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01 Honey, Honey

亲爱的,亲爱的Honey, honey

他让我如此激动,亲爱的,亲爱的How he thrills me honey, honey 亲爱的,亲爱的Honey, honey

几乎让我激动的死去,亲爱的,亲爱的Nearly kills me honey,honey 我听说过他的事I've hear about him before

但我还想更多的了解他I wante to know some more

现在我知道为什么别人说An now I know what they mean

他是个爱情机器He's a love machine

他让我晕眩亲爱的 Oh, he makes me dizzy

让我感受你的爱Honey, honey let me feel it

亲爱的,亲爱的Honey, honey

亲爱的,不要隐藏Honey, honey don't conceal it

亲爱的,亲爱的Honey, honey

你亲吻我晚安的感觉The way that you kiss good night

你亲吻我晚安的感觉The way that you kiss me good night

你紧紧拥抱我的感觉The way that you hold me tight


The way that you're holing me tight

和你做爱的时候I feel like I wanna sing

让我感到想要歌唱When you do your thing

亲爱的,亲爱的,抚摸我,宝贝Honey, honey touch me, baby

亲爱的,亲爱的Honey, honey

亲爱的,拥抱我,宝贝Honey, honey hold me, baby

亲爱的,亲爱的Honey, honey

你就像个电影明星You look like a movie star

但我就喜欢真实的你But I love just who you are

亲爱的,退一步说An, honey, to say the least

你是个坏蛋You're a doggone beast

亲爱的,你让我如此激动Honey, honey how you thrill me 亲爱的,亲爱的Honey, honey

亲爱的,几乎让我激动得死去Honey, honey nearly kill me 亲爱的,亲爱的Honey, honey

我听说过你的事I' hear about you before

我还想更加了解你I wante to know some more

现在我就快要知道An now I'm about to see

你对于我的意义What you mean to me

02 Money, Money, Money

我日日夜夜的工作I work all night I work all day

为了能够支付账单To pay the Bills I have to pay

那难道不可悲吗?Ain't it sad?

然而似乎还是没有为自己And still there never seems to be

留下一分钱A single penny left for me

别坐那里Don't sit down there.

那真是太糟了That's too bad

在我的梦里我有一个打算In my dreams I have a plan

如果我找到一个有钱人If I got me a wealthy man

我就完全不用工作了I wouldn't have to work at all

我可以每日闲晃天天爽歪歪I'd fool around and have a ball 金钱金钱金钱Money, money, money

在富人的世界里Must be funny

一定非常有趣In a rich man's world

金钱金钱金钱Money, money, money

在富人的世界里Always sunny

总是阳光灿烂In a rich man's world

如果我有一些钱All the things I could do

我能做所有事If I had a little money

那是一个富人的世界It's a rich man's world

那是一个富人的世界It's a rich man's world

像那样的男人非常难找A man like that is hard to find

但是我不能忘掉他But I can't get him off my mind

这难道不可悲吗?Ain't it sad?

如果他碰巧是单身的And if he happens to be free

我也打赌他不会喜欢我I bet he wouldn't fancy me

那真是太糟糕了That's too bad

所以我必须离开我必须走So I must leave I have to go 去到拉斯维加斯或是摩纳哥To las vegas or monaco

去赌博赢得大笔财富And win a fortune in a game

我的人生就将改变My life will never be the Same 金钱金钱金钱Money, money, money

在富人的世界里Must be funny

一定很有趣In a rich man's world

金钱金钱金钱Money, money, money

在富人的世界里Always sunny

总是阳光灿烂In a rich man's world

如果我有一些钱All the things I could do

我能做所有事If I had a little money

那是一个富人的世界It's a rich man's world

金钱金钱金钱Money, money, money

在富人的世界里Must be funny

一定非常有趣In a rich man's worl

*金钱金钱金钱*Money, money, money

*永远不愁*Always sunny

*在富人的世界*In a rich mars worl

*我可以随心所欲*All the things I could do

*如果我有一点点钱*If I ha a little money

*这是富人的世界*It's a rich mars worl

*这是富人的世界*It's a rich mars world

03 Mamma Mia

*我曾被你欺骗*I was cheate by you
