晶振布局指南(Best Practices for the PCB layout of crystal)










在不需要即开即用的环境下,如果需要信号稳定度超过0.1ppm 的,可选用OCXO。






















在进行晶振布局时,需要考虑以下几个方面的因素:1. 尽量减少电路中的干扰:晶振是一种高灵敏度的元器件,容易受到外界电磁干扰的影响。


2. 保持稳定的地线:地线是电路中的参考点,对晶振的工作稳定性有着重要影响。


3. 保持信号线的短距离:晶振的信号线是将频率信号传输到其他电路的关键部分。


4. 保持合适的阻抗匹配:晶振的输出阻抗是与其他电路连接的关键。


三、晶振layout规则的具体要求1. 布局时应尽量减少晶振与其他元件之间的距离,以减少干扰。

2. 布局时应尽量保持晶振与地线之间的距离,以提高地线的稳定性。

3. 布局时应尽量缩短晶振信号线的长度,以保证信号的准确传输。

4. 布局时应保持晶振输出端的阻抗与其他电路的输入阻抗匹配。

5. 布局时应尽量避免晶振与其他高频信号源或大功率器件的相互干扰。

6. 布局时应尽量避免晶振信号线与其他信号线或电源线的交叉,以减少互相干扰。

7. 布局时应尽量保持晶振与其他元件之间的物理隔离,以减少干扰。



晶振PCB布线2012-12-04 09:46:29| 分类:电子制作 | 标签:晶振布线|举报|字号订阅序:我之前画的板子都不是很高的频率,晶振也只是就近看。


晶振 PCB设计印制电路板(PCB)是电子产品中电路元件和器件的支撑件.它提供电路元件和器件之间的电气连接。


PCB设计的好坏对抗干扰能力影响很大.因此,在进行PCB设计时.必须遵守PCB 设计的一般原则,并应符合抗干扰设计的要求。

















HT32系列单片机晶振&ADC设计的注意事项及PCB布局指南HT32系列单片机晶振&ADC设计的注意事项及PCB布局指南文件编码:A N0301S简介该应用范例介绍盛群32-bit HT32系列单片机关于晶体振荡器和ADC(模数转换器)的硬件设计。



晶体振荡器HT32系列单片机支持四种类型的振荡器 --- 内部高速RC振荡器(HSI),外部高速晶振(HSE),内部低速RC振荡器(LSI)和外部低速晶振(LSE)。



L qz, C s, R qz是晶体振荡的动态参数。

参数C p表示电极间的分布电容产生的分流电容。

图1 晶振等效电路表1举例说明了标准8MHz频率下的元件参数值。

等效元件参数值L qz 24.38mHC s 0.016pFR qz 50C p 5pF表1 标准8MHz频率下的元件参数值HT32系列单片机中的Pierce振荡器图2显示了Pierce振荡器的架构。


图2 Pierce振荡器架构HT32系列单片机晶振的应用电路图3显示了HT32系列单片机中Pierce 振荡电路。


图3 HT32系列单片机中的晶振电路图3中的参数描述--X: 石英晶体或陶瓷谐振器R f : 外部反馈电阻R ext : 用来限制反相输出电流的外部电阻C L1和C L2: 两个外部负载电容C stray : 印刷电路板和接头上的分布电容,它是寄生电容。

∙ R f 代表在高增益区反相器偏置的反馈电阻。

R f 不能太小,否则反馈回路可能不能振荡。

在HT32系列单片机中,8MHz HSE 采用的R f 为1M Ω;32768Hz LSE 采用的R f 为10M Ω。








1. 晶振种类(2) 振荡频率在几百KHz到几MHz之间的中频晶振;(4) 振荡频率在1GHz以上的微波晶振。



(1) 晶振反馈电路:这种电路采用晶振自激振荡的方式。



(2) 晶振放大电路:这种电路是将晶振产生的信号放大后输出的电路,通常用于调谐电路和收发机构。


3. 晶振电路设计的关键因素(1) 晶体的特性:晶体的工作频率、频率稳定度、质量因数、振子常数等都是晶振电路设计的关键因素。


(2) 晶振电路的布局:晶振电路的布局一般要避免干扰源,尽量使电路简单,稳定性好。


(3) 晶振电路的调试:调试是晶振电路设计的关键,需要仔细调试才能保证其正常工作。


(4) 外部干扰的抑制:晶振电路很容易受到外部干扰的影响,因此需要加入恰当的抑制措施,如一定的屏蔽手段、抑制干扰信号的滤波、加强电路的耐干扰能力等。

4. 晶振电路的应用晶振电路广泛应用于电子产品和通信设备中,如调频广播、电视信号接收、手机、GPS等等。






1. 将晶振置于尽可能接近芯片的位置,并确保晶振的引脚间距符合芯片引脚的标准间距。

2. 晶振的两个引脚必须通过贴片电容器连接到地面和电源。


3. 晶振的布局应该避免与高速信号线和电源线发生交叉。


4. 晶振应该远离任何电磁干扰源,如变压器、电机和高频电磁场等。

5. PCB中必须使用地面平面或地面层来提供良好的地面引用。


6. 对于需要使用多个晶振的设计,应该将它们分别布置在不同的地方,并确保它们的布局相互独立,以避免相互干扰。



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Application Note ANENG-XTL-0010 HONG KONG X’TALS LIMITED 晶振处理注意事项晶振应该以适当的方式处理,以减轻产品变质。


影响晶振运行的常见因素1. 超声波频率超声波技术被广泛应用于工业设备中。


. 晶振不建议使用于任何超声波清洗工艺上。











2. PCB 切割在大多数情况下,小尺寸的PCB是从完成组件组装后的大型PCB板上切出的。



失效通常取决于板的位置; 即那些有问题的小型PCB总是会在大型板的同一位置找到。


3. 焊接条件●因应封装的类型和所用材料,焊接条件(例如手工焊接,回流焊,波峰焊接)并非所有产品通用。







1. 确定晶振的引脚位置,一般晶振会标注出引脚的位置,应该将晶振放置在靠近使用的芯片上。

2. 在布线时,应尽量缩短晶振的输入和输出线路的长度,以减少信号的损耗和干扰。

3. 晶振的输入和输出线路应该分开布线,不应该互相交叉或者绕弯,以避免引起信号串扰或者折射损耗。

4. 在晶振引脚与芯片引脚之间的连线中,应该使用短距离、低阻抗、高品质的导线,比如说铜箔线或者微带线等。

5. 对于高频晶振,需要特别注意电源的干净度,应该在晶振电源上加上滤波器,以减少电源噪声对晶振的影响。

6. 在布线时,应该将晶振的引脚与芯片引脚的接触面清洁干净,以确保良好的接触效果。

7. 在布线完成后,需要进行信号干扰测试和信号传输测试,以确保晶振的正常工作。



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贴IC 等放在底层。






























































对于晶振电路,我们需要从几个方面考虑设计:•降低寄生电容的不确定性•降低温度的不确定性•减少对其他电路的干扰设计注意点:1. 晶振尽量靠近芯片,保证线路尽量短,防止线路过长导致串扰以及寄生电容。

2. 晶振周围打地孔做包地处理。

3. 晶振底部不要走信号线,尤其是其他高频时钟线。

4. 负载电容的回流地要短。

5. 走线时先经过电容再进入晶振。

下面分别举例贴片无源晶振及有源晶振的走线方式:两脚贴片无源晶振6. 封装较大,可从晶振中间出线。

7. 如果有测试点,使stub尽量短。

8. 走线可以走成假差分形式。


9. 部分晶振底下需要做掏空处理,以防电容效应以及热效应造成频偏。

10. 如果是铁壳晶振,外壳做接地处理,提高抗干扰能力。

11. 晶振选型需要选工作温度达到125摄氏度及以上的。



















ST 晶振设计指南

ST 晶振设计指南

AN2867Application noteOscillator design guidefor ST microcontrollersIntroductionMost designers are familiar with oscillators (Pierce-Gate topology), but few reallyunderstand how they operate, let alone how to properly design an oscillator. In practice,most designers do not even really pay attention to the oscillator design until they realize theoscillator does not operate properly (usually when it is already being produced). This shouldnot happen. Many systems or projects are delayed in their deployment because of a crystalnot working as intended. The oscillator should receive its proper amount of attention duringthe design phase, well before the manufacturing phase. The designer would then avoid thenightmare scenario of products being returned.This application note introduces the Pierce oscillator basics and provides some guidelinesfor a good oscillator design. It also shows how to determine the different externalcomponents and provides guidelines for a good PCB for the oscillator.This document finally contains an easy guideline to select suitable crystals and externalcomponents, and it lists some recommended crystals (HSE and LSE) for STM32™ andSTM8A/S microcontrollers in order to quick start development.April 2010Doc ID 15287 Rev 31/23Contents AN2867Contents1Quartz crystal properties and model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2Oscillator theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3Pierce oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94Pierce oscillator design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.1Feedback resistor RF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104.2Load capacitor C L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.3Gain margin of the oscillator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.4Drive level DL and external resistor RExt calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.4.1Calculating drive level DL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124.4.2Another drive level measurement method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.4.3Calculating external resistor RExt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134.5Startup time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144.6Crystal pullability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 5Easy guideline for the selection of suitable crystaland external components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156Some recommended crystals for STM32™ microcontrollers . . . . . . . 166.1HSE part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166.1.1Part numbers of recommended 8 MHz crystals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166.1.2Part numbers of recommended 8 MHz ceramic resonators . . . . . . . . . 166.1.3Part numbers of recommended 25MHz crystals(Ethernet applications) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176.1.4Part numbers of recommended 14.7456MHz crystals (audioapplications) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176.2LSE part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 187Some recommended crystals for STM8A/S microcontrollers . . . . . . . 197.1Part numbers of recommended crystal oscillators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197.2Part numbers of recommended ceramic resonators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 8Some PCB hints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 2/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 3AN2867Contents 9Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 10Revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Doc ID 15287 Rev 33/23List of tables AN2867 List of tablesTable 1.Example of equivalent circuit parameters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Table 2.Typical feedback resistor values for given frequencies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Table 3.EPSON®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 4.HOSONIC ELECTRONIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 5.CTS®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 6.FOXElectronics®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 7.Recommendable condition (for consumer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 8.Recommendable condition (for CAN bus) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Table 9.HOSONIC ELECTRONIC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 10.FOXElectronics®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 11.CTS®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 12.FOXElectronics®. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 13.ABRACON™ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Table 14.EPSON TOYOCOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 15.JFVNY® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 16.KDS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 17.KYOCERA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 18.Recommendable conditions (for consumer). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 19.Recommendable conditions (for CAN-BUS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 20.Document revision history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 4/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 3AN2867List of figures List of figuresFigure 1.Quartz crystal model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 2.Impedance representation in the frequency domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 3.Oscillator principle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Figure 4.Pierce oscillator circuitry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 5.Inverter transfer function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Figure 6.Current drive measurement with a current probe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Figure 7.Recommended layout for an oscillator circuit. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Doc ID 15287 Rev 35/236/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 31 Quartz crystal properties and modelA quartz crystal is a piezoelectric device transforming electric energy to mechanical energyand vice versa. The transformation occurs at the resonant frequency. The quartz crystal canbe modeled as follows:C 0: represents the shunt capacitance resulting from the capacitor formed by the electrodesL m : (motional inductance) represents the vibrating mass of the crystalC m : (motional capacitance) represents the elasticity of the crystalR m : (motional resistance) represents the circuit lossesThe impedance of the crystal is given by the following equation (assuming that R m isnegligible): (1)Figure 2 represents the impedance in the frequency domain.F s is the series resonant frequency when the impedance Z = 0. Its expression can bededuced from equation (1) as follows:(2)Z j w ---w 2L m C m 1–C 0C m +()w 2L m C m C 0–---------------------------------------------------------------×=F s 12πL m C m ---------------------------=Doc ID 15287 Rev 37/23F a is the anti-resonant frequency when impedance Z tends to infinity. Using equation (1), it isexpressed as follows:(3)The region delimited by F s and F a is usually called the area of parallel resonance (shadedarea in Figure 2). In this region, the crystal operates in parallel resonance and behaves asan inductance that adds an additional phase equal to 180 ° in the loop. Its frequency F p (orF L : load frequency) has the following expression:(4)From equation (4), it appears that the oscillation frequency of the crystal can be tuned byvarying the load capacitor C L . This is why in their datasheets, crystal manufacturers indicatethe exact C L required to make the crystal oscillate at the nominal frequency.Table 1 gives an example of equivalent crystal circuit component values to have a nominalfrequency of 8 MHz.Using equations (2), (3) and (4) we can determine F s , F a and F p of this crystal:and .If the load capacitance C L at the crystal electrodes is equal to 10 pF , the crystal will oscillateat the following frequency: .To have an oscillation frequency of exactly 8 MHz, C L should be equal to 4.02 pF .Table 1.Example of equivalent circuit parametersEquivalent componentValue R m8 ΩL m14.7 mH C m0.027 pF C 0 5.57 pFF a F s 1C m C 0-------+=F p F s 1C m 2C 0C L +()----------------------------+⎝⎠⎛⎞=F s 7988768 Hz =F a 8008102 Hz =F p 7995695 Hz =Oscillator theory AN28678/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 32 Oscillator theoryAn oscillator consists of an amplifier and a feedback network to provide frequency selection.Figure 3 shows the block diagram of the basic principle.Where:●A(f) is the complex transfer function of the amplifier that provides energy to keep the oscillator oscillating.●B(f) is the complex transfer function of the feedback that sets the oscillator frequency.To oscillate, the following Barkhausen conditions must be fulfilled. The closed-loop gainshould be greater than 1 and the total phase shift of 360 ° is to be provided:and The oscillator needs initial electric energy to start up. Power-up transients and noise cansupply the needed energy. However, the energy level should be high enough to triggeroscillation at the required frequency. Mathematically, this is represented by |,which means that the open-loop gain should be much higher than 1. The time required forthe oscillations to become steady depends on the open-loop gain.Meeting the oscillation conditions is not enough to explain why a crystal oscillator starts to oscillate. Under these conditions, the amplifier is very unstable, any disturbance introducedin this positive feedback loop system makes the amplifier unstable and causes oscillations to start. This may be due to power-on, a disable-to enable sequence, the thermal noise ofthe crystal, etc. It is also important to note that only noise within the range of serial-toparallel frequency can be amplified. This represents but a little amount of energy, which iswhy crystal oscillators are so long to start up.A f ()A f ()e jf αf ()⋅=B f ()B f ()e jf βf ()⋅=A f ()B f ()⋅1≥αf ()βf ()+2π=A f ()B f ()⋅1»AN2867Pierce oscillator Doc ID 15287 Rev 39/233 Pierce oscillatorPierce oscillators are commonly used in applications because of their low consumption, lowcost and stability.Inv: the internal inverter that works as an amplifierQ: crystal quartz or a ceramic resonatorR F : internal feedback resistorR Ext : external resistor to limit the inverter output currentC L1 and C L2: are the two external load capacitorsC s : stray capacitance is the addition of the MCU pin capacitance (OSC_IN and OSC_OUT)and the PCB capacitance: it is a parasitical capacitance.Pierce oscillator design AN2867 4 Pierce oscillator designThis section describes the different parameters and how to determine their values in orderto be more conversant with the Pierce oscillator design.4.1 Feedback resistor R FIn most of the cases in ST microcontrollers, R F is embedded in the oscillator circuitry. Its roleis to make the inverter act as an amplifier. The feedback resistor is connected between V inand V out so as to bias the amplifier at V out = V in and force it to operate in the linear region(shaded area in Figure5). The amplifier amplifies the noise (for example, the thermal noiseof the crystal) within the range of serial to parallel frequency (F a, F a). This noise causes theoscillations to start up. In some cases, if R F is removed after the oscillations have stabilized,the oscillator continues to operate normally.Table2 provides typical values of R F.Table 2.Typical feedback resistor values for given frequenciesFrequency Feedback resistor range32.768 kHz10 to 25 MΩ1 MHz 5 to 10 MΩ10 MHz 1 to 5 MΩ20 MHz470 kΩ to 5 MΩ10/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 3AN2867Pierce oscillator designDoc ID 15287 Rev 311/234.2 Load capacitor C LThe load capacitance is the terminal capacitance of the circuit connected to the crystaloscillator. This value is determined by the external capacitors C L1 and C L2 and the stray capacitance of the printed circuit board and connections (C s ). The C L value is specified by the crystal manufacturer. Mainly, for the frequency to be accurate, the oscillator circuit has to show the same load capacitance to the crystal as the one the crystal was adjusted for. Frequency stability mainly requires that the load capacitance be constant. The external capacitors C L1 and C L2 are used to tune the desired value of C L to reach the value specified by the crystal manufacturer.The following equation gives the expression of C L :Example of C L1 and C L2 calculation:For example if the C L value of the crystal is equal to 15pF and, assuming that C s = 5pF , then:. That is: .4.3 Gain margin of the oscillatorThe gain margin is the key parameter that determines whether the oscillator will start up or not. It has the following expression:, where:●g m is the transconductance of the inverter (in mA/V for the high-frequency part or in µA/V for the low-frequency part: 32 kHz).