
新概念3 测试卷

Test Paper (Lesson 18-20)

III.Choose the best answer

1.If you thought he intended to be impolite, you were _______.

A. mistake

B. mistaken

C. mistakes

D. mistook

2. The problem of water shartage is not ______ this country.

A. peculiar in

B. particular about

C. peculiar to

D. particular of

3. The meseum has a fascinating collection of ______ ranging from Stone Age pottery to Inuit clothing. A. exhibitions B. shows C. galleries D.exhibits

4. Her mother’s death came as a great ______ -----it was so unexpected.

A. shock

B. break

C. shake

D. crash

5. His room had the dusty smell of an apartment whose windows were _____ opened.

A. regularly

B. timely

C. frequently

D. rarely

6. The ______ of a schoolgirl was very worrying among the teachers.

A. disappearance

B. appearance

C. disappear

D. presence

7. The fire caused ______ damage to the local church.

A. considerate

B. considering

C. considerable

D. considered

8. She was only twenty _____ she had her first baby.

A. until

B. when

C. while

D. till

9. “Exercise” is a word which ______ a vast range of activies.

A. fills

B. hides

C. while

D. covers

10. He has ______ driving since his illness.

A. given up

B. given way to

C. given in

D. given off

II. 选词填空

Familiar sphere attach response orderly take off dear force to set off worry

1.The house looked strangely _________, though she knew she’d never been there before.

2.He lost everything that was___________ to him.

3.I will email my report to you as an ________ as soon as possible.

4.If we __________ early in the moening we should reach the coast before dark.

5.Frances ____________ too much about the way she looks.

6.Mitchell’s grteatest achievements have been in the diplomatic _______________.

7.Due to the recent economic depression, many companies have been _______ close.

8.I looked in her face for some ______, but she just stared at me blankly.

9.She needs to organize her ideas in a more _________________ way.

10.______________ your boots please, gentlemen ---it’s healthier to sleep with your boots


Test Paper (Lesson 21-23)

I.Choose the correct answer

1.That song was ______ with people from my father’s feneration.

A. populous

B. populated

C. population

D. popular

2. There’s no carpet in the room, just _____ floorboards.

A. barren

B. bare

C. barely

D. empty

3. She _____ her grandchildren and is always buying them presents.

A. adores

B. worships

C. admires

D. awes

4. I think my mother and I ______ in many ways.

A. like

B. likes

C. are like

D. are alike

5. One-way traffic was not _____ until the 1930s, so passing the streets was dangerous, especially when the carriages came from the hill.

A. introduced

B. created

C. invited

D. discovered

6. Y ou are ______ by law to wear a seat belt when driving a car.

A. begged

B. advised

C. required

D. drsired

7. “ It’s supposed to rain tomorrow.”“Well, ________, we won’t go.”

A. a case in point

B. not the case

C. in that case

D. in case

8. The winner were ______ medals.

A. presented with

B. presented to

C. presenting

D. presented by

9. The little dog kept chasing after its own tail, much to the ______ of the passers-by.

A. astonishment

B. amusement

C. boredom

D. surprise

10. Unable to go out because of the deep snow, he felt ____ in his own house.

A. imprisoned

B. sentenced

C. judged

D. doomed

11. Although Monica was _____ in London, she has always been a country girl at heart.

A. bred

B. planted

C. fed

D. brought up

12. “ I didn’t know you were looking for some new shoes.”

“ Oh, I wasn’t. I just bought them _____.”

A. on impulse

B. intentionally

C. on purpose

D. deliberately

13. Most people ______ this brand ______ good quality.

A. regard… with

B. think by

C. look in

D. associate … with

14. In some parts of the world, sheep’s eyes are considered a great ______.

A. delicious

B. delicate

C. delicacy

D. deliciousness

15. Y pu’re soaked! Did you get caught in the _____.

A. bath

B. shower

C. water

D. dust

II. 选词填空

Draw up turn against bitter highly fame proceed to stick to appeal cast illogical for instance various reveal by heart simply

1.Sammy took off his coat and ___________________ undo his boots.

2. If you make a promise, you should ___________________ it.

3. I don’t like my job, I _________________ do it for the money.

4. Her biography ______________ that she was not as rich as everyone thought.

5. We need to rethink the way we consume energy. Take, ____, our appraoch to tranport.

6. He had a nice smile and a/an ___________________ personality.

7. There is no easy way to learn this; you will have to remember every detail ____________.

8. I’ve _________ a list of candidates that I’d like to interview.

9. She learned through _________________ experience that he was not to be trusted.

10. After six years of prolonged fighting, public opinion has ___________ the war.

11. There are _______________ ways to answer your question.

12. The entire ________ of the play deserves praise for this performance.

13. Listen to your child’s worries and fears, however, __________ they may seem.

14. She moved to London in search of ________ and fortune.

15. He is ____________ estimated among his cilleagues.

Test Paper (Lesson 24-25)

II.Choose the correct answer

1.In English language, the expression “one’s hair stands on end” is used to describe the feeling of ______.

