



商务谈判座次安排——多边谈判 自由式
各方人士在谈判时,自由 就座,无须事先安排座次
请判断下面商务活 动中,哪一方为主 方,哪一方为客方
对方谈判人员安排:采购部陈经理;财务部 人员李女士;法律顾问张先生。 你方谈判人员安排:1.销售部齐经理;2.财务部人 员王先生;3.法律顾问郝女士。 请按照要求进行恰当的座次安排。
谈 判 桌
郝女士 齐经理 王先生


你答对了 吗?
— 9—
— 10 —
① 未能充分传达自己的信息


— 17 —
2.2 有效沟通的手段
要言简意赅,没有歧义。让对 方弄懂意思,并采取相应的行动。
— 17 —
2.2 有效沟通的手段
轻易地打断对方,没有充分获取 对方的信息,容易造成误判断。同时, 这也非常不礼貌。



社交媒体在 商务沟通中
拓展渠道、增加 曝光
注意社交媒 体沟通的风

信息泄露、负面 传播
如何建立有 效的个人品

塑造形象、提升 影响力
如何进行有说服力 的演讲
清晰逻辑、生动表现 引用案例、运用幽默
如何取得更好的谈 判结果
沟通技巧、寻求共赢 掌握心理战术、维护底线
● 04
第4章 商务沟通的实践
在实战演练中,通过 设定虚拟商务谈判场 景,分组进行模拟谈 判,最后进行点评和 总结,提出改进建议。 这样的模拟练习可以 帮助提升实际商务谈 判的能力和技巧。
分析成功沟通案 例的关键因素
小组讨论如何运 用成功案例中的
尊重文化差异 灵活沟通方式 建立信任
商务沟通是企业成功的关键因素之ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ,建立有效 的沟通技巧对于促进团队协作、解决问题以及开 拓新市场至关重要。通过不断练习和提升沟通能 力,可以帮助企业更好地与客户、合作伙伴和员 工进行沟通,实现共赢局面。
● 03
第3章 商务沟通的策略
制定有效沟通计 划
制定有效的沟通计划 是商务沟通的重要一 环。首先,需要设立 明确的沟通目标和战 略,确保信息传递的 准确性和有效性。其 次,要确定受众以及 最适合他们的信息传 递方式,以达到最佳 的沟通效果。最后, 定期评估沟通效果, 及时调整沟通计划, 以确保持续改进。
提升员工的沟通技巧,包括口头表达能力、听取 反馈能力等。帮助员工建立信任,处理冲突,解 决问题。提高员工的自我管理能力,激励团队合 作。


























第七章1.When it comes to routine message, you canKeep the planning stage brief.2.When writing routine message, youCan assume that your readers will be interested or neutral3.When writing a routine request, you beginBy politely stating your request.4.what should you do when asking question s in a routine request?Deal with only one topic per question.5.which of flowing should you do when closing a routine request?Ask the reader to respond by a specific and appropriate time.6.A courteous close containsAll of above7.If you are making a routine reply to a customer, it`s a good idea toInclude resale information to assure the customer of the wisdom of his or her purchase8.A positive message should open with a clear and concise statement of the good news9.If a message has both positive and negative elements, you shouldTry to put the negative news in a positive context.10.Which of the following is not among the recommended elements to include in your message if you are responding to a claim or complaintComplete contact information for your corporate legal staff11.If a customer who is clearly at fault requests an adjustment, you shouldCarefully weight the cose of complying with the request against the cost of denying it, then decide how to respond based on the overall impact on your company.12.If a third party (such as a shipping company )is at fault when one of your customers makes a claim or request an adjustment ,the best response is toFollowing the terms of whatever customer service agreement your company has with he third party13.Which of the following is generally true about informative message ?Your audience may or may not be expecting them and may or may not be motivated to read them14.The purpose of goodwill message is toEnhance relationships with customers ,colleague ,and other businesspeople15.The most effective goodwill messagesAre sincere and honest第八章1.Which of the following is an effective way to mmaintain the “you” attitude when crafting negative messages ?Show respect for the reader by avoiding negative, accusatory language and emphasizing positives whenever possible2.When using the direct approach with negative messages, you begin withThe bad news3.An advantage of using the direct approach with negative messages is that itSaves readers time by helping them reach the main idea more quickly4.When using the indirect approach with negative messages, you begin withA buffer5.An advantage of using indirect approach with negative messages is thatIt eases the reader into the message6.The purpose of using the indirect approach is toSoften the blow of the bad news for the reader7.Which of the following is a good possibility to consider for use in writing a buffer?All of above are useful approach8.When writing negative messages ,the key difference to consider between internal and externalaudiences isThe length of time they’ve been associated with the company9.When a negative messages is going be sent to both internal and external audiences(such as an announcement of factory closing ),which of the following best describes the expectations that internal audiences usually have regarding the timing of the message delivery ?Internal audiences want to receive the news after the external audiences has received it10.A false statement that is damaging to a persons character or reputation ,whether spoken or in writing ,is known as defamation11.Written defamation is known as libel12.Spoken defamation is known as slander13.Which of the following is good advice for avoiding being accused of defamation?Do all of the above14.Which of the following best characterizes the nature of crisis management planning ?Although you can’t anticipate the nature and circumstance of every possible crisis ,you can repare by deciding how to handle such issues as communication with employees and the public15.Continuing advances in communication technology make itMore difficult to control rumors16.Why do many experts recommend using an indirect approach when rejecting job applicants ?Applicants have a deep emotional investment in he decision17.When explaining why an applicant wasn’t chosen for a position ,you shouldBe specific without being too personal ,such as explaining that the position requires special skills that the applicant doesn’t yet possess第九章1.Which of the following is true about persuasive business messages ?They often involve a combination of emotional and logical elements2.Why is the indirect approach often used in persuasive message ?It lets the writer build audience interest and desire before asking for action or commitment 3.Which of the following is not a good way to establish credibility with your audience ?Present only your side of the argument to avoid reminding the audience of alternatives4.If you lack credibility with an audience ,which of the following would be good technique to use in a persuasive message ?Include information or endorsement from recognized experts5.The first phase in the AIDA plan is toGain the audience’s attention6.The body of a message that follows the AIDA planGenerates interest and heightens desire7.Which of these is good way to build desire using the AIDA approach ?Do all of above8.The final phase of the AIDA planCall for action9.An argument that is based on human feelings is known as a/an emotional appeal10.An argument that is based on facts and reason is known as a/an logical appeal11.The best approach to using emotional appeals is usually toUse them in conjunction with logical appeals12.Which of the following is a type of logical appeal ?All of the above13.The so-called hard sell isRisky because it puts your recipients into a defensive frame of mind14.Relying solely on powerful ,relational argument in persuasive messagesLimits your persuasive ability because it doesn’t help you connect with your audience on an emotional level15.Prioritizing which features and benefits to write about isImportant because it helps you focus your message on items and issues that the audience cares about the most16.What is the relationship between features and benefits ?Features are aspects of an idea or product ;benefits are the advantages that readers will realize from those feature17.Which of the following steps should you take to make sure your persuasive messages areethical ?Do all of the above18.If it adheres to all applicable federal laws ,a marketing or sales messageCould still violate some state laws第十章1:Why is it particularly important in long reports to clearly identify your purpose before you begin writing?All of the above are important factors.2: What dose it mean to define the scope of a project when you are preparing a work plan?The scope is the range of your investigation subsequent reporting; you’ll address all the important topics within the defined scope of your project and ignore issues that are outside of your scope.3: informational reports focus on the delivery of facts, figures, and other types of information, without making recommendations or proposing new ideas or solutions.4: analytical reports assess a situation or problem and recommend a course of action in response.5:proposals offer structured, persuasive messages that encourage readers to take a specificcourse of action.6: Which of the following is the appropriate first step in any research project?Develop a research plan by familiarizing yourself with the subject , identifying information gaps, and prioritizing research needs.7: In the series of values 14,37,44,44,44,74,,76,88,93,100,112,All of the above are correct8: Research being conducted for the first time is called primary research.9: Research that was conducted for other projects but is being considered for a new project is called secondary r esearch..10: secondary research isGenerally used before primary research11: Why dose information found on the Internet need to be used with extreme care?Online sources often lack the fact-checking and other quality control procedures usually found in traditional, offline publishing.12: Why is it important to understand the purpose for which source material was created?Knowing the purpose helps alert you to any potential biases.13: If you uncover critically important information (the sort that could make or break your company) that is from a credible source and appears to be unbiased, well documented, current, and complete but is the only source of this information you can find, how should you handle this situation in your subsequent reporting?Use it, but clearly indicate in your report that this is the only source of the information and you weren’t able to verify it through a second , independent source.14: Why is it important to fully understand the instructions for using an individual search engine, web directory, database, or other computer-based research tool?Using the tool without understanding how it works can produce unpredictable and misleading results.15: What should you do if your first attempt to find something with a search engine doesn’t return anything?Try again with fewer search terms (which will broaden your search).16: Recording an interviewShould never be done without the subject’s permission17: A summary is a shortened version of one or more documents, research results, or other information;18: A conclusion i s your analysis of what the findings mean (an interpretation of the facts). 19: A recommendation is your opinion(based on reason and logic) about the course of action that should be taken.20:If you have a long history of success in business and are highly regarded by your audience, which two organizing models will probably be sufficient for most reports to this audience?Focusing on conclusions or focusing on recommendations.21:If you need to “walk your audience through ”the reasoning that led you to the conclusion or recommendation in your report, you should use an organization that focuses on logic. 第十一章1: Why is the “you”attitude particularly important with long or complex reports andproposals?The length and complexity of these reports put a heavy demand on readers, making it particularly important to be sensitive to their needs.2: Which of these sentences has the most formal tone?We discuss herein the possibility of synergistic development strategies between our firm and U.S. Medical.3: Which of these does not belong in the body of an informational or analytical report?an explanation of weaknesses in the report .4: where would you list action items in a report?in the close .5: Which of the following is not a characteristic of effective report content?entertaining6: How are audiences likely to react if they spot several errors in your reports?They will become skeptical about the quality of all your work .7: Which of the following is not a recommended strategy for strengthening your proposal argument ?I identify the amount of time you’ve invested in the proposal8: If packaging and presentation are only superficial, why are they so important in proposal writing ?Readers tend to prejudge the quality of your products and services by the quality of your proposal9: Which of the following elements is usually not part of a proposal’s introduction?Detailed cost analysis10: The primary purpose of the body of a proposal is toGive complete details on the proposed solution and its anticipated benefits11: If a proposal is being sent in response to an RFP , how should the body of the proposal address the issue of costs ?It should follow the instructions in the RFP exactly12: Visuals an enhance the communication impact of your writing byDelivering all of the above benefits .13: which of the following is a good candidate for illustrating in a report?: all of the above14: which of the following is not a good reason to use a visual in a report?To demonstrate your creative side15: Why is consistency important in visual design?It reduce confusion by eliminating arbitrary changes that force people to relearn your design scheme every time they encounter another visual.16: Which of the following steps could you take to call attention to the most important elements in a visual?Do all of the above .17: Which of the following steps should you take to verify the accuracy of the visuals in your reports?Do all of the above.18: assume you have a line chart with a vertical axis scaled from 0 to 100 and data pointsthat vary within a range of roughly 10 to 90 . How would you influence audience perceptions if you increased the vertical scale so that it stretched from 0 to 200 , instead of 0 to 100 ?The scaling change would minimize the perceived variations in the data.第十二章1: Which of the following is not one of four major tasks involved in completing business repots and proposals?Deciding which visuals to create for the report.2: The following sentence appears in your first……the most effective?The top three concerns our employees have……survey.3: How have computers and related technology(such as low cost color printers) made it easier in recent years for all businesspeople to produce top quality reports and proposals?Tasks that once required expensive equipment and specialized skills can now be accomplished on most desktop computers by regular businesspeople with minimal training. 4: How has the widespread availability of computer publishing tools made life more difficult for report writers?In terms of production quality, audience expectations are higher and the competition is tougher than ever before.5: When should you consider including a latter or memo of authorization in a formal report?If you received written authorization to write the report6: What is the purpose of including a latter of acceptance in a formal report ?It reminds your audience what you previously agreed to address in the report and why you were assigned to write it .7: A/an synopsis is a brief overview (usually one page or less) of a report’s most important points.8: A/an executive summary in a fully developed “mini” version of the report itself.9: Which of the following may contain headings, visual aids, and enough information to help busy executives make quick decisions?An executive summary10: Which of the following is not a typical supplementary part of a formal report?Letter of authorization11: If you’ve submitted a proposal that is in response to a request for proposals (RFP), what steps can you take to make sure the recipient understands which RFP you’re responding to?If the RFP is short ,include it with the other prefatory parts of your proposal, if the RFP is lengthy, include just the introductory page(s) from it.12: How should you handle the letter of transmittal for an unsolicited proposal?Treat the letter as a persuasive message, persuading the reader that your report offers information of value.。