●g mcrit (g m critical) depends on the crystal parameters.Assuming that C L1 = C L2, and assuming that the crystal sees the same C L on its pads as the value given by the crystal manufacturer, g mcrit is expressed as follows: , where ESR = equivalent series resistorAccording to the Eric Vittoz theory: the impedance of the motional RLC equivalent circuit of a crystal is compensated by the impedance of the amplifier and the two external capacitances.To satisfy this theory, the inverter transconductance (g m ) must have a value g m > g mcrit . In this case, the oscillation condition is reached. A gain margin of 5 can be considered as a minimum to ensure an efficient startup of oscillations.For example, to design the oscillator part of a microcontroller that has a g m value equal to 25mA/V, we choose a quartz crystal (from Fox) that has the following characteristics: frequency = 8 MHz, C 0 = 7 pF , C L = 10 pF , ESR = 80 Ω.. Will this crystal oscillate with this microcontroller?Let us calculate g mcrit :C L C L1C L2×C L1C L2+--------------------------C s+=C L C s –C L1C L2×C L1C L2+--------------------------10 pF ==C L1 C L2=20 pF =gain m in arg g mg mcrit--------------=g mcrit 4ESR ×2πF ()2×C 0C L +()2×=g mcrit 4802π×86×10×()2××712–×101012–×10+()2×0.23 mA V⁄==Pierce oscillator designAN286712/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 3Calculating the gain margin gives:The gain margin is very sufficient to start the oscillation and the “gain margin greater than 5”condition is reached. The crystal will oscillate normally.If an insufficient gain margin is found (gain margin < 5) the oscillation condition is notreached and the crystal will not start up. Y ou should then try to select a crystal with a lower ESR or/and with a lower C L .4.4Drive level DL and external resistor R Ext calculationThe drive level and external resistor value are closely related. They will therefore be addressed in the same section.4.4.1 Calculating drive level DLThe drive level is the power dissipated in the crystal. It has to be limited otherwise the quartz crystal can fail due to excessive mechanical vibration. The maximum drive level is specified by the crystal manufacturer, usually in mW. Exceeding this maximum value may lead to the crystal being damaged.The drive level is given by the following formula: , where:●ESR is the equivalent series resistor (specified by the crystal manufacturer):●I Q is the current flowing through the crystal in RMS. This current can be displayed on an oscilloscope as a sine wave. The current value can be read as the peak-to-peak value (I PP ). When using a current probe (as shown in Figure 6), the voltage scale of an oscilloscope may be converted into 1mA/1mV .Figure 6.Current drive measurement with a current probeSo as described previously, when tuning the current with the potentiometer, the current through the crystal does not exceed I Q max RMS (assuming that the current through the crystal is sinusoidal).Thus I Q max RMS is given by:gain m in arg g m g mcrit --------------250.23-----------107===DL ESR I Q 2×=ESR R m 1C 0C L ------+⎝⎠⎛⎞2×=Crystalai15838To oscilloscopeCurrent probeI Qmax RMS DL max ESR -----------------I Qmax PP 22-----------------------==AN2867Pierce oscillator designDoc ID 15287 Rev 313/23Therefore the current through the crystal (peak-to-peak value read on the oscilloscope) should not exceed a maximum peak-to-peak current (I Qmax PP) equal to:Hence the need for an external resistor (R Ext ) (refer to Section 4.4.3) when I Q exceeds I Qmax PP . The addition of R Ext then becomes mandatory and it is added to ESR in the expression of I Qmax .4.4.2 Another drive level measurement methodThe drive level can be computed as:DL= I²QRMS × ESR, where I QRMS is the RMS AC current.This current can be calculated by measuring the voltage swing at the amplifier input with a low-capacitance oscilloscope probe (no more than 1pF). The amplifier input current is negligible with respect to the current through C L1, so we can assume that the currentthrough the crystal is equal to the current flowing through C L1. Therefore the RMS voltage at this point is related to the RMS current by:, with:● F = crystal frequency●, where: V pp is the voltage peak-to-peak measured at C L1 level●C tot = C L1 + (C s /2) + C probe where:–C L1 is the external load capacitor at the amplifier input –C s is the stray capacitance –C probe is the probe capacitance)Therefore the drive level, DL, is given by: .This DL value must not exceed the drive level specified by the crystal manufacturer.4.4.3Calculating external resistor R ExtThe role of this resistor is to limit the drive level of the crystal. With C L2, it forms a low-pass filter that forces the oscillator to start at the fundamental frequency and not at overtones (prevents the oscillator from vibrating at 3, 5, 7 etc. times the fundamental frequency). If the power dissipated in the crystal is higher than the value specified by the crystal manufacturer, the external resistor R Ext becomes mandatory to avoid overdriving the crystal. If the power dissipated in the selected quartz is less than the drive level specified by the crystal manufacturer, the insertion of R Ext is not recommended and its value is then 0 Ω..An initial estimation of R Ext is obtained by considering the voltage divider formed by R Ext /C L2. Thus, the value of R Ext is equal to the reactance of C L2. Therefore: .Let us put:●oscillation frequency F = 8 MHz ●C L2 = 15 pFThen: I Qmax PP 22DL max ×ESR---------------------------×=I QRMS 2πF V RMS ×C tot ×=V RMS V pp22----------=DL ESR πF ×C tot ×()2×V pp ()2×2------------------------------------------------------------------------------------=R Ext 12πFC 2-----------------=R Ext 1326 Ω=Pierce oscillator design AN286714/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 3The recommended way of optimizing R Ext is to first choose C L1 and C L2 as explained earlier and to connect a potentiometer in the place of R Ext . The potentiometer