



华为FusionSphere 6.5.0虚拟化套件存储虚拟化技术白皮书目录1简介/Introduction (3)2解决方案/Solution (4)2.1 FusionSphere 存储虚拟化解决方案 (4)2.1.1架构描述 (4)2.1.2特点描述 (5)2.2存储虚拟化的磁盘文件解决方案 (6)2.2.1厚置备磁盘技术 (6)2.2.2厚置备延时置零磁盘技术 (6)2.2.3精简置备磁盘技术 (6)2.2.4差分磁盘技术 (7)2.3存储虚拟化的业务管理解决方案 (7)2.3.1磁盘文件的写时重定向技术 (7)2.3.2磁盘文件的存储热迁移 (8)2.3.3磁盘文件高级业务 (8)2.4存储虚拟化的数据存储扩容解决方案 (9)2.4.1功能设计原理 (9)2.5存储虚拟化的数据存储修复解决方案 (10)2.5.1功能设计原理 (10)1 简介/Introduction存储设备的能力、接口协议等差异性很大,存储虚拟化技术可以将不同存储设备进行格式化,将各种存储资源转化为统一管理的数据存储资源,可以用来存储虚拟机磁盘、虚拟机配置信息、快照等信息。







2 解决方案/Solution2.1 FusionSphere 存储虚拟化解决方案FusionSphere存储虚拟化平台能够屏蔽存储设备差异,统一封装为文件级操作接口,并在虚拟化层提供了丰富的存储业务功能。



华为OceanStor V3融合存储系统SSD 融合技术白皮书文档版本1.2 发布日期 2015-10-23华为技术有限公司版权所有© 华为技术有限公司2015。









华为技术有限公司地址:深圳市龙岗区坂田华为总部办公楼邮编:518129网址:客户服务邮箱:support@客户服务电话:4008302118SSD融合技术白皮书目录目录1 SSD与OceanStor V3存储融合背景介绍 (1)1.1 SSD的产生与优势 (1)1.2 SSD的架构与现状 (2)1.3 当前SSD在企业级存储阵列使用中存在的问题 (3)1.3.1 针对HDD设计的存储阵列软件无法发挥SSD的性能优势 (3)1.3.2 针对HDD设计的存储阵列软件无法保证SSD的可靠性 (5)1.3.3 无法发挥HDD和SSD融合的优势 (6)1.4 华为对SSD在融合存储产品中应用的构想 (6)2 SSD与OceanStor V3存储融合技术原理 (7)2.1 性能的深度优化 (7)2.1.1 优化IO流程降低存储阵列的处理时延 (7)2.1.2 针对SSD智能感知的Cache算法 (8)2.2 为可靠性保驾护航 (9)2.2.1 SSD盘片级可靠性能力提升 (9)2.2.2 系统级可靠性优化 (12)2.3 最佳融合存储 (14)2.3.1 性能测试数据 (14)2.3.2 可靠性数据 (14) SSD v.s. HDD可靠性对比 (15) SSD使用寿命评估 (15)2.3.3 成本对比数据 (15) OLTP场景成本对比 (16) OLAP场景成本对比 (17)3 SSD与OceanStor V3融合技术优势总结 (19)4 缩略语表 (20)1 SSD与OceanStor V3存储融合背景介绍1.1 SSD的产生与优势计算、网络、存储是现代IT系统的基本组成单元。



爱数存储柜 产品白皮书上海爱数软件有限公司 二〇〇八年六月十日目录摘要 (4)第一章产品介绍 (5)1.1 产品 (5)1.11.2 版本简介 (6)1.2第二章产品功能 (8)2.1 存储柜介绍 (8)2.12.2 备份功能简介 (8) 操作系统保护 (8)2.2.2 应用系统保护 (8)2.2.3 文件数据保护 (9)2.2.4 邮件数据备份 (9)2.2.5 存储柜数据同步 (9)2.2.6 支持单一控制台管理 (9)2.2.7 丰富的备份和恢复机制 (10)2.2.8 多种客户端类型 (10)2.2.9 支持多存储柜数据同步 (10)2.3 存储功能简介 (10) 多种类型RAID支持 (10)2.3.2 支持无盘启动 (11)2.3.3 虚拟逻辑卷 (11)2.3.4 支持NAS应用 (11)2.3.5 支持IPSAN应用 (11)2.3.6 支持扩展 (11)2.3.7 支持双机 (12)2.3.8 支持冗余和热插拔 (12)2.3.9 支持系统休眠 (12)2.3.10 支持UPS连接 (12)2.3.11 支持镜像 (12)2.3.12 支持快照 (12)2.3.12 支持SNMP管理 (12)2.4 存储柜其它功能简介 (12) 丰富的日志管理 (12)2.4.2 丰富的用户权限管理 (13)2.4.2 WEB管理 (13)2.4.3 网络管理 (13)2.4.4 在线帮助 (13)2.4.5 语言切换 (13)2.4.6 升级更新 (13)2.4.7 系统告警 (13)2.4.8 系统配置备份与恢复 (14)2.5 爱数存储柜特点 (14) 高性能 (14)1.5.2 可管理性 (14)1.5.3 可靠性 (14)1.5.4 可伸缩性 (15)1.5.5 可维护性 (15)1.5.6 安全性 (16)1.5.7 经济性 (16)第三章配置和模块 (17)3.1 产品型号和配置简介 (17)3.13.2 产品销售模块简介 (18)3.2摘要上海爱数软件有限公司,是专注于数据保护产品开发、生产和服务的厂商,成立于2003年,主要向企业级用户提供数据保护相关产品和服务。


1.1 1.2 问题背景......................................................................................................................... 4 范围................................................................................................................................. 5 技术原理与架构............................................................................................................. 6 软件架构......................................................................................................................... 6 大页技术......................................................................................................................... 8 轮询技术......................................................................................................................... 9 CPU 亲和技术 ................................................................................................................ 9 硬件结构的影响........................................................................................................... 11 OS 版本及其内核的影响............................................................................................. 12 3.2.1 关闭 OS 部分服务.............................................................................................. 12 3.2.2 OS 调整示例....................................................................................................... 13 OVS 性能问题.............................................................................................................. 14 内存管理....................................................................................................................... 14 3.4.1 内存多通道的使用 ............................................................................................. 14 3.4.2 内存拷贝............................................................................................................. 15 3.4.3 内存分配............................................................................................................. 15 3.4.4 NUMA 考虑 ....................................................................................................... 15 CPU 核间无锁通信 ...................................................................................................... 16 设置正确的目标 CPU 类型 ......................................................................................... 17



存储技术白皮书目录第1章网络存储主要技术 (8)1.1概述 (8)1.2 DAS:直接附加存储 (8)1.3 SAN:存储区域网络 (9)1.3.1什么是SAN? (10)1.3.2 SAN的误区 (10)1.3.3 SAN的组成 (10)1.3.4 FC SAN的问题 (11)1.3.5 IP SAN (12)1.4 NAS:网络附加存储 (14)1.5 SAN和NAS (15)第2章主要协议和相关技术 (16)2.1 SCSI (16)2.2 FC(光纤通道) (17)2.3 iSCSI (19)2.4 iSCSI与光纤通道的比较 (20)第3章文件系统相关知识 (22)3.1什么是文件系统 (22)3.2主流文件系统和特点 (23)3.3 NFS和CIFS网络文件系统工作原理和特点 (27)3.4存储系统与文件系统的关系 (28)第4章RAID技术 (29)4.1 RAID概述 (29)4.2 RAID级别 (29)4.2.1 RAID0 (30)4.2.2 RAID1 (31)4.2.3 RAID2 (32)4.2.4 RAID3 (32)4.2.5 RAID4 (33)4.2.6 RAID5 (33)4.2.7 RAID6 (34)4.2.8 RAID10 (35)4.2.9 RAID01 (36)4.2.10 JBOD (37)4.3不同RAID级别对比 (38)第5章主机系统高可用技术 (41)5.1概述 (41)5.1.1双机热备份方式 (43)5.1.2双机互备份方式 (49)5.1.3群集并发存取方式 (51)5.2工作模式 (53)5.2.1双机热备份方式 (53)5.2.2双机互备方式 (54)5.2.3群集并发存取方式 (54)5.3适用场合 (54)5.4对存储系统的要求 (55)第6章数据一致性 (58)6.1数据一致性概述 (58)6.2 Cache引起的数据一致性问题 (58)6.3时间不同步引起的数据一致性问题 (60)6.4文件共享中的数据一致性问题 (60)第7章数据复制与容灾 (61)7.1灾难恢复/业务连续性 (61)7.2数据备份系统 (65)7.2.1数据备份 (66)7.2.2数据复制 (68)7.3数据一致性 (71)7.4总结 (73)第8章备份技术 (73)8.1什么是备份 (73)8.2备份与拷贝、归档的区别 (74)8.3常规备份的实现方式 (74)8.4 LAN Free和Serverless备份 (76)8.5主流备份软件和介质 (77)8.6备份技术新趋势 (83)9.1 HBA卡介绍 (86)9.1.1 FC HBA相关知识: (86)9.1.2主要HBA卡厂商 (87)9.1.3 iSCSI HBA相关知识: (87)9.1.4 iSCSI HBA和TOE网卡主要厂商 (88)9.2 FC连接设备介绍 (88)9.2.1 FC HUB相关知识: (88)9.2.2 FC Switch相关知识: (89)9.2.3 FC Director相关知识: (89)9.2.4 iSCSI-FC存储路由器 (89)9.2.5 FC Switch和FC Director主要厂商 (90)第10章信息生命周期 (90)10.1什么是信息生命周期 (90)10.2信息生命周期的实现 (91)10.3实现ILM的技术保障和面临的挑战 (92)10.4信息生命周期管理现状 (92)10.5法规遵从与信息生命周期管理 (93)10.6与信息生命周期相关的存储技术 (93)10.6.1固定内容管理: (93)10.6.2 WORM: (94)10.7怎样看待信息生命周期管理 (94)11.1 SMI-S (95)11.2 CDP(持续数据保护) (96)11.3虚拟存储 (96)11.4网格计算 (97)11.5高性能计算 (97)11.6负载均衡 (98)第12章常见主机及操作系统 (99)12.1主机架构及操作系统概述 (99)12.1.1主机架构 (99)12.1.2操作系统 (99)12.1.3操作系统比较 (100)12.2常见主机厂商及常见产品介绍 (100)12.2.1 IBM: (100)12.2.2 SUN: (101)12.2.3 Fujitsu: (102)12.2.4 HP: (103)12.3操作系统应用特点 (105)第13章常见数据库及应用系统 (105)13.1数据库厂商介绍 (105)13.1.1 Oracle (106)13.1.2 DB2 (111)13.1.3 Sybase (114)13.1.4 MS SQL Server (116)第1章网络存储主要技术1.1 概述存储系统是整个IT系统的基石,是IT技术赖以存在和发挥效能的基础平台。



Data Domain 技术白皮书1.1.1综述Data Domain DD600/800 Restorer产品是基于硬盘的备份存储器件(appliance)。

尽管DD600/800是建立在串行A TA硬盘技术基础之上的,但并不是又一种廉价RAID磁盘阵列。

具备容量优化技术(Capacity Optimized Storage)和数据防损架构(Data Invulnerability Architecture)的DD OS 操作系统,在为数据提供空前的保护的同时,其每GB费用成本已远远低于所谓的廉价磁盘,而是接近于自动化磁带解决方案的费用成本,某些情况下甚至接近于磁带机的成本。







●经济性DD OS操作系统通过只保存唯一一份备份镜像冗余部分中的数据样本,从而大大减少需要的存储容量。


通过其独特的全局压缩(Global Compression)技术,在使用一段时间后,DD OS操作系统提供的压缩率可以达到20:1。





【最新整理,下载后即可编辑】大华云存储技术白皮书云计算产品线2014年7月目录目录 (1)第一章..................................................................................................... 概述41. 背景 (4)3. 系统架构 (5)第二章............................................................................................ 关键技术101. 负载自动均衡技术 (10)2. 高速并发访问技术 (11)3. 高可靠性保证技术 (11)4. 高可用技术 (12)第三章..................................................................... 分布式文件系统设计121. 数据存储功能 (14)2. 海量存储能力 (15)3. 统一命名空间管理 (16)4. 节点间数据冗余 (17)5. 数据恢复机制 (19)6. 元数据管理的高可用性保障 (20)7. 存储服务的高可用性保障 (21)8. 动态负载均衡 (22)9. 在线扩容 (22)10. 磁盘热插拔和漂移 (23)第四章.............................................................................. 客户端接口设计251. 基础SDK (25)2. 流媒体SDK(可扩展) (27)3. REST FUL接口(可扩展) (27)4. P OSIX接口(可扩展) (27)5. NFS/CIFS接口(可扩展) (28)第五章......................................................................... 运维管理系统设计291. 设备管理 (29)2. 系统监控 (30)3. 系统维护 (30)4. 告警日志 (31)5. 故障处理 (32)第一章概述1.背景随着平安城市建设的升级,智慧城市建设的兴起,视频监控高清化开始普及,视频图像信息的深度应用成为行业的趋势,如何有效存储和高效使用海量监控数据成为了新的课题。

华为OceanStor 9000 V5 横向扩展文件存储 产品技术白皮书

华为OceanStor 9000 V5 横向扩展文件存储 产品技术白皮书

OceanStor 9000 V5横向扩展文件存储产品技术白皮书文档版本016发布日期2019-12-30华为技术有限公司版权所有© 华为技术有限公司2019 保留一切权利。








华为技术有限公司地址:深圳市龙岗区坂田华为总部办公楼邮编:518129网址:/enterprise客户服务邮箱:ChinaEnterprise_TAC@目录1 概述 (5)2 硬件、软件与网络 (6)2.1 产品逻辑结构 (6)2.2 组网概述 (8)2.2.1 Ethernet组网描述(前后端网络均采用Ethernet组网) (10)2.2.2 IB组网描述(前后端网络均采用IB组网) (10)2.2.3 前端Ethernet后端IB组网描述(前端网络采用Ethernet,后端网络采用IB组网) (11)2.3 系统运行环境 (12)3 分布式文件系统架构 (13)3.1 分布式文件系统架构概述 (13)3.1.1 分布式文件系统服务 (15)3.1.2 存储资源池平面 (15)3.1.3 管理平面 (16)3.2 元数据管理 (16)3.3 分布式数据可靠性技术 (17)3.3.1 数据条带化 (17)3.3.2 集群对象存储系统 (18)3.3.3 N+M数据保护 (19)3.4 全局缓存 (22)3.4.1 全局缓存组成要素 (23)3.4.2 实现原理 (24)3.5 文件写示意流程 (25)3.6 文件读示意流程 (27)3.7 负载均衡 (28)3.7.1 智能IP管理 (28)3.7.2 多样的负载策略 (30)3.7.3 节点分区管理 (30)3.8 数据重构 (31)4 系统特点 (32)4.1 卓越性能 (32)4.2 灵活扩展 (32)4.3 开放融合 (33)5 缩略语和术语 (34)1 概述信息爆炸时代中人们可以获取的数据成指数倍的增长,传统的单机文件系统单纯通过增加硬盘个数来扩展计算机文件系统的存储容量的方式,在容量大小、容量增长速度、数据备份、数据安全等方面的表现都差强人意。















一、网络备份构成的分析目前,有几个不同的技术用于网络备份和恢复,它们一般分为三类:□ 硬件□ 介质□ 软件Estor1800就是采用这三种技术的结合,来完成整个网络的备份和恢复,下面我们将就这三个技术,来讨论Estor1800的备份功能。