2.使用手机的禁忌 不要在公共场合旁若无人的使用移动通讯
工具 在开会等场合,不要当众使用移动通讯工

使用手机注意安全: ——在驾驶时不使用手机通话 ——不在加油站、面粉厂、油库等
地使用手机 ——不要在病房内使用 ——不要在飞机飞行期间使用
1.迟到、请假自己打电话 2.外出办事,随时同单位联系 3.延误拜访时间应事先与对方联络 4.外出时,告知去处及电话 5.与外出上司联络,力求简洁 6.以传真机传送文件后,使用电话联络
需要注意问题: 如何准备应聘材料 收集应聘公司的信息 保持平和心态,营造和谐气氛 如何回答主试者的提问
(1)告知—说服型面谈 用于对员工绩效的评价。做法:经理
们将评价告诉员工, 并劝说员工遵循推 荐的方式,以提高绩效。
(2)告知—倾听型面谈 用于对员工绩效的评价。做法:经理
你会选择什么课程? ·你碰到的最大的挫折 ·你认为在一个好的公司里
·你与同学和教员们相 和最大的愉悦是什么? 是什么决定了一个人的进
处时,你遇到哪些困 ·你的主管的哪些方面 步?
是你喜欢和不喜欢的? ·今年你曾受到哪些 什么?
7.通讯录随身带 8.同事家中的电话不要轻易告诉别人 9.借用别家公司电话应注意 10.时常用电话同工作介绍人保持联络 11.向身边的老师学习
书面沟通的特点 书面沟通的适用范围
优点 沟通信息容易记录 保证在信息扩散过程中,使不






























非语言交流是指通过肢体动作、 面部表情、声音语调等方式传达 信息的方式,与语言文字交流相 对。
非语言交流在商务沟通中占据重 要地位,能够补充和强化语言文 字信息的含义,同时也能在某些 情况下替代语言文字交流。
如手势、身体姿势、头 部动作等。
通过特定的肢体动作和面部表 情来传递信息,例如点头表示
通过调整自己的声音语调和身 体姿势来调节商务沟通的气氛 ,使谈判或会议更加顺利。
使用正式、专业的语言,保持礼貌、尊重的语气,避免 使用过于随意的表达。
汇报人:可编辑 2023-12-25
• 商务沟通基础 • 商务沟通中的非语言交流 • 商务沟通中的书面交流 • 商务沟通中的口头交流 • 跨文化商务沟通 • 商务沟通中的礼仪与形象塑造
01 商务沟通基础
商务沟通是指在商业环境中,为了达成商业目标或解决商业问题,进行的书面 或口头交流和信息传递。
如微笑、皱眉、眼神等 。
如音量、语速、音调等 。
如与对方的距离、座位 方向等。
通过真诚的微笑、适当的眼神 接触和友好的肢体动作来建立
通过面部表情和声音语调来表 达情绪,使对方更好地理解自































商 务 沟 通学习期望•手机设置成振动模式,最好关机;•不要在教室接听电话,最好不接听;•积极参与•突破自我沟通第一步……开放自己乐于分享TotalInfo 隐私区未知区口臭区公开区Me Others UnknownKnowKnow公开区未知区隐私区口臭区职业发展路径学徒独立贡献者教练领导什么是「学习」?行为知识技能态度价值观思维模式Learning is a change in behavior and cognitive abilities.你看到了什么?思维模式•Paradigm is the way we “see” the world – not in terms of our visual sense of sight, but in terms of perceiving, understanding, interpreting.•思维是指我们看待外部世界的观点。


•Stephen R Covey•史蒂芬.柯维No one can persuade another to change. Each of us guards a gate of change that can only be opened from the inside. We cannot open the gate of another, either by argument or by emotional appeal .谁也无法说服他人改变。


Marilyn Ferguson画图游戏沟通的模型Sender Receiver Message FeedbackNoiseChannel沟通的三要点让对方听得进去 让对方听得合理 让对方听得乐意沟通障碍的常见环节•发送者的编码•所选择的通道•接受者的解码沟通的三种行为反馈表达倾听媒介对听众的影响力7%Verbal38% Vocal 55%VisualVerbal--你所说的内容字句子问题语言内容的组织方式思维活动的特质删减省略联系归类逻辑顺序神奇的数字7±2蛋奶产品水果蔬菜葡萄牛奶橘子黄油鸡蛋胡萝卜苹果酸奶土豆练习What do I need to do to sell my old car?Fix hole in roof修 理 车 顶 的 破 洞Get new floormats买 新 的 车 内 地 毯Write newspaper ad 写 报 纸 广 告 稿Get new overhead light 买 新 的 顶 灯Fix the dents 修 理 车 身 凹 陷 处Get rust spots painted over 把 锈 斑 喷 漆Make sign for rear window 写 后 窗 售 车 广 告 Write announcement for bulletin board写 公 告 板 的 售 车 海 报Vacuum interior 将 车 内 吸 尘金字塔结构The Minto Pyramid StructureIdeaIdea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea Idea 中心思想Governing Idea 关键句Key Line支持论据Support金字塔原理The Minto Pyramid Principle任一层次上的思想都必须是其下一层次思想的概括(纵向关系)Generalization/Explanation;Abstract/Support每一组思想都必须属于同一范畴(横向关系)Homology & Juxtaposition每一组思想都必须按逻辑顺序组织(逻辑关系)Deduction & Induction & Abduction按照时间顺序组织思想亲爱的雪莉:还记得上个星期六的下午吗?我跟我的男朋友在公园里玩,然后你过来了。



商务沟通的打印版英文版Business communication is an essential part of any organization that aims to be efficient and effective. It involves sending and receiving information, as well as discussing ideas and making decisions. In today's modern era, electronic communication is prevalent, but there is still a need for the printing of documents, especially those related to business communication.Printed documents are tangible and can be easily shared among team members or clients. They are also more formal and can be a mark of professionalism. For example, a printed proposal or report can be more impressive than an email or digital document.When it comes to business communication, the content and quality of the printed document are crucial. The document should be well-written, free from errors, and visually appealing. It should be easy to read and well-organized. The font size, style, and color should also be considered, as they can affect the readability and comprehensibility of the document.In addition to the content and design, the paper quality and printing technology used for the document are also important. High-quality paper can make a document look more professional and ensure that it lasts longer. The printing technology usedshould also be of high quality, as a poorly printed document can be unattractive and difficult to read.In business communication, there are different types of documents that are often printed. These include proposals, reports, business plans, and contracts. These documents are typically used for important meetings, presentations, and negotiations, and they need to be printed with the utmost care. Careful printing not only ensures that the document looks good but also reinforces the seriousness and importance of the content.Overall, there are many benefits to having a printed version of business communication documents. They are more formal, tangible, and professional than digital documents. However, it is important to ensure that these documents are well-written, error-free, and visually appealing. The quality of the paper and printing technology used should also be considered, as they can significantly impact the final product. By taking these factors into account, businesses can create impressive printed documents that enhance their professional image and improve their communication efforts.。



(激励与沟通)商务沟通Chapter 10Business MemosLEARNING OBJECTIVES▪know the definition of memos;▪identify the types of memos;▪explain the communicative purposes of memos;▪choose the appropriate format to write business memos;▪understand the language features of memos.▪Memorandum, also called memo or internal memo, is a kind of simple and efficient internal communication within a business organization.▪商务备忘录(memos) 是商业机构内部和企业内部用来联系工作、交流信息和处理一般公务常采用的一种文体。


备忘录一词源自拉丁语“memoro”(提到,想起,涉及)和“gerundive memorandum”(令人难忘)。

PRINCIPLES FOR LESSON PLANNINGbusiness memos商务备忘录memos of minutes synopsis会议纪要式备忘录memos of legal documents法律公文式备忘录PRINCIPLES FOR LESSON PLANNINGformal memos正式备忘录simplified memos简化备忘录Classification of Business Memoshard-copy memos打印备忘录electronic memos电子备忘录Informative Memos▪信息类备忘录通常用来传递或解释公司的政策方针和公告等。

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第七章1.When it comes to routine message, you canKeep the planning stage brief.2.When writing routine message, youCan assume that your readers will be interested or neutral3.When writing a routine request, you beginBy politely stating your request.4.what should you do when asking question s in a routine request?Deal with only one topic per question.5.which of flowing should you do when closing a routine request?Ask the reader to respond by a specific and appropriate time.6.A courteous close containsAll of above7.If you are making a routine reply to a customer, it`s a good idea toInclude resale information to assure the customer of the wisdom of his or her purchase8.A positive message should open with a clear and concise statement of the good news9.If a message has both positive and negative elements, you shouldTry to put the negative news in a positive context.10.Which of the following is not among the recommended elements to include in your message if you are responding to a claim or complaintComplete contact information for your corporate legal staff11.If a customer who is clearly at fault requests an adjustment, you shouldCarefully weight the cose of complying with the request against the cost of denying it, then decide how to respond based on the overall impact on your company.12.If a third party (such as a shipping company )is at fault when one of your customers makes a claim or request an adjustment ,the best response is toFollowing the terms of whatever customer service agreement your company has with he third party13.Which of the following is generally true about informative message ?Your audience may or may not be expecting them and may or may not be motivated to read them14.The purpose of goodwill message is toEnhance relationships with customers ,colleague ,and other businesspeople15.The most effective goodwill messagesAre sincere and honest第八章1.Which of the following is an effective way to mmaintain the “you” attitude when crafting negative messages ?Show respect for the reader by avoiding negative, accusatory language and emphasizing positives whenever possible2.When using the direct approach with negative messages, you begin withThe bad news3.An advantage of using the direct approach with negative messages is that itSaves readers time by helping them reach the main idea more quickly4.When using the indirect approach with negative messages, you begin withA buffer5.An advantage of using indirect approach with negative messages is thatIt eases the reader into the message6.The purpose of using the indirect approach is toSoften the blow of the bad news for the reader7.Which of the following is a good possibility to consider for use in writing a buffer?All of above are useful approach8.When writing negative messages ,the key difference to consider between internal and externalaudiences isThe length of time they’ve been associated with the company9.When a negative messages is going be sent to both internal and external audiences(such as an announcement of factory closing ),which of the following best describes the expectations that internal audiences usually have regarding the timing of the message delivery ?Internal audiences want to receive the news after the external audiences has received it10.A false statement that is damaging to a persons character or reputation ,whether spoken or in writing ,is known as defamation11.Written defamation is known as libel12.Spoken defamation is known as slander13.Which of the following is good advice for avoiding being accused of defamation?Do all of the above14.Which of the following best characterizes the nature of crisis management planning ?Although you can’t anticipate the nature and circumstance of every possible crisis ,you can repare by deciding how to handle such issues as communication with employees and the public15.Continuing advances in communication technology make itMore difficult to control rumors16.Why do many experts recommend using an indirect approach when rejecting job applicants ?Applicants have a deep emotional investment in he decision17.When explaining why an applicant wasn’t chosen for a position ,you shouldBe specific without being too personal ,such as explaining that the position requires special skills that the applicant doesn’t yet possess第九章1.Which of the following is true about persuasive business messages ?They often involve a combination of emotional and logical elements2.Why is the indirect approach often used in persuasive message ?It lets the writer build audience interest and desire before asking for action or commitment 3.Which of the following is not a good way to establish credibility with your audience ?Present only your side of the argument to avoid reminding the audience of alternatives4.If you lack credibility with an audience ,which of the following would be good technique to use in a persuasive message ?Include information or endorsement from recognized experts5.The first phase in the AIDA plan is toGain the audience’s attention6.The body of a message that follows the AIDA planGenerates interest and heightens desire7.Which of these is good way to build desire using the AIDA approach ?Do all of above8.The final phase of the AIDA planCall for action9.An argument that is based on human feelings is known as a/an emotional appeal10.An argument that is based on facts and reason is known as a/an logical appeal11.The best approach to using emotional appeals is usually toUse them in conjunction with logical appeals12.Which of the following is a type of logical appeal ?All of the above13.The so-called hard sell isRisky because it puts your recipients into a defensive frame of mind14.Relying solely on powerful ,relational argument in persuasive messagesLimits your persuasive ability because it doesn’t help you connect with your audience on an emotional level15.Prioritizing which features and benefits to write about isImportant because it helps you focus your message on items and issues that the audience cares about the most16.What is the relationship between features and benefits ?Features are aspects of an idea or product ;benefits are the advantages that readers will realize from those feature17.Which of the following steps should you take to make sure your persuasive messages areethical ?Do all of the above18.If it adheres to all applicable federal laws ,a marketing or sales messageCould still violate some state laws第十章1:Why is it particularly important in long reports to clearly identify your purpose before you begin writing?All of the above are important factors.2: What dose it mean to define the scope of a project when you are preparing a work plan?The scope is the range of your investigation subsequent reporting; you’ll address all the important topics within the defined scope of your project and ignore issues that are outside of your scope.3: informational reports focus on the delivery of facts, figures, and other types of information, without making recommendations or proposing new ideas or solutions.4: analytical reports assess a situation or problem and recommend a course of action in response.5:proposals offer structured, persuasive messages that encourage readers to take a specificcourse of action.6: Which of the following is the appropriate first step in any research project?Develop a research plan by familiarizing yourself with the subject , identifying information gaps, and prioritizing research needs.7: In the series of values 14,37,44,44,44,74,,76,88,93,100,112,All of the above are correct8: Research being conducted for the first time is called primary research.9: Research that was conducted for other projects but is being considered for a new project is called secondary r esearch..10: secondary research isGenerally used before primary research11: Why dose information found on the Internet need to be used with extreme care?Online sources often lack the fact-checking and other quality control procedures usually found in traditional, offline publishing.12: Why is it important to understand the purpose for which source material was created?Knowing the purpose helps alert you to any potential biases.13: If you uncover critically important information (the sort that could make or break your company) that is from a credible source and appears to be unbiased, well documented, current, and complete but is the only source of this information you can find, how should you handle this situation in your subsequent reporting?Use it, but clearly indicate in your report that this is the only source of the information and you weren’t able to verify it through a second , independent source.14: Why is it important to fully understand the instructions for using an individual search engine, web directory, database, or other computer-based research tool?Using the tool without understanding how it works can produce unpredictable and misleading results.15: What should you do if your first attempt to find something with a search engine doesn’t return anything?Try again with fewer search terms (which will broaden your search).16: Recording an interviewShould never be done without the subject’s permission17: A summary is a shortened version of one or more documents, research results, or other information;18: A conclusion i s your analysis of what the findings mean (an interpretation of the facts). 19: A recommendation is your opinion(based on reason and logic) about the course of action that should be taken.20:If you have a long history of success in business and are highly regarded by your audience, which two organizing models will probably be sufficient for most reports to this audience?Focusing on conclusions or focusing on recommendations.21:If you need to “walk your audience through ”the reasoning that led you to the conclusion or recommendation in your report, you should use an organization that focuses on logic. 第十一章1: Why is the “you”attitude particularly important with long or complex reports andproposals?The length and complexity of these reports put a heavy demand on readers, making it particularly important to be sensitive to their needs.2: Which of these sentences has the most formal tone?We discuss herein the possibility of synergistic development strategies between our firm and U.S. Medical.3: Which of these does not belong in the body of an informational or analytical report?an explanation of weaknesses in the report .4: where would you list action items in a report?in the close .5: Which of the following is not a characteristic of effective report content?entertaining6: How are audiences likely to react if they spot several errors in your reports?They will become skeptical about the quality of all your work .7: Which of the following is not a recommended strategy for strengthening your proposal argument ?I identify the amount of time you’ve invested in the proposal8: If packaging and presentation are only superficial, why are they so important in proposal writing ?Readers tend to prejudge the quality of your products and services by the quality of your proposal9: Which of the following elements is usually not part of a proposal’s introduction?Detailed cost analysis10: The primary purpose of the body of a proposal is toGive complete details on the proposed solution and its anticipated benefits11: If a proposal is being sent in response to an RFP , how should the body of the proposal address the issue of costs ?It should follow the instructions in the RFP exactly12: Visuals an enhance the communication impact of your writing byDelivering all of the above benefits .13: which of the following is a good candidate for illustrating in a report?: all of the above14: which of the following is not a good reason to use a visual in a report?To demonstrate your creative side15: Why is consistency important in visual design?It reduce confusion by eliminating arbitrary changes that force people to relearn your design scheme every time they encounter another visual.16: Which of the following steps could you take to call attention to the most important elements in a visual?Do all of the above .17: Which of the following steps should you take to verify the accuracy of the visuals in your reports?Do all of the above.18: assume you have a line chart with a vertical axis scaled from 0 to 100 and data pointsthat vary within a range of roughly 10 to 90 . How would you influence audience perceptions if you increased the vertical scale so that it stretched from 0 to 200 , instead of 0 to 100 ?The scaling change would minimize the perceived variations in the data.第十二章1: Which of the following is not one of four major tasks involved in completing business repots and proposals?Deciding which visuals to create for the report.2: The following sentence appears in your first……the most effective?The top three concerns our employees have……survey.3: How have computers and related technology(such as low cost color printers) made it easier in recent years for all businesspeople to produce top quality reports and proposals?Tasks that once required expensive equipment and specialized skills can now be accomplished on most desktop computers by regular businesspeople with minimal training. 4: How has the widespread availability of computer publishing tools made life more difficult for report writers?In terms of production quality, audience expectations are higher and the competition is tougher than ever before.5: When should you consider including a latter or memo of authorization in a formal report?If you received written authorization to write the report6: What is the purpose of including a latter of acceptance in a formal report ?It reminds your audience what you previously agreed to address in the report and why you were assigned to write it .7: A/an synopsis is a brief overview (usually one page or less) of a report’s most important points.8: A/an executive summary in a fully developed “mini” version of the report itself.9: Which of the following may contain headings, visual aids, and enough information to help busy executives make quick decisions?An executive summary10: Which of the following is not a typical supplementary part of a formal report?Letter of authorization11: If you’ve submitted a proposal that is in response to a request for proposals (RFP), what steps can you take to make sure the recipient understands which RFP you’re responding to?If the RFP is short ,include it with the other prefatory parts of your proposal, if the RFP is lengthy, include just the introductory page(s) from it.12: How should you handle the letter of transmittal for an unsolicited proposal?Treat the letter as a persuasive message, persuading the reader that your report offers information of value.。
