参考: /guide/topics/manifest/uses-feature-element.html
6.培养学生观察、思考、对比及分析综合的能力。过程与方法1.通过观察蚯蚓教的学实难验点,线培形养动观物察和能环力节和动实物验的能主力要;特2征.通。过教对学观方察法到与的教现学象手分段析观与察讨法论、,实对验线法形、动分物组和讨环论节法动教特学征准的备概多括媒,体继课续件培、养活分蚯析蚓、、归硬纳纸、板综、合平的面思玻维璃能、力镊。子情、感烧态杯度、价水值教观1和.通过学理解的蛔1虫.过观适1、察于程3观阅 六蛔寄.内列察读 、虫生出蚯材 让标容生3根常蚓料 学本教活.了 据见身: 生,师的2、解 问的体巩鸟 总看活形作 用蛔 题线的固类 结雌动态业 手虫 自形练与 本雄学、三: 摸对 学动状习人 节蛔生结4、、收 一人 后物和同类 课虫活构请一蚯集 摸体 回并颜步关 重的动、学、蚓鸟 蚯的 答归色学系 点形教生生让在类 蚓危 问纳。习从 并状学理列学平的害 题线蚯四线人 归、意特出四生面体以形蚓、形类 纳大图点常、五观玻存 表及动的鸟请动文 本小引以见引、察璃现 ,预物身类 3学物明 节有言及的、导巩蚯上状 是防的体之生和历 课什根蚯环怎学固蚓和, 干感主是所列环史 学么据蚓节二样生练引牛鸟 燥染要否以举节揭 到不上适动、区回习导皮类 还的特分分蚯动晓 的同节于物让分答。学纸减 是方征节布蚓物起 一,课穴并学蚯课生上少 湿法。?广的教, 些体所居归在生蚓前回运的 润;4泛益学鸟色生纳.靠物完的问答动原 的4蛔,处目类 习和活环.近在成前题蚯的因 ?了虫以。标就 生体的节身其实端并蚓快及 触解寄上知同 物表内特动体结验和总利的慢我 摸蚯生适识人 学有容点物前构并后结用生一国 蚯蚓在于与类 的什,的端中思端线问活样的 蚓人飞技有 基么引进主的的考?形题环吗十 体生行能着 本特出要几变以动,境?大 节活的1密 方征本“特节化下物.让并为珍 近习会形理切 法。课生征有以问的小学引什稀 腹性态解的 。2课物。什游题主.结生出么鸟 面和起结蛔关观题体么戏:要利明蚯?类 处适哪构虫系察:的特的特用确蚓等 ,于些特适。蛔章形殊形征板,这资 是穴疾点于可虫我态结式。书生种料 光居病是寄的们结构,五小物典, 滑生?重生鸟内学构,学、结的型以 还活5要生类部习与.其习巩鸟结的爱 是如原活生结了功颜消固类构线鸟 粗形何因的存构腔能色化练适特形护 糙态预之结的,肠相是系习于点动鸟 ?、防一构现你动适否统。飞都物为结蛔。和状认物应与的行是。主构虫课生却为和”其结的与题、病本理不蛔扁的他构特环以生?8特乐虫形观部特8征境小理三页点观的动位点梳相组等、这;,哪物教相,理适为方引些2鸟,育同师.知应单面导鸟掌类结了;?生识的位学你握日构解2互.。办特生认线益特了通动手征观识形减点它过,抄;察吗动少是们理生报5蛔?物,与的解.参一了虫它和有寄主蛔与份解结们环些生要虫其。蚯构都节已生特对中爱蚓。会动经活征人培鸟与飞物灭相。类养护人吗的绝适这造兴鸟类?主或应节成趣的为要濒的课情关什特临?就危感系么征灭来害教;?;绝学,育,习使。我比学们它生可们理以更解做高养些等成什的良么两好。类卫动生物习。惯根的据重学要生意回义答;的3.情通况过,了给解出蚯课蚓课与题人。类回的答关:系线,形进动行物生和命环科节学动价环值节观动的物教一育、。根教据学蛔重虫点病1.引蛔出虫蛔适虫于这寄种生典生型活的线结形构动和物生。理二特、点设;置2.问蚯题蚓让的学生生活思习考性预和习适。于穴居生活的形态、结构、生理等方面的特征;3.线形动物和环节动物的主要特征。
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Eclipse、IntelliJ IDEA和NetBeans等IDE都提供了对JavaFX的支持。
1. 打开IDE并创建新的Java项目。
2. 在项目设置中,确保将JavaFX库添加到项目的依赖项中。
3. 创建一个新的Java类作为应用程序的入口点,例如""。
4. 导入JavaFX库:import javafx.application.Application;5. 使你的类继承Application类,并实现start()方法。
下面是一个简单的JavaFX应用程序示例:```javaimport javafx.application.Application;import javafx.scene.Scene;import javafx.scene.control.Button;import yout.StackPane;import javafx.stage.Stage;public class Main extends Application {public static void main(String[] args) {launch(args);}@Overridepublic void start(Stage primaryStage) {primaryStage.setTitle("JavaFX App");Button button = new Button("Click me!");StackPane root = new StackPane();root.getChildren().add(button);primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, 300, 200));;}}```四、构建用户界面JavaFX提供了丰富的UI组件和布局选项,使开发者能够创建具有吸引力和交互性的用户界面。
Microsoft .NET Core开发平台指南说明书
About the T utorial.NET Core is the latest general purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft. It works across different platforms and has been redesigned in a way that makes .NET fast, flexible and modern..NET Core happens to be one of the major contributions by Microsoft. Developers can now build Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, and Windows applications with .NET, all in Open Source.AudienceThis tutorial is designed for software programmers who want to learn the basics of .NET Core.PrerequisitesYou should have a basic understanding of Computer Programming terminologies. A basic understanding of any of the programming languages is a plus.Disclaimer & CopyrightCopyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************.T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Disclaimer & Copyright (i)Table of Contents (ii) Core – Overview (1)Characteristics of .NET Core (1)The .NET Core Platform (2) Core – Prerequisites (3) Core – Environment Setup (4)Visual Studio 2015 (4) Core – Getting Started (10) Core – Numerics (13)Integral types (13)Floating-point types (13) Core – Garbage Collection (16)Advantages of Garbage Collection (16)Conditions for Garbage Collection (16)Generations (16) Core – Code Execution (18).NET Core Code Execution Process (19) Core – Modularity (21) Core – Project Files (24) Core – Package References (28) Core – Create UWP App with .NET Core (34) Core – MSBuild (42) Core – Metapackage (47) Core – Windows Runtime and Extension SDKs (53) Core – Create .NET Standard Library (58) Core – Portable Class Library (63)What is PCL (64) Core – Adding References to Library (72) Core – Sharing .NET Core Libraries (77) Core – Creating a Xamarin.Forms Project (87) Core – PCL Troubleshooting (95) Core – Create a Testing Project (105) Core – Running Tests in Visual Studio (109) Core – Testing Library (116) Core – Managed Extensibility Framework (124) Core – .NET Core SDK (134) Core – MSBuild and project.json (140)MSBuild vs project.json (141) Core – Restoring and Building with MSBuild (143) Core – Migrations (147).NET Core is the latest general purpose development platform maintained by Microsoft. It works across different platforms and has been redesigned in a way that makes .NET fast, flexible and modern. This happens to be one of the major contributions by Microsoft. Developers can now build Android, iOS, Linux, Mac, and Windows applications with .NET, all in Open Source.In this tutorial, we will cover .NET Core and a few new innovations including the .NET Framework updates, .NET Standard, and Universal Windows Platform updates, etc.Characteristics of .NET CoreThe following are the major characteristics of .NET Core:Open source∙.NET Core is an open source implementation, using MIT and Apache 2 licenses.