环境科学专业词汇英语 (2)

环境科学英语词汇大全掌握环境科学领域的专业术语和环境保护英文表达Environment Science English Vocabulary: Mastering Professional Terms in the Field of Environmental Science and English Expressions for Environmental ProtectionIntroduction:In the field of environmental science, it is crucial to have a strong grasp of the specialized vocabulary and terminology used. This comprehensive guide aims to equip you with a wide range of environment science English vocabulary, enabling you to effectively communicate and express ideas related to environmental protection.1. Environmental Issues:1.1 Pollution - The introduction of harmful substances or energy into the environment, resulting in negative effects on the ecosystem.1.2 Climate Change - Long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place.1.3 Deforestation - The clearing, removal, or destruction of forests, leading to ecological imbalance.1.4 Global Warming - The gradual increase in Earth's average temperature due to excessive greenhouse gas emissions.2. Environmental Science Disciplines:2.1 Ecology - The study of the relationship between organisms and their environment.2.2 Environmental Chemistry - The branch of science focused on the chemical components and processes occurring in the environment.2.3 Environmental Engineering - The application of engineering principles to improve and maintain a sustainable environment.2.4 Environmental Biology - The study of the impact of environmental factors on living organisms.3. Sustainable Development:3.1 Renewable Energy - Energy sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power.3.2 Waste Management - The collection, treatment, and disposal of waste materials to minimize negative environmental impact.3.3 Conservation - The protection and preservation of natural resources, wildlife, and ecosystems.3.4 Green Building - The design and construction of energy-efficient and environmentally friendly buildings.4. Environmental Policies and Regulations:4.1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - The evaluation of potential environmental consequences before implementing projects or policies.4.2 Pollution Control Measures - Actions taken to reduce or eliminate pollution, such as emission standards and waste treatment facilities.4.3 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - Global goals established by the United Nations to promote environmental protection and social well-being.4.4 Clean Air Act - Legislation enacted to regulate air pollution and protect public health.5. Environmental Protection Organizations:5.1 United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - An international organization that coordinates environmental activities and supports developing countries in implementing sustainable practices.5.2 World Wildlife Fund (WWF) - A non-governmental organization dedicated to conserving nature and reducing human impact on the environment.5.3 Greenpeace - An environmental organization that campaigns for solutions to global environmental problems.5.4 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) - A governmental agency responsible for protecting human health and the environment in the United States.Conclusion:By familiarizing yourself with these environment science English vocabulary, you will be better equipped to express your ideas, participate in discussions, and contribute to the field of environmental science.Additionally, understanding environmental protection English expressions will enable you to engage in international conversations and collaborate on global environmental issues. Remember, the effective exchange of knowledge and ideas is essential for creating a sustainable future.。

一、单词/词组(考试时要求:中译英/英译中)环境科学:environmental science环境工程:environmental engineering定量环境科学:quantitative environmental science定性环境科学:qualitative environmental science衰减再生:decay and recycling新陈代谢率:metabolic rates外来物质:foreign matter研究和发展:Research and Development一次大气污染物:primary air pollutant二次大气污染物:secondary air pollutant氧含量:Oxygen content点源:point sources沥青残留物:asphaltic residue酸雨:acid rain设备维护:facilities maintenance废物最小化:waste minimization正常浓度:normal concentration胡乱收集:magpie collection需氧量:oxygen demand/the amount of oxygen required闭合回路:closed-loop微生物:microbe/microorganisms揭示大的差别;expose the considerable gaps空气质量监测:air-quality monitoring氧化剂:oxidizer石油精炼:petroleum refining活性炭:activated carbon质量控制:quality control海轮:ocean liner挥发性化学物质:volatile chemicals沙漠化:desertification火山喷发:volcanic eruption间歇源:intermittent sources衡量浓度:trace concentrations氯化物和硫化物:chlorides and sulphates风化:wind erosion不完全燃烧:incomplete combustion化石燃料:fossil fuels液滴:liquid dropletsSO3:sulfur trioxidefor managerial and administrative reasons行政管理上的原因stacks of generating stations许多发电站Roman empire罗马皇帝Cloaca maxima 古罗马的大排泄沟Wate phosphorous 亚磷的(三价磷)phosphorous acid亚磷酸phosphoric磷的(五价)carbonates,bicarbonates碳酸盐,碳酸氢盐carbohydrates碳水化合物,主要含氢和碳TOC(total organic carbon)总有机碳COD(chemical oxygen demand)化学需氧量BOD(biological oxygen demand)生化需氧量Biodegradable organic可生物降解的有机物BOD5 BOD的测试标准化rborne diseases 水传染的疾病epilimnion 表层水hypolimnion深水层thermocline热变形层become depleted of oxygen 缺氧二、重点句子翻译UNIT21.Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us;that which we can see,hear,touch,smell,and taste.环境是围绕在我们周围物质生命的栖息地,在那里我们可以看到,听到,触到,闻到和品尝到。

环境地质学英语Environmental Geology(环境地质学)Geology(地质学):1.Mineralogy(矿物学)2.Petrology(岩石学)3.Structural Geology(构造地质学)4.Sedimentology(沉积学)5.Stratigraphy(地层学)6.Geochemistry(地球化学)7.Geophysics(地球物理学)8.Paleontology(古生物学)Environmental Geology(环境地质学):1.Environmental Geology Overview(环境地质学概述)2.Environmental Mineralogy(环境矿物学)3.Environmental Geochemistry(环境地球化学)4.Environmental Geophysics(环境地球物理学)5.Hydrogeology(水文地质学)6.Engineering Geology(工程地质学)7.Coastal Geology(海岸地质学)8.Geohazards(地质灾害)nd Use Planning(土地利用规划)10.W aste Disposal(废物处理)11.G roundwater Contamination(地下水污染)12.E nvironmental Risk Assessment(环境风险评估)13.E nvironmental Monitoring(环境监测)14.N atural Resource Management(自然资源管理)15.E nvironmental Remediation(环境修复)16.C limate Change and Environmental Geology(气候变化与环境地质学)17.S ustainable Development and Environmental Geology(可持续发展与环境地质学)18.E nvironmental Law and Policy(环境法律与政策)1.Groundwater Remediation(地下水修复)2.Geologic Hazards(地质灾害)3.Soil Mechanics(土力学)4.Soil Erosion(土壤侵蚀)5.Soil Contamination(土壤污染)6.Geologic Mapping(地质制图)7.Geologic Time Scale(地质时间尺度)8.Earthquake Hazard Assessment(地震危险评估)9.Ecological Footprint(生态足迹)10.Environmental Impact Assessment(环境影响评价)11.Geologic Disposal of Radioactive Waste(放射性废物地质处置)12.Coastal Zone Management(海岸带管理)13.Acid Mine Drainage(酸性矿山排放)14.Geologic Carbon Sequestration(地质碳封存)15.Soil Conservation(土壤保护)16.Ground Penetrating Radar(地质雷达)17.Geomorphology(地貌学)18.Geologic Remote Sensing(地质遥感)19.Environmental Geotechnics(环境岩土工程)20.Environmental Isotope Geochemistry(环境同位素地球化学)这些术语都是环境地质学中非常重要的概念,涉及到环境保护、资源利用、地质灾害等多个方面。
4 环境科学与工程专业英语第一章 unit2

在理解和控制人类活动和自然界复杂的相互作用上所需的科学 知识的巨大差异
Many environmental problems which could be eliminated or
发生改变,对人类或其他生命机体的健康、生存和活动造成了 有害影响。
Pollution:污染 Pollutant: 污染物质 Contamination: 污染,污染物 The act or process of contaminating. The state of being contaminated. One that contaminates.
环境:是指我们周围的物理和生物环境,我们可以看到, 听到,触到,闻到和感受到这些事物。
Practice:Environment can be defined as: (1) the circumstance or conditions that surround an organism or group of organisms, or (2) the complex of social or cultural conditions that affect an individual or community.
环境也可以定义为(1) 一个生物个体或生物群体周围的状况或条件; (natural environment) (2)影响个体或群体的复杂的社会或文化条件。 ( bulit environment)

Байду номын сангаас
stream bank erosion 河岸侵蚀
wind erosion
Alluvium[ə'l(j)uːviəm] : Sediment deposited by flowing water, as in a riverbed, flood plain, or delta. 冲积层:河床、冲积平原或三角洲中的流水淤积所产生的沉 积层. alluvial:冲积的,淤积的.
them in national parks as we did with the Grand Canyon. • 有时候,侵蚀的效果如此壮观,以至于我们用国家公园把
• Where erosion has worn down mountains and spread soil over the plains, or deposited rich alluvial silt in river bottomes, we galdly farm it.
Erode: To wear (something) away by or as if by abrasion; To cause to diminish(减小), deteriorate(恶化), or disappear as if by eating into or wearing away.
New Words & Phrases
Erosion: The group of natural processes, including weathering, dissolution, abrasion(磨损), corrosion(腐蚀), and transportation, by which material is worn away(磨损) from the earth's surface.

英语常见专业词汇分类汇总一、工程与技术:1. Architectural design(建筑设计): the process of creating a plan for the construction of a building or structure.2. Civil engineering(土木工程): the design, construction, and maintenance of structures such as roads, bridges, and buildings.3. Mechanical engineering(机械工程): the branch of engineering that deals with the design, construction, and operation of machinery.4. Electrical engineering(电气工程): the branch of engineering concerned with the study and application of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism.5. Computer programming(计算机编程): the process of designing and writing computer programs.6. Telecommunications(电信): the transmission of information over long distances using electronic or optical signals.7. Aerospace engineering(航空航天工程): the branch of engineering concerned with the design and construction of aircraft and spacecraft.8. Environmental engineering(环境工程): the branch of engineering concerned with the development of sustainable solutions to environmental problems.二、医学与健康:1. Anatomy(解剖学): the branch of science that deals with the structure and organization of living things.2. Physiology(生理学): the branch of biology that deals with the normal functions of living organisms and their parts.3. Genetics(遗传学): the study of genes, heredity, and variation in living organisms.4. Pharmacology(药理学): the branch of medicine concerned with the study of drugs and their effects on the body.5. Radiology(放射学): the branch of medicine that uses medical imaging techniques to diagnose and treat diseases.6. Psychiatry(精神病学): the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental health disorders.7. Cardiology(心脏病学): the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases.8. Oncology(肿瘤学): the branch of medicine that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer.三、商业与经济:1. Marketing(市场营销): the process of promoting and selling products or services.2. Accounting(会计): the process of recording, analyzing, and reporting financial transactions.3. Economics(经济学): the study of how individuals, businesses, and governments allocate resources and make decisions.4. Finance(金融学): the management of money, banking, investments, and credit.5. International trade(国际贸易): the exchange of goods and services between countries.6. Entrepreneurship(创业): the activity of starting a new business venture or taking a risk in order to make a profit.7. Supply chain management(供应链管理): the coordination and oversight of the flow of goods, information, and finances from suppliers to end consumers.8. Market research(市场调研): the process of gathering and analyzing data about customers, competitors, and market trends to make informed business decisions.四、计算机科学:1. Algorithm(算法): a step-by-step procedure for solving a problem or accomplishing a task.2. Programming language(编程语言): a formal language used to write computer programs.3. Artificial intelligence(人工智能): the development of computer systems that can perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence.4. Data mining(数据挖掘): the process of discovering patterns and relationships in large datasets.5. Network security(网络安全): the protection of computer networks and their data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.6. Software engineering(软件工程): the application of engineering principles to the design, development, and maintenance of software systems.7. Machine learning(机器学习): the study of algorithms and statistical models that enable computers to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data.8. User interface(用户界面): the means by which a user interacts with a computer, website, or application.五、法律与政治:1. Constitutional law(宪法法学): the body of law that defines the relationship between different entities within a state, namely the executive,the legislature, and the judiciary.2. Criminal law(刑法): the body of law that deals with offenses against the state, such as murder, theft, and assault.3. International law(国际法): the body of law that governs the relations between states and other international actors.4. Human rights( ** ): the basic rights and freedoms to which allindividuals are entitled, such as the right to life, liberty, and equality.5. Public policy(公共政策): the principles, actions, and decisions adoptedby government or public authorities to address societal problems or meetpublic needs.6. Political science(政治科学): the study of political systems, behavior,and ideologies.7. Diplomacy(外交): the profession, activity, or skill of managing international relations, typically by a country's representatives abroad.8. Legislation(立法): the process of making or enacting laws through the legislative branch of government.六、社会科学与人文学科:1. Sociology(社会学): the study of human society, social behavior, and the consequences of social relationships.2. Psychology(心理学): the scientific study of the mind and behavior.3. Anthropology(人类学): the study of human societies, cultures, andphysical characteristics.4. History(历史学): the study of past events, particularly in human affairs.5. Literature(文学): written works, especially those considered of superior or lasting artistic merit.6. Philosophy(哲学): the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, and mind.7. Linguistics(语言学): the scientific study of language and its structure, including phonetics, syntax, and semantics.8. Art history(艺术史): the study of visual arts from ancient times to the present, including painting, sculpture, architecture, and photography.七、自然科学与数学:1. Biology(生物学): the study of living organisms, including their structure, function, growth, and evolution.2. Chemistry(化学): the study of the composition, properties, and reactions of substances.3. Physics(物理学): the study of matter, energy, and the interactions between them.4. Mathematics(数学): the study of numbers, quantity, space, and structure,including algebra, geometry, calculus, and statistics.5. Geology(地质学): the study of the Earth's physical structure, history,and processes.6. Astronomy(天文学): the study of celestial objects, such as stars, planets, comets, and galaxies.7. Environmental science(环境科学): the study of the environment and the effects of human activities on it.8. Statistics(统计学): the collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and organization of data.八、教育与心理学:1. Pedagogy(教育学): the study and practice of teaching and educational methods.2. Educational psychology(教育心理学): the branch of psychology that deals with the study of teaching methods and learning processes.3. Curriculum development(课程开发): the process of creating and designing educational programs and courses.4. Special education(特殊教育): the education of students with special needs or disabilities.5. Counseling psychology(咨询心理学): the branch of psychology that focuses on providing therapeutic services to individuals and groups.6. Child psychology(儿童心理学): the study of children's mental andemotional development and behavior.7. School psychology(学校心理学): the application of psychologicalprinciples and techniques in educational settings to promote the learning and emotional well-being of students.8. Adult education(成人教育): the provision of educational opportunities and programs for adults, often focused on professional development or personal enrichment.九、艺术与设计:1. Fine arts(美术): the creation and appreciation of visual art, such as painting, sculpture, and printmaking.2. Graphic design(平面设计): the art and practice of planning and projecting ideas and experiences with visual and textual content.3. Fashion design(服装设计): the art of applying design, aesthetics, and natural beauty to clothing and its accessories.4. Industrial design(工业设计): the process of creating and developing concepts and specifications for products or systems.5. Architecture(建筑学): the art and science of designing and constructing buildings and other physical structures.6. Interior design(室内设计): the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space.7. Photography(摄影): the art, application, and practice of creating durable images using a camera or other light-sensitive equipment.8. Film and video production(影视制作): the process of creating and producing films, television shows, and video content.十、环境与地理:1. Ecology(生态学): the study of the relationships between organisms and their environment.2. Environmental science(环境科学): the study of the environment and the impact of human activities on it.3. Geography(地理学): the study of the Earth's surface, its physical features, climate, population, and how humans interact with these factors.4. Climate change(气候变化): the long-term alteration of temperature and typical weather patterns in a place.5. Conservation(保护): the preservation, protection, or restoration of the natural environment and of wildlife.6. Sustainable development(可持续发展): the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.7. Urban planning(城市规划): the practice of envisioning and regulating the use of space in urban areas, including transportation and infrastructure.8. Environmental policy(环境政策): the set of guidelines and principles that govern the regulation and management of the environment.。

U11、1.What is Envoronmental Science?环境科学是研究和评价环境影响的一门学科。
2、Solutions to Environmental Problems鉴于环境科学对理解人类对自然环境影响的重要性,社会通常依靠环境政策、环境教育以及环境技术来解决环境问题。
3、The Enviroment as a System为较好地认识自然环境,人们对环境的影响以及人们通过改变行为和使用技术来减少对于环境影响的方式,我们最好从“系统”的角度来思考自然或自然环境。

