
最新雅思口语Part3话题参考答案最新雅思口语Part3话题参考答案:experience that you felt happy that you used your cellphone示例范文:Describe an experience that you felt happy that you used your cellphone1. Do young and old people use phones in the same way? 年轻人和老人使用手机的方式一样吗?Oh, definitely no. Seniors generally lag behind their younger counterparts especially when it comes to using mobile phones. The only pattern they share is voice calling. In other patterns old people are usually second to the young. Teens and young adults are more enthusiastic users of cellphones. They are also bigger users of text messaging. I guess the young send and receive at least five times more messages a day than older people. Younger adults tend to use their phones for multimedia content, for taking pictures or video, for accessing internet. They are also more likely to turn to their phones to avoid others around them to fight boredom. All this is still strange for the old.2. What are the differences between writing a letter and writing a text message on a cell phone? 写信和手机发短信有什么不同?Oh, there are quite a few of differences, actually. First of all, writing a text message is faster than writing a letter 'cause text messages are generally much shorter. Secondly, messages are instant while letters can take weeks to be delivered, which makes communication more complicated. On the other hand, it is more personal to write by hand as it adds a human touch to the relationship. Handwritten letters always convey greater effort and greater care taken, let recipients know that they are important for somebody.3. Many people think mobile phones can be annoying at times. Can you give any examples of that? 许多人认为手机很烦人。

雅思口语题库:你祖父母工作雅思口语part2题库:描述你祖父母做过的一项工作Describe a job that one of your grandparents did. 【New】You should say:what the job is/waswhat he/she needed to dohow long he/she did the joband e某plain if you would like to do the same job as him/her.雅思口语话题范文part3:祖父母的工作What kinds of jobs are difficult to do?As far as I am concerned, the creative kind of jobs is the most difficult to do, such as musicians, writers, designers and so forth, because people who are involved in such works(做这种工作的人) need to have a sharp eye on the public’s taste(公众品味). Furthermore, they need to innovate based on it, which means they need to create special stuff that would either enlighten the public(启蒙大众) or surprise the public(让人眼前一亮), making the public to consider that these group of designers are special in a good way(与众不同). On the other hand, innovation usually requires inspiration, which is hard to obtain. A person needs a broad e某perience and abundant knowledge to allow him or her to innovate.Do you think it would be beneficial to provide training to employees?Yes, I do think that appropriate training is very important in today’s company. In the f irst place, a bunch of(许多) high-tech products are applied in many companies, and the speed for these products to update is increasing at a rate of knot(以空前迅猛的速度更新换代). It is possible that a pile of unnecessary troubles wouldappear(出现不必要的麻烦) if employees are not aware of using these products in the right way. On top of that, other kinds of training are also fairly significant. Workers can sharpen their skills or improve their abilities in different aspects(不同方面的能力) through attending courses in these training programs, and this will make them more competitive in today’s turbulent employment markets(形势不稳定的就业市场).Do you think robots would replace human workers in the future?I think from where the human beings are at the present, this has already been a trend, which is hard to turn blind to(不得不承认的趋势). E某amples can be seen in some refreshment industries(娱乐产业), the work of leading and ordering in some restaurants have already been taken over(接管) by AI systems. But to some e某tent(在某种程度上), I don’t think th at robots will completely take place of human labor, especially in some fields that creative thinking is required, like literature or music.AI is advantageous over(比……优越) human brains in respect of calculating, I doubt that they would dominate(掌控) jobs related to emotional e某pression.Is it easy to find well-paid jobs in your country?I think this could be a world puzzle(世界难题), haha. In my opinion, if you know the situation in China, I think the job hunting market(应聘市场) is really tough here, since we got this super large population(人口基数大). Well, generally speaking, individuals with some working e某perience and a high degree have the advantage tofind a well-paid job, because this kind of people is more likely to apply for the manager or operator or even CEO of a company. They really have a comparatively higher starting point(工作起点较高), ifyou know what I mean. And for those who just graduated from universities, it’s rather hard for them to find a well-paid job. You know, they have to start from the basic stuff.雅思口语Part1新题范文父辈工作答题思路Describe your grandparent's jobP2You should say:What it wasHow long he or she had this jobHow he or she got the jobAnd whether you would like to have this job描述你祖父母的工作你应该说:这是什么他或她做这份工作多久了他或她是如何得到这份工作的以及你是否想要这份工作P3What kinds of iobs are difficult to do?Is it easy to find well-paid jobs in your country?Do you think it would beneficial to provide training to employees?Do you think robots would replace human workers in the future?什么类型的iobs很难做?在你们国家找到高薪工作容易吗?你认为为员工提供培训是否有益?你认为机器人将来会取代人类工人吗?答题流程Choose a job that fitsIt is in the past - Appropriate occupation.One you know about -doesn't have to be true.Why this job? What motivated them to do this job?Became a doctor because they saw people suffering as a child etc. Choose a Job you know wellso you have language for the topic: doctor... hospital, operations...选择适合自己的工作这是过去——合适的职业。

1. In your country, how do people treat visitors from abroad?I think we treat visitors well. People in the UK are very open-minded and welcoming, and we enjoy the mix of cultures that immigration and tourism bring. Most UK cities, for example, are really cosmopolitan, and you can meet visitors from every part of the world.2. Do you think hospitality towards visitors is less important than it was in the past?In my city, maybe it’s true that hospitality is less important nowadays, but that’s only because we are so used to seeing visitors from different countries, so we treat it as a normal part of life and nothing too special.3. What are the advantages of staying with a friend compared to staying in a hotel when visiting a foreign country?If you stay with a friend, you benefit from someone with local knowledge of the best places to visit. You can also get to know the character and customs of the local people, and for me, this is one of the most interesting aspects of a visit to another country. On the other hand, if you stay in a hotel, you are forced to discover the new place on your own, so it’s more of an adventure.。
雅思口语part 3 答题思路实例解析

雅思口语part 3 答题思路实例解析雅思口语中Part3有关人类行为对生态影响类话题是十分常见的话题。
1.Turtles have an unfortunate habit of devouring plastic objects floating in the sea.These then get snared in their alimentary canals, cannot be broken down by the animals' digestive enzymes and may ultimately kill them.It is widely assumed that this penchant for plastics is a matter of mistaken identity.Drifting plastic bags, for instance, look similar to jellyfish, which many types of turtles love to eat. Yet lots of plastic objects that end up inside turtles have no resemblance to jellyfish.【翻译】海龟有一个坏习惯,就是吞食漂浮在海里的塑料制品。

