第9课教案新部编本 Globalizations Dual Power

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教师学科教案[ 20 – 20 学年度第__学期]





Globalization’s Dual Power

I. Teaching Objectives

1) Getting the students to understand the content and structure of this part

2) Getting the students to learn some economy information relevant to the text

3) Getting the students to learn to use such words and expressions as dwarf,

flow ,binge ,merge ,to be hard-pressed to do sth, etc.

II. Time Allotment

Part One 30 minutes Part Two 30 minutes

Part Three 30 minutes

III. Teaching Procedures

Part One (para.8—10 )

1.A decade later, even after Asia's 1997-98 financial crisis, private capital flows dwarf governmental flows.

to dwarf: to make sth. seem small by comparion 使相形见绌

eg. The new skyscraper will dwarf all those near it.

dwarf n. (pl. dwarfs \ dwarves) :

1.(in stories) a creature like a small man, who has magic powers and who is

usually described as living and working under the ground, especially working with metal (神话中有魔法的)小矮人

2.(sometimes offensive) an extremely small person, who will never grow to a

normal size because of

physical problem 矮子;侏儒dwarfism 侏儒症

They have campaigned for many years against the discrimination experienced by dwarfs/ dwarves.

adj. : (of a plant or an animal) much smaller than the normal size 矮小的

flow : movement in one direction, esp. continuously and easily 流

flowingly adv. 随大流(逆潮流):

go\move with (against) the flow

2. Ten years later, even after Asia’s financial crisis of 1997—1998, private capital flows are still greater in number than governmental capital flows.Meanwhile, multinational companies have gone on an international acquisition binge. acquisition :

1. the act of gaining possession of sth in addition to the company’s property 购


eg.the acquisition of shares by employees 雇员勾股

2. the act of getting sth, especially knowledge, a skill, ect. (知识、技能等的)


eg.theories of child language acquisition 幼儿语言习得的理论

3. something that sb buys to add to what they already own, usually something valuable (多指贵重的)购得物

acquisitive adj. 渴求获取财物的,贪婪的

binge n. : a period of uncontrolled self—indulgence


a drinking/eating/spending binge

eg. Her illness involved periods of binge-eating and then making herself sick

v. : to eat in an uncontrolled way,sometimes as a part of an illness

eg. She went through periods of binging (also


~ on sth


When she’s depressed she binges on chocolate.

to go on a binge : to do much of sth, such as eating, drinking, shopping 饮酒作乐

3 .In the first half of 1999 alone, the value of new cross—border mergers and acquisitions ~~~

cross—border : between countries.Notice the p refix “cross--” . Also : cross—culture, cross—state

mergers and acquisitions : 兼并与收购

merger n. : the union of two or more commercial interests or corporations (机构或企业的)合并,归并

~ between\of A and B ; ~ with sth

Eg. a merger between the two banks 两家银行的合并

merge v. : 合并,结合;相融,渐渐消失在某物中

The hills merged into the dark sky behind them.


merge into the background


企业并购(Mergers and Acquisitions,M&A)包括兼并和收购两层含义、两种方式。国际上习惯将兼并和收购合在一起使用,统称为M&A,在我国称为并购。即企业之间的兼并与收购行为,是企业法人在平等自愿、等价有偿基础上,以一定的经济方式取得其他法人产权的行为,是企业进行资本运作和经营的一种主要形式。企业并购主要包括公司合并、资产收购、股权收购.

4. The recent takeover struggle between British and German wireless giants is exceptional only for its size and bitterness.

exceptional : being an exception, uncommon; extraordinary

1.She has exceptional ability as a pianist.

2.The company has shown exceptional growth over the past three years. Takeover n. : 1. an act of taking control of a company by buying most of shares 收
