



很久很久以前Once upon a time在一个遥远的国家in a faraway kingdom住着一个美丽的小女孩lived a beautiful little girl和她失去妻子的父亲and her widowed father.这真漂亮It's beautiful.好吧这不算很久之前Okay. It wasn't that long ago.这里也不是遥远的国家And it wasn 't really a faraway kingdom.这里是圣法南度谷区之所以看上去很遥远It was the San Fernando Valley. It looked faraway是因为你差不多是透过烟雾看的because you barely see it through the smog.但是对于生于斯长于斯的我来说But to me, growing up这个山谷就是我的王国the Valley was my kingdom.就像我是爸爸最好的朋友一样I was my dad's best friend.他也是我最好的朋友And he was mine.由一个男人抚养长大的Being raised by a man我与化妆品和时尚无缘put me behind in the makeup and fashion departments. 但是我从不感到失落But I never felt like I missed out on anything.我是这个世界上最幸运的女孩I was the luckiest girl in the world.爸爸有一家最棒的餐厅My dad owned the coolest diner.我在那里流连忘返I loved hanging out there.在那里没有“节食”这两个字Diet was a four-letter word here脂肪会不知不觉出现and grease came at no additional charge.在哈尔餐馆每个人都感觉是在家一样A t HaI's, everyone felt like family.喔我这里有些喝的Oh, yeah, I have drinks.生日快乐Happy birthday!许个愿吧小公主Make a wish, princess.我还要许什么愿What did I need a wish for我有一大帮有趣的朋友和最棒的父亲I had amazing friends and the coolest dad.我想爸爸认为我还缺了菲奥娜But I guess my dad thought I needed one more thing, Fiona.真抱歉I am so sorry.你真漂亮菲奥娜You Iook beautiful, Fiona.嗨哈尔Hey, Hal!和我的继母一起出现的还有她两个双胞胎女儿布赖恩和加百里拉Along with my new stepmother came her twin daughters, Brianna and Gabriella.我异父异母的姐姐们My out-of-step-sisters.不过只要爸爸觉得快乐我也就快乐了我们就要成为一个快乐的大家庭了But as long as my dad was happy, so was I. We were going to be one big, happy family. 茄子Cheese.一张就够了One' s enough.不幸的是这个世界没有童话Unfortunately, this was no fairy tale.他拿起她的手吻了一下" He took her hand, and he kissed it.然后他抱她上了他的马Then he swooped her up onto his horse.美丽的公主和英俊的王子一起回到了他的城♥堡♥And the beautiful princess and the handsome prince rode off to his castle从此他们过着幸福的生活where they lived happily ever after."爸爸童话会变成真的嘛Do fairy tales come true, Dad?好吧应该不会不过梦想会成真的Well, no. But dreams come true.-你有梦想嘛 -当然-Do you have a dream? -Yeah.我的梦想就是你渐渐长大然后上大学My dream is that you'll grow up and go to college然后有一天你会建造你自己的城♥堡♥and then maybe someday you'll build your own castle.公主去哪里上大学呢Where do princesses go to college?她们去They go王子上的大学where the princes go.他们去普林斯顿They go to Princeton.但是萨姆你要知道童话并不只是寻找英俊的王子But, sam, you know, fairy tales aren't just about finding handsome princes. 是要达成你的梦想They're about fulfilling your dreams而且要坚持你的信念and about standing up for what you believe in.就像我一直说的永远不要因为担心As I always say, never Iet the fear of striking out---三振出局而退场 -没错-keep you from playing the game -Right.记住只要你认真看在这本书里你会发现所有Just remember, if you Iook carefully, this book contains important things 你需要知道的重要的东西that you may need to know Iater in life.-地震 -我的王国倒塌了-Earthquake -My kingdom crumbled在诺斯里奇地震后during the Northridge earthquake.救命救命Help! Help!-不要走 -我马上就回来-Don't go -I'll be right back.那天我失去了我最好的朋友I lost my best friend that day.从那时起我生命中唯一一个童话From then on, the only fairy tales in my life就只有我在书上读到的那个了were the ones I read about in books.我爸爸没有留下遗嘱所以我的继母得到了所有东西Since my father didn 't leave a will, my stepmother got everything.房♥子、餐厅还有她最不情愿得到的我The house, the diner, and to her dismay, me.萨姆Sam.萨米Sammy.萨姆Sam!早餐时间了It's breakfast time.把我的早餐拿来So bring me my breakfast.萨姆Sam!小心点女士们用眼睛看一二三踏起来Careful, Iadies. Look for the eyes. One, two, three, bicycle.一个假动作喜鹊喜鹊喜鹊击水击水击水玛利·洛·瑞腾And feint. Magpie, magpie, magpie. FIap and flap and flap. Mary Lou Retton! 棕榈树棕榈树女性解放女性解放Palm tree and palm tree. Lady Liberty. Lady Liberty.绕着港口绕着港口继续转Around the harbor. Around the harbor. Circle Line tour.然后是飓风And hurricane.你能相信我的姑娘们多么有天赋嘛Can you believe how extraordinarily gifted my girls are?绝对令人难以置信真的Absolutely unbelievable. Really.-萨姆 -确定你们的位置用眼睛看-sam! -Find each other. Look in the eyes.-我来了 -一二三四-I'm coming -One, two, three and four然后右左上下and right, Ieft, up and down.这是不是我要的挪威三文鱼我需要欧米伽3脂肪酸Is this the Norwegian salmon I asked for? I need my omega-3s.这就是最好的Only the best.我分的出I can tell.你要知道从挪威空运过来可要不少钱You know, it costs a fortune to fly that stuff in from Norwegia.往前推女士们推女士们推女士们And push it, Iadies. Push it, Iadies. Push it, Iadies.真的嘛好吧Ready? Okay.-真粗俗妈妈 -只不过是肠道抽筋罢了-Gross. Mom! -I have a spastic colon.好吧那你的脑子肯定也抽筋了Well, you have a spastic brain.-住手不要打她住手 -你打了我-stop. stop hitting her. stop -You bit me.你站在那里干什么快去做事What are you doing just standing there? Get to work.我现在不能去工作我要为我的考试做准备I can't go to work now. I've got a big test I have to study for.听着萨姆人们上学是为了更加聪明Listen, sam. People go to school to get smarter这样他们能找到一个好工作so that they can get a job.你已经有工作了已经是大大的飞越了You already have a job. so it's like skipping a step.快去做事吧Come on, get going.飞越卡拉马佐夫And FIying Karamazov.不亲爱的让那个开着No, honey. Leave those on.草地看上去晒成褐色了The Iawn Iooks a little brown.菲奥娜我们应该省水的现在正在干旱期Fiona, we're supposed to be conserving water. We're in the middle of a drought. 干旱只是对于那些穷♥人♥们来说的Droughts are for poor people.你难道认为J.Lo会有一个褐色的草坪嘛Do you think J.Lo has a brown Iawn?只有上层阶级的人才可以额外的用水People who use extra water have extra class.你说那个是上等牛肉嘛那头牛肯定在测试中弄虚作假了You call that grade-A beef? Well, that cow must have cheated on his test.上菜Pickup.博比三文鱼已经够多了Bobby, enough with the salmon.你已经做了三文鱼煎蛋卷三文鱼汤和三文鱼布丁得啦You already made a salmon omelet, salmon soup and salmon pudding. Come on. -救救我菲奥娜要吃了我 -真恶心-Help me. Fiona wants to eat me -That's nasty.-咬我一口朗达咬我 -真恶心-Bite me, Rhonda. Bite me -That's nasty.-埃莉诺你的单子好了 -来了我拿到了-EIeanor, your order's up -Coming. I got it.安全safe.我没事I'm okay.-恰克怎么样 -非常好-Chuck, how you doing? -super.真不错那么干酪煎蛋卷加培根脆That's good. so cheese omelet, extra bacon, crisp-蓝莓松饼和一罐可乐 -健怡可乐-blueberry muffin and a Coke -Make it a Diet Coke.我不得不关注一下我的体重I'm trying to watch my weight.这样也没啥用It ain't going nowhere.上三文鱼华夫了Pick up these salmon waffles.-萨姆为什么你还在这 -我这就好了-sam, why are you still here? -I'm almost done.-你会迟到的 -我会去的-You'll be Iate for school -I'll get there.-我没做完的话菲奥娜会发怒的 -我才不管呢-Fiona goes ballistic if I don't finish -I don't care.我在乎的是你的学习What I care about is your education.她已经让你每天起早摸黑了she's got you getting up at the crack of dawn.-你父亲一定想让你去读书的而不是在这里 -但是-Your dad would want you at school -But--不要说“但是”了菲奥娜和她的臭嘴让我来对付No more "buts." You just Ieave Fiona and her big butt to me.-谢谢你朗达 -快啊-Thanks, Rhonda -Get.嗨看上去不错啊法雷尔先生hey, Iooking good, Mr.Farrell.男人最好的朋友就是他的奔驰汽车了萨姆A man's best friend is his Mercedes, sam.我记得I'll remember that.只只要你相信任何事情都是可能的Any--Anything is possible if you just believe.-要你相信任何事情都是 -今天试演嘛儿子-Anything is possible if you just-- -Audition today, son?-是的五点整怎么样告诉妈妈 -给他们叩头吧-Yeah, 5:00, all right? Tell Mom -knock them dead.爸爸你看到我现在要坐什么去上课嘛不要介意萨姆Dad. Now, do you see what I have to go to school in? No offense, sam. 老实说你是不是觉得很遗憾honestly, don't you feel sorry for me?不我为我们给你的总共三部车感到可惜No, I feel sorry about the three cars we got you that you totaled.好那好吧Okay. All right.-卡特你穿的是什么 -什么-Carter, what are you wearing? -What--?这是我的Snoop Dizzle(乐队名)造型This is my Snoop Dizzle Iook.我不能让你穿成这样载你去学校I cannot drive you to school like that.萨姆我是一个体验派演员不是嘛这是我训练的一部份sam, I am a Method actor, okay? This is part of my training.我知道我知道我知道看看这些I know, I know, I know. But Iook at this.好吧等我两分钟All right. Take two.您好早安(西班牙语)好战青蛙Buenos dias, Fighting Frogs.这里是节约用水的每日干旱提醒here's your daily drought reminder to conserve agua.缩短你淋浴的时间Cut your showers short.女童子军的品行积分给本周没有任何积分的诺曼斯先生Brownie points go out to Mr.Rothman, who hasn't had one in weeks.记住今天是最后一次你们拿到Remember, today's your last chance to get tickets万圣节化妆舞会入场券的机会to the big Halloween homecoming dance.你们也可以有所变化盛装打扮成其他人的模样You too can dress up like someone you're not, for a change.-我的意思是我 -我宣誓-I mean, I-- -I pledge allegiance to the flag为美♥利♥坚♥合众国的旗帜和它所代表的国家of the United states of America, and to the republic效忠这一国家for which it stands, one nation--一直向前停在那个地方Primo parking spot dead ahead.-哦那有一个空位一个空位 -萨姆当心当心-Okay, there's a spot. There's a spot -sam, watch out. Watch out.你们在打瞌睡嘛你们输了Okay. You snooze, you Iose!那就是谢尔比·康敏斯和她的跟班Well, if it isn't shelby Cummings and her Iadies in waiting.-谢尔比非常需要我 -你以前还没有跟她说过话呢-shelby wants me so bad -You've never even talked to her before.哦我跟她说过不可以嘛Oh, I've talked to her. Okay?在我的幻想里我告诉你我幻想她很需要我In my mind. And Iet me tell you, in my mind, she wants me so bad.卡特你能比谢尔比·康敏斯做的更好即使是你的幻想Carter, you could do so much better than shelby Cummings. Even in your mind. -另外一个停车位 -这就去-There's another spot -Got it.嗨Come on.奥斯汀Austin.谢尔比和奥斯汀People like Shelby and Austin在一起简直是遗传基因设定的are genetically programmed to find each other.那么自负的两个人怎么会在一起How can so much ego be in one relationship?-猜他们是怎么说你的 -他们根本不知道有我这个人-Imagine what they say about you -They don't even know I exist.三点钟的拍拍垃圾stalkerazzi at 3 o'clock.白区是给优秀的人准备的而不是小丑The white zone is for cool people only. No geeks.嗨女招待我要一份墨西哥玉米卷带走多谢hey, diner girl, can I get a breakfast burrito to go? Thank you.你还认为他们不知道你的存在And you thought they didn't know you exist.-那部车和那顶帽子一样旧 -没错-That car's as old as that hat -Right.离开Move. Move. Move.-离开离开 -嗨-Move. Move -Hi.谢尔比嗨好姐妹shelby. hey, sister-friend.提醒我为什么我要忍♥受她们Remind me why we tolerate them.她们在你生日的时候送了你一只PRADA的皮包They gave you a Prada bag for your birthday.怎么不是“Frada” 真搞笑Try " Frada" bag. Totally fake.你好萨曼撒你今天看上去很不错像平时一样Greetings. samantha, you Iook absolutely stunning today, as per usual. 多谢特里Thank you, Terry.如果你不介意我现在必须回我的星系了If you'll excuse me, I must get back to my galaxy now.锡安这里是特里中尉你好Zion, Lieutenant Terry here. hello?你可以听见嘛船长你的接收不太好Can you hear me? Captain? You're going in and out.-可怜人 -至少他很快乐-Poor guy -At Ieast he's happy.-快乐么住在另一个世界的人 -我记下了-Happy? Guy lives in another world -I copy.有时幻想比真实更好卡特sometimes fantasy is better than reality, Carter.-说到幻想 -待会见-speaking of fantasy -I'll see you Iater.是啊被暗恋对象召唤了Yes, the secret admirer beckons.你去哪里了我们有好几年没有说话了Where have you been? We haven 't talked in ages.我们今天早晨说过了We talked this morning.我不能停止想你I can 't stop thinking about you.你现在在想些什么What's on your mind right now?你先说You first.那好吧我正在想诺斯曼教授是不是解剖了太多的青蛙Well, I'm thinking that Professor Rothman 's dissected one too many frogs. 里贝里贝(里贝定理)Ribet, ribet.大声笑出来吧Laugh out Ioud.我真想看到你笑的样子我们什么时候能见面I wanna hear your laugh. When can we finally meet?很快Soon.现在你过得怎么样How's your day so far?惹怒我的继母工作还有逗小孩子们开心Raging stepmom, work and cool kids who can 't get over themselves.-你永远不会体会得到的 -完全不能-Ever feel like you don 't belong? -Absolutely.即使我身处人海之中但我仍感觉孤独I can be surrounded by a sea of people and still feel all alone.然后我就想你Then I think of you.嗨诺曼得你觉得我们见过面嘛Hey, Nomad, do you think we've ever met?我不知道我们学校有至少3500个人I don 't know. Our school has over 3500 kids.那好我们缩小范围吧Well, that narrows it down.好啊至少我先把男生排除了Well, at least I can eliminate the guys.你可不是男生吧如果你是的话我就要狠狠揍你一顿You're not a guy, right? Because if you are, I'll kick your butt. 我不是男生I am not a guy.你和你♥爸♥爸提过普林斯顿大学了嘛Have you told your dad about Princeton yet?要是我讲了就好了我从没向他提过我要当一个作家If only I could. I haven 't even told him I wanna be a writer. 我爸爸总是鼓励我去追求自己的理想My father always encouraged me to pursue my dreams.我爸爸不一样他对我的未来另有规划Not mine. He has another plan for my life.已经凌晨两点了我们已经聊了5个小时了It's 2 a.m. We've been at this for five hours.我想我们又创造了新的记录Well, I think we broke our record.-我们应该上♥床♥睡觉啦好梦 -等等-We should turn in. Sweet dreams -Wait.给我点希望让我安心去睡吧I can 't sleep without knowing there 's hope.在夜里我辗转反侧Half the night I waste in sighs.在半梦半醒中叹息In a wakeful doze I sorrow.都是因为你的手你的唇For the hand, the lips你的眼睛the eyes.也是为了明天的见面For the meeting of tomorrow.出自丁尼生过目不忘Quoting Tennyson. Impressive.在返校节舞会见面吧Please meet me at the homecoming dance.11点时我会在舞池中♥央♥等你的I'll be waiting for you at 11:00 in the middle of the dance floor.好梦sweet dreams.太接近了That was close.-你终于可以和他见面了 -我不知道他优秀的太不真实了-You're finally gonna be able to meet him -I don't know. he's too good to be true.得了吧你和他在普林斯顿聊天室上好像已经聊了一个月了Come on. It's been, like, a month since you met him in that Princeton chat room, okay? -你无时无刻不和他聊天你了解他 -我知道但是他不了解我-You talk to him all the time. You know him -I know, but he doesn't know me.万一他和我见面后觉得我不是他想像中的那样怎么办What if I meet him and I'm not what he expects?也许这样的关系在网络上更好Maybe this whole relationship's just better for cyberspace.听着你一定要去那个舞会Listen, okay? You have to go to that dance, okay?那个流浪者不可能一直待在一个地方对吗This Nomad guy isn't gonna be in one place for Iong, all right?-如果有需要我会当你的护卫的 -真的嘛-If it helps, I'll be your escort -Really?-当然 -就听你的卡特-Yeah -You rock, Carter.-喂 -萨姆-hello? -Sam.有些小子拿了我的三文鱼而且都吃了some little brat got into my salmon and ate it all.我要更多的三文鱼把我♥干♥洗店的衣服拿来I need more salmon. And pick up my dry cleaning.清洗一下我的美洲虎And wash the Jag.菲奥娜再来一投Fiona. One more pitch.-为什么你好像她的奴隶一样 -简单没有菲奥娜没有上普林斯顿的钱-Why do you act like her slave? -simple. No Fiona, no money for Princeton.-那是剥削 -看我的-That sucks -Tell me about it.哦出界了Hey, it's out of here.该死这是一个女孩子击出的球看这就让人过目不忘Damn, a girl hit that. see, now that's impressive.你和谢尔比打算扮成什么样去舞会so, what are you and shelby going to the dance as?我也不知道我是不是会和谢尔比一起参加I don't know if I'm going with Shelby.你的舞伴不是谢尔比嘛那是谁You're not gonna go with shelby? Who else you gonna go with?我也不知道这对我来说是个谜I don't know. It's a mystery to me.-谢谢 -不客气-Thank you -You're welcome.好的小伙子们当心再过去一点就这里Okay, guys. Come on. A little bit further. Right there.USC校友打七折Thirty percent off for USC alumni.看上去不错老兄你要确保你装这个轮胎时Looks good, my friend. Make sure you get these rims.-奥斯汀 -怎么了-Austin -What's up?你卧室里面的学院手册是干什么用的What's with all those college brochures in your bedroom?你翻我房♥间干嘛What are you doing in my room?-我就想明确一下我的选择 -你不需要选择-I'm trying to keep my options open -You don't need options.我都为你安排好了It is all taken care of.你看儿子我们从你9岁开始就做这行了Look, son, we've been working on this program since you were 9 years old. 你要参加USC橄榄球队然后毕业You're gonna play UsC football, graduate然后你将和我一起管理这个店你的未来已经安排好了and then you'll manage this business with me. Your future's set.不要再受什么计划的干扰了好吗so don't mess with the plan. All right?我会考虑的Wouldn't think of it.又来一个客人好好地去招待吧There's another customer. Go make them happy.好的先生这是你的车Yes, sir, here's your car.你应该要上蜡Well, you need a wax.-什么 -我是说这部车-Excuse me? -I meant the car.哦好Oh, fine.-奥斯汀 -嗨-Austin -hi.-我的车需要清洗 -是的你看啊-We need our cars washed -Yeah, Iook.都是泥Dirt.马上就好女士们好了One second, Iadies. All right.你完了以后把这个带进去非常感谢Take this inside when you're done. Thank you very much.哦天哪他真是一个天使Oh, my God, he is an angel.-他真可爱 -我知道-He's so cute -I know.你们出钱让谁把你们的车弄得那么脏的so who'd you guys pay to make your cars so dirty?请问你是谁泥污警♥察♥嘛Excuse me? Like, what are you, the dirt police?对泥污警♥察♥Yeah. The dirt police.就像对不起小姐你知道你的泥泞出现的有多快么Like, excuse me, miss, do you know how fast your dirt was going? 不要再说泥污警♥察♥了You should have stopped with the dirt police.我看你应该走了妈妈正在找你呢You should get going, because our mom's Iooking for you.-好吧她在哪里 -她在家正在烘烤-Well, where is she? -she's at home, baking.-你想要见我 -是的-You wanted to see me? -Yes.哦我的你的事情都做完了嘛Oh, my--Did you finish your errands?因为我要你去餐厅做夜班的领班Because I need you to head to the diner and take the night shift. 今晚没有轮到我的夜班而且今天学校有个万圣节晚会所以Tonight's my night off and it's the halloween dance at school, so--我知道但是你不是那么自私应该开始考虑一下大家I know, but you need to stop being so self-centered and start thinking of others.大家都希望你去餐厅然后今晚把地板拖干净Others need you to go to the diner and mop the floors tonight.但是我真的要去那个舞会菲奥娜我一定要到的But I really need to go to this dance, Fiona. I have to.你要为你的大学挣学费You need to earn your tuition money for college.你应该收拾每张桌子You gotta bus a Iot of tables.菲奥娜我是一个优等生我一周工作七天并且还上了特别的AP训练I'm a straight-A student. I work seven days a week and I'm taking extra AP classes. 我从没向你要求过什么请让我参加这次舞会吧I never asked you for anything. PIease Iet me go to this dance.甜心现在你已经够年龄了sweetheart, now that you're old enough有些话我一直想告诉你而且我想你正准备听there's something I've always wanted to tell you, and I think you're ready to hear it. 你并不是很漂亮也不聪明You're not very pretty, and you're not very bright.我很高兴我们有这样的谈话I'm so glad we had that talk.-先生们 -老兄你溜的真快-Man, you-- -scoot over, bro.-我们的桌子太小了 -挪一挪-see if we can get a bigger table -Move over.你挡了我的路了You're in my way.今天一定是万圣节前夜看谁来了山谷的恶巫婆It must be halloween. Look what just flew in. The wicked witch of the Valley.我要去万圣节晚会接布赖恩和加百里拉I'm gonna be picking up Gabriella and Brianna at the halloween dance.-我会在12点整回来的 -好的-I'll be back by 12 sharp -Okay.哈你那里还放的下still got room in there, huh?这不是我们的小妇人嘛Well, if it isn't little Betty Crocker from the 'hood.你没有事情做了么比如清洗厕所Don't you have something to do, like cleaning toilets?我会的但是我现在忙的转不过来你帮我招待一下客人吧You know, I would, but I'm too busy running this place. But be my guest.我很抱歉我帮不上忙我刚刚做了150美元的指甲银棕榈树I'm sorry, I can't, because I just got a $150 manicure. silver palm trees.保护好你的手吧菲奥娜我也得让我6美元修的脚休息休息了Keep it up, Fiona, and I'm gonna find a place to put my $6 pedicure.你的溜冰鞋呢那也是制♥服♥Where are your skates? That's part of the uniform.菲奥娜要是我想成为一个小丑我会去马戏团的Fiona, if I wanted to Iook like a clown, I'd join the circus.要是你是我马戏团的人我会让你去擦一只尿湿了的大象的屁♥股♥的If you were part of my circus, I'd have you clean elephant butts with a Wet One.-我想你也许忘记了我可以 -解雇我好啊马上干吧-I don't think you realize that I could-- -Fire me? Oh, please, go right ahead.然后看看你这里还会有多少客人And Iet's see how many customers you have Ieft when you do.我魅力四射I am a very appealing person.对就你自己这么想Yeah, in your head.-“我魅力四射” -“我魅力四射”-"I'm a very appealing person." -"I'm a very appealing person."那个女人应该穿一件修女袍That woman can make a nun swear.我应该提早一年毕业这样我就能去3000英里外的普林斯顿大学了I'm graduating a year early so I can be 3000 miles away in Princeton.就算你去火星上大学也不够远You could go to the University of Mars and it still wouldn't be far enough.甜心我忙死了Honey, I'm desperate.-你能帮我照应一下后面那张桌子嘛 -我们等不及了-Can you cover that back booth? -We're waiting.-我想这里的东西肯定吃不了 -但是-I don't think I can eat anything here -But--我有种感觉我在这里肯定吃不到“宙恩牌”营养套餐了I have the feeling I won't be able to get a Zone meal here.-我已经吃过了 -灌肠剂可不能当饭吃-I already ate -Laxatives don't qualify as a food group.-真奇怪你连这也不知道 -住嘴-surprised you didn't know that -stop it.这不是我们的女招待嘛Well, if it isn't diner girl.-你们要点些什么 -这里有什么不含糖-What can I get you guys? -What can I get here that has no sugar-不含防腐剂低脂的东西 -矿泉水-no carbs and is fat-free? -Water.-矿泉水态度可不好 -你在开玩笑嘛-Water? Feisty -Was that supposed to be a joke?真有趣It was funny.-我要一杯伏斯 -什么-I'll have a Voss -Excuse me?-矿泉水挪威的 -她太糟了-It's water. From Norway -she's the worst.-对不起我们只有山谷的矿泉水 -喔那好吧给我一杯冰茶-sorry, we only have water from the Valley -Oh, well, then I'll have an iced tea. 两杯另外我还在等你Make that two. And I'm still waiting-上墨西哥玉米卷女招待 -快走吧-on that breakfast burrito, diner girl -see you.-劳驾了 -她不会得到一点点小费的-Thank you -she is so not getting a tip.谢尔比我想我们应该谈谈了私下的shelby, we really need to talk. Privately.你想说什么就当着大家的面说好了Anything you say to me, you can say in front of my peeps.好吧Okay.我要和你分手I wanna break up.什么What?真无情That was harsh.-你爱上其他人了嘛 -我想是的-Are you in Iove with somebody else? -I think so.-不可能 -什么谁啊老兄-No way -What? Who, bro?我不知道I don't know.-但是我们还可以成为 -别说要做“朋友”-But we can still be-- -Don't say the word "friends."算你走运我可以对你的一时糊涂忽略不计Fortunately for you, I'm gonna overlook this mental breakdown of yours.真扫兴我们要去准备舞会了到时候再见吧Look, just chill out. We're gonna go get ready for the dance, and I'll see you there. -再会 -待会见-Later -Late.-没事了老兄 -不是她觉得没事-That went well, bro -No, she took it well.多留神Good Iooking out.-待会见女招待 -你太慢了-Later, diner girl -Too Iate.不用担心Don't worry about it.这些孩子们提醒了我以前在学校打架的事You know, those kids remind me of why I used to fight in school.千万别害怕Have no fear.佐罗来了Zorro is here.他还开来了他爸爸的梅塞德斯And he's got the keys to his dad's Mercedes.你想扮成一个餐厅女招待嘛You're going dressed as a bus girl?-卡特我去不了了 -什么意思你不能去-Carter, I'm not going -What do you mean, you're not going?-哦对不起对不起那网络帅哥怎么办 -网络帅哥-Okay, sorry. sorry. What about cyberdude? -Cyberdude?就是给你寄情书的那个男的That the boy that's been sending you Iove notes?那不是情书只是电子邮件They're not Iove notes. They're E-mails.只要一个男生花心思给你写信那就是情书If a man is taking his time to write down his feelings for you, it's a Iove note.你有一个暗恋对象了You've got a secret admirer.他约她今晚舞会上见面And he wants to meet her tonight at the dance.-那你还在这里干嘛 -我得服从命令-What are you still doing here? -I'm obeying orders.-萨姆这可是你的爱情 -爱情也得等着-sam, this is your true Iove -Well, true Iove is gonna have to wait.哦小姑娘把这些戏留给肥皂剧去吧你应该去舞会Oh, girl, please, save all that drama for the soap operas. You are going to that dance. 继续说闺中密友Go ahead, girlfriend.我不能走菲奥娜要杀了我的以后把我留下收拾残局I can't go. Fiona would kill me and then bring me back to clean up the mess.除非她先过了我这关she's gonna have to go through me to hurt you.-继续闺中密友继续说 -你敢再叫我闺中密友-Go, girlfriend. Do your thing -Call me "girlfriend" one more time.喔对不起Okay, sorry.萨姆你♥爸♥爸肯定不想你不开心sam, your dad did not Ieave this earth wanting you to be unhappy.该是你寻找自己幸福的时候了就从这次舞会开始It's time for you to find your own bliss, starting with this dance.萨姆你应该听朗达的sam, you need to listen to Rhonda.你一直在学习不停地工作给你自己一点喘息的机会吧You're always studying, always working. Take some time for yourself.对啊你怎么不出去走走玩玩泡泡龙呢Yeah, why don't you go out and bust a move.-穿上你的异形服 -无论你的孩子们做了些什么-Put your freak on -Whatever it is you kids do these days.没错你们才是对的我从没为自己做点什么事You know what? You guys are right. I never do anything for myself.-是呀你没有做过 -没错-No, you don't -True.我应该得到一点快乐了And I deserve to have some fun.-说的对 -是啊-That's right -Yeah.-我会去舞会的 -好啊太棒了-I am gonna go to that dance -Okay, great.我会和我爱的人见面的我会整晚跳舞的And I am gonna meet my true Iove and I'm gonna dance all night.-我不能去 -什么-I can't go -What?我没有服装I don't have a costume.-你会有的你来嘛佐罗 -是的夫人。