今日我给大家整理了2022雅思口语题目及范文,我们一起来看看吧!2022雅思口语题目及范文1题目:1. What leisure activities are popular in China?2. What leisure activity do young people like?3. Do leisure activities have to be educational?4. Do men and women like different leisure activities?范文:1. What leisure activities are popular in China?Well, in China, men and women relax in different ways. For most men, playing poker or chess witha couple of friends on the weekend is a fun way to pass time. And as far as I know, many men alsogather up to drink beers after work. Well, for girls though, we like to meet up for some yummystreet snacks or go shopping together. Older women enjoy square dancing after dinner. But havingsaid that, most young people, girls and boys, also hit leisure spots like the KTV to enjoythemselves. So yeah, these are common activities that we do in spare time.2. What leisure activity do young people like?Ah, as I just mentioned, the young generation loves to hang out in the KTV to sing and drinktogether. Apart from that, it’s trendy among young people to go backpacking. Yeah, well, we thinkit’s cool to be a backpacker, and crash in a backpacker’s hotel seems an attractive option for usto meet new people, from different parts of the world. I myself have done that a few times. Mylatest trip was to Thailand. It was so much fun! However, there are also some young people whoprefer to stay at home doing some quiet activities, like surfing online, or chatting and makingconnections on social apps.3. Do leisure activities have to be educational?Not necessarily, I’d say. I mean, leisure activities are supposed to help people wind down. Youknow, to relieve people from the hectic or even stressful life for a bit. So I don’t see the point tomaking them educational. There are certain activities that are indeed educational though, such assports activities which can teach people about cooperation and team spirit. And I do think it’s agood idea to engage children in such activities. So they could learn something meaningful anduseful, while they enjoy themselves. However, that doesn’t mean all leisure activities should beeducational.4. Do men and women like different leisure activities?Yeah, yeah, definitely. Men generally prefer more active activities, such as basketball or football. Iguess it’s because being engaged in those activities, they could not only bond with their mates,but also to build their muscles. You know, one stone, two birds! Besides, many men, teenagers oradults, enjoy playing computer games. Well, I suppose most girls wouldn’t think it’s fun to sit infront of a screen all day long. Girls generally would go for activities like Yoga to shape their body,or hang out in shopping centres. Yeah, do some girl things, you know.2022雅思口语题目及范文2题目:1. When will the children tell a lie?2. What should parents do when their children tell lies?3. Are there any situations that are not suitable to tell the truth?范文:1. When will the children tell a lie?Most parents think children lie to get something they want, avoid getting caught or get out ofsomething they don’t want to do. These are common motivations, but there are also some lessobvious reasons. If the kids get a new idea, they might wish to test it out and see what happens.Under such circumstances, the kids lie. In some other conditions, they lie to gain self-esteem andapproval, because maybe the lie can make them look good and seem more impressive. And ofcourse, there are times that the kids need to tell white lies, for example, to sparesomeone’sfeelings. Telling lies is inevitable, but we should teach the kids to be an honest person as much asthey can.2. What should parents do when their children tell lies?I think parents have to deal with lying the way a cop deals with speeding. If you’re going too fast,he gives you a ticket. He’s not interested in a lot of explanations from you. He’s just going to giveyou a consequence. Look at it the same way with the child. He didn’t tell the truth, whether thetruth was distorted, omitted or withheld. There should simply be consequences for that. The firsttime he lies, he goes to bed an hour early. The second time, he loses his phone. It should besomething that the kid feels.3. Are there any situations that are not suitable to tell the truth?In situations where the person will not grow from hearing the truth but only be hurt by it. There isthe classic example of “do I look fat in this dress?” In this case, it’s bad, not because they look fator otherwise, but because they feel like it matters. It doesnt. They’re beautiful regardless. If youfind out your friend is being cheated on, and you know this for certain, should you tell? Your friendmay be devasted, yes, but in the long run you know that their significant other doesn’t deservethem and they will be better off knowing the truth sooner rather than later.2022雅思口语题目及范文3题目:1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos with smart-phones?2. Do you think photographers are artists?3. What are the benefits of learning painting for children?4. Can anyone become a famous artist through hard work?范文:1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of taking photos with smart-phones?Indeed smart-phones have some merits when taking photos. You see, it is convenient. A phone isso portable that you can take it with you at about all times. So you can take a picture with itanytime you want. Plus, compared to a professional camera, a smart-phone is relativelycheap.Most people can afford using it to take photos. However, on the downside of it, mobile phonesoften have low pixel. It’s hard to gethigh-quality photos on a mobile phone. So if you demand thephoto quality, maybe go with the professional camera.2. Do you think photographers are artists?Yes, why not? Photography itself is a form of art. It takes some knowledge of the aesthetics totrain oneself to grasp the beautiful moment at the perfect time. And you do also need photographytechniques, like taking the right shooting angle, using the right mode, and looking for the suitablescene. The whole process is not an easy task. I imagine it would take quite a bit of time and effortto finally come out with photos of desirable effects. Given the hard work that a real photographerhas to take on, I think it’s fair to say that they equal to any other artists in our society.3. What are the benefits of learning painting for children?Children are natural painters. I mean, for children, painting is about the most common way toexpress themselves. If they are encouraged to paint, basically they are given the opportunity todevelop and nourish their imagination. In the long run, this will do great good to their mentaldevelopment. Not only that, painting can help children concentrate. Children are active, oh, actuallysome children are too active that they can’t even sit down for five minutes. But painting requiresthem to focus and be quiet. When they are immersed in painting, they will naturally develop theirconcentration skills.4. Can anyone become a famous artist through hard work?Well,to be an artist certainly requires a tremendous amount of hard work. Only if you arededicated to what you do can you achieve the best results, isn’t it so? But that being said, to be afamous artist like Van Gogh does demand natural gifts. You can’t imagine a painting like TheStarryNight came only from hard work, can you? I mean, a painting like that is something genius.It takes inspiration. I’m afraid that’s not something that a person like you and I can sit down toaccomplish. So can we become a well-known artist through hard work? Well, it’s possible, but notprobable.2022雅思口语题目及范文4题目:1. What’s the difference between teachers nowadays and those in the past?2. What’s the difference between being taught by teachers and being taught by AI?3. What’s the difference between private schools and public schools?4. What’s the difference between international schools and other schools?范文:1. What’s the difference between teachers nowadays and those in the past?I think in today’s world, a teachers’ job has become much more difficult. That’s mainly becausemany children today are spoiled at home. Teachers must basically provide supervision as well ascare 24/7. Take my mother as an example, she is a middle school teacher. She worries about herstudents all the time, and her phone is available for her students at all times. Besides, she keeps intouch with all the parents, just in case of emergencies. But when she was a student herself, herteachers were only responsible for teaching and her parents had never even met her teachers.2. What’s the difference between being taught by teachers and being taught by AI?That’d be quite different, I imagine. As a person, we ought to interact with another human beingwhen it comes to education. Simply because an experienced human being can show us how tobehave according to the social code. Therefore children will grow up making their own social netsmore easily. We are social animals after all. However, if we leave children to the AI, they willprobably only have access to knowledge. Yet a successful human being needs much more thanjust knowledge. So yeah, in the education system, I think AI should only be complementary toteachers.3. What’s the difference between private schools and public schools?Ah, firstly, private schools are expensive. As far as I know, in many countries, public schools arefree. The government pays for children’s education. However, if you send your children to a privateschool, the tuition alone would cost a fortune, let alone other expenses, such as the extra fees forputting your children on a swimming team for training, etc. But having said that, we can’t deny thatmost private schools do provide better facilities, as well as more qualified faculty members. Yeah,well, most private schools have high criteria when it comes to hiring teachers.4. What’s the difference between international schools and other schools?I think both the international schools and other public schools have their own positive side. Publicschools might have seemed unqualified for some people, but they are helpful for families with alower income, because international schools are too expensive for them to afford. On the otherhand, for international schools, their educational concept is different. Their students don’t need tostudy every detail by-heart and memorize it. They will be able to sit for exams very well even ifthey only understandthe idea of the studies. International schools put more efforts into trainingtheir leadership and way of thinking, while in the public schools, children learn the rudimentaryknowledge, and enter the next level of education by studying hard.2022雅思口语题目及范文5题目:1. Why should we keep parks clean?2. Why is it necessary to have parks?3. Why is walking on grass forbidden?范文:1. Why should we keep parks clean?Well, parks are public avenues that hold many people. They are also leisure places where peoplewant to spend quality time with their friends and family. So of course, parks should be cleanedregularly. Actually, the council usually have janitors on duty every day in the park. Apart from that,people are now aware of the importance of keeping parks clean, so they don’t throw rubbisheverywhere. The government has also set up many rubbish bins in the park to help keep the parkclean and tidy. Yeah, I think that’s the main reason why we need to keep the park clean.2. Why is it necessary to have parks?Well, as I said, parks are public leisure spots in the city where citizens can relax. You know howbusy life in the city can get. I think we really could use a place to enjoy ourselves, you know, to getaway from the bustling urban life for a while. Besides, parks offer a patch of green topeople.There are often artificial lakes, artificial mountains, and gardens in the park. When we live in a citythat is filled with skyscrapers, asphalt roads, and bustling people, it’s important that we also get achance to be close to nature. I guess that’s why we need parks in the city.3. Why is walking on grass forbidden?Yeah, well, even kids know that we should not walk on the grass today. Essentially, it’s becausewalking on the grass will hurt the grass, of course. And we need that greenness that the grass canoffer. We can’t afford losing it. The other thing is that, grass is public property nowadays. If wetrash the grass, then we are technically trashing the public property. I suppose that is consideredrude behavior in most countries. So yeah, we were all taught to protect grass since the day wewent to school.2022雅思口语题目及范文(part3)文章到此就结束了,欢迎大家下载使用并丰富,共享给更多有需要的人。

雅思口语范文(推荐10篇)雅思口语范文第1篇Describe something special that you waited forWhat it wasWhy you waitedWhat you did when you waitedAnd explain how you felt范文:I’m a big fan of photography so I clearly remembered how I waited for my first camera I bought in an onlineI was in the habit of online shopping then so when I got the enough budget to purchase an expensive camera and lens in April last year before I planed to travel, I placed an order immediately in that website and waited for the delivery anxiously at home with The ship would not be shipped the same day because there were always a large amount of orders in the website, but it would be sent the next So I had to wait for a whole I constantly checked the shipping status in the website to see how the delivery processed, and I would always be very delighted to find a change in the Youknow, it always would be a long and painful time before you get something you dream雅思口语范文第2篇Describe an interestingYou should say:what animal it iswhere it lives (or, you have seen it)what it looks likeand explain your feelings about thisThe Beauty ---- Mandarin ducksI happened to meet the Mandarin Ducks over the years in the wild area of Ampere Garden, in ponds along the big And, I'm 101% sure they were not normal It was 'in the wild' and free to fly off whenever it wanted to!The male mandarin duck is way more colorful, his breast is purple with two vertical white bars and the flanks ruddy, with two orange "sails" at the The female is similar to female Wood Duck, all dark green Male Mandarin ducks are considered by many to be the most beautifully colored of allIn China, the mandarin duck is associated as a Chinese weddingssymbol, because it symbolizes wedded bliss and A Chinese proverb for loving couples uses the Mandarin Duck as a metaphor: "Two mandarin ducks playing in water". Mandarin ducks are always depicted in a pair – it is said that if the ducks were separated, they would pine for each other and die of Dying of loneliness for love might only be a romantic myth and a cheerful reflection of people's attitude toAnyway, I love these lovely creatures; I wish I could raise 雅思口语范文第3篇Still I think the most precious and helpful one among those is being kid of two successful business people -my parents, I had been taught to be communicativesince I was very Before I had been being a bit shy and afraid oftalking with strangers or looking directly into their eyes while we weretalking so I didn't have many friends and my parents were really worried When I was just 10 years old my parents started to take me to all typesof occasions and told my I should take initiative to greet to those uncles andaunts who were my parents working Every time I did so, I would behighly praised and set a model for other kids, which made me happy Besides I had witnessed my parents’business successes gainedthrough theirmarvelous communicationFrom then on Irealized that I had to be communicative, on one hand I would be able to usethis skill to ease the awkwardness the first time I meet someone and soonbecome friends by talking actively with them, which would bring me a lot of funin life, on the other hand since I want to be a entrepreneur in the future asmy parents, I will certainly encounter some difficulties that need to be solvedby using my communication skills when I am negotiating with myNow I have alreadyseen the good result of being communicative - I have a lot of good friends andeven strangers will soon like me after a short雅思口语范文第4篇Describe a situation you waited for something toYou should say:when and where it happened;what you waited for;how long you waited for it;and explain how you felt about参考范文:Ok right then, well after thinking for a little bit just now, what I’ve decided to talk about is the time I waited for a boat at the West Lake in And as for when this happened, well I suppose it must have been about two or three months ago by now, and it was on a weekend, so we kind of knew that there would be a long queue for the boats!So yeah, when we got there, we were told that there would be a wait of about an hour or so, at least, which was what we pretty much But we didn’t feel like twiddling our thumbs and hanging around for an hour doing nothing, so instead, what we actually decided to do was to get a ticket number first and then go for a walk around the lake, have lunch and then come back again in the afternoo Do it that way!And I’m glad to say that, when we went back later and showed the guy our ticket, he told us we could get on the next So we felt pretty good about it, and it was quite a relief as well, cos I mean, he could have told us that we missed our turn and would have to get another ticket number, you know, like they do in the But thankfully, he took pity on us, especially after I’d said that we had waited for about 4 hours! So yeah, it all worked out pretty well for us,cos we almost immediately got onto a I’m not sure the other people waiting were very impressed, cos it kind of looked like we were queue barging, but anyway, that’s basically what happened!So that’s about it, thanks for listening!亮点词汇:Queue –队伍 (it can be used as a noun or verb)Wait – here it is used as a nounIt was what we pretty much –跟我们想象的差不多一样twiddling our thumbs – do nothing, 无所作为 (抚弄大拇指) hanging around -闲呆着it was quite a relief -令人庆幸,让我们松了一口气he took pity on us –他同情了我们it all worked out pretty well for us - 最终结果不错queue barging – jumping the queue, 插队雅思口语范文第5篇Yes, colors certainly have a lot of meaning in Please allow me to Firstly, it is significant that the national flag of China has a red Red is symbolic, for example, of avibrant life, which we believe are one of the dominant characteristics of the country and its It also signifies good luck, so a bride would wear somered on her wedding In addition, I think that yellow has a specific meaning to Chinese For example, we believe that it symbolizes the energy radiated by the sun, which in turn is the primary source of In addition, however, it also signifies the obscene, as apposed to blue in the most of the western For example, here a ‘blue movie’, would be called a ‘yellow movie’. Lastly, I think that white has a special meaning to To be more specific, in times of sadness and mourning, we use white to express our feelings, as apposed to black in most of the western雅思口语范文第6篇Describe a website that you like toYou should say:What the website isWhat it is used forWhen you used itAnd explain why you think it was雅思口语part2高分话题范文参考:有用的网站(Describe a website that helps a lot)Today, I am going to tell you about one website which I’m really interested It’s name isIt is an e-commerce website used for online shopping This website advertises various items classified by categories such as fashion, electronics, and It allows people to order products, and make transactionsI always give priority to shopping online whenever I have spare time instead of going to stores or So, this website is very handy for me as I can take advantage of my mobile phone or computer with an Internet connection to access it and purchase what II find this website very appealing due to its good layout and attractive images of There is a box for me to enter what items I’m looking for so I can avoid browsing items unnecessarily, as I’m able to find quickly the things I After that the items I have bought will be delivered right to my door so I can save a lot of Not only that, there is always the chance to get a good deal and discounts as there are various promotionThis website has important advantages for me, such as convenience and the benefits of saving time and Now it plays a useful role in my daily In the future I will continue to visit the site and of course recommend it to my雅思口语范文第7篇考过雅思口语的同学都非常明白Part 2准备时间的重要性,根据笔者自身考试和众多考生的考场经验,考官一般会在考生准备50秒左右的时候询问是否准备好。

Street Market What do people in your country prefer? Street market or Supermarket? Are there many street markets in China? What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets? What do street markets sell?
Haircut How often do you have a haircut? How long have you had your current haircut? Have you ever had an unhappy haircut experience? Do you like to have your hair cut?
The area you live in Do you like the area that you live in? What are some changes in the area recently? Do you know any famous people in your area? Where do you like to go in that area?

雅思口语话题重要水域Part2Part3 新题部分地点类:重要的水域P2Describe an important river/lake/area of water in your country.You should say:How long it isWhere it isWhat it looks likeAnd explain why it is importantP3Do people like this river in your country?Do you like any water activities?Is it necessary for everyone to learn swimming?Do people in your country often go swimming in their spare time?解析题目要求考生描述"所在国家的一条重要河流/湖泊/水域'。
范文Speaking of an important river in my country, I would like to talk about the Yangtse river, the biggest and longest river in China, about 6,300 kilometers long.The Yangtse River lies in the southern part of China. It stretches to 11 provinces and drains nearly one-fifth of the whole land areas in China.Take out a map and give a quick glance at the Yangtse River, you will probably find that it looks just like any other river you could easily find on a map, the Nile or something. However, when you take a closer look at it, you wont feel like its something that any other river can copy. I remember when I was 9, I took a boat trip with my parents to The Three Gorges, three adjacent gorges along the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, well known for its breathtaking sceneries. Well, it turned out what I saw there was stunningly beautiful. There was once a Chinese poet giving his compliments to The Three Gorges, vividly depicting its natural sceneries, saying There are seamless mountains on both sides of the Three Gorges stretching more than 200 miles. The overlapping rocks make up layers of barriers that shield against sky and sunshine so that the sun can only be seen at noon and themoon will merely show at midnight.Speaking of its importance, The Yangtze River is an essential factor to the cultural origins of southern China. Human activity has been verified in the Three Gorges area as far back as 27,000 years ago, and by the 5th millennium BC, the lower Yangtze was a major population center occupied by the Hemudu and Majiabang cultures, both among the earliest cultivators of rice. The river also plays a large role in the economy of China. It is estimated that the prosperous Yangtze River Delta generates as much as 20% of Chinas GDP. Additionally, Yangtze Rivers flowing through a wide array of ecosystems has made it an important habitat to several endemic and endangered species including the Chinese alligator, the Yangtze River dolphin, and the Yangtze sturgeon.For thousands of years, The Yangtze River has been used for irrigation, sanitation, transportation and industry. In this, you can see why Chinese people call it their mother river.4雅思口语室内游戏话题Describe an indoor game that you played when you were a child.You should say:what the game waswhere you played itwho you played it withand explain why you enjoyed this game.I think Id have to go for puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles to be precise. I have a huge collection, although most of them are hidden in a cupboard somewhere in my parents house, these days.I used to have a special table exclusively for doing my puzzles on. Once I got into the groove, I would become immersed in the puzzle and get lost in a world of my own. Occasionally I would try to solve one with my grandmother, but this was more for her benefit as I much prefer doing it by myself. I know it sounds selfish, but its just not as much fun sharing the responsibility with someone else and the pay off isnt as big at the end.I started when I was just a toddler, putting shapes into pre-cut holes, but slowly I graduated to more complexpictures. These days its not unusual to find me tackling a really complex puzzle, like an "Impossipuzzle' which are double-sided and feature a picture of something very small but in large quantities, like a plate of baked beans or loads of Brussels sprouts.In my opinion as well as being an enjoyable pastime, jigsaw puzzles are good for your mind. The brain is basically just a muscle and so it should be given a work out every now and then. Jigsaw puzzles are challenging and although they are time consuming, they provide great satisfaction once youve finished one.。

文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如工作总结、工作计划、合同协议、条据文书、策划方案、句子大全、作文大全、诗词歌赋、教案资料、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!Moreover, our store provides various types of classic sample essays for everyone, such as work summaries, work plans, contract agreements, doctrinal documents, planning plans, complete sentences, complete compositions, poems, songs, teaching materials, and other sample essays. If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!雅思口语考试试卷范文24篇雅思口语考试试卷范文第一篇a sport you are good at: TennisI would like to talk about tennis, which is my best love among all the popular sports.Tennis is popular all over the world, especially loved by teenagers.There is a comic book named, Prince of Tennis, illustrated by a Japanese artist.The spread of this book made tennis more popular.The spirit of tennis is practice makes perfect, and we should never give up.When I was in siXth grade, I began to learn how to play tennis because I was a fan of the comic book.When I play tennis, I will devote myself to it.I have entered for many tennis competitions.I like winning so the procedure seems eXciting.At that time, I was not good at sports.But after playing tennis, my PE grades became the best in my class.雅思口语考试试卷范文第二篇20XX雅思口语话题范文:Describe a useful APP雅思口语第二部分的物品类话题出现的频率通常是最高的,根据我们对20XX年的话题统计,物品类占到了42%。

雅思口语题库P3话题答案范文:Advertising范文示例Describe something you bought because you watched its advertisement1.What are popular types of advertising? 哪类广告最受欢迎?Well, nowadays, there are numerous marketable ways that companies use to target their audience. One of the most favoured ad types is corporate sponsorship which embraces everything from different sports teams to fairs and festivals. It is also considered to be an effective means of increasing the companys visibility in the community. One more well liked type of advertising is banner ads. They literally clutter up the Internet, which means they are well received by consumers too. Oh, I nearly forgot to mention leaflets which are still actively distributed by people in public places and, of course, hoardinqs that virtually plaster cities with different kinds of messages.2.What type of media advertising do you like most?你最喜爱的传媒广告是哪类?Well, I would say that I prefer Internet advertising because the Internet is the only type of media I am using these days. Ads constantly pop up on the screen of my computer chasing me wherever I go online.What I like about it is that the adverts that appear are based on my previous browsing history, so, even though I am disturbed by them, at least, they show the stuff I am interested in.3.How does advertising influence children? 广告如何影响儿童?Well, it differently affects kids wellbeing mainly leading them to unhealthy choices, changes in behaviour and even eating disorders. Children are an extremely vulnerable target audience. They believe the messages in advertisements without a doubt and then may make excessive demands on their parents for the products they see in the ads. Children are in a development phase and not able to understand the persuasive character or ironic connotations hidden in advertising messages taking everything at face value, which poses a threat to their health and behaviour. Though, the cases when adverts influence kids in d positive way setting a good example them to follow. So, it depends.4.Is there any advertising that can be harmful to children? 有哪些广告对儿童有损害?Unfortunately, there is. I am more than sure that its not good for kids to see advertising of alcohol, cigarettes, drugs or unhealthy foods cause children are cognitively and psychologically defenseless against advertising and often imitate specific behaviours they see in the media. So seeing somebody smoking or drinking a glass of something strong can push a child to trying the same, which is, no doubt, unhealthy and harmful for them in young years.5.What factors should be taken into account while making advertisements? 制作广告需要留意哪些问题?Oh, plenty of them, actually. I guess that number one factor is the content because thats what will either attract or not attract the viewers. I would even say not the content itself but its uniqueness, which is ofprimary importance for a good advert. Factor two is a target audience and the regional culture cause different buyers and different cultures can be attracted by different things. I would also name presentation and selection of suitable media as an important factor to consider and maybe the reach or number of people exposed to the message. Thats it, I guess.雅思口语题库P3话题答案范文:Art范文示例:Describe a statue or work of art1.What types of art do people in your country like? 哪类艺术在你的国家受欢迎?Well, I think it depends on people and their preferences. Some compatriots of mine adore Fine or Visual Arts, I mean drawings, paintings, sculptures, printmakinq and photography despite the fact they have no functional purpose except to be admired and contemplated as aesthetic objects. Others give their preference to Decorative Arts such as woodworkinq, ceramics, pottery or weavings cause they are visual and aesthetically pleasing as well as serve a useful function such as furniture, tableware, textiles and so on. What r more, they enhance the decor of peoples homes, which is highly appreciated by many of my fellow citizens. All people are different that’s why types of art that appeal to the also different but the effect art has on them is very similar - the moment they indulge deep into the artwork their thoughts and emotions change helping them distress and forget about their worries, which makes both Visual and Decorative Arts attractive and valued.2.Would you say art is important? 你认为艺术重要吗?Of course, I would. Art is an essential ingredient to empowering the hearts of people as it reminds them that there is beauty in the world and they can strive to see and appreciate it. It is also a remarkable mode of depicting culture from all over the world as art says things words just cantsay. I can also add that art makes our imagination work, encourages creative thinking and lets people come up with their own unique solutions. It boosts peoples ability to analyze and problem-solve in myriad ways, allowing for multiple interpretations and helping to invent new ways of thinking. So, its definitely important both for children and adults.3.What kinds of art are the most valuable in terms of monetary value? 那种艺术最值钱?Well, paintings and sculptures as far as I know as some of them cost hundreds of millions of dollars. I guess it is so because, first of all, a big number of famous paintings and sculptures are held in important public collections and are unlikely to be deaccessioned. At the same time there are scarce works held by private collectors, which immediately increases the price of those artwork they are ready to sell. And second because fashion and a great status artist play a role, making their sculptures and paintings wanted and hugely expensive.4.Why do some paintings have higher value than others? 为什么有些画比其他作品更有价值?Oh, I would say because the artists who painted them are either fashionable or eternal and very important in art history. I can also predict that it is so because the paintings themselves are highly recognizable, have got the impact that makes people want to own them or have a better provenance than those which have a lower value. By provenance I mean whose collection theyve been in, where theyve been exhibited or which dealers have handled them. Thats it雅思口语题库P3话题答案范文:Describe a good parent you know范文示例:Describe a good parent you know1. For parents, what is important when bringing up their child? 对父母来说,当抚养孩子时什么很重要?Well, when raising a child its of primary importance for fathers and mothers to remember that they are the most powerful role models for a young individual. What is more, parents should show unconditional love and demonstrate trust to their kid cause this is the basis on which life moves on. Its not less essential for them to spend quality time with their son or daughter, encourage their special skills, praise their efforts and help them feel competent and confident. I would also add that it’s necessary for parents to establish support system at home so that kids grow up satisfied with their achievements and ambitions because it will make both parents and kids happy.2. Is sweet a good thing to reward them? 对孩子来说,糖果是一种好的嘉奖吗?Well, I wouldnt say it is as children can start to associate feeling happy and accomplished with sugar. This behavioral pattern, as well as any other in fact, becomes imbedded in the brain resulting in a life-long connection between sugar-filled rewards and that desired feeling of comfort and satisfaction. It also encourages kids to eat when they are not hungry to reward themselves and, as a result, can undermine the healthy eating habits that parents are trying to teach their kids. So. I guess sweets can be a good thing to reward children only if they are given very seldom just to encourage good behaviour but at the same time not cause psychological dependence.3. Do you think mothers and fathers have different roles to play in bringing up a child? 你认为母亲和父亲在抚养孩子方面有不同的角色吗?No doubt they do. Of course, I agree that parenting roles are blended these days and parents are sharing their roles increasingly but still I am sure that moms and dads should teach kids different things and thus playdifferent roles in their bringing up. Moms responsibilities include such important things as making a child feel safe and emotionally secure, helping them develop strong moral principles early in life and engaging in various learning activities. Fathers, to my mind, have to provide physical protection, give financial support and display healthy authority in the home. They should also encourage independence and exploration in children, push their limits but at the same time keep kids on the right path providing them with necessary psychological support and sense of security. Undoubtedly, moms can try to do it instead of dads but it won’t be the same, I am afraid.4. Do you think hitting children is sometimes necessary for discipline? 你认为有些状况下为了管教有必要打孩子吗?Definitely no. To my mind, hitting has little to do with discipline. It doesnt improve kids behaviour and, whats worse, it is damaging for kids. It makes children feel humiliated and angry doing nothing but instilling a sense of fear and resentment into them. What is more, it shows kids its all right to vent their anger or right a wrong by hitting other people distracting them from learning how to resolve conflict in an effective and humane way. So, its definitely not necessary for discipline, even sometimes.。

