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1、马迪瓦鲁-悦 七星岛 浮潜很好的地方,一 水飞20分钟 榕庄Banyan Tree 马代第一座帐棚 般是泻湖LAGOON,一 -Madivaru 式的泳池别墅 面是珊瑚。 2、(JD岛) Jumeirah Dhevanafushi 德 瓦娜芙希岛 七星岛 2011年3月正式开业 终极奢华体验 七星级的服务 迪拜帆船姊妹酒 店
是 是
36、鲁滨逊 五星岛 Robinson(R岛) 德国风格 37、薇莉岛 (Veli)Anantara Veli Maldives (安娜塔拉酒店) 五星级 安娜塔拉
2009年12月开幕岛屿 内飞55分钟+快艇20 是 豪华岛 一价全包 分钟 快艇约35分钟. 是
38、安娜塔拉/笛 五星级 谷岛Anantara 安娜塔拉 Dhigu
2006年8月1日开幕 由 快艇约35分钟. 3个岛组成,但也不太 大.
39、玛娜法鲁岛 Manafaru
五星级 马代最 北的度假村
2007年12月全新开幕 内飞45分钟+快艇45 是 分钟
40、肯尼呼拉岛 Kanuhura Coral
内陆航班55分钟+快 是 艇15分钟。
3、JV岛卓美亚薇 六星岛 塔薇莉岛Jumeirah 人气最高的奢华 Vittaveli 新秀 迪拜帆船 姊妹酒店 4、NO.1芙花芬岛 六星岛 (梦幻度假酒店 林志颖婚礼在这 Huvafen Fushi ) 里办的 5、Anantara Kihavah Villas 安娜塔拉吉哈瓦 (AKV岛) 六星岛
杭州法云安缦度假酒店案例分析[整理] 杭州法云安轨度假酒店案例分析杭州法云安轨度假酒店案例分析轨目背景法云安轨度假酒店毗轨著名的轨寺~轨有无可比轨的自灵然轨景和特的地理位置。
的轨轨人Adrian Zecha曾轨,“安轨要轨造的~是一轨轨于遥轨文化的渴慕,轨于感官轨愉的欲求,轨于轨意及轨雅生活的激轨”。
1 西双版纳Anantara度假酒店的设计理念项目所在地西双版纳州是傣族人民世代聚居地,傣族人民滨水而居,他们爱水、崇水,在与自然长期共存的过程中,蕴育并传承了独特的水文化,成为傣族文化的重要组成部分。
总评分:98.9Lion Sands酒店(南非萨比沙)。
总评分:97.7Phinda Private Game Reserve酒店(南非夸祖鲁-纳塔尔)。
Sabi Sabi Private Game Reserve酒店(南非萨比沙)。
总评分:97.1Las Casitas del Colca酒店(秘鲁阿雷基帕)。
总评分:96Singita Kruger National Park酒店(南非克鲁格国家公园)。
总评分:96Sabyinyo Silverback Lodge酒店(卢旺达火山国家公园)。
王奕讲酒店讲设计作者:来源:《酒店精品》2018年第02期Wang Yi Talk about Hotel & Design从普吉岛说起的故事A Story that Began in Phuket刚刚年过七十的比尔是最著名的泰籍美国人,父母上世纪就在亚洲奋斗的经历使他从小耳濡目染,1967年十七岁刚刚毕业的他就在曼谷创立一间小小的公司,取名“Minor ”,意为“尚未成年”,做些搞清洁、拉广告的杂小生意;今天,Minor International的中文译名是美诺国际集团。
普吉岛上有两家安纳塔拉度假村,一家在拉扬Layan,以私密大型别墅为特色;这一家则是安纳塔拉迈考Mai Khao度假村。
迈考度假村拥有两个完整的度假别墅组群园区,更拥有自家独享的落日海滩,以及景观大师Bill Bensley(也是一位比尔)源自茂密原生态绿林演绎而来的精美景观设计。
浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店泳池地址:世纪大道8号上海国金中心丽思卡尔顿酒店53楼价格:对外开放,单次券:380元+15%,年卡:17,500元/位+15%(单人);25,000元/位+15%(双人)优惠:Shanghai WOW! 上海沃会VIP会员最新优惠详情除了浑然天成的无敌浦江美景以及优闲舒适的环境外,浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店另一个让人流连忘返的地方是位于53层的室内恒温游泳池, 倚望落地窗外的天空仿佛近在咫尺,浦江景色尽收眼底,让人心驰神往。
斯考安纳塔拉度假会酒店总经理向您呈现度假会逍遥游之美澳大利亚人Dylan Counsel最初在墨尔本的一家餐厅当洗碗工,一路艰辛后,他迎来了事业的辉煌。
作为全球最佳度假胜地酒店——位于泰国南部的度假会逍遥游系列酒店,斯考安纳塔拉水疗度假酒店(Anantara Si Kao Resort & Spa)的总经理,Dylan Counsel与安纳塔拉度假会进行了交流,帮助宾客深入了解了这处有趣的海滩天堂。
对我来说,没什么能比得上乘快艇前往位于柯拉丹岛(Koh Kradan)上的私人岛屿海滩俱乐部更棒的事,那里有白沙和群礁,多彩热带鱼与您做伴;在洋溢着幸福感的度假酒店尽情享受安纳塔拉水疗护理;参与生态项目,例如在迷人海湾种植海草,以帮助濒临绝种的儒艮;参加泰式烹饪课,到当地市场闲逛,享用传统早餐点心,回去学习如何烹饪美味的泰国南部料理;我们的传奇晚宴,地道神奇,当地渔民会为您讲述有关Mook和Meng群岛的传奇故事,之后,在景色宜人的海滩,您的专属主厨会呈上丰盛的海鲜大餐。
迈诺国际酒店集团是MINOR INTERNATIONAL癿下属公司,作为亚洲领先癿奢华酒店、度假村和水疗中心业主和营 业者,业务遍及世界多个著名斴游胜地,在东非、中东、印尼、马尔代夫、斯里兮卡等国家拥有30多家豪华水疗中心 和29家奢华酒店度假村,在开収热带雨林气候下癿度假、水疗目癿地酒店斱面具有突出优势。 最近,由美国权威斴 行杂志《私家地理》 根据读者票选排除癿 全亚洲15个最好癿度 假酒店中,其中有四 家是由MINOR酒店 集团投资戒者运营管 理癿。
酒店特色三:提供各种个性化服务,让入住酒店的客人真正感受宾至如 归的礼遇。
安纳塔拉。梵语意为“无穷无尽”,象征着自由、运劢不和谐, 正是“安纳塔拉体验”癿核心所在。酒店以此为服务理念,为客 人超越界限癿诚挚待客之道。 入住客人反馈(数据来自携程网) “我在酒店吃早餐癿时候,在丌进处站着癿服务人员丌会一 直盯着客人看,但是当我有需求癿时候,他就会很快反应,我让 感视到他们时刻都是在关注着客人,这种感受很好。” “服务实在太好了。可能由于酒店觃模小 服务生充足癿原因 服务真癿相当好。简单说几点a: 我入住前一个晚上打电话过去询 问几点可以入住 得到癿回答是房间已经准备好 第二天白天随时可 以过去办入住 这在我住过癿其他酒店是没有遇到过癿 b: 免费升级 了海景房 c: 免费延晚退房到14点 d: 退房当天由于我是换酒店到 隑壁癿洲际 酒店主劢提出派车送我们过去 虽然很近 但是诚意很 让人感劢” “安娜塔拉酒店集团癿出品,一直是我癿至爱,同样保持其 “无边界癿水”癿理念,每样细节都能做到枀致!” “不爱人纪念日癿出行!非常贴心癿服务设计!为我们提供了 情侣床单和服务!特棒!下次来还住!” “前台服务生得知我和老公过来周年庆,入住当晚送了一瓶白 葡萄酒给我们。这家酒店癿泰餐做癿丌错,环境也很棒,服务员 都很亲切,好像是经过与业培训癿。”
Adaaran Club Rannalhi(绚丽岛)(网方网站/)位于South Male’Atoll 马累南环礁西南部. 属于Adaaran集团。
游泳池:无房型: Water Bungalows 水屋原本只有8栋共16套房,现在新修了4栋8套,另外还有2栋2层楼的水屋,屋内没有浴缸。
Standard Rooms 标准房(也叫沙滩屋)一共有25栋,每栋分上下两层,各住两户,一共4户.屋内非常一般.设施比较陈旧。
适合人群:预算有限,追求性价比,对浮潜环境比较在意,而对酒店设施不是很注重,崇尚自然,追求安静的人.Adaaran Select Hudhuran Fushi (白金岛沙屋) /Adaaran Prestige Ocean Villa (白金岛水屋)(沙屋官网:/)(水屋官网:/)位于North Male’Atoll 马累北环礁西南部.和绚丽岛一样,都属于ADAARAN集团的.这个岛比较特别,沙屋和水屋属于一个集团也在同一个岛上,但分开管理,沙屋属于Adaaran Select Hudhuran Fushi,水屋叫Adaaran Prestige Ocean Villa交通:距离马累机场26公里.坐快艇30分钟左右.大小:岛是个大岛.走一圈大概要1个小时.岛上有免费的自行车可用,还有电瓶车.饮用水:水屋和沙屋都有提供2瓶免费的饮用水.转换插头:水屋和沙屋都有提供。
酒店产品策划与销售实训(作业Ⅲ)基本信息:[矩阵文本题] *一、单选题(每题1分,共20分)1、北京的奥林匹克饭店以奥林匹克命名,用奥林匹克精神作为饭店的宗旨,这属于饭店文化定位中的()。
[单选题] *A、区域定位B、地点定位C、时代定位(正确答案)D、历史定位2、香格里拉饭店以著名小说《消失的地平线》中所杜撰出来的“香格里拉”这一地名命名,其徽标、布置、选址等处处体现香格里拉的文化内涵,这属于饭店文化定位中的()。
[单选题] *A、文学艺术定位(正确答案)B、地点定位C、时代定位D、历史定位3、上海饭店、北京饭店、杭州大饭店等以酒店所在的地理位置确定酒店的名称,这属于饭店文化定位中的()。
[单选题] *A、文学艺术定位B、地点定位(正确答案)C、时代定位D、历史定位4、饭店文化定位必须强调自己与其他饭店不同的特色,具有鲜明的个性和特征,避免雷同和单纯的模仿,这样才能产生明显的社会效应,这体现了文化定位的()原则。
[单选题] *A、独创性(正确答案)B、一致性C、和谐统一D、易理解5、当市场调研人员分析问题时,除了亲自收集的资料外,先前为了一定目的收集的资料也是一个重要的信息来源,这些资料被称为()。
[单选题] *A、单一来源B、二手资料(正确答案)C、最初资料D、便利资料6、营销策划的基本特点之一是()。
[单选题] *A、营销策划是逻辑理论学科B、营销策划是艺术性学科C、营销策划是具有可操作性的实践学科(正确答案)D、营销策划是艺术性学科7、()不应列为公共关系计划中的构成因素。
[单选题] *A、特殊项目B、旅行代理商C、媒体D、家庭(正确答案)8、酒店在一般新闻发布中要向媒体阐述的议题是()。
[单选题] *A、营建新餐厅的计划B、酒吧的一项新举措C、一项新的能源保护项目D、以上全部(正确答案)9、()是多数商务客人选择入住酒店的主要原因。
[单选题] *A、地理位置(正确答案)B、干净整洁C、设施D、常客旅行计划10、对于奢华型客人而言,()最为重要。
介绍云南景点以及酒店的旅游英语作文全文共5篇示例,供读者参考篇1Yunnan Is The Best Place For A Holiday!Hi friends! I went on the most amazing trip to Yunnan Province in China with my family last summer. Yunnan is in the very southwest part of China, and it has sooooo many incredible places to see and fun things to do. I'm going to tell you all about the awesome places we visited and the cool hotels we stayed at. Get ready for an adventure!Our trip started in Kunming, which is the capital city of Yunnan. Kunming has a really cool nickname - it's called the "City of Eternal Spring" because the weather there is spring-like all year round! While we were there, we went to the Huating Temple. This Buddhist temple was first built over 1,200 years ago! Can you believe a building could be that old? It has the most beautiful gardens with ponds full of koi fish and flowers blooming everywhere. My little sister loved watching the colorful fish swim around.After exploring Kunming for a couple days, we drove up into the mountains to Dali. This area has an ancient city that used to be the capital a long time ago. The old town area has sooo many shops and restaurants lining the little cobblestone streets. We stayed at an awesome hotel called Dali Traveling With Hostel that was built in a traditional Bai ethnic minority style with pretty carved wooden decorations everywhere. At night, we sat on the rooftop patio and looked up at a million stars in the sky! Dali also has incredible views of the Cangshan Mountains towering over the city.Next, we went WAY up into the highest mountains in Yunnan to an area called Shangri-La. This place is often called thereal-life Shangri-La because the scenery looks just like the mythical paradise described in books! The landscapes there are mind-blowingly gorgeous with snowy mountain peaks, bright blue lakes, and green valleys full of colorful wildflowers. We took a hiking tour through the Napa Lake Nature Reserve and saw yaks grazing in the fields up close! For a few nights, we stayed at the amazing Songshanquan Resort which had a beautiful hot spring pool you could soak in while admiring the mountains. I felt like I was relaxing in a fairy wonderland!After heading back down from the mountains, we spent a couple days in the town of Lijiang. This place is known for its old town that was built over 800 years ago by the Naxi ethnic minority group. All the buildings have really cool architecture with intricate wood carvings and little canals running through the streets. It felt like we had traveled back in time! We stayed at the Hua Hin Resort which had a mix of modern and traditional Naxi design. My favorite part was the big courtyard in the middle with a pond and bridge over it. For dinner one night, we ate at a Naxi restaurant and tried dishes like fried potatoes with mint, rice fritters, and chicken baked in a salt crust. Yummy!The last stop on our Yunnan adventure was Xishuangbanna near the border with Laos and Myanmar. This area has a tropical rainforest climate, so it was pretty hot but also very green and lush. One day, we went to the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden which has the biggest butterfly museum I've ever seen! There were thousands of beautiful butterflies from all over the world flying around in a huge enclosure. We also visited an ethnic village where we learned about the traditions of the Dai minority group. They showed us how to make bamboo baskets and paper umbrellas. For our hotel, we stayed at the Anantara Xishuangbanna Resort which had an amazing pool surroundedby palm trees, frangipani flowers, and flowing water gardens. It felt like our own private tropical paradise!I had sooo much fun exploring all the different landscapes, cultures, and foods that Yunnan has to offer. From the ancient Buddhist temples and ethnic minority villages to the snowy mountains and lush rainforests, there was beautiful nature everywhere we looked. And the hotels we stayed at were all so unique, interesting, and lovely. Yunnan really is an awesome place for an adventurous family vacation! If you ever get the chance to go there, you absolutely should. I promise you'll make amazing memories!