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【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the operation timing of newborns with rectosigmoid Hirschsprung′ s disease (HD). Methods From March 2013 to September 2015, 35 newborns diagnosed as rectosigmoid HD in our department were prospectively and randomly divided into 2 groups: less than 3 months treatment group (18 cases) and more than 3 months treatment group (17 cases, conservative treatment for 3 months). They all underwent laparoscopic-assisted transanal endorectal pull-through (LATEP) (modified Soave) procedure. Clinical data, perioperative conditions, postoperative complication, postoperative anal function evaluated by Wingspread score and barium enema were compared between two groups. Results The baseline data of two groups were comparable (all P > 0.05). All the cases completed single-stage LATEP procedure successfully without
中华胃肠外科杂志 2016 年 10 月第 19 卷第 10 期 Chin J Gastrointest Surg, October 2016, Vol.19, No.10
肖尚杰 杨文熠 原丽科 张颖 宋涛 许露 田松 葛午平 周佳亮 朱小春
先天性巨结肠是小儿外科常见且较为严重的 消化道畸形,可就诊于任何年龄,但多起病于新生 儿期,是新生儿肠梗阻的常见原因,约占 20%[1]。 严 格来说,出生 1 个月以内称为新生儿,但先天性巨 结肠可因种种原因较晚就诊,且由于病变所致生长 发育落后,因此,国内外大多数学者把 3 个月以内 患儿归为一组,在此期间手术者称为巨结肠的早期 治疗[2-3]。 既往由于新生儿巨结肠确诊率低而传统 术式创伤大、根治术死亡率高,人们多主张在新生 儿期先行保守治疗,延期手术或分期手术,这势必 延长了新生儿巨结肠治疗的周期,对患儿及其家属 带来不良身心影响。 近年来,随着诊断技术的提高, 围手术期处理的进步,特别是近年来微创技术的应 用以来,手术年龄逐渐降低,新生儿期行巨结肠根 治手术越来越安全。 尽管如此,众多小儿外科医生 对根治手术的年龄选择仍存在争议。 本文拟通过前 瞻性随机研究方法,比较分析新生儿巨结肠于 3 个 月内与 3 个月后行根治手术治疗的围手术期情况, 并评估其术后近、远期疗效,探讨新生儿巨结肠早
conversion to open operation. Compared with more than 3 months treatment group, preoperative bowel preparation time and operation time were significantly shorter [(6.2 ± 3.3) vs. (9.3 ± 4.1) days, P = 0.042; (95 ± 15) vs.(121 ± 23) minutes, P = 0.029, respectively], intra-operative blood loss was significantly less [(13 ± 3) ml vs. (22 ± 5) ml, P = 0.036], length of resected bowel was significantly shorter [(16 ± 5) cm vs.(23 ± 8) cm, P = 0.033], and bowel movement recovery time, parenteral nutrition time, hospital stay were also significantly shorter [(2.3 ± 0.5) vs. (2.9 ± 0.6) days, P = 0.046; (5.1 ± 2.1) vs. (5.9 ± 2.3) days, P = 0.048; (12.9 ± 3.3) vs. (15.8 ± 4.3) days, P = 0.049, respectively] in less than 3 months treatment group. No short-term complications, such as anastomotic leak, interlayer infection and abdominal infection occurred in both groups. The followup period ranged from 2 months to 24 months. Only the incidence of perianal excoriation was significantly higher in less than 3 months treatment group compared with more than 3 months treatment group [50.0%(9 / 18) vs. 23.5%(4 / 17), P = 0.045]. Wingspread score results at 6 and 12 months after operation showed excellent rate of postoperative anal function, which was not significantly different between two groups [ < 3 months group : 81.3% (13 / 16) and 92.9% (13 / 14); > 3 months group: 85.7% (12 / 14) and 92.3% (12 / 13), all P > 0.05]. Postoperative barium enema results at 6 and 12 months after operation all showed normal shape of colon without residue of barium. Conclusions For newborns with rectosigmoid HD, single-stage definitive operation performed at the age less than 3 months has the advantages of shorter preoperative preparation time, less operating injury, shorter resected bowel, and faster postoperative recovery as compared to the age more than 3 months. If rectosigmoid HD is definitively diagnosed, early operation is suggested to perform at the age less than 3 months.