should be initially set to be approximately equal to the capacitive reactance of C L2. It should then be adjusted as required until an acceptable output and crystal drive level are obtained.Caution:After calculating R Ext it is recommended to recalculate the gain margin (refer to Section 4.3: Gain margin of the oscillator ) to make sure that the addition of R Ext has no effect on the oscillation condition. That is, the value of R Ext has to be added to ESR in the expression of g mcrit and g m >> g mcrit must also remain true:g m >> g mcrit = 4 × (ESR + R Ext ) × (2 × PI × F)² × (C 0 + C L )²Note:If R Ext is too low, there is no power dissipation in the crystal. If R Ext is too high, there is no oscillation: the oscillation condition is not reached.4.5 Startup timeIt is the time that take the oscillations to start and become stable. This time is longer for aquartz than for a ceramic resonator. It depends on the external components: C L1 and C L2. The startup time also depends on the crystal frequency and decreases as the frequency rises. It also depends on the type of crystal used: quartz or ceramic resonator (the startup time for a quartz is very long compared to that of a ceramic resonator). Startup problems are usually due to the gain margin (as explained previously) linked to C L1 and C L2 being too small or too large, or to ESR being too high.The startup times of crystals for frequencies in the MHz range are within the ms range.The startup time of a 32 kHz crystal is within the 1 s to 5 s range.4.6 Crystal pullabilityPullability refers to the change in frequency of a crystal in the area of usual parallelresonance. It is also a measure of its frequency change for a given change in loadcapacitance. A decrease in load capacitance causes an increase in frequency. Conversely, an increase in load capacitance causes a decrease in frequency. Pullability is given by the following formula:Pullability PPM pF ⁄()C m 6×102C 0C L +()2×--------------------------------------=AN2867Easy guideline for the selection of suitable crystal and external componentsDoc ID 15287 Rev 315/235Easy guideline for the selection of suitable crystal and external componentsThis section gives a recommended procedure to select suitable crystal/external components. The whole procedure is divided into three main steps:Step1: Calculate the gain margin(please refer to Section 4.3: Gain margin of the oscillator )●Choose a crystal and go to the references (chosen crystal + microcontrollerdatasheets)●Calculate the oscillator gain margin and check if it greater than 5:If Gain margin < 5, the crystal is not suitable, choose another with a lower ESR or/and a lower C L . Redo step 1.If Gain margin > 5, go to step 2.Step2: Calculate the external load capacitors(please refer to Section 4.2: Load capacitor CL )Calculate C L1 and C L2 and check if they match the exact capacitor value on market or not:●If you found the exact capacitor value then the oscillator will oscillate at the exact expected frequency. Y ou can proceed to step 3.●If you did not find the exact value and:–frequency accuracy is a key issue for you, you can use a variable capacitor to obtain the exact value. Then you can proceed to step 3.–frequency accuracy is not critical for you, choose the nearest value found on market and go to step 3.Step3: Calculate the drive level and external resistor(please refer to Section 4.4: Drive level DL and external resistor RExt calculation )●Compute DL and check if is greater or lower than DL crystal :–If DL <DL crystal , no need for an external resistor. Congratulations you have found a suitable crystal.–If DL >DL crystal , you should calculate R Ext in order to have: DL < DL crystal . Y ou should then recalculate the gain margin taking R Ext into account.If you find that gain margin > 5, congratulations, you have found a suitable crystal. If not, then this crystal will not work and you have to choose another. Return to step 1 to run the procedure for the new crystal.16/23Doc ID 15287 Rev 36Some recommended crystals for STM32™ microcontrollers6.1 HSE part6.1.1 Part numbers of recommended 8 MHz crystals6.1.2 Part numbers of recommended 8 MHz ceramic resonatorsTable 7 and Table 8 give the references of recommended CERALOCK ® ceramic resonatorfor the STM32™ microcontrollers provided and certified by Murata.Table 3.EPSON ®Part numberESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage MA-406 or MA-505 or MA-506 (8 MHz)80 Ω10 pF5 pF137.4SMDTable 4.HOSONIC ELECTRONICPart numberESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage HC-49S-8 MHz80 Ω10 pF7 pF107Through-holeTable 5.CTS ®Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage A TS08A 60 Ω20 pF 7 pF 56.9Through-holeA TS08ASM60 Ω20 pF7 pF56.9SMDTable 6.FOXElectronics ®Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage FOXSLF/080-2080 Ω20 pF 7 pF 43.1Through-holeFOXSDLF/080-2080 Ω20 pF 7 pF 43.1SMD PFXLF/080-2080 Ω20 pF7 pF43.1SMDTable 7.Recommendable condition (for consumer)Part numberC LPackage CSTCE8M00G55-R0Embedded load capacitors C L1 = C L2 = 33 pFSMDTable 8.Recommendable condition (for CAN bus)Part numberC LPackage CSTCE8M00G15C**-R0(1)1.Refer to the datasheet of the resonator for details on the two asterisks.Embedded load capacitors C L1 = C L2 = 33 pFSMDDoc ID 15287 Rev 317/23For other Murata resonators recommended for STM32 microcontrollers, please refer to the following link:http://search.murata.co.jp/Ceramy/ICListAction.do?sKeyHin=STM32&sKeyMak=ST -MICROELECTRONICS&sLang=en&sParam=STM326.1.3 Part numbers of recommended 25MHz crystals(Ethernet applications)6.1.4Part numbers of recommended 14.7456MHz crystals (audio applications)Table 9.HOSONIC ELECTRONICPart number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage 6FA25000F10M1140 Ω10pF 7pF 21.91SMD SA25000F10M1140 Ω10pF7pF21.91Through-holeTable 10.FOXElectronics ®Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage FOXSLF/250F-2030 Ω20 pF 7 pF 11.58Through-holeFOXSDLF/250F-2030 Ω20 pF 7 pF 11.58SMD PFXLF250F-2030 Ω20 pF7 pF11.58SMDTable 11.CTS ®Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage A TS25A 30 Ω20 pF 7 pF 11.58Through-holeA TS25ASM30 Ω20 pF7 pF11.58SMDTable 12.FOXElectronics ®Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage FOXSLF/147-2040 Ω20 pF 7 pF 24.97Through-holeFOXSDLF/147-2040 Ω20 pF7 pF24.97SMDTable 13.ABRACON™Part number ESR C L C 0Gain marginPackage ABMM2-14.7456MHz50 Ω18 pF7 pF29.3SMD。