雅思口语话题之描述一个蛋糕如何迅速get到native speaker的口语范文精髓呢?口语水平的提高需要一段很长时间积累的过程,所以找对口语范文很关键。
雅思口语part2新题范文:special cake特殊蛋糕Describe an activity near the seayou should say:What it isWhat you should prepareAnd explain how you feel about it1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:红丝绒蛋糕3.故事线:在某次聚会上第一次尝试红丝绒蛋糕,并偶遇了奥巴马。
Well, I in my life I have tasted so many birthday cakes, anniversary cakes, and marriage cakes. But after reading the word “special cake”, there’s only one cake which I think is special. So here I would talk about it.It is a red velvet cake. Red Velvet cake is a red or red-brown layer cake and this cake is usually topped with yummy cream cheese frosting. Unlike normal cakes, this cake has a blood red interior. It's common ingredients include buttermilk, butter, cocoa, and flour for the cake, beetroot for the colour.As it is commonly served on Christmas or Valentine's Day, So I got chance to taste this cake last year.I tasted this cake in a Christmas Party held at Hyatt Hotel in Ludhiana. Overall, it was a Christmas party with lots of fun and games. Hopefully, I would be going there this year also.As I said earlier I tasted this cake in a party, so I had this cakewith everyone who was present in the party. No doubt, majority of them were not known to me, but while celebrating, we all enjoyed the party together. I was familiar there with only one person, and that was my friend – Barack Obama.Well, I believe this cake is very special. It is because for the first time in my life, I tasted a cake which was red in colour. Moreover, it was 4 tier cake. And interesting this about this cake is that Red velvet cake is colored with beets, instead of artificial food colouring. This cake is a lso called as “red Waldorf cake,” “red carpet cake,” “red mystery cake,” “flame cake,” and “$300 cake”.雅思口语Part 2:特殊蛋糕Describe an activity near the seayou should say:What it isWhat you should prepareAnd explain how you feel about it参考范文:我要告诉你的经历发生在两年前。

50. How do you think housing will change in the future?I think the housing situation will see a growing number of private developers and more and more housing that is built up high.I think apartment buildings will get much higher and I think the basic facilities of most Chinese housing will improve. Public housing will probably be upgraded and more responsibility will be placed on the owners to keep the housing clean and well maintained. But I think there will also be a large challenge in the future for public housing to keep pace for the growing demands of the middle-class in China.Making suggestions or offering solutions51. What do you think needs to be done to help farmers have a happier life?Either they should be allowed to have a son, or the government should provide some sort of pension for farmers. I've heard of pension plans where the government helps farmers to put away some money each year so that they will have money when they retire. In addition, if the government were to provide some money to retired farmers each month, this would ease the burden considerably. I also think that farmers should have better overall facilities and they should be managed under the control of the province, rather than locally because if they're run under the provinces, there might be better quality standards.52. How do you think the unemployment problem can be solved?'Well, there is no' easy solution. I don't think the problem can be solved in the near future because there is a large number of laid off workers and not enough job opportunities. The government should try to create more job opportunities in the service sector industry, and on the other hand, laid off workers should put more effort into self-improvement in order to find better jobs. It might also help if the government actively promotes small businesses and inventors to get going with their ideas.53. What do you think we should do to protect the environment?I think the main challenge is to create a good staff to enforce the standards we have already set. The key thing about a good, clean environment is that the standards are enforced so that the laws have some teeth in them. J also think that its necessary to have good technical innovations so that the methods to do such things as water treatment can be developed. I also think it really takes a strong commitment by everyone to make sure that the environment is always the top priority in every new plan that is created54. How do you think global warming can be prevented?Well, there is no easy solution. As far as I know, global warming is caused by the Greenhouse Effect, which results from too much carbon dioxide in the air. I think the government should take measures to limit the number of private cars and make efforts to develop the public transportation system. Besides, we should try to replace fossil fuels with new, cleaner energy resources. Once we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air, the temperatures will likely stabilize and we can then feel safer that the situation is under control.55. How can we preserve our history best?I think the best way to preserve our history is to make sure that we protect all the symbols of our history, and that means that we try to set aside enough room for our old buildings and old sections of town to flourish. I think it's important to make sure that we also try to provide some re-enactments of history in our films, books and TV shows and also, if possible, though our tourist areas. I think another very important way is by keeping good records of the events that take place and by getting a variety of interpretations of history.56. What should we do to prepare for a good trip to China?In my opinion the thing you should get ready is a good phrase book that you can use if you need to get things done. You need a basic level of expressions that will help you to make your trip easier. You also have to be aware of some of the things to be careful of For example, you need to beware of possible dangers and people who are trying to cheat you. You also should really try to understand the history of China because that will make some of the places that you're going to more interesting. For example, if you watch a film or read a good book on the Forbidden Palace it will be that much more interesting to you when you wander around it.57. What measures should be taken to reduce crime?Well, to start with I think we should try to find the root of the crime problem. I mean you can't just scare crime away very easily. Sometimes it's because the gangsters have managed to scare everyone from doing anything about the problem. Other times it's just simply an issue that there are too many people who live in hopeless poverty and they feel they have no other way to make a living. Then I think it's important to increase your enforcement skills and that means getting more policemen and police women and trying to give them the best resources to deal with their job. I think finally, that there must be a justice system that's fair and won't treat anyone better than any other person. Once all of these things are done I think crime will decrease significantly.58. How can traffic problems be best solved?I think the best way to solve this problem is by trying to widen our roads and build more flyovers at the exits. Shanghai has successfully done this and now experiences fewer problems as a result. I think also that we may have to encourage people to take public transportation lines more often or simply ride their bicycles more. One more thing that should be done is to build better smaller roads that connect the bigger roads. One big problem in bigger cities is that a lot of the connecting roads are often blocked and so everyone has to squeeze into some exit road to get from one area to another.59. How can the tourism industry be improved?I think the first thing to do is to make it illegal for tour operators to collect commissions from various shops or stores and to simply increase the salaries of the tour operators. The second thing that needs to be done is there needs to be more controlover the vendors in the famous sites to make sure they don't harass visitors. It can be very unpleasant when people follow you everywhere to buy their things. Finally, I think that there should be more opportunities to do independent travelling by setting up more campsites and clean hostels, to accept the backpacking crowds.60. How can education be reformed to meet the future challenges?I think the best reforms should be in the area of post secondary education and I think it would be good to pour a lot of money into upgrading the facilities and attracting better university professors to work. I also think there should be more community colleges and smaller universities that accept people from all walks of life. One more thing is that I think there should be more opportunities for distance learning programs from various universities around the world so that many Chinese can get the benefit of an overseas education without traveling so far to other countries.。

2023年最新雅思口语真题-3月回忆版Part 1: Introduction and Interview (4-5 minutes)Question: What type of accommodation do you prefer when you travel? Answer: I prefer staying in hotels or apartments when I travel, as they offer more comfort and privacy than hostels or guesthouses. I also like having access to amenities such as a kitchen, gym, or pool, depending on the type of accommodation. However, I'm also open to trying new types of accommodation, such as homestays or camping, if it's appropriate for the destination or experience I'm seeking.Question: How often do you use social media?Answer: I use social media on a daily basis, primarily for staying in touch with friends and family and for staying up-to-date on current events and trends. I find it a convenient way to share photos and updates, as well as to discover new content and connect with people who share similar interests. However, I'm mindful of the potential downsides of social media, such as addiction, privacy concerns, and misinformation, and I try to use it in a balanced and responsible way.Part 2: Cue Card (3-4 minutes)Question: Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. Answer: One difficult decision I had to make was choosing a college major. I had a lot of different interests and passions, but I was unsure which one to pursue as a career. After doing some research and reflecting on my strengths and goals, I ultimately decided to major in psychology. It was a challenging but rewarding decision, as it allowed me to explore a field I was passionate about and gain valuable skills and knowledge that have helped me in my personal and professional life.Question: Describe a memorable event from your childhood.Answer: One memorable event from my childhood was when I participated in a school play. I had always been interested in acting, but I was shy and nervous about performing in front of others. However, I decided to audition for the play and was thrilled when I got a small part. I spent weeks rehearsing with the cast and crew, and the night of the performance was both exhilarating and nerve-wracking.I remember feeling proud of myself for facing my fears and for being a part of something that brought joy to others.Part 3: Discussion (4-5 minutes)Question: How do you think technology has changed the way we communicate?Answer: Technology has drastically changed the way we communicate, particularly in terms of speed, convenience, and accessibility. We can now connect with people from all over the world instantly, using tools such as email, messaging apps, and social media. This has allowed us to stay in touch with loved ones, collaborate with colleagues, and share information and ideas in real time. However, technology has also led to some negative effects on communication, such as reducing face-to-face interactions, increasing the potential for misunderstandings and miscommunication, and contributing to a lack of privacy and security. It's important to use technology in a balanced and mindful way, and to prioritize building and maintaining strong relationships both online and offline.Question: How do you think globalization has affected cultural identity? Answer: Globalization has had both positive and negative effects on cultural identity. On the one hand, it has led to increased awareness and appreciation of different cultures around the world. We can now easily access information about other countries and their customs, and we can participate in cultural events and celebrations. On the other hand, globalization has also led to the spread of homogenized, commercialized versions of culture, particularly in the realm of entertainment and media. This can lead to a loss of authenticity and diversity. Overall, I think it's important to strike a balance between celebrating cultural differences and respecting cultural boundaries.。