∙.NET Core is a .NET Foundation project and is available on GitHub.∙As an open source project, it promotes a more transparent development process and promotes an active and engaged community.Cross-platform∙Application implemented in .NET Core can be run and its code can be reused regardless of your platform target.∙It currently supports three main operating systems (OS):o Windowso Linuxo MacOS∙The supported Operating Systems (OS), CPUs and application scenarios will grow over time, provided by Microsoft, other companies, and individuals.Flexible deployment∙There can be two types of deployments for .NET Core applications:o Framework-dependent deploymento Self-contained deployment4.NET Core5∙ With framework-dependent deployment, your app depends on a system-wide version of .NET Core on which your app and third-party dependencies are installed.∙With self-contained deployment, the .NET Core version used to build your application is also deployed along with your app and third-party dependencies and can run side-by-side with other versions.Command-line tools∙All product scenarios can be exercised at the command-line.Compatible∙.NET Core is compatible with .NET Framework, Xamarin and Mono, via the .NET Standard Library.Modular∙ .NET Core is released through NuGet in smaller assembly packages.∙ .NET Framework is one large assembly that contains most of the core functionalities. ∙ .NET Core is made available as smaller feature-centric packages.∙ This modular approach enables the developers to optimize their app by including just those NuGet packages which they need in their app.∙The benefits of a smaller app surface area include tighter security, reduced servicing, improved performance, and decreased costs in a pay-for-what-you-use model.The .NET Core Platform.NET Core Platform contains the following main parts:∙ .NET Runtime : It provides a type system, assembly loading, a garbage collector, native interop and other basic services.∙ Fundamental Libraries : A set of framework libraries, which provide primitive data types, app composition types and fundamental utilities.∙ SDK & Compiler : A set of SDK tools and language compilers that enable the base developer experience, available in the .NET Core SDK.∙‘dotnet’ app host : it is used to launch .NET Core apps. It selects the runtime and hosts the runtime, provides an assembly loading policy and launches the app. The same host is also used to launch SDK tools in much the same way..NET Core6In this chapter, we will discuss the various dependencies that you need to deploy and run. These include the .NET Core applications on Windows machines that are developed using Visual Studio.Supported Windows Versions.NET Core is supported on the following versions of Windows:∙ Windows 7 SP1 ∙ Windows 8.1 ∙ Windows 10∙ Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (Full Server or Server Core) ∙ Windows Server 2012 SP1 (Full Server or Server Core) ∙ Windows Server 2012 R2 SP1 (Full Server or Server Core) ∙Windows Server 2016 (Full Server, Server Core or Nano Server)Dependencies∙If you are running your .NET Core application on Windows versions earlier than Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016, then it will also require the Visual C++ Redistributable.∙ This dependency is automatically installed for you if you use the .NET Core installer. ∙You need to manually install the Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2015 if you are installing .NET Core via the installer script or deploying a self-contained .NET Core application.∙For Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 machines, you need to make sure that your Windows installation is up-to-date and also includes hotfix KB2533623 installed through Windows Update.Prerequisites with Visual Studio∙ To develop .NET Core applications using the .NET Core SDK, you can use any editor of your choice.