目录ST微控制器振荡器电路设计指南目录1石英晶振的特性及模型32振荡器原理53Pierce振荡器64Pierce振荡器设计74.1反馈电阻R F74.2负载电容C L74.3振荡器的增益裕量84.4驱动级别DL外部电阻R Ext计算84.4.1驱动级别DL计算84.4.2另一个驱动级别测量方法94.4.3外部电阻R Ext计算 104.5启动时间104.6晶振的牵引度(Pullability) 10 5挑选晶振及外部器件的简易指南 11 6针对STM32™微控制器的一些推荐晶振 126.1HSE部分126.1.1推荐的8MHz晶振型号 126.1.2推荐的8MHz陶瓷振荡器型号 126.2LSE部分12 7关于PCB的提示 13 8结论141 石英晶振的特性及模型石英晶体是一种可将电能和机械能相互转化的压电器件,能量转变发生在共振频率点上。




PCB Layout指南PCB Layout指南1. 一般规则1.1 PCB板上预划分数字、模拟、DAA信号布线区域。

1.2 数字、模拟元器件及相应走线尽量分开并放置於各自的布线区域内。

1.3 高速数字信号走线尽量短。

1.4 敏感模拟信号走线尽量短。

1.5 合理分配电源和地。

1.6 DGND、AGND、实地分开。

1.7 电源及临界信号走线使用宽线。

1.8 数字电路放置於并行总线/串行DTE接口附近,DAA电路放置於电话线接口附近。

2. 元器件放置2.1 在系统电路原理图中:a) 划分数字、模拟、DAA电路及其相关电路;b) 在各个电路中划分数字、模拟、混合数字/模拟元器件;c) 注意各IC芯片电源和信号引脚的定位。

2.2 初步划分数字、模拟、DAA电路在PCB板上的布线区域(一般比例2/1/1),数字、模拟元器件及其相应走线尽量远离并限定在各自的布线区域内。


2.3 初步划分完毕後,从Connector和Jack开始放置元器件:a) Connector和Jack周围留出插件的位置;b) 元器件周围留出电源和地走线的空间;c) Socket周围留出相应插件的位置。

2.4 首先放置混合型元器件(如Modem器件、A/D、D/A转换芯片等):a) 确定元器件放置方向,尽量使数字信号及模拟信号引脚朝向各自布线区域;b) 将元器件放置在数字和模拟信号布线区域的交界处。

2.5 放置所有的模拟器件:a) 放置模拟电路元器件,包括DAA电路;b) 模拟器件相互靠近且放置在PCB上包含TXA1、TXA2、RIN、VC、VREF信号走线的一面;c) TXA1、TXA2、RIN、VC、VREF信号走线周围避免放置高噪声元器件;d) 对於串行DTE模块,DTE EIA/TIA-232-E系列接口信号的接收/驱动器尽量靠近Connector并远离高频时钟信号走线,以减少/避免每条线上增加的噪声抑制器件,如阻流圈和电容等。









Lm 动态等效电感:代表机型振动的惯性。

Cm 动态等效电容:代表晶振的弹性。

Rm 动态等效电阻:代表电路的损耗。

晶振的阻抗表达式如下(假设Rm 可以忽略不记):下图Figure 2说明了晶振的阻抗与频率的关系晶振设计指南其中Fs是当Z=0时的串联谐振频率,其表达式如下:Fa是当电抗Z趋于无穷大时的并联谐振频率,假如Fs为已知量,那么其表达式如下:fs和fa之间的区域(图2中的阴影区域)是并联谐振的区域。

在这一区域晶振工作在并联谐振状态,并且在此区域晶振呈电感特性,从而带来了相当于180 °的相移。



下面Table2给出了一个8Mhz标称频率的等效晶体电路元件值的示例:使用前面的3个公式,可以计算出Fs和Fa:Fs=7988768HzFa=8008102Hz如果负载电容CL=10pF,则其振荡频率为:FP = 7995695Hz。



Figure 3通过一个框图来说明振荡器的基本原理。

[电子工程] 10年老司机倾囊相授,贴片晶振的PCB layout需要注意哪些

[电子工程]  10年老司机倾囊相授,贴片晶振的PCB layout需要注意哪些

10年老司机倾囊相授,贴片晶振的PCB layout需要注意哪些?晶振有两个比较重要的参数,频偏和温偏,单位都是PPM,通俗说,晶振的标称频率不是一直稳定的,某些环境下晶振频率会有误差,误差越大,电路稳定性越差,甚至电路无法正常工作。







晶振相邻层挖空是如何控制寄生电容Cp的呢?电容的物理公式是:C=εS/4πKd,即晶振焊盘与邻近地平面之间的面积S 和距离d均会影响寄生电容大小,因为面积S是不变的,所以影响寄生电容的因素只剩下距离d,通过挖空晶振同一层的地和相邻层的地,可以增大晶振焊盘与地平面之间的距离,来达到减小寄生电容的效果。




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A V R18R1866:晶振布局指南Best Practices for the PCB layout ofOscillators1.简介我们通常所使用的振荡器是皮尔斯振荡器(Pierce 个带宽很窄的选频滤波器组成.放大器集成在芯片内部,滤波器则是由晶振或陶瓷谐振腔(ceramic resonator)构成,如图1:图1M i c r oc oco翻译:地球仪diqiuyi2010@ 该系统的输入阻抗在谐振频率上很低使它更容易受到周围电路的干扰.此外,1V以下,这进一步降低了其抗干扰的能力.8128A–AVR–03/082.描述为了增强振荡器抗干扰的能力,PCB 布局十分重要.如图2:图2.PCB 布局实例.晶振/Cout接地点2A VR VR18181866AV1866AVR R183.设计指南为降低由振荡器引发问题的风险,我们建议您遵循如下设计指南:•晶振或谐振腔对于寄生电容和其它信号带来的干扰十分敏感.因此布局时要远离高速信号线,以降低Xin与Xout管脚和其它信号线之间的容性耦合.•晶振的线路与数字信号线越远越好,尤其是时钟信号线或频繁改变状态的信号线.信号之间的串扰会影响振荡器的波形.•负载电容的接地点需要足够的短,以避免来自USB,RS232,LIN,PWM与电源线的返回电流.•负载电容的漏电流要小,热稳定性要好(如NPO或COG型号).•两个负载电容需要挨的很近。