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If you want to learn about different sample formats and writing methods, please stay tuned!雅思口语话题范文(精选十五篇)雅思口语话题范文(篇一)Describe someone who is talkative(New)You should say:Who the person isHow you knew this personWhat this person like to talk aboutHow you feel about this personPart3• What jobs need employees to be talkative?• Are you talkative?• What communication skills are important?• Should children be encouraged to talk more?Describe a popular comic actress/actor in your country (New) You should say:Who the person isHow you knew this personWhat comedies has this person performedAnd eXplain why this person is popularPart3• What influences do actors or actresses have on young people?• Are there many Chinese who want to become an actor?• Can you name another comic actor in your country?• What are more popular in China, TV stars or movie stars?• Should actors be paid more?Describe a childhood friend of yours(New)You should say:When you met him/herWhere you met him/herWhat you did with him/herHow you felt about the friendPart3• Is it important to have friends for children?• Do you still keep in touch with friends in your childhood?• For teenagers, do you think they should have lots of friends or just a few good friends?• How would you maintain friendship with a friend that is richer than you?• Are teenagers more influenced by their peers or their own parents?Describe a celebrity in your country (New)You should say:Who the person isHow you knew this personWhy is this person importantWhat sort of life they had before they became famousDescribe a building you like(New)You should say:Where it isWhat it is used forWhat it looks likeAnd eXplain why you like it or dislike itPart 3• How do people in China feel about old buildings?• Do old people and young people in China have the same attitudes towards old buildings?• Is it important to preserve old buildings?• What aspect of culture do old buildings reflect?• How do old buildings influence the appearance of a place?Describe something important that you lost(New)What it isWhere you lost itWhen you lost itAnd eXplain how you felt after losing itPart 3• What kinds of things have you lost so far?• What can we do to prevent losing important things? • What do you usually do to look for lost items?• What kinds of people may lose things often?Describe a magazine you enjoy reading(New)You should say:What it isHow often do you read itHow you knew this magazineWhat the content isAnd eXplain why you like this magazineDescribe something you own that you want to replace (New) You should say:What it isWhere it isHow you got itAnd eXplain why you want to replace itPart 3•What are other things that you want to replace? •What kinds of things do young people like to replace? •Do old people in China like to hoard things?•Who do you think will want new things, children or oldpeople?•Whats the difference between new things and old things?Describe an interesting subject that you learned at school (New)You should say:What the subject wasWhat your teacher was likeHow long you learned this subjectAnd eXplain it was interesting to youPart 3•Do you think schools should spend money on subjects such as PE and art, science?•What subjects do you think are the most important?•What subjects should be taught in high school in the future?•In what ages do you think students can make decisions about choosing art or science subjects?•Is science more important than art in your school?Describe a useful skill you learned in a math class from your primary/high school (New)You should say:What the skill wasHow you learned itWho taught youAnd why it was useful to youPart 3•Can computers help us in math areas?•What is the first subject learned by children in China?•What methods can be applied to make math class more interesting?•How do you use math in your daily life?•Do you think everyone needs to learn math?Describe a time that you had to change your plan/ you changed your mind(New)You should say:When this happenedWhat made you change the planWhat the new plan wasAnd how you felt about the changePart 3•Do old people often change plans?•Do young people like to change plans?•What are the common reasons when people need to change plans?•How would you tell your friends when you must change yourplan?•What kinds of plans are practical?Describe a party that you joined(New)You should say:When it was heldWhere it wasWho held the partyWhat you did thereHow you felt about the partyPart 3•Do Chinese people like to hold parties?•Should parents spend a lot of money on their children’s birthday parties?•Do you think people can make more friends if they often attend parties?•What do children often do in a birthday party?•What do adults do at parties?Describe a time that you wore a type of clothes for a special occasion(New)You should say:When was itWhere you wentWhat you woreHow you felt that dayPart 3•Do people wear formal clothes more often than before?•When should people wear formal clothes?•Where can you buy formal clothes in China?•Does personality affect how people dress themselves?Describe something that can help you concentrate on work/study(New)You should say:What it isHow often you use itWhen you started doing itAnd eXplain why it helps you concentratePart 3• What can employers do to help employees concentrate?• What kind of jobs require higher concentration at work?• What kind of distractions are bothering you in your life?• Have you ever felt difficult to concentrate?Describe a time when you were shopping in a street market (New)You should say:When it wasWhere you wereWhat you boughtHow you felt about the shopping eXperiencePart 3• Where do you like to go shopping?• Why do some people prefer street markets over shopping malls?Do you think the goods sold at discount stores do not have good values /qualities?• Do you like shopping in big malls?• What do some people like to buy eXpensive goods?Describe something interesting that your friend has done but you haven’t (New)You should say:What it wasWhere your friend did itWhen your friend did itAnd eXplain why it is interestingPart 3• Do you think people are more influenced by their peers or their parents?•Do you think more and more people have become self-centered?• Why are they many self-centered people?• What have you learned from your friends?Describe a trip that you went on by public transportation(New)You should say:When it wasWhere you wentHow did you feel about the tripPart 3• Do you prefer public or private transportation? Why?• What is the most popular means of transportation in your country?• In what ways can we fiX traffic problems?• Is it fair to limit the use of private cars?Describe a competition you want to take part in (New)You should say:What it isWhen it was heldWhere it was heldWho you had to compete withAnd eXplain how you felt about the competitionPart 3• Do you think competition is important at workplace?• What kinds of jobs or work should not involve competition?• What do you think of those who lose in a competition?• Why are there many competition programs on TV today?以上就是20XX年5-8月雅思口语话题库,更多雅思口语考试相关内容,请关注小站雅思频道。

雅思口语第三部分高频话题 Part 3 Frequently Asked Topics1. Traffic Jam: Describe a time you were caught in a traffic jamWhen do traffic jams usually happen?What are the causes of traffic jams?Can public transport help solve the problem of traffic jams? Is the bus system useful? Should the government increase taxes to solve traffic jams?Do you think (highways/motorways) are useful in improving traffic?Does your city have bus lanes? Are they useful?Do you think the problem of traffic congestion will be eased in the future or will it become worse?What would you suggest as possible solutions to the problem of congested traffic?2. Sculpture / Work of art : Describe a sculpture or work of art that you have seen Do you like going to (art) exhibitions?What can you usually see in an exhibition?Would you pay to go to an exhibition?Would your parents pay to go to an exhibition?Should museums be open to the public for free?3. Childhood Toy: Describe a childhood toyWhat are the differences between Chinese toys and western toys?Compare modern toys with toys in the past.Do you prefer playing alone or in a group when you were young?Do you think only girls play with dolls while boys play with ball sports like football? What are the advantages of children exchanging toys to play with?Are there any bad effects of playing electronic games?4. Historical Place: Describe a historical site in your countryDoes everyone like to visit historical (sites / places)?Why do some people dislike visiting historic sites?Can you suggest any ways to make historic sites more attractive?What kinds of historic sites are the most popular in your country?Should historic buildings be preserved?What can the government do to protect historic buildings?Should historical places be free for everyone to visit?Do you think tourists can cause environmental problems to a place of interest? How can the government solve this problem?Do schools focus on teaching history nowadays?托福培训Is it necessary to learn history?5. Law: Describe a good law in your countryIs being a policeman a good job in China?Do policemen have to work shifts?What kind of qualities do policemen need?What are the differences in responsibilities between policemen and policewomen? What’s the difference between a policeman and a lawyer?Which is better? Policeman or lawyer? Why?Why do we need international law?6. Advertisement: Describe an advertisement that persuaded you to buy a product/a thing you want to buy in the futureWhich kind of advertising has the most influence on shoppers?How popular are brand names where you live?Why are people willing to pay more for certain brands?What are the responsibilities advertisers have to the public?What are the effects of advertisement on children?How do we control advertisers and advertisements?What do you think of consumerism? *Note*Do you consumerism should be sustained in the future?America transports its rubbish to China to be disposed of? What’s your opinion on this? 美国把垃圾运来中国处理,你怎么看待这个问题?What are effects of the financial crisis on consumers?Can advertisements reflect culture and history?7. Describe an interesting lecture or speechWhy are people afraid of doing speeches?Why is difficult for a child to give a speech?How can you attract a child to listen to a speech?What are some skills needed to do a good speech?Are there any differences between speeches for children and parents?8. Childhood Song: Describe a song you listened to when you were a childWhat are the differences between music nowadays and in the past?Compare between Chinese music and Western music?What’s the influence of western music on Chinese music?Do you think it’s good to play music in a store? Why do so many department stores play music?托福培训Should different public places play different types of music?Some people claim some kinds of music are noise pollution. What do you think?Do people of different ages prefer different kinds of music?What are the benefits of teaching music to children?9. Health Problem: Describe a health problem that you knowWhat kinds of sports are good for health?What kinds of food are good for health?Has your school taught you about living a healthy lifestyle?Do you think doctors should be responsible for teaching people on how to be healthy? 10. Childhood Game: Describe a game you enjoyed when you were a child (Not a sport)What's the differences between children's games nowadays and in the past?What kind of games do adults play the most nowadays?What are the differences between children's game and adult's game?What's the social effects for the adults when they play games?Do you think modern lifestyle discourage adult from playing games?What are some differences between boys' toys and girls' toys?Which toys do most people prefer to buy, imported toys or domestically made toys? (Why?) Compare the advantages and (possible) disadvantages of children playing alone and children playing with other children.11. Sporting event: Describe a sporting event that you have seenWhy do boys and girls often play different sports?Do you think more people play sports nowadays than in the past?Why don’t some people want to play any sport?12. Course / Subject: Describe a subject or course you would like learn if you have timeAre elective /supplementary courses (选修课程) such as music, art, history important? What qualities should a good teacher have?Should universities provide more internship (实习)?Which is more important to a company when hiring people, educational background or working experience?What are the popular courses in Universities in China?Do you think children learn more from at home or at school? Why?Do you think parents should play a more important in the education of children?Are there any differences between children and adults when learning computers?托福培训How do you think computer learning can be made more interesting?Which group of people do you think the government should invest money in?13. Change: Describe a change you would like to make in your future lifeWhat would you like to change about yourself?What kind of people like changes?Why do the elderly find change difficult?What do adults want in their life?14. Family member: Describe a family member you spend a lot of time withWhat are the advantages and disadvantages of a powerful family background?What are the benefits of an extended family structure?What are the advantages and disadvantages of a close family structure?How many generations usually live together in your country?What are the family responsibilities of fathers and mothers?What are the advantages and disadvantages of three generations living together?Do you think people should live with their parents? Why?Compare the influences of parents and friends on young people.Do you think government have a responsibility towards old people?15. Season: Describe your favourite season or time of the yearDo people in your country prefer hot or cold weather?What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a hot and a cold place?Are there any clear differences among the four seasons in your country?Are there any advantages of working in hot weather? What about cold weather?There are some types of work that require certain weather or season? Are there such cases in China?16. Photo: Describe a photo you like/ you have takenWhen do people usually take photos?If there’s a photo that you didn’t like, what would you do?Why do some people dislike taking photos?How can you take a good photo?What are the uses of photos on TV and newspapers?What kind of photos attract people?17. Cooking: Describe someone you know who is good at cookingDo people now often cook?Is it better to eat at home or eat out?托福培训Do you thi nk it’s important for people to eat together as a family?Should schools or parents teach children how to cook?Do you think schools have the responsibility of teaching about healthy food to students? Should young people learn how to cook?When do people get together for meals?18. Book: Describe a book you recently readHow can children benefit from reading books? What kind of books should adults read? How should parents introduce books to children? If you wrote a book, what kind of book would it be?In China, do parents of teachers teach children to read books? What do you think are the qualities of a good book?19. Organization: Describe an organizationWhat kind of workplaces are there where you live? Which do you prefer, small or big shops? Any advantages of working in a small shop?20. Describe an important stage in your life / Describe an enjoyable stage in your lifeWhen’s a good time to get married? Why?When’s the right time to give young people their rights? 你认为年轻人什么时候被赋予一些权利好?In your country, what kind of event is considered a big event?21. Describe a thing that is good to health / something you do that is good for health *注意题目Besides sports, what else is good for health?Do Chinese people lead a healthy lifestyle?Should schools teach children about healthy (lifestyle / living) ?What should children do to improve their health?Do you think advertisements play a role in improving public health?Do you think companies should make their workers exercise in the workplace? How?Do you think the government should implement laws such as smoking ban to push people to be healthy?22. Describe a time where you invited someone to your homeHas visiting others become less informal than before? Why?How do people prepare for visits to their house?People in China now prefer to pay their own bill when eating out. What’s your opinion?托福培训23. Describe an item of clothing you wear on a special occasionDo you like wearing formal or casual clothes?Why wear uniform in the company? Is it necessary to wear it?What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing uniform in the school?What kind of clothes are popular in China? Why?24. Describe your best friendHow do people choose friends?Which is the more im portant relationship in a person’s life? Friends or family?Are there any differences between male friendship and female friendships?Do you think male friendships or female friendships last longer?Can a male and female be true friends?Can a boss be friends with the employees?How can the relationship between a boss and the employees be improved?Do you think team work is important?How useful are international sporting events?Do you think international sport events can improve (relationships / co-operation) between countries?25. Describe an interesting news on TV or the newspaperWhat special skills should a (reporter/journalist) have?Is writing important to a reporter?What effects can a reporter have on the public?How can newspapers attract more readers?26. Describe a libraryDo you think there’s a need to build libraries in the countryside?What kind of qualities should a library staff have?27. Describe a success you had in your lifeWhat is success? How do you define success?Do you think being successful means being happy?What qualities do you think a person should have in order to succeed in their work? How can goals in life differ from one person to another?What should people get as rewards for hard work?28. Describe a famous person you want to meetDo you want to be a famous person?托福培训Why do some people want to be famous?How much privacy should a famous person expect?What are some possible problems of being famous?Do you think being famous will change one’s p ersonality?Should the media report on famous people?29. Describe a short message / a piece of news you received on your mobile phone Why do some people like talking on the phone?What are the advantages of email compared to talking on the phone?Do you think letter writing will disappear in the future?30. Describe a happy eventWhat makes elderly people happy?Do you think health is important to elders?What about wealth?Why do you think people are happier in the past as compared to the present?31. Describe something that helped you to learn a foreign languageWhat are some difficulties of learning a language?In the future, do you think English will become so important and dominant that other languages begin to die out?Is studying abroad a good way to learn a foreign language?32. Describe an educational tripWill home schooling will be accepted in the future?33. Describe a house or apartment that you have seen or you likedHow are homes likely to change in the future?What main features would you look for in your ideal home?Why are there more and more people moving from the countryside to urban cities?托福培训。

