additive interaction




Strategies to evaluate interaction
absolute difference or attributable risk model (additive) The relative difference or Ratio model (multiplicative)
Multiplicative Interaction – the association of Non-white race and lower CD4 counts on Mortality Observed Mortality CD4 > 200 White 2.3 Nonwhite 4.2 Joint expected RR
Additive Interaction – the association of older age and lower CD4 counts on Mortality Observed Mortality CD4 > 200 Age < 35 Age > 35 1.9 5.0 Joint expected AR
Additive versus Multiplicative
is used more for public health assessments and multiplicative is used more in prediction models Mantel-Haenszel and logistic/Cox regression are based on multiplicative approach Statistical interaction on either scale, but especially multiplicative, does not demonstrate biological interaction Also issues with noncollapsibility of the odds ratio (see RG&L for more info.)



�9�9 934�9�9 �9�9 基础理论与方法�9�9 logistic回归模型中交互作用的分析及评价邱宏余德新王晓蓉付振明谢立亚【导读】流行病学病因学研究常运用logistic回归模型分析影响因素的作用,并利用纳入乘积项的方法分析因素间交互作用,如有统计学意义表示两因素间存在相乘交互作用,但乘积项若元统计学意义并不表示两因素间相加交互作用或生物学交互作用的有无。





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Agricultural Sciences in China 2009, 8(9): 1039-1045September 2009© 2009, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Detection of QTLs with Additive Effects, Epistatic Effects, and QTL ×Environment Interactions for Zeleny Sedimentation Value Using a Doubled Haploid Population in Cultivated WheatZHAO Liang, LIU Bin, ZHANG Kun-pu, TIAN Ji-chun and DENG Zhi-yingState Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Group of Quality Wheat Breeding, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018, P.R.ChinaAbstractIn order to understand the genetic basis for Zeleny sedimentation value (ZSV) of wheat, a doubled haploid (DH) population Huapei 3×Yumai 57 (Yumai 57 is superior to Huapei 3 for ZSV), and a linkage map consisting of 323 marker loci were used to search QTLs for ZSV. This program was based on mixed linear models and allowed simultaneous mapping of additive effect QTLs, epistatic QTLs, and QTL×environment interactions (QEs). The DH population and the parents were evaluated for ZSV in three field trials. Mapping analysis produced a total of 8 QTLs and 2 QEs for ZSV with a single QTL explaining 0.64-14.39% of phenotypic variations. Four additive QTLs, 4 pairs of epistatic QTLs, and two QEs collectively explained 46.11% of the phenotypic variation (PVE). This study provided a precise location of ZSV gene within the Xwmc 93 and GluD1 interval, which was designated as Qzsv-1D. The information obtained in this study should be useful for manipulating the QTLs for ZSV by marker assisted selection (MAS) in wheat breeding programs.Key words: doubled haploid population, Zeleny sedimentation value, quantitative trait loci (QTLs), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)INTRODUCTIONThe Zeleny sedimentation value (ZSV) has been provento be useful in wheat breeding programs for the esti-mation of wheat eating and cooking quality (Mesdag1964; Kne et al. 1993; Liu et al. 2003; He et al.2004; Zhang et al. 2005; Özberk et al. 2006; Ozturket al. 2008). There is a positive correlation betweensedimentation volume and gluten strength or loaf volume.The ZSV method is often used as a screening test inwheat breeding. Mesdag (1964) showed that the valueof ZSV is a measure for the quantity and quality of thegluten. Because the baking value of wheat flour is largelydetermined by these components, the ZSV is also con-sidered as a useful predictor for the baking value. LiuReceived 3 December, 2008 Accepted 9 April, 2009Correspondence TIAN Ji-chun, Professor, Tel/Fax: +86-538-8242040, E-mail: jctian9666@et al. (2003) detected that the associations betweenZSV and DWCN’s (dry white Chinese noodle) appear-ance and taste also fit quadratic regression modelsignificantly. The gluten quality-related parameter ofsedimentation value was significantly associated withpan bread quality score (He et al. 2004). Özberk et al.(2006) found that the only quality analyses showingsignificant correlations with market price were Zelenysedimentation value and hectolitre weights (kg hL-1).Ozturk et al. (2008) reported that the cookie diametergave highly significant correlations with ZSV.The advent and utilization of molecular markers hasprovided powerful tools for elucidating the genetic ba-sis of quantitatively inherited traits. However, only afew studies have reported genetic loci that influenceZSV in wheat (Rousset et al. 2001; Kunert et al. 2007;1040ZHAO Liang et al.Sun et al. 2008). Rousset et al. (2001) reported that one strong QTL for ZSV was mapped on the long arm of chromosome 1A around Glu-A1. A distally located QTL for ZSV was mapped on chromosome arm 1BS, centered on the Gli-B1/Glu-B3 region. And a major QTL for ZSV, clearly corresponding to the Glu-D1 locus, was detected on chromosome arm 1DL. Kunert et al. (2007) found four putative QTLs for ZSV. Sun et al. (2008) identified three QTLs for ZSV in a F14 RIL derived from the cross between Chuan 35050 and Shannong 483.Additive effect QTLs were first identified and epi-static interactions among these additive effect QTLs were then estimated (Zanetti et al. 2001). However, this approach usually leaves out many QTLs that may have no additive effects but influence the trait only through epistatic interactions or QTL×environment in-teractions (QEs) (Ma et al. 2005, 2007; Rebetzke et al. 2007). Additive effect QTLs, epistatic QTLs, and QEs were detected using two-locus analyses in both the populations (Kulwal et al. 2005). Sometimes QTLs involved in such interactions contribute substantially to the total variation of a quantitative trait, and therefore should not be ignored. Further experimentation is needed to clarify whether the traits are also affected by epistatic and environment, and to dissect the genotype ×environment interaction effects at the molecular level. In this study, QTLs for ZSV were investigated based on the mixed linear model in a DH population across environments. The objective of this study was to com-prehensively characterize the genetic basis for ZSV of wheat in order to facilitate the future breeding of high-quality wheat varieties.MATERIALS AND METHODSMaterialsA population of 168 DH lines was produced from the cross between two Chinese wheat cultivars Huapei 3 (Hp3)/Yumai 57 (Ym57) and was used for the con-struction of a linkage map. The DH population and parents were kindly provided by Professor Yanhai, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou, China. Hp3 and Ym57 were registered by Henan Prov-ince of China in 2006 (Hai and Kang 2007) and by the state (China) in 2003 (Guo et al. 2004), respectively. The parents, planted over a large area in the Huang-Huai wheat region in China, differ in several agronomi-cally important traits as well as baking quality traits (Guo et al. 2004; Hai and Kang 2007).The field trials were conducted in three environments, at Tai’an (36.18°N, 117.13°E), Shandong Province, China, in 2005 and 2006, and at Suzhou (31.32°N, 120.62°E), Anhui Province, China, in 2006. The ex-perimental design followed a completely randomized block design with two replications at each location. In autumn 2005, all lines and parental lines were grown in 2 m long by three-row plots (25 cm apart); in autumn 2006, the lines were grown in 2 m long by four-row plots (25 cm apart). Suzhou and Tai’an differ in cli-mate and soil conditions. In Tai’an, there were differ-ences in temperature and soil conditions between the years 2005 and 2006. During the growing season, man-agement was in accordance with the local practice. The lines were harvested individually at maturity to prevent yield loss from over-ripening. Harvested grain samples were cleaned prior to conditioning and flour milling was performed in a mill (Quadrumat Senior, Brabender, Germany) to flour extraction rates of around 70%. Prior to milling, the hard, medium hard (mixtures of hard and soft wheat) and soft wheats were tempered to around 14, 15, and 16% moisture contents, respectively.Measurements of ZSVZeleny sedimentation volume was determined using AACC method 56-61A.Construction of the genetic linkage mapA genetic linkage map of DH population with 323 markers, including 284 SSR, 37 ESTs loci, 1 ISSR loci and 1 HMW-GS loci, was constructed. This linkage map covered a total length of 2485.7 cM with an aver-age distance of 7.67 cM between adjacent markers. Thirteen markers remained unlinked. These markers formed 24 linkage groups at LOD 4.0. The chromo-somal locations and the orders of the markers in the map were in accordance with the one reported for Triti-cum aestivum L. (Somers et al. 2004). The recom-mended map distance for genome wide QTL scanningDetection of QTLs with Additive Effects, Epistatic Effects, and QTL×Environment Interactions for Zeleny Sedimentation1041 was an interval length less than 10 cM (Doerge 2002).Thus the map was suitable for genome-wide QTL scan-ning in this study.Statistical analysisAnalysis of variance (ANOVA) was carried out usingSPSS ver. 13.0 (SPSS, Chicago, USA). QTLs withadditive effects and epistatic effects as well as QEs inthe DH population were mapped by the softwareQTLNetwork ver. 2.0 (Yang and Zhu 2005) based on amixed linear model (Wang et al. 1999). Composite in-terval analysis was undertaken using forward-backwardstepwise multiple linear regression with a probabilityinto and out of the model of 0.05 and window size setat 10 cM. Significant thresholds for QTL detectionwere calculated for each data set using 1000 permuta-tions and a genome-wide error rate of 0.10 (suggestive)and 0.05 (significant). The final genetic model incor-porated significant additive effects and epistatic effectsas well as their environmental interactions.RESULTSPhenotypic variation for DH lines and parentsAs is shown in Fig.1, ZSV of Ym57 showed highervalues than ZSV of Hp3; the means of the ZSV fellbetween the two parent’s values. It expressed the ex-istence of the large transgressive segregation. ZSV seg-regated continuously and approximately fit normal dis-tributions with absolute values of both skewness andkurtosis less than 1.0, indicating that this trait was suit-able for QTL mapping.QTLs with additive effects and additive×environment (AE) interactionsFour QTLs with significant additive effects were iden-tified on chromosomes 1B, 1D, 5A, and 5D (Table 1and Fig.2). These QTLs explained from 2.66 to14.39% of the phenotypic variance. The Qzsv-1B had the most significant effect, accounting for 14.39% of the phenotypic variance. The Ym57 alleles at three loci, Qzsv-1B,Qzsv-1D, and Qzsv-5D, increased Fig. 1 Frequency distributions of ZSV in 168 DH lines derived from a cross of Hp3×Ym57 evaluated at three environments in the 2005 and 2006 cropping seasons. The means of trait values for the DH lines and both parents are indicated by arrows. Several statistics for the traits in the DH lines are shown on the right of each plot.Zeleny sedimentation volume (mL)2006 in SuzhouZeleny sedimentation volume (mL)2006 in Tai’anZeleny sedimentation volume (mL)2005 in Tai’anMean: 24.39SD: 5.45Range: 12.00-39.00Skewness: 0.171Kurtosis: -0.153 252015105No.ofDHlinesDH linesYm57Hp315.0020.0025.0030.0035.0040.00DH linesYm57Hp320.0030.0040.0050.0060.00252015105No.ofDHlines30DH linesYm57Hp320.0030.0040.002015105No.ofDHlinesMean: 24.39SD: 5.45Range: 12.00-39.00Skewness: 0.171Kurtosis: -0.153Mean: 24.39SD: 5.45Range: 12.00-39.00Skewness: 0.171Kurtosis: -0.1531042ZHAO Liang et al.Table 1 Estimated additive effects and additive ×environment (AE) interactions of QTLs for ZSV at three environments in the 2005 and 2006 cropping seasonsQTL Flanking-marker 1)Position (cM)2)F -value P A 3)H 2 (A, %)4)AE 1H 2 (AE 1, %)5)AE 2H 2 (AE 2, %)AE 3H 2 (AE 3, %)Qzsv -1B Xwmc412.2-Xcfe023.236.425.220.000-2.5214.39------Qzsv -1D Xwmc93-GluD161.915.910.000-1.988.93------Qzsv -5A Xbarc358.2-Xgwm18638.18.100.000 1.08 2.66------Qzsv -5DXcfd101-Xbarc32060.612.690.000-1.203.25---1.042.44--1)Flanking marker, the interval of F peak value for QTL. The same as below.2)Position, the location of F peak value for QTL in “Flanking marker”. The same as below.3)Additive effects, a positive value indicates that the allele from Hp3 increased ZSV, a negative value indicates that the allele from Ym57 increased ZSV.4)H 2(A, %) indicates the contribution explained by putative additive QTL.5)H 2(AE 1, %) indicates the contribution explained by additive QTL ×environment 1 interaction. E 1, Tai’an 2005; E 2, Tai’an 2006; E 3, Suzhou 2006.Fig. 2 A genetic linkage map of wheat showing mapping QTLs with additive effects, epistatic effects, AE, and AAE for ZSV.1A 1B 1D 2A 3A5A 5D 7A 7DLocus involved in AELocus involved in additive effects Locus involved in epistasisLocus involved in AAEDetection of QTLs with Additive Effects, Epistatic Effects, and QTL ×Environment Interactions for Zeleny Sedimentation 1043ZSV by 2.52, 1.98, and 1.20 mL, respectively, owing to additive effects. The Hp3 allele increased ZSV at the Qzsv -5A by 1.08 mL, accounting for 2.66% of the phe-notypic variance. This suggested that alleles, which increased ZSV, were dispersed within the two parents,resulting in small differences of phenotypic values be-tween the parents and transgressive segregants among the DH population. The total additive QTLs detected for ZSV accounted for 29.23% of the phenotypic variance.One additive effect was involved in AE interactions (Table 1 and Fig.2). The Ym57 alleles at one locus,Qzsv -5D , increased the ZSV by 1.04 mL with corre-spondingly contributing 2.44% of the phenotypic variance.QTLs with epistasis effects and epistasis ×environment (AAE) interactionsFour pairs of epistatic QTLs were identified for ZSV,and were located on chromosomes 1A, 2A, 3A, 7A and 7D (Table 2 and Fig.2). These QTLs had correspond-ing contributions ranging from 0.64 to 6.79%. One pair of epistasis, occurring between the loci Qzsv -2A /Qzsv -7A , had the largest effect, which contributed ZSV of 1.73 mL and accounted for 6.79% of the phenotypic variance. The four pairs of epistatic QTLs explained 12.11% of the phenotypic variance. All the epistatic effects were non-main-effect QTLs.One pair of epistatic QTL was detected in AAE in-teractions for ZSV (Table 2 and Fig.2). The AAE ef-fects explained 2.33% of the phenotypic variance and this QTL, Qzsv3A.2/Qzsv7D.1, increased ZSV by 1.01mL owing to AAE effects, simultaneously the positive value means that the parent-type effect is greater than the recombinant-type effect.DISCUSSIONEpistatic effects and QTL ×environment interactions were important genetic basis for ZSV in wheatEpistasis, as an important genetic basis for complex traits, has been well demonstrated in recent QTL map-ping studies (Cao et al . 2001; Fan et al . 2005; Ma et al .2005, 2007). Ma et al . (2005) provided a strong evi-dence for the presence of epistatic effects on dough rheological properties in a wheat DH population. In the present study, four pairs of QTLs with epistatic ef-fects were detected for ZSV in three environments (Table 2 and Fig.2). The four pairs of epistatic QTLs explained 12.11% of the phenotypic variance.ZSV was predominantly influenced by the effects of genotype (Zhang et al . 2004, 2005), and in the present study, only one AE interaction and one AAE interaction were found. It is suggested that QTL ×environment interactions just play a minor role, but QTL ×environment interactions should not be ignored.ZSV and subunits of high molecular weight gluteninsSubunits of high molecular weight glutenins strongly influence wheat bread making quality. This study pro-vided a precise location of ZSV gene within the Xwmc 93 and GluD1 interval, which was designated Qzsv -1D and was located in the central region of a 2 cM interval.Also Rousset et al . (2001) detected a major QTL for sedimentation volume on 1DL, clearly corresponding to the Glu -D1 locus. Kunert et al . (2007) found that the SSR marker Xgwm642 on 1DL identified a QTLTable 2 Estimated epistatic effects and epistasis ×environment (AAE) interactions of QTLs for ZSV at three environments in the 2005 and 2006 cropping seasonsPosition Position H 2H 2H 2H 2(cM)(cM)(AA, %)2)(AAE 1, %)3)(AAE 2, %)(AAE 3, %)Qzsv -1A Xwmc278-Xbarc120.156.3Qzsv -3A.1Xbarc1177-Xbarc276.2196.3-0.94 1.99------Qzsv -2A Xgwm636-Xcfe6729.1Qzsv -7A Xbarc259-Xwmc59653.7-1.73 6.79------Qzsv -3A.2Xcfa2193-Xgwm155152.7Qzsv -7D.1Xcfd175-Xwmc14181.5-1.09 2.69 1.01 2.33----Qzsv -3A.2Xcfa2193-Xgwm155152.7Qzsv -7D.2Xgdm67-Xwmc634161.5-0.530.64------1)The epistatic effect. A positive value means that the parent-type effect is greater than the recombinant-type effect, and the negative value means that the parent-type effect is less than the recombinant-type effect.2)H 2 (AA, %) indicates the contribution explained by putative epistatic QTL.3)H 2 (AAE 1, %) indicates the contribution explained by epistatic QTL ×environment 1 interaction. E 1, Tai’an 2005; E 2, Tai’an 2006; E 3, Suzhou 2006.QTL Flanking-marker QTL Flanking-markerAA 1)AAE 1AAE 2AAE 31044ZHAO Liang et al. for ZSV. The position indicates an influence of theGlu-D1 locus. And a major QTL, clearly correspond-ing to the Glu-D1 locus, was detected on chromosomearm 1DL. Correlation coefficient between Glu-1 scoreand sedimentation values was significant (r=0.553).There were significant correlations between sedimen-tation values and Glu-lAa,Glu-1Ac,Glu-Ba, and Glu-1Bcalleles, respectively (Kne et al. 1993). Thesedimentation values showed statistically significantassociations with the status of the Glu-A1 locus(Witkowski et al. 2008).In this study, the Qzsv-1D increased ZSV by 1.98mL, correspondingly contributing 8.93% of the pheno-typic variance. Barro et al. (2003) found that HMW-GS 1Ax1 increased the sedimentation value. In contrast,HMW-GS 1Dx5 drastically decreased in sedimentationvalue.In summary, four additive QTLs, four pairs of epi-static QTLs, and two QEs were detected for ZSV in168 DH lines derived from a cross Hp3×Ym57. Onemajor QTL,Qzsv-1B, was closely linked to Xwmc412.20.2cM and could account for 14.39% of the phenotypicvariation without any influence from the environment.Therefore, the Qzsv-1B could be used in MAS in wheatbreeding programs. The results showed that both ad-ditive and epistatic effects were important as a geneticbasis for ZSV, and were also sometimes subject to en-vironmental modifications.AcknowledgementsThis work was supported by the National Basic Re-search Program of China (2009CB118301), the NationalHigh-Tech Research and Development (863) Programof China (2006AA100101 and 2006AA10Z1E9), andthe Doctor Foundation of Shandong AgriculturalUniversity, China (23023). Thanks Prof. Chuck Walker,University of Kansas State University, USA, for hiskindly constructive advice on the language editing ofthe manuscript.ReferencesBarro F, Barceló P, Lazzeri P A, Shewry P R, Ballesteros J,Martín A. 2003. Functional properties of flours from fieldgrown transgenic wheat lines expressing the HMW gluteninsubunit 1Ax1 and 1Dx5 genes. Molecular Breeding,12,223-229.Cao G, Zhu J, He C, Gao Y, Yan J, Wu P. 2001. 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Additive Gaussian Processes