篇2My Amazing Trip to Yunnan Province, China!Hi, my name is Emma and I'm 10 years old. Last summer, my family went on the coolest vacation ever to Yunnan Province in southwest China! It was sooo much fun and I saw the most amazing sights. I'm going to tell you all about it!We started our trip in Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan. It's called the "City of Eternal Spring" because it has beautiful flowers blooming all year round. The weather was perfect - not too hot and not too cold. Our hotel was awesome - it had a hugeswimming pool shaped like a dragon! After resting for a day, we went to explore the stunning Dianchi Lake. The lake is super big and the water is really clear. We went on a boat tour and I even got to feed the fish!Next up was Dali Ancient Town. This was my favorite place! The old town is over 1,000 years old with tons of cool traditional buildings and cobblestone streets. It felt like stepping back in time. Our hotel was inside the ancient city walls and looked like a palace from long ago. I loved wandering around peeking into all the little shops and trying delicious local snacks. One day, we hiked up a hill to explore the Three Pagodas - they are these gigantic old temples that were built hundreds of years ago. So amazing!After Dali, we went to see the legendary Stone Forest near Kunming. This is a totally bizarre landscape made of hundreds of huge stone pillars and stalagmites sticking out of the ground. Our guide told us they formed naturally over millions of years from erosion. It was mindblowing walking through the stone forest - I felt like I was on an alien planet! That night we stayed in a hotel inside the national park area. My favorite part was their trails through the karst caves and underground rivers.The grand finale of our Yunnan trip was Lijiang Ancient Town. This place was huuuge and completely surrounded by snowy mountains. The main streets were pedestrian-only with ladies in traditional dress selling crafts and souvenirs. We stayed at an awesome boutique hotel carved into the side of the mountain with a glassfloor overlooking the valley below - I've never seen a view like that! While in Lijiang, we took a day trip out to the spectacular Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. The mountain is over 18,000 feet tall and had tons of bright blue lakes and glaciers. We went on a cable car ride partway up and did some hiking around the meadows full of wildflowers. It was breathtaking!Yunnan has so many amazing sights and our trip was an adventure I'll never forget. The ancient towns felt like real-life fairy tales and the natural scenery was out-of-this-world beautiful. I'm so grateful my family took me there to explore. If you ever get a chance to go to Yunnan, you have to take it! Just be sure to stay at cool hotels and buckle up for the journey of a lifetime!篇3My Amazing Trip to Yunnan, China!Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. This summer, my family went on the most incredible trip to Yunnan Province in southwest China. Yunnan is famous for its beautiful scenery and minority cultures. I had so much fun exploring and want to tell you all about it!First, we flew into the capital city of Kunming. Our hotel there was called the Green Lake Hotel because it's right next to a huge lake called Green Lake. The hotel looked like a fairy tale castle with pointy blue roofs. The rooms were so pretty with silk bedsheets and wooden carvings on the walls. Every morning we had an amazing breakfast buffet with dumplings, noodles, fruit, and more!From Kunming, we drove north to the Stone Forest. This is a crazy landscape of huge stone pinnacles and pillars that were formed from karst erosion over millions of years. Walking through the stone forest felt like being in an alien world or a maze! The tallest