A. disgust

B. fear

C. anger

D. dislike

2. Under the _____ peaceful surface of the sea, a huge ocean wave is spreading fast.

A. seemingly

B. seems

C. seem

D. seeming

3. The temperature _____ throughout the day.

A. various

B. varying

C. varied

D. vary

4. He was petrified with _____ as I held my knife in front of him.

A. fright

B. delight

C. emotion

D. rage

5. His entire career will be _____ if he agrees to do this terrible thing.

A. promoted

B. broke

C. ruined

D. elevated

6. She was taking drugs and trying to _____ it from me.

A. conceal

B. uncover

C. reveal

D. disclose

7. Every language has some idioms or sayings which describe a situation ______.

A. vividly

B. with vivid

C. vividness

D. vivid

8. Will you ______ me when I’m in hospital? I guess I would have to stay there for a long time.

A. interview

B. tour

C. visit

D., drop

9. He was enjoying the fun and couldn’t ____ himself ______.

A. tear….away

B. tear…up

C. put …up

D. pull…..together

10. When we say two things are identical, it means that they are _____ the same.

A. probably

B. hardly

C. exactly

D. rarely

11. Y ou look so tired! _____ you’ll want to unpack and have a rest before dinner.

A. I doubt that

B. No doubt

C. There’s some doubt

D. No doubt about

12. Out car broke down halfway on the road and we found that two tyres had to be _______.

A. replaced

B. reduced

C. reviewed

D. renewed

13. Y ou might want to consider ______ work until you decide what you want to do.

A. full-time

B. temporary

C. permanent

D. fixed

14. Any _____ in the production process is costly to a company.

A. progress

B. trace

C. achievement

D. delay

15. Their visit was quite unexpected….the sofa had to _____ a bed.

A. serve as

B. serve with

C. serve

D. serve on

II. 选词填空

Instead of worse than unpack proud of reputation mark(v.) reminder excite certain steer on board match dramatic respectable vessel

1.To our dismay, we found that the violence was ________________ we expected.

2. Tony was always in trouble with the police when he was young, but now he’s a ________ married man.

3. Here’s the book you’ve been looking for, I’ve ___________ the pages you need to look at.

4. Don’t be so unset about it. I’ve got some very ________________ news for you.

5. _______________ going straight home after work, he went to a pub for a drink.

6. The expression on his facee were too _________________ to be sincere.

7. I’m absolutely __________ that I left the keys in the kitchen.

8. The damaged church was preserved as a ________________ of the horrors of war.

9. None of the passehgers ________________ survuved that terrible plane crash.

10. Y ou have every reason to be ________________ yourself. This is an achievement of a lifetime.

11. A heart attack is caused by the blood __________________ that supply the blood to the heart muscle getting blocked.

12. Judge Karl has a __________________ fgor being strict but fair.

13. That shirt’s a perfect _________________ for your blue skirt.

14. She carefully _________________ the car across the poles during the driving license test.

15. Maggie carefully _______________ the gifts she had bought.

Test Paper (Lesson 26-27)

III.Choose the correct answer

1.The Council had considerable ____ over many government decisions.

A. effect

B. result

C. influence

D. efficacy

2. The ____ words “ a milliom pounds” will get everyone’s attention.

A. magician

B. magic

C. magically

D. magics

3. When you go to the post office, will you please ____ some stamps back for me?

A. send

B. put

C. mail

D. bring

4. The criminal was _____ when trying to escape from the city.

A. captured

B. released

C. set off

D. set free

5. There are plans to enlarge the runway to _____ super size airplanes to land.

A. enable

B. make

C. let

D. force

6. Until we can talk about this in a cicil manner, I consider the discussion _____.

A. closing

B. closely

C. closed

D. closure

7. The pictures are similar at first glance, but there are _____ differences between them.

A. details

B. subtle

C. suspicious

D. conspicuous

8. _____ this tragic event, we have cancelled the 4th of July celebrations.

A. In light of

B. Light of

C. Under light of

D. Lighted by

9. I see people who have opportunities I don’t have, and I get ______.

A. satisfied

B. envious

C. contended

D. happy

10. I was impressed by the ease _____ the information could be retrieved.

A. which with

B. with which

C. by which

D. on which

11. He broke the law, and now he must face the _____ of his actions.

A. consequences

B. productions

C. benefits

D. outcomes

12. Thousands of people crossed the border, _____ refuge from the war.

A. looking

B. wanting

C. seeking

D. fleeing

13. I like games in _____, and especially football.

A. particular

B. commom

C. general

D. brief

14. This was a very impressive _____ by the young basketball player, who scored 12 points within the first 10 minutes. A. performance B. pretension C. acting D. action

15. The official report of the Games described the scores only ____ points.

A. in terms of

B. in term of

C. on terms of

D. by the tem of

II. 选词填空

remove truly sample exert classfy before long anticiapte no longer Pay for deliberate occasionally sell dignity afflict sacrifice

1.He gave his life as a __________________ for his country.

2. Her eyelids began to droop and ___________ she was fast asleep.

3. We are _________________ sorry for all the inconvenience we’ve caused you.

4. __________________ we got out to restaurants, but mostly we eat at home.

5. Don’t pretend that you do not know this… it’s ___________________ a secret.

6. We made a __________________ decision to live apart for while.

7. The college _______________ rules that prevented women from enrolling in 1960.

8. I think everyone should be able to die with ____________________.

9. Salesgirls are handing out free ___________________ of shampoo at the front gate of Wai-mart.

10. He tricked me and I am going to make him ____________________ it.

11. It is an illness which __________________ women more than men.

12. If you were to _________________ your influence they might change their decision.

13. We ______________________ heraing from you again.

14. Biologists __________________ animals and plants into different groups.

15. It’s the low prices but their quality which ______________ our goods.

(Lsson 28-29) genuine conceal eventually a single get rid of shrug favour impression compensate for pester console largely distasteful violent recovery

1.It had been a tirong day, ________________ because of all the tedious waiting.

1.He opened the windows to ________________ the smell.

2.Mother used to say when trying to ____________ me or reassure me that trouble times would


3.Dana _____________________ her pregnancy from her family and friends.

4.When it comes to job interviews, first ________________ are important.

5.Doctors at Strong Memorial Hospital said they expected the women to make a full


6.Jimmy looked enquiringly at him and Pete Just _______________ his shoulders.

7.Would you stop _____________ me? I got a lot of things to do this morning.

8.She helps me out when I have too much to do, and I return the ____________ when I can.

9.It might take his ages, but he will do it ____________.

10.The last two years has seen a dramatic increase in ____________ crime.

11.The very idea of cheating him is ______________________ to me.

12.No amount of money can _______________ my father’s death.

13.But after a few months, it became apparent that V icky did not have a _________ interest in

her job.

14.The plane was brought down safely and not _____________ passengers was killed

Test Paper (Lesson 28-29)

Choose the correct answer

1.One truck involved in the accident was carrying a heavy _____ of coal.

A. piece

B. bulk

C. load

D. amount

2. He made a _____ with his wife---“you take care of the children and I’ll cook.”

A. agreement

B. bargain

C. peace

D. fuss

3. We refused the offer even thou it _____ us.

A. upset

B. tempted

C. conquered

D. disgusted

4. If you look out of the window on the left of the bus, you’ll see we’re now ________ the Tower of Londow. A. coming B. arriving C. closing D. approaching