1. environment 环境2. environmental 环境的3. environmental science 环境科学4. environmental engineering 环境工程5. environmental management环境管理6. environmental issue 环境议题7. environmental concern 环境忧虑8. environmental problem 环境问题9. environmental protection 环境保护10. environmental movement 环境运动11. environmentalist 环境主义者12. environmentalism 环境主义.13. pollution 污染14. pollute (v) 污染(动) 15. pollutant 污染物16. polluter 污染者17. contamination 污染18. contaminate (v) 污染19. contaminant 污染物20. contaminator 污染者21. sustainable 可持续的22. sustainable development 可持续发展23. sustainability 可持续性24. sustain (v) 持续(动)25. natural resources 自然资源26. biodiversity 生物多样性27. ecosystem 生态系统28. agroecosystem 农业生态系统29. natural ecosystem 自然生态系统30. domesticated ecosystem 人类驯化生态系统31. ecology 生态学32. ecological 生态学的33. wilderness 荒野34. ecosphere 生物圈35. timber 木材36. ranch 大农场37. livestock 家畜38. graze (v) 吃草(动)39. municipal 市政的40. conserve (v) 保护(动)41. coniferous 针叶林的42. canal 运河43. biodynamic 生物驱动44. predator 捕食者45. bioaccumulate (v) 生物积累(动)46. petrochemical 石油化工产品47. microcosm 微宇宙48. tributary 支流49. footprint 印迹50. vegetation 植被51. politics 政治52. philosophy 哲学53. social organization 社会组织54. traditional science 传统科学55. societal value 社会价值56. political awareness 政治意识57. political jurisdiction 政治权限58.political friction 政治摩擦59. economic advantages 经济优势60. follow-up 跟进1. wildness 荒野漫无边际的荒野boundless wildness2. The Earth Day 地球日发起地球日活动to launch the activity of the Earth Day3. The Earth Summit 地球峰会以前被称作为UNCED的地球峰会The Earth Day formally known as the UNCED4. Rachel Carson 雷切尔.卡森像雷切尔卡森这样的杰出科学家the distinguished scientist like Rachel Carson5. greenhouse gases 温室气体.温室气体排放emission of greenhouse gases6. global warming 全球变暖全球变暖相关问题issues linked to global warming7. greenhouse effect 温室效应温室效应的严重后果serious consequences of greenhouse effect8. climate change 气候变化周期性的气候变化periodical climatechange9. The Kyoto Protocol京都议定书.京都议定书协议agreements of the Kyoto Protocol10. The Great Lakes 五大湖五大湖的边界boundaries of the Great Lakes11. Chesapeake Bay 切萨彼克湾切萨彼克湾实验基地the experimental base of Chesapeake Bay12. metropolitan complex 大城市群. 渤海湾大城市群the metropolitan complex in Bohai Gulf13. abandoned industrial sites 废弃的工业场地无数的废弃工业场地countless abandoned industrial sites14. grassland 草地广袤无垠的草地the vast grassland15. forest 森林茂盛的森林the exubriant forest16. farmland 农场美国中西部农场the midwestern farmlands in the U.S.17. coniferous forest 针叶林针叶林主导植被dominant vegetation of coniferous forest18. deciduous forest 落叶林稀疏的落叶林sparse deciduous forest19. tropical rainforest 热带雨林南美热带雨林tropical rainforest in South America20. temperate forest 温带森林从未砍伐的温带森林the uncut temperate forest21. floodplain 洪水平原洪水平原的大规模丧失the great loss of floodplain22. deltas 三角洲三角洲污染物汇集pollutant convergence in deltas23. watershed 水域密西西比河水域the Mississippi River watershed24. coral reef 珊瑚礁珊瑚礁白化coral reef whitening25. coastal areas 沿海地带沿海地带发达地区the developed places in coastal areas26. wetland 湿地湿地栖息地the wetland habitat27. groundwater 地下水地下水回填groundwater refilling28. drinking water 饮用水含有化肥的饮用水the drinking water containing fertilizers29. open space 空旷地带城市空旷地带缺失the lack of urban open space30. rural people 农村人憨厚的农村人simple and honest rural people31. urban dwellers 城市居民城市居民的高生活水准high living standard of urban dwellers32. suburban 郊区的郊区的快速城市化rapid suburban urbanization33. erosion 流失不可避免的流失inevitable erosion34. soil erosion 土壤流失众所周知的土壤流失the well-known soil erosion35. erosive 流失的流失的趋势erosive tendency36. erode (v) 流失(动) 流失逐步升级to erode increasingly37. silt 淤泥堆积的淤泥piling-up silt38. siltation 淤泥化令人困扰的淤泥化perplexing siltation39. silt up (v) 淤泥堵塞(动) 持续不断地淤泥堵塞to silt up continuously40. dredge (v) 挖泥(动) 高效率地挖泥to dredge highly efficiently41. accidental spill 事故性撒漏难以预见的事故性撒漏unpredictable accidental spill42. toxin 毒素致命毒素lethal toxin43. toxic 有毒的有毒的化学试剂toxic chemical reagents44. toxicity 毒性积累性毒性accumulative toxicity45. toxicology 毒理学生态毒理学ecological toxicology 46. fertilizer 化肥氮肥nitrogen fertilizers47. pesticide 杀虫剂含氯杀虫剂chlorinated pesticides 48. water table 地下水位下降了的地下水位the lowered water table49. irrigation 灌溉灌溉管网irrigation pipelines50. regional economy 区域经济区域经济滞后the retardation of regional economy51. local economy 地区经济地区经济超前the lead of local economy52. world economy 世界经济世界经济衰退falling world economy53. global economy 全球经济全球经济复苏recovery of global economy54. coast 海岸阳光海岸sunny coast55. coastline 海岸线蜿蜒曲折的海岸线winding coastline 56. agriculture 农业农业机械agriculture machinery57. low-paying jobs 低薪工作不屑一顾的低薪工作disdained low-paying jobs58. municipal services 市政服务逐步改进的市政服务gradually improved municipal services59. The Mekong River 湄公河越南境内的湄公河The Meikong River in Vienam60. barrier island 堤岛星罗棋布的堤岛widely scattered barrier islands1. exploitation 开发2. exploit 开发(动)3. exploitative 开发的4. exploitable 可开发的5. science 科学6. scientific method 科学方法7. observation 观察8. questioning 质疑9. hypothesis 猜想10. hypotheses 假说(复)11. hypothesize 猜测(动)12. hypothetical 猜测性的.13. experiment实验14. controlled experiment 控制实验15. variable 变量16. reproducibility 重现性17. theory 理论18. scientific law 科学法则19. experience 经验20. matter 物质21. energy 能量22. Atom 原子23. atomic 原子的24. nucleus 原子核25. nuclei 原子核(复)26. neutron 中子27. proton 质子28. electron 电子29. molecule 分子30. molecular 分子的31. ion 离子32. cation 阳离子33. anion 阴离子34. isotope 同位素35. element 元素36. compound 化合物37. mixture 混合物38. acid (base) 酸39. acidic (basic) 酸性的40. alkaline 碱性的41. hydrogen ion 氢离子42. hydroxide 氢氧根43. chemical bond 化学键44. chemical reaction 化学反应45. endothermic 吸热的46. exothermic放热的47. activation energy 活化能48. catalyst 催化剂49. catalyze 催化(动)50. catalysis 催化51. catalytic 催化的52. enzyme 酶53. organic 有机的54. inorganic 无机的55. photosynthesis 光合作用56. respiration 呼吸57. fermentation 发酵58. kinetic energy 动能59. potential energy 势能60. sensible heat 显热1. latent heat 潜热2. thermodynamic 热动力的3. thermodynamics 热动力学4. combustion 燃烧5. incineration 焚烧6. burning 燃烧的(高热的;燃烧)7. entropy 熵8. enthalpy 焓9. gas 气体10. gaseous 气体的11. gaseity 气态12. gasify 气化(动)13. gasification 气化14. gasifiable 可气化的15. vapor (vapour)(vapourer) 蒸气16. vaporize 蒸汽化(动)17. vaporous (vaporific, vapourish, vapoury) 蒸汽的18. solid 固体19. solidify 固化(动)(凝固;变硬;结晶)20. solidification 固化21. solidity 固态(硬度;稳健)22. solidifiable能凝固的23. liquid 液体(液体的;流动的;不稳定的)24. liquify (liquefy) 液化(动)25. liquifiable 可液化的26. liquifier 液化器27. liquidize 使液化(动)28. liquefaction 液化(作用)29. biotic 生物的30. abiotic 非生物的31. limiting factor 限制性因子32. range of tolerance 耐受范围33. habitat 栖息地34. inhabit (inhabitancy, inhabitant, inhabitation) 栖息(动)35. habitual 习惯的36. niche 小生态37. natural selection 自然选择38. evolution 进化39. evolutionary (evolutional) 进化的40. coevolution 共进化41. speciation 物种分化42. extinction 灭绝43. predator 捕食者44. predation 捕食45. prey 猎物46. competition 竞争47. intraspecific 种内的48. interspecific 种间的49. symbiosis 共生50. symbiotic 共生的51. parasitism 寄生52. parasite 寄生虫53. parasitic 寄生虫的54. host 宿主55. ectoparasite 外寄生虫56. endoparasite 内寄生虫57. commensalism偏利共生58. mutualism 互生59. herbivore 食草动物1. herbivorous 食草的2. carnivore 食肉动物3. carnivorous 食肉的4. omnivore 杂食动物5. scavenger 食腐动物6. decomposer 分解者7. producer 生产者8. consumer 消费者9. primary consumer 初级消费者10. secondary consumer 次级消费者11. trophic level 营养级12. food chain 食物链13. food web 食物网14. detritus食屑者15. biomass 生物量16. nutrient cycle 营养循环17. carbon 碳18. nitrogen 氮19. phosphorous cycle 磷循环20. biogeochemical cycle 生物地质化学循环21. ammonia 氨22. ammonium 铵23. nitrite 亚硝酸盐24. nitrate 硝酸盐25. nitric oxide 一氧化氮26. nitrogen monoxide 一氧化氮27. nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮28. nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮29. nitrify 硝化(动)30. nitrification 硝化31. nitrogen fixation 固氮32. denitrify 反硝化(动)33. denitrification 反硝化34. gene 基因35. chromosome 染色体36. keystone species 关键物种37. sea urchin 海胆38. sea otter 海獭39. beaver 海狸40. kelp 海草41. algae 海藻(复数)42. alga 海藻43. moss 苔藓44. gazelle 瞪羚45. moose 麋/驼鹿46. grasshopper 蚱蜢47. hawk 鹰48. eagle 鹰49. falcon 猎鹰/雌鹰/游隼50. meadowlark 云雀/草地鹨(北美鸟)51. cuckoo 杜鹃鸟/布谷鸟52. robin 知更鸟53. earthworm 蚯蚓54. berry 浆果55. mushroom 蘑菇56. asparagus 芦笋57. rhubarb 大黄58. lettuce 莴苣59. broccoli 椰菜/西兰花1. milkweed 马利筋属植物2. beetle 甲壳虫3. ladybird beetle (ladybird, lady bug) 瓢虫4. aphid 蚜虫5. toad 蟾蜍/癞蛤蟆6. caterpillar 毛虫7. tapeworm 条虫8. flea 跳蚤9. lice 虱子10. mouse 耗子11. mice 老鼠(复数)12. squirrel 松鼠13. bison 野牛14. mosquito 蚊子15. tick壁虱/扁虱16. orchid 兰花17. acacia 刺槐/洋槐18. alder 桤木/落叶乔木19. aspen 白杨/山杨20. elm榆树21. legume 豆科植物22. bean 蚕豆/豆23. clover 三叶草/苜蓿属植物24. soybean 黄豆25. corn 玉米26. mammoth 猛犸27. dandelion 蒲公英28. bass 鲈鱼29. carp 鲤鱼30. catfish 鲶鱼31. walleye 鼓眼鱼32. bacterium 细菌33. bacteria 细菌(复数)34. fungus 真菌35. fungi 真菌(复数)36. virus 病毒37. phage 噬菌体38. mold 霉菌39. mycorrhiza 菌根40. mycorrhizae 菌根(复数)41. mycorrhizal 菌根的42. donkey 驴43. mule 骡子44. succession 演替45. successional stage 演替阶段46. primary succession 初始演替47. secondary succession 次生演替48. pioneer community 先锋群落49. climax community 顶级群落50. terrestrial 陆地的51. aquatic 水生的52. evergreen forest 常绿林53. hardwood forest 硬木林54. perennial grass 多年生草本植物55. submerged plant 沉水植物56. emergent plant 挺水植物57. sedge 蓑衣草58. cattail 香蒲59. sphagnum 泥炭藓1. bulrush 芦苇/灯心草2. floating mats 水面漂浮席垫植物3. bog 泥沼4. biome 生物群落区5. coniferous forest 针叶林6. deciduous forest 落叶林7. grassland 草地8. prairie 大草原9. steppe 西伯利亚无树大草原/干草原savanna 热带大草原11. desert 沙漠12. tundra 冻原/苔原13. permafrost 永久冻原14. alpine tundra 高山冻原15. taiga 西伯利亚针叶林16. boreal forest 北部针叶林17. chaparral 浓密常绿阔叶灌丛(美国加利福尼亚和墨西哥)18. Mediterranean 地中海19. shrubland 灌木丛20. The Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠21. The North Pole 北极22. The South Pole 南极23. root 根24. seed 种子25. leaf叶26. stem 茎27. canopy 植冠28. nectar 花蜜29. rodent 啮齿动物30. rattlesnake 响尾蛇31. lizard 蜥蜴32. spider 蜘蛛33. capybara 水豚34. wildebeest 角马35. hyena 鬣狗/土狼36. caribou北美驯鹿37. antelope 羚羊38. reindeer 驯鹿39. deer 鹿40. moth 蛾41. wasp 黄蜂42. ant 蚂蚁43. badger 獾44. weasel 黄鼠狼45. mole 鼹鼠46. opossum 负鼠47. lemming 旅鼠48. hare 野兔49. waterfowl 水禽50. woodpecker 啄木鸟51. grouse 松鸡52. turkey 火鸡53. finch 雀类54. birch 桦树55. beech 山毛榉56. hickory 山核桃树57. maple 枫树58. oak 橡树59. spruce 云杉60. fir 枞树61. larch 落叶松62. willow 柳树63. balsa 轻质木64. teak wood 柚木65. ornamental wood 装饰木66. pelagic 远洋的/深海的67. freshwater ecosystem 淡水生态系统68. marine ecosystem 海洋生态系统69. plankton 浮游生物70. phytoplankton 浮游植物1. zooplankton 浮游动物2. benthic ecosystem 底栖生态系统3. benthic 底栖的4. abyssal 深海的5. coral reef 珊瑚礁6. mangrove 红树7. estuary 入海口/河口8. littoral zone 滨海地带9. limnetic zone 湖沼地带10. euphotic zone 有光区11. oligotrophic 寡营养的12. eutrophic 富营养的13. swamp 树木沼泽14. marsh 草地沼泽15. crayfish 小龙虾/喇蛄16. clam 蛤蚌17. crab 螃蟹18. sponge 海绵19. jellyfish 海蜇/水母20. oyster 牡蛎21. sea anemone 白头翁/银莲花22. mackerel 马鲛鱼23. tuna 金枪鱼24. flounder 比目鱼25. salmon 鲑鱼/大马哈鱼26. natality出生率27. birthrate 出生率28. mortality 死亡率29. death rate 死亡率30. morbidity 发病率31. survivorship curve 存活曲线32. sex ratio 性别比33. age distribution 年龄分布34. monogamous 一雌一雄的35. polygamous 一雌多雄的/一雄多雌的36. sterile 节育的37. nonsterile 未节育的38. reproduce 繁殖(动)39. divide 分裂(动)40. germinate 发芽(动)41. germination 发芽42. fertilize 受精(动)43. fertilization 受精44. prereproductive 育龄前的45. reproductive 育龄的46. postreproductive 育龄后的47. juvenile 年幼的/青少年的48. adult 成年49. mature 成熟的50. premature 未成熟的51. mate 配对(动)52. life span 寿命53. population density 人口密度54. population size 人口55. litter size 同胎生仔数56. maternal care 产妇护理/妇幼保健57. shelter 避难所58. nesting site 孵化地59. dispersal 分散/散布60. disperse 分散(动)61. immigration 移入62. emigration 移居国外63. overcrowd 过度拥挤64. biotic potential 生物潜能/繁殖本能65. male 雄性66. female 雌性67. parents 父母68. offspring 子代69. individual 个体70. population 群体1. lag phase 迟滞期2. exponential growth phase 指数生长期3. log phase 对数生长期4. stable phase 稳定期5. equilibrium phase 平衡生长期6. death phase 死亡期7. carrying capacity 承载力8. environmental resistance 环境阻力9. limiting factor 限制性因子10. K-strategist K-策略者11. r-strategist r-策略者12. endangered species 濒危物种13. threatened species 受威胁物种14. doubling time 倍增时间15. industrialized countries 工业化国家16. famine 饥荒17. political unrest 政治骚动18. political upheaval 政治大乱19. political turmoil 政治动乱20. groundwater mining 地下水开采21. population density 人口密度22. vegetarian diet 素食者饮食23. demography 人口统计学24. replacement fertility 替换出生率25. age distribution 年龄分布26. childbearing age 怀孕年龄27. breast feeding 母乳喂养28. early marriage 早婚29. pregnancy 怀孕30. pregnant 怀孕的31. nurse 养育/护理(动)32. birth control 计划生育33. contraception 避孕34. adulthood 成年35. social security 社会保障36. childcare 儿童照管37. economic prosperity 经济繁荣38. medical care 医疗照管39. cash bonus 现金奖励40. sterilization 绝育41. abortion 流产42. standard of living 生活水平43. living standard 生活水平44. couple 夫妇45. life expectancy 预期寿命46. disposal income 可支配收入47. purchasing power 购买力48. infant 婴儿49. overnutrition 营养过剩50. undernutrition 营养不良51. overweight超重52. obese 肥胖53. economic incentives 经济刺激54. foreign debt 外债55. corruption 腐败56. self-sufficient 自足57. immigrant 外来移民58. emigrant 国外移居者59. caucasian 白种人60. emerging economics 新兴经济61. biodiversity 生物多样性62. genetic diversity 遗传多样性63. species diversity 物种多样性64. ecosystem diversity 生态系统多样性65. population size 人口数量66. reproduction 繁殖67. sexual reproduction 有性生殖68. asexual reproduction 无性生殖69. breed 繁衍(动)70. species richness 物种丰富度1. genetic combination 遗传组和2. mutation 突变3. migration 迁徙4. passenger pigeon 信鸽5. carrier pigeon 信鸽6. homing pigeon 家鸽7. moa 恐鸟8. zebra mussel 斑马贝9. topography 地形10. patch 小块土地11. ridge 脊/岭12. rolling terrain 起伏地势13. pollination 授粉14. pollinator 传粉者15. fishery 渔业16. medicinal plant 药用植物17. shoreline 海岸线18. habitat loss 栖息地丢失19. native species 原生物种20. exotic species 外来物种21. alien species 外来物种22. fragmentation 碎片化23. scrubland 灌木丛林地24. cropland 庄稼地25. shore land 海岸地带26. rangeland 牧场27. permanent pasture 永久牧场/草场28. deforestation 砍伐森林29. reforestation 再森林化30. clear-cutting 皆伐31. selective harvesting 选择性收获32. plantation forestry 种植/人工林业33. forage 饲料34. mahogany 红木35. eucalyptus 桉树36. regrowth 再生长37. desertification 荒漠化38. subsistence farming 维持性耕作39. subsistence agriculture 维持性农业40. nomadic herder 游牧牧民41. trawl 拖网42. anchovy 鳀鱼43. fish farming 渔业养殖44. aquaculture 水产养殖45. genetic makeup 遗传组成46. chimpanzee 黑猩猩47. gorilla 大猩猩48. bush meat 野生动物肉49. rhinoceros 犀牛50. ballast water 压舱水51. marsupial 有袋动物52. lamprey 七腮鳗/八日鳗53. smelt 公鱼54. alewife 大肚鲱55. goby 虾虎鱼56. ruffe 梅花鲈57. grizzly bear 灰/黑熊58. exterminate 灭绝(动)59. The World Conservation Union 世界保护联盟60. tourist attraction 旅游胜地61. scenic site 景点62. poacher 偷猎者63. cover 掩体64. sapling 树苗65. gizzard 肌胃/砂囊66. migratory bird 候鸟67. land mass 大地68. pike 狗鱼69. cod 鳕鱼70. bottom dweller 底栖生物1. habitat management 栖息地管理2. bluegill 翻车鱼/蓝腮3. land-use 土地使用4. landscape 地势5. urban planning 城市规划6. waterfront 滨水区7. tenement 经济公寓8. outskirt 远郊9. suburban 郊区的10. real estate 房地产11. shopping center 购物中心12. congestion 拥堵13. decentralize 去中心化(动)14. utility service 公用事业15. zoning ordinance 区域划分条例16. housing tract 居民区17. urban sprawl 城市扩张18. tract development 片区发展19. ribbon sprawl 带型扩张20. public transport 公共运输21. landowner 土地拥有者22. historic building 历史建筑23. battlefield 战场24. open space 空地25. municipality 市政府26. nature center 自然中心27. brownfield 废弃的工业场地28. rancher大牧场主29. The Forest Service 林业管理局geopolitics 地缘政治学31. The Cold War 冷战32. democracy 民主33. central government 中央政府34. local government 地方政府35. private institution 私人机构36. private sector 私有部门37. civil society 公民社会38. technological innovation 技术革新39. deregulation 放松管制40. public policy 公共政策41. governance 统治/管制42. advocacy group 支持性组织43. think tank 智库44. trade group 贸易组织45. advisory group 咨询组织46. corporate council 公司董事会47. water rights 水权48. ground rule 基本法规49. civic group 公民组织50. land trust 土地信托51. labor union 工会52. neighborhood group 邻里组织53. industry group 工业组织54. shareholder group 股东组织55. lobbying 游说56. public hearing 公众听证57. watchdog 监管人58. marketplace 市场59. taxpayer 纳税人60. environmental awareness 环境认识61. policy 政策62. legislative branch 立法机构63. judicial branch 司法机构64. executive branch 执法机构65. The Congress 国会66. dispute 争议67. act 法律68. statute 法令/法规69. poll 投票70. public opinion 公众观点presidential campaign 总统竞选2. presidential election 总统选举3. grassroots 草根4. initiative 动议/主动5. green politics 绿色政治6. national security 国家安全7. NATO 北约8. environmental terrorism 环境恐怖主义9. ecoterrorism 生态恐怖主义10. anarchy 无政府11. bilateral agreement 双边协议12. multilateral agreement 多边协议13. environmental certification环境认证reverence 敬畏instrumental 有益的self-contained 独立的surge 浪潮swiftly 迅速的tumble 翻滚shady 荫凉的recitation 详述glimpse 一瞥chirp 吱吱叫conspicuous 显著的diverge 分岔shape 塑造camouflage 伪装intrigue 使困惑rival 竞争者excavate 挖开hitch 勾住bumble-bee 野蜂obligatory 专性的pedal 脚踏板lure 诱饵alternate 交替的prominent 主要的self-perpetuate 自我延续的drizzle 毛毛雨preordained 自然注定的devoid 却失jeopardy 危险detrimental 有害的accrue 自然增长institute 设立unveil 展现ward 病房dwindle 减少affluent 富人peripheral 周围的paradoxically 自相矛盾地stuck 陷于困境renovate 翻修prime 优等的impervious不透水的escalate 逐步增强wield 行使pursuits 寻求bewildering 令人迷惑的unleash 释放aggravate 加剧remedy补救cynicism 愤世嫉俗arduous 艰辛prescribing受规定所限的status quo 现状encompass 包括intertwine 使交织一起concession 特许temper 减缓envision 预见。

life expectancy :耐用期限,平均寿命poverty-stricken :贫穷的,贫困的,贫乏的smog-laden air :烟雾弥漫的天空,烟雾缭绕的空气,阴霾天气global conditions :全球状况haves and have-nots :富人和穷人underprivileged :社会地位低下的,相对贫困的,生活水平低下的,弱势的savanna :热带大草原,稀树草原predator :食肉动物,捕食者environmental disruptions :环境破坏,环境失调农药—pesticide / agricultural chemicals (including: pesticide, germicide, herbicide)化肥—chemical fertilizer 有机废物—organic wastes微生物—microorganism / microbe 衰减—attenuation阻滞的—retardant / blocking 稀释—dilution添加剂—additive 合成塑料—synthetic plastic 再生—regenerationUnit 4Precision and accuracy 精确度和准确度bulk collection 大量的搜集matric material 基体材料ananlytical sequence 分析结果Multivariate statistics 多变量的统计interactive effect 相互间的影响insofar 在...的范围overall analytical scheme 整体分析计划灵敏度sensitivity 采样sample collection 真实时间real time样品欲处理pretreatment of the sample 稳定性stability曲线拟合curve-fitting 吸附adsorb adsorption 累积accumulate accumulation 分析评价analytical evaluation 物理分离physical separation因次图dimension graph 标准方差standard varianceUnit 5primary pollutant 一次大气污染物secondary pollutant 二次大气污染物air stagnation 空气流动停滞,大气停滞nitrous oxide 一氧化二氮(N2O)nitric oxide 一氧化氮(NO) nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮(NO2)soot 煤烟dust 灰尘smog 烟雾ozone 臭氧herbicide 除草剂pesticide 杀虫剂/ 农药正常浓度normal concentration 严重污染的serious polluted / heavily polluted决定因素determining factor 光化学氧化物photochemical oxidant液体微滴liquid droplet 放射性物质radioactive substance不完全氧化incomplete oxidization / incomplete combustion含硫的sulfur-containing 风化wind erosion / weathering 汽车尾气automobile exhaustUnit 7出口outlet 多管高效旋风分离器multitube high-efficiency cyclone合成纤维synthetic fabric 捕集效率collection efficiency机械洗涤mechanical scrubbing 压力降pressure drop焚化炉incinerator 气体离子gas ion捕集板collection surface 碳黑carbon black尾气off-gas 可应用性applicability 工业规模full-scale 土壤床soil bed生物过滤器biofilter 固定资本fixed capital 易生物降解的easily biodegraded VOC 挥发性有机化合物APC 大气污染控制Regulatory program 调整项目Financial support 财政支持Operating cost 操作成本Biodegradation capacity 生物降解能力Environmental media 环境介质Biological 生物学的Technologies 技术、工艺Inorganic air pollutants 无机大气污染物Unit 10treatment facilities 处理设备municipality 市政当局, 自治市population equivalent 人口当量basement flooding 地下室浸水per capita per day 每人每天runoff 排水domestic sewage 生活污水type of terrain 地形种类Unit 12land disposal 掩埋处置fecal coliform 粪大肠菌群stringent effluent requirement 严格的废水排放要求assimilation capacity 同化能力practical outlets 可行的排出途径,现实出路aquatic life 水生生物detrimental to human health 对人体健康有害的endogenous phase 内源〔生长〕期Unit 13flow monitoring 流量监测equipment age and reliability 装备老化及其可靠性mechanistic facilities 机械设备microbial activity 微生物活性activated sludge 活性污泥controlling respiration 控制呼吸oxidation ditches 氧化沟on-line automation 在线自动〔监测〕手动控制operator control/ manual control 最优化minimize the effects微处理器microprocessor 统计分析statistical analysis质量衡算mass balance 动力学dynamics氧化还原oxidation and reduction /redox 停留时间residence time模拟simulation 参数parameter 水解hydrolysis 积分integralUnit 1 环境工程本书的内容:本书的目的是使工科和理科学生对环境问题的跨学科的研究有所了解:环境问题的起因,环境问题受关注的原因,如何控制环境问题。

环境学总论原生环境primary environment次生环境secondary environment生态示范区ecological demonstrate area环境地质学environmental geology环境地球化学environmental geo-chemistry 环境土壤学environmental soil science环境微生物学environmental microbiology环境危机environmental crisis环境保护environmental protection环境预测environmental forecasting环境自净environmental self—purification环境效应environmental effect环境容量environmental capacity环境演化evolution of environment环境舒适度environmental comfort环境背景值(本底值)environmental background value环境保护产业(环保产业)environmental production industry环境壁垒(绿色壁垒)environmental barrier 绿色革命green revolution可持续发展sustainable development第三类环境问题(社会环境问题)the third environmental problem悬浮物suspended solids一次污染物primary pollutant二次污染物secondary pollutant全球性污染global pollution排污收费pollution charge 可再生资源renewable resources不可再生资源non—renewable resources自然保护区natural reserve area防护林protection forest公害public nuisance矿山公害mining nuisance工业废水industrial wastewater矿山废水mining drainage生活饮用水domestic potable water草原退化grassland degeneration沙漠化desertification人口压力population pressure人口净增率rate of population全球环境监测系统global environment monitoring system GEMS中国环境保护工作方针Chinese policy for environment protection“三同时”原则principle of “the three at the same time”二噁英公害dioxin nuisance马斯河谷烟雾事件disaster in Meuse Valley 多诺拉烟雾事件disaster in Donora伦敦烟雾事件disaster in London水俣病事件minamata disease incident骨痛病事件itai—itai disaster incident洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件Los Angeles photochemical smog episode四日市哮喘事件Yokkaichi asthma episode米糠油事件Yusho disease incident环境地学水圈hydrosphere水循环water circulation地表水surface water水位water level下渗(入渗)sinking蒸发evaporation最高水位highest water level 最低水位lowest water level 平均水位average water level 警戒水位warning water level 流速flow velocity流量discharge洪水期flood season枯水期low-water season冲刷washout 含水层aquifer 隔水层(不透水层)aquiclude 透水层permeable stratum层间水interlayer water承压水(有压层间水)confined water 或自流水artesian water孔隙水void water岩溶水(喀斯特水)karst water径流runoff flow地表径流land runoff地下水groundwater流域保护water basin protection淡水fresh water咸水saltwater降水precipitation沉淀降水量amount of precipitation降水强度intensity of precipitation水环境容量carrying capacity of water environment水土流失(土壤侵蚀)soil and water loss点源污染point source pollution面源污染non-point source pollution扩散diffusion涡流eddy current涡流扩散eddy diffusion富营养化废水eutrophic waste-water污水sewage漫灌flood irritation水底沉积物(底质或底泥)benthal deposit总固体total solids悬浮固体suspended solids总溶解固体total dissolved solids河流复氧常数constant of river reoxygenation 湖泊酸化lake acidification富营养化eutrophication富营养湖eutrophic lake中营养湖mesotrophic lake贫营养湖oligotrophic lake水库reservoir海洋处置sea disposal海底采样sea floor sample赤潮(红潮)red tide海水淡化desalination of seawater海底沉积物sea bottom sediment海洋倾倒ocean dumping水质water quality水资源综合利用water resource integrated utilization水土保持soil and water conservation 河道整治channel improvement水污染毒性生物评价biological assessment of water pollution toxicity水利工程hydro—engineering水体自净self-purification of water body水环境保护功能区(水质功能区)functional district of water environment土地处理系统land treatment system土地沙漠化land desertification土壤肥力soil fertility土壤酸碱度soil acidity and alkalinity土壤污染防治prevention and treatment of soil pollution土壤盐渍化(土壤盐碱化)soil salination土壤酸化soil acidification母质(土壤母质或成土母质)parent material土壤剖面soil profile腐殖质化humification淋溶作用leaching土壤改良soil improvement土壤粒级soil separate土壤质地soil texture缓冲作用buffering/buffer action缓冲剂buffering agent/buffer缓冲容量buffer capacity盐基饱和度base saturation percentage灌溉irrigation富里酸fuvic acid胡敏素humin土壤团聚体soil aggregate土壤退化(土壤贫瘠化)soil degeneration土壤地带性soil zonality污水灌溉wastewater irrigation臭氧层ozone layer降水precipitation降水量rainfall降水强度precipitation intensity大气环境容量atmospheric environmental capacity事后评价afterwards assessment烟尘消除elimination of smoke and dust温室效应greenhouse effect大气扩散atmospheric diffusion烟羽(烟流或羽流)plume逆温inversion环境生物学生境habitat耐受极限limits of tolerance最小因子定律law of minimum生物检测bioassay环境胁迫environmental stress生物多样性bio-diversity生态位niche生命周期life cycle生态型ecotype自养生物autotrophy异养生物heterotroph指数增长exponential growth互利共生mutualism偏利共生commensalisms寄生parasitism衍生物derivative杀虫剂insecticide杀菌剂fungicide除草剂herbicide杀鼠剂rodenticide防腐剂preservative无残留农药non-persistent pesticide植物性农药phytopesticide污水灌溉sewage irrigation世界自然历史遗产保护地world natural and historical heritage site储量stock过度捕获over—hunting;over—fishing猎(渔)期open season农业残渣agricultural dregs赤潮red tide藻花algae bloom/水花water bloom原生污染物primary pollutant次生污染物secondary pollutant急性毒性实验acute toxicity test 慢性毒性实验chronic toxicity test预备实验screening test;range—finding test;preliminary test稀释dilution归宿fate生物积累bioaccumulation生物浓缩bioconcentration生物放大biomagnification生物降解biological degradation;biodegradation生物营养物质biotic nutrient多污生物带polysaprobic zone中污生物带mesosaprobic zone寡污生物带oligosaprobic zone敏感种sensitive species; intolerant organism 耐污种tolerant species生物滤池biological filter净化塘/氧化塘/生物塘purification pond生物膜biomembrane;biological film轮作crop rotation间作intercropping套种interplanting基塘模式farm land and fish pond model防护林带shelter belt沼气marsh gas农家肥farm manure堆肥piled manure城市热岛效应urban heat island effect城市生态规划urban ecological planning环境激素endocrine disrupting chemicals; endocrine disruptors边缘效应edge effect生态恢复ecological restoration恢复生态学restoration ecological环境化学甲基汞methyl mercury镉米cadmium rice农药残留pesticide residue有机氯农药organochlorine pesticide有机磷农药organophosphorous pesticide 氨基甲酸酯杀虫剂carbamate insecticide 拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂pyrethroid insecticide 植物生长调节剂growth regulator化学致癌物chemical carcinogen表面活性剂surfactant多氯联苯类polychlorinated biphenyls;PCBs 多环芳烃类polyaromtic hydrocarbon; PAH 催化(催化作用)catalysis臭氧化ozonization光化学氧化剂photochemical oxidant过氧乙酰硝酸酯peroxyacetyl nitrate;PAN干沉降dry deposition湿沉降wet deposition光化学烟雾photochemical smog大气光化学atmospheric photochemistry降水化学precipitation chemistry气溶胶化学aerosol chemistry悬浮颗粒物suspended particulate总悬浮颗粒物total suspended particulates(TSP)飘尘(可吸入颗粒物或可吸入尘)airborne particle降尘(落尘)dustfall;falling dust气溶胶aerosol水质water quality盐度salinity氧化还原电位oxidation-reduction potential;redox potential溶解氧dissolved oxygen化学需氧量chemical oxygen demand生化需氧量biochemical oxygen demand总有机碳total organic carbon溶解度solubility聚集aggregation絮凝flocculation凝聚coagulation离子交换ion exchange萃取extraction缓冲溶液buffer solution氧平衡模式(氧垂曲线)oxygen balance model吸收剂(吸附剂)absorbent活性炭active carbon氧化剂oxidant还原剂reductant胶团micelle胶体溶液colloidal solution脱硫剂desulfurization agent电渗析electrodialysis萃取剂extracting agent过滤filter絮凝剂flocculant;flocculating agent无机絮凝剂inorganic flocculant有机高分子絮凝剂organic polymer flocculant 中和法neutralization 反渗透膜reverse osmosis membrane硅胶silica gel蒸汽蒸馏steam distillation超滤膜ultrafilter membrane灵敏度sensitivity准确度accuracy精密度precision可靠性reliability检测限detection limit相对误差relative error绝对误差absolute error偶然误差accidental error平均偏差mean deviation采样误差sampling error标准溶液standard solution标准物质standard substance允许误差allowable error允许浓度allowable concentration微量分析microanalysis痕量分析trace analysis现场分析in-situ analysis仪器分析instrumental analysis水质分析water quality analysis比色分析colorimetric analysis沉降分析sedimentation analysis自动分析automatic analysis原子吸收分光光度法atomic absorption spectrophotometry原子吸收分光光度计atomic absorption spectrophotometer原子荧光光谱法atomic fluorescence spectrometry原子荧光光谱仪atomic fluorescence spectrometer电化学分析法electrochemical method高效液相色谱法high performance liquid chromatography高效液相色谱仪high performance liquid chromatograph气相色谱分析gas chromatography气相色谱仪gas chromatograph采样器sampler大气采样器air sampler底泥采样器sediment samplerpH计pH meter湿度计hygrometer固定大气污染源stationary sources of air pollution移动大气污染源mobile sources of air pollution固定式水污染源stationary sources of water pollution移动式水污染源mobile sources of water pollution污染负荷pollution load污染源调查survey of pollution sources无污染工艺pollution-free technology无污染装置pollution-free installation污染物总量控制total amount control of pollution水质参数water quality parameter水温water temperature色度color index透明度transparency混浊度turbidity硬度hardness感官污染指标sensuous pollution index毒理学污染指标physical pollution index化学污染指标chemical pollution index细菌学污染指标bacteriological pollution index毒理学污染指标toxicological pollution index 城市污水municipal sewage生活污水domestic sewage工业废水industrial wastewater常规分析指标index of routine analysis环境监测environmental monitoring过程监测course monitoring污染物排放标准pollution discharge standard 总量排放标准total amount of pollution discharge standard优先监测priority monitoring环境优先污染物environmental priority pollutant总固体total solids可吸入微粒(可吸入尘和飘尘)inhale particles 浊度计turbidimeter实验室质量控制laboratory quality control空白实验值blank value平行样duplicate samples再现性(重现性)reproducibility重复性repeatability回收率recovery rate检出限detection limit冷原子吸收法cold—vaporatomic absorption method紫外吸收光谱法ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometry重量分析gravimetric analysis内标法internal marker method定性分析qualitative analysis定量分析quantitive analysis试样前处理pre—treatment均值mean value标准差standarderror方差variation回归分析regression analysis相关分析correlation analysis相关系数correlation coefficient系统误差systematic error随机误差random error有效数字valid figure农药残留分析pesticide residue analysis排污收费effluent charge室内空气污染indoor air pollution水体自净self—purification of water body水土保持soil and water conservation水土流失soil erosion土壤修复soil-remediation生物修复bioremediation光降解photodegradation温室气体greenhouse gases总量收费total quantity charge超临界流体supercritical fluid土壤采样soil pollution环境物理学光辐射(光)visible radiation 红外线infrared ray紫外线ultraviolet ray灭菌灯bactericidal lamp 光污染light pollution噪声污染noise pollution 混响reverberation听力损失hearing loss绝对湿度absolute humidity相对湿度relative humidity饱和度saturation ratio冷凝condensation露点温度dew point temperature热辐射thermal radiation比热specific heat空气调节air conditioning通风ventilation环境工程学环境污染综合防治integrated prevention and control of pollution环境功能区划environmental function zoning 稀释比dilution ratio迁移transfer紊流扩散turbulent diffusion氧亏(亏氧量)oxygen deficit复氧reaeration溶解氧下垂曲线dissolved-oxygen sag curve 饱和溶解氧saturated dissolved无污染燃料pollution—free fuel燃烧combustion空气-燃料比air—to-fuel ratio烟气分析analysis of flue gas煤的综合利用comprehensive utilization of coal 脱硫desulfurization除尘效率particle collection efficiency分割粒径cut diameter for particles压力损失(压力降)pressure drop机械除尘器mechanical collector重力沉降室gravity settling chamber惯性除尘器inertial dust separator旋风除尘器cyclone collector回流式旋风除尘器reverse—flow cyclone collector直流旋风除尘器straight—through cyclone collector多管旋风除尘器multiple cyclone collector过滤除尘器filter袋式除尘器bag house滤料filtration media气布比air-to-cloth ratio机械振动清灰袋式除尘器bag house with shake cleaning逆气流清灰袋式除尘器bag house with reverse-flow cleaning脉冲喷吹清灰袋式除尘器bag house with pulse-jet cleaning静电除尘electrostatic precipitator (ESP)电晕放电corona discharge驱进速度drift velocity集尘极collecting electrode板间距distance between collecting electrodes 电极清灰removal of collected particle from electrodes宽间距静电除尘器wide space electrostatic precipitator高压脉冲静电除尘器pulse charging electrostatic precipitator湿式静电除尘器wet electrostatic precipitator 双区静电除尘器(两段式电除尘器)two-stage electrostatic precipitator湿式除尘器wet collector of particulates重力喷雾洗涤器gravitational spray scrubber 旋风洗涤器centrifugal scrubber中心喷雾旋风洗涤器]cyclone spray scrubber 泡沫洗涤塔foam tower scrubber填料床洗涤器packed bed scrubber文丘里洗涤器venturi scrubber双膜理论two—film theory气膜控制gas film control液膜控制liquid film control穿透曲线break through curve催化剂catalyst催化剂中毒poisoning of catalyst 烟气脱硫flue gas desulfurization (FGD)湿法脱硫wet process of FGD石灰-石灰石法脱硫desulfurization by lime and limestone氨吸收法脱硫ammonia process of FGD干法脱硫dry process FGD吸收法控制氮氧化物control of NO x by absorption水吸收法脱氮control of NO x by absorption process with water酸吸收法脱氮control of NO x by absorption process with acid碱吸收法脱氮control of NO x by absorption process with alkali吸附法控制氮氧化物control of NO x by adsorption分子筛吸附法脱氮control of NO x by adsorption process with molecular sieve硅胶吸附法脱氮control of NO x by adsorption process with silica gel气体生物净化biotreatment of gaseous pollutant生物过滤器biofilter汽车尾气污染pollution of automobile exhaust gal生物脱臭biotreatment of odor集气罩capture hood烟囱有效排放高度effective height of emission清洁生产cleaner production矿山废水mining drainage电镀废水electroplating wastewater给水处理厂water treatment plant污水处理厂wastewater treatment给水(污水)处理构筑物water (sewage)treatment structure污水集水井swage joining well废水调节池wastewater flow equalization basin格栅grill筛网grid screen沉砂池grit settling tank曝气沉砂池aeration grit settling tank平流式沉砂池horizontal grit settling tank立式圆形沉砂池vertical circular grit settling tank圆形周边运动沉砂池circular perimeter flow grit settling tank重力排砂grit discharge by gravity水力提升排砂grit discharge with hydraulic elevator水力旋流器hydraulic cyclone沉淀池settling tank重力沉淀池gravity settling tank 浓缩式沉淀池thickening settling tank斜板(斜管)沉淀池sloping plank(pipe)settling tank辐流式沉淀池radial settling tank平流式沉淀池horizontal settling tank竖流式沉淀池vertical settling tank悬浮污泥澄清池suspended sludge clarifier 脉冲澄清池pulse clarifier水力循环澄清池hydraulic circulating clarifier竖流折板絮凝池vertical table flap flocculating tank机械搅拌絮凝池mechanical mixing flocculating tank 颗粒自由沉降particle free sediment 絮凝沉降flocculation sedimentation 拥挤沉降hinderedsedimentation气浮池floatation basin加压溶气气浮法pressure dissolved—airfloatation微电解法micro electroanalysis过滤池filter重力过滤法gravity filtration process 压力过滤法pressure filtration process 真空过滤法vacuum filtration process 快滤池rapid filtration慢滤池slow filtration接触滤池contact filter双向滤池bidirectional filter双层滤料滤池double layer filter无阀滤池non-valve filter虹吸滤池siphonfilter压力滤池pressure filterV型滤池aquazur V-filter砂滤sand filtration 微滤机microstrainer滤池冲洗强度backwashing intensity of filter 滤层filter material layer滤料承托层holding layer for filter material 斜板隔油沉淀池oil trap with slope plank冷却塔cooling tower湿式氧化法wet oxidation process反应池reaction basin叶轮搅拌器turbine mixer膜分离法membrane separation method半渗透膜semi—permeable membrane电渗析electrodialysis反渗透reverse osmosis离子交换膜ion exchange membrane萃取extraction汽提stripping吹脱法blow-off method臭氧氧化法ozonation臭氧发生器ozonator磁分离法magnetic isolation method光催化氧化optical catalysis oxidation软化水处理softening water treatment石灰-纯碱软化法lime—sodium carbonate softening method 废水好氧/厌氧处理biological aerobic/anaerobic treatment of wastewater微生物内源代谢microorganism intrinsic metabolism微生物合成代谢microorganism synthetic metabolism基质分解代谢substrate degradation metabolism活性污泥法activated sludge process回流污泥return sludge剩余污泥surplus sludge初次沉淀池primary sedimentation basin 曝气池aeration推流式曝气池plug-flow aeration basin完全混合曝气池completely mixed aeration basin二次沉淀池secondary sedimentation basin污泥沉降比sludge settling ratio污泥容积指数sludge velum index污泥负荷volume loading 普通活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process分段曝气法step aeration method延时曝气法extended aeration method加速曝气法accelerant aeration method深井曝气法deep well aeration method纯氧曝气法oxygen aeration method鼓风曝气装置blast aerator 扩散曝气设备diffusion aerator射流曝气设备efflux aerator机械曝气装置mechanical aerator表面曝气装置surface aerator曝气时间aeration time污泥龄sludge age活性污泥培养activated sludge culture活性污泥驯化domestication of activated sludge粉末炭活性炭法powdered carbon activated sludge process污泥膨胀sludge bulking生物滤池biological filter高负荷生物滤池high—loading biological filter水力负荷hydraulic loading有机负荷organic loading塔式生物滤池tower biological filer生物转盘biological rotating disc生物流化床biological fluidized bed活性生物滤池activated biofilter化粪池septic tank污水硝化脱氮处理nitrogen removal from wastewater by nitrification污水反硝化脱氮处理nitrogen removal from wastewater by denitrification污水硝化—反硝化脱氮处理nitrogen removal from wastewater by nitridenitrification 土地处理系统land treatment system氧化塘oxidation pond好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond厌氧塘anaerobic pond曝气氧化塘aerated oxidation pondICEAS intermittent cyclic extended aeration system间歇循环延时曝气活性污泥法DAT—IAT工艺demand aeration tankintermittent aeration tank system(需氧池-间歇池)A1/O工艺anoxic/ oxicA2/O工艺anaerobic oxicPhostrip工艺phostriop processBardenpho工艺Bardenpho process Phoredox工艺Phoredox processUCT工艺university of capetownVIP工艺Virginia initiative plant厌氧生物滤池(AF)anaerobic filter厌氧接触法anaerobic contactprocess厌氧生物转盘anaerobic biological rotating disc两相厌氧消化two-phase anaerobic digest序批式间歇反应器series batch reactor氧化沟oxidation ditch上流式厌氧污泥床upflow anaerobic sludge blanketMSBR modified sequencing batch reactor消毒disinfection灭菌sterilization加氯机chlorinator氯化消毒chlorization disinfection漂白粉消毒disinfection by bleaching powder 紫外线消毒disinfection with ultraviolet rays 加氯消毒disinfection by chlorine液氯liquified chlorine gas需氯量chlorine demand余氯chlorine residual游离性余氯free chlorine residual化合性余氯combined chlorine residual折点加氯chlorination breakpoint过氧化氢消毒disinfection by hydrogen peroxide除味taste removal除臭odor removal脱色decoloration生污泥undigested sludge熟污泥digested sludge污泥处置disposal of sludge污泥综合利用comprehensive utilization of sludge真空过滤法vacuum flotation process污泥浓缩sludge thickening污泥消化sludge digestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering污泥干化sludge drying污泥焚烧sludge incineration真空过滤机脱水dewatering by vacuum filter 板框压滤机脱水dewatering by plate frame press filter辊轧式脱水机脱水dewatering by roll press 带式压滤机脱水dewatering by belt press filter离心式脱水机脱水dewatering by centrifuge 中温消化处理middle temperature digestive treatment高温消化处理high temperature digestive treatment污泥堆肥发酵处理sludge composting and fermentation污泥浓缩池sludge thickener污泥消化池sludge digestion tank污泥产气率gas production rate of sludge污泥干化场sludge drying bed固体废物solid wastes城市生活垃圾municipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾堆放处置法dumping of municipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾卫生填埋法sanitary landfilling of municipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾焚烧法incineration of municipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾分类sorting of municipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾收集collection of municipal solid wastes垃圾收费refuse taxing废电池used battery有毒有害工业固体废物toxic industrial wastes医疗废物health care wastes堆肥composting填埋场landfill渗滤液leachate treatment焚烧炉incineration furnaces助燃空气系统air injection system余热利用heat utilization焚烧灰渣ash水泥固化技术cement solidification石灰固化lime solidification沥青固化技术asphalt solidification固体废物预处理preliminary treatment of solid wastes破碎crushing of solid wastes筛分screening of solid wastes风力分选wind separation放射性固体废物radioactive solid waste声级计sound level meter消声室anechoic room; anechoic chamber;dead room混响室reverberation room隔声sound insulation吸声muffler环境医学环境卫生学environmental hygiene 环境毒理学environmental toxicology 口蹄疫foot-and—mouth disease流行病学epidemiology地方病endemic disease氟斑牙dental fluorosis职业病occupational disease慢性毒性chronic toxicity急性毒性acute toxicity致癌物carcinogen变异variation病原体pathogen抗体antibody抗原antigen突变mutation病毒virus蓄积器官storage organ致突变作用mutagenesis致畸作用teratogenesis致癌作用carcinogensis摄入量intake dose吸收量absorbed dose卫生标准health standard最高容许浓度maximum permissibleconcentration致死量lethal dose半致死浓度median lethalconcentration(LD50)剂量-反应关系dose-response relationship恶臭offensive odor协同作用synergism拮抗作用antagonism因果关系cause—effect relationship相关关系correlation阈限值threshold limit value(TLV)高危人群population at high risk易感人群susceptible population环境管理学环境管理学environmental management science环境伦理学environmental ethics环境质量管理management of environmental quality环境适宜度environmental suitability环境区划environmental zoning环境预测environmental forecasting环境质量评价environmental quality evaluation环境影响评价environmental impact assessment环境规划environmental planning环境决策分析environmental decision analysis 总量控制total discharge control of pollutant 浓度控制concentration control排污收费effluent charge排污申报登记declaration and registration of pollutant discharge排污许可证permit for pollutant discharge生物安全biosafety环境监察environmental supervision and management环境宣传教育environmental propaganda and education 环境意识environmental consciousness环境质量报告书report on environmental quality环境影响评价报告书report on environmental impact assessment公众意见听证会public hearing循环经济cyclic economy预防为主、防治结合、综合治理原则principle of giving priority to pollution prevention,combining prevention and control, and integrated control全面现划、合理布局原则principle of overall planning and rational layout谁污染谁治理polluter-treats综合利用、化害为利原则principle of comprehensive utilization and turning harm into good谁开发谁保护explorer-protects协调发展原则principle of coordinated development国家环境保护模范城市national environmental protection model city全国生态示范区national ecological demonstration area环境信息environmental information环境管理信息系统information system for environmental management环境专家系统environmental expert system环境监测environment monitoring 环境标志environmental label清洁生产cleaner production环境审计environmental audit产品生命周期life cycle of product环境法学环境法学science of environmental law环境保护法environmental protection law公害法public nuisance law环境行政法规administrative regulations of environment环境部门规章departmental rules of environment污染物排放标准pollutant discharge standard “三同时”制度three simultaneity system排污审报登记制度declaration and registration system of pollution discharge排污许可证制度permit system of pollutant discharge排污收费制度system of effluent限期治理制度system of eliminating and controlling environmental pollution within a prescribed time现场检查制度system of on-site inspection环境污染事故报告制度system of environmental pollution accident reporting 《中华人民共和国环境保护法》Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》law of the People’s Republic of China on prevention and control of water pollution《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》law of the People's Republic of China on prevention and control of atmospheric pollution《中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治法》law of the People’s Republic of China on prevention and control of pollution from environmental noise《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境法》law of the People’s Republic of China on prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》marine environment protection law of the People’s Republic of China《全国生态环境建设规划》national eco-environmental construction plan《全国生态环境保护纲要》national compendium on eco-environmental protection 地表水环境质量标准environmental quality standard for surface water地下水质量标准quality standard for ground water农业灌溉水质标准standard for irrigation water quality污水综合排放标准integrated wastewater discharge standard大气污染物综合排放标准integrated emission standard of air pollutants环境经济学循环经济模式circular economy type牧童经济the shepherd economy3R原则the rules of 3R(reducing, reusing, recycling)生态经济学eco-economics共有资源common resources外部经济性external economics外部不经济性external diseconomics外部成本external cost边际效用marginal utility边际收益marginal benefit粗放经营extensive management集约经营intensive management自然资本natural capital公平equity代际补偿compensation between generations绿色国民帐户green national account可持续发展sustainable development公共物品public goods环境保护贸易政策trade policy for environmental protection绿色壁垒green tariff barrier11国民生产总值gross national production(GNP) 国民生产净值net national production(NNP)国民收入national income环境污染弹性系数environmental pollution elasticity回收率reuse rate物质平衡material balance物料衡算material balance counting影子价格shadow price现行价格present price贴现discount机会成本opportunity cost运行费用operation cost城市气化率urban population ratio of used gas 城市绿化覆盖率urban green cover ratio环境效益environmental benefit成本效益分析cost and benefit analysis环境费用environmental cost排污权交易marketable pollution permits生态足迹the ecological footprint环境税environmental tax资源资产assets of resource资源产权property right of resource最低安全标准minimum standard of security 代际公平equality between generation 末端控制terminal control公地的悲剧tragedy of the public pasture中间产品intermediate product最终产品final product直接污染物产生/排放系数direct pollutant generation/discharge coefficient累积污染物产生/排放系数cumulate pollutant generation/discharge coefficient排污收费charge from discharge pollutant污染者负担原则polluter pay principle资源税resource tax人口出生率population birth rate人口死亡率population mortality rate人口自然增长率population nature growth rate人口计划生育率population planning fertility rate平均寿命average life人口年龄金字塔population age pyramid人口老化population aging人口过剩over-population人口爆炸population explosion计划生育family planning人口统计population statistics人口普查population census环境教育环境教育目标objectives of environmental education多学科环境教育课程模式multi-disciplinary model of environmental education 跨学科环境教育模式inter—disciplinary model of environmental education中学环境教育大纲environmental education standard for secondary school环境教育活动的设计design of environmental education activity野外环境教育基地environmental education field base公众参与public participation环境意识environmental awareness中国中小学绿色教育行动environmental educators initiative of china12。

一、物理学1. 力学(Mechanics):研究物体运动和作用力的学科。
2. 光学(Optics):研究光的传播、反射、折射等特性的学科。
3. 电磁学(Electromagnetism):研究电荷、电流与磁场之间相互作用的学科。
4. 热学(Thermodynamics):研究热能转化和能量传播的学科。
5. 声学(Acoustics):研究声音的产生、传播和接收的学科。
二、化学1. 元素(Element):指由同一种原子构成的物质。
2. 化合物(Compound):由两个或多个不同元素化合而成的物质。
3. 离子(Ion):带电的原子或分子。
4. 化学键(Chemical bond):将原子结合在一起的力。
5. 酸碱(Acid-Base):指酸和碱之间的化学反应。
三、生物学1. 细胞(Cell):生物体的基本结构和功能单位。
2. 基因(Gene):决定生物遗传性状的基本单位。
3. 进化(Evolution):生物种类和特征随时间推移发生变化的过程。
4. 基因工程(Genetic engineering):利用DNA重组技术改变生物的遗传特性。
5. 感染(Infection):病原体进入机体并引起疾病的过程。
四、地质学1. 地壳(Crust):地球最外层的岩石壳层。
2. 地震(Earthquake):地壳发生剧烈震动的现象。
3. 火山(Volcano):地表下喷发岩浆、气体和火山灰等物质的地质现象。
4. 地质年代(Geological era):地球历史长时间划分的单位。
5. 沉积作用(Sedimentation):沉积岩形成的过程。

环境科学专业英语》专业词汇unit 1 :1. 环境科学与工程environmental engineering and science ;2. 排污权交易pollution discharge right trade ;3. 修复技术restoration technique ;4. 臭氧消耗物质ozone consumption material ;5. 地下水subsurface water ;6. 人口增长population growth ;7. 卫生设施与基础设施health facilities and infrastructure ;8.环境健康风险environmental health risk ;9. IPCC政府间气候变化专门委员会Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change;10. CFCs 氯氟烃chlorofluorocarbon ;11. 安全的饮用水safe drinking water ;12. 温室气体greenhouse gas;13. 酸雨acid rain ;14. 城市化urbanization ;15. 工业废弃地derelict in dustrial land ; 16.臭氧层chemosphere; 17.全球大气污染the global air pollution ;18.全球变暖的趋势the trend of global warming;19. 污染物的传输contaminant transport ;20. 污染预防pollution prevention unit 4 :1. 完整性和可持续性integrity and sustainability ;2. 退化与受损的生态系统the ecosystem has been degraded and damaged ;3. 生态系统的结构、组成和功能the ecosystem's structure,composition and functioning ;4. 恢复原始的景观recover its predisturbance state ;5. 文化信仰与习俗cultural beliefs and customs;6. indigenous species 本土物种;7. opportunist species 优势种;8. 自然作用the function of nature ;9. 火山爆发volcanic eruption ;10. 历史轨迹historic trajectory ;11. 基础的生态学数据baseline ecological data ;12. 预测模型predictive models ;13. 外来入侵物种alien invasive species ;14. 生态修复Ecological Restoration ;15. 恢复生态学Restoration Ecology ;16. 全球变化global changing ;17. 监控方法the monitoring function ;18. 在干扰之前in predisturbanee ;19.根据…制图be charted from ;20.集体的决定collective decisionUnit 7:1、案头研究与野外调查相结合的办法 A combined method of desk study and field study2、法定限值statutory threshold value ;3、地图、表格、曲线与照片的利用The use of maps,graphs/charts,tables and photographs ;4、环境影响评价法The law of Environmental impact assessment ;5、影响预测impact prediction ;6、减缓措施mitigation measures ;7、背景研究baselinestudies ;8 、环境要素与环境受体environmental components and environmental receptors 9、项目说明书project specification ;10、累积影响cumulative impacts ;11 、环境影响报告书Environmental Impact Statement ;12、ERAEnvironmental risk assessment;13、residual impacts 潜在的影响;14、项目施工期constrution phase ;15、可替代的生产技术的选择Selection of alternative production techniques ;16、定性分析与定量分析相结合Combineof qualitative assessment and quantitative assessment; 17、基础方案base case 18、监控程序monitoring procedures ; 19、流程图分析flow chart analysis ;20、事件树分析event tree analysis ;Unit 12:1. 城市污水的处理深度; treatment levels of municipal sewage ;2. 排放许可pischarge permits ;3. 单元操作; unit oprations ;4. 单元过程; unit process ;5. 污水预处理; preliminary tereatment of sewage;6. 污水一级处理; primary treatment of sewage;7. 污水二级处理; secondary treatment of sewage;8. 污水三级处理; tertizry treatment of sewage;9. 污水高级处理; advanced treatment of sweage ; 10. 生物营养物去除; biological nu trie nt removal ;11. 氮和磷;n itroge n and phosphorus ;12. BODbiological oxygen demand;13. TSS total suspended solids ;14. 污水消毒;sweage disinfection ;15. VOC volation organic compound 挥发性有机物;16. 紫外线消毒;UV radiation disinfection ;17. 下水道溢流;sewer verflow ;18. 大肠菌;colliform bacteria ;19. 回流returnflow ;20. 过滤filtration ;21. 城市污水处理厂municipal sewage plants ;22. 市政工程municipal engineering ;23. 生物处理系统biological treatment systems ;24. 有机物organic matter ;25. 工程决断engineering judgement ;26. 当地法规local regulations ;27. 沉降作用sedimentation ;28. 可沉淀的颗粒物settleable particles ;29. 反渗透reverse osmosis ;30. 膜生物反应器membrane bioreactors ;31. 涡流分流器vortex separators ;32. 污水净化sewageclarification ;33. 超滤ultrafiltration ;34. 出水水质water quality of effluent ;35. 富营养化nutrientenrichment/eutrophication ;36. 点源污染point source pollution ;37. 面源污染(非点源污染)nonpoint source pollution ;38. 老化的基础设施aging infrastructure ;39. 紫外灯UV lamp;40. 土地处理过程land treatment process。

英语环境专业术语改善环境;加强环境environm ental enhancement环境伦理学;环境道德environm ental ethics环境风险environm ental exposure经济活动对环境的影响environm ental externalities (of economic activities)环境因素environm ental factor有关环境的后续行动environm ental follow-up环境预报environm ental forecasting环境意识上升;环境认识提高environmental gains环境地质学environm ental geology环境商品environm ental goods环境梯度environm ental gradient环境灾害;环境危害environm ental hazard环境公害environm ental hazard环境卫生environm ental health环境健康危害Environmental health hazards环境健康影响评价Environmental health impact assessment环境遗产environm ental heritage环境图象environm ental image环境影响environm ental impact环境影响Environmental impact环境影响评价Environmental impact assessment环境影响的评价environm ental impact assessment (EIA)环境影响状报告书Environmental impact statement环境影响的报告environm ental impact statement (EIS)环境影响报告environm ental impact statment对环境的意义;对环境的后果environmental implications环境改善environm ental improvem ent环境改善environm ental improvem ent环境激励措施Environmental incentives环境指标Environmental indicators环境业;环境行业environm ental industry环境信息ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION环境问题environm ental issues标明对环境的影响;环境标记environmental labelling环境〔温度〕递减率;环境〔温度〕直减率environmental lapse rate 环境法environm ental law环境法ENVIRONMENTAL LAW环境法律与机构股Environmental Law and Machinery Unit环境法中心Environmental Law Centre在环境中的浓度;环境浓度水平environmental level环境税environm ental levy环境责任Environmental liability环境浓度极限;环境浓度限度environmental limit concentration环境管理environm ental management环境管理ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT环境管理指标Environmental management indicators核能的环境管理environm ental management of nuclear energy环境测量实验室Environmental Measurem ents Laboratory环境措施environm ental measures环境微生物学environm ental microbiology环境过失Environmental misconduct环境监测environm ental monitoring环境监测Environmental monitoring环境监测卫星environm ental monitoring satellite (EMS)环境公害environm ental nuisance环境最适条件environm ental optimum conditions进入环境途径environm ental pathway环境感观environm ental perception环境规则environm ental planning环境规划Environmental planning环境警察environm ental police环境政策environm ental policy环境政策Environmental policy环境污染environm ental pollution环境污染environm ental pollution环境无害产品environm ental product产品的环境概貌environm ental product profile (EPP)环境概貌environm ental profile一种物质的环境特性;环境性质environmental properties (of a substance)环境保护;环保environm ental protection环境保护局Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)环保执法检查environm ental protection law enforcement inspection环境保护交换(债务交换环境保护environmental protection swap环境质素environm ental quality环境质量environm ental quality环境质量指标Environmental quality indicators环境质量标准environm ental quality standard环境质量标准Environmental quality standards环境难民environm ental refugee排入环境;倾弃于环境environm ental release环境复原;环境改造environm ental renovation环境研究environm ental research环境阻力environm ental resistance环境资源environm ental resources环境资源environm ental resources环境权利environm ental rights环境风险environm ental risk环境危险;环境风险environm ental risk环境风险评估Environmental risk assessment进入环境途径environm ental route环境安全environm ental safety环境安全评价environm ental safety assessment环境卫生environm ental sanitation环境科学environm ental science环境合格标记;合乎环境要求标记environmental seal of approval 环境安全Environmental security环境传感器environm ental sensor因考虑环境问题带来的其他问题environmental spillover环境标准environm ental standard环境统计Environmental statistics环境股票交易Environmental stock exchange环境压力environm ental stress带来环境压力的因素environm ental stressor环境补贴Environmental subsidies环境监视卫星Environmental Survey Satellite环境税environm ental tax环境技术;环境无害技术environm ental technology环境技术概貌environm ental technology profile (ETP)环境术语Environmental terminology环境威胁environm ental threat环境毒性environm ental toxicity环境毒物学;环境毒理学environm ental toxicology环境训练environm ental training环境培训Environmental training环境定价Environmental valuation环境破坏行为Environmental vandalism环境冲突Environmental warfare环境警报服务environm ental warning services环境学家;环境工作者;环境专家environmentalist环境能接受的代用品;合乎环境要求的代品environmentally acceptable substitute 不损害环境的技术environm entally benign technology有环境意识的environm entally conscious考虑到环境因素的经济environm entally determined economy对环境有利的能源选择environm entally favourable energy options (EFEO)对环境有利的能源战略environm entally favourable energy strategies不损害环境的;关心环境的environmentally friendly对环境有害的environm entally harmful对环境有害的;危害环境的environmentally hazardous对环境有害的发展environm entally hazardous developments与环境有关的疾病Environmentally related diseases对环境安全的environm entally safe对环境安全的产品environm entally safe product环境敏感地区environm entally sensitive area考虑到环境因素的政策environm entally sensitive policy一种产品的环境无害特性environm entally sound characteristics环境无害产品environm entally sound product环境无害的工艺过程environm entally sound technological process环境无害的技术environm entally sound technology在环境中稳定的environm entally stable合乎环境要求的可持久发展environmentally sustainable development酶EnzymesS地球观测卫星EO始新世Eocene epochA环境保护局EPP产品的环境概貌EPS发泡聚苯乙烯EP造陆运动epeirogenic movement季节性河流;间歇〔性〕河〔流〕ephermeral stream短生植物,(2)短生epherm eral (1)表皮epicdermis震央;震中epicentre流行病Epidemics流行病学Epidemiology附生植物epiphyteH欧洲气候学和自然灾害方案EPOC赤道Equator赤道气团equatorial air mass赤道气候equatorial climate赤道电急流equatorial electrojet近赤道纬度equatorial latitudes赤道低〔气〕压equatorial low赤道雨林equatorial rain forest赤道雨林equatorial rain forest赤道低压槽equatorial trough赤道槽equatorial trough臭氧的平衡浓度equilibrium ozone concentration G废气回流;废气还流;废气再循环装置ERO紧急救济行动专家咨询小组ER消除疾病eradication of disease砂质荒漠;砂质沙漠erg (sandy desert)人机工程学Ergonomics可侵蚀性erodibility侵蚀erosion侵蚀循环erosion cycle漂石erratic爆发eruptionP静电除尘器ES单斜山;马头丘escarpment大牧场(南美)estancia大农场,(2)estate (1)河口生物学Estuarine biology河口保护区Estuarine conservation areas河口三角洲estuarine delta河口生态系统Estuarine ecosystems河口海洋学Estuarine oceanography河口湾estuaryP环境技术概貌ET乙烯ethene三氯乙烯ethinyl trichloride种族区ethnic area种族群ethnic group少数种族ethnic minority种族隔离ethnic segregation乙烯ethyl乙基溴;溴乙烷ethyl bromide (CH3CH2Br)(C2H5Br)乙基氯;氯乙烷ethyl chloride (CH3CH2Cl)(C2H5Cl)乙烯ethylene环氧乙烷;氧丙环ethylene oxide四氯乙烯ethylene tetrachloride二氯乙烷;不对称二氯乙烷ethylidene chloride (CH3CHCl2) 1,1- 二氟乙烷;不对称二氟乙烷ethylidene fluoride 1,1-乙基硫代膦酰二氯ethylphosphonothioic dichloride乙基膦酰二氯ethylphosphonous dichloride光亮区;透光带euphotic zone欧亚大洲Eurasia欧洲养护年European Conservation Year欧洲环境机构European Environment Agency (EEA)欧洲环境监测和资料网络European Environmental Monitoring and Information Network海洋观测站欧洲小组European Group on Ocean Stations (EGOS)欧洲自然保护资料中心European Information Centre for Nature Conservation 欧洲区域/空间规划章程European Regional/Spatial Planning Charter欧洲植被图European Vegetation Map海面升降;海面进退eustasy海面升降运动eustatic movement富养分eutrophic沃化水;含太多养分的水eutrophic waters富养化〔作用〕eutrophication富营养化;富养化;沃化;养分太多eutrophication富营氧化Eutrophication蒸发〔作用〕evaporation蒸发作用Evaporation蒸发性排放evaporative emission蒸发蒸腾作用evapotranspiration均匀坡even (regular)slope常绿林evergreen forest演化;进化evolution挖掘堆积Excavation heaps掘蚀,(2)挖掘excavation (1)过量空气excess air雨水过多;霪雨excessive rainfall过度城市化excessive urbanization施肥过多excessive use of fertilizer交换量exchange capacity能量交换通量exchange flux交换性阳离子;交换性正离子exchangeable cation执行理事会Executive Council剥离〔作用〕;页状剥落〔作用〕exfoliation废气后处理净化装置exhaust after-treatment device废气污染极限;废气污染限值exhaust emission limit废气污染物;废气污染exhaust emission(s)废气;排气exhaust gas废气回流;废气还流;废气再循环装置exhaust gas recirculation (ERG)废热;废气带走的热量exhaust heat尾气净化器exhaust purifier展示Exhibit剥露〔作用〕exhumation外力作用;外成作用exogenic process外逸层;外大气圈exosphere放热反应exothermic reaction外源河exotic river发泡塑料expanded plastic发泡聚苯乙烯expanded polystyrene (EPS)臭氧层空洞的扩大;臭氧层空洞越来越大expansion of the ozone hole抛弃式深水温度计expendable bathythermograph (XBT)抛弃式电导深水温度计expendable conductivity temperature depthsonde (XCTD)紧急救济行动专家咨询小组Expert Advisory Panel on Emergency Relief Operations 专家系统Expert system指数曲线exponential curve出口export危险废物的出口Export of hazardous wastes出口国export State出口导向工业export-oriented industry曝露的;没有保护的exposed裸露海岸;暴露海岸exposed coast曝露在空气中exposed to air曝露时间exposure duration曝露极限;曝露限值exposure limit曝露时间exposure time大家庭extended family广泛测量;扩大测量extended measurements 粗放式农业;广耕法extensive farming外部经济效益external economies外〔营〕力external force国外迁移;境外迁移external migration外部的影响;外在因素externalities外部Externalities已灭绝生物品种extinct species灭绝品种;灭绝物种extinct species死火山extinct volcano品种灭绝extinction of species灭火剂extinguishing agent外推法;外插法extrapolation极端气候extreme climate极端环境extreme environment极端事件extreme event极值extreme value挤塑聚苯乙烯extruded polystyrene喷出;挤出extrusion喷出岩extrusive rock喷出火山作用extrusive vulcanicity眼睛受到伤害;眼伤eye damage眼睛生病;眼病eye disorders风眼eye of a storm〔热带气旋〕风眼eye of tropical cyclone。