∙However, if you want to develop .NET Core applications on Windows using Visual Studio, you can use the following two versions:o Visual Studio 2015 o Visual Studio 2017 RC.NET Core7Projects created with Visual Studio 2015 will be project.json-based by default while projects created with Visual Studio 2017 RC will always be MSBuild-based.In this chapter, we will discuss the Environment Setup of .NET Core. It is a significant redesign of the .NET Framework. To use .NET Core in your application, there are two versions you can use:∙Visual Studio 2015∙Visual Studio 2017 RCVisual Studio 2015To use Visual Studio 2015, you must have installed the following;∙Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Update 3∙Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2Microsoft provides a free version of visual studio which also contains the SQL Server and can be downloaded from https:///en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs.aspx and Microsoft .NET Core 1.0.1 - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2 can be downloaded from https:///fwlink/?LinkId=817245.You can also follow the installation guidelines on the following Url https:///net/core/#windowsvs2015.Installation of Visual Studio 2015Follow these steps to install Visual Studio 2015:Step 1: Once the downloading completes, then run the installer. The following dialog box will be displayed.89Step 2: Click Install to start the installation process.Step 3: Once the installation completes, you will see the following dialog box.Step 4: Close this dialog and restart your computer if required.10Step 5: Open Visual Studio from the Start Menu; you will receive the following dialog box. It may take a few minutes to load and finally be used for the first time.Step 6: Once it is loaded, you will see the following screen.11Step 7: Once Visual Studio installation is finished, then close Visual Studio and launch Microsoft .NET Core - VS 2015 Tooling Preview 2.Step 8: Check the checkbox and click Install.12Step 9: Once the installation completes, you will see the following dialog box.You are now ready to start your application using .NET Core.Visual Studio 2017In this tutorial, we will be using Visual Studio 2015, but if you want to use Visual Studio 2017, an experimental release of .NET Core tools for Visual Studio is included in Visual Studio 2017 RC and you can see the installation guidelines here https:///net/core/#windowsvs2017.13Visual Studio 2015 provides a full-featured development environment for developing .NET Core applications. In this chapter, we will be creating a new project inside Visual Studio. Once you have installed the Visual Studio 2015 tooling, you can start building a new .NET Core Application.In the New Project dialog box, in the Templates list, expand the Visual C# node and select .NET Core and you should see the following three new project templates: ∙Class Library (.NET Core)∙Console Application (.NET Core)∙ Core Web Application (.NET Core)In the middle pane on the New Project dialog box, select Console Application (.NET Core) and name it "FirstApp", then click OK.14Visual Studio will open the newly created project, and you will see in the Solution Explorer window all of the files that are in this project.To test that .NET core console application is working, let us add the following line.Now, run the application. You should see the following output.1617.NET Core supports the standard numeric integral and floating-point primitives. It also supports the following types:∙ System.Numerics.BigInteger which is an integral type with no upper or lower bound. ∙ plex is a type that represents complex numbers.∙A set of Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)-enabled vector types in the System.Numerics namespace.Integral types.NET Core supports both signed and unsigned integers of different ranges from one byte to eight bytes in length. All integers are value types.The following table represents the integral types and their size;Each integral type supports a standard set of arithmetic, comparison, equality, explicit conversion, and implicit conversion operators.You can also work with the individual bits in an integer value by using the System.BitConverter class.Floating-point types.NET Core includes three primitive floating point types, which are shown in the following table.∙Each floating-point type supports a standard set of arithmetic, comparison, equality, explicit conversion, and implicit conversion operators.∙You can also work with the individual bits in Double and Single values by using the BitConverter class.∙The Decimal structure has its own methods, Decimal.GetBits and Decimal.Decimal(Int32()), for working with a decimal value's individual bits, as well as its own set of methods for performing some additional mathematical operations.BigInteger∙System.Numerics.BigInteger is an immutable type that represents an arbitrarily large integer whose value in theory has no upper or lower bounds.∙The methods of the BigInteger type is closely parallel to those of the other integral types.Complex∙The plex type represents a complex number, i.e., a number witha real number part and an imaginary number part.