WHITE PAPER Overview Memory performance is a critical component for achieving the desired system performance in a wide range of applications from cloud computing and artificial intelligence (AI) to automotiveand mobile. Dual Data Rate Synchronous Dynamic Random-access Memory (DDR SDRAM) orsimply DRAM has emerged as the de facto memory technology for the main memory due toits many advantages: high density with simplistic architecture using a capacitor as a storageelement, low latency and high performance, almost infinite access endurance, and low power.The Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) has defined several DRAM categoriesof standards to meet the power, performance, and area requirements of each application.Selecting the right memory solution is often the most critical decision for obtaining the optimalsystem performance. This whitepaper provides an overview of the JEDEC memory standardsto help SoC designers select the right memory solution, including IP , that best fits theirapplication requirements.DDR DRAM StandardsThe primary function of main memory in an SoC is to feed the host – CPUs and GPUs – withthe necessary data or instructions as quickly and reliably as possible. While the demand for highperformance is increasing, more cores and functionality are added to the System-on-Chip (SoC)that is growing the need to keep the overall silicon footprint small and system power down.DDR DRAMs meet these memory requirements better than any other storage technologiesoverall, by offering a dense, high-performance, low-power memory solution. Furthermore, DDRDRAMs can be used in different form-factors depending on the system requirements — either ona dual in-line memory module (DIMM) or as a discrete DRAM solution. JEDEC has defined anddeveloped the following three DRAM categories of standards to help designers meet their power,performance, and area requirements for their target applications:• Standard DDR targets servers, cloud computing, networking, laptop, desktop, and consumerapplications, allowing wider channel-widths, higher densities, and different form-factors.DDR4 has been the most popular standard in this category since 2013; DDR5 devices areexpected to become available in the near future.• Mobile DDR targets mobile and automotive applications, which are very sensitive to areaand power, offering narrower channel-widths and several low-power operating states. Thede facto standard today is LPDDR4 with LPDDR5 devices expected in the near future.• Graphics DDR targets data-intensive applications requiring a very high throughput, such asgraphics-related applications, data center acceleration, and AI. Graphics DDR (GDDR) andHigh Bandwidth Memory (HBM) are the standards in this category.AuthorVadhiraj SankaranarayananSr. Technical Marketing Manager,Synopsys Which DDR SDRAM Memory to Use and WhenThe three DRAM categories use the same DRAM array for storage with a capacitor as the basic storage element. However, each category offers unique architectural features to optimally meet the requirements of the target applications. These features include customizations around data rates/data widths, connectivity options between the host and DRAMs, electrical specifications, termination schemes for the I/Os (Input/Output), DRAM power-states, etc. Also, each category has multiple generations of standards, with the successor standard outperforming its predecessor by offering higher speed and density, as well as lower power. Figure 1 illustrates JEDEC’s three categories of DRAM standards.Figure 1: JEDEC has defined three widely used categories of DRAM standards to fit the needs of various applicationsThe following section provides a high-level overview of each DRAM category, and the common applications in which these devices are used.Standard DDRStandard DDR DRAMs, are ubiquitous in applications such as cloud servers, data centers, laptop, desktop, and consumer, providing high-density and high-performance in various types and form factors. DDR4 is the most popular standard in this category, offering several performance advantages over its predecessors – DDR3 and DDR3L (a low-power version of DDR3):• Higher data rate, up to 3200 Mbps, as compared to DDR3 operating up to 2133 Mbps• Lower operating voltage (1.2V, as compared to 1.5V in DDR3 and 1.35V in DDR3L)• Higher performance (e.g., bank-groups), lower power (e.g., data-bus inversion), and higher Reliability, Availability, and Serviceability (RAS) features (e.g., post-package repair and data cyclic redundancy check)• Higher densities due to an increase in the individual DRAM die sizes from 4Gb to 8Gb and 16GbStandard DRAMs support data widths of 4 (x4), or 8 (x8), or 16 (x16) bits. Servers, cloud, and data center applications use thex4 DRAM chips as they allow a higher density on DIMMs and support higher RAS features for minimizing the downtime of these applications during memory-related failures. The x8 and x16 DRAMs are less expensive and are commonly implemented in desktops and notebooks.DDR5, actively under development at JEDEC, is expected to increase the operating data rates up to 4800Mbps at an operating voltage of 1.1V. DDR5 has several new architectural and RAS features to handle these high speeds effectively and minimize the system downtime due to memory errors. Integrated voltage regulators on modules, better refresh schemes, an architecture targeted at better channel utilization, internal error-correcting code (ECC) on DRAMs, increased bank group for a higher performance, and higher capacity are a few of the key features in DDR5.DDP, QDP, 3DS DRAMsMultiple DRAM dies are often packaged together to increase the density of standard DRAMs. Typically, individual DRAM dies are packaged as dual-die (DDP) or quad-die (QDP) packages to support 2 or 4 memory ranks respectively in the DRAM package. Expanding beyond 4 ranks limits the operating speed since the loading of the Command/Address (C/A) and data (DQ) wires increases significantly when connecting to all memory ranks in parallel. Instead, a Through-Silicon Via (TSV) stacking process supports higher memory ranks, where each memory rank (DRAM-die) is stacked vertically in a DRAM package. In TSV DRAM packages, the bottom die acts as an electrical buffer for the C/A and DQ wires, hence, a TSV DRAM acts as a single load to the host for both C/A and DQ wires. This allows TSV DRAM packages to have as many as 8 or even 16 stacked memory ranks. TSV DRAMs are also called 3D-stacked (3DS) DRAMs. A DIMM based on several TSV DRAMs can support hundreds of gigabytes of memory. DIMM TypesDIMMs are printed circuit board (PCB) modules with several DRAM chips to support either a 64-bit data width or a 72-bit data width. 