版本一灰姑娘(Cinderella)第一场布景:灰姑娘家旁白:Long, long ago, there was a cute girl, her name is Cinderella, her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much. 父亲: Dear daughter! These presents are for your birthday! Do you like them? 灰姑娘: Yeah, thank you, Dad.(开心地接过)父亲: My lovely daughter, I hope you can be happy forever! 旁白:But one day, her father married a new wife and died unfortunately. Look, her stepmother and her new sisters are COMING. 后妈: Helen, Jenny, look, how beautiful the house is! (四周看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看)后妈女儿(1): Yes, and so many fruits.(一个个用手指点)Apples,bananas, mangoes and lychees. Wow, I like them. (吃水果) 后妈女儿(2):(打开衣柜,翻翻看看)Mum, look, so many beautiful clothes. I like this dress. (往身上穿) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father(跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来). 后妈女儿(2):Who are YOU? (把那条裙子藏到一边,厌恶地把灰姑娘的肩膀推了推)Mum, who is she?(退了几步,回头看后妈,用手指指了指灰姑娘)后妈: She is your little sister. But it doesn't matter. Now! Cinderella, go, clean the room and then cook for us. RIGHT NOW! 灰姑娘: Why? I'm not your servant.(插着腰,皱着眉很生气的样子)后妈: Yeah.(点头). But from NOW ON you are our servant.(很凶的样子)后妈女儿(1): Mum, I like this dress. (拽灰姑娘的衣服) 后妈女儿(2):I like her necklace. (抢走她的项链戴在脖子上) 灰姑娘:Oh, no, PLEASE (哭喊)旁白:After that, Cinderella had to been their servant. She worked and worked from morning to night.(Cinderella在洗衣服,扫地,干别的家务活)She had no room to live and she have to sleep in sofa(睡在沙发上); she had no good food to eat and good clothes to wear. She was more and more dirty. 第二场布景:灰姑娘家(士兵在门外敲门)后妈: Who is it? 士兵: I'm the soldier of the palace. (后妈打开门)Good morning, madam, this letter is from the palace, for you and other girls in this house. Good-bye, madam! 后妈: What is it? (打开信看——欢呼,向后妈女儿(1)(2)招手)Helen, Jenny, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. Prince Edward will select a queen among the young girls in this kingdom. 后妈女儿(1): Hooray! I'll be the queen! 后妈女儿(2): Hey, I will be the queen, not YOU!!后妈: Okay, girls. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up immediately! 灰姑娘: (小心地走出来问道)Mum, I want to go to the party, too. 两个后妈女儿: You? Look at yourself, so dirty and so ugly. (大笑起来) 灰姑娘(看着在镜子前整理衣服化妆的后妈):Mum,please, can I…后妈: Girls, are you ready? Let's go. Cinderella, you are so dirty and ugly that you haven’t any excuse to go. And you must do your housework FIRST! Good night!! (后妈和她的女儿很骄傲地走出门外,灰姑娘很伤心地坐到地上哭了。