Additive Gaussian Processes
In this paper, we introduce a Gaussian process model that generalizes both GAMs and the SE-GP. This is achieved through a kernel which allow additive interactions of all orders, ranging from first order interactions (as in a GAM) all the way to Dth-order interactions (as in a SE-GP). Although this kernel amounts to a sum over an exponential number of terms, we show how to compute this kernel efficiently, and introduce a parameterization which limits the number of hyperparameters to O(D). A Gaussian process with this kernel function (an additive GP) constitutes a powerful model that allows one to automatically determine which orders of interaction are important. We show that this model can significantly improve modeling efficacy, and has major advantages for model interpretability. This model is also extremely simple to implement, and we provide example code.



2015-2016学年第二学期《英语》期末试卷A班级:2015护理3-3 护理3-4 助产3-2一. 1.overspend 1.透支,超支2.alert2.警觉的, 警惕的3.envy, 3.羡慕,嫉妒4.expenditure4.支出,花费5.ingredient,5.因素,成分6.attribute6.,属性,品质7.split,7.裂开,劈开8.mould,8.霉变9.substance,9.物质10.exposure,10.暴露11.moisture,11.湿度,潮湿grind,研磨,磨碎scandal,丑闻,耻辱contaminate,污染infant,婴儿protein,蛋白质flavor风味,滋味additive添加剂contingency偶然、可能发生的事件,意外事故;应急开支arise出现,发生advisable值得推荐的,明智的,可取的flow,流程,流动specify,确定,制定,详细说明poverty贫穷,贫乏equivalent等价的,相等的mobility,灵活性depletion,消耗,损耗interaction, 交流,交往;互动infrastructure, 基础设施基础结构distribution,分布,分配controversy, 争论;辩论;争议Sweeping,影响大的;彻底的;广泛的interaction, 交流,交往;互动infrastructure, 基础设施.基础结构distribution,分布,分配controversy, 争论;辩论;争议mass-produced,大批生产的,revolution,革命,mobility,灵活性depletion,消耗,损耗,non-renewable, (能源)不可再生的isolation,孤立,隔离obesity,肥大,urban,城市的,市内的,expansion,扩张,膨胀manufacturing,制造业priority,优先考虑的事widening加宽,扩展impact,冲击,影响habitat, (植物的)生长地,产地;(动物的)栖息地ecosystem,生态系统incorporate, 把(某物)并入,包含;吸收intensive, 加强的;集中的assemble,组装,装配prediction,预言,预报manufacturer,制造商,厂商plant,工厂,车间typical,典型的chassis,车辆的底盘install,安装component,零件,组成部分underbody,底部brake,制动器,刹车weld,焊接framework,框架,结构coveralls,工作服hairnet,发网,发罩protective,保护的interior,内部的,里面的instrument,仪表,器械windshield,挡风玻璃pedal,踏板proceed,继续进行,行进gasoline,汽油A2课volunteer义务工作者,志愿者immigrant移民,侨民poverty贫穷,贫乏equivalent等价的,相等的diploma文凭;毕业证书,学位证书handle处理landlord房东,地主preschool学前的surround,围绕,包围bunch束,串,捆count 计数focus集中(注意力);使集中,使聚焦brand-new全新的,崭新的grant补助金,(政府、机构的) 拨款donate捐赠,赠送individual个人,个体pronounce发音,宣告philosophy哲学, 理念kindergarten幼儿园practically几乎,简直,实际上B2课category,种类,类别vary,变化,使多样化neighborhood,附近,临近deliver,送递,交付brighten,使明亮,使活跃appropriate,合适的,恰当的agency,机构,代理disabled,残疾的assistant,助手,助理buddy,密友,伙伴anti-,反对,抵抗campaign,活动,运动awareness,觉悟,意识talent,才能,天才assembly,集会,集合band,乐队coach,教练,指导shelter,避难所,庇护所A3课finance,金融management,管理,经营fundamental基本的financial金融的,财政的expenditure支出,花费worthwhile值得做的revealing有启发作用的,揭示的up-to-date最新的,现代的,新式的flow,流程,流动fund, 资金,基金transaction交易specify,确定,制定,详细说明regular定期的,规则的,正常contingency偶然、可能发生的事件,意外事故;应急开支arise出现,发生unexpectedly意外地,出乎意料地advisable 值得推荐的,明智的,可取的savings. 存款motivate激励,激发assess评估,衡量accurate,正确的,精确的B3课virtual,虚拟的consumer,消费者criminal,罪犯alike,相同的issue,问题security,安全ensure,确保,保证legitimate,合法的,合理的encryption,加密,编密码password,密码,口令combination,组合,结合false,错误的,假的credible,可靠的,可信的trick,欺骗,欺诈favorites,收藏夹virtually,事实上,几乎guarantee保证,保护A4课processing加工,处理miller磨坊主pursuit追求,追赶productivity生产率,生产力flavor风味,滋味additive添加剂potentially,潜在地chemical化学物质protein,蛋白质allergy,过敏immune免疫的dairy,奶制品soybean大豆peel果皮bakery面包店watery,稀薄的scandal,丑闻,耻辱contaminate,污染infant,婴儿remake,重做,再做reformulate修订,重新准备,重新制定solid, 固体,结实的liquid,液体uniform统一的,一致的remaining,剩余的butterfat,乳脂consequence后果,结果abandon放弃,遗弃deficient缺乏的,不足的infertile不结果实的,不能生育的B4课specification,说明书,规格sauce,沙司,酱曝光extreme,极端moisture,湿度,潮湿variation,变异,变化ongoing,不间断地,正在进行的pasteurize,巴斯消毒法消毒texture,质地,结构assistance,援助,帮助criteria,标准inspection,视察,检查certification,证明,检定approval,批准,赞成statistical,统计的,统计学sampling,取样,抽样packaging,包装label,贴标签A.overspend透支,超支alert警觉的, 警惕的envy, 羡慕,嫉妒expenditure支出,花费ingredient,因素,成分attribute,属性,品质split,裂开,劈开mould,霉变substance,物质exposure,暴露moisture,湿度,潮湿grind,研磨,磨碎scandal,丑闻,耻辱contaminate,污染infant,婴儿protein,蛋白质flavor风味,滋味additive添加剂contingency偶然、可能发生的事件,意外事故;应急开支arise出现,发生advisable值得推荐的,明智的,可取的flow,流程,流动specify,确定,制定,详细说明poverty贫穷,贫乏equivalent等价的,相等的mobility,灵活性depletion,消耗,损耗interaction, 交流,交往;互动infrastructure, 基础设施基础结构distribution,分布,分配controversy, 争论;辩论;争议二.选择C. For the mothers1.earn higher diplomas2.learn life skills,,For the children1.improve English reading ability 2. prepare for future studyVocabulary A. Choose the correct form of the words to complete the following sentences1. importance, important, importantly,a. It’s to find out what he is doing.b. We should make sure everyone is aware of the of this meeting.2. demonstrate, demonstrative, demonstration,a. His new book is a of his patriotisim.b. our computers are of a high quality, Now we can them.1. ( )Thinking is necessary. a. correct b.correctly c.correction2. ( )Canada has many from Europe. a. immigrates b. immigrants c. immigrations3. ( )Could you please give me some on how to learn English well? a. advice b.advise c.advisable4. ( )During the meeting, my computer went dead. a. expect b. expected c. unexpectedly5. ( )In , competitive forces are dynamic and changing all the time. a. essence b.essential c.essentially6. ( )I would hesitate to this long walking tour. a. be promoted b. get involved in c. get through7. ( ) She is the student who best in the class. a. volunteers b. focus c. pronouncesb. It is for you to keep it secret. 1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c. 5.a4. immigrate, immigrant, immigration,a. The American government is very particular about who is allowed there.b. Canada has many from Europe.5. success, successful, successfully,a. congratulation on your in the match. You played so well! B. Many women can balance their marriage and career.4. a. to immigrate b. immigrants5. a. success b. successfullyB.Match the words in column A with the appropriate word and phrases in column BA B1. purchase a. the number of people2.count b. a living3. focus on c. some books4. demonstrate d. your study5. earn e. the whole procedure 1. c 2. a 3. d. 4. e. 5. bC. complete the sentences below with the correct form of the words and phrases in the boxdonate pronounce practically volunteerget involved in assistant a bunch of essential1. I would hesitate to this long walking tour.2. You are going to be promoted as the to a manager.3. They bought Prof. Wang flowers on Teacher’s Day.4. Food is for life.5. He a large sum of money to the Red Cross last year.6. She is the student who best in the class.7. She’s always late for school. 8. The school needs some to help children to read.1. get involved in2. assistant3. a bunch of4. essential5. donated6. focus7. practically8. volunteersStructure A. Rearrange the words and phrases into correct sentences.1. thanks to, were able to, successfully, we, your, the disaster, get through, donation,1. Thanks to your donation, we were able to get through the disaster successfully.2. thanks to, now, focus on, my wife, can, I, my research, 2. Thanks to my wife, I can focus on my research now.3. thanks to, recovered, the illness, she, from, the doctor, quickly,3.Thanks to the doctor, she quickly recovered from the illness.4. thanks to, it’s, to, clear, your explanation, me, now, 4. Thanks to your explanation, it’s clear to me now.5. thanks to, finally, I, passed, the, exam, difficult, my teacher, 5. Thanks to my teacher, I finally passed the difficult exam.B. compose sentences using the words and phrases in the brackets1. a. nothing, than, health, is, more important, a. Nothing is more important than health.b. nothing, than, that of today, more fashionable, seems, b. Nothing seems more fashionable than that of today.c. nothing, than, war, worse, is, c. Nothing is worse than war.2. a. besides, also, Mandarin, she, English, speaks, a. Besides English, she also speaks Mandarin.b. besides, also, we, delicious food, have, other, the turkey, b. Besides the turkey, we also have other delicious food.c. besides, also, goes swimming, he, playing football, every week,c. Besides playing football, he also goes swimming every weekTranslation A. translating the following sentences into Chinese.1. She also makes every effort to train the kids to sit quietly, to follow a story, and to focus.1. 她还尽一切努力训练这些孩子们安静地坐着,认真听故事,集中注意力。

Interaction 统计中的交互作用

Interaction 统计中的交互作用

Introductory Examples
In a review article, Hunter (2005) lists numerous examples of other “gene-environment interactions” including
Polymorphisms of: MTHFR NAT2 APOE ADH1C PPARG2 Environmental Exposure Folic acid
Additive Interactions
How do we measure interaction? Suppose we had the following data on risks from a cohort study: E=0 0.02 0.04 E=1 0.05 0.15
G=0 G=1
Likewise we might also be interested in the interactions of two genetic factors on various outcomes (though there are fewer clearer examples of this) We will consider (i) statistical ideas to conceptualize interactions and (ii) how these relate to more biological or causal notions of interaction
If seems as though XRCC3-T241M polymorphisms does not have much of an effect unless accompanied by alcohol consumption This is an example of what we might call a gene-environment interaction



以最简单的两因素两水平为例。假设两暴露因 子分别为A、B,1表示因素存在,0表示因素不存在, 因变量为疾病的发生与否,其他混杂因素暂不考虑。 logistic回归模型得到的OR值作为相对危险度 (RR)的估计值。OR。。表示A、B都不存在时发病 的OR值,分析时以此为基准,因此OR00=1;ORlo 表示仅A存在、B不存在时发病的OR值;OR。。表 示A不存在、仅B存在时发病的OR值;OR。,表示 A、B共同存在时发病的OR值。
2.交互作用指标的区间估计:运用Hosmer和 Lemeshow【41介绍的Delta方法估计可信区间,计算 所需的因素间方差和协方差项可由SPSS的 Multinomial过程选中“Asymptotic Covariance”得到 的协方差矩阵代入计算。本研究引用Andersson 等№1编制的Excel计算表,输入模型1的p。、f12、 (融+&+融)或模型2的p,、&、p,以及因素A、B间 的方差和协方差,可以方便快捷地得到RERI、AP 和S的估计值及其95%a,进而评价因素间是否具 有相加交互作用。
作者单位:香港中文大学公共卫生学院社区及家庭医学系 通讯作者:余德新,
项无统计学意义,并不表示两因素无相加交互作用, 也不表示两因素对某疾病的发生无生物学交互作 用o Rothman旧J1,Hosmer和Lemeshow¨1指出
additivity rather than departu presents three indices to measure interaction on an







一、两种层次的外语课堂互动我们可以将外语课堂互动活动分为两个层次:浅层互动(surface level interaction)和深层互动(in-depth interaction)。

浅层互动是指仅仅满足于让学生参与课堂任务而没有沉默不语的互动,其主要特征是学生“Yes/No”式的简短回答和教师“Ok/That’s right”式的机械式评价。





二、无法实现深层互动的两种情形2007年上半年,笔者观摩了 16位教师的大学英语课,由于每位教师都精心备课,这16节公开课各具特色,精彩纷呈,同时也有这样或那样的不足。




·4061··论著·倒班与不良生活方式的交互作用对钢铁工人高胆固醇血症的影响研究薛超,李庆林,王涵,张生奎,秦盛,袁聚祥*【摘要】 背景 我国成人血脂异常患病率不断提高,血清总胆固醇升高是动脉粥样硬化性心血管疾病的重要危险因素。


目的 探究倒班及不良生活方式对钢铁工人高胆固醇血症的联合作用。

方法 采用整群抽样选择某钢厂2017年职业体检的员工,采用自行设计的《健康评估调查表》收集个人基本信息(性别、年龄、身高、体质量、家族史等)、倒班情况(倒班时间、倒班开始年龄等)、个人生活方式(饮食、体力活动、吸烟、饮酒等 );采用限制性立方样条(RCS)模型分析倒班年限与高胆固醇血症的剂量-反应关系;根据RCS 结果,对倒班年限进行分组,使用多因素Logistic 回归模型分析倒班和不良生活方式与高胆固醇血症的关系。

通过计算超额相对危险度(RERI )、交互作用归因比(AP )来评价倒班与不良生活方式的相加交互作用。

结果 根据RCS 结果分为0 年、>0~年、23.8~年 3组,以是否患有高胆固醇血症为因变量,采用Logistic 回归分析倒班与高胆固醇血症的关系,结果显示,在>0~年倒班年限中,倒班与高胆固醇血症呈正相关(P<0.05)。

吸烟、饮酒、BMI 均与高胆固醇血症呈正相关(P<0.05)。

体力活动与DASH 饮食评分在调整年龄、性别、高血压、糖尿病、家族史等变量后与高胆固醇血症无明显相关性(P>0.05)。





Sa: I usually___________.But I didn’t__________.Sb: I uausually_______.But he/she didn’t_______.Step 5: Homework1.Listen and imitate the text.2.Write about how your classmates or familymembers activities were different from their usualactivities yesterday or weekend.板书设计Module 3 Unit 2 I didn’t play football.rides his bikeplays footballride his bike stayed at homeplay football cleaned all the rooms 课时教学设计(第3课时/总3课时)课时学习目标学习并运用过去时来介绍自己上周末的活动与周末经常从事的活动有什么不同,并能说一说自己或他人经历过后的感受。


Daming usuallyBut he didn’tHe2.课时学习重难点:本课时的重点是学习并掌握主要句型On...,I usually...But I didn’t ...yesterdayOn....She/He usually...But She/He didn’t ...yesterday.以及在生活场景中能正确运用。


教学过程预案(一次备课)调整(二次备课)学习理解:热身复习,导入:Step1. Warm up2.Song the song:Today is National day.3. Free talk: What did you do last weekend?What didn’t you do last weekend?二.应用实践:完成练习:引导学生观察图片并理解活动要求:两人一组,轮流掷骰子,根据骰子显示的数字,走相应的步数,停留在某一方格,然后根据方格内的对勾或者叉的提示,用或He/She…或者He/She didn't…描述图片中的内容,教师可以先与一位同学示范,然后请学生两人一组开展训练,小组训练结束后,请部分小组向全班展示。


Model:仅从纯统计学角度,包含交互作用 项的模型拟合数据更好
To fit the data better when the model includes the additional flexibility allowed by an interaction term.
基因-基因交互作用 环境-环境交互作用 基因-环境交互作用
FactorA+ 10
FactorA- FactorA+
Smoking:50-5>10-1 Radon:50-10 >5-1
Radon- Radon+
Smoking- 30 Smoking+
第二节 交互作用分析
Additive interaction
P00 P10
Additive scale interaction相加交互作用
P01 P11
基于率差risk difference =0: no additive interaction >0: positive interaction or super-additive or synergism



有机化学英文名汉文名Angular methyl group 角甲基Alkylidene group 亚烷基Allyl group 烯丙基Allylic 烯丙型[的]Phenyl group 苯基Aryl group 芳基Benzyl group 苄基Benzylic 苄型[的]Activating group 活化基团Chromophore 生色团Auxochrome 助色团Magnetically anisotropic group 磁各向异性基团Smally ring 小环Common ring 普通环Medium rimg 中环Large ring 大环Bridged-ring system 桥环体系Spiro compound 螺环化合物Helical molecule 螺旋型分子Octahedral compound 八面体化合物Conjugation 共轭Conjugated-system 共轭体系Acyl cation 酰[基]正离子Benzylic cation 苄[基]正离子Arenirm ion 芳[基]正离子Ketyl radical 羰自由基Radical ion 自由基离子Radical cation 自由基正离子Radical anion 自由基负离子Isomerism 异构[现象]Aci form 酸式Fluxional structure 循变结构Stereochemistry 立体化学Optical activity 光学活性Dextro isomer 右旋异构体Laevo isomer 左旋异构体Tetrahedral configuration 四面体构型Stereoisomerism 立体异构[现象] Asymmetric atom 不对称原子Asymmetric carbon 不对称碳2 Pseudoasymmetric carbon 假不对称碳Phantom atom 虚拟原子Homotopic 等位[的]Heterotopic 异位[的]Enantiotopic 对映异位[的] Diastereotopic 非对映异位[的] Configuration 构型Absolute configuration 绝对构型Chirality 手性Chiral 手性[的]Chiral center 手性中心Chiral molecule 手性分子Achiral 非手性[的]Fischer projection 费歇尔投影式Neoman projection 纽曼投影式D-L system of nomenclature D-L 命名体系R-S syytem of nomenclature R-S 命名体系Cahn-Ingold-Prelon sequence 顺序规则Symmetry factor 对称因素Plane of symmetry 对称面Mirror symmetry 镜面对称Enantiomer 对映[异构]体Diastereomer 非对映[异构]体Epimer 差向异构体Anomer 端基[差向]异构体Erythro configuration 赤型构型Erythro isomer 赤型异构体Threo configuration 苏型构型Threo isomer 苏型异构体Trigonal carbon 三角型碳Cis-trans isomerism 顺反异构E isomer E 异构体Z isomer Z 异构体Endo isomer 内型异构体Exo isomer 外型异构体Prochirality 前手性Pro-R group 前R 基团Pro-S proup 前S 基团Re face Re 面Si face Si 面Racemic mixture 外消旋混合物Racemic compound 外消旋化合物Racemic solid solution 外消旋固体溶液3Meso compound 内消旋化合物Quasi recemate 准外消旋体Conformation 构象Conformational 构象分析Torsion angle 扭转角Rotamer 旋转异构体Anti conformation 反式构象Bisecting conformation 等分构象Anti periplanar conformation 反叠构象Synperiplanar conformation 顺叠构象Synclinal conformation 反错构象Synclinal conformation 顺错构象Eclipsed conformation 重叠构象Gauche conformation, skew con-formation 邻位交叉构象Staggered conformation 对位交叉构象Steric effect 空间效应Steric hindrance 位阻Atropismer 阻转异构体Puckered ring 折叠环Conformational inversion 构象反转Chair conformation 椅型构象Boat conformation 船型构象Twist conformation 扭型构象Skew boat conformation 扭船型构象Half-chair conformation 半椅型构象Pseudorotation 假旋转Envelope conformation 信封[型]构象Axial bond 直[立]键Equatorial bond 平[伏]键Cisoid conformation 顺向构象Transoid conformation 反向构象Retention of configuration 构型保持Regioselectivity 区域选择性Regiospecificity 区域专一性Stereocelectivity 立体选择性Stereospecificty 立体专一性Conformer 构象异构体Conformational effect 构象效应Cram’s rube 克拉姆规则Prelog’rule 普雷洛格规则Stereochemical orientation 立体[化学]取向Conformational transmission 构象传递Homolog 同系物4Ipso position 本位Ortho position 邻位Meta position 间位Para position 对位Amphi position 远位Peri position 近位Trigonal hybridization 三角杂化Molecular orbiral method 分子轨道法Valence bond method 价键法Delocalezed bond 离域键Cross conjugation 交叉共轭Vinylog 插烯物Mesomeric effect 中介效应Resonance 共振Resonance effect 共振效应Hyperconjugation 超共轭Isovalent hyperconjugation 等价超共轭No-bond resonance 无键共振Aromaticity 芳香性Aromatic sexter 芳香六隅Huckel’rule 休克尔规则Paramagnetic ring current 顺磁环电流Diamagnetic ring cruuent 抗磁环电流Homoaromaticity 同芳香性Antiaromaticity 反芳香性Alternant hydrocarbon 交替烃Non-alternant hydrocarbon 非交替烷Pericyclic reaction 周环反应Electrocyclic rearrangement 电环[化]重排Conrotatory 顺旋Disroatatory 对旋Cycloaddition 环加成Symmetry forbidden-reaction 对称禁阻反应Synfacial reaction 同面反应Antarafacial reaction 异面反应Mobius system 默比乌斯体系Leois structure 路易斯结构Coordinate-covalent bond 配位共价键Banana bond 香蕉键Pauling electronegativity scale 鲍林电负性标度Polarizability 可极化性Inductive effect 诱导效应Field effect 场效应5Electrical effect 电场效应tautomerism 互变异构Tautomerization 互变异构化Keto-enol tautomerism 酮-烯醇互变异构Phenol-keto tautomerism 酚-酮互变异构Imine-enamine atutomerism 亚胺-烯胺互变异构Ring-chain tautomerism 环-链互变异构Valence tautomerism 价互变异构Ambident 两可[的]Solvent effect 溶剂效应Acid-base catalyxed reaction 酸性溶剂Basic solvent 碱性溶剂Dielectric constant 介电常数Solvated electron 溶剂化电子Acid-base catalyzed reaction 酸碱催化反应Conjugate base 共轭酸Conjugate base 共轭碱Therm odynamic acidity 热力学酸度Kinetic acidity 动力学酸度Electron donof-acceptor complex,EDAcomplex 电子给[体]受体络合物Host 主体Guest 客体Primary isotope effect 一级同位素效应Secondary isotope effect 二级同位数效应Inverse isotope effect 逆同位素效应Kinetic control 动力学控制Thermodynamic control 热力学控制Substrate 底物Intermediate 中间体Reactive intermediate 活泼中间体Microscopic reversibility 微观可逆性Hammond postulate 哈蒙德假说Linear free energy 线性自由能Non-bonded interaction 非键相互作用Torsional effect 扭转效应Pitzer strain 皮策张力Restricted rotation 阻碍旋转Eclipsing effect 重叠效应Eclipsing strain 重叠张力Small-angle strain 小角张力Large angle strain 大角张力Transannular interaction 跨环相互作用Transannular strain 跨环张力6I strain 内张力F strain 前张力B strain 后张力Anomeric effect 端基异构效应Walden inversion 瓦尔登反转Racemization 外消旋化Isoinversion 等反转Isoracemization 等消旋Homochiral 纯手性[的]Mechanism 机理Unimolecular nucleophilic 单分子亲核取代Bimolecular nucleophilic sub-stitution 双分子亲核取代Bimolecular nucleophilic substi-tution(with allylic rearrange-ment)双分子亲核取代(含烯丙型重排)Internal nucleophilic substiru-tion 分子内亲核取代Aromatic nucleophilic substitu-tion 芳香亲核取代Unimolecular electrophilic sub-stitution 单分子亲电取代Bimolecular electrophilic substi-tution 双分子亲电取代Nucleophile-assisted unimolecu-lar electrophilic substitution亲核体协助单分子亲电取代Unimolecular elimination 单分子消除Bimolecular elimination 双分子消除Unimolecular elimination through the conjugatebase单分子共轭碱消除Bimolecular elimination through the conjugatebase双分子共轭碱消除Bimolecular elimination with for-mation of a carbonyl group双分子羰基形成消除Unimolecular acid-catalyzed acyl-oxygen cleavage单分子酸催化酰氧断裂Bimolecular base-catalyzed acyl-oxygen cleavage双分子碱催化酰氧断裂Unimolecular acid-catalyzed alkyl-oxygen cleavage单分子酸催化烷氧断裂Bimllecular base-catalyzed al- kyl-oxygen cleavage双分子碱催化烷氧断裂π-allyl complex mechanism π烯丙型络合机理Borderline mechanism 边理机理Homolysis 均裂Heterolysis 异裂Heterolytic michanism 异裂机理Counrer[gegen]ion 反荷离子Ion pair 离子对7Carbocation 碳正离子Nonclassical carbocation 非经典碳正离子Carbanion 碳负离子Masked carbanion 掩蔽碳负离子Carbenoid 卡宾体Carbene 卡宾Nitrene 氮宾Carbine 碳炔Electrophilic addition 亲电加成Electrophile 亲电体Diaxial addition 双直键加成Markovnikov’s rube 马尔科夫尼科规则Anti-Markovnikov addition 反马氏加成Michael addition 迈克尔加成Substitution 取代Electrophilic substitution 亲电取代Addition-elimination mechanism 加成消除机理Electrophilic aromatic substitu-tion 亲电芳香取代Electron transfer 电子转移Electron-donating group 给电子基团Electron-Withdrawing group 吸电子基团Deactivating group 钝化基团Orinentation 取向Ortho-para directing group 邻对位定位基Meta directing group 间位定位基Ortho effect 邻位效应Partial rate factor 分速度系数Nucleophilic reaction 亲核反应Internal return 内返Nucleophilicity 亲核体Nucleophilicity 亲核性α-effect α-效应Backside attack 背面进攻Inversion 反转Umbrella effect 伞效应Push-pull effect 推拉效应Leaving group 离去基团Electrofuge 离电体Nucleofuge 离核体Phase-transfer catalysis 相转移催化Neighboring group participation 邻基基参与Neighboring proup assistance,anchimeric assistance邻助作用8Neighboring group effect 邻基效应Apofacial reaction 反面反应Briddgehead displacement 桥头取代Aryl action 芳正离子Benzyne 苯炔Zaitsev rule 札依采夫规则Anti-Zaitsev orientation 反札依采夫定向Hofmann’s rule 霍夫曼规则Bredt rule 布雷特规则Initiation 引发Anionic cleavage 负离子裂解Partial bond fixation 键[的]部分固定化02.3 有机化学反应Alkylation 烷基化C- alkylation C-烷基化O- alkylation O-烷基化N-alkylation N-烷基化Silylation 硅烷[基]化Exhaustive methylation 彻底甲基化Seco alkylation 断裂烷基化Demethylation 脱甲基化Ethylation 乙基化Arylation 芳基化Acylation 酰化Formylation 甲酰化Carbalkoxylation 烷氧羰基化Carboamidation 氨羰基化Carboxylation 羧基化Amination 氨基化Bisamination 双氨基化Cine substitution 移位取代Transamination 氨基交换Hydroxylation 羟基化acyloxyation 酰氧基化Decarboxylative nitration 脱羧卤化Allylic halogenation 烯丙型卤化Dehalogenation 脱卤Nitration 硝化Decarboxylative nitration 脱羧硝化Nitrosation 亚硝化Sulfonation 磺化Chlorosulfonation 氯磺酰化9Desulfonation 脱磺酸基Sulfenylation 亚磺酰化Sulfonylation 磺酰化Chlorosulfenation 氯亚磺酰化Chlorocarbonylation 氯羰基化Diazotization 重氮化Diazo transfer 重氮基转移Coupling reaction 偶联反应Diazonium coupling 重氮偶联Cross-coupling reaction 交叉偶联反应1,4-addition 1,4-加成Conjugate addition 共轭加成Dimerization 二聚Trimefization 三聚Additive dimerization 加成二聚sulfurization 硫化Selenylation 硒化Hydroboration 硼氢化Oxyamination 羟氨基化Insertion 插入carbonylation 羧基化Hydroformylation 加氢甲酰基化Hydroacylation 加氢酰化Oxo process 羰基合成Decarbonylation 脱羰Hydrocarboxylation 氢羧基化Homologization 同系化Cyanoethylation 氰乙基化Decyanoethylation 脱氰乙基Ring clsure 环合Diene synthesis 双烯合成Dienophile 亲双烯体Endo addition 内型加成Exo addition 外型加成Diels-Alder reaction 第尔斯-尔德反应Retro Diels-Alder reaction 逆第尔斯-阿尔德反应Ene synthesis 单烯合成Anionic cycloaddition 负离子环加成Dipolar addition 偶极加成- elimination -消除- elimination -消除- elimination -消除-elimination -消除10Dehydrohalogenation 脱卤化氢Deamination 脱氨基Pyrolytic elimination 热解消除Elimination-addition 消除-加成Decarboxylation 脱羧Decarboxamidation 脱酰胺Decyanation 脱氰基Alkylolysis,alkyl cleavage 烷基裂解Acylolysis,acyl cleavage 酰基裂解Flash pyrolysis 闪热裂Fragmentation 碎裂Chiletropic reaction 螯键反应Chelation 螯环化Esterification 酯化Transesterification 酯交换Saponification 皂化Alcoholysis 醇解Ethanolysis 乙醇解Cyanomethylation 氰甲基化Aminomethylation 氨甲基化Hydroxymethylation 羟甲基化Hydroxyalkylation 羟烷基化Cholromethylation 氯甲基化Haloalkylation 卤烷基化Transacetalation 缩醛交换Enolization 烯醇化Haloform reaction 卤仿反应Condensation 缩合Aldol condensation 羟醛缩合Cross aldol condensation 交叉羟醛缩合Retrograde aldol condensation 逆羟醛缩合Acyloin condensation 偶姻缩合Cyclization 环化Annulation,annelation 增环反应Spiroannulation 螺增环Autoxidation 自氧化Allylic hydroperoxylation 烯丙型氢过氧化Epoxidation 环氧化Oxonolysis 臭氧解Electrochemical oxidation 电化学氧化Oxidative decarboxylation 氧化脱羧Aromatization 芳构化Catalytic hydrogenation 催化氢化11Heterogeneous hydrogenation 多相氢化Homogeneous hydrogenation 均相氢化Catalytic dehydrogenation 催化脱氢Transfer hydrogenation 转移氢化Hydrogenolysis 氢解Dissolving metal reduction 溶解金属还原Single electron transfer 单电子转移Bimolecular reduction 双分子还原Electrochemical reduction 电化学还原Reductive alkylation 还原烷基化Reductive acylation 还原酰化Reductive dimerization 还原二聚Deoxygenation 脱氧Desulfurization 脱硫Deselenization 脱硒Mitallation 金属化Lithiation 锂化Hydrometallation 氢金属化Mercuration 汞化Oxymercuration 羟汞化Aminomercuration 氨汞化Abstraction 夺取[反应]Internal abstraction 内夺取[反应] Rearrangement 重排Prototropic rearrangement 质了转移重排Double bond migration 双键移位Allylic migration 烯丙型重排Allylic migration 烯丙型迁移Ring contraction 环缩小[反应]Ring expansion,ring enlargement 扩环[反应] -ketol rearrangement -酮醇重排Pinacol rearrangement 频哪醇重排Retropinacol rearrangement 逆频哪醇重排Semipinacol rearrangement 半频哪醇重排Benzilic rearrangement 二苯乙醇酸重排Acyl rearrangement 酰基重排Migratory aptitude 迁移倾向Transannular insertion 跨环插入Transannular rearrangement 跨环重排Migration 迁移Prototropy 质子转移Cationotropic rearrangement 正离子转移重排Anionotropy 负离子转移12Anionotropic rearrangement 负离子转移重排Sigmatropic rearrangement -迁移重排Homosigmatropic rearrangement 同迁移重排Electrophilic rearrangement 亲电重排Photosensitization 光敏化Forbidden transition 禁阻跃迁photooxidation 光氧化Photoisomerization 光异构化Photochemical rearrangement 光化学重排2.4 有机化合物类名Aliphatic compound 脂肪族化合物Hpdrocarbon 碳氢化合物Alkane 烷Wax 蜡Paraffin wax 石蜡Alkene 烯Alkyen 炔Acetylide 炔化物Active hydrogen compounds 活泼氢化合物Carbon acid 碳氢酸Super acid 超酸Diene 双烯Triene 三烯Allene 丙二烯Ccumulene 累积多烯Enyne 烯炔Diyne 二炔Alkyl halide 卤代烷Alcohol 醇Homoallylic alcohol 高烯丙醇Ether 醚Epoxide 环氧化物Cellosolve 溶纤剂Crown ether 冠醚Netro compound 硝基化合物Amine 胺Quaternaryammonium com-pound 季铵化合物Amine oxide 氧化胺Diazoalkane 重氮烷Mercaptan 硫醇Sulfonic acid 磺酸Sulfoxide 亚砜Sulfone 砜13Aldehyde 醛Detone 酮Aldehyde hydrate 醛水合物Ketone hydrate 酮水合物Hemiacetal 半缩醛Acetal 缩醛Ketal 缩酮Dithiane 二噻烷Aminal 缩醛胺imine 亚胺Aldimine 醛亚胺Oxime 肟Aldimine 醛肟Oxime 亚硝基化合物aldoxime 硝酮Hydrazone 腙Azine 嗪Semicarbazone 缩氯基脲Cyanohydrin 羟腈Pinacol 频哪醇Enol 烯醇Enol ether 烯醇醚Enol ester 烯醇酯Enamine 烯胺Ynamine 炔胺Mannich base 曼尼希碱Carboxylic acid 羧酸Ester 酯orthoester 原酸酯Acyl halide 酰卤Acyl fluoride 酰氟Acyl chloride 酰氯Acyl rtomide 酰溴Acyl iodide 酰碘Carbobenzoxy chloride 苄氧甲酰氯Acyl tosylate 酰基对甲苯磺酸酐Ketene 乙烯酮Peracid 过酸Perester 过酸酯Acyl peroxide 酰基过氧化物Nitrile 腈Nitrile oxide 氧化腈Isonitrile 异腈14Amide 酰胺Imide 二酰亚胺N-bromo compound N-溴化物Hydrazide 酰肼Acyl azide 酰叠氮Amidine 脒Keto ester 酮酸酯Acyl cyanide 酰腈Carbon suboxide 二氧化三碳Glycidic acid 环氧丙酸Carbammic acid 氨基甲酸Carbamate 氨基甲酸酯Urea 脲Cyanamide 氨腈Carbodiimide 碳二亚胺Allophanate 脲基甲酸酯Thioester 硫代酸酯Thiol acid 硫羰酸Lactone 内酯Lactol 内半缩醛Macrolide 大环内酯Amino acid 氨基酸Zwitterions 两性离子Inner salt 内盐Betaine 甜菜碱Lactam 内酰胺Hydantion 乙内酰脲Peptide 肽Glycol 二醇Aldol 羟醛Acyloin 偶姻Carbohydrate 碳水化合物Aldose 醛糖Ketose 酮糖Furanose 呋喃糖Pyranose 吡喃糖Glycoside 糖苷Glucoside 葡[萄]糖苷Aglycon 苷元Saccharide 糖类Oligosaccharide 寡糖Polysaccharide 多糖Alditol 糖醇15Osazone 脎Alicyclic compound 脂环化合物Cycloalkene 环烷Spirane 环烯Cage compound 螺烷Propellane 笼型化合物Rotazane 螺桨烷Catenane 轮烷Rused ring 索烃Aromatic compound 稠环化合物Arene 芳香化合物Alkylbenzene 芳烃Bibenzyl 烷基苯Aiaryl 联苄Biphenyl 联芳Biphenyl 联苯Indene 茚Fluorene 芴fulvene 富烯cyclophane 环芳Acene 并苯Helicene 螺旋烃Aryne 芳炔Annulene 烨烯Dewar benzene 杜瓦苯Benzvalene 盆苯Barrelene 桶烯Azulene ?Diazo compound 重氮化合物diazonium salt 重氮盐Diazohydroxide 重氮氢氧化物Azo cimpound 偶氮化物Hydrazo compound 氢化偶氮化物Azoxy compound 氧化偶氮化合物Phenol 酚Hydroquinone 氢醌Quinhydrone 醌Quinhydrone 醌氢醌Semiquinone 半醌Benzoin 苯偶姻Benzil 偶苯酰Heterocyclic compound 杂环化合物Furan 呋喃16Pyrrole 吡咯Thiophene 噻吩Porphyrin 卟啉Pyridene 吡啶Piperidine 哌啶Oxazole ?唑Azlactone 二氢?唑酮Pyrazole 吡唑Imidazole 咪唑Thiazole 噻唑Oxazine ?嗪Diazine 二嗪Diketopiperazine 哌嗪二酮Sydnone 悉尼酮Triazole 三唑Triazine 三嗪Indole 吲哚Quinoline 喹啉Isoquinoline 异喹啉Flavone 黄酮Isoflavone 异黄酮Chalcone 查耳酮Azepine 氮杂?Addition compound 加合化合物Organometallic 有机金属化合物Grignard reagent 格氏试剂Ferocene 二?铁Sandwich compound 夹心化合物Chloroborane 氯硼烷Phosphine 膦Phosphonium salt ?盐Arsine 胂Ylide 叶立德Nitrogen ylide 氮叶立德Sulfur ylide 硫叶立德Phosphorus ylide 磷叶立德Arsenic ylide 砷叶立德Lipid 类脂Phospholipid 磷脂Essential oil 精油Terpene 萜Monoterpene 单萜Sesquiterpene 倍半萜17Diterpene 二萜Triterpene 三萜carotene 胡萝卜素Steroid 甾族化合物Sex hormone 性激素Pheromone 信息素Phytohormone 植物激素Alkaloid 生物碱2.5 有机化学分析和方法Charge-transfer spectrum 电荷转移光谱Chemical shift reagent 化学位移试剂Polarized light 偏振光Specific rotation 比旋光Molar rotation 摩尔旋光Circularly polarized light 圆偏振光Optical rotatory dispersion 旋光色散Circular dichroism 圆二色性Octant rule 八区规则Cotton effect 卡滕效应Plain curve 平坦曲线Resolution 拆分Optical purity 光学纯度Enantiomeric excess,ee 对映体过量Diasteromeric excess,de 非对映体过量Synthesis 合成Retrosynthesis 逆合成Total synthesis 全合成Formal synthesis 中继合成Partial synthesis 部分合成Relay synthesis 接替合成Tandem reaction sequence 连续反应过程Synthon 合成子Chiron,chiral building block 手性子Asymmetric synthesis 不对称合成Asymmetric induction 不对称诱导Optical induction 光学诱导Chiral induction 手性诱导Chiral reagent 手性试剂Chiral catalyst 手性催化剂Chiral solvent 手性溶剂Chiral auxiliary [reagent] 手性助剂Topochemistry 拓扑化学Biomimetic synthesis 仿生合成18Protecting group 保护基Umpolung 极反转Linear synthesis 线性合成Convergent synthesis 汇集合成03.分析化学03.1 一般术语Qualitative analysis 定性分析Quantitative analysis 定量分析Chemical analysis 化学分析Instrumental analysis 仪器分析Classical analysis 经典分析Systematic analysis 系统分析Routine analysis 常规分析Referee analysis,arbitration ana-lysis 仲裁分析Macro analysis 常量分析Semimicro analysis,meso analysis 半微量分析Mcro analysis 微量分析Ultramicro analyisis,submicro analysis 超微量分析Trace analysis 痕量分析Ultratrace analysis 超痕量分析Wet method,wet way 湿法Dry mithod,dry way 干法Indirect mithod 间接法Reagent 试剂Reagent grade 试剂级别Guaranteed reagent,G.R. 保证试剂Analytical reagent,A.R. 分析纯Chimically pure,C.P. 化学纯Identification 鉴定Detection 检出Confirmatory test 证实试验Determination 测定Measurement 测量Separation 分离Calibration 校准Correction 校正Recovery 回收Mesh [筛]目Sampling 取样Quartering 四分[法]Sample 试样Reference material,RM 标准物质Primary standard 一级标准19Secondary standard 二级标准Selectivity 选择性Selective reagent 选择[性]试剂Specific reagent 特效试剂Mole 摩尔Stock solution 储备溶液Test solution 试液Fusion 熔融Rlux 熔剂Air drying 风干Weighing 称量Constant weight 恒量Aliquot 等分部分Residue 残渣Ash 灰分Misture content 含湿量Cleaning solution 洗涤液Mauor constituent 主成分Minor constituent 少量成分Trace constituent 痕量成分Trial-and error method 尝试法Analytical balance 分析天平Single pan balance 单盘天平Air-damped balance [空气]阻尼天平Electronic balance 电子天平Semimicro [analytical]balance 半微量天平Micro[analytical]balance 微量天平Ultramicro[analytical ]balance 超微量天平Torsion balance 扭力天平Weights 砝码Rider 游码Filter paper 滤纸Test paper 试纸PH paper PH 试纸Erlenmeyer flask 锥形瓶Volumetric flask [容]量瓶Weighing bottle 称量瓶Buchner funnel 布氏漏斗Sintered-glass filter crucible [烧结]玻璃砂[滤]?锅Iven,drying over 烘箱Water bath 水浴Hot plate 电热板Magnetic stirrer 洗瓶20Iodine flask [电]磁搅拌器Iodine flaski 碘瓶Reagent bottle 试剂瓶03.2 化学计量学Chemometrics 化学计量学Accuracy 准确度Sensitivity 灵敏度Precision 精密度Repeatability 重复性Reproducibility 再现性Detection limit 检出限Determination limit 测定限Signal-noise ratio 信噪比Background 背景Blank 空白Uncertainty 不确定度Tolerance limitc 容许限Confidence limit 置信限Confidence interval 置信区间Confidence coefficient 置信系数Population 总体Sample 样本individual 个体Random variable 随机变量Fixed variable 固定变量Standardization 标准化Friquency 频数Histogram 直方图Frequency distribution 频数分布Class interval 组距Probability 概率Probability density 概率密度Nirmal distribution 正态分布Nonnormal distribution,abnormal distribution 非正态分布Log transformation 对数变换Normalization 正态化F-distribution F分布t-distribution T分布X2-distribution X2 分布Binomial distribution 二项式分布Poisson’s distribution 泊松分布Uniform distritution 均匀平布True value 真值21Value of expectation 期望值Observed value,measured value 观测值Unbiased estimator 无偏估计值Sample value 样本值Population mena 总体[平] 均值Sample mean 样本[平]均植Veighted mean 加权[平]均植Median 中位值Variability 变异性Variation within laboratory 组内变异性Variation between alboratories 组间变异性Error 误差Random error 随机误差Systematical error 系统误差Bias 偏倚Gross 过失误差Absolute error 绝对误差Relative error 相对误差Standard eror 标准误差Deviation 偏差Residual 残差Population deviation 总体偏差Sample deviation 样本偏差Arithmetic average deviation [算术]平均偏差Standardard deviation 标准[偏]差Absolute deviation 绝对偏差Relative deviation 相对偏差Relative standard deviation 相对标准[偏]差Pooled standard deviation 合并标准[偏]差Tolerance error 容许误差Variance 方差Population Variance 总体方差Sample variance 样本方差Pooled variance 合并方差Variance within laboratory 组内方差Variance between laboratories 组间方差Residual variance 残余方差Covariance 协方差Range 极差Statistical test 统计检验Hypothesis Test 假设检测Significance test 显著性检验Significance level 显著性水平22Significant difference 显著性差异One-tailed test 单侧检验Two-atailed test 双侧检验Test statistic 检验统计量Parameter test 参数检验Nonparameter test 非参数检验Parameter estimation 参数估计Point estimation 点估计Interval estimation 区间估计Null hypothesis 零假设Alternative hypothesis 备择假设Critical value 临界值Acceptance region 接受域Rejection region 舍弃域Statistical inference 统计推断Error of the first kind,type 1error 第一类错误Error of the second kind,type 2error 第二类错误Extremum value 极值Outlier 异常值Sing test 符号检验Dixon’s test method 狄克松检验法Grubbs’test method 格鲁布斯检验法Cochrane’s test method 柯奇拉检验法t-test T检验F-test F检验X2-test,chi-square test X2 检验Homoscedasticity,homogeneity of variance 方差齐性Sum of squares of residues,resi dual sum of squares残差平方和Regression sum of squares 回归平方和Additivity of sum of squares 平方和加和性Analysis of variance,ANOVA 方差分析Cross classification 交叉分组Multiple comparisons 多重比较Paired comparison 成对比较Random factor 随机因素Fixed factor 固定因素Controllable factor 可控因素Level of factor 因素水平Pseudo leval 拟水平Factorial effect 因素效应Main effect 主效应Two-factor interaction,simple interaction 二因子交互效应23Positive correlation 正相关Negative correlation 负相关Correlation test 相关性检验Correlation analysis 相关分析Correlation coefficient 相关系数Total correlationCorrelation 全相关系数Partial correlation coefficient 偏相关系数Regression analysis 回归分析Curve fitting 曲线拟合Least square fitting 最小二乘法拟合Weighted least square method 加权最小二乘法Goodness of fit 拟合优度Regression equation 回归方程Regression curve 回归曲线Regression surface 回归曲面Regression coefficient 回归系数Partial regression coefficient 偏回归系数Standar4dized regression coeffi-cient 标准回归系数Linear regression 线性回归Non-linear regression 非线性回归Stepwise regression 逐步回归Weighted regression 加权回归Polynomial regression 多项式回归Parallel displacement of curve 曲线平移Calibration curve 校正曲线Linearity range 线性范围Experimental design 实验设计Randomized blie 随机区组设计Factorial experiment 析因实验Latin square design 拉丁方设计Orthogonal table,orthogonal layout 正交表Homogeneous design 均匀设计Simplex oqtimization 单纯形优化Simple simplex 基本单纯形Modified simplex 改进单纯形Step sixe,step width 步长Variable step size 可变步长Reflection 反射Expansion 扩展Whole contraction 整体收缩Optimal estimate 量优估计Optimal value 最优值Optimal block design 最优区组设计24Local optimization 局部优化Constrained optimization 有约束优化Constrained condition 约束条件Sequential search 序贯寻优Gradient search 梯度寻优Steepest ascent 最速上升法Steepest descent 最速下降法Holeen cut method 黄金分割法Mimimum residual method 最小残差法Iterative method 迭代法Recurrence method 递推法Successive approximate method 逐次近似法Monte Carlo method 蒙特卡罗法Quality control 质量控制Control chart 控制图Central line,CL 中心线X-control chart 平均值控制图R-control chart 极差控制图Upper alarm limit 上警告限Lower alarm limit 下警告限Upper control limit,UCL 下控制限Lower control limit,LCL 下控制限Rankom sampling 随机抽样Proportional sampling 比例抽样Systematic sampling 系统抽样Sequential sampling 序贯抽样Sequential sampling 序贯分析Sampling inspection 抽样检验Sample size,sample capacity 样本[容]量Random sample 随机样本Randomization 随机化Raw data 原始数据Coded data 编码数据Array 数组Data handling,data processing 数据处理Flow chart,flow diagram 程序框图Significant figrue 有效数字Rounding off method 修约方法Round-off error 修约误差Cluster analysis 聚类分析Discriminant analysis 判别分析Factor analysis 因子分析Generalized standard addition 广义标准加入法25 Method 模式识别Pattern recognition 矩阵Correlation matrix 相关矩阵Eigenvector 特征向量Eigenvalue 特征值Information 信息Information content 信息容量Information efficiency 信息效率Information profitability 信息效益Specific information price 信息比价0.33 化学分析Gravimetry,gravimetric analysis 重量分析法Titrimetry,titrimetric analysis 滴定[分析]法Titration 滴定Visual titration 目视滴定[法]Stepwise titration 分步滴定[法]Back titration 返滴定[法]Replacement titration 置换滴定[法] Linear titration 线性滴定[法] Logarithmic titration 对数滴定[法]Non-aqueous titration 非水滴定[法] Aquametry 测水[滴定]法Karl Fischer titration 卡尔·费歇尔滴定[法] Acid-base titration 酸碱滴定[法] Acidimetry 酸量法Alkalimetry 碱量法Precipitation titration 沉淀滴定[法] Compleximetry,complexometry,complexomet ricietration络合滴定[法]Chil[at]ometry,chel[at]ometric 螯合商定[法] Redox titration 氧化还原滴定[法]Mohr mithod 莫尔法Volhard method 福尔哈德法Fajans method 法扬斯法Clear point 澄清点Argentimetry 银量法Mercurimetry 汞量法Cyanometric titration 氰量法Permanganate titration 高猛酸钾[滴定]法Dichromate titration 重铬酸钾[滴定]法Cerimetry,cerimetric titration 铈(IN)量法Iodimetry,iodometry 碘量法Bromometry 溴量法26Priodate titration 高碘酸钾[滴]法Thermometric 热滴定[法] Thermometric titration 气体分析Elemental analysis 元素分析Flow in jection analysis,FIA 流动注射分析Vilatilization method,evolution method 挥发法Kjedahl determination 凯氏定氮法Automatic titration 自动滴定Ringoven method 环炉法Drop method 点滴法Spot test 斑点试验Brown ting test 棕环试验Blowpipe test 吹管试验Borax-bead test 吹管试验Borax-bead test 硼砂珠试验Flame test 焰色试验Bead test 熔珠试验Marsh test 马什试验Gutzeit test 古蔡试验Griess test 格里斯试验Silver mirror test 银镜试验Iodoform test 碘仿试验Organic reagent 有机试剂Eriochrome cyanine R 铬花青R Chromotropic acid 变色酸Diantipyrylmethane,4,4’-dianti-pyrinylmethane 二安替比林甲烷Diphenylcar bazide 二苯卡巴肼Diphenylcarbazone 二苯卡巴脘dithizone 二硫腙Cadion 镉试剂Chrome azurol S 铬天青S Chlorosulfophenol s 氯磺酚S2,2’-biquinoline,biquinolyl 联喹啉2,2’-bipyridine,2,2’-bipyridyl 联吡啶brilliant green 亮绿Chloranilic acid 氯冉酸Aluminon 铝试剂Arsenazo Ⅰ偶氮胂ⅠArsenazo Ⅲ偶氮胂ⅢChlorophosphonazo Ⅲ偶氮氯膦ⅢAlizarin 茜素Alizarin complexan,alizarin 茜素红S Neocupferron 新铜铁试剂27Neocuproine 新亚铜试剂Bromopyrogallol red 溴[代]邻苯三酚红Cuproine 亚铜试剂Acetylacetone 乙酰丙铜Nessler reagent 奈斯勒试剂Organic precipitant 有机沉淀剂Arsonic acid 胂酸-benzoinoxime -安息香肟Benzotriazole 苯并三唑Tannin,tannic acid 单宁Isatinoxime 靛红肟Mandelic acid 苦杏仁酸8-quinolinecarboxylic acid,8-carboxyquinoline 8-喹啉羧酸Quinaldic acid 喹哪啶酸Benzidine 联苯胺Pyrogallol 连苯三酚Anthranilic acid 邻氨基苯甲酸5,6-naphthoquinoline 5,6-萘喹啉Tetraphenylarsonium chloride 氯化四苯砷8-hydroxyquinoline,oxine 8-羟基喹啉Metcaptobenzothiazole 巯基喹啉8-mercaptoquinoline 8-巯基喹啉Salicylaldoxime 四苯硼钠Sodium tertraphenylborate,sodium tetraphenylboron水杨醛肟Cupferron 铜铁试剂Nitron 硝酸试剂Cinchonine 辛可宁1-nitroso-2-naphthol 1-亚硝基-2-萘酚N-N-benzoyl-N-phenyl hydroxylamine N-苯甲酰-N-苯基羟胺Diacetyldioxime,dimethylg-lyoxime 丁二酮肟Indicator 指示剂Acid-base indicator 酸碱指示剂Adsorption indicator 吸附指示剂Metal indicator ,metallochromic indicator 金属指示剂Oxidation-reduction indicator,redox indicator氧化还原指示剂Mixed indicator 混合指示剂External indicator 外[用]指示剂Fluorescent indicator 荧光指示剂Metalfluorescent indicator 金属荧光指示剂Chemiluminescent indicator 化学发光指示剂Siloxene indicator 硅氧烯指示剂Litmus paper 石蕊试纸28Turmeric paper 姜黄试纸Indicator constant 指示剂常数Indicator constant 指示剂空白Thymol blue,thymolsulfonphthal-ein 百里酚蓝Thymolphthalein 百里酚酞Phenol red ,phenolsulfonphthalein [苯]酚红Phenolphthalein 酚酞Cresol purple 甲酚紫Methyl orange 甲基橙Methyl red 甲基红Methyl yellow 甲基黄Chlorophenol red 氯酚红Alizarin yellow 茜素黄Bromothymol blue 溴百里酚蓝Btomophenol blue 溴酚蓝Btomocresol green 溴甲酚绿Neutral red 中性红Methyl violet 甲基紫Crystal violet 结晶紫Quinaldine red 喹哪啶红Malachite green 孔?[石]绿Nile blue A 尼罗蓝AOrange IV [酸性]四号橙p-ethoxychrysoidine 对乙氧基菊橙Diphenylamine blue 二苯胺蓝Dichlorofluorescein 二氯荧光黄Phenosafranine 酚藏花红Congo red 刚果红Rhodamine 6G 罗丹明6GRose Bengal 玫瑰红Eosin 曙红Thorin 钍试剂Fluorescein 荧光黄Xylenol orange 二甲酚橙Calmagite 钙黄绿素Calconcarboxylic acid 钙指示剂Calcon 钙试剂Eriochrome black A 铬黑AEriochrome black T 铬黑TEriochrome blue black B 铬蓝黑B Eriochrome blue black F 铬蓝黑R Eriochrome violet B 铬紫BMethylthymol blue 甲基百里酚蓝29Metaqlphthalen 金属酞Pyrocatechol violet 邻苯二酚紫1-(2-pyridylazo)-2napthol, PAN 1-(2-吡啶基偶氮)-2-蔡酚4-(2-pyridylazo)resorcinol, PAN 4-(2-吡啶基偶氮)间苯二酚Zincon 锌试剂Murexide 紫脲酸铵Sulfosalicylic acld 磺基水杨酸Tiron 钛试剂Vaariamine blue 变胺蓝Indigo monosulfonate 靛蓝一磺酸盐Indigo tetrasulfonate 靛蓝四磺酸盐p-nitrodiphenylamine 对硝基二苯胺Sodium diphenylaminesulfonate 二苯胺磺酸钠Forroin 邻菲咯啉亚铁离子Nitroferroin 硝基邻菲咯啉亚铁离子Methylene blue 亚甲蓝Erioglaucine A 罂红AN-phenylanthranilic acid N-苯基邻氨基苯甲酸Complexone 氨羧络合剂Chelating reahent,chelant 螯合试剂Ethylenediamineterraacetic acid,EDTA 乙二胺四乙酸Nitrilotriacetic acid,NTA 氨三乙酸Cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid,CyDTA 环已二胺四乙酸Ethyleneglycolbis(2-aminoethyl-ether)tetraacetic acid,EGTA 乙二醇双(2-氨基乙醚)四。

Detection of QTLs with additive effects and additive-by-environment interaction effects on panicl

Detection of QTLs with additive effects and additive-by-environment interaction effects on panicl

ORIGINAL PAPERDetection of QTLs with additive effects and additive-by-environment interaction effects on panicle number in rice (Oryza sativa L.)with single-segment substitution linesGuifu Liu ÆZemin Zhang ÆHaitao Zhu ÆFangming Zhao ÆXiaohua Ding ÆRuizhen Zeng ÆWentao Li ÆGuiquan ZhangReceived:20July 2007/Accepted:27January 2008ÓSpringer-Verlag 2008Abstract A novel population consisting of 35single-segment substitution lines (SSSLs)originating from crosses between the recipient parent,Hua-jing-xian 74(HJX74),and 17donor parents was evaluated in six cropping season environments to reveal the genetic basis of genetic main effect (G)and genotype-by-environment interaction effect (GE)for panicle number (PN)in rice.Subsets of lines were grown in up to six environments.An indirect analysis method was applied,in which the total genetic effect was first partitioned into G and GE by using the mixed linear-model approach,and then QTL (quantitative trait locus)analyses on these effects were conducted separately.At least 18QTLs for PN in rice were detected and identified on 9of 12rice chromosomes.A single QTL effect (a +ae )ranging from -1.5to 1.2was divided into two components,additive effect (a )and additive 9environment interaction effect (ae ).A total number of 9and 16QTLs were identified with a ranging from -0.4to 0.6and ae ranging from -1.0to 0.6,respectively,the former being stable but the latter unstable across environments.Three types of QTLs were suggested according to their effects expressed.Two QTLs (Pn-1b and Pn-6d )expressed stably across environments due to the association with only a ,nine QTLs (Pn-1a,Pn-3c,Pn-3d,Pn-4,Pn-6a,Pn-6b,Pn-8,Pn-9and Pn-12)with only ae were unstable,and the remaining seven ofQTLs were identified with both a and ae ,which also were unstable across environments.This is the first report on the detection of QE (QTL-by-environment interaction effect)of QTLs with SSSLs.Our results illustrate the efficiency of characterizing QTLs and analyzing action of QTLs through SSSLs,and further demonstrate that QE is an important property of many rmation provided in this paper could be used in the application of marker-assisted selection to manipulate PN in rice.IntroductionRice (Oryza sativa L.)is one of the most important crops in the world.It has been estimated that more than 50%of the human population depends on rice as its main source of nutrition (Brar and Khush 2002).It is unique among cereals by having a storage protein,which is primarily made of glutelin,and has a more balanced amino acid profile than the prolamine-rich storage proteins found in most cereals (Juliano 1985).On the other hand,the rice genome is more than a resource for understanding the biology of a single species.It is a window into the structure and function of genes in other crop grasses as well.It has also become a useful plant for studying biology,as a model plant for monocots due to its small genome relative to those of other species of the Gramineae,synteny with other grasses such as wheat,barley,and maize,efficient transformation,dense molecular genetic maps,large sequence libraries and abundance of genetic resources (Motoyuki and Makoto 2002).For these reasons,rice has been the subject of numerous genetic and breeding studies over the past 100years,and has provided much useful information for plant biology and plant breeding.Communicated by D.Mather.Guifu Liu and Zemin Zhang contributed equally to this work.G.Liu ÁZ.Zhang ÁH.Zhu ÁF.Zhao ÁX.Ding ÁR.Zeng ÁW.Li ÁG.Zhang (&)Guangdong Key Laboratory of Plant Molecular Breeding,South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,People’s Republic of China e-mail:gqzhang@Theor Appl GenetDOI 10.1007/s00122-008-0724-4Panicle number(PN)in rice,an important agronomic character for grain production,is normally one of the main determinants of grain yield,even at adequate plant popu-lations(Counce et al.1992).The development of PN is affected by various environmental factors including plant nutrients,planting density,and climatic circumstances such as light,temperature and water supply.Scientists have paid increasing attention to PN in rice due to reduced tillering capacity being one of the main target traits for the super-rice ideotype(Khush2000).Research using mutant mate-rials confirmed that the PN in rice could be controlled by one single gene(Li et al.2003a,b).Most studies by using traditional and molecular genetic analysis reported that rice PN was influenced by multiple quantitative trait loci (QTLs)(Ahmad et al.1986;Li et al.1997).QTLs for PN in rice have been identified on10of the12chromosomes of rice(Yan et al.1998;Liao et al.2001;Hittalmani et al. 2003;Jiang et al.2004)using populations of recombinant inbred lines(RILs)or doubled haploid lines(DHLs).With such populations,it is difficult to differentiate quantitative trait locus(QTL)effects from background noise,particu-larly for QTLs with small and/or interacting effects(Eshed and Zamir1995).To overcome these limitations and achieve high-reso-lution mapping of QTLs,Eshed and Zamir(1995)proposed the application of introgression line(IL)populations.In rice,several permanent mapping populations,such as chromosome segment substitution lines(CSSLs)and backcross inbred lines(BILs)have been developed and have been used to detect many QTLs affecting heading date(Yano et al.19972000,2001;Yamamoto et al.1998, 2000;Takahashi et al.2001).Wan et al.(2003)used a mapping population of66japonica chromosome segment substitution lines in an indica genetic background to detect QTLs for leaf bronzing index,stem dry weight,plant height,root length and root dry weight under F e2+stress. Tian et al.(2006)constructed introgression lines carrying wild rice(Oryza rufipogon Griff.)segments in a cultivated rice(Oryza sativa L.)background and characterized int-rogressed segments associated with yield-related traits.We have constructed a library of1,123single-segment substi-tution lines(SSSLs)in rice(Zhang et al.2004;He et al. 2005a;Xi et al.2006),and have used it to detect QTLs affecting many agronomic traits in rice by using the library (He et al.2005b,c;Xi et al.2006).As each of these studies was conducted in only one environment,it was not possible to estimate QTL-by-environment interaction effects(QE) (Zhu1999;Wang et al.1999).Most plant traits are quantitative in nature,and are thought to be controlled by polygenes that have small effects and are easily affected by the environment.Thus genotype-by-environment interaction effect(GE)is a common phenomenon for quantitative traits(Falconer 1960).GE occurs when the deviations between two geno-types perform differently in different environments,and is thus described as differential genotypic sensitivities to environments(Falconer1981).GE is also of great impor-tance in plant evolution and breeding.In plant evolution, high level of GE allows plants better adaptation to their changing environments and the maintenance of genetic variation in populations(Jain and Marshall1967).In plant breeding,GE has received considerable attention as it is closely related to the stability of varieties.Because of its importance,GE of quantitative traits has been the subject of extensive investigation(Baker1988;Cooper and Ham-mer1996).QTL analysis has made it possible to track the performance of individual QTL across environments, allowing GE to be dissected into its component of QE(Zhu 1999;Wang et al.1999).Despite technical difficulties,QE has been revealed in many crops(Paterson et al.1991; Zhuang et al.1997;Jiang et al.1999).Most of the previous studies inferred QTL-by-environment interaction by com-paring QTLs detected in different environments,leading to results that may mix GE with G and that do not provide unbiased estimates of QE(Yan et al.1999;Hittalmani et al. 2003;Li et al.2003a,b).Zhu(1998)proposed an indirect analysis methodology for QE,in which the total genetic effect isfirst partitioned into G and GE,and then QTLs are mapped for these effects separately.QTLs mapped for the G led to estimation of the genetic main effect of QTLs,independent of change in environmental conditions,while those mapped for GE led to the identification of QE that are significantly affected by variation in environmental e of this approach in rice has provided valuable information about QE in a population of DHLs(Yan et al.1999;Hittalmani et al. 2003;Li et al.2003a,b).In the present study,each of35 rice single-segment substitution lines selected from our library was evaluated in up to six environments.QTL analyses on PN were conductedfirst on total genetic effect (G+GE)estimated in data from individual environment, and then on G and GE separately.QTLs identified according to G+GE were expected to contain mixed effects of additive effect(a)and additive-by-environment interaction effect(ae),while QTLs obtained on G and GE were with a and ae,respectively.The aims of the study were to detect a and ae of QTLs,and to evaluate stability of the QTLs for PN in rice.Materials and methodsPlant materialsThe SSSLs in the library were developed by using of Hua-jing-xian74(HJX74),an elite indica variety from SouthTheor Appl GenetChina,as recipient,and24varieties including14indica and10japonica varieties collected worldwide as donors (Zhang et al.2004).Development of the SSSLs,through backcrossing and SSR marker selection,was described by He et al.(2005a)and Xi et al.(2006).For this study,35 SSSLs were selected(Table1),each containing only one chromosomal segment from a donor substituted in the HJX74genetic background.The substituted segments dis-tribute on10chromosomes and range in length from2.6to 96.2cM with an average of26.86cM,and a total length of 940.35cM(Fig.1).Field trialsPhenotypic experiments were conducted at the experi-mental farm of South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou(at*113°east longitude and*23°northTable1Thirty-five single-segment substitution lines(SSSLs)and their codes,donors and experimental environmentsSSSL Code Donor Experimental environmentE1(2003F)E2(2004S)E3(2004F)E4(2005F)E5(2006S)E6(2006F)W07-14-10-04S1Suoyunuo++++++W02-17-08-14S2Amol3++++++W15-05-07-15S3American jasmine++++++W11-15-08-10-05S4Basmati370++++++W08-15-06-04-04S5IR64+++++W02-17-06-15S6Amol3++++W11-15-09-03S7Basmati370++++W18-06-02-02S8IRAT261++++W07-14-08-04S9Suoyunuo+++++W09-38-54-07-06-01S10Basmati385+++++W14-18-06-06-02S11Lianjian33++++++W17-10-06-01-08-07S12Ganxiangnuo+++++W20-20-05-19-07S13Chenglongshuijingmi+++++W23-07-06-01-01-08S14Lemont+++++W14-18-06-10-01S15Lianjian33++++W17-10-07-05-12S16Ganxiangnuo++++W17-46-40-10-07-04S17Ganxiangnuo++++W20-20-05-05-11S18Chenglongshuijingmi++++W27-14-01-09-18S19IAPAR9+++W20-12-02-01-04S20Chenglongshuijingmi+++D21(W15-05-07-15-03-S)S21American jasmine+++W08-09-05-03S22IR64++W08-16-03-59S23IR64++W20-20-05-06S24Chenglongshuijingmi++W27-14-06-20S25IAPAR9++W23-07-06-10-06S26Lemont++W04-45-50-04-05-01S27BG367++W13-11-29-06-04-08-10S28Jiangxi-Si-Miao++W08-18-09-09-06-02S29IR64+++W19-18-09-06S37Kyeema++W15-05-09-02-01S38American jasmine++W15-05-09-06-04-02S39American jasmine++W07-07-02-07-03S40Suoyunuo++W06-26-21-04-03-02S41Katy++W10-31-35-06-06-06S42Nangyangzhan++E1–E6represent the six experimental environments.The numbers and letters in parentheses indicate the growing year and season(S for spring from March to July,or F for fall from July to November).‘+’indicates the environments in which each line was evaluatedTheor Appl Genetlatitude),China,in spring (from March to July)2004and 2006and autumn (from July to November)2003,2004,2005and 2006.HJX74was grown in all six environments,and each of the SSSLs was grown in at least two of the environments (Table 1).In each experiment,the germi-nated seeds were sown in a seedling bed and seedlings were transplanted to a paddy field 20days later,with two plants per hill spaced at 16.7cm 920.0cm.Each plot consisted of thirteen 6.2m long rows with 32hills,and all plots were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replications.The management of the field experiments was in accordance with local standard prac-tices.At maturity,the number of panicles (PN)was counted for each of 20hills from the middle of each plot,and the average PN value of the 20hills was used as raw data in the analysis.Mixed linear models for estimating G effects and GE interaction effectsFor a genetic experiment conducted only in one environ-ment,the phenotypic performance of the j th genetic entry in the k th block can be expressed by y jk ¼l þG j þB k þe jkð1Þwhere,l =population mean,fixed;G j =genetic main effect of j th genotype,G j *N (0,r G 2);B k =block effect of k th block,B k *N (0,r B 2);and e hjk =residual effect,e hjk *N (0,r e 2).For a genetic experiment conducted within multiple environments,the phenotypic performance of the j th genetic entry in the k th block within the h th environment can be expressedbyFig.1The distribution and the lengths of substituted chromosome segments in 35single-segment substitution lines (SSSLs).The substituted segments are represented by vertical lines .The number at the top of each vertical line is the number of the SSSL carrying thatsegment.The number with ‘*’indicates the SSSL carrying a QTL on its substituted segment.Codes on the right of each chromosome designate molecular marker lociTheor Appl Genety hjk¼lþE hþG jþGE hjþB kþe hjkð2Þwhere,l=population mean,fixed;E h=environment effect of h th environment,E h*N(0,r E2);G j=genetic main effect of j th genotype,G j*N(0,r G2);GE hj=geno-type9environment interaction effect between j th genotype and h th environment,GE hj*N(0,r GE2);B k=block effect of k th block,B k*N(0,r B2);and e hjk=residual effect, e hjk*N(0,r e2).The minimum norm quadratic unbiased estimation(MINQUE)method with all prior values set at1 (Zhu and Weir1996)was used to estimate variance compo-nents for the trait.Values of G and GE were predicted by the Best Linear Unbiased Prediction(BLUP)method(Zhu and Weir1996).All estimations were performed using the QGAStation software package(Chen and Zhu2003).QTL analysesAn indirect approach was conducted to analyze QTL effects(Zhu1998).First,values of G and GE for HJX74 and all individual SSSLs on PN within each environment were estimated according to model(1)and model(2) mentioned above,respectively.Next,QTLs were mapped using these estimated values as input data separately.QTLs identified according to G in model(1)are expected to contain mixed effects of a and ae,and will be referred to here as with a+ae.QTLs obtained using G and GE from model(2)have a and ae,respectively.The estimates obtained for each SSSL were compared to those for HJX74 with one-tailed Duncan’s multiple range tests(Chen and Zhu2003)conducted at a significance level of0.05.It was assumed that each SSSL affecting the trait carries only one QTL,and a significant QTL affecting PN was declared only if one type of the effect of SSSL is significantly dif-ferent from the corresponding effect of HJX74(Eshed and Zamir1995).QTL effect values(a+ae,a and ae)were calculated as the differences of genetic effects between each SSSL and HJX74.ResultsPhenotypic variation for PNThe PN of the parent HJX74ranged from7.3in environment E4to8.1in environments E1and E2,with standard devia-tions ranging from0.08to0.56.The average PN of HJX74 was8.0in spring,7.7in fall,and7.7across all six envi-ronments.The average PN of the SSSLs was similar to that of HJX74in all environments except for E1,where the average PN of the SSSLs was7.7compared to8.1for HJX74 (Table2).Analysis of variance on phenotypic values of PN from all experimental environments indicated that variance components of the genotype(including HJX74and SSSLs) and the GE were significant(data not shown),with relative contributions to the total phenotypic variation of9.35and 18.42%,respectively.QTLs with a+ae effects on PNQTL mapping based on the data estimated in individual environments according to model(1)led to the identifi-cation of18QTLs with mixed effects of a+ae in the SSSLs for PN in rice(Table3,Fig.1).Four QTLs were detected on each of chromosomes3and6,two on each of chromosomes1,2and7and one on each of chromosomes 4,8,9and12(Fig.1).Of18QTLs detected,7(QTLs Pn-1a,Pn-1b,Pn-2a,Pn-2b,Pn-3a,Pn-3b and Pn-6a) were detectable in three environments(out of4,5or6 environments in which the corresponding SSSLs were evaluated),4(QTLs Pn-6c,Pn-6d,Pn-7a and Pn-7b)in two environments(out of2or4),and the remainder in only one environment(out of2,4or5)(Table3).Some QTLs that were detected in multiple environments expressed different effects across environments,with dif-ferences observed in both the magnitudes and directions of effects(Table3).QTL Pn-6a showed the most variation among environments,with effects ranging from-1.3in E1to0.8in E3.Three QTLs,Pn-1b,Pn-6d and Pn-7a, had quite consistent expression across environments (Table3).QTLs for PN with a effectsQuantitative trait locus mapping based on the G values estimated according to model(2)identified9QTLs with a Table2Mean and standard deviations(SD)for the number of panicles per hill in the rice line HJX74grown in six environments(E1 to E6)and means,standard deviations,maxima(Max)and minima (Min)for varying numbers(N)of single-segment substitution lines (SSSLs)evaluated in those environmentsEnvironment HJX74SSSLsMean SD N Mean SD Max Min E18.10.22157.70.399.1 6.4 E28.10.09268.10.428.87.3 E37.70.08247.90.539.2 6.8 E47.30.56257.10.468.2 6.3 E58.00.26207.90.428.97.2 E67.40.29167. All7.70.431267.70.599.2 6.3Theor Appl Genetthat are stable across environments(Table4).These QTLs were located onfive rice chromosomes:one on chromo-some1and two on each of chromosomes2,3,6and7.At four QTLs(Pn-1b,Pn-2a,Pn-6d and Pn-7b)the alleles derived from the donor parents reduced PN(with effects ranging from-0.2to-0.4).At the remainingfive QTLs,the donor alleles increased PN(by between0.3and0.6) (Table4).QTLs for PN with ae interaction effectsThere were16QTLs with significant ae for PN(Table4): four on chromosome3and one to three on each of eight other chromosomes.QTL Pn-1a had no a,but showed significant interactions,with positive ae values in E1and E6and negative ae values in E3and E5.Other environ-ment-sensitive QTLs with significant ae values in fewer environments:QTLs Pn-2a and Pn-6a in three environ-ments,QTL Pn-3b in two environments,and the remaining 12QTLs in only one environment.All estimated ae values ranged from-1.0of QTL Pn-6a to0.6of QTL Pn-1a in E1. QTL Pn-6a showed the largest variation among environ-ments,with ae values of-1.0,0.5and0.4in E1,E3and E4, respectively.DiscussionQTL detection through SSSLsIn the present study,we used SSSLs as experimental materials and an indirect method to analyze data from six environments to map QTLs with additive and/or additive-by-environment interaction effects on PN in rice.For comparison,QTL mapping was also performed using data from each individual environment.Since each of35SSSLs used contained only one substituted segment from a donor in HJX74genetic background,all the genetic variation between one of SSSLs and HJX74can be associated with the substituted segment.In the development of the SSSLs, 574SSR markers,distributed throughout the genome with an average interval of2.7cM were surveyed in the BC2F1 generation(Zhang et al.2004),and polymorphic markers were re-examined in the BC4F1and BC4F2generations to ensure the uniformity of genetic background of the SSSLs (Xi et al.2006).This should minimize the background genetic effects,providing more reliable QTL detection and estimation of QTL effects.QTLs affecting PN were detected in10distinct regions of the rice genome.This is more than in most previous QTL mapping studies in rice. For example,Yan et al.(1998)detected three QTLs for tiller number at maturity in a DHL population.Liao et al. (2001)detected six QTLs in a DHL population and nine QTLs in a RIL population in bothfield and pot experi-ments.And Hittalmani et al.(2003)detected a total of twenty significant QTLs for PN in a DHL population evaluated in nine locations across four countries in Asia, but the number of QTLs at any location varied from zero to three.QTLs in three regions on chromosomes2,4and12 detected here are likely in common with QTLs detected in previous studies,but other QTLs detected here have not previously been detected(Yan et al.1998;Liao et al.2001; Hittalmani et al.2003).Given that the substituted chro-mosome segments used here did not cover the whole genome and that some segments were quite long,there remains scope for further work of this type,aimed at detecting QTLs elsewhere in the genome and/or deter-mining whether any of the segments contain more than one QTL.Table3Effects of QTLs on panicle number per hill in rice,asestimated by evaluating single-segment substitution lines(SSSLs)invarious environments(E1to E6)QTL SSSL code a+aeE1E2E3E4E5E6Pn-1a S40.9***-0.7**-0.3*Pn-1b S11-0.3*-0.3*-0.2*Pn-2a S7-1.5****0.3*-0.3*––Pn-2b S190.4*0.7***0.6**––Pn-3a S13–0.4*0.8****0.5*Pn-3b S18–– 1.2****0.4*0.2*Pn-3c S23-0.4*––––Pn-3d S24-0.3*––––Pn-4S15-0.8***––Pn-6a S3-1.3****0.8***0.5*Pn-6b S14–0.3*Pn-6c S16–0.3*0.7***–Pn-6d S22–––-0.6**-0.4*–Pn-7a S27––0.3*0.4*––Pn-7b S37-0.2*-0.4*––––Pn-8S17––-0.3*Pn-9S6-0.9***––Pn-12S5-0.4*–QTLs are designated by codes beginning with‘Pn-’(for the traitpanicle number)followed by the chromosome number and in somecases a letter to distinguish between two or more possible QTLs onthe same chromosome.a+ae is the confounded effect of the QTLestimated at a given environmentThe sign indicates the direction of the effect of the donor allele.*,**,***and****show the significances at0.05,0.01,0.005and0.001ofprobability level,respectively.‘–’indicates that a particular SSSLwas not evaluated in a particular environmentTheor Appl GenetDetection of QTLs with QE interaction effectsQTL-by-environment interaction is clearly important in affecting quantitative traits,and significant QE interactions have been reported(e.g.Paterson et al.1991;Zhuang et al. 1997).In most previous mapping studies,the existence of QE interaction was inferred by comparing QTLs and their effects in multiple environments(e.g.,Paterson et al.1991; Bubeck et al.1993).In this study,we applied a direct method of analysis conducted separately for each envi-ronment,and an indirect method(Zhu1998)in which QTLs with QE were mapped using predicted total geno-type9environment interaction effects.The two methods identified the same SSSLs as carrying QTLs affecting PN (Tables3,4).The direct method provided estimates of the effects of QTLs within a single environment,but effects can be mixed by both a and ae of QTLs.The indirect method allowed for separation of a and ae.A total of16 QTLs were detected with significant ae values ranging from-1.0to0.6on PN in rice(Table4).Interactions of QTLs with environments included cases in which:(1)a QTL expresses in one environment but not in another;(2)a QTL expresses very differently and has opposite effects in different environments;and(3)a QTL expresses strongly in one environment but weakly in another.The total effect of each QTL at a specific environment(Table3),as esti-mated by the direct method,tended to be approximately the sum of the a value and the ae value of the QTL at that environment(Table4),as estimated by the indirect method.Patterns of QE interaction for PN in riceIn any specific environment,the total effect of a QTL includes the main effect of the QTL and QE interaction effects for that environment.The QTL main effect is expressed in the same way across different environments and free from environmental influence,while the QE interaction effect is specific to a particular set of environ-mental conditions(Zhu1998;Yan et al.1999).Of the18 QTLs detected in this study,two QTLs,Pn-1b and Pn-6d had significant a values but no significant ae values (Table4).Because the expression of such QTLs is free from environmental interactions,their use in selection should improve trait performances across all environments similar to those two QTLs included in this study.As both of these QTLs had negative a values,the SSSLs in which they were detected(S11for Pn-1b and S22for Pn-6d) could be useful in breeding to reduce PN in rice(Table4).A second type of QTLs is associated with ae only.This category includes nine of the QTLs(Pn-1a,Pn-3c,Pn-3d, Pn-4,Pn-6a,Pn-6b,Pn-8,Pn-9and Pn-12)detected in this study(Table4).Since the expression of such QTLs is specific to a particular set of environmental conditions, they will be suitable for selection only for thoseTable4QTL effect components on panicle number in rice,as estimated by evaluating single-segment substitution lines(SSSLs)in various experimental environments(E1to E6) QTLs are designated by codes beginning with‘Pn-’(for the trait panicle number)followed by the chromosome number and in some cases a letter to distinguish between two or more possible QTLs on the same chromosome.The sign indicates the direction of the effect of the donor allele.‘*,**,***and****’show the significances at0.05,0.01,0.005and0.001of probability level,respectively.‘–’indicates that a particular SSSL was not evaluated in a particular environment QTL SSSL code a aeE1E2E3E4E5E6Pn-1a S40.6****-0.5***-0.3*0.3* Pn-1b S11-0.2*Pn-2a S7-0.3*-0.9****0.296*0.4**––Pn-2b S190.6****0.2*––Pn-3a S130.4****–0.4*Pn-3b S180.5****––0.6****-0.3*Pn-3c S23-0.341*––––Pn-3d S24-0.305*––––Pn-4S15-0.5***––Pn-6a S3-1.0****0.5***0.4*Pn-6b S14–0.3*Pn-6c S160.3*–0.387*–Pn-6d S22-0.4***––––Pn-7a S270.3*––0.3*––Pn-7c S37-0.2*-0.321*––––Pn-8S17––-0.3*Pn-9S6-0.5***––Pn-12S5-0.3*–Theor Appl Genetenvironmental conditions.The QTL Pn-1a provides an example of the complexity of QTL interactions,with positive ae values in E1and E6,negative ae values in E3 and E5,and no significant ae values in E2or E4(Table4). The third type of QTLs identified was associated with both a and ae.Seven QTLs(Pn-2a,Pn-2b,Pn-3a,Pn-3b,Pn-6c, Pn-7a and Pn-7b)identified in this study fell in this cate-gory.The expression of such QTLs is affected by environmental conditions.If the a value of such a QTL is in the desired direction(i.e.,negative,for PN),and if there are no large ae values in the opposite direction,then selection for the donor allele could still contribute to improvement in performance across environments,albeit with variable responses in particular environments.For example,SSSL S37might be a useful source of an allele at QTL Pn-7c.However,at QTLs with large ae values in opposing directions,selection for an allele with favorable effects in certain environments could lead to undesired results in other environments.For example,selection for the Pn-2a allele from SSSL S7could reduce PN in envi-ronments similar to E1,but might increase PN in environments similar to E3.Agricultural researchers have long recognized the implications of genotype-by-environ-ment interactions in breeding programs.Understanding QE would help breeders in deciding which QTL to use in their breeding programs while tailoring crop cultivars for spe-cific or more diverse environments.This is thefirst report on detection of QE values of QTLs with SSSLs.It illus-trates the value of analyzing action of QTLs through SSSLs with an indirect method that allows estimation of additive effects and QTL by environment interactions. Acknowledgments This research was supported by the National Basic Research Program of China(2006CB101700)and the National Natural Science Foundation of China(30330370).ReferenceAhmad L,Zakri AH,Jalani BS,Omar D(1986)Detection of additive and non-additive variation in rice.In:Rice genetics.IRRI, Manila,pp555–564Baker RJ(1988)Differential response to environmental stress.In:Weir BS,Eisen EJ,Goodman MM,Namkoong G(eds) Proceedings of the2nd international conference on quantitative genetics.Sinauer,Massachusetts,pp492–504Brar DS,Khush GS(2002)Transferring genes from wild species into rice.In:Kang MS(ed)Quantitative genetics,genomics and plant breeding.CABI,Oxford,pp197–217Bubeck DM,Goodman MM,Beavis WD,Grant D(1993)Quanti-tative trait loci controlling resistance to gray leaf spot in maize.Crop Sci33:838–847Chen GB,Zhu J(2003)Department of Agronomy,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,China./software/qga/ index.htmCooper M,Hammer GL(1996)Plant adaptation and crop improve-ment.CAB International,Oxon Counce PA,Wells BR,Gravois KA(1992)Yield and harvest index responses to preflood nigtrogen ferfilization at low rice plant populations.J Prod Agric5:492–497Eshed Y,Zamir D(1995)An introgression line population of Lycopersicon pennellii in the cultivated tomato enables the identification andfine mapping of yield-associated QTL.Genetics141:1147–l162Falconer DS(1960)Introduction to quantitative genetics.Ronald Press,New YorkFalconer DS(1981)Introduction to quantitative genetics,2nd edn.Longman Press,New YorkHe FH,Xi ZY,Zeng RZ,Zhang GQ(2005a)Developing single segment substitution lines(SSSLs)in rice(Oryza sativa L.) using advanced backcrosses and MAS(in Chinese).Acta Genet Sin32(8):825–831He FH,Xi ZY,Zeng RZ,Zhang GQ(2005b)Mapping heading date QTL in rice(Oryza sativa L.)using single segment substitution lines(SSSLs)(in Chinese).Acta Agric Sin38(8):1505–1513 He FH,Zeng RZ,Xi ZY,Talukdar A,Zhang GQ(2005c) Identification of QTLs for plant height and its components by using single segment substitution lines in rice(Oryza sativa L.).Rice Sci12(3):151–156Hittalmani S,Huang N,Courtois B,Venuprasad R,Shashidhar HE, Zhuang JY,ÁZheng KL,Liu GF,Wang GC,Sidhu JS, Srivantaneeyakul S,ÁSingh VP,Bagali PG,Prasanna HC, McLaren G,Khush GS(2003)Identification of QTL for growth-and grain yield-related traits in rice across nine locations of Asia.Theor Appl Genet107:679–690Jain SK,Marshall DR(1967)Population studies in predominantly self-pollinated species.X:Variation in natural populations of A vena fatua and A.barbata.Am Nat101:19–33Jiang C,Edmeades GO,Armstead I,Laffite HR,Hayward MD(1999) Genetic analysis of adaptation difference between highland and lowland tropical maize using molecular markers.Theor Appl Genet99:1106–1119Jiang GH,Xu CG,Li XH,He YQ(2004)Characterization of the genetic basis for yield and its component traits of rice revealed by doubled haploid population.Acta Genet Sin31(1):63–72 Juliano BO(1985)Criteria and test for rice grain quality.In:Juliano BO(ed)Rice chemistry and technology.American Association of Cereal Chemists,Inc.St.Paul,pp443–513Khush GS(2000)Chairs introduction.In:Rice biotechnology.Improving yield,stress tolerance and grain quality.Willey, EnglandLi ZK,Pinson SRM,Park WD,Paterson AH,Stansel JW(1997) Epistasis for three grain yield components in rice(Oryza sativa L.).Genetics145:453–465Li X,Qian Q,Fu Z,Wang Y,Xiong G,Zeng D,Wang X,Liu X,Teng S,Fujimoto H,Yuan M,Luo D,Han B,Li J(2003a)Control of tillering in rice.Nature422:618–621Li ZK,Yu SB,Lafitte HR,Huang N,Courtois B,Hittalmani S, Vijayakumar CHM,Liu GF,Wang GC,Shashidhar HE,Zhuang JY,Zheng KL,Singh VP,Sidhu JS,Srivantaneeyakul S,Khush GS(2003b)QTL9environment interactions in rice.I:Heading date and plant height.Theor Appl Genet108:141–153Liao CY,Wu P,Hu B,Yi KK(2001)Effects of genetic background and environment on QTLs and epistasis for rice(Oryza sativa L.) panicle number.Theor Appl Genet103:104–111Motoyuki A,Makoto M(2002)Application of rice genomics to plant biology and breeding.Bull Acad Sin43:1–11Paterson AH,Deverna JW,Lanini B,Tanksley SD(1991)Mendelian factors underlying quantitative traits in tomato:comparison across species,generations,and environments.Genetics 127:181–197Takahashi Y,Shumura A,Sasaki T,Yano M(2001)Hd6,a rice quantitative trait locus involved in photoperiod sensitivity,Theor Appl Genet。