∙It supports a standard set of arithmetic, comparison, equality, explicit conversion, and implicit conversion operators, as well as mathematical, algebraic, and trigonometric methods.SIMD∙The Numerics namespace includes a set of SIMD-enabled vector types for .NET Core.∙SIMD allows some operations to be parallelized at the hardware level, which results in huge performance improvements in mathematical, scientific, and graphics apps that perform computations over vectors.∙The SIMD-enabled vector types in .NET Core include the following:o System.Numerics.Vector2, System.Numerics.Vector3, and System.Numerics.Vector4 types, which are 2, 3, and 4-dimensional vectors oftype Single.o The Vector<T> structure that allows you to create a vector of any primitive numeric type. The primitive numeric types include all numeric types in theSystem namespace except for Decimal.18o Two matrix types, System.Numerics.Matrix3x2, which represents a 3x2 matrix;and System.Numerics.Matrix4x4, which represents a 4x4 matrix.o The System.Numerics.Plane type, which represents a three-dimensional plane, and the System.Numerics.Quaternion type, which represents a vector that is used to encode three-dimensional physical rotations.19.NET Core20 In this chapter, we will cover the concept of Garbage collection which is one of most important features of the .NET managed code platform. The garbage collector (GC) manages the allocation and release of memory. The garbage collector serves as an automatic memory manager.∙You do not need to know how to allocate and release memory or manage the lifetime of the objects that use that memory. ∙An allocation is made any time you declare an object with a “new” keyword or a value type is boxed. Allocations are typically very fast. ∙When there isn’t enough memory to allocate an object, the GC must collect and dispose of garbage memory to make memory available for new allocations. ∙ This process is known as garbage collection .Advantages of Garbage CollectionGarbage Collection provides the following benefits:∙You don’t need to free memory manually while developing your application. ∙It also allocates objects on the managed heap efficiently. ∙When objects are no longer used then it will reclaim those objects by clearing their memory, and keeps the memory available for future allocations. ∙Managed objects automatically get clean content to start with, so their constructors do not have to initialize every data field. ∙ It also provides memory safety by making sure that an object cannot use the content of another object.Conditions for Garbage CollectionGarbage collection occurs when one of the following conditions is true.∙The system has low physical memory. ∙The memory that is used by allocated objects on the managed heap surpasses an acceptable threshold. This threshold is continuously adjusted as the process runs. ∙ The GC.Collect method is called and in almost all cases, you do not have to call thismethod, because the garbage collector runs continuously. This method is primarily used for unique situations and testing..NET Core21 GenerationsThe .NET Garbage Collector has 3 generations and each generation has its own heap that that is used for the storage of allocated objects. There is a basic principle that most objects are either short-lived or long-lived.Generation First (0)∙In Generation 0, objects are first allocated. ∙In this generation, objects often don’t live past the first generation, since they are no longer in use (out of scope) by the time the next garbage collection occurs. ∙ Generation 0 is quick to collect because its associated heap is small.Generation Second (1)∙In Generation 1, objects have a second chance space. ∙Objects that are short-lived but survive the generation 0 collection (often based on coincidental timing) go to generation 1. ∙Generation 1 collections are also quick because its associated heap is also small. ∙ The first two heaps remain small because objects are either collected or promoted to the next generation heap.Generation Third (2)∙In Generation 2, all long objects are lived and its heap can grow to be very large. ∙The objects in this generation can survive a long time and there is no next generation heap to further promote objects. ∙The Garbage Collector has an additional heap for large objects known as Large Object Heap (LOH). ∙It is reserved for objects that are 85,000 bytes or greater. ∙Large objects are not allocated to the generational heaps but are allocated directly to the LOH. ∙Generation 2 and LOH collections can take noticeable time for programs that have run for a long time or operate over large amounts of data. ∙Large server programs are known to have heaps in the 10s of GBs. ∙The GC employs a variety of techniques to reduce the amount of time that it blocks program execution. ∙The primary approach is to do as much garbage collection work as possible on a background thread in a way that does not interfere with program execution. ∙The GC also exposes a few ways for developers to influence its behavior, which can be quite useful to improve performance.In this chapter, we will understand the execution process of .NET Core and compare it with the .NET Framework. The managed execution process includes the following steps.