pillars were over 80 feet high. Our tour guide said they used to be underwater but eventually the water drained away, leaving just the stone pinnacles behind. So cool!Next up was Dali, an ancient town near a beautiful lake. We stayed in a hotel called the Tao Garden Boutique Hotel that used to be a scholar's house from the Ming Dynasty hundreds of yearsago. The courtyards were filled with bonsai trees, flowers, and stone pathways. We got to go on a boat tour across Erhai Lake and see Jinsuo Island up close. This little island has houses built right on the water that are over 1,000 years old! Women there are famous for making batik prints on fabric. I even got a batik scarf as a souvenir.Then we went even farther north to Lijiang, home of the Naxi ethnic minority people. The Old Town area was my favorite with its narrow cobblestone streets and streams running between buildings. We stayed at the awesome Arro Lijiang Hotel which had a roof deck with views over the entire Old Town and Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the distance. I loved walking around the Old Town shops and watching performers play traditional Naxi music.For the grand finale of our Yunnan trip, we visited the breathtaking Tiger Leaping Gorge! This is one of the deepest canyons in the world, over 3,000 meters from top to bottom. We took a hiking trail along the edge with the most insane views of huge cliffs, waterfalls, and the Jinsha River far below. Our hotel at the gorge was called Tina's Guesthouse, a rustic inn where we stayed overnight. They had an open-air hot pot restaurant built right over the rushing waters of the river. We ordered a yak meatand veggie hot pot which was so fresh and delicious after our long hike.I'll never forget the amazing places and experiences we had in Yunnan. From the stone forest to the ancient towns, to the majestic gorges and snow-capped mountains, it was like areal-life fairy tale adventure. I hope I can visit again someday to see more of this magical province! Thanks for reading about my awesome summer vacation.篇4My Amazing Trip to Yunnan, China!Hi friends! I just got back from the coolest trip ever to Yunnan province in southwest China. My mom, dad, and little brother went for Spring Break and it was SO much fun. I saw amazing views, tried delicious foods, and got to be a real explorer. Let me tell you all about it!First up, we flew into the city of Kunming, which is the capital of Yunnan. It's known as the "City of Eternal Spring" because the weather is nice and mild all year round. We stayed at this awesome hotel called the Grand Park Kunming. It had the most giant swimming pool I've ever seen! The rooms were really pretty too with lots of wooden decorations. My favorite part was thehuge outdoor plaza area with gardens, ponds, and these traditional Chinese pavilions. We had breakfast there every morning and I stuffed myself with dumplings, noodles, and sweet coconut bread.After exploring Kunming for a couple days, we drove out to the Stone Forest near the city. This is a totally mind-blowing landscape of huge stone pinnacles and pillars sticking out of the ground. Our tour guide said they were formed over millions and millions of years by wind and rainwater erosion. It felt like being on an alien planet! We hiked along trails through the forest, climbing up and down narrow paths with the crazy rock formations all around us. I pretended I was an astronaut exploring a new world. We also saw some famous spots like the Stone Lotus Lake and the Palace of Pudit.Then it was off to see Dali and Lijiang, two of the most picturesque old towns in all of China. Dali has a history going back over 1,000 years and the old city center is surrounded by an ancient stone wall with towers and gates. Inside the walls, we wandered through winding alleyways lined with traditional wooden houses with upturned roof eaves. There were tons of little shops, restaurants, and artisan workshops too. We stayed at this really unique hotel called the Dali Triple Courtyard BoutiqueHotel which used to be a wealthy family's residence centuries ago. Our room opened up onto a beautiful interior courtyard garden. So cool!After Dali, we headed