72-bit DIMMs are called ECC DIMMs since they support 8 bits of ECC in addition to the 64 bits of data. The ECC DIMMs are used in server and data center applications for protection against single-bit errors, while the non-ECC DIMMs (having a 64-bit data width) are used in desktops and laptops.As servers and data centers need terabytes of memory, they typically support 2 or 3 DIMMs in every memory channel. Since DIMMs in the same memory channel share the same C/A and DQ wires, additional buffering is needed on each DIMM to reduce the electrical loading of these wires, before the outputs are distributed to the individual DRAMs. DIMMs that buffer only the C/A wires are called Registered DIMMs (RDIMMS), and DIMMs that buffer both C/A and DQ wires are called Load-Reduced DIMMs (LR-DIMMs). Both RDIMMs and LR-DIMMs are typically of the ECC type, supporting a 72-bit data width. Desktop applications are extremely power and cost constrained, usually requiring only a single DIMM per channel configuration and non-ECC unbuffered DIMMs (UDIMMs).All the DIMMs discussed thus far (R/LR/UDIMMs) have the same form-factor. Applications with stringent area constraints (such as laptops, notebooks, office printers, etc.) use Small-Outline DIMMs (SODIMMs) as their memory solution since SODIMMs are roughly half the size of regular DIMMs (R/LR/UDIMMs). Table 1 shows a summary of different DIMM types with their typical densities.Table 1: Commonly used DIMMS provide different densities for the target applicationConsumer applications that cannot accommodate a DIMM form-factor due to area constraints implement discrete DRAM solutions for the main memory. Such applications can use either standard DRAM devices or mobile DRAM devices supporting LPDDR5/4/4X/3 standards.Mobile DDRMobile DDR, also called Low-Power DDR (LPDDR) DRAMs, offer identical memory storage array as in the standard DDR DRAM, however, LPDDR DRAMs have several additional features for achieving low power, which is a key requirement for mobile applications including tablets, mobile phones, automotive systems, and SSD cards. As such applications tend to have fewer memory devices on each channel and shorter interconnects, the LPDDR DRAMs can run faster than standard DRAMs, providing a higher performance. LPDDR DRAMs in low-power states help achieve the highest power efficiency and extend battery life. LPDDR DRAM channels are typically 16 or 32-bit wide, in contrast to the standard DDR DRAM channels which are 64 bits wide. Just as with standard DDR DRAM generations, each successive LPDDR generation targets a higher performance and lower power than its predecessor, and no two LPDDR generations are compatible with one another.LPDDR5/4/4X DRAMsLPDDR4 is the most popular standard in this category, capable of data rates up to 4267 Mbps at an operating voltage of 1.1V. LPDDR4X, a variant of LPDDR4, is identical to LPDDR4 architecturally, but provides additional power savings by reducing the I/O voltage (VDDQ) to 0.6V. LPDD4RX devices also run up to 4267 Mbps.LPDDR4/4X DRAMs are typically dual-channel devices, supporting two x16 (16-bit wide) channels. Each x16 channel is independent and hence has its own dedicated C/A pins. The two-channel architecture provides a lot of flexibility to system architects while connecting the host or SoC to an LPDDR4/4X DRAM. LPDDR4/4X are point-to-point standards, and it is typical for these DRAMsto have no more than 2 ranks per channel. LPDDR4/4X DRAMs offer several options for the individual dies to obtain the various densities required for the two channels. The simplest die option has both channels in a x16 configuration. Two such dies can be packaged together to obtain a dual-ranked, dual-channel DRAM. Higher densities can be achieved by having dies that support both channels in a byte-mode (x8) configuration. Four such dies can be packaged together to give the same dual-ranked, dual-channel topology. Hence, the byte-mode-based LPDDR4/4X DRAMs allow higher densities such as 32Gb devices with four 8Gb DRAM dies, with each DRAM die supporting only a byte from both channels.LPDDR4/4X DRAMs can be used as a discrete DRAM solution or as a Package-on-package (PoP) solution. For systems with a requirement for more channels, quad-channel-based x64 DRAMs are also available.LPDDR5, the successor to LPDDR4/4X, is expected to run up to 6400Mbps, and is actively under development at JEDEC. LPDDR5 DRAMs are expected to provide many new low-power and reliability features, making them ideal for mobile and automotive applications. One such important low-power feature for extending battery life is the “deep sleep mode,” which is expected to provide substantial power savings during idle conditions. In addition, there are several new architectural features that allow the LPDDR5 DRAMs to operate seamlessly at these high speeds at a lower operating voltage than LPDDR4/4X.Connectivity Options with LPDDR4/4X DRAMsThe simplest option for connectivity to a dual-channel, dual-ranked LPDDR4 DRAM is shown in figure 2. The host operates thetwo DRAM channels as independent channels by sending separate C/A (CA_A and CA_B) wires to these two channels. CS_A[1:0] and CS_B[1:0] are the chip-select wires targeting the two ranks of each channel respectively. This configuration allows the host to implement each channel in different power states, targeting maximum performance and power efficiency.Figure 2: LPDDR4/4X Dual-channel connectivity optionsInstead of operating the two x16 channels as independent channels, the host can alternatively view the two channels as a single-channel either with twice the data width (x32) or with the same data width (x16) but twice the channel density. In the first option,the host operates the DRAM as a x32 channel and sends only one pair of C/A (CA_A) signals to both x16 DRAM channels. This configuration can be used in applications requiring a larger data-width. In the second option, the host operates the two x16 DRAM channels as one x16 channel by sending one pair of C/A (CA_A) signals to both DRAM channels and connecting the DQ[15:0] from both DRAM channels together. The result is a single x16 quad-ranked channel. Although this connectivity option doubles the memory density of the channel itself, it significantly loads the C/A and DQ wires, which can limit the highest achievable data rate. Careful signal-integrity/power-integrity analysis of the memory channel is necessary to ensure channel robustness at desired speeds. Graphics StandardsThe next two sections explain GDDR and HBM, two disparate memory architectures targeting high throughput applications, such as graphic cards and AI. GDDR and HBM take different approaches to meet the high throughput needs of such applications.GDDR StandardGDDR DRAMs are specifically designed for GPUs and accelerators. Data-intensive systems such as graphic cards, game consoles, and high-performance computing including automotive, AI, and deep learning are a few of the applications where GDDR DRAM devices are commonly used. GDDR standards are architected as point-to-point (P2P) standards, capable of supporting 8 Gb/sand higher data rates. GDDR5 and GDDR6 are the most popular standards today supporting data-rates as high as 8 Gb/s and 16Gb/s respectively.GDDR5 DRAMs are 32-bits wide and always used as discrete DRAM solutions. They can be configured to operate in either ×32 mode or ×16 (clamshell) mode. GDDR5X, a variant of GDDR5, targets a transfer rate of 10 to 14 Gb/s per pin, almost twice that of GDDR5. The key difference between GDDR5X and GDDR5 DRAMs is that GDDR5X DRAMs have a prefetch of 16N, instead of 8N. GDDR5X also uses 190 pins per chip, compared to 170 pins per chip in GDDR5. Hence, GDDR5 and GDDR5X standards require different PCBs. GDDR6, the latest GDDR standard, supports a higher data-rate, up to 16 Gb/s, at a lower operating voltage of 1.35V, compared to 1.5V in GDDR5. GDDR6 DRAMs have two channels, each 16-bits wide, capable of servicing multiple graphic program threads simultaneously.HBM/HBM2 StandardsHBM is an alternative solution to GDDR memories for GPUs and accelerators. GDDR memories target higher data rates with narrower channels to provide the needed throughput, while HBM memories solve the same problem through multiple independent channels and a wider data path per channel (128 bits per channel), operating at 2.4 Gb/s data rates. For this reason, HBM memories provide high throughput at a lower power and substantially smaller area than GDDR memories. HBM2 is the most popular standard today in the graphics standards category. HBM2 DRAMs stack up to eight DRAM dies, including an optional base die, offering a small silicon footprint. Dies are interconnected through TSV and micro-bumps. Commonly available densities include 4 or 8GB per HBM2 package. As HBM2 DRAMs support thousands of data wires, interposers are used to connect the memory and host. The interposer makes the routing shorter and direct, providing faster connectivity. A downside to the interposer requirement and the overall packaging process is the higher cost of the final product. Figure 3 shows a cross-section of an HBM memory.Figure 3: Cross-section of an HBM Memory stack (Source: AMD)Besides supporting a higher number of channels, HBM2 also provides several architectural changes to boost the performance and reduce the bus congestion. For example, HBM2 has a ‘pseudo channel’ mode, which splits every 128-bit channel into two semi-independent sub-channels of 64 bits each, sharing the channel’s row and column command buses while executing commands individually. Increasing the number of channels also increases overall effective bandwidth by avoiding restrictive timing parameters such as tFAW to activate more banks per unit time. Other RAS features include optional ECC support for enabling 16 error detection bits per 128 bits of data. HBM2E, a derivative of HBM2, is expected to provide a higher performance and higher density thanHBM2. HBM2E devices are expected to be come available in the near future. Table 2 shows a high-level comparison of GDDR6and HBM2 DRAMs:Table 2: GDDR6 and HBM2 offer unique advantage for system architectsSummarySoC designers can select from a variety of memory solutions or standards to meet the specific needs of their target applications. The selected memory solution impacts the performance, power, and area requirements of the SoC. To provide a wide selection of technologies with unique features and benefits, JEDEC has defined three main categories of standards for DDR: standard DDR, mobile DDR, and graphics DDR. Standard DDR targets servers, data centers, networking, laptop, desktop, and consumer applications, allowing wider channel-widths, higher densities, and different form-factors. Mobile DDR, or LPDDR, targets the mobile and automotive applications, which is very sensitive to area and power, offering narrower channel-widths and several low-power DRAM states. Graphics DDR targets data-intensive applications requiring very high throughput, such as graphics-related applications, data center acceleration, AI, etc. JEDEC has defined GDDR and HBM as the two standards for graphics DDR.Synopsys offers complete solutions with silicon-proven PHYs and controllers, supporting the latest DDR, LPDDR, and HBM standards. Synopsys is an active member of the JEDEC work groups, driving the development and adoption of the standards. Synopsys’ configurable memory interface IP solutions can be tailored to meet the exact requirements of SoCs for applications including AI, automotive, mobile, and cloud computing.©2019 Synopsys, Inc. All rights reserved. Synopsys is a trademark of Synopsys, Inc. in the United States and other countries. A list of Synopsys trademarks is availableat /copyright.html . All other names mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.。