∙Choosing a compiler∙Compiling your code to MSIL∙Compiling MSIL to native code∙Running codeChoosing a Compiler∙It is a multi-language execution environment, the runtime supports a wide variety of data types and language features.∙To obtain the benefits provided by the common language runtime, you must use one or more language compilers that target the runtime.Compiling your code to MSIL∙Compiling translates your source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL)and generates the required metadata.22∙Metadata describes the types in your code, including the definition of each type, the signatures of each type's members, the members that your code references, and other data that the runtime uses at execution time.∙The runtime locates and extracts the metadata from the file as well as from framework class libraries (FCL) as needed during execution.23End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://24。
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2、响应式设计——XRespond地址:https:///XRespond 应⽤程序是⼀个“虚拟设备实验室”,你可以在这⾥预览任何⽹站在各种设备上的显⽰效果,包括各种型号的iPhone、iPad、诺基亚、Google Nexus、Kindle 和 Chromebook。
注意:如果你正在寻找⼀种类似的⼯具来模拟你在本地构建的项⽬,⼀个很好的选择是Am I Responsive。
尽管屏幕尺⼨和其他功能受到限制,但它允许你通过在 URL 栏中使⽤ http://localhost/ 来了解你的站点在各种设备上的显⽰⽅式。
3、Web 性能测试——WebPageTest地址:https:///WebPageTest 是⽐较流⾏的⽹页性能测量⼯具之⼀,⽽且是免费的。
idea gittoolbox介绍
提供智能建议,帮助用户优化忽略文件设置 ,减少误操作。
提供多种忽略文件模板,方便用户快速配置 常用忽略规则。
支持灵活的分支管理策略,如分支保护、合并请求等,确保团队 协作顺畅。
提供与远程仓库的同步机制,确保本地仓库与远程仓库数据一致 。
IDEA GitToolbox提供了高级的版本控制功能,如cherry-pick、rebase、stash等,帮助 开发者灵活应对复杂项目的版本控制挑战。
通过与CI/CD工具的集成,IDEA GitToolbox可以实现自动化构建、测试和部署,进一步 提高了复杂项目的开发效率和质量。
确保已在系统中安装Git,并在IDE中配置 好Git的可执行文件路径。
在IDE的侧边栏中选择GitToolbox ,点击“Commit”按钮,输入 提交信息并提交代码。
通过GitToolbox可以查看当前项 目的版本历史记录,包括每次提 交的详细信息。
通过使用IDEA GitToolbox,开发者可以更加便捷地管 理Git仓库,包括提交代码、查看提交历史、分支管理 等操作,无需频繁切换至命令行界面。
IDEA GitToolbox提供了丰富的团队协作功能,如代码 审查、合并请求等,有助于提升团队协作效率和质量。
如果需要撤销某次提交,可以使 用GitToolbox的回滚功能,选择 需要回滚的版本并执行回滚操作 。
Web前端开发任务驱动式教程(HTML5+CSS3+JavaScript)任务10 盒子模型及应用
<body> <div id="box"> CSS 将 HTML 页 面 中 的 每 一 个 元 素 看 成
是一个矩形盒子, 占据一定的页面空间。 一 个HTML页面由很多这样的盒子组成,这些 盒子之间会相互影响,因此掌握盒子模型需 要从两方面来理解:一是 一个独立的盒子的 内部结构;二是多个盒子之间的相互关系。
参数1:像素值/百分比,圆角的水平半径 参数2:像素值/百分比,圆角的垂直半径 如果参数2省略,则参数2=参数1 border-radius:50px/30px; /*4个圆角水平半径为50px,垂直半径为30px*/ border-radius:50px; /*4个圆角水平半径为50px,垂直半径为50px*/
框为绿色*/ }
<body> <div id="box1">设置四边的边框颜色为红色</div>
<p></p> <div id="box2">设置上下边框为红色,左右边框为 蓝色</div>
<p></p> <div id="box3">设置上边框为红色,左右边框为蓝 色,下边框为绿色</div>
<body> <div id="box1">设置四边的不同属性</div> <p></p> <div id="box2">设置四边的相同属性</div>
WebX 2 开发手册(web层)
WebX 2.0 开发手册Web Bundle开发手册文档目的本文描述如何在OSGI方式下开发Web Bundle。
适用范围所有OSGI环境下的Web Bundle开发。
综述在OSGI环境下开发Web Bundle和平时开发一个普通的Web工程并没有非常大的差异,所以本文仅讲解在OSGI开发Web Bundle时需要注意的问题,其它例如OSGI环境配置、Action的配置、Spring与Struts结合等问题并不属于本文描述的范围。
创建Web Bundle工程Web Bundle工程的创建是利用插件组开发的Eclipse插件完成的,在Eclipse中选择File->New->Other菜单,在弹出的对话框中选择BundleCreateWizard选项点击Next后,在下面的对话框中填写工程的名称,并选择WebBundle类型:点击Next后会显示当前工程的信息,点击Finish后,会在当前Project中建立Web Bundle 工程。
工程路径说明上图就是建立好的Web Bundle的目录结构:src: 存放Action等源代码test: 存放测试代码META-INF: 存放MANIFEST.MF文件及Spring配置文件web: 存放页面代码WEB-INF: 存放web.xml及struts-config.xml关键点说明DelegatingRequestProcessor上图中可以看到,默认的工程即存在一个DelegatingRequestProcessor类,该类负责将Struts的请求转发到由Spring管理的Action Bean中。
代码如下:/***注册Web环境**@author MarkDong**/public class InitWeb {public InitWeb(BundleContext bc, HttpService hs, Filter myFilterToBeanProxy) throws ServletException, NamespaceException {HttpContext httpContext = new BundleEntryHttpContext(bc.getBundle(), "/web");Properties filterParam = new Properties();filterParam.put("targetBean", "filterChainProxy");/***注册静态资源*/ResourceServlet resourceServlets = new ResourceServlet("/");FilterServletAdaptor filterServletAdapter = newFilterServletAdaptor(myFilterToBeanProxy, filterParam, resourceServlets);hs.registerServlet("/petstore", filterServletAdapter, null, httpContext);/***注册jsp*/JspServlet jspServlet = new JspServlet(bc.getBundle(), "/web");Servlet adaptedJspServlet = new ContextPathServletAdaptor(jspServlet,"/petstore");FilterServletAdaptor extableAdapter = new FilterServletAdaptor(extableFilter, null, adaptedJspServlet);FilterServletAdaptor jspfsa = new FilterServletAdaptor(myFilterToBeanProxy, filterParam, extableAdapter);hs.registerServlet("/petstore/*.jsp", jspfsa, null, httpContext);/***注册filter*/Filter extableFilter = new org.extremecomponents.filter.ExtremeTableFilter();Servlet adaptedActionServlet = new ContextPathServletAdaptor(new ActionServlet(), "/petstore");FilterServletAdaptor extableAdaptor = new FilterServletAdaptor(extableFilter, null, adaptedActionServlet);FilterServletAdaptor actionfsa = new FilterServletAdaptor(myFilterToBeanProxy, filterParam, extableAdaptor);hs.registerServlet("/petstore/*.shtml", actionfsa, null, httpContext);}}上面代码几个以红色标明的地方是可以修改的,需要根据我们最终对外提供服务的路径进行相应的修改,上面例子中最终部署页面的访问路径即为/petstore。
用NetBox打造可移动的Web应用程序作者:黄立冬来源:《中小学信息技术教育》2007年第03期运行或发布ASP Web应用程序一般有两种方法:一种是发布在专用的Web服务器上,从客户机键入服务器的域名或IP地址,从而运行网络应用程序;另一种是用户和开发者在个人电脑上安装PWS、IIS或Apache等Web应用程序发布软件,用来浏览或调试程序。
利用它可将ASP动态网页程序生成于一个Win32下的可执行文件,不需要相关软件和手动配置,可在所有Windows平台上运行,打造移动的Web 服务功能,比起配置IIS等其他应用软件更方便、简便。
一、NetBox软件简介NetBox 是一个使用脚本语言进行应用软件开发与发布的开发环境和运行平台,它是除了Apache和微软的IIS和PWS之外的第四个可以支持运行ASP的应用服务器,对用户是免费的。
1.它是一个Web服务运行平台可以安装NetBox,使用它来发布ASP Web应用程序,可以100%取代IIS,它的效率在Windows2000 Server下较IIS5.0提高了50%以上,并且可以从 Windows 98 平滑移植到 Server 的全部操作系统上,彻底摆脱了对IIS和PWS的依赖。
2.它是一个程序的编辑、开发平台NetBox 是可以使用脚本语言进行应用软件开发的平台。
它包含很多独特的内置对象(如Http Server、Socket、TcpServer、Console等)。
使用NetBox这些内置对象,结合脚本语言(比如 VBScript,Javascript) 完全可以创建出稳定高效的应用软件。
您也可以通过JBuilderX在线帮助文档来了解和掌握这些内容,推荐您阅读help->JBuilder toturials中前4个基础教程。
这个WEB项目只包含一个用户登录的功能,英系统框图如下:图1.系统框图其中web应用服务器为tomcat4.1,数拯库服务器为oraclelOg.这个项目包括以下内容:1)用户表T_USER:用于保存用户的信息2)登录页Rn login.htm:让用户录入用户名和密码3)用户信息javaBean类UserBean:包括三个属性,即用户ID和用戸密码及用户划4)获取数据库连接类DSBean:获取数据库链接,以便操作数据库5)用户登录处理页而execute.jsp:将用户id,用H密码和数据库中的比较,产生结果页而6)异常处理页ifii error.jsp:当发生异常时转入异常处理页面,显示人性化的错误信息项目中各项部分的协作关系如下图:图2.系统中各部分的协作关系创建数据库TJJSER结果更面他嘎区面error, jsp首先以system用户登录oracle数据库,创建数据库用户:test SQL,往表中插入两条用户信息:创建工程:File->New Project出现下而的界而:图3.创建项目工程项目取名为loginPro,放置在D:/loginPro路径中,一路按Next就可以了。
Rockchip BOX 以太网 指南_v2.2
密级状态:绝密()秘密()内部资料()公开(√)Rockchip BOX以太网开发指南(技术研发部,电视事业部)文件状态:[]草稿[√]正式发布[]正在修改文件标识:Rockchip BOX以太网开发指南当前版本: 2.2作者:陈智完成日期:2014-09-25审核:审核日期:版本历史版本号作者修改日期修改说明v0.1陈智2014-03-15创建文件v2.0陈智2014-09-15增加对RK3288/RK3128/RK3036配置的说明v2.1陈智2014-09-25 1.修改第2章关于PHY芯片驱动的描述2.修改2.2.3及2.2.5中对RMII时钟的配置V2.2胡卫国2015-0309 1.增加GMAC问题排查部分目录1概述 (5)2以太网PHY芯片 (6)2.1接口 (6)2.2K ERNEL配置 (7)2.2.1RK3066 (7)2.2.2RK3188 (9)2.2.3RK3288 (9)2.2.4RK3036 (14)2.2.5RK3128 (15)3USB以太网卡芯片 (16)3.1K ERNEL配置 (16)3.2MAC地址烧写 (16)3.3字节对齐问题 (16)4ANDROID接口 (19)4.1A NDROID4.24.4(A NDROID5.0之前版本) (19)4.2A NDROID5.0 (20)5以太网常见问题排查 (22)5.13.10版本K ERNEL部分 (22)5.1.1phy寄存器读写调试 (22)5.1.2PHY配置 (22)5.1.3以太网无法正常工作 (23)5.1.4USB以太网异常排查 (27)6附录 (31)6.1已验证以太网PHY芯片列表 (31)6.2已验证USB以太网卡芯片列表 (31)1概述本文基于Rockchip BOX SDK进行描述。
将在第2章和第3章中针对RMII/RGMII 接口芯片和USB以太网两种类型芯片在SDK上的配置做详细的描述,第4章介绍以太网在Android上的相关调用接口。
⽹页布局——Box盒⼦在移动端开发的时候,圣杯布局,弹性盒,是我们经常会⽤得到的,W3C很久以前就有⼀个display:box属性flex是最新的,但是在实际的浏览器测试中,display: flex 不能完全替代display: -webkit-boxdisplay: box 使⽤可以参考display: flex 使⽤可以参考兼容性的问题可以参考Android UC浏览器只⽀持display: box语法。
⽽iOS UC浏览器则⽀持两种⽅式需要注意的是如果要使⽤line-clamp时需要⽤display:boxdisplay:-webkit-box;⽗元素设置该属性后,作⽤与display:flex类似,⼦元素可在⼀⾏显⽰,且实现⾃适应。
演⽰:1<style>2 *{3 margin: 0;4 padding: 0;5 }6 .parent{7 width: 400px;8 height: 600px;9 display: -webkit-box;10 -webkit-box-orient: vertical;/* 竖向排列 */11 }12 .child-one{13 background: lightblue;14 -webkit-box-flex: 1;15 }16 .child-two{17 background: lightgray;18 -webkit-box-flex: 2;19 }20 .child-three{21 background: lightgreen;22/* 加了固定的⾼度和边距 */23 height: 200px;24 margin: 15px 0;25 }26</style>2728<div style="display: -webkit-box;-webkit-box-pack: center;border: 1px solid #000">29<div class="parent">30<div class="child-one">1</div>31<div class="child-two">2</div>32<div class="child-three">3</div>33</div>34</div>效果如下:那么到这⾥有⼈会说,display:-webkit-box;与display:flex究竟有什么区别呢?如果要说区别,display:box;是⽼规范,要兼顾古董机⼦就加上它。
Internet ExplorerInternet ExplorerNetscapeNetscape is one of the original Web browsers. This is what Microsoft designed InternetMozillaMozilla is an open-source Web browser, designed for standards compliance, performanceKonquerorKonqueror is an Open Source web browser with HTML 4.01 compliance, supporting JavaFirefoxFirefox is a new browser derived from Mozilla. It was released in 2004 and has grown to beSafariSafari is a web browser developed by Apple Inc. and included in Mac OS X. It was firstOperaOpera is smaller and faster than most other browsers, yet it is full- featured. Fast, user-LynxLynx is a fully-featured World Wide Web browser for users on Unix, VMS, and other Apache HTTP ServerInternet Information ServiceslighttpdSun Java System Web ServerThis web server from Sun Microsystems is suited for medium and large websites. Though Jigsaw