DOI:10.3760 / cma.j.issn.1671-0274.2016.10.017 作者单位:511400 广州, 广东省妇幼保健院新生儿外科 通信作者:朱小春, Email: zhuxc@126.com
中华胃肠外科杂志 2016 年 10 月第 19 卷第 10 期 Chin J Gastrointest Surg, October 2016, Vol.19, No.10
【摘要】 目的 前瞻性分析先天性巨结肠于出生 3 个月内行一期根治手术的疗效, 探讨新生 儿巨结肠一期根治术的时机。 方法 2013 年 3 月至 2015 年 9 月间广东省妇幼保健院收治的 35 例 常见型先天性巨结肠新生儿患者,按随机数字法分为 3 个月内治疗组(18 例,于 3 个月龄内行巨结 肠根治术)和 3 个月后治疗组(17 例,先保守治疗一段时间后于 3 个月龄后再行巨结肠根治术)。 两 组均采用腹腔镜辅助下经肛门改良 Soave 巨结肠根治术(LATEP)进行治疗。 比较两组患儿的围手 术期情况、术后并发症发生情况、术后临床肛门功能(Wingspread 评分法)及钡灌肠检查情况。 结果 两组基线资料的比较,差异无统计学意义(均 P > 0.05),具有可比性。 两组患儿均成功完成一期 LATEP 术,无中转开腹。 与 3个月后治疗组比较,3 个月内治疗组患者的术前肠道准备时间和手术 时间缩短 [分别为 (6.2 ± 3.3) d 比 (9.3 ± 4.1) d, P = 0.042;(95 ± 15) min 比 (121 ± 23) min,P = 0.029],术中出血量减少[(13 ± 3) ml 比(22 ± 5) ml, P = 0.036],切除肠管较短[(16 ± 5) cm 比(23 ± 8) cm, P = 0.033],术后胃肠功能恢复时间、静脉营养时间及住院时间缩短[分别为(2.3 ± 0.5) d 比(2.9 ± 0.6) d, P = 0.046; (5.1 ± 2.1) d 比(5.9 ± 2.3) d, P = 0.048;(12.9 ± 3.3) d 比(15.8 ± 4.3) d, P = 0.049]。 两组均无吻合口瘘、夹层感染及腹腔感染等近期并发症的发生。 随访 2 ~ 24 月,远期并 发症中, 仅肛周皮炎 3 个月内治疗组多于 3 个月后治疗组 [50.0%(9 / 18) 比 23.5%(4 / 17),P = 0.045]。 术后 6 月和 12 月临床肛门功能评分显示,3 个月内治疗组优良率分别为 81.3%(13 / 16) 和 92.9%(13 / 14),3 个月后治疗组分别为85.7%(12 / 14)和 92.3%(12 / 13),两组间比较,差异均无 统计学意义(均 P > 0.05)。 两组患儿术后 6 月和 12 月钡灌肠检查均提示,结肠形态恢复良好,扩 张段、移行段、狭窄段消失,无 24 h 钡剂残留。 结论 新生儿巨结肠患儿 3 个月内行巨结肠根治 术与 3 个月后相比,具有术前准备时间短、术中损伤小、切除肠管少和术后恢复快等优势,术后总体 疗效满意。 新生儿巨结肠如明确诊断,建议 3 个月内行一期根治术。
【关键词】 先天性巨结肠; 手术年龄; 新生儿; 巨结肠根治术; 腹腔镜 基金项目:广东省医学科研基金(B2013034)
Timing investigation of single-stage definitive surgery for newborn with Hirschsprung′ s disease Xiao Shangjie, Yang Wenyi, Yuan Like, Zhang Ying, Song Tao, Xu Lu, Tian Song, Ge Wuping, Zhou Jialiang, Zhu Xiaochun Department of Neonatal Surgery, Guangdong Women and Children Hospital, Guangzhou 511400, China Corresponding author: Zhu Xiaochun, Email: zhuxc@126.com
【Key words】 Hirschsprung′s Disease; Age of Operation; Newborn; HD definitive surgery; Laparoscopy
Fund program: Medical Scientific Research Fund of Guangdong Province (B2013034)