美国现代主义风格 英文






1. 实验性文学:实验性文学是现代主义的核心要素之一。


例如,威廉·福克纳(William Faulkner)在他的小说《狱中记》中采用了拼接式叙事,不按时间顺序组织故事。


2. 战争后遗症:两次世界大战对美国文化产生了巨大的冲击,这也影响了现代主义的发展。


作家欧内斯特·海明威(Ernest Hemingway)的小说《永别了,武器》和诗人T.S.艾略特(T.S. Eliot)的诗集《荒原》中都描绘了战争给人们心灵带来的痛苦和后果。

3. 多重意义和隐喻:现代主义文学强调了文本的多重解读和隐喻性。


例如,费兹杰拉德(F. Scott Fitzgerald)的小说《了不起的盖茨比》中所描绘的盖茨比的奢华生活和追求美国梦的悲剧,通过光线和色彩等象征性元素传达了对于财富和爱情虚妄性的批判。

4. 主体性和自我意识:现代主义文学强调了主体性和自我意识。


弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf)的小说《至灵室》通过意识流技巧,展现了主人公的内心思考和感受,强调了个体在现代社会中的孤独和失落。

5. 市场社会和消费文化:现代主义文学对于市场社会和消费文化的批判也是一个重要方面。


美国现实主义American Realism ppt课件

美国现实主义American Realism ppt课件
• In its methods and attitudes, realism may be found as an element in many kinds of writing prior to the 19th century; but as a dominant literary trend it is associated chiefly with the 19th century novel of middle-orlower-class life, in which the problems of ordinary people in unremarkable circumstances are rendered with close attention to the details of physical setting and to the complexities of social life.
• It is anti-romantic, and anti-sentimental. To put it another way, realism is applied by literary critics in two diverse ways: (1) to designate a recurrent mode of, in various eras and literary forms, of representing human life and experience in literature, and (2) to identify a movement in the writing of novels during the nineteenth century.
D. Social Problems




P.S 我发现这天居然是愚人节,这真的和愚人节没有什么关系。














马蒂斯,《戴帽子的女人》,19054.新艺术运动Art Nouveau新艺术运动是一个在20世纪初盛行的艺术运动,主要体现在建筑和室内设计领域。


现代主义the 20th Century American Literature

现代主义the 20th Century American Literature

the 20th Century American Literature(1900-1910s)Historical BackgroundThe influence of WWI :•an economic boom• a sudden jump in technology•The breakdown of old moral values ——bobbed hair, short skirts, women drinking and smoking • a tremendous disillusionment (幻想破灭,美国梦,Benjamin Franklin)•Nothing had changed.•There was a popular contempt轻视for the law—the prohibition of alcohol, bootleggers走私者, etc.•The dream美国梦had failed and the country was building up economic troubles toward disaster.• A loss of faith began with Darwin’s theories of evolution达尔文进化论. Without faith man could no longer keep his feeling and thought whole; hence a sense of life being fragmented变成碎片and chaotic混乱的. Without faith, man no longer felt secure and happy; hence the feeling of gloom阴暗and despair绝望•Bertrand Russell伯特兰·罗素(英国哲学家), commented评论on the spirit of the period—Man must not expect any help from a beneficent慈善的God. Man must recognize that he is of noimportance in such a world ---- Nothing can preserve保护an individual life beyond the grave.Death will doom注定all human endeavors努力and achievements to ultimate extinction化为灰烬. He advises man to believe in himself, to face life with “a despairing courage绝望的勇气”.•.Imagism☐Imagism意象主义was a movement in early 20th-century Anglo-American英裔美国人poetry that favored赞成precision精度of imagery and clear, sharp language. The Imagists意象主义诗人rejected the sentiment情感and discursiveness散漫、推论typical of much Romantic and Victorian (强调理性)poetry.What is an image?☐T. E. Hulme: The image must en able one “to dwell存在于and linger徘徊upon a point of excitement, to achieve the impossible and convert转变a point into a line”.☐Ezra Pound: An image is “that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant 瞬间of time”.☐Richard Aldington: The exact word must bring the effect of the object before the reader as it had presented itself to the poet’s mind at the time of writing.Literary Sources of Imagism☐The Imagist Movement drew from a variety of poetic traditions—Greek, Provencal, Japanese and Chinese poetry. The ideographic表意的and pictographic象形文字的nature of Chinese language, and virile男性的laconism简洁and austere pregnancy丰富,意味深长which characterize ancient Chinese poetry fascinated the Imagists.three major phases☐1908—1909An Englishman, T. E. Hulme, founded a Poets’ Club in 1908, which met in Soho every Wednesday evening to discuss poetry. He believed that the most effective means to express the momentary瞬间的impressions is through “the use of one dominant image”.☐1912—1914Ezra Pound took over the movement. In 1912, they published a collection of poems, entitled Des Imagistes, in which a manifesto宣言came into being.⏹ a. Direct treatment of the “thing”, whether subjective or objective;⏹ b. To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation;⏹ c. As regarding rhythm, to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in thesequence of a metronome.☐1914—1917Amy Lowell took over the movement and developed it into “Amygism”. In 1915, 1916, 1917, three volumes of Some Imagist Poets came out, containing six principles based on the original three. After 1917, Imagism ceased to be a movement.Features of Imagism1.To use the language of common speech, but to employ采用the exact word, not the nearly-exact,nor the merely decorative装饰性的word.2.We believe that the individuality of a poet may often be better expressed in free verse自由诗体than in conventional传统的forms. In poetry, a new cadence韵律、节奏means a new idea.3.Absolute freedom in the choice of subject.4. To present an image. We are not a school学派of painters, but we believe that poetry should render particulars exactly and not deal in vague generalities模糊的概论, however magnificent华丽的and sonorous响亮的. It is for this reason that we oppose the cosmic广大无边的poet诗人, who seems to us to shirk逃避the real difficulties of his art.5. To produce a poetry that is hard and clear, never blurred玷污nor indefinite.6. Finally, most of us believe that concentration is of the very essence本质of poetry.In a Station of the Metro☐ a classic specimen of Imagist poetry☐the use of one dominant image to represent what he was experiencing☐apparition: appearance, something which shows up; something which is not real and which cannot be clearly observed☐influence from ancient Chinese poetry (《长恨歌》: “玉容寂寞泪阑干,梨花一枝春带雨.”)⏹The apparition of these faces in the crowd;⏹Petals on a wet, black bough.☐人群中那些亡魂的脸花瓣,在潮湿的黑色枝头荒木田守武——俳句落花飞回枝蝴蝶Ezra Pound (译文)A fallen blossom is coming back to the branchLook, a butterfly题都城南庄去年今日此门中,人面桃花相映红。