up into the mountains to Lijiang. This might have been my favorite place on the whole trip! Lijiang is an old town built by the Naxi ethnic minority people, with stunning architecture made from wood, stone, and intricately carved designs. The little canals and streams running through the town made it feel like a real-life Venice. We stayed at a Naxi guesthouse called the Pu'an Inn which let us experience living in a traditional Naxi residence. I loved the Naxi music, clothing, and cuisine. One night we even went to see an amazing ethnic dance performance!The last and definitely most epic part of our Yunnan adventure was a visit to the unbelievable Pudacuo National Park near Lijiang. This place is home to the famous Tiger Leaping Gorge - one of the deepest canyons on the entire planet! We went on a short hike along the gorge and I've never seen anything so massive and steep in my life. The stone cliffs rise up over 3,000 meters (that's almost 2 miles!) on both sides with the raging Jinsha River at the bottom. Luckily the trail was pretty safe with guard rails and steps carved into the mountainside. I felt sotiny looking out across that humongous chasm. What an incredible natural wonder!By the end, my brain was bursting with all the amazing scenery, culture, food, and experiences from our Yunnan trip. We saw ancient cities, funky stone forests, roaring rivers, towering mountains, and met incredibly kind and welcoming people everywhere we went. I already can't wait to go back and explore more of this awesome province! If you ever get a chance to visit Yunnan, you absolutely have to go. It's a real-life journey to another world.篇5My Big Trip to Yunnan Province!Hi everyone! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. This summer, my family took the most amazing trip to Yunnan Province in Southwest China. Yunnan is famous for its beautiful scenery and minority cultures. I had so much fun and saw so many incredible sights. I want to tell you all about it!Our first stop was Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan. Kunming is known as the "Spring City" because it has a lovely spring-like climate all year round. Everything was so green and flowers bloomed everywhere. We stayed at the Green Lake Hotelright next to Green Lake Park. The hotel was awesome – it had a huge pool, tennis courts, and even a little amusement park! My little sister and I spent hours playing in the kiddie area.One of the coolest things we did in Kunming was visit the Yunnan Ethnic Village. This open-air museum shows the homes and cultures of 25 different minority groups that live in Yunnan. The buildings were so colorful and unique. My favorite was the Dai Nationality Village which had these incredible wooden houses raised up on stilts. We even got to watch the minority people perform traditional dances in their bright costumes. So cool!After Kunming, we went to Dali, an ancient city nestled between Erhai Lake and the Cangshan Mountains. Dali is over 1,000 years old and you can still see the old city walls and gates. We wandered through the winding alleyways of the Ancient Town area, which was like stepping back in time. There were little shops selling all kinds of crafts and snacks. I bought a neat wooden frog whistle that actually ribbits when you blow it!Our hotel in Dali was right on Erhai Lake and had its own private beach area. One day we rented a boat and went out on the lake. The water was so clear and blue, with the mountains rising up all around. We even spotted some of the funny-lookingErhai Lake Marmots swimming near the shore. Those are unique fat furry creatures that only live in this one lake!The next stop was Lijiang, home to the Naxi minority people. The Old Town of Lijiang is a UNESCO World Heritage site with centuries-old bridges, canals, and traditional Naxi architecture. It was like being transported to another world! We stayed at the wonderful Regent Hotel, which used to be the residence of a Naxi prince. Our room had an open-air courtyard in the middle. So pretty!One day we took a tour to see the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, which is over 18,000 feet high. The mountain was coated with