OceanStor Dorado全闪存储系统技术白皮书-D

OceanStor Dorado全闪存储系统技术白皮书-D

华为OceanStor Dorado 全闪存存储系统技术白皮书华为OceanStor Dorado V3 全闪存存储系统品技术白皮书(中国区企业版本) 目录目录1摘要 (1)2简介 (2)2.1产品系列 (2)2.2客户价值 (3)3系统架构 (5)3.1相关概念 (5)3.1.1控制框 (5)3.1.2控制器 (6)3.1.3硬盘框 (7)3.1.4硬盘域 (7)3.1.5存储池 (9)3.1.6RAID 技术 (10)3.2硬件架构 (14)3.2.1设备形态 (15)3.2.2自研HSSD (16)盘内磨损均衡 (17)坏块管理 (17)数据冗余保护 (17)后台巡检 (18)支持SAS 和NVMe 协议 (18)3.2.3自研芯片 (19)3.2.4硬件扩展能力 (20)3.2.5硬件架构特征 (24)3.3软件架构 (24)3.3.1FlashLink (26)冷热数据分流 (27)端到端IO 优先级 (27) 满分条写 (28)全局垃圾回收 (29)全局磨损均衡/反磨损均衡 (29)3.3.2读缓存 (31)3.3.3IO 流程 (31)写流程 (31)读流程 (33)3.3.4丰富软件特性 (34)3.3.5软件架构特征 (35)4精简高效Smart 系列特性 (36)4.1在线重删(SmartDedupe) (36)4.2在线压缩(SmartCompression) (37)4.3智能精简配置(SmartThin) (39)4.4智能服务质量控制(SmartQoS) (39)4.5异构虚拟化(SmartVirtualization) (41)4.6智能数据迁移(SmartMigration) (42)4.7多租户(SmartMulti-Tenant for File) (44)4.8智能配额(SmartQuota for File) (46)5数据保护Hyper 特性 (48)5.1快照(HyperSnap) (48)5.1.1LUN 快照(HyperSnap For Block) (48)5.1.2FS 快照(HyperSnap For File) (51)5.2HyperCDP (52)5.3HyperCopy (54)5.4克隆(HyperClone) (57)5.4.1LUN 克隆(HyperClone For Block) (57)5.4.2FS 克隆(HyperClone For File) (59)5.5远程复制(HyperReplication) (61)5.5.1LUN 同步远程复制(HyperReplication/S For Block) (61)5.5.2LUN 异步远程复制(HyperReplication/A For Block) (64)5.5.3FS 异步远程复制(HyperReplication/A For File) (66)5.6阵列双活(HyperMetro) (68)5.6.1LUN 双活(HyperMetro For Block) (68)5.6.2FS 双活(HyperMetro For File) (69)5.7两地三中心(3DC) (72)5.8一体化备份(HyperVault for File) (72)5.9WORM(HyperLock for File) (73)6云灾备Cloud 特性 (76)6.1云复制(CloudReplication) (76)6.2云备份(CloudBackup) (77)7系统安全和数据加密 (80)7.1系统数据加密(Data Encryption) (80)7.2基于角色的访问控制管理 (81)8系统管理及兼容性 (82)8.1系统管理 (82)8.1.1Device Manager (82)8.1.2CLI (82)8.1.3Call Home 服务 (82)8.1.4Restful API (83)8.1.5SNMP (83)8.1.6SMI-S (83)8.1.7配套工具 (83)8.2生态集成及兼容性 (83)8.2.1VVol(Virtual Volumes) (83)8.2.2OpenStack 集成 (84)8.2.3虚拟机环境插件 (84)8.2.4主机兼容性 (84)9最佳实践 (85)10更多参考信息 (86)11如何反馈意见 (87)12缩略语 (88)1 摘要华为公司OceanStor Dorado V3 是面向企业关键业务打造的全闪存存储系统,采用专为闪存设计的FlashLink® 技术,实现0.5ms 稳定低时延;免网关双活技术,为客户提供端到端双活数据中心解决方案,并可平滑升级到两地三中心容灾方案,实现方案级99.9999%的可靠性;在线重删和压缩技术,提供更多的客户可用容量,减少TCO。



易华录蓝光加密存储阵列技术白皮书V1.2北京易华录信息技术股份有限公司.版权所有(©2014)北京公司:北京市石景山区阜石路165号中国华录大厦邮编:100043目录1.产品概述 (3)2.产品架构 (3)2.1逻辑架构 (3)2.2软件构成 (4)3.产品功能 (5)3.1 数据归档与备份 (5)3.2 数据加密 (8)3.3 软件功能 (8)3.4 多种存储架构支持 (9)4.技术规格与关键参数 (9)4.1产品技术规格 (9)4.2关键参数 (10)5.产品优势 (11)5.1更高的安全性能 (11)5.2有限空间实现大容量存储 (12)5.3高速数据传送 (12)5.4低功耗设计,低成本运行 (12)6.产品特点 (12)6.1符合我国商用密码政策要求 (12)6.2数据的高保密性与访问的透明性 (13)6.3存储的高可靠性与长期性 (13)6.4存储的绿色环保性 (13)6.5大容量保存的低成本性 (14)6.6 简单、易用、灵活 (14)7.主要用途与目标客户 (14)1.产品概述伴随数据爆炸式的迅猛增长,各领域、各行业为了确保业务的顺利、安全开展,已经开始高度重视数据的日常维护以及容灾备份的关键问题。






Data Domain技术白皮书

Data Domain技术白皮书

Data Domain 技术白皮书1.1.1综述Data Domain DD600/800 Restorer产品是基于硬盘的备份存储器件(appliance)。


具备容量优化技术(Capacity Optimized Storage)和数据防损架构(Data Invulnerability Architecture)的DD OS 操作系统,在为数据提供空前的保护的同时,其每GB费用成本已远远低于所谓的廉价磁盘,而是接近于自动化磁带解决方案的费用成本,某些情况下甚至接近于磁带机的成本。







●经济性DD OS操作系统通过只保存唯一一份备份镜像冗余部分中的数据样本,从而大大减少需要的存储容量。


通过其独特的全局压缩(Global Compression)技术,在使用一段时间后,DD OS操作系统提供的压缩率可以达到20:1。



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谷数科技D-JET 6000光纤SAN存储系统技术白皮书谷数科技(中国)有限公司版本号:CDMS-WP1010-0120目录1.简介 (1)2.系统架构 (2)3.D-JET 6000系统性能分析 (3)3.1IOPS性能 (4)3.2带宽性能 (4)4.D-JET存储操作系统 (6)4.1双活动控制器模式 (6)4.1.1Failover (6)4.1.2动态数据路径 (6)4.2带电池Write-Back 写Cache和写缓存镜像 (8)4.3动态缓存技术(Dynamic Cache T echnique) (8)4.4存储资源虚拟化 (9)4.5自动精简配置(Thin Provisioning) (11)4.6数据保护 (12)4.6.1数据一致性 (12)4.6.2RAID保护 (12)4.6.3快照 (13)4.6.4热备存储块 (14)4.6.5多路径I/O通道 (14)5.D-JET 6000硬件平台 (15)5.1.1处理器 (15)5.1.2I/O通道 (15)5.1.3Cache (16)5.1.4磁盘扩展单元 (16)6.总结 (17)1. 简介近年来,信息及数字革命使得企业数据量呈爆炸式增长。












