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• 国务卿似乎没看到这一点。
• 9. We never know the worth of water till the well is dry.
• 井枯方知水可贵。
1. 我们决不辜负全国人民对我们的希望。 • We will live up to the expectations of our people. 2.他的解释不能让人满意。 His explanation is far from satisfactory. 3.他虽然贫穷,但无论如何也不会说谎。 Poor as he was, he was above telling a lie in any case.
• 一. 翻译必须兼顾两面——忠实和通顺 • 由于不善于逻辑思考,对原文理解歧义,闹出笑话, 历来是翻译的一大忌讳。
• 1. He was well-known as a writer when he was young fellow in the sixties.
• 当他还是个60多岁的年轻小伙子时,他是个有名的作 家。。 • 在60年代,他还年轻时,是一个有名的作家。
• 我们希望最可敬的秘书长先生不要过于操劳,要多多 保重,他的健康状况欠佳是众所周知的。
2. 根据汉语习惯搭配确定词义
英语中有些词在同一词类中、具有相同意义的情况下, 和不同的词搭配,译成汉语时还要根据与它搭配的词 而选择最符合汉语习惯的词义。

1.He has great ears and eyes. 2. He has great wisdom, experience and knowledge.
• 2. Jane does not work hard because she wants to earn money.
• 因为简想赚钱,所以才不下力。 • 简并不是因为想赚钱才努力工作的。
• 所谓通顺,即指译文语言必须通顺易懂,符合规范。译文 必须是明白流畅的语言,没有文理不通、晦涩难懂等现象。
• 6. I won’t keep you waiting long.
• 我一会儿就回来。
• 7. That’s a thing that might happen to anyone.
• 这种事情谁也难免。
• 8. This was a view that seems to have escaped the State Secretary.

2. Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; writing an exact man.
读书使人充实,讨论使人机智,写作使人准确。(增补 省略的词 )

3. The paper discussed language teaching and language research.
• 昨晚我听到他把猪赶到市场上去。 • 昨晚我听到他鼾声如雷,声音就象把猪赶到市场一样。
2.General Smith and my father are on first name basis.
• 史密斯将军和我的父亲都是在第一名的基础上。 • 史密斯将军和我的父亲是直呼名字的知交。
• 3. After repeated failures and disappointments he was tempted to throw up the sponge, but continued perseverance finally brought success.
• 我们希望怀特先生不要忘乎所以,在联合国里一个大 国代表可以为所欲为的日子已经一去不复返了。
• We hope that our most respected Secretary General will not forget himself; his poor health is known to everybody.
• 他耸耸肩,摇摇头,闭着眼,一句话不说。
• 9. Everywhere you can find new types of men and objects in New China.
• 新中国处处可以看到新人、新事物。(减去泛指的人称代词)
• 10. We have 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. • 一个星期有7天, 一天有24小时。
• 数以百万计的非洲人已逐渐意识到他们的生活状况异 常贫穷落后,这就促使他们采取坚决措施去创造新的生活。
• 2. The sight and sound of our jet planes filled me with special longing. • 看到我们的喷气式飞机,听到隆隆的机声,令我特别神
• milk the cow milk the bull • sleeping beauty sleeping spy
1.根据上下文(verbal context) 确定词义 We hope Mr. White will not forget himself, gone are the days when a representative of a large country in UN. may do whatever he likes.
• 1. Pindus Road was a long, wide, straight street that ran parallel with Bread Road.
• 平得斯路是一条与布莱德路平行的、长长的、宽宽的、笔 直的大街。 • 平得斯路与布莱德路平行,是一条又长又宽又直的大街。
• 2. She not only laughs a lot but has a heart of gold.
• 7. In my childhood I learned a great deal about Russia.
• 童年时,我就听到许多关于俄罗斯的事情。(减去物主代词)
• 8. He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, closed his eyes, but said nothing.
• 她不仅常常大笑,而且还有一颗黄金之心。 • 她不仅笑口常开,而且还有一颗金子般的心。
• 二. 理解原文的深层结构 • 有些词从字面上看非常简单,但由于对原文所 涉及的客观事物、典故或专门术语不理解,所 以就译不出来,乃至出错。 • 1. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market.
五. 转换
• “转换”(conversion)是一种常用的翻译 技巧,包括词性转换、语态转换和正反转 换等。
• 1. The growing awareness by millions of Africans of their extremely poor and backward living conditions has prompted them to take resolute measures and create new ones.
• 3. They will return in 60 days or two months. • 他们60天后, 也就是2个月后回来。
• 4. It was soon recognized that this approach offered the best framework for a solution.
• 在今天的纽约证券交易所大厅里,经纪人无不神采飞扬, 兴致勃勃。
• 6.Half the prize money he spent, and the rest was laid aside for a rainy day. • 他先花掉奖金的一半,另一半留待困难之时。
• • • • •
三. 确定词语在语境中的意义 seat oneself in a wooden chair accept a university chair chair the board meeting condemned to the chair
七. 翻译与文化
• 1. With determination, with luck and help from lots of good people, I was able to rise from the ashes.
• 人们不久就认识到,这种办法提供了解决问题的最佳框架。
• 5. The best work is done the way ants do things-by tiny, tireless and regular additions.
• 最好的作品都是像蚂蚁干活那样完成的——通过点滴、不 懈和经常不断的增补。

四. 词义的褒贬色彩
• 语言本身没有阶级性,但为了忠实于原文的思想内容, 翻译是必须正确理解原作者的基本政治立场和观点,然 后选用适当的语言手段来加以表达。如: • 1. Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture. • 2. Hans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. • 3. You’re flattering me by saying that. • 1.布朗先生接到作演讲的邀请时,感到非常荣幸。 • 2.汉斯说,这位先生是他所见过的最有胆识的人,这种 阿谀奉承未免过于露骨。 • 3.你那么说,就过奖了。
• 多次的失败和失望险些让他自暴自弃,但是坚持不懈的 努力最终给他带来了成功。
• 4. Mr. Lear is trying to oil the judge’s palm.
• 李尔先生想贿赂法官。
• 5. Today in the New York Stock Exchange, all the brothers are tails up.
• 4. 俗话说,“男儿有泪不轻弹,只是未到伤心处”。 • The saying goes, “men only weep when deeply hurt.” • The saying goes, “men never weep unless deeply hurt.” • 5.返回祖国的念头始终萦绕在他们心中。 • The thought of returning to his motherland never deserted him. • 6.她只觉得头晕眼花,辩不出路径。 • She felt too dizzy to remember the way she had come.

• 6. He wanted to become a missionary because he thought that was the way he could do most for people.
• 他想当传教士,认为这样可以对人类做出最大贡献。(减 去表示原因的连接词)
六. 变通:增减词语
• 英汉两种语言,由于表达方式不同,翻译时 不仅可以将词类转译,又可以在词量上进行 增减。
1. The new American Secretary of State has proposed a world conference on food supplies.
• 美国新任国务卿建议召开世界食品资源问题会议。(增 补潜在词)
论文讨论了语言教学和语言研究两方面的内容。(增补 某些概括性的词语)

• 4. The treaty was pronounced null and void.

5. Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason.