
《白鲸》的象征意义和悲剧内涵分析第一篇:《白鲸》的象征意义和悲剧内涵分析英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作浅析英语谚语中的性别歧视《老人与海》和《热爱生命》的生态比较通过姚木兰和斯嘉丽形象的对比看中西文化的异同从文化差异角度看英汉习语的翻译《红楼梦》英译中双关语文化成分的翻译策略研究 On the Chinese Loanwords from English 影响大学生英语自主学习的因素研究商务谈判中的中西文化差异及其对策翻译腔成因浅探 A Study of Hawthorne’s Notion of Science as Shown in “Rappaccini's Daughter” 浅析《飘》中女主人公斯佳丽的女性意识《诗经》与《圣经•雅歌》中爱情诗的比较研究从玛氏公司看英美文化对广告的影响《麦田里的守望者》中的象征主义分析英汉称谓语对比分析《飘》中斯嘉丽的主要性格特征浅析英雄精神的回归—浅析《雨王汉德森》的主题跨文化视角下研究英汉民俗词语的不等值翻译浅谈《竞选州长》中的幽默与讽刺为什么穷人会愤怒论英语被动语态的语篇功能及其翻译策略—以《高级英语》第二册为例戏仿和影射—《洛丽塔》中的互文性透过霍尔顿看《麦田里的守望者》中的代际关系美国电影作品中英雄主义所隐含的美国社会文化英汉基本颜色词的文化内涵对比及其翻译从关联理论看鲁迅作品《孔乙己》中的反讽中英身份名词翻译中的不对等性从文化的角度审视中西习语的来源在归隐中相遇—论梭罗与陶渊明的诗意人生隐喻在英语新闻标题中的功能从合作原则角度解读《成长的烦恼》中的言语幽默英语新词的形成特征商标词翻译的本土化中西方文化差异对商务谈判的影响网络环境下英语专业学生学习策略研究性格和命运--《小妇人》中四姐妹分析寻找自我——从女性意识角度解读《觉醒》论《达芬奇密码》中的基督教元素中餐菜名的英译与饮食文化传播英语词汇学习策略探究餐具的起源、内涵及发展趋势论《紫色》中的女权主义论文化背景在高中英语阅读教学中的作用中西方送礼文化差异分析从消费文化看《美国悲剧》《简•爱》的简和《德伯家的苔丝》的苔丝的比较研究中西丧葬礼俗的对比研究《格列佛游记》与《镜花缘》的比较英语复合名词的认知语义研究高中生英语学习成败归因现状调查及对策电影《蒙娜丽莎的微笑》中女主人公性格浅析马尔福的嫉妒Linguistic Features of English Advertising Language and Its Translation 网络英语中的新词探究《蝴蝶梦》中女主角吕蓓卡的人物形象分析互动在高中英语阅读课的应用英汉味觉词“酸甜苦辣”的比较分析论跨文化商务中的非言语交际简析《雾都孤儿》中善与恶在人物塑造上的体现情态人际意义的跨文化研究中西文化差异对品牌翻译的影响斯佳丽性格的自我超越和升华Application of Cooperative Learning in English Reading Class of Senior High School 对《变形记》中异化现象的分析孤独的灵魂—简评《月亮和六便士》中的思特克兰德通过苔丝透析托马斯哈代的现代女性意识探析《雾都孤儿》中作者的乐观主义 Discourse, Immigrants and Identity in In the Skin of a Lion 李安电影中的文化融合现象Risk Comparing of Documentary Collection and Letters of Credit 英语商务演讲的技巧阿法——《多芬的海》中的加勒比人从中西文化差异看英汉数字翻译从奥巴马访华报道看中美媒体报道差异《推销员之死》中的家庭问题研究浅析非言语交际在小学英语教学中的运用从文本类型角度看旅游宣传资料的汉英翻译《绯闻少女》中的话语标记词研究传统教法与交际法结合的英语教学探讨An Analysis of the Symbols in Emily Bront’s Wuthering Heights A Study of the Differences between Chinese and American Business Etiquette 母语在第二语言习得中的迁移《飘》中的家园意识探究凯瑟琳•曼斯菲尔德《苍蝇》反映的人性创伤分析中西方饮料的跨文化差异论田纳西•威廉斯戏剧中的象征主义手法—以《玻璃动物园》为例论《傲慢与偏见》中婚姻选择的经济动因艺术与现实之间的冲突--解读毛姆的《月亮和六便士》A Tentative Analysis of the Reasons for McDonald’s Success《灿烂千阳》中女性人物的忍耐,斗争和重生浅论《黑天鹅》电影的象征手法运用《乱世佳人》中的清教主义思想解析The Problems in English and Chinese Trademark Translation and Relevant Countermeasures 95 探讨发现式学习理论在高中任务型英语听力教学中的运用交际教学法在初中口语教学中的应用A Study of Beauty in Sound, Form and Meaning Displayed in Zhang Peiji’s Prose Translation 99 论《儿子与情人》的现实主义表现手法苔丝女性悲剧的性格因素学生不同个性对英语学习的影响浅谈英汉人体部位的隐喻《呼啸山庄》中男主人公人物分析从跨文化的视角看旅游英语翻译浅谈中学生英语自主学习能力的培养分析《贵妇画像》中伊莎贝尔的个性特点《觉醒》与《欢乐之家》中的女性形象和女权思想之比较论中学英语教学中各种教学法的融合与运用Dickens’ Humanitarianism in The Two Cities从认知语言学角度浅析网络语言中的隐喻现象从感观的角度看汉语外来词的翻译《愤怒的葡萄》主人公性格分析Financial Translation Industrialization论小组学习在英语教学中的应用论《暮光之城•暮色》中英译汉的词类转译二语习得理论对初中英语教学的启示刍议海明威文学创作中主题的转折点——《乞力马扎罗的雪》论圣地亚哥性格的多重性及《老人与海》中的悲剧色彩英汉“拉”类动词的语义成分和词化模式的对比分析论《简爱》中话语的人际意义“反偶像的偶像”乔治奥威尔马斯洛需要层次理论下的《奥兰多》从性别歧视浅析两位复仇女性之困境——美狄亚及莎乐美走出迷茫,寻回丢失的信念——富兰克林给毕业者的条忠告从社会习俗角度分析中西方文化差异从跨文化角度浅析化妆品商标翻译Growing Pains—An Analysis of J.D.Salinger’s The Catcher in the Rye as a Bildungsroman 128 基于质量准则的英语修辞分析《欢乐之家》中丽莉追求婚姻时的自我矛盾从《穿靴子的猫》看美国动画电影中的英雄主义中式英语特点及发展趋势小说《蓝色城堡》中的意象和象征主义从“龙”一词的文化内涵看汉英文化的差异解读杰克•伦敦的《热爱生命》英文电影对英语专业学生词汇附带习得的影响从消费文化角度看《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的破灭传统美德与反传统个性的结合——《小妇人》中乔的形象分析对《嘉莉妹妹》中摇椅意象的解读“同一性危机”——浅析汉娜的悲剧人生简析美国个性化教育对家庭教育的积极影响侠客精神和骑士精神折射出的文化差异—《七侠五义》和《亚瑟王之死》之比较 142 动物词汇的英汉互译策略苔丝的悲剧成因浅析从目的论的角度来看新闻英语中委婉语的翻译从《康州美国佬在亚瑟王朝》看马克•吐温的幽默讽刺艺术别样的美丽——析《厄舍古屋的倒塌》中无处不在的哥特式风格《飘》中斯嘉丽人物性格分析论《第二十二条军规》的写作手法论英语习语的文化内涵及其翻译策略《看管人》下的“品特式”(开题报告+论)151 《到灯塔去》中的两性主义—抵达人类和谐的完美道路152 论《德伯家苔丝》中安吉尔行为的合理性153 On Application of TBLT to Junior High School Oral English Teaching154 话语风格的性别差异155 《献给艾米丽的玫瑰》中艾米丽的命运分析156 《紫色》的妇女主义浅析157 中西方传统习俗的对比研究——出生礼,婚礼,葬礼158 浅析《等待戈多》“反戏剧”的艺术特色159 人性的扭曲,堕落与回归——希刺克厉夫的人性简析160 海明威短篇小说的叙述艺术--以《一个明亮干净的地方》为例161 肢体语言在大学英语教学课堂中的应用162 自我毁灭——了不起的盖茨比的必由之路163 Study on Characteristics of American Black English from Social Perspectives 164 浅析《嘉莉妹妹》中的新女性形象165 论罗伯特弗罗斯特诗歌的黑色基调---在美国梦里挣扎166 浅谈中学生中国式英语产生及对策167 《小妇人》中乔的形象分析168 《麦田守望者》中霍尔顿的性格分析169 中国跨文化交际学研究存在的不足与建议170 从《老人与海》看海明威的硬汉精神171 从《看不见的人》中看黑人对自我身份的追求和探寻172 论英语课堂教学中的非语言交际173 Study on Chinese and Western Menu Translation in View of Dietary Cultural Diversity 174 试论英汉日常礼貌表达的异同175 案例教学法在英语口语教学中的应用176 耐克公司Ps营销策略对我国体育用品产业的启示177 高中学生英语课堂口语交际活动的错误分析178 英国喜剧电影和美国喜剧电影的不同特点分析179 非英语专业大学生英语学习动机调查180 对《老人与海》中突显的生态意识的探讨181 论《劝导》中女性角色的地位182 A Study on the Methods of Movie Title Translation183 中西方酒文化对比分析184 英文电影对英语专业学生词汇附带习得的影响185 维多利亚时期英国女性文学作品的三个男性形象分析186 女性主义翻译理论在《傲慢与偏见》翻译中的体现187 《还乡》中的生态女性主义解读188 从艾米莉•狄金森与李清照的诗歌看女性文化差异189 《老人与海》中的存在主义分析190 A Journey through Harsh Reality: Reflections on Gulliver’s Travels 191 对话中语用意义的理论视角192 英文歌曲名称翻译浅析193 文化视角下的中西方时间观对比研究194 On the Symbolic Meaning of the Marlin in The Old Man and the Sea 195 Psychoanalysis of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn196 《月下独酌》两种英文译本之对比研究197 《双城记》中的象征手法分析198 如何用英语作精彩演讲199 汉民族节日名称英译中的文化价值取向研究200 《白鲸》的象征意义和悲剧内涵分析第二篇:论《白鲸》的多层象征意义论《白鲸》的多层象征意义汉语言文学4班黎云霄 201006424425摘要:赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的《白鲸》是世界文学长廊中的一颗璀璨明星,无数文学家、评论家解读该作品,他们的切入点各不相同,而象征手法是其中重要一项,对于作品的理解起着十分重要的作用。

在小说《白鲸》中, 作者梅尔维尔描述了亚哈船长带领“裴廓德号”全体船员疯狂追逐白鲸的场面,整部小说叙述了亚哈追杀白鲸的疯狂心理和不杀白鲸, 誓不罢休的坚定决心。
笔者从象征主义的视角出发来分析说明亚哈船长对白鲸的追杀行为不仅是一种精神的追求与探寻, 而且, 作者对这种精神探寻赋予了多重象征意义。
一、终极真理的探寻对亚哈船长精神探寻的阐释与对白鲸的象征意义理解是密不可分的, 白鲸象征着退近亚哈的一堵墙, 这堵墙压得他近乎窒息, 他在墙内苦苦挣扎,企图冲破它, 但却不能, 他看到了这堵靖的强大, 感觉到它的力大无穷, 深不可测, 有时他也想, 即使冲破了这堵挡在他面前的培, 发现的只是空白一片。
这不正说明了亚哈在寻找问题的答案, 探索宇宙的真理吗而这墙就像知识的面纱一样挡在他的面前, 使他永远看不到墙的另一面, 找不到问题的答案, 但他仍在苦苦追求, 努力探索, 亚哈岂不知, 这堵墙就是终极真理的象征, 而对它的探寻就像亚哈所感觉到的那堵冲不破的培一样, 是不可能的。
而且, 这种盲目的探索肯定会招来失致, 甚至是人类自身的毁灭。
因此, 亚哈在探寻终极真理的过程中也感到了宇宙的神秘和它所给人类带来的威胁。
他的腿是亚哈在海上第一次与白鲸相遇时被白鲸咬去的, 那次事故不仅给亚哈带来了肉体的痛苦, 更使他的精神受到了极大的创伤。
装上鲸骨假腿的同时, 也就表明了亚哈要找到白鲸的决心。
从肉体上来看, 白鲸成了亚哈的一部分, 而亚哈也成了白鲸的一部分, 因为白鲸带走了亚哈的一条腿, 并把它消化在体内。
从这层意义讲, 两者是密不可分的。
进一步分析亚哈的心理, 我们会发现, 亚哈冥冥之中感到白鲸对他有一股强大的吸力, 这种吸力催促着他必须找到白鲸, 找到他丢失的魂魄, 原来的自我。


On Symbolism of the White Whale in MobyDickZhao Cuiting赵萃婷AcknowledgementsI would like to take this chance to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Shu Jingwei, who is the lecturer in the Foreign Languages and Literature Department for her kindly assistance and valuable suggestions during the process of my thesis writing. His willingness to give his time so generously has been very much appreciated.My gratitude also extends to all the teachers who taught me during my undergraduate years for their kind encouragement and patient instructions.Last but not the least; I would like to offer my particular thanks to my friends and family, for their encouragement and support for the completion of this thesis.First and foremost, I appreciate my country who gives me a comfortable learning atmosphere. Second, I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Shu Jingwei, who has walked me through all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his illuminating instruction and patience, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am also greatly indebted to all my teachers who have helped me to develop the fundamental and essential academic competence. My sincere appreciation also goes to all my classmates, who are my proud of my life. Last but not least, I want to thank all my friends, especially my three lovely roommates, for their encouragement and support.The white whale likes a symbol of the labyrinth. From the people, macro features, small stationary objects almost always have multiple layers of symbolism. This paper begins with a brief introduction to the life of Melville and his writing style and content of the white whale, pave the way for the in-depth analysis of the context. The second part, the writer focus on symbolism from a general angle and narrow angle analysis, and proposed a theory of symbolism, revealing the function of symbolism in literature. The next three parts the writer has an in-depth analysis of the symbolism of the white whale: Beluga incarnation of evil, all-powerful all-knowing God and not to resist nature. Finally, the article has once stressed the importance of the application of symbolismContentsAbstract (English) (i)Abstract (Chinese) ............................................................................... i i Introduction .. (1)A. Introduction to Herman Melville (1819-1891) (3)1. His great success as a writer can be attributed to many factors. (3)2. Nathaniel Hawthorne exerts a profound influence on him. (3)3. His writing is consciously literary. (4)4. His style is highly symbolic and metaphorical. (4)B. Introduction to Moby Dick (5)1. Symbolism makes Moby Dick a great success (5)2. Herman Melville was the celebrated author of several big 19th-century novelsabout the sea. (5)Ⅱ.Extended meaning of Moby Dick (6)A. Symbolism (6)1. Symbol (6)2. Symbolism (6)3. Functions of Symbolism (7)B. Symbolism of Evil (7)1. Transcendentalism and Anti-transcendentalism (7)2. The Nature of Evil (7)3. Symbols of Evil (8)II. Symbolism of God (8)A. View of God in Anti- transcendentalism (8)B. The Symbol of God (9)III. Symbolism of Nature (9)A. View of Nature (9)B. symbol of nature (9)Conclusion (10)Bibliography (11)AbstractHerman Melville has been considered as one of the greatest writers in American literature of the19th century. The success of this masterpiece is largely attributed to its adoption of symbolism. In light of this, it is both penetrating and comprehensive to study symbolism and to explore the symbolic elements in Moby Dick so as to bring about a deeper understanding of the author's penetration into humanity and liberalism.At the beginning of the thesis, a brief introduction to the author, Herman Melville and Moby Dick is presented so as to pave the way for further exploration. In the following part, the focus is put on the analysis of symbolism in both broad sense and narrow sense. It begins with the analysis of symbol, which is an important means of symbolism. Furthermore, theories concerning symbolism are put forward, and in the end, the functions of symbolism in literature are displayed to full. The next three parts bring the thesis to highlight by probing into the symbolism of Moby Dick, the white whale, who stands for evil, God and nature from different perspectives. The thesis ends with reiterating the significance of symbolism adopted in Moby Dick.The white whale likes a symbol of the labyrinth. From the people, macro features, small stationary objects almost always have multiple layers of symbolism. This paper begins with a brief introduction to the life of Melville and his writing style and content of the white whale, pave the way for the in-depth analysis of the context. The second part, the writer focus on symbolism from a general angle and narrow angle analysis, and proposed a theory of symbolism, revealing the function of symbolism in literature. The next three parts the writer has a in-depth analysis of the symbolism of the white whale: Beluga incarnation of evil, all-powerful all-knowing God and not to resist nature. Finally, the article has once stressed the importance of the application of symbolismKey words: Moby Dick symbolism evil God nature摘要《白鲸》作者赫尔曼·尔维麦尔被公认为19世纪美国最伟大的作家之一,《白鲸》这部杰作的成功在很大程度上归功于象征主义手法的应用。

白鲸的象征意义1. 小说以白色的鲸鱼命名,白色本身就有给人以琢磨不清,它有着“雪山一样的背峰”,“它突击的时候,表现那种无以伦比的充满机智的阴险”。
2. 白鲸出没诡异、难以捕捉,也象征了不可知的上帝,“在它那硕大柔和的头顶,由于它那无法言传的沉思默想而挂着一顶雾气重重的华盖,而这种雾气…你有时看得到又被…彩虹耀得光辉灿烂,仿佛上天已经批准了它的思想似的。
3. 白鲸还是大自然的化身。
4. 从社会角度来看,白鲸象征着庞大的资本主义生产过程中与生产者对立的力量,捕鲸对于船员而言是资本主义社会残酷的劳动剥削。
人物亚哈船长的象征意义1. 亚哈为了报私仇,一意孤行,无视船员的安危,而且他利用船长之职,对水手们进行威逼利诱,最后使船员们葬身海底,亚哈此时成了邪恶的象征。
2. 亚哈又是一个敢于抗争,坚毅顽强,英勇的英雄。
3. 从社会角度看,亚哈还代表着资本主义大生产方式,代表着那些不顾一切掠夺大自然的狂徒。
亚哈追击白鲸的象征意义1. 如果白鲸是自然的象征,而船长则是黑暗的资本主义代表,此时亚哈追逐白鲸是人类与自然抗争的过程,这种结局必然遭到自然的谴责。

《⽩鲸》象征意义的解读2019-09-17摘要:《⽩鲸》是19世纪美国著名的⼩说家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville)的经典⼩说之⼀。
关键词:《⽩鲸》莫⽐狄克象征意义⼀、引⾔赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville,1819-1891)是19世纪美国著名的⼩说家之⼀,与纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)齐名。
梅尔维尔⾝前没有引起应有的重视,直到20世纪20年代,梅尔维尔的价值才被美国⽂学界发现,其中他的《⽩鲸》(Moby Dick)被英国作家⽑姆认为是世界⼗⼤⽂学名著之⼀。
”⼆、《⽩鲸》内容简介《⽩鲸》讲述了具有40余年捕鲸经验的船长亚哈(Ahab)带领船员乘着“裴廓德号(Pequod)”捕鲸船追击⽩鲸(Moby Dick)的故事。
船长亚哈⼀次在与⼀群鲸鱼搏⽃时,不慎被⼀条凶猛的⽩⾊鲸鱼咬掉了⼀条腿,这条躯体庞⼤的⽩⾊鲸鱼被⽔⼿们称为“莫⽐狄克”(Moby Dick)。

2562018年13期总第401期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS论《白鲸》中的象征意义文/芦悦【摘要】《白鲸》是美国十九世纪著名作家赫尔曼麦尔维尔的代表作。

赫尔曼梅尔维尔 白鲸赏析



1. 光明在小说中,光明经常与理性和智慧联系在一起。
2. 黑暗相反地,黑暗象征着无知、邪恶和混乱。

关键词:白鲸;主要角色;象征意义一、引言《白鲸》(MOBY DICK)是美国十九世纪著名作家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔(Herman Melville,1819-1891)的代表作,是美国文学史上一部经典巨著,被公认为世界上最具象征意义的小说之一。



本科毕业论文(设计)题目: On The Symbolic Meanings in Moby Dick论《白鲸》中的象征意义姓名: 姚小梅学院: 外国语学院专业: 英语专业(师范类)班级: 英语2010级1班学号: 1552100126指导教师: 刘云职称: 讲师2014 年6 月17日安徽科技学院教务处制On The Symbolic Meanings in Moby DickBy Yao XiaomeiSupervised by Liu YunIn partial fulfillment of the requirementFor the B.A. degreeSchool of Foreign Languages Anhui Science and Technology UniversityJune 2014AbstractHerman Melville (1819-1891) is one of the distinguished writers of America in the 1900s. It can say that Moby Dick is his representative work. And this work is generally regarded as one of the most symbolic novels in the world literature. However, literary circles has not attached importance to Moby Dick when it was published in 1851.It was not until the early twentieth century that this shining star has yielded unusually brilliant results and has won hundreds of thousands of writers and critics favor. The hitting-points of their research are different. While the symbolism is striking among them, and symbolism plays an important role in the understanding to readers.Herman Melville takes advantage of a good deal of symbolism in Moby Dick. To some extent, symbolism is exerted by the author incisively and vividly. It is said that symbolism derived from the symbolic movement of French in the late nineteen century. And it has already become an important writing technique to novels. It is noticed that Herman Melville has presented vividly the profound meanings of Moby Dick to readers through symbolism, which promotes the comprehension of readers and they can acknowledge American society, culture, religion beliefs of the 19th century and the development of symbolism to American literature.In Herman Melville’s writing, there are two big clues that appeal to people, namely protagonist Ahab and Moby Dick. It is designed that they are two opposing camps: Human and Nature. In the novel, bigoted and selfish Ahab pledges his life to catch Moby Dick for the sake of his hatred of losing a leg. And finally all people (except Ishmael) died as a result of Ahab’s revenge. Their fates in a certain degree reflect the final fates between human and nature. In the article, Melville uses symbolism adeptly. Consequently we can get each element’s symbolic meanings with color and life. In this paper the author will try to analyze different symbolic images, such as people, important clues and significant events so that show the symbolism of Moby Dick to people. I hope that my analysis would enrich people’s understand to this work’s themes. What’s more important is that I hope people could really comprehend the relation between human and nature. Do not act like Ahab, his only purpose for life is to break the power of nature. It is not advisable to loss at both sides. Of course we can’t be conceited or underestimate our capabilities toward nature. Harmonious coexistence is the best choice for both sides.The whole thesis is composed of five parts combined with the use of symbolism in Moby Dick. The first part will give us a brief introduction to Herman Melville, Moby Dick’s plot and the background information; In the second chapter the author will represent the definition of symbol and symbolism; The third chapter will analyze Ahab’s symbolic meanings; the forth part is to talk about the symbolic meanings of Moby Dick; and the last part presents us the symbolism of Pequod. Finally the thesis reaches a conclusion.Key Words:Moby Dick; Herman Melville; Captain Ahab; Symbol; Symbolism中文摘要赫尔曼·麦尔维尔(1819-1891)是美国19世纪著名作家之一,《白鲸》可以说是他的代表作。


论《白鲸》中的象征主义摘要:麦尔维尔(Herman Melville)是19世纪美国著名作家,《白鲸》Moby Di ck是他的代表作,也是美国乃至世界文学中的经典之作。
关键词:《白鲸》;象征主义;圣经;莫比·迪克(Moby Dick)《白鲸》Moby Dick叙述了一位名叫亚哈 (Ahab)的捕鲸船船长率全体船员与捕鲸水手,追捕一条叫做莫比·迪克(Moby Dick)的白鲸的故事。
亚哈 (Ahab)的一条腿就是被它吞噬掉的。
发狂的白鲸撞翻了渔船,船长亚哈 (Ahab)被鱼叉标枪上的绳索缠住,一起卷入海中,最后两败俱伤,船沉人亡,只有伊什梅尔(Ishmael)生还,向我们讲述这个悲壮的故事。
一、白鲸莫比·迪克(Moby Dick)的象征意义莫比·迪克(MobyDick)是一条带有传奇色彩的白色巨鲸。

关键词:白鲸;象征意义;自然;和谐如今,曾被埋没一时的19 世纪美国作家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔(Herman Melville, 1819-1891)受到了国内外学术界的广泛关注。
学术界一致认为他的《白鲸》(Moby-Dick; or,The Whale, 1851)是“最伟大的一部美国小说”。
进入21 世纪以来,对《白鲸》系统化研究的闸门开启,学者们开始从多种不同的角度来研究它,并且取得了一定的成就和进展。

象征主义在《白鲸记》中的体现1. 白色座头鲸莫比·迪克莫比·迪克在小说中代表着无形、神秘且不可被驯服的力量。
2. 艾哈伊布·阿哈布作为小说的主人公,艾哈伊布·阿哈布也具有明显的象征意义。
3. 船上不同角色的象征意义在船上,作者通过塑造不同角色来进一步揭示象征主义。
4. 自然与文明之间冲突的象征性《白鲸记》还探讨了自然与文明之间永恒的冲突。
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本科毕业论文(设计)题目: On The Symbolic Meanings in Moby Dick论《白鲸》中的象征意义姓名: 姚小梅学院: 外国语学院专业: 英语专业(师范类)班级: 英语2010级1班学号: 1552100126指导教师: 刘云职称: 讲师2014 年6 月17日安徽科技学院教务处制On The Symbolic Meanings in Moby DickBy Yao XiaomeiSupervised by Liu YunIn partial fulfillment of the requirementFor the B.A. degreeSchool of Foreign Languages Anhui Science and Technology UniversityJune 2014AbstractHerman Melville (1819-1891) is one of the distinguished writers of America in the 1900s. It can say that Moby Dick is his representative work. And this work is generally regarded as one of the most symbolic novels in the world literature. However, literary circles has not attached importance to Moby Dick when it was published in 1851.It was not until the early twentieth century that this shining star has yielded unusually brilliant results and has won hundreds of thousands of writers and critics favor. The hitting-points of their research are different. While the symbolism is striking among them, and symbolism plays an important role in the understanding to readers.Herman Melville takes advantage of a good deal of symbolism in Moby Dick. To some extent, symbolism is exerted by the author incisively and vividly. It is said that symbolism derived from the symbolic movement of French in the late nineteen century. And it has already become an important writing technique to novels. It is noticed that Herman Melville has presented vividly the profound meanings of Moby Dick to readers through symbolism, which promotes the comprehension of readers and they can acknowledge American society, culture, religion beliefs of the 19th century and the development of symbolism to American literature.In Herman Melville’s writing, there are two big clues that appeal to people, namely protagonist Ahab and Moby Dick. It is designed that they are two opposing camps: Human and Nature. In the novel, bigoted and selfish Ahab pledges his life to catch Moby Dick for the sake of his hatred of losing a leg. And finally all people (except Ishmael) died as a result of Ahab’s revenge. Their fates in a certain degree reflect the final fates between human and nature. In the article, Melville uses symbolism adeptly. Consequently we can get each element’s symbolic meanings with color and life. In this paper the author will try to analyze different symbolic images, such as people, important clues and significant events so that show the symbolism of Moby Dick to people. I hope that my analysis would enrich people’s understand to this work’s themes. What’s more important is that I hope people could really comprehend the relation between human and nature. Do not act like Ahab, his only purpose for life is to break the power of nature. It is not advisable to loss at both sides. Of course we can’t be conceited or underestimate our capabilities toward nature. Harmonious coexistence is the best choice for both sides.The whole thesis is composed of five parts combined with the use of symbolism in Moby Dick. The first part will give us a brief introduction to Herman Melville, Moby Dick’s plot and the background information; In the second chapter the author will represent the definition of symbol and symbolism; The third chapter will analyze Ahab’s symbolic meanings; the forth part is to talk about the symbolic meanings of Moby Dick; and the last part presents us the symbolism of Pequod. Finally the thesis reaches a conclusion.Key Words:Moby Dick; Herman Melville; Captain Ahab; Symbol; Symbolism中文摘要赫尔曼·麦尔维尔(1819-1891)是美国19世纪著名作家之一,《白鲸》可以说是他的代表作。
关键词:白鲸;赫尔曼·麦尔维尔;亚哈船长;象征,象征主义ContentsAbstract in English………………………………………………………………Abstract in Chinese………………………………………………………………Introduction…………………………………………………………………………Chapter 1 A Brief Introduction of Author and Work……………………1.1 The Introduction to Herman Melville……………………………………………1.2 Plot Overview………………………………………………………………1.3 Background Information…………………………………………………Chapter 2 Symbol and Symbolism……………………………………………2.1 A Brief Introduction to Symbol……………………………………………2.2 A Brief Introduction to Symbolism………………………………………2.3 The Function of Symbolism………………………………………………Chapter3 The Symbols in Moby Dick…………………………………3.1 Ahab Himself………………………………………………………………3.2 Ahab’s Spirits………………………………………………………………3.2.1 Exploring the Final Truth……………………………………………3.2.2 The Spirit of Self-identity……………………………………………3.2.3The Spirit of Heroism…………………………………………………3.2.4 The Embodiment of Revolutionary Spirit……………………………3.3 The Symbol of Ahab Hunting Moby Dick…………………………………3.4The Symbol of Moby Dick…………………………………………………3.4.1 Moby Dick itself……………………………………………………………3 .4.2 The Symbol of Whiteness……………………………………………3.4.3The Symbol of Capitalism Mode of Production………………………3.5 The Symbol of Ship’s Name: Pequod………………………………………3.6OtherObjects’ Symbol………………………………………………………Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………Bibliography…………………………………………………………………………IntroductionHerman Melville, American author, best-known for his masterpiece of the sea Moby Dick. “I have written a wicked book and feel as the lamb,” Melville wrote to Hawthorne. Maybe Melville is right. When this novel was published, it did not bring Melville the fame he had acquired in the 1840s. However, Moby Dick is popular with the readers and critics after 1919. It is said that this book is the reflection of Melville’s time. And this novel was honored as “The most abundant expression of American imagination”.Moby Dick is a story about Ahab. Whale ship Pequod, was commanded by Captain Ahab. Ahab made a living by whaling. Moreover, he was sophisticated in sailing, and sailing for more than forty years. Once he lost a leg accidently when fighting with an enormous and ferocious white whale. From then on, Ahab vowed to revenge. He abandoned his wife and children, and put all his egg in one basket, that was revenge. Then Ahab’s burning desire for revenge really was the center of the story. At the end of Moby Dick, Ahab found and attacked Moby Dick. On the first day, the whale overturned a boat; on a second day, it swamped another. When the third day came, Ahab and all his crew managed to plunge a harpoon into it, but all of the remaining whaleboats and men are caught in the vortex created by the sinking Pequod and pulled under to their deaths expect Ishmael, who survives to tell the tale.Moby Dick could be read as a thrilling sea story, an examination of the conflict between human and nature-the battle between Ahab and the white whale is open to many interpretations. It is a pioneer novel but the prairie is ocean, or an allegory on the Gold Rush, but now the gold is whale. And the readers are deeply impressed on a plurality of linguistic discourses, philosophical speculations, and Shakespearean rhetoric and dramatic staging. Mysterious Captain Ahab, a combination of Macbeth, Job and Milton’s Satan, devoted his life to his revenge. And Ahab reveals to his crew the purpose of the voyage is to hunt and kill Moby Dick, who had cost Ahab’s leg on a previous voyage.There are two reasons to Moby Dick’s popularity. Firstly, Herman Melville describes more details about whaling spectacle; secondly, it’s enduring fascination and predominant literary value lies in the application of all kinds of complicated symbolism wholly expresses Melville’s ideas towards temporal culture, religion and social development. In brief, symbol can express particular significance and interpret some kind of ideas by the specific images.Thus it can be seen that symbolism plays a vital role in literature and we are available to realize that predictable perfect symbolism in Moby Dick. Let’s turn into the world of symbolism of Moby DickChapter 1 A Brief Introduction of Author and Work1.1 The Introduction to Herman MelvilleHerman Melville, (August 1, 1819 – September 28, 1891) who was born in New York, was an American novelist, poet, and writer of short stories. He was the third of eight children born to Maria Gansevoort Melville and Allan Melville, a prosperous importer of foreign goods. When the family business failed at the end of the 1820s, the Melvilles relocated to Albany in an attempt to revive their fortunes. However, because of a string of future bad luck and overwork, his father drove to an early grave. And the young Melville had to start to work for his family when he was only thirteen years old.After a few years of formal education, Melville was forced to leave school and to become an elementary school teacher. From that time on, Melville’s career began. At the age of nineteen, Melville made his first sea voyage, as a merchant sailor on a ship bound for Liverpool. In the summer of 1842, Melville and one of his fellow sailors got in Marquesas Islands. While Melville became separated from his companion and lamed a bad leg, he spent a month alone in the company of the natives. With the help of this experience, Melville created his first novel Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life, published in 1846. Melville set out to write a series of novels detailing his adventures and his philosophy of life with the voluminous knowledge obtained from the sea. After Typee Melville wrote Omoo and Mardi and A Voyage Thither.In 1849, he published Redburn. His next novel, White-Jacket; or The World in a Man-of –War.Through the points of literary history, Melville’s first five novels above-mentioned are all seen as an apprenticeship to what is today considered his masterpiece, Moby Dick.And Moby Dick is a tremendously ambitious novel that functions at ever as a documentary of life at sea and a vast philosophical allegory of in general. As Herman Melville satirizes by turns religious traditions, moral values, and the literary and political figures of the day, no sacred subject is spared in this bleak and scathing critique of the known world.Melville was strongly inspired by the achievements of Hawthorne and Melville changed Moby Dick from a story into an allegorical novel with the encouragement of Hawthorne. And Melville had long admired Hawthorne’s psychological depth and gothic grimness. Melville associated Hawthorne with a new, distinctively Americanliterature. Although the works of Shakespeare and Milton influenced Moby Dick, Melville didn’t look exclusively to celebrate cultural models. He drew on sources from popular culture. For example, in 19th century whaling narratives were extremely popular. However Moby Dick was misunderstood and remained largely ignored until 1920s, when it was rediscovered and promoted by literary historians interested in constructing an American literary tradition."In general, it is the non-psychological novel that offers the richest opportunities for psychological elucidation. Here the author having no intentions of this sort, does not show his characters in a psychological light and thus leaves room for analysis and interpretation, or even invites it by his unprejudiced mode of presentation…I would also include Melville’s Moby Dick, which I consider as the greatest American novel, in this broad class of writings.”(Carl Jung in The Spirit in Man, Art and Literature,1967) From these words we can see Moby Dick’s value.1.2 Plot OverviewIshmael, the narrator, announces his intention to ship aboard a whaling vessel. He has made several voyages as a sailor but none as a whaler. When he travels to New Bedford, Massachusetts, w he stays in a whalers’ inn. As the inn is pretty full, he has to share a bed with a harpooner from the South Pacific who is named Queequeg. At first repulsed by Queequeg’s strange habits and shocking appearance (Queequeg is covered with tattoos), but with time goes by, Ishmael eventually comes to appreciate this man’s generosity and kind spirit, and the two decide to seek work on a whaling vessel together. So they take a ferry to Nantucket, the traditional capital of the whaling industry. At there they can secure berths on the Pequod, a savage-looking ship adorned with the bones and teeth of sperm whales. Peleg and Bildad, the Pequod’s Quaker owners, drive a hard bargain in terms of salary. They also mention the ship’s mysterious capt ain, Ahab, who is still recovering from losing his leg in an encounter with a sperm whale on his last voyage.The Pequod leaves Nantucket on a cold Christmas Day with a crew made up of men from many different countries and races. Before long, the ship is in warmer waters, and Ahab makes his first appearance on deck, balancing gingerly on his false leg, which is made from a sperm whale’s jaw. He announces his desire to pursue and kill Moby Dick, the legendary great white whale who took his leg, because he sees this whale as the embodiment of evil. Ahab nails a gold doubloon to the mast and declares that it will be the prize for the first man to sight the whale. As the Pequodsails toward the southern tip of Africa, whales are sighted and unsuccessfully hunted.After Pequod rounds Africa and enters the Indian Ocean, a few whales are successfully caught and processed for their oil. From time to time, the ship encounters other whaling vessels. Ahab always demands information about Moby Dick from their captains. One of the ships, the Jeroboam, carries Gabriel, a crazed prophet who predicts doom for anyone who threatens Moby Dick. His predictions seem to carry some weight, as those aboard his ship who have hunted the whale have met disaster. While Ahab does not care about his predictions, he continues hunting Moby Dick. During another whale hunt, Pip, the Pequod’s black cabin boy, jumps from a whaleboat and is left behind in the middle of the ocean. Not long afterwards, Queequeg falls ill and has the ship’s carpenter make him a coffin in anticipation of his death. He recovers, however, and the coffin eventually becomes the Pequod’s replacement life buoy.Ahab orders a harpoon forged in the expectation that he will soon encounter Moby Dick. He b aptizes the harpoon with the blood of the Pequod’s three harpooners. The Pequod kills several more whales. Issuing a prophecy about Ahab’s death, Fedallah declares that Ahab will first see two hearses, the second of which will be made only from American wood, and that he will be killed by hemp rope. Ahab interprets these words to mean that he will not die at sea, where there are no hearses and no hangings. A typhoon hits the Pequod, illuminating it with electrical fire. Ahab takes this occurrence as a sign of imminent confrontation and success, but Starbuck, the ship’s first mate, takes it as a bad omen and considers killing Ahab to end the mad quest. After the storm ends, one of the sailors falls from the ship’s masthead and drowns-a grim foreshadowing of what lies ahead.Ahab’s fervent desire to find and destroy Mo by Dick continues to intensify and the mad Pip is now his constant companion. The Pequod approaches the equator, where Ahab expects to find the great whale. To his expectation, Ahab finally sights Moby Dick. On the first day, the whale overturned a boat; on a second day, it swamped another. When the third day came, Ahab and all his crew managed to plunge a harpoon into it, but the white whale carried the Pequod along with it to its death. All on board the whaler got drowned expect Ishmael, who survives to tell the tale.1.3 Background InformationIn the 19th century, American optimism is a commonplace. All of American had seen that the United States depended on the UK. Especially they have expended theirterritory from more than two million square kilometers to over nine square kilometers. So American took pride in their achievements. The Atlantic makes American far away from the European countries’disputes. They made good use of this geographical advantage and abundant natural resources to develop economy, increase wealth and purse Hegemonism. Therefore the phrase “Capital Accumulation” emerged. American was urged to build wealth to stimulate their capitalistic development. And the whaling could meet their demands and produce a large fortune for their capital accumulation. In addition, American believed that the God was in special favor of American. Under this background romanticism also came into being.And at that time, American was in a young, vibrant and vigorous development period. Every American was proud of their national independence. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a era of individualism, and everyone managed to purse their own independent and create success through diligent work. And American lived in a comfortable without a sense of tragedy. There is nothing but a sense of optimism. No one struck up a discordant tune to this optimistic position except a few main writers, Herman Melville was one member of them.Chapter 2 Symbol and Symbolism2.1 The Introduction of SymbolThe word “symbol” comes from the Greek verb symballein, “to put together,”and the noun symbolon “sign”“token” which originally referred to a half-coin that the two parties to an agreement carried away as a pledge for its fulfillment. In the simplest sense, symbol associated with anything that stands for or represents something else beyond an idea conventionally. However in literary usage, a symbol is especially evocative kind of image; that is, a word or phrase referring to a concrete object, sense, or action which also has some further significance associated with it. Its application to literature with a clearly defined meaning, contrasting it with allegory and it occurred first in Germany in the late eighteen century.And symbol is one of those words that are usually used in a confusing manner. The confusion is increased by different scholars using the words to mean very different things. Most obviously, General Semantics use symbol to designate what other writers call a “sign”. A symbol is a sign that has further layers of meaning. In other words, a symbol means more than it literally says. The more profound the symbol is, the greater the complexity of the layers of meaning.Dr. Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin defined this literary term as:“A symbol is representation of an idea, thing, concept, or quality. A symbol is an object, which stands for something else; it is a word, which while signifying something specific, also signifies something beyond itself. With a symbol we have to infer the meaning and associations.”(Lentricchia and McLaughlin, 1995:5)In literary works, it is important to remember that a word would mean more than what the writer consciously intends to convey. Thus, when a writer intends to express certain meanings by means of symbols, the meaning he or she express will exceed what was consciously intended. Furthermore, symbols are used when a writer wants to express his understanding of something in his mind and it is not directly observable in the daily life. At that time, the writer has to use a symbol to convey his comprehension of something abstract by using objects and words from the familiar world. The writer starts with an object in the real world and makes it symbolic by loading it with a meaning which is not explicitly stated.It is human being’s ability that manipulates symbols to allow them to explore therelationships between ideas, things and concepts beyond the explorations of any other species on earth are capable. The ability to interpret symbols is essential for a full understanding of a work. In a larger degree, Herman Melville was adept in suing symbols to reflect complex objects and characters’ inner world in Moby Dick.2.2 The Introduction of SymbolismSymbolism originated in France, and originated with a group of French in the 19th century, spread to painting and the theatre. When comes to symbolism, we naturally think of Charles Baudelaire, he created the open-ended symbols and brought the invisible into being through the visible. And in terms of symbolism, Dr. Frank Lentricchia and Thomas McLaughlin concludes, “Symbolism is the systematic use of symbols to represent or allude to something. In the most literal sense, all languages are symbolic. In a narrower sense, symbolism is the use of iconic figures with particular conventional meanings.”(Lentricchia and McLaughlin, 1990:75) And symbolism tends to broaden reader s’perceptions, giving the meaning to objects beyond its concrete use or intended meaning. Symbolism is the representation of ideas by using symbols and symbolism is a common literary and artistic expression skill. It was widely used in the European and American literature in the 18th to 19th century.Usually symbolism works under the surface to tie the work’s external action to the theme. In the early development of the fictional narrative, symbolism shows the literal event and its allegorical counterpart a one-to-one correspondence. Symbolism operates without consciousness. It means that readers would accept its input without really understanding how it works. As Barnet points out, “when we read, we may feel that certain characters and certain things in the story stand for more than themselves, or hint at larger meanings.”(Barnet, et al. 2002: 195) It may be clear that the author has mentioned certain items or ideas in order to induce readers to think more deeply about something.In a word, symbolism is important component in literature and plays a great role in many works. Many famous writers would like to use symbolism as a rhetorical device central to the meaning of their works, for instance, Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness and James Joyce’s Ulysses.In many works, symbolism was more an international ideological trend. Symbolists believe that art should apprehend more absolute truths, which could only be accessed indirectly. Therefore they describe senses from nature, human activities, and all other real world phenomena in a highly metaphorical and suggestive manner. And they provide particular images or objectswith esoteric attractions. In Moby Dick we would see attractive symbolism. And with the help of symbolism, we can understand many complex objects’ meanings.2.3 The Function of SymbolismIt is not uncommon that symbolism is used to express meanings to abstract objects beyond what are actually being described. The plot and action take place in a story can be considered as one level, while in the writing the symbolism of some certain things act on another level to enhance the understanding of readers.Symbolism can help readers to grasp the themes of works represented on a physical level. A simple example might be occurrence of a storm at critical point while there are conflicts or high emotion. Similarly a transition from day to night, or spring to winter, could symbolize a move from goodness to evil or hope to despair. Flowers can symbolize youth or beauty.While not everything in a novel has necessarily symbolic meaning. A garden landscape is just a garden…but when it is contrasted with a bustling city, at which point the garden could symbolize tranquility, peace or escape, it means that we have to estimate depend on specific situations. In Moby Dick, there are many abstract objects, but it is not so difficult to grasp its meanings under the help of symbolism.Chapter 3 The Symbols in Moby Dick3.1 Ahab HimselfIt is widely known that Herman Melville has created a character, Captain Ahab, who dared to fight against the nature in Moby Dick. Ahab, he is not only a hero but also an evil person. To some extent, Ahab is a King Lear type person, and he is somebody many people really look up to. Furthermore, Ahab is discerned with wisdom, but conceived and egoistic. In the novel Ahab is the opposite of Moby Dick. But what does Ahab symbolize? Whether is he the embodied principle of devil or a resistant hero bravely on earth? Whether is he a fanatic, who wanted to become a dominator and opposed the power of nature in vain or a hero who had the courage to fight for devil violently and explore the secrets of nature?It is obvious that Ahab only take his personal revenge into consideration. In other words, Ahab went his own way, he ignored other ship-owners’and have not took sailors’ lives seriously. What’s worse, Ahab took actions to his sailors with carrot and stick. Ultimately, all sailors were drowned by sea except Ishmael, who told the story about Moby Dick. Therefore it is said that the symbol of devil, Ahab, who was more wicked than Moby Dick. He stood for the wicked and black part of human nature consciousness.It is available for us to see what Ahab has done has not based on his morality and reason but affected his instinct impulsion. All of that inevitably resulted in the final tragedy. According to Ahab’s narrow psychology, the event that Moby Dick bit one of his leg was a sort of malicious intention, and Moby Dick intentionally made an enemy of him. So he must throw his hat into the ring and pursued his psychological balance.On one hand, Captain Ahab is the symbol of devil. His tremendous overconfidence or hubris, leads him to defy common sense and believe that he can enact his will and remain immune to the forces of nature like a god. In his eyes, the nature can be conquered on condition that he tries his best On the other hand; Ahab is a warrior, who fights for devil and destiny bravely. He is a sophisticated in sailing and he acts decidedly. Furthermore, Ahab is brave and battle wise. Faced with powerful Moby Dick, he never chooses retreat. And Ahab sailed for more than forty years by means of his lofty soul and pristine mind. It can say Ahab is the king of sea. OnceAhab fell flat on his face but he never was afraid of failure. At the end of the novel, Ahab proceeded without hesitation and perished with Moby Dick together like the character Samson Agonistes of Milton’s writing.So Ahab has multiple and contradictory personality in Moby Dick. Exactly Ahab is the embodiment of good and devil, beauty and ugliness. To some extent, Ahab is not only a sufferer but also a victimizer. In other words, he is as much a victim as he is an aggressor. In Moby Dick, symbolism is used to suggest human can never be defeated but Ahab shows his contempt for nature at the cost of his live.According to the critic M. H. Abrams, such a tragic hero “moves us to pity because, since he is not an evil man, his misfortune is greater than he deserves; but he moves us also to fear, because we recognize similar possibilities of error in our own lesser and fallible selves.”3.2 The Spirits of Ahab3.2.1 Exploring the Final TruthHerman Melville did analyze and explain the action that Captain Ahab hunted down Moby Dick. And he thought that the action is a kind of spirit of pursuit and exploration. Moreover Melville has endowed multiple symbolic meanings on this spirit. First of all, the spirit of exploring the final truth, as for Ahab Moby Dick is like a wall that approached him but he couldn’t see it. And he struggled to break through only to a failure. Ahab just felt the unpredictable power of this wall. Despite others were awful of Moby Dick, Ahab still insisted on chasing. It is necessary to prove that Ahab was trying to find out the answer of truth, isn’t it? Nevertheless Ahab didn’t realize that he was not capable to break through because human’s abilities were confined by the limited knowledge, and that wall might was the symbol of the final truth.Taking Ishmael as an example, he discovers that whale has incredible multiplicity meanings throughout history. Over the course of the novel, Ishmael takes multiple approaches and makes use of nearly every discipline known to man in his attempts to understand the essential nature of the whale. However, including art, taxonomy and phrenology, fails to give a reasonable account. The frequent references to the limits of observation Ishmael often talks about (men cannot see the depths of the ocean, for example), suggest human knowledge is always limited and insufficient.3.2.2 The Spirit of Self-identityIn the whole novel, Herman Melville has designed the delicate relationship。