glistening snow and looked just like a giant jade dragon in the sky! We rode up in a cable car and hiked along snowy trails. I had never seen that much snow before since it doesn't really snow where I live. I even got to make a little snowman! Brrr it was freezing but totally worth it.Our last stop in Yunnan was Xishuangbanna, which is famous for its tropical rainforests and ethnic minority villages. We stayed at the gorgeous Anantara Resort surrounded by gardens and pools. One day we went on a tour and visited several different Dai minority villages. The Dai people live in bamboo houses raised up on stilts. We saw how they make bamboo baskets, gottemporary Sanda tattoos, and I even tried on a Dai costume! We also went hiking through the lush rainforest and saw tons of cool plants and animals, including wild elephants!Wherever we went, my parents made sure we tried all the delicious Yunnan foods. My favorites were the over-the-fire baked Dai dishes like pineapple rice, the super spicy Acree chicken, and these yummy rose petal pastries. Yunnan is also famous for its pu'er tea, which comes from the ancient tea trees growing there. I loved drinking the sweet, rich tea.Yunnan was seriously the best place I've ever been! The scenery was just breathtaking, from the snow-capped mountain peaks to the tropical rainforests. And the minority cultures were incredible to experience. I have so many amazing memories from this trip that I'll never forget. I hope I can go back to Yunnan again someday!。
推 荐新的一年即将来临之际酒店将在月光下举行荧光跨年晚宴。
推 荐为了让更多的宾客体验到焕活身心的疗愈之旅,在忙碌的生活中找寻到片刻的宁静与美好,Chiva-Som泰国华欣奇瓦颂养生度假村推出新年礼遇活动,预订日期至2023年12月31日。
推 荐曼谷137Pillars酒店及7间公寓的豪华轿车或伦敦出租车,可以带您在城市周边游览,您还可以参加酒店Leonowens Club的定制行程,来一次难忘的探索之旅。
为迎接即将来临的节日季,曼谷137 Pillars酒店开启岁末节日庆典。
曼谷137Pillars酒店137 Pillars Suites & Residences Bangkok屹立于曼谷街区的曼谷137 Pillars酒店(137 Pillars Suites & Residences Bangkok)是一家精致奢华、颇为独特的精品酒店。
上海璞丽酒店(Pula Hotal Shanghai)
![上海璞丽酒店(Pula Hotal Shanghai)](
上海璞丽酒店(Pula Hotal Shanghai)庭前翠竹穿过车水马龙的熙攘喧闹,车子在一排葱茏的翠竹前停下。
.The PuLi Hotel and Spa璞麗酒店清新质朴的上海灰砖墙上悬饰着The PuLi Hotel and Spa璞麗酒店的Logo:以凤凰栖梧桐为造型,代表着The PuLi Hotel and Spa璞麗酒店的专属与尊贵;中国文化中的璞玉浑金之说也成了酒店的名字来源而昭示着The PuLi Hotel and Spa璞麗酒店纯净独特的内在潜质。
.Lobby 大堂The PuLi Hotel and Spa璞麗酒店大堂的黑色地砖与北京紫禁城修复工程地面建材出自同一品牌,肃穆而端庄。
.Lobby 大堂大堂和酒店的Long Bar“长吧”之间,是一排安静的休息区,旁边就是办理Check In手续的前台,酒店提供的In Room Check In服务,为宾客免去了排队等候的繁琐。
在这里也没有标示世界各地时间的钟表,The PuLi Hotel and Spa璞麗酒店所追求的是一种真正的脱离喧嚣之后的宁静。
.Long Bar 长吧背依静安公园的鸟语花香和波光潋滟的户外水景,32米长的Long Bar “长吧”更像是一个安静的慢摇吧,潺潺的音乐隐约而来,如同窗外的水波荡漾心田,好不惬意。
.Long Bar 长吧而当夜色垂暮之时,长吧内的灯光亮起,一切的鲜艳色彩夺目而来。
书廊在大堂和Long Bar“长吧”对面是酒店的书廊,三面环墙的书架上从中国古典文学到欧洲文化史、从音乐绘画到艺术品鉴赏……有着如此丰富藏书的酒店怎能不让人流连?.书廊书廊的装饰也秉承中西结合的风格,藤编坐饰、线装书本等中国传统元素与壁炉等西式元素巧妙结合起来,营造出轻松舒适的阅读氛围。
W宁静岛 W Retreat & Spa该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场80公里水上飞机25分钟餐标BB9.港丽伦格里岛ConradRangali该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场107公里水上飞机30分钟餐标BB10.假日珊瑚岛HolidayIsland该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场109公里水上飞机30分钟餐标需要和代理再谈11.四季酒店LandaaGiraavaru12.神仙珊瑚岛IslandHideawayatDhonakulhi该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场300公里.得做内陆飞机50分钟(不是水飞啊)餐标需要和代理再谈13.泰姬魅力岛TajExotica该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场8公里豪华快艇15分钟餐标BB14.娜拉杜岛NaladhuMaldives该岛属于5星酒店,距离机场22公里豪华快艇25分钟餐标需要和代理再谈15。
希尔顿酒店集团是全球最大的酒店管理公司之一,旗下拥有多个知名品牌,如希尔顿酒店、Conrad酒店、Waldorf Astoria酒店等。
在这种发展态势之下,2016年,安纳塔拉度假会宣布与Interval International 达成合作关系,为会员带来更多充满活力的度假选择。
其中安纳塔拉度假会真相就是会员现在可以用自己的度假会积分兑换Interval International计划旗下分布于全球80多个国家的2900多家酒店。
安纳塔拉度假会首席运营官Maurizio Bisicky表示,“安纳塔拉度假会已在亚洲为品味卓越的旅行者提供了近四年的豪华产权共享度假产品和服务。
在过去一年中,安纳塔拉度假会真相就是我们与Interval International达成了合作,升级了安纳塔拉度假会普吉岛迈考酒店的家庭计划,并推出了其他的一些举措。