剧本 Cinderella

剧本 Cinderella

Parish of St Mary,HarringtonPantomime ScriptHere you find the script of the Cinderella pantomime we put on. If you find anything you can use, just go ahead and use it. All we ask is that you let us know if you have found this script helpful for anything you are doing bycontacting us.Also available: Robin Hood pantomime ScriptSnow White and the 7 AliensAladdin Under the Sea Pantomime ScriptReturn in St Mary's home pageCinderellawritten by Judith DixonOpening SongScene 1 – the KitchenCinderella is ironing and singing with mice.Cinderella A t last I have nearly finished all this work. Maybe I’ll be able to sneak out and have a walk (Stretching)I haven’t had a break since 5 this morning and I’d love some fresh air.Mother (off stage)There’s so much to do, where is that girl?Exit mice, frightened.Cinderella Oh dear here comes my stepmother and her gorgeousdaughters Hyacinth and Rose. So much for a break, it’ll bemore chores for Cinders as usual I’m afraid.Enter Mother and ugly sistersMother Have you finished the ironing yet?Cinderella Almost, I was just…Mother Well hurry up, we’ve got visitors coming and the dra wing room needs to be hoovered and dusted.Hyacinth And the silver polished and we’ll be wanting tea and drop scones and chocolate cake and cucumber sandwiches at 3.45precisely.Rose Who is coming for tea? Is it young single man with adelicious body or e ven an old single man or …Hyacinth Oh Rose, not every man who enters this house is a suitor for you.Rose Oh yes he is!Hyacinth and others Oh no he’s not!Rose Oh yes he is!Hyacinthetc Oh no he’s not!Rose Well OK maybe not every man!Hyacinth You must behave with a bit of decorum, men like a lady who knows how to entertain. I shall show our guest that this is ahouse of dignity and style, Cinderella, the Wedgwood tea setof course!Rose But Hyacinth, at my age it is not natural to be withoutromance. I have such yearnings! When I was with that Barry,he would buy me flowers and take me to restaurants. Hecomplimented me and made me feel so feminine. It was sotragic that the relationship had to end.Hyacinth Yes, a pity he found his glasses after only a week. Still don’t be down hearted dear, there are all sorts of eligible men forus both and I don’t intend to let any more slip away. I’ll dowhat ever it takes! (Rubs her hands together greedily)Rose Well Mummy, who is coming for tea? Is it worth digging out that mini skirt or can I get away with the slacks?Mother The Prince’s friend Dandini is coming to discuss somebusiness with your father, so I had better be there to keepthem right, your father is such a muddle head!Rose Definitely the mini skirt, and maybe a boob tube. Cinderella You don’t want to frighten him, poor man!Hyacinth Gracious, a palatial visitor. Perhaps we’d better have the silver tea set. I must check we’ve got the quilted toilet tissue,just in case.Cinderella Excuse me, I’ve rather a lot to do and unless you’re going to help…Exit sisters and mother quickly making shocked/busy noises.OK, I’ll do it all myself, as usual.But Dandini, that is quite exciting. I wonder what Daddywill be discussing with him.Enter Buttons with a football.Buttons Hello Cinders (tries to kiss her but she dodges him with the ironing basket) You busy?Cinderella No, I just felt like doing all this laundry for fun! What’s with the football?Buttons I’ve been discovered – Your father spotted me having a kick about in the yard last week and he reckons I’ve got sometalent.Cinderella Of course you’ve got talent – ever since you scored that last minute equaliser in the match between the Red Dragon andthe Brewery House…Buttons It was great wasn’t it. Any way, Baron Stoneybroke, your father, is going to be my personal manager. He’s havingmeetings with the coach of the Palace team to see if I canhave a trial.Cinderella Ah… the coach of the Palace team isn’t Dandini is it? Buttons Yes – how did you know?Cinderella Because he’s coming here for tea this afternoon at (imitates Hyacinth) 3.45 precisely!Buttons Oh wow! Hey Cinders, can I serve the tea… please, please! Cinderella I don’t know, Buttons, you know how clumsy you can be, do you think it’s such a great idea? You’ll probably drop thescones.Buttons I thought they liked drop scones! Oh, I’ll be careful. Please. Cinderella Oh all right, but on your head be it. Now off you go, I’ve got work to do! Where’s that flour…Scene 2- at the palaceJones Pray silence for their Royal Highnesses His Majesty King Rufus of Harrington and his beauteous Queen Hermione. King (aside to servant as he enters) Have you heard the score? Jones (whispers) Only 7-0 Your Majesty, our goalkeeper isimproving!(The King looks pleased!)Queen Rufus, do try to enter your throne room properly. Thevillagers will gossip.King We really do need to scout for some new talent.Queen What do you care if the maidservants are ugly?King No dear, football talent! Our Palace team is a laughing stock.We are doing well this morning as we are only 7-0 down athalf time! And that is against Harrington Under 10s!Queen Well you should discuss it with Dandini, you know. Call him now Jones.There is another matter we need to sort out… PrinceWill iam’s marriage.King Oh good is he marrying that singer, what’s her name British Queers?… Britley Steers?Queen Good Heavens no, but he hasn’t actually found anyone else either and if he leaves it any longer it’ll be too late. All thenice girls will be taken. I have an idea!King Oh no dear not another Royal Blind date! Cilla Black will refuse to do it after the last time when William refused topick any of the girls, declaring that they were all obviouslyghastly or they wouldn’t have agreed to go on such a sillyprogram in the first place!Queen This time it will be less public! We’ll have an enormous ball and invite all the most glamorous ladies in the land. I’ll let“Hello” magazine know and the “Times and Star” ofcourse…King That does sound a bit public, but it is a good ideanone-the-less.Enter Prince William in footy kit and DandiniDandini Hail Your Majesty! (Bows low before the King)William Hello Mum, Dad… Urm Hail (nods and kind of waves) King Well what was the final score?Dandini Not too bad actually, we played much better in the second half!King What was the score?Dandini Oh numbers don’t mean a thing. The game was taught and they kept on running for at least … 15 minutes.William If only we had some more young blood in the team. George Bowness and the lads from the Tuesday working party arevery skillful with a ball, but the Under 10s were runningthrough their legs!King Dandini, tell me the score!Dandini 15-0, your Majesty.King 15 –0! Oh dear it’s so embarrassing. Beaten by a bun ch of kids, whatever next? Listen Dandini, there’s a match onFriday, against the Scouts. This is your last chance. I’m not aviolent man, but we win that match or you’ll be …(gesturesa knife stabbing Dandini repeatedly)Dandini OK! OK, I get the picture. Leave it to me your Majesty. Queen William, my dear, we’ve arranged a real treat for you. A little party on Friday night, well an enormous ball actually.We’ll invite all the most beautiful girls in the land and youonly have to choose one.William Only one, huh.Dandini At least you know they won’t turn you down.William They’re not allowed to. What chance have I got of finding one who actually likes me?King They don’t have to like you, they just have to live with you.Poor girl, whoever she is she will have her hands full.Scene 3 - In a sports shopCinderella is selecting football boots with salesman.Cinderella I’m not saying money is no object, but I do want to get good ones.Salesman Well these ones are the best at £150. And they have the designer label. But these ones are good too at £15.99, butthey don’t have a designer label.Cinderella Well what is the difference between them?Salesman Urm… well these ones have this fantastic designer label you see.Cinderella OK. So if I don’t care about th e label are they just the same? Salesman Oh no! Because these ones have the designer label of course! Cinderella Right I think I understand. Thank you.Salesman I’ll let you decide, shall I.Enter Prince William to choose some bootsWilliam Now which boots will improve my game? (Picks updesigner boots)Cinderella Do you know anything about these? I want to buy some for my friend Buttons who is trying out for a place on a big team.I just don’t know which ones to choose.William (aside) She’s so beautiful!(To Cinderella) Well it depends how seriously he takes his football.Cinderella (aside) He’s gorgeous, but he’s gone for the expensive ones so he must be a big football star. He won’t be interested in ascullery girl! (To William) Well, he lives for his f ootball, it’sthe only thing in his life!William (aside) Obviously not the only thing – whoever this blokeButtons is he’s got the perfect girlfriend.(To Cinderella) He’s a lucky guy to have such a girl… er..um.. talent!Cinderella Well I’d better get these ones then. Thank you for youradvice.She goes to the till with the expensive boots.William I’ve been looking for girls all this time and when I finally find the one I want she is going out with someone else.Cinderella I’m all in a whirl, just f rom talking to him. I bet he plays for one of those premier teams. If only my sisters would let mewatch TV, I’d probably recognise him.Sing separatelyScene 4 – The kitchenEnter Mother and FatherFather Now dear I have business with Mr Dandini and it really is no concern of yours.Mother Don’t be ridiculous, Torquil, you can’t invite Palace officials to tea and not introduce your wife and daughters. He wouldconsider it most rude.Father Well, I suppose it wouldn’t harm to introduce you briefly. Mother That’s right Darling. (To off stage) Girls, tea will be in the drawing room.Enter ugly sistersHyacinth Well I should think so too. Imagine entertaining Mr Dandini in the kitchen.Rose What about the decorators Mummy? That LaurenceLlewellyn Bowen is still working on the Drawing Room. Mother What? He’s been in there for three weeks.Rose Yes, (rubbing her hands)I’m still working on him. Hyacinth It’ll have to be Parlour then.father Oh no my train set is laid out in there.Mother You’ll be laid out i n a minute. Laid out flat.Rose We could use the Conservatory.Mother Oh dear I’ve been flower arranging in there and there are petals everywhere. Well short of serving tea in the bedroom,we’d better tell Cinders to tidy the kitchen.Father My dearest Cinderella always keeps the kitchen tidy.Anyway she’s gone out. She said Buttons would be servingtea this afternoon.Hyacinth Tea in the kitchen!Rose Buttons serving! This is humiliating!Hyacinth I was so looking forward to it.Rose I have a headacheHyacinth I have indigestion.Both We’re going to bed!Exit ugly sisters sobbing.Enter Buttons with DandiniFather Mr Dandini, I’m so pleased to welcome you to my beautiful, er um humble home. Please sit down. May I present my wifeClarissa.Mother I’m s orry to say that my two daughters are ill disposed, or well just ill actually, and won’t be able to join us.Buttons Thank goodness. A blessing Sir I assure you.Dandini I’m sorry to hear that, but this is not a social call, I’m here on business. I believe you have a proposal for me.Father Indeed I have Sir. I have discovered a talent for football. Dandini Right, we have quite a lot of players of your ..er.. generation Sir. I was really looking for someone younger.Buttons (laughing)Not him, oh no, that’s funny. He can’t kick a ball!Father What my young protégé is trying to say, is that I am not speaking of my own talent but of his.Dandini Who you?Buttons has got a ball and is showing offButtons Yessir. I play non-stop and could score past fifty David Seamans, just give me a chance to show you.Dandini Careful, oh you’ve squashed my hat!Father I would be prepared to let you have him for five big ones! Dandini Five pounds you say, well we could perhaps give him a trial. Father Five thousand pounds I mean.Buttons squeals and spills the tea he was pouring, all over Dandini. Dandini Ow - what are trying to do? Five thousand pounds, are you mad?Mother Here let me just wipe that off.Dandini escapes as they all fuss after him.Father That didn’t go as well as I’d hoped.Mother I should think not!Buttons What were you thinking - £5000?Father What about you, pouring tea over him?Buttons Well that’s my career over.Father You’re right about that, you can pack your bags and leave this house tomorrow. Idiot.And that’s our holiday plans ruined.Mother You mean we needed that money for our trip to St Tropez. Father Of course, your daughters dresses have cleaned us out, we haven’t a penny to spare.Scene5 – At a bus stopButtons This is my last chance now that I’ve ruined things with Dandini.Cinderella Oh Buttons, do you have to go all the way to Manchester? Buttons Your father has fired me so I have nothing to keep me here! Cinderella Nothing? Buttons your friendship means everything to me, and I shall miss you so much.Buttons Cinderella, If there is more than friendship between us, I’ll stay here. Just say the word… you know I’d give up any oldfootball for your love.Cinderella Oh Buttons, you’re like a brother to me, but I can’t make myself feel what I don’t and your trial for ManchesterUnited is so important. I know it’s not Harrington Palace,but it’s the next best thing! I got you these. (She gives himthe football boots)Buttons Cinders these are great, how did you know? These are the best!Cinderella Oh someone helped me.Buttons Someone special?Cinderella Well, he was kind of amazing I have to admit, but I’llprobably never see him again so…Buttons I hope he’s good enough for you, if anyone ever hurt you I’d…Cinderella I know, I know…but not everyone has such exalted feelings about me, you know. Anyway, you’ll miss your bus. Buttons Then it’s goodbye. Can I have a hug?Enter PrinceCinderella hugs Buttons and kisses his cheek.Cinderella Take care, and come back soon my dear.Prince It’s her,and this must be Buttons. They’re obviously in love.Oh well, I’ll just have to try my luck at the ball.Exit ButtonsCinderella notices the Prince and wipes her eyes.Cinderella Oh hello again.William Hello, I suppose that was Buttons.Cinderella Yes, b ut he’s leaving for Manchester. I’ll miss him so much. William Leaving? How could he leave you? You poor child, you need a shoulder to cry on, come here. There, there, don’t cry. He puts his arms round her. Both are smiling but without the otherseeing.William I don’t even know your name.Cinderella I’m Cinderella.William I’m William, I live just outside town at the pa… by the woods.Cinderella How lovely, I like to walk there and see the Palace. Have you ever met any of the royal family? I saw the Queen on awalk about once.William Oh I see them around occasionally.Mother’s voice off stageMother Cinderella, where are you girl? Come here at once. Cinderella Oh I have to go, excuse me William.Exit CinderellaWilliam See you soon Cinderella. I hope.Scene 6 – At a football pitchDandini enters followed by 4 players in mismatched football stripDandini Right you lot, we’ve an important match on Friday and we have some training to get in. Let me see you in pairsdribbling round these cones. No I mean dribbling the ball! They bump into each other and the balls get mixed up.No.1 pass the ball to No. 2, no, not into the bushes. No 3 ,can you watch where you’re going, careful, oh no.They fall in a heap.No 1 That was better than last week.No 2 Yes, we are showing improvement.No 3 Is it time for a break yet?Dandini No no no! No breaks until you can do it right! Start again. No 1 Did you see Brookside last night?Dandini This is not a time for chatter! You should be so out of breath you can’t talk!No 2 No, I missed it, I was taking Dolores to the Bingo.No 4 My missus loves bingo, wouldn’t miss it. I have to take her down so I stay on to keep her company.No 3 It’s grand for the ladies isn’t it. Mind you, I won a tenner last week.No 2 That’s nothing, I won a hundred in May, Legs Eleven is my lucky number.By now they are just standing chatting, Dandini is looking at his fixtures book. Dandini What is going on? This is supposed to be a training session, not a bingo anonymous meeting.No 1 Oh calm dow n Dandy, we’ll be fine on Friday.Dandini Fine? Like you were fine last week, or the week before that?And don’t call me Dandy! Oh no here comes trouble.Enter 2 scoutsScout 1 Hi you lot, are you training for the match?Scout 2 We were out last night. We ran 8 miles and put in 2 hours of skill work.Dandini 8 miles? This lot haven’t even walked 8 miles between them in the last year.Scout 1 Well I’m sure what you lack in fitness you make up for in experience.The scouts start to dribble the balls round the players, who huddle up as though they were prisoners.Scout 2 Yeah, our team are trembling in case your experience scoresa goal.Scout 1 We’ve some experience of our own, we are unbeaten this season you know after 10 games.More Scouts join them and kneel along the front of the stage to sing“We’re riding along on the crest of a wave”Player 1 Hey is this a pantomime or a gang show? We can sing too you know, (aside)it’s just football we have problems with.Why don’t we try out this Harrington song. You’ll find it onthe back of the programmes? (To audience) You can join inif you know the tune.All sing Harrington song.Scout 1 OK. We’ll see who can sing the best. We’ll take this side and you can have that lot. We’ll go first.Right side sing.Scout 1 That was fantastic. (Throws sweets to right side.)Player 1 Now it’s our turn.Left side sing.Player 1 Told you we’d be the best. ( Throws sweets to left side)We’ll sing all together one more time.All sing. Scouts and players exit up the aisle throwing sweets to all.INTERVALScene 7 – In the kitchenFerocious barking heard off stage!Cinderella No Fluffy, no! Stop eating the postman!She collects a mangled, torn dripping envelope from off stage. Cinderella What’s this? I can just about decipher it. I think it’s from the palace. Suddenly the ugly sisters enter with their mother close behind.Rose The palace you say?Hyacinth What does it say?Mother Give it to me girl, at once!Cinders hands over the slobbery document gladly and unnecessarily heavily into her stepmother’s hand.Mother Oh, er, thank you. Now let me see. “Their Highnoses…sorry, Highnesses, the King and spleen, no.. Queen(blooming dog!) of Harrington are delighted to invite all theeligible maidens of the Kingdom to a ball in honour ofPrince William.”Rose A ball.Hyacinth How wonderful!Mother (Looking critically at her daughters, preferably through a monocle!)There’s work to be done!Cinderella What shall I wear?Rose (Coming out of a trance?) You wear? It said eligible, you can’t go!Cinderella Oh yes I can!Sisters Oh no you can’t!Cinderella (urging the audience to support her)Oh yes Ican! etc HyacinthStop dreaming girl, you know you haven’t achance – Mother will fix it for you …to stay at home!!!MotherNow, now don’t be unkind. Cinderella,ifyou have finished all the Spring cleaning and I mean following all MrsBeeton’sinstructions about dusting behind pictures, polishingthe underside of allfurniture, repainting all scruffy skirtingboards etc.And if you canfind something suitable to wear,then you are most welcome to come to theball! HyacinthSee. By the way Rose, mother said we haveto wear something suitable, that means as little of your blotchy flesh showingaspossible!RoseComing from you. No doubt yourimpression of suitable is to dress up in a tablecloth done up to the neck.HyacinthI assure you, I am very well acquaintedwith the appropriate costume for a ball. When we were at Finishing schoolinSwitzerland I attended the lessons while you were outevery night with somelocal ruffians.RoseOh yes. I had some unfinished businesswhen we finished at finishing school.MotherCome along, we’ll have to findsomething!Exit Mother and sistersCinderellaMrs Beeton. Mrs Beeton. Oh what I would doif I could lay hands on that Mrs Beeton. I h aven’t got a dress, or a hopeofdoing this work… If only Buttons were here. At least hewould be able to help.Well I hope he’s done well at thefootball trials.Scene 8 – astreetDandiniThis is dreadful. I’ve got to findsomeone who can play football. Princ eThis is awful. I’ve got to pick somegirl and the only one I want is deeply in love with someonecalled...PrinceWhat did yousay?DandiniButtons, he’s our lastchance!PrinceYou know him? He’s the luckiest manalive and a world class football er. You’d never get him to play for ourteam. DandiniI think you’ve got him mixed up, he’smuddle head and an oaf, but he’s under fifty and keen so we’ll have to give hima try!Oh good here comes his managernow. Hey thereStoneybroke.Enter Mother and Fatherladen with parcels from the shops. As they realise who this is hailing them,they bow and drop all the parcels. BaronOh dear. Your Highness, your …(ToDandini) Very importantness.Um, er. Oh dear.MotherPreparations for the ball you see. Mydaughters are so beautiful and dying to meet you…DandiniYes yes, but what aboutButtons?Mother and Fathertogether(confused)Buttons?DandiniWe need him for the football matchtomorrow.DandiniDon’t worry we’ll pay up, £5000if we win the match!!!! He’d better be worth it.Mother(Interrupts herhusband)Well that will be fine. He’ll be there and you won’t regret it.Exit Prince andDandiniFatherBut Clarissa, Buttonshas gone toManchesterfor trialsfor Manchester United, we’ll never get him back here by Friday.Mother Of course he’ll comeback. Everyone has romantic ideals about playing for the home team and Goodnessknows Buttons is a romantic. FatherWell, I hope you’re right.Scene 9 - thekitchenHyacinthLook what I’ve justgotRoseWhat?HyacinthIt’s a magic mirror.Look.Mirror, mirror on thewallWho is the fairest of themall?MirrorYou can’t ask that. It’s acrime!I’m in the wrongpantomime HyacinthYes, yes, don’t put up afightI am rather like SnowWhite.RoseNo you’re not, youfoolYou resemble more amule. HyacinthOh what do you knowJust let the mirrorshowRose(pushing Hyacinth out of theway) Mirror, mirror, on the wallWho is the fairest of themall? MirrorSorry to say, I haven’t aclueBut I’d hazard a guess: it’snot you. Hyacinth(pushing Roseaside)I knew it, yes its meThat’s the only answer thatcan beMirrorNo, no, no, it’s nottrueI know its notyou.HyacinthI will ignore all you’vesaidNow tell us who the Princewill wedMirrorThe answer is notRoseJust look at thatnose!HyacinthPoor Rose. NevermindThe truth is not alwayskindMirrorHyacinth will find it hard to find afellaThe fairest of them all isCinderellaHyacinthBah, what nonsense!RoseWhat do you expect? Downloading magicfor mirrors from the internet indeed! Get a grip!Rose and Hyacinth storm offMirrorYes, Cinderella- its quite a task we’veset herOh and what a part to giveour Rector!Scene9aJonesThis is the ball room Madam. Willthat be all?JoanneErm, yes thank you, I think we’llmanage.Jones exits leftJulieIs this it? It doesn’t look like anight club.Chri stineIt’s not a night club, it’s apalace.JulieWhat are we doing in apalace?JoanneWe got a gig!(Jumping up and downwith excitement)This is our big break, girls. If we get noticed here, it’llbe the big timefor us, just you wait and see!ChristineWell, we were really rich and famous afterwe won that TV competition –“Pop Groups”.JulieYeah but that was months ago andafter two hit singles we sank without a trace. Poor Joanne even applied to go onBigBrother, but they hadn’t heard of her so she didn’t make iton to CelebrityBig Brother and nobody watches the otherone so it didn’thelp.Joanne(To Christine) Then there yoursolo career. You lost 15 stones and sang your heart out, but all the paperstalked about was youraffair with that football manager.ChristineAt least the papers talked about me.JulieWell I gave the ultimate sacrificeand tried getting pregnant, but I still didn’t get famous and now I’ve got topay the child minderevery time we get a gig.JoanneWell that doesn’t happen very often, soquit complai ning. JulieYou’re one to talk about complaining. You moaned for months when you werebanned from the Galloping Horse for that Karaokesinging.JoanneWell, it was embarrassing. They saidI’d ruined a good song, but it was our song! Anyway, at least Ihaven’t bee n banned fromAshcrofts yet.JulieThat was completely unjustified. Iwas not loud and tuneless every time I went in there, it was the baby crying.That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!ChristineThis posh palace do, what is it anyway, aroyal ball? JoanneTha t’s right so we need to be a bitclassy.ChristineYeah, just like those girls, AtomicKitten.JulieSo what are wecalled?ChristineHmm, what about AtomicPuppy?JulieNice idea, but it lacksoriginality, what about Nuclear Hamster? JoanneWe want to achieve that sassy, sort of “we could have been brain surgeonsbut we chose this because our talent was irrepressible”. Do you like “ElectronicGoldfish”?ChristineSounds like an advert for Duracell. Ithink we should try adifferent train of thought, what about “HerbGirls”? JulieWell, “Herb Girls”. I like it, sortof Jane Asher meets Siouxie and the Banshees.JoanneOk We’re the Herb Girls and now we needto practise our routine. They sing and dance.Scene 10- in thekitchenCinderella is alone with the mice scrubbing theunderside of a table.CinderellaIt’s hard to be happy and pretty when your only chance of escape fromendless tyranny is barred by the underside of a kitchen table! They’ve all goneand of course I have nothing to wear so here I am!I should be singing somechirpy song about a nightingale orsomething but in actual fact I don’t thinkI’m allowed to saythe words I’m thinking in a church hall.At least nothing can make mefeel worse. And I’ve alwaysgot the knowledge that Buttons loves me. That is acomfort. Enter Buttons with a beautiful girl. Mice hide.ButtonsHey Cinderella. What’s up?Cinderella Oh Buttons I’mso unha…ButtonsThat’s great Cinders (not listeningto a word she said) May I introduce Rapunzel. I met her in a tower somewhereand itwas love at first sight. (The lovers gaze sickeningly ateachother).CinderellaGreat. But why are you here? What about yourtrialinManchester?ButtonsOh didn’t you hear? I’m playing for the palace team tomorrow. Dandinisays he’ll pay your father £5000 if we can beat the scouts.Ci nderellaWell that’s great. No really it is, because then father has some money totake his darling wife away on holiday and I’ll get some peace. ButtonsGood. Well we’re away out for a romanticdance at the Palace Ball.See you there. Come on mydarling.Buttons and Rapunzel exit. The mice reappear.CinderellaOK. I’m happy for him. He didn’t have to getover me thatquick did he. He’s been sniffing around like a puppy foryears andthe first time I need him he’s picked up with somegirl with extraordinarilylong h air. I wonder if William’s atthe ball. Oh I wish I could go to theball…( she puts her headin her hands and sobs)There’s a strange lighting effectof some sort and the fairy godmother appears.GodmotherWell here we are. You’re in a fine pickle.What on ear th are you doing to that table you silly girl?CinderellaWho are you?GodmotherYou don’t remember, well I suppose most peopledon’t remember the day they’re baptized. Your mother was a pretty special lady.Not like Harry Potter’s mother, but let’s just say s he had friends in。

Cinderella 课堂剧本

Cinderella 课堂剧本

CinderellaAct 1Once upon a time there lived a kind and lovely girl. She was so kind even to the mice. The birds are her good friends. Every morning the birdies woke her up from her dream with their sweet songs.But after her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her. Her two stepsisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.Stepmother: Go to do the laundry and clean the floors right away.Cinderella: Yes mother!Stepsister1: Cinderella! Get my sweater and my gloves for me. It is so cold. Cinderella: Yes sister!Stepsister2: Hurry up! Where is my breakfast? I'm to be late for my date.Cinderella: Ok I am cooking for you, my dear sister!Although her stepmother and her sisters were cruel to her, Cinderella still lived a happy life.Act 2One day, the king held a party for the prince to choose a girl he loved. Every maid in the town was invited to the party. The Duke sent the message to every family.Duke: The prince will hold royal ball at the palace, every girl is invited to the ball that night. And the prince will choose the most beautiful girl as his wife on the ball.Stepmother:Every girl is invited and one lucky girl would be the prince’s wife! Oh! What a great message!Cinderella: That means I can go to the ball too?Stepsister1: You can go? Go to the royal ball? Dancing with the prince? Imaging! Stepsister2: She is only fit to dance with a broom! Ha ha ha!Cinderella: But it says every girl is invited!Stepmother: So it does. You may go, if you can get all the housework done, and find something to wear. Now go to clean the floor!Cinderella: But, but I just cleaned it this morning.Stepmother: Clean it again! (Shouting) Then cook meals for us. We will go to the ball tonight.Stepsisters: Ha ha ha! (Laughing!)Her stepmother was so cruel to Cinderella that her animal friends show sympathy to her.Mice: Cinderella, do this! Cinderella, do that! Cinderella will never have time to go to the ball. Dancing with the prince and become his wife!The stepmother was jealous of Cinderella's beauty, so she took her two daughters to the party, leaving Cinderella at home. She was broken-hearted. At that time, the fairy godmother appeared.Cinderella:Oh, well. What’s a royal ball? I think it would be extremely boring and, and…completely wonderful.I thought someday my dreams would come true,” cried Cinderella. Now I’ll never get to the royal ball.Godmother: Yes, you will, child, but we must hurry. Let’s see, n ow. I’l l need a pumpkin and some mice. Then she waved her magic stick and sang these magic words: bibbidi bobbidi boo!After the magic words, Cinderella wearied a pretty dress. The mice turned to be two horses, and birdies turned to be her waiters. And a beautiful coach appeared in front of her.Cinderella: Oh, what a beautiful coach!Godmother:Get in, my dear. We can’t be late!Cinderella: But don’t you think my dress…Godmother:Lovely, my dear. Oh, good heavens, child! You can’t go in that. Bibbidi bobbidi, bibbidi bobbidi, boo! ”And Cinderella was in the loveliest gown she had ever seen. On her tiny feet were delicate slippers.Cinderella: Oh, fairy godmother—it’s like a dream come true!Godmother: Yes, child. But like all dreams, it can’t last forever. On the stroke of midnight, the magic will be broken, and everything will be back again.Cinderella:I’ll remember. I promise to be home before midnight. Oh, it’s more than I ever hoped for! Thank you, fairy godmother.Godmother:Bless you, my child. Now hurry up. It’s getting late.”Cinderella stepped into the pumpkin coach and was hurried to the royal ball.Act 3Duke: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the prince dancing ball. Tonight, our prince will select the most beautiful and kindest girl to be his queen. Now, young girls, come to the front, please!Welcome our prince.Duke: Prince, which one do you like?Prince: No, I don’t like anyone.At this moment, Cinderella appears.Duke: Oh, how beautiful! She is so lovely! She looks like a princess.Stepsister 1:Who’s that beautiful girl?Stepsister 2: I d on’t know, we have never seen her before.The prince stared in wonder. Here was the girl of his dreams. The prince asked Cinderella to dance.Cinderella danced with the prince around the ballroom all the time. Every girl admired Cinderella and her beauty!Prince: May I have the next dance with you?Cinderella: Oh, of course. It’s my honor, Prince.Prince: You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.Cinderella: Thank you!Duke: You see, Your Majesty, the Prince has danced with that girl all evening. It looks like he has found the girl he wants to marry.After the ball the prince and Cinderella walked in the garden. Time passed quickly. All of a sudden, Cinderella caught sight of the clock on the wall. Oh, it is almost twelve o'clock---five to twelve!Cinderella: Oh, my goodness!Prince: What's the matter?Cinderella: It's midnight. It's almost midnight. I must go!Prince: Yes, so it is. But why??Cinderella: Goodbye.Prince: No, no, wait! You can't go now.Cinderella: Oh, I must, please, I must.Prince: But why?Cinderella: goodbye.Prince: No, wait, come back. Please come back! I don't even know your name. How will I find you? Wait, please wait! Wait!Cinderella hurried to be off and left one of her glass shoes in the garden. The prince ordered his Dukes to find the shoes’ owner.Act 4Prince: Find the girl who can fit the slipper perfectly. I will marry her.Duke: Yes, Prince.The next day, every maid in the town was ordered to try the glass shoe. Whoever the shoes fitted well would be the bride of the prince. No one could put on the shoe, nor could the two stepsisters. When the officials were going to leave, Cinderella appeared and asked to have a try. But her stepmother didn’t want Cinderella to marry the prince.Stepsister 1: Get out of my way. Let me try it on first. The shoe belongs to me…Oh, it’s too tight. I can’t get my foot in. it’s mine.Duke: N o, it’s not yours. It’s too small for you.Stepsister 2: Save it. You are too fat. It’s no use. The shoe is for me. I am the very girl. Duke, it’s my turn.Duke: Now, take it off and give it to her.Stepsister 1: How could it be? I am the girl. You? I don’t believe you can wear it. You are skinny.Stepsister 2: Oh my God! The slipper is too loose.Stepmother:Hi, come on, maybe it’s mine. Let me try it.Duke: Oh, my God, it couldn’t be yours. Well, madam, if you have no other daughters, I have to leave.Stepmother: No, I have no daughters anymore!Cinderella: Please wait! May I try it on?Stepmother: Oh, pay no attention to her.Stepsister1: It's only Cinderella!Stepsister2: Impossible.Stepsister1: She’s out of her mind.Stepmother: Yes, yes. She is crazy.Duke: Of course, you can have a try, my fair lady. Every girl should have a chance. Please sit down.Duke: Oh, It fits perfectly!Cinderella: You see, I have the other slipper.Duke: You must be the girl the prince wants to find!Act 5The duke talked with the Prince on the phone.Prince: Hello, this is prince speaking!Duke: Good news, we have found the beautiful girl.Prince:Really? That’s wonderful! I’ll come at once.Stepsister 1:no, I don’t believe that! She was the beautiful girl in the ball!Stepsister 2: The prince danced with her all night!Prince: Oh, my dearest princess.Stepmother: How did it happen?Prince: I love you, will you get marry with me?Cinderella: Yes,I do!Cinderella and the prince held a grand wedding and they lived happily ever after.。



Cinderella第一幕:Setting:At Cinderella’s home旁白:Long long ago, there was a beautiful girl, her name is Cinderella , her mother was dead, and her father loved her very much.父亲: Dear daughter! These presents are for your birthday! Do you like them?灰姑娘: Yes, I like them very much, thank you dad.父亲: My lovely daughter, I hope you can be happy forever.灰姑娘:Oh, thank you dad, I will.父亲:Now my daughter, I met another women and I will marry her. Could I have your blessing my dear?灰姑娘:Of course dad. You have my blessing.旁白: Cinderella’s father married a new wife and died unfortunately. Look, her stepmother and her new sisters are coming.后妈:(四处看了看,开始乱翻东西,拿起些东西来看)Helen, look! How beautiful the house is!女儿:Yes, and so many fruits.(一边用手指点一边数)apples, bananas, mangoes. Wow, I like them! (拿起来吃一口) and so many beautiful clothed, I like this dress. (往身上穿)灰姑娘:Oh,no, please, that’s my dress. This new dress is bought by my father. (跑过去,想把那条裙子拿过来)女儿:who are you? (把衣服藏到身后,厌恶的推灰姑娘的肩膀) Mum,who is she? ( 退了几步,回头看妈妈,用手指指着灰姑娘)后妈:She is your little sister, but it doesn’t matter. Now Cinderella, go and clean the room, then cook for us right now! (抬着下巴趾高气昂的说)灰姑娘:Why? I’m not your servant. ( 疑惑不解)后妈:Yes, but from now on you are our servant. (很凶的样子)(女儿1,2 奸笑)女儿1:Mum,I like this dress. (扯灰姑娘的衣服) and the necklace too. (抢走她的项链戴在脖子上)灰姑娘:Oh, no, please don't do that! ( 哭喊)后妈:put this dirty clothes on and do house work right now! And listen, from now, you have no room to live.灰姑娘:where can I sleep?后妈:You can sleep on the floor if you want!灰姑娘:(哭。



CinderellaLong long ago,there was a very cute girl called Cinderella…Cinderella :I’m Cinderella . My parents all died. Now, I have a stepmother and two bad sisters. (趴在地上擦地板)stepmother:扫干净(坐着嗑瓜子){敲门声kokoko}去开门Cinderella: Who is it?Servant: I'm the servant of the prince. (Cinderella打开门)Good morning, lady, this invitation is from the palace, for you and other girls in this house. Good-bye, lady!Cinderella: Mother, this is an invitation from the palace. stepmother: oh ?(打开信看——欢呼) oh. my god (向女儿(1)(2)招手)Helen, Jenny, good news! There will be a big dancing party in the palace. Prince Edward will select a queen among the young girls in this kingdom. Jenny: Hooray! I'll be the queen!Helen: Hey, I will be the queen, not YOU!!stepmother: Okay, girls. You must put on your most beautiful dress and make up right nowNight;Jenny: oh! Cinderalla !why didn’t you iron(烫) my dress?! I have already told you I need it for the party! do it now. (脚踹cinderalla) Cinderalla : I .. I ‘m sorry.(准备起身)Hellen :(指着cinderella)wait! Cinderella !(跑过去)where are my new shoes?! Don’t you know Prince Edward will select a queen among the young girls in our kingdom?!(点cinderella的头) I need them now! Cinderella : dear sisters, I want to go to the party, too.(渴望。









)cinderella:whatiitki,forbeauty.oh,thatiforme.thankyouverymuc h.(双手合十做感谢状)act2(cinderella背对观众清理房间)cinderella:ye,iter.(将大姐的头发绑成冲天炮)二姐:cinderella,getmeacarf.(拿出一条围巾并绑二姐未在手臂上)(大姐和二姐站起来互看了一眼,并放声大笑。

剧本最终版-进击的灰姑娘 Cinderella, flighting!

剧本最终版-进击的灰姑娘 Cinderella, flighting!

Cinderella, fighting!进击的灰姑娘Scene one(In Cinderella’s bedroom.)场景一(仙度瑞拉的房间)Cinderella: Somewhere over the rainbow way up high…(全亮)仙度瑞拉:Somewhere over the rainbow may up high…(歌词)Father: May I come in, my dear Cinderella?(音效:敲门声)(knock at the door)父亲:我可以进来吗,亲爱的仙度瑞拉?(敲门)Cinderella: Sure, papa.(stands up and goes straight ahead to unlock the door)仙度瑞拉:当然可以啦,爸爸!(站起,走去开门)Father: What are you doing there?父亲:你在做什么呐?Cinderella: I’m designing new shoes for your company. I have a dream that one day I will take charge of designing shoes to fill mom’s old position! I have a dream that one day I will be a famous shoe designer! I have a dream that one day I will find my true love!仙度瑞拉:我在为您的公司设计新鞋子呀!我梦想着终有一日,我能代替妈妈为你的公司设计新鞋!我梦想着终有一日,我能成为举世闻名的鞋类设计师!我梦想着终有一日,我能凭借自己的努力寻获对的人。

Father: My good girl! Today is your birthday. Happy birthday! I am sorry that I can only celebrate your birthday stealthily. I hope you will like these presents.(gives a beautiful dress and a box of accessories to Cinderella)父亲:不愧是我的乖女儿!对了,今天你生日,生日快乐啊!真的很抱歉,我只能偷偷摸摸地为你庆祝生日。




















灰姑娘童话剧本中英对照Cinderella Play Script角色:Characters:灰姑娘 (Cinderella)继母 (Stepmother)姐姐 (Stepsister)另一位姐姐 (Another Stepsister)仙女教母 (Fairy Godmother)皇子 (Prince)国王 (King)王后 (Queen)舞会贵宾 (Ballroom Guests)侍从 (Attendants)场景1:灰姑娘家Scene 1: Cinderella's Home(灰姑娘在厨房中洗碗)(Cinderella is washing dishes in the kitchen)灰姑娘:(唱歌)"我擦地板,我洗碗,做饭也是我的工作。


"(Cinderella: sings) "I mop the floors, I wash the dishes, cooking is a job I hold. But my heart is filled with hope and dreams untold."场景2:娘家Scene 2: The Stepmother's Home(继母和两个姐姐在沙发上懒洋洋地休息)(Stepmother and the two stepsisters are lazily resting on the couch)继母:我们得准备去皇宫参加舞会。


(Stepmother: We must prepare to attend the palace ball. The prince is searching for his queen.)姐姐1:那个愚蠢的灰姑娘也想去。

(Stepsister 1: That foolish Cinderella wants to go too.)继母:哼,我有办法拦住她。






































The end.。





(叮------咚)后妈: Wer?后母伸了个懒腰,打了个哈欠,幽幽的站起来,走向门口),问道:谁啊?((说的时候打开房门)士兵:Ich bin Soldat aus dem schloss. Guten Morgen, liebe Frau .Das ist für dich und deine Töchter.士兵在门外,很有礼貌的回答道:是我,我是来自王宫的士兵,早上好,女士!这是给你和你女儿的。

后妈: Oh, okay, ich will übernitteln .oh mein God! Jane ,Helen kommt heraus ! Eine Nachricht !Es gibt eine große Party in dem Schloss. Der könig wird eine königin aus alle schöne Jungfrauen im Lande wählen.(后母接过那封信):哦,好的,我会转交的(然后回到座位上,迫不及待的打开了信件):哦,我的天哪!(后母突然从椅子上跳了起来,转身朝里屋喊着):珍妮。

海伦,快出来啊!好消息!(这时珍妮海伦出场)王宫将会有个盛大的舞会,王子要从姑娘们里面选一位做她的王妃!Jane und Helen:wasai,Ich werde königin sein!珍妮和海伦:哇塞!我将会是王妃后妈:Töchter, ihr sollten die schlösten kleidungen anziehen.(后母高兴地笑着):女儿们,快点你们一定要穿上你们最最漂亮的衣服,打扮的漂亮点!Cinderella:Mutter,Ich möchte auch gehen.(灰姑娘羡慕的走向后母,问道):妈妈,我也很想去!Jane:Du?Schau dich ,du bist schmuzig und hässlich! Du hat keine Kleider und Schuhe und willst tanzen.珍妮:就你?看看自己,这么脏这么丑!还想去丢脸啊!后妈:Du darfst nicht mitgehen, Du hast viele Hausarbeit zu machen.Komme zum Pferdstall!(后母假惺惺的说):你就别去了,家里还有那么多活,快去马房把马喂了。



1--Once upon a time, 很久很久以前2--there was a girl called Ella.有一个叫艾拉的小女孩3--And she saw the world not always as it was,因为一些小小的魔法4--but as perhaps it could be, with just a little bit of magic.她眼中的世界于是变得与众不同5--Ah, my darling!啊我的宝贝6--To her mother and father, she was a princess.在她的父母眼中她就是公主7--True, she had no title, nor crown, nor castle,没错她没有头衔没有皇冠也没有城堡8--but she was the ruler of her own little kingdom,但是她却统治着一个神奇的小小王国9--whose borders were the house and meadow on the forest's edge这个王国就是她的家还有森林边的小牧场10--where her people had lived for generations.她的子民世代生活在那里11--With Mr. Goose...也是鹅先生12--and all their animal family.还有其他的动物家庭13--Hello, there. What do you think you're doing?你们好呀你们在做什么呀14--Let the little ones have their share.不许抢小家伙们的吃的15--We don't want you getting an upset stomach.我们可不希望你吃坏肚子16--Oh, Gus-Gus,噢古斯古斯17--you're a house mouse, not a garden mouse.你是只小家鼠可不是花园鼠18--Isn't he, Jacqueline?是不是呀杰奎琳19--And you mustn't eat Mr. Goose's food.你可不准偷吃鹅先生的东西20--Isn't that right, Mummy?我说的对吗妈妈21--Do you still believe that they understand you?你依然相信它们听得懂你在说什么吗22--Don't they, Mother?它们听得懂是吗妈妈23--Oh, yes.噢当然24--I believe that animals listen and speak to us我相信只要我们愿意聆听25--if we only have the ear for it.动物们也会向我们敞开心扉26--That's how we learn to look after them.所以我们才能知道怎么照顾它们27--Who looks after us?那谁来看顾我们呢28--Fairy godmothers, of course.当然是那些仙女教母啦29--And do you believe in them?你相信她们存在吗30--I believe in everything.我什么都相信31--Then I believe in everything, too.那我也什么都相信32--Her father was a merchant艾拉的父亲是位商人33--who went abroad经常出国34--and brought tribute back from all of Ella's subject lands.每次回家都会带回各个国家的纪念品送给艾拉35--Ella!艾拉36--Where are my girls, my beautiful girls?我美丽可爱的姑娘们你们在哪儿37--Where are my darlings?我的宝贝们在哪里呀38--Ella missed him terribly when he was away.他不在的时候艾拉非常想念他39--But she knew he would always return.但是她知道爸爸一定会回来的40--- There she is! - Papa, welcome home!- 她来了- 爸爸欢迎回家41--How are you?你好吗42--You've grown!你又长大了43--Haven't you, now?是吗44--- There you go, sir. - What was that?- 这个给您先生- 那是什么45--Oh, this?噢这个呀46--I found it hanging on a tree.我发现它挂在一颗树上47--I think there may be something inside.我猜想里面可能有东西48--Oh, it's so pretty.噢真漂亮49--In French, that is un papillon.法语读作"Papillon"彩蝶50--- Un papillon. - Tres Bien.- "Papillon"彩蝶- 非常好51--- Voulez-vous dancser avec moi, mademoiselle? - S'il vous plait.- 能请您跳支舞吗小姐- 好的52--Merci beaucoup.非常感谢53--Ouch. Ouch.好痛好痛54--You're standing on my feet.你站在我脚上啦55--Shall we?好了吗56--Look, Mummy! I'm dancing!快看妈妈我在跳舞呢57--My darling wife.我亲爱的夫人58--Little papillon.小彩蝶59--All was just as it should be.一切都如此美好60--They knew themselves to be他们认为自己是61--the most happy of families to live as they did世界上最幸福的一家人62--and to love each other so.彼此相亲相爱63--When I am king dilly, dilly# 当我称帝嘀哩嘀哩#64--You shall be queen# 王后是你#65--Lavender's green dilly, dilly# 薰衣草嘀哩嘀哩#66--Lavender's blue# 有蓝有绿#67--You must love me dilly, dilly# 你要爱我嘀哩嘀哩#68--For I love you.# 因我爱你#69--But sorrow can come to any kingdom,但是悲伤会降临任何王国70--no matter how happy.无论你曾经多么快乐71--And so it came to Ella's home.它也降临到了艾拉的家72--I'm so sorry.我很遗憾73--Thank you, Doctor.谢谢您医生74--This must have been very difficult for you.您心里一定非常难过75--Come.过来76--Ella.艾拉77--Ella, my darling.艾拉我的宝贝78--I want to tell you a secret.我要告诉你一个秘密79--A great secret that will see you through这个巨大的秘密能帮你度过80--all the trials that life can offer.人生所有的艰难困苦81--You must always remember this.你一定要好好记住82--Have courage and be kind.坚强和勇敢仁慈和善良83--You have more kindness in your little finger你小指头上的善良84--than most people possess in their whole body.也远比其他人全身心的还要多85--And it has power, more than you know.其强大的力量超乎想象86--- And magic. - Magic?- 它也是魔法- 魔法87--Truly.对88--Have courage and be kind, my darling.坚强和勇敢仁慈和善良我的宝贝89--Will you promise me?能答应我吗90--I promise.我答应你91--Good.好92--Good.很好93--And...还有94--I must go very soon, my love.我不久就要离你而去了我的宝贝95--Please forgive me.请原谅妈妈96--Of course I forgive you.当然我原谅你97--I love you.我爱你98--I love you, my darling.我爱你亲爱的99--I love you.我爱你100--Time passed, and pain turned to memory.时光流逝伤痛已成为往事101--In her heart, Ella stayed the same.艾拉纯净的内心从未改变102--For she remembered her promise to her mother.因为她记得对妈妈的承诺103--Have courage, and be kind.坚强和勇敢仁慈和善良104--Father, however, was much changed.而她的父亲却改变了很多105--But he hoped for better times.他希望能拥有更美满的生活106--"And thence home,回到家后107--"And my wife and I singing, to our great content,我和我的妻子为这伟大的意义而歌唱108--"And if ever there were a man happier in his fortunes,这世上还有谁会比我更快乐呢109--"I know him not."我估计没有了110--Thus ends Mr. Pepys for today.佩皮斯的故事今天就先念到这111--I do love a happy ending, don't you?我特别喜欢圆满的结局您呢112--They're quite my favorite sort.这也是我喜欢的结局113--As well they should be.我们的想法一样114--Ella...艾拉115--I have come to the conclusion that it's time, perhaps...我想我们现在应该116--to begin a new chapter.开始新的一章了117--Indeed, Father?是的父亲118--You'll recall that some time ago, in my travels,你还记得很久以前我在旅行时119--I made the acquaintance of Sir Francis Tremaine.认识的弗朗西斯·特梅因爵士吗120--Yes.记得121--The Master of the Mercer's Guild, is he not?是绸缎商会的会长是吗122--Was.曾经是123--The poor man has died, alas.那个可怜的人去世了124--His widow,他的遗孀125--an honorable woman,是位令人尊敬的女士126--finds herself alone,日子过的很寂寞127--though still in the prime of her life.其实她还风华正茂128--You're worried about telling me.你是怕我反对吗129--But you mustn't be.你大可不必130--Not if it will lead to your happiness.只要你能幸福就好131--Yes.是的132--Happiness.幸福133--Do you think I may be allowed one last chance,你觉不觉得这是上天给我的最后一次机会了134--even though I thought such things were done with for good?虽然我觉得这种事不会再有了135--Of course I do, Father.这当然是了父亲136--She'll merely be your stepmother.她会成为你的继母137--And you'll have two lovely sisters to keep you company.还有两个可爱的姐妹和你作伴138--Have courage, be kind.坚强勇敢仁慈善良139--Welcome, ladies. Welcome!欢迎女士们欢迎140--She's skinny as a broomstick!她瘦得像个扫把141--And that stringy hair!头发像乱麻142--You're very nice.你真体贴143--Welcome. I'm so happy to meet you.欢迎很高兴见到你们144--You have such pretty hair.你的头发真漂亮145--- Thank you. - You should have it styled.- 谢谢- 你应该做个发型146--Oh. I'm sure you're right.噢你说的对147--- Would you like a tour of the house? - What did she say?- 想参观房子吗- 她说什么148--She wants to show us around her farmhouse.她想让我们看她的农舍149--- She's proud of it, I think. - Do they keep animals inside?- 她为此感到骄傲- 里面有家畜吗150--How charming. How perfectly charming.很精致非常漂亮151--Lucifer.小恶魔152--Her stepmother-to-be她的准继母153--was a woman of keen feeling and refined taste.是个相当敏感和高雅品位的女士154--And she, too, had known grief.她也曾经历过悲痛155--But she wore it wonderfully well.但早已烟消云散了156--You did not say your daughter was so beautiful.你可没说过你的女儿如此漂亮157--Oh, she takes after her...她是继承了她的...158--Her mother.她的母亲159--Just so.当然了160--- What does Mummy mean? - What's so charming about it?- 妈妈是什么意思- 这房子哪里好看了161--She's lying. That's just good manners.她那是客套罢了162--Shut up.闭嘴163--How long has your family lived here?你的家族在这里住了多久了164--Over 200 years.有两百多年了165--And in all that time, they never thought to decorate?都这么久了也没想过装修一下166--Anastasia, hush.安娜斯塔西亚安静167--They'll think you are in earnest.你这么说人家会当真的168--Ella's stepmother,艾拉的继母169--high-spirited lady that she was,是个充满活力的女士170--set out to restore life and laughter to the house.打算把活力和笑声重新注入这所房子171--Oh, you are awful, Baron.你真粗鲁男爵172--Ah, fortune favors me again.噢手气又回来了173--Well, look who's having a party of their own.看呀这是谁在偷偷聚会呀174--Jacqueline, Teddy, Matilda,杰奎琳泰迪玛蒂尔达175--greedy Gus-Gus.还有贪吃的古斯古斯176--Uh-oh.噢177--Just what...你这个...178--Yes, what do you think you're up to, Lucifer?你在这里想做什么呀小恶魔179--Jacqueline is my guest, and the eating of guests is not allowed.杰奎琳是我的客人吃掉客人可是不允许的噢180--Go on, now. You've plenty of cat food to keep you happy.我有好多猫粮满足你呢181--We ladies must help one another.女士应该互相帮助182--You're missing the party.你怎么不去聚会183--Oh, I imagine it's much like all the other ones.我想和其他的聚会没什么区别184--And I'm leaving first thing, El.明天我一早要出门小艾185--No. But you're...可是186--You're hardly back from the last trip.你才回来没多久啊187--Do you have to go?一定得去吗188--It's just a few months, my darling.只是去几个月而已宝贝189--What would you like me to bring you home from abroad?你想让我给你带什么礼物回来190--You know, your sisters...你的两个姐妹191--uh, stepsisters, have asked for你的新姐妹们让我带192--parasols and lace.遮阳伞和蕾丝193--What will you have?你想要什么194--Bring me the first branch your shoulder brushes on your journey.给我带回第一支划过你肩头的树枝195--That's a curious request.这个要求真有意思196--Well, you'll have to take it with you因为这一路上你都要197--on your way...带着它198--and think of me when you look at it.看到它就会想到我199--And when you bring it back, it means that you'll be with it.等你带着它回来的时候意味着它陪了你一路200--And that's what I really want.这才是我真正想要的201--For you to come back.无论发生什么202--No matter what.你都要回来203--I will.我会的204--Ella, while I'm away,艾拉我不在的时候205--I want you to be good to your stepmother我要你善待你的继母206--and stepsisters, even though they may be...你的新姐妹尽管有些时候她们...207--trying at times.很难相处208--- I promise. - Thank you.- 我保证- 谢谢209--I always leave a part of me behind, Ella.我一直都会牵挂着你艾拉210--Remember that.你要记住211--And your mother's here, too, though you see her not.还有你的妈妈也在这虽然你看不见她212--She's the very heart of this place.她才是这个家的灵魂213--And that's why we must cherish this house,为了她我们必须加倍珍惜214--always, for her.这个家215--I miss her.我好想念她216--Do you?你呢217--Very much.非常想念218--- Remember the lace! - I simply must have it!- 记得买蕾丝- 一定要带回来219--And my parasol!还有遮阳伞220--For my complexion!用来保护我的肌肤221--That means skin, if you don't know!就是保护皮肤的意思怕你不明白222--Bye!再见223--Bye, Ella!再见艾拉224--I love you!我爱你225--I love you, too!我也爱你226--Bye!再见227--Ella, dear.亲爱的艾拉228--Now, now. Mustn't blub.好了好了不要再哭了229--Yes, Stepmother.好的继母230--Oh, you needn't call me that.你不用这么称呼我231--"Madam" will do.叫我夫人就行了232--There isn't room for me and all of your clothes!房里都没我的位置了全是你的衣服233--Well, then make yourself smaller!那你就缩小一点挤进去啊234--Anastasia and Drisella安娜斯塔西亚和多莉希拉235--have always shared a room.一直都挤在同一个房间里236--Such dear, affectionate girls.她们真是相亲相爱237--Or... Or better yet, disappear entirely!你要是直接消失就最好了238--You'd like that, wouldn't you?你巴不得这样是吧239--Sometimes I could scratch your eyes out!有时候我都想把你眼珠子挖出来240--I think they're finding the sleeping quarters rather confining.我想她们肯定觉得房间太挤了241--Oh, well, my bedroom's the biggest besides yours and Father's.除了你和父亲的房间我的房间要比她们的大一些242--Perhaps they'd like to share it.也许她们愿意住我那间243--What a wonderful idea.这真是个好主意244--What a good girl you are.你真是个聪明的好姑娘245--I can stay in the...我可以住在246--The attic.住阁楼上247--Quite so.就这么定了248--The attic?阁楼249--Yes.是的250--Oh, only temporarily, while I have all the other rooms redecorated.噢这只是暂时的我要先给其他房间装修一下251--The attic's so nice and airy阁楼的房间多好多通风啊252--and you'll be away from all of our fuss and bother.也不怕我们吵吵闹闹打扰到你253--You'd be even more cozy if you kept all要是能把这些古董摆设一起带上去254--this bric-a-brac up there with you.你会觉得更舒服255--Keep you amused.祝你心情愉快256--Well...也好257--no one shall disturb me here.在这儿就不会有人烦我了258--Oh, hello, Gus-Gus.你好古斯古斯259--Go on, Gus-Gus, you can do it.加油古斯古斯你可以的260--So this is where you take refuge.原来这就是你们藏身的地方261--Me too, it would seem.看来这里也是我安身的地方了262--Right.好啦263--Who's going to help me?谁要来帮帮我264--Simpleton.真是傻265--That is the last straw.真让人忍无可忍266--Our little sister, up there, talking to the woodworm.我们的小妹妹躲在上面自言自语267--How very pleasant.这真是太愉快了268--No cats...没有猫269--and no stepsisters.也没有继姐妹270--We have a halfwit for a sister.我们有个蠢蛋妹妹271--I've got two.我还有俩呢272--I heard that.我可听到了273--- Who is she talking to? - She's mad.- 她到底在和谁说话- 她准是疯了274--Sing, sweet nightingale# 歌唱吧甜美的夜莺#275--- Good morning. - Good morning, Miss Ella.- 早安- 早安艾拉小姐276--Good morning, Tom!早安汤姆277--Sing sweet...# 唱吧甜美的... #278--Hello. Don't mind if I...你好你不介意吧279--What a lovely Chantecler. Well done.鸡先生真好真棒280--Thanks.谢谢281--- Morning. - Morning.- 早安- 早上好282--Thank you, Miss Ella.谢谢你艾拉小姐283--You're welcome.不客气284--Ella!艾拉285--Wake up, girls! It's lunch time!快起来姑娘们该吃午饭了286--Mornings did not agree艾拉的继姐妹并不喜欢287--with Ella's stepsisters.这美好的早晨288--And they lacked accomplishment她们在持家过日子这方面289--in such domestic arts as keeping house.毫无能力可言290--In fact, they lacked accomplishment in any art.其实在艺术上她们也没有任何天赋291--It was a lover and his lass# 一位少女和她的情人#292--With a hey, and a ho# 一唱一和#293--And a hey nonino# 一唱啊一和#294--That o'er the green corn-field did pass# 在那绿绿的玉米地上穿过#295--Sweet lovers love# 甜蜜的爱人喜欢#296--The spring# 春天#297--Sweet lovers love# 甜蜜的爱人喜欢#298--The spring# 春天#299--Do shut up.快别唱了300--Ella's great comfort艾拉唯一欣慰的是301--were the letters that Father would send from his travels.父亲偶尔会在旅途中给她寄来几封信302--The weeks away lengthened to months,寄信的间隔从几周变成了几个月303--but every day would bring his thoughts from some distant part.但是每天她都会思念那远在异乡的父亲304--Miss Ella, it's the mail coach!艾拉小姐信使来了305--Until late one afternoon...直到一个下午306--Farmer John?约翰先生307--Miss Ella.艾拉小姐308--It's your father, miss.小姐是你的父亲309--He took ill on the road.他在路上患病了310--He's passed on, miss.小姐他过世了311--He's gone.他不在了312--To the end, he spoke only of you, miss.临终前他一直念着你的名字313--And your mother.还有你的母亲314--I was to give you this.他让我把这个给你315--But what about my lace?那我的蕾丝呢316--My parasol?我的遮阳伞呢317--Can't you see? None of that matters.你们还不懂吗那些都不重要318--We're ruined.我们完蛋了319--How will we live?我们要靠什么过活320--Thank you.谢谢321--It must have been very difficult for you.这对你来说也不容易吧322--How indeed to live.为了继续生活323--Economies had to be taken.她们必须削减开支324--Ella's stepmother dismissed the household.艾拉的继母辞退了家里的佣人325--Her stepmother and stepsisters继母和继姐妹对她326--ever misused her.也越来越过分327--And by and by they considered Ella渐渐的她们不把艾拉当家人看待328--less a sister than a servant.而是当作佣人329--And so Ella was left to do all the work.艾拉便包揽了所有的家务活330--This was a good thing, for it distracted her from her grief.但这似乎是好事让她无暇顾及忧伤331--At least that was what her stepmother said.至少她继母是这么说的332--And she and her two daughters were more than happy她们也变本加厉333--to provide Ella with lots and lots of distraction.把许多家务活都塞给艾拉334--In their defense, they did share with her the very food they ate,依她们的说法是在与艾拉同食335--or rather, the scraps from their table.其实都是残羹剩饭336--She had little in the way of friends.她在家里也交了一点"朋友"337--Well, her friends were very little.她的"朋友"确实也是小不点儿338--There you are.你们在这啊339--Have dinner with me, won't you?和我一起吃晚饭吧340--But those friends she had, she treated with an open heart and an open hand.她以宽容善良热情慷慨的态度对待这些朋友341--Your table.你们的桌子342--Sometimes, by the end of the day,有时候夜深人静343--the drafty attic was too cold to spend the night in,漏风的阁楼冷得让人睡不着觉344--so she lay by the dying embers of the hearth to keep warm.她只能睡在即将燃尽的壁炉旁取暖345--I thought breakfast was ready.我还以为早餐准备好了346--It is, madam.快好了夫人347--I'm only mending the fire.我只是在点炉火348--In future, can we not be called until the work is done?以后能不能把活干完了再叫我们349--As you wish.好的350--Ella, what's that on your face?艾拉你脸上沾了什么351--Madam?夫人352--It's ash from the fireplace.火炉里的灰烬啊353--Do clean yourself up.赶紧洗干净354--You'll get cinders in our tea.你把灰烬都抖进茶里了355--I've got a new name for her! Cinderwench.我给她取个新外号灰丫头356--I couldn't bear to look so dirty.我真的受不了你这幅脏模样357--Oh, Dirty Ella.肮脏的艾拉358--Cinder-ella!灰姑娘359--That's what we'll call you.以后就这么叫你360--Oh, girls,姑娘们361--you're too clever.你们真是太聪明了362--Who's this for?这位子是给谁的363--Is there someone we've forgotten?我们是不是忘了还有别人364--It's my place.这是我的位子365--It seems too much to expect you to prepare breakfast,看来不能期望你准备好早餐366--serve it and still sit with us.端上来之后还跟我们一起吃367--Wouldn't you prefer to eat when all the work is done, Ella?你应该等我们用完膳再吃艾拉368--Or should I say, "Cinderella"?或者应该叫你灰姑娘369--Cinderella.灰姑娘370--Names have power, like magic spells.名字都具有力量类似魔咒371--And of a sudden, it seemed to her that her stepmother and stepsisters突然之间她的继母和继姐妹似乎372--had indeed transformed her into merely a creature of ash and toil.真的把她变成了一个用泥土和灰尘化成的佣人373--Run!快跑374--Quickly, my friend, or they'll catch you!快点朋友不然他们会抓住你的375--Go!快走376--Whoa! Easy!慢点377--Perhaps it was just as well that Ella's stepsisters were cruel.就像命中注定要被她的继姐妹们折磨一样378--For had she not run to the forest,如果艾拉没有跑进树林里379--she might never have met the prince.就不会与她的王子相遇380--Easy! Easy!冷静下来慢点381--Easy, boy!冷静下来382--Come on, boy, slow down!别这样慢点383--Miss!小姐384--Miss! Are you all right?小姐你没事吧385--Hold on!请等等386--I'm all right, thank you!我没事多谢了387--That's fine.真的没事388--- Are you all right? - I'm all right,- 你还好吧- 我没事389--but you've nearly frightened the life out of him.但是你们真的快吓死它了390--Who?谁391--The stag.那只雄鹿392--What's he ever done to you它到底做错了什么393--that you should chase him about?让你们这样追捕它394--I must confess I've never met him before.说真的我以前没见过它395--He is a friend of yours?它是你的朋友吗396--An acquaintance.一个熟人397--We met just now.我们刚刚认识的398--I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine,我看着它和它的眼睛对视399--and I just felt he had a great deal left to do with his life.我就觉得在它生命里还有很多事要做呢400--That's all.就是这样401--Miss, what do they call you?小姐怎么称呼你402--Never mind what they call me.我的名字不重要403--You shouldn't be this deep in the forest alone.你不该一个人跑进树林深处的404--I'm not alone. I'm with you, Mister...我不是一个人我和你在一起先生...405--What do they call you?怎么称呼你406--You don't know who I am?你不知道我是谁吗407--That is...这真是408--They call me Kit.叫我基特吧409--Well, my father does我父亲心情好时410--when he's in a good mood.他总这么叫我411--And...还有412--where do you live, Mr. Kit?基特先生你住在哪413--At the palace.在宫殿里414--My father's teaching me his trade.我父亲在那里教我行商415--You're an apprentice?所以你还是个学徒416--Of a sort.差不多吧417--That's very fine.真是不错啊418--Do they treat you well?那里的人对你还不错吧419--Better than I deserve, most likely.比我应得的还要好420--And you?你呢421--They treat me as well as they're able.我身边的人待我不太好422--I'm sorry.抱歉423--It's not your doing.不是你的错424--Nor yours either, I'll bet.我想也不是你的错425--It's not so very bad.也不是那么糟糕426--Others have it worse, I'm sure.我敢说还有比我惨的人427--We must...我们只能428--simply have courage and be kind, mustn't we?我们要坚强勇敢仁慈善良对吧429--Yes.是啊430--You're right.说得对431--That's exactly how I feel.我也是这样觉得的432--Please don't let them hurt him.请不要让他们伤害它433--But we're hunting, you see. It's what's done.但我们在打猎知道吗我们只能这么做434--Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done.那也不代表这么做是对的啊435--Right again.你又说对了436--Then,那么437--you'll leave him alone, won't you?你就不会伤害它了不是吗438--I will.我不会了439--Thank you very much, Mr. Kit.非常感谢基特先生440--There you are, Your High...你在这啊陛...441--It's Kit! Kit!是基特基特442--Kit! I'm Kit. I'm on my way.基特我叫基特我马上过去443--Well, we'd better get a move on,我们最好快点444--Mr. Kit.基特先生445--As I said.如我所说446--On my way.马上过去447--I hope to see you again, miss.希望能再次见到你小姐448--And I, you.我也希望如此449--You sound as if you're the听起来就像你是世界上450--first fellow ever to meet a pretty girl.第一个见到漂亮女孩的人似的451--She wasn't a "pretty girl."她不是"漂亮女孩"452--Well, she was a pretty girl,好吧她是个漂亮的女孩453--but there was so much more to her.但远远不止如此454--How much more? You've only met her once.怎么远远不止你只见过她一次455--How could you know anything about her?你怎么可能会了解她呢456--You told me you knew right away when you met Mother.你告诉过我你遇到母亲时就对她一见钟情了457--That's different. Your mother was a princess.那不一样你母亲是位公主458--You would have loved her anyway.就算她不是你也会爱她的459--I would never have seen her,那样我不可能会见到她460--because it wouldn't have been appropriate.因为若她不是公主我和她就不合适461--And my father would have told me what I'm telling you我父亲会跟我讲我现在告诉你的这些话462--- and I would have listened. - No, you wouldn't.- 而且我会听从- 不你不会463--- Yes, I would. - No, you wouldn't.- 会我会- 不你不会464--- I would. - You wouldn't.- 我会- 你不会465--You're right.说得对466--Well, how is he?他怎么样467--Your Majesty...陛下...468--Never mind.算了469--If it takes that long to work out a way to say it, I already know.要是如此难以启齿我就明白了470--Father...父亲...471--Way of all flesh, boy.人总有这一天孩子472--Come.来吧473--We shall be late.我们要晚了474--And punctuality is the...守时是...475--...politeness of princes.王子应有的礼貌476--His Majesty, the King!陛下国王477--I'm sure your father spoke to you of我相信你父亲一定和你谈过478--your behavior in the forest.你在森林里的行为了479--Is it any business of yours, Grand Duke?这关你什么事呢大公爵480--Your business is my business, Your Royal Highness.你的事就是我的事殿下481--It will not do to let the stag go free.把鹿放跑是不对的482--Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done.只因一直如此并不代表就该如此483--Or something like that.或者什么类似的道理484--Master Phineus, master of the paintbrush,精通绘画的皮内斯大师485--patiently awaits.正耐心地等您486--Make him look marriageable, Master Phineus.把他画得值得托付终身皮内斯大师487--We must attract a suitable bride,我们必须找个好姑娘488--even if he won't listen to a word I say.即使他现在听不进去我说的话489--I shall endeavor to please, Your Majesty.我一定会竭尽所能陛下490--But I can't work miracles.但我无法创造奇迹491--A splendid canvas, Master Phineus.真是幅宏伟的画作皮内斯大师492--Thank you.谢谢493--As if he knows anything about art.说得好像他懂艺术似的494--So, these portraits这些画像495--will really be sent abroad?真的要被送往他国吗496--To induce the high and mighty来吸引那些趾高气昂的公主497--to attend this ball you insist upon.来参加你坚持要举办的舞会498--Which is a tradition. Which is beloved.舞会是个传统是受欢迎的499--At which you will choose a bride.并且在舞会上你将选择你的新娘500--Ah, fascinating.真棒啊501--If I must marry, could I not wed, say,要是我一定要结婚我能不能娶一个502--a good, honest country girl?善良又诚实的乡村姑娘呢503--How many divisions will this "good, honest country girl"这位善良又诚实的乡村姑娘504--provide us?能给我们带来多少封地呢505--How will she make the kingdom stronger?她又如何能让我们的国家更强大呢506--We are a small kingdom amongst great states, Your Royal Highness.我们只是个被列强环绕的小国殿下507--And it's a dangerous world.世界危机四伏508--Listen, boy.听着孩子509--- Taking you up, Master Phineus. - Good.- 要把您拉上去了皮内斯大师- 好510--I want to see you and the kingdom safe.我希望你和王国都能平安祥和511--All right, Father,好的父亲512--on one condition.只有一个条件513--Let the invitations go to everyone, not just the nobility.让每个人都能参加舞会不仅限于贵族514--The wars have brought sorrow on us all.战争让所有人都受苦了515--What do you think?你觉得呢516--Would that please the people?那会让人民开心吗517--It's beyond my wit, Your Majesty.这我不知道陛下518--But I wouldn't mind a bit of a jolly.但我不介意大家一起开心开心519--I think we might have made a bargain.我想我们已经达成一致了520--A ball for the people,全民都能参加舞会521--and a princess for the prince.王子将选择一位公主522--Sounds like a step in the right direction,听起来是在向正确的方向迈进523--if you ask...如果你问我...524--We didn't ask you.我们没问你525--I'm so sorry. Naughty paint, naughty brush.非常抱歉淘气的颜料淘气的笔刷526--Down, please, Samson.向下拜托山姆527--Haven't even got a cushion.还没放好软垫呢528--Right, down, down. Not that... Oi!对向下向下不是那...529--I'm on the ground.我在地面上了530--I am literally on the ground. Sorry.字面意思我真的在地面上了对不起531--Actually this is a very good angle for you.事实上这角度不错532--Great nostrils. Could I have a longer brush?鼻孔不错能递我一支长点的画笔吗533--You don't look well, miss.你看起来不太好小姐534--Not at all.完全不好535--Why do you stay there, when they treat you so?他们那样对你你为什么还留在那里呢536--Because I made my mother and father a promise因为我向我父母亲保证过537--to cherish the place we were so happy.要珍惜有我们美好回忆的地方538--They loved our house...他们非常喜欢我们的房子539--and now that they're gone, I love it for them.现在他们不在了我要替他们爱护它540--It's my home.那是我的家541--Hear ye! Hear ye!大家听着都听着542--Quiet!安静543--"Know,敬请周知。



布景一:灰姑娘家灰姑娘正在小心翼翼地端菜,后妈女儿正在一旁化妆灰姑娘:I have already cooked .We can have it now!后妈:Dear ,come on here and have breakfast!(边说边朝自己亲生女儿招手)正当灰姑娘准备坐下吃饭的时候,后妈:Wait!Have you seen the floor is so dirty? Clearn it at once!灰姑娘:But I am so hungry !(小声哭泣着离开去扫地)这时(士兵开始敲门)听到敲门声后妈迅速地打开了门,门口出现一大群士兵,其中一个士兵开始说话士兵:Good morning, madam.后妈: Good morning. What’s the matter, sir?(很谄媚地笑着)士兵: Are there any young girls in this house, madam?The pretty lady lost her shoe in the palace.: The prince wanted to find her and marry her.后妈:(笑着说)Of course, sir, wait a minute!(往身后招招手,让女儿过来)后妈女儿: (急急忙忙跑上前)Let me try. The shoe is mine.(说着把脚伸进鞋子,但是试了半天怎么也穿不上)士兵: No, It's not yours. It's too small for you.(把鞋子拿开)后妈: Hey, sir, maybe it's mine. Let me have a try. (后妈看自己女儿穿不上开始急了,急忙想要去穿鞋子)士兵:(马上把鞋子拿走)Oh, please, it couldn't be YOURS. Are there any other girls in this house? 听到士兵的问话,正在做卫生的灰姑娘抬起头问道灰姑娘: Good morning, gentlemen, may I try it? (款款走来)后妈 :You? T hat’s impossible! (大喊着,做出“快滚”的手势)后妈女儿: Look at yourself, PLEASE! (讥笑),So dirty and so ugly! Please not to waste the solders’ time! (讽刺)士兵: Oh, ladies, let her try! Prince Edward said that all the young girls should have a try. Here, young girl, try it on, please! (送上鞋)灰姑娘:(轻轻把脚伸进去)Thank you! (试鞋,正好合适)后妈和女儿:It couldn’t be Cinderella! It couldn’t be!! Maybe there’s something wrong, sir! (疯了一样大叫)士兵们: Wonderful! It's yours! It fits for you very well! Pretty queen CINDERELLA!! (欢呼雀跃,接走灰姑娘)身后后妈和女儿焦急地喊着:That’s impossible ,it couldn’t be her .布景二:皇宫中士兵向王子报告灰姑娘到了士兵: Highness! We have found the beautiful girl.王子: Oh, my dearest princess, I love you, go with me and be my queen, OK?灰姑娘:(什么也没说,点点头,拥抱王子,两人跑回宫中)旁白:The story finished. Cinderella found her happiness. She and Prince Edward got married! And that brings us to the end of the play. Thank you and let us wish Cinderella and Edward happy forever!。

剧本改编 灰姑娘

剧本改编 灰姑娘

话剧剧本灰姑娘角色分配饰王子,旁白饰继母饰灰姑娘饰姐姐,仙女饰大臣,士兵灰姑娘(Cinderella)旁白:Long, long ago, there lived a cute girl. Her mother had died and her father had married again. His new wife had a daughter. Both ofthem were very bad in their nature. What’s worse, her father diedunfortunately one day, leaving her along to face her stepmotherand stepsister. They treated her badly. She had to work around theclock. She had to sleep in the kitchen. She had to wear dirtyclothes. All of them called her “grey girl”. Look, here comes herstepmother and her stepsister.灰姑娘家后妈:How cold the water is! This is not good for my tender hands.Cinderella, Cinderella… where the hell are you?灰姑娘:Oh, yes, mom. I am coming. (急匆匆跑过来,手里拿着扫把) what’s the matter?后妈:The water is so cold. How could you except me, your faint mother, to wash the clothes, you cruel-hearted girl. Wash them beforenoon, or I’ll…灰姑娘:But mom, I have to clean the house and prepare the lunch and…后妈(瞪眼):en?灰姑娘(怯怯地看了她一眼,低语):Ok, mom. I’ll do it.后姐(在缝衣服):Oh, god. This is such a terrible work. How could I put the thread through the needle with so thin an eye on it and howboring it is to sew in such a bright day! (放下针线叫起来)wheredame the ugly girl is, Cinderella…灰姑娘(跑进来):What’s wrong, sister?后姐:What’s wrong? You lazy girl, how dare you let me hurt my eyes to put the thread through the needle when you can do it? Make upthis dress for me before this evening. I will wear it tonight. Domake sure you finish it before I come back, or I will tell my momthat you offend me and you will see the consequences. Now, I willgo out to enjoy myself.灰姑娘:Yes, dear sister. I will do it.(一段时间后,后姐回来,手里拿着一张传单,未进门就喊)后姐:Mom, mom, look! There are some leaflets. I got them on the streets.The king is going to hold a dance party for the prince to look for awife and everyone could take part in!后妈(从后妈手中接过传单):Oh, that’s wonderful! Dear, you are the most beautiful girl in our country. He will probably choose you.Come on, make up yourself. We haven’t enough time. (瞪灰姑娘)Cinderella, what are you doing? Come here, help your sister,she will be a princess soon.灰姑娘:Ok, I will. But can I go to the party as well tonight? I want to…(后妈和后姐正忙作一团,听到,停下来,瞥着灰姑娘)后妈:You? Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror? Don’t you know who you are? You wanna be a princess? Oh, when pig flies. 后姐:Do you have beautiful dress and pretty shoes? Do you have jewelry and flowers? My poor dirty sister, how dare you even give athought of going to the dance!后妈:Stay home and do the housework patiently. I will cheek when we are back.后姐:Mom is right. Home is the place where you should stay.(灰姑娘不语,默默地帮姐姐收拾)(后姐和后妈走后。



经典童话《灰姑娘》分集剧本(建议收藏)第⼀布景:灰姑娘家◎⾓⾊:旁⽩、灰姑娘、后妈、姐姐1、姐姐2♫. ♪~♬..♩Once there lived a kind and lovely girl. After her father's death, her stepmother became cruel to her.Her two step-sisters teased her, asking her to do all the housework.(旁⽩:从前有⼀位可爱善良的姑娘,她⽗亲很早就去世了。


)stepmother: Do the laundry and get on with your duties. Clean the floors right away. And what's more,bring me my breakfast.(后妈:把这些⾐服拿到洗⾐房做你的事情。



) sister1: Cinderella! Get me my sweater, I feel a little cold.(姐姐1:灰姑娘,把我的⾐服拿来,我感到有点冷。

)sister2: Hurry up! Prepare the carriage for me, hand me my gloves. I'm to be late for my date.You're so, you're always so sluggish.(姐姐2:快点!把马车给我准备好,递我⼿套。


)Cruel as her stepmother was to her, Cinderella still lived an optimistic life. She had a lot of animal friends.(旁⽩:虽然继母这样对她,可灰姑娘还是乐观地活着,另外她还有许多⼩动物做她的朋友。






























1--Once upon a time, 很久很久以前2--there was a girl called Ella.有一个叫艾拉的小女孩3--And she saw the world not always as it was,因为一些小小的魔法4--but as perhaps it could be, with just a little bit of magic.她眼中的世界于是变得与众不同5--Ah, my darling!啊我的宝贝6--To her mother and father, she was a princess.在她的父母眼中她就是公主7--True, she had no title, nor crown, nor castle,没错她没有头衔没有皇冠也没有城堡8--but she was the ruler of her own little kingdom,但是她却统治着一个神奇的小小王国9--whose borders were the house and meadow on the forest's edge这个王国就是她的家还有森林边的小牧场10--where her people had lived for generations.她的子民世代生活在那里11--With Mr. Goose...也是鹅先生12--and all their animal family.还有其他的动物家庭13--Hello, there. What do you think you're doing?你们好呀你们在做什么呀14--Let the little ones have their share.不许抢小家伙们的吃的15--We don't want you getting an upset stomach.我们可不希望你吃坏肚子16--Oh, Gus-Gus,噢古斯古斯17--you're a house mouse, not a garden mouse.你是只小家鼠可不是花园鼠18--Isn't he, Jacqueline?是不是呀杰奎琳19--And you mustn't eat Mr. Goose's food.你可不准偷吃鹅先生的东西20--Isn't that right, Mummy?我说的对吗妈妈21--Do you still believe that they understand you?你依然相信它们听得懂你在说什么吗22--Don't they, Mother?它们听得懂是吗妈妈23--Oh, yes.噢当然24--I believe that animals listen and speak to us我相信只要我们愿意聆听25--if we only have the ear for it.动物们也会向我们敞开心扉26--That's how we learn to look after them.所以我们才能知道怎么照顾它们27--Who looks after us?那谁来看顾我们呢28--Fairy godmothers, of course.当然是那些仙女教母啦29--And do you believe in them?你相信她们存在吗30--I believe in everything.我什么都相信31--Then I believe in everything, too.那我也什么都相信32--Her father was a merchant艾拉的父亲是位商人33--who went abroad经常出国34--and brought tribute back from all of Ella's subject lands.每次回家都会带回各个国家的纪念品送给艾拉35--Ella!艾拉36--Where are my girls, my beautiful girls?我美丽可爱的姑娘们你们在哪儿37--Where are my darlings?我的宝贝们在哪里呀38--Ella missed him terribly when he was away.他不在的时候艾拉非常想念他39--But she knew he would always return.但是她知道爸爸一定会回来的40--- There she is! - Papa, welcome home!- 她来了- 爸爸欢迎回家41--How are you?你好吗42--You've grown!你又长大了43--Haven't you, now?是吗44--- There you go, sir. - What was that?- 这个给您先生- 那是什么45--Oh, this?噢这个呀46--I found it hanging on a tree.我发现它挂在一颗树上47--I think there may be something inside.我猜想里面可能有东西48--Oh, it's so pretty.噢真漂亮49--In French, that is un papillon.法语读作"Papillon"彩蝶50--- Un papillon. - Tres Bien.- "Papillon"彩蝶- 非常好51--- Voulez-vous dancser avec moi, mademoiselle? - S'il vous plait.- 能请您跳支舞吗小姐- 好的52--Merci beaucoup.非常感谢53--Ouch. Ouch.好痛好痛54--You're standing on my feet.你站在我脚上啦55--Shall we?好了吗56--Look, Mummy! I'm dancing!快看妈妈我在跳舞呢57--My darling wife.我亲爱的夫人58--Little papillon.小彩蝶59--All was just as it should be.一切都如此美好60--They knew themselves to be他们认为自己是61--the most happy of families to live as they did世界上最幸福的一家人62--and to love each other so.彼此相亲相爱63--When I am king dilly, dilly# 当我称帝嘀哩嘀哩#64--You shall be queen# 王后是你#65--Lavender's green dilly, dilly# 薰衣草嘀哩嘀哩#66--Lavender's blue# 有蓝有绿#67--You must love me dilly, dilly# 你要爱我嘀哩嘀哩#68--For I love you.# 因我爱你#69--But sorrow can come to any kingdom,但是悲伤会降临任何王国70--no matter how happy.无论你曾经多么快乐71--And so it came to Ella's home.它也降临到了艾拉的家72--I'm so sorry.我很遗憾73--Thank you, Doctor.谢谢您医生74--This must have been very difficult for you.您心里一定非常难过75--Come.过来76--Ella.艾拉77--Ella, my darling.艾拉我的宝贝78--I want to tell you a secret.我要告诉你一个秘密79--A great secret that will see you through这个巨大的秘密能帮你度过80--all the trials that life can offer.人生所有的艰难困苦81--You must always remember this.你一定要好好记住82--Have courage and be kind.坚强和勇敢仁慈和善良83--You have more kindness in your little finger你小指头上的善良84--than most people possess in their whole body.也远比其他人全身心的还要多85--And it has power, more than you know.其强大的力量超乎想象86--- And magic. - Magic?- 它也是魔法- 魔法87--Truly.对88--Have courage and be kind, my darling.坚强和勇敢仁慈和善良我的宝贝89--Will you promise me?能答应我吗90--I promise.我答应你91--Good.好92--Good.很好93--And...还有94--I must go very soon, my love.我不久就要离你而去了我的宝贝95--Please forgive me.请原谅妈妈96--Of course I forgive you.当然我原谅你97--I love you.我爱你98--I love you, my darling.我爱你亲爱的99--I love you.我爱你100--Time passed, and pain turned to memory.时光流逝伤痛已成为往事101--In her heart, Ella stayed the same.艾拉纯净的内心从未改变102--For she remembered her promise to her mother.因为她记得对妈妈的承诺103--Have courage, and be kind.坚强和勇敢仁慈和善良104--Father, however, was much changed.而她的父亲却改变了很多105--But he hoped for better times.他希望能拥有更美满的生活106--"And thence home,回到家后107--"And my wife and I singing, to our great content,我和我的妻子为这伟大的意义而歌唱108--"And if ever there were a man happier in his fortunes,这世上还有谁会比我更快乐呢109--"I know him not."我估计没有了110--Thus ends Mr. Pepys for today.佩皮斯的故事今天就先念到这111--I do love a happy ending, don't you?我特别喜欢圆满的结局您呢112--They're quite my favorite sort.这也是我喜欢的结局113--As well they should be.我们的想法一样114--Ella...艾拉115--I have come to the conclusion that it's time, perhaps...我想我们现在应该116--to begin a new chapter.开始新的一章了117--Indeed, Father?是的父亲118--You'll recall that some time ago, in my travels,你还记得很久以前我在旅行时119--I made the acquaintance of Sir Francis Tremaine.认识的弗朗西斯·特梅因爵士吗120--Yes.记得121--The Master of the Mercer's Guild, is he not?是绸缎商会的会长是吗122--Was.曾经是123--The poor man has died, alas.那个可怜的人去世了124--His widow,他的遗孀125--an honorable woman,是位令人尊敬的女士126--finds herself alone,日子过的很寂寞127--though still in the prime of her life.其实她还风华正茂128--You're worried about telling me.你是怕我反对吗129--But you mustn't be.你大可不必130--Not if it will lead to your happiness.只要你能幸福就好131--Yes.是的132--Happiness.幸福133--Do you think I may be allowed one last chance,你觉不觉得这是上天给我的最后一次机会了134--even though I thought such things were done with for good?虽然我觉得这种事不会再有了135--Of course I do, Father.这当然是了父亲136--She'll merely be your stepmother.她会成为你的继母137--And you'll have two lovely sisters to keep you company.还有两个可爱的姐妹和你作伴138--Have courage, be kind.坚强勇敢仁慈善良139--Welcome, ladies. Welcome!欢迎女士们欢迎140--She's skinny as a broomstick!她瘦得像个扫把141--And that stringy hair!头发像乱麻142--You're very nice.你真体贴143--Welcome. I'm so happy to meet you.欢迎很高兴见到你们144--You have such pretty hair.你的头发真漂亮145--- Thank you. - You should have it styled.- 谢谢- 你应该做个发型146--Oh. I'm sure you're right.噢你说的对147--- Would you like a tour of the house? - What did she say?- 想参观房子吗- 她说什么148--She wants to show us around her farmhouse.她想让我们看她的农舍149--- She's proud of it, I think. - Do they keep animals inside?- 她为此感到骄傲- 里面有家畜吗150--How charming. How perfectly charming.很精致非常漂亮151--Lucifer.小恶魔152--Her stepmother-to-be她的准继母153--was a woman of keen feeling and refined taste.是个相当敏感和高雅品位的女士154--And she, too, had known grief.她也曾经历过悲痛155--But she wore it wonderfully well.但早已烟消云散了156--You did not say your daughter was so beautiful.你可没说过你的女儿如此漂亮157--Oh, she takes after her...她是继承了她的...158--Her mother.她的母亲159--Just so.当然了160--- What does Mummy mean? - What's so charming about it?- 妈妈是什么意思- 这房子哪里好看了161--She's lying. That's just good manners.她那是客套罢了162--Shut up.闭嘴163--How long has your family lived here?你的家族在这里住了多久了164--Over 200 years.有两百多年了165--And in all that time, they never thought to decorate?都这么久了也没想过装修一下166--Anastasia, hush.安娜斯塔西亚安静167--They'll think you are in earnest.你这么说人家会当真的168--Ella's stepmother,艾拉的继母169--high-spirited lady that she was,是个充满活力的女士170--set out to restore life and laughter to the house.打算把活力和笑声重新注入这所房子171--Oh, you are awful, Baron.你真粗鲁男爵172--Ah, fortune favors me again.噢手气又回来了173--Well, look who's having a party of their own.看呀这是谁在偷偷聚会呀174--Jacqueline, Teddy, Matilda,杰奎琳泰迪玛蒂尔达175--greedy Gus-Gus.还有贪吃的古斯古斯176--Uh-oh.噢177--Just what...你这个...178--Yes, what do you think you're up to, Lucifer?你在这里想做什么呀小恶魔179--Jacqueline is my guest, and the eating of guests is not allowed.杰奎琳是我的客人吃掉客人可是不允许的噢180--Go on, now. You've plenty of cat food to keep you happy.我有好多猫粮满足你呢181--We ladies must help one another.女士应该互相帮助182--You're missing the party.你怎么不去聚会183--Oh, I imagine it's much like all the other ones.我想和其他的聚会没什么区别184--And I'm leaving first thing, El.明天我一早要出门小艾185--No. But you're...可是186--You're hardly back from the last trip.你才回来没多久啊187--Do you have to go?一定得去吗188--It's just a few months, my darling.只是去几个月而已宝贝189--What would you like me to bring you home from abroad?你想让我给你带什么礼物回来190--You know, your sisters...你的两个姐妹191--uh, stepsisters, have asked for你的新姐妹们让我带192--parasols and lace.遮阳伞和蕾丝193--What will you have?你想要什么194--Bring me the first branch your shoulder brushes on your journey.给我带回第一支划过你肩头的树枝195--That's a curious request.这个要求真有意思196--Well, you'll have to take it with you因为这一路上你都要197--on your way...带着它198--and think of me when you look at it.看到它就会想到我199--And when you bring it back, it means that you'll be with it.等你带着它回来的时候意味着它陪了你一路200--And that's what I really want.这才是我真正想要的201--For you to come back.无论发生什么202--No matter what.你都要回来203--I will.我会的204--Ella, while I'm away,艾拉我不在的时候205--I want you to be good to your stepmother我要你善待你的继母206--and stepsisters, even though they may be...你的新姐妹尽管有些时候她们...207--trying at times.很难相处208--- I promise. - Thank you.- 我保证- 谢谢209--I always leave a part of me behind, Ella.我一直都会牵挂着你艾拉210--Remember that.你要记住211--And your mother's here, too, though you see her not.还有你的妈妈也在这虽然你看不见她212--She's the very heart of this place.她才是这个家的灵魂213--And that's why we must cherish this house,为了她我们必须加倍珍惜214--always, for her.这个家215--I miss her.我好想念她216--Do you?你呢217--Very much.非常想念218--- Remember the lace! - I simply must have it!- 记得买蕾丝- 一定要带回来219--And my parasol!还有遮阳伞220--For my complexion!用来保护我的肌肤221--That means skin, if you don't know!就是保护皮肤的意思怕你不明白222--Bye!再见223--Bye, Ella!再见艾拉224--I love you!我爱你225--I love you, too!我也爱你226--Bye!再见227--Ella, dear.亲爱的艾拉228--Now, now. Mustn't blub.好了好了不要再哭了229--Yes, Stepmother.好的继母230--Oh, you needn't call me that.你不用这么称呼我231--"Madam" will do.叫我夫人就行了232--There isn't room for me and all of your clothes!房里都没我的位置了全是你的衣服233--Well, then make yourself smaller!那你就缩小一点挤进去啊234--Anastasia and Drisella安娜斯塔西亚和多莉希拉235--have always shared a room.一直都挤在同一个房间里236--Such dear, affectionate girls.她们真是相亲相爱237--Or... Or better yet, disappear entirely!你要是直接消失就最好了238--You'd like that, wouldn't you?你巴不得这样是吧239--Sometimes I could scratch your eyes out!有时候我都想把你眼珠子挖出来240--I think they're finding the sleeping quarters rather confining.我想她们肯定觉得房间太挤了241--Oh, well, my bedroom's the biggest besides yours and Father's.除了你和父亲的房间我的房间要比她们的大一些242--Perhaps they'd like to share it.也许她们愿意住我那间243--What a wonderful idea.这真是个好主意244--What a good girl you are.你真是个聪明的好姑娘245--I can stay in the...我可以住在246--The attic.住阁楼上247--Quite so.就这么定了248--The attic?阁楼249--Yes.是的250--Oh, only temporarily, while I have all the other rooms redecorated.噢这只是暂时的我要先给其他房间装修一下251--The attic's so nice and airy阁楼的房间多好多通风啊252--and you'll be away from all of our fuss and bother.也不怕我们吵吵闹闹打扰到你253--You'd be even more cozy if you kept all要是能把这些古董摆设一起带上去254--this bric-a-brac up there with you.你会觉得更舒服255--Keep you amused.祝你心情愉快256--Well...也好257--no one shall disturb me here.在这儿就不会有人烦我了258--Oh, hello, Gus-Gus.你好古斯古斯259--Go on, Gus-Gus, you can do it.加油古斯古斯你可以的260--So this is where you take refuge.原来这就是你们藏身的地方261--Me too, it would seem.看来这里也是我安身的地方了262--Right.好啦263--Who's going to help me?谁要来帮帮我264--Simpleton.真是傻265--That is the last straw.真让人忍无可忍266--Our little sister, up there, talking to the woodworm.我们的小妹妹躲在上面自言自语267--How very pleasant.这真是太愉快了268--No cats...没有猫269--and no stepsisters.也没有继姐妹270--We have a halfwit for a sister.我们有个蠢蛋妹妹271--I've got two.我还有俩呢272--I heard that.我可听到了273--- Who is she talking to? - She's mad.- 她到底在和谁说话- 她准是疯了274--Sing, sweet nightingale# 歌唱吧甜美的夜莺#275--- Good morning. - Good morning, Miss Ella.- 早安- 早安艾拉小姐276--Good morning, Tom!早安汤姆277--Sing sweet...# 唱吧甜美的... #278--Hello. Don't mind if I...你好你不介意吧279--What a lovely Chantecler. Well done.鸡先生真好真棒280--Thanks.谢谢281--- Morning. - Morning.- 早安- 早上好282--Thank you, Miss Ella.谢谢你艾拉小姐283--You're welcome.不客气284--Ella!艾拉285--Wake up, girls! It's lunch time!快起来姑娘们该吃午饭了286--Mornings did not agree艾拉的继姐妹并不喜欢287--with Ella's stepsisters.这美好的早晨288--And they lacked accomplishment她们在持家过日子这方面289--in such domestic arts as keeping house.毫无能力可言290--In fact, they lacked accomplishment in any art.其实在艺术上她们也没有任何天赋291--It was a lover and his lass# 一位少女和她的情人#292--With a hey, and a ho# 一唱一和#293--And a hey nonino# 一唱啊一和#294--That o'er the green corn-field did pass# 在那绿绿的玉米地上穿过#295--Sweet lovers love# 甜蜜的爱人喜欢#296--The spring# 春天#297--Sweet lovers love# 甜蜜的爱人喜欢#298--The spring# 春天#299--Do shut up.快别唱了300--Ella's great comfort艾拉唯一欣慰的是301--were the letters that Father would send from his travels.父亲偶尔会在旅途中给她寄来几封信302--The weeks away lengthened to months,寄信的间隔从几周变成了几个月303--but every day would bring his thoughts from some distant part.但是每天她都会思念那远在异乡的父亲304--Miss Ella, it's the mail coach!艾拉小姐信使来了305--Until late one afternoon...直到一个下午306--Farmer John?约翰先生307--Miss Ella.艾拉小姐308--It's your father, miss.小姐是你的父亲309--He took ill on the road.他在路上患病了310--He's passed on, miss.小姐他过世了311--He's gone.他不在了312--To the end, he spoke only of you, miss.临终前他一直念着你的名字313--And your mother.还有你的母亲314--I was to give you this.他让我把这个给你315--But what about my lace?那我的蕾丝呢316--My parasol?我的遮阳伞呢317--Can't you see? None of that matters.你们还不懂吗那些都不重要318--We're ruined.我们完蛋了319--How will we live?我们要靠什么过活320--Thank you.谢谢321--It must have been very difficult for you.这对你来说也不容易吧322--How indeed to live.为了继续生活323--Economies had to be taken.她们必须削减开支324--Ella's stepmother dismissed the household.艾拉的继母辞退了家里的佣人325--Her stepmother and stepsisters继母和继姐妹对她326--ever misused her.也越来越过分327--And by and by they considered Ella渐渐的她们不把艾拉当家人看待328--less a sister than a servant.而是当作佣人329--And so Ella was left to do all the work.艾拉便包揽了所有的家务活330--This was a good thing, for it distracted her from her grief.但这似乎是好事让她无暇顾及忧伤331--At least that was what her stepmother said.至少她继母是这么说的332--And she and her two daughters were more than happy她们也变本加厉333--to provide Ella with lots and lots of distraction.把许多家务活都塞给艾拉334--In their defense, they did share with her the very food they ate,依她们的说法是在与艾拉同食335--or rather, the scraps from their table.其实都是残羹剩饭336--She had little in the way of friends.她在家里也交了一点"朋友"337--Well, her friends were very little.她的"朋友"确实也是小不点儿338--There you are.你们在这啊339--Have dinner with me, won't you?和我一起吃晚饭吧340--But those friends she had, she treated with an open heart and an open hand.她以宽容善良热情慷慨的态度对待这些朋友341--Your table.你们的桌子342--Sometimes, by the end of the day,有时候夜深人静343--the drafty attic was too cold to spend the night in,漏风的阁楼冷得让人睡不着觉344--so she lay by the dying embers of the hearth to keep warm.她只能睡在即将燃尽的壁炉旁取暖345--I thought breakfast was ready.我还以为早餐准备好了346--It is, madam.快好了夫人347--I'm only mending the fire.我只是在点炉火348--In future, can we not be called until the work is done?以后能不能把活干完了再叫我们349--As you wish.好的350--Ella, what's that on your face?艾拉你脸上沾了什么351--Madam?夫人352--It's ash from the fireplace.火炉里的灰烬啊353--Do clean yourself up.赶紧洗干净354--You'll get cinders in our tea.你把灰烬都抖进茶里了355--I've got a new name for her! Cinderwench.我给她取个新外号灰丫头356--I couldn't bear to look so dirty.我真的受不了你这幅脏模样357--Oh, Dirty Ella.肮脏的艾拉358--Cinder-ella!灰姑娘359--That's what we'll call you.以后就这么叫你360--Oh, girls,姑娘们361--you're too clever.你们真是太聪明了362--Who's this for?这位子是给谁的363--Is there someone we've forgotten?我们是不是忘了还有别人364--It's my place.这是我的位子365--It seems too much to expect you to prepare breakfast,看来不能期望你准备好早餐366--serve it and still sit with us.端上来之后还跟我们一起吃367--Wouldn't you prefer to eat when all the work is done, Ella?你应该等我们用完膳再吃艾拉368--Or should I say, "Cinderella"?或者应该叫你灰姑娘369--Cinderella.灰姑娘370--Names have power, like magic spells.名字都具有力量类似魔咒371--And of a sudden, it seemed to her that her stepmother and stepsisters突然之间她的继母和继姐妹似乎372--had indeed transformed her into merely a creature of ash and toil.真的把她变成了一个用泥土和灰尘化成的佣人373--Run!快跑374--Quickly, my friend, or they'll catch you!快点朋友不然他们会抓住你的375--Go!快走376--Whoa! Easy!慢点377--Perhaps it was just as well that Ella's stepsisters were cruel.就像命中注定要被她的继姐妹们折磨一样378--For had she not run to the forest,如果艾拉没有跑进树林里379--she might never have met the prince.就不会与她的王子相遇380--Easy! Easy!冷静下来慢点381--Easy, boy!冷静下来382--Come on, boy, slow down!别这样慢点383--Miss!小姐384--Miss! Are you all right?小姐你没事吧385--Hold on!请等等386--I'm all right, thank you!我没事多谢了387--That's fine.真的没事388--- Are you all right? - I'm all right,- 你还好吧- 我没事389--but you've nearly frightened the life out of him.但是你们真的快吓死它了390--Who?谁391--The stag.那只雄鹿392--What's he ever done to you它到底做错了什么393--that you should chase him about?让你们这样追捕它394--I must confess I've never met him before.说真的我以前没见过它395--He is a friend of yours?它是你的朋友吗396--An acquaintance.一个熟人397--We met just now.我们刚刚认识的398--I looked into his eyes, and he looked into mine,我看着它和它的眼睛对视399--and I just felt he had a great deal left to do with his life.我就觉得在它生命里还有很多事要做呢400--That's all.就是这样401--Miss, what do they call you?小姐怎么称呼你402--Never mind what they call me.我的名字不重要403--You shouldn't be this deep in the forest alone.你不该一个人跑进树林深处的404--I'm not alone. I'm with you, Mister...我不是一个人我和你在一起先生...405--What do they call you?怎么称呼你406--You don't know who I am?你不知道我是谁吗407--That is...这真是408--They call me Kit.叫我基特吧409--Well, my father does我父亲心情好时410--when he's in a good mood.他总这么叫我411--And...还有412--where do you live, Mr. Kit?基特先生你住在哪413--At the palace.在宫殿里414--My father's teaching me his trade.我父亲在那里教我行商415--You're an apprentice?所以你还是个学徒416--Of a sort.差不多吧417--That's very fine.真是不错啊418--Do they treat you well?那里的人对你还不错吧419--Better than I deserve, most likely.比我应得的还要好420--And you?你呢421--They treat me as well as they're able.我身边的人待我不太好422--I'm sorry.抱歉423--It's not your doing.不是你的错424--Nor yours either, I'll bet.我想也不是你的错425--It's not so very bad.也不是那么糟糕426--Others have it worse, I'm sure.我敢说还有比我惨的人427--We must...我们只能428--simply have courage and be kind, mustn't we?我们要坚强勇敢仁慈善良对吧429--Yes.是啊430--You're right.说得对431--That's exactly how I feel.我也是这样觉得的432--Please don't let them hurt him.请不要让他们伤害它433--But we're hunting, you see. It's what's done.但我们在打猎知道吗我们只能这么做434--Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done.那也不代表这么做是对的啊435--Right again.你又说对了436--Then,那么437--you'll leave him alone, won't you?你就不会伤害它了不是吗438--I will.我不会了439--Thank you very much, Mr. Kit.非常感谢基特先生440--There you are, Your High...你在这啊陛...441--It's Kit! Kit!是基特基特442--Kit! I'm Kit. I'm on my way.基特我叫基特我马上过去443--Well, we'd better get a move on,我们最好快点444--Mr. Kit.基特先生445--As I said.如我所说446--On my way.马上过去447--I hope to see you again, miss.希望能再次见到你小姐448--And I, you.我也希望如此449--You sound as if you're the听起来就像你是世界上450--first fellow ever to meet a pretty girl.第一个见到漂亮女孩的人似的451--She wasn't a "pretty girl."她不是"漂亮女孩"452--Well, she was a pretty girl,好吧她是个漂亮的女孩453--but there was so much more to her.但远远不止如此454--How much more? You've only met her once.怎么远远不止你只见过她一次455--How could you know anything about her?你怎么可能会了解她呢456--You told me you knew right away when you met Mother.你告诉过我你遇到母亲时就对她一见钟情了457--That's different. Your mother was a princess.那不一样你母亲是位公主458--You would have loved her anyway.就算她不是你也会爱她的459--I would never have seen her,那样我不可能会见到她460--because it wouldn't have been appropriate.因为若她不是公主我和她就不合适461--And my father would have told me what I'm telling you我父亲会跟我讲我现在告诉你的这些话462--- and I would have listened. - No, you wouldn't.- 而且我会听从- 不你不会463--- Yes, I would. - No, you wouldn't.- 会我会- 不你不会464--- I would. - You wouldn't.- 我会- 你不会465--You're right.说得对466--Well, how is he?他怎么样467--Your Majesty...陛下...468--Never mind.算了469--If it takes that long to work out a way to say it, I already know.要是如此难以启齿我就明白了470--Father...父亲...471--Way of all flesh, boy.人总有这一天孩子472--Come.来吧473--We shall be late.我们要晚了474--And punctuality is the...守时是...475--...politeness of princes.王子应有的礼貌476--His Majesty, the King!陛下国王477--I'm sure your father spoke to you of我相信你父亲一定和你谈过478--your behavior in the forest.你在森林里的行为了479--Is it any business of yours, Grand Duke?这关你什么事呢大公爵480--Your business is my business, Your Royal Highness.你的事就是我的事殿下481--It will not do to let the stag go free.把鹿放跑是不对的482--Just because it's what's done doesn't mean it's what should be done.只因一直如此并不代表就该如此483--Or something like that.或者什么类似的道理484--Master Phineus, master of the paintbrush,精通绘画的皮内斯大师485--patiently awaits.正耐心地等您486--Make him look marriageable, Master Phineus.把他画得值得托付终身皮内斯大师487--We must attract a suitable bride,我们必须找个好姑娘488--even if he won't listen to a word I say.即使他现在听不进去我说的话489--I shall endeavor to please, Your Majesty.我一定会竭尽所能陛下490--But I can't work miracles.但我无法创造奇迹491--A splendid canvas, Master Phineus.真是幅宏伟的画作皮内斯大师492--Thank you.谢谢493--As if he knows anything about art.说得好像他懂艺术似的494--So, these portraits这些画像495--will really be sent abroad?真的要被送往他国吗496--To induce the high and mighty来吸引那些趾高气昂的公主497--to attend this ball you insist upon.来参加你坚持要举办的舞会498--Which is a tradition. Which is beloved.舞会是个传统是受欢迎的499--At which you will choose a bride.并且在舞会上你将选择你的新娘500--Ah, fascinating.真棒啊501--If I must marry, could I not wed, say,要是我一定要结婚我能不能娶一个502--a good, honest country girl?善良又诚实的乡村姑娘呢503--How many divisions will this "good, honest country girl"这位善良又诚实的乡村姑娘504--provide us?能给我们带来多少封地呢505--How will she make the kingdom stronger?她又如何能让我们的国家更强大呢506--We are a small kingdom amongst great states, Your Royal Highness.我们只是个被列强环绕的小国殿下507--And it's a dangerous world.世界危机四伏508--Listen, boy.听着孩子509--- Taking you up, Master Phineus. - Good.- 要把您拉上去了皮内斯大师- 好510--I want to see you and the kingdom safe.我希望你和王国都能平安祥和511--All right, Father,好的父亲512--on one condition.只有一个条件513--Let the invitations go to everyone, not just the nobility.让每个人都能参加舞会不仅限于贵族514--The wars have brought sorrow on us all.战争让所有人都受苦了515--What do you think?你觉得呢516--Would that please the people?那会让人民开心吗517--It's beyond my wit, Your Majesty.这我不知道陛下518--But I wouldn't mind a bit of a jolly.但我不介意大家一起开心开心519--I think we might have made a bargain.我想我们已经达成一致了520--A ball for the people,全民都能参加舞会521--and a princess for the prince.王子将选择一位公主522--Sounds like a step in the right direction,听起来是在向正确的方向迈进523--if you ask...如果你问我...524--We didn't ask you.我们没问你525--I'm so sorry. Naughty paint, naughty brush.非常抱歉淘气的颜料淘气的笔刷526--Down, please, Samson.向下拜托山姆527--Haven't even got a cushion.还没放好软垫呢528--Right, down, down. Not that... Oi!对向下向下不是那...529--I'm on the ground.我在地面上了530--I am literally on the ground. Sorry.字面意思我真的在地面上了对不起531--Actually this is a very good angle for you.事实上这角度不错532--Great nostrils. Could I have a longer brush?鼻孔不错能递我一支长点的画笔吗533--You don't look well, miss.你看起来不太好小姐534--Not at all.完全不好535--Why do you stay there, when they treat you so?他们那样对你你为什么还留在那里呢536--Because I made my mother and father a promise因为我向我父母亲保证过537--to cherish the place we were so happy.要珍惜有我们美好回忆的地方538--They loved our house...他们非常喜欢我们的房子539--and now that they're gone, I love it for them.现在他们不在了我要替他们爱护它540--It's my home.那是我的家541--Hear ye! Hear ye!大家听着都听着542--Quiet!安静543--"Know,敬请周知。

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一1.シンデレラ2.まま母3.姉I 4.姉II 5.姉III 6.あるお母さん7.皇家邮便员8.子供9.圣母マリア10.パパラ魔女11.国王殿12.王子殿13.卫兵14.大臣旁白:「昔(むかし)、昔、ある町(まち)、美しい(うつくしい)娘(むすめ)がおりました。







姉I:私も(むちで)シンデレラ:ああ!!!!姉II :早く持ってくれ。

















姉I 、姉II 、姉III:ああああ!!!!!!うれしい。






姉I 、姉II 、姉III:はい!!!!まま母:王妃(おうひ)になるために、准备しておきましょう。

姉I 、姉II 、姉III:ああああ!!!!!姉I:これは私の服。


姉I :违います。














姉I 、姉II 、姉III:はい…!!!まま母.小妖精(こようせい)たち、今度、君たちの魅力(みりょく)を见せましょう。

姉I 、姉II 、姉III:はい…!!!王子殿、必ず私たちの获物(えもの)だ。
















































































シンデレラ:はい・・・!!四国王殿(こくおうどの):Madam and Gentlemen いらっしゃい。







国王殿(こくおうどの):Enjoy! Good Luck!王子殿:はい。




姉I 、姉II 、姉III:ああ!!!!!まま母:早く、电を放(はな)して。

「姉I 、姉II 、姉III:は一生悬命、电を放しています。



」王子殿:Would you …?姉I:Yes, I can …。












王子殿:Very fine、お父さん。








まま母、姉I 、姉II 、姉III因在舞会的时候,用香蕉皮,橘子皮,西瓜皮攻击王子陛下,所以被卫兵拘留。














はははははははは!!!!!!!!「一个水晶鞋飞了过来,马上要击中王子了」nice catch!ははははは!!!!!私はプロの野球选手(やきゅうせんしゅう)です。



「泣いている」国王殿(こくおうどの):Ok! Ok! No problem.でも、どう见つかったらいいでしょう。