环境科学与工程专业词汇包括环境学总论、环境地学、环境生物学、环境化学、环境物理学、环境工程学、环境医学、环境经济学、环境管理学、环境法学、环境教育等11大类环境学总论原生环境primary environment 次生环境secondary environment 生态示区ecological dem on strate area 环境地质学environmental geology 环境地球化学environmen tal geo-chemistry 环境土壤学environmental soil scienee 环境微生物学environmental microbiology环境危机environmental crisis环境保护environmen tal protect ion 环境预测environmental forecasting 环境自净environmental self-purification 环境效应environmental effect 环境容量environmental capacity 环境演化evolution of environment 环境舒适度environmental comfort 环境背景值(本底值)environmental backgro und value环境保护产业(环保产业)environmental product ion in dustry环境壁垒(绿色壁垒)environmental barrier绿色革命green revolution 可持续发展susta in able developme nt第三类环境问题(社会环境问题)the third environmen tal problem 悬浮物suspended solids 一次污染物primary pollutant 二次污染物secondary pollutant 全球性污染global pollution 排污收费pollution charge 可更新资源renewable resources 不可更新资源non-renewable resources 自然保护区natural reserve area 防护林protect ion forest 公害public nuisanee 矿山公害mining nuisanee 工业废水in dustrial waste water 矿山废水mining drain age 生活饮用水domestic potable water 草原退化grassland degeneration 沙漠化desertification 人口压力population pressure 人口净增率rate of population 全球环境监测系统global environment mon itori ng system GEMS 中国环境保护工作针Chin ese policy for environment protect ion"三同时” 原贝U principle of “the three at the same time ”二噁英公害dioxine nuisanee 马斯河谷烟雾事件disaster in Meuse Valley多诺拉烟雾事件disaster in Donora 伦敦烟雾事件disaster in Lon don 水俣病事件minamata disease incident 骨痛病事件itai-itai disaster incident 洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件Los Angeles photochemical smog episode四日市哮喘事件Yokkaichi asthma episode米糠油事件Yusho disease incident水圈hydrosphere水循环water circulation环境地学地面水(地表水)surface water水位water level下渗(入渗)sinking蒸发evaporation最高水位highest water level最低水位lowest water level平均水位average water level 冲刷washout 含水层aquifer隔水层(不透水层)aquiclude透水层permeable stratum层间水in terlayer water承压水(有压层间水)confined water 或自流水artesian water隙水void water岩溶水(喀斯特水)karst water径流runoff flow地表径流run off地下水ground water流域保护water bas in protect ion淡水fresh water咸水saltwater降水precipitation 沉淀降水量amount of precipitation 降水强度intensity of precipitation 水环境容量carrying capacity of water environment水土流失(土壤侵蚀)soil and water loss点源污染point source pollution面源污染non-point source pollution扩散diffusion涡流eddy current涡流扩散eddy diffusion富营养化废水eutrophic waste-water污水sewage漫灌flood irritation水底沉积物(底质或底泥)benthal deposit 总固体total solids悬浮固体suspended solids总溶解固体total dissolved solids河流复氧常数constant of river reoxyge nati on湖泊酸化lake acidification富营养化eutrophication富营养湖eutrophic lake中营养湖mesotrophic lake警戒水位warning water level 流速flow velocity 流量discharge 洪水期flood season 枯水期low-water seas on 贫营养湖oligotrophic lake 水库reservoir 海洋处置sea disposal 海底采样sea floor sample 赤潮(红潮)red tide 海水淡化desalination of seawater 海底沉积物sea bottom sediment 海洋倾倒ocean dumping 水质water quality 水资源综合利用water resource in tegrated utilizati on水土保持soil and water conservation河道整治channel improvement水污染毒性生物评价biological assessme nt of water polluti on toxicity 水利工程hydro-engineering水体自净self-purification of water body水环境保护功能区(水质功能区)functional district of water environment土地处理系统land treatme nt system 土地沙漠化land desertification 土壤肥力soil fertility 土壤酸碱度soil acidity and alkalinity 土壤污染防治preve nti on and treatme nt of soil polluti on 土壤盐渍化(土壤盐碱化)soil sali nation土壤酸化soil acidification母质(土壤母质或成土母质)pare nt material土壤剖面soil profile腐殖质化humification淋溶作用leaching土壤改良soil improvement土壤粒级soil separate土壤质地soil texture缓冲作用buffering/buffer action 缓冲剂buffering agent/buffer 缓冲容量buffer capacity 盐基饱和度base saturation percentage灌溉irrigation富里酸fuvic acid敏素humin土壤团聚体soil aggregate土壤退化(土壤贫瘠化)soil degeneration 土壤地带性soil zonality污水灌溉wastewater irrigation臭氧层ozone layer 降水precipitation 降水量rain fall降水强度p recipitation intensity大气环境容量atmospheric environmen tal capacity事后评价afterwards assessment烟尘消除elimination of smoke and dust温室效应greenhouse effect大气扩散atmospheric diffusion烟羽(烟流或羽流)plume 逆温in vers ion环境生物学生境habitat耐受极限limits of toleranee 最小因子定律law of mi nimum 生物检测bioassay环境胁迫environmental stress 生物多样性bio-diversity 生态位niche 生命期life cycle 生态型ecotype 自养生物autotrophy 异养生物heterotroph 指数增长exponential growth 互禾U共生mutualism 偏利共生commensalisms寄生parasitism 衍生物derivative 杀虫剂insecticide 杀菌齐U fungicide 除草剂herbicide 防腐齐U preservative 杀鼠剂rodenticide 无残留农药non-persistent pesticide 植物性农药phytopesticide 污水灌溉sewage irrigation 世界自然历史遗产保护地world natural and historical heritage site 储量stock过度捕获over-hunting; over-fishing 猎(渔)期ope n seas on 农业残渣agricultural dregs 赤潮red tide藻花algae bloom/ 水花water bloom原生污染物primary pollutant 次生污染物secondary pollutant 急性毒性实验acute toxicity test 慢性毒性实验chron ic toxicity test 预备实验scree ning test; ran ge-fi nding test; preliminary test 稀释dilution 归宿fate 生物积累bioaccumulation 生物浓缩bioconcentration 生物放大biomagnification 生物降解biological degradation; biodegradati on 生物营养物质biotic n utrie nt 多污生物带polysaprobic zone 中污生物带mesosaprobic zone 寡污生物带oligosaprobic zone 敏感种sen sitive species;in tolera nt orga nism 耐污种tolerant species 生物滤池biological filter 净化塘/氧化塘/生物塘purification pond 生物膜biomembrane; biological film 轮作crop rotation 间作intercropping 套种interplanting 基塘模式farm land and fish pond model 防护林带shelter belt 沼气marsh gas 农家肥farm manure 堆月肥piled manure城市热岛效应urba n heat isla nd effect chemicals; en docri ne disruptors城市生态规划urban ecological 边缘效应edge effectpla nning 生态恢复ecological restoration环境激素en docri ne disrupti ng 恢复生态学restoration ecological环境化学甲基汞methyl mercury potential ;redox potential镉米cadmium rice 溶解氧dissolved oxygen农药残留pesticide residue 化学需氧量chemical oxyge n dema nd有机氯农药organochlorine pesticide 生化需氧量biochemical oxygen 有机磷农药organophosphorous dema ndpesticide 总有机碳total organic carb on氨基甲酸酯杀虫剂carbamate 溶解度solubilityin secticide 聚集aggregation拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂pyrethroid in secticide 絮凝flocculation植物生长调节剂growth regulator 凝聚coagulation化学致癌物chemical carci nogen 离子交换ion exchange表面活性剂surfactant 萃取extraction多氯联苯类polychlori nated 缓冲溶液buffer solutionbiphe nyls;PCBs 氧平衡模式(氧垂曲线)oxygen bala nee 多环芳烃类polyaromtic hydrocarb on; modelPAH 吸收剂(吸附剂)absorbent催化(催化作用)catalysis 活性炭active carb on臭氧化ozonization 氧化剂oxidant光化学氧化剂photochemical oxida nt 还原剂reductant过氧乙酰硝酸酯peroxyacetyl nitrate ;胶团micellePAN 胶体溶液colloidal solution干沉降dry deposition 脱硫剂desulfurizati on age nt湿沉降wet deposition 电渗析electrodialysis光化学烟雾photochemical smog 萃取剂extract ing age nt大气光化学atmospheric 过滤filterphotochemistry 絮凝剂floccula nt ;flocculati ng age nt降水化学precipitation chemistry 无机絮凝剂inorganic flocculant气溶胶化学aerosol chemistry 有机高分子絮凝剂organic polymer 悬浮颗粒物suspended particulate floccula nt总悬浮颗粒物total suspended 中和法neutralizationparticulates(TSP) 反渗透膜reverse osmosis membrane飘尘(可吸入颗粒物或可吸入尘)airborne 硅胶silica gelparticle 蒸汽蒸馏steam distillation降尘(落尘)dustfall ;falling dust 超滤膜ultrafilter membrane气溶胶aerosol 灵敏度sensitivity水质water quality 准确度accuracy盐度salinity 精密度precision氧化还原电位oxidati on-reduct ion 可靠性reliability检测限detection limit 相对误差relative error 绝对误差absolute error 偶然误差accidental error 平均偏差mean deviation 采样误差sampling error 标准溶液standard solution 标准物质standard substanee 允误差allowable error 允浓度allowable concentration 微量分析microanalysis 痕量分析trace analysis 现场分析in-situ analysis 仪器分析instrumental analysis 水质分析water quality analysis 比色分析colorimetric analysis 沉降分析sedimentation analysis 自动分析automatic analysis原子吸收分光光度法atomic absorption spectrophotometry原子吸收分光光度计atomic absorption spectrophotometer原子荧光光谱法atomic fluoresce nee spectrometry原子荧光光谱仪atomic fluoresce nee spectrometer电化学分析法electrochemical method 高效液相色谱法high performa nee liquid chromatography高效液相色谱仪high performa nee liquid chromatograph气相色谱分析gas chromatography 气相色谱仪gas chromatograph 采样器sampler 大气采样器air sampler 底泥采样器sediment sampler pH 计pH meter湿度计hygrometer固定大气污染源stationary sources of air pollutio n移动大气污染源mobile sources of air pollutio n固定式水污染源stationary sources of water polluti on移动式水污染源mobile sources of water pollutio n污染负荷pollution load污染源调查survey of pollution sources 无污染工艺polluti on-free tech no logy 无污染装置polluti on-free in stallati on污染物总量控制total amou nt con trol of pollutio n 水质参数water quality parameter水温water temperature色度color index透明度transparency 混浊度turbidity 硬度hardness 感官污染指标sen suous polluti on in dex 毒理学污染指标physical polluti on in dex 化学污染指标chemical polluti on in dex 细菌学污染指标bacteriological polluti on in dex毒理学污染指标toxicological pollutionin dex城市污水municipal sewage生活污水domestic sewage工业废水in dustrial wastewater常规分析指标index of routine analysis环境监测environmental monitoring过程监测course monitoring污染物排放标准pollution discharge sta ndard 总量排放标准total amount of pollution discharge sta ndard优先监测priority monitoring环境优先污染物environmen tal priority polluta nt总固体total solids可吸入微粒(可吸入尘和飘尘)in hale particles浊度计turbidimeter实验室质量控制laboratory quality conrol空白实验值blank value平行样duplicate samples再现性(重现性[reproducibility重复性repeatability回收率recovery rate 检出限detection limit 冷原子吸收法cold-vapor atomic absorptio n method紫外吸收光谱法ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometry重量分析gravimetric analysis 标法internal marker method 定性分析qualitative analysis 定量分析quantitive analysis 试样前处理pre-treatment 均值mean value 标准差standard error 差variatio n回归分析regression analysis 相关分析correlation analysis 相关系数correlation coefficient 系统误差systematic error 随机误差random error 有效数字valid figure 农药残留分析pesticide residue an alysis 排污收费effluent charge 室空气污染in door air polluti on 水体自净self-purification of water body 水土保持soil and water conservation 水土流失soil erosion 土壤修复soil-remediation 生物修复bioremediation 光降解photodegradation 温室气体greenhouse gases 总量收费total quantity charge 超临界流体supercritical fluid 土壤采样soil pollution环境物理学光辐射(光)visible radiation 红外线infrared ray 紫外线ultraviolet ray 灭菌灯bactericidal lamp 光污染light pollution 噪声污染noise pollution 混响reverberation 听力损失hearing loss 绝对湿度absolute humidity 相对湿度relative humidity 饱和度saturation ratio冷凝condensation露点温度dew point temperature 热辐射thermal radiati on比热specific heat 空气调节air conditioning 通风ventilation环境工程学环境污染综合防治in tegrated preve nti on and con trol of pollutio n环境功能区戈U environmental function zoning稀释比dilution ratio迁移transfer紊流扩散turbulent diffusion氧亏(亏氧量)oxygen deficit 复氧reaeration 溶解氧下垂曲线dissolved-oxyge n sag curve饱和溶解氧saturated dissolved无污染燃料pollution-free fuel燃烧combustion空气—燃料比air-to-fuel ratio 烟气分析analysis of flue gas 煤的综合利用comprehe nsive utilizati onof coal脱硫desulfurization除尘效率particle collection efficiency 分割粒径cut diameter for particles 压力损失(压力降)pressure drop 机械除尘器mechanical collector 重力沉降室gravity settling chamber 惯性除尘器inertial dust separator 旋风除尘器cyclone collector 回流式旋风除尘器reverse-flow cycl one collector 直流旋风除尘器straight-through cyclone collector多管旋风除尘器multiple cyclone collector气布比air-to-cloth ratio机械振动清灰袋式除尘器bag house with shake clea ning逆气流清灰袋式除尘器bag house withreverse-flow clea ning脉冲喷吹清灰袋式除尘器bag house with pulse-jet clea ning静电除尘electrostatic precipitator (ESP) 电晕放电corona discharge高压脉冲静电除尘器pulse chargi ng electrostatic precipitator湿式静电除尘器wet electrostatic precipitator 双区静电除尘器(两段式电除尘器) 重力喷雾洗涤器gravitational spray scrubber旋风洗涤器centrifugal scrubber中心喷雾旋风洗涤器向clone spray scrubber泡沫洗涤塔foam tower scrubber 填料床洗涤器packed bed scrubber 文丘里洗涤器ven turi scrubber 双膜理论two-film theory 气膜控制gas film control 液膜控制liquid film control 穿透曲线break through curve 催化剂catalyst催化剂中毒poisoning of catalyst 烟气脱硫flue gas desulfurization (FGD) 湿法脱硫wet process of FGD 灰一灰法脱硫desulfurization by lime and limesto ne氨吸收法脱硫ammonia process of FGD 干法脱硫dry process FGD吸收法控制氮氧化物absorptio ncon trol of NO x by 水吸收法脱氮control of NO x byabsorptio n process with water酸吸收法脱氮control of NO x by absorpti on process with acid过滤除尘器filter袋式除尘器bag house滤料filtration media驱进速度drift velocity集尘极collecting electrode板间距distanee between collecting electrodes电极清灰removal of collected particle fromelectrodes宽间距静电除尘器wide space electrostatic precipitatortwo-stage electrostatic precipitator 湿式除尘器wet collector of particulates碱吸收法脱氮control of NO x by absorpti on process with alkali吸附法控制氮氧化物con trol of NOx by adsorpti on分子筛吸附法脱氮control of NOx by adsorpti on process with molecular sieve硅胶吸附法脱氮control of NOx by adsorpti on process with silicagel 气体生物净化biotreatme nt of gaseous polluta nt生物过滤器biofilter汽车尾气污染pollution of automobile exhaust gal生物脱臭biotreatment of oder集气罩capture hood烟囱有效排放高度effective height of emmissio n清洁生产clea ner product ion矿山废水mining drain age电镀废水electroplating wastewater给水处理厂water treatment plant污水处理厂wastewater treatment给水(污水)处理构筑物water (sewage ) treatme nt structure污水集水井swage joining well 废水调节池wastewater flow equalizati on bas in 格栅grill 筛网grid screen 立式圆形沉砂池vertical circular grit settl ing tank圆形边运动沉砂池circular perimeter flowgrit settling tank重力排砂grit discharge by gravity 水力提升排砂grit discharge with hydraulic elevator水力旋流器hydraulic cyclone 沉淀池settling tank重力沉淀池gravity settling tank 浓缩式沉淀池thicke ning settli ng tank 竖流折板絮凝池vertical table flap flocculat ing tank 机械搅拌絮凝池mechanical mixing flocculat ing tank 加压溶气气浮法pressure dissolved-air floatati on 过滤池filter重力过滤法gravity filtration process 压力过滤法pressure filtration process 真空过滤法vacuum filtration process 快滤池rapid filtration 慢滤池slow filtration 接触滤池contact filter 双向滤池bidirectional filter 双层滤料滤池double layer filter 无阀滤池non-valve filter 虹吸滤池siphon filter 压力滤池pressure filter V 型滤池aquazur V-filter 砂滤sand filtration 微滤机microstrainer 滤池冲洗强度backwash ing inten sity of filter滤层filter material layer 滤料承托层holdinglayer for filtermaterial斜板隔油沉淀池oil trap with slope pla nk 冷去卩塔cooling tower湿式氧化法wet oxidation process沉砂池grit settling tank 曝气沉砂池aeration grit settling tank 平流式沉砂池horiz on tal grit settl ing tank斜板(斜管)沉淀池sloping pla nk(pipe)settli ng tank辐流式沉淀池radial settli ng tank 平流式沉淀池horiz ontal settli ng tank 竖流式沉淀池vertical settling tank 悬浮污泥澄清池suspendedsludge clarifier 脉冲澄清池pulse clarifier 水力循环澄清池hydraulic circulating clarifier颗粒自由沉降particle free sedime nt 絮凝沉降flocculation sedimentation 拥挤沉降hindered sedimentation 气浮池floatation basin 微电解法micro electroanalysis反应池reaction basin 叶轮搅拌器turbine mixer 膜分离法membrane separation method半渗透膜semi-permeable membrane 电渗析electrodialysis 反渗透reverse osmosis 离子交换膜ion exchange membrane 萃取extraction 汽提stripping 吹脱法blow-off method 臭氧氧化法ozonation 臭氧发生器ozonator磁分离法magnetic isolation method 光催化氧化optical catalysis oxidation 软化水处理softening water treatment 灰—纯碱软化法lime-sodiumcarb on atesofte ning method废水好氧/厌氧处理biological aerobic/a naerobictreatme nt of wastewater微生物源代microorganism intrinsic metabolism微生物合成代microorga nism syn thetic metabolism 基质分解代substrate degradation 剩余污泥surplus sludge 初次沉淀池primary sedimentation basin 完全混合曝气池completely mixed aeratio n bas in二次沉淀池secondary sedimentation basin污泥沉降比sludge settling ratio 污泥容积指数sludge velum in dex 污泥负荷volume loading 纯氧曝气法oxygen aeration method 扩散曝气设备diffusi on aerator 机械曝气装置mecha nical aerator 曝气时间aeration time 污泥龄sludge age 活性污泥培养activated sludge culture 活性污泥驯化domestication of activated sludge粉末炭活性炭法powdered carb on activated sludge process 污泥膨胀sludge bulking 生物滤池biological filter 高负荷生物滤池high-loadi ng biological filter水力负荷hydraulic loading 有机负荷organic loading 塔式生物滤池tower biological filer 生物转盘biological rotating disc 生物流化床biological fluidized bed 活性生物滤池activated biofilter 化粪池septic tank 污水硝化脱氮处理n itroge n removal from wastewater by n itrificati on 污水反硝化脱氮处理nitroge n removal from wastewater by den itrificati on 污水硝化一反硝化脱氮处理nitrogen removal from wastewater by n itride nitrificati on土地处理系统land treatme nt system 氧化塘oxidation pond 好氧塘aerobic pond 兼性塘facultative pondmetabolism活性污泥法activated sludge process 回流污泥return sludge 曝气池aeration推流式曝气池plug-flow aeration basin 普通活性污泥法conven tio nal activated sludge process分段曝气法step aeration method延时曝气法extended aeration method 加速曝气法accelerant aeration method深井曝气法deep well aeration method 鼓风曝气装置blast aerator射流曝气设备efflux aerator表面曝气装置surface aerator厌氧塘an aerobic pond曝气氧化塘aerated oxidation pondICEAS in termitte nt cyclic exte nded aeration system 间歇循环延时曝气活性污泥法DAT-IAT 工艺dema nd aeration tankin termitte nt aerati on tank system(需氧池—间歇池)A1/O 工艺anoxic/ oxicA 2/O 工艺an aerobic oxicPhostrip 工艺phostriop process Bardenpho 工艺Bardenpho processPhoredox 工艺Phoredox processUCT 工艺university of cape townVIP 工艺Virginia initiative plant 厌氧生物滤池(AF)anaerobic filter 厌氧接触法an aerobic contact process 厌氧生物转盘an aerobicbiological rotati ng disc两相厌氧消化two-phase an aerobic digest序批式间歇反应器series batch reactor 氧化沟oxidation ditch上流式厌氧污泥床upflow an aerobic sludge bla nketMSBR modified seque ncing batch reactor消毒disinfection 灭菌sterilization加氯机chlorinator氯化消毒chlorizati on dis in fecti on 漂白粉消毒dis infection by bleach ing powder 紫外线消毒disinfection with ultravioletrays力口氯消毒dis infection by chlori ne 液氯liquified chlorine gas 需氯量chlori ne dema nd 余氯chlorine residual 游离性余氯free chlorine residual 化合性余氯combined chlorine residual 折点加氯chlorination breakpoint 过氧化氢消毒dis in fecti on by hydroge n peroxide 除味taste removal 除臭odor removal 脱色decoloration 生污泥undigested sludge 熟污泥digested sludge 污泥处置disposal of sludge 污泥综合利用comprehe nsive utilizati onof sludge 真空过滤法vacuum flotation process 污泥浓缩sludge thickening 污泥消化sludge digestion 污泥脱水sludge dewatering 污泥干化sludge drying 污泥焚烧sludge incineration 真空过滤机脱水dewatering by vacuum filter板框压滤机脱水dewatering by plateframe press filter辊轧式脱水机脱水dewatering by roll press带式压滤机脱水dewatering by belt press filter离心式脱水机脱水dewatering by cen trifuge中温消化处理middle temperature digestive treatme nt 高温消化处理hightemperature digestive treatme nt 污泥堆肥发酵处理sludgecompost ing and ferme ntatio n污泥浓缩池sludge thickener 污泥消化池sludge digestion tank 污泥产气率gas production rate ofsludge污泥干化场sludge drying bed 固体废物solid wastes城市生活垃圾municipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾堆放处置法dumping of muni cipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾卫生填埋法sa nitaryIan dfilli ng of mun icipal solid wastes 城市生活垃圾焚烧法incin eration of muni cipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾分类sorting of municipalsolid wastes城市生活垃圾收集collection of muni cipal solid wastes 垃圾收费refuse taxing 废电池used battery有毒有害工业固体废物toxic in dustrial wastes医疗废物health care wastes堆月巴composting 填埋场Iandfill 渗滤液leachate treatment 焚烧炉incin eratio n furn aces 助燃空气系统air injectio n system 余热利用heat utilization 焚烧灰渣ash水泥固化技术ceme nt solidificati on灰固化lime solidification沥青固化技术asphalt solidificati on 固体废物预处理prelimi nary treatme nt of solid wastes破碎crushing of solid wastes 筛分screening of solid wastes 风力分选wind separation 放射性固体废物radioactive solid waste 声级计sound level meter 消声室an echoic room; an echoic chamber; dead room 混响室reverberation room 隔声sound insulation环境医学环境卫生学environmental hygiene 环境毒理学environmental toxicology 口蹄疫foot-and-mouth disease 流行病学epidemiology 地病endemic disease 氟斑牙dental fluorosis 职业病occupational disease 慢性毒性chronic toxicity 急性毒性acute toxicity 致癌物carcinogen 变异variatio n 病原体pathogen 抗体antibody 抗原antigen 突变mutation 病毒virus 蓄积器官storage organ 致突变作用mutage nesis 致畸作用teratogenesis致癌作用carcinogensis 摄入量in take dose 吸收量absorbed dose 卫生标准health standard 最高容浓度maximum permissible concen trati on 致死量lethal dose 半致死浓度media n lethal concen trati on(LD 50)剂量—反应关系dose-response relati on ship恶臭offensive odor 协同作用synergism 拮抗作用antagonism 因果关系cause-effect relationship 相关关系correlation 阈限值threshold limit value(TLV) 高危人群population at high risk 易感人群susceptible populatio环境管理学环境管理学environmen tal man ageme nt scie nee环境伦理学environmental ethics 环境质量管理management of environmen tal quality环境适宜度environmental suitability环境区戈U environmental zoning环境预测environmental forecasting环境质量评价environmental quality evaluati on环境影响评价environmental impact assessme nt环境规戈U environmental planning环境决策分析environmental decision an alysis总量控制total discharge control of polluta nt 浓度控制concentration control排污收费effluent charge排污申报登记declaration and registrati on of polluta nt discharge排污可证permit for pollutant discharge生物安全biosafety环境监察environmental supervision and man ageme nt环境宣传教育environmen tal propaga nda and educatio n环境意识environmental consciousness 环境质量报告书report on environmen tal quality 环境影响评价报告书report on environmen tal impact assessme nt 公众意见听证会public heari ng循环经济cyclic economy预防为主、防治结合、综合治理原则principleof giving priority to pollutionpreve nti on, comb ining preve ntio n andcon trol, and in tegrated con trol 全面现划、合理布局原则principle of overall pla nning and rati on al layout谁污染谁治理polluter-treats综合利用、化害为利原则principle of comprehe nsive utilizati on and turning harm into good谁开发谁保护explorer-protects协调发展原则principle of coordinated developme nt环境保护模城市n ati onal environmen tal protect ion model city全国生态示区national ecological dem on strati on area环境信息environmental information 环境管理信息系统in formatio n system for environmen tal man ageme nt 环境专家系统environmental expert system环境监测environment monitoring 环境标志environmental label 清洁生产clea ner product吸声mufflerlife cycle of product环境法学环境法学scienee of environmental law 环境保护法environmental protection law公害法public nuisanee law环境行政法规adm ini strative regulati ons of en vir onment环境部门规章departmental rules of environment污染物排放标准pollutant discharge sta ndard"三同时” 制度three simultaneity system 排污审报登记制度declaration and registrati on system of polluti on discharge排污可证制度permit system of polluta nt discharge排污收费制度system of efflue nt限期治理制度system of elim in at ing and con troll ing environmen tal polluti onwith in a prescribed time现场检查制度system of on-site in spect ion环境污染事故报告制度system of environmen tal polluti on accide ntreport ing《中华人民国环境保护法》Environmental Protect ion Law of the People 's Republic of China《中华人民国水污染防治法》law of the People ' s Republic of Chi na on preve nti on and con trol of water pollutio n《中华人民国大气污染防治法》law of the People ' s Republic of China on preve nti on and con trol of atmospheric pollutio n《中华人民国环境噪声污染防治法》law of the People ' s Republic of China on preve nti on and con trol of polluti on from en vir onmen tal no ise《中华人民国固体废物污染环境法》law of the People ' s Republic of China on preve nti on and con trol of environmental pollution by solid waste《中华人民国海洋环境保护法》mari ne environment protect ion law of the People ' s Republic of China《全国生态环境建设规划》national eco-e nvironmen tal con struct ion pla n《全国生态环境保护纲要》national compe ndium on eco-e nvironmen tal protectio n地表水环境质量标准environmental quality sta ndard for surface water地下水质量标准quality standard for gro und water农业灌溉水质标准standard for irrigation water quality污水综合排放标准integrated wastewater discharge sta ndard大气污染物综合排放标准in tegrated emissi on sta ndard of air polluta nts环境经济学循环经济模式circular economy type 牧童经济the shepherd economy 3R 原则the rules of3R(reducing, reusing, recycli ng) 生态经济学eco-economics 共有资源com mon resources 夕卜部经济性external economics 夕卜部不经济性exter nal disec onomics 外部成本external cost 边际效用marginal utility 边际收益marginal ben efit 粗放经营extensive management 集约经营intensive management 自然资本natural capital 公平equity 代际补偿compensation between gen erati ons绿色国民帐户gree n n ati onal acco unt 可持续发展susta in able developme nt 公共物品public goods 环境保护贸易政策trade policy for environmen tal protect ion 绿色壁垒green tariff barrier 国民生产总值gross national productio n(GNP) 国民生产净值net n atio nal productio n(NNP) 国民收入n ati onal in come 环境污染弹性系数environmental pollutio n elasticity 回收率reuse rate 物质平衡material balanee 物料衡算material balanee counting 影子价格shadow price 现行价格present price 贴现discount 机会成本opport unity cost 运行费用operation cost 城市气化率urba npopulati on ratio ofused gas 城市绿化覆盖率urba n gree n cover ratio环境效益environmen tal ben efit 成本效益分析cost and ben efit an alysis 环境费用environmental cost 排污权交易marketable pollution permits 生态足迹the ecological footprint 环境税environmental tax 资源资产assets of resource 资源产权property right of resource 最低安全标准minimumstandard of security代际公平equality betwee n gen eratio n末端控制terminal control公地的悲剧tragedy of the public pasture中间产品in termediate product 最终产品final product直接污染物产生/排放系数direct pollutant gen erati on /discharge coefficie nt累积污染物产生/排放系数cumulate polluta ntgen erati on/discharge coefficie nt排污收费charge from discharge polluta nt污染者负担原则polluter pay prin ciple资源税resource tax人口出生率population birth rate 人口死亡率population mortality rate 人口自然增长率population nature growth rate人口计划生育率population planning fertility rate平均寿命average life人口年龄金字塔population age pyramid人口老化population aging人口过剩over-population人口爆炸population explosion计划生育family planning人口统计population statistics 人口普查population census环境教育环境教育目标objectives of en vir onmen tai educati on 多学科环境教育课程模式multi-discipli nary model of environmen tai educati on跨学科环境教育模式in ter-discipii nary model of environmen tai educatio n 中学环境教育大纟冈environmen tal educati on sta ndard for sec ondary school 环境教育活动的设计desig n of environmen tal educati on activity野外环境教育基地environmen tal educati on field base公众参与public participation 环境意识environmental awareness中国中小学绿色教育行动environmen tal educators in itiative of china。