5. Some people go to ____ to make their homes attractive.

A. great lengths

B. great paths

C. great ways

D. great places

6. I’ve always thought it _____ that the poor have to pay for tax cuts for the rich.

A. rage

B. outstanding

C. outrage

D. outageous

7. Separation from someone you love can bring lonelineee and ______.

A. disappoint

B. despair

C. enjoyment

D. pleasing

8. In addition, a number of books on life insurance are _____ available at publice libraries.

A. readily

B. ready

C. real

D. read

9. We still don’t know whether we’ll have to move to a new house or not, it all ______.

A. depends

B. cares

C. decides

D. matters

10. I’m ______ that I’ll be asked to make a speech. I am never much of a speaker, you know.

A. afraid of

B. dreading

C. feared

D. wishing

11. Luckily the pilot saw the other plane just in time, and a ______ was narrowly averted.

A. dilemma

B. delivery

C. disaster

D. depression

12. They endured hours of backbreaking work in _____ conditions.

A. miserable

B. misery

C. miserly

D. miserably

13. I like a newspaper with one or two ________ articles, as well as all the serious stuff.

A. heavy

B. weighted

C. amusing

D. sorrowful

14. Within the field of electronis media, the film medium has the most _____ appeal amd impact.

A.. universe

B. united

C. unifying

D. universal

15. Jean hadn’t even asked Helen what she had said, the entire episode had ____ her mind.

A. slipped on

B. slipped

C. a slip on

D. slipped from


新概念英语第一册阶段测试题 (01—12) 姓名:____________________ 得分:____________________ 一、选择正确的字母组合,完成下列单词(1分/题,共10分) ( )01.c___t A.oe B.oa C.ou ( )02.umbre___ https://www.360docs.net/doc/524561647.html, B.al C.lla ( )03.ti___t A.ke B.cke C.ckt ( )04.n___mber A.a B.o C.u ( )05.f___ A.ive B.evi C.vie ( )06.cl___kroom A.oa B.ao C.ou ( )07.s___t A.ai B.ui C.iu ( )08.sch___l A.oa B.ou C.oo ( )09.tea___ A.cher B.her C.cer ( )10.h___se A.ou B.au C.oa 二、根据汉译提示填空,使句意完整(1分/题,共10分) 01.__________(怎样)are you today? 02.I’m very__________(好). 03.That man is__________(胖). 04.That woman is__________(瘦). 05.That__________(男警察)is tall. 06.__________(谁的)shirt is that? 07.My shirt is__________(蓝色的). 08.__________(大概)that is Tim’s desk. 09.Is your car__________(白色的)? 10.Can you__________(抓住)that ball?


新概念英语第二册第一课到第三课的测试题 、词汇 I. 钻戒 2.私人谈话 4. 非常注意某事或某人 6.到剧院 8. 几句话 9.直到 II. 姑母 12.重复 二、用所给动词的正确形式填空 1. ________ He (go )to bed very late last night. 2.1 freque ntly ______ (go)to school without havi ng breakfast. 3. He n ever (worry) _______ much about his son. 4. The earth _______ (move)aro und the sun. 5. The house is kind of small for us no w, I want ____ (sale) it. 6. Nobody likes a pers on who is ______ (hon est) 7. Did you enjoy ______ (you) in the party, kids? 三、 用恰当的词组填空,将句子补充完整 1. The old man and old woman were standing ___________ m e.(在… 前面) 2. He ___________ (转身) to look at the map on the wall. 3. When he heard the news, he __________________ (生气了)。 4. 这事与你无关 。 --------------- 5. Please wait outside, we will have a ______________ (私人谈话)。 四、 单项选择 3.因某事和某人生气 5?作决定 7.天啊 10.外面


新概念英语一测试题答案 (1) 数词, 冠词, 介词, 动词时态变化, 比较级和最高级 一写出复数 1. radios 2. knives 3. glasses 4. shelves 5. bosses 6. dresses 7. housewives 9. leaves 10. churches 11. mouths 12. families 13. ties 14. tomatoes 15. pianos 16. babies 17. teeth 18. countries 19. keys 20 potatoes 21. matches 22. boxes 23. hours 24. heroes 二用冠词a, an, the 或some , any 填空, 如果不需要,则用/ 代替. 1. Alice is _an___ air-hostess. Her father is __an__ engineer and her mother is ___a__ housewife. They all play __/____ tennis very well. 2. He has __an__ uncle and his uncle lives in __the__ United Kindom. He first saw him in __the__ autumn of 1978. 3. It is better to tell ___the___ truth than to tell ___/____ lies. 4. Will you have ____/__ more tea There’s plenty in the pot. 5. There is __a_university near my home. Every Saturday evening,_some__ students hold ___a_ party. _Some__ are dancing, _some___ are singing. They make a lot of noise. 6. Get me ____some____ cigarettes, please. ____Any__ kind will do. 7. We need __some___ ink, is there __any___ left 三用适当介词填空. 1. Can you see the words written ____ on ____ the blackboard (in, on, by, with)


新概念Book 1 Test 5(Lesson 25-30) 一.填入下列单词中所缺的字母(10分) 1.k tchen 2.l ft 3.c ker 4.m ddle 5.r gh 6. lectr c 7whe 8.n r 9.w nd w 10.p cture 11.d st 12.sw p 13.m st 14.und ty 15.r d 16.a 17.tr sers 18.p t 19.w ll 20.sh pen 二,翻译短语。(10分) 1.在右边 2.在厨房中间 3.在冰箱里 4.脱下 5.穿上 6.打开收音机 7.关掉电视机8.倒空杯子 9.整理房间10.关上门 三,填入下列对话中所缺的单词。(20分) 1.—There is knife the table. —is it? —It’s Tom’s. 2. —Is a table your room? —Yes, there is. There two chairs in my room. 3.—there cup on the desk? —Yes, there is. 4. —There is boy in the room. —is he? —Is Tom. — 5. —Is there a television Mrs. Smith’s living room? —Yes, there is. is a table in the room, too. 6. —there men in the room? —Yes, there are some men in the room.