Good morning/afternoon/evening! It is my great honor to stand here and share with you some thoughts about the characteristics of unique hotels. In today's rapidly developing tourism industry, hotels have become an important part of our lives. Among them, unique hotels have gained increasing attention due to their distinctive features and extraordinary experiences they offer to guests. In this speech, I will introduce some characteristics of unique hotels and the benefits they bring to both guests and the tourism industry.I. Distinctive architectural designThe architectural design of a unique hotel is its most prominent feature. These hotels often incorporate local culture, history, and art intotheir buildings, creating a unique and unforgettable experience for guests. For example, the Aman Summer Palace in Beijing is a combination of traditional Chinese gardens and modern architecture. The hotel's design reflects the rich history of China and offers guests a chance to immerse themselves in the ancient capital's charm.II. Specialized themesUnique hotels often have specialized themes that cater to different interests and preferences. These themes can range from historical, cultural, and artistic to adventurous, romantic, and eco-friendly. By focusing on a specific theme, these hotels create an immersive environment that allows guests to explore and experience different aspects of life. For instance, the Alila Villas Uluwatu in Bali offers a luxury eco-friendly experience, where guests can enjoy the beauty of nature and the tranquility of the island.III. Personalized servicesPersonalized services are another key characteristic of unique hotels. These hotels understand that each guest has unique needs and preferences. As a result, they provide tailored services to ensure a comfortable and memorable stay. From personalized room decorations to customized dining experiences, these hotels go the extra mile to make their guests feel special. For example, the Four Seasons Hotel Gresham Palace in Warsawoffers a butler service, where a personal butler attends to the guest's every need throughout their stay.IV. Unique dining experiencesUnique hotels often have on-site restaurants that offer distinctive dining experiences. These restaurants feature locally sourced ingredients, unique dishes, and exceptional culinary skills. By doing so, they not only provide guests with delicious food but also showcase the local culture and cuisine. For example, the Mandarin Oriental Pudong, Shanghai has a restaurant called "M on the 57th," which offers a panoramic view of the city skyline and a fine dining experience.V. Exquisite room designThe room design of unique hotels is another aspect that sets them apart from conventional hotels. These hotels pay close attention to the details, creating a luxurious and comfortable environment for their guests. From the choice of furniture and decor to the amenities provided, every element is carefully selected to ensure a perfect stay. For instance, the Banyan Tree Phuket offers rooms with private pools, allowing guests to enjoy the beauty of the island from the comfort of their own space.VI. Eco-friendly initiativesIn recent years, eco-friendly initiatives have become increasingly important in the hotel industry. Unique hotels take this responsibility seriously and implement various eco-friendly practices. From using renewable energy sources to minimizing waste and promoting sustainable practices, these hotels strive to reduce their environmental impact. For example, the Anantara Angkor Resort in Siem Reap has implemented a "Greening Angkor" program, which focuses on preserving the natural environment and local culture.VII. Unique activities and amenitiesUnique hotels often offer a wide range of activities and amenities that cater to different interests. These can include spa treatments, wellnessprograms, adventure sports, cultural experiences, and more. By providing these unique offerings, these hotels ensure that guests have a memorable and enriching stay. For instance, the Belmond Hotel Caruso in Ravello, Italy offers guests the opportunity to explore the nearby vineyards and learn about Italian winemaking.In conclusion, unique hotels have become an essential part of the tourism industry due to their distinctive features and exceptional experiences. From their architectural design and specialized themes to personalized services, exquisite room design, eco-friendly initiatives, and unique activities, these hotels offer an unforgettable stay for guests. By embracing these characteristics, unique hotels not only enhance the tourism industry but also contribute to the preservation of local culture and environment.Thank you for your attention. I hope this speech has given you a better understanding of the characteristics of unique hotels and their significance in today's world. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to share them with us.。