1.hemisphere ['hemisfiә] n. 半球, 地球的半面, 大脑半球2.back and forth来来往往地; 来回地3.humming-bird n 蜂鸟(产於热带, 通常体小而色彩鲜艳, 双翼鼓动时发嗡嗡声).4.nectar ['nektә] n. 神酒, 甜美饮料, 甘露, 花蜜5.pollinate ['pɒlineit]vt. 对...授粉6. ecological tourism 生态旅游7.recapture [,ri:'kæptʃә] n. 取回, 夺回vt. 再捕获, 夺回, 重温8.destination [,desti'neiʃәn] n. 目的地, 目标, 目的1.What does the professor mainly discuss?A.Major changes in the migratory patterns of hummingbirdsB.The adaptation of hummingbirds to urban environmentsC.Concern about the reduction of hummingbird habitatD.The impact of ecotourism on hummingbird populations2.What does the professor imply might cause a decrease in the hummingbird population?A.An increase in the ecotourism industryB.An increase in the use of land to raise crops and cattleC. A decrease in banding studiesD. A decrease in the distance traveled during migration3.What does the professor say people have done to help hummingbirds survive?A.They have built a series of hummingbird feeding stationsB.They have supported new laws that punish polluters of wildlife habitatsC.They have replanted native flowers in once polluted areasD.They have learned to identify various hummingbird species4.What way of collecting information about migrating hummingbirds does the professor mention?A.Receiving radio signals from electronic tracking devicesB.Being contacted by people who recapture banded birdsC.Counting the birds that return to the same region every yearparing old and young birds’ migration routes5.What does the professor imply researchers have learned while studying hummingbird migration?A.Hummingbirds have totally disappeared from some countries due to recent habitat destructionB.Programs to replant flowers native to hummingbird habitats are not succeedingC.Some groups of hummingbirds have changed their migration patternsD.Some plant species pollinated by hummingbirds have become extinct6.What does the professor imply when she say this:A.There is disagreement about the idea she has presentedB.She does not plan to discuss all the detailsC.Her next point may seem to contradict what she has just saidD.The point she will make next should be obvious to the studentsT9-L21.tundra['tʌndrә]n. 苔原, 冻原2.precipitation[pri,sipi'teiʃәn] n. 坠落, 沉淀, 降水3.permafrost[per·ma·frost |n. 永久冻土层出现在整个北极地区和部分长期寒冷的地区4.interfere[,intә'fiә]vi. 妨碍, 冲突, 干涉, 抵触、影响5.microbe['maikrәub]n. 微生物, 细菌6.nitrogen['naitrәdʒәn] n. 氮7.semiarid[,semi'ærid]a. 雨量非常少的, 半干旱的8.prairie['prєәri]n. 大草原, 草甸9.thrive[θraiv]vi. 繁荣, 兴旺, 茁壮成长10.abundant[ә'bʌndәnt]a. 丰富的, 充分的, 大量的12. What is the lecture mainly about?A.Factors involved in the increased growth of shrubs in Arctic AlaskaB.How temperature increases might be affecting the permafrost in Arctic AlaskaC.Why nutrient production of microbes in the soil in Arctic Alaska is decliningD.Reasons that grasslands are turning into tundra in Arctic Alaska13. According to the professor, what are two features of shrubs that allow them to grow well in Arctic regions? Click on 2 answers.A.They have roots that can penetrate permafrost.B.Their height allows them to absorb more sunlight.C.They absorb nutrients from the soil efficiently.D.They have a shallow root system.14. What is one reason for the increase in shrub growth in Arctic Alaska?A.Decreases in grass and most growth have altered the balance of nutrients in the soil.B.Increases in ground temperature have led to increased microbial activity.C.Increases in average winter temperatures have permafrost permeable to water.D.Increases in snowfall have provided more water for shrubs.15. Why are nutrients in the soil NOT carried away by spring runoff?A.The roots of shrubs prevent nutrient-filled soil from being washed away.B.Most nutrients are not in the area of the soil most affected by runoff.C.Most nutrients remain frozen in the permafrost when spring runoff is at its peak.D.Most nutrients have been absorbed by vegetation before the runoff period begins.16. Why does the professor mention shrub expansion into other environments, such as semiarid grasslands?A.To suggest that new shrubland may not convert back to tundraB.To explain how shrubland can expand in warm climateC.To cite a similarity between the types of shrubs in semiarid grassland and tundra environmentsD.To explain how a biological loop can cause shrub expansion17. What does the professor imply when she says this: …A.The information she gave is important enough to be repeated.B.Climate scientists are asking the wrong questions.C.The phenomenon is more complex that it appears.D.Students should be able to solve the puzzle easily.TPO11 L3 ***TPO12 L4 ***1.orbit ['ɒ:bit] n. 轨道, 常轨, 眼眶vt. 绕...轨道而行2.oval ['әuvәl] n. 椭圆形a. 卵形的, 椭圆形的3.elliptical [i'liptikәl] a. 椭圆的4.axial ['æksiәl] a. 轴的, 成轴的, 轴向的5.tilt [tilt] n. 倾斜, 倾向vt. 使倾斜6.precession [pri'seʃәn] n. 岁差:地球中轴绕黄道极的缓慢旋转,主要由于太阳、月亮和其它星体对地球赤道降起带的重力作用而造成7.colleague ['kɒli:g] n. 同事, 同僚8.skeptical a. 怀疑论的, 怀疑的, 不可知论的9.oceanographer [,әuʃiә'nɒgrәfә] n. 海洋学家10.calcite ['kælsait] n. 方解石:以自然形式存在的碳酸钙的一种常见晶体形式CaCO3,是石灰石、大理石和白垩的基本组成成分1.What is the lecture mainly about?A. A hypothesis that explains how changes in Earth's motions affect climateB. A hypothesis that explains why the shape of Earth's orbit varies over timeC.Reasons it is difficult to find evidence to support hypotheses about the climateD.Analyses of the accuracy of data collected in different ways2.Why does the professor compare Earth's movement to a watch?A.To clarify a common misunderstandingB.To show in what way Earth is similar to a watchC.To emphasize the regularity of Earth's movementsD.To connect the concepts of orbits and time3.Why does the professor mention Northern Hemisphere glaciers?A.They have a significant effect on the axial tilt of EarthB.They play a moderating role on Earth's climateC.Their formation could be affected by changes in Earth's orbitD.Their melting could result in longer warm seasons4.What is the significance of the evidence found on the ocean floor?A.It negated earlier evidence that Milankovitich foundB.It led to the development of new methods to measure global climate changesC.It helped Milankovitch first formulate his hypothesisD.It confirmed Milankovitch's hypothesis5.What did calcite deposits from Devils Hole reveal?A.Inaccurate information about long-term climate changesB.Evidence that contradicted Milankovitch's hypothesisC.Evidence that climate changes occur only locallyD.Variations in Earth's orbit that had little impact on climate6.Why does the professor say this:?A.To inform the students about what he will not discussB.To indicate the difficulty of measuring precessionC.To explain why he plans to spend a long time discussing precessionD.To clarify that he will provide additional information later1.interglacial [,intә'gleiʃәl] 间冰期:完整冰川运动期间一个相对较短的温暖期2.retreat [ri'tri:t] n. 撤退, 隐居, 退避vi. 撤退, 隐退3.concentration [,kɒnsәn'treiʃәn] n. 集中, 专心4.fortuitous [fɒ:'tju:itәs] a. 偶然的5.pasture ['pæstʃә] n. 牧场, 草地, 牧草6.methane ['meθein] n. 甲烷, 沼气7.profound [prә'faund] a. 极深的, 深厚的12. What is the lecture mainly about?A.The effect of ice ages on the development of agricultureB. A theory about a change in Earth’s climate cycleC.Strategies to prevent Earth from entering another ice ageD.Some effects of industrialization on Earth’s atmosphere13. What does the professor imply about Earth’s climate over the last several million years? Click on 2 answers.A.Ice ages have alternated with warmer periods.B.Recent ice ages have not been as cold as earlier ice ages.C.Interglacial periods have become cooler and cooler overtime.D.Previous interglacial periods were shorter than the current interglacial period.14. According to the professor, what factor is extending the duration of the current interglacial period?A. A shift in the locations of wetlands and forestsB.The relatively mild temperatures of the most recent ice ageC.The increased absorption of certain atmospheric gases by farm cropsD.An increase in the quantity of certain gases in Earth’s atmosphere15. According to the professor, what activities associated with the beginnings of agriculture may have slowed or prevented the onset ofa predicted ice age? Click on 2 answers.A.The clearing of treesB.The burning of fossil fuelsC.The domestication of certain animalsD.The cultivation of certain grains16. What is the professor’s attitude toward industrialization?A.He thinks that its effect on Earth’s climate will decrease overtime.B.He is worried that it may speed the arrival of the next ice age.C.He thinks that it may reduce the effect of agriculture on Earth’s clima te.D.He is unsure about its long-term effects on Earth’s climate.17. What does the professor imply when he says this:A.Theorists sometimes make careless predictions.B.Theorists were unaware of some of the effects of human activities.C.Technology of the 1970s was not sophisticated enough to detect the earliest stages of an ice age.D.Scientists in the 1970s overestimated the speed at which ice ages progress.1.cumulative ['kju:mjulәtiv] a. 累积的2.albedo [æl'bi:dәu] n. 反照率3.rainforest [ˈreinˈfɔrist] n. 雨林4.predominate [pri'dɒmineit] vt. 掌握, 控制, 支配5.exceptionally [ex'cep·tion·al·ly | adv. 例外地; 特殊地; 异常地1.What is the lecture mainly about?A.Ways of identifying different types of cloudsB.Recent research findings about the causes of global warmingC.The impact of clouds on global temperaturesD.The impact of human activity on cloud formation2.According to the professor, what is Earth’s radiation budget?A.The average temperature difference between land masses and bodies of waterB.The balance between incoming solar energy and reflected solar energyC.The percentage of incoming solar energy that gets trapped in cloudsD.The portion of marine species that has been affected by global warming3.Why does the professor discuss albedo?A.To point out that different surfaces have different reflective propertiesB.To suggest that the reflective surfaces on Earth should be increasedC.To demonstrate how a cloud’s thickness is measuredD.To explain why clear air reflects a large amount of solar energy back to space4.What can be inferred from the lecture about the effects of different types of clouds on Earth’s climate?A.Low, thick clouds increase ocean temperatures much more than high, thin clouds doB.The cooling effect of low, thick clouds is stronger overall than the heating effect of high, thin cloudsC.The effect of low, thick clouds is understood better than the effect of high, thin cloudsD.The effect of low, thick clouds is much more variable than the effect of high, thin clouds5.What does the professor say about microscopic plants in the ocean near Antarctica?A.They have been raising the ocean’s albedoB.Their population is increasing due to global warmingC.They grow more rapidly when cloud cover is thinD.They produce a chemical that leads to cloud formation6.Why does the professor say this:?A.To reintroduce a topic from a previous lectureB.To correct a common misunderstandingC.To encourage students to express their own opinionsD.To revise his previous response to a student’s question。