•负载电容中的Cin优先靠近GND和Xin管脚.•寄生电容会降低增益裕度.因此要尽可能的降低寄生电容,下面给出寄生电容的典型值:–Xin对地:1pF–Xout对地:2pF–Xin对Xlout:0.5pF这些数值与元件的封装也有少许关联.•为降低Xin与Xout两管脚之间的寄生电容,就要使其引出的两条线离得越远越好.•在晶振下方需要铺地,并与振荡器的地相连.•将晶振和陶瓷谐振腔所需要的外部电容与晶振外壳一同接地(该条附原文:Connect theexternal capacitors needed for the crystal and the ceramic resonator operation aswell as the crystal housing to the ground plane).•如果是单层板,建议在振荡器电路各元件周围设置一保护环(guard ring),并将其连接到相应的接地引脚.38128A–AVR–03/08H ea eadqu dqu dquaa r t e r s I n t e r n a t i o n a lA t me mel l C o r po porr a t i o n 2325Orchard Parkway San Jose,CA 95131USATel:1(408)441-0311Fax:1(408)487-2600A t me mell A s i a Room 1219Chinachem Golden Plaza 77Mody Road Tsimshatsui East Kowloon Hong KongTel:(852)2721-9778Fax:(852)2722-1369A t me mel l E u r op ope e Le Krebs8,Rue Jean-Pierre Timbaud BP 30978054Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines Cedex FranceTel:(33)1-30-60-70-00Fax:(33)1-30-60-71-11A t me mel l Ja Japp a n 9F,Tonetsu Shinkawa Bldg.1-24-8ShinkawaChuo-ku,Tokyo 104-0033JapanTel:(81)3-3523-3551Fax:(81)3-3523-7581P r o du duc c t C on ontt a c t W e b S i teT ec echn hn hni i c a l S u p po por r t AVR@S a l e s C on ont t ac actt /contactsL i t era erat t u r e Re Req q u es estt s /literatureD is isc c la laii m e r :The information in this document is provided in connection with Atmel products.No license,express or implied,by estoppel or otherwise,to any intellectual property right is granted by this document or in connection with the sale of Atmel products.EXCEP EXCEPT T A S SE SET T F O R T H I N A T M E L ’S T E R M S AN AND D C O ND NDI-I-T I O N S OF SA SAL L E L O C A T E D ON A T M E L ’S WE WEB B S I T E ,A T M E L AS ASS S U M E S N O L I A B I L I T Y WH WHA A T S O EV EVE E R AN AND D D I S C L A I M S AN ANY Y EXPRES EXPRESSS ,I M P L I E D OR S T A T U T O R Y W ARRAN ARRANT T Y RE REL L A T I N G T O I T S P R O DUC DUCT T S I NC NCL L UD UDI I N G ,BU BUT T N O T L I M I T E D T O,T H E I M P L I E D W ARRAN ARRANT T Y OF M ERCHAN ERCHANT T A B I L I T Y ,F I T NE NES S S F O R A P AR ART T I CU CUL L A R PURP PURPO O SE SE,,O R N O N -I N F R I N G E M E N T .I N N O EV EVE E N T S HA HAL L L A T M E L B E L I AB ABL L E F OR A N Y D I REC RECT T ,I ND NDI I REC RECT T ,C O NSE NSEQ Q U E N T IA IAL L ,P UN UNI I T I VE VE,,S P EC ECI I A L OR I NC NCI I DEN DEN--T A L D A M A G E S (I N C L UD UDI I N G ,W I T H O U T L I M I T A T IO ION N ,DA DAM M A G E S F O R L O S S OF P R O F I T S ,BUS BUSI I NES NESS S I N T ERRUP ERRUPT T IO ION N ,OR L O S S OF I N F O R M A T I O N )AR ARII S I N G O U T OF T H E US USE E OR I NAB NABI I L I T Y T O US USE E T H IS D O CU CUM M EN ENT T ,EV EVE E N IF A T M E L HA HAS S BEE BEEN N ADV ADVI I SE SED D O F T H E P O S S I B I L I T Y O F S U CH DA DAM M A G ES ES..Atmel makes no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this document and reserves the right to make changes to specifications and product descriptions at any time without notice.Atmel does not make any commitment to update the information contained herein.Unless specifically provided otherwise,Atmel products are not suitable for,and shall not be used in,automotive applications.Atmel’s products are not intended,authorized,or warranted for use as components in applications intended to support or sustain life.©20020088A t me mel l C o r p o ra rat t i o n .A l l r ig igh h t s reserve reservedd .Atmel ®,logo and combinations thereof,and others are registered trademarks or trademarks of Atmel Corporation or its subsidiaries.Other terms and product names may be trademarks of others.。