无论ArtDeco建筑体量有多大,也无论ArtDeco建筑有多高,ArtDeco建筑的建筑线 条都是竖向的,这明显地区别于新古典建筑的三段式。建筑的竖向线条可以强调 现代建筑的高耸感,也有助于现代建筑向高空发展的形象要求。洛克菲勒中心出 于视觉效果的阶梯状收分即是ArtDeco典型的代表作。
ArtDeco建筑在整体布局上讲究古典秩序感,如强调对称、追求宏 大的气魄,横三段纵三段的立面构图等。古典秩序感使ArtDeco风 格持续了新古典主义中宏伟与庄严的特点。
ArtDeco建筑也有来自古典主义的造型元素。如其在拱券、柱式、 雕塑等在立面设计上的运用,源自古典主义的装饰题材和图案。但 是ArtDeco的雕塑和浅浮雕比起新古典主义更加样式化,趋于几何 和简化,更具现代感,并且往往被赋予全新的题材。
ArtDeco建筑通过新颖的造型、艳丽夺目的色彩 以及豪华材料的运用,成为一种摩登艺术的符号。 ArtDeco建筑风格已经成为世界建筑史上的一个 重要的风格流派。
ArtDeco建筑风格起源于1925年法国巴黎举办的国际装饰艺术与现代 工业博览会,当时的语义是“最豪华”。法国博览会临时展示馆的看 似传统又具创新的建筑风格,结合了钢结构与钢筋混凝土施工技术的 发展,让象征着资本主义摩天大楼成为现实。法国博览会向人们展示 的ArtDeco建筑风格,在思想与形式上反对“新艺术”运动的矫饰, 鲜明地反对古典主义与自然主义及单纯手工艺形态,主张机械之美的 现代设计,以新的装饰替代旧的装饰,在造型与色彩上表现现代内容, 显现时代特征。
ArtDeco风格作为新艺术运动的延伸和发展,完成了从曲线向直线、 趋于几何的转变。ArtDeco造型上的全新现代内容,体现出强烈的时 代感。

American modernism美国现实主义文学

American modernism美国现实主义文学
☆ Some views modernism in the 20th century as modernism and post-modernism while others think they’re the same genre.
Ⅰ. Backgrounds
☆ WWI ☆ Urbanization ☆ Industrialization ☆ Immigration ☆ Technological Evolution ☆ Growth of Modern Science ☆ Influence of Austrian Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) ☆ Influence of German Karl Marx (1818-1883)
2. Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961)
① life
☆ born in Oak Park, Illinois, 1899
☆ left school at 17 and worked mainly as a journalist
☆ enlisted in the army as an ambulance driver and went to Europe
b. the disillusionment of American Dream
(physical & spiritual)
a sense of failure and despair
i. Gatsby’s personal tragedy: materialistically abundance + spiritual sterility = ?
☆ rejected the Enlightenment thinking and also that of the existence of a compassionate, all-powerful Creator



2. The differences between realism and modernism
Function of Literature
Conception of Time &Space Forms and Techniques Tone
Educate People and Criticize SociFra bibliotekl Evils
Pleasure seeking: challenge the tradition, extravagant(奢侈的)parties, Jazz music, heavy drinking and smoking, fast racing cars .
Spiritual sterility: mentally barren(荒原): spiritual disorientation(迷惑) and moral decay.
现代主义文学是西方现代工业社会的产物,是动荡 不安的20世纪欧美社会之时代精神的艺术表述。现 代主义文学深受康德、尼采、弗洛伊德、荣格等人 的哲学、心理学理论的影响。
现代主义在思想内容方面的最大特征四种异化 (alienation):人与自然(包括大自然、人性和物质 世界)人与社会、人与人、和人与自我4种关系上表 现出来的尖锐矛盾和畸形脱节,以及由之产生的精 神创伤和变态心理,悲观绝望的情绪和虚无主义的 思想。
Socially, social chaos, disordered and turbulent, unease and restlessness underneath .
Spiritually and morally, hedonism(享乐主义) spiritual waste and moral decay.

现代主义style 建筑专业英语

现代主义style 建筑专业英语

Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum ( 纽约古根海姆博物馆 )
01 Introduction 02 Origin
03 Introduce the master 04 summary and thought
. industrialization n.工业化 英 [ɪnˌdʌstrɪəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 美 [ɪnˌdʌstrɪələˈzeʃən]
rationalism n 理想主义;唯心主义;唯心论 英 [ʌɪˈdɪəlɪz(ə)m] 美 [aɪˈdi(ə)ˌlɪzəm] Radicalism n.激进主义 英 [ˈrædɪkəlɪzəm] 美 [ˈrædɪkəˌlɪzəm
• Modernism architecture is a kind of architectural thought that occupies the dominant position in the western architecture field in the middle of the 20th century.
• 现代主义建筑是指二十世纪中叶,在西方建筑界居 主导地位的一种建筑思想。

Ronchamp Corbu ( 朗香教堂 )
industrialization n.工业化 英 [ɪnˌdʌstrɪəlaɪ'zeɪʃn] 美 [ɪnˌdʌstrɪələˈzeʃən] rationalism n.理想主义;唯心主义;唯心论 英 [ʌɪˈdɪəlɪz(ə)m] 美 [aɪˈdi(ə)ˌlɪzəm] Radicalism n.激进主义 英 [ˈrædɪkəlɪzəm] 美 [ˈrædɪkəˌlɪzəm

Modern American Literature 美国现代主义文学

Modern American Literature   美国现代主义文学

Modernists like them are preoccupied with human consciousness and therefore prefer an ―inward turn‖, that is, to look into the psyche of men instead of the outside world. With stream-of–consciousness they can explore the human psyche more thoroughly and see more clearly how men are thrown into existence.

Modernist writing is predominantly cosmopolitan, and often expresses a sense of urban cultural dislocation, along with an awareness of new anthropological and psychological theories. Its favored techniques of juxtaposition and multiple points of view challenge the reader to reestablish a coherence of meaning from fragmentary forms.

*disengage: to release from something that engages or involves.

In fiction, the accepted continuity of chronological development was upset by Joseph Conrad, Marcel Prouest, and William Faulkner, while James Joyce and Virginia Woolf attempted new ways of tracing the flow of characters‘ thoughts in their stream-ofconsciousness styles.


C E. E. Cummings (1894—1962) D Three Types of Poets
Imagist Movement
▪ Definition of Imagism ▪ Three principles of Imagism ▪ Examples of Imagist poetry
▪ E Father of modern American poetry
New Poetry Movement
▪ The years 1912—1914 witnessed the appearance of a new poetic revolution. The new poets wrote a poetry that defied most of the accepted rules, and dealt with subjects which had not been dealt with. They wrote in new ways and techniques. The new verse was responsive to the fragmentized naturea Pound (1885—1972) 埃兹拉.庞德
▪ His life ▪ His works ▪ His contribution
His Life (1)
▪ Born in 1885 in Hailey, Idaho ▪ Brought up in Pennsylvania ▪ Studied Romance languages at college and
Modern Poetry
A Ezra Pound (1885-1975) and Imagist Movement (1909—1917)