7. —is mu cup? —in the kitchen. 8. —must I do? —Open the door. 9. —There is a refrigerator the right. —Right. 10. —Where is the table? —It’s the middle of the room. 四.按照要求改写下列句子。(10分) 1.There are some picture on the wall.(改为一般疑问句) ? 2.We must shut the window.(就划线部分提问) ? 3.The bedroom is very untidy.(改为一般疑问句) ? 4.I can see some magazines on the desk.(就划线部分提问) ? 4.There is a cigarette in the box.(改为复数句子) . 五.判断正误,在正确的句子后写T, 在错错误的句子后写F,并改正。(10分) 1. These pictures are not in the wall. ( ) 2. There is tree near the lake. ( ) 3.—What must I do ? — You are clean the room. ( ) 4.There are two knife on the table. ( ) 5.Are there some forks on the shelf? ( ) 6.Is there a table on the middle of the room? ( )


新概念英语第三册第1-8课检测题 一、单项选择(每小题1分,共20小题,共20分) 1. _________, it immediately ran away. A. Observing her B. Having been observed C. On being observed D. On her being observed 2. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal _______ a puma. A. must be B. should have been C. can only be D. could only have been 3. A puma will not attack a human being unless it feels itself to be _________. A. under cover B. in a corner C. at an angle D. in a trap 4. I’ve been coming here ________ for weeks now. A. all night B. every night C. the following night D. Even now 5. It was not until the thirteenth stroke _______ the bell stopped. A. that B. so that C. when D. before 6. ________ being very old, she was very graceful. A. Even B. Although C. In spite of D. Even though 7. The head was carefully preserved. It was _________. A. in good condition B. well done C. conserved D. maintained 8. His earnings were only half the amount _________... A. as they used to B. they used to be C. they used to D. they were used to 9. He wanted to be _________ “Mr. Bloggs ”, not “Alf”. A. cried out B. named C. addressed as D. shouted 10. The magazine would soon go to press. It would soon be _________. A. pressing B. typed C. printed D. impressed 11. He informed ________ while carrying out his instructions. A. the editor of his arrest B. the editor his arrest C. his arrest to the editor D. the editor that his arrest had been 12. He sent the journalist two faxes, but did not receive ________. A. a reply B. the reply C. no reply D. the replies 13. He ________ the display for several minutes before re-entering his shop. A. was gazing at B. had gazed at C. gazed at D. had been gazing at 14. To make the car “roar down the arcade” , the driver must have ________. A. sped B. accelerated C. run D. reserved 15. _________, Mr. Taylor was upstairs. A. Meanwhile B. For the time being C. As it happened D. For a while 16. If you ______ in Britain, you needn’t despair. A. are living B. live C. do live D. were living 17. The wallet ________ £3,000 from the day’s busines s. A. containing B. contained C. was containing D. content 18. John runs a furniture business. He _______ the business. A. is in the charge of B. is in charge of C. charges D. bears the changes of 19. ________ so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in an enclosure. A. Having B. Being C. Because D. With 20. The great St. Bernard Pass lies ________ Switzerland and Italy.


标准试卷 专业本科年级班姓名学号 Directions:There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. 1. He made a big decision. He ______. A .thought about it B. made up his mind C. changed his mind D. made a wish 2. He didn’t write a single card. So he __________. A wrote only one B. Didn’t write even one C.wrote just one D. wrote all the cards except one 3. On the last day he made a big decision. It was the ______ day of his holiday. A final Bend C. latest D bottom 4. The waiter lent him a book. He _______ a book from the waiter. A lent B borrowed C took D stole 5. Tim is in Australia. How long _______ there? A is he B has he been C has he D was he 6. Mr. Scott can’t get a telephone. Telephones are hard to_______ A. take B. Receive C. obtain D. find 7. He has sent requests for spare parts. He has _____ spare parts. A. asked B. asked for C. begged D. pleased 8. He has visited a great number of different places. He has not stayed in_______ place. A. the only B. a similar C. the same D. alike 9. He has just one to Alice Springs. He has never______ there before. A. went B. being C. been D. was 10. Mr. Tim can not get a telephone for his garage. _______he has just bought twelve pigeons. A. That’s so B. That’s why C. Because D. For 11. What’s the distance from Pinhurst to Silbury? How ____ is Pinhurst ____ Silbury? A.long ago... till B. long... away C. Away... till D.far...from 12. Urgent messages are important, so they must be sent ____ . A. quickly B. slowly C.by hand D. largely