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顶尖SPA:安纳塔拉 癿水疗品牌蜚声国际, 结吅当地绝美癿自然 环境以及按摩师癿精 心服务,带给客人顶 尖癿享受。
创意游览:酒店会结 吅当地历叱文化特色 和独特癿自然景观, 为客人提供可供选择 癿多种游觅服务,例 如骑象游觅森林、冲 浪、潜水、学习当地 民族舞蹈、火山湖斳 就餐等。 得天独厚癿酒店环境和这种 处处体现癿正如安纳塔拉梵 语意义“无穷无尽”一样癿 服务理念,使得安纳塔拉成 为亚洲首屈一指癿奢华度假 酒店品牌。
平板电规、环绕音响DVD,高速 平板电规、环绕音响DVD,高 互联网、ipod基座、数字保险箱、 速互联网、ipod基座、数字保险 迷你吧 箱、迷你吧
面积 景观 床 洗浴 设斲
124㎡(起居室、卧室) 斜规海景 双人床 水磨石缸,雨淋花洒 平板电规、环绕音响DVD, 高速互联网、ipod基座、 数字保险箱、迷你吧
三亚安纳塔拉:坐落于三亚半山半岛,中国第一家安纳塔拉海岛度假酒 店。
半山半岛,位于三亚市小东海鹿回头半岛,整个半岛由鹿回头公园、鹿回 头岭两山和小东海、鹿回头湾两湾组成。 半山半岛项目占地面积2066多亩,建筑面积100多万平斱米,由三亚鹿回 头斴游区开収有限公司开収癿超大型综吅房地产项目。整个项目包括临海 别墅、观海公寓、洲际酒店、豪华商业街、国际潜水基地、游艇会等。 2012年11月,三亚安纳塔拉对外营业,标志着“安纳塔拉体验”正式来到 中国。 三亚安纳塔拉酒店拥有122间客房,包括89个单间,12个套房,21栋别墅。
安纳塔拉(Anantara):亚洲首屈一指的奢华度假酒店品牌,理念整合 风格建筑、个性化服务、地域文化、顶尖SPA和创意游览。
特色建筑风格:每一座安 纳塔拉度假酒店都聘请富 有才情癿设计师与门设计, 酒店无论从外形还是细节 都精心打造,展现独特癿 气质,同时很好癿融入当 地环境。 极致的个性化服务:安纳 塔拉为每个入住酒店癿客 人提供全程癿无微丌至癿 悉心关怀,从迚门癿迎接 仪式到随处可见癿热情微 笑,处处体现着酒店对于 客人需求癿关注。
体现地域文化:每一家安 纳塔拉酒店都将当地独特 癿文化融入到酒店中,包 括提供当地特色美食、建 筑中体现当地元素、带领 游客领略当地文化活劢等。
安纳塔拉:全球热带风情海岛度假酒店丏家,酒店大多分布于亚洲和中 东绝美旅游目的地。
每一座安纳塔拉都是五星级度假村,安纳塔拉度假村位于世界各个著名海 岛,拥有海边度假村,水疗度假村以及沙漠度假村等特色水疗度假酒店。 2001 年,第一座安纳塔拉度假村在泰国历叱悠久癿海滨度假胜地华欣建 成。随后,包括金三觇、苏梅岛等在内癿多家安纳塔拉在泰国建成。2006 年起,马尔代夫安纳塔拉建成,标志着安纳塔拉走向了全球。截止2013年 6月份,安纳塔拉在亚洲及中东6个国家拥有超过25家安纳塔拉度假酒店。
面积 景观 床 洗浴 设斲
62㎡ 人工景观 双人床 水磨石缸,雨淋花洒
62㎡ 斜规海景 双人床戒者双床 水磨石缸,雨淋花洒
62㎡ 正规海景 双人床戒者双床 水磨石缸,雨淋花洒 平板电规、环绕音响DVD,高 速互联网、ipod基座、数字保险 箱、迷你吧
面积 景观 床 洗浴 设斲
500㎡(大床卧室、户外泳池) 人工景观 双人床 水磨石缸,雨淋花洒
600㎡(双卧室、户外泳池) 二楼可看海 双人床和双床 水磨石缸,雨淋花洒、私人水疗
800㎡(双卧室、独立户外泳池) 二楼可看海 双人床和双床 水磨石缸,雨淋花洒、私人水 疗
沙漠海岸 沙漠风情 沙漠海岸
苏梅岛波普·泰国 苏梅岛拉瓦那·泰国 湄公河游船酒店·泰国
106个(客房) (单间、套间、别墅) (两卧室游船和四卧室游船)
海岛风情 海岛风情 游船住宿
89个(单间、套房、别墅) 海岛风情
MINOR国际酒店集团:亚洲奢华酒店、度假村和水疗中心丏业运营公 司,关注酒店品牌度和创造性
除自身拥有Biblioteka Anantara品牌及不四季、万豪品牌联盟外, MINOR酒店集团同时还经营着Elewana和M-Collection 旗下癿奢华酒店和度假村,幵成为四家四季度假酒店癿业 主和开収者。MINOR酒店集团作为世界顶级奢侈品牌癿 业主和经营管理者,拥有丰富癿管理经营和国际化经营理 念,享有很高癿国际知名度。
凤凰机场 三亚站
酒店配套:配套设斲较为丰富,注重档次和品质,客人丌出酒店可以满 足基本度假生活需求。
三亚半山半岛安纳塔拉癿主 要设斲: •122个单间、套房和别墅 •户外游泳池 •会议和宴会设斲 •商务中心和图书馆 •食源 – 全日制餐厅
会议、宴会 1-2层 客房2-7层 酒店大堂 (一层)
•水岸阁 – 正宗泰国美食 •啊喔 – 酒廊和葡萄酒窖 •健身中心 •礼品店 •儿童乐园
酒店特色三:提供各种个性化服务,让入住酒店的客人真正感受宾至如 归的礼遇。
安纳塔拉。梵语意为“无穷无尽”,象征着自由、运劢不和谐, 正是“安纳塔拉体验”癿核心所在。酒店以此为服务理念,为客 人超越界限癿诚挚待客之道。 入住客人反馈(数据来自携程网) “我在酒店吃早餐癿时候,在丌进处站着癿服务人员丌会一 直盯着客人看,但是当我有需求癿时候,他就会很快反应,我让 感视到他们时刻都是在关注着客人,这种感受很好。” “服务实在太好了。可能由于酒店觃模小 服务生充足癿原因 服务真癿相当好。简单说几点a: 我入住前一个晚上打电话过去询 问几点可以入住 得到癿回答是房间已经准备好 第二天白天随时可 以过去办入住 这在我住过癿其他酒店是没有遇到过癿 b: 免费升级 了海景房 c: 免费延晚退房到14点 d: 退房当天由于我是换酒店到 隑壁癿洲际 酒店主劢提出派车送我们过去 虽然很近 但是诚意很 让人感劢” “安娜塔拉酒店集团癿出品,一直是我癿至爱,同样保持其 “无边界癿水”癿理念,每样细节都能做到枀致!” “不爱人纪念日癿出行!非常贴心癿服务设计!为我们提供了 情侣床单和服务!特棒!下次来还住!” “前台服务生得知我和老公过来周年庆,入住当晚送了一瓶白 葡萄酒给我们。这家酒店癿泰餐做癿丌错,环境也很棒,服务员 都很亲切,好像是经过与业培训癿。”
三亚·中国 西双版纳·中国 班莱斯芭松·泰国 曼谷河畔·泰国 水明漾·巴厘岛
帕岸岛·泰国 锡高·泰国 曼谷沙通·泰国 金三觇·泰国 华欣·泰国
64个(套房和别墅) (单间和套房)
海岛风情 海岛风情
122个(89单间、12套房、 海岛风情 21别墅) 丛林风情 97个酒店公寓套房(99155平米套间) 407个(单间和套房) 60个套房 都市逃隐 热带水岸 海岛风情
Anantara酒店及度假村是由MINOR酒店集团投资、运营、管理癿。 MINOR INTERNATIONAL迈诺国际集团是一家与业经营酒店业、休闲业、餐饮业、零售业癿大型上市公司,在 泰国证交所市值达20亿美金。雇佣着21000名员工,被翰威特公司评选癿亚洲最佳雇主之一。
迈诺国际酒店集团是MINOR INTERNATIONAL癿下属公司,作为亚洲领先癿奢华酒店、度假村和水疗中心业主和营 业者,业务遍及世界多个著名斴游胜地,在东非、中东、印尼、马尔代夫、斯里兮卡等国家拥有30多家豪华水疗中心 和29家奢华酒店度假村,在开収热带雨林气候下癿度假、水疗目癿地酒店斱面具有突出优势。 最近,由美国权威斴 行杂志《私家地理》 根据读者票选排除癿 全亚洲15个最好癿度 假酒店中,其中有四 家是由MINOR酒店 集团投资戒者运营管 理癿。
平板电规、环绕音响DVD,高速 平板电规、环绕音响DVD,高速 平板电规、环绕音响DVD,高 互联网、ipod基座、数字保险箱、 互联网、ipod基座、数字保险箱、 速互联网、ipod基座、数字保 迷你吧、咖啡机、别墅管家 迷你吧、咖啡机、别墅管家 险箱、迷你吧、咖啡机、别墅 管家
价格:房价整体价格与处在同一区位的洲际酒店接近。另外淡季价格会 有最低5折的优惠,同时也会有不同类型的优惠活动。
酒店特色二:蜚声国际的安纳塔拉水疗,给客人提供高端服务的同时也 成为酒店一大标签。
安纳塔拉旗下癿『Anantara Spa』作为屡获殊荣癿水疗品牌, 以充分融吅丌同目癿地癿民俗传承为主要特色。 作为中国第一家安纳塔拉酒店癿招牌服务项目,三亚安纳塔拉 癿水疗结吅中国细腻、高雅癿茶文化不中国南部古老癿珍珠美 容智慧,以及来自印度不泰国癿健康传统理念不当代技术,给 客人带来更新鲜癿体验。 酒店会针对入住客人给出享受水疗服务癿优惠,例如个别套间 和别墅具有私人SPA服务、入住较多天可以赠送SPA服务、住酒 店送SPA代金券等。既吸引酒店客人又促迚了店内消费。 三亚癿高端酒店众多,除了硬件斱面癿品质,顶尖水疗服务也 使得安纳塔拉有了区别其他酒店,塑造独特品牌癿一大亮点。
310个酒店公寓(单间和套房) 都市逃隐 77个(单间和套房) 187个(单间和套房) 丛林风情 滨海风情
阿布扎比·阿联酋 Qasr Al Sarab·阿 联酋 沙漠岛·阿联酋 美耐·越南
222个(单间和套房) 206个(单间、套房、别 墅) 64个(单间和套房)
整个度假村酒店建筑为中式和泰式相融吅 风格。 室内装饰上,无论是铜鼎癿装饰物还是草 编癿艺术品戒者是鸟笼状癿烛台都具有浓 郁癿东斱气息。
东斱韵律同时也通过服务人员癿枀具东斱风格癿 制服和谦卑而真诚癿态度所传达。 酒店播放癿亚洲风格乐曲、柠檬草精油灯所散収 癿味道已经随处可见癿流水,使整个酒店散収禅 宗癿气质,给人内心宁静癿感受。