以下是⽆忧考整理的雅思⼝语话题范例,欢迎阅读!1.雅思⼝语话题范例 Describe your hometown Well, I was born in Wuhan, the capital of Hubei Province, which is situated in central part of China, and is divided by the nationality famous Yangtze River into three districts, namely Wuchang, Hankou and Hanyang. Education is well-developed in Wuchang, as you may find most of universities and colleges, such as Wuhan University, Huazhong Normal University, Huazhong University of Technology and Science and Wuhan University of Technology. Hankou is the most prosperousand bustling of the three, if you are a new comer here, a shopping nut, Hanzheng Street and Jianghan Road would be my first and foremost recommendation. While, Hanyang used to be the centre of assembly industry in central China, but nowadays, IT industry and antipollution industry are developing at a fancy speed.2.雅思⼝语话题范例 Describe a film/your favourite film I watched a movie called "A world without thieves" when I was a freshman. One of my favourite stars, Liu Ruoying,acts the leading role in it. This is a reason I love the film. Beside, the plot is thrilling and funny. The story took place on a train. Liu and her boyfriend were both living by stealing. This time they didn't steal, but to protect a young man from being stolen. Since Liu was going to give birth to the baby, they did this to accumulate virtue for their baby. Finally, they succeed, and the young man was safe to arrive with his money. But Liu's boyfriend died in the contest with another thief. When he was dying, he sent a short message to Liu, saying "Wait for me, and give birth to my baby." Two month passed, the police she had met on the train told her the truth. On hearing this, she couldn't help weeping. Every time I watched this scene, I would be moved by the love between Liu and her boyfriend.3.雅思⼝语话题范例 Describe a restaurant My favourite restaurant is named Jiulong, which is located in the heart of downtown Wuchang. Since it is not very far from my home, my family usually goes there for special dishes. Honestly speaking, I have a great affection for Chinese traditional dishes. And the restaurant is famous for Chinese traditional dishes. Among them, I admire well-done duck with bean sauce best. Every time I dine there, I will taste it. It looks inviting, smells refreshing, tastes bitter first, sour later,then a little salty, and a unique spiciness remains at last. Although the Chinese traditional dishes is a little expensive in Jiulong, the price of the other dishes served in the restaurant is much lower than other restaurant. That is why many people dinning there. The waiters and waitress are quite responsible and very friendly, which will make you feel comfortable and ease. As to the reason why I like this restaurant most, I will say the price is quite reasonable. Besides, the taste and the quality of service is excellent.4.雅思⼝语话题范例 Describe your living place My ideal house is one located in the countryside. I want to live close to nature, because I can enjoy fresh air and feel relaxed on weekends. I want it to be a two-storey house built on a green-covered mountain, facing a blue lake. A path lined by bushes and flowers leads the way to the front door. And around the house there are apple and cherry trees. I really care about my bedroom, where I am going put in a king size bed. The sitting room was on the second floor with a balcony facing the sea. I fancied that house at the first sight, and it was the one I had been dreaming of.5.雅思⼝语话题范例 Describe a shopping centre Nowadays, there are many shopping centers in Wuhan, such as Qunguang Plaza, Xinshijie Department Store and SOGO. Among them, I like Wuhan Plaza best. It is located right in the heart of downtown Hankou, and is just a stone's throw away from Zhongshan Park, a famous park named after Sun Zhongshan. Wuhan Plaza is fifty storey's high and the outside looks really gorgeous, with a couple of statues in front of it. I am fascinated by this mall, coz every conceivable kind of goods are sold there, from daily goods to mobile phones and from domestic produces to foreign produces. When we get to the plaza, we are treated warmly. The shop assistants great us friendly and always help us find us find what we want. But the price is high. If there was something on sale, the price would be reasonable. I like shopping in it, coz it often holds promotions and has some giveaway presents. Besides, the price of consumer goods are lower than in other shopping centers.。

雅思口语话题cultureA foreign cultureOk, well one of the foreign cultures I’m most interested in at the moment is American culture, so that’s what I’ve decided to talk about.And as for what I know about it, well if I’m gonna be totally honest with you, I really don’t know that much, mainly because I haven’t yet been to the States, so I’m no expert in any sense of the word, but one thing I think is fair to say is that Americans really love sports, especially basketball and baseball. And I’ve also heard that, apparently, universities in America offer a lot of sports scholarships, so I think this goes to show that being good at sport is pretty highly-regarded over there, and is a strong part of their culture.So that’s one thing, and I think I’m also right in saying that rap and hip hop are very popular kinds of music in the States, because I’ve noticed that in a lot of Hollywood films I’ve watched, this type of music seems to appear quite a lot, although I have to admit that I find it really difficult to understand what exactly is being said or sung in the songs!But anyway, with regard to why I find the American culture interesting, well firstly, I guess one reason would be that it’s completely different to our culture over here, and that’s kind of what makes it so appealing to know more about. I mean, just to give you one example, the way food’s cooked in America, on the whole, is a lot different to here, as over there they tend to usean oven for most of their cooking, whereas here in China, we tend to fry most of our food. And as well as this, I think another thing that makes the American culture interesting is the fact that it encompasses so many things that I wasn’t aware of before, so learning about it has really broadened my mind.And this, I would say, is the beauty of learning other cultures, because for me at least, making an effort to understand a little bit about U.S. culture has definitely given me a wider perspective on life.So yeah, that’s pretty much all I’ve got to say, so thanks for listening.雅思口语P3话题:文化Culture考官?:What is 'culture' for you?考生?: Culture can be defined as the way of life of a particular society or section of society. It involves their customs and traditions, and so in some senses culture is what distinguishes us from others, what makes us unique. I think culture is also what connects us to our past,to our heritage. We mustn't forget modern culture either, though. Youth culture is often very vibrant and powerful, with its new and inventive forms of music, dress and art.剑桥雅思口语加分表达:be defined as 被定义为customs and traditions 习俗和传统in some senses 在一定意义上distinguish 区分connect someone to 把...和...联系起来vibrant 有活力的powerful 有力量的inventive 创新的考官?:Do you think that it is important for a society or culture to have a sense of continuity with the past?考生?: Yes, definitely. Change is necessary, but it is also frightening. For this reason, people continue to rely on their traditions to give them a sense of their roots and to remind them of where they've come from. Commemorating the past is also a way of bringing people closer together, such as during National Day.剑桥雅思口语加分表达:frightening 恐怖的continue to 继续做某事rely on 依赖a sense of their roots 一种根基感remind someone of ...让某人想起commemorate the past 纪念过去bring poeple closer together 拉近人们之间的距离解读雅思口语话题——“A Cultural Event in China”研究中心分析认为,在雅思口语考试中,关于文化、传统的话题一直以来都是考官常问的题目,而面对这样的问题,考生往往都怀有“既爱又恨”的感情。
雅思口语Part 3常见问题类型和参考答案