环境工程专业英语pollution污染a cid rain酸雨interaction of systems系统的交互作用environmental problem环境问题environmental disturbance环境破坏biotic habitat生物环境sulfur dioxide二氧化硫nitrogen oxide氧化氮carbon dioxide二氧化碳automobile exhaust汽车尾气infectious diseases有传染性的疾病waterborne diseases水传染的疾病agrarian society农业社会industrial society工业社会industrial revolution产业革命urbanization城市化industrialization工业化developed country发达国家developing country发展中国家undeveloped country落后国家primary air pollutant一次大气污染物secondary air pollutant二次大气污染物monoxide一氧化物dioxide二氧化物trioxide三氧化物carbon monoxide一氧化碳carbon dioxide二氧化碳sulfur dioxide二氧化硫sulfur trioxide三氧化硫nitrous oxide一氧化二氮nitric oxide一氧化氮nitrogen dioxide二氧化氮carbon oxides碳氮化物sulfur oxides硫氧化物nitrogen oxides氮氧化物hydrocarbons碳氢化合物photochemical oxidants光化学氧化物particulates颗粒物inorganic compound无机化合物organic compound有机化合物radioactive substance放射性物质heat热 noise噪声contaminant污染物 strength强度foreign matter杂质 domestic sewage生活污水municipal wastewater城市废水 microbe微生物microorganism微生物 bacteria细菌total solids总固体inorganic constituents无机要素suspended solids (SS)固体悬浮物volatile suspended solids (VSS)挥发性悬浮固体颗粒organic matter有机物质total organic carbon, TOC总有机碳chemical oxygen demand, COD化学需氧量biochemical oxygen demand, BOD生化需氧量biodegradable可微生物分解的contamination污染 recontamination再污染groundwater地下水 surface water地表水restriction限制 colloid胶体screening隔栅 coagulation凝聚flocculation絮凝 sedimentation沉淀filtration过滤 disinfection消毒chlorination氯化消毒 prechlorination预加氯ozonation臭氧消毒 aeration曝气softening软化 activated carbon活性炭adsorption吸附 reverse osmosis反渗透desalination脱盐处理microbial degradation微生物降解biological degradation生化降解biofilm process生物膜法activated sludge process活性污泥法attached-growth吸着生长suspended-growth悬浮生长shock loading冲击负荷organic loading有机负荷mixed liquor suspended solids混合液悬浮固体metabolize使代谢化metabolism新陈代谢dissolved oxygen 溶解氧pretreatment process 预处理工艺primary clarifier初沉池equalization basin均质池biological treatment process生物处理工艺aeration basin曝气池secondary clarifier二沉池biomass生物质heterotrophic bacteria异养菌autotrophic bacteria自养菌hydraulic retention time (HRT) 水力停留时间sludge residence time (SRT)污泥停留时间solid waste固体废物municipal城市化industrial工业的agricultural农业的hazardous危险的residential住宅的commercial商业的putrescibl e易腐烂的combustible易燃的flammable可燃的explosive易爆的radioactive放射性的Landfilling土地填埋 incineration:焚烧 composting: 堆肥 compaction: 压实,紧凑sanitary landfill卫生填埋 balance剩下的,余额,结余 batch-fed分批投料 refus e垃圾municipal waste城市垃圾perform: 执行 shut down:关闭 energy recovery能量回收incomplete combustion不完全燃烧combustion燃烧volume reduction体积缩小anaerobic厌氧硝化中英互译短语Biological degradation生化降解 equalization basin调节池 aeration basin曝气池sludge blocs污泥絮体 settling tank沉淀池 dissolved oxygen溶解氧suspended-growth悬浮生长 pulverized refuse垃圾破碎biofilm生物膜well-compacted landfill压实填埋场nutrient source营养源mass-burning大量燃烧fluidized fed incarceration硫化床燃烧法 soil conditioners土壤改良剂温室效应greenhouse effect 由CO2引起的caust by CO2 世界碳预算the world carbon budget 天气自然波动natural fluctuations 全球变暖global warming 厌氧的anaerobic腐烂Putrefied 甲烷methane 臭氧层ozone layer 气候模型climatic model正常浓度:normal concentration 严重污染物:heavily polluted 决定因素:determining factor光化学氧化物:photochemical oxidants 液体微滴:liquid particulates 含硫的:sulfur-containing放射性物质:radioactiue substance 汽车尾气:automobile exhaust wet oxidation湿式氧化1、Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us; that which we can see, hear,touch, smell, and taste. 环境是我们周围的物理和生物环境,我们可以看到、听到、接触到、闻到和品尝到的。

long-lived gases 极其稳定的气体
automobile exhaust fume 汽车尾气
atmospheric concentration 大气浓度
the mean sea level 海平线
Ci curie(居里)
Bq becquerel(贝可)
TSP Total suspended particle 悬浮颗粒
HW hazard waste 危险废物
equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level 等效连续A 声级
MPN most probable number(粪大肠菌群单位)
saa surface-active agent(表面活性剂)
SBR Sequence Batch Reactor序批式反应器
PM10 particular matter up to 10(μ)m in diameter
tightening the emission standards收紧了排放标准
site survey 实地考察
representative noise sensitive receivers 代表性噪声敏感接受者
noise criteria 噪声标准
EPA Environmental protection agency 环保机构
The acquisition of scientific knowledge 获取科学知识
Crucial to achieving effective solutions 关键取得有效解决方法

1环境工程与科学Environmental Engineering and Science2环境监测与评价Environmental monitoring and assessment 3温室气体greenhouse gases4地表水the surface water浅层水the subsurface water地下水the ground water5环境影响评(EIA)environmental impact assessment6臭氧层减少ozone depletion7沙漠化desertification8点源point sources非点源nonpoint sources9初级污染物primary pollutant次级污染物secondary pollutant10光化学烟雾photochemical smog11室内污染indoor air pollution12固体及有害废弃物污染solid and hazardous waste pollution 13生物多样性减少biodiversity loss14传统决策traditional decision making15原生环境primary environment次生环境secondary environment16不可再生资源nonrenewable resources17生态示范区ecological demonstrate area18保护林protection forest19环境危机environmental crisis20环境预测environmental forecasting21环境效应environmental effect22环境承载力environmental capacity23环境演化evolution of environment24草地退化grassland degeneration25水中悬浮物suspended solids26孔隙水void water27岩溶水karst water28流域保护water basin protection29淡水fresh water海水salt water30降雨量amount of precipitation降雨强度intensity of precipitation31 海洋倾倒ocean dumping32水力工程hydro-engineering33水环境功能区function district of water environment34土壤肥力soil fertility33土壤酸碱度soil acidity and alkalinity36土壤盐渍化soil salination37土壤酸化soil acidification38缓冲能力buffer capacity39盐基饱和度base saturation percentage40污水灌溉wastewater irrigation41事后评价afterwards assessment42大气扩散atmospheric diffusion43而授限度limits of tolerance44生命周期评价life cycle assessment45慢性毒性实验chronic toxicity test46生物富集bioaccumulation47生物浓缩bioconcentration48生物放大biomagnification49边缘效应edge effect50总悬浮颗粒物total suspended particulates(TSP)51化学需氧量chemical oxygen demand (COD)52生物化学需氧量biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)53总有机碳total organic carbon (TOC)54活性碳active carbon55萃取剂extracting agent56有机高分子絮凝剂organic pdymer flocculant57固定大气污染源stationary sources of air pollution移动大气污染源mobile sources of air pollution58环境优先污染物environmental priority pollutant59回归分析regression analysis相关分析correlation analysis60相关系数correlation coefficient61系数误差systematic error62随机误差random error63土壤修复soil-remediation64绝对湿度absolute humidity相对湿度relative humidity65热辐射thermal radiation湍流扩散turbulent diffusion66煤的综合利用comprehensive-utilization of coal67清洁生产cleaner production68采矿排水mining drainage69分子筛吸附NOx化物过程control of NOx by adsorption process with molecular sieve 70公害public nuisance71涡流eddy current72富营养化废水eutrophic wastewater73富营养化eutrophication74中度营养湖泊mesotrophic lake75贫营养湖泊oligotropic lake76腐殖质化humification77土壤质地soil texture78海水淡化desalination of seawater79检出限detection limit80生态位niche81生态型ecotype82表面活性剂surfactant83光催化作用photo catalysis84催化作用catalysis85格栅grill86筛网grid screen87气浮池floatation basin88微电解法micro-electroanalysis89微生物合成代谢micro-organism synthetic metabolism90杀菌sterilization91紫外光消毒disinfection with ultroviolet vays92除味taste removal93脱臭odor removal94脱色decoloration95污泥浓缩sludge thickening污泥硝化sludge digestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering污泥干燥sludge drying96陆地填埋landfill97焚烧incineration98渗滤液处理leachate treatment99最大允许浓度maximum permissible concentration100理境伦理学environmental ethics101环境适宜度environmental suitability102排放总量控制total discharge control of pollutant103谁污染谁治理pollutant-treats104谁开发谁保护explorer-protects105国家级生态示范区national ecological demonstration area106环境管理信息系统information system for environmental management I07环境标记物environmental label108外部经济性external economics外部非经济性external diseconomics109生态足迹the ecological footprint110代际公平equality between generation111公众参与public participantion112回收水系统water reuse system113绿化用水greenbelt sprinkling114自然沉降plain sedimentation115过程水process water116未预见用水量unforeseen water demand117絮凝沉淀coagulation sedimentation118垃圾处理sewage disposal119居民生活垃圾domestic sewage居民生活污水domestic water120市政垃圾municipal sewage121水体自净self-purification of waterbodies122一级处理primary treatment二级处理secondary treatment生物处理biological treatment123活性污泥处理activated sludge process124污泥焚烧sludge incinerationThe answer to this question requires detailed analyse of local conditions and needs,application of scientific knowledge and engineering judgement based on past experience,and consideration of federal,state,and local regulations.要解答这个问题首先需要详细的分析当地的实际情况和需求,其次需要应用科学知识和基于经验的工程决断,最后考虑联邦,州和当地法规。
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环境工程专业英语pollution污染a cid rain酸雨interaction of systems系统的交互作用environmental problem环境问题environmental disturbance环境破坏biotic habitat生物环境sulfur dioxide二氧化硫nitrogen oxide氧化氮carbon dioxide二氧化碳automobile exhaust汽车尾气infectious diseases有传染性的疾病waterborne diseases水传染的疾病agrarian society农业社会industrial society工业社会industrial revolution产业革命urbanization城市化industrialization工业化developed country发达国家developing country发展中国家undeveloped country落后国家primary air pollutant一次大气污染物secondary air pollutant二次大气污染物monoxide一氧化物dioxide二氧化物trioxide三氧化物carbon monoxide一氧化碳carbon dioxide二氧化碳sulfur dioxide二氧化硫sulfur trioxide三氧化硫nitrous oxide一氧化二氮nitric oxide一氧化氮nitrogen dioxide二氧化氮carbon oxides碳氮化物sulfur oxides硫氧化物nitrogen oxides氮氧化物hydrocarbons碳氢化合物photochemical oxidants光化学氧化物particulates颗粒物inorganic compound无机化合物organic compound有机化合物radioactive substance放射性物质heat热 noise噪声contaminant污染物 strength强度foreign matter杂质 domestic sewage生活污水municipal wastewater城市废水 microbe微生物microorganism微生物 bacteria细菌total solids总固体inorganic constituents无机要素suspended solids (SS)固体悬浮物volatile suspended solids (VSS)挥发性悬浮固体颗粒organic matter有机物质total organic carbon, TOC总有机碳chemical oxygen demand, COD化学需氧量biochemical oxygen demand, BOD生化需氧量biodegradable可微生物分解的contamination污染 recontamination再污染groundwater地下水 surface water地表水restriction限制 colloid胶体screening隔栅 coagulation凝聚flocculation絮凝 sedimentation沉淀filtration过滤 disinfection消毒chlorination氯化消毒 prechlorination预加氯ozonation臭氧消毒 aeration曝气softening软化 activated carbon活性炭adsorption吸附 reverse osmosis反渗透desalination脱盐处理microbial degradation微生物降解biological degradation生化降解biofilm process生物膜法activated sludge process活性污泥法attached-growth吸着生长suspended-growth悬浮生长shock loading冲击负荷organic loading有机负荷mixed liquor suspended solids混合液悬浮固体metabolize使代谢化metabolism新陈代谢dissolved oxygen 溶解氧pretreatment process 预处理工艺primary clarifier初沉池equalization basin均质池biological treatment process生物处理工艺aeration basin曝气池secondary clarifier二沉池biomass生物质heterotrophic bacteria异养菌autotrophic bacteria自养菌hydraulic retention time (HRT) 水力停留时间sludge residence time (SRT)污泥停留时间solid waste固体废物municipal城市化industrial工业的agricultural农业的hazardous危险的residential住宅的commercial商业的putrescibl e易腐烂的combustible易燃的flammable可燃的explosive易爆的radioactive放射性的Landfilling土地填埋 incineration:焚烧 composting: 堆肥 compaction: 压实,紧凑sanitary landfill卫生填埋 balance剩下的,余额,结余 batch-fed分批投料 refus e垃圾municipal waste城市垃圾perform: 执行 shut down:关闭 energy recovery能量回收incomplete combustion不完全燃烧combustion燃烧volume reduction体积缩小anaerobic厌氧硝化中英互译短语Biological degradation生化降解 equalization basin调节池 aeration basin曝气池sludge blocs污泥絮体 settling tank沉淀池 dissolved oxygen溶解氧suspended-growth悬浮生长 pulverized refuse垃圾破碎biofilm生物膜well-compacted landfill压实填埋场nutrient source营养源mass-burning大量燃烧fluidized fed incarceration硫化床燃烧法 soil conditioners土壤改良剂温室效应greenhouse effect 由CO2引起的caust by CO2 世界碳预算the world carbon budget 天气自然波动natural fluctuations 全球变暖global warming 厌氧的anaerobic腐烂Putrefied 甲烷methane 臭氧层ozone layer 气候模型climatic model正常浓度:normal concentration 严重污染物:heavily polluted 决定因素:determining factor光化学氧化物:photochemical oxidants 液体微滴:liquid particulates 含硫的:sulfur-containing放射性物质:radioactiue substance 汽车尾气:automobile exhaust wet oxidation湿式氧化1、Environment is the physical and biotic habitat which surrounds us; that which we can see, hear,touch, smell, and taste. 环境是我们周围的物理和生物环境,我们可以看到、听到、接触到、闻到和品尝到的。
2、Pollution can be defined as an undesirable change in the physical, chemical, or biologicalcharacteristics of the air, water, or land that can harmfully affect the health, survival, or activities of humans or other living organisms污染可以定义为大气、水或者土壤在物理、化学或者生物方面的特征所产生的不愉快的变化,它对人类的健康、生存和活动或者其他的有机体都产生了有害的影响。
3、Two examples of interaction between systems that cause major environmental disturbances arepresented-the buildup of atmospheric carbon dioxide, a global problem, and the acid rain problem, normally of regional nature目前大气中二氧化碳的增多,是一个全球性的问题,还有酸雨问题,一般来说它都具有一定的区域特性,这就是两个关于系统之间的相互联系而产生重大环境问题的例子。
4、With these improvements, however, have come disturbing side effects, such as lost arable land,disappearing forests, environmental pollution, and new organisms resistant to controls.经过这些进步,尽管还是有一些破坏性的影响,例如耕地、森林的消失,环境的污染和新的生物反抗的控制5、Both phenomena, urbanization and industrialization, were and are fundamental causes of water andair pollution which the cities of that time were unable to handle.城市化和工业化两者的现象,是过去和现在水污染和大气污染的根本原因,在过去这些城市是处理不了的6、Rapid advances in technology for the treatment of water and the partial treatment of wastewatertook place in the developed countries over the next few decades.在接下来的几十年理发达国家,在水治理和部分废水治理技术方面都取得了快速的进展。