本文所述的D-JET 6000存储系统是谷数科技针对各种交互密集型应用和吞吐密集型应用所推出的高性能光纤SAN系统。

D-JET 6000是面向大规模多核计算环境而设计开发的海量数据存储系统,采用多种技术进行优化,支持混合工作负载模式,提供无与伦比的IOPS和带宽性能。


2. 系统架构D-JET系列光纤SAN存储系统层次结构如图2-1所示。

D-JET系统底层采用SSD、FC、SATA磁盘作为存储介质,依托于D-JET 6000高性能系统硬件平台,通过D-JET存储操作系统对存储资源进行虚拟化整合,并发挥出系统各组件效能,对上层HPC、数据库、数字媒体等业务提供数据块级存储访问,满足各种业务应用对存储系统高带宽和高IOPS的性能需求。

图2-1 D-JET 6000光纤SAN存储系统层次结构D-JET 6000是D-JET系列面向高端用户推出的光纤SAN存储系统,它采用最先进的硬件平台,在多个方面进行技术革新,面向多任务并发处理设计,采用基于内存一致性的Active-Active存储集群,具有大规模并行I/O通道。

使得D-JET 6000存储系统可以提供业界领先IOPS和带宽性能,同时具有高安全可靠性,可用性强等特点。

D-JET 6000系统体系结构如图2-2所示。

图2-2 D-JET 6000体系结构D-JET 6000单控制器可配置4颗Intel 7500系列6核心处理器,32~512GB ECC读缓存,32GB带电池写缓存。

双控制器之间部署80Gb/s的内部Cache 数据传输链路(ICL)用于内部通信。


D-JET 6000支持SSD、FC、SATA磁盘,支持不同类型磁盘的混合使用,支持RAID 0、1、5、6、10、50、60等多种RAID数据保护形式。

D-JET 6000系统内部提供高达256Gb 的数据交换和传输能力,每个传输通道均可实现点对点直连方式。


D-JET 6000对外可提供高达300,000的磁盘IOPS性能,12.8GB/s的持续稳定读写带宽,1024TB的海量存储空间。

3. D-JET 6000系统性能分析存储系统的性能主要分析其IOPS和带宽性能。

D-JET 6000系统可提供目前业界最高的IOPS和带宽性能。


3.1 IOPS性能D-JET 6000单控制器系统可提供高达150,000的磁盘IOPS处理能力,双活动(Active-Active)控制器系统可提供高达300,000的磁盘IOPS性能,700,000来自于Cache的IOPS性能。


ORION (Oracle I/O Calibration T ool) 是Oracle公司推出的存储系统I/O性能测试工具,广泛用于测试运行Oracle 数据库的存储系统I/O性能。

ORION可以很好的模拟实际使用过程中Oracle数据库、OLTP 和数据仓库的I/O 负载。

D-JET 6000在使用ORION进行的乱序I/O 读写(数据块大小为4K)的测试过程中,对外可提供高达300,000的磁盘IOPS 性能。

单套D-JET 6000双控制器系统即可满足当前大型数据库、OLTP 和数据仓库等交互密集型业务系统的随机IOPS性能需求。

具体而言,每块15k rpm FC磁盘可提供200~250的IOPS性能,每块7200 rpm SATA约为60~100。

D-JET 6000支持FC、SATA和SSD磁盘。


D-JET 6000采用的SSD随即读IOPS性能为35,000,随机写IOPS性能为6,600。

D-JET 6000支持1024块磁盘,同时支持不同类型磁盘的混合使用。

D-JET 6000控制器可将磁盘IOPS性能几乎无损的输出,随着磁盘数量的增加,系统对外输出的磁盘IOPS性能呈现近似线性的增长,可提供超过300,000的磁盘IOPS性能。

D-JET 6000双控制器系统对外可提供高达700,000的Cache IOPS性能,完全满足各种业务应用中连续或随机I/O文件的大规模突发读写需求。

3.2带宽性能D-JET 6000单控制器系统可提供高达6.4GB/s的持续稳定带宽,双活动控制器系统可提供12.8GB/s的持续稳定带宽。

每个LUN(卷)可提供高达1.6GB/s 的持续稳定带宽。

D-JET 6000系统实际使用中,每块15k rpm FC磁盘可提供80~120MB/s(7200 rpm SATA磁盘约为60~100MB/s)的持续稳定读写带宽,具体的带宽数值根据具体应用而定。

D-JET 6000系统的输出带宽随着磁盘数量的增长而近似线性的增加,当磁盘达到一定数量后,D-JET 6000存储系统主要取决于存储控制器能够输出的带宽。

D-JET 6000存储系统系统在混合读写环境中可提供12.8GB/s的峰值带宽。


4. D-JET存储操作系统D-JET存储操作系统是面向多核心处理器,多线程并发处理环境而设计的高性能智能存储操作系统。

D-JET 6000存储系统由控制器、光线磁盘扩展柜、磁盘等多个组件构成。

存储操作系统运行于D-JET 6000控制器之上,需要充分发挥出系统内各个组件的性能,并对系统资源进行虚拟化整合。




4.1.1 FailoverD-JET双控制器存储系统每隔10ms进行对方控制器的状态检测,如果超过一定的时间(一般设为5个10ms,具体时间间隔根据不同业务应用而定)未检测到对方控制器的响应,则认为对方控制器发生故障,启动Failover程序。


D-JET 6000双控制器存储系统可在8秒之内完成故障转移。


4.1.2 动态数据路径D-JET 6000双控制器系统中,每个逻辑磁盘(LD,详见4.4节“存储资源虚拟化”)均与两个控制器相连,但同时仅有一个控制器对这个LD具有优先控制权,这个控制器称为宿主控制器(Host Controller),另一控制器为从属控制器(Slave Controller)。

宿主控制器控制该LD的Cache,并控制着包含于该LD 的物理磁盘的访问通道。