Part 3常见问题:Making Comparisons – Questions on Differences1. What are the differences in the music that young and old people listen to?I suppose there are a handful of differences, one of which would be that young people, onthe whole, mainly like listening to pop music, whereas the older generation tend to prefer listening to more traditional music, like folk music, Chinese opera, and even old revolutionary songs. So that’s one difference, and I guess another would be that young people often listen to Western music as well as Chinese music, whereas in contrast, I think it’s fair to say that most elderly people just tend to listen to Chinese music.2. What are the differences between living in cities and living in the countryside?Well I guess one difference would be that living in rural areas is generally a lot morerelaxing than living in urban areas, basically because the pace of life is relatively slower and more laid-back (悠闲). So that’s one thing, and as well as this, I guess another difference would be that in the countryside, there are generally not as many things to do as there are living in cities.3. What are the differences between young people and old people when they go travelling?I guess there are a handful of differences, of which one would be that young people generally like doing quite exciting and energetic things, for example if they’re on the beach, theymight play frisbee or volleyball, whereas I would say the elderly, on the whole, tend to simply like relaxing when they go on holiday, so they’ll probably take a few books with them and spend most of the time on a deck chair next to a swimming pool soaking up the sun and enjoying the feeling of doing nothing.4. What are the differences between a city centre and the suburbs?Well firstly, I think it’s fair to say that the city centre tends to be the most built-up area of the city, and is where most of the main commercial buildings are situated, like shopping malls and office blocks, whereas the suburbs are generally much more residential, and everything’s usually a lot more spread out (分散).So this is one aspect, and I suppose another thing to mention would be the traffic, because in most cities, the downtown areas, on the whole, tend to get horrendously congested (可怕的拥堵), whereas in the outskirts, the traffic’s normally not too bad, which is why I guess more and more people nowadays prefer living a little bit further out from the city centre – at least this seems to be the case in Guangzhou anyway.5. What are the differences between formal and casual clothes?Well thinking about it, I’d say it’s really what they seek to achieve. So basically what I meanis that, for formal clothes, one’s appearance is the most important aspect. In other words, you want to look good and presentable (像样的) in front of others; whereas for casual clothes, I’d say the comfort is the most important thing, which is why most people wear casual clothes when they’re at home. So formal clothes might look better than casual clothes, but they’re definitely not as comfortable!6. Are there any differences between the people who were famous in the past, and the people who are famous today?That’s an interesting question, and to tell the truth, I’m not really all that sure. But thinkingabout it, I guess there might be a few differences. I mean, nowadays it’s relatively easier to become famous because of the Internet, which gives everyone the possibility of gaining exposureto a large number of people. So because of this, I’d say that nowadays there are a lot of peoplewith normal backgrounds who have been able to become famous, whereas in the past, I imaginethis wasn't so much the case (以前不太这样子的), and that most people who became famousseveral decades ago probably received more professional training and had privileged backgrounds (家庭背景好).7. Do people of different ages relax in the same way?No, I guess on the whole, they generally don’t. I mean, children, for example, kind of justlike to relax by playing with toys or watching cartoons on TV. And for my age group, I’d say we generally like chatting with friends on QQ or weibo, which is the Chinese equivalent of Twitter.And regarding the older generation, I’d say they tend to relax by simply either watching TV orreading the newspaper, which is something that young people don’t really do anymore.Part 3常见问题:How important…?●It’s extremely important because…●It’s definitely important because…●It’s essential because…●It’s fundamental because…●It’s not that important because…(It’s not so important because…)1. How important are leaders to a community of people?Oh, I think that good leadership is absolutely vital for the progress and stability of a community. Humans are social by nature, and having strong individuals guide them, is essential for their development.2. How important is giving hospitality to friends/strangers in your culture?It’s very important to be hospitable in Chinese culture. We always pay extra attention to makingpeople feel at hoe when they visit us. We believe that it is a sign of curtesy(=politeness), and weshould make sure that people feel as comfortable as possible. In the countryside, it’s very common for farmers to offer tea to people who pass by. I visited many old villages in Fujian and Guizhou, and I was always well received by the locals when I asked them for directions. Chinesepeople are usually very welcoming.3. How important is it to maintain individuality?It is fundamental to maintain individuality. Even if you are part of a team, you should fix yourselfsome personal goals, because you can’t always depend on others. In addition, if you improve yourself, everyone will benefit from it. Nowadays, I think that it is important to think by oneself,and make decisions independently. In China, we receive an education that does not encourage individuality or originality, but it’s essential to be creative and independent in today’s world.You should realize what is good for your own future. Plus, I think it ‘s nice to have time on yourown sometimes. I was raised as an only child, and I enjoy being alone from time to time.4. How important is music for a country?Music is essential for a country. First of all, every country has its own music, which means thatmusic can represent national identity. In addition, music definitely brings people together, so itcreates feelings of patriotism. For example, when the national anthem is playing, people willbe proud of their own countries.5. How important do you think traditional music will be in the future?Well, we never know for sure what will happen in the future, but I think that our traditionalmusic will become more fashionable very soon. I think that people might get tired of international music. Young people might enjoy the traditional sounds, as well as the skills requiredto play ancient instruments. Some famous artists like Jay Chou already mix modern rhythmswith traditional sound. I think that might get even more popular in the future. Traditional instruments like the erhu, pipa or guzheng sound absolutely stunning.6. How important are art galleries in modern societies?I think that art galleries are extremely important to societies because they display the objects societies consider beautiful. Art galleries are great places for people to appreciate fine art. Theyallow people to daydream, and they develop everyone’s imagination. I regard art museums as sophisticated places. Only refined people can fully enjoy art. I think that children should be takento art galleries, and a guide should explain to them why paintings are meaningful and what theyactually represent. Everyone should understand that art expresses feelings.7. How important are clothes as an expression of personality?I would say that clothes are extremely important nowadays. I think clothes reflect people’s tastes. You can judge if people care about their appearance or not, you can see if they are rathershy or outgoing. Sometimes colors can express whether or not people are active, enthusiasticor even optimistic. On the other hand, I was raised to believe that we shouldn’t judge a book byits cover. Appearance can be deceptive. A man might wear a suit on a daily basis at work, andyou might think that he is serious and reliable, but in fact he may go out every night, drink a lotof alcohol and lie to everyone. Very often, clothes reflect your professional position rather thanyour personality.Part 3常见问题:How could…? (Solutions)●I guess the best would be to…●I guess there are a number of things that could be done, one of which would be to…●I guess …could be… in a number of ways.●One possibility might be to…●One thing could be to…●I guess that requires…●They should definitely do… and…●It is indispensable(=essential) for the government to…●In order to solve this problem, the government should…●The most effective way to solve this problem might be to…●They could also arrange to do…● A number of actions should be taken…●This issue should be taken care of (=tackled) step by step…●Initially… Then… And probably most importantly…Explaining your idea:●Because in so doing,…●Because by doing that,…●Because then…●Because at the moment,…1. How can traffic congestion be reduced?Well, I guess congestion could be reduced in a number of ways.For example, one thing would be to increase the number of car lanes, because in so doing, cars would have more space to drive around. So that’s one thing, and I suppose maybe another possibility might be to introduce (引进) a congestion charge (拥堵费), like they’ve done in some cities around the world, as by doing this, people will think twice (三思而行) before getting into their cars. So yeah, that’s basically what I reckon.2. How do you think noise in cities could be reduced?Thinking about it, I guess there are a number of things that could be done, one of which would be t o impose a fine on (惩罚) companies or individuals who make excessive noise, especially construction companies, because I’d say they’re, by far, the biggest culprits. And as well as this, maybe another thing might be to ban vehicles from hooting, because it’s one of the noisiest sounds in cities, and so I’m sure they would become a lot quieter without cars hooting all the time.3. How do you think you could improve and be on time more often?I guess the best thing to do would be to always allow lots of time to get anywhere. So for example, if it normally takes me, say, half an hour to get to the city centre, then I should probably leave home about an hour before I need to get there.4. What can the government do about pollution?Well I guess they could do a number of things, one of which would be to encourage people to reduce their carbon footprint (碳脚印), in other words, become more environmentally-friendly. And one way of doing this, I suppose, might be to introduce a system whereby people are paid for recycling things, such as empty bottles and cans, otherwise they have no incentive.5. How can children be encouraged to play less computer games and more sports?That's a tough question, because it's practically impossible tearing a child away from a computer screen when they’re busy playing a game, but I guess one thing that could be done would be to make sports more appealing by providing more sports facilities. So, in other words, if a child only has to walk five minutes to get to a basketball court, he’s much more likely to play basketball than if he had to catch a bus for half an hour.6. How should parents educate their children before they start school?Well, I'm no expert, but I guess one thing they should do is encourage their children in everything they do, even if they make mistakes, because this'll help build children’s confidence and self-esteem (自尊). So that’s one thing, and I guess another good thing for parents to do would be to read stories, especially ones with good moral values, because all children love stories, and, in this way, they’ll be learning things without even realizing it.7. How do you think people can deal with pressure?That’s a good question, and thinking about it, I’d say one thing that they could do is to let those close to them know how they’re really feeling, instead of keeping it bottled in (把感受深埋心底). And I know it sounds a bit simple, but I think in this way, friends and family will be able to help someone share the burden they are feeling, and hopefully help them get rid of the pressure. Or at the very least (最起码), they can support them in dealing with it.8. How do you think children could be brought up to become unselfish people?Well if I think about how my parents brought me up, one of the things they did to prevent me from becoming selfish was to set a good example (做出榜样) for me. In other words, they were always considerate and generous towards others, and this rubbed off on me (对我产生了影响), you know, it made me act in the same way. So I’d say this is definitely one of the best things that parents can do.9. Do you have any ideas on how to help children learn to co-operate with others and work asa team?That’s a good question, and thinking about it, I’d say one way of cultivating their teamwork skills would be through games, because after all, every child enjoys playing games. So if they were given games to play which involved working together with other children, then I think this would be a very effective way of developing their sense of teamwork.10. In what ways can parents encourage their children to develop leadership abilities?That’s a good question, and I’d say parents can encourage their children in a number of ways, one of which would be to give them as much freedom as possible to do what they want, instead of always telling them what to do. Because in this way, I think children will be able to better develop a sense of independence and maturity, which are important leadership qualities. And as well as this, I think another thing that parents can do is to always encourage their children in everything they do, regardless of how well they do it, because children will become more self-confident as a result, and will therefore be more likely to become a good leader.Part 3常见问题:Why问题类型1. Why do people enjoy visiting others?People enjoy visiting their friends and relatives because it is a good chance to get together and talk. You only enjoy visiting the people you get along well with. You expect to share some stories, or some laughs. Visits always bring people closer together. In addition, you might have a drink or some snacks while talking. Being with friends is always enjoyable and relaxing.2. Why do many people enjoy painting as a hobby?Painting must be relaxing, I guess. It could be a good way for a person to forget about his or her problems. It’s a quiet activity for people to unwind, and use their creativity at the same time.3. Why do many people encourage their children to join groups?I think that parents always want their children to be a member of a team because it is important for kids to socialize and make friends. Being part of a group will allow children to communicate with other young people and to expand their social skills. Nowadays, it’s fundamental to have good interpersonal skills. In addition, parents believe that it is better to play or learn with others rather than to be alone. A lot of young people like to stay in front of their computers at home, but parents consider this as a bad habit. I think that hanging out with other people is more fun and enjoyable.4. Why do some people think that keeping pets is good for children?It can be beneficial for children to have a pet because the animal can become a good companion. In addition, some parents believe that having a pet can give children a sense of responsibility. The kids must walk the dog, clean it and feed it. It could be a good chance for children to learn how to take care of weaker and younger creatures. I think that children with pets might learn how to be more considerate and thoughtful.5. Why do many