Serveryou plan to keep a lot of audio and video on your website, then you need a plan with more data transfer capacity. Check different options based on your requirements. What are the other options available in case you cross the given data transfer limit. Your site should not be stopped in case you exceed given limit.Processing SpeedIf you are buying space on a shared machine, then you cannot guess how much speed will be given to you. In that case, only way is to see other hosted sites with the same service provider to know about their hosting quality. But if you are buying virtual dedicated server or dedicated server, then you should consider how much RAM is being allocated to you. Your pricing will depend on the given processing power to you.Connection SpeedNowadays, most service providers allow very fast connection speed. So choose a service provider who is giving better connection speed in terms of bits per second. You can have a connection speed ranging from 64Kb per second to 2.488Gb per second.Email AccountsMake sure you are going to get sufficient number of e-mail accounts. There are many other options available which come along with your e-mail account. Like, will you get IMAP, POP and E-mail Forwarding options available along with your e-mail facilities.Emailing SupportApart form having email accounts, it is also very important that your web server should have a facility to send emails from back-end. In case your site visitors want to contact to you using a form, then you will be able to use that emailing facility to send emails to your designated account. In simple terms, you should make sure that the SMTP Server is setup and working on your Web server.Latest TechnologiesYou should make sure that your web server is equipped with all the latest technologies. It should have the latest version support for PHP, PERL, ASP and JAVA, etc.DatabasesThere are many databases available MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server, etc. You should choose your server based on your database requirement. If you are buying space on a shared server, then you need to verify how much space will be allocated for your database. Many ISPs do not give more than a limited space for databases. If your site needs a lot of database size, then you should go for a virtual dedicated server.Server UptimeIt is important that you buy a web server from a reliable and reputed ISP. You should make sure your ISP is giving you 99.99% server uptime. If the is server down, then there are many service providers who gives you compensation in case your sites goes down more than a limited number of time.Backup & FTPMake sure your Service Provider is giving you more ways of taking regular backup of your website. If your site is changing everyday, then it becomes very important that you should take regular backup of your website. Many service providers do it on your behalf by charging a small cost for this service.Control PanelJust make sure what type of facilities you will get to maintain your hosting account. Check if your。
Box2D v 2.2.0用户手册版权©2007--2011Eirn Catto翻译:潘学军第一章介绍---------------------------------------------2第二章Hello Box2D---------------------------------------8第三章common--------------------------------------------14第四章碰撞模块---------------------------------------16第五章动态模块---------------------------------------27第六章fixture-----------------------------------------28第七章Body---------------------------------------------32第八章关节---------------------------------------------39第九章触点(contact)---------------------------------48第十章世界级-------------------------------------------56第十一章零碎材料---------------------------------------62第十二章调试图纸(debug drawing)---------------------64第十三章局限-------------------------------------------65第十四章参考-------------------------------------------66第一章介绍1.1关于BOX2D是一个关于2D游戏的刚体仿真库。
Web开发技术实战指南第一章 Web开发基础 (2)1.1 Web开发概述 (2)1.2 HTML基础 (2)1.3 CSS样式 (3)1.4 JavaScript基础 (3)第二章前端框架与库 (4)2.1 React框架 (4)2.2 Vue框架 (5)2.3 Angular框架 (5)2.4 常用前端库 (6)第三章后端开发技术 (6)3.1 Node.js基础 (6)3.2 Express框架 (7)3.3 数据库技术 (7)3.4 RESTful API设计 (7)第四章 Web安全 (7)4.1 Web安全概述 (8)4.2 SQL注入防护 (8)4.3 XSS攻击与防护 (8)4.4 协议 (8)第五章响应式设计与移动端开发 (9)5.1 响应式设计原则 (9)5.2 常用响应式框架 (9)5.3 移动端适配技巧 (10)5.4 PWA技术 (10)第六章前后端分离 (10)6.1 前后端分离概述 (10)6.2 前端渲染与后端渲染 (10)6.3 数据交互与通信 (11)6.4 前后端协作模式 (11)第七章功能优化 (12)7.1 网络功能优化 (12)7.2 代码功能优化 (12)7.3 浏览器渲染优化 (12)7.4 系统资源优化 (13)第八章项目管理与版本控制 (13)8.1 项目管理工具 (13)8.2 代码版本控制 (14)8.3 团队协作与沟通 (14)8.4 自动化构建与部署 (15)第九章测试与调试 (15)9.1 测试概述 (15)9.2 单元测试与集成测试 (15)9.2.1 单元测试 (15)9.2.2 集成测试 (15)9.3 功能测试 (16)9.4 调试技巧 (16)第十章 Web发展趋势与新技术 (17)10.1 WebAssembly (17)10.2 GraphQL (17)10.3 WebVR与WebAR (17)10.4 服务器端渲染技术 (18)第一章 Web开发基础1.1 Web开发概述Web开发是指创建和维护网站的过程,它涵盖了前端和后端技术的综合应用。