英语课后自我评价与反思 范文模板

英语课后自我评价与反思 范文模板

英语课后自我评价与反思范文模板Engaging in self-assessment and reflection after English classes can be a perplexing yet insightful journey. It's like navigating through a maze of thoughts and experiences, each turn offering new perspectives and revelations. As we embark on this reflective endeavor, we delve into the depths of our language learning process, scrutinizing our strengths, weaknesses, and everything in between.At the outset, it's crucial to acknowledge the multifaceted nature of language acquisition. It's not merely about memorizing vocabulary or mastering grammar rules; it's a dynamic interplay of comprehension, expression, cultural nuances, and personal growth. Therefore, my post-English class self-assessment encompasses various dimensions, each contributing to a holistic evaluation of my linguistic prowess.One facet of my self-evaluation revolves around my grasp of language mechanics. Did I effectively utilize newly acquired vocabulary during class discussions? Did I employgrammatical structures accurately in both spoken andwritten contexts? Reflecting on these aspects sheds light on my progress in mastering the technical aspects of English, highlighting areas that demand further attention and practice.Beyond the technicalities, I also evaluate my communicative competence. Language is a tool for communication, and its true efficacy lies in how well it enables me to convey ideas, thoughts, and emotions. Thus, I ponder upon myability to articulate complex concepts, engage in meaningful dialogue, and comprehend diverse forms of discourse. Moreover, I assess my listening skills, gauging my capacity to comprehend different accents, tones, and speech patterns—a vital skill in today's globalized world.Furthermore, self-assessment extends to my interaction within the classroom environment. Was I an active participant in group activities and discussions? Did I contribute constructively to collaborative tasks, fostering a conducive learning atmosphere? Evaluating my classroom dynamics not only offers insights into my interpersonalskills but also prompts me to consider my role as both a learner and a facilitator of learning.In addition to assessing my performance during class hours, I also delve into my independent study habits. Did I dedicate sufficient time to review class materials,practice exercises, and engage with supplementary resources? Did I adopt effective learning strategies, such as spaced repetition or mnemonic devices, to enhance retention and comprehension? By scrutinizing my study routine, I endeavor to optimize my learning trajectory and maximize theefficacy of my efforts.Moreover, self-reflection prompts me to confront any challenges or setbacks encountered during the learning process. Did I encounter difficulties in grasping certain concepts or mastering specific skills? How did I overcome these obstacles, and what strategies proved most effective? Embracing these challenges not as impediments but as opportunities for growth fosters a resilient mindset, propelling me forward on my linguistic journey.Equally important is celebrating my achievements and milestones, no matter how small they may seem. Did I successfully overcome a linguistic hurdle that once seemed insurmountable? Did I receive positive feedback or recognition from peers or instructors, affirming myprogress and proficiency? Recognizing and acknowledging these accomplishments bolsters my confidence and motivation, fueling my continued pursuit of linguistic excellence.In conclusion, the process of self-assessment andreflection after English classes is a nuanced and multifaceted endeavor. It entails introspection intovarious facets of language learning, from technical proficiency to communicative competence, classroom dynamics, study habits, challenges, and achievements. By embracingthis reflective practice, I not only gain insights into my linguistic growth but also cultivate a deeper understanding of myself as a learner and communicator. Thus, armed with newfound awareness and determination, I embark on the next leg of my journey towards linguistic mastery.。



作物学报ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2024, 50(1): 42 54 / ISSN 0496-3490; CN 11-1809/S; CODEN TSHPA9E-mail:***************DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2024.34047烟草生物碱性状的QTL定位刘颖超1方敦煌2徐海明1童治军2,*肖炳光2,*1浙江大学农业与生物技术学院作物科学研究所, 浙江杭州 310058; 2云南省烟草农业科学研究院国家烟草基因工程研究中心, 云南昆明650021摘要: 生物碱是烟草的重要化学成分。

为明确烟草生物碱的遗传结构, 发掘控制相关性状的主效位点, 以烟草品种Y3、K326为亲本, 构建大小为271的重组自交系群体。

分别于2018、2019和2020年在云南省昆明市石林、玉溪市研和种植群体材料, 检测总植物碱(TPA)、烟碱(NIC)、降烟碱(NOR)、假木贼碱(ANAB)和新烟草碱(ANAT) 5种生物碱表型。

对群体进行基因组测序, 构建包含46,129个标记的遗传连锁图谱。

利用基于混合线性模型的QTL定位方法及软件QTLNetwork 2.0, 进行QTL定位分析。

共定位15个具有显著加性效应的QTL, 加性效应对表型贡献率为0.58%~11.57%。

其中4个主效QTL即控制总植物碱的qTPA14、烟碱的qNIC14、假木贼碱的qANAB14和新烟草碱的qANAT14, 均可以解释相应性状10%以上的表型变异, 且均位于14号连锁群上。

6个QTL具有显著的加性与环境互作效应, 对表型贡献率为0.80%~1.81%。

5对QTL具有显著加性-加性上位性效应, 对表型的贡献率为0.15%~2.31%。

2对QTL具有显著的上位性与环境互作效应, 对表型的贡献率为0.81%~1.16%。




Chapter 2:1.Innate capacity: natural ability2.Sequential bilingualism: when a second language is introduced after the native language has been acquired.Simultaneous bilingualism: when young children acquire more than one language at the same time.3.What is the initial state of language development for L1 and L2 respectively? L1-innate capacity L2-L1,world knowledge,interaction skills,possibly innate capacity.4.What is a necessary condition for language learning (L1 or L2?) Input is necessary for both L1 and L2;social interaction is necessary for L1.5.Give at least two reasons that many scientists believe in some innate capacity for language. a.Children begin to learn their L1 at the same age,and in much the same way,whether it is English,Bengali,Korean,Swahili,or any other language in the world.b.If children had to actually learn the abstract rules of language,then only the smartest would ever learn to talk,and it would take several years more to learn L1than it actually does. C.children master the basic phonological and grammatical operations in their L1 by age five or six,regardless of what the language is. D.Children can understand and create novel utterances;they are not limited to repeating what they hear around them. E.there is a cut-off age for L1 acquisition,beyond which it can never be complete.6.Linguists have taken an internal and /or external focus to the study of language acquisition.What is the difference between the two? The internal focus seeks to account for speakers’internalized,underlying knowledge of language.The external focus emphasizes language use,including the functions of language which are realized in learners’ production at different stages of development.7.Chapter 31.Briefly explain how language is systematic,symbolic and social. Systematic:Languages consist of recurrent elements which occur in regular patterns of nguage is created according to rules or principles which speakers are usually unconscious of using if language was acquired in early childhood. Symbolic:Sequences of sounds or letters do not inherently possess meaning.These symbols of language have meaning because of a tacit agreement among the speakers of a language. Social:Each language reflects the social requirements of the society that uses it.Although humans possess the potential to acquire an L1 because of theirothers in the society.We use language to communicate with others about the human experience.2.Lexicon:vocabulary phonology:sound system3.morphology:word structure syntax:grammar4.Contrastive Analysis: Lado Error Analysis: Corder Interlanguage: Selinker Morpheme Order Studies: Dulay and Burt Monitor Model: Krashen Universal Grammar: Chomsky5.When interlanguage development stop before a learner reaches target language norms,it is called fossilization.石化6.As they can be understood in Chomsky’s theory of universal grammar,what is the difference between linguistic performance and linguistic competence? Performance is actual use of language in a specific instance,whereas competence is the underlying knowledge of language we possess.7.According to a Functionalist perspective,what is the primary purpose of language? communication8. A. My manger say i get raise--Infinite Utterance OrganizationB.they have eaten---Finite Utterance OrganizationC.girl nice but she not pretty--Nominal Utterance Organizationter we talked-- Finite Utterance OrganizationE.he call his mother,say”come over”--Infinite Utterance wife restaurant --Nominal Utterance OrganizationChapter 4:1.Learning process:studies the stages and sequences of language acquisition,addressing how acquisition happens. Neurolinguistics: studies how the location and organization of language might differ in the heads of monolingual versus multilingual speakers,addressing what is added and changed in people’s brains when they learn another language. Learner differences:considers aptitude in learning ,how learning is linked to age and sex,and addresses why some second language learners are more successful than others.2.Broca ‘s area is responsible for the ability to speak,whereas Wernick’s area is responsible for processing audio input.3.Coordinate bilingualism:Ursula speaks French and German fluently,but cannotFrench,even if you both know both languages. Subordinate bilingualism:Shane speaks English natively and German as an L2. Each time he learns something new in German,he translate it into English to memorize the literal translation and compare it to the English meaning and structure. Compound bilingualism:Maria speaks French and English fluently,and often speaks FRENGLISH,a mixture of French and English,with her other bilingual friends.She produces and understands this mixture of languages easily.4.Input if Considered whatever sample of L2 that learners are exposed to.However.according to the information Processing framework,what must learners do to make this input available for processing?What is the term for this kind of input?5.Swain contends that output is necessary for successful L2 learning because it helps develop automaticity through practice and because it helps learners notice gaps in their own knowledge.6.The connectionist approach to learning focuses on the increasing strength of associations between stimuli and response,considering learning a change in the strength of these associations.7.Intergrative motivation involves emotional or affective reasons for learning an L2,such as an intention to participate or integrate in the L2 speech community.Instrumental motivation involves a purely practical reason for learning,such as better job opportunities or passing required courses in school.Chapter 5:1.auxiliary language: In India,native speakers of Tamil learn English to participate in official Indian governmental proceedings.2.Foreign language:A French person studies German for six years because the school system requires it.3.Second language:A Chinese family immigrates to Canada and studies English soa s to enter the school systems and the work force.4.According to sociocultural theory,interaction is necessary for language acquisition ,and all of learning is a social process.5.The zone of proximal development represents an area of potential development where the learner achieves more through interaction with a teacher or a more advanced learned.distance between learner and target groups and ultimately inhibit L2 learning.7.Additive bilingualism is where members of a dominant group learn the language ofa minority without threat to to their L1 competence or to their ethnic identity.Substractive bilingualism is where members of a minority group learn the dominant language as L2 and are more likely to experience some loss of ethnic identity and L1 skills.8.Formal learning is instructed learning ,usually occurring in rmal learning is naturalistic,occurring in settings where people contact and need to interact with speakers of another language.。

Productive Interaction Between National and Global Identities

Productive Interaction Between National and Global Identities
Constructivist Approaches in Social Sciences
habitus, field, capital Lave and Wenger (1991), Wenger (1998): Community of practice Anderson (1991): Imagined community Giddens (1984, 1991): duality of structure, self-identity – the self as reflexively understood by the individual in terms of his or her biography
is the paradox of human existence that man must simultaneously seek for closeness and for independence; for oneness with others and at the same time for the preservation of his uniqueness and particularity. As we have shown, the answer to this paradox – and to the moral problem of man – is productiveness. (ibid. 96-97)

There is no definite one-to-one correspondence between linguistic variety and group identities. Yet increasingly in the context of globalization, English is associated with a global identity, rather than that of a target nation. The linguistic varieties involved in identity work is not confined to “language” as narrowly defined; they cover a range of sociolinguistic variation dimensions – dialects, styles, registers, etc. in communicative practice. Discourses, in sum. Bilingual/multilingual identities are dynamic processes.

交互作用10 ppt课件

交互作用10 ppt课件
Another, probably easier way to recognize an interaction is to notice that the lines connecting the points are not parallel.
<0: negative interaction or sub-additive or antagonism
Covariates:识别最可能施加干预的协变量以 降低主要暴露因素的效应(另一主要暴露因 素不容易施加干预的情况下)
To find other covariates to be intervened upon to eliminate much or most of the effect of the primary exposure of interest (it may not be possible to intervene directly on the primary exposure of interest).
Subgroups:识别对某干预受益最大的人群( 亚组)(资源有限情况下)
To identify the subgroups of individuals in which the intervention or treatment is likely to have the largest effect (resources to implement interventions may be limited).
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METHODSEstimating measures of interaction on an additive scale for preventive exposuresMirjam J.Knol •Tyler J.VanderWeele •Rolf H.H.Groenwold •Olaf H.Klungel •Maroeska M.Rovers •Diederick E.GrobbeeReceived:30July 2010/Accepted:4February 2011/Published online:23February 2011ÓThe Author(s)2011.This article is published with open access at Abstract Measures of interaction on an additive scale (relative excess risk due to interaction [RERI],attributable proportion [AP],synergy index [S]),were developed for risk factors rather than preventive factors.It has been suggested that preventive factors should be recoded to risk factors before calculating these measures.We aimed to show that these measures are problematic with preventive factors prior to recoding,and to clarify the recoding method to be used to circumvent these problems.Recoding of preventive factors should be done such that the stratum with the lowest risk becomes the reference category when both factors are considered jointly (rather than one at a time).We used data from a case-control study on the interaction between ACE inhibitors and the ACE gene on incident e of ACE inhibitors was a preventive factor and DD ACE genotype was a risk factor.Before recoding,the RERI,AP and S showed inconsistent results (RERI =0.26[95%CI:-0.30;0.82],AP =0.30[95%CI:-0.28;0.88],S =0.35[95%CI:0.02;7.38]),with the first two measures suggesting positive interaction and the thirdnegative interaction.After recoding the use of ACE inhibitors,they showed consistent results (RERI =-0.37[95%CI:-1.23;0.49],AP =-0.29[95%CI:-0.98;0.40],S =0.43[95%CI:0.07; 2.60]),all indicating negative interaction.Preventive factors should not be used to cal-culate measures of interaction on an additive scale without recoding.Keywords Interaction ÁPreventive factors ÁRelative excess risk due to interaction ÁSynergy indexIntroductionInteraction refers to the situation where the effect of one exposure on a certain outcome is different across strata of another exposure.This means that if interaction between two exposures is present,these exposures are not inde-pendent in causing a certain outcome.A classical example is the interaction between smoking and asbestos on the risk of lung cancer [1].The presence and direction of interac-tion depends on the scale,e.g.additive or multiplicative,that is used.Interaction on an additive scale means that the combined effect of two exposures is larger (or smaller)than the sum of the individual effects of the two exposures,whereas interaction on a multiplicative scale means that the combined effect is larger (or smaller)than the product of the individual effects.A number of epidemiologists have argued that biologic interaction should be assessed on an additive scale rather than a multiplicative scale [1–6].Interaction on an additive scale can be calculated using relative risks and different measures quantifying this interaction have been described,such as the relative excess risk due to interaction (RERI),the proportion attributable to interaction (AP),and the synergy index (S)[7].ProvidedM.J.Knol (&)ÁR.H.H.Groenwold ÁM.M.Rovers ÁD.E.GrobbeeJulius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care,University Medical Center Utrecht,PO Box 85500,3508GA Utrecht,The Netherlands e-mail:m.j.knol@umcutrecht.nlT.J.VanderWeeleDepartments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics,Harvard School of Public Health,Boston,MA,USA e-mail:tvanderw@O.H.KlungelDivision of Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacotherapy,Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences,Utrecht University,Utrecht,The NetherlandsEur J Epidemiol (2011)26:433–438DOI 10.1007/s10654-011-9554-9that the odds ratio approximates the relative risk,these measures can be used to assess interaction on an additive scale even with case-control data.Moreover,methods to calculate confidence intervals around these measures have been developed[8–10],and methods to quantify interaction on an additive scale in the case of continuous determinants have been presented[11].The measures quantifying interaction on an additive scale were developed to use with exposures that are risk factors rather than preventive factors.Risk factors meaning that the relative risk of the factor with the outcome is larger than1,and preventive factors meaning that the relative risk of the factor with the outcome is smaller than1.It is not commonly known that these measures should only be applied to risk factors(see for example[12–15]).Rothman proposed,in case of preventive factors,to choose the high-risk category of each exposure to be the exposed category [1].This method turns the preventive factor into a risk factor by considering absence of the preventive to be the cause.Empirical examples of this method,however,are lacking.Moreover,it is unclear from Rothman’s descrip-tion and similar description that have followed his[16] whether this recoding should be done one factor at a time or by selecting a reference category when both factors considered jointly.Our objectives were to show what happens if estimates of measures of interaction on an additive scale are calcu-lated with preventive factors instead of risk factors using an example dataset,and to clarify the method of recoding of preventive factors.MethodsExample datasetThe empirical dataset that we used for illustration com-prised a nested case-control study including205cases of incident diabetes and2,050controls[17].One of the aims of the study was to examine whether the ACE insertion/ deletion gene modified the effect of the use of ACE inhibitors on the risk of incident diabetes.For simplicity, we combined past and current use of ACE inhibitors. Homozygous for the deletion gene in the ACE gene will be referred to as the DD genotype of the ACE gene,and homozygous or heterozygous for the insertion gene of the ACE gene will be referred to as the II or ID genotype of the ACE gene.Measures of interaction on an additive scaleFor two dichotomous factors A and B:RR A?B?is the relative risk of disease if both factors A and B are present,RR A?B-is the relative risk of disease if factor A is present but factor B is absent,RR A-B?is the relative risk of disease if factor A is absent but factor B is present.1.Relative excess risk due to interaction(part of the totaleffect that is due to interaction):RERI¼RR AþBþÀRR AþBÀÀRR AÀBþþ1RERI=0means no interaction or exactly additivity; RERI[0means positive interaction or more than addi-tivity;RERI\0means negative interaction or less than additivity;RERI can go from-infinity to?infinity. 2.Proportion attributable to interaction(proportion of thecombined effect that is due to interaction):AP¼RERIRR AþBþAP=0means no interaction or exactly additivity;AP[0 means positive interaction or more than additivity;AP\0 means negative interaction or less than additivity;AP can go from-1to?1.3.Synergy index(ratio between combined effect andindividual effects):S¼RR AþBþÀ1RR AþBÀÀ1ðÞþRR AÀBþÀ1ðÞS=1means no interaction or exactly additivity;S[1 means positive interaction or more than additivity;S\1 means negative interaction or less than additivity;S can go from0to infinity.Method of recodingWe show in the‘‘Appendix’’that if the category with the lowest risk when both factors are considered together is selected as the reference category then all three measures of additive interaction will always agree.We also given a numerical example in the‘‘Appendix’’that shows that if decisions about recoding are made one factor at a time by selecting the category with the lowest risk as the reference group then the three measures of additive interaction may diverge and one may calculate a negative value of the synergy index.AnalysesFirst,we calculated the odds ratio of the use of ACE inhibitors on the risk of diabetes,and the odds ratio of the DD genotype of the ACE gene on the risk of diabetes. These odds ratios represent the effect of one of the expo-sures analyzed without conditioning on the other exposure. We refer to these effects as‘single effects’.Subsequently, we calculated joint effects of the use of ACE inhibitors and434M.J.Knol et al.the DD genotype of the ACE gene using one reference category.Second,we calculated the three measures of interaction on an additive scale(RERI,AP,and S)and their95% confidence intervals using the delta method[9],assuming that the odds ratios calculated in the example dataset approximated relative risks.We also calculated95%con-fidence intervals using the method described by Zou[18], which resulted in similar confidence intervals.Third,we recoded the variables in such a way that the stratum with the lowest risk,when both factors are con-sidered jointly,became the reference category.We calcu-lated the measures of additive interaction again and compared the results with the original results.Because we used the data for illustration purposes only, we did not take into account the matching of cases and controls,and we did not adjust for potential confounders. ResultsBefore recoding use of ACE inhibitors or DD genotypeof ACE geneTable1presents the effect of the use of ACE inhibitors on the risk of diabetes irrespective of the value of the ACE gene,and the effect of the DD genotype of the ACE gene on the risk of diabetes irrespective of the value of the use of ACE inhibitors.Furthermore,the joint effects of the use of ACE inhibitors and the DD genotype of the ACE gene using one reference category(no use of ACE inhibitors and II or ID genotype of the ACE gene)are e of ACE inhibitors was a preventive factor for diabetes (OR=0.76[95%CI:0.57–1.03]),while the DD genotype of the ACE gene was a small risk factor for diabetes (OR=1.03[95%CI:0.75–1.41]).However,when both factors were considered jointly,then in the absence of use of ACE inhibitors,the DD genotype of the ACE gene was a preventive factor for diabetes(OR=0.90[95%CI: 0.61–1.34]).The relative excess risk due to interaction on an additive scale is0.26(95%CI:-0.30;0.82),meaning that the combined effect is0.26more than the sum of the individual effects.One arrives at this0.26by calculating the differ-ence between the expected combined effect(30%plus10% risk reduction would suggest40%risk reduction when both exposures are present)and the observed combined effect (14%risk reduction).The synergy index is below1indi-cating negative interaction,while the relative excess risk due to interaction and the proportion attributable to the interaction are both above0indicating positive interaction. So,the different measures give inconsistent results indi-cating that this is not the proper way to calculate these measures.Recoding use of ACE inhibitorsThe OR was lowest in the stratum of‘use of ACE inhibi-tors and ACE gene II or ID’(Table1;OR=0.70[95%CI: 0.49–1.00]).To make this stratum the reference category, we recoded the variable‘use of ACE inhibitors’,so‘no use of ACE inhibitors’was coded as1and‘use of ACE inhibitors’as0.Table2presents the results after recoding the use of ACE inhibitors and shows that both individualTable1Use of ACE inhibitors and DD genotype of ACE gene as preventive and risk factor for diabetes:effects of both exposures irrespective of the value of the other exposure,joint effects of both exposures using one reference category,and measures of interaction on additive scaleN cases N controls Estimate95%confidence intervalLower limit Upper limitOdds ratios representing single effectsNo use of ACE inhibitors1291,167 1.00(reference)Use of ACE inhibitors748770.760.57 1.03ACE gene II or ID1441,462 1.00(reference)ACE gene DD59582 1.030.75 1.41Odds ratios representing joint effectsNo use of ACE inhibitors and ACE gene II or ID90788 1.00(reference)Use of ACE inhibitors and ACE gene II or ID546740.700.49 1.00No use of ACE inhibitors and ACE gene DD393790.900.61 1.34Use of ACE inhibitors and ACE gene DD202030.860.52 1.43 Measures of interaction on additive scaleRERI0.26-0.300.82AP0.30-0.280.88S0.350.027.36 Estimating measures of interaction on an additive scale for preventive exposures435effects are indicating risks of diabetes(OR=1.43for no use of ACE inhibitors;OR=1.23for DD genotype of ACE gene).The RERI,AP and synergy index now give consistent results as they all indicate negative interaction on an additive scale,meaning that the combined effect is less than the sum of the effects of not using ACE inhibitors and having the DD genotype of the ACE gene.Note that not only the sign of the RERI and AP changed,but also the estimate itself.Explaining the differencesThe reason why using preventive factors gives wrong and inconsistent results in the measures of interaction on an additive scale is because a relative risk is restricted between0and1for a preventive factor while it can go from1to infinity for a risk factor.For example,a relative risk of0.60means a relative risk reduction of40%, whereas the inverse(1/0.60=1.67)means a relative increase in risk of67%.Clearly,this could lead to different results if these numbers are used in calculating the mea-sures of additive interaction(e.g.the denominator in the synergy index S could be negative).DiscussionIn this study we showed that calculating measures of interaction on an additive scale using preventive factors can give inconsistent results.Researchers should therefore be aware to not use preventive factors to calculate these measures unless they have been recoded.After recoding exposures,careful thought about the interpretation of the measure of interaction is needed as the exposure is changed to its opposite,e.g.,physical in activity rather than physical activity,or continued smoking instead of smoking cessa-tion,and this of course has to be taken into account in the interpretation of the interaction.Recoding of preventive factors is a pragmatic solution to calculate the correct measures of interaction on an additive scale.When measures of additive interaction are of inter-est,this recoding of the variables should be done in such a way that the stratum with the lowest risk when both factors are considered jointly becomes the reference category.The result of this recoding is that the individual effects(the effect of one of the exposures in the absence of the other exposure)become risk factors for the outcome.This is important because these individual effect estimates are used in the formulas for calculating interaction on an additive scale.In particular,by choosing the stratum with the lowest risk(when both factors are considered jointly)as the reference category it is ensured that after recoding the presence of each factor will have a non-negative effect in the absence of the other so that all of the measures of interaction can be appropriately interpreted.If factors are recoded one at a time(rather than jointly as we suggest), this can again result in inconsistent effect measures.It was unclear in prior literature whether factors should be reco-ded one at a time or when considered jointly;the previous descriptions[1,16]are ambiguous and if anything read as though the recoding should be done one factor at a time. We have shown that recoding should be done by consid-ering both factors jointly.The focus of the recoding method we have described here has been to ensure that all three measures of additive interaction(RERI,AP and S)give consistent results withTable2No use of ACE inhibitors and DD genotype of ACE gene as risk factors for diabetes after recoding use of ACE inhibitors:single effects of both exposures,joint effects when using one reference category,and measures of interaction on additive scaleEstimate95%confidence intervalLower limit Upper limitOdds ratios representing single effectsUse of ACE inhibitors 1.00(reference)No use of ACE inhibitors 1.310.97 1.77ACE gene II or ID 1.00(reference)ACE gene DD 1.030.75 1.41Odds ratios representing joint effectsNo use of ACE inhibitors and ACE gene II or ID 1.43 1.00 2.03Use of ACE inhibitors and ACE gene II or ID 1.00(reference)No use of ACE inhibitors and ACE gene DD 1.280.84 1.98Use of ACE inhibitors and ACE gene DD 1.230.72 2.10 Measures of interaction on additive scaleRERI-0.37-1.230.49AP-0.29-0.980.40S0.430.07 2.60436M.J.Knol et al.regard to indicating positive or negative interaction on the additive scale.When inference about certain forms of antagonism are in view,alternative recoding schemes will be of interest[19].The recoding described here can also be motivated by considerations of the interpretation of the interaction measures themselves.The acronym RERI stands for the ‘‘Relative Excess Risk due to Interaction.’’This may be seen as a reasonable description of this measure because the measure itself can be rewritten as:RERI¼RR AþBþÀRR AþBÀÀRR AÀBþþ1and thus indicates the extent to which the relative excess risk(the extent to which the risk exceeds1)when both factors are present is greater than the sum of the relative excess risks for each of the factors individually in the absence.This difference in the relative excess risks is‘‘due to interaction.’’If,however,one of the factors is preventive in the absence of the other(i.e.if one of RR A?B-or RR A-B?are less than1)then it is no longer clear in what sense the description‘‘relative excess risk due to interaction’’is reasonable.It may be that RR A?B?=1and that the measure RERI¼RR AþBþÀRR AþBÀÀRR AÀBþþ1is greater than0simply because one of the factors is preventive.The measure RERI only merits an interpretation as a‘‘relative excess risk due to interaction’’when neither factor is preventive.Some authors now thus refer to the measure as the Interaction Contrast Ratio[20].Likewise the synergy index for additivity S¼RR AþBþÀ1RR AþBÀÀ1ðÞþRR AÀBþÀ1ðÞonly merits the interpretation as a ratio measure for assessing relative excess risk if neither factor is preventive.The method of recoding we have described here ensures that RERI and S will always carry the interpretation of relative excess measures. Acknowledgments We want to thank Prof.K.J.Rothman for helpful comments on an earlier version of this paper.This study was performed in the context of the Escher project(T6-202),a project of the Dutch Top Institute Pharma.Tyler VanderWeele was supported by NIH grant R01ES017876.Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which per-mits any noncommercial use,distribution,and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s)and source are credited.AppendixProof that choosing the category with the lowest risk when both factors are considered jointly as the reference category will give consistent results among the three measures of additive interaction.Clearly,RERI[0if and only if AP[0since AP¼RERIRR AþBþand likewise RERI\0if and only if AP\0.If the factors are recoded so that the category with the lowest risk when both factors are considered jointly is selected as the reference category then we will have that RR A?B-C0and RR A-B?C0.When RR A?B-C0and RR A-B?C0,we havethat S[1if and only if RR AþBþÀ1ðRR AþBÀÀ1ÞþðRR AÀBþÀ1Þ[1which holds if and only if RR AþBþÀ1[ðRR AþBÀÀ1ÞþðRR AÀBþÀ1Þwhich holds if and only if RERI¼RR AþBþÀRR AþBÀÀRR AÀBþþ1[0.And similarly, with RR A?B-C0and RR A-B?C0,we have that S\1if and only if RERI\0.Example demonstrating that if recoding is done one factor at a time rather than jointly,the three measures of additive interaction may disagree and S may be negative.Consider a case control study with two dichotomous factors(G and E)with600individuals with E=0,G=1, 600with E=0,G=1,200with E=1,G=0and200 with E=1,G=1with the number of cases and controls in each category reported below.N cases N controls OROdds ratios representing joint effectsE=0,G=048552 1.00(reference) E=0,G=166534 1.42E=1,G=0121880.73E=1,G=161940.36Odds ratios representing single effectsE=01141,086 1.00(reference) E=1183820.45G=060540 1.00(reference) G=172528 1.23If the factors were recoded one at a time then we would choose E=1as the reference category for E as the OR for E=1is0.45and we would choose G=0as the reference category for G since the OR for G=1is1.23.If the factors are recoded jointly then we see that E=1,G=1 is the category with the lowest odds and so E=1would be chosen as the reference category for E and G=1would be chosen as the reference category for G.If we proceeded by recoding the factors one at a time so that the reference category A-was E=1and theEstimating measures of interaction on an additive scale for preventive exposures437reference category B-was G=0,we would obtain the following odds ratios:N cases N controls OROdds ratios representing joint effectsA-B-(E=1,G=0)12188 1.00(reference) A-B?(E=1,G=1)61940.48A?B-(E=0,G=0)48552 1.36A?B?(E=0,G=1)66534 1.94Here we would obtain a synergy index of:RR AþBþÀ1ðRR AþBÀÀ1ÞþðRR AÀBþÀ1Þ¼1:94À1ð1:36À1Þþð0:48À1Þ¼À5:86.The syn-ergy index is negative.With the coding in the Table above RERI=1.1and AP=0.57.If instead we proceed by recoding the factors jointly by choosing the combined category with the lowest risk as the reference so that the reference category A-was E=1and the reference category B-was G=1,we would obtain the following odds ratios:N cases N controls OROdds ratios representing joint effectsA-B-(E=1,G=1)6194 1.00(reference) A-B?(E=1,G=0)12188 2.06A?B-(E=0,G=1)66534 3.93A?B?(E=0,G=0)48552 2.81Now we obtain a value of the synergy index within the range from0to infinity:RR AþBþÀ1ðRR AþBÀÀ1ÞþðRR AÀBþÀ1Þ¼2:81À1ð3:93À1Þþð2:06À1Þ¼0:45.Thevalue of S\1indicates a negative interaction which is in agreement with what is indicated by RERI=-2.18\0 and AP=-0.76\0.References1.Rothman KJ.Measuring interactions.Epidemiology:an intro-duction.Oxford:University Press;2002.p.168–80.2.Andersson T,Alfredsson L,Kallberg H,Zdravkovic S,AhlbomA.Calculating measures of biological interaction.Eur J Epi-demiol.2005;20:575–9.3.Greenland S,Rothman KJ.Concepts of interaction.Modernepidemiology.Philadelphia:Lippincott-Raven 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