新概念英语 1--6 课测试题 B. Yes,it is. ( )2. A. Yes, it isn't. 姓名:____________ 得分:____________ B. No, it isn't. Listening Part (40%) ( )3. A. It's a Mercedes. B. It's Japanese. 一、听录音,把听到单词的序号写在题前括号里。( 每题 1 分,共20 分)( )4. A. Nice to meet you. ( )1. A.excuse B. window C. those B. I'm fine, thank you. ( )2. A.handbag B. pardon C. thank ( )5. A. She is French. ( )3. A.what B. where C. whose B. She can type. ( )4. A.coat B. shirt C. skirt ( )5. A.your B. you C. Much Writing Part(60%) ( )6. A.umbrella B. teacher C. number 一、抄写下列句子,注意大小写。( 共10 分) ( )7. A.watch B. dress C. Mercedes ( )8. A.Swedish B. Italian C. Kitchen This is a Toyota. Is is a Japanese car. ( )9. A.make B. Sorry C. meet ( )10.A.French B. Korean C. German 二、听录音,圈出你与你所听到的内容相符的图片。( 每题 2 分,共10 分) This is our school. Nice to meet you. 1. 2. 3. 二、选出恰当的选项完成对话。( 每题 1 分,共 5 分 ) A. Good morning. B.Are you American, too? C. My name is Jack. D. He is a new student. E. Nice to meet you, too. . Mr Smith: Good morning. Jack: _______1___________.Mr Smith. Mr Smith: This is Bill._____2______. 4. 5. J ack:Nice to meet you. ________3_________. Bill:______4_______. Jack:Are you American? Bill: Yes, I am. ____5_____? Jack:No, I am not. 三、听录音,选择恰当的答句。( 每题 2 分,共10 分) 三、从A、B、C三个选项中选出划线部分与另两个不同的选项。( 每题1 分,共5 分)( )1. A. Yes ? ( )1. A. me B. pen C. very __________________________________________________


新概念英语考试试卷 (入门级) 中文名英文名得分 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,请选出你所听到的单词,并将序号填入括号内(10分) ()1.A、PRC B、PLA ()2.A、UFO B、BBC ()3.A、KFE B、CCB ()4.A、blue B、red ()5.A、VCD B、DVD ()6.A、5 B、2 ()7. A、课本 B、书包()8. A、小猫B、猴子 ()9. A、黄色 B、红色()10. A、苹果 B、香蕉 二、根据听到的内容圈出相应数量的物品(10分) 三、请将听到的字母或数字写在下列横线上。(10分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

笔试部分(70分) 一、请根据字母顺序,补全所缺的字母填在横线(10分) 1. D F 2. l n 3. Q R 4. U V 5. g i 6. a c 7.u w 8.S Z 9.M N 10.J K 二、看图片圈出相应的字母(6分) b b d d h b g p k f f g 三.A.看单词把正确的图片圈出来。(4分) 1) rabbit 2) ice 3)monkey 4) nose

B.看图圈出正确的单词。(10分) ango lemon peach apple bus car bike kite cap vest cow sheep window yo-yo door TV dog cat bag bee 四、把下列字母的大小写连接起来(12分) 五、连线(10分) Who is he? Two pandas. How many pandas? He is Peter. Happy new year! I’m going t o the park. Good morning! Happy new year! Where are you going? Good morning. Hello! It’s the letter O. What is it? Glad to meet you, too. Glad to meet you! Hello 六、默写26个字母(18分)


新概念Book 1 Test 6(Lesson 31-36) 一.填入下列单词中所缺的字母(10分) 1.g den 2.cl mb 3.r n 4.gr ss 5.t pe 6. cl n 7.t p 8.b ne 9.w k 10.sh ne 11.fl 12.sl p 13.sh ve 14.j mp 15.wa 16. long 17.v ll y 18.sw m 19.b nk 20.phot gr ph 二,用适当的介词填空。(10分) 1.Here is another photograph our village. 2.The girl is sweeping the floor. What the boy? 3.Lily is playing a cat. 4.Our village is valley. The village is a river. 5.The balloon is flying the river. 6.The ship is going the bridge. 7.The children are swimming the river. 8.There are some boats the river. 9.There are some clouds the sky. 10.Our village is two hills. 三,用所给单词的正确形式填空。(20分) 1.What (be) Sally doing? 2.Tina is (be) under the tree? 3.My mother is (make) the bed? 4.Who is (sweep) the floor? 5.The keyboard operators are (type) those letters. 6.That boy is (swim) across the river.


新概念英语第三册第1-4课检测题答案 一、词汇(每小题1分,共10分) 1.spot(L1.l2) 2.claim(L1.l6) 3.extraordinarily similar(L1.l6) 4.immediately 2.iately(L1.l8) 5.clay(L 3.l7) 6.感到不得不做某事(L1.l5)7.令人不安(L1.l17)8. 受到惊动,惊醒了(L2.l5)9.在….下面;低下(L3.l7)10.奇怪的(L4.l7) 二、单项选择(每小题1.5分,共15分) 1.b (B.P17.6) 2. a(B.P21.8) 3. c(B.P25.6) 4. c(B.P29.8) 5.c(E.P2.B3) 6. c(E.P5.C4) 7. b(E.P6.B3)8. d(E.P8.A4)9. a(E.P8.A6)10. b(E.P5.C3) 三、翻译题(每小题1分,共10分) 1.英翻汉 1)One night, he was waked up with a start by noise in the yard.(L2.l5) 2)Mike ate two bowls of noodles before it stopped. (L2.l7) 3)When she turned around people were surprised to find that she had turned out to be a pretty girl. (L3.l14) 4)Criminals spotted 60 miles north of Beijing. (L1.l2) 5)Such is human nature, that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for the privilege of becoming white-collar workers. (L4.l4) 2.汉翻英 1)他将来挣的钱只有他现在的一半。不过他觉得,地位提高了,损失点儿钱也值得。 (L4.l14) 2)其中有一尊雕像,她的躯体是在公元前15世纪的历史文物中发现的。(L3.l11) 3)13下是不如1下好,但总比1下也不敲强。(L2.l17) 4)无论它走到哪儿,一路上总会留下一串死鹿以及兔子之类的小动物。(L1.l11)


爱华英语学校新概念英语(二)测试卷 姓名:__________成绩:__________ 一.找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的选项。(5分) 1. ( )A. clear 2. ( )A. conscinece D. block 3. ( )A. snake 4. ( )A. books 5. ( )A. villager 二.按要求写出正确形式。(10分) 1. at last (近义词)________ off(反义词)________ (复数)________ (同音词)________ (过去式)________ (形容词)________ (形容词)________ (形容词)________ (反义词)________ (过去式)________ 三、英汉互译。(10分) 1.唱歌 ____________ out _____________ 3.漫长的成功之路____________ ever before ____________ 5.遇上了暴风雨____________ to do ____________ 7.埋怨,抱怨____________ hospital ____________ 9.看得见____________ astonished at ____________ 四、选择正确的词填空。(10分) can’t drink this coffee. It is ______ (too/very) hot. often does ______ (jobs/works) about the house. train ______ (passed/past) at a terrific speed. ________ (refused/denied) to accept the flowers. felt ______ (such/so) sleepy. He wanted to go to sleep at once. begger ________ (asked/asked for) a glass of beer.. Smart met her old friend the ______ (next /other) day. water has been boiling ________ (continuously/continually) for over an hour. someone ______ (stole/robbed) my money. I couldn’t find it. Greens________ (looked at/watched0 a football match just now.五.选择。(30分) 1.( )He said something_________ I couldn’t understand . A. who 2. ( ) This coat is _________expensive that I can’t afford to buy it . A. so 3. ( ) His father_________to work by car , but now he goes to work on foot. A. is used to go to go used to going to going 4. ( ) She left the room without_________ a word . A. to say 5. ( ) He_________the newspaper when the telephone rang . A. reads reading reading 6. ( ) Mr Wang isn’t here now . He left _________ Shanghai yesterday . A. at 7. ( ) At this time yesterday , your car _________ A. repaired repaired being repaired repaired 8. ( )Do you often see her _________ for him at the bus stop ? A. wait to waited


一、词汇 Convince fragment manual fantastic monk Bounce dye estimate emotional dim Impressive subtle anticipate surgeon comedy Litter conspire advent hoax lull 二、选择题 1. The accumulating evidence made the experts ___ the animal was a puma. a、to think b、thinking c、think d、thought 2. ______ the first sentence, the editor refused to publish the article. a、Reading b、Having read c、He read d、Being read 3. ______ so many people about, the dogs have to be kept in an enclosure. a、With b、Being c、Because d、Having 4. In those days, ______ ‘prizefighters’ because they fought with bare fists for prize money. a、they called boxers b、boxers called c、boxers being called d、they were called boxers 5. No one thought she ______ sink, for she had sixteen watertight compartments. a、would be possible to b、would be able to c、should d、could possibly 6. I gave him fifty pence yesterday and advised him he ______ it. a、saves b、should save c、would save d、was saving 7. People are quite illogical when ______ deciding what … a、it comes to b、they come to c、they come d、coming to 8. We often read in novels of a seemingly respectable person or family ______ some terrible secret a、having b、has c、whom has d、that they have 9. We often speak contemptuously _____ tramps a、for b、on c、to d、of 10. But I decided to get off the boat______ anything. a、before I should buy b、until I was buying c、until I had bought d、before buying 11. He had no sooner arrived there ______ pestering his doctor.. a、and then he began b、than he began c、he began d、to begin 12. He insisted ______ the money before he left. a、that the assistant count b、the assistant to count c、to count d、to be counted 13. He asked a number of important critics to come _____ his private collection. a、and see b、seeing c、see d、so they saw 14. Rare antiques are beautifully displayed in cases ______ them free from dust.