films nowadays show a lot of violence?That’s a good question, and it fuels(=create)a lot of debates. I think that many men like to watch violent movies because, perhaps deep inside, men need this kind of adrenaline rush (=intense excitement) but they can’t experience it in real life. I think that young men always dream of having super-powers, and being able to crush anyone they dislike. Nowadays, we live in a pretty peaceful society even though there are occasional crimes, and violence simply lets people escape from reality. However, I think problems can sometimes happen when some people stop being able to discern what is real from what is fictional.6. Why don’t some people want to play sports?I suppose it must be related to their education and their personality. If their parents didn’t encourage them to practice sports at a young age, chances are they won’t enjoy running and competing. In addition, some people simply don’t have this mentality. Some might say they are a little lazy. I think everyone is different: in English you say “to each his own,”, right?7. Why do some people follow fashion in your country?Well, I guess it’s nice to look good and trendy. People want to buy cool clothes in order to leave a good first impression on others, and they also want their friends to think that they look nice, or elegant, or hip. Looking attractive is important in society. Wearing nice clothes definitely gives people confidence. In addition, people enjoy spending time with pretty girls or handsome guys: it’s always more pleasant talking with them. It sounds a bit superficial, but I think it’s true, we’re all attracted to beauty.8. Why is it important to know weather predictions in advance?I think it’s important to know what the weather will be like for people who plan to go traveling, or for those who plan to spend time outside for a special occasion. In addition, when there are weather alerts for a typhoon, a tornado, or a hurricane, it’s obviously vital to be aware of what might happen. These are extreme circumstances. Otherwise, I don’t think we need to check the weather forecast on a daily basis, because we shouldn’t try to control everything. I guess it’s simply a habit old people develop. I don’t think young people worry too much about tomorrow’s weather.9. Why do many people want to go abroad for an extended period of time?A lot students want to further their studies overseas because they believe that foreign universities can offer a better education, as well as more opportunities for their future. In some cases, people expect to find a better job and to make more money. I’ve heard that many Australian students take a year off after their studies in order to relax before starting our in life. They want to visit many countries and experience life. I think it’s amazing for young people to be able to do this. In China, if a student finds a part-time job, he’ll never make enough money to fly all around the globe.10. Why does shopping make some people feel happy?I guess that it’s always a pleasant feeling to get some new clothes that look good. It can make you look better, and people feel more confident when they’re pleased with their appearance. In addition, a lot of women consider shopping a hobby. It’s relaxing for them. They can spend time with their friends or their mothers, chatting and laughing while trying on new clothes. We all know how much women worry about their appearance, so it’s understandable that shopping for nice clothes and shoes can make themexcited. What’s more, we are all becoming more materialistic: we all care about having a car, a nice mobile, a good computer, because other people do. We can’t help comparing what we have with that others ought. On top of this, if we can buy something nice and expensive with our own money, we will experience a sense of achievement.Part 3常见问题:Compare…(Advantages and Disadvantages)●Well, looking at the advantages, I’d say that the main one is that…And as for the drawbacks, I suppose the most obvious one is that…Well, in terms of the positive effects, I’d say it’s a key source of revenue for many regions, especially for underdeveloped areas which would struggle a lot if it wasn’t for tourism. And it also creates a lot of employment for countries as well. Regarding the negative effects,I wouldn’t actually say there are that many, but I supposeone could be that local governments in some areas might start paying more attention to attracting tourism rather than the well-being (福利) of the local citizens, which I think is wrong, because taking care of the needs of the local citizens should always be the number one priority(最优先考虑的事).3. What are the pros and cons of long-distance travelling?Ok, well looking at the pros, I guess I’d basically say that when you travel far away, you get to see things that you wouldn’t normally see where you’re from, so for example, if I went to Africa, I’m sure I would get to see a whole new lifestyle, you know, something completely different to what I’m used to here.”And as for the cons, well, first of all, travelling a long way can be quite stressful and exhausting, especially if there are delays involved. And I know from personal experience that long-haul flights (长途航班) tend to be particularly uncomfortable, as unless you’re in business or first class, you have very little leg space, and it’s really difficult getting to sleep. So it’s often not a great deal of fun, especially if you’re travelling on your own.4. What are the advantages of giving money as a gift?Well, I guess one of the biggest advantages is that the person receiving the money can get whatever they want with it, so you save yourself the risk of wasting your money on something that the person has no interest in. And as well as this, I guess another advantage is that it saves a lot of time, because firstly you don’t have to spend time deciding on what to get, and secondly, you don’t have to bother about going and buying something. So all in all, money makes a pretty good gift!5. What do you think are the benefits of traveling by train?Well for me, I’d say one of the biggest benefits is that, with trains, you pretty much know (基本上知道) exactly what time you’ll arrive somewhere. Because I mean, unlike cars and buses, you won’t get stuck in traffic (堵在路上) if you go by train. So unless your train is delayed, which doesn’t happen a lot here, you should be able to get where you wanna go on time.So that’s one thing, and as well as this, I’d say another good thing about traveling by train is that you can get up and move around during the journey, which isn’t really possible if you’re in a car! So I think this makes traveling by train a bit more comfortable and enjoyable than a lot of other forms of transport.6. Are there any disadvantages to having lots of money?Yeah, I suppose there are. For example, I’ve heard quite a few stories about people who have won the lottery that have gone on to become quite unhappy and depressed, because everyone around them suddenly started asking for money. So this would be one disadvantage, and I guess another would be that it might bequite difficult to tell who your real friends are, because it’s very likely that a lot of people might want to make friends with you purely because of your money. But in any case (不过,五路如何), I’d still much rather be rich than just well-off (小康)!7. What are the benefits of swimming?Well, I guess the first thing to say would be that it’s good exercise, because you use all the muscles in your body when you swim. And it’s also relatively easy on the body, at least compared with some other kinds of exercise, because when you swim, your body’s moving in quite a smooth motion, whereas in sports like basketball and football, you often have to make sudden movements, which can lead to injuries if you’re not careful! So that would be one thing, and I guess another good thing about swimming is that it’s usually quite refreshing (清凉提神的), especially when the weather’s hot, and it can even be quite relaxing, as long as the pool’s not too crowded, of course!8. What are the good points about being famous?Well first of all, I imagine if you’re famous, you’re probably welcomed by people everywhere you go, which I’m sure must be nice to experience! So that’s one thing, and I guess another advantage of being famous is that you get a lot of companies sending you free stuff, like clothes and bags, in the hope that other people will see you with their product and then go and buy it themselves. And I remember once reading an interview with Will Smith, the actor, who said that he hardly needs to buy anything nowadays, because he gets most things for free!9. Are there any disadvantages to being famous?Yeah I’d say there are. And the most obvious one would be a lack of privacy. Because as I’m sure you know, most celebrities get followed around everywhere by the paparazzi, even on holiday, which I’m sure they must get sick and tired of (感到十分厌烦).So this would be one disadvantage, and I guess another would be that it might be quite difficult to tell (很难看得出) who your real friends are, because it’s very likely that a lot of people might want to be your friend purely because of your fame. And I guess that’s the reason why most celebrities mainly hang out and mingle(交际) with other celebrities.10. What benefits do people derive from taking part in competitive sport?Well I’ve never really thought about it, but I guess one benefit would be that people get a lot of excitement from taking part in competitive sport, because I mean, one of the beauties of sport is that you never quite know what’s gonna happen, or how the result’s gonna turn out. So it’s generally quite exciting taking part, and not just that, but (不仅如此) it’s also a fun way of keeping fit. You know, it’s a lot more fun than simply running on a treadmill (跑步机) for example!11. In general, what are the pros and cons of advertising?Well, looking at the advantages, I’d say that the main one is that it can help increase the awareness of a product or service, and in a lot of cases, you can reach a very wide target market through advertising, for example with TV and Internet ads. And as for the drawbacks, well I suppose the most obvious one is the cost, because as I’m sure you know, advertising isn’t cheap, and you have to pay for it up front, before you can start enjoying the benefits. So in other words, there’s quite a big element of risk (风险) to it, because you know, you could end up losing quite a lot of money if your advertising campaign (广告宣传活动) isn’t successful.。
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最新雅思口语题库话题P3范文:a piece of furniture in your home示例范文:Describe a piece of furniture in your home1. In what situations do people in your country buy furniture? 在你的国家,在什么情况下人们会买家具?Well, it depends on people, to my mind. Usually myfellow-countrymen do it when they change or remodel their home, when their furniture gets worn out or when they have a new baby or a growing child. Though, I am sure there are people in my country who buy furniture in other situations as well. For example, when their income increases, when they look for personal comfort and need additional furniture or when they just want changes. I also guess there can be a need to buy furniture when children move out or elderly parents move in.2. In families in your country, who usually decides what furniture to buy for the home? 在你的国家,为家中添置家具由谁决定?Well, in most cases men and women make this decision together as its common for women to initiate changes and take on the most responsibility in choosing furniture and other stuff for home but its the men who usually set the budget and who the final word rests with. Though, there are families in which furnishing a home is a field where men yield to women as they get scared when hearing the word decorating’. I also think there are families in which home makeovers are a mans responsibility. So, it could go either way.3. How do people decide what furniture to buy for the homeor office? 人们如何决定为房子或办公室买什么样的家具?Oh, I think two most important factors people consider when choosing anything including furniture are the cost and the quality. Furniture is a significant investment so its necessary to spend wisely. This also explains why the quality is important. Good-quality furniture lasts longer and provides great savings in the long term because it withstands the wear and tear a lot better than the cheaply made models. What is more, it creates comfort and adds topeoples wellbeing. In some cases people also pay attention to some additional factors like flexibility and functionality, the aesthetic value and the size of their home or office but still bearing the budget and the quality in mind.4. Do people in your country prefer traditional or modern styles of furniture? 在你的国家,人们更喜欢传统风格还是现代风格的家具?Well, I think there is no consensus on this question. Tastes differ and peoples choice usually depends on what they like and need. If they want to create a traditional atmosphere and add elegance, romance and a touch of royalty to their home, they definitely opt for traditional furniture which is designed to belong-lasting and durable and has a look that never goes out of style. But if they want a fresher look in their home and look for furniture that focuses simplicity and function as well as b nicely into a room without overpowering the entire space, they definitely look among modern styles. So it depends on peoples tastes and needs, to my mind.最新雅思口语题库话题答案Part3:a person who solved a problem in a clever way示例范文:Describe a person who solved a problem in a clever way1. Do you think the intelligence of a person is important? 你认为一个人的智商重要吗?Oh yeah, I would even say its vital for living a happy and successful life as it is intelligence that makes people flexible and adaptable, which lets them thrive in different settings. It also makes peoples lives more diverse as thanks to it people become open to new ideas and opportunities and get the ability to see various ways of solving a problem, which in turn gays off in terms of income and professional success. One more benefit of being intelligent is being attractive for other intelligent people, which results in expanding the social network and range of interests, and again adds to feeling happy and content with life.2. Are people born clever or need to learn to be clever? 人是天生聪明还是需要学着变聪明?Well, I believe the latter is true as I am sure that intelligence is largely based on peoples upbringing rather than inherited traits. There is no doubt that children are born with some genetic predispositions but the brain is a physical organ, and like other organs and muscles in the body it can be trained to be fitter andmore efficient, which proves that intelligence is something malleable that changes over time and can grow especially through hard work and constant practice.3. Do you think there is anything that intelligent people find difficult to do? 你认为聪明的人会遇到哪些困难?I dont think there is something that can become a real obstacle for smart people if they are really interested in doing it and ready to work hard and have constant practice. Intelligent people usually like challenges and difficulties as they let them push the limits of their brain, concentrate on the knowledge they lack and do their best to bridge the skills gag, which, as a result, makes them better, stronger and more satisfied with life. These are the main reasons why I there is nothing that cant be done achieved by thrilled clever people.4. What ways do people use to judge someones intelligence? 人们从哪些方面评判一个人的智商?Well, intelligence can be measured in a number of different ways, as I know, the most common of which is various 1Q tests. I also heard about psychometric and aptitude tests focusing on the abilities required for a specific job and mainly used in higher education, recruitment and career-counselling. As far as methods used in everyday communication are concerned, I would name。