Oscar Wilde (1854-1900):
Life and Works: p.374
• Wilde wrote many short stories, plays and poems that continue to inspire millions around the world. • Wilde was quickly established himself both as a writer and as a spokesman for the school of “Art for Art’s Sake” when he was in college with George Bernard Shaw and William Butler Yeats.
• 他的这个想入非非的愿望后来却莫名其妙的实 现了。他开始挥霍自己的罪恶,最后这幅肖像 却成为了记录恶行的证据,他因肖像而生也因 肖像而死。
Preface to The Picture of Dorian Gray : p.381
• The Preface is a series of epigrams, or concise, witty sayings, that express the major points of Oscar Wilde’s aesthetic philosophy. • In short, the epigrams praise beauty and repudiate(拒绝) the notion that art serves a moral purpose.
• Modernist writers tended to see themselves as an avant-garde disengaged from bourgeois values, and disturbed their readers by adopting complex and difficult new forms and styles.

modernisn and postmodernism 现代主义和后现代主义

modernisn and postmodernism 现代主义和后现代主义

An Introduction ToModernism & PostmodernismEvery literary period is modern in its own eyes. The ancient Greeks of 5th century BC Athens thought they were modern. The Romantics in their day thought they were modern. The writers of Realism saw themselves as modern in rejecting the Romantics. We just don’t have a good term right now for the literary era in which we live. By default, we call most literary works written after World War I "modern." It is difficult to look at our own times and see what literary era we are living in and come up with a good name for it. "Modern" is the best that we can do for now.Some of the cultural and historical great events of the modern era includeThe literature of the modern period has it roots in the literature of Europe and grows out of a reaction to Realism and Naturalism. As a reaction against Realism and Naturalism, some critics see in Modernism at least four "isms" or literary movements that make up the literature of the Modern era: impressionism, expressionism, surrealism, and nihilism.Modernism shares with Realism∙ a focus on the psychology of the individual∙sees the work of art as a coherent whole worthy of study.Some of the characteristics of Modernism are that those pieces of literature we call Modern oftenFrom Modernism to Postmodernism "Postmodern" is the term used to suggest contemporary literature of the last half of the 20th century. It differs from Modernism is several ways。

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Thomas Eakins The Swimming Hole, 1884/85
John Singer Sargent (1856-1925) Mrs Knowles and her Children, 1902
Henri Matisse, 1869-1954 The Blue Nude (Souvenir de Biskra), 1907 oil, 36 1/4 x 55 1/8.
Ezra Pound – Make it new!
Isabel, Caroline, Denise,
Chantalia, Valerie, Annika
Lena, Julia, Mirjam, Caroline
Luisa, Katharina Steven
Marcel Duchamp, Nude Descending a Staircase, 1912
"Take the picture which for some reason is called 'A Naked Man Going Down Stairs'. There is in my bathroom a really good Navajo rug which, on any proper interpretation of the Cubist theory, is a far more satisfactory and decorative picture. ... and from the standpoint of decorative value, of sincerity, and of artistic merit, the Navajo rug is infinitely ahead of the picture." (Theodore Roosevelt )
1913, a single exhibition changed the face of American art forever. The International Exhibition of Modern Art, known as the Armory Show,endeavored to combine the newest and most striking examples of European art with their American counterparts in a magnificent, unparalleled show.“
Daniela, Sofia, Jan, Maria Christoph, Nadja, Kathi, Falko
The Armory Show 1913
• Watershed date in American art • Introduced astonished New Yorkers to modernism • Teddy Roosevelt said, ―That’s not art!‖
Ezra Pound, 1913
The Red Wheelbarrow
so much depends upon a red wheel barrow glazed with rain water beside the white chickens.
William Carlos Williams, 1923
American Modernism
Phases of Modernism
• Early • 1890-1920 Avant-garde (Dadaism, Surrealism, Cubism) • High • 1920 – 1929 Modernist Classics (Ulysses, The Waste Land, Manhattan Transfer,The Great Gatsby, Cane), Experimenalism, Minimalism, Black modernism • Thirties 1930 – 1940 Socialist realism, proletarian novel, black modernism • Late Modernism: 1940 - 1960 modernism is canonized • Post-Modernism 1960 - 1990s radicalization of modernism or break with high modernism
Pablo Picasso, Les Demoiselles d‘Avignon, 1907 The Birth of Modernism
Ezra Pound – Make it new!
In a Station of the Metro The apparition of these faces in the crowd; Petals on a wet, black bough.
Marcel Duchamp, 1887-1968 Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 (Nu descendant un escalier), 1912 oil, 58 x 35.
"Duchamp’s Nude creates an atmosphere of release, color release, release from stereotyped forms, trite subjects. I (William Carlos Williams) laughed out loud when I first saw it, happily, with relief." (Williams 134).