新概念英语第一册 1--10 课测验 一、补全英语单词,并写出汉语意思 1 、 cl __ __ kr __ __ m ( ) 2 、 t __ ck __ t ( ) 3 、 n __tion __ l__ ty ( ) 4 、 __ per __ t __ r ( ) 5 、 l __ zy ( ) 6 、 m __ ch __ nic ( ) 二、写出反义词 1 、 young---- 2 、 lazy---- 3 、 long---- 4 、 fat---- 5 、 hot---- 6 、 tall---- 7 、 new---- 8 、 clean--- 三、用 a 、 an 填空,不需要的地方填“ / ” 1. Bob is ________ Italian taxi driver. 2. She is _______ housewife. 3. I'm ________ English. 4. He's ________ American policeman. 5. He is ________ teacher. 6. Robert is ________ engineer. 7. He is ________ nurse. 8. She's ________ air hostess. 9. Sophie is ________ keyboard operator. 10. Chang-woo is ________korean. 四 . 用单词适当形式填空: 1. _________ (I) name is Robert. 2. Nice _________ (meet) you. 3. What is __ _______ (you) job?


新概念英语第三册测试卷 考生姓名:得分: I words and expressions 1.行动自由的;未被捕获的2。认真对待。。。。 3.被迫做某事4。在。。后造成。。 5.粘在。。上6。吓某人一跳 7.认出。。是。。8。武装着。。 9.在某方面有了发现10。曾经,一度 11.每次,一次12。装配有。。 13.证明是,原来是14。把。。称作。。15.为。。而牺牲。。16。引起,导致17.就。。来说18。以防,万一 19.走极端20。向某人提供某物21.开印,付印22。停住 23.随意拿,窃取24。全部结束 25.只要(引导条件从句)26。盯着。。 27.打破沉默28。从街上呼啸而过29.连接。。和。。30。喜欢。。而不喜欢。。31.因为;当。。时。。32。对。。充满深情33.对。。顺从34。高层建筑 35.结果。。36。怀疑。。 37.一生,一辈子38。以。。为依据 39.显然(不少于两个)40。和。。有共同之处41.有可能(发生。。)42。和。。发生撞击43.从底下44。急剧增长45.犯。。罪46。对。。宽容 47.被免除。。48。猛扑;对。。大做文章49.直视某人50。仔细检查 51.呈现在眼前;耳边52。形成一种印象53.少量,少许54。有机会做某事55.恰恰相反56。急于做某事57.由。。组成58。直接进来 59.在和。。打仗60。迫使。。无法再做生意61.出名62。和平时期63.Notable 英解64.remarkable英解65.保护费66。用。。换。。67.为。。付出代价68。陷在。。动不了了69.用。。奖赏。。70。早在,远在 II multiple choice questions


最新版新概念英语第二册测试卷(一) 总分(150分) 姓名:______________得分:____________________ I. 听录音,从A、B、C、D中找出划线部分与另外三个划线部分的读音不同的选项。(10分) ( )1. A. touch B. tough C. south D. double ( )2. A. club B. bus C. excuse D. cup ( )3. A. boot B. food C. room D. good ( )4. A. honest B. hill C. here D. husband ( )5. A. seat B. repeat C. theatre D. read ( )6. A. path B. birthday C. think D. these ( )7. A. shout B. mouth C. house D. tough ( )8. A. lift B. bike C. child D. five ( )9. A. said B. exclaim C. paid D. rain ( )10. A. touch B. teacher C. machine D. chair II. 选择正确答案。(30分) ( ) 1. Jack’s father is ________ doctor. A. a B. an C. some D. / ( ) 2. He often does some washing ______ Sunday. A. at B. in C. on D. by ( ) 3. This room is ours, and that one is ______. A. they B. them C. their D. theirs ( ) 4. He did not go home_____ he finished the work. A. if B. because C. until D. since ( ) 5. There ________ many buildings in this city. A. is B. are C. have D. has ( ) 6. I ________ when she knocked at the door. A. cook B. cooks C.was cooking D. am cooking ( ) 7. Breakfast is the first ______ of the day. A.food B. dinner C. lunch D. meal