博星卓越WEB开发平台系统使用说明书专业版制作:北京博导前程信息技术有限公司目录第一章电子商务实验软件概论 (2)一、博星卓越电子商务教学软件开发背景 (2)二、博星卓越电子商务教学实验系统综述 (2)三、博星卓越电子商务系统评测 (3)3.1目前的一些电子商务试验教学软件的不足之处 (3)3.2博星卓越教学试验系列软件的优势 (4)3.3系统使用效果 (5)第二章 WEB开发平台 (6)一、WEB开发平台综述 (6)二、WEB开发平台使用介绍 (6)1向导生成工具概览 (6)二、项目生成工具介绍 (12)2.1工程菜单 (13)2.2自动生成菜单 (19)三、编辑器介绍 (28)3.1文件菜单 (28)3.2编辑菜单 (29)3.3设置菜单 (31)3.4工具菜单 (32)四、Java环境介绍 (37)4.1Java文件菜单............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
4.2常用工具菜单............................................ 错误!未定义书签。
五、HTML环境介绍.................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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金蝶BOS快速开发指南Web开发平台目录1.概述 (3)1.1.简介 (3)1.2.产品功能 (3)1.3.产品特性 (3)1.4.定义、首字母缩写词和缩略语 (3)1.5.参考资料 (3)2.开发过程 (4)2.1.概述 (4)2.2.环境准备 (4)2.2.1. 开发工具 (4)2.2.2. JDK约束 (4)2.3.开发规约 (4)2.4.WEB单据开发 (5)2.4.1. WEB单据开发过程 (5)2.4.2. 框架内置服务 (20)2.4.3. WEB主菜单管理 (21)2.4.4. 功能服务 (22)2.4.5. 权限服务 (22)2.4.6. 编码规则服务 (23)2.4.7. 套打服务 (24)2.4.8. 日志服务 (25)2.4.9. 工作流服务 (26)2.4.10. 单据转换 (28) 概述 (28)单据关联生成 (28)2.4.11.字段权限服务 (29)设置支持字段权限 (29)启用字段权限 (29) 设置字段权限 (30) 字段权限 (30)2.5.集成EAS门户 (30)2.5.1. 编制jsp页面 (30)2.5.2. 配置portlet模板信息 (31)2.5.3. Portlet业务配置信息设置 (31)2.5.4. Portlet基础定义设置 (31)2.5.5. 页签配置 (32)3.技术特性 (33)3.1.编程模型 (33)3.1.1. AOM (33)3.1.2. 数据校验 (33)3.1.3. 数据绑定 (34)3.1.4. Ajax技术 (35)3.1.5. 拦截器 (36)3.1.6. 对象注入 (40)3.1.7. Winlet (41)3.1.8. 多语言处理 (45)3.1.9. 多色彩方案 (46)3.1.10. 应用上下文 (47)3.1.11. 登录认证 (48)3.1.12. 异常处理 (49)3.2.部署模型 (50)1.1. 简介Web开发平台的核心职能类似GUI框架,是EAS Web产品开发的基础平台,跟GUI应用框架共用EAS Web服务端组件,协同BOS框架和业务模型(BIM)实现模型驱动架构(MDA)。
Web开发平台与EAS BOS平台的关系:●Web开发平台是金蝶BOS平台的一个组成部分;●跟GUI共用一套元数据模型和设计工具;●跟GUI共用一个应用服务器;●基于更先进的技术特性,如动态注入、IoVC、约定优先于配置等。
1.2. 产品功能Web开发平台提供了业务开发的基类体系和界面模板库,以及集成了单点登录认证、权限管理、套打、BOTP、工作流、编码规则、网络互斥、日志及色彩方案等基本服务。
1.3. 产品特性●与GUI应用开发一致,减少学习成本●支持业务建模与典型界面向导,快速开发业务单据●提供GUI界面转换Web界面工具,快速完成Web应用迁移●内嵌Apusic Web服务器,便于开发和测试●支持热替换,发布元数据和修改代码不需要重启服务器●Web开发平台本身集成功能定义、工具栏、权限、日志、主菜单等功能,让业务开发的功能很容易使用这些通用服务进行协同工作,让业务功能集成和部署更加方便、轻松。
1.4. 定义、首字母缩写词和缩略语●AOM:Apusic OperaMask,金蝶中间件公司的Web开发框架●AAS:Apusic Application Server:金蝶中间件公司的J2EE应用服务器产品●Ext JS:一套基于Java Script的浏览器端UI组件库1.5. 参考资料●张留欢,《Waf使用指南及规范.doc》2008-6●陈乐辉,《Waf开发指南.doc》,2008-8●李大伟,贺鹏辉《web开发帮助文档.doc》2008-10●张留欢,《金蝶BOS Web开发平台.ppt》,2008-11●EAS BOS V6.2Web设计器用户使用指南.doc2.1. 概述基于Web开发平台开发业务系统,也是一个模型驱动的开发过程,下面以协同办公的费用报销系统为案例作为基础,实现从费用申请开始,到费用报销结束的一个业务过程,来介绍如何基于Web开发平台来做业务系统开发。
2.2. 环境准备2.2.1.开发工具下载地址:/download/aom_downloadApusic:Apusic Studio:Operamasks:/dist/aom_eas/Operamasks Demos:/dist/aom-demos/,其中rcdemos是AOM 比较全面的控件示例,开发过程中必不可少的宝典之一。
Web设计器:BOS Studio的一部分,请安装bos6.2及以后版本的Bos Studio即可.Ext:/deploy/dev/docs/AOM控件: /help/index.jsp2.2.2.JDK约束目前Waf必须基于jdk1.5及以上版本,所以开发时,必须先安装jdk1.5,,在apusic 工程使用编译时会报版本不一致的问题。
注意:研发内网不能采用w:\jdk,这个是被精简处理过的2.3. 开发规约Web开发平台对于view页面和对应的Bean的映射,采用“约定优先于配置”的原则,因此在建立Apusic标准工程的时候需要指定默认命名空间。
以协同业务系统为例子说明这样一个命名原则:假定业务系统包名为com.kingdee.eas.cp.bc ,后台web目录为eas_web.war ,开发单据testBill。
根据开发一个业务功能需要对应一个View页面和对应的后台Managed Bean,那么相应的命名规范:●View页面规范view页面取com.kingdee.eas之后的cp.bc报名生成目录.\eas_web.war\cp\bc\testBill.xhtml●对应的Managed Bean命名规范对应com.kingdee.eas.cp.bc之后添加web作为bean存放包名:testBill对应的包名为com.kingdee.eas.cp.bc.web;ManagedBean对应的类名为:页面名称(首字母大写) + Bean;例如testBill对应的ManagedBean全名为:com.kingdee.eas.cp.bc.web.TestBillBean。
●Managed Bean别名规范别名的定义规范为:页面路径(路径分隔符号用.表示) + ManagedBean类名例如:testBill对应的别名为:cp.bc.TestBillBean因此,最终开发testBill功能生成的文件为下面2个:cp\bc\testBill.xhtml@ManagedBean(name="cp.bc.TestBillBean")com.kingdee.eas.cp.bc.web.TestBillBean2.4. WEB单据开发2.4.1.WEB单据开发过程2.4.1.1. 创建WEB单据1.在“业务单元”视图中,选择右键菜单,选择〖新建〗→〖业务单元〗,如下图:2.弹出“创建业务单元”向导3.输入名称和别名。
4.如下图选择“基础模板”和”客户端应用”注:目前业务单据只支持多分录单据基础模板;基础资料单据只支持单级基础资料模板5.点击【下一步】,直到完成,即可创建一个WEB单据,含编辑界面和序时簿2.4.1.2. GUI生成WEB UI1.选中GUI单据,右键【配置业务单元】2.导入已存在的WEB ui,或者选中自动生成,自动生成WEB UI3.点击确定,GUI自动生成WEB UI2.4.1.3. 调整布局2.4.1.4. 工具栏1.模板自动生成工具栏,如图:2.工具栏上的各个按钮与相应的Action绑定,其中queryAction实现了通用过滤3.在业务单元-菜单定义,可以根据业务需要自定义工具栏2.4.1.4查询1.模板自动提供通用过滤2.如图3.设置“查询”按钮的action服务端事件,以便处理查询逻辑2.4.1.5.发布代码处理业务逻辑在“业务单元”视图中,选择需要发布代码的Web 单据(可以多选),弹出右键菜单,选择〖发布业务单元〗进入代码发布向导。
如下图2.4.1.6后台逻辑(ManageBean)实现序时簿界面后台一般从ListBean集成,列表界面的集成体系如下,列表界面(List Winlet)ManagedBean从ListBean继承,请实现如下方法:●getQueryPK()●getEditBeanName()●getEditUrl()●getBizInterface()1、getQueryPK()要求返回查询当前列表数据结果的Query PK,例如:@Overrideprotected IMetaDataPK getQueryPK() {return newMetaDataPK("");}2、getEditBeanName()要求返回列表对象对应的编辑界面的ManagedBean的名称,例如:@Overrideprotected String getEditBeanName() {return"mydemo.PurReqEditBean";}3、getEditUrl()要求返回列表对象对应的编辑界面的Url,例如:@Overrideprotected String getEditUrl() {return"/mydemo/purReqEdit.jsf";}4、getBizInterface()类似编辑界面的同样接口实现。
该业务接口的获取可以通过注入方式实现,例如:@IBOSBizCtrlprivate IPurReq service;@Overrideprotected ICoreBase getBizInterface() {return service;}➢页面模板及组件模板●templates/list-templates.xhtml定义了列表界面的布局模板,业务单据的列表界面视图从此模板继